Exotic Vet Vol9 3

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contents Observations from the Field

7 Corneal Injuries in Chinchillas - Prof. Corinna Eule, DVM, Dipl ECVO
and Jan Gisle Sjøberg, DVM
T I P S & T R I C K S
Sergio Sarmiento Valiente, DVM 9 Alternative Method for Cable Tie Shell Repair in Chelonia -
Christopher Lloyd, BVSc, MSc, CertZooMed, MRCVS
11 Bone Pin Staples for Tortoise Shell Repair -
Sergio Sarmiento Valiente, DVM
12 Evaluating Birds’ Feet Through Glass -
11 Greg J. Harrison, DVM, Dipl Emeritus ABVP - Avian Practice
13 Use of a Prosthesis for Severe Carapace Defects -
Sergio Sarmiento Valiente, DVM
14 Technique for Intubating Rabbits - Susan Kelleher, DVM

Case Reports Peer Reviewed

15 Testicular Interstitial Cell Neoplasia in a Rabbit -

Ariana Finkelstein, DVM

Ariana Finkelstein, DVM and Lynne Cassone, DVM

17 Penile Amputation and Urethrostomy in a Rat -

Véronique Mentré, DVM
Clinician’s Notebook Peer Reviewed

21 Intraoral Radiographic Technique in Lagomorphs and Rodents -

Estella Böhmer, Dr med vet

29 Reptile Lighting is a Process Not a Bulb -

Henry Brames, Dr met vet and Frances Baines, MRCVS
Frances Baines, MRCVS

37 How to Make a Fish Anesthetic Machine with Divided

Recirculation Circuits - Nimal Fernando, BSc, BVSc (Hon), MACVSc
(Diagnostic Imaging, Avian Health); Walter Tang and Wendy Chan, RN
3 E Guest Editorial
Nimal Fernando, BSc, BVSc (Hon), MACVSc

5 Exotic DVM of the Year

43 ˆ Time Off
44 For Your Bookshelf
47 em Exotic Marketplace
48 Tools

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Supported in part by a grant from HBD International

Volume 9, Issue 3, October 2007

Experienced exotic animal practitioners who have reviewed articles written by their peers for Exotic DVM include:

Kay Backues, DVM Kevin Eatwell, BVSc (Hons), DZooMed, David Jones Connie Orcutt, DVM, Dipl ABVP-Avian
Kornelis Biron, Dr med vet MRCVS, RCVS Certified in Zoological Carla Kasaback, DVM Lauren Powers, DVM, Dipl ABVP-Avian
Heather Bowles, DVM, Dipl ABVP-Avian Medicine Susan Kelleher, DVM Katrina Ramsell, PhD, DVM
Shane Boylan, DVM Christine Eckermann-Ross, DVM Amy Kizer, DVM Drury Reavill, DVM, Dipl ABVP-Avian,
Michael Cannon, BVSc, MACVSc, Patty Ewing, DVM, MS, Dipl ACVP Melissa Kling, DVM Dipl ACVP
Grad Dip Ed Ariana Finkelstein, DVM David Knapp, DVM, Dipl ACVS Helen Roberts, DVM
Vittorio Capello, DVM Peter Fisher, DVM Jack Kottwitz, DVM Dale Smith, DVM, DVSc
Brendan Carmel, BVSc, MVS, Rose Ann Fiskett, VMD, Dipl Marc Kramer, DVM Michael Stanford, BVSc, FRCVS
GDipComp, MCP, MRCVS ABVP-Avian Daniel Lejnieks, DVM W. Michael Taylor, DVM
Leigh Clayton, DVM, Dipl ABVP-Avian Craig A. Harms, DVM, PhD, Dipl ACZM Angela Lennox, DVM, Dipl ABVP-Avian W.H. Wildgoose, BVMS, CertFHP,
Rob Coke, DVM Greg Harrison, DVM, Dipl ABVP-Avian, Bruce Levine, DVM, Dipl ABVP-Avian, MRCVS
Graham Crawshaw, BVetMed, MRCVS, Dipl ECAMS Canine & Feline Frank J.M. Verstraete, Dr med vet,
Dipl ACZM Heidi Hoefer, DVM, Dipl ABVP-Avian Gregory Lewbart, VMD, Dipl ACZM BVSc(Hons), MMedVet, Dipl AVDC,
Lorenzo Crosta, DVM Susan Horton, DVM Michael Lierz, Dr med vet Dipl ECVS, Dipl EVDC
Morgan Dawkins, DVM Stormy Hudelson, DVM, Dipl ABVP- Fabiano Montiani-Ferreira, MV, Kevin Wright, DVM
Bob Doneley, BVSc, MACVSc Avian MCV, PhD Donald Zantop, DVM, Dipl ABVP-Avian
(Avian Health) Cathy Johnson-Delaney, DVM, Neus Morera, DVM Flavia Zorgniotti, DVM
Thomas M. Donnelly, DVM, Dipl Dipl ABVP-Avian
Holly S. Mullen, DVM, Dipl ACVS
ACLAM Dan Johnson, DVM
Michael Murray, DVM
Michael Dutton, DVM, Dipl ABVP-Avian Jay Johnson, DVM
Curt Nakamura, DVM

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Exotic Animal Practitioners:

Sergio Sarmiento Valiente, DVM

MEDICAL EDITOR Healers, Nutritionists,

Melissa Kling, DVM

Behaviorists and more
Kornelis Biron, Dr med vet ith Exotic DVM completing its 9th year, I
Vittorio Capello, DVM W continue to be astonished by the scope of
Brendan Carmel, BVSc, MVS, MRCVS information presented in each issue. It has been
Leigh Clayton, DVM, Dipl ABVP-Avian my privilege and honor to serve as guest medical
Rob Coke, DVM editor, and I now have further appreciation of
Heidi Hoefer, DVM, Dipl ABVP-Avian what is entailed in getting to press. Each article is

Dan Johnson, DVM

an intricate progression between author, reviewer,
publisher, editor and designer. All around the
Marc Kramer, DVM
world, veterinarians are seeing unusual cases,
Angela Lennox, DVM, Dipl ABVP-Avian
encountering emerging diseases and attempting
Connie Orcutt, DVM, Dipl ABVP-Avian
novel procedures—many of these yield remark-
Dale Smith, DVM, DVSc
able results that need to be published.
Michael Stanford, BVSc, FRCVS
The increase in knowledge of exotic animal medicine continues to trans-
Lisa Tell, DVM, PhD, Dipl ABVP-Avian,
form at a phenomenal rate. As a 1983 graduate, I have had the good fortune
to witness this changing and expanding growth. Because of this evolution, it
Flavia Zorgniotti, DVM
has never been more imperative for exotic animal veterinarians to remain
current and on the cutting edge of these developments. What we knew as
recently as 3 years ago may very well be archaic in some areas. There are
Linda R. Harrison
Publisher more opportunities than ever to learn through conferences, professional
Richard Larson organizations, journals (both scientific and clinical), textbooks, professional
Creative Director / Advertising
online forums and the Internet. Collaboration among individuals in labora-
Dana O’Donoghue tory animal medicine, zoo/wildlife animal medicine and private exotic
companion animal medicine has opened more avenues of information.
Mark Broughton
Order Fulfillment We are now being called upon to be healers, nutritionists, behaviorists and
Subscriptions 800-946-4782 keepers. And these aspects alone can often be daunting due to the scope of
561-641-0234 Fax species we encounter. We owe our patients a level of care and compassion
Advertising 800-946-4782 not to be rivaled by other veterinary medicine disciplines. It has also become
our task, quite by default, to provide the necessary education to the owners
Zoological Education Network is committed (and when required, as is so often the case, to pet stores/breeders) in order
to increasing the competence and
confidence of veterinary clinicians in working to enable these animals to live healthier and more enriched lives.
with exotic companion animals and raising I would like to encourage our readers to form strong personal/profes-
the standards of care for these species.
sional contacts. Don’t be reluctant to say, “I don’t know” or to ask for help

EXOTIC DVM (ISSN:1521-1363) is pub-

with tough cases. I myself could not afford the level of care I provide
lished four times in 2007 by Zoological without deferring to several of my highly esteemed colleagues.
Education Network, 2324 S Congress
Avenue, Suite 2A, West Palm Beach, FL
Passion, simply stated, is an intense, overwhelming conviction powered
33406 (Phone 800-946-4782, 561- by boundless enthusiasm. One of my true passions is caring for these
641-6745, Fax 561-641-0234). Annual
subscription: $69 US; $89 international. magnificent winged, furred, scaled (or other-skinned) creatures. My col-
Copyright 2007 by Zoological Education leagues who are long time friends and even new acquaintances all have this
Network. All rights reserved. Periodical
rates paid at West Palm Beach, FL and “passion” in common—why else would we pursue such an unconventional
additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER:
path for our profession?
Send address changes to EXOTIC DVM, PO
Box 541749, Lake Worth, FL 33454-
1749. Melissa A. Kling, DVM, Macon, Georgia
© 2007 Zoological Education Network Secretary, Association of Exotic Mammal Veterinarians

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9-3 EDVM of the YEAR.qxd 10/25/2007 12:09 PM Page 5

Greg Lewbart Named 2007 Exotic DVM of the Year

Gregory A. Lewbart, MS, VMD, Dipl
ACZM, Professor of Aquatic Animal
Medicine at North Carolina State
University College of Veterinary
Medicine, was recently acknowledged
as the 2007 Exotic DVM of the Year.
The award was presented during the
AVMA Convention in Washington, DC
by Dr. Helen Roberts, who represented
Exotic DVM Veterinary Magazine.
Dr. Lewbart was selected from a field
of exotic animal veterinarians nomi-
nated by the readers of Exotic DVM.
The Exotic DVM of the Year Award
is presented annually to an individual Dr. Greg Lewbart accepts his award. During an ICE wet lab, he demonstrates a koi anesthetic
who embodies the essence of steward- procedure to: (from left) Drs. Helen Roberts, Susan Kelleher and Scott Martin.
ship of exotic companion animal
species, contributes to the education of two novels, Ivory Hunters and and man’s exploitation of the
veterinary students and clinicians, and Pavilion Key, published by Krieger environment.
serves as an international ambassador Publishing, Florida. Both stories are He and his wife, Diane Deresienski,
of good will for the exotic animal scientific mysteries that raise impor- also a veterinarian, live in downtown
profession. tant issues about wildlife conservation Raleigh with their assorted pets.
Dr. Lewbart received a BA in
biology from Gettysburg College
in 1981 and an MS degree in
biology from Northeastern
University in 1985. In 1988 he
received his VMD degree from
the University of Pennsylvania
School of Veterinary Medicine.
He joined the faculty at NCSU in
1993, where he currently teaches
aquatic animal and herptile
He is an author on over 80
popular and scientific articles
about invertebrates, fishes,
amphibians and reptiles and
speaks nationally and interna-
tionally on these subjects. He has
also written 8 book chapters on
pet fish disease and treatment
and has edited a book about self-
assessment clinical review of
ornamental fishes. His most
recent book, Invertebrate
Medicine, received the Text and
Academic Authors Association
2007 Textbook Excellence Award
(College Life Sciences category).
Dr. Lewbart has also written

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Because EXOTIC DVM Veterinary Magazine is a publication for international veterinary professionals, some of the information published may relate
to drugs, products and procedures that may not be available or considered ethical/legal in some countries. EXOTIC DVM is a disseminator of infor-
mation and has no opinion on the efficacy or legality of the drugs, products or procedures mentioned. It is the responsibility of the reader to con-
sult regional and national veterinary and animal legislation in evaluating the use of this information.

Corneal Injuries in Chinchillas

Prof. Corinna Eule, DVM, Dipl ECVO, Freie Universität, Berlin, Germany and Jan Gisle Sjøberg, DVM, Emsalø, Finland

Fig. 1. a) Because chinchillas are prey animals, their eyes are positioned laterally on the Fig 2. To avoid scratches from dry fluorescein
head resulting in a wide field of vision; b) As crepuscular animals chinchillas have relatively strips, the paper can be moistened with
large globes. The form of the pupil is vertical and slit-like, as in feline species, in order to saline.
protect the light-sensitive retina during daylight.3

With their relatively large and pro- bath substance. Particles made from • possible presence of a foreign body
truding eyes, chinchillas are predis- sand have a rough, sharp-edged within the conjunctival cul-de-sac
posed to corneal injuries (Figs 1a,b). surface and can inflict injury. Quality • the corneal surface.
One cause of these injuries may be chinchilla dust baths originate from
Testing the cornea with direct use of
the dust that is provided for their coral algae granules, which have a
the dry fluorescein-impregnated
bathing. smooth, round surface and are able to
paper strips may be challenging
Free-ranging chinchillas instinc- retain humidity.
because the ocular surface can easily
tively clean their fur by taking dust The most common presenting
be scratched with the border of the
baths several times a week. Part of clinical signs of corneal erosion
paper. Therefore for small eyes, it is
the recommendations for housing include blepharospasm, epiphora recommended to moisten the paper
chinchillas in captivity is to provide and discharge from the injured eye. strip with 0.9% saline (Fig 2).
containers of special chinchilla dust Differential diagnoses may include
Because fluorescein is a hydrophilic
for bathing. This dust should be non-ulcerative keratitis (corneal
chemical, it will not stain the intact
offered at least 3 times a week but be dystrophy, mineralization, abscessa-
lipophilic epithelium or Descemet’s
limited to a maximum of 5-10 min- tion, scar tissue) or corneal ulcer (loss
membrane. Only the hydrophilic
utes each session in order to prevent of stromal tissue, melting, non- stroma will absorb the dye. If a
drying of the chinchilla’s skin. In melting, descemetocoele). corneal injury is caused by inappro-
areas of high humidity dust baths A thorough examination of the eye priate dust bath ingredients or
may be offered more frequently. The and its adnexa with a focal light extensive bathing, the lesion is
use of inappropriate chinchilla dust, source and magnification should be typically superficial, clearly demar-
excessive bathing times or inade- performed. Special attention should cated and scratch-like (Fig 3).
quate housing conditions may be paid to: For the treatment of such corneal
contribute to corneal lesions. Sand • integrity of the eyelids and erosions and superficial ulcers,
must be particularly avoided as a their margins application of broad-spectrum

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Fig 3. a) Chinchilla with a painful eye characterized by tearing and blepharospasm. Fig 4: Cornea a of chinchilla with dense
Fluorescein has already been applied to the tear film; b) Close-up image of the painful eye: fibrosis and scarring due to chronic irritation.
fluorescein-positive, scratch-like erosion of the corneal epithelium can be seen.

antibiotic eye drops (q8h) is sug- even develop into indolent ulcers within 10 days, so a recheck examina-
gested. Antibiotics are recommended without any neovascularization and tion of the eyes can be scheduled at
because the corneal epithelium show a delayed wound healing. As that time. The owner should be ques-
normally serves as a physiologic NSAIDs not only decrease pain but tioned about the housing conditions
barrier, and a scratch exposes the eye also slow down neovascularization and bathing habits of the chinchilla.
to microorganisms from the ocular and wound healing, the benefit of If necessary, changes should be
surface, conjunctiva sac and environ- their use has to be questioned for initiated. It is recommended to avoid
ment. Ointments should be avoided each individual case. Furthermore, it dust bathing during an ocular
because of the accumulation of lipid seems that some client’s compliance infection and to take away shavings
material in the ocular area. is better if they must apply only a if used for the housing.

Topical or systemic NSAIDs, as single medication. Therefore in the

Further Reading
well as atropine to relieve a miotic authors’ experience, most of these 1. Morreale RJ: Corneal diagnostic procedures. Clin
Tech Small Anim Pract 18(3):145-151, 2003.
and spastic pupil, may be used. The situations are handled best with only 2. Peiffer RL, Johnson PT: Clinical ocular findings in a
authors’ clinical impression is that topical antibiotics. colony of chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera). Lab Anim
14(4):331-335, 1980.
these superficial corneal erosions are The healing of a cornea in a healthy 3. Detwiler SR: The eye of the chinchilla (C. lanigera).
J Morphol 84(1):123-143, 2005, published online.
not extremely painful. Some of them chinchilla can be expected to occur


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9-3 ObservationsREV2.qxd 10/25/2007 3:02 PM Page 9

T I P S & T R I C K S

Alternative Method for Cable Tie Shell Repair in Chelonia

Christopher Lloyd, BVSc, MSc, CertZooMed, MRCVS, Nad Al Shiba Veterinary Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

A method of using cable ties to repair

shell fractures in chelonia has been
described (Forrester H, Satta J: Easy
shell repair. Exotic DVM 6[6]:13,
2004). In the absence of cable tie guns
and cable tie mounts the author has
experienced good results using
aluminum picture hooks, a glue gun
and heavy duty cable ties. The
methodology is extremely simple.
The hooks and ties remain firmly in Fig 1. Hooks were pre-placed to a freshly Fig 2. The dorsoventral fracture was initially
place for at least 6 months but are cleaned and debrided wound. reduced by cable ties.
easy to remove with an elevator or
screw driver, causing no lasting
damage to the shell.

Case 1
The use of this technique is
demonstrated in a minimally
displaced carapacial fracture in
a spur-thighed tortoise (Testudo
graeca). A glue gun was used to
pre-place the hooks peripher-
ally to a freshly cleaned and
debrided wound (Fig 1). The
dorsoventral fracture was
initially reduced by cable ties
before the cranio-caudal frac-
ture was reduced with a heavy-
duty circular cable tie (Fig 2).
This fracture healed unevent-
fully, and the external fixation
was removed after 6 months.

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T I P S & T R I C K S
Case 2
This African spurred tortoise (Geo-
chelone sulcata) had extensive carapa-
cial injuries following a car accident
that resulted in significant displace-
ment of the caudal and ventral cara-
pace. There was also a fracture of the
left tibia and multiple smaller non-
displaced fractures across the cranial
aspects of the carapace. A large piece
Fig 3. Fiberglass was used to stabilize the Fig 4. Shell fracture is shown after 4 weeks.
of carapace was missing, the coelo-
hairline fractures. Picture hooks and cable
mic membrane had been damaged
ties were used on the major fractures.
and the coelomic cavity was exposed.
Following debridement and sutur-
ing of the coelomic membrane, the
minor hairline fractures were stabi-
lized with fiberglass while the major
fractures were reduced as much as
possible and stabilized with picture
hooks and cable ties (Fig 3). The shell
deficit was packed with wet to dry
dressings, and the entire caudal cara-
pace was bandaged. Bandages were
changed daily for the first 2 weeks Fig 5. Shell fracture is shown after 12 weeks. Fig 6. The fiberglass and ties were removed
and then less frequently. Figure 4 after 7 months.
shows the deficit after 4 weeks and
Figure 5 shows the deficit after 12
weeks. The fiberglass and ties were
removed after 7 months (Fig 6).

Includes 26
new species
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T I P S & T R I C K S

Bone Pin Staples for Tortoise Shell Repair

Sergio Sarmiento Valiente, DVM, Exoticos Vet Clinic, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

I have developed a technique for shell repair in tortoises that uses staples made from bone pins to align the fracture.

Case 1

Fig 2. The fracture was reduced, and a Fig 3. Once the staples were in place, the
Fig 1. A Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo potential site for drilling the first staple hole fracture site was considered stabilized for 24
hermanni) presented with a clean dorsal was marked on one side of the shell to 48 hours and was covered with adhesive
fracture on the carapace. The fracture was fragment. After the hole was drilled, the tape for protection.
cleaned, and staples were created from staple was inserted and a second hole was
intramedullary bone pins. marked and drilled on the opposite side to
align the fragments as closely as possible.

Fig 4. The stapled fracture line was cleaned Fig 5. During the actual hardening of the Fig 6. The final step was to paint over the
again, and a resin was applied to the site. resin, the front leg was restrained with resin in a pattern similar to the natural shell
One should choose a resin that releases the adhesive tape. so the animal would be protected from
least amount of heat during curing. potential predators for the entire year that
the resin would be in place. At the end of the
healing time, the resin residue was removed
along with the staples.

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T I P S & T R I C K S

Case 2

Evaluating Birds’
Fig 8. A Hermann’s tortoise (Testudo Fig 9. In this case, we numbered the staples Feet Through Glass
hermanni) presented with the shell cracked so there would be no confusion during Greg J. Harrison, DVM, Dipl
on both the caudal and lateral aspects. insertion because each homemade staple Emeritus ABVP - Avian Practice,
might be slightly different from the others. South Palm Beach, Florida
The plantar surface of a bird’s
feet can reveal characteristics of
the general health and overall
nutritional state of the bird. It is
difficult to have good exposure
of the entire foot surface during a
regular physical examination
because an active bird will
immediately clench its feet
during restraint. To overcome
this, the bird can be placed on a
glass panel or in an all-glass
Figs 10, 11. As in Case 1, the fractures were cleaned and the staples carefully applied to
bring the edges into apposition. aquarium and the feet viewed
from below. This technique also
provides an alternative for long-
distance consultations where the
client can photograph the feet
from this perspective.
The Amazon in this case is
exhibiting some dryness and
flaking of skin on the plantar
surface of the feet as well as bald
patches. The bird was eating a
formulated diet, so recommenda-
tions to the client were to reduce
Figs 12, 13. Resin was applied and the affected area was painted to resemble the original the amount of “treats,” increase
shell. the sources of omega 3 fatty
acids in the diet (e.g., canola oil,
flax seeds, walnuts), and possibly
expose the bird to natural
sunlight each day.

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T I P S & T R I C K S

Use of a Prosthesis for Severe Carapace Defects

Sergio Sarmiento Valiente, DVM, Exoticos Vet Clinic, Palma de Mallorca, Spain

In cases where a large amount of the fresh layer of fiberglass mass to ates very little heat during curing.
carapace is severely damaged or create a negative print of the affected The two cases of Hermann's
missing, I have found that a shell shell in order for the prosthesis to tortoises (Testudo hermanni) illustrated
prosthesis protects the tissues and adhere closely to the bone. After the below maintained the prosthetic
allows new bone to grow. custom prosthesis hardens, we carapace in place for 1 year. Each
We begin by selecting the appropri- disinfect the material with an F10 grew a new layer of bone at the site
ate mold from among those we have solution and rinse with sterile fluids of the damage.
made of polyester fiberglass using prior to attaching it in place. We use a
different-sized turtles. We apply a 2-component quick glue that gener-

Case 1 Case 2
a b a

c d b

Figs 1a-d. a) The tortoise was presented with severe damage to the carapace. b) The Figs 2a,b. a) The tortoise sustained lateral
prosthetic device was customized and applied. c) The device was painted to simulate the damage to the shell. b) The prosthesis is in
natural shell colors. d) After 1 year, the prosthesis was removed to reveal new bone growth. place and has been painted.
Note that the color pattern of the new bone is different from the original; this reaction is
similar to skin that has healed following a severe burn.

We have used this technique in more than 15 cases. The most difficult ones are those in which the damage affects the
margin between the bone and skin, as those are difficult to seal properly.

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T I P S & T R I C K S

Technique for Intubating Rabbits

Susan Kelleher, DVM, Broward Avian & Exotic Animal Hospital, Pompano Beach, Florida

Rabbit intubation can be accomplished by visualizing the glottis with a Miller #0 laryngoscope blade. The technique
can be difficult to master at first, but with practice it can be accomplished in a matter of seconds.

Fig 1. After I premedicate the rabbit with Fig 2. I like to use a 1/16th IM pin with the Fig 3. I prefer to spritz the larynx with about
Domitor® (100 µg/kg), I engage the help of sharp tip nipped off as a stylet. The tip of the 0.1 cc lidocaine and then mask the rabbit
an experienced holder, who is positioned stylet is bent approximately 30 degrees to down for a few moments with isoflurane
behind the rabbit and holding the mouth help accommodate the curve in approaching before introducing the tube. The key is to
open with gauze straps around the upper and the trachea. hold the laryngoscope in your right hand and
lower incisors. It helps if the holder extends insert it into the mouth sideways with the
the maxilla slightly more rostral than the bulb side toward the roof of the rabbit’s
mandible. mouth. The blade is extended to the back of
the mouth before any pressure is placed on
the tongue; otherwise the tongue will bulge
up and obscure the larynx.

Fig 4. This is the initial view one Fig 5. This is the view we are
normally sees when the epiglottis after.
is above the soft palate. A gentle Figs 6a,b. a) The endotracheal tube is then inserted and attached to
touch or soft tap with the tip of isoflurane for the procedure. b) Some figures were obtained with the
the tracheal tube will collapse use of an endoscope for illustration purposes only, because an
the epiglottis to the back of the endoscope is not necessary for this access.
tongue so the opening to the
trachea can be visualized.

9-3 Rabbit Neoplasia Case Report.qxd 10/25/2007 2:26 PM Page 15

Peer Reviewed

Testicular Interstitial
Cell Neoplasia in a Rabbit
Ariana Finkelstein, DVM and Lynne Cassone, DVM

A 5-year-old, 5.6-lb (2.54-kg), male mini rex rabbit presented

to the Southeast Animal Hospital for evaluation of a
testicular swelling of several month’s duration (Figs 1, 2).
The physical examination findings were within normal
limits, except for a swollen firm right testicle of approxi-
mately 3" x 2" (7.6 cm x 5 cm). The testicle was not painful
or hot on palpation. A primary testicular neoplasia was
The diagnostic plan, which included blood work and
whole body radiographs with emphasis on the thorax, were
Ariana Finkelstein, DVM performed pre-operatively with the rabbit under isoflurane
Southeast Animal Hospital anesthesia. Blood work showed mild hypoglycemia (sec-
San Antonio, Texas ondary to stress); hypokalemia (possibly due to sample
[email protected] handling when sent out for processing) and a mildly
elevated alkaline phosphatase (because alanine trans-
Lynne Cassone, DVM aminase, bilirubin, albumin and blood urea nitrogen results
Texas Veterinary Medical Diagnostic were within normal reference ranges, this was considered
Laboratory System an incidental and nonspecific finding). All other hematol-
College Station, Texas ogy and serum biochemistry parameters were within
normal limits. Radiographs were also within normal limits
for the species, and no evidence of metastasis was seen.
The rabbit was admitted for surgery within 24 hours of
the diagnostic workup. Due to its fractious nature, the
patient was anesthetized with isoflurane and oxygen via a
box induction method and maintained by mask. Butor-
phanol was administered (0.6 mg or 0.24 mg/kg IM) pre-
operatively. A 22-ga intravenous catheter was placed in the
cephalic vein of the rabbit’s right front leg, and a multiple
electrolyte solution (Plasma-Lyte -Baxter) was administered
at 2 times the maintenance dose (BW lbs x 60 ml/lb/day ÷
24 = 15 ml/hour). The anesthetized rabbit was placed in
dorsal recumbency and a pulse oximeter device placed on
its ear to monitor heart rate and oxygen saturation.
The left testicle was not palpable pre-operatively. Normal
aseptic preparation was performed. A traditional pre-scrotal
incision was enlarged to allow removal of the abnormally
large right testicle that was adhered to the scrotum. A
monofilament absorbable suture (3-0) was chosen because
of its ease of use, minimal tissue drag and minimal tissue
reaction. The spermatic cord, deferent duct and vessels

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9-3 Rabbit Neoplasia Case Report.qxd 10/25/2007 2:26 PM Page 16

Peer Reviewed

Figs 1, 2. A testicular tumor was suspected in a mini rex rabbit presented with a testicular Fig 3. The testis was removed following ligation
swelling. of the spermatic cord, deferent duct and vessels.

Fig 4. Tissue glue was applied over the Fig 5. The tumor was submitted for histo-
sutures. pathologic evaluation.

were transfixed and double ligated (Fig 3) according to Discussion

the procedure described by Capello.1 The left testicle was
Testicular neoplasia is uncommon in lagomorphs.6 Benign
still not palpable and was suspected to be atrophied due
interstitial cell tumors (Leydig cell tumors) of mature
to the larger right side. The owner declined a full surgical
male rabbits have been described in the literature.2-5 These
exploratory to locate the second testicle. The incision was
cells do not seem to produce excessive androgen secretion
closed subcutaneously with simple continuous sutures of
in multiple animal species (older domestic bulls, Fisher
3-0 monofilament absorbable suture, and the skin was
rats). A recent report describes a tumor that may have
closed with a subcuticular pattern. Tissue glue was
hormonal stimulation related to the tumor.7 However,
applied (Fig 4). Buprenorphine was administered (0.05
because the patient was euthanized prior to diagnosis in
mg or 0.02 mg/kg) divided subcutaneously and intra-
that case, it is unknown if castration would have resolved
muscularly. Recovery was uneventful. Meloxicam (0.45
the gnecomastia. In this case, the tumor appears to have
mg or 0.18 mg/kg) was dispensed for oral use once daily
benign behavior. Three months postoperatively the rabbit
for 3 days.
has continued to do well, unlike the rabbits in other
The testicle (Fig 5) was submitted to the Texas Veteri-
reports that were sacrificed prior to diagnosis.2-4,7
nary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory for histopathologic
evaluation. The results yielded a testicular interstitial cell References and Further Reading
tumor. This well differentiated tumor exhibited no 1. Capello V: Surgical techniques for orchiectomy of the pet rabbit. Exotic DVM
evidence of cellular atypia, mitotic activity or stromal 7(5):23-32, 2006.
2. Marino F, Ferrara G, Rapisarda G, Galofaro V: Reinke’s crystals in an interstitial
invasion. The testicular architecture was replaced by an cell tumour of a rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Reprod Domest Anim
38(5):421-422, 2003.
expansile well demarcated mass characterized by large 3. Roccabianca P, Ghisleni G, Scanziani E: Simultaneous seminoma and interstitial
cysts and clefts lined by multiple layers of polygonal cells cell tumour in a rabbit with a previous cutaneous basal cell tumour. J Comp
Pathol 121(1):95-99, 1999.
with apical nuclei. Cells contained moderate quantities of 4. Zwicker GM, Killinger JM: Interstitial cell tumors in a young adult New Zealand
white rabbit. Toxicol Pathol 13(3):232-235, 1985.
eosinophilic occasionally finely vacuolated cytoplasm 5. Flatt RE, Weisbroth SH: Interstitial cell tumor of the testicle in rabbits: A report
of two cases. Lab Anim Sci 24(4):682-685, 1974.
with distinct borders and round to ovoid nuclei. 6. Heatley JJ, Smith AN: Spontaneous neoplasm of lagomorphs. Vet Clin No Am
Anisocytosis and anisokaryosis were mild, and mitotic Exot Anim Pract 7(3):561-577, 2004.
7. Maratea KA, Ramos-Vara JA, Corriveau LA, et al: Testicular interstitial cell
figures were rare. No cells extended along the spermatic tumor and gynecomastia in a rabbit. Vet Pathol 44(4):513-517, 2007.
8. Robertson JA, Andrews GA: Theriogenology question of the month. Bilateral
cord or exhibited stromal invasion. cystic interstitial cell tumors. J Am Vet Med Assoc 230(6):827-829, 2007.

9-3 Penile amputation Case Report.qxd 10/26/2007 4:31 PM Page 17

Peer Reviewed

Penile Amputation and

Urethrostomy in a Rat
Véronique Mentré, DVM

A 1.5-year-old, 300-g, intact male rat presented for a mass

on the prepuce that was grossly inflamed and ulcerated.
The mass was noted by the owner approximately 1
month prior to presentation and was increasing in size.
No other abnormalities were noted on the physical
examination, and the rat exhibited normal behavior.
Examination of the prepuce revealed an ulcerative,
hemorrhagic, proliferative 6-mm mass at the distal aspect
(Fig 1). The penis was incorporated within the mass and
impossible to exteriorize. The owner reported the rat
urinated spontaneously but infrequently, which might
Véronique Mentré, DVM have been due to the obstructive nature of the mass.
Clinique Vétérinaire
Palpation of the abdomen revealed a small bladder that
Montigny les Cormeilles, France
was not thickened or painful. The urine was macroscopi-
[email protected]
cally normal on visual examination. Further analysis of
the urine was not performed.
Dr. Mentré graduated from the ecole
A penile and/or preputial tumor was the primary rule
National Vétérinaire de Maisons-Alfort,
out. A surgical approach, including excision of the mass
France in 2001. Following an internship in
with possible penile amputation and urethrostomy, was
small animal medicine and surgery, she
proposed to the owner. The prognosis was guarded due
spent several months in a clinical practice
to the infiltrative nature of the mass and the postopera-
near Washington, DC. Since 2003, she
has worked in a small animal practice tive risk of urethral stenosis.
outside Paris, where she sees exotic pets
on a first opinion and referral basis.

Fig 1. Shown is the general appearance of the mass in the young


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Surgical Procedure
The rat was pre-medicated 30 minutes prior to surgery blood volume of the patient.
with enrofloxacin (10 mg/kg SC) and meloxicam (0.2 The penis was visualized and carefully dissected from
mg/kg SC). The rat was induced with 4% isoflurane via a the mass. The distal aspect of the penis was completely
facemask and maintained on 3% isoflurane with a non- incorporated into the mass (Figs 2, 3); therefore, penile
rebreathing system for the surgical procedure. Cardiac amputation was necessary. The penis was transected with
function was monitored with an electrocardiogram. a scalpel 1 cm proximal to the mass (Fig 4). A 22-gauge
The rat was positioned in dorsal recumbency on a intravenous catheter was inserted into the urethra (Fig 5),
microwaveable Snugglesafe™ heating pad. The abdomen and urethrostomy was performed. The urethral mucosa
was shaved and surgically prepared with povidone was sutured to the skin, as is performed in other mam-
iodine scrub and solution. A circumferential incision was malian species, using 6-0 polyglactin 910 suture (Vicryl).
made around the mass and then bluntly dissected with The ventral aspect of the prepuce and the excision
Severin scissors. Hemostasis was achieved during margins were closed with Vicryl 4-0 suture. The catheter
surgery using sterile cotton-tipped applicators. Meticu- was then sutured to the skin with single interrupted
lous hemostasis was mandatory due to the small size and Vicryl 4-0 sutures (Fig 6).

Fig 2. The mass involved the prepuce and the tip of the penis. Fig 3. The mass was dissected to visualize the penis.

Fig 4. The penis was freed and the mass completely dissected. Fig 5. The urinary catheter was placed prior to the urethrostomy.

9-3 Penile amputation Case Report.qxd 10/26/2007 4:31 PM Page 19

Penile Amputation and

Urethrostomy in a Rat
V. Mentré

Fig 6. The catheter was sutured to the skin. Fig 7. Recovery from the surgical procedure was uneventful.

Post-Surgical Care
A head collar was created using radiographic film to replace the normal bedding with paper towels.
protect the surgery site and catheter during the post- The clinical examination was normal during a postop-
operative period. The collar was fitted to the patient erative visit 3 days later. The owner reported normal
prior to recovery. The rat recovered from anesthesia on micturitions, and abdominal palpation revealed a small
the Snugglesafe™ warming unit without complication. bladder. The surgical site was clean and the sutures and
During the hours following surgery the rat appeared urinary catheter were in place. The rat was not tolerating
painful (hunched back posture, little movement). the head collar well, as moderate moist dermatitis was
Meloxicam (0.1 mg/kg PO q24h) was administered. noted on the neck. The owners were encouraged to clean
Enrofloxacin (10 mg/kg SC q12h) was continued in the neck with chlorhexidine twice daily.
the evening. The rat died 10 days after the postoperative visit. No
The day after surgery the rat was more alert, active and abnormalities are noted on the external examination,
eating well. Micturition appeared to be normal, and the bladder palpation or at the surgical site, and the catheter
surgical site showed no anomaly. The rat was discharged was still in place. The owner declined a necropsy.
with its collar and catheter in place. Postoperative Histopathology of the mass revealed an epidermoid
instructions included oral administration of injectable carcinoma that was moderately differentiated and
enrofloxacin (10 mg/kg PO q12h) and meloxicam (0.1 moderately infiltrative. The excision margins were
mg/kg PO q24h). The owners were advised to monitor infiltrated by neoplastic cells.
for head collar tolerance, appetite and micturition and to

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9-3 Penile amputation Case Report.qxd 10/26/2007 4:31 PM Page 20

Peer Reviewed

Cutaneous tumors in rats are rare compared to the Preoperative analgesia is imperative in small mam-
incidence of mammary gland tumors. They are also rare mals. Administration of meloxicam pre- and post-
in rats less than one year of age. operatively provided analgesia in this case.
Several laboratory lineages (Fischer 344, for example) Urethrostomy in small exotic mammals is a rare
have shown a particularly high prevalence of tumors of surgery, but the technique employed is similar to that in
the preputial and clitoral glands, up to 90% in males and larger mammals. Protection of the surgical site is a
70% in females.2 primary concern postoperatively, as rodents are adept at
Tumors of the preputial glands usually derive from the chewing sutures and causing damage to the incision.
acini or from the epithelium of the excretory duct. Owners must be well educated on postoperative care and
Mesenchymal tumors are rare. Preputial adenomas are patient monitoring during the healing stage.
seen most frequently and may be simple or multiple and
involve one gland or both. They are mostly circum-
scribed. Adenocarcinomas are usually larger (up to 30 Products at a Glance
mm in diameter), the skin is often ulcerated and the
I Enrofloxacin - Baytril 5% injectable, Bayer HealthCare,
tumor infiltrantive. Adenocarcinomas may have several I Meloxicam - Metacam 5 mg/ml injectable, Boehringer
origins, but normal glandular structure is usually not Ingelheim, www.boehringer-ingelheim.com
visible on pathology.3 I Isoflurane - AErrane, Baxter SAS, www.baxter.com
In this case, the absence of a necropsy prevented the I Electrocardiogram - Cardiorapid,
determination of the cause of death. The urethrostomy www.electrocardiographe.com
had been well tolerated and there had been no evidence
I Heating pad - Snugglesafe, LenricC21 Ltd,
of a urethral stenosis during the postoperative period. I Polyglactin 910 suture - Vicryl, Johnson and Johnson Intl,
Surgical difficulties in this species are primarily linked www.jnjgateway.com
to the small size of the animal. Because one must be
careful about hypothermia during the procedure, it is
References and Further Reading
necessary to place the animal on a thermoregulation 1. Donnelly TM: Diseases of small rodents. In Quesenberry KE, Carpenter JW
device during surgery and, if possible, recovery. Blood (eds): Ferrets, Rabbits and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery 2nd ed.
Saunders-Elsevier, 2004.
loss must also be monitored closely. Use of electro- 2. Reznik G: Pathology of the clitoral and preputial glands. In Mohr V, Dungworth
surgery, electrocoagulation or, more simply, sterile DL, Capen CC: Pathobiology of the Aging Rat Vol 2. Ilsi Press, 1992, pp 436-
cotton-tipped applicators, allows the surgeon to 3. Springer-Verloy, Benirscke K, Garner FM, Jones TC: Pathology of Laboratory
Animals Vol 1. 1978, pp 586-588.
control bleeding efficiently.


AEMV membership* provides many benefits,

• Discount registration to AEMV
continuing education opportunities
• Members-only web database
of client education materials
• Subscription to the
Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine
*Membership is restricted to veterinarians, veterinary students, and veterinary staff only.

PO Box 396, Weare, NH, USA 03281-0396

[email protected] fax 603-529-4980

9-3 Estella Intraoral.qxd 10/25/2007 2:35 PM Page 21

Peer Reviewed

Intraoral Radiographic Technique

in Lagomorphs and Rodents*
Estella Böhmer, Dr med vet

Radiography is an important tool for examining tooth

and jaw disorders in rabbits and rodents. In a clinical
examination, even with the most sophisticated intraoral
visual inspection, the majority of extraoral changes in
teeth and/or jaw bones often cannot be fully identified.
Radiographic findings, however, can help determine
choice of the correct treatment and long-term prognosis.
Radiographs can also be helpful when discussing
therapeutic and prophylactic options with the client.
The conventional 4 radiographic projections (latero-
lateral and dorsoventral skull views as well as 40-degree
Estella Böhmer, Dr med vet oblique views of both sides) usually can be obtained
Clinic of Veterinary Surgery without anesthesia (one film divided into 4 sections).
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine There are several other projections for specific additional
Ludwig-Maximilians-University studies of the head available with the rabbit anes-
Munich, Germany thetized. Especially noteworthy is the rostrocaudal
[email protected] projection (patient in dorsal recumbency), which usually
gives a good overview of the mandibular joints in
Dr. Böhmer is a 1981 graduate from the lagomorphs and rodents, as well as the dorsoventral
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of projection (patient in ventral recumbency) with the
Ljubljana in Yugoslavia. She received her Dr patient’s jaw being held wide open. The latter technique
med vet degree in 1985 from the Clinic of allows a good interpretation of the mandibular bodies
Veterinary Surgery, Faculty of Veterinary
and symphysis in guinea pigs and chinchillas. In rabbits,
Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-University,
however, the mouth usually cannot be opened far
Munich, Germany. In 1987 she became a
enough to get a good image without superimposition
member of the German Board of Veterinary
of the maxillary bones. Therefore, if required, the
Surgeons. Since 1996 she has been Assistant
mandibles in rabbits should also be radiographed by
Medical Director (exotic mammals and
means of an intraoral x-ray technique. The deeply
dentistry in cats and dogs) at Ludwig-
inserted intraoral dental film allows a good interpreta-
tion not only of the symphysis but also of each
mandibular tooth.

*Adapted from two original papers published in German that

describe radiographic evaluation of the skull and teeth in
lagomorphs and rodents. Part I: Overall anatomy and
pathology of the head, indications for x-ray diagnosis
(Tierärztl Praxis 2001; 29[K]:316-327). Part II: X-ray
diagnosis of tooth and jaw disorders in lagomorphs and
rodents (Tierärztl Praxis 2001; 29[K]:369-383). Used with
permission of Schattauer GmbH Publishers.

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Back Back



Fig 1. Size #2 (31 x 41 mm) (Kodak® DF58) and size #0 (22 Fig 2. Back and front of a dental film.
mm x 35 mm) (Kodak® DF 54) dental films.

a b c

Press the right Press the left

side in side in

Fig 3a-c. Intraoral positioning of the film: arrows show the direction of inserting the film into the mouth.

INDICATIONS FOR INTRAORAL Radiographic Technique and

• Structural changes of the upper and lower incisors and Small dental films are available in two sizes: size #2
molars (e.g., enamel or dentin hypoplasia, resorption, (31 x 41 mm) (Kodak® DF58) and size #0 (22 mm x 35
deformation, deviation and elongation of teeth)
mm) (Kodak® DF 54) (Fig 1). The larger ones are
• Optimal visualization of a single incisor or molar
suited for rabbits, whereas the smaller ones can be
(without superimposition with other teeth or bone
used in guinea pigs, chinchillas and rats. The tech-
nique in small rodents is the same as described here in
• Tooth loosening
rabbits. Because all dental films contain a layer of lead
• Teeth-induced inflammation of the maxilla or mandibula
(periapical abscessation or osteomyelitis) foil inside the protective covering, it is important to
• Mandibular or maxillar trauma (e.g., fracture, fissure, closely inspect the films for correct intraoral place-
tooth luxation, impaction) ment. The uniformly white upper side of the film (Fig
• Diseases of the nasolacrimal duct (possible additional 2) must be aligned with the x-ray beam. This means
application of contrast media) with the anesthetized patient in dorsal recumbency,
• Rhinitis the white surface of the intraoral film is positioned
• Neoplasia (rostral two-thirds of the mandible or maxilla) upward. After retracting the tongue from the mouth
• Palpable protuberances of unknown origin (rostral two- and hence slightly opening the jaw, one corner of the
thirds of the mandible or maxilla) film is inserted into the right oral vestibulum of the
rabbit (Fig 3a). Then the other corner of the film is
Limited Indications
passed along the left oral vestibulum and carefully
• Intraoral neoplasia (difficulty in placing the film correctly)
inserted into the mouth as far as possible (Fig 3b).
• Disorders that prevent positioning the patient in dorsal
or ventral recumbency Slight and repeated side movements of the film and
continuous gentle traction of the tongue with the

9-3 Estella Intraoral.qxd 10/25/2007 2:35 PM Page 23

Intraoral Radiographic Technique

in Lagomorphs and Rodents
E. Böhmer

X-ray a
position of
the film with

Fig 4. Horizontal positioning of the

intraoral film (perpendicular to the x-ray
b c

Fig 5. Intraoral film wedged behind the maxillary incisor teeth: a) skull; b) anesthetized
rabbit; c) anesthetized guinea pig.

other hand facilitate intraoral placement. At last the between the long axis of the film and the long axis of
dental film should be so deeply situated into the oral the incisor teeth. In this case (and if the film is not
cavity that only a very small part of the protective placed deep enough in the mouth), the fourth and
cover is located beyond the maxillary incisors (Figs 3c, fifth mandibular molar teeth cannot be visualized.
4). In rabbits weighing more than 1.2 kg, the film can The distance between the object and the x-ray equip-
usually be wedged behind the maxillary incisors (Figs ment can be more than 50 cm (standard distance). A
5a,b). The smaller sized film is suited for the intraoral dental radiographic unit is not required, but if avail-
radiographic technique in guinea pigs and chinchillas able, it should be used to reduce scatter radiation.
(Fig 5c). With a slight rotation of the skull (about 20 degrees
This technique can also be used in intubated rabbits to the left or right side without moving the x-ray
(Fig 6). To avoid superimposition of the endotracheal equipment) and thus obtaining an oblique exposure of
tube with the dental film, the tube should be placed the intraoral dental film, an isolated view of each
on the non-affected side of the jaw. In order to get single incisor or cheek tooth in both lower jaws is
optimal intraoral radiographs one should prevent possible (Figs 14b,c,e,f).
bending the film too much while placing it into the For radiographic examination of the upper incisors
mouth and ensure that the primary x-ray beam is as well as all maxillary premolar and molar teeth (Fig
directed perpendicular to the film axis, approximately 7), the animal is positioned in ventral recumbency. In
centered on the first molar tooth (Fig 4). the manner described above, the intraoral film is
Intraoral radiographs are obtained with the animal inserted deeply into the mouth, this time with the
under general anesthesia, and the necessary precau- front of the film facing the maxilla. In order to ascer-
tions must be taken to meet the radiation safety tain that the film is in a horizontal position, the chin
requirements. The skull should preferably be taped to of the rabbit can be positioned on top of a small
the table. In addition, the parallel technique is used so sponge.
the x-ray beam should be aimed perpendicular to the If there are any concerns about the occlusal surface
film and not perpendicular to the bisecting angle of the cheek teeth or the clinical crown of a single

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9-3 Estella Intraoral.qxd 10/25/2007 2:35 PM Page 24

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a b

Fig 6. Intraoral film positioning in an

intubated rabbit (film positioned between
the tongue and tube).

Fig 7. Radiograph of the upper jaw in a rabbit (animal in ventral recumbency): a)

without any pathologic changes; b) slight malalignment of cheek teeth with
absence/destruction of the left maxillary first and second cheek teeth.

a b


Fig 8. Intraoral radiograph with vertical positioning of a dental film (rabbit): a)

skull; b) view of the maxillary and mandibular cheek teeth (clinical crowns) with
normal occlusion (endotracheal tube is visible, arrow); c) malocclusion: uneven /
stepped occlusal surface, deformation of the fourth cheek tooth with a distinct
widening of the periodontal ligament space (arrows). Note that the apical
portions of the teeth cannot be assessed with this technique.

9-3 Estella Intraoral.qxd 10/25/2007 2:35 PM Page 25

Intraoral Radiographic Technique

in Lagomorphs and Rodents
E. Böhmer

a b



Fig 9. a) Unwrapped dental film (opened); b) 1) lead foil, 2) film, 3) paper.

a b

Right Left

Film Backside


Fig 10. Fixation of the film with a clip: beneath the circle on the Figs 11a,b. Correct position of the clip (outside the imaged
back of the film cover is a dot on the film itself that is palpable jaw).
in the darkroom.

tooth (e.g., caries), the dental film can be carefully and a layer of lead foil on the back (Fig 9b). On the
bent along the longitudinal axis and then placed one corner of the film is a small circle (dot) where the
parallel to the teeth deeply into the mouth (Fig 8). fixating clip should be placed (Figs 10, 11). This
Alternatively, the smaller intraoral film can be used approach ensures that the clip is not located over the
(Fig 1). With the animal in lateral recumbency, the caudal part of the jaws on the radiograph (Fig 11b).
primary x-ray beam should be adjusted to the second
cheek tooth. Here also a little sponge placed under the Conclusions
tip of the nose facilitates correct lateral positioning of
the skull. The intraoral technique is a valuable method for
examining single affected teeth in the lower jaw as
Film Processing well as the upper jaw of rabbits and small rodents.
This technique should be combined with routine skull
In a darkroom, the exposed dental film can be
radiographs (at least 4 images on 1 film) in order to
processed by hand (1 minute developing, rinse with
water; 1 minute fixing, rinse with water), in an have a good overview of the pathologic changes in
automatic dental processor, or in a conventional case of malocclusion. As Fig.12a shows, the oblique
automatic processor (a large conventional film can be projection sometimes cannot exactly identify which
used with an adequate cutout for the intraoral film in tooth should be extracted or assess the appearance of
order to function as a trailer). First of all, the protec- the jaw bone. In these special cases and in all cases
tive cover is opened and the film removed. It is concerning the incisors, an intraoral film provides
embedded between two layers of protective paper complementary diagnostic imaging (Figs 13, 14).

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9-3 Estella Intraoral.qxd 10/25/2007 2:35 PM Page 26

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a b

Fig 12. Rabbit with an open abscess of the right mandible:

a) oblique view: distinct destruction of the right mandibular bone
(arrows). b) intraoral radiograph showing osteomyelitis around
the first cheek tooth on the left side; first cheek tooth on the
right side missing, severe bone-destruction (arrows) and
deformed right incisor following chronic tooth abscessation.

a b

Fig 13. Rabbit with a nonaffected normal left mandible and an open abscess of the right
mandible: a) The right mandibular incisor tooth is slightly elongated and discolored; b)
intraoral radiograph: longitudinal fissuring of the first mandibular cheek tooth (white arrow),
severe bone deformity (osteomyelitis) in consequence of an advanced periapical lesion
(yellow arrows) of the right mandibular incisor tooth.

9-3 Estella Intraoral.qxd 10/25/2007 2:35 PM Page 27

Intraoral Radiographic Technique

in Lagomorphs and Rodents
E. Böhmer

a b c

d e f

Fig 14. Intraoral radiographs of an anorectic rabbit: a) bilateral longitudinal fissuring of the first cheek tooth (yellow arrows); in
addition clinical crown fracture of the left mandibular incisor tooth; b) slightly oblique intraoral radiograph: complete longitudinal
fissuring of the first cheek tooth (yellow arrow, left side) with beginning perforation of the ventral cortical bone (white arrow); c) same
finding on the right side; d) radiograph obtained after extraction of the first cheek tooth on both sides; small piece of tooth left in
the alveolus (right side); e) same condition (slightly oblique right); f) same condition (slightly oblique left).

References and Further Reading

1. Böhmer E: Radiographic evaluation of the skull and teeth in lagomorphs
and rodents. Part I: Overall anatomy and pathology of the head,
indications for x-ray diagnosis. Tierärztl Praxis 29(K):316-327, 2001.
2. Böhmer E: Radiographic evaluation of the skull and teeth in lagomorphs
and rodents. Part II: X-ray diagnosis of tooth and jaw disorders in
lagomorphs and rodents. Tierärztl Praxis 29(K):369-383, 2001.
3. Capello V, Gracia M: Rabbit and Rodent Dentistry Handbook. Lake Worth,
Zoological Education Network, 2005.

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9-3 NW Zoo ad.qxd 10/26/2007 4:39 PM Page 28

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Web site: www.zoopath.com Email: [email protected]

9-3 CN - Reptile Lighting.qxd 10/25/2007 2:52 PM Page 29

Peer Reviewed

Reptile Lighting is a Process

Not a Bulb*
Henry Brames, Dr med vet and Frances Baines, MRCVS

As reptile veterinarians, we must have a proactive

approach in caring for our patients, because optimal
health includes an assessment of the overall welfare of
the individual reptile.
Preventive reptile medicine should include:
• strategic preventive health practices that reduce
the risk of communicable diseases and enhance
metabolism through nutrition and feeding
Henry Brames, Dr med vet practices
Munich, Germany • hygiene
[email protected] • composition of cagemates
Frances Baines, MRCVS • “enrichment”—a broad group of behavioral
Wales, United Kingdom management practices
[email protected] • the design of the appropriate microhabitat
including lighting.
It is also important to educate the reptile keepers as
well as the commercial entities that produce, distrib-
Henry Brames graduated from the Ludwig Maximilians
ute and sell related merchandise or services and the
University Veterinary School in Munich, Germany in
affiliated regulatory agencies, hobbyist organizations
1981. He operates a reptile veterinary practice and a
and professional associations. If we are to keep
quality management consulting business. His special
reptiles in captivity, we cannot merely keep them
interests are preventive reptile medicine and the
alive—we must be committed to providing them the
regulation of reptile immunity.
potential to live a high quality of life. Lighting is an
Frances Baines qualified from Cambridge Veterinary
extremely important facet of reptile welfare and
School in England in 1980. She is now retired from health.
veterinary practice but has spent the last 3 years
researching the use of ultraviolet lighting in reptile
husbandry. She is author of the website
www.uvguide.co.uk and UV advisor to the British and
Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums (BIAZA) Reptile
& Amphibian Working Group.

*Adapted from a poster presented during the 2007

Association of Reptilian and Amphibian Veterinarians
annual conference.

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9-3 CN - Reptile Lighting.qxd 10/25/2007 2:52 PM Page 30

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Many reptiles are heliotherms, relying heavily on Artificial lighting has been developed to suit human
direct sunlight to drive their physiologies. Others may perception. Light bulbs provide a disjunct spectrum
live in indirect sunlight or be nocturnal or crepuscular. compared to sunlight, and most bulbs produce no
In all cases, their evolutionary history has resulted in UV-B and many produce very little UV-A. Most of
modifications throughout their body to better utilize these light bulbs were designed by humans to best
the light provided within their microhabitat. The serve human’s visual frequencies, but the differences
anatomy of the typical reptilian eye varies substan- between what a human sees and what a lizard sees
tially from the human eye and so they perceive and may dramatically influence reptiles’ health by altering
use light differently than we do. Because this fact is its behavior and failing to support key physiologic
not appreciated by most reptile keepers, it may lead processes. Specifically, light modulates and supports
to anthropocentric misunderstandings resulting in the reptilian immuno-neuro-endocrine network (Fig 2).
preventable illnesses and deaths in captive reptiles. Each of the over 8000 reptile species evolved in
As reptile veterinarians, we have to promote our specific microhabitats with specific photoperiods and
preventive knowledge as well as treat the ill reptile. illumination. It is impossible to exactly replicate the
Reptiles are tetrachromats, possessing four indepen- natural light cycle of a reptile in captivity, but a
dent channels for conveying color information (or healthful light environment can be achieved once one
four different cones), so they can see light well into realizes that there is not a single “right” bulb for any
the UV-A range (below 400 nm). Compared to situation. It requires thoughtful choices and imple-
humans, they have shifted peak sensitivities for their mentation to provide appropriate lighting for a captive
red, green and blue cones. They literally have a reptile and constant assessment and modifications to
different world view (Fig 1). the process based on the reptile’s health (Fig 3).

Fig 1. Reptiles deprived of UV-A are effectively rendered “color-blind.” To imagine what this might be like, compare the above
simulation of what a male anole looks like to a color-blind (protanope) human, with its appearance to a human with full-color vision.

Fig 2. How light modulates the ectothermic reptile immune system.

9-3 CN - Reptile Lighting.qxd 10/25/2007 2:52 PM Page 31

Reptile Lighting is a Process Not a Bulb

H. Brames and F. Baines

Fig 3. Reptile lighting is a process, not a bulb!

Fig 4. Research about a reptile’s habitat and basking behavior is required before its needs can be ascertained.

Research and Plan is critical to realize that in captivity, the lighting

system must provide appropriate daily and seasonal
The weather and climate of a reptile’s country of changes in light and heat (Fig 4).
origin is often misinterpreted as its microhabitat Reptiles maintain their preferred body temperature
demand. In reality, the actual microhabitat of a reptile behaviorally, keeping a relatively constant body
varies quite a bit from the reported “climate” for a temperature that may be above or below that of their
locality. For example, a reptile that hides in burrows immediate environment. For example, a Gila monster
or under shady leaves is going to be exposed to a (Heloderma suspectum) has a preferred optimal temper-
much different quantity and quality of the radiation ature zone of 30°C (86°F), even though the “summer
spectrum than a reptile that occupies the sunny areas climate” of the Arizona desert may be cooler than that
for a particular locale; furthermore, the temperature in the morning and hotter by mid-day. This lizard
needs of a reptile may be a distinct entity compared to spends a large portion of its time underground in
the lighting needs. For example, one reptile may need burrows and thus avoids encountering a lot of the
cool bright light high in UV-B and another species sun’s radiation; so its lighting needs are different than
may do best with hot bright lighting high in UV-B. It if it spent many daylight hours above ground.

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Fig 5. Select and Combine: Lighting Options Assessed.

Ignoring these facts by the keeper leads to a misun-

derstanding of a reptile’s demand and results in Relevant Parameters
chronic under- or over-radiation and distress. Further, I Watt: energy consumption/time (i.e., what you pay as
each reptile set-up will be different, as each reptile electric power bill)
and reptile group has different needs and each keeper I Lumen: total emitted visible light radiation as apparent to
has different resources and demands. Lighting has to a human observer
be planned individually for every terrarium before the I Lumen/watt: light efficiency; the humanly visible light
reptile is acquired! output per watt lux: lumen received at 1 m2 (i.e., the
illumination or light intensity received)
Select and Combine I (Apparent) color temperature in Kelvin (°K or K):
subjective redness or blueness of a light source; the hue
Reptiles are adapted to natural sunlight, not artificial of light as seen from a theoretical black body radiator with
light. Because there is no one light bulb that provides corresponding Kelvin; this is a problematic unit with lamps
the range of radiation comparable to sunlight, one having interrupted spectra and when considering light
often must combine two or three sources of artificial filtered through green leaves in some reptile habitats.
light in order to create a captive environment suitable spectral quality: spectroscope images reveal the potential
for a reptile. It is particularly important to provide an level of similarity to the solar spectrum
appropriate intensity of light across the full spectrum, I Color Rendering Index (CRI): indicates the ability of a
including ultraviolet light. To facilitate normal lamp to reproduce the natural “true” colors of various
basking behavior and achieve an illumination and objects to a human observer
thermal gradient, it is important to focus all radiation I Longevity: estimates based on the lamp being in use for
(UV, visible light and infrared) upon the same area. 10-12 hours per day (Fig 5).

9-3 CN - Reptile Lighting.qxd 10/25/2007 2:52 PM Page 33

Reptile Lighting is a Process Not a Bulb

H. Brames and F. Baines

The similarity table features the main categories of intensity of light and heat and the UV-A and UV-B
light bulbs used in reptile husbandry. Color coding levels provided in each terrarium.
highlights features that are similar to the natural sun
that are available from only the best lamps in each Install and Control (Fig 7)
category. Whether the bulbs are standard or produced
To avoid glare affecting the eyes of the terrarium
specifically for reptiles, these vary widely in perfor-
inhabitants, lamps placed inside or outside the
mance (Fig 5).
enclosure must be positioned above the reptile at the
UV-B lighting is particularly problematic because calculated optimum distance. Lamps must be posi-
keepers cannot assess the UV-B output of a lamp tioned eccentrically in the vivarium to allow an
without a suitable meter. Few independent test results illumination and temperature gradient to develop.
are available; those that have been published show Regular glass and most plastics will completely block
that some “reptile” UV-B products are of high quality UV transmission; even mesh will reduce it signifi-
whereas others may even be detrimental. The output cantly. Any of these substances positioned between
level of UV-B bulbs should be measured or referred the light and the reptile will also reduce the intensity
for unbiased test results. Since output declines with of visible light. Reflectors may be used to focus
time, regular measurements may reveal a bulb that radiation and increase its intensity.
needs to be replaced before the 6-12 month window Control of the lighting involves various electrical
that is commonly stated as the useable lifespan of a equipment, such as insulated wires, sockets and
UV-B bulb. mounting fixtures. These devices must be suitable for
Selecting and combining suitable lamps enables the power source and for the wattage of the lamp and
optimization of the quality of the spectrum, the must be heat-, water- and corrosion-resistant. If the

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Fig 6. Select and Combine: Examples of successful “mixed lighting” providing a more balanced spectrum within individual habitats.

reptile can access the devices, the lamps also must important. Even fluorescent bulbs get hot! Mesh
either be shielded from direct contact or of such guards should be used where appropriate, allowing
design as to be impervious to the reptile’s destructive for their impact on transmittance of the key wave-
capabilities. lengths of light for the reptile in question. Consider
Residual current devices should be fitted as appro- the use of electronic controls to regulate temperature
priate. Low voltage installations enhance electric and the timing of diurnal lighting; these last longer
shock safety but don’t reduce the risk of fire hazards. than mechanical timers. Computer-controlled systems
If the light bulb or other device, such as a ballast for may even enable sophisticated simulation of natural
fluorescent lighting, gets hot, it can be a source of daylight hours, seasonal changes and weather, and
thermal injury to a reptile if not suitably shielded. take into account variation of the outside solar
Protection against accidental burns is particularly radiation.

9-3 CN - Reptile Lighting.qxd 10/25/2007 2:52 PM Page 35

Reptile Lighting is a Process Not a Bulb

H. Brames and F. Baines

Fig 7. Install and Control: Safety equipment and thermostatic control of heat and light is essential.

Check and Replace (Fig 8) Support Process

Wires and contacts must be serviced, checked for Provisions should be made for a back-up emergency
defects and renewed regularly. Some types of lamp power supply. Reserve equipment should be kept in
need regular monitoring because their UV-B and stock to instantly replace devices that fail, especially
lumen output decays along specific parameters; these since many products used can be acquired only from
may have to be replaced earlier than at the point of specialty shops or internet dealers. Documents and
their maximum lifetime. Reptile veterinarians “take a manuals for equipment and bulbs should be filed and
herp’s temperature” by monitoring their simulated accessed to answer questions—read the manual and
solar habitat. Simple hand tools that measure local don’t trust your memory when dealing with compli-
parameters and decay of bulb radiance include: cated electrical systems. Adequate insurance and
• thermometer (electronic wired or infra-red non- professional technical assistance are advisable. Lastly,
contact) fire safety is a must. A combination of smoke detec-
• lux meter, UV-B and UV-A meter tors and alarms is essential for the safety of the
• digicam as luxmeter and for apparent color captive reptiles as well as the humans that share the
temperature estimate same building.
However, no tool can replace the careful and consci- The knowledge of reptilian illumination require-
entious observer who is cognizant of the normal ments and the designs for providing appropriate
appearance and behavior of a healthy captive reptile. lighting for captive reptiles is continuously growing.

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Fig 8. Check and Replace: Regular monitoring of all heating and lighting is not difficult
with modern meters recording light and UV-B levels as well as temperature.

The veterinarian is encouraged to use media and Conclusions

communities (local and worldwide) to stay up to date
Most ill health in captive reptiles is the result of poor
and share knowledge. All changes to husbandry
husbandry, often provided by well-meaning but ill-
practices and the resulting successes and failures
informed keepers. Reptile veterinarians must be
should be recorded; care should be taken to separate
knowledgeable on designing and assessing lighting
anecdotes from documented and statistically valid
systems used for captive reptiles since they are a
observations that are repeatable.
powerful force that can positively or negatively
Management Process influence a reptile’s immune-neuro-endocrine net-
work. Critical anthropomorphism can be used to
As a facility manager, reptile curator or consulting
teach a keeper a “feeling for reptiles.” For example,
reptile veterinarian, goals and policies should be set
it is helpful to ask people to imagine reading a color
and communicated to the staff. Research, observation
magazine under dim red lighting to help them
and feedback are essential to analyze and improve the
understand how critical adequate, full spectrum light
reptile lighting process. The private reptile hobbyist
is for reptiles. Ultimately, one must remember that
should have a safety net of friends who can help care
reptile lighting is a process…not a bulb!
for their collection in the event they are incapacitated.
Further Information
1. www.qmvet.de/rept_light_immune_lit.pdf
2. www.qmvet.de
3. www.uvguide.co.uk
4. www.reptileuvinfo.com

9-3 Nimal Fish Anesthesia.qxd 10/25/2007 2:39 PM Page 37

Peer Reviewed

How to Make a Fish

Anesthetic Machine with
Divided Recirculation Circuits
Nimal Fernando, BSc, BVSc (Hon), MACVSc (Diagnostic Imaging,
Avian Health); Walter Tang and Wendy Chan, RN

Fish anesthesia usually involves the use of immersion

baths or, for longer procedures, non-recirculation or
recirculation systems.1-3 The recirculation systems
described in the literature allow control of anesthetic
depth only by the movement of the fish or hardware
back and forth to a second recirculation system, usually
containing anesthetic-free water.
The Hong Kong Ocean Park fish collection is substan-
tial and diverse. Previously when fish anesthesia was
required, the various components (pump, tank and
holding tray) were quickly assembled to create a tempo-
Nimal Fernando, BSc, BVSc rary device. However, we believed we would undertake
(Hon), MACVSc (Diagnostic more frequent and lengthier procedures with a dedi-
Imaging, Avian Health) cated machine designed to accommodate the variety of
Ocean Park Corporation fish patients in the collection. With this in mind, a
Aberdeen, Hong Kong project emerged to produce a machine that accepted a
[email protected] variety of fish sizes, allowed some control of anesthetic
depth and was still simple to operate. The resulting fish
Nimal Fernando is a graduate of The anesthetic machine allows control of anesthesia by
University of Queensland, Australia. creating two separate recirculation systems, which
For the last 7 years he has been enables the anesthetist to adjust the anesthetic depth
working in Hong Kong with exotic without moving the fish or hardware.
species. His current position is at The purpose of this article is to describe the design
Ocean Park, an oceanarium with a and underlying principles of this fish anesthetic device
large and varied collection of
so that similar units may be constructed by others. The
animals including fish.
materials used in the final construction of the machine
are readily available in hardware and aquarium stores so
the anesthetic machine can easily be constructed by the
veterinary practitioner in collaboration with a workshop
for the acrylic tank if needed.

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Design and Construction

The starting point for the project involved the use of The small anesthetic machine we first produced
cardboard boxes (Figs 1, 2) to help conceptualize the consisted of 2 basic components: 1) the main tank and
design. The basic physical requirements for the trough (Fig 3), which are the 2 main reservoirs for the
system included a partitioned tank and interchange- water and are constructed from acrylic (e.g., Perspex,
able troughs of different sizes to hold fish. Then we Plexiglass, Lucite); and 2) the PVC pipes, taps and
determined how to connect the pipe work and pump pump.
in such a way that a separated recirculation system The design for the main tank and trough was
could be created. submitted to a local manufacturer for construction at

Fig 1. Cardboard boxes were helpful in designing and conceptu-

alizing the machine prototype.

Fig 2. After proposing to divide the main tank to separate the

water, the next concept was to design interchangeable troughs
to hold fishes of varying sizes.

Fig 3. A small fish anesthetic machine was created from the

design. The anesthetized fish patient is positioned in a trough
and supported by sponges. By the opening and closing of taps,
water is drawn from one of two recirculation systems, allowing Fig 4. A dye illustrates the partitioning of the main tank. This
the anesthetic depth to be regulated without moving the patient partition separates water containing anesthetic from water
or pump. without anesthetic.

9-3 Nimal Fish Anesthesia.qxd 10/25/2007 2:39 PM Page 39

How to Make a Fish Anesthetic Machine

with Divided Recirculation Circuits
N. Fernando, W. Tang and W. Chan

minimal cost (approximately $3000 HKD for the small performed in-house with material and equipment
unit and $4000 HKD for the larger unit, or US $385- sourced from aquarium and hardware stores.
513). Assembly of the PVC pipes, taps and pump was

Operating the Anesthetic System

The main tank is separated by a partition with one The holding trough retains the fish in position (Fig
side designed to hold the anesthetic-containing water 6). Foam sponges and towels are used for further
and the other side anesthetic-free water. Figure 4 stabilization as dictated by the body conformation of
illustrates the partitioning of water by the addition of the fish. Water returns to the appropriate side of the
a dye. In this setup, the letter “A” designates the side main tank by a ventral drainage hole in the trough
holding water with the anesthetic agent. connected to PVC pipes. The trough is angled slightly
The main tank can also be used for inducing to facilitate drainage.
anesthesia (Fig 5), and a volume scale was added to A larger unit modeled on the smaller unit was built
the side of the tank to aid in anesthetic dosing. An to accept a series of different-sized troughs to hold
induction dose can be reduced to a maintenance level larger fish (Figs 7, 8). The volume of recirculating
by the appropriate releasing of anesthetic-containing water supported by the tank reservoir was deter-
water and refilling with anesthetic-free water. For mined to be sufficient to maintain anesthesia (Fig 9).
larger fish, the overlying trough can be lifted off for The troughs are easily removed from the tank after
induction, increasing access to the fish. disconnecting the PVC piping (Fig 10).

Fig 5. Induction of anesthesia in the main tank is Fig 6. Sponges in the trough protect the fish from
shown. A volume scale on the side aids in anes- mechanical damage and help to keep the fish wet.
thetic dosing. They also facilitate positioning, which is especially
helpful in laterally compressed fishes.

Fig 7. The large anesthetic machine is shown with Fig 8. The large anesthetic machine holds a trough
the smallest trough in place. in place for use with the largest fish species.

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The pump used in the initial small unit is an Eheim® while the other is used to wet the fish.
pump with an output of 5 L/minute. The larger unit A drainage pipe from the pump facilitates emptying
is fitted with an Eheim® pump with an output of 38 of the tank, which is especially useful for large
L/minute. volumes of water (see Fig 10).
The pump drives the water flow but the configura-
When operating the anesthetic machine a residual
tion of pipes and taps directs water through the
current device should be used for personal safety. This
anesthetic machine and enables the operation of two
will provide protection against electrical shock should
recirculation systems. Figure 11 illustrates the cycle of
any current leakage occur.
water through one recirculation system. Water is
Experiences in using the new machine have been
drawn by the pump into the system at the intake
positive and have produced consistently good results,
valve, moves to the fish and then empties into the
although the final design outlined here was the result
trough. From here it returns to the same side of the
of several modifications made after trial use. Initially
tank, completing the recirculation. Note the position
of the taps that open one system and close the other. an air line was attached to the pump to oxygenate the
Switching between the 2 systems requires the operator water but during switching between the solutions, we
to reverse the open and closed position of the taps. found it drew air into the water column and stopped
In switching between the 2 solutions, there is some the pump. Oxygen levels appear to be adequate by
“dead space” in the trough and pipes that retains relying on turbulence generated through the machine.
water from the previous function. To minimize We also raised one end of the trough to facilitate
assimilation of the 2 and avoid delivery of the passive drainage and return of water to the reservoir tank.
solution, the taps to the first operating circle are This is particularly important when switching
closed for a few seconds to allow the system to clear between solutions to minimize assimilation of water
prior to opening the alternate circle. between the 2 recirculation systems.
At the fish intake the tubing is split into 2 different Figures 14-16 illustrate various diagnostic proce-
diameter hoses (Fig 12). By providing variable resis- dures being performed using the small and large unit.
tance, a tap (Fig 13) is used to regulate the relative Future plans include designing a trough to accommo-
flow to the 2 tubes, one delivering the anesthetic date rays.

Fig 9. The use of PVC pipes, taps and pump in Fig 10. Troughs are selected based on the size of the fish
the large unit are based on the same principles patient and can be interchanged easily by disconnecting
as for the smaller machine. the PVC piping (straight arrow). A drain port facilitates rapid
emptying of water (curved arrow).

9-3 Nimal Fish Anesthesia.qxd 10/25/2007 2:39 PM Page 41

How to Make a Fish Anesthetic Machine

with Divided Recirculation Circuits
N. Fernando, W. Tang and W. Chan

Fig 12. Close-up showing how hose is split before

delivery of water to the fish.

Fig 11. Shown is the water flow of one recirculation system.

Fig 13. Based on the size of the fish, one hose can
be directed into the mouth to maintain anesthesia
and the other is used to wet the fish.

Fig 14. Blood is collected with the patient under anesthesia.

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Fig 15. A wolfish is anesthetized to obtain skin biopsies. Ice was Fig 16. A mass is excised from the head of an ornamental
added to the water to maintain the appropriate temperature goldfish using electrosurgery.
range during the procedure.

Acknowledgements References and Further Reading

This project was funded by Ocean Park Corporation, Hong Kong. 1. Ross LG: Restraint, anaesthesia and euthanasia. In Wildgoose WH (ed):
BSAVA Manual of Ornamental Fish 2nd ed. Quedgeley, UK, BSAVA, 2001,
The authors would like to acknowledge the advice and assis- pp 75-84.
tance of Paolo Martelli, Yoyo Szeto and Matthias Hoffmann- 2. Brown LA: Anaesthesia and restraint. In Stoskopf MK (ed): Fish Medicine.
Philadelphia, WB Saunders Co, 1993, pp 79-90.
Kuhnt. 3. Lewbart GA, Harms CA: Building a fish anesthesia delivery system. Exotic
DVM 1(2):25-28, 1999.
4. Harms CA: Fish. In Fowler ME, Miller ER (eds): Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
5th ed. St. Louis, W B Saunders Co, 2003, pp 2-20.


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9-3 Time Off.qxd 10/25/2007 12:08 PM Page 43

Time Off with


Manfred and Claudia

to their small animal/exotic practice in Vienna Hope for the Children, along with an
and couldn’t get the gorillas’ plight out of educational center and library.
their minds. Now, several years later, they
The overall goal of Endangered is to teach
have come to realize that they can best help
the community the advantages of conserva-
the mountain gorillas by supporting the
people of Rwanda. tion and natural parks, so they can decide for
They have established NSO (non-profit) themselves to save the unique environment
Endangered, an organization whose current they have with the National Volcano Park.
projects include:
Endangered depends on donations, 100% of
• Medical support for the human hospital
which are used only for Rwanda projects. A
(basic needs, such as gloves, needles
gift of 300 euros ($425) will provide one
and syringes)
year of secondary school for a child or one
• Education of rangers (scholarship for
month of food for all 52 children. In addition
It all started with an ordinary tourist visit by training one ranger a year)
to fund-raising events sponsored by the
Manfred and Claudia Hochleithner to Rwanda • Water cisterns (build at least one per
Hochleithner’s, such as the annual “Night of
to photograph the mountain gorillas. year)
the Gorillas” held at the Museum of Natural
Mountain gorillas are one of the most • Support a small community of pygmies
History in Vienna, national and international
endangered species in the world, with only 2 who were displaced from the park
small populations left: a group of 350 in partners (SN Brussels Airlines, Bayer AG
• Create the Rwaza Orphanage. Due to the
Uganda and about 380 individuals in the high incidence of HIV and aftermath of Austria, Royal Canin Waltham, Alianz
Parc National des Volcans (National Volcano the genocide 10 years ago, there are Versicherung and the Parish of Rwaza) help
Park) in Rwanda. In contrast to lowland many orphans with no chance for an support their goals. Tours are also available
gorillas, the mountain gorillas do not thrive in education. Together with local authorities to visit the park and the community. For
zoos because of their specific dietary needs. and the parish of Rwaza, Endangered has further information, contact Endangered:
After their visit, the Hochleithner’s returned built an orphanage for 52 children, called [email protected], www.endangered.at

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9-3 Reviews.qxd 10/25/2007 12:06 PM Page 44

For Your Bookshelf


Ferret Husbandry, Medicine and Surgery

2nd Edition
Edited by John Henry Lewington, BVetMed, MRCVS

John Lewington’s experience as a veterinarian out of place, even if colored by Aesop

and ferret owner combined with leadership of references.
numerous ferret groups, culminate in a book The color pictures so prominent in the
to “bridge the gap between ferret owner…and husbandry section are missing in the surgical
the veterinarian.” section; fecal parasite life cycles are included,
but no fecal parasite photos. The dental
+ On the Plus Side section includes numerous skull pictures and
The color pictures in the book are helpful,
eruption descriptions, but no x-ray results.
ISBN: 978-0-7020-2827-4 especially when describing handling tech-
The reproductive hormone section was
2007 niques, starting hospital equipment and
disappointing, with estrogen toxicity not
528 pages, softcover housing ideas. The writing is chatty and makes
included in the index and receiving only a brief
$110 for an easy read. Each section includes a wide
description buried in anemia (also excluded
variety of topics, leaving few internationally
from index) rule-outs. The author has seen
Saunders Elsevier, Edinburgh emerging diseases or toxins not well covered.
only a single case of adrenal disease and lists
Order fulfillment: Saint Louis, Missouri Toxins alone cover 19 different sources in
mitotane as the primary therapy followed by a
800-545-2522 good depth. Newly characterized in 2003,
very wide range of therapies offered from
www.elsevierheath.com disseminated idiopathic myositis receives a
deslorelin to tamoxifen to melatonin to control
timely description, along with genetic predis-
the excessive sex hormones. But, the
position for endocrine tumorogenesis. The
conclusion states “untreated ferrets with
chapter on feeding presents a well-thought-out
adrenal disease...would benefit from anabolic
and referenced discussion of feeds and
steroids” (364).
feeding options.
Some other conclusions are unexpected:
- On the Minus Side “…should be safe to feed poisoned possums
Unfortunately, the chatty tone, non-intuitive if the head and feet are cut off so that no
layout and scant index make it very difficult to residual poison remains” (74). Selamectin
quickly look up a disease or treatment if you (Revolution®) is incorrectly listed as unavail-
have an ill ferret or you do not already suspect able in the USA instead of the recalled
a diagnosis. Ultrasound is covered in the Proheart® (moxidectin).
medical section, though endoscopy is
orphaned in the hospital equipment section. Add to Bookshelf?
Vaccine reactions (not in index) are embedded Veterinarians will find an excellent husbandry
in the distemper virus section. Pain manage- and breeding resource with thorough medical
ment is limited and does not include non- rule-out lists, internationally aware rule-outs,
steroidal anti-inflammatory dosing. The case current advancements and the depth of
examples are helpful descriptions, but may not unusual diseases helpful and unique to this
include dosing used. book. The scattered and difficult-to-reference
The surgical section is rather small com- sections, disproportionately small medicine
pared to the rest of the book with only 28 out and surgical section, weak index, lack of
of 500 pages for general surgery, orthopedics, prioritizing into common and rare, preclude it
and cryosurgery combined. as a stand-alone or primary reference.
Several chapters are redundant, and by
chapter 6, a second lengthy discourse of how Reviewed by Kristen Love, DVM
long the ferret has been domesticated feels Lewis Center, Ohio

9-3 Reviews.qxd 10/25/2007 12:06 PM Page 45

Flynn’s Parasites of Laboratory Animals

Second Edition
Edited by David G. Baker, DVM, MS, PhD, Dipl ACLAM

This second edition comes more than 30 animal species; 2) you are dealing with a
years after the first, with the same purpose of commercial operation, such as a producer or
providing a readily accessible and comprehen- distributor of any of these species; 3) you are
sive resource on the parasites of species a practitioner who sees these species on a
commonly used as laboratory animals. This is fairly regular basis as pets. Personally, I find
a rather hefty volume at over 800 pages and this book is the perfect complement to my ISBN: 9780813812021
is certainly not superficial treatment of the other reference texts for laboratory animal 2007
subject. It is basically set up as a good review medicine and surgery. I may not pull this book 816 pages, hardcover
and reference text. Photographs and illustra- out every day, but I know exactly where I'll
tions are all in black and white. start looking up information on laboratory $149.99
animal parasites when I need to. Blackwell Publishing Professional
+ On the Plus Side
Ames, Iowa
The similarity of organization of each host
Reviewed by Carol Lynn Yeisley, VMD 800-862-6657, fax 515-292-3348
chapter makes it easy to develop a method to
Fleetwood, Pennsylvania www.blackwellvet.com
use this large text. The tables at the end of
each host chapter present
information based on the host
organ system and help direct the
reader to more detailed references
for each parasite.
The best chapter overall was the
one on rats and mice, which was
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important because the chapters on Gold handles for easy identification.
hamsters and gerbils refer back to
it frequently. The text was carefully Great for
edited to maintain the same style
wing clipping!
throughout the book by different

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For Your Bookshelf


Diseases of Amphibians and Reptiles

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Research Institute and Natural History The appendices include an overview of viruses,
Museum Senckenberg in Frankfurt/Main, some clinical pathology normal reference
Germany. The purpose of the book is to ranges, a glossary (which appears to be aimed
educate practitioners who are presented with toward the layperson) and a list detailing some
sick reptiles and amphibians as well as to nutritional analyses of food.
disseminate information on disease prevention
- On the Minus Side
to keepers of these animals. It is meant to
ISBN: 1-57524-255-9 Many of the topics were discussed in a super-
discuss the most common and relevant
2006 English edition, 184 pages ficial manner. Anatomic diagrams are fairly
diseases in a brief, quickly reviewable fashion.
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www.krieger-publishing.com photographs are scattered throughout the text. drugs. A number of medications have limited
availability outside of Germany.
Unfortunately, the author also often
provides only brand names without

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product in the text.

Increase Your Service The description of diseases and

therapy in amphibians is very short;
one seeking more “meat” on amphib-
ians should review other references.
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There is more of an emphasis on a
veterinarians have selected
the AVID system. “list of diseases” rather than discuss-
ing diseases from a case-analysis
standpoint (i.e., compiling a list of
differential diagnoses for a case).
• Provide safe, effective and Causes of changes in clinical path-
permanent identification for
ology are also poorly discussed.
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oughly detailed medical information.
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fax 951-737-8967 [email protected]
3185 Hamner Ave, Norco, CA 92860 deficiencies in other texts.

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Greenacres, Florida

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[email protected] or www.vjindex.com. illustrator for pet portraits in various media. For a catalog or further
information, contact Sealing Illustration, 303-762-0270,
[email protected] or www.sealingillustration.com.

AAV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
1. Title of Publication: EXOTIC DVM Veterinary Magazine. 2. Publication No.: 1521-1363. 3. Date of Filing: October 24,
2007. 4. Frequency of Issue: Quarterly. 5. No. of Issues Published Annually: Four. 6. Annual Subscription Price: $69 AEMV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
US/$89 International. 7. Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication: 2324 S. Congress Ave., Suite 2A, Avian Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
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Editor-Publisher: Zoological Education Network, PO Box 541749, Lake Worth, FL 33454-1749. Editor: Linda R. Harrison,
AVID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
PO Box 541749, Lake Worth, FL 33454-1749. Managing Editor: N/A. 10. Owner: Zoological Education Network, Inc.:
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Lake Worth, FL33454-1749; Tanya Harrison-Coffinberry, Shareholder, 7108 Crossroads #325, Brentwood, TN 37027. 11.
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