Current Ophtalmology
Current Ophtalmology
Current Ophtalmology
“The Really”
Current Ophthalmology
The Electronic Book that is continuously being up-dated
Third Edition
“August 2000”
MB ChB (Cairo), FRCSEd, FRCOphth
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My goal of writing this book, is to provide the reader with a book that will
be continuously expanded and updated to meet the rapid developments
in Ophthalmology. In my opinion, the only way to keep up with all the
development is by keeping up with the literature. For busy
ophthalmologists, this can prove difficult.
Magdy A Nofal
August 2000
About The Author
The author passed his FRCS Diploma examination in 1983, from the Royal
College of Surgeons in Edinburgh, and was also awarded the fellowship of
the College of Ophthalmologists of the UK in 1990. He spent some time
working in Saudi Arabia. The author’s main interest in Ophthalmology is
anterior segment, oculoplastic and lacrimal surgery.
Magdy Nofal is also the co-author of the book "An update in topics in
Ophthalmology" with Mr. Fathi El-Sayyad, from Cairo, Egypt. This book has
a similar idea as this electronic book. It is, however, renewed every year. The
book is distributed to ophthalmologists and ophthalmic students, in Egypt, for
free. A copy of this book can be obtained by writing to the author.
Postal address
Mr. Magdy A Nofal,
The Eye Clinic, Level 2,
Torbay General Hospital,
Lawes Bridge,
Torbay, TQ 2 7 AA
Devon. UK.
Fax number
E-mail address
[email protected]
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The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Differential diagnosis
⇒ Viral conjunctivitis
⇒ Allergic conjunctivitis
⇒ Chlamydial conjunctivitis
⇒ Chronic blepharoconjunctivitis
⇒ Dry eyes syndrome
Conjunctivitis in babies
(Ophthalmia neonatorum)
1. Anterior uveitis: the inflammation occurs mainly in the iris and the
anterior chamber
2. Intermediate uveitis: the inflammation occurs mainly in the vitreous
3. Posterior uveitis: the inflammation occurs mainly in the choroid and the
retina. It may be due to infectious or non-infectious causes.
4. Pan-uveitis: all the previous layers show signs of inflammation.
• other conditions:
Masquerade Syndrome
Differential diagnosis
Arteritic sudden loss of vision Refer immediately for a very quick action is needed as
anterior in a 50 or older IV and oral steroids permanent and total loss of
ischaemic optic patient with RAPD, (80-100 mg of vision is a major risk even with
neuropathy severe headache and prednisolone daily) the full steroids treatment.
temporal tenderness, and confirmation with
no temporal artery a blood test and/or
pulsation, severely ill temporal artery
patient, no pain with biopsy. Medical
ocular movements, referral is also
pale optic nerve head advisable. More
with flame shaped
haemorrhage, high
ESR and CRP. More
Differential diagnosis
Retinal history of floaters and Refer urgently if the central any case with
detachment flashing light, curtain vision is still good (macula is sudden onset of
and vitreous moving across the vision, still on) or if the patient is vitreous
haemorrhage loss of the central or the young or if the detachment is haemorrhage (in a
peripheral vision, retinal of recent onset (better non-diabetic
elevation, with loss of the prognosis after surgery). Refer patient) should be
red reflex, with or without soon if the central vision is lost considered as
vitreous haemorrhage. or if the detachment is of long caused by a
duration. Referral is also useful detachment or
if there is a doubt about retinal tear until
retinoschisis. proved otherwise.
see other types of
Macular often elderly patients, check blood pressure, Refer 10% of all patients
changes rapid onset of distortion or urgently as fluorescein may benefit from
loss of vision (not as angiography is often needed laser treatment.
sudden as vascular and laser photocoagulation Other methods of
occlusion), subretinal may be possible, treatment are
macular haemorrhage, developing. more
exudates or fluid. History
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Tumour Features
Choroidal melanoma may be asymptomatic, floaters or decreased vision of visual field
loss, may be pigmented or non-pigmented, elevated mass, vitreous
haemorrhage, typical ultrasound features.
Choroidal haemangioma in young adults, may be asymptomatic, may present with change of
refraction, red orange lesion, mild elevation, typical fluorescein
angiography features.
Choroidal metastases may be asymptomatic, creamy white colour mass, flat or slightly
elevated, history of cancer mainly in the breast or the lung.
Retinoblastoma children, white nodular mass, may extends in the vitreous or under
the retina, iris neovascularisation, pseudo-hypopyon, vitreous
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis
Differential diagnosis
(unequal pupils)
“droopy upper lid” more
Causes of ptosis
1. Levator muscle dehiscence e.g. old age (the commonest cause),
postoperative, or post-trauma
2. Congenital
3. Myasthenia gravis
4. Third nerve palsy
5. Horner syndrome more
6. Chronic progressive ophthalmoplegia
7. Prolonged use of topical steroids
Differential diagnosis
Proptosis is the hallmark of orbital diseases. Almost all the orbital
diseases present with these typical presentations:
• Proptosis or exophthalmos
• Pain
• Restriction of ocular movements and double vision
• Blurred vision
• Resistance to retropulsion of the globe.
Differential diagnosis
Varix due to a large dilated orbital vein by a thrombus, Dilated vein may be
proptosis increases with Valsalva manoeuvre. shown with an
enhanced CAT scan
during Valsalva
Arteriovenou may follow trauma or may be spontaneous, a bruit may enlarged superior
s fistula be heard, prominent conjunctival vessels and ophthalmic vein, the
chemosis. extraocular muscles
may also be enlarged,
reversed blood flow
may be noticed by
ultrasound Doppler.
Macular oedema
indicating leakage
1. Panretinal photocoagulation
(several hundreds to few thousands burns)
indicated in disc and/or peripheral new vessels
Squint may be convergent (esodeviation) when the two eyes are looking towards
each other, or divergent (exodeviation) when the two eyes are looking away from
each other.
You must, first of all, exclude pseudo-esotropia (the eye appear to be turning in
but they do not actually show and deviation with the cover test).
Causes of pseudo-esotropia:
1. Wide nasal bridge
2. Prominent epicanthus fold
3. Small inter-pupillary distance
double vision
Care should be taken to differentiate between monocular and binocular
diplopia. In monocular diplopia patients complain of double vision even if
one eye is covered. In binocular diplopia double vision is present only if
both eyes are open.
Eyelid lumps
Entropion inward rotation of the lid margin, Refer for surgical treatment. more
the lid margin and the eye lashes
rubs on the eye causing corneal
irritations, gritty eyes, discomfort
and watering
Ectropion outward rotation of the lid margin, Refer for surgical treatment
watery eye due to irritation and
lacrimal punctum eversion.
Ptosis droopy upper lid, may cover part of Refer for diagnosis of the cause and
the visual field, may cause fatigue treatment . more
when reading.
In-growing irritation and watering eyes. If one or two lashes you can remove them, if
eye lashes more or recurrent Refer for electrolysis,
cryotherapy or surgical treatment.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
watery eyes
Conjunctival pigmentation
bacterial infection
Severe infectious keratitis is a major cause of ocular morbidity in
temperate and tropical regions. Predisposing factors for central corneal
ulceration in these areas include ocular surface disease, contact lens
wear (even without corneal epithelium disruption), previous trauma,
cocaine abuse, and the use of traditional eye medicines. Ulcerative
keratitis also develops in 4.7% of patients with prolonged bullous
keratopathy. Steroid drops and bandage soft contact lens are risk factor
for microbial ulcers in these patients. Prophylactic antibiotic use does not
seem to prevent ulcer development. Conditions associated with systemic
immune suppression should also be considered among the disease that
constitute higher risk factor for patients with infectious keratitis.
Among the various types of contact lenses, extended wear soft contact
lenses seem to carry the greatest risks for causing corneal problems.
Overnight extended wear is the most important risk factor for developing
ulcerative keratitis even with disposable contact lenses and good
hygienic measures. Previous reports found that the relative risk of
developing ulcerative keratitis for overnight wear is 21 for soft lenses and
3.6 for daily wear soft lens when compared with gas permeable hard
lenses. 49% to 74% of contact lenses related ulcerative keratitis could be
prevented by not wearing the lenses over night. Corneal hypoxia, caused
by overnight wear with the accumulation of deposits and contamination of
the lens, lead to higher risk of complications and corneal infection.
There are several topical fluoroquinolone eye drops available now on the
market. The main preparations are:
• Ciprofloxacin.
• Norfloxacin.
• Ofloxacin.
chlamydial infection-trachoma
Trachoma is still thought to be the second most common cause for
blindness in the world. It is estimated that there are about 5.9 million
cases of blindness from corneal scarring caused by the disease world-
wide. The disease is mainly confined to poor and crowded areas in the
developing countries. The world health organisation designed a simple
grading scheme for the disease:
Control of the disease may also carried out by using the SAFE strategy:
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
fungal infection
Fungus infection is often caused by fungi that are considered
saprophytic. Candida typically affects compromised corneas. The chronic
use of topical anaesthesia can cause severe morbidity to the eye due to
it’s direct toxic effect on the corneal epithelium and also due to delaying
corneal wound healing. Polymerase chain reaction test may be used in
the diagnosis of some types of fungal keratitis. Endogenous fungal
keratitis may occur after the treatment of fungal endophthalmitis. Fungal
organisms may not be completely eradicated with treatment. Patients
should be monitored for a long period after the treatment of
endophthalmitis. The incidence of ocular involvement (mainly
chorioretinitis) in patients with candidaemia seems to be clinically
significant (26%). It is recommended that ophthalmic follow up should be
undertaken in all patients with candidaemia for at least 2 weeks after an
initial negative ophthalmic examination.
Cidofovir eye drops, and Penciclovir eye ointment have also been
successfully tried in the treatment of the epithelial disease in animals and
may prove useful and effective in humans. Cidofovir is highly effective
against epithelial disease when used twice a day. it can also be used to
prevent stromal disease. The drug is not, however, able to treat already
established stromal disease. Carbocyclic Oxetanocin G is a new
antiviral drug that is active against herpes simplex virus, varicella-zoster
virus, CMV, Epstein-Barr virus and HIV virus. Eye drops containing 0.1%
Carbocyclic Oxetanocin seems to be excellent and safe in the treatment
of herpes simplex virus corneal ulcers. The average healing time is about
four days. The drug does not seem to be associated with significant side
Cases with ocular Zoster without skin rash have been well documented,
this condition has been termed (Zoster Sine Herpete). Accurate diagnosis
of the infection is important as anti-inflammatory treatment may be
required as well as antiviral treatment. Polymerase chain reaction tests
can detect varicella-zoster virus DNA in intraocular material and confirms
the diagnosis when the typical skin rash is absent.
Herpes zoster virus may cause chronic epithelial keratitis in patients with
AIDS. The keratitis is characterised by dendritic lesions, long duration,
and extreme pain. The disease may also occur without skin lesion.
Herpes Zoster infection in young Africans with HIV infection has a poor
visual prognosis. 40% of these patients have visual outcome of light
perception or no light perception only. Severe keratouveitis and
perforation are common and responsible for most cases with poor visual
acanthamoeba keratitis
Acanthamoeba keratitis is often associated with contact lens wear in the
Western world. In the UK the disease is associated with contact lens
wear in 85% of cases. All types of contact lenses may be associated with
the disease. The strongest association is thought to be with daily wear
soft disposable contact lens. In the tropics the disease has been reported
after trauma and mud splashing. Chronic eye disease (e.g. trachoma)
may also compromise the corneal surface and predispose the cornea to
infection without a history of contact lens wear or trauma. Corneal
abrasion seems to be needed for the organism to penetrate the cornea.
Diagnosis of Acanthamoeba keratitis is often made later in non-contact
lens wearers than in contact lens wearers.
Others Infections
mycobacterium keratitis
Allergic Diseases
atopic keratoconjunctivitis
Atopic keratoconjunctivitis is the most serious, sight-threatening allergic
manifestation of atopic diseases in the eye. Atopy should be considered
in the differential diagnosis of severe keratoconjunctivitis even in the
absence of systemic findings of atopy. About 70% of patients have some
type of keratopathy, 60% have corneal neovascularisation, and 20%
have symblepharon. Conjunctival biopsy and serum Ig E are valuable
measures in making the diagnosis. The impression cytology technique
may also be used. Loss of goblet cells and conjunctival squamous
metaplasia have been previously demonstrated. Cataract,
rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, and keratoconus, may also be
associated with the disease. Higher levels of aqueous flare caused by
the breakdown of blood-aqueous barrier may contribute to the formation
of cataract in patients with atopic dermatitis.
vernal disease
Vernal keratoconjunctivitis is a chronic eosinophilic disease of the ocular
surface involving Ig E, no-Ig E-mediated mechanisms. The disease often
has a good prognosis. Severe visual impairments may, however, result
from long-standing inflammation. Large giant papillae indicates poor
prognosis for the persistence of the disease and its evolution into a
chronic, perennial condition. A reduction of visual acuity may result from
corneal scarring, or steroid-induced glaucoma.
clinical features
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Patients typically present with redness and itching. Patients with vernal
disease, may also present with acute hydrops as the presenting sign of
keratoconus. Corneal hydrops may indicate undiagnosed keratoconus
especially if associated vernal conjunctivitis. Impression cytology is a
simple, cheap and non-invasive technique that can be used in studying
cellular reaction in eyes with vernal conjunctivitis. In vernal conjunctivitis
the mean number of goblet cells is significantly higher than in controls
and the diameter of the goblet cells seem to be smaller. The disease can
be classified into palpebral and a limbal types. In temperate regions
limbal inflammation is severe, but the palpebral manifestations
Mast cell stabilisers and antihistamines have been used successfully for
many years to reduce the ocular signs and symptoms of the disease.
Cromolyn sodium is the classical treatment of vernal eye disease.
Cromolyn is thought to act by reducing calcium transport across the mast
cells membrane and subsequently inhibiting histamine release. A new
theory hypothesise that cromolyn interferes with protein synthesis and
therefore, with receptors mediated changes in the mast cells.
Lodoxamide (Alomide) is a new drug that has been shown to reduce the
ocular signs and symptoms in vernal conjunctivitis, presumably by
inhibiting mast cell de-granulation and the toxic effects of eosinophils-
derived products on corneal epithelium. In a recent study the drug
significantly reduced eosinophils activation and seemed to be more
effective than sodium cromoglycate in reducing clinical signs and
symptoms. Patients treated with lodoxamide seem to have a better
symptoms and signs score than those who are treated with over
cromolyn sodium. Clinical superiority of lodoxamide over cromolyn
sodium may be linked to its greater effect on the CD4+ cells, because
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Corneal Dystrophies
lattice dystrophy
Lattice corneal dystrophy is characterised by the presence of refractile
dots and fine lines in the anterior corneal stroma. The stromal lines
gradually become larger and thicker. The intervening cornea typically
stays clear. There are three clinically and histopathologically distinct
types of lattice dystrophy:
Type I tends to have more numerous deep and more central lines into the
stroma than type II, it also progresses more rapidly. Type II manifests by
the age of 20 and rarely needs corneal transplantation, it is often
suspected by the typical facial features of the patient (droopy lids and
protruding lips). Only type II is known to be associated with systemic
Familial Amyloidosis Finnish type (FAF), also called (Meretoja)
syndrome. In lattice dystrophy Type II (Meretoja Syndrome), the corneal
lines are less numerous but thicker than in Type I. The lines are also
radial and extend from the corneal periphery to the centre of the cornea.
Visual acuity are often normal until later years. The vast majority of
families with this disorder originate from Finland. Recently a genetic
defect underlying Meretoja Syndrome has been discovered. The anti-
FAF antiserum should prove useful for rapidly screening corneal buttons
to determine whether there is any evidence of FAF in lattice type II.
Recurrent corneal erosions may occur and patients may be particularly
susceptible to microbial keratitis as a result of repeated epithelial
disturbances and ophthalmologists should remain alert to the possibility
of sight-threatening infective complications.
1. Type I (no antigenic keratan sulphate activity in the serum and in the
cornea). Type I A, is characterised by the lack of detectable antigenic
keratan sulphate in the serum, and a corneal stroma that does not
react with the keratan sulphate monoclonal antibody but in which
corneal fibroblasts react with keratan sulphate monoclonal antibody.
2. Type II (detectable and normal of serum and corneal levels of
antigenic keratan sulphate activity).
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
basic science
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
clinical features
posterior keratoconus
This is a summery of some of the tests used in the study of dry eyes:
Test comment
Tear turn over Tear turn over is the percentage decrease per minute of
fluorescein concentration in tears after the instillation of
fluorescein drops. Tear turn over can be determined by
fluoro-photometry. The tear clearance rate test is a simple
and useful method to estimate basal tear turn over and tear
flow, it can also indirectly measure the tear drainage.
Tear function index Tear function index is the combined values of both tear
secretion and tear drainage tests. It is the value obtained
from dividing the value of Schirmer’s test with local
anaesthesia by the tear clearance rate. This index is more
specific and more sensitive in diagnosing dry eyes
associated with Sjogren’s syndrome than the Schirmer’s or
the tear clearance rate test alone. Tear function index below
96 are consistent with dry eyes and those below 34 are seen
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Dry eyes with decreased BUT time may be associated with allergic
conjunctivitis and papillary reaction, raised serum Ig E and history of
allergic diseases. The decreased BUT time seems to be due to a
decrease in the conjunctival goblet cells due to the papillary conjunctival
reaction. A combination of anti-histamine and low dose of steroids may
used if the conventional methods of treatment fail.
surgical treatment
Cicatricial diseases
Dapsone is the most effective initial agent for active disease, it is also a
safer treatment in the elderly than steroids. Dapsone commonly induces
significant haemolytic anaemia (more commonly in patients deficient in
the enzyme glucose 6-phosphatase dehydrogenase). Patients are also at
higher risk of agranulocytosis. Dapsone-induced neutropenia may not be
dose dependent and routine white blood cells monitoring (specially 8 to
10 weeks after treatment) in needed. A taste disturbance and tingling
sensation in the mouth and lips has been reported as a side effect of
stevens-johnson syndrome
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is associated with severe purulent
conjunctivitis which often leads to severe conjunctival cicatrization
resulting in trichiasis, symblepharon conjunctival and corneal scarring
and ultimately blindness. Steven-Johnson Syndrome may be caused by
an autoimmune mechanism. The disease has been associated with
certain HLA tissue types (e.g. HLA-BW 44, and HLA-DQB 10601).
Patients with this tissue types may be at higher risk of developing ocular
complications. Drugs (e.g. sulphonamides) are the most frequent
identified aetiological factor in the cicatricial eye diseases
Systemic steroids during the acute phase of the disease appears to have
no effect on the development of ocular manifestations. Topical
antibiotics, steroids, lubricants and symblepharon lysis are required.
Autologous conjunctival transplantation to promote normal trans-
differentiation of the corneal cells has been tried in unilateral cases. In
bilateral cases affecting the conjunctiva and the cornea, transplantation
of the conjunctiva and the cornea from a cadaver eye has also been
suggested. Amniotic membrane transplantation restores adequate
bulbar surface and fornices depth and prevents recurrence of
symblepharon in severe cases of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. A
combination of allograft limbal transplantation, amniotic membrane
transplantation and tarsorrhaphy followed by the use of serum derived
tear drops may reconstruct the ocular surface and lead to significant
improvement in vision.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Penetrating keratoplasty
The indications for penetrating keratoplasty have changed over the past
20 years. Keratoconus, endothelial failure, corneal scarring secondary to
corneal infection, aphakic bullous keratopathy and interstitial keratitis are
currently the main indications for penetrating keratoplasty in the UK.
Failed grafts are increasing as an indication for penetrating keratoplasty.
Graft clarity and visual acuity results, after repeat transplantation, appear
to be very good.
Preoperative considerations
The most commonly used storage media for donor corneas are the
Optisol medium and organ culture medium. Corneas can be stored in
the Optisol medium for up to 2 weeks (or 21 days in the Optisol GS
medium). Organ culture media have the advantages of longer storage
time, and the ability to detect infection in the donor cornea prior to
transplantation. Penetrating keratoplasty using donor corneas stored (for
up to 11 days) by either method seem to have the same results for up to
2 years after surgery.
VZV and HSV-1 may infect the cornea. HSV in a donor cornea may
cause endothelial destruction and both primary graft failure and ulcerative
keratitis after transplantation. PCR and immuno-histochemistry are both
sensitive for the detection of HSV-1 in the cornea. A combination of PCR
and immuno-histochemistry increases the specificity for the diagnosis to
may also be used to study corneas after PRK. Stromal changes can be
detected many months after surgery.
Surgical techniques
The relationship between the donor cornea and the recipient bed seems
to be the most important factor in controlling postoperative astigmatism.
Malposition of the recipient and the donor cornea is a main cause for
postoperative astigmatism. The donor cornea is often cut about 0.5 mm
larger than the recipient corneal bed. It is suggested, however, that the
use of he same size trephine for cutting both the donor and the recipient
cornea may give less astigmatism, and better visual results. It has also
been suggested that cauterisation of the central cornea may improve
the postoperative refractive results of keratoconus patients.
The main risk factors for non-immune mediated graft failure includes:
Allograft rejection accounts for at least 33% of all graft failure. It often
follows an inflammatory event (e.g. loose suture, suture track infection or
recurrent HSV infection). Patients with corneal transplantation may suffer
from recurrent episodes of unilateral or bilateral corneal grafts rejection
during periods of pregnancy and child birth, or after vaccination.
Rejection often occurs in the endothelial cells but may also rarely occur in
the epithelial layer or the stroma.
Steroids are the main drug for treating corneal graft rejections. The role
of systemic versus intensive topical steroids is not completely
understood. Some reports showed that, in cases with severe rejection,
topical steroids is not enough and systemic or intravenous pulse
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Postoperative glaucoma
There is some controversy about the best approach in patients with co-
exiting lens and corneal opacities needing cataract surgery and
penetrating keratoplasty (e.g. Fuchs endothelial dystrophy). Some
authorities argue that triple penetrating keratoplasty, cataract extraction
and IOL implantation is better than consequential penetrating
keratoplasty followed by cataract surgery. The following table
summarises the different advantages and disadvantages for each
The results of LASIK is better for low to moderate myopia than for higher
myopia. Most studies show stability of refraction and adequate
uncorrected visual acuity in a large percentage of patients with myopia up
to 15.00 D. Laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) can also be used to
correct higher levels of myopia that cannot be successfully corrected by
PRK or RK procedures. It can also be used to reduce astigmatism and
myopia after penetrating keratoplasty. For myopia greater than 15.00
D, accuracy and patient satisfaction are poor. LASIK for high myopia may
be associated with early regression. Stabilisation often occur between 3
and 6 months. However, patients with high myopia show more
improvement in the visual acuity mainly due to the increase in the size of
images after surgery. Optical coherence tomography studies showed that
corrections of higher degrees of ametropia runs a high risk of producing a
thinner than expected central cornea, particularly, corrections greater
than 12 D.
Wound healing plays an important part in the visual outcome and in the
visual predictability of PRK surgery. Exposure to Ultraviolet-B during
post-PRK stromal healing exacerbates and prolongs the stromal healing
response. Excessive ocular Ultraviolet-B exposure should be avoided
during the period of postoperative period. PRK does not seem to be
associated with detectable changes in the central corneal endothelial
cells. Previous studies showed that there might be slight increase in the
corneal endothelial cells after surgery, presumably due stopping wearing
contact lenses.
Mild anterior corneal stromal haze is often seen after PRK. It usually
appears within 4 weeks after the procedure. A new type of corneal haze,
starting relatively late (4 to 12 months) after PRK, has been reported in
about 1.8% of patients. Although glare and halos appear to be reduced
with the 6 mm treatment, a small number of patients still report
substantial glare or halo after the procedure.
which may lead to loss of best corrected visual acuity during the early or
late postoperative period.
Although some of the central islands resolve with time due to the healing
response of the cornea, the presence of central islands has been shown
to correlate with poor visual rehabilitation because of the inhomogeneous
refraction across the pupil. The cause of these islands is not known. It is
hypothesised that they are due to local defects in the optics of the laser
machine, resulting in colder spots and less ablation centrally, or may be
due to differences in the hydration between the deep and superficial
layers of the cornea.
Most patients (86%) seek PRK treatment to be able to have good vision
without spectacles or contact lenses. 73% of patients seek treatment
because of difficulties with contact lens use. The procedure is highly
effective, safe and reliable in treating myopia of up to 5.00 D spherical
equivalent. Individual variation in the refractive outcome after PRK is
noticed in many patients, specially patients with high myopia. A recent
study showed that, the operation increases the ocular aberrations and
impairs the visual performance of the treated eyes. Scotopic visual
measures such as low-contrast visual acuity and glare visual acuity suffer
most from the myopia correction.
Some patients are disappointed even after achieving good visual acuity
due to glare and distortion. Refraction may continue to change for up to
20 months after surgery. It is essential that patients should be counselled
properly before surgery. The accuracy of correction diminishes
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Pterygium surgery
The pathogenesis of pterygium is not completely known. Sun exposure
and ultraviolet light seem to play an important role in its development.
Protective sun glasses may reduce pterygium formation in sunny areas.
Surgical treatment is often indicated when the pterygium threatens vision
by encroaching on or near to the visual axis, or when it causes a
significant dellen effect.
Sliding conjunctival flaps may also be used with pterygium excision. This
technique may, however be limited in cases with repeated surgery due to
shortening of the conjunctiva in this area. The use of conjunctival free
grafts is also effective and safe. Advanced recurrent pterygia may be
treated by limbal autograft transplantation, which could be included in the
procedure of conjunctival transplantation.
Amniotic membrane have been used for the repair of skin and mucosal
wounds. They have also been used in the eye for the treatment of
persistent corneal epithelial defects, ocular surface reconstruction, and in
the treatment of pterygia. Repeated transplantation of amniotic
membrane may be associated with a hypopyon iritis. Immunological,
toxic, and hypersensitivity may be responsible for this reaction.
The Amniotic membrane is separated from the chorion and cut into the
appropriate size and then stored at -80 degrees. The membrane is often
sutured in the damaged area with 10/0 nylon sutures. The transplanted
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Cataract Surgery
Local anaesthesia is used in about 70% of intraocular operations in the
UK. Routine medical assessment does not appear to be necessary for
patients having cataract surgery under local anaesthesia. A recent report
indicated that preoperative medical assessment does not lead to any
significant reduction in the operative or postoperative complication and
does not increase the safety of the patients.
The effect of covering the patient’s head with the surgical drapes is
controversial. Carbon dioxide may accumulate under the surgical
drapes. Oxygen breathing via nasal intubation had been thought to
prevent increased levels of carbon dioxide in patient’s breathing air. A
recent study, however, reported that nasal intubation is beneficial in
preventing hypoxic effects but it does not seem to be effective in
preventing increased carbon dioxide levels in breathing air. Elimination of
accumulated carbon dioxide by a suction machine appears to be the only
effective method.
Intraocular implants
• foldable implants
There is some controversy about the best foldable IOL that can be used.
The current popular foldable IOLs are made of the following material:
Soft acrylic
Acrylic foldable IOLs seem to adhere to the posterior capsule more than
PMMA IOLs, and also seem to be associated with considerably less
proliferation of the lens epithelial cells on its surface. Silicon IOLs, on the
other hand do not seem to show any adhesiveness to the posterior
capsule. The presence of lens epithelial cells on the posterior capsule is
considerably less with polyacrylic IOLs than with PMMA or silicon IOLs.
The regression of the epithelial cells also appears to be quicker with the
polyacrylic IOLs. Silicon IOL with large positioning holes seem to be more
fixed to the capsule than IOL with small holes. The increased fixation is
due to regeneration and fibrous tissue in-growth through the holes. IOL
with large holes may be useful in preventing IOL de-centration.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
1. Lens de-centration
2. Moisture condensation during fluid gas exchange in vitreoretinal
surgery. Heating the anterior segment by warmed irrigation fluid is a
cheap, non-invasive, and safe means to prevent condensation on IOL
3. Silicon oil-silicon IOL interaction
4. Accumulation of pigmented cellular membrane on the anterior surface
of the IOL
5. Intraoperative deposition of crystalline materials have also been
reported with some implants, mainly silicon implants. The crystalline
deposits are thought to be due to the use of BSS +, as a source of the
calcium deposits. Exchange of the implant, and anterior chamber wash
out with simple BSS may be needed.
6. There is also some reports that, the use of three piece foldable silicon
polypropylene IOL may be associated with an increased risk of
postoperative endophthalmitis.
7. Discoloration of silicon IOL have been described before. Recent report
described similar complication in acrylic IOLs during surgery and also
several months afterwards. Some cases may improve spontaneously
while others may need explantation. The cause of this phenomena is
not completely understood. It is thought that temperature change (e.g.
warming of the IOL prior to implantation) may play a role in the
development of these transient changes.
8. Adherence of S. epidermidis to IOLs may play a role in the
pathogenesis of some forms of endophthalmitis after cataract surgery.
A recent study showed that S. epidermidis can adhere, in vitro, to
Acrysof IOLs more readily than PMMA IOLs.
Silicon material has been used in ocular and other surgeries for some
time. It has been suggested that patients receiving silicon implants or
prosthesis might have a specific anti-polymer immune response which
might lead to severe immunological symptoms, as in patient who receive
breast silicon implants. In a study of 49 patients who had retinal and
cataract surgery using silicon material, the frequency of enhanced serum
Ig G binding to silicon was very low, making the correlation to surgical
complications difficult. The results of the study did not suggest any
change in the clinical use of this material in eye surgery.
• multifocal lenses
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Multifocal IOLs are relatively new. They are mainly used to provide less
spectacle dependency than with the monofocal lenses. The overall
patients satisfaction with these lenses is generally good. Most patients
suffer from mild haloes due to the blurring effect of the near vision rings.
Mild reduction in the contrast sensitivity is also common. Patient’s
selection is very important in the indications of these lenses. patient’s
motivation, lack of other macular diseases, less than 1 D of astigmatism,
are important factors that should be considered in selecting patients.
1. Diffractive lenses
2. Refractive lenses
Both types of lenses provide patients with sufficient unaided distance and
near vision. The diffractive lenses have 20-30 concentric rings
superimposed on its posterior surface providing a theoretical power add.
The artisan IOL is an anterior chamber IOL that can be used for the
correction of myopia or hyperopia. It can also be used as piggy back IOL
for high myopia and hyperopia. The lens is fixated to the iris tissue by a
pair of claws. A new Toric Artisan IOL has also been recently described
for the correction of high astigmatism. Two types have been described, in
the first type the cylinder axis is in the same direction as the axis
connecting the claws haptics. In the second type the cylinder axis is at a
right angle to the axis connecting the claws. Preliminary results indicate
that these lenses may be useful in correcting high astigmatism in aphakic
or phakic eyes.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Biometry has traditionally been carried out by ultrasound A scan for
measuring the axial length of the eye. Partial coherence interferometry
biometry is a new non-invasive method for measuring the axial length.
The method does not need any contact with the eye, and no local
anaesthesia is required. A recent study compared this method to
standard A-ultrasound axial length measurement in the evaluation of
biometry with the SRK II formula. Precision of the partial coherence
interferometry was estimated to be ten times more accurate than the
ultrasound. This could result in a 27% improvement in the mean absolute
error for postoperative refraction.
IOL power measurement and biometry is not often accurate in eyes with
high myopia or high hyperopia. The use of third generation formulae
e.g. Holladay I, SRK/T and Hoffer may provide more accurate results.
IOL power measurement in eyes that had undergone corneal refractive
surgery is also inaccurate and may result in postoperative refractive
surprises. Standard calculations in these eye may result in
underestimation of the IOL power with a postoperative hyperopia. The
use of automated corneal topography to measure the corneal power may
be useful in achieving better results. The measured corneal power must
be corrected. The modified corneal power can be calculated by
subtracting the spherical equivalent change in the corneal plane induced
by the PRK from the average corneal power measured before the PRK.
The use of pre-refractive surgery readings about corneal power and axial
length, as well as over refraction with a hard gas permeable contact lens
may also be used.
Phacoemulsification surgery
Phacoemulsification surgery is gaining popularity world-wide. One of the
main advantages of phacoemulsification surgery is that it allows surgery
through a small incision. Recovery and visual rehabilitation is often
quicker in small incision surgery. Routine ocular examination on the first
postoperative day does not seem to be necessary after uncomplicated
phacoemulsification surgery. Current data indicates that 80% of patients,
in the UK, achieve visual acuity of 6/12 or better after phacoemulsification
surgery. Patients with macular degeneration also benefit from cataract
surgery, regardless of the technique of cataract extraction. Second eye
cataract extraction is often associated with better visual acuity, contrast
sensitivity, stereo-acuity, and also better binocular visual field. Second
eye cataract surgery improve the visual outcome more than single eye
surgery. Patients who opt for second eye surgery are often relatively
younger and have poor visual acuity in the second eye.
1. Hard nucleus
2. Tight incision
3. Irrigating tube occlusion
4. High power phacoemulsification for a long time
5. it may also occurs in the absence of all these factors.
6. Blockage of the incision by viscoelastics in the anterior chamber.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Vitrectomy and removal of the nuclear fragments can achieve good visual
results in about 61% of patients. The timing of vitrectomy is, however still
controversial with most ophthalmologists advising early intervention,
while other reports showed that a better outcome is not statistically
significant with early intervention. The rationale from waiting include the
possible development of spontaneous posterior vitreous detachment, and
softening of the nuclear fragment.
Postoperative Complications
• endophthalmitis
anti-microbial treatment
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Ofloxacin has also been reported to have a high bio-availability and high
tissue penetration to the aqueous, vitreous and subretinal fluid. Ofloxacin
levels in the aqueous humour reaches four time higher levels than
ciprofloxacin levels after topical application. Its bio-availability to the
subretinal fluid appears to be increased after combined oral and topical
administration compared with topical administration alone.
1. Aqueous and vitreous tap if the visual acuity is better than hand
movements or by aqueous tap and vitrectomy if the vision is less than
hand movements. Vitrectomy may be carried out if vitreous tap was not
enough and repeat intravitreal injection may also be carried out.
2. Intravitreal antibiotics (vancomycin 1.0 mg + ceftazidime 2.25 mg or
amikacin 0.4 mg). A single intravitreal antibiotic injection may not be
sufficient to cure some cases of bacterial endophthalmitis. Resistant
organism may include Staphylococcal, Streptococcal,
Propionobacterium and fungal species. A second injection of amikacin
may produce more retinal toxicity than a second injection of
vancomycin. Teicoplanin is a new antibiotic that has the same
spectrum of activity to vancomycin. Animal studies showed that the
drug can penetrate ocular tissues after IV, and topical administration.
The drug does not seem to penetrate readily into the vitreous in human
eyes when applied systemically, and not detected in the vitreous at all
when given topically. Vancomycin (50 mg/ml) may also be applied
locally to the eye either in the conjunctival sac or into the medial
canthus with closed lids with good therapeutic concentrations in the
3. Topical hourly Ofloxacin
4. Systemic Ofloxacin (200 mg twice a day and imipenem 500 mg three
times a day).
5. The antibiotics may be adjusted according to the culture and sensitivity
6. The use of preoperative Povidone iodine has also been proved to
reduced the incidence of endophthalmitis. The value of sub-
conjunctival antibiotics injection at the end of surgery is controversial.
The design and the material of the IOL have an important effect on the
degree of opacification. IOLs made of polyacrylic material are associated
with less posterior capsule opacification than PMMA, and silicon IOL. The
cause of reduced posterior capsule opacification with the polyacrylic IOLs
is not known but it thought that it might be due to stronger adhesions
between the IOL and the posterior capsule. Heparin surface-modified
IOLs does not seem to provide any significant advantages regarding the
amount of cellular deposits in patients with previous uveitis or diabetes.
The use of Mitomycin C in the solution used for hydrodissection, has
also been shown to be effective in preventing posterior capsule
opacification in rabbits eyes.
Anterior capsule opacification and fibrosis often occurs much earlier than
posterior capsule opacification. The rate of anterior capsule opacification
depends on the IOL material and design being relatively higher with
plate-haptic silicon IOL than with three piece acrylic optic-PMMA haptic
IOL. Contraction of the capsule opening (phymosis), and IOL tilt is a
known complications of capsulorhexis in some conditions associated with
zonule weakness e.g.:
Old age.
Retinitis pigmentosa.
Pseudoexfoliation syndrome.
• retinal detachment
• retinal phototoxicity
The incidence rate of induced retinal injury by the use of the surgical
microscope varies considerably among ophthalmologists. Retinal lesions
caused by the operating microscope are often found in the lower part of
the macula, they typically have a horizontal oval shape or a round shape.
Prevention of retinal lesion during surgery may be achieved by reducing
the light power, using filters, avoiding foveal exposure by tilting the
microscope towards the surgeon, and also by using an air bubble if
possible to defocus the light. Decreasing the temperature of the irrigation
fluids, and decreasing the oxygen tension of inspired air may also reduce
the risk of light injury. Surgeons should also be aware of the agents that
cause photo-sensitisation (phenothiazine, allopurinol,
haematoporphyrin, and hydroxychloroquine.
• Flurbiprofen (Ocufen)
• Diclofenac (Voltarol)
• Ketorolac (Acular)
• other complications
with a high surface tension may cause a ring shaped damage to the
corneal endothelium. Severe damage to the corneal endothelium may
occur after a contact with the air bubbles for as little as 20 seconds. The
mechanism that cause this damage seems to be due to surface tension
of the bubbles.
• Retinal detachment,
• Four quadrant haemorrhage,
• Eyes with spontaneous nuclear expression,
• ECCE “rather than phacoemulsification surgery”,
• Visual acuity of perception of light or worse on the first postoperative
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Basic science
Glaucoma is the second leading cause of visual loss in the world. It is
estimated that there is about 66.8 million people with primary glaucoma in
the world, 6.7 million of them are suffering from bilateral blindness.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
There are conflicting reports about the state of ocular blood flow in patients
with glaucoma or ocular hypertension. Some studies found no significant
difference between normal eyes and eyes with ocular hypertensive, while
other studies demonstrated impaired circulation and ocular blood flow in
eyes with ocular hypertension and glaucoma. It is not known whether these
changes in the blood flow are a cause or a consequence to the raised IOP,
the vascular insufficiency may be primary or secondary to raised IOP.
Abnormalities in the enzymatic activities in the red blood cells walls are
common in patients with primary open angle glaucoma compared with
normal subjects. These enzymatic abnormalities may interfere with blood
flow and oxygen transport in retinal and disc micro-circulation. It is not known
if these abnormalities play any significant role in the optic nerve head blood
There is also some evidence that some patients with normal tension
glaucoma may have an autoimmune component to the disease that is not
related to the level of IOP. HLA-DR3, HLA-B8, HLA-DRB and HLA-DQB and
HLA-DQA1 have all been associated with glaucoma in different populations.
A subgroup of normal tension glaucoma patients have a high level of serum
immune reactivity to bacterial heat shock protein 60. Immune responses to
heat shock protein are implicated in the development of human autoimmune
diseases. A recent study showed an increased immuno-staining of heat
shock proteins in the retina and optic head of normal and glaucomatous
eyes suggesting that immune-regulation plays an important part in the
pathogenesis of glaucomatous optic neuropathy. High levels of serum
immune-reactivity may also be associated with anti-Sjogren’s Syndrome A
and B antigen which are non-organ specific auto-antibodies. Some
glaucoma patients also have increased levels of auto-antibodies to
glycosaminoglycans of the optic nerve head. These auto-antibodies play
important part in immune mediated diseases. They may increase the
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
A recent study described some patients with normal tension glaucoma who
have increased serum immuno-reactivity to retinal protein. In some of these
patients the immuno-reactivity regress and visual field improves after a
course of methotrexate treatment.
It has been shown that Nitric oxide and endothelin are involved in the
regulation of IOP and ocular blood flow. Trabecular meshwork has
contractile elements that can be relaxed or contracted by Nitric oxide or
endothelin respectively. Nitric oxide and endothelin can thus play an
important part in controlling the IOP by changing the resistance of the
trabecular meshwork.
Nitric oxide is also involved in the control of retinal ganglion cell apoptosis by
interacting with glutamate. Experimental studies in animal models showed
that reduction of nitric oxide by nitric oxide synthase inhibitors provide
significant protection against the effect of anoxia and excitatory amino acids
on the animal ganglion cells.
The amino acid glutamate has been found in large quantities in the vitreous
body of glaucoma patients. Increased glutamate production may be initiated
by an increase in the IOP. Glutamate can produce apoptosis and ganglion
cell death by activating some enzymes with simultaneous production of
Nitric oxide in larger quantities than its physiological levels. This process
also results in the production of the free radicals super-oxide which reacts
with Nitric oxide resulting in the formation of toxic the agent peroxynitrite that
can trigger apoptosis. Pharmacological inhibition of the Nitric oxide system,
and blocking the excito-toxic effect of glutamate may protect against cell
death and may prove useful in the treatment of glaucoma.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Clinical science
IOP Measurement
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Heidelberg retina tomograph projects a diode laser beam on the retinal
via a confocal system. The instrument has a high spatial resolution due to its
confocal system. The depth of scanning ranges from 0.5 to 4.0 mm with a
0.5 mm increments. The instrument performs 32 scans within this depth.
The computer then forms a three-dimensional image of the disc. The
instrument has a better axial resolution than the Rodenstock optic nerve
head analyser. The instruments also uses a low light intensity, and images
can be obtained through undilated pupil. The main disadvantage of the
instrument is that it needs a reference plane.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Morphological features
Normal optic nerve heads in the general population may vary significantly in
the disc and neuro-retinal rim area. Age related changes may affect several
parameters in the eye. However, age does not appear to be associated with
significant disc characteristics.
Disc and retinal imaging can be carried out by different imaging systems
(e.g. fundus camera, infra-red scanning laser ophthalmoscope, and the
Heidelberg retina tomograph). The size of the disc parameters depends on
the magnification by the camera and by the eye. The use of a single
magnification correction value for all these methods is not accurate, this may
have significant implication in the calculation of disc and retinal lesions sizes.
The topography of the optic nerve head seem to be dependant of the level
of the IOP. Increases in the IOP are associated with significant enlargement
of the optic disc cupping in both emmetropic and myopic eyes. Lowering of
the IOP, e.g. after trabeculectomy surgery, may be associated with improved
optic nerve morphology (as demonstrated with Heidelberg retinal
tomograph). The amount of improvement in the morphology of the optic
nerve head seems to be correlated to the degree of IOP reduction. Recent
studies, however, showed that there are no apparent differences between
high tension and low tension glaucoma in the morphometric parameters as
measured by scanning laser ophthalmoscopy.
Vertical cup/disc ratio has been used in the evaluation of disc cup in
glaucoma patients. There is, however, a wide variation in the cup/disc ratio
in normal population. The cup/disc ratio relative to the disc size is a new
parameter that can be a useful in the evaluation of glaucomatous discs,
especially in small discs.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Measurement of the absolute rim area and the rim / disc area, is significantly
larger with confocal laser ophthalmoscope than with planimetry or disc
photos. This difference may be due to the fact that confocal laser
ophthalmoscope measures the retinal vessel as a part of the retinal rim. It
should be taken in consideration when comparing data.
Acquired optic nerve head pits are known to be associated with the
development of glaucoma, specially low tension glaucoma. They are often
associated with an increased risk of developing progressive disc and visual
field damage. The field changes associated with disc pits are deep and have
a sharp margins scotoma which approaches or even involve fixation. Visual
field loss within 1-3 degrees from fixation occurs in about 96.7% of cases.
The presence of these pits constitutes a threat to central fixation vision
specially if it is located in the inferior pole of the optic disc. 76% of the
acquired optic nerve head pits occur in the inferior part while only 11% occur
in the upper part.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The value of retinal nerve fibre layer retardation seems to be less in black
than in white subjects. Nerve fibre thickness also appears to decreases with
age and in myopic individuals. The nerve fibre layer thickness, in myopic
individuals, also seem to decrease with increasing myopia. Retardation
values are greater in the superior and inferior quadrants of the peripapillary
retinal nerve fibre layer compared with the nasal and temporal quadrants.
The variation of retardation around the optic disk appears to be less than
expected from the histological variation seen around the peripapillary area.
The effect of age, optic disc size and neuro-retinal rim area should be
considered when interpreting the results of polarimetry. It should be noticed
that the cross section area of retinal nerve fibre layer increases significantly
with an increase in the optic disc size. In using the Nerve Fibre Analyser,
the superior-nasal and inferior-nasal ratios of the retardation values appear
to be more useful indices than individual values in discriminating patients
with glaucoma. The results of scanning laser polarimetry measurement may
also depend on the corneal refractive status. A new base measurement is
recommended after Laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) surgery.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Large ganglion cells are more susceptible to damage in glaucoma patients.
These cells project to the magnocellular layer and the lateral geniculate
body. Damage to both the magnocellular and the parvocellular layers
occurs in glaucoma patients. Ocular hypertension patients, on the other
hand, have significant damage only in the magnocellular layer and only
marginal damage in the parvocellular layers.
Few white patients become completely blind from glaucoma. The rate of
visual field progression, in white patients, is not dependent on the level of
IOP. Visual field progression seems to be similar in normal tension
glaucoma and in primary open angle glaucoma. Visual field progression
may continue despite a good IOP control. White patients with severe visual
field loss in one eye are not at a high risk of having severe loss in the fellow
eyes. The Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study showed, on the other
hand, that visual field defects are more severe in black patients than whites.
Black patients also have fewer disc haemorrhages than whites.
Baseline perimetry should consists of more than one test. The learning
effect of repeated perimetry should be taken in consideration in the
evaluation of the progress of the disease. Wearing the proper refractive
correction during perimetric testing is essential, refractive errors can produce
refraction scotomas, spurious test results and increased variability. If
patient's pupils are less than 3 mm in diameter, they should be dilated during
the test.
Visual field testing should provide maximum amount of information with the
least effort to the patients. Fast Pac, SITA standard, SITA fast have been
compared against a full threshold Humphrey’s test in a recent study. Both
SITA programmes seem to provide a greater visual field defects than the
Fast Pac, with a reduction in the test time to 53% in SITA standard, and 50%
in SITA fast tests compared to full threshold Humphrey’s test.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Whole field scotopic sensitivity test provide a high level of sensitivity and
specificity in distinguishing patients with glaucoma from controls. The test
assess the scotopic vision which is a function of the magnocellular retinal
ganglion cells.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
• Frequency Doubling Tests
The technique provides high sensitivity and specificity for detecting early,
moderate and advanced glaucoma. Grading of glaucomatous visual field
defects, in a clinically significant manner similar to that obtained by
conventional visual field testing, is possible with this new psycho-
physiological test. There is also a significant correlation between frequency
doubling technique results and visual field defects. The test seems to be a
promising method in screening for glaucoma. The test may be more
sensitive than threshold perimetry in screening for glaucoma. visual field
loss. It is simple, rapid and not affected by the patients refractive errors.
Motion impairment may be used as a predictor for visual field loss in
glaucoma patients. The period between motion impairment and visual field
loss in not known.
• Fundus perimetry
Blood supply to the optic nerve head is thought to play an important part in
the pathogenesis of glaucomatous optic neuropathy. A new technique
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
younger age.
lower levels of visual acuity.
vertically aligned visual field defects.
pallor of the neuro-retinal rim.
Patients with normal tension glaucoma and visual field loss in one eye are
at increasing risk of loosing visual field in the fellow eyes. The risk is
increased if the visual field loss in the first eye is great and/or if the neuro-
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
retinal rim in the fellow eye is reduced. High IOP in normal pressure
glaucoma, is associated with more damage to the optic nerve head and the
neuro-retinal rim. Lowering the IOP may be useful in these eyes.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Medical treatment
glaucoma, in the majority of patients, can be controlled by medical treatment
only. However, about one third of white population with glaucomatous
damage, at the time of diagnosis, needs filtration surgery. At present,
reducing the IOP is still the main objective of the treatment. Some studies
showed that reducing the IOP by 30% may be effective in reducing visual
field loss progression even in normal tension glaucoma. A recent study, on
the other hand, showed that there is no correlation between IOP and visual
field loss progression.
Topical steroid drops are known to increase the IOP and cause glaucoma in
susceptible patients. Physicians should be aware that systemic and inhaled
steroids may also increase the IOP in susceptible patients and patients with
a positive glaucoma family history.
Beta blockers
Beta blockers have been the most commonly prescribed medical treatment
for open angle glaucoma. The main side effects of oral and topical beta
antagonists medications are:
heart failure
Topical beta antagonist drugs have also been implicated as a major risk
factor for falls in elderly glaucoma patients. Timolol also seems to adversely
affects the high-density lipoprotein and total cholesterol / high-density
lipoprotein ratio in women age 60 years and older with ocular hypertension
or primary open-angle glaucoma, this may be due to its effect on the
lipoprotein lipase enzyme. Carteolol, on the other hand, appears to be
neutral in its effect on serum lipid levels.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
black individual after stopping the drops. A recent paper also showed that
beta blockers may be less effective when used at night than during the day.
The authors of the report suggested that this difference in action may be due
to the circadian variation of the IOP, it is known that aqueous formation is
less during the night.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
nerve blood flow than those with hypertension. It is thought that treatment of
systemic hypertension may further decrease optic nerve blood flow in some
glaucoma patients. Increase in nocturnal hypotension may be a potential
risk for visual field deterioration in susceptible glaucomatous optic disc and
anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy.
There has been some controversy about the role of beta blockers drugs on
ocular and optic disc blood flow, (and consequently on visual fields),
because beta adrenergic receptors have previously been identified in the
human ciliary body, and in the anterior optic nerve and the optic nerve head
in human eyes. The majority of these receptors seem to belong to the beta-2
subtype. Some beta blockers drops may be associated with significant drop
in the nocturnal blood pressure and heart rate, and may thus increase the
risk of further visual field loss in vulnerable discs. Previous studies, in
glaucoma and ocular hypertensive patients, showed evidence that
betaxolol as well as metipranolol might have a better protective effect than
timolol, on the visual field, even if the IOP control with the two drug was
similar, or even better with the timolol.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The most common local adverse effects associated with dorzolamide use
are burning, blurred vision, itching, tearing, foreign body sensation, stinging,
eyelid discomfort, and non-specific conjunctival hyperaemia. Severe sterile
purulent conjunctivitis may also occur in patient s taking the drug.
Cessation of the drops leads to immediate resolution of the conjunctivitis.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The drug appears to be more effective than timolol eye drops in primary
open angle glaucoma and also in pigmentary glaucoma. Unlike beta
blockers medications, latanoprost can be used in patients with glaucoma
and concomitant bronchial asthma. Airway function and asthma symptoms
do not appear to be affected by the drug. The initial IOP reducing effect of
latanoprost declines to some extent during the first two weeks of treatment
and then remains at the same level reducing the IOP with about 20%. A two
years study of Latanoprost (0.005%) showed that the drug is effective and
tolerable for the long term treatment od glaucoma and ocular hypertension.
The drug may have an additive effect, in lowering the IOP, to timolol,
dorzolamide and Propine. When timolol is added to latanoprost, once a day
treatment in the morning may be effective in reducing the IOP.
Latanoprost treatment is not without side effects. The drug has been
associated with the following side effects:
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Brimonidine, unlike clonidine, does not have a significant CNS action (e.g.
sedation and hypotension). Topical Brimonidine in infants may, however,
result in CNS depression (hypotension, bradycardia, hypotonia and
apnoea). The drug should not be used in this subgroup of patients.
Brimonidine lowers the IOP, initially, by decreasing the aqueous flow. After
chronic treatment, the drug lowers the IOP by increasing the uveoscleral
outflow. The drug is known to have a vasoconstrictor effect on the blood
vessels in the anterior segment of the eye. However, the haemodynamics of
the posterior segment of the eye and the optic nerve head, do not appear
to be affected by the drug even after long term use. The drug does not
appear to alter the retinal capillary blood flow in patients with ocular
The incidence of ocular allergy, dry mouth and conjunctival follicles seem to
be higher in patients receiving Brimonidine when compared to timolol, while
the incidence of burning and heart rate is higher in patients taking timolol.
The drug may have an additive IOP lowering action when added to timolol.
Brimonidine and apraclonidine reduce intraocular pressure in timolol-treated
eyes, by further suppressing aqueous flow. The chronic use of Apraclonidine
may be associated with allergic manifestation in many patients. It is
generally safe as well as efficacious to administer Brimonidine to patients
with apraclonidine allergy.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Marijuana, Ticrynafen, and Citicoline are new drugs that may have a
potential in the treatment of glaucoma. Drugs containing cannabis and
marijuana have been shown to cause a reduction in the IOP. Continuos use
of marijuana, at high enough levels to control the IOP, may be associated
with psychological problems. Ticrynafen (a drug similar to Ethacrynic acid) is
another drug that has also been shown to increase the aqueous outflow and
decrease the IOP in monkeys. The hypotensive effect is believed to be due
to the sulphhydryl group. Ticrynafen and Ethacrynic acid may have potential
for clinical use in humans. Citicoline is an intermediate substance for the
synthesises of phosphatidyl-choline which is a major phospholipids in the
neural cell membranes. The substance is thought to increase the neural
metabolism and also inhibits phospholipids degradation. In randomised
clinical study Citicoline produced a significant improvement in the VEP and
PERG in patients with primary open angle glaucoma. The drug may have a
potential in the treatment of glaucomatous optic neuropathy as a neuro-
protective agent.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Laser treatment
Laser Peripheral Iridotomy
When systemic and topical anti-glaucoma treatment fail to control the high
IOP, and when peripheral iridotomy is not possible (e.g. in cases of severe
corneal oedema), the technique of Argon Laser Peripheral Iridoplasty may
be effective in controlling the IOP and clearing the corneal oedema. The aim
of this procedure is to, mechanically, open the appositional closed angle.
In this technique a ring of low power, long duration, and a large size burns is
applied to the iris periphery to contract the iris stroma and open the angle.
This technique is often applied after controlling the IOP medically. Argon
laser iridoplasty without medical treatment may also be used in cases with
primary angle closure of duration less than 48 hours. A full 360 degree ring
is often applied, but a more limited area of treatment may also be effective.
Argon, krypton, diode, and YAG laser trabeculoplasty, have all been used in
the treatment of primary open angle glaucoma, pseudoexfoliation glaucoma,
and pigmentary glaucoma. The mechanism by which Argon laser
trabeculoplasty lower IOP is not completely understood. It is thought to be
due to either displacement of the inner part of the trabecular meshwork
pulling it from the outer wall and thus opening the Schlemm’s canal or due to
liberation of mediators released by the inflammatory response following the
laser treatment that activate trabecular endothelial cells causing them to
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multiply and thus improving the trabecular outflow. Failure of argon laser
trabeculoplasty, in some patients, is often caused by a membrane
formation in the anterior chamber angle.
The second and third intervention procedure were carried out after the
failure of the preceding one. The mean decrease in the IOP was greater in
second sequence more than in the first in both black and white patients.
However, black patients were less likely to lose visual acuity and visual field
if laser trabeculoplasty was carried out as a first intervention. In white
patients visual acuity and visual field were more preserved when the first
intervention was trabeculectomy rather than trabeculoplasty. The data from
this study suggest that in advanced glaucoma the first surgical intervention
should be trabeculectomy in white patients and trabeculoplasty in black
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Some authorities believe that this technique can be used in association with,
rather than instead of, argon laser trabeculoplasty.
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Trabeculectomy is the main surgical operation to control the IOP in patients
with primary or secondary glaucoma. Reduction of IOP after trabeculectomy
surgery may be associated with reversal of cup / disc ratio. A steady long-
term decline in visual acuity and visual field have also been reported in
some patients after surgery. The decline in visual acuity may lead to
blindness. Estimated probability of retaining useful vision 15 years after
surgery, is about 0.6. Eyes that have good preoperative visual acuity have a
significantly better chance of retaining useful vision.
Episcleral, and Tenon capsule fibrosis are the most common cause of failure
after trabeculectomy. Tenon capsule is inserted about 2 mm posterior to the
limbus. Micro-trabeculectomy is a new technique that is reported to be
safe and effectively in reducing the IOP, and also reducing the postoperative
fibrosis rate. In micro-trabeculectomy a 2 by 2 mm scleral flap is fashioned
and a 0.75 mm internal ostium is created using the Kelly Descemet’s
membrane punch. The procedure achieves a good IOP control in low risk
eyes. This technique is also associated with smaller changes in the
topographic and keratometric astigmatism than the conventional technique.
Nasally sited micro-trabeculectomies seem to work better than temporally
sited ones.
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The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
• bleb failure
Early needling
Laser suture lysis
YAG laser opening of fistula
Sub-conjunctival Perfluoropropane gas bubble
Medical anti-glaucoma treatment
Ocular massage
Topical steroids
Surgical revision of the bleb
Laser treatment may be useful in failing blebs. The use of tight scleral flap
sutures during trabeculectomy in conjunction with postoperative laser suture
lysis has been reported to minimise hypotony and its associated
complications. Suture lysis may be performed using either argon or YAG
laser and Hoskin’s lens The best results are obtained when lysis is done
within the first two week after the operation. No benefit is expected if the
suture lysis is done 4 weeks after the operation. When anti-metabolite is
used with the trabeculectomy wound healing can be delayed so much that
suture lysis can be beneficial even after as long as 21 weeks after the
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YAG laser may also be used to open failing filtering blebs, either by an
internal gonioscopic approach or by an external approach. In the external
approach, laser beam is focused on the bleb sub-conjunctival scar tissue.
Multiple applications of medium power laser burns is then carried out till
disruption of the scar tissue is achieved and the aqueous appears to
percolate through the scar tissue. A new method to reform the bleb by sub-
conjunctival injection of Perfluoropropane gas bubble has been described.
The Perfluoropropane gas acts as a spacer in the sub-conjunctival space
and may last for up to 2-4 weeks.
The continuous wave Nd: YAG laser may also be effective in repairing bleb-
related problems while maintaining successful filtration. The laser is applied
to the large leaking bleb, after being painted with methylene blue dye, in a
grid fashion. The laser beam is defocused so that the internal surface of the
bleb is treated. The IOP may rise in the immediate postoperative period, but
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it often drops again with time. Cataract formation, and pupillary abnormalities
may also result after treatment. It has also been reported that
phacoemulsification surgery may be associated with a statistically
significant elevation in IOP in previously filtered eyes with hypotony.
Bleb infection and late onset bleb infection are serious complications after
trabeculectomy. The risk of bleb related infection is increased in inferior
blebs, with the use of anti-metabolites, in younger age, and also in patients
with late bleb leak. Blebitis may represent a limited form of endophthalmitis.
Other risk factors that have been previously identified include blepharitis,
ocular trauma, and nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Streptococcus,
Haemophilus influenzae and Staphylococci organisms are currently
recognised to be the most frequent organisms in bleb-related late
endophthalmitis. The infection may also be recurrent.
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Adjunct therapy that has been used, with trabeculectomy, in the treatment of
glaucoma include:
5 FU
Mitomycin C
Beta irradiation
Photo-dynamic therapy
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rate and lower complications rate than if the Mitomycin C is applied under
the Tenon capsule. Simultaneous application of Mitomycin C to the scleral
bed as well as to the conjunctiva may result in an additional IOP lowering
effect. Mitomycin C application under the scleral flap, without sub-
conjunctival application, may result in less avascular and healthier
trabeculectomy blebs.
Idarubicin is a new drug that has the property of rapid entry into the cells.
The drug has been shown to reduce cellular proliferation of human Tenon
capsule after incubation for 0.5 minutes at a concentration of 0.3-1.00
microgram/ml. The short duration of application may be useful in reducing
spread of the drug to neighbouring tissues.
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Trabecular aspiration
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Eyes with pigment dispersion syndrome and with pigmentary glaucoma also
respond to trabecular aspiration but not as well as eyes with
pseudoexfoliation syndrome. The response in these is better in eyes with
pigment dispersion syndrome than eyes with pigmentary glaucoma. The
response in these eyes, however, seems to be of short duration.
Gonioscopic curettage
It is proved that the main resistance to the aqueous humour outflow in open
angle glaucoma lies in the trabecular meshwork. Gonioscopic curettage is
an Ab interno non-fistula procedure designed to remove the trabecular
meshwork and open a communication between the anterior chamber and
the canal of Schlemm's. The procedure is carried out under the microscope
by using a gonio lens and a micro-curette similar to that used in chalazion
surgery. The micro-curette is used to scrape away the trabecular tissue
without causing any damage to surrounding tissues. Morphological analysis
of treated post-mortem eyes confirmed that gonioscopic curettage
completely remove the trabecular meshwork and open Schlemm's canal,
ensuring direct access into the anterior chamber. The main advantages of
the operation is that the conjunctiva is not disturbed. The procedure should
be more attractive in cases with severely damaged conjunctiva from
previous surgery or previous medications or diseases. The reduction in the
IOP is not, however, great. Level of IOP in the high teens is considered
success. This might not be appropriate in some patients with severe disease
when IOP in the low teens is required. Minimal to moderate and, rarely,
severe hyphaema may also occur in some cases. Injury to the Descemet’s
membrane may also occur in some cases. Gonioscopic curettage in the
presence of opaque cornea is difficult. The use of ophthalmic micro-
endoscope is safe and effective in these situations.
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Enzymatic Sclerotomy
Proteolytic enzymes and bacterial extracts have been used for tissue
modifications. Clostridium histolyticum is a bacterial enzyme that hydrolyses
collagen under physiological conditions. Clostridial collagenase enzyme has
been used in animal model to produce a localised thinning and an increase
in the scleral permeability which result in a significant decrease in the IOP.
this technique may prove useful in the treatment of human eyes with
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Neuroprotection in glaucoma
Visual damage in glaucoma is mainly due to damage of the retinal ganglion
cells layer. Neuroprotection means treating the disease by preventing
neuronal death. Factors that are important for the neuronal survival are
called neurotrophins. Several neurotrophins have been identified e.g. brain
derived neurotrophins factor (BDNF) and ciliary neurotrophins factor (CNTF).
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The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
1. Glaucoma implants
2. Cyclodestructive procedure
Cyclodestructive procedures
Glaucoma implants
The optimed and the Krupin implants offer resistance to aqueous outflow
which stays relatively stable independent on the IOP, thus increasing the
IOP when the outflow increases. The Ahmed implant, on the other hand,
functions as a true valve that regulate the pressure with a certain range by
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Previous In vitro testing showed that non of the implants manage to maintain
the advertised pressure level while being perfused at a rate close to the rate
expected in human eyes. In vivo, however, it seems that the surrounding
conjunctiva contribute to the measurable resistance to aqueous humour
Corneal endothelial touch by the implant anterior chamber tube may also
lead to endothelial injury especially in eyes with shallow anterior chamber,
pars plana insertion of the tube following a pars plana vitrectomy can be
considered as an alternative technique for tube implantation in some eyes.
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Secondary glaucoma
Malignant glaucoma
The exact cause and mechanism of malignant glaucoma is not well
understood. It is widely believed that the rise in the IOP is mainly due to
misdirection of the aqueous. In a study of six eyes with postoperative
malignant glaucoma, high resolution ultrasound examination showed
annular ciliary body detachment in all of them. Resolution of the condition
and deepening of the anterior chamber was also associated with the
spontaneous resolution of the detachment, or with the surgical drainage of
the fluid. Malignant glaucoma may be due to either aqueous misdirection, or
in some patients, may be due to ciliary body detachment. High resolution
ultrasound examination may be very useful tool in examining these eyes.
Pseudoexfoliation syndrome
Pseudoexfoliation is a specific lens epithelium disorder that may be
associated with secondary open angle (or rarely closed angle) glaucoma. A
distinct type of corneal endothelial cells changes may also occur in these
eyes. This endothelium changes may lead to an early corneal endothelial
de-compensation after cataract surgery.
There are certain difference in the clinical features, and in the prognosis
between primary open angle glaucoma and pseudoexfoliation glaucoma.
The optic discs seem to be more vulnerable to IOP rise in the
pseudoexfoliation syndrome than in primary open angle glaucoma. The
correlation between IOP rise and visual field defects also seem to be
stronger in the pseudoexfoliation glaucoma than in primary open angle
It has been thought that the disease may be associated with higher risks of
cardiovascular abnormalities and early death. Recent reports, however,
showed that, there is no increased risk of mortality or cardiovascular
morbidity associated with the disease.
Pigmentary glaucoma
It has recently been shown that the number of melanin granules in the
anterior chamber is strongly correlated to with the level of IOP and also with
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the visual field loss. quantification of aqueous melanin by the flare-cell metre
may be useful in the evaluation of cases with pigmentary glaucoma.
Neovascular Glaucoma
IOP rise in neovascular glaucoma may be due to increased permeability of
newly formed vessels or angle closure by PAS formation. Another factor
which may be responsible for IOP elevation is neovascular tissues which
can be found in the trabecular spaces in some eyes. Patients with
neovascular glaucoma have increased levels of vascular endothelial growth
factor VEGF in the aqueous humour. VEGF may play a role in the
development of neovascularisation in these patients. it thought that the
ciliary body as well as the retina may take part in the production of this
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• diabetes
• glaucoma
• cardiovascular diseases
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The main Antiphospholipid antibodies are the lupus anticoagulant and the
anticardiolipin antibodies. Antiphospholipid antibodies may be primary, or
secondary to other disease (e.g. SLE, lymphoma, dysglobulinaemia and
some infections such as Q-fever). Patients with occlusive retinal diseases
have a significantly high prevalence of antiphospholipids antibodies.
Screening of these antibodies is indicated in patients who do not have
any of the common risk factors e.g. hypertension, cardiovascular
diseases or diabetes.
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• medical treatment
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• laser treatment
Laser applications are often placed about three disc diameters nasal to
the optic disc head in eyes with central retinal vein occlusion and, within
one disc diameter peripheral to the occlusion site in branch vein
occlusion. Avoiding the posterior ciliary artery and staying about three
disc diameters away from the disc is recommended to avoid, but not
guaranteed to prevent, complications. Successful cases may not be
associated with any special signs. Asymmetry of the venous diameter at
the disc margin and a hyper-fluorescent spindle sign one week after
treatment are observed in many successful cases.
• surgical treatment
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Retinal vascular surgery in eyes with retinal vein occlusion has become
more feasible and is gaining popularity. A recent paper described a new
technique for surgical decompression of the arteriovenous sheath via a
pars plana approach. The technique appears to improve the retinal
perfusion and may improve vision in some patients.
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It is thought that the use of HRT is not associated with any significant
cardiovascular risks, or retinal vascular occlusion. However, there are
recent reports and case presentations, that highlights the possibility of an
association between retinal vein occlusion and the use of HRT. Central
retinal vein occlusion may be associated with celioretinal artery occlusion.
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The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Patient with retinal artery disease, at any age, should have carotid
ultrasound examination to investigate the status of the carotid artery.
Selection for treatment should be based on the morphology of the lesion
as well as the degree of stenosis. Complex heterogeneous carotid
lesions are known to be associated with more vascular lesions than
simple heterogeneous or homogenous lesions. In patients with severe
carotid artery stenosis (70-99% reduction in carotid artery diameter),
associated with symptoms (e.g. amaurosis fugax, transient ischaemic
attacks, or minor ischaemic strokes), carotid endarterectomy appears to
be beneficial in reducing subsequent stroke rate. Carotid endarterectomy
may also change the haemodynamics in the circulation of the ophthalmic
artery, central retinal artery, and some posterior ciliary vessels.
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Patient with central retinal artery occlusion, central retinal vein occlusion,
or anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy are at increased risk of developing
macro-vascular diseases (e.g. myocardial infarction and
cerebrovascular accidents). Hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia and
hypertriglyceridaemia appear to be associated with vascular retinal
diseases e.g. central and branch retinal artery occlusion and anterior
ischaemic optic neuropathy.
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The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
26% of eyes with age related macular degeneration (with unilateral extra-
foveal choroidal neovascular membrane) develop choroidal neovascular
membrane in the fellow eyes 5 years after presentation and are
associated with poor visual acuity at the end of the 5 years period. In
patients with a unilateral visual loss, the risk of visual loss in the second
eye is between 7-10%. Significant risk factors for the development of
exudative or non-exudative lesions include the degree of confluence of
drusen within 1600 mm of the centre of the fovea, focal hyper-
pigmentation, slow choroidal filling, and focal extra foveal areas of
atrophy of the retina pigment epithelium.
risk factors
Some of the risk factors that has been associated with age related
maculopathy include:
High body mass index in men
Decreased stromal iris pigmentation
Serum high density lipoprotein
Alcohol consumption
Tobacco smoking
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with drusen depends on the health status of the macula as well as on the
presence or absence of hypertension. Drusen may be classified
depending on their morphology into:
• Hard drusen
• Soft drusen
• Drusen of the basal lamina
Large and confluent soft drusen are thought to be clinical marker and
predisposing factor for choroidal neovascular membrane. Drusen may
gradually disappear spontaneously. Its disappearance may be
associated with retinal pigment epithelium atrophy. The pathogenesis of
drusen is not known. There are three main theories to explain the
pathogenesis of the disease:
clinical features
Patients with good visual acuity may have symptoms of poor vision in dim
light, and central scotoma in the dark. These symptoms reflect changes
in the scotopic sensitivity and alteration in the dark adaptation
mechanism. Visual loss in geographic age related maculopathy is nearly
always perceived by patients as slow and gradual even when
considerable decrease in visual acuity occur. This can be explained by
having a transitional period during which patients switch between foveal
and extra-foveal site for fixation. The complaint of sudden loss of vision
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Classic Occult
The typical features of classic Occult choroidal neovascular membrane, on
choroidal neovascular membrane the other hand, include lesions with the
are: following characteristics:
• Areas of bright hyper- • A fibrovascular pigment epithelium
fluorescence, detachment with hyper-fluorescence, (not as
• Well demarcated bright as with the classic choroidal
• Identified in the early stages of neovascular membrane), within 1 to 2
fluorescein angiography minutes after the fluorescein injection with
• Progressive pooling of the dye in staining or leaking of the dye later on, or
the later stages of the angiogram. • The presence of areas of late leaking of
• The fibrovascular tissue grows in undetermined origin, or
subretinal space in classic • The presence of both features.
membranes. • The location and the extent of occult
subretinal membrane is difficult to delineate
with fluorescein angiography.
• The fibrovascular tissue grows on the
choroidal side of the retinal pigment
epithelium in occult membranes.
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retinal angiography
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treatment. Eyes with the focal spot on the edge of the plaque (marginal
spot) may also benefit from laser treatment and may show improvement
in the visual acuity after treatment.
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• laser photocoagulation
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• teletherapy
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hand, showed that external beam radiotherapy, when using this dose, is
not effective. The long term benefit of radiotherapy on the anatomical and
visual outcome has been described in a recent study. The visual acuity,
in this study, improved by 2 or more lines in 34% of patients after 12
months, in 31% of cases after 18 months, and in 32% of cases in two
years. Long term complications may include radiation neuropathy,
retinopathy, branch retinal vein occlusion and choroidal vasculitis.
The usual method of treatment often require a CAT scan and a face
mask for the delivery of the radiation. A new method of delivery that does
not require a CAT scanning has been described in a pilot study. This
technique would significantly reduce the cost of treatment.
• medical treatment
VEGF and other growth factors play a role in the pathogenesis of the
disease and the development of choroidal neovascular membrane. Anti-
angiogenic medications have been tried for the treatment of the disease
with varying results. These medications include:
Thalidomide (in non-pregnant patients!)
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course of oral steroids (60-80 mg per day for about 3,5 days, then
reduced gradually over a period of 6-8 weeks) may reduce leakage and
stabilise vision.
Type 1 Type 2
located beneath the retinal pigment located between the sensory retinal
epithelium, some portion of the and the retinal pigment epithelium.
membrane enters the subretinal
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occurs mainly in older patients. occurs mainly in younger patients
e.g. POH and myopia and
can not be excised with removing Can be excised surgically.
the retinal pigment epithelium at the
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• photodynamic therapy
A new hypothesis has been put forward to explain few of the clinical and
angiographic features of treatment that can not be explained by the
traditional hypothesis. It is thought that light activation of the dye would
lead to liberation of oxygen radicals, which act on the red blood cells, first
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The protocol of treatment that was used in the recent trial includes:
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• trans-pupillary thermotherapy
• optical methods
• genetics
Determining the genetic locus of the disease and targeting it may provide
an effective way of treatment. Studies are currently underway to
investigate the relationship of age related maculopathy and the ABCR
gene which code for the retinal photoreceptors, and which has been
found to be altered in patients with Stargardt’s disease.
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Diabetic retinopathy
epidemiology and natural course
basic science
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Hypoxia increases VEGF levels in the retina, and vitreous. The vitreous
levels of vascular endothelial growth factors is significantly higher in
patient with proliferative diabetic retinopathy than in eyes without
proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Systemic hyperoxia can lower retinal
VEGF gene expression and re-oxygenate ischaemic retina. Other growth
factors (e.g. Insulin-like growth factor 1 and fibroblast growth factor), and
chemical mediators, (e.g. Interleukin 8, and interferon-induced protein)
are present in the vitreous in eyes with active proliferative diabetic
retinopathy more than controls, and may also play an important part in
the pathogenesis of the disease.
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clinical features
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The main causes of poor results in these patients are macular oedema
or proliferative diabetic retinopathy. It is thought that clinically significant
macular oedema found at the time of surgery is unlikely to resolve
spontaneously and laser treatment should be carried out without delay.
Macular oedema appearing after surgery may however regress
spontaneously, and conservative treatment may be taken.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
tomography are new tools that may be used in the diagnosis and
evaluation of treatment of macular and retinal thickness in diabetic
patients. Fundus perimetry with scanning laser ophthalmoscope allows
the creation of exact maps of retinal dysfunction before and after laser
treatment. It may help in making management decisions in diabetic and
non-diabetic patients by offering a sensitive parameter in addition to
visual acuity. Retinal Thickness Analyser gives quantitative, and objective
measurement of the retinal thickness. The technique is based on angular
delivery of a narrow green helium laser beam to the retina and detection
of the intersection of the beam with the retinal structures. Evaluation of
the macula by the scanning laser ophthalmoscope is also accurate,
reliable and reproducible.
diabetic papillopathy
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• medical treatment
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• laser treatment
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Laser pulse of very short duration seems to affect the retinal pigment
epithelium mainly with no or little damage to the neuro-sensory retina or
the choriocapillaris due to the reduced thermal effect produced by this
type of laser. The Iris Ocullight Micro-Pulse 810 nm diode laser is a new
laser that has the advantage of a greater retinal pigment epithelium
specificity and less damage to the inner retinal layers. Visual field, and
colour vision loss appear to be reduced with this type of laser treatment.
Recent studies showed that this laser is useful in the treatment of
macular oedema in patients with diabetic retinopathy and vascular retinal
occlusive diseases.
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• vitrectomy
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Retina infection
and AIDS related disorders
CMV retinitis
CMV retinitis is the most frequent opportunistic eye infection in patients
with HIV infection. Low CD 4+ T lymphocytes (less than 50 x 106 / L), is
the most significant predictor for the development of CMV retinitis in AIDS
patients. Patients with low CD 4 counts and positive urine cultures have a
sevenfold increased risk of developing retinitis than patients who have
negative urine cultures. Patients with CMV retinitis and positive blood or
urine culture, during treatment, have greater mortality rates, and greater
risk of involvement of the second eye. The diagnosis of CMV retinitis
should also be considered in patients with immunosuppression (due to
disease or drugs) as well as patients with low T-lymphocytes count due to
HIV infection, cancer, or organ transplantation. The disease has also
been reported in 14.6% of patients after cardiac transplantation.
CMV retinitis patient often present with painless loss of vision in one or
both eyes. The diagnosis of CMV retinitis relies on the retinal
appearance. The typical retinal features of the disease include the
The retinitis may also be associated with serous retinal detachment, CMV
papillitis, cystoid macular oedema and visual loss, and retinal
detachment. In the early stages of disease and in patients with atypical
features, it is difficult to differentiate between retinitis caused by CMV,
and retinitis associated with the other herpes viruses. Polymerase chain
reaction tests for CMV DNA in ocular fluids (e.g. aqueous humour) is a
sensitive method to use in doubtful cases. Cystoid macular oedema
and epiretinal membranes formation are major causes of poor visual
acuity in patients with AIDS even in the absence of active retinitis. This
maculopathy is often associated with mild vitritis. These macular changes
and the associated vitritis may be caused by the methods of treatment of
CMV retinitis.
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therapy for greater than 4 months, are likely to remain healed if the
anti-CMV therapy is withdrawn.
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• retinal macro-aneurysm
Retinal macro-aneurysm are commoner in women in their sixth to eighth
decade. They are often located at the arteriovenous crossing or at
arteriolar bifurcation. Systemic hypertension, and arteriosclerosis have
been associated with the disease. Visual acuity may be compromised
due to the presence of macular or sub-macular haemorrhage, macular
oedema, or vitreous haemorrhage. The macro-aneurysm may be
associated with bleeding at the pre-retinal, intra-retinal, sub-retinal space
or in the vitreous. Indocyanine green angiography is useful in the
diagnosis when fluorescein angiography is inconclusive because of pre-
retinal, intraretinal, or subretinal haemorrhage.
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• retinal vasculitis
Retinal vasculitis may occur as a manifestation of systemic disease (e.g.
Behcet’s disease, systemic lupus erythematosus syndrome, Wegener’s
granulomatosis, Ig A nephritis and sarcoidosis). It may also be a part of
ocular inflammatory process (e.g. bird-shot choroidopathy or pars
planitis). Infections (e.g. CMV retinitis, Lyme disease, syphilis and
toxoplasmosis) may also be associated with retinal vasculitis. Less
commonly retinal vasculitis may occur as an isolated primary condition.
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• paraneoplastic syndromes
Three autoimmune paraneoplastic syndromes have recently been
1. Carcinoma-associated retinopathy.
2. Melanoma-associated retinopathy.
3. Bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation
BDUMP (rare).
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Vitreoretinal Surgery
1. Complete PVD with vitreous collapse (with age related changes and
2. Complete PVD without vitreous collapse (uveitis and central retinal
vein occlusion).
3. Partial PVD with thickened posterior vitreous cortex (proliferative
diabetic retinopathy).
4. Partial PVD without thickened posterior vitreous cortex (age related).
Optic disc pits may be associated with macular detachment in about 30%
to 45% of patients, especially if the pit is located at the temporal region of
the optic disc. Optical coherence tomography studies showed that retinal
detachment, that communicate with an optic disc pit, is most probably a
schisis-like separation of the internal layer of the retina with
detachment of the outer layers that occur later and is considered as a
secondary phenomena. The outer layer detachment start in the macula
without apparent communication with the pit. This explains the frequent
failure of laser photocoagulation to create a barrier between the disc pit
and the sub-retinal fluid. The dense central scotoma in optic nerve head
maculopathy relates to the outer layer detachment.
stickler syndrome
Stickler Syndrome is an autosomal dominant disease characterised by
ocular, articular, facial, auditory and oral abnormalities. Ocular
features of the syndrome include myopia (about -5 D) with vitreous
degeneration and retinal detachment often with giant tears. Clinical
overlap with Marshall syndrome (Marshall syndrome is similar to Stickler
syndrome but without arthropathy), Wagner’s syndrome (Patients
infrequently have rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, but they often
have traction retinal detachments, empty vitreous, choroidal atrophy,
cataract and glaucoma.) and other hereditary vitreoretinal syndromes
exists. Refractive errors, cataract and vitreoretinal abnormalities can be
detected early in life in affected children.
The disease has been linked to the gene coding for type II procollagen
(COL2A1) in about 2/3 of families. Type I patients show complete linkage
to (COL 2A1). Type II patients are not necessarily linked to (COL 2A1).
Type II disease is likely to be associated with other genes encoding other
collagen. Mutation at (COL 11A2) and (COL 11A1) have also been linked
to Stickler Syndrome without ocular manifestations. Mutation in the genes
encoding collagen XI can give rise to manifestations of Stickler Syndrome
but only mutation at (COL 11A1) seems to give rise to the full picture of
the Syndrome. New data suggest that mutation involving exon 2 of the
COL2A1 gene may lead to a predominantly ocular variant of the
syndrome with a high risk of retinal detachment. these data may be
useful in counselling patients.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The semiconductor diode laser, Erbium : YAG laser and argon fluoride
laser have also been used in vitreoretinal surgery with promising results.
The semiconductor diode laser has the following advantages:
The Erbium : YAG laser and argon fluoride laser are promising new
lasers for the precise tissue cutting with minimal damage to adjacent
tissues. The Erbium laser has the advantages of efficacy and precision of
tissue cutting as well as coagulation of vascular tissues, and can be
safely used in vitreoretinal procedures. Erbium:YAG appears to minimise
intraoperative forces and movements of intraocular structures and may
provide, therefore, a safer vitrectomy.
The two main types of retinal explants are silicon and hydrogel (MIRA)
explants. Complications, e.g. infection or extrusion seem to be more
common with silicon explants than with the hydrogel explants. Intra-
scleral complications are, however, common with hydrogel implants too
due to their expanding nature. Hydrogel explants have the advantages of
having a smooth surface, being porous with hydrophilic properties
enabling fluids and antibiotics to penetrate them. Progressive
encapsulation may also occur with all types of materials. Some hydrogel
explants may undergo microscopic breakdown inside the capsule
associated with giant cell foreign body reaction. Long term follow up is
recommended with both types.
Scleral buckles infection may occur in about 3%-5% of cases. The most
common organism identified has been staphylococci. Scleral buckling
infection may also be caused by methicillin resistant S. aureus in patients
with retinal detachment associated with atopic disease. Aggressive
treatment by removing the buckle, and vancomycin with vitrectomy, in
cases with endophthalmitis may be needed. Inadvertent scleral
perforation at the time of buckle placement may be complicated by
sympathetic ophthalmia.
pneumatic retinopexy
Pneumatic retinopexy is a relatively new technique for repairing
uncomplicated retinal detachment. The technique appears to be gaining
popularity during the last few years. Pneumatic retinopexy involves
intravitreal injection of an expansile gas in association with cryotherapy or
laser photocoagulation, without the use of scleral buckling. The classical
indications of this technique has been:
• Retinal detachment due to a tear located in the upper two thirds of the
• Retinal detachment due to several retinal breaks within one hour.
• Pneumatic retinopexy has also been described in the treatment of
progressive rhegmatogenous retinoschisis.
Moisture condensation during fluid gas exchange may also occur on the
posterior surface of PMMA and silicon IOL. The condensation is more
marked in the presence of a posterior capsulotomy, it may limit the view
of the retina during the operation, and may diminish the patient's visual
acuity afterwards. Heparin coated IOL does not seem to prevent IOL
adherence to silicon oil. It has been suggested that the use of a pre-
chilled balanced saline solution, for the infusion fluid, may prevent the
moisture droplets formation.
surgical considerations
Poor pupillary dilatation is a major problem during vitreoretinal surgery.
The adverse effects of mydriatic agents (to maintain mydriasis peri-
operatively during prolonged vitreoretinal procedures) are well
documented. They include severe hypertension subarachnoid
haemorrhage, ventricular arrhythmia’s, and myocardial infarction. Suture
fixation of the iris, iris retractors, or the use of a trans-pupillary continuos
suture with a straight 16 millimetres needle mounted on a 10/0 Prolene
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
gas (C3 F8) bubble, with a subsequent rise in intraocular pressure. This
has led to the practice of discontinuing nitrous oxide at least 15 minutes
before gas-fluid exchange in vitreous surgery to allow clearance of
nitrous oxide from the body. Recent studies suggest that general
anaesthesia using nitrous oxide does not adversely affect the size of the
C3 F8 gas bubble 24 hours after surgery.
Silicone oil can also be used in retinal tamponade. The silicone oil study
confirmed the superiority of silicone oil to Sulphur hexafluoride (S F6)
gas as an intraocular tamponade for the management of retinal
detachment complicated by advanced grades of proliferative
vitreoretinopathy. Silicon oil injection may also be indicated in cases of
giant tears, when postoperative posturing can not be achieved (e.g.
children), in only eye patients as postoperative visual acuity is better with
silicon more than with gas, and in CMV retinitis. Postoperative hypotony
is also less common after silicon use.
Silicon oil has a refractive index of 1.4 which is higher than that of the
vitreous, and can cause a high hyperopic shift in phakic eyes which
may lead to amblyopia and esotropia when used in young children.
There have been some concern about the stability of silicon material in
the body. Some women developed immunological disorders after silicon
breast implants. Highly purified silicon oil in the eye, on the other hand,
seems to be chemically stable in cases with prolonged retinal
Intraocular silicone oil may migrate out of the eye, along the intracranial
portion of the optic nerve, and into the lateral ventricles of the brain. A
case of a 42-year-old man with AIDS and a rhegmatogenous retinal
detachment has recently been described. The patient developed
peripheral neuropathy and MRI features of an intracranial shifting fluid
that has the same imaging properties to the intraocular silicone oil.
Perfluorocarbon liquids are clear fluids that have low viscosity, heavy
specific gravity, and different refractive index to water. Perfluorodecalin is
another substance used in vitreoretinal operations for giant retinal tears.
Intraocular perfluorodecalin may be tolerated by the retina for up to 6
months. It may be used in combination with silicone to achieve retinal
tamponade in retinal detachments with inferior and superior breaks. The
two substances have different densities, perfluorocarbon liquids supports
the inferior retina, while silicone oil supports the superior lesions. An
intermediate area of the retina, between the two substances, may not get
in contact with either substances and may develop proliferative
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
stage features
stage 1 central yellow spot (stage 1 A), or a yellow ring (stage 1 B)
at the fovea with loss of the foveolar depression.
stage 2 an eccentric crescent shape full thickness retinal defect
with pseudo-operculum.
stage 3 a round central retinal defect with an overlying free pseudo-
stage 4 similar to stage 3 but with a posterior vitreous detachment.
A recent study showed that approximately 34% of all eyes with macular
holes have an increase in the size of the hole. During a follow up period
of 3 years 84% of stage 2, 55% of stage 3 and 16% of stage 4 macular
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
fellow eyes
2% of the normal fellow eyes develop full thickness macular holes, and
25% of the eyes that have pre-macular holes changes develops full
thickness macular hole. The macular hole in the fellow eyes often
develop within 24 months. Fellow eyes with separation of the posterior
hyaloid membrane in the foveal region appears to be protected from
future macular hole development. Patients with attached hyaloid
membrane in both eyes are at higher risk of developing macular hole in
the fellow eyes. Patient with separated hyaloid membrane in the macular
hole eyes only with attached membrane in the fellow eyes are at
intermediate risks.
The differentiation between true full thickness macular holes and pseudo-
macular holes may be difficult. Fundus auto-fluorescence is known to
arise from the retinal pigment epithelium. Auto-fluorescence imaging with
confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope is a non-invasive and rapid
technique which can be used for the evaluation, staging, and the
differential diagnosis of macular hole.
1. Nuclear cataract formation is common after pars plana vitrectomy.
Phacoemulsification and posterior chamber IOL is a safe and effective
technique of removing the cataract in these patients. A posterior
capsule plaque is often present. It is sometimes difficult to remove the
plaque safely. Postoperative thickening of posterior capsule is also
common in these patients.
2. About 36% of patients with macular hole develop increase in the IOP
after vitrectomy. There are several causes of IOP rise; these include;
pupil block, migration of the oil to the anterior chamber, inflammation,
and pre-existing glaucoma. The IOP rise may also be due to
expansion of the gas bubble, reduction of the aqueous humour
outflow, or due to reduction of the uveoscleral outflow caused by the
scleral band. Anterior chamber angle closure may also be responsible
in some eyes. Glaucoma often occur in the first postoperative week.
IOP rise and treatment seem to occur only for a short period. The use
of topical aqueous suppressant seems to be useful in preventing IOP
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
rise after pars plana vitrectomy with long acting gas tamponade.
extended therapy may be needed in some patients. Aggressive
treatment is often needed by oil removal, trabeculectomy, glaucoma
shunts, or cyclodestructive procedures. All these methods may,
however fail in controlling the IOP.
Paediatric Ophthalmology
can also be used for screening for refractive errors in young patients with
learning disabilities is effective.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
infantile esotropia and exotropia
In this study, all eyes in group 1 remained aligned after a follow up period
of 8 years. 20% of the eyes with microtropia and 26% of eyes with small
angle squint lost the stability of ocular alignment during the follow up
period. After surgery to infantile esotropia, the best result that can be
expected is a mono-fixation syndrome with a residual small angle of
esotropia and peripheral fusion.
Failure to align the eye and treat amblyopia in young age may result in
poor vision for the rest of the patient life. Surgery in adults age not only
eliminates ocular alignment deformity but can also improve fusion and
increased field of binocular vision. Binocular field expansion occur in the
great majority of adults with esotropia after squint surgery, even if the
squint is long-standing. The expansion appears to be consistent with the
degree of straightening the eye and not related to the type (infantile or
acquired), duration of squint, visual acuity or history of squint surgery in
accommodative esotropia
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The prism adaptation test can be used to determine the potential for
binocularity before surgical alignment of the squint. Patients with
esodeviation are fitted with a base out prism to correct the angle of
squint. Testing for binocularity is then carried out after sometimes of
wearing the prism. Full surgical correction is then planned if there is
evidence of binocularity. The test can also be used to determine the
target angle that should be corrected. Prism responders show a better
motor outcome as well as better fusion after surgery than eyes operated
on before wearing prism.
surgical treatment
• recession-resection surgery
Lower eyelid retraction may occur after inferior rectus muscle recession
because of the intimate anatomic correction between the inferior rectus
muscle and the lower eyelid retractors. Wide dissection around the
inferior rectus muscle or advancement of the Capsulo-palpebral head to
counter the forces created by the recession of inferior rectus are new
techniques to avoid this complication. Primary infra-tarsal eyelid
retractors lysis is also an effective technique to prevent lid retraction. This
procedure seems to be effective in large inferior rectus muscle
recessions (up to 10 mm).
Ocular alignment may drift with time following adjustable sutures surgery.
Delayed adjustment may be needed. Interseed is an absorbable
cellulose material that is designed as a surgical adjunct to reduce
postoperative adhesions. It may be useful in delaying the time of
adjustment after adjustable suture surgery for up to one week. Interseed
shows a promise as a method of delaying the formation of postoperative
adhesions and delaying the time of adjusting the sutures for up to one
Other promising indications for Botulinum toxin therapy include its use in
adults exhibiting a small angle intermittent esotropia and exotropia with
symptomatic diplopia. Temporary partial ptosis and unwanted vertical
deviations may sometimes occur.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
acute acquired concomitant esotropia
It has been thought that this condition is often benign and harmless.
Recent reports however showed that this condition may be associated
with CNS tumours and hydrocephalus. De-compensation of a pre-
existing phoria or a mono-fixation syndrome are also commonly
associated with this disease.
Retinopathy Of Prematurity
basic science
Many risk factors have been associated with the development of ROP.
The following risk factors have all been associated with a higher risk for
the development of ROP:
• Lower birth weight (birth weight of less than or equal to 1500 grams).
• Younger gestation age (gestational age of 28 weeks or under).
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
• White race,
• Oxygen toxicity,
• Exchange blood transfusion during the neonatal period.
• Patent ductus arteriosus.
clinical features
Each stage can also be either a (+) disease or not. A (+) disease indicate
a more advanced disease and poorer prognosis. The features of a (+)
disease are:
1. Vitreous haze
2. Marked vascular shunting
3. Dilated veins and arteries seen in the posterior pole
4. Iris vascular engorgement
5. Poor pupillary dilatation
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The retinal changes can also be located into 3 zones. The more posterior
the zone of ROP and the greater the extent of disease, the greater the
unfavourable outcome will be. The 3 zones are:
Zone I :A circle centred at the optic disc with a radius twice the disc-
macula distance (8 mm)
Zone II: From zone I to the nasal ora serrata nasally and to an equal
distance temporally.
Zone III: Anterior to zone II temporally.
ROP screening is uncomfortable and painful for the infant. The distress
caused by screening appears to be significantly reduced by good nursing
care during the examination (infants may be placed on soft padded
surface with boundaries that help to support them but still allow some
body and arms movements). Follow up examinations depends on the
Indirect argon (532 nm) laser
Indirect diode (810 nm) laser
Transscleral diode laser
Localised retinal detachments may occur after the acute phase of ROP.
The detachment may progress to total detachment, may involve the
macula and cause macular fold, stay stable, or regress. Cryotherapy
does not seem to affect the outcome but it is known to reduce the risk of
developing complete retinal detachment. Scleral buckling repair of the
retinal detachment in stage IV-A has been shown to be an effective way
of preventing further progression of the detachment. The visual results
after vitrectomy for stage V ROP are often disappointing. Vitrectomised
eyes seem to function better than non-vitrectomised eyes. There is also
evidence that visual function, however poor it might be, is still useful to
these children and probably better than previously thought. Timely
surgical intervention and appropriate postoperative care can result in
useful vision in stages IV and V ROP.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Paediatric Cataract
Childhood cataract is a major cause of preventable blindness and severe
visually impairment in many developing countries. The prevalence of
paediatric cataract varies from one report to another. It is estimated that
the prevalence of the disease is between 2.3 to 7.7 per 10000 of total
births. The incidence of paediatric cataracts in developing countries is
relatively high due to inter-family marriages.
1. Lens aspiration
2. Extra-capsular cataract extraction with or without IOL implantation,
3. Extra-capsular cataract extraction with primary posterior
capsulotomy, anterior vitrectomy and IOL implantation.
4. Lensectomy with anterior vitrectomy.
Axial length increases in children, rapidly till the age of 2 to 3 years old,
and then slows down till the age of 8 to 10 years old. Pseudophakia in
children is predicted to lead to myopic shift after surgery specially in very
young children. The myopic shift appears to be greatest in younger age
groups and seems to persist till the age of 8 years old. Postoperative
refraction may be predicted by using SRK II formula with intraoperative
corneal curvature and axial length measurement. Planned postoperative
hyperopia is recommended to lessen the quantity of the postoperative
myopic shift. Myopic shift in pseudophakic eyes seem to be more than in
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
postoperative complications
Paediatric glaucoma
Glaucoma in children may be:
• Primary
• Secondary to other ocular disease (e.g. Aniridia, Axenfield’s anomaly,
Rieger’s anomaly or syndrome or persistent hyperplastic primary
• Associated with systemic diseases (e.g. Lowe’s syndrome, rubella,
phakomatosis, homocystinuria).
Surgical treatment is the main line of treatment, it can stabilise the IOP in
primary and secondary types. Many procedures are often needed to
achieve satisfactory results. The first line of treatment is often with
goniotomy, followed by trabeculotomy, or trabeculectomy.
Non-Accidental Injury
(Shaken Baby Syndrome)
It is not often easy to diagnose non-accidental injury in infants. Extensive
retinal haemorrhage in an infants is suggestive of child abuse and non-
accidental injury (shaken baby syndrome). The earliest intraocular
lesions to be found in accidental or non-accidental head injuries are
peripheral sub-hyaloid haemorrhages with or without localised retinal
detachments. The haemorrhages are typically of different duration, some
may be fresh, while others are old haemorrhage. Unilateral retinal or pre-
retinal haemorrhage may also occur.
Congenital anomalies
optic nerve hypoplasia and dysplasia
Groups (3), (4) and (5) are highly predictive of pituitary gland hormones
deficiency and neuro-developmental anomalies. Thinning or agenesis of
the corpus callosum is also predictive of neuro-development anomalies.
In contrast to previous reports, endocrine abnormalities are seen in only
one quarter of patients, and the full-blown deMorsier syndrome (septo-
optic dysplasia with pan-hypopituitarism) is seen in only 11.5% of
patients with Bilateral optic nerve hypoplasia. The clinical association of
septo-optic dysplasia (optic nerve hypoplasia with an absent septum
pellucidum and a thin corpus callosum) with pituitary hormone deficiency
is known. Children with septo-optic dysplasia and hypo-cortisolism are at
risk for sudden death during febrile illness. Thermo-regulatory
disturbances and dehydration from diabetes insidious may also occur.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Risk factors which have been associated with non-arteritic anterior optic
neuropathy include: vasculitis, migraine, blood loss, diabetes,
smoking, glaucoma and cataract surgery. There is also a significant
association between non-arteritic anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy
and elevated serum cholesterol and fibrinogen levels as well as with
smoking. Appropriate medical treatment of these risk factors may prevent
recurrence in the fellow eyes. Anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy has
been reported in children with sickle cell trait (AS haemoglobinaopathy)
and migraine. It has also been hypothesised that carotid artery micro-
emboli may play a role in the pathogenesis of non-arteritic anterior
ischaemic optic neuropathy. Recent trans-cranial Doppler studies found
no evidence that emboli from the carotid arteries are common in patients
with the disease.
The anatomical features of the optic nerve head may be related to the
development of some diseases of the optic nerve. Non-arteritic anterior
ischaemic optic neuropathy, papillopathy in young diabetic patients and
optic discs in Leber’s hereditary optic neuropathy are often associated
with small optic disc, small or absent physiological disc cup, abnormal
branching of the blood vessels and heaping of the nerve fibre layer at the
edges of the optic disc. Eyes that have anterior ischaemic optic
neuropathy also tend to be less myopic than controls.
In a study of 170 patients with giant cell arteritis, 50% of the patients
presented with ocular involvement. Visual loss occurred in 97.7%,
amaurosis fugax in 30%, diplopia in 5.9% and ocular pain in about 8.2%
of patients. Anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy occurred in 81.2%,
central retinal artery occlusion in 14.%, celioretinal artery occlusion in
21.8%, posterior ischaemic optic neuropathy in 7.1%, and ocular
ischaemia in about 1.2%.
The visual loss in giant cell arteritis is unilateral in 46%, sequential in 37%
and simultaneous in 17% of patients. Bilateral non-arteritic anterior
ischaemic optic neuropathy is a well recognised clinical condition. The
time interval between the first and the second eye involvement is very
variable. Amaurosis fugax is usually caused by ocular ischaemia related
to atheromatous disease of the carotid artery and is almost always
unilateral. Alternating amaurosis fugax in an elderly patient suggests
arteritis rather than atheromatous disease and temporal artery biopsy
should be considered.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
occult GCA
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The clinical and laboratory features most strongly suggestive of giant cell
arteritis include the following findings in the following order:
1. Jaw claudication.
2. C-reactive protein above 2.45 mg/dl. C-reactive protein appears to be
more sensitive (100%) than erythrocyte sedimentation rate (92%) for
detection of giant cell arteritis. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
combined with C-reactive protein have the best specificity (97%).
3. Neck pain.
4. An erythrocyte sedimentation (ESR) rate of 47 mm/hour or more.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Bone mass densitometry of the spine or the hip is indicated for patients
taking a dose more than 7.5 mg/day but less than 15 mg/day. Patients
with a score of less than -1.5 should have a diagnostic work up followed
by intervention, while patients with a score of 0-1.5 should have a
repeated densitometry measurement in one year.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Visual field defects are common in optic neuritis. The disease does not
seem to have any predilection for any particular visual field defect.
Central visual field is affected more than peripheral visual field in most
patients. The majority of patients with visual field defects from acute optic
neuritis return to normal after the first year. Recovery of visual field
function seems to be greater around fixation than in the periphery. Many
fields show variation in the pattern and the location of the field loss.
Patients with resolved optic neuritis may also have different visual field
results on different days and different times of the same day. The
variations may affect both pattern and severity of visual field test results.
Care should be taken in interpreting visual field results in patients with
previous optic neuritis.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
However, a recent study showed that high dose of oral steroids (500 mg
of methyl prednisolone/day for 5 days) may be beneficial in improving
recovery at 1 and 3 weeks after the onset of the condition. The same
study also showed no effect of the oral treatment at 8 weeks, and no
effect on the number of subsequent attacks.
gene therapy
Gene transfer is a new method for treating some diseases. The process
relies on transferring a specific gene to human tissue. This is often
achieved by using a vector which may be a viral (e.g. adenovirus) or a
non-viral (e.g. DNA injection) vector. Gene transfer may used to achieve
gene replacement, addition or control. Gene therapy may be useful in the
treatment of demyelinating optic neuritis.
Reactive oxygen species e.g. nitric oxide and super-oxide are chemical
mediators in the demyelinating process. Catalase is considered as a
super-oxide scavenger. The endogenous levels of catalase are not
enough to prevent to protect the optic nerve from these mediators. The
administration of the gene coding for catalase by adenoviral increases
catalase levels in the optic nerve cells and may suppress the
demyelination process and the blood-brain barriers disruption. The
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Mild ptosis.
Occasionally anhidrosis.
Heterochromia, in congenital cases.
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The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Pseudotumour cerebri
Pseudotumour cerebri (idiopathic intracranial hypertension) is a condition
characterised by raised intracranial pressure (greater than 250 mm of
water), in the absence of intracranial focal lesion, with normal CSF
composition and normal or small ventricular system. Conditions that may
be associated with idiopathic intracranial hypertension include:
MRI is often ordered in this disease in order to exclude any other focal
intracranial lesions. The disease may, however, be associated with
characteristic MRI abnormalities, and it can be used in making the
diagnosis of this condition. Characteristic MRI findings include:
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Miscellaneous conditions
essential blepharospasm
Essential Blepharospasm is a rare condition characterised by bilateral
spasm of the upper facial muscles. The usual cause of the facial muscles
spasm is vascular compression of the facial nerve root by a loop of the
posterior-inferior cerebellar artery. Bony compression in the facial canal
caused by ostitis deformans is an uncommon cause. The disease may
also have a psychological as well an underlying physical origin. The
disease affects women more commonly than men. It often starts in the
fourth to the sixth decades of life.
ocular neuromyotonia
Ocular neuromyotonia is a condition characterised by spontaneous
spasms of extraocular muscle contractions resulting from spontaneous
neural discharge of ocular motor nerves. Surgery and irradiation, to the
pituitary fossa, are the common causes. Prior radiation therapy is the
most common reported cause of ocular neuromyotonia. Neuromyotonia
may present with episodic diplopia many years after radiation therapy.
The length of time from radiation to neuromyotonia in these patients
ranged from 2 months to 9 years (mean 3.5 years). Dysthyroid
orbitopathy has also been described in some patients. Ocular
neuromyotonia may also occur secondary to infectious cavernous sinus
thrombosis. This condition may also occur with other intracranial space
occupying lesions e.g. tumours or aneurysms or in the absence of any
associated conditions. A careful examination, including the effect of
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Conjunctival melanomas
Pigmented conjunctival lesion may be benign, malignant, or intermediate
types of melanotic tumours. Malignant melanoma of the conjunctiva is
rare. The disease often affects middle age white individual. It is extremely
rare in black people. There is also a subset of melanocytic lesions that
cannot be reproducibly classified by pathologists as benign, malignant, or
• increased thickness
• change in the pigmentation
• loss of conjunctival mobility on the lesion
• the appearance of a prominent blood vessel feeding a tumour
The tumour may arise from the bulbar conjunctiva, the palpebral
conjunctiva, or from the plica. The disease may present in a superficial
spreading pattern, or in a nodular pattern. It may also be pigmented or
non-pigmented. Amelanotic conjunctival malignant melanoma my rarely
arise in association with primary acquired melanosis sine pigmento. This
rare type of conjunctival melanoma is aggressive and has a poor
prognosis and high risk of metastases. The lack of pigmentation makes
the clinical diagnosis very difficult and diagnosis is often made by
histological examination.
1. large size.
2. fornix or caruncle involvement.
3. multicentre tumours, mixed spindle and epithelioid cell type, or
epithelioid cell type and high mitotic index.
choroidal melanoma
The incidences of intraocular melanoma varies between 0.49 to 0.75
cases per 100,000 population per year. Uveal melanoma is rare in
children and teenagers. Oculo-dermal melanocytosis is estimated to be 9
times more common in young patients with uveal melanoma than in the
general population with uveal melanoma. Young patients with uveal
melanoma have short-term (5-year) survival better than that of adults.
The risk of uveal melanoma in black individuals is low. The reason for the
lower risk of uveal melanoma in this group of patients is not known. It
could be related to the protective effects associated with dark skin
pigmentation or may be due to cultural, environmental or socio-economic
factors. About 40% of uveal melanomas metastasise within 10 years of
diagnosis. The commonest site for metastases is to the liver via the
blood stream. Blood levels of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, and
alkaline phosphatase enzymes, as well as chest X ray and liver
ultrasound scan can be used for screening purposes for tumour
Ocular ultrasound, MRI and CAT scan can be used in making the
diagnosis of ocular tumours, and their extraocular spread. Controversy
exists about the best imaging tool to detect the extension. Some reports
showed that MRI is superior to others while other reports showed that
ultrasonography is more superior to MRI.
Although the diagnostic accuracy for tumours that are more than 4 mm
thick is greater than 98%, the sensitivity and specificity of clinical
examination, ultrasound and fluorescein angiography are uncertain for
pigmented tumours less than 3 mm in height. In choroidal and ciliary
body melanomas, measurement of the largest tumour dimension in
contact with the sclera (a measurement known as The Largest Tumour
Dimension) has been shown to be of great prognostic significance. Fine
needle aspiration biopsy results may also achieve a correct diagnosis
and management in 9% of cases presumed to be small uveal melanoma
by non-invasive methods. The problem of insufficient material for
cytological examination can be minimised by the use of a 22 gauge
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Radiotherapy (plaque and charged particles)
Radiotherapy with Hyperthermia
Trans-pupillary Thermotherapy
Transscleral resection
Photo-dynamic therapy
The radio-surgical Leskell Gamma knife
Interferon alpha and gamma
• Iodine-125.
• Ruthenium-106.
• Iridium-192.
• Palladium-103.
• Proton.
• Helium ions
Helium ion can be used for the treatment of tumours less than 6 mm in
thickness and more than 3 mm away from the disc. This method is
associated with good local control and reasonable retention of the treated
eyes. In a 10 years follow up after helium ion therapy for uveal melanoma
the melanoma mortality rate was estimated to be 21%.
small malignant melanoma, specially those near to the fovea or the optic
disc. Some tumours may fail to respond to thermotherapy.
Retinoblastoma typically presents with leukocoria in children between 12
and 18 months of age. The tumour may also be associated with retinal
detachment. Advanced retinoblastoma, with massive necrosis and
anterior chamber reaction, may rarely present with preseptal orbital
cellulitis which may be due an immunological mechanism. The presence
of cellulitis does not necessarily indicate extra-ocular extension. The
cellulitis may be treated by systemic steroid treatment. The tumour may
also masquerade as uveitis. In children presenting with uveitis, the
absence of pain, conjunctival redness, posterior synechiae and cataract
should raise suspicion to the possibility of a retinoblastoma
masquerading as uveitis.
Orbital involvement with the tumour has a poor prognosis for life.
Aggressive management approach with treatment with radical surgery,
chemotherapy and external beam radiotherapy may achieve longer life
survival for the patients.
In the past several years there has been a trend towards conservative
treatment of retinoblastoma. Enucleation remains the standard treatment
for advanced unilateral and for the worst eye in most bilateral cases.
Many eyes, however, can be saved by conservative treatment which
• Retinocytoma
Choroidal haemangiomas
The diagnosis of choroidal haemangiomas may be difficult. Several
ancillary tests (fluorescein angiography, ultrasound, and MRI) are often
needed to help with making the diagnosis. Indocyanine green
angiography may show specific characteristic patterns that do not show
with fluorescein angiography. Haemangiomas, if left untreated, may
evolve to exudative retinal detachment and marked loss in the visual
acuity. Close follow-up is recommended.
Ocular Lymphoma
Primary intraocular-CNS lymphoma is a non-Hodgkin type lymphoma. It
has previously been called reticulum cell carcinoma. The disease often
masquerade as idiopathic vitritis in elderly patients. It may also presents
either as a subretinal pigment epithelium infiltrates or as vitreous
opacities. The tumour should be considered in old patients with vitreous
cells, floaters and also in patients with painless visual loss without
inflammatory signs. Central nervous system involvement is frequent and
associated with a high mortality rate. Early diagnosis and treatment may
improve the prognosis. A high index of suspicion in elderly patients
with uveitis is important so that a diagnostic vitrectomy can be arranged.
Vitreous cytology is a sensitive, reliable, and reproducible method of
making the diagnosing. Malignant cells (B lymphocytes) are often
present in the CSF at the time of ocular lymphoma is diagnosed, but their
finding is often difficult. Multiple vitrectomy operations and lumbar
punctures may be necessary before finding the malignant cells and
making the correct diagnosis.
ptosis and ptosis surgery
Ptosis is generally classified into two types congenital or acquired.
Congenital ptosis is thought to be due to dystrophic changes in the
levator muscle. Some investigators believe that it is more likely to be due
levator muscle dysgenesis. In a recent report, levator muscle fibres from
patients with congenital ptosis and normal individuals were examined and
compared microscopically. The authors of the report found no significant
difference in the muscle fibres diameters or its distribution between the
two groups. The results of this report does not, therefore, support the
assumption that this condition is due a dystrophic changes.
The increase in ptosis on down gaze may interfere with some activities
e.g. reading. Many patients with acquired ptosis complain of fatigue,
headache and brow ache after prolonged periods of reading or working in
down gaze position. The continuous action of the frontalis muscle to raise
the upper lid, may explain the symptoms of fatigue and headache in this
subgroup of patients. Ptosis repair is associated with significant widening
of the palpebral fissure height in down gaze and a significant decrease in
the use of the frontalis muscle and return of the patients ability to sustain
down gaze work more comfortably.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Acquired ptosis may be caused by old age, cataract surgery, contact lens
wear and myasthenia gravis. Contact lens wear is reported to be the
commonest cause of ptosis in young healthy adults. Imbedding of the
contact lens in the upper lid conjunctiva may lead to inflammatory
changes causing the ptosis. Rubbing of the contact lens against the
upper lid may also cause inflammatory changes causing the lid to droop
down. The mechanism of removing the contact lens by pulling on the
upper lid and forcibly blink may be another mechanism for causing the
1. Apply an ice pack to the ptotic eye lid for two minutes.
2. Two or more millimetres of elevation of the lid after ice application is
considered positive and highly suggestive of the disease.
• brow suspension
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
• levator surgery
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
reserved for patients with unilateral disease, and that patients should also
be warned that they might need more than one operation and the final
outcome might take about one year to establish.
The most common complication after levator muscle surgery for ptosis
are under-correction, over-correction or abnormalities of eyelid contour.
In a study of 164 cases, 40% of cases reached their final level at one
week after surgery, and 52% continued to rise by a mean of 1.1 mm.
Most lids seem to achieve their maximum height by 6 weeks. MRI may
be used in the evaluation of the upper lid contour in patients with ptosis or
lid retraction.
Revision and further adjustment of the lid height and contour can be
performed three to four days after the operation as an out-patient
procedure. Postoperative oedema or haemorrhage, which distorts the
eyelid, are contraindications to early revision as they make revision more
difficult technically and also harder to predict.
1. Traumatic ptosis.
2. Thyroid eye disease.
3. Ptosis correction after excessive upper lid lowering.
Adjustable sutures allow the lid height to be adjusted for over- and under-
correction to achieve the optimal surgical results. Suture adjustment is a
simple procedure and is recommended to be carried out within 24 hours
after the operation. Marked postoperative lid oedema may make suture
adjustment more difficult. In the anterior approach technique the sutures
pass from the levator muscle through the anterior surface of the tarsal
plate exiting through the upper and lower skin edges. The position of the
skin crease can also be adjusted. In the posterior approach the sutures
pass from the levator through the cut upper edge of the tarsal plate and
then tied and positioned at the position of the desired skin crease.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
higher up. Asking the patient to look down will ensure that the second
suture bite will be taken as high as possible in the levator aponeurosis. A
slip knot is then tied first to judge the crease level and the height of the lid
and then is readjusted accordingly. An over-correction of 1.0 to 1.5 mm is
aimed at the end of the operation to ensure a good postoperative level.
• upper blepharoplasty
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Most of the complications associated with the pegging system are minor.
Severe infection may, however, occur and may lead to the removal of
the implants. Persistent orbital discomfort, discharge or the development
of pyogenic granuloma after implantation should warn the surgeon of
potential implant infection and abscess formation. Infection associated
with hydroxyapatite implants is rare, yet it is difficult to treat and implant
removal is often required.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
• floppy eyelids
Recurrence of the entropion may also be due to laxity of the lower lid
retractors. Shortening and tightening of the lid retractors may be needed.
A trans-conjunctival approach to advance or strengthen the lower
eyelid retractor in entropion surgery has been described. This technique
can also be associated with a lateral canthal suspension procedure to
shorten the eyelid or with trans-conjunctival blepharoplasty. In this
technique a lateral canthotomy is carried out, the inferior crus of the
lateral canthal ligament is incised. An incision is then made below the
tarsal plate through the conjunctiva and the lid retractors and a strip of
the orbicularis muscle is excised. The retractors are then separated from
the conjunctiva and then re-inserted in the inferior and anterior tarsal
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
When surgery is not possible botulinum toxin may be used. The use of
botulinum toxin is highly effective. It is also associated with few
complications and does not seem to have any adverse effects on the
results of future surgical entropion repair. The mean duration of action of
the toxin is about 12.5 weeks. The use of the drug does nor appear to be
associated with consistent changes in orbicularis oculi morphology after
• centurion syndrome
• capillary haemangioma
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Lacrimal Diseases
Lacrimal drainage dysfunction may be due to an anatomical obstruction,
or due to a physiological dysfunction. Anatomical block is often caused
by a post-inflammatory fibrosis, stenosis or due to the presence of a
lacrimal stone or tumour. Primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction
is more prevalent in women than in men because women have
significantly smaller dimensions in the lower nasolacrimal fossa and the
middle nasolacrimal duct than men. Chronic intra-nasal cocaine abuse
may result in bony destruction of the orbit, orbital cellulitis and also
nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Dacryocystitis may also be caused by
diseases of the lateral nasal wall.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
investigative procedures
Jones test I and II, syringing, probing, the micro-Reflux test and
dacryocystography may all be used in the evaluation of patency of the
nasolacrimal system.
When Jones I and II tests are carried out in association with the
fluorescein disappearance test, the results can be interpreted according
to the following table:
Fluorescein dye No residual dye Residual dye Residual Residual
disappearance dye dye
Jones I Positive Negative Negative Negative
Jones II Not done Positive Negative Negative
Diagnosis Normal system Functional Upper Upper
block system and lower
block system
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Micro-Reflux test is a new test that can be reliably used for the
diagnosis of complete nasolacrimal duct obstruction. A recent study
demonstrated that the test has a specificity of 95% and sensitivity of 97%.
The test can be carried out and interpreted as follows:
The test is considered positive if there was a continued reflux of the dye-
stained tears from the lower punctum after the massage.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
surgical techniques
• dacryocystorhinostomy
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
less than the external conventional approach mainly due to the closure of
the ostium. In one study, the success rate at 1 year after surgery was
91% for external-DCR and 63% for endonasal laser-DCR after primary
surgery. Intraoperative use of Mitomycin C has been tried to increase
the success rate but, in some studies it failed to do so. Endonasal laser-
DCR seems to need some adjunctive treatment (e.g. lacrimal intubation)
to improve maintenance of the nasal mucosal opening.
• balloon dacryocystoplasty
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The traditional teaching is that, probing of the duct should be tried within
the first year of life if this procedure was to succeed. Both early (at 6
months) and late (at 12 months) probing have been shown to have a
similar high success rate (99%). Success rate seems to be slightly higher
in the younger age group. Increasing frequency of epiphora seems to be
associated with lower success rate.
Another new type of silastic tube that can be used for mono-canalicular
intubation in congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction is the Monoka
tubes. The tube is inserted into the nasolacrimal duct through the upper
punctum, it is then anchored to the upper punctum by a special wide
flange. The overall success rate reported in some reports is 79% (which
is lower than the reported success rate with the bicanalicular technique).
One of the main complications of this tube is that it can easily pulled out
by the child. The upper punctum flange may also rub against the cornea
causing corneal abrasion. This tube has also been used in the treatment
of traumatic lacerations of the lower canaliculus.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
canalicular trauma
Lacrimal canalicular damage may occur due to trauma, animal bites or
following excision of lid tumours. Various methods have been used to
repair the canalicular damage. These methods include direct
reconstruction and anastomosis of the canaliculi, pig tail probe and also
mono-canalicular intubation. Data from the literature do not conclusively
favour any of this methods over the others. It is very important that,
during repair of a mono-canalicular laceration, that great care should be
taken that the other canaliculus is not damaged. Simple repair of lid
injuries without any canalicular repair is probably better than any repair
which might prejudice the patency of the other canaliculus.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
4. Orbital abscess.
5. Complication due to posterior extension (e.g. cavernous sinus
thrombosis endophthalmitis, and meningitis).
The ophthalmic and orbital venous plexus is in direct contact with other
facial and intracranial plexuses with a valve-less system making direct
spread from the ear, sinuses or facial injuries, and also spread from the
orbit backward, easy.
Some clinician recommend blood culture as routine. The yield of this test
seems to be very low. Blood culture, CSF analysis, and urine tests
seems to be very important mainly in children younger than three years
of age. Culturing specimens from the throat is also fruitless as most
children will have positive results of organism considered normal to the
throat flora.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
There has been some evidence that primary open angle glaucoma is
associated with hypothyroidism. 23.4% of primary open angle glaucoma
patients are believed to also have hypothyroidism, and about 10.9% of
glaucoma patient have undiagnosed hypothyroidism. Poor glaucoma
control may be reversed after the diagnosis and the treatment of
associated hypothyroidism. Patients with hypothyroidism seem to have
poor aqueous humour outflow facilities when measured using tonometry
and tonography techniques, this poor outflow facilities improve after the
treatment of hypothyroidism. A recent study showed that the prevalence
of normal-tension glaucoma as well as open-angle glaucoma and ocular
hypertension was significantly higher among patients with Graves
disease than in the general population. A study in the UK, on the other
hand, examined 100 consecutive patients with primary open angle
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
• medical treatment
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Trans-nasal endoscopic approach can offer both medial and inferior wall
decompression without the disfiguring external facial scars. The
endoscopic approach achieves good enough decompression with regard
to saving visual acuity and optic nerve protection, but not for proptosis
relieve. Motility disorders may occur as with the other methods of
decompression. The procedure can be performed under local
anaesthesia. Infection within the frontal sinus can cause secondary
orbital cellulitis or abscess after endoscopic orbital decompression
when the frontal sinus ostium is obstructed by orbital fat or scar tissue.
Early signs and symptoms of a frontal sinus infection can be easily
misdiagnosed as progression of the patient's thyroid eye disease.
Awareness of this possible complication followed by appropriate early
intervention will prevent a potentially blinding condition.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Patients with tight inferior rectus muscle, may present with the symptoms
of flashing lights in up gaze, which may be due to “the phosphene
phenomena” as a result of compression of the inferior rectus muscle or
due to the traction of its insertion.
• lid surgery
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
general considerations
Uveitis typically present for the first time in the 3rd or 4th decades. Uveitis
presenting for the first time in the elderly in not rare. Idiopathic causes
accounts for most cases. It may also be associated with systemic
diseases (diabetes, sarcoidosis, hypothyroidism) and herpes zoster
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Ocular involvement in toxoplasmosis is often congenital. Recurrent
toxoplasmosis has traditionally been considered to be due to a
reactivation of congenital infection. Postnatal acquired infection may also
81% of patients retain a visual acuity of 20/20 in one eye for a period of 5
years, while 20% of patients retain this visual acuity in both eyes. The risk
of choroidal neovascular membrane development and visual
deterioration appears to be higher in patients with ocular histoplasmosis
and Histo spots in the macular area. Estimates of an annual increase of
the choroidal neovascular membrane in the second eye in patients with
ocular histoplasmosis ranges from 2% to 12%.
Medical treatment with anti-fungal drugs does not seem to have any role
in the treatment of the disease. systemic steroids may be given for the
acute stages of the disease when there is macular lesion.
Male sex, shorter duration of uveitis, older age at disease onset and a
shorter delay in presentation to a sub-specialist are good prognostic
factors regarding the visual outcome. Cataract, glaucoma, and corneal
changes are known complications. Disc neovascularisation may also
occur in some children. The disc new vessels may respond to oral
steroids. Secondary glaucoma occurs in about 14% to 27% of patients.
Although some cases of uveitic glaucoma can be controlled with medical
therapy, the long-standing effects are disappointing. The Molteno implant
appears to be useful and well tolerated in controlling IOP in patients with
glaucoma secondary to juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
Cataract occurs in 36%-42% of patients with pars planitis due to both the
chronic inflammation and the steroid treatment. Limited visual results is
often due to CMO, epiretinal membrane or optic atrophy. Patients with
significant cataract appear to be at a higher risk of developing retinal
detachment. Firm vitreo-macular adhesions traction as well as the
presence of inflammatory cells in the vitreous is believed to be the main
cause of CMO.
Behcet’s disease
Behcet’s disease, is the leading cause of endogenous uveitis in Japan.
The disease is responsible for 10-15% of the acquired blindness in
Japan. The most common ocular feature of Behcet’s disease is recurrent
attacks of anterior uveitis. Posterior ocular segment involvement may
also occur and may cause blindness. Sudden onset of bilateral vision
loss may be associated with bilateral retinal vascular disease and
macular ischaemia. The conjunctiva is not often clinically involved in
patients with Behcet’s disease. However immuno-histochemical studies
have shown some conjunctival abnormalities in active and inactive
There are several sets of clinical criteria that has been established for the
diagnosis of the Behcet disease. Most of these sets are based on finding
some major and minor features of the disease. The disease can also be
classified into complete or incomplete forms depending on the number of
major or minor features present.
The first two years after diagnosis is the most critical period for eye
involvement. It is difficult to predict, in which patient the eyes will be
involved and what the outcome will be. Young age is the most significant
factor for eye involvement. Vascular thrombosis, central nervous system
involvement and male gender are other risk factors.
steroids may also be used with good results, and may also prevent retinal
and optic nerve damage.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Birdshot Chorioretinopathy
Birdshot chorioretinopathy is characterised by bilateral, multiple white
creamy patches at the level of pigment epithelium and choroid, vitritis,
vasculopathy with leakage, cystoid macular oedema and optic disc
oedema. The disease is more common in white, female patients in their
40s to 50s. It is presumed to be an auto-immune disease (HLA-A29 is
positive in 94% of patients). Ocular Lyme disease may also play a role
in the pathogenesis of Birdshot chorioretinopathy. Abnormalities in the
small choroidal vessels within the birdshot lesions have been
demonstrated by Indocyanine green angiography. Th disease may be
treated with systemic steroids or cyclosporin.
Choroidal neovascular membrane.
The most common findings in the posterior segment include severe and
diffuse vitritis, papillitis, retinal vasculitis and pars plana exudates.
Cystoid macular oedema and epiretinal membrane are common causes
of visual impairment in posterior segment disease. These patients may
need to be treated by aggressive systemic immune-suppressive therapy.
A subgroup of patients may have a severe and bilateral disease which
may be associated with severe complications.
The Really Current Ophthalmology. Magdy A Nofal.
Sarcoidosis is a multi-systemic disease of unknown aetiology. The
cause of the disease is not completely known. Infections and
environmental factors may play a role in the pathogenesis of the disease.
Other aetiological factors e.g. Epstein Barr virus, atypical mycobacterium
and fungi have been suggested. The immuno-pathogenesis of the
disease is thought to be mediated via antigenic activation of alveolar
macrophages and T lymphocytes.
Chest x-ray often show hilar lymph nodes enlargement, with nodular
shadowing or fibrosis of the lung. Serum angiotensin converting
enzyme levels also reflect the activity of the disease (it is elevated in 30-
80% of clinically active disease). Normal levels, however, do not exclude
the disease especially in isolated organ involvement as in ocular disease.
false positive results may also occur in some other conditions e.g.
tuberculosis, histoplasmosis, and Hodgkin disease). Gallium scans have
been shown to be useful in the diagnosis of this condition, the scan
typically show increased uptake in the lungs, mediastinum, parotid and
salivary glands. The combination of raised serum angiotensin converting
enzyme and whole body gallium scan is considered sensitive and
specific enough for the diagnosis of the disease even if the chest X-ray is
normal. In suspicious cases, trans-bronchial lung biopsy can establish
the diagnosis of sarcoidosis by showing a non-caseating epithelioid
granuloma. Pulmonary function tests may also show restrictive
features. The Kveim test is now rarely used because of the risk of HIV
The uveitis associated with this virus often affects one or both eyes in
middle-aged adults, it may be an isolated ocular condition or may be
associated with other conditions (e.g. myelopathy).
Onchocerciasis is a major global public health problem. It is estimated
that about 18,000,000 individuals affected with the disease with a further
68,000,000 at risk of the infection. Blindness prevalence exceeding 10%
have been reported in heavily affected populations. It is thought that the
presence of micro-filaria is important for the induction of the disease but
the progression of the disease may be related to the micro-filaria or to
other immunological factors. The main drugs used in the treatment of the
disease are:
• Suramin sodium
• Ivermectin
• Amocarzine
Traumatic hyphaema
Trauma is the commonest cause of hyphaema in children. Child abuse,
and tumours e.g. retinoblastoma and xanthogranuloma are other cause
of hyphaema in children. In adults the disease can also be caused by iris
neovascularisation and by abnormal vascular tuft on the pupils. Raised
IOP and corneal staining are major complication of hyphaema. The IOP
may initially be raised in large hyphaema. Some eyes may also show
varying degrees of hypotony after the initial IOP rise. Corneal staining
occurs in about 5.6% of all cases of hyphaema. The incidence of the
disease is increased in more than 50% hyphaema and also in hyphaema
of longer than 6 days of duration.
• African patients
• Eyes with initial visual acuity of 20/200 or less.
• Initial hyphaema more than one third of anterior chamber.
• Delayed attention for more than one day after injury.
• Elevated intraocular pressure at the time of first examination.
• Sickle cell trait disease .
• Patients receiving anticoagulants.
Bungee jumping
Bungee jumping may be associated with several complications.
Scattered superficial retinal and pre-retinal haemorrhages and cotton
wool spots in the macular areas of each eye have been reported in
patient who noticed blurred vision after jumping head first. Sub-
conjunctival haemorrhage may also develop. The retinopathy may be
typical of Purtscher’s traumatic retinopathy which is thought to be due to
an abrupt rise of intravascular pressure in the upper part of the body.
Ocular morbidity in bungee jumping may also be due to the cord itself.
Corneal lacerations, hyphaema, angle recession, irido-dialysis, lens
subluxation and retinal detachment have been reported
• surgical treatment
Bowman’s layer with new collagen formation and fine fibrils connecting
the basal epithelial cells to the new collagen. The minimal discomfort
associated with the YAG laser photo-induced adhesions treatment may
be advantageous compared with the severe pain reported by patients
during the re-epithelialisation period after excimer laser treatment.
When hypertropia and vertical diplopia are noted after orbital trauma a
posterior orbital floor fracture should be suspected. Characteristic
features on CAT scan may include depressed fracture of the orbital floor,
extending posteriorly to the maxillary sinus. The inferior rectus muscle
may also appear to loop down in the depressed fracture and then upward
to insert in the globe at a very steep angle. Infra-duction may be
diminished due to changes in the effective origin and insertion of the
inferior rectus muscle.
Post-traumatic endophthalmitis
Post-traumatic endophthalmitis, generally, has poor results partly
because it includes poly-microbial infections among other causes.
Endophthalmitis caused by coagulase negative seems to be associated
with the best visual outcome. Intraocular foreign bodies, rural areas
settings and delayed primary repair, and disruption of the crystalline lens
are associated with increased risk of endophthalmitis. Streptococcal
organisms are the most common infecting organism in children (unlike
adults where the commonest organism is Staphylococcus epidermidis
and Bacillus). Bacillus cereus is often associated with very poor visual
and anatomical outcome because the organism produces a number of
exotoxins that often result in cell death and tissue necrosis.