Tr-1 Mar2014, Mapna Turbine

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Technical Review


No.1-March 2014

Our Willpower, to Empower Generations

Contributors to this Issue:
Ali Motahar

EDITORIAL Saeid Rashidi

Habib Habibian

3 4 8 13 Ahmad Razzaghi

Kianoosh Raudfar

Afshin Koohestani

Alireza Rezaeinasab

Morteza Nezamabadi

16 19 25 30 Abbas Fakhr Tabatabaei


3 Editorial

Introducing the Machine Upgrade, MGT-70, to

the Market

Boosting the Partial Load Efficiency through Control

Philosophy Shift

Safely Start up the Fuel-Oil Operated Machine

without the Ignition Gas!

16 Start up your Fresh-shut-down Machine!

19 Getting the Combustion Humming Hushed!

25 Cool-down Rotor Turning, Back on an Even Keel

30 MAPNA Gas Turbine Simulator MGTS-70.1

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review

Dear Customers, Partners, and Professionals,

By publishing this inaugural issue of MAPNA Turbine Technical Review in 2014, we are pleased to officially set off
on our world-class journey of technology development in the field of Turbo-machinery. The Technical Review,
which will be released twice a year, is to introduce the latest developments and achievements in MAPNA
Group’s Turbine technology and other related products.

The first issue focuses on our oldest product, the heavy-duty gas turbine MGT-70 (former V94.2). An inclusive
design review of the machine in the past years along with fleet analysis conducted by MAPNA Turbine, has
clearly shown that there is room to improve performance, maneuverability and availability of this well-proven,
robust machine. Internal R&D and engineering, together with technical partnerships have now resulted in
commercializing upgraded versions of the machine and a number of rather huge modifications to enhance
its maneuverability, as well as by-products that bring value to customers.

So far, beyond the MGT-70 new versions (1) and (2), MAPNA Turbine has introduced the MGTboost-70 platform;
a series of developed technologies by MAPNA Group for the installed-base units to boost operational flexibility,
reliability, and energy efficiency of the machine. The innovations are based on powerful combination of
experience and information coming from fleet analysis, as well as customer operational feedbacks on the
MAPNA Group’s remarkable running fleet of MGT-70s. As an OEM, the solutions that we introduce to our
customers, unleash the full performance and value of their existing machines, and demonstrate how their
information and feedbacks have been transformed into tremendous gain for them.

In this issue of the Technical Review, a few developments are reflected. Behind each, there has been an
enormous amount of research and plenty of field tests. However, attempt has been made to outline major
technical aspects and the value offered by each, to all stakeholders. Firstly, the machine upgrades introduced
to the market have been dealt with. Secondly, a bold philosophy shift to increase the machine efficiency for
operation at partial load in simple cycle has been elaborated on. In the two following essays, two well-proven
significant measures to improve the machine start-up maneuverability and thereby considerably enhance
the availability of the machine have been put forth. Items 5 and 6 in this issue are dedicated to address two
design problems in the original machine and relevant solutions to eliminate them. Finally, a description of the
MGTS-70.1 Simulator, developed to assist both engineers and operators to observe, monitor and forecast the
behavior of this specific machine has been provided.

This Technical Review is in essence, a brief account of the information provided by the experts in different
fields, active in technology development of MAPNA Turbine Company, whose invaluable sharing is hereby


Mohammad Owliya, PhD

Vice President for Engineering and R&D
MAPNA Turbine Company (TUGA)
March 2014

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
1- Introducing the Machine Upgrade, MGT-70, to the Market

At the moment, the V94.2 fleet manufactured by MAPNA Turbine Company, way outnumbers
that supplied by other licensees, combined. The number also amounts to over 40 percent of
those manufactured and put into operation by Siemens AG, ever since 1981 that it was first
introduced to the Energy Market. This provides MAPANA Turbine with more than enough
room to get to know about the weak spots of the machine and the areas which are prone to
premature damage and hence good subjects of improvement.

Major upgrades Introduced

Combined with a thorough design review on this machine, the aforementioned practical
record has brought about attractive modifications which enhance either its performance or its
availability. The upgrading modifications encompass three categories:
a) Modifications in some materials, (the fuel gas distributer pipe, for instance) to prevent their
premature corrosion and modifications in geometry to improve the thermal fatigue strength.
b) Hot Gas Path components thermal barrier coating to extend their life time far beyond that
proposed by the original, without-coating design.

Fig.1- Relocating the Hot Gas Inner Casing’s hub ring from the middle (left) to the end of the hub
(right) to enhance thermal fatigue strength

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
Fig.2- Thermal Barrier Coating and internal Aluminizing, added to Blade and Nozzle
vanes of stage 1; The same might be done for Blades and Vanes of stage 2 and
Vanes of stage 3 can also be coated with a new coating system (MCrAly)

Fig.3- Hot Gas Casing hub coated for MGT-70(1)

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
Fig.4- The inner side of the Hot Gas Casing TBC coated completely
(not only on the hub) for MGT-70(2)

c) Wear-resistant coating on the interfering edges throughout the hot gas path; burner
inserts-air side plates, burner insert-flame side plates, flame tube-mixing casing and
mixing casing-inner casing transition rims/edges.
The first upgrade of the machine to MGT-70(1) (known also as MAP2+) gives a standard
increase in output of about 4MW and a new efficiency rate of 34,5% while the latest
upgrade to MGT-70(2), offers a standard increase in output of about 8MW (total
output=170MW) and a new efficiency rate of 34,6%. If the operator decides not to
increase the TIT to enjoy the higher efficiency/output, they have the option to stick
to the previous limits of TIT, but instead, lengthen the major hot gas path inspection
duration from 33kEOH to 41kEOH. The former upgrade has been so far carried out on 14
machines in different power plants inside the country and the latter has been successfully
executed on one machine, namely unit 4 of ASSALUYEH power plant.

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
Fig.5- TBC coated burner Segments and
Flame Side Plates of the combustion Fig.6- Thermal barrier coated Mixing
chamber flame tube Casing of the combustion chamber

Future Work
Developing a new upgraded machine called MGT-70(3) is in process at the moment which has
aimed the extreme output of 180MW and a marvelous efficiency of 36% for this machine.
Given the recent achievements in Directional Solidification and Single Crystal Growth technol-
ogy at MAPNA BLADE manufacturing subsidiary of the Group, MAPNA TURBINE will be able
to develop and manufacture a new generation of its own original gas turbines in the not too
distant future.

After more than one decade of under-license manufacturing of the same gas turbine, a break-
through in research and development at MAPNA TURBINE has emerged. This, on one hand,
has led to developing a few upgrades on the existing machine to enhance its performance and
uptime and on the other hand, has paved the way for MAPNA TURBINE to aim at design and
manufacturing brand new machines of a new generation enjoying its huge advances in ma-
chine design and manufacturing technology.

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
2- Boosting the Partial Load Efficiency
through Control Philosophy Shift

MGTboost-70.1 is one the series of MGT- HRSG components during load change, rea-
boost-70 platform for boosting the partial sonably low in order to not impair its compo-
load efficency through control philosophy nents. TIT regime, on the other hand, brings
shift. It is well established that maximum about some fluctuations in exhaust tempera-
achievable performance in part-load opera- ture, but is normally ideal to prolong the life
tion depends on the control philosophy ad- of the hot gas path early components. At the
opted in various gas turbines. In particular, same time, as this regime brings about the
IGV-constant loading control of gas turbines highest achievable gas turbine exhaust tem-
leads to a better simple-cycle efficiency in perature, which improves the thermal effi-
part loads compared with that of the TET- ciency of HRSG, it can lead to time-dependent
constant (Constant turbine exhaust tempera- failures (creep) in mid/down-stream parts of
ture) and TIT-constant (Constant turbine inlet the hot gas path components . In this way,
temperature) control philosophies. TET logic, toggling among TET, TIT or IGV control phi-
best suits combined cycles where the fluctu- losophy is in essence more of a trade off for
ations in HRSG temperature are slim to none. boiler/steam turbine robustness, early hot
This philosophy keeps the thermal shocks in gas path components life plus overall com-
bined cycle efficiency, and simple cycle ther-
mal efficiency, respectively.

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
For MGT-70 machines working in simple cycles, boiler design would not be a problem, be-
cause simply there is no HRSG. So, if the maximum temperature gradient could be maintained
lower than a certain threshold to avoid an adverse impact on the hot gas path components,
and control system could be aligned to guarantee the smooth machine operation, shifting to
IGV-constant philosophy would be of considerable advantage in part load regimes in terms of
efficiency. The increase in part load efficiency when shifting from TET-constant to IGV-constant
philosophy might reach values as interesting as 2%.

Fig. 1. Start-up and Loading Overview – TET Constant control philosophy

Major challenges of the trade-off

Fig. 2 provides a comparison among the simple cycle efficiencies in the entire load spectrum
for different control philosophies for a typical gas turbine of base output of 160MW.

Fig. 2. GT Efficiency versus Load for different control philosophies

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
With only simple-cycle efficiency taken into account, shifting toward IGV-constant loading
philosophy looks quite interesting, in particular, when operating the machine in the vicinity
of half base-load area. There are, however, certain challenges in need of being taken care of
in doing so. The challenges in question, do not rule out the philosophy shift, but yet force it
to be a well-engineered and well-thought-of process.
The main points of concern are given below:
1- Observing the compressor surge margins and seeing to the required provisions needed
in the control logic
2- Observing the flame stability and the smooth combustion in the new philosophy
3- Observing the TET temperature gradient as a result of the philosophy shift
4- Applying new settings in the load controller
5- Applying new settings in the IGV controller
6- Applying new settings in the compressor outlet pressure gradient controller
To guarantee the flame stability and to keep a safe distance away from surge margins, start
of operation for IGV opening needed to happen at a certain load. After a long process of
calculations and practical feedbacks from the conducted on-field tests, the team came up
with the idea of postponing the IGV operation start to around 10% of the base load and
smoothly getting to the fully-open condition at around 30% of the base-load. This well-
proven milestone paved the way for the relevant team to develop the right scenario for the
control philosophy shift.

Fig. 3. Start-up and Loading Overview – IGV Constant control philosophy

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
To avoid high temperature gradients on the machine components, temperature gradients
undergone by it during the conventional TET-constant philosophy were observed. Note that,
both the turbine inlet and the exhaust temperature gradients resulted by TET-constant
philosophy were calculated and taken into consideration in doing so. Then, effort was made
to set the parameters in the control system so that the maximum allowable temperature
gradients, were never exceeded any where in the new loading process in which IGV-constant
philosophy was adopted.
Implementing the new settings in load and pressure gradient controllers and substantial
modification on IGV controller were the last but not the least modifications applied to enable
the new philosophy to be rolled out on the machine.

Fig. 4. Changing control philosophy from TETC to IGVC and

vice versa – Turbine Efficiency increases up to 2% in IGVC

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
Enormous savings can be achieved, in particular for simple-cycle machines running at partial
loads for a rather long proportion of their life when a shift is made toward IGV-constant
philosophy from either TIT-constant or TET-constant regimes.
Fig. 5 shows how large the annual savings might be for a certain increase in efficiency of a
typical machine running at part load of 70MW, 4 hrs a day.

Fig. 5. Annual Savings versus Efficiency Increase, for various fuel costs, for a typical machine
running at 70 MW load, 4hrs a day

To illustrate what is meant by the chart in figure 5, let’s calculate savings offered by the
philosophy shift for a 160-MW machine of figure 1, that works 4 hrs a day at a load of 70 MW.
The curves shown in figure 2, reflect an efficiency increase of 0,010 (one percent) for such a
machine at such a load, if we shift from TET-constant to IGV-constant control philosophy (The
efficiency of 26,5% improves to around 27.5%). So, referring to fig.5 above, one can see that,
annual savings as huge as at least “one hundred thousand US dollars” to over “three hundred
thousand US dollars” per machine (based upon the fuel price) can be achieved through such
a philosophy shift.

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
3-Safely Start up the Fuel-Oil Operated
Machine without the Ignition Gas!


The MGTboost-70.2 is another package of MGTboost-70 platform for safe starting up the fuel-
oil operated machine without the ignition gas.

The MGT-70 machine is capable to be started on both fuel gas and fuel oil. To have a stable
start-up flame in fuel oil mode, should be necessarily made of an auxiliary gaseous fuel of high
heat value (usually LPG) which imposes a rather considerable cost to the operator. It stands
to reason to use a less costly gaseous fuel to eliminate this need. The process engineering
department has come up with an adroit solution to serve this purpose using the existing
structure of the standard burners without a need to set up any additional auxiliary fuel gas

Technical Details

As shown below, the standard HR3 burner consists of a few paths used by natural gas, fuel oil,
ignition gas and pilot gas.

Fig. 1- Various paths for different fuel supplies to the HR3 burner

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
At a normal fuel oil operated start-up, auxiliary fuel gas is supplied to the ignition path and
forms a stable auxiliary flame to ignite the main fuel oil. To eliminate the need for the ignition
gas (LPG), it was experimentally shown that use can be made of the natural gas supplied to
the pilot gas path. It is noted that pilot gas path is mainly used to stabilize the flame in fuel gas
premix combustion mode.

Fig.2 -HR3 Burner

In the designed scenario, natural gas is supplied to the ignition path instead of the LPG. At the
same time, natural gas is supplied to the pilot gas path and the flame started by ignition ex-
tends to the pilot gas to form a powerful enough flame to ignite the main fuel oil stream. This
leads to formation of a stable flame at the combustion zone of the main fuel oil.
The question that might arise is: “If fuel gas were available in the field (to be used as pilot gas
in the a.m. scenario), what would be the point in switching to the fuel oil mode in the first
place?” Having in mind that the machine has been working in fuel gas mode before switch-
ing to fuel oil, one can realize that there is more than enough fuel gas trapped between the
upstream natural gas depressurizing station and the fuel gas skid for ignition purposes. This
trapped natural gas is used to feed the pilot burner mentioned in the scenario above.

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
As further starts are accumulated, the pressure of the trapped natural gas drops off, and to
maintain the flow rate for the pilot gas we need to adjust the pilot control valve dynamically
even during the start-up process. Field tests have proven that with a pipeline already filled
with the natural gas with the nominal pressure, the trapped gas is enough to provide for about
30 GT starts. Should more than 30 starts be needed, the operator might ask for a refill of the
pipeline by the gas providing station which is far less costly than providing the LPG for ignition
purposes. It goes without saying that such a refill does not inflict any pressure drop whatso-
ever in the gas station grid.

To eliminate the need to use the rather costly LPG for start-up at fuel oil operation mode, use
has been of the combination of the natural gas flowing into the ignition and pilot paths to
form a stable flame. The natural gas to serve this purpose is taken from the trapped gas down-
stream of the gas transmission line. The constant flow for the pilot gas is maintained through
dynamically actuating the relevant pilot gas control valve, getting instantaneous feed back
from the pressure drop in the pipeline. the trapped natural gas can accommodate more than
30 starts once we begin with the nominal pressure. To continue beyond 30 GT starts, the op-
erator can ask the natural gas provider for a refill of the pipeline which normally will not cause
a problem and will be readily admitted.

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
4-Start up your Fresh-shut-down Machine!

The other package of MGTboost-70 series introduced in the current techincal review is
MGTboost-70.3 ,which provides hot-start of the machine .
Ordinary or emergency shut-down of a typical heavy duty gas turbine from base load, normally
requires a cool-down period of 3 to 5 hours before the operator can restart it. For MGT-70,
it used to be the case as well. The normal start-up algorithm of the machine, requires the
exhaust temperature fall below 150˚ C to successfully start the machine up and practically, to
remove the probability of premature trips, one might need to let the machine cool down to
even lower than 100˚ C. The change in the start-up algorithm and logic tested and successfully
implemented by MAPNA TURBINE, however, enables the operator to restart the machine in
technically no time after normal or emergency shut-down while the outlet temperature is
even as high as 300˚ C, which has substantially improved the availability of the machine.
Modification in the Start-up Logic
Conventionally, During the start-up of the machine, the fuel control valve is minimally open
at first and at a certain rotor speed, it starts to get more open at a constant rate (first linear
increase or ramp function). At some other machine speed, the fuel valve gets more open at
a higher but yet constant rate (second linear increase or ramp function). In this way, opening
position of the fuel control valve during start-up takes place in three stages as shown in fig. 1:
Minimally open and constant in position, first ramp of opening at a moderate constant rate
and finally the second ramp at a rather higher constant rate. This is to maintain the fuel-air ra-
tio during the entire start-up process and subsequently maintain a constant corrected exhaust

Fig. 1- Fuel Control Valve positioning regime

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
This algorithm is once fed into the control system in its commissioning phase and made use of,
allover the machine life. If the exhaust temperature is upper than 150˚ C, the aforementioned
conventional fuel valve opening regime will automatically lead to an exhaust temperature
gradient that might impair the machine components or in a nightmare scenario bring about
temperatures as high as that of the protection limit which renders the start-up process
unsuccessful with the subsequent trip.
If one were able to teach the control system to follow different “fuel valve opening regimes”
based upon the different exhaust temperatures, they could successfully hot-start the machine
accordingly without exceeding the protection limit. To get that materialized, an inclusive team
composed of process and control people at MAPNA Group, conducted the relevant study.
The study showed that the opening rates offered by the bilinear ramps should remain
untouched, because they approximate the relation between heat input of the machine and
rotor speed which is all about the nature of the machine. On the other hand, to undermine
the heating of the machine in excess, the whole curve (fuel control valve openness position
versus time) could be shifted downwards based upon the exhaust temperature to avoid the
subsequent temperature limit trip or component damage.

Fig. 2- Ideal gas turbine start up

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
A number of smartly planned tests were conducted afterwards to determine the reduction of
fuel control valve openness position required to safely restart the machine for each corrected
exhaust temperature. Such characteristic curves were produced for gas and oil fuels separately
and the reduction in openness (downward shift of the openness position) for each exhaust
temperature ranging from ambient temperature to 300˚ C was then available. By adding
another correcting function to the control logic, the start-up curve is first produced according
to the corrected exhaust temperature and then it is followed to start up the machine to
minimize the heating effects on the machine components and avoid hitting the protection
limit at the same time. In effect, the hot start conducted in this way results in a temperature
gradient as smooth as a normal start at temperatures lower than 100˚ C.

To eliminate the cool-down period of the machine and enable its hot-start, a new upstream
correction was added to the control logic. Prior to any hot-start, this correction produces the
appropriate fuel control valve position curve versus time and machine speed. This curve is
produced by a downward shift of the conventional one. The amount of this reduction in open-
ness per corrected exhaust temperature was practically extracted out of quite a few adroitly
designed tests on the machine for both gas and oil fuels separately. The results show that by a
minimal shift-down of the openness position of the fuel control valve in the entire curve (the
exact amount depending on the type of fuel, type of the valves and most importantly, the cor-
rected exhaust temperature), a safe and smooth start-up can be guaranteed. This new logic
well enables the hot-start of the machine with corrected outlet temperatures as high as 300˚ C
and thereby considerably enhances the availability of the machine by literally eliminating the
otherwise required cool-down.

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
5- Getting the Combustion Chamber Humming Hushed!
Combustion instabilities have always been a may adversely impair the integrity of compo-
point of concern in gas turbines. Flow and nents and put the whole operation at stake.
mixture perturbations can lead to oscilla- It can lead to:
tions in heat release which in turn can result - Unscheduled outage to repair the damaged
in acoustic oscillations. Finally, the acoustic components
oscillations generate the disturbance in flow
and mixture, closing the feedback loop. - An increase in loading time to base-load
Depending on the phase between the pres- - Expenses claimed by the operator, if efforts
sure and heat release, the flame may add or to eliminate humming happen to fail, before
remove energy from the acoustic field dur- the official final delivery of the machine at
ing each cycle. If the energy supplied to the the end of the guarantee period
acoustic field exceeds the energy losses of Taking the above into account, any effort to
the mode, the acoustic amplitude will grow detect and subsequently eliminate the root
and the vicious circle keeps moving around. causes for humming, can well pay off both
Side effects of the aforementioned instabili- technically and financially.
ties, so-called humming, are numerous and

Fig.1- Combustion Instability Driving Mechanisms and Means to Suppress it

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
Problem Description
In MGT-70 (V94.2) machines, humming typi- combustion mode in an as wide as possible
cally happen at a specific frequency region range of the loading spectrum; this is the op-
during start-up of the machine and more se- erator’s call according to its own utilities and
verely at a certain load, while loading the unit requirements.
running in the fuel gas diffusion mode. DLN Observations showed that high levels of hum-
burners in paticular are more susceptible to ming are present in MGT-70 combustor, when
inflict humming on combustion chambers, loading the unit. The critical load in this regard
because they are supposed to provide a trad- was somewhere between 40MW to 70MW
eoff among low NOx, low CO, flame stability output. For some units, the differential pres-
and combustion dynamics at the same time. sure reached values as high as 40 mbar at the
The diffusion mode in MGT-70 machines is time of humming occurrence, compared with
designed to cover a wide range of combus- the allowable and critical values of 20 and
tion regimes from start-up to base load.How- 30 mbar respectively. Furthermore, MGT-70
ever, there might be regions that the diffusion combustion chamber suffered from another
mode of operation is not efficient to keep up humming mode during start-up, at around
with all the limitations. On the other hand, 2100 rpm. The differential pressure level at
the manufacturer can not and should not lim- the latter (start-up) humming mode was not
it the operator to run the machine in premix as critical as that in loading, though.

Fig.2- Flow and flame processes that can cause instability in MGT-70 combustor

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
Technical Measures: Identification, Analysis and Remedial Action
A study needed to be conducted to detect the roots of the phenomenon. Numerical 3D
modeling were set up to analyze the combustion system with focus on gas diffusion mode. It
was followed by developing a more simplified 1D code to analyze the combustion instabilities.
Finally, a number of adroitly designed tests were run on-field to practically verify the findings
out of the aforementioned analysis.
The studies showed that the major part of the problem arises from the wrong fuel-air mixture
ratio and subsequent out of position flame and interactions between them. It all ended in an
adverse combustion dynamics around the critical load, in which, longitudinal waves in the
humming area, invariably occurred at a specific frequency associated with the natural acoustic
mode of combustor.

Fig.3- Dynamic Pressure Signal from Start-up and Humming Occurance Zones - Signal
Recorded by Adash VA4 Vibration Analyzer

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
On-field observations showed that the ad- fuel flow or controlling the air flow through
verse humming occurred during start-up and IGV positioning. The former, is hard-to-imple-
loading, regardless of the ambient tempera ment, mostly because of its close intercon-
ture for both cold and hot conditions. Based nection with other control logics and the nar-
upon the data gathered from the humming row range between maximum and minimum
differential pressure sensors, it was then de- openness position of the fuel valve. The lat-
duced that the humming mechanism is the ter is considered feasible, but yet needs to
same for all units independent of ambient be done, following well-planned tests and a
temperature and running conditions. demanding practical validation process. To
bypass the critical point, IGV was manually
To modify the fuel-air ratio in the vicinity of switched to a more open position, sufficiently
the critical load for humming, there are two below the critical load and kept that way until
imaginable approaches: Manipulating the the critical load was well passed.

Fig.4- FFT Transform of Dynamic Pressure Signal

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
After getting sufficiently away from the critical load, IGV was made to restore the normal
position and continue normally. After implementation of designed tests, the appropriate
loads to start and stop this manual process and the effective IGV openness rate to successfully
bypass the critical load for humming were determined. Humming level successfully returned
to normal (differential pressures as low as 15 mbar) and to undermine the humming in all the
units, the manual process is supposed to be fed into the automatic control system.

Fig.5- Correspondence between 1D instability code and MGT-70 combustor

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
The humming problem is typical of MGT-70 gas turbine at certain loads and further, at a cer-
tain speed at the start-up. Thorough investigations showed that through diluting the fuel-air
mixture, one can overcome the flame interaction problems and undermine the humming phe-
nomenon. Pursuant to a number of well-designed tests, practical data to manipulate IGV posi-
tion effectively to bypass the critical humming were extracted. The procedure was successfully
implemented on a number of units to ensure the flawless effectiveness and it is fed into the
automatic control system to eliminate extra manual efforts required of the operators.

Fig.6- CFD Simulation of Reactive Flow

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
6-Cool-down Rotor Turning, Back on an Even Keel
The rotor turning mechanism is intended to provide the machine with a smooth and uniform
cooling rate after a normal or emergency shut-down. Furthermore, when there is a need to
restart the machine after a rather long period of downtime, turning mechanism serves to
rotate the shaft train for a few hours so as to stabilize the shaft line and prepare the machine
for a new start-up. Fig.1 shows the Pelton wheel mechanism employed to serve this purpose.

Fig. 1 Pelton blades mounted onto the Intermediate shaft

and the oil injecting device fixed onto the stator cover

Once assembled, the oil supplied from the upper duct of the cover can be injected toward the
Pelton blades as shown in fig. 2 and rotate the shaft train with a speed of around 100 RPM
(normally some where between 80 to 120 RPM).

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
Fig. 2- Assembled turning mechanism and oil jet injection
through the 6 nozzles toward the Pelton Blades

Problem Description
This mechanism, also very simple and straight- makes the design heavily dependent on the
forward, may prove ineffective in some occa- oil tank capacity (size, vents and cooling) to
sions for the following reasons: give the returning foamy oil enough time to
1- Assembly tolerances leave enough room cool down and release the bubbles.
for an axial mismatch of 0 to around 2 mm 4- Oil temperature can lead to fluctuations
between the nozzles and the spherical buck- in the density both directly and indirectly
ets of the Pelton wheel. The radius of the (by increasing the potential for cavitations
spherical portion is 20 mm and a mismatch and foam formation). So, again, oil tank and
of say 1 to 2 mm can substantially impair the cooling design can dramatically affect the ef-
efficiency of the mechanism. ficiency of the turning mechanism. Further-
2- As the shaft rotates at a higher speed, the more, the pumping system should be capable
impact of the oil jet on the Pelton blades los- to provide the required function in a wide
es strength because of the reduction in rela- range of design parameters.
tive speed between the jet and the blades’ It has actually been the case in a number of
buckets. This is an intrinsic shortcoming of power plants that this mechanism has failed
this mechanism that makes the design highly to increase the speed of the shaft train to the
sensitive to the number of blades, oil flow required level. If not fixed promptly, this can
rate and oil density. lead to non-uniform cooling of the machine
3- This mechanism is based upon the impact and residual bending in either shaft or sta-
of the freely flowing oil jet to the buckets. So, tor casings and /or shaft-bearing jamming. As
formation of foam in the oil which in turn can simple as the problem may appear, the con-
lead to a lower density and thereby lower sequences may lead to substantial downtime
momentum of the oil jet is inevitable. This and cost.

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
Remedial Action
A fundamental solution to the aforemen- the intermediate shaft instead of the Pelton
tioned problem is making use of a mecha- blades. It is driven by a pinion, getting its
nism, independent on the main lube oil sys- power from an independent hydro-motor.
tem. A gear rim is bolt-assembled onto

Fig. 3- Assembled gear rim onto the intermediate shaft instead of the Pelton blades

The bearing pedestal cover should be also modified to accommodate the hydro-motor, its
integral pinion and the relevant engaging mechanism. This modified version is shown in fig. 4.

Fig. 4- Modified Bearing Pedestal Cover to accommodate the new turning mechanism

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
There is an engagement mechanism to engage and disengage the turning pinion. Furthermore,
with a built-in control system, this mechanism, checks if the power transmitting pinion is
engaged with the gear rim appropriately. This has to be guaranteed at both start-up from
stand-still (zero speed) and shut down of the machine (Shaft speed of around 150 RPM). The
latter is provided, by giving the pinion pitch diameter a linear speed equal to that of the gear
rim pitch diameter. This has been depicted in fig. 5.

Fig. 5- Engagement checking process

An independent power pack provides the hydro-motor with its required flow and gives the
driving mechanism a capacity to apply a fixed maximum torque of around 1000 Nm regardless
of the existing conditions for the main lube oil, and provide the shaft train with an always
achievable speed of around 100 RPM.

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
Fig. 6- The complete assembled system; main flow pipe to the
hydro-motor and the engagement mechanism are shown

The original straightforward design of the turning mechanism has brought about a few prob-
lems, solved by replacing it with an independent hydraulically driven pinion-gear mechanism.
This provides a smooth turning for the shaft train with a rather constant speed, regardless of
the main lube oil physical parameters. The appropriate engagement of the driver pinion with
the gear rim assembled onto the intermediate shaft is provided through an integral engage-
disengage mechanism built in the new system.

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
7- MAPNA Gas Turbine Simulator MGTS-70.1
MGTS-70.1 is a product of MAPNA Turbine it on turbine governor or DCS system. This
Company that is capable to simulate MGT-70 would increase the reliability and prevents
gas turbine in thermal power plants. This sim- undesirable costs resulting from practical trial
ulator is a strong tool for monitoring a wide and error process.
range of data and also for data acquisition as 2. As a valuable educational tool, it can help
well as data storage. High accuracy models turbine experts have a better understanding
have been used to simulate the turbine itself of the turbine logic and use it for fault diag-
and its auxiliary systems. Turbine governor nosis purposes.
system and distributed control system (DCS)
are designed in an environment which en- 3. It could be used to train the turbine opera-
ables the operator to follow the turbine logic tors in an interactive virtual environment that
system in start-up and normal operation con- closely approximates the real conditions and
ditions online. can serve to improve the required skills to
make the best decisions responsively enough
Having a simulator is deemed to be essential at the times of need.
to serve several reasons including but not
limited to the following: 4. Enables simulating the extremely danger-
ous operating conditions, even those which
1. It enables the companies that are active in might take place few and far between during
power plant projects to test the turbine new the turbine life cycle and get an idea of what
logic and see the results before implementing turbine response would be like in those con-

Fig.1 -HMI overview

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
Technical specifications

Graphical software Running time

For monitoring, data storage, and data ac- This simulator is capable of running in “real
quisition, WINCC software has been used. -time” mode. For instance, the time neces-
Graphical features in WINCC have been de- sary to start a gas turbine up in a real power
signed to accurately duplicate the TXP sys- plant is equal to that in MGTS-70.1 simula-
tem (Siemens standard package) deployed tor.
in gas turbine power plants.
Processing the Turbine Logic
Hardware package One other strong point of MGTS-70.1 simu-
This simulator can operate in PCs and por- lator is its WINAC processor. It converts PC
table computers. No specific hardware is operating system to a real-time or simulta-
necessary. neous processor. In other words, it converts
the PC to a real flawless PLC.
In order to implement the Turbine Governor
and DCS LOGIC, STEP 7TM software package
has been used that enables the user to have
access to the logic at the same time as they
operate the simulator, just like a real power
plant system.

Fig.2 -WINAC run time overview

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
An accurate thermodynamic model of turbine operating cycle has been used which is one of
the latest products of MAPNA Turbine company. This product is known as MGTPC and has
been developed by the design department at MAPNA Turbine. This software employs Turbine
and Compressor characteristic curves which had been derived from experimental tests.
Using an iterative algorithm, the package detects the operating point of the gas turbine
and computes the turbine outputs by doing component matching between the gas turbine
components (compressor, combustion chambers, and expander). This software is capable of
simulating the gas turbine behavior in a wide range of operating conditions, including part
load and base load in different environmental conditions.
The MGTPC software has been developed using FORTRAN and has the ability to get the
characteristic curves of the compressor, turbine, combustion chamber, and the generator as
inputs and also the operational conditions of the gas turbine. Furthermore, it has the ability
to warn the user of the faulty inputs and the capability to take the turbine aging into account
while running the calculations. It is possible to use different fuel compositions in the model
with accurate results. The output of the model has been validated by comparing the software
outputs with field data and has reflected a good conformity.

Fig.3 -4D compressor characteristic curves

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
Simulation and control response of gas turbine
There are several control philosophies to control gas turbines in operation. This simulator
is capable to analyze and model different control philosophies, including: Constant Turbine
Outlet Temperature, Constant Turbine Inlet Temperature and Constant Inlet Guide Vane
Position. MGTPC is capable to simulate MGT-70 Gas turbine when two out of five variables:
turbine outlet temperature, inlet guide vane position, turbine inlet temperature, fuel mass
flow and output power, are known.

Simulating the different fuels used in gas turbine (fuel gas, fuel oil …)
Considering the fact that fuel composition and characteristics could vary due to changing fuel
supply sources or the tolerance in fuel specifications for different seasons, one should be able
to analyze gas turbine performance and output by having fuel composition and heat value
available. MGTPC is not only capable to model standard fuels used in gas turbines but also
able to deal with fuels whose specifications have been customized by users.
Simulating the lubrication oil system
Lube oil skid has been simulated by using PIPENETTM which was validated using site data.
Furthermore, in order to use lubrication oil model in simulator software, all the equations have
been programmed using MATLABTM. In this program, inputs of the model include: operation
mode of the system, pump characteristic curves, on/off signals of the pumps and on/off signals
of the exhaust fans. Outputs of the model are: pressure and flow rates at each point of the
Simulating the fuel gas system
This model has been developed through
programming using MATLABTM. In this
program, ANSI/ISA-75.01.01-2002 has been
taken use of to model fuel valves (Including
shut off valve, fuel control valves, and pilot
control valves). In order to model pressure
drop in the gas filtration section, a quadratic
equation has been used. An algorithm
has been deployed to search for system
operating point given the openness positions
of main and the pilot control valves and the
combustion chamber pressure. The outputs
of the system are pressure and mass flow rate Fig.4 -Turbine isentropic efficiency 3D curve
in different parts of the system. Simulation
results were validated using site data and the average error was below 2% in control valve
opening position.

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review

1. Online monitoring of the turbine operating point shown on turbine characteristic curve
2. Access to the turbine governer logic similar to the real control system format
3. Access to the turbine DCS logic in Siemens TXP format
4. Ability to change, test, and download the turbine logic
5. Ability to change parameters of the turbine governor
6. Simulation of gas turbine operation in real time and customized time step modes
7. Alarm Logging system
8. Event Logging system
9. Ability to plot, log, and print all analog signals
10. Malfunction simulation ability
11. Online monitoring of operating points of pumps, fans, etc., shown on the corresponding
characteristic curves
12. Responding to 16 users simultaneously for each server
13. Ability to connect several servers (e.g. combined cycle simulation)
14. Ability to save and re-use all signals without any restriction
15. Ability to set initial conditions
16. Customizing ability to meet customer needs

March 2014 • MAPNA Turbine Technical Review
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Fax: +98 (26) 36612734 Fax: +98 (21) 22908654 [email protected]

The technical and other data contained in this Technical Review

is provided for information only and may not apply in all cases.

© MAPNA Group 2014 GR007-0

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