The New Tuning Manual
The New Tuning Manual
The New Tuning Manual
TIM 00-CM-353
SUMMARY -The purpose of this manual is to give a detailed description of the combustion
dynamics measurement system AKA the Tuning Kit to those individuals, both
Professionals and amateures who seek an intrest in this technology.
Purge switch box
Power Systems
Combustion Dynamics
Measurements System
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
Table of Contents
1. Purpose 4
2. System Arrangement 4
4. CDMS Installation
Installing the Purge Boxes 7-8
Connecting cables 9
Configuring and checking the CDMS 10
7. Further Information
7.0 Tuning kit Process map 23
7.1 Purge Box electrical 24-25
8. Remote Tuning
Expert Assisted Remote DLN Tuning 26
10. Contacts
Vendor Information 53
Key Contacts 54
Accreditation 55
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
Purpose (Section 1)
This document describes the function, installation and operation of the combustion
dynamics measurement system (CDMS).
Permanent 1/4”
SS tubing runs
Junction box
Ethernet Cable
Purge switch box
The system consists of 4 parts: permanent installed runs of ¼” tubing going to each
combustor, a pair of boxes holding the pressure transducers and 150 feet damping coil
(usually called a purge box), an Ethernet switch box an a lab top computer. The latter two
are temporally connected to the unit that is being tested.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
Assessment of combustor noise levels requires measuring these levels in each chamber
on the machine during turbine operation. To do this dynamic pressure, probe or
Wave- guides are installed into each combustion chamber. The wave-guide is simply a
tube, which transmits the acoustic signals from inside the combustor to the pressure
sensor located away from the hot turbine environment. The sensor produces a voltage
proportional to the fluctuating pressure over the amplitude and frequency range typical
for combustion noise. The sensor voltages are measured with a multi-channel, high-speed
analog to digital card installed in a lab top computer. Software on the computer controls
the acquisition, reduction and display of the dynamic data.
The wave-guide and sensor are designed to accurately measure the dynamic pressure
levels inside the combustor liner in the flame zone. A detail of the wave-guide and sensor
configuration is shown below.
Enclosed Wall
300 psi
Fixed length
Flow sleeve 150’ * 1/4 “ Damping coil
1/4” interconnect
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GE Propriety
The sensors are the PCB brand piezoelectric pressure transducers and hence are referred
to as Pcbs. The sensor is mounted 23 to 35 feet from the end of a ¼” diameter probe
whose end is located flush with the inner wall of the combustion liner. An additional 150’
length of ¼” tubing, referred to as a damping coil, is connected to the end of the wave-
guide past the sensor. The damping coil acts to attenuate the noise signals to zero so that
standing waves cannot be set up inside the probe. Since the wave-guides can accumulate
condensation or liquid feed over time, they need to be periodically be blown clear. For
this purpose, the far end of the damping coil is connected to a 300-psi supply of Nitrogen
through a valve so that any liquid accumulation can be blown back to the turbine.
The raw transducer signals, fluctuating voltages, are digitally sampled at high-speed
(1600 – 6400 samples per second) one channel at a time. The voltage measurements are
converted to pressure units and then analyzed for frequency content via a Fast Fourrier
Transformation, FFT. The critical resonant peaks are then isolated. Due to random and
intermittent nature on combustion noise spectrums, averaging of multiple scans is usually
required to obtain repeatable measurements.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
The CDMS can be connected to a machine on or off line. Installation consists of the
following steps:
The purge boxes require the following connections: connect to a supply of 300 psi
nitrogen; up to 9 fixed length jumpers of ¼” copper tubing; a RJ45 Ethernet cable and a
power connection for the box heater. The jumpers make the connection between the
transducers and 150’ damping coils in the purge box and the permanent ¼” stainless steel
tubing on the machine. The permanent tubing extends from each combustion chamber to
one of 2 junction boxes located on either side of the turbine enclosure. In the junction
box, the lines are terminated with a ¼ turn ball valve and swage cap. When the turbine is
running the permanent tubing sees full compressor discharge pressure (up to 250 psi).
Take extreme care when working with these lines. These lines should never be allowed to
back flow or vent to atmosphere. Nothing catastrophic will happen but the end of the ¼”
tubing at the combustor will single or melt back slightly and so require replacement.
2) All the ¼” copper jumpers should be the same length (within a few inches). Make
the lines as short as possible and not longer than 5 feet. The jumpers are
considered expendable but can be reused if they are not kinked or overly swaged.
Verify that the ¼” ball valves in the junction box are closed. Loosen the swage
caps slowly to relieve the pressure and to verify the ball valves are not leaking.
Swage the jumpers in place taking care to order the connections and not to over
tighten the fittings as the copper swages easily. Do not open the values to the
turbine yet.
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GE Propriety
3) Pressurize the nitrogen to 300 psi and slowly open all the purge valves inside the
purge box. This should pressurize the whole system up to the valves in the
junction box and allow the system to check for leaks. It is a good idea to check all
the fittings in the purge box for leaks also. When leak free, close all the purge
valves and then open the junction box valves. This will depressurize the system to
the current compressor discharge pressure. The nitrogen can be shut off now.
4) Connect the RJ45 Ethernet cable to each EDAS board in the purge box and run
the cable to the FS 105 Ethernet switch box near the PC. There should be two
cables 100 feet long. Since the signal levels are small, care should be taken not to
route the cables near to any strong electrical noise source and also to keep the
connections dry and tight.
5) Is the purge box is exposed to the weather or damp conditions plug in the built in
purge box heater. This heater has a thermostat to regulate the internal box
temperature to about 150F. The heater operates a 50 or 60 Hz 120V supply. A
220V to 120V converter is supplied in the accessory box along with two 100 feet
extension cords. When working inside the purge box, disconnect the heater power
cord to eliminate any risk of electrical shock.
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GE Propriety
Connecting Cables
Box 2
Box 1
FS 105 PC
Ethernet cable
Note: one may need to configure the IP addresses on the EDAS board if necessary
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GE Propriety
2) The total length of ¼” tubing between the combustor and the Pcb transducer
including jumpers. – Probe Length
The above information is entered into the program via a setting menu described later.
1) Measure the rms voltage at the front panel test using a voltmeter. If correct, the
problem is in the A-D card, the cabling to the card, in the patch panel or in the
software. The card calibration is not user adjustable and if not working properly
should be repaired by the manufacturer or replaced. This card is made by
Intelligent Instrumentation (1-800-685-9911) and the model is 1301E.
2) If the voltage measured at the test port is not correct, the problem is in the Pcb
power supplies, or cabling. To isolate the problem check other channels and also
at other locations along the signal path.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
Combustion Dynamics
Measurements Software (5.0)
Scales: Note we can only set scales on the Bar and the FFT chart. These scales can
be seen at the upper left hand side of the FFT plots
Note after the scales are entered please press the save caption key before
you continue.
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GE Propriety
Once the Program is started, this screen will automatically appear. As one can see there
would be only two options:
1) Test (180 HZ simulated signal) which puts a sine wave of 180HZ on each
channel, hereby allowing us to test the software and make sure the FFT is
2) Data Acquisition which accesses the A to D (analog to digital) board to see what
voltage is out there/ being applied.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
The display option on the main menu offers selecting between 5 different display modes.
Four of them show the dynamic data in different formats and one of them shows all the
current program settings. The display mode can be changed at any time. Although, data
sampling pauses while the display is being changed, it has no effect on the data being
taken. The information contained on the 5 displays is described on the following set of
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
The setting display (as shown above) shows the values of all user configurable settings
and hence also reflects the content of the START.INP file. Be sure to make a copy of this
display to archive (one option is to press the print screen key so the image would be sent
to the clip board and then print it from there) with the data set being taken.
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GE Propriety
Number Display
The number display (as shown above) gives a tabulation of the dynamic peeks and
frequency for each chamber. It also shows the RMS and peak to peak voltage in each
channel. These voltages are used when checking the system calibration and to verify that
the signal levels are compatible with the current gain settings (see gain settings).
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GE Propriety
Bar Charts
The bar chart (as shown above) provides both tabular peaks and frequencies for each
chamber and a bar graph display of the peak levels. This display is often the most useful
one to view to assess the variation of dynamics levels amongst all the combustors.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
FFT Plots
The FFT display (as shown above) shows the FFT plot (amplitude vs. frequency) for each
of the scanned chambers. The X and Y scales are the same for all the plots and are
defined at the bottom of the display. The main use of this display is to access the
qualitative similarity of the noise spectrums in all chambers. While some variation in the
amplitude is normal, the two or three main peaks should be seen in all chambers. In the
above figure the peaks are present at 184Hz in all 14 chambers.
Spectrums which differ radically or which display unique peaks should be investigated
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
Time Plots
The time plot display (as shown above) shows the raw voltage data for the most recent
scan. This data consists of the 1024 discrete voltage samples taken at the current sample
rate. Each plot therefore represents the actual voltage versus time signal from the PCB
transducer. The X and Y scales are the same for all the plots and are defined at the
bottom of the display. This time domain data is not corrected for the signal attenuation,
which occurs in the ¼” tubing between the combustor and the transducer. In addition no
averaging is applied to this data. The time plots display basically functions as would as
oscilloscope. Its primary use is in accessing the signal quality and in diagnosing
transducer problems.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
The quit menu is used to stop the program. The current values of all configuration
parameters are contained in the file START.INP. After setting up the program
configuration the first time it is a good idea to make a backup copy of this file in case the
current one gets corrupted.
The restart menu resets the current number of averages to 1 and the chamber scan counter
to the start chamber. This option can also be accessed using the < F2> key.
Print Menu
In order to print a document, you must first go to the data output option and choose one
of the write options. After this enter a name in the space provided without an extension.
This file should appear in the CDM folder. Open notepad then find the file that was just
named. A summary of results should appear on the screen. Now print the file from
Help Menu
The help menu provides brief online information concerning program operation.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
The setting menu allows changing all the parameters, which effect how the data is
measured, reduced and displayed. All of the parameters changeable via the setup menu
are stored in the user configuration file ‘START.INP’. Each time a change is made the
configuration file is updated. All the setup options except ‘Chart Limits’ force a ‘Restart’
if they are changed. Each of the Setup menu options is described below.
Scans to hold:
Probe Length:
This option is used to specify the total length of the ¼” tubing from the combustor to the
transducer. The program uses this length to estimate the signal attenuation occurring in
the tubing. The length is input in feet and must be within 1 and 50. The program assumes
the length is the same for all channels. Typical values are 23-28 feet on a 7FA and 30-35
feet on a 9FA. Accuracy to the nearest foot is sufficient.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
Allows setting the three frequency bands in which the program will search for maximum
discrete peaks. The user is prompt for frequency break points, which will separate the
three bands. For example, by setting the lower and upper break points to 140 and 500 Hz,
the three bands would be:
Note: The recommended frequency break points for the 7FA DLN-2 are 140 and 500 Hz.
These values are intended to isolate the three critical 7FA DLN-2 resonant frequencies of
110-130 Hz, 150-180 Hz and 2500 Hz. The three critical resonant frequencies for the
9FA DLN-2 are 150-170 Hz, 190-220 Hz and 2350 Hz, therefore break point frequencies
of 180 and 500 Hz are recommended.
Sample rate:
Allows setting the dynamic data-sampling rate. The sampling rate sets the maximum
frequency range, which may be monitored. The frequency range that can be monitored is
one half of the sampling frequency. For example, if the sample frequency is set to 6400
Hz the FFT frequency range will be 0 – 3200 Hz.
Note: Since the 2350 – 2500 Hz resonance (Screech) is serious concern DLN-2 system
the sampling rate is usually set to 6400 Hz so this can be monitored.
Scans to Average:
Allows the user to chose the number of scans that will be averaged on each channel. If
the number of averages is set to 16 or 32 the program will stop when that many scans of
all chambers is complete. This feature is used when taking official data points at steady
state conditions. For all other values the program will scan continuously and display a
rolling average of that many full scans. This option can also be accessed using the < F1 >
key. When taking data under steady state machine conditions, set the number averages
high enough so that dynamic levels are repeatable to within 1.2 psi or 10%, which ever is
larger. A value of 16 will normally be adequate but 32 scan averaging may be required if
the dynamic levels are unsteady.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
There are several situations, which can lead a dynamic pressure transducer to produce
bad signals. These are described below along with how to identify and correct them.
One cause for erroneous dynamics signal is condensation or liquid fuel accumulation
inside of the wave-guides. The effect of a liquid accumulation on dynamics depends on
both the amount and location. If a complete blockage occurs in the wave-guide between
the turbine and the transducer there will be serious attenuation of noise signal especially
at high frequencies. On the other hand, a blockage in wave-guide past the transducer
might cause unpredictable distortions to measure noise signal.
Another cause for bad dynamics measurements is simply bad transducers. There are two
common failure modes of Pcbs. One is a gradual loss of sensitivity where the signal level
continuously falls to zero. Any chamber with an overall consistently less than half the
machine average should be suspect of this type of failure. The second failure mode is an
extended period (minute to days) of intermittent shorting. This is easily identified on the
oscilloscope as vertical spikes or sudden changes in DC level. Only very rarely do Pcbs
exhibit increased sensitivity as they fail. Pcb sensor can be replaced during operation as
long as the NU-PRO ball valve (isolation valve) has been installed prior to startup.
A final, less frequent, problem with Pcb signal is 60 Hz noise. Identification is simple
since it will usually persist when the turbine is offline. As is common with 60 Hz noise,
the cause is usually a grounding problem at the sensor, in the cabling, or in the
instrumentation power connections.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
After arrival it is
checked and Have to wait till
repaired. It is then a tuning kit
sent to the field arrives.
to do tests.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
Std. Ext. Lead#14, 100’
240 VAC IN
100’ ETH
S.W. 100’ ETH
ENC 1466
CH. 1-5
7’ Purge Box
P.S. P.C.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
You must extend the OSM subnet by adding connections to the existing OSM network. The OSM computer
has both ARCNET and Ethernet. Be careful not connect to the ARCNET by mistake.
The OSM has a 3-COM Combo Ethernet card with thick net, thin net (10 Base 2) and 10 Base T plugs on
it. The OSM currently employs thin net, 10 Base 2, using 50 ohm coaxial cable with BNC connectors.
To extend the OSM network, add a segment of coaxial cable to either end of the network.
If there is only one OSM computer present, remove the 50 ohm terminator from the BNC "T" connector
and replace it with the BNC connector at one end of the new coaxial cable. If the OSM does not have a
BNC "T" connector, use one of those supplied with the Tuning Kit.
If there are more than one OSM Computer, select one that has only one coaxial cable connected. Remove
the 50 ohm terminator from the BNC "T" connector and replace it with the BNC connector at one end of
the new coaxial cable. If the OSM does not have a BNC "T" connector, use one of those supplied with the
Tuning Kit.
Spool out the coaxial cable to the Tuning Kit and plug the other end of the coaxial cable to the media
converter supplied with the Tuning Kit. The maximum segment length for 10 Base 2 employing coaxial
cable is 185m (607'). Use a twisted pair Ethernet cable with RJ45 connectors to connect the media
converter to the up-link plug of the Ethernet switch. Connect the Tuning Kit and the EDAS units to the
other ports on the Ethernet switch. The maximum segment length for 10 Base T employing a twisted pair
Ethernet cable is 100m (328').
The figure below shows the completed network.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
License Agreement
Press the OK button at the end of the installation.
But wait, you are not done yet!
Run NetMeeting
The installer will run NetMeeting at this point.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
User Information
Enter addressing information pertinent to the
tuning kit.
Server Lists
Make sure the Log on to a directory server when
NetMeeting starts checkbox is left unchecked.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
Connection Speed
Check both Put a shortcut to NetMeeting on my
desktop and Put a shortcut to NetMeeting on my
Quick Launch Bar checkboxes.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
Playback Volume
If you have a headset with microphone attached,
press the Test button to set the playback volume.
Listen to the sound and slide the volume control to a
comfortable level.
Record Volume
If you have a headset with microphone attached,
read the quoted text into the microphone and allow
the wizard to set the record volume to an
appropriate level.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
Install Sharing
Press the Yes button to continue with the
installation of the sharing option.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
EDAS Configuration
EDAS SYSCHECK allows you to configure an EDAS unit and test the I/O functions provided by the unit.
EDAS SYSCHECK supports configuration of the basic set up parameters of any EDAS unit: the IP
address, the subnet mask, and the gateway address. Each of these parameters must be set for a new EDAS
before you can communicate with it over Ethernet. Configuration of these parameters is performed through
the RS-232 port on the unit (on units with multiple ports, COM1 is used).
Once configured with proper address parameters, you can use EDAS SYSCHECK to establish a network
connection with the unit and test its basic I/O functions: analog input, analog output, digital I/O, and serial
I/O. Although the more complicated I/O types are not supported by EDAS SYSCHECK, testing of the four
basic I/O types is sufficient to debug most wiring errors and to verify that a unit is functioning properly.
NOTE: After configuration of the unit's IP address, subnet mask, or gateway address, you must cycle power
to the unit for the changes to take effect. Failure to perform this step after configuration may result in I/O
testing being unable to connect to the unit.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
Configuring SYSCHECK
Since SYSCHECK must know the IP address of an EDAS unit prior to programming the unit for that IP
address or connecting to it over Ethernet to test I/O, SYSCHECK is designed to have the IP address of the
unit, its subnet mask, and its gateway address set on the first of three property pages displayed when
SYSCHECK is launched. The page titled Configuration, as shown below, allows the IP address, subnet
mask, gateway address and Ethernet address to be entered.
NOTE: Do not change the EDAS unit's Ethernet address unless so instructed by Intelligent
Instrumentation. The Ethernet address is programmed at the factory and must be unique throughout the
world. Accidental programming of a duplicate Ethernet address could render your network inoperative. If
you do not plan to change the Ethernet address of your unit (see note), then you may leave the Ethernet
address input field unchanged.
You must change the IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address in order for a new EDAS unit to being
working on the network. The format of the IP address is "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX". That is, it consists of
four values, each of which is between 0 and 255, separated by period characters. Refer to the EDAS
manual or your network administrator for information on selecting proper IP address values.
The subnet mask value is set in a similar format to that used by the IP address. The most common subnet
mask value is "", which is also the SYSCHECK default. If your network configuration
requires a different value, set it now.
The gateway address specifies the IP address of another device on your network: the gateway. A gateway
provides a point where one network segment can be attached to another. In this way, devices on one
segment of the network can communicate with devices on the other network segment, through the gateway
device, which forwards packets of data from one segment of the network to the other, as necessary. Your
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
gateway may connect your local area network to the public Internet. If this is the case, specifying the
address of the gateway in your EDAS configuration will allow users around the world to communicate with
the unit (assuming that they know its IP address, of course). You may wish to disable the EDAS/Internet
connection for security reasons. If so, program the gateway address to "".
Once you have configured SYSCHECK, you can move on to programming the EDAS unit with the IP
address, subnet mask, and gateway address you have specified. Alternatively, if the EDAS is already
programmed and attached to the network, you can proceed to testing its I/O.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
Now, you may program the EDAS with the configuration settings previously entered into SYSCHECK. To
program each of the settings, click the Write button associated with the parameter. For example, to
program the EDAS unit with the IP address you entered on the Configuration property page, click Write IP
Address. Similar actions are available for writing the subnet mask and gateway address. After each item is
written, the EDAS is again asked to return its current settings and you can verify that the current
information matches the desired configuration.
After the EDAS unit has been programmed, you are ready to begin testing its I/O. First, however,
remember to remove and reapply power to the EDAS so that your new settings are permanently stored in
the unit.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
Each of the I/O types supported for testing by SYSCHECK has a corresponding button to launch a new
window for testing that I/O type on the EDAS unit. To change which EDAS unit is being tested, close all
test windows and return to the Configuration page to change the IP address. New test windows opened
after the configuration change will communicate with the new EDAS. Note that it is not necessary to use
the Program page to simply change which EDAS is being tested and that the EDAS unit does not need to
be connected to the serial port of the PC to perform the test.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
Enter the IP Address for the current site.
A list of IP addresses will be supplied on a site by site basis.
Be sure the adapter selected is the Network Interface Card (NIC)
and not the loop back adapter.
Starting NetMeeting
Hosting A Meeting
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Meeting Settings
Incoming Calls
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Starting Chat
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Type your messages in the message test box of the Chat
The full dialog for all participants of the chat will be displayed
in the upper text area.
A scroll bar will appear when the dialog exceeds the bounds
of the viewing area.
Use the up and down arrows to scroll slowly through the
dialog text area.
Use the slider bar to scroll quickly through the dialog text
Exiting Chat
When done, exit chat by selecting the Exit option of the File
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MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
1) Purge boxes
2) Pressure transducers
3) Cable box
4) Computer Case
This instrumentation is used as part of a portable system for measuring gas turbine
combustion dynamics for commissioning or other testing. This system is designed so that
the instrumentation can be installed and removed while the machine is running.
The permanently installed dynamics probe and tubing system used in conjunction with
the dynamic pressure instrumentation is described in Drawing 355A7130. The second
generation dynamic pressure instrumentation requires no changes to the tubing system.
With the included Windows based software, a laptop can be used to display dynamic
pressures in up to 18 chambers simultaneously. The purge box has provisions to install up
to 9 pressure transducers.
Two purge boxes would be used with one laptop computer to test a 7FA, 9FA, 7EC or
9EC machine, while a system customized for 6FA use would need only one purge box
and six transducers (plus a couple of spares). The cable box is a storage container, which
includes the necessary interconnecting cables and extension cords, and miscellaneous
supplies and equipment.
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Parts List
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Purge Box
9 12 Shielded cables, BNC connectors at each end, 18” long to connect the
signal conditioner outputs to the A/D inputs.
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15 1 120/110 V 60/50Hz Cooling Fan (60 FCM or above) with fuse and
thermostat to keep box below 120F in hot sunny environments.
Suggested models RODALE RC-A12M15XTS or RC-A12T15HWS or
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
Pressure Transducers
Cable Box
1 1 Rugged, weather proof, portable case to store the items listed below:
8 2 50 foot length of welding hose, 3/16” ID plus nuts and hose clamps.
MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
GE Propriety
Computer Case
Item Qty Description
1 1 Rugged, weather proof, portable case to store the items listed below:
10 1 Netgear AC adaptor
12 1 Canon BJC-2000 printer, plastic paper tray part and line cord
14 1 Laplink serial cable (9pin to 9pin), 6’ long (laptop to EDAS for setup)
17 1 Canon User manual, CDROM & quick start guide folder, large quick start
guide sheet.
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GE Propriety
note: Use a PCB Piezotronics model 061A adapter body with a model 065A03 seal
(0.030 thick) as a plug guage to check insertion depth with seal seated (Tip flush
with R.095).
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MEMO NO. TIM 00-CM-353
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Contacts (10.0)
Vendor Information
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Key Contacts
2. Troubleshooting:
3. Rentals:
4. Hardware supplier:
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GE Propriety