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Harold Lee, Marjorie Reeves,

Giulio Silano

The apocalyptic writings of Joachim of Fiore were of fundamental importance

in forming the world-view and shaping the historical consciousness of the
later Middle Ages. The essential method employed by the Calabrian abbot
consisted in the establishment of concordances between figures of the Old
and New Testaments and those of later times in order to define the traits of
important personages and events yet to come. This novel exegesis was
developed within the context of a complex periodization of history which
correlated historical currents with the Trinitarian nature of God and looked
forward to an age of the Holy Spirit.
This original and apocalyptic view of history proved particularly attractive
to the Mendicants and their supporters, whether these were fully orthodox
or less so. They considered Joachim to be a prophet, ensured a wide audience
for his works, and reshaped the abbot's prophecies into tracts that could
Copyright © 2000. Pontifical Institute for Medieval Studies. All rights reserved.

speak more directly to their times and concerns. The Breuiloquium, an

anonymous work composed in Catalonia, issued from the circles of Beguines
and Third Order Franciscans who were such a large part of the religious
scene of that time and place. The work presents in a summary fashion a
Joachimite vision of the world and of society and attests to millenarian
expectations in the tradition of the re-elaboration of Joachimite thought
fashioned by such eminent Spiritual thinkers as Olivi and Arnold of Vilanova.
The Introduction to the critical edition of the Breuiloquium addresses the
question of continuity and new departures in Joachimite thought in the
fourteenth century. Particular attention is paid to writers in the tradition such
as Arnold of Vilanova who were especially influential in Catalonian Spiritual
circles. The potential and social context of the work is discussed both to
assist in its intelligibility and to examine the concerns which led the
anonymous author to the composition of the work. The Introduction and the
edition of the Breuiloquium together form an interesting instrument for an
approach to apocalyptic and prophetic literature of the fourteenth century,
especially as it took shape in Catalonia.

Western Mediterranean Prophecy, edited by Harold Lee, Pontifical Institute for Medieval Studies, 2000. ProQuest
Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uvic/detail.action?docID=3255945.
Created from uvic on 2017-06-21 18:34:18.

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