Revision Physics Year 10 March 2018

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Key Stage 4 Year 10 Date:

Subject: PHYSICS
Name and Surname: Total Marks 120


• Use black ink or ball-point pen.

• Fill in the box at the top of this page with your name.

• Answer all questions.

• Answer the questions in the spaces provided – there may be more space than you need.


• The total mark for this paper is 100.

• The marks for each question are shown in brackets – use this as a guide as to how much time to spend on
each question.


• Read each question carefully before you start to answer it.

• Keep an eye on the time.

• Try to answer every question.

• Check your answers if you have time at the end.

Q1. Unstable nuclei can emit particles.
(a) Which of these particles has the largest charge?
A alpha particle
B beta particle
C neutron
D proton

(b) Which of these particles has the largest mass?

A alpha particle
B beta particle
C neutron
D proton

(c) The maximum range of a beta particle in air is about

A 50 mm
B 50 cm
C 50 m
D 50 km

(d) When a nucleus emits a beta particle

A the nucleon number decreases by 1
B the nucleon number increases by 1
C the proton number decreases by 1
D the proton number increases by 1

(Total for question = 4 marks)

Q2. The diagram shows a water wave.

(a) (i) The amplitude of the wave is

A 1 cm

B 2 cm

C 4 cm

D 8 cm

(ii) The wavelength of the wave is

A 2 cm

B 4 cm

C 8 cm

D 20 cm

(b) Describe one difference between transverse and longitudinal waves.

Draw a labelled diagram to help your answer.


(c) State two properties that are the same for all electromagnetic waves.

(d) Some types of wave are used in hospitals.
(i) A scanner uses one type of wave to check for broken bones.

The type of wave emitted by the scanner is

A infrared

B microwaves

C sound

D X rays

(ii) An image of the bone is seen because the waves from the scanner are
A absorbed by the bone

B reflected by the bone

C refracted by the bone

D transmitted by the bone

(iii) Name one type of wave that is used in cancer treatment and explain what it
does during the treatment.
Type of wave ..............................................................

Explanation of what it does


(Total for question = 11 marks)

Q3. (a) The graphs show oscilloscope traces produced by four different sounds. The oscilloscope
settings are the same for each trace.
Which graph shows the trace for the loudest sound at the lowest frequency?
(b) The diagram shows the equipment used by a student to measure the speed of sound in air.

The student measures the distance between the front of the metal block and the microphone.
She then uses this method to measure the time taken for sound to travel from the metal block to the

• start the timer by hitting the metal block with the hammer
• stop the timer when the sound produced reaches the microphone
• record the time taken for sound to reach the microphone in milliseconds
The student repeats the experiment six times, changing the distance between the metal block and the
microphone for each experiment.
The table shows her results.

(i) Use the student's results to plot a graph of distance against time and draw the straight line of best
(ii) Use your graph to find the speed of sound in air and give the unit.

speed = .......................... unit = ..........................

(iii) Suggest how the student could make this experiment valid (a fair test).


(iv) Suggest two ways that the student could improve the quality of her data.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................


(Total for question = 12 marks)

Q4. Radon is a gas produced by some types of rocks.

(a) Radon is a natural source of radioactivity.
What is the name for this radioactivity?
A background radiation

B chain reaction

C radioactive dating

D radiotherapy

(b) There are two sources of alpha radiation in some houses:

• radon gas in the air

• solid americium in a smoke alarm
The alpha particles from radon are a greater risk to health than the alpha particles
from americium.

Explain why.

(c) Radon-222 and radon-220 are both isotopes of radon.

(i) A nucleus of radon-222 has 86 protons.
How many protons are there in a nucleus of radon-220?
A 86

B less than 86

C more than 86

D none
(ii) A nucleus of radon-222 has 136 neutrons.
How many neutrons are there in a nucleus of radon-220 ?
A 86

B 134

C 136

D 220

(d) The graph shows how the activity of a sample of radon-220 changes with time.

(i) Complete the graph by adding the missing unit for activity.
(ii) Explain what is meant by the term half-life.

(iii) Use the graph to find a value for the half-life of radon-220.

Half-life = ........................................................... s

(Total for question = 10 marks)

Q5. A washing machine has an electric motor and an electric heater.

The resistance of the heater is 22 Ω.

The mains voltage is 230 V.

(a) (i) State the equation linking voltage, current and resistance.

(ii) Show that the current in the heater is about 10 A when it is working.

(b) The washing machine is fitted with a fuse rated at 13 A.

(i) Explain why the washing machine is fitted with a fuse.
(ii) When the motor is working, the current in it is 1.74 A.
Explain why it would not be sensible to replace the 13 A fuse with a 2 A fuse.

(Total for question = 7 marks)

Q6. (a) The diagram represents a microwave travelling in free space from point A to point B.

(i) The distance from A to B is 0.60 m.

Calculate the wavelength of this microwave.

wavelength = ........................................... m

(ii) State the equation linking wave speed, frequency and wavelength.

(iii) Calculate the frequency of this microwave.

[speed of microwave in free space = 3.0 × 108 m/s]

frequency = ............................................ Hz
(b) The diagrams show what happens to radio waves and microwaves as they move past a hill.

(i) Name the effect shown by the radio waves in diagram 1.


(ii) Suggest why this effect is not shown by the microwaves in diagram 2.




(Total for question = 9 marks)

Q7. This question is about electric charge.
(a) When a balloon is rubbed with a cloth, the balloon becomes negatively charged.
Tick ( ) the two correct statements in the table.

(b) When petrol passes through a delivery pipe, electrostatic charge can build up as shown in the

(i) Give a reason why a build-up of charge can be dangerous.


(ii) State how the build-up of electrostatic charge can be prevented.


(c) The diagram shows coffee granules passing through a funnel into a container.
As the granules pass through the funnel, they gain an electrostatic charge and spread out as they fall.
Explain, in terms of charges, why the granules spread out.




(Total for question = 6 marks)

Q8. A kitchen has a water supply, an electricity supply and electric lighting.
There are several electrical appliances in the kitchen including a toaster, a kettle, a clothes iron, a
microwave oven and a dishwasher.

Discuss three hazards of using electricity in this kitchen.

1 ..........................................................................................................................................






2 ..........................................................................................................................................





3 ..........................................................................................................................................






(Total for question = 6 marks)

Q9. A remote control emits infrared waves to operate a television.

(a) The television receives infrared waves and radio waves.

It emits light waves and sound waves.
Which type of wave has the highest frequency?
A infrared
B light
C radio
D sound
(b) The graph shows how the strength of the infrared signal from the remote control varies with time.

(i) Explain how the graph shows that the infrared signal is digital.

(ii) Suggest two ways that this signal could be made to carry more information.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................


(Total for question = 4 marks)

Q10. A man pushes a metal trolley along a corridor towards a lift.

The trolley has nylon wheels and the floor of the corridor is covered with plastic.

The man wears shoes with rubber soles.

As he moves the trolley, the man gains an electric charge.

(a) Explain how the man gains an electric charge.







(b) The man presses a metal button to operate the lift.

There is a spark and the man receives an electric shock.

The spark lasts for 75ms and 0.0017C of charge passes.

(i) State the equation linking charge, current and time.


(ii) Calculate the average current in the spark.

Give the unit.

current = .............................. unit ..............................

(c) Metal appliances, such as the lift button, are earthed for safety.
Explain why the man receives a shock even though the button is properly earthed.










(Total for question = 9 marks)

Q11. The grid shows the number of neutrons and the number of protons in some isotopes
formed during successive radioactive decays.
(a) (i) What are isotopes?

(ii) Why are some isotopes described as stable?


(b) (i) Use the grid to calculate the number of neutrons in a 210Po nucleus.

number of neutrons = ......................................

(ii) Describe what happens to the number of protons and the number of neutrons
when a nucleus of 210Pb decays to form 210Bi.

(iii) State the type of decay that occurs when 210Pb decays to form 210Bi.

(c) Explain why the mass (nucleon) number and the atomic (proton) number do not
change when a gamma ray is emitted from a nucleus.

(Total for question = 9 marks)

Q12. A student investigates what happens when light passes through a glass prism.
He shines red light into the prism so that the light is incident at 90° at A.

He then completes the path of the light through the prism as shown.

(a) (i) State the advantage of shining the light at right angles into the prism.

(ii) Suggest why the student uses light of just one colour.


(iii) State the name given to the line XY.

(b) (i) Measure the angle of refraction of the light at B.

angle = ........................................................... degrees
(ii) State the relationship between refractive index, angle of incidence and angle of refraction.

(iii) The angle of incidence at B is 30°.

Calculate the refractive index of the glass.

refractive index = ...........................................................

(c) The critical angle of the glass prism is 35°.
(i) Explain what is meant by the term critical angle.
You may draw a diagram to help your answer.




(ii) The student shines the light so that it hits B at a different angle.
Continue the path of the ray of light on the diagram.

(Total for question = 11 marks)

Q13. A signal generator produces sounds from a loudspeaker.

(a) (i) Which property of the sound wave should be increased in order to make the sound louder?
A amplitude
B frequency
C speed
D wavelength

(ii) Which property of the sound wave should be increased in order to make a higher pitched sound?
A amplitude
B frequency
C speed
D wavelength
(b) Sound waves travel as longitudinal waves.
Other waves are transverse.
(i) Give an example of a transverse wave.

(ii) Describe how the vibrations of longitudinal waves and transverse waves differ.




(Total for question = 5 marks)

Q14. (a) These sentences are about astronomy.

Complete the sentences by writing words in the blank spaces.
The Earth is an astronomical object.

One astronomical object smaller than the Earth is ................................... .

Two astronomical objects larger than the Earth are ................................... and ................................... .

The Milky Way is the name given to our................................... .

(b) The diagram shows the path followed by a comet as it moves around the Sun.
A, B, C, D and E are points on the comet's orbit.

(i) State the name of the force that causes the comet to orbit the Sun.
(ii) At which of the points shown is the force on the comet greatest?
(iii) Draw an arrow at point D to show the direction of the force acting on the comet.
(iv) At which of the points shown does the comet have the greatest kinetic energy?

(Total for question = 8 marks)

Q15. (a) Which list gives the astronomical objects in order of size, starting with the largest?
A galaxy – Solar System – planet – Sun

B galaxy – Solar System – Sun – planet

C planet – galaxy – Solar System – Sun

D planet – Solar System – Sun – galaxy

(b) The Earth and Mars are planets in our Solar System.
(i) State two ways in which the orbits of Earth and Mars are similar.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................


(ii) State one way in which the orbits of Earth and Mars are different.


(c) Deimos is a moon that orbits the planet Mars.

The radius of its orbit is 23 500 km and its time period is 1.26 days.
Calculate the orbital speed of Deimos.
Give your answer to 2 significant figures.

orbital speed = .................................... km/day

(d) Enceladus is a moon that orbits the planet Saturn.
Enceladus has a similar orbital period to that of Deimos, but its orbital speed is about 10 times larger.
Explain how this is possible.






(Total for question = 9 marks)

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