Year 10 Practice Examination.

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Practice examination – Year 10 English exam


Section A: Language Skills ans Close Reading of Unfamiliar Texts

(spend about 40 minutes on this section)

Section B: Response to Text

Write TWO essays on two different text types (poetry/
short stories/ novel/ film)
(spend about 50 minutes on this section)

Section C: Formal Writing.

Answer on your own paper.

Write your name and yhour teacher’s name on all sheets.
Section A

To practice this aspect of the examination, please go back to your ‘More

English Basics’ book, and ensure that you know all the material from it.

The format of this section will be as follows:

Part A – 10 short-answer questions

Part B: you will read 3 texts and answer questions on each of these. One
will be a poem, one will be a static image and one will be a short piece of

Section B
PART 1: Written Text (novel, short stories, poems)


 Write ONE essay. Choose ONE question from the list below. Write ht eh ujmber of the
question at the top of yoru page.

 You may write about: a NOVEL, SHORT STORIES or POEMS.

 If you write about poems or short stories you may write about TWO or more poems or short
stories in your essay.

 Write the title and author of the text(s) you are writing about at the top of your page.

 Use specific examples, such as quotes, to support your points.

 Spend about 25 minutes on this essay.

Describe a valuable lesson that you learned from a text you have studied. Explain why the
lesson has been valuable to you.

Describe an important decision that a main character had to make.Explain why this decision
was important.

Good writers should make us want to keep reading.What techniques did a writer use to make you
want to keep reading the text you have studied?
Part 2 Visual Text (film, short films)

 Write ONE essay. Choose ONE question from the list below. Write the number of the
question a the top of your page.

 Write the title and director of the film(s) you are writing abou at the top of your page.

 Use specific examples, such as quotes and production techniques, to support your points.

 Spend about 25 minutes on this essay.

 Spend about 25 minutes on this essay.

1. Describe at least two production features that worked well in the text you have studied.
Explain how each feature helps the audience understand the text.

(Production features could include: music, special effects, lighting, soundtrack, dialogue,
colour, props, camera work, graphics, costume.)

2. Describe a strong relationship or conflict in the text.

Explain why this conflict was important in the text you have studied.

3. Describe an important idea in the text.

Explain how at least TWO of the following were used to help you understand this idea:
Colour Camera work Special effects Costumes
Sound effects Music Lighting Dialogue
SECTION C: Formal Writing


 Choose ONE of the topics below

 Present a written argument on this topic.

 You may argue for or against the topic, or you may present more than one point of view.

 Imagine that your writing will be published in a book presenting teenagers’ opinions to an
adult audience

 You should write at least 200 words. Spend about 30 minutes on this section.

 You should make a number of points and include examples. You should write in
paragraphs and use appropriate language.

1.Bullying is the biggest problem facing schools.

2.Social networking is harmful for society.

3.It is important for students to have school pride

4.It is an important thing for young people to play sports.

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