Passed Final Assignment During Remediation 2018

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Congratulations! You Completed EOC Reading Testing!

Here’s your final project!! 

Name: ___________________________ 
Date Received: _____________________ 
Class Period: ______________________ 
Date Due: ________________________
Black and White by Paul Volponi 
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Pd: _______
May 18-19, 2016
For today, you will beginning our final project for the year. After this assignment, you don’t have to do
ANYTHING ELSE in order to pass this course (besides turning in all of your make up work).

For the next four weeks you will be reading a class wide novel, worth two project grades. I am allowing you to
work in groups to get the work done! For this assignment, you may collaborate and read together to get your
answers, but your answers should be IN YOUR OWN WORDS. There should be NO copying or exact wording
for anyone. In that case, you both do not receive credit for the questions copied. Here is a timeline of your
responsibilities for the rest of the school year. You may move beyond this schedule if you would like and turn in
all of your work early, but no earlier than June 9, 2016.
Date:  Assignment (10 Journal Grades) Done?

May  Journal​: Write one to two paragraphs ( 7-10 sentences) answering two Journal
of the following topics: ❏
21-22  Read Pages
● Explain two qualities you look for in a friend, and why. ❏
● Describe the things that you can do with a good friend. Answer
● Create a simile, metaphor, or other analogy that reflects a good Questions

friendship and explain it.
● In which setting are you most the “real you” -- at home, with
your friends, or at school? Explain why.
Read​: Read pages​ 1-20​, and answer the corresponding questions.

May  Journal​: Write one to two paragraphs ( 7-10 sentences) answering the Journal
following topic: ❏
23-24  Read Pages
● Explain how home life and family influence Eddie and Marcus’ ❏
characters. In other words, how do Marcus and Eddie’s home Answer
lives and family affect them as young people.How do your home Questions

life and family influence who you are today?
Read​: Read pages​ 21-41​, and answer the corresponding questions.

May  Journal​: Write one to two paragraphs ( 7-10 sentences) answering ONE Journal
of the following topics: ❏
25/28  Read Pages
● Discuss your impression of either Marcus or Eddie. Do you feel ❏
sympathy for the character? Explain. You may also do both Answer
characters if you wish. Questions

● Explain what the author means when he states, “That line
between blacks and whites that can’t get erased, no matter
what.” (Page 43)
Read​: Read pages ​42-60​, and answer the corresponding questions.

May  Journal​: Write a 10-15 sentence letter to respond to the following Journal
29-30  prompt: ❏
Read Pages
● Marcus wishes he could apologize to the shooting victim, Sidney ❏
Parker (p.46). Compose a letter from Marcus, who is sitting in Answer
prison, to Mr. Parker, explaining his actions and feelings. What do Questions

you think Marcus would say by way of an apology?
Read​: Read pages ​61-90​, and answer the corresponding questions. ____​/10

Black and White by Paul Volponi 
May  Journal​: Write one to two paragraphs ( 7-10 sentences) answering ONE Journal
31/  of the following topics: ❏
Read Pages
June 1  ● Who is worse off, Marcus or Eddie? Explain using specific ❏
references to the text. Answer
● If Eddie had been the one identified by the shooting victim, do Questions

you believe that he would have remained quiet about the identity
of his partner, like Marcus did? Do you believe Marcus would have
let Eddie take the rap alone?
Read​: Read pages ​91-108​, and answer the corresponding questions.

June  Journal​: Go back to page 81 and write one to two paragraphs ( 7-10 Journal
4-5  sentences) responding to the prompt: ❏
Read Pages
● How do the last six words of page 81 symbolize how Eddie and ❏
Marcus’ friendship is changing? (“We both smiled at that, ​and Answer
went home our separate ways​.”) Questions

Read​: Read pages ​109-130​, and answer the corresponding questions.

June  Journal​: Write one to two paragraphs ( 7-10 sentences) responding to Journal
6-7  the following prompt: ❏
Read Pages
● How do you want to be remembered in life? Do you want to be ❏
known as the class clown, someone smart, an athlete? Do you Answer
want to be known for your kindness and compassion? Just Questions

explain to me how you would like to leave your legacy.
Read​: Read pages ​131-154​, and answer the corresponding questions.

June  Journal​: Write one to two paragraphs (7-10 sentences) responding to Journal
8/11  the following prompt: ❏
Read Pages
● Five years after the novel’s conclusion, how do you picture ❏
Marcus’s and Eddie’s lives turning out? Consider: Answer
○ Where will they be? Questions

○ What will they be doing?
○ Who will have a closer relationship: Marcus and Eddie,
Marcus and Rose or Rose and Eddie?
Read​: Read pages ​155-176​, and answer the corresponding questions.

June  Journal​: Instead of writing a new journal today, you will be creating a Journal
12/13  Facebook page for one of the characters from the novel. See pages 20 ❏
Read Pages
through 24 for directions and the grading rubric. Create your drafts on ❏
a separate sheet and nearly place your final in this booklet. Answer

Read​: Read pages ​177- End​, and answer the corresponding questions.
*PROJECT IS DUE JUNE 14 Regardless of your class date. You may finish ____​/10
early, but NOT finish late. School is over June 15th.
As you read the novel, you will complete the following study guide. ​ALL ANSWERS MUST BE
only receive HALF CREDIT!​ ​ Each Day is worth TWO GRADES- One for your Journal and one
for your questions.

Black and White by Paul Volponi 
Pre- Reading Journal #1 ​Date: _____________

Journal​: Write one to two paragraphs ( 7-10 sentences) answering two of the following
● Explain two qualities you look for in a friend, and why.
● Describe the things that you can do with a good friend.
● Create a simile, metaphor, or other analogy that reflects a good friendship and
explain it.
● In which setting are you most the “real you” -- at home, with your friends, or at
school? Explain why.
Read​: Read pages​ 1-20​, and answer the corresponding questions.


Black and White by Paul Volponi 
“Black” Pages 1 – 13  
Directions:​ Complete the following in ​COMPLETE SENTENCES​; half work will only receive​ HALF CREDIT! 
1. Who pulled the trigger of the gun? _________________________________________________________________
2. Why did the boys have a gun? ____________________________________________________________________
3. “I was more scared for that man we shot than anything else” (2). What does this statement reveal about Marcus’s
character? _________________________________________________________________________________________
4. Why do people refer to Marcus and Eddie as “Black and White”? ________________________________________
5. Why did Marcus and Eddie start robbing people? _____________________________________________________
6. How are Marcus and Eddie’s families different from each other? _________________________________________
7. “I didn’t want to throw that lady’s package down … I hated the way she sounded.” Re-read this passage on page 9.
What does this reveal about Marcus’s character? __________________________________________________________
8. How did they feel after the first robbery? ____________________________________________________________
9. How does Eddie’s demeanor change when he robs the old white man ?_____________________________________
10. How did they feel after the second robbery? __________________________________________________________
11. “Eddie knows how to fast-talk most people good …” (11). What does this mean? ____________________________
12. How does Marcus react when Eddie offers him the gun? Why? ___________________________________________

  “White” Pages 14 – 20 ​Page Grade:​ ___/28 

1. How is Eddie feeling when he returns home?
2. Who is Gotti? _________________________________________________________________________________
3. How does Eddie’s family feel about his grandfather? How does Eddie feel about his grandfather?
4. “’It just went off,’ I said to him” (17). What characteristic of Eddie does this statement reveal?
5. How is Marcus’s reaction to the shooting different from Eddie’s?
6. “It was almost like lying to my own mother” (19). What does this reveal about Eddie and Marcus’s relationship?
7. How would you describe Marcus’s mother? Write at least one physical feature and two personality traits.
8. “But it didn’t feel like usual” (20). How have things changed between Marcus and Eddie? Why?
9. What internal conflict does Eddie experience in this section?

Black and White by Paul Volponi 

Pre- Reading Journal #2 ​Date: _____________

Journal​: Write one to two paragraphs ( 7-10 sentences) answering the following topic:
● Explain how home life and family influence Eddie and Marcus’ characters. In other
words, how do Marcus and Eddie’s home lives and family affect them as young
people. How do your home life and family influence who you are today?
Read​: Read pages​ 21-41​, and answer the corresponding questions.



Black and White by Paul Volponi 
“​ ​“Black” Pages 21 – 32 Date: __________ 
1.​ ​ What is bothering Marcus about the last robbery?
2.​ ​How do Marcus and Rose feel about each other?
3.​ ​Who is the man they shot? _​ ____________________________________________________________________​_
4.​ ​Why does Marcus feel “sick”?
5.​ ​What does Eddie’s response, “’He had to be somebody,” reveal about his character?
6.​ ​What does the ​allusion​ to ​The Count of Monte Cristo​ ​foreshadow​?
7.​ ​How does Eddie’s mom treat Marcus? ______________________________________________________
8.​ ​What plan does Marcus have for their future?
9.​ ​Why doesn’t Marcus want to go to school far away? What does this reveal about his character?
10.​ ​How would you describe Rose? W ​ rite at least one physical feature and two personality traits.

“White” Pages 33 – 41 Page Grade:​ ___/16 

1.​ ​Why does Eddie have trouble sleeping?
2.​ ​Why do you think Eddie feels “alone”?
3.​ ​In what way are Eddie and Marcus “opposite” of each other, besides the obvious physical differences?
4.​ ​Who is Jason Taylor? Why is his story significant to the novel?
5.​ ​Why doesn’t Marcus’s mom make it to many games? Does this mean she doesn’t care?
6.​ ​What happens to Marcus? How does Eddie react? Why do you think he played so hard?

Black and White by Paul Volponi 

Pre- Reading Journal #3 ​Date: _____________

Journal​: Write one to two paragraphs ( 7-10 sentences) answering ONE of the following
● Discuss your impression of either Marcus or Eddie. Do you feel sympathy for the
character? Explain. You may also do both characters if you wish.
● Explain what the author means when he states, “That line between blacks and
whites that can’t get erased, no matter what.” (Page 43)
Read​: Read pages ​42-60​, and answer the corresponding questions.


Black and White by Paul Volponi 
“Black” Pages 42 – 47 Date: __________ 
1.​ ​ Re-read the section about race lines on page 43. Is there a race line between Eddie and Marcus?
2.​ ​Why does Marcus feel like he’s been “sucker punched”?
3.​ ​How does Marcus handle his arrest? Do you agree with his behavior? Why/Why not?

“White” Pages 48 – 60 Page Grade:​ ___/14 

1.​ ​ What major decision does Eddie make at the beginning of the chapter? Why does he make this decision at
this​ point in time? How do you feel about his decision and timing?
2.​ ​“They probably thought I was in a hurry to help out my best friend” (49). Is Eddie going to help Marcus?
Why/Why not?
3.​ ​How did Eddie use the gun differently than his grandfather? How does he feel about this?
4.​ ​What role did Eddie and Marcus play in the riot at their school? Why is this important?
5.​ ​What does Eddie do with the gun? Why?
6.​ ​What is ironic about Eddie’s parents’ responses to what happened to Marcus?
7.​ ​How does Rose’s reaction to Eddie’s news about St. John’s differ from the rest of the family’s?
8.​ ​“They were asking me about Marcus as if he was my brother” (55). Why does Eddie seem to be defensive
about this?
9.​ ​What does Moses mean when he says, “’Coach is his ​real​ white brother’” (57)?
10.​ ​Does X think that Eddie was with Marcus on the night of the robbery? How do you know?
11.​ ​Why doesn’t the team have a strong reaction to Eddie’s announcement about St. John’s?

Black and White by Paul Volponi 

Pre- Reading Journal #4 ​Date: _____________

Journal​: Write a 10-15 sentence letter to respond to the following prompt:

● Marcus wishes he could apologize to the shooting victim, Sidney Parker (p.46).
Compose a letter from Marcus, who is sitting in prison, to Mr. Parker, explaining his
actions and feelings. What do you think Marcus would say by way of an apology?
Read​: Read pages ​61-90​, and answer the corresponding questions.


Black and White by Paul Volponi 
“Black” Pages 61 – 81 Date: __________ 
1.​ ​ How does Marcus show strength in this section?
2.​ ​“I didn’t hold it against Eddie for not showing” (62). What does this sentiment reveal about Marcus’s
3.​ ​Does Marcus give up the name of “the shooter” for less time? Why/Why not?
4.​ ​How does Marcus’s mom handle the situation? Do agree with her actions and reactions? Why/Why not?
5.​ ​“I felt ashamed that my mother had to hear it” (63). What does this reveal about Marcus’s character?
6.​ ​What does Marcus notice about the inmates upon his arrival at Rikers Island?
7.​ ​What does Marcus realize about the difference between him and Eddie?
8.​ ​Why does Marcus’s mother bring Sabrina with her to pick Marcus up at Rikers Island?
9.​ ​“You don’t give up your best friend to the cops. No how. No way” (71). What does this reveal about
Marcus’s character?
10.​ ​Why does Marcus’s mom throw his sneakers in the garbage?
11.​ ​Who are Jefferson and Connelly? How are they different from one another?
12.​ ​How have things changed between Marcus and Eddie?

“White” Pages 82 – 90 Page Grade:​ ___/16 

1.​ ​ What does Rose tell the detectives about Marcus?
2.​ ​How does Eddie’s father react when the detectives ask about a .38 caliber? Why?
3.​ ​Does Eddie’s father know the truth?
4.​ ​Why does Eddie get arrested?

Black and White by Paul Volponi 

Pre- Reading Journal #5 ​Date: _____________

Journal​: Write one to two paragraphs ( 7-10 sentences) answering ONE of the following
● Who is worse off, Marcus or Eddie? Explain using specific references to the text.
● If Eddie had been the one identified by the shooting victim, do you believe that he
would have remained quiet about the identity of his partner, like Marcus did? Do
you believe Marcus would have let Eddie take the rap alone?
Read​: Read pages ​91-108​, and answer the corresponding questions.


Black and White by Paul Volponi 
“Black” Pages 91 – 98 Date: __________ 
1.​ ​Why does Marcus respect Jefferson?
2.​ ​How does Marcus react to Jefferson’s speech? What does this reveal about his character? Would Eddie
have reacted the same way?
3.​ ​What seems to be Eddie’s main concern at this point? What does this reveal about his character?
4.​ ​What is the significance of the ​allusion​ to ​The Count of Monte Cristo​ on page 96? First, research what the
allusion is, then tell how it relates to the book, and how it is significant.

“White” Pages 99 – 108 Page Grade:​ ___/6 

1.​ ​ Why doesn’t Eddie laugh at the man on the train?
2.​ ​Why do you think the team lost the game against Hillcrest?

Black and White by Paul Volponi 

Pre- Reading Journal #6 ​Date: _____________

Journal​: Go back to page 81 and write one to two paragraphs ( 7-10 sentences)
responding to the prompt:
● How do the last six words of page 81 symbolize how Eddie and Marcus’ friendship
is changing? (“We both smiled at that, ​and went home our separate ways​.”)
Read​: Read pages ​109-130​, and answer the corresponding questions.


Black and White by Paul Volponi 
“Black” Pages 109 – 117 Date: __________ 
1.​ ​ Who is Ms. Torres? Does she do anything to really help Marcus?
2.​ ​“Eddie timed the cars just right and ran over to the other side. I was caught flat-footed and just watched
him sail across” (114). What does this image symbolize?
3.​ ​Why won’t Eddie look Marcus in the eye? If you were in Eddie’s shoes, what would you have done?
4.​ ​What does Ms. Torres tell Marcus about his case?

“White” Pages 118 – 130 Page Grade:​ ___/15 

1.​ ​What “holes” are in Eddie’s case?
2.​ ​How does Eddie make a “confession” to Rose?
3.​ ​What does Eddie tell Rebecca about his case on page 121? What does this reveal about his character?
4.​ ​Why does Eddie feel “sick” on page 123? What does this reveal about his character?
5.​ ​Describe the conflict that occurs between Eddie and Marcus on pages 124 – 125? Explain each side of the
6.​ ​Do you think Marcus’s lawyer is working as hard as she can for him?
7.​ ​What does Marcus mean when he says, “’That hasn’t changed from my side one time’” (125)?
8.​ ​“I just wished Marcus would fight it like I was” (126). Is Eddie really “fighting” anything? Why/Why not?
9.​ ​Describe the conflict that occurs between Marcus and Eddie on page 127. Explain each side.
10.​ ​Explain Marcus’s plea.
11.​ ​Why doesn’t Eddie want to read his essay in class?

Black and White by Paul Volponi 

Pre- Reading Journal #7 ​Date: _____________

Journal​: Write one to two paragraphs ( 7-10 sentences) responding to the following
● How do you want to be remembered in life? Do you want to be known as the class
clown, someone smart, an athlete? Do you want to be known for your kindness
and compassion? Just explain to me how you would like to leave your legacy.
Read​: Read pages ​131-154​, and answer the corresponding questions.


Black and White by Paul Volponi 
“Black” Pages 131 – 145 Date: __________ 
1.​ ​What does Jefferson say about Marcus when his mother picks him up from school?
2.​ ​What news does Ms. Randolf have for Marcus?
3.​ ​How does X respond to Marcus’s announcement that he is off the team?
4.​ ​“’People at Senior Night are going to know that your family is still proud of you’” (137). What does this
reveal about Marcus’s mother?
5.​ ​How does Marcus handle being kicked off of the team? What does this reveal about his character?
6.​ ​How does Rose’s treatment of Marcus differ from her family’s?
7.​ ​Who do you think the “real Marcus Brown” is?
8.​ ​What does Jefferson give Marcus? Why?
9.​ ​Describe the conflict between Ms. Randolf and Marcus’s mother. How does Marcus’s mother handle the
situation? What does this reveal about her character?
10.​ ​What happens at Senior Night? What role do Jefferson and Connelly play in the events?

“White” Pages 146 – 154 Page Grade:​ ___/14 

1.​ ​What do you think Coach Casey was saying to Ms. Randolf?
2.​ ​“But the truth is that I was more to blame than anyone” (147). Is Eddie right? Why/Why not?
3.​ ​Describe Eddie’s internal conflict on page 150. How is it resolved?
4.​ ​Who/What is Eddie’s “black shadow”? Literally? Figuratively?

Black and White by Paul Volponi 

Pre- Reading Journal #8 ​Date: _____________

Journal​: Write one to two paragraphs (7-10 sentences) responding to the following
● Five years after the novel’s conclusion, how do you picture Marcus’s and Eddie’s
lives turning out? Consider:
○ Where will they be?
○ What will they be doing?
○ Who will have a closer relationship: Marcus and Eddie, Marcus and Rose or
Rose and Eddie?
Read​: Read pages ​155-176​, and answer the corresponding questions.


Black and White by Paul Volponi 

“Black” Pages 155 – 164 Date: __________ 

1.​ ​ How has the relationship between Marcus and Rose changed?
2.​ ​What does Rose do for Marcus’s mother? What does this reveal about her character?
3.​ ​What does Marcus’s mother say to Eddie in the grocery store? Is she ​really​ angry about the jacket?
4.​ ​How are Jefferson and Marcus in the same type of situation?

“White” Pages 165 – 176 

1.​ ​Why is Eddie’s mom so upset when she sees Marcus’s jacket?
2.​ ​Describe Eddie’s internal conflict in this section.
3.​ ​How does the jacket symbolize Eddie and Marcus’s friendship?
4.​ ​What is the significance of the ​allusion​ to Peter and Paul (Biblical reference) on page 171?
5.​ ​Describe Eddie’s internal conflict on page 174.

“Black” Pages 177 – End Page Grade:​ ___/17 

1.​ ​ What has happened between Marcus and Rose? Why do they keep it a secret?
2.​ ​How have things changed between Eddie and Marcus?
3.​ ​What does Marcus mean when he thinks, “But my mother was standing up taller now than they [Eddie’s
parents] ever did …” (178)? Is he right? Why/Why not?
4.​ ​Has Marcus changed for the better or worse as a result of what has happened to him? Explain your
5.​ ​Do you think Rose will wait for Marcus? Why/Why not?
6.​ ​Why is Eddie moving a “half step slower” than usual?
7.​ ​Re-read the last paragraph. What does it reveal about Marcus’s character?
8.​ ​What affects justice in this story?

Black and White by Paul Volponi 

Black and White by Paul Volponi 

Black and White by Paul Volponi 

Black and White by Paul Volponi 
Facebook Project Grading Criteria
Points deducted if missing any of the above, plus:
❏ -Neatness (if it’s too sloppy to read, no credit for that item)
❏ -Effort
❏ -Does not relate to the character or reading assignment
Facebook Wall (45 points possible)

Picture of Character Information Friends

❏ 5 points ❏ Birth date - 2 points ❏ 2 points per friend
Share Status ❏ Home town - 2 points ❏ 12 points possible
❏ One status sharing what ❏ 4 points possible
the character’s thoughts
are at the end of the novel
❏ 3 points

Write something about yourself Recent Activity Advertisements

❏ Brief description of ❏ Notes and activities from ❏ Advertisements related to
character like what he/she friends. What would the the character’s interests
does for a job, or even a character’s friends be ❏ 3 points per ad
favorite quote saying to them? ❏ 9 points possible
❏ 3 points per note
❏ 3 points
❏ 9 points possible

Status Update Page (25 points possible)

Status (5 pts per status)

❏ Each status update should summarize the most important thing that happened to that character (or
what that character thinks is the most important information to share)
❏ 25 points possible
Points deducted if missing any major chapters, plus:
❏ Not relating to the chapter or character (minus three points per off topic status)
❏ Spelling/grammar mistakes (that are unintentional) (minus one point per mistake)

Facebook Profile Page (30 points possible)

Basic Information Personal Information Top 10 friends

(1 point per detail) (1 point per detail) (1 point per friend)
❏ -Network (closest city) ❏ -Activities (list at least one) ❏ Rank the character’s
❏ -Sex ❏ -Interests (need at least friends from 1-10 and
❏ -Birthday (if known) one) place the most important
❏ -Hometown/ current ❏ -Favorite Music friends at the top.
residence ❏ -Favorite TV shows ❏ 10 points possible
❏ -Relationship status ❏ -Favorite Movies
❏ -Political views ❏ -Favorite Books
❏ -Religious views ❏ -Favorite Quotations
❏ 7 points possible ❏ -About Me
❏ (list at least 3
Second Picture of Character things; 1 pt. each)
❏ 3 points ❏ 10 points possible

Black and White by Paul Volponi 
Facebook Wall (30 Points)

Point Value (Circle Excellent Good Needs Lacking/ Missing Point Totals
One) Improvement

Picture of character 5 3 1 0

Share Status 3 2 1 0

Write Something 3 2 1 0
About Yourself

Information for 4 2 1 0

Recent Activity 9 6 3 0

Character’s Friends 12 6 3 0

Advertisements 9 6 3 0

Section Total: /30

Status Update Page (25 points)

Point Value (Circle Excellent Good Needs Lacking Point Totals

One) Improvement

Status Updates 5/5 3/5 1/5 0/5

Summarizes Most 5 3 1 0
Important Chapters

Uses Character’s 5 3 1 0

Proper grammar/ 5 3 1 0

Section Total: /25

Facebook Profile Page (30 Points)

Basic Info Included (+1) Lacking (0) Personal Info Included (+1) Lacking (0)

Network Activities

Sex Interests

Birthday (if known) Favorites: Music

Hometown TV Shows

Relationship Status Movies

Political Views Books

Religious Views Quotations

2nd Picture (x3) About Me (x3)

Top 10 Friends _________/10 Section Total: /30 Project Total: /100


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