M C M C: Unit 11 Let's Hear ! Unit 13 Zure Is Sick Unit 12 My Best Friend Claire Unit 14 The Mermaid's Tail

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Subject : English Class: Time Duration:

THEME : World Of Self,
Focus skill: Listening CCE: Language Date: 1
Family and Friends
TEACHING AIDS: story, flash cards, board game, tokens, dice,
21st Century Skill: Collaborative

Unit 11 Let’s Hear ! Unit 13 Zure is Sick

Unit 12 My Best Friend Claire Unit 14 The mermaid’s Tail
1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language 3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts
M sounds C
by using knowledge of sounds of letters
1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with support beginning,
M limited range of high frequency target language
C medial and final sounds in a word
3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)


M At the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to listen and identify the correct phonemes (ear) (air) (ure) (er).

At the end of the lesson, some pupils will be able to sound out the phonemes (ear) (air) (ure) (er) and blend the
C phonemes into words with guidance.
1. Teacher reads the story.
I. PRE-LESSON 2. Pupils listen carefully.
1. Introduce the sounds to the pupils by showing phonemes cards.
2. Articulate the phonemes and do the actions.
3. Pupils listen and follow.
4. Draw pupils’ attention to the words in the story with the phonemes (ear) (air)
(ure) (er).
5. Display flash cards on the board.
6. Say the words aloud.
II. LESSON DEVELOPMENT 7. Pupils repeat.
8. Guide the pupils to blend the phonemes into words.
9. Organise pupils into groups.
10. Distribute a phonics pencil spinner to each group.
11. Pupils take turns to spin the spinner.
12. Pupils articulate the phonemes and read the words shown on the spinner.
13. Then, pupils blend the phonemes as a group.
1. Distribute worksheets.
2. Teacher says the words and articulates the phonemes.
III. POST LESSON 3. Pupils listen carefully and follow.
a. low level (worksheet A) Pupils circle the correct phonemes.
b. high level (worksheet B) Pupils write the correct phonemes.

Lesson postpone:
a. ___ out of ___ pupils were able to listen and identify the correct
M phonemes.
a. Course c. CRK

a. ___ out of ___ pupils were able to sound out the phonemes (ear) b. Sick leave d. Meeting
C (air) (ure) (er) and blend the phonemes into words with
guidance. Other :

This is Claire. She is my

dear friend. Her house is near

the river.

She has long hair. She has

small ears. She likes to eat

pure honey. Everyone likes

her. I am sure she is a good


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