CS6211 Set3 PDF
CS6211 Set3 PDF
1. (a) Design & construct Half adder by using suitable logic gates & verify its truth table.
(b) Write a program for 4 bit up counter using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and
necessary simulation waveforms.
2. (a) Design & construct Full Adder by using suitable logic gates & verify its truth table.
(b) Write a program for T flip flop using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and necessary
simulation waveforms
3. (a) Design & construct Half Subtractor by using suitable logic gates & verify its truth table.
(b) Write a program for any one type of shift register using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic
and necessary simulation waveforms.
4. (a) Design & construct Full Subtractor by using suitable logic gates & verify its truth
(b) Write a program for D flip flop using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and necessary
simulation waveforms
5. (a) Implement F = ( AB + AB)(C + D ) using basic gates and verify its truth table.
(b) Write a program for JK flip flop using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and necessary
simulation waveforms
6. (a) Design & construct BCD to excess-3 converter using suitable logic gates and verify
their truth table.
(b) Write a program for Half adder using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and necessary
simulation waveforms.
7. (a) Design & construct excess-3 to BCD converter using suitable logic gates and verify
their truth table.
(b) Write a program for Full adder using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and necessary
simulation waveforms.
8. (a) Design & construct four bit binary to gray code converter using suitable logic gates
and verify their truth table.
(b) Write a program for Multiplexer using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and necessary
simulation waveforms
9. (a) Design & construct four bit gray to binary code converter using suitable logic gates and
verify their truth table.
(b) Write a program for De-Multiplexer using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and necessary
simulation waveforms
10.(a) Design & construct 4 bit Binary adder/ subtractor using IC 7483
(b) Write a program for encoder using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and necessary
simulation waveforms
11. (a) Design & construct 4 bit BCD adder/ subtractor using IC 7483
(b)Write a program for half adder using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and necessary
simulation waveforms
12.(a) Design & construct 8 bit magnitude comparator using IC7485 and verify its operation.
(b) Write a program for full adder using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and necessary
simulation waveforms
13.(a) Design & construct a 16 bit parity generator using logic gates using IC 74180.
(b)Write a program for T flip flop using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and necessary
simulation waveforms
14. (a) Design & construct a 16 bit parity checker using logic gates using IC 74180
(b) Write a program for JK flip flop using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and necessary
simulation waveforms
15. (a) Design & construct 4x1 Multiplexer & verify its truth table
(b) Write a program for decoder using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and necessary
simulation waveforms.
16.(a) Design & construct 1x4 demultiplexer & verify its truth table
(b) Write a program for D flip flop using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and necessary
simulation waveforms.
17. (a) Design & implement 4x2 Encoder & verify its truth table.
(b) Write a program for any one type of shift register using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic
and necessary simulation waveforms.
18. (a) Design & implement 2x4 decoder & verify its truth table.
(b) Write a program for 4 bit up counter using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and
necessary simulation waveforms.
19. (a) Design an asynchronous/ripple 4-bit binary up counter using JK flip flops.
(b) Write a program for full subtractor using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and
necessary simulation waveforms.
20. (a) Design an synchronous/parallel 4-bit binary up counter using JK flip flops.
(b) Write a program for Half subtractor using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and
necessary simulation waveforms.
21. (a) Design & construct a 4 bit serial in serial out shift register.
(b) Write a program for decoder using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and necessary
simulation waveforms
22. (a) Design & construct a 4 bit Serial in parallel out shift register.
(b)Write a program for Multiplexer using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and necessary
simulation waveforms.
23. (a) Design & construct a 4 bit Parallel in serial out shift register.
(b) Write a program for De-Multiplexer using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and
necessary simulation waveforms.
24. (a) Design & construct a 4 bit Parallel in parallel out shift register.
(b) Write a program for decoder using verilog. Obtain RTL schematic and necessary
simulation waveforms.
Marks allocation:
Design &Truth table& Procedure : 20
Circuit Diagram/Program : 20
Connection & Conduction : 40
Result : 10
Viva voce : 10
Total : 100