Morphological and Molecular Variability of Podosphaera Pannosa Causing Rose Powdery Mildew in Himachal Pradesh, India

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Indian Phytopath.

70 (4) : 446-451 (2017)

DOI 10.24838/ip.2017.v70.i4.76988


Morphological and molecular variability of Podosphaera

pannosa causing rose powdery mildew in Himachal Pradesh,


Department of Plant Pathology, Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan 173 230, Himachal Pradesh,

Received: 24 October 2017/ Accepted: 5 December 2017/ Published online: 22 January 2018
© Indian Phytopathological Society 2017

ABSRACT: Rose powdery mildew caused by Podosphaera pannosa (Wallr.) de Bary is one of the most serious and devastating
diseases of roses grown worldwide including Himachal Pradesh in natural as well as protected cultivation. Different isolates
of six districts were morphologically distinguished from one another with respect of size of mycelium, conidia and
conidiophores which ranged between 4.0 to 4.8, 22.8 × 12.4 and 72.0 to 78.0 µm, respectively. Molecular characterization of
ten isolated from six districts were studied with seven RAPD markers. The dendrogram revealed similarity index among ten
fungal isolates ranged between 19 to 73 per cent with an average of 46 per cent. Maximum similarity of 73 per cent was
observed between isolate-5 and isolates-8 of district Mandi Himachal Pradesh. Least similar was isolate-7 which had 19 per
cent similarity with other isolates.

Keywords: Dendrogram, isolates, RAPD marker, similarity index

Rose is the one of the most important ornamental flower pathogens recognized (Horst, 1983). Rose powdery
which has the high economical value as a cut flower. It is mildew is caused by Podosphaera pannosa (Wallr.: Fr.)
also important as a loose flower for its uses in various de Bary (syn. Sphaerotheca pannosa (Wallr.: Ex Fr.) Lev.)
ornamentations, food values and in various medicinal is the major fungal pathogen of roses grown in
purposes. Roses are infected by various plant pathogenic greenhouses and also one of the most important
microorganisms like viruses, bacteria and fungi. Most diseases of outdoor roses worldwide (Hajlaoui et al.,
important fungal foliar diseases are downy mildew, black 1991; Linde and Shishkof, 2003; Agrios, 2005; Leus et
spot, grey mould, leaf spot and rust (Linde and Shishkoff, al., 2006; Horst and Cloyd, 2007). Anamorphic stages of
2003) which causes heavy losses to roses. Among these Sphaerotheca and Podosphaera were not distinguishable
fungal diseases powdery mildew is most destructive and among each other when the surface of conidia was
devastating. The powdery mildew fungus is observed on observed with a scanning electron microscope (Cook et
the upper surface of the leaves, but it also infect the lower al., 1997) and the difference between Podosphaera and
surface of leaves, young shoots, stems, buds and flowers Sphaerotheca is only made by the host plant. The results
(Gastelum et al., 2014). of ITS data was complied by Takamatsu et al. (1998)
In India the occurrence of rose powdery mildew for and the combination of morphological data with lTS
the first time was reported from Kashmir, Ranikhet and sequencing (Saenz and Taylor, 1999) supported the
Dehradun (Butler and Bisby, 1931) and from Rajasthan theory that both genera are congeneric. It was concluded
by Pathak (1967). The occurrence of rose powdery that all Sphaerotheca species belong to the Podosphaera
mildew caused by the Podosphaera pannosa has been genus.
reported worldwide from USA (Longree, 1939; Yarwood, The present study was carried to ascertain variability
1944; Mence and Hildebrandt, 1966), United Kingdom among the various isolates collected from the different
(Radclyffe, 1861; Howden, 1968; Price, 1970), China (Leu regions of Himachal Pradesh.
and Kao, 1975), Netherland (Hajlaoui and Bélanger,
1991), British Columbia (Ng et al., 1997) and Italy (Pasini
et al., 1997) and many other countries. Woronichine had
made a division in 1914 in which Sphaerotheca pannosa Morphological variability
var. rosae infecting roses and S. pannosa var. persicae
infecting peach and almond were two varieties of Variation in the different isolates of fungi was studied on
the basis of shape and size of the mycelium, conidia
*Corresponding author: [email protected] and conidiophores.
Indian Phytopathology 70 (4) : 446-451 (2017) 447

DNA extraction and RAPD analysis Lithuania) and Gene- Tools software. All RAPD reactions
were performed twice to test the reproducibility of the
For molecular characterization, DNA was isolated using amplicon profiles. Twelve numbers of primers (designed
the CTAB method (Murray and Thompson 1980) with by Sigma-Aldrich) i.e. OPE-07 (AGATGCAGCC), OPV-
some modifications. Purified DNA was run on a 0.7% 02 (AGTCACTCCC), OPD-15 (CATCCGTGCT), OPM-
agarose gel with diluted uncut lambda DNA (25 ng/µl) 18 (CACCATCCGT), OPC-12 (TGTCATCCCC), OPE-03
as standard to assay its concentration and integrity by (CCAGATGCAC), OPF-01 (ACGGATCCTG), OPH-02
ethidium bromide fluorescence. The quantification of (TCGGACGTGA), OPH-07 (CTGCATCGTG), OPF-03
DNA was done with help of UV/VIS spectrophotometer (CCTGATCACC), OPG-03 (GAGCCCTCCA) and OPP-
(BIORAD Smart spec 3000, Gurgaon, Haryana). The 01 (CAGGCCCTTC) were used for characterization.
quantified DNA samples were diluted in TE buffer to make
a final concentration of 50 ng/µl for PCR reactions. RAPD RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
reactions were performed according to the protocol of
Williams et al. (1990) with the modifications to enhance Variability studies
reproducibility and consistency of RAPD profiles. RAPD
amplifications were performed in 25 µl of reaction volume Morphological characterization: Different isolates
containing 1x PCR buffer (containing 15 mM MgCl2), 2.5 collected from the different rose growing areas of
mM each dNTP (Sigma, USA), 100 pmol of 20 random Himachal Pradesh during survey period of two years
decamer primers (Operon Technologies Inc, USA), 1 unit 2015 and 2016, were characterized morphologically. It
of Taq DNA polymerase (Banglore Genei, Banglore, is evident from the Table 1 that district wise collected
India) and 50 ng genomic DNA template. PCR isolates (B, K, M, S, SR, SO) were morphologically
amplifications were performed in a thermal cycler (Perkin different among each other on the basis of shape and
Elmer Thermal Cycler GeneAmp® PCR System 9700 size of conidia, conidiophores and mycelium. The
Model, Grand Island, NY 14072, USA) with heated lid average size of mycelium, conidia and conidiophores
technology for 45 cycles. The PCR conditions were: initial varied from 4.0 to 4.8 µm, 22.0 × 11.8 to 22.8 × 12.4 µm
denaturation of genomic DNA at 95°C for 4 min followed and 72.0 to 78.0 µm, respectively. Superficial, hyaline,
by 45 cycles of DNA template denaturation at 94°C for 1 septate, branched mycelium was observed in different
min, primer annealing at 32°C for 1 min, DNA fungal isolates. The highest width of mycelium was
amplification at 72°C for 2 min and final primer extension observed in the fungal isolates of district Solan with 4.8
at 72°C for 8 min. Amplicons were separated on a 1.5% µm followed by 4.7 µm and 4.6 µm of district Sirmour
agarose gel prestained with ethidium bromide solution and Mandi, respectively. The lowest width of mycelium
using 1 X TAE buffer. The gels were run for 2 h at 60 V was noticed in fungal isolates of district Kangra 4.0 µm
and the RAPD amplicon profiles were recorded using followed by Bilaspur and Shimla with mycelial width of
Syngene Gel Documentation System with GeneSnap 4.3 and 4.4 µm, respectively. Cylindrical to ovoid,
software. The size of the amplified fragments was aseptate, hyaline conidia were found in different fungal
determined using1000 bp plus ladder (MBI Fermentas, isolates with variation in the size. The smallest size

Table 1. Morphological characterization of different isolates of Podosphaera pannosa

District Isolates Fungal Structure Shape Size (µm)

Bilaspur B Mycelium Superficial, hyaline, septate, branched 3.2 to 6.0 (4.3)

Conidia Cylindrical to ovoid, aseptate, hyaline 20.2 to 26.0 x 11.3 to 13.4 (22.2 x 12.2)
Conidiophore Upright stalk, hyaline, aseptate, unbranched 52.0 to 94.3 (74.2)
Kangra K Mycelium Superficial, hyaline, septate, branched 3.0 to 6.2 (4.0)
Conidia Cylindrical to ovoid, aseptate, hyaline 20.2 to 26.4 x 11.4 to 13.0 (22.0 x 11.8)
Conidiophore Upright stalk, hyaline, aseptate, unbranched 52.26 to 94.6 (72.0)
Mandi M Mycelium Superficial, hyaline, septate, branched 3.6 to 6.8 (4.6)
Conidia Cylindrical to ovoid, aseptate, hyaline 20.8 to 26.4 x 11.6 to 13.7 (22.5 x 12.3)
Conidiophore Upright stalk, hyaline, aseptate, unbranched 54.4 to 96.6 (74.4)
Shimla S Mycelium Superficial, hyaline, septate, branched 3.4 to 6.4 (4.4)
Conidia Cylindrical to ovoid, aseptate, hyaline 20.6 to 26.2 x 11.5 to 13.8 (22.4 x 12.4)
Conidiophore Upright stalk, hyaline, aseptate, unbranched 54.2 to 96.2 (74.0)
Sirmour SR Mycelium Superficial, hyaline, septate, branched 3.8 to 6.6 (4.7)
Conidia Cylindrical to ovoid, aseptate, hyaline 20.6 to 26.4 x 11.3 to 13.8 (22.6 x 12.4)
Conidiophore Upright stalk, hyaline, aseptate, unbranched 54.8 to 96.3 (76.0)
Solan SO Mycelium Superficial, hyaline, septate, branched 3.6 to 6.9 (4.8)
Conidia Cylindrical to ovoid, aseptate, hyaline 20.4 to 26.6 x 11.8 to 13.6 (22.8 x 12.4)
Conidiophore Upright stalk, hyaline, aseptate, unbranched 53.2 to 98.3 (78.0)
448 Indian Phytopathology 70 (4) : 446-451 (2017)

conidia of 22.0 × 11.8 µm, 22.2 × 12.2 µm and 22.4 × with Gastelum et al. (2014) who reported 4.7 to 6.0 µm
12.4 µm were recorded in district Kangra, Bilaspur and mean diameter of mycelium, cylindrical to ovoid conidia
Shimla, respectively. Whereas the biggest size of conidia with 25.8 to 30.4 ìm long and 13.9 to 17.3 ìm wide. Similar
(22.8 × 12.4 µm, 22.6 x 12.4 µm and 22.5 × 12.3 µm) findings were registered by Faheem et al. (2016) who
were observed in isolates collected from district Solan, reported mycelium as hyaline, septate, branched,
Sirmour and Mandi (Fig. 1). measuring 3.4-6.8 µm (average 5.1 µm) in width,
conidiophores with upright stalk’s, hyaline, aseptate and
Hyaline, upright stalks, aseptate and unbranched conidia of egg shaped, aseptate, hyaline, measuring 20.7
types of conidiophores were observed in different fungal to 26.9 × 11.8-13.0 µm (average 23.8 × 12.4 µm) in size.
isolates with variation in size. Longest conidiophores
were reported from district Solan (78.0 µm) followed by Molecular characterization: Genetic diversity was
76.0 µm and 74.4 µm from Sirmour and Mandi, studied among the ten isolates [2 isolates (no. 4, 10)
respectively. Smallest conidiophores were reported from from Bilaspur, 1 isolate (no. 3) from Kangra, 2 isolates
district Kangra 72.0 µm followed by Bilaspur (74.2 µm) from Mandi (no. 5, 8), 1 isolate from Shimla (no. 9), 2
and Shimla (74.0 µm). These results are in conformity isolates (no. 1, 2) from Solan, 1 isolate (no. 6) from

Fig. 1. Morphological variation in conidia of rose powdery mildew of different districts of Himachal Pradesh (A) Bilaspur; (B) Kangra; (C)
Mandi; (D) Shimla; (E) Sirmour; (F) Solan
Indian Phytopathology 70 (4) : 446-451 (2017) 449

Fig. 2a. RAPD profile of isolates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

with primers OPE-07 and OPM-18

Fig. 2c. RAPD profile of isolates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

with primer OPF-03 and OPC-12

Fig. 2d. RAPD profile of isolates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10

with primer OPE-03

Genetic relatedness among all the isolates of

Fig. 2b. RAPD profile of isolates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Podosphaera pannosa
with primer OPD-15 and OPH-02
The similarity coefficient revealed that the similarity
among all the isolates ranged between 19 to 73 per cent,
Sirmour and 1 wild rose isolate (no. 7)] collected from with an average of 46 per cent (Fig. 3). The dendrogram
different rose growing regions of Himachal Pradesh using (Fig. 3) of ten isolates of Podosphaera pannosa divided
RAPD-PCR technology. Twelve random oligonucleotide into two different clusters. First cluster again divided into
primers (Operon technologies) were used and only seven two sub clusters. First sub-cluster consisted of isolates
primers were able to amplify the genomic DNA from district Solan i.e. isolate-1 (Nauni) and isolate-2
successfully. A total of fifty eight RAPD bands were (Ramshahar), Sirmour i.e. isolate-6 (Chakhal), Bilaspur
produced with seven primers, out of which fifty six were i.e. isolate-4 (Kotipura) and isolate-10 (Chharol), Mandi
polymor phic and only two were monomor phic. i.e. isolate 5 (Rajgarh) and isolate-8 (Behal) and Shimla
Percentage of total polymorphism obtained with primers i.e. isolate-9 (IIWBR-Flowerdale). The second sub-cluster
was 96.55 per cent and average number of bands per consists of only one isolate-3 (Bhattu) from district
primer was 8.29 as shown in Table 3. Total number of Kangra. Similarly, the second cluster consisted of one
RAPD band varied from 5-12 with minimum of 5 bands isolate i.e. isolate-7 which collected from the wild grown
in OPM-18 and maximum of 12 bands in OPH-02 roses of Deodhar area of district Mandi. However, among
followed by the OPE-03 (10). Total number of polymorphic all the combinations, maximum similarity was found
bands varied from 5 to 12 with minimum of 5 bands in between the isolate-5 and isolate-8 of district Mandi
OPM-18 and OPF-03 and maximum of 12 bands in OPH- (73%), while the isolate-5, isolate-8 and isolate-9
02 followed by the OPE-03 (10). collected from Rajgarh, Behal, IIWBR-Flowerdale were
450 Indian Phytopathology 70 (4) : 446-451 (2017)

Fig. 3. Genetic relatedness among ten isolates viz. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of Podosphaera pannosa based on combined analysis
of seven random primers; *Bilaspur (isolates 4 and 10), Kangra (isolate 3, Mandi (isolates 5 and 8), Shimla (isolate 9), Solan
(isolates 1 and 2), Sirmour (isolate 6) and wild rose (isolate-7)

Table 2. Total number of amplified fragments and polymorphic fragments generated by using 7 decamer primers

Primers Fungal isolates Total number of Total number of monomorphic Total number of polymorphic
Amplification bands amplified bands amplified bands amplified

OPE-07 I 1-10 9 1 8
OPM-18 I 1-10 5 0 5
OPD-15 I 1-10 except I 7 9 0 9
OPC-12 I 1-10 except I 7 7 0 7
OPE-03 I 1-10 except I 3,4,8 10 0 10
OPH-02 I 1-10 except I 5, 8 12 0 12
OPF-03 I 1-10 6 1 5

Table 3. Summary of RAPD amplified product obtained from conidiophores of these isolates were very similar to each
test isolates other. Isolate-5 and isolate-8 has highest similarity with
Total number of primer studied 12
each other because they were collected from district
Mandi and their collection regions were located very near
Total number of polymorphic primer 7
to each other and the pathogen is exposed to same
Total number of RAPD bands 58 environmental conditions. Isolate-9 from Shimla region
Total number of polymorphic bands 56 which is much colder than other regions and maybe there
Total number of monomorphic bands 2 is difference in the virulence of pathogens and
morphological data also supports these results because
fungus from these regions showed the similar characters
61 per cent similar to each other. However, minimum with each other i.e. shape and size of mycelium, conidia
similarity was found in isolate-7 (19%) with other isolates. and conidiophores. Isolate-3 was very different from the
other isolates of cluster-1 and morphologically the fungus
Molecular evaluation of the ten isolates of the P.
from Kangra district has smallest size of mycelium,
pannosa revealed that the isolate-1, isolate-2 and isolate-
conidia and conidiophores. Isolate-7 was very different
6 fall in the same cluster which might be due to the reason from all other isolates which may be due that this isolate
that both isolate-1 and isolate-2 were collected from the was collected from wild grown rose revealing difference
same region i.e. Solan having the same environmental in virulence of pathogen and difference in host
growing conditions and isolate-6 slightly different from germplasm.
the later two might be due to slight shift in the
geographical region and morphological studies also Several similar studies has been carried in powdery
revealed that shape and size of conidia, mycelium and mildew for assessing variability using RAPD markers like
Indian Phytopathology 70 (4) : 446-451 (2017) 451

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