CS3351 Set4
CS3351 Set4
Third Semester
(Regulations 2021)
2. (i) Implement F = (AB + AB)(C + D) using basic gates and verify its truth table. (50)
(ii) Verify the following Boolean theorem using AOI gates. (50)
(a) Involution law (b) Complementary law (c) De Margon’s Theorem
3. Design and implement a 4‐bit Binary to gray code converter and Gray to binary code converter
using basic logic gates and verify their truth table. (100)
4. Design & construct excess-3 to BCD converter and BCD to excess-3 converter using suitable
logic gates and verify their truth table. (100)
5. Develop a Half adder and Full adder circuit using AND, EX‐OR and OR gates and also verify
6. Design & construct Half Subtractor and Full Subtractor by using suitable logic gates & verify its
truth table. (100)
7. Design & construct a 4 bit BCD adder/ subtractor using IC 7483 and verify its function. (100)
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8. Design and Construct a 4‐bit binary adder and subtractor using IC7483 and verify its function.
9. (i)Using D-FF, construct a circuit giving input in parallel and getting output in serial with
necessary waveforms. (50)
(ii)Using D-FF, construct a circuit giving input in serial and getting output in serial with
necessary waveform. (50)
10. (i)Using D -FF, construct a circuit giving input in parallel and getting output in parallel with
necessary waveforms. (50)
(ii)Using D-FF, construct a circuit giving input in serial and getting output in parallel with
necessary waveform. (50)
11. Design a synchronous/parallel 4-bit binary up/down counter using JK flip flops. (100)
12. (i) Draw a half adder circuit using NAND and NOR only. (50)
(ii) Design & implement 4x1 Multiplexer & verify its truth table. (50)
13. Design & implement 4x2 Encoder and 2x4 decoder & verify its truth table. (100)
15. Construct a 4‐bit BCD synchronous counter using any one of FF and also draw truth table and
timing diagrams. (100)
16. Draw a pin diagram and truth table for the following gates and also verify its truth table. (100)
(a) AND (b) OR (c) NAND (d) NOR (e) EX‐OR (f) EX‐NOR
17. Construct MOD 8 synchronous counter using any one of FF and also draw truth table and
timing diagrams. (100)
18. Design and construct a combinational circuit for an arbitrary function whose input is a four‐bit
number and whose output is the 2’s complement of the input number using basic logic gates.
19. Design and implement multiplexer using logic gates and study of IC 74150. (100)
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20. Perform the simulator based study of computer architecture. (100)
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