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Curriculum Table Writing Lynette Kehoe

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Generative Topic: Travel Subjects Addressed: Writing Name: Lynette Kehoe

Concept Standards Assessment Facts Skills Problems to pose Activities

("The student will (How will you have ("The students will ("The students will ("Guiding
understand…") evidence that they know…") be able to…") questions" or "unit
know it?) questions")
W.K.1 - Use a
Enduring combination of Students will An opinion is what Respond to a prompt What is my opinion Read aloud of a
Understanding drawing, dictating, independently someone thinks or with an opinion on on this topic? mentor text that
and writing to produce writing that feels about the topic. exhibits opinion
An opinion is compose opinion states an opinion something. How do I state my writing.
something that a pieces in which they and uses at least two Write a topic opinion so others
person thinks or tell a reader the supporting reasons All people do not sentence that states can understand it? Shared writing of an
feels about a topic. topic or the name of for the opinion. need to have the an opinion about a opinion piece as a
We can express our the book they are same opinion. topic. Why do I have this whole classroom
opinions through writing about and Students will opinion? How can I group.
writing. state an opinion or respond to feedback To write an effective Support their support my opinion?
preference about the from teachers and opinion piece, we opinion statement by Write an opinion
Essential Question topic or book. peers to revise and need to support our writing two reasons Are my reasons piece using a
improve their opinion with at least that relate to the related to the template with
How do I effectively W.K.2 - Use a opinion piece. two reasons that opinion. opinion? Does my sentence starters.
convey and support combination of explain our thinking. writing make sense?
my opinion in drawing, dictating, Students will share Revise and edit their Write and illustrate
writing? and writing to one opinion piece writing, and publish an opinion in
compose with the whole class. one opinion piece to response to a
informative/explanat share with the class. prompt.
ory texts in which
they name what they Choose one opinion
are writing about piece to revise and
and supply some publish.
information about
the topic.

W.K.5 - With
guidance and
support from adults,
respond to questions
and suggestions
from peers and add
details to strengthen
writing as needed.

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