The Giver Week 4 Booklet

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The passages discuss Jonas's community which appears efficient but lacks choice. Jonas questions this lack of choice in his clothing and daily decisions. He continues his training with The Giver to become the next Receiver.

Choice plays an important role in Jonas's discoveries and frustrations. Without choices, there is no individuality or freedom in the community. This lack of choice is unsatisfying to Jonas.

The Giver transmitted the memory of pain to Jonas to explain what made him suffer. The Giver had to hold all the memories of pain, joy, and human experiences that the community had given up.

Name: ​__________________________________________________________

Date Received: ​________________________________  
Period: ​_______________________________________
Due Date: ​_____________________________________
The Giver #13 ​Date: _____________ 
Pages: 122-136 points: ___/10 points: ___/5 

Summary: ​(What are the two most important things that happen or
the two most important ideas from this chapter?)

​/10 pts
Connect and Respond 

“Well... ” Jonas had to stop and think it through. “If everything’s the same, then there aren’t any choices! I
was to wake up in the morning and ​decide​ things! A blue tunic, or a red one?”

He looked down at himself, at the colorless fabric of his clothing, “But it’s all the same, always.”​ (123)

What is the importance of choice?​ Jonas’s Community appears to function seamlessly and efficiently.
However, in this chapter, as Jonas continues his training, he is further frustrated. What role does choice
play in his discoveries and frustrations? Did the Community make the right call in regard to choice? In
5+ sentences, explain why or why not.

The Writer’s Craft   
1st Person​- ​I walked into class.
2nd Person-​You walked into class.
3rd Person​-​She and Bob walked into class.
3rd Person, limited to Bob​: Sue walked into class. Bob thought about his test.
Omniscient-​Sue and Bob walked into class, both thinking about avoiding a hall sweep.  

“There would be a glimpse of green-- the “He found that he was often angry, now:
landscaped lawn around the Central plaza; a irrationally angry at his groupmates, that they
bush on the riverbank.” were satisfied with their lives, which had none of
the vibrance his own was taking on.”
1. From what point-of-view did the author
choose to use in this excerpt? 2. Rewrite the sentences above in a different ​point
a. First person of view ​in the line below​. ​ On the lines to the left,
b. Second person consider these questions and answer them in 1-2
c. Third person sentences. What is the effect? How does each affect
the reader differently?
d. Unable to Tell

Explain, in 2-3 sentences, how you chose your answer to

the question above. Use evidence from the page!

____/ 5

Word Study -Use a dictionary, or your phone, to complete the 

following. Also, ensure the context matches the use in the text. 
Word Definition Examples/Synonyms Non-Examples/Antonyms

The Giver #14 ​Date: _____________ 
Pages: 136-148 points: ___/10 points: ___/5 

Summary: ​(What are the two most important things that happen or
the two most important ideas from this chapter?)

Word Study -​Use a dictionary, or your phone, to complete the 

following. Also, ensure the context matches the use in the text​. ​__/12 

Word Definition Examples/Synonyms Non-Examples/Antonyms


Text Analysis Questions 
1. Jonas asked what made The Giver suffer. What memory did The Giver transmit to
explain it?

2. What did Jonas realize about his family after his session with The Giver?

3. Jonas asked why he and The Giver had to hold the memories. What was The Giver's
answer? What was his example?

Connect and Respond 

“​They have never known pain, ​he thought. The realization made him feel desperately lonely, and he
rubbed his throbbing leg. He eventually slept. Again and again he dreamed of the anguish and
isolation of the forsaken hill.” page 139

Choose one. ​ (5+ sentences)

A. Why does Jonas feel anguish and isolation? What exactly is making him lonely? How does this fulfill the
Giver’s prediction of a solitary life?

B. Would life be better without pain? Think of a time of inexplicable pain and suffering-- physical, mental, or
emotional-- explain how it would have gone differently without experiencing pain.

______/ 5 _____/10

The Writer’s Craft  

Author’s purpose through the use of figurative language. Figurative Language: ​Authors use figurative language

visualize the events of a text by activating prior knowledge and experiences from the reader.  
to convey meaning of complex concepts in a more illustrative way for readers. Figurative language helps readers

“​The decision was made long before my time or 2. In 2-3 sentences, explain why the
yours,” the Giver said, “and before the previous author might use one or more of the
Receiver and--” he waited. literary devices and what it emphasizes.
“Back and back and back.” Jonas repeated the
familiar phrase. (143)

1. The sentence above contains all of

the following literary devices: (check
all that apply)
❏ simile
❏ repetition
❏ personification
❏ alliteration
❏ Idiom
❏ Imagery

Critical Thinking 
Objective: Considering the presence of free choice in our daily lives
“It’s the choosing that’s important, isn’t it?” The Giver asks Jonas this question when Jonas pines for the ability to decide
what color of tunic to put on in the morning. While the freedom to make choices is not an option in Jonas’s community, it
is practically a foundation of Western society. Anyone who’s stood in the cereal aisle of a grocery store and contemplated
which cereals to buy can tell you that. (This assumes, of
course, that one has the money to buy the cereal—which is not promised in our society, but is, in its own way, in

How much freedom of choice do you exercise on any given day? To complete the following chart, continue the list in the
first column by adding other things that you do on an average weekday. For each thing you do, decide whether you have
no choice in the matter, some choice, or complete freedom of choice, then place an X in the appropriate box. Consider
each activity broadly—for example, for “go to school,” you may have no choice in that you must go, but some choice in
terms of who you sit with on the bus. Make comments along with your X’s whenever your answers need explanation. Feel
free to add more rows if necessary.
What Choice Do I have? 

Activity No Choice Some Choice Complete Freedom of


get dressed for school

eat breakfast

Direction: Answer the following questions in no less than a paragraph each. (Write your responses on a
separate sheet of paper and staple them to your booklet. _______/25

1. Do you think you have more freedom to choose things for yourself now than you will have when you are 40, or do
you think your freedom of choice will be greater in the future? Explain your answer.

2. Ask the question above, in reverse order, to an adult in your life, and record his or her answer in detail here:

3. Is there such a thing as too much freedom of choice? Explain

4. Why do you think freedom of choice was eliminated from Jonas’s community? What are the dangers of being able
to choose for ourselves?

The Giver #15    ​Date: _____________ 
Pages: 149-151 points: ___/10 points: ___/5 

Summary: ​(What are the two most important things that happen or
the two most important ideas from this chapter?)

Word Study -​Use a dictionary, or your phone, to complete the 

following. Also, ensure the context matches the use in the text​. _
​ _/9 
Word Definition Examples/Synonyms Non-Examples/Antonyms

________/ 9
Compare and Contrast: Jonas & Asher

Connect and Respond 

Choose 1: ​ (5+sentences)
1. Write about a time when you asked for forgiveness, or you should have, and how that went.

2. Explain why you think The Giver chose to give Jonas this memory; explain why Jonas chooses to take
the pain..

The Writer’s Craft  

Diction​: Diction is an author’s choice of words in written texts. Diction can provoke strong feelings within a reader, or
move them to feel emotions. For example: An author could say, “The girl was sad.” Or the author could say, “The gut
wrenching pain in the girl’s heart incapacitated her.” The use of the words “gut wrenching” and “incapacitated” paint a
picture of agonizing pain and sadness.

“The colors of carnage were grotesquely bright: the 3. ​ ​What can you infer is the event that
crimson wetness on the rough and dusty fabric, the chapter 15 describes? Write 3 pieces of
ripped shreds of grass, startlingly green, in the boy’s evidence from pages 149-151 in the novel.
yellow hair.”

1. The author’s use of diction in the previous

passage creates, in the reader, a feeling of--
a. Terror for the scene described
b. Sadness that the Giver felt pain
c. Fear in anticipation for what Jonas was
going to experience
d. Uncertainty for what was happening in
the memory

2. Based on the diction in this line “ The Giver looked

away as if he could not beat to see what he had done
to Jonas,” describe how you would feel in Jonas’


The Giver #16    ​Date: _____________ 
Pages: 152-162 points: ___/10 points: ___/5 

Summary: ​(What are the two most important things that happen or
the two most important ideas from this chapter?)

Word Study -Use a dictionary, or your phone, to complete the 

following. Also, ensure the context matches the use in the text. 
Word Definition Examples/Synonyms Non-Examples/Antonyms

_______ / 6 _______ / 4

Vocabulary In Context 
Read the sentences. Use any clues you can find in the sentences combined with your prior knowledge
then write what you think the underlined words mean in the spaces provided.

1. The sled moved forward, and Jonas grinned with delight, looking forward to the breathtaking
slide down through the ​invigorating​ air.

2. It was not enough to ​assuage​ the pain that Jonas was beginning, now, to know.

3. ​Excruciating​ hunger and starvation.

4. Now it was ​ominous​. It meant, he knew, that nothing could be changed.

Connect and Respond 
“The Giver shrugged. “Our people made that choice, the choice to got to Sameness. Before my time, before the
previous time, back and back and back. We relinquished color when we relinquished sunshine and did away with
differences.” (120)
Choose 1: ​ (5+sentences)
1. Describe some ways that schools, governments, or communities “do away with” differences in
our culture. How do we enforce Sameness? How do we Celebrate difference? Do we, at all?

2. Jonas experiences the color red first. Predict which order at least three of the colors will come to
him. Explain how each may be revealed and why you think that.

_____ / 10 _____/ 8

Text Analysis Questions 

1. How did Jonas feel about being the Receiver at the beginning of Chapter 16?

2. Describe The Giver's favorite memory that he gave to Jonas. How did Jonas feel about

3. What question did Jonas ask his parents after his session with The Giver? What was their
answer? What was his reaction?

4. Jonas did something different the next morning. What was it?
































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