ASCO 7000 Series 3-Source, Power Transfer Switch With Accessory 111A or 111A12, Standby Generator To Generator Controls
ASCO 7000 Series 3-Source, Power Transfer Switch With Accessory 111A or 111A12, Standby Generator To Generator Controls
ASCO 7000 Series 3-Source, Power Transfer Switch With Accessory 111A or 111A12, Standby Generator To Generator Controls
The 3-Source, Power Transfer Switch consists of a 7000 Series
generator automatic transfer switch with Acc. 111A or 111A12
controls (GTS) and a remote 7000 Series main automatic transfer
switch (RMTS), provided separately. The generator transfer switch
(GTS) source inputs are fed power from two generators, Generator 1
and Generator 2. The generator transfer switch (GTS) load output
feeds the emergency source input of the remote main transfer switch
(RMTS). The utility service feeds the normal source input of the
remote main transfer switch (RMTS). The remote main transfer
switch (RMTS) load output feeds the facility loads.
Refer to the operator’s manual, outline drawing, and wiring
diagram provided with the 7000 Series Power Transfer
Switch for installation and connection details and
Refer to the Controller User’s Guide 381333-126 for status
display messages, time delay settings, pickup and dropout
settings, and other adjustments.
Normal Mode:
Upon loss of utility power, the generator transfer switch (GTS) will
function as selected by the Source Selector switch located on the
generator transfer switch (GTS) operator controls as shown in the
figure. The Source Selector switch provides four (4) selectable
modes of operation: Gen 1, Auto, Alternate, and Gen 2.
Generator 1 Preferred Mode: Two types of generator starting alternation are available based on the
Generator Run Timer, time delay T6, (adjustable from 0 to 9999
With the Source Selector switch in the Gen 1 position, on loss of hours). Factory set to 0.
utility power, as sensed by the remote main transfer switch (RMTS), Standard Alternation -
the generator transfer switch (GTS) will receive an engine start
signal. Generator 1 will be signaled to start. Once Generator 1 With the Source Selector switch in the Alternate position and the
attains rated voltage and frequency the generator transfer switch Generator Run Timer, time delay T6, set to “0” hours, Generator 1
(GTS) transfers to Generator 1. Upon sensing acceptable emergency and Generator 2 will alternate in starting preference.
power, the main transfer switch (MTS) will transfer to the
Emergency Source. The facility loads will now be supplied from On loss of utility power, as sensed by the remote main transfer
Generator 1. switch (RMTS), the generator transfer switch (GTS) will receive
an engine start signal. Assuming that Generator 1 is next in order
In the event that Generator 1 fails while supplying power to the to provide emergency power in the alternating starting sequence, it
facility loads and the utility power has not been restored, Generator 2 shall be started. On occurrence of the next utility failure, as sensed
is signaled to start. Once Generator 2 attains rated voltage and by the remote main transfer switch (RMTS), Generator 2 will be
frequency, the generator transfer switch (GTS) will transfer from the signaled to start. The automatic selection of the preferred
failed generator to the operational generator. The system will remain generator signaled to start, will continue to alternate between the
connected to this source for the duration of the utility outage. The two generators on the occurrence of subsequent utility source
Generator 1 start signal is terminated. failures.
Note: Generator 1 failure is signaled based on Once the automatically selected, preferred generator attains rated
unacceptable generator output voltage or frequency for the voltage and frequency, the generator transfer switch (GTS) will
time delay set on the Generator 1 Failure Timer, time transfer to it. If the generator fails to start or fails while connected
delay T3, (adjustable from 0 to 99 minutes 59 sec). to the facility loads, the other generator is signaled to start in the
Factory set to 30 seconds (minimum recommended setting). same manner as described for the Generator 1 Preferred Mode and
________________________________________________________ Generator 2 Preferred Mode.
With the Source Selector switch in the Gen 2 position, on loss of With the Source Selector switch in the Alternate position and the
utility power, as sensed by the remote main transfer switch (RMTS), Generator Run Timer, time delay T6, set to “greater than 0” hours,
the generator transfer switch (GTS) will receive an engine start Generator 1 and Generator 2 will alternate in starting preference
signal. Generator 2 will be signaled to start. Once Generator 2 whenever the Generator Run Timer expires.
attains rated voltage and frequency the generator transfer switch
(GTS) transfers to Generator 2. Upon sensing acceptable emergency On loss of utility power as sensed by the main transfer switch
power, the remote main transfer switch (RMTS) will transfer to the (MTS), the generator transfer switch (GTS) will receive an engine
Emergency Source. The facility loads will now be supplied from start signal. If Generator 1 is selected to provide Emergency
Generator 2. Power this time, on the next utility failure Generator 1 will remain
the preferred generator. Generator 1 will continue to be the
In the event that Generator 2 fails while supplying power to the preferred generator on future utility failures until expiration of the
facility loads and the utility power has not been restored, Generator 1 T6 timer. Once the T6 timer expires, on the next utility failure
is signaled to start. Once Generator 1 attains rated voltage and Generator 2 will be signaled to start. Generator 2 is now the
frequency, the generator transfer switch (GTS) will transfer from the preferred generator and will continue to be the preferred generator
failed generator to the operational generator. The system will remain on future utility failures, until expiration of the T6 timer. Once the
connected to this source for the duration of the utility outage. The preferred engine generator attains rated voltage and frequency the
Generator 2 start signal is terminated. generator transfer switch (GTS) will transfer to that source. If the
generator fails to start or fails while connected to the facility loads,
Note: Generator 2 failure is signaled based on the other generator is signaled to start in the same manner as
unacceptable generator output voltage or frequency for the described for the Generator 1 Preferred Mode and Generator 2
time delay set on the Generator 2 Failure Timer, time Preferred Mode.
delay T4, (adjustable from 0 to 99 minutes 59 sec).
Factory set to 30 seconds (minimum recommended setting). Upon the remote main transfer switch (RMTS) sensing acceptable
________________________________________________________ emergency power, it will transfer to the Emergency Source. The
facility loads will now be supplied from either Generator 1 or
Alternate Mode: Generator 2 as automatically selected.
(Alternation of Generator Starting)
Note: The Generator Run Timer, time delay T6, is only activated
The Alternate mode provides balanced running time of the two when the automatically selected, preferred generator is acceptable as
generators by automatically determining the preferred generator for sensed by the generator transfer switch (GTS) controller.
starting. ________________________________________________________
Auto Mode: will cause the remote main transfer switch (RMTS) to bypass its
retransfer time delay and immediately transfer back to utility source.
With the Source Selector switch in the Auto position, on loss of ________________________________________________________
utility power, as sensed by the remote main transfer switch (RMTS),
the generator transfer switch (GTS) will receive an engine start
signal. Both generators will be signaled to start. The generator
transfer switch (GTS) will transfer to the first generator to attain rated
voltage and frequency. Upon sensing acceptable emergency power,
the remote main transfer switch (RMTS) will transfer to the
Emergency Source. The facility loads will be supplied from the
generator selected by the generator transfer switch (GTS).
If the generator fails while connected to the facility loads, the other
generator is signaled to start in the same manner as described for the
Generator 1 Preferred Mode and Generator 2 Preferred Mode.
Restoration of Utility:
The generator transfer switch (GTS) will remain connected to the last
available generator.
In the event that the loaded generator fails during the test period and
the utility is available, the remote main transfer switch (RMTS) will
immediately retransfer to the utility service.
In the event of a utility failure during the test period, the running
generator will continue to supply power to the facility loads. Upon
restoration of the utility service, retransfer to the utility service will
occur as described above under Restoration of Utility. Activation of
the Transfer Control switch, at the remote main transfer switch
(RMTS) operator controls, to the Retransfer Delay Bypass position,
Programmable Controller Failed: Indicator (Red) Time Delay T7: Factory timer (set to 3 seconds) *Do not adjust.
Indicates a failure of the programmable controller. The
preferred generator operating modes are controlled by the
Generator Controller (a logic relay). Notes:
1) The Feature 2E Engine cool-down timer in the
Gen-1 Alarm: Indicator (Red) Controller of the remote main transfer switch (RMTS)
Indicates problems with Generator 1, such as failing to start should be set to the same time delay as the
within the allotted time as set on the Generator 1 Failure T1 and T2 Generator Cool-Down Timers in the
Timer, time delay T3 or not obtaining proper voltage and programmable logic relay for the generator transfer
frequency as determined by the generator transfer switch switch (GTS).
(GTS) controller.
2) If external engine Cool-Down timers are used and the
Gen-2 Alarm: Indicator (Red) remote main transfer switch (RMTS) feat. 2E engine
Indicates problems with Generator 2, such as failing to start cool-down timer is set to Zero (0), than the Generator
within the allotted time as set on the Generator 2 Failure 1 cool-down timer (T1) needs to be set to a value
Timer, time delay T4 or not obtaining proper voltage and greater than the Generator 1 failure timer (T3) and the
frequency as determined by the generator transfer switch Generator 2 cool-down timer (T2) needs to be set to a
(GTS) controller. value greater than the Generator 2 failure timer (T4).