2016 Synecoculture Manual

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2016  Version  

Editor:  Masatoshi  Funabashi  /  Supervisor:  Takashi  Otsuka

Synecoculture  Manual  
2016  Version  

ISSN  2432-­‐3950  

Citation   Form:   Masatoshi   Funabashi,   editor   «  Synecoculture   Manual   2016   Version  »   (English  
Version).  Research  and  Education  material  of  UniTwin  UNESCO  Complex  Systems  Digital  Campus,  
e-­‐laboratory:  Open  Systems  Exploration  for  Ecosystems  Leveraging,  No.2.  
Editor:  Sony  Computer  Science  Laboratories,  Inc.  Masatoshi  Funabashi  
Supervisor:  Sakura  Nature  School  Takashi  Otsuka  
Chart  Design  &  Layout:  Akira  Tamaki  
Associate  Editor:  Teruhisa  Uchiyama  
Table  of  contents  


1.  General  Remarks  
1-­‐1.         Defining  Synecoculture  -­‐  7  
1-­‐2.         Principles  of  Synecoculture  -­‐  8  
1-­‐3.         Productivity  -­‐  13  
1-­‐4.         Management  Conditions  -­‐  14  
1-­‐5.         Vegetation  Conditions  -­‐  15  
1-­‐6.         Harvesting  Method  -­‐  16  
1-­‐7.         Management  Principle:  "Space-­‐Time  Seed"    
              (Multi-­‐faceted  use  of  time  -­‐  space  -­‐  variety)  -­‐  17  
1-­‐8.         Cost  -­‐  18  
1-­‐9.         Search  Method  -­‐  18  

2.  Detailed  Exposition  
2-­‐1.         Initial  Construction  -­‐  19  
2-­‐1-­‐1.     idge  Building  -­‐  19  
2-­‐1-­‐2.     Planting  Trees  -­‐  20  
2-­‐1-­‐3.     Perimeter  Fence  -­‐  21  
2-­‐2.         Management  -­‐  22  
2-­‐2-­‐1.     General  Theory  of  Seeding  -­‐  22  
2-­‐2-­‐2.     Yearly  Strategic  Planning  of  Vegetation  in  Synecoculture  -­‐  23  
2-­‐2-­‐2-­‐1.  Production  with  a  Focus  on  Annual  Vegetables  -­‐  24  
2-­‐2-­‐2-­‐2.  Low  Cost  Production  with  Focus  on  Fruit  and  Perennials  with  Some  Vegetables  -­‐  26  
2-­‐2-­‐2-­‐3.  Home  Garden  -­‐  28  
2-­‐2-­‐3.     Grass  Management  -­‐  29  
2-­‐2-­‐3-­‐1.  Three  Basic  Methods  of  Grass  Management  -­‐  29  
2-­‐2-­‐3-­‐2.  Soil  Formation  through  Controlled  Propagation  of  Grass  -­‐  30  
2-­‐2-­‐4.     Production  Deadline  -­‐  31  
2-­‐2-­‐5.     Grass  Management,  Seeding,  and  Planting  of  Seedlings  in  Summer  Season  -­‐  31  
2-­‐2-­‐5-­‐1.  Principle  of  Three  Way  Trade-­‐Off     -­‐Example  of  Summer  Strategy  in  Honshu,  Japan  -­‐  32  
2-­‐2-­‐5-­‐2.  Example  of  the  Relationship  between  Mowed  Grass  and  Seeds  and  Seedlings  -­‐  33  
2-­‐2-­‐5-­‐3.  Fall  Vegetation  Plan  -­‐  35  
2-­‐2-­‐5-­‐4.  Irrigation  -­‐  35  
2-­‐2-­‐6.     Alternatives  to  Fertilization  (Method  of  Recovering  Productivity)  -­‐  36  
2-­‐2-­‐7.     Harvest  -­‐  37  

2-­‐2-­‐8.       Sequence  of  Harvesting  -­‐  Seedling  Transplant  -­‐  Overseeding  -­‐  37  
2-­‐2-­‐9.   Self-­‐Seeding  -­‐  38  
2-­‐2-­‐10.   Ridges  -­‐  38  
2-­‐2-­‐11.   Seedling  Strategies  -­‐  39  

3.  Evaluation  Method  for  Quality  of  Crop  and  Ecosystem  

3-­‐1.   Relationship  Between  Crop  Taste  and  Fertilizer  -­‐  40  
3-­‐2.   Pest  Outbreak  -­‐  40  
3-­‐3.   Soil  Improvement  -­‐  41  
3-­‐4.   Plant  Tissue  Normalcy  -­‐  41  
3-­‐5.   Structure  and  Fluctuations  -­‐  42  
3-­‐5-­‐1.   Examples  of  Structure  -­‐  42  
3-­‐5-­‐2.   Examples  of  Fluctuations  -­‐  42  

4.  Application  
4-­‐1.   Combining  with  Rice  Cultivation  -­‐  44  
4-­‐2.   Introduction  of  Domestic  Animals  -­‐  44  
4-­‐3.   Cooperation  with  Hospitals,  Nursing  Care  Facilities  -­‐  44    
4-­‐4.   Using  Indigenous  Plants  -­‐  45  
4-­‐5.   Planter  Cultivation  -­‐  45  
4-­‐5-­‐1.   Planter  Cultivation  Method  -­‐  45  
4-­‐6.   Cooperation  with  Citizen  Science  -­‐  46  
4-­‐7.   Large-­‐Scale  Mechanization  Model  -­‐  47  

5.  Synecoculture  in  Different  Climate  

5-­‐1.   General  Remarks  -­‐  48  
5-­‐2.   Temperate  Zone  -­‐  48  
5-­‐2-­‐1.   Deciduous  Forest  Zone  -­‐  48  
5-­‐2-­‐2.   Evergreen  Forest  Zone  -­‐  48  
5-­‐3.   Subtropics  -­‐  49  
5-­‐4.   Arid  Zone  -­‐  50  
5-­‐5.   Tropics  -­‐  52  

6.  Education,  Certification  System,  Other  
6-­‐1.   Synecoculture  Farming  Workshop  -­‐  52  
6-­‐2.   Synecoculture  Farming  Certification  System  -­‐  52  
6-­‐3.   Disclaimer  -­‐  52  

In  Conclusion  

[Japanese]  Takashi  Otsuka’s  Blog,  «  Essays  from  the  Field  »:  http://ameblo.jp/muu8/  
[Japanese/English]  Short  movie  on  synecoculture:  https://youtu.be/80nZTrF6DP4  
[Japanese]  CSL  Open  House  2015  «The  10,000th  Year  of  Agriculture  »:  https://www.sonycsl.co.jp/event/3200/    
[English]  CSL  NY  Symposium  “Synecoculture  -­‐  Human  Augmentation  of  Ecosystems”:  
[Japanese/English]  CS-­‐DC  e-­‐laboratory  Project  Page:  http://www.elab-­‐ose4el.net/  
[English]   Funabashi,   M.(2016).   Synecological   Farming:   Theoretical   Foundation   on   Biodiversity   Responses   of   Plant  
Communities.  Plant  Biotechnology,  Vol.  33,  No.4,  p.213-­‐234.    

This   manual   is   intended   as   a   guide   for   advocates   of   synecoculture,   who   wish   to   apply   this   concept   into  
practice  at  home  or  in  their  community.  It  covers  the  method  of  synecoculture  farming  in  detail,  including  
its   guiding   principle/philosophy,   specific   implementation   methods   and   their   management.   It   is   my   wish  
that   readers   find   this   manual   as   a   useful   reference   to   deepen   the   understanding   of   synecoculture   in  
theory  and  in  practical  application.  This  edition  is  the  most  updated  version  as  of  2016,  and  it  reflects  an  
extensive   research   and   experimentation   conducted   in   Japan   and   other   parts   of   the   world   from   2008   to  
2016.  Synecoculture  is  a  developing  theory,  and  we  expect  it  to  evolve  as  new  findings  through  on-­‐going  
scientific  research  provide  us  with  more  data.  Your  personal  experience  with  synecoculture  in  your  own  
region  will  prove  an  invaluable  resource  in  the  evolution  of  synecoculture.  To  reach  our  ultimate  goal  of  
building   a   sustainable   society   for   our   next   generation,   I’d   like   to   welcome   you   to   join   this   movement,   and  
will  be  looking  forward  to  hearing  your  experience.      
Sony  Computer  Science  Laboratories,  Inc.  Tokyo,  July  2016  
Researcher  Masatoshi  Funabashi  

1.  General  Remarks  
1−1. Defining  Synecoculture   Ecological   optimum   refers   to   a   state   where   multiple   species  
Synecoculture   farming   is   an   open-­‐field   crop   achieve   their   maximum   growth   while   in   competing   symbiosis,   to  
the  extent  possible  in  the  given  environmental  conditions.  
cultivation   method,   which   restricts   the   use   of  
In  contrast,  conventional  farming  practices  rely  on  physiological  
tillage/fertiliser/pesticide/herbicide.   It     requires   optimization,   which   generally   changes   the   environmental  
nothing  but  seeds  and  seedlings  to  produce  useful   conditions  in  order  to  optimize  a  single  type  of  growth.  

plants   in   ecological  optimum  state.   This   is   accomplished   through   careful   control   of   the   ecosystem   by   exploiting   the  
natural  characteristics  of  the  plant.      

Synecoculture  incorporates  three  essential  components  for  occupational  business  farming:  cultivation,  application,  
and  sales.  
This  manual  was  written  on  the  assumption  of  practical  implementation  at  home  or  in  a  community  garden  for  local  
consumption.   With   that   scope   in   mind,   we   will   focus   primarily   on   the   cultivation   aspect   of   synecoculture   in   this  
The  application  aspect  of  synecoculture  consists  of  two  steps:    
1. Taking  available  resources  from  a  synecological  farm  and  its  surrounding  ecosystem.  
2.   Developing  a  product  from  these  resources  with  additional  economic  value.  

The   produce   of   synecoculture   includes   not   only   the   edible   plants   but   also   any   food,   essential   resources,   natural  
environment,   scenic   landscape,   educational   opportunity,   and   animal   and   insect   groups   attracted   to   synecoculture  

The   sales   aspect   of   synecoculture   involves   the   method   of   selling   synecoculture   produce   through   direct-­‐sales   model.  
It  also  touches  on  how  to  assess  and  quantify  yield  from  the  farm.  
Synecoculture   aims   to   establish   distribution   of   its   produce   in   an   optimized   ecological   state/wild   state,   so   it   is  
necessary  that  the  application  method  and  the  sales  method  be  developed  in  accordance  with  regional  guidelines.      

Diagram:   Three   major   synecoculture   divisions:   method   of   sales,   method   of  

production,  method  of  application  

Method  of  

Method  of   Method  of  

production   application  

1−2. Principles  of  Synecoculture  
One   of   the   major   differences   between  
Synecoculture   is   a   method   of   farming   that   creates   an   ecosystem  
synecoculture  and  other  farming  methods  is  
which  naturally  cultivates  edible  produce.  The  most  efficient  way  to   the  restoration  and  development  of  the  land  
through   farming.   Unlike   other   farming  
build   this   ecosystem   is   to   increase   the   diversity   of   species   that  
methods  in  which  the  natural  environment  is  
colonize  the  area  and  to  control  the  various  inhabitants.  In  addition   often   harmfully   exploited,   synecoculture  
farming  can  have  a  restorative  effect  on  the  
to   species   diversity,   genetic   diversity   is   also   encouraged   by   a   wide  
ecosystem.   The   most   remarkable   example   of  
variety   of   breeds   within   the   same   species,   and   the   diversity   of   the   this  was  the  introduction  of  synecoculture  in  
an  arid  tropical  region  that  was  on  the  verge  
ecosystem   is   increased   by   a   colonized   vegetation   that   adapts   to   a  
of  desertification  (see  chapter  5).  
variety  of  environmental  conditions.  The  diversity  of  genes,  species,   Within   any   given   ecosystem,   there   are   the  
factors   of   plants   and   animals   taking   the  
and  ecosystems  is  referred  to  as  biodiversity.        
resources   necessary   for   survival,   production  
  and   decomposition   of   organic   matter,   and  
the  circulation  of  nutrients.  
Biodiversity   and   ecosystem   functions   work   as   a   system   that  
Ecosystem   services   can  be  divided  up  into  5  
supplements  each  other.  The  rich  and  robust  biodiversity  improves   major   services   -­‐   "supply   services"   that   create  
and   supply   things   like   food   and   water,  
ecosystem   functions.   In   turn,   improved   ecosystem   functions   adjust  
"regulation   services"   in   which   things   like  
the   environmental   conditions   in   an   optimum   range   such   as   climate   are   controlled,   "cultural   services"  
which   provide   benefits   for   recreation,  
temperature,   humidity,   amount   of   sunlight,   organic   matter   and  
mental,   and   cultural   aspects,   "infrastructure  
chemical  composition  of  the  soil  so  that  more  life  forms  can  live  in   services"   that   are   responsible   for   nutrient  
circulation  and  the  supply  of  oxygen  needed  
the   environment,   allowing   a   richer   biodiversity.   This   mechanism  
for   photosynthesis,   and   "conservation  
provides   a   variety   of   ecosystem   services   necessary   for   human   life   services"   which   preserve   diversity   and  
protects   the   environment   from   unforeseen  
including  food  production.  
Synecoculture   aims   to   create   sustainable   food   production   and  
autonomous   economic   activity   by   using   multi-­‐faceted   knowledge   of   ecology   to   comprehensively   improve  
biodiversity,  ecosystem  functions,  and  ecosystem  services.  

Self  Organizing  Cycle  

Empirical  knowledge  of   Ecosystem  Functions↑  


Diagram:  The  relationship  between  biological  diversity,    

ecosystem  functions,  ecosystem  services,    

Ecosystem  Services↑  
and  practical  knowlege  in  synecoculture  

  As  one  implements  the  synecoculture  and  starts  to  build  the  ecosystem,  
The   necessary   conditions   for   establishing  
the  biodiversity  within  a  farm  improves  over  time.  It  approches  the  target  
synecoculture   are   the   ecological  
vegetation   state   in   a   manner   similar   to   sigmoid-­‐type   growth.   In   the   first   optimization   of   cultivated   field,   while  
sufficient   conditions   are   the   quantity   and  
half  of  the  sigmoid,  a  healthy  plant  tissue  provided  by  ecological  optimum  
quality   of   valuable   produce,   and   economic  
state   that   synecoculture   aims   for   may   not   be   reached,   but   it   does   create   independence   through   sales.   By   meeting  
these   conditions,   synecoculture   will   be  
self-­‐supporting  consumption  in  home  garden-­‐like  environments.
achieved  as  an  occupation.  
In   the   second   half   of   the   sigmoid,   the   saturation   stage,   biodiversity   and  
ecosystem  functionality  are  built  to  a  sufficient  level,  and  the  environment  in  the  farm  asymptotically  approaches  
ecological   optimum.   At   this   point,   it   meets   necessary   conditions   to   sell   harvests   as   synecoculture   produce.  
Synecoculture  is  fully  realized  upon  reaching  the  next  stage  when  an  abundance  of  produce,  with  various  product  
development,  sustains  autonomous  economic  activity  as  an  professional  occupation.  

Diagram:   Ecological   construction   and   time   development   through  

synecoculture,  and  the  relationship  with  established  aspects  of  farming

In   order   to   maintain   sustainable   productivity   from   the   ecologically   optimized   vegetation   of   synecoculture   without  
compromising   ecosystem   functionality,   it   is   necessary   to   harvest   from   the   saturation   stage,   not   from   the   growth  
stage  of  the  ecosystem  construction.  In  practical  assessment,  if  diversity  of  species  in  the  synecoculture  plantation  
exceeds   that   of   the   surrounding   natural   environment   with   equivalent   vegetation   stage,   we   can   safely   say   it   has   fully  
entered   the   saturation   stage.   Since   the   settled   species   within   the   plantation   are   considered   to   be   demonstrating  
ecosystem   functionality   as   a   part   of   on-­‐farm   ecological   optimum,   harboring   species   diversity   beyond   naturally  
saturated  environment  is  sufficient  for  the  judgement.    
As   a   specific   management   method,   we   can   promote   symbiosis   not   by   completely   eliminating   naturally   occurring  
weeds,  but  by  selectively  utilizing  them  with  useful  plants  we  introduce  to  construct  the  ecosystem.    

The  very  reason  
synecoculture  requires  
no-­‐cultivation,  no-­‐fertilizer,  
and  no  pesticide/herbicide  
is  because  of  the  
ecosystem  functions  we  
Diagram:  Homology  of  land-­‐based  life  evolution  (top)  
construct;  simply  leaving  
and  ecological  succession  (bottom)
the  farm  untouched  does  
not  achieve  synecoculture.  
Therefore,  it  is  necessary  to  
actively  introduce  useful  

plants  into  the  ecosystem,  

In  biology  there  is  a  recapitulation  theory  that  states  «  ontogeny  mimics  phylogeny  »,  but  in  
synecoculture  we  manage  the     farm  based  on  the  view  that  states  «  ecological  succession   and  to  plan  every  step  
mimics   evolution   of   land-­‐based   life».   In   order   to   develop   a   substrate   devoid   of   life,   start  
towards  biodiversity.  
planting   with   the   strong   and   low   height   annual   plant,   then   the   pernennial,   the   creeper  
plants,  then  gradually  introduce  low  trees  then  on  to  high  trees.  This  process  will  leads  to  an   Disturbance,  ecological  
abundant   forest.   There   is   a   homology   in   traits   between   ecological   succession   and  
niche  formation(optimum  
evolutionary  history  of  marine  life  that  adapted,  over  incredibly  long  period,  to  live  on  a  dry  
land  that  was  inhabitable  once.       environment  for  growth)  
In   conventional   farming   methods,   monocropping   (making   a   single   crop   on   a   same   land   year  
following  the  introduction  
after   year)   leads   to   the   soil   depletion.   In   synecoculture,   varying   degrees   of   growth   rate  
among   useful   plants   and   naturally   occuring   plants   prevents   the   soil   depletion,   and   of  useful  plants,  and  
vegetation  transforms  itself  to  a  new  ecosystem.  
controling  of  food  chain  to  
regulate  the  fauna,  all  need  to  be  incorporated  into  the  plan  to  maximize  its  effect.  As  a  result  the  methods  
necessary  in  conventional  farming  -­‐  plowing,  fertilization,  pesticides  are  replaced  with  disturbances  in  the  form  to  
promote  biodiversity,  formation  of  ecological  niches,  and  a  controlled  food  chain  respectively.  
Synecoculture  could  potentially  create  a  huge  number  of  different  ecosystems  because  there  is  as  much  variety  as  
there   is   the   combination   of   natural   vegetation   and   useful   plants   one   introduces.   It   implies   that   we   could   achieve  
biodiversity   on   a   scale   that   we   have   never   seen   in   the   biological   history.   Therefore,   it   is   necessary   to   always   be  
aware   of   and   think   about   the   big   picture;   what   stage   of   succession   your   farm   is   positioned   in   an   ecosystem,   and  
where  it  is  heading.    
The  core  principle  of  synecoculture  is  based  on  the  evlolutionary  history  of  life  on  earth;  primitive  forms  of  life  found  
their   way   on   dry   land,   and   over   billions   of   years   they   evolved   and   created   a   complex   system   of   topsoil   that   nurtures  
many  forms  of  life.  When  constructing  a  synecocultural  ecosystem,  you  can  use  this  evolutionary  history  as  a  point  
of   reference   to   assess   the   stages   of   your   farm’s   ecological   succession.   As   life   evolved   on   land,   plant   species  
developed   to   grow   tall   with   roots   deep   into   the   ground,   and   strengthened   the   adaptability   to   environmental  
changes.  Many  plant  species  of  present  time  inherited  these  traits.  Therefore,  we  can  take  advantage  of  these   traits  
when   transforming   a   deserted   land   with   ecological   succession   into   any   stage   through   self-­‐perpetuating   climax  
community.   To   be   more   specific,   your   farm’s   vegetation   should   expand   in   succession   that   recapitulates   the  
chronological  order  of  plants  evolution:  starting  from  annual  plant,  perennial  plant,  creeper  plant,  low  trees,  and  to  
high   trees.   This   method   makes   smooth   ecological   succession   possible,   and   you   can   also   strategize   the   production  
schedule   of   useful   plants   that   best   suits   for   each   stage   of   succession.   In   some   cases,   skipping   or   reversing   the  
succession  stage  can  be  an  effective  strategy  to  promote  biodiversity.  

To   increase   the   biodiversity   in   each   vegetation   stage   and   ecological   succession,   the   following   three   species   diversity  
indicators  are  useful  in  making  evaluations.  
α  Diversity:  species  diversity  at  one  vegetation  stage.  eg.  species  diversity  of  annual  plants  
β  Diversity:  species  diversity  that  corresponds  to  the  difference  between  two  vegetation  stages.  eg.  species  diversity  
among  annual  plant  and  perennial  plant  that  are  independent  from  each  other    
γ   Diversity:   species   diversity   at   all   vegetation   stages.   eg.   synecoculture   farm   and   all   the   species   diversity   of   the  
surrounding  ecosystem.  
Maximum  biodiversity  can  be  established  by  managing  synecoculture  farm  so  that  these  three  indicators  improve    
simultaneously.  As  a  result,  synecoculture  is  expected  to  restore  and  augument  the  biodiversity  in  both  natural  and  
urban  environment.  For  example,  if  there  are  two  ecosystems  with  the  same  number  of  γ  Diversity  of  500  species,  
one   could   have   less   α   Diversity   in   a   stage   than   others,   and   another   could   have   a   partially   lower   β   Diversity   in  
vegetation.  Thus,  it  is  essential  to  diversify  vegetation  from  both  micro  and  macro  perspectives.    

High  Complexity  

High  Tree   High  Tree  

Complexity  of  Evolutionary  Traits  

Low  Tree Low  Tree

of  Land-­‐Based  Life

Creeper  Plant Creeper  Plant

Perennial  Plant Perennial  Plant Perennial  Plant

Annual  Plant Annual  Plant Annual  Plant Annual  Plant

Low  Complexity α  diversity β  diversity γ  diversity

Diagram:  Vegetation  stages  through  synecoculture,  and  management  model  (axis  layer  struction)  of  αβγ  diversity  

Top  image:  Example  of  the  butterflies  observed  in  synecoculture  farms.  Through  implementation  in  Japan,  over  1000  species  of  insects  and  

plant  species  have  been  observed  in  synecoculture  farms  and  surrounding  environment.  

Bottom  image:  In  synecoculture  farms  that  are  pesticide-­‐free  and  highly  biodiverse,  a  wide  variety  of  natural  predators  coexists  within  the  

rich  food  chain,  stabilizing  the  ecosystem.  

1-­‐3.  Productivity  
As  productivity  fluctuates  corresponding  to  environmental  conditions  and  the  type  of  plant  species,  it  is  necessary  to  
consider  both  diversity  and  adaptability  to  various  conditions  comprehensively.  In  regular  farming  methods,  where  a  
single  crop  is  cultivated  repeatedly  in  the  same  conditions,  the  average  value  of  the  yield  is  indicative  of  productivity.  
However   for   synecoculture,   where   farming   is   based   on   evolving   conditions   and   the   crop   groups   are   constantly  
changing,  that  average  value  has  no  meaning  within  a  pre-­‐determined  framework.  It  will  be  necessary  to  evaluate  
the  net  productivity  as  we  adapt  and  diversify  the  vegetation  strategy.  For  the  production  volume  of  each  crop,  the  
leafy  vegetables  grown  at  the  surface  of  the  ridge  exhibit  the  highest  yield.  While  for  crops  that  take  up  a  lot  of  area  
of  the  land  in  comparison  to  the  cultivation  period,  such  as  Chinese  cabbage,  tend  to  have  relatively  low  yield.  For  
fruits   and   grains   such   as   wheat   and   rice,   the   harvest   period   is   predetermined,   so   it   is   not   possible   to   reach   a  
production   volume   of   conventional   farming   methods   for   a   single   species.   You   can   still   cultivate   some   amount   of  
grain  as  mulch  by  mixing  in  with  other  vegetables.  This  way,  it  is  possible  to  grow  grains  with  a  normal  plant  tissue  
that  is  not  bloated  with  fertilizer.    
As  for  the  track  record  of  productivity,  in  the  case  of  vegetables  shipped  from  Ise  synecoculture  farm  in  Japan  over  
four   year   period   (2010-­‐2014),   it   achieved   five   times   the   performance   of   conventional   farming   in  
revenue/maintenance  cost  ratio  per  one-­‐tenth  hectare.  

Stabilized  Average   Fluctuating  

Value   Average  Value  

Diagram:  Productivity  in  accordance  with  the  

normal  distribution  of  conventional  farming  

methods  (orange),  and  the  power  law  distribution  

of  synecoculture  farming  (blue)    

Revenue  per  Harvest  x  Total  Days  of  Harvest  in  a  Year  

<Power  Law  Distribution  Yield>  

Although   the   yield   produced   through   conventional   farming   creates   a   bell-­‐shaped   "normal   distribution,"   the   yield   produced   through  
synecoculture   is   based   on   the   so-­‐called   “power   law   distribution”   to   create   vegetation   in   a   natural   state.   The   power   law   distribution   appears  
widely   in   natural   phenomena   like,   for   example   the   scale   and   frequency   of   earthquakes.   As   earthquakes   of   lesser   magnitude   occur   more  
frequently   than   do   earthquakes   of   greater   magnitude,   in   synecoculture,   small   harvest   of   a   variety   of   plants   can   be   attained   from   many   different  
environment,  but  large  harvest  from  single  species  or  environmental  conditions  is  rarely  observed.  Since  it  fluctuates  greatly  in  rare  events,  the  
average   values   of   power   law   distribution   should   not   be   used   as   a   predictive   indicator.   As   synecoculture   production   could   greatly   increase  
through  rare  large  harvests,  it  will  be  necessary  to  update  the  yield  description  according  to  the  evaluations  of  each  step.  In  order  to  stabilize  the  
fluctuating  production  that  is  the  cause  of  power  law  distribution,  the  synecoculture  of  various  crops  in  the  “portfolio”  should  be  managed  like  
an  equity  investment.  
<Cost  Calculation  Supplement>  
The  income/maintenance  cost  ratio  for  synecoculture  was  calculated  including  the  seed  and  seedling  cost  required  for  the  initial  construction.  
Additionally,   with   conventional   farming   the   maintenance   costs   (seedling,   fertilizer,   pesticide,   etc.)   are   added,   and   the   initial   investment   costs   of  
the  tractor,  etc.  is  huge,  so  the  actual  profitability  of  synecoculture  practiced  at  Ise  farm  is  over  five  times  that  of  conventional  farming.  
1-­‐4.  Management  Conditions  
As  a  basic  principle,  synecoculture  is  a  non-­‐cultivation,  non-­‐fertilizer,  and  chemical-­‐free  farming  method.  Generally,  
humans  can  bring  only  seeds  and  seedlings  into  a  synecoculture  farm.  Nitrogen,  phosphorus  acid,  potassium,  organic  
matter,   and   other   trace   elements   are   provided   solely   by   the   vegetation   within   the   farm   and   the   animals   that   are  
attracted   from   surrounding   environment.   Generally,   aside   from   the   initial   soil   improvement,   soil   enhancers   and  
probiotics   (soil   microbes)   as   well   as   artificial   mulch   must   not   be   introduced   during   the   entire   cultivation   process.  
Even  leaf  mold  and  pest  repellant  materials  used  in  other  natural  farming  methods  are  in  violation  of  this  principle.  
What  can  be  used  is  otherwise  specified  in  a  range  that  does  not  interfere  with  the  soil  formation  in  terms  of  the  
definition  in  synecoculture  (see  section  2-­‐2-­‐6.).  
Management  after  the  initial  implementation  is  limited  to  three  tasks:  harvesting  the  crops,  managing  of  the  grass,  
and  planting  of  seeds  and  seedlings.  Grass  management  is  carried  out  in  accordance  with  the  characteristics  of  each  
species  of  grass,  however  as  a  basic  rule,  annual  grass  stays  and  the  perennial  grass  is  removed.  
In   general,   water   should   not   be   supplied   by   humans   except   for   the   following   occasions:   planting   seedlings,   after  
seed   germination,   and   the   times   of   severe   drought.   In   these   cases,   using   captured   rainwater,   water   from   a   well   or   a  
river  is  more  desirable  than  using  tap  water.  
If   you   raise   seedlings   in   a   planter,   it   is   permissible   to   use   water   and   a   minimum   amount   of   fertilizer;   however,  
residual  fertilizer  must  be  removed  as  much  possible  before  planting  in  the  synecoculture  farm.    
In  this  regard,  seedlings  sold  in  a  hardware  store  can  be  introduced  
<The   Difference   between   Annual   Grass   and   Perennial  
to  synecoculture  farm,  as  long  as  the  harvesting  of  such  crops  takes   Grass>    
The   roots   of   annual   grass   wither   and   decay   in   the   soil,  
place   after   a   couple   of   weeks,   because   they   are   grown   with  
leaving  pore  spaces  that  are  ideal  for  microbes.  In  contrast,  
negligible   amount   of   inorganic   chemical   fertilizer   just   enough   to   roots   of   perennial   grass   keep   growing   without   withering,  
and  they  tend  to  tighten  the  soil.    
keep   them   alive   through   shipping.   The   rain   and   the   soil   functions  
However,   perennials   do   provide   organic   matter   and  
will  immediately  buffer  this  minimum  amount  of  residuals.  However,   contributes  to  the  diversity  of  microbes;  thus,  they  can  be  
utilized  to  play  a  different  role  than  the  annual  plants.      
these   seedlings   are   frail   as   they   are   raised   in   a   short   period   with  
chemical  fertilizers.  

Image:  In  synecoculture  farms  a  wide  variety  of  flowers  is  also  an  important  produce,  as  they  attract  pollinators.  
1−5.  Vegetation  Conditions  
The  mixing  of  multiple  vegetables,  which  are  densely  populated,  is  a  primary  rule.  Annual  weeds  are  allowed  to  the  
extent   that   vegetables   do   not   lose   out,   and   are   utilized   in   the   soil  
In   conventional   farming   methods,   where   single   type  
formation.   It   is   ideal   for   the   surface   to   be   covered   with   plants   of   crop   is   planted   in   an   interval,   it   ruins     both   the  
vegetation   structure   above   ground   and   the   soil  
throughout  the  year.  In  evaluating  the  vegetation  stage,  the  following  
structure   underground,   causing   impaired   ecosystem  
guidelines   show   the   degree   of   superiority   and   inferiority.   Items   functions.   The   larger   the   surface   area   above   and  
under   ground   that   vegetation   builds,   the   more  
towards   the   top   are   the   most   desirable   conditions   for   synecoculture  
biodiversity     the  soil  can  nurture.  
while  items  near  the  bottom  are  less  desirable.  

Vegetables  and  fruit  trees  are  densely  mixed  together,  and  vegetable  mulch  is  formed  with  
minimal  amount  of  weeds.  

There  are  not  many  vegetables  and  fruit  trees,  however  the  field  is  covered  by  varieties  of  
annual  and  perennial  grass.  

The  annual  and  perennial  grasses  are  colonized  and  forming  communities.  

Vegetation  is  destroyed  through  cultivation,  and  the  topsoil  is  exposed.  

Excessive  use  of  chemical  fertilizers  and  monoculture  have  depleted  the  land,  and  it  is  
heading  towards  desertification.  

Organic  matter  is  plowed  deep  into  underground  due  to  cultivation.

In   comparison   between   conventional   farming   methods  

and  synecoculture,  the  surface  area  produced  by  crops  

is   substantially   different   for   both   above   and   under  

ground.   As   the   vegetation   structure   becomes   more  

complex,   there   will   be   a   wider   variety   of   coexisting  

organisms.   Through   the   development   of   ecosystems,  

building   the   mechanism   that   contributes   to   productivity  

and  risk  management  will  be  essential  in  synecoculture.  

1-­‐6.  Harvesting  Method  
In  synecoculture,  harvesting  is  the  primary  method  of  management.  Harvesting  effectively  thins  the  densely  mixed  
vegetation  and  gives  space  and  nutrition  for  next  generation  of  vegetables.  Start  thinning  with  matured  crops  and  
vegetation   that   have   reached   high   density.   To   minimize   the   labor   cost,   other   management   tasks   should   be  
conducted  while  harvesting.  Empirically  speaking,  plains  south  of  Kanto  region  in  Japan  do  not  have  the  agricultural  
off-­‐seasons   with   synecoculture.   You   can   harvest   year-­‐round   by   thinning,   provided   that   proper   vegetation   strategy   is  
in   place,   and   environmental   conditions   such   as   sunlight   and   the   means   to   protect   from   wind   are   sufficient.   For  
professional  farmers  who  require  frequent  harvesting,  it  may  be  necessary  to  have  a  countermeasure  (e.g.  an  extra  
nursery   space)   in   the   transition   period   of   March   and   September   when   yield   decreases.   We   are   currently   running  
experiments  in  the  northern  limit  where  there  is  no  agricultural  off-­‐season.  

Image  :  Various  states  of  mixture  in  synecoculture  farms.  There  may  be  a  countless  variety  of  vegetation  

strategies  depending  on  the  environment  and  species  composition.  

1-­‐7.  Management  Principle:  "Space-­‐Time  Seed"  (Multi-­‐faceted  use  of  time  -­‐  space  -­‐  variety)  
In   synecoculture,   space   is   used   efficiently   in   three   dimensions   to   ensure   constant   harvest   of   multiple   produce   for  
prolonged   period.   Placement   strategy   and   its   management   method   should   incorporate   time,   space,   and   produce  
types  as  an  integrated  system.  
・Using   Time:   The   defining   characteristic   of   synecoculture   is   the   multi-­‐track   usage   of   time   (see   section   2-­‐2-­‐8).  
Transition  of  vegetation  and  seedling  planting  are  planned  and  managed  so  that  you  can  continuously  harvest  one  
crop   after   another   on   a   daily   basis.   To   achieve   this,   you   can   Within   one   hectare   of   a   synecoculture   field,   it   is   possible   to  
shift   the   seedling   planting   period   and/or   diversify   the   introduce   over   200   types   of   commercially   available   vegetables  
and  fruits.  If  taking  breeds  into  account,  a  diversity  of  over  1,000  
environmental   condition   to   create   a   difference   in   growth   types   can   be   achieved.   Adding   herbs   and   edible   wild   plants   can  
speed.  You  can  also  save  some  produce  in  the  field  until  they   also   double   the   diversity,   although   the   distribution   amount   of  
these   seedlings   is   low.   This   means   that   humans   can   help   to  
can   be   harvested   in   a   time   when   overall   produce   is   low   in   expand   the   biodiversity   beyond   its   natural   state.   In   response   to  
quantity.   the   environmental   destruction   caused   by   population   growth,  
introducing   useful   plants   expands   the   ecosystem,   which   is   vital  
  for  both  food  production  and  conserving  the  environment.  
・   Using  Space:  To  efficiently  use  the  given  space,  utilize  not    
Though   vegetables   grown   using   conventional   farming   methods  
just   the   ridge   but   all   parts   of   the   farm,   and   combine   the   may   have   a   harsh   taste   in   some   part,   produce   grown   through  
plants  with  different  shapes  and  physiological  characteristics   synecoculture   have   a   differently   pure   taste   and   can   even   be  
eaten  raw.  In  particular  a  wide,  diverse  range  of  flowers  becomes  
so   they   complement   each   other   in   three   dimentions.   The   an   important   product   as   a   food   item.   Asparagus,   broccoli,  
following   are   the   examples   of   such   an   application:   Creeper   mountanous   udo   plant,   etc.   grown   under   synecoculture   have  
become   popular   produce   items   that   many   people   preferably  
plants   can   be   grown   on   the   fences,   passageways,   areas   consume  raw  without  boiling.  
around  the  farm,  and  on  the  tree  trunks.  Plant  the  crops  that  
favor  shade  under  the  crops  that  favor  sunlight.  Plant  crops  with  narrow  vertical  leaves,  like  green  onion,  in  between  
the  ones  with  wide  horizontal  leaves  such  as  butterbur  and  burdock.  Plant  vegetables  with  different  root  length  and  
spread  patterns  in  a  same  space.  Low  branch  of  fruit  tress  can  be  trimmed  to  create  a  larger  shade  space,  and  then  
plant  leafty  vegetables  there.      
・   Using  Variety:  Not  just  vegetables,  fruit  trees,  and  herbs,  but  many  useful  plants  such  as  edible  wild  plants  will  be  
mixed   together.   Even   for   the   species   with   no   growth   record,   if   there   is   precedent   of   cultivation   within   the   same  
climate   zone,   it   may   be   introduced   into   the   system.   Additionally,   separate   parts   of   plants   such   as   leaves,   stems,  
shoots,   buds,   flowers,   fruits,   seeds,   roots,   etc.,   will   be   used   as   different   products.   In   terms   of   application   of   the  
produce,  you  can  develop  variety  of  merchandise  in  a  number  of  ways:  vegetables  can  be  sold  raw  or  as  seedlings,  
dried  to  make  tea  or  spices,  preserved  to  make  pickles.  You  can  even  make  and  sell  commodity  items  such  as  natural  

Image  :  An  example  of  high-­‐density  polyculture  where  Chinese  

cabbage  is  planted  in  the  center,  and  Japanese  radish  are  sown  

on  both  sides  in  lines.  

1-­‐8. Cost  
Aside  from  the  initial  construction  materials,  tree  planting,  seedling,  and  other  maintenance  fees,  basically  there  is  
no   need   to   purchase   anything   else.   Heavy   equipment   such   as   tractors   becomes   unnecessary,   and   other   farming  
tools  are  not  needed.  The  only  tools  needed  are  scissors  for  harvesting,  a  shovel  for  seedling  planting,  and  tools  for  
cutting   the   grass   (having   one   small-­‐sized   lawnmower   would   be   convenient).   The   cost   to   purchase   seedling,   a   part   of  
maintenance   fee,   will   gradually   go   down   and   will   be   replaced   with   homegrown   seed   from   the   farm.   In   an   ideal  
situation,  you  want  to  keep  cost  of  investment  at  1/10th  of  the  total  revenue.  For  professional  farmers  with  large  
field,  the  labor  cost  according  to  the  scale  is  added  to  cover  grass  maintenance  and  harvesting  throughout  the  year.  

1-­‐9. Search  Method    

When   starting   a   new   synecoculture   field,   initial   “trial   and   error”   is   In   making   effective   assessment   about   the  
ecosystem   in   implementing   synecoculture   at   a  
necessary   to   identify   what   kind   of   useful   plants   can   be   grown   in   high   level,   it   is   possible   to   engage   a   high   level   of  
the   particular   location.   By   planting   a   single   type   of   vegetable   in   information   processing   abilities,   similar   to   that   of  
the   cognitive   reaction   of   athletes   and   advanced  
varying   conditions   of   sunlight   exposure,   humidity,   soil   quality,   medical   diagnosis.   What   is   necessary   in   the  
density,   mixing   with   other   species   and   with   different   preexisting   management   of   synecoculture   is   searching   for  
useful  plants  that  are  suitable  to  the  land,  and  the  
vegetation,   possible  growth  environment   for   the  produce  will  be   exchange   of   knowledge   for   comprehensive  
discovered.  Out  of  all  the  plants  you  introduce,  a  small  percentage   utilization.   Currently   a   synecoculture   support  
system   that   applies   information   and  
should   be   always   allocated   to   trying   a   new   plants   even   though   communication   technology   in   the   management  
they   may   have   little   prospect   in   a   given   environment.   There   are   process  is  being  prepared  for  that  reason.  

precedents  of  crops  that  did  not  take  roots  at  all  for  the  first  few  years,  but  flourished  and  became  farm’s  primary  
revenue  source  as  succession  changed  the  environmental  conditions  over  the years.  By  expanding  the  search  field  
and   not   relying   merely   on   past   successes,   the   ability   to   respond   flexibly   to   changes   in   the   environment   and  
ecosystems  will  increase.  
Additionally,   for   vegetation   that   has   yet   to   become   useful,   there   have   been   many   cases   where   it   found   new  
commercial  value  by  applying  multiple  utilization  methods,  such  as  using  different   parts,  the  cooking  method,  the  
plantation   and   harvesting   period,   and   other   usages.   Even   for   parts   that   are   not   commonly   used,   and   for   usage  
methods   that   go   against   common   sense,   it   is   widely   possible   to   invent   new   practical   and   valuable   usages,   which  
increase  the  resources  that  can  be  leveraged  in  the  future  as  part  of  the  ecosystem  service,  and  may  also  become  an  
important   product   in   other   regions.   Utilization   methods   can   also   be   expanded   by   finding   new   uses   for   vegetables  
that  are  already  in  the  market.  

2.  Detailed  Exposition  
2-­‐1.  Initial  Construction  
2-­‐1-­‐1.  Ridge  Building  
First,  create  a  ridge  of  about  1  -­‐  1.5m  width.  Do  not  plow  the  soil;  just  pile  it  into  the  ridge  shape.  If  you  want  to  raise  
long  root  vegetables,  deep-­‐plowed  soil  can  make  vegetables  with  good  shape  but  it  is  not  a  necessary  condition.  The  
ridge  width  will  need  to  be  set  at  the  largest  size  that  allows  for  harvesting  from  both  sides,  so  adjust  according  to  
the  manager's  arm’s  reach.  If  using  tools  such  as  a  high  twig  spear  for  the  harvest,  allow  for  a  width  that  makes  for  
easy   management.   The   purpose   of   making   the   ridge   is   as   follows:   creating   different   sunlight   conditions   for   each  
crop;   three   dimensional   usage   of   the   lands   to   accommodate   vegetables   with   different   height;   increasing   arable  
surface  area;  improving  drainage;  promoting  the  formation  of  “briquette  structure”  in  the  soil  (see  section  2-­‐2-­‐3);  
separating  the  production  area  and  passage  area;  making  the  overall  management  more  convenient,  etc.      
If  you  make  a  ridge  that  runs  from  east  to  west,  you  can  create  two  sections:  south  slope  for  vegetables  that  favor  
the  sun,  and  north  slope  for  vegetables  that  favor  shade.  
Having  ridges  is  not  a  necessary  condition,  but  it  does  improve  convenience.  

You  can  be  flexible  and  change  the  shape  of  the  ridge  to  match  environmental  conditions.  For  example,  in  a  home  
garden,  you  may  not  need  to  make  a  ridge  and  leave  it  flat.  On  the  other  hand,  in  a  dry  location,  you  may  want  to  dig  
a  trench  instead  to  create  shades  and  moisture  for  the  plants.  You  do  want  to  take  into  account  of  the  operational  
cost   for   grass   management   and   harvest   when   designing   a   ridge.   The   passage   between   the   ridges   should   be   wide  
enough   for   people   to   pass   through   when   harvesting.   Choose   a   width   that   allows   for   ease   of   work.   Use   narrow  
passages  if  you  want  to  increase  the  production  area.  With  narrow  passageways  it's  possible  to  reach  the  produce  
on  both  sides  of  the  ridge  while  sitting.  If  necessary,  the  passageways  can  also  be  cultivated.  Root  crops  are  resistant  
to  trampling  and  can  grow  in  even  hardened,  tightened  soil  of  the  passageway.  

2-­‐1-­‐2.  Planting  Trees   <Why  do  vegetables  grow  well  in  the  shade?>  
Contrary   to   general   common   sense,   non-­‐fertilized  
Along   the   center   of   the   ridge,   plant   deciduous   fruit   trees   and   small   vegetables   grow   better   in   the   semi-­‐shade   than   in  
shrubs   at   intervals   of   1.5m.   The   purpose   of   planting   fruit   trees   is   facing  the  sun.  The  reason  why  is  that  the  original  
breed   of   vegetables   evolved   in   the   mixed   dense  
outlined  in  the  4  points  below,  in  order  of  priority.   state   with   other   vegetation,   which   optimized   the  
  capacitiy   to   photosynthesize   in   the   conditions  
where  trees  provided  half-­‐shade.  
(1) Creates  semi-­‐shade  for  vegetables  
(2) Summons  insects  and  birds  that  will  promote  pollination  and  provide  micronutrients  from  feces  and  their  dead  
(3) Forms  mulch  of  leaf  mold  from  fallen  leaves  
(4) Harvesting  of  fruit  
For  the  farm  that  focuses  on  vegetables,  prune  the  fruit  trees  to  a  height  within  2-­‐3m.  Larger  trees  should  be  placed  
along  the  edge  of  the  farm  so  it  does  not  interfere  with  management  tasks  on  the  field.  However,  fast-­‐growing  tall  
trees  are  extremely  beneficial  to  the  building  of  the  ecosystem.  One  method  is  to  plant  them  in  the  beginning,  and  
after  they've  set  the  environment  cut  them  down.  The   primary  purpose  of  fruit  trees  is  not  to  harvest  but  rather  to  
create  an  environment  suitable  to  the  development  of  vegetable  communities.  Harvesting  of  fruit  is  considered  to  
be  a  by-­‐product.  
For  the  farm  that  focuses  on  fruits,  plant  a  variety  of  fruit  trees  in  a  mixed  configuration  and  have  them  grow  fully.  
You  can  grow  vegetables  as  undergrowth  of  the  orchard.  To  increase  productivity,  it  will  be  necessary  to  come  up  
with  methods  for  efficient  harvesting,  such  as  setting  up  a  net  to  collect  the  falling  ripened  fruit,  and  methods  for  
extended   sales,   such   as   processing   fruit   into   a   paste   and   sell   in   a   vacuum   sealed   packages.   In   synecoculture,   it   is  
recommended   to   introduce   the   seedlings   of   wild   fruit   trees   and   useful   vine   plants   that   are   native   to   the   region.   It   is  
also  important  to  explore  what  type  of  fruit  trees  can  be  introduced  by  actually  planting  them  even  if  there  are  no  
cultivation   precedents.   Grafted   seedlings   may   result   in   sprouts   from   the   rootstock,   which   would   require   pruning  

Image:   Feijoa,   aralia   elata   in   a   dense   mint   area.  

This   is   an   example   of   reducing   management   cost  

by  using  useful  plants  that  remain  superior  even  if  

left  alone.  
2-­‐1-­‐3.  Perimeter  Fence  
Vine  plants  can  be  cultivated  at  the  fence  that  surrounds  the  field.  This  will  serve  as  windbreaks  for  the  regions  with  
seasonal   strong   wind.   You   can   also   utilize   the   space   along   the   fence   and   walls   as   a   nursery.   Since   such   space   has  
relatively  high  humidity  in  the  field,  it  provides  ideal  conditions  to  grow  seedlings  in  order  to  constantly  supply  the  
plants  that  are  adapted  to  the  given  environment,  which  raises  the  productivity  of  the  entire  farm.    

Vine   fruits:   kiwi   fruit,   arguta,   yibin,   grapes,  

actinidia,  passion  fruit,  etc.  
Vegetables   that   favor   shade:   edible   wild   plants,  
ashitaba,  butterbur,  mitsuba,  zingiber  mioga,  leek,  
shallot,  garlic,  etc.  
Trees   that   favor   shade:   zanthoxylum   piperitum,  
lindera  umbellata,  etc.  

The  fence  can  be  installed  using  low-­‐cost  materials  

found  in  a  hardware  store.  Particularly  during  the  
winter,   production   volume   can   be   increased   by  
Figure:  Schematic  diagram   installing   windbreaks.   Wind   condition   also   has   an  
effect  on  the  scattering  of  the  seeds.  
of  a  synecoculture  farm  

Figure:  An  example  of  the  panoramic  view  of  a  synecoculture  farm  and  its  schematic  diagram.  (November  2010,  Ise  Synecoculture  Farm)  

2-­‐2.  Management  
2-­‐2-­‐1.General  Theory  of  Seeding  
For  professional  farmers,  the  amount  of  seeding  is  determined  by  calculating  backwards  from  the  planned  amount  
of   harvest.   For   home   gardens,   the   ease   of   grass   management   should   be   prioritized   and   the   amount   of   seeding   is  
determined  accordingly.  In  general,  leaf  vegetables  and  root  vegetables  that  can  form  living  mulch,  one  small  bag  of  
seeds  from  a  hardware  store  should  cover  a  1m  space,  but  this  may  change  depending  on  the  types  of  produce  and  
the  number  of  seeds  in  a  bag.  In  practice,  you  would  not  seed  one  bag  over   1m ,  but  rather  sow  4  bags  of  4  different  
2 Seeds   of   fruit   vegetables   in   summer   season   and   large   Brassicaceae  
types  of  seed  over  4m  space  to  create  diversity.    
vegetables   are   of   a   small   amount   within   one   bag,   and   cannot   form  
Mix  a  wide  variety  of  seeds  and  sow  them  in  a  high   vegetable  mulch  on  their  own.  
density.   The   vegetables   should   cover   the   ground,   Using   the   change   in   vegetation:   for   example,   after   one   crop   species  
(beans)  have  been  harvested  and  withered,  it  can  become  the  mulch  
effectively  acting  as  living  mulch,  before  grass  forms   for  a  different  species  that  will  emerge  from  the  ground  (potatoes).  
a   community.   Regarding   affinity   among   the   plants   Asteraceae   vegetables:   lettuce,   salad   lettuce,   Korean   lettuce,   garland  

(companion   plants):   though   there   is   a   variety   of   chrysanthemum,  burdock,  chicory,  Jerusalem  artichoke,  etc.  

empirical   knowledge   in   other   farming   methods,   this   information   is   based   on   the   mixing   of   2-­‐3   different   types   at  
most.  There  isn't  much  information  available  for  non-­‐cultivation,  non-­‐fertilizer,  and  chemical-­‐free  methods.  Dense  
mixing   of   various   types   of   plants   is   a   standard   for   synecoculture,   and   it   is   necessary   to   try   different   combinations  
without  relying  on  precedents.  
You  should  consider  not  just  spatial  distribution  when  planting,  but  also  the  succession  of  vegetation  over  time.  
Including  an  appropriate  amount  of  insect  repellant  plants  such  as  scallion  and  chives  can  help  stabilize  the  insect  
Until  the  suitable  environment  for  target  crops  is  established,  start  by  planting  vegetables  that  are  resilient  against  
insects   and   harsh   environment,   such   as   herbs   and   Asteraceae   (daisy   family).   This   will   ensure   the   yield   from   the  
earlier  stage  of  implementation.    
Adding   perennial   vegetables   such   as   chives,   Italian   parsley,   and   asparagus   from   the   beginning   can   reduce   grass  
management  for  the  mid-­‐to-­‐long  term,  and  contribute  to  the  yield.  
Depending   on   the   rate   of   germination   and   harvest,   perform   over-­‐seeding,   seedling   planting,   and   seedling  
transplanting  within  the  farm.  

Figure  :  An  example  of  the  production  surface  of  a  synecoculture  farm.  13  kinds  of  grown  vegetables  are  found  in  a  4m  area.  (November  

2010,  Ise  Synecoculture  Farm)  

2-­‐2-­‐2.  Yearly  Strategic  Planning  of  Vegetation  in  Synecoculture    
As  a  basic  rule,  vegetation  strategy  should  be  planned  to  eliminate  any  chance  of  low  yield  solely  due  to  “shortage  of  
seeds   and   seedlings”.   In   order   to   avoid   this   situation,   type   of   vegetables,   production   space,   necessary   amount   of  
seeds   and   seedlings   should   be   determined   in   advance   at   the   planning   In  synecoculture,  the  seed  and  seedling  cost  at  
stage.  As  long  as  the  quantity  of  seeds  and  seedlings  are  sufficient,  the   the   initial   implementation   is   higher   than   that   of  
conventional   farming   (in   case   of   the  
cause   of   low   yield   can   be   narrowed   down   to   vegetation   planning   introduction   of   commercial   seeds   and  
(arrangement,   succession   period),   management   methods,   and   climate.   seedlings).   Though   since   there   are   no   costs   for  
fertilizer,   pesticide,   and   machinery,   the   overall  
With  this  information  you  can  implement  a  new  strategy.  The  shortage   cost   is   lower.   When   planning   the   budget,   It   is  
of  seeds  and  seedling  does  not  give  us  any  feedback  information  for  next   important   to   think   about   not   just   the   cost   of  
seeds  and  seedlings  but  the  overall  cost.  
year’s  strategy,  and  the  whole  year  will  be  wasted.  

Image   :   Mixing   of   wild   mugwort   and   purple   cabbage.   The   mugwort   can   be   exchanged   with   a   different   vegetable,   or   can   be   used  

simply  to  construct  the  soil  structure.  

2-­‐2-­‐2-­‐1.  Production  with  a  Focus  on  Annual  Vegetables    
The  example  of  the  spring  and  summer  plans  in  2012  for  the  Ise  synecoculture  farm:  
Decide   which   crop   you   want   to   have   as   the   primary   produce   for   each   month.   Group   A   consists   of   such   primary  
produce   that   you   can   expect   a   predictable   harvest.   This   group   needs   to   be   managed   and   assigned   to   a   specific  
location.   Group   B   consists   of   the   items   that   have   potential   to   be   primary   produce,   but   you   can   not   expect   high   yield  
yet   since   you   have   not   experimented   enough   in   your   field.   This   group   needs   to   be   managed   and   assigned   to   a  
specific   location   as   well.   Group   C   consists   of   vegetables   that   do   not   need   constant   management,   and   can   be  
dispersed   widely   and   randomly   as   undergrowth.   Group   D   consists   of   any   other   items   that   you   are   experimenting  
with,  including  vegetables  with  special  characteristics.  

Group  A  examples  (parentheses  shows  the  empirical  knowledge  at  the  Ise  synecoculture  farm  
over  past  few  years):  
Tomatoes   (summer   vegetable   with   reliable   yield)   cucumbers,   potatoes,   snap   peas   (reliable   yield   of   beans),   okra,  
shiso  (tall,  leafy  item  with  reliable  yield),  chives  (perennial  with  a  stable  yield),  scallion  (It  is  fall/winter  vegetables  
but  can  be  harvested  in  spring/summer  as  well),  green  onions,  burdock,  parsley,  Italian  parsley  (reliable  yield  in  the  
winter),   shima   shallot   (year-­‐round   harvesting   is   possible),   mountain   udo   (thinning   of   a   shoot   increases   yield   from  
spring   to   the   beginning   of   summer),   moloheiya   (can   be   harvested   until   fall   without   losing   to   the   summer   grass),  
water  spinach  

Group  B  examples:  
Eggplant  (summer  vegetable  with  an  uncertain  yield),  bitter  gourd,  taro,  sweet  potato,  bell  pepper,  green  pepper,  
red   pepper,   zucchini,   pumpkin,   melon,   watermelon,   soybean   (shipped   as   edamame   bean),   azuki   beans,   cowpeas,  
groundnuts  (covers  the  ground  but  loses  to  strong  grass)  

Group  C  examples:  
Carrots,  turnips,  radishes,  lettuce  and  similar  leafy  vegetables,  Japanese  mustard  spinach,  mizuna,  mibuna,  bok  choy  
Group  D  examples:  
Coriander  (strong  smells;  with  its  peculiarity  it  won't  sell  out  even  if  large  quantities  are  made),  saffron,  asparagus,  
arugula,  herbs  
Once   you   have   decided   the   primary   produce   from   Groups   A   and   C,   determine   the   planting   area   of   A   and   the   sowing  
amount  of  C  according  to  the  planned  yield  (how  many  boxes  of  vegetable  delivery  you  want  to  ship  per  month).    
After  planting  of  Groups  A  and  C  is  done,  you  can  experiment  with  Group  B  in  an  extra  space.  This  experiment  could  
be  successful  and  produce  additional  yield  but  even  if  it  fails  you  will  still  have  enough  of  your  primary  produce.  
Since  March  and  September  are  transitional  periods  from  winter  vegetables  to  summer  vegetables  and  vice  versa,  
there  is  a  risk  that  you  run  into  vegetables  shortage.  To  ensure  the  yield  during  this  period, following  3  measures  can  
be  applied.  

①Aside   from   the   production   area   mentioned   above,   Synecoculture,   which   utilizes   flowers   and   seeds,   easily   crosses  

create   an   extra   space   where   two   months   worth   of   Brassicaceae   vegetables,   creates   hybrid   species.  
Brassicaceae-­‐hybrid   vegetables   do   not   have   a   name   and   are  
vegetables   can   be   grown   without   much  
difficult  to  sell  on  the  general  market,  but  with  their  good  flavor  
management   and   plant   seedlings   there.   In   Ise  
and   tendency   to   have   a   high   yield,   they're   valuable   as   a  
synecoculture   farm,   an   empty   space   nearby   was   processed   food   ingredient.   They   are   also   suited   as   materials  
mowed  and  utilized  for  this  purpose.  As  long  as  you   used  in  restaurant  cuisine.  

can  save  them  for  harvest  in  March  and  September,  

it   does   not   have   to   produce   high   yield.   You'll   have   more   flexibility   to   respond   to   fluctuating   yield   if   you   manage  
three-­‐tenth  hectares  at  the  same  time,  including  this  backup  location,  than  focusing  on  managing  one-­‐tenth  hectare.  
②Harvest   vegetables   when   they   are   in   season,   and   then   make   preserved   food   through   traditional   methods,   like  
pickling,   to   complement   the   low   yield   in   March   and   September.   Brassicaceae-­‐hybrids   and   shallots   are   great   for  
③Besides   conventional   food   products,   you   can   make   use   of   wild   plants,   seedlings   and   fresh   flowers,   such   as  
butterbur  sprout,  butterbur  seedlings,  plum  flowers,  etc.  
For  Group  A,  diversifying  the  vegetation  density  can  disperse  the  risk.  For  example,  densely  planted  okra  is  resilient  
against  strong  winds  such  as  typhoon,  however  it  withers  in  November  and  there  aren't  many  things  that  can  take  
its   place,   making   it   difficult   to   transition   to   the   next   vegetation.   By   reducing   the   okra   density,   seedlings   such   as  
lettuce   can   be   planted   in   between,   for   the   purpose   of   succession   after   okra   withers.   Since   there   are   advantages   and  
disadvantages   depending   on   the   density,   make   sections   with   varying   combination   of   densities.   This   is   a   specific  
example  of  the  environmental  conditions  diversification  in  section  1-­‐9  Search  Method.  

Image   :   As   Brassicaceae   hybrids   develop   a   good   flavor   and   have   high   productivity,   they   are   a   product   that   can   be   actively   introduced   in  

2-­‐2-­‐2-­‐2.  Low  Cost  Production  with  Focus  on  Fruit  and  Perennials  with  Some  Vegetables  
In   a   subtropics   temperate   zone   where   the   grass   is   strong,   and   if  
Synecocluture  farm  can  be  designed  in  numerous  ways  to  
you   want   to   take   advantage   of     abandoned   fields,   reducing   meet   each   farmer’s   objective.   In   contrast   to   conventional  
farming   methods   that   use   predetermined   procedures   and  
management   costs   becomes   priority   over   the   productivity   per  
requires   constant   management   effort,   synecoculture  
area.     The  strategy  to  achieve  this  is  to  have  fruit  trees,  which   methods   are   highly   customizable   that   can   sustain   both  
high   productivity   farms   with   daily   harvest   and   medium  
can   survive   if   left   alone   as   opposed   to   the   annual   plants   that  
productivity   farms   with   occasional   harvest   and   mowing  
requires  frequent  harvesting  and  shipping,  be  the  primary  crops   (lower   maintenance   cost).   Depending   on   the   objectives  
and   budget,   decide   the   cost   and   level   of   productivity   you  
for   the   farm   and   mix   them   with   the   vegetables   by   taking  
want   to   achieve,   and   design   the   vegetation   accordingly.  
advantage   of   the   soil   environment   made   by   naturally   occurring,   This   flexibility   allows   synecoculture   to   be   implemented  
even   in   an   area   that   is   considered   unsuitable   to   practice  
perennial   plants.   The   soil   structure   provided   by   annual   plants  
conventional  farming.  
are   considered   by-­‐product   and   are   utilized   secondarily   as   they  

Example   below   shows   the   spring   and   summer   plans   for   2014-­‐2015   for   the   Ise   and   Oiso  
synecoculture  farms:  
Group  E  consists  of  fruit  tress  that  are  strong  against  grass  invasion  and  adapts  well  to  wasteland.  Group  F  consists  
of  vegetables  that  can  germinate  on  their  own  from  seed  form  even  among  colonies  of  weed.  Group  G  consists  of  
vegetables   that   grows   better   when   planted   in   seedling   form   instead   of   seed.   Group   H   consists   of   vegetables   that  
needs  a  little  assistant  as  their  seed  does  not  germinate  unless  the  grass  is  mowed  and  topsoil  is  partially  removed  
to  eliminate  the  inhibitory  effect  of  past  vegetation.    
First,   decide   on   the   location   for   fruit   trees   in   Group   E   and   plant   them   in   large   quantity.   Second,   plant   vegetables  
mainly   from   Group   F   among   the   trees.   These   two   Groups   will   be   the   primary   crops,   and   Group   G   and   H   can   be  
introduced  if  you  want  to  increase  production  volume  or  if  you  want  to  have  better  control  of  weed  expansion.    
Group  E  examples:  
Persimmon:  cultivar  and  native  date-­‐plums  
Loquat:  cultivar  and  native  meliosma  rigida  
Cirtus  fruits:  sweet  Chinese  citron,  oranges,  kabosu,  lemon,  etc.  
Plum,  cherry  tree  types:  plum,  Nanko  Ume  (southern  plum),  nanking  cherry,  Japanese  plum,  cherry  blossom,  apple  
(two  types  or  more  make  for  better  fruit  bearing  rate),  angsana,  etc.  
Figs:  western  and  Japanese  figs,  wild  figs  
Elaeagnus:  silverberry,  native  autumn  olive,  etc.  
Berry  tree:  blueberry,  Amelanchier  canadensis,  wild  Vaccinium  bracteatum,  etc.  
Tree  nuts:  chestnuts,  wild  Japanese  chestnuts,  walnuts,  hazelnuts,  etc.  
Other:  feijoa,  eucalyptus,  etc.  
Group  F  examples:  
Apiaceae  of  carrot,  parsley,  Italian  parsley  
Asteraceae   of   lettuce   (strong   species   of   bitterness),   chicory   (strong   allelopathic   grass,   does   not   lose   to   perennial  
plants),  Jerusalem  artichoke  (occupies  the  community),  burdock  (grows  even  in  hard  ground)  
Legumes:  soybeans,  kidney  beans,  peanuts,  velvet  beans  (also  strong  against  tall  grass)  
Potatoes:  potatoes,  taro  (prefers  wetlands),  Jerusalem  artichoke  

Root  crops:  garlic  (does  not  lose  to  grass  even  if  buried),  shallot,  chives,  burdock,  carrot  
Other  mulch-­‐types  that  crawl  along  the  ground:  strawberry  types,  herb  types  (mint  in  particular)  
Predominately  shade  types:  mitsuba,  leek,  Zanthoxylum  piperitum,  nandina  
Group  G  examples:  
Seeds   with   a   high   author   rate   even   within   grass:   perilla,   pepper,   lettuce   (cultivar),   leek,   tomatoes,   cucumbers,  
cabbage,  broccoli,  artichokes  
Things  that  becomes  shrubs  upon  growth:  tea  plant,  raspberry,  kidney  beans,  velvet  beans  
Predominately  shade  types:  butterbur,  leek,  ferns  
Group  H  examples:   For   potatoes   and   root   vegetables,   rather   than   leaving   them  
be,   moderately   harvesting   and   disrupting   them   can   increase  
Lettuce  (cultivar),  Japanese  mustard  spinach,  etc.   the   yield.   They   will   be   dug   up   during   harvesting,   so   the  
perennial  plant  roots  can  be  cut  and  controlled.  For  potatoes,  
if  you  thin  out  the  above-­‐ground  portion  of  sprouts  to  leave  a  
Vegetables   in   Group   F   are   the   easiest   to   manage   as   these   single   stem   from   a   root,   the   swelling   of   the   potato   can   be  
vegetables   are   capable   of   germinating   on   their   own   and   observed.  

propagate   themselves.   As   there   is   no   need   to   disturb   the   topsoil,   this   is   the   most   useful   for   ecosystem   construction.  
By   keeping   vegetables   in   Group   F   dominant,   the   management   costs   will   be   lowered   while   maintaining   a   certain  
degree  of  harvests.  Even  left  untouched  for  long  time,  these  vegetables  will  resurge  after  mowing  the  grass.  
For   Group   G,   there   are   advantage   and   disadvantage.   The   advantage   is   that   you   can   manage   and   control   them   easily  
since   they   are   planted   in   seedling   form.   The   disadvantage   is   that   if   large   quantities   are   planted   continuously,   the  
topsoil   will   deteriorate   accordingly,   and   there   are   cases   that   the   residual   chemical   fertilizer   on   the   commercial  
seedling   soil   will   accumulate   over   time.   Whereas,   items   such   as   Japanese   basil   and   artichoke   are   capable   of  
reproducing  themselves  at  the  same  location  once  they  are  planted,  making  them  high  value  items.  Many  of  F  and  G  
are  biennial  or  have  characteristic  similar  to  biennials.    
Many  items  in  Group  H  are  annual  vegetables  that  are  selectively  bred  to  be  commercially  viable.  They  are  modified  
to   suit   the   conditions   of   conventional   farming   and   the   production   outputs   do   increase   thanks   to   the   crop  
improvement;  however,  so  do  the  management  costs  and  destruction  rate  of  the  topsoil.

2-­‐2-­‐2-­‐3.  Home  Garden  
Synecoculture  can  be  practiced  for  small-­‐area  such  as  home  gardens  with  the  object  of  self-­‐sufficiency.  There  is  a  
precedent  of  a  small  space  of  4m  with  right  choise  of  species  and  variety  that  produced  year-­‐round  vegetables  for  a  
number  of  servings.  We  will  show  the  grouping  patterns  as  a  hint  for  home  gardening  implementation.  
Group  I:  Vegetables  that  you  can  expect  to  harvest  from  an  early  stage  by  thinning.  They  are  grown  by  sowing  the  
multiple  types  of  seeds  and  letting  them  mix  in  high  density.    
Focus  is  yearly  leafy  vegetables  such  as  lettuce,  Japanese  mustard  spinach,  radish,  rucola,  etc.  
Group   J:   Vegetables   that   can   build   a   suitable   environment   where   continuous   production   is   possible.   These   crops  
needs  to  be  planted  in  bulk  to  some  extent.  
Brassicaceae  vegetables  such  as  cabbage,  broccoli,  Chinese  cabbage,  cauliflower,  etc.  
Fabaceae  vegetables  such  as  kidney  beans,  soybeans  (green  soybeans),  peanuts,  etc.  
Apiaceae  vegetables  (perennial)  such  as  parsley,  Italian  parsley,  etc.  
Group   K:   Root   vegetables.   They   can   be   planted   in   the   gaps   among   other   vegetables,   or   in   places   where   other  
produce  does  not  grow  easily.  They  increase  efficiency  and  yield  from  your  garden.  
Carrots,  radish,  burdock,  shima  shallot,  green  onion,  potatoes,  taro,  etc.    
Group   L:   Vegetables   that   need   careful   management   to   The   characteristics   of   root   vegetables   can   be   utilized   in  
combined   strategies   with   other   vegetable   groups,   such   as  
prevent  it  from  overly  dominating  other  plants.  It  is  useful  to   arranging   them   in   a   line   to   block   the  invasion   of   other   grasses,  
have   in   a   small   amount.   Herbs,   garlic,   Japanese   ginger,   planting   other   seedlings   in   anticipation   of   the   soil   that   will   be  
dug  up  during  the  harvest,  and  sowing  the  seeds  of  lettuce  and  
mountain   udo,   ashitaba,   asparagus,   butterbur,   strawberry,   Japanese   mustard   spinach,   which   are   easy   to   germinate   after  
Zanthoxylum  piperitum,  flowering  plants,  etc.   the  disturbance.  

2-­‐2-­‐3.  Grass  Management  
Knowing   the   characteristics   of   each   vegetable   and   grass   allows   you   to   perform   efficient   grass   management   in  
response  to  their  characteristics  ("control  grass  by  using  grass").  As  long  as  the  vegetables  aren't  losing  out,  do  not  
remove   the   annual   grass.   Remove   only   the   perennial   grass   that   forms   a   community,   and   the   annual   grass   that  
becomes  too  big.  If  using  a  lawnmower,  cut  the  grass  that  grows  taller  than  the  height  of  the  vegetables  to  reduce  
growth  rate  of  the  grass  and  create  an  environment  that  favors  the  vegetables.  If  germination  has  already  occurred  
and  it  would  be  difficult  to  mow  through  the  scattered  vegetables,  then  remove  the  grass  manually  during  harvest  
or   while   planting   seedlings.   It's   best   to   pull   out   perennial   grass   from   the   roots;   however,   if   they   are   large   then  
cutting   the   part   above   ground   repeatedly   can   shrink   the  
<Briquette  Structure>  
underground   root,   which   contributes   to   the   formation   of   soil   It   describes   the   physical   aspect   of   the   soil   structure.  
After   the   roots   of   annual   grass   spread   underground  
structure.  Perennial  grass  may  be  allowed  to  grow  on  the  non-­‐ridge  
and  wither  within  the  soil,  they  leave  interconnected  
passage  areas.  Annual  grass  withers  in  the  winter,  forming  briquette   pore   space   similar   to   a   briquette   structure.   This  
tightly  knit  structure  strengthen  the  resilience  of  the  
structure   with   pore   space   in   the   soil.   Perennial   grass   tightens   and  
soil   and   provides   excellent   ventilation   and   water  
hardens   the   soil   without   withering,   but   it   can   also   enrich   the   soil   permeability,   making   it   strong   against   physical  
disturbance  from  wind  and  rain.  
environment  and  terrestrial  ecosystem.  

2-­‐2-­‐3-­‐1.  Three  Basic  Methods  of  Grass  Management  

①  Mowing  everything:  In  order  to  restart/reset  the  field  where  the  grass  dominates  the  vegetables,  it  is  best  to  cut  
the  grass  and  vegetables  all  at  once  to   the  ground  level.  The  height  of  what  remains  can  be  anywhere  between  
the  ground  level,  slightly  above  the  ground  to  10  centimeters  depending  on  your  seed-­‐planting  strategy  after  the  
②  Mowing  to  the  height  of  vegetables:  If  the  vegetables  and  the  grass  are  competiting  and  the  grass  is  growing  taller,  
cut  the  grass  down  to  the  vegetable  height.   Only   the   grass   will   be   damaged   and   it   will   become   easier   for   the  
vegetables  to  dominate.  
③   Removing   Large   Grass:   Individually   remove   the   grass   that   stands   out   such   as   the   perennials   community   or   the  
annual  grass  roots  that  grow  too  big.  
Methods  ①  and  ②  can  be  applied  to  surface.  Thus,  it  is  easy  to  take  care  of  large  area  at  one  time.  In  some  cases,  it  
is  not  efficient  to  conduct  these  methods  especially  when  the  height  of  the  vegetables  varies  greatly  or  when  the  
newly  sown  seedlings  are  still  around.  You  can  use  method  ③  in  this  instance  to  mow  individual  parts  although  it  
takes  more  time  to  cover  large  area.  

Image   :   Example   of   mixed   vegetations   in  

Honshu,   where   weeds   are   strong   in   the  

summer.   These   conditions   require   careful  

planning   for   fall/winter   season   since   you  

have  to  balance  between  soil  formation  and  

2-­‐2-­‐3-­‐2.  Soil  Formation  through  Controlled  Propagation  of  Grass  
There  is  also  a  method  of  allowing  weeds  to  grow  thickly  in  summer  so  that  the  soil  will  be  ready  again  for  harvest  
from  fall  onward.  Although  it  reduces  the  yield  during  summer,  this  strategy  is  effective  because  the  weeds  prepare  
the  soil  for  higher  productivity  in  the  following  seasons  and  labor  costs  can  be  reduced  during  the  heat  of  summer.  
During  this  time,  you  can  either  leave  the  field  alone  completely  or  harvest  the  remaining  vegetables  and  cultivate  
tall  plants,  like  tomatoes  in  a  bush.  When  the  summer  ends,  use  a  lawn  mower  to  cut  down  all  the  vegetable  and  the  
grass  and  sow  seeds  right  on  top.  The  mowed  grass  becomes  mulch  and  serves  as  camouflage  for  the  seeds  against  
animals  and  insects.  The  growth  rate  of  weed  slows  from  fall,  making  it  easier  for  vegetables  to  dominate.  You  can  
use  this  method  of  “mow  everything  and  restart”  until  the  vegetables  become  the  dominant  force,  not  just  in  
summer  but  anytime  when  weeds  are  overpowering.  

Image   :   Any   produce   outside   the   farm   area,   such   as   nuts   and   wild   fruits,   can   be   proactively   utilized   in   synecoculture.   It   is   essentially  

important  to  know  comprehensively  and  take  full  advantage  of  the  regional  ecosystem  when  managing  a  synecoculture  farm.  

2-­‐2-­‐4.  Production  Deadline   When  deadline  is  not  met,  it  results  in  cost  increase  and  
reduction   in   yield   due   to   excess   weed   invasion   into  
The   essence   of   synecoculture   lies   in   the   informational   vegetation   area.   Conversely,   deadline   should   be   set   to  
management  of  the  dynamic  ecosystem  in  order  to  maximize  its   hedge  these  risks.    
productivity   while   reducing   the   cost.   Therefore,   it   is   very   Leek,   arugula,   shima   shallot,   mini-­‐tomato,   etc.   can   be  
important   to   manage   production   schedules   and   set   appropriate   undomesticated  easily  and  adapt  to  a  wild  environment  
of   synecoculture   in   a   similar   manner   to   weeds.   Seeds  
deadlines  for  each  season.  If  the  deadline  is  not  met,  you  need   from   raw   fruit   such   as   watermelon   and   pumpkin   are  
to  either  scale  down  the  current  strategy  or  change  it  entirely.   stronger   than   commercially   distributed   seedlings.  
Cucumbers  grow  well  when  sown  near  a  tree  at  the  end  
Otherwise   you   will   end   up   reacting   after   the   vegetation   has   of   May   to   the   beginning   of   June.   They   thrive   by   tangling  
changed.   The   deadline   for   each   task   varies   depending   on   the   themselves  up  around  the  tree,  in  a  way  similar  to  their  
parent   species   in   natural   environment.   Tomatoes   in  
climate  conditions  of  the  year.  The  following  dates  are  based  on   conventional   farming   often   propagate   self-­‐sown  
the   experiment   in   Honshu,   Japan,   mainly   in   the   Kanto   and   Kinki   seedling   that   can   be   pulled   out   and   transplanted   to  
synecoculture  field,  which  creates  long-­‐lasting  bushes  of  
regions  (at  north  latitude  34-­‐36  degrees).   creepers  from  summer  to  winter.  
・March:   Deadline   for   spring   seeding.   From   April,   switch   from   seed   to   seedlings   because   the   weed   growth   gains  
momentum  around  this  time,  and  even  the  germinated  seeds  will  lose  to  the  emerging  grass.    
・Beginning  of  May  ("Golden  Week"  holiday  period  in  Japan):  Many  seedlings  for  summer  fruits  and  vegetables  start  
to  appear  in  hardware  stores.  However  the  seedlings  for  summer  vegetables  grows  better  when  planted  later  in  the  
month  with  no-­‐fertilizer  condition,  so  this  is  simply  a  distribution  deadline.  
・1st  Week  of  August:  Mow  the  summer  grass,  sow  the  seeds  of  the  root  crops,  and  start  preparing  seedlings  for  fall  
and  winter  vegetable.  
・1st   Week   of   September:   Mow   the   grass   at   the   transition   to   fall,   sow   the   seeds   of   fall   and   winter   leafy   vegetables,  
start  preparing  seedlings  of  winter  vegetables.  
・September  10th:  Time  limit  for  sowing  fall  leafy  vegetables.  
・September  15th:  Decision  deadline  for  the  growth  quality  of  fall  vegetable  seedlings.  If  the  growth  is  bad,  prepare  
to  obtain  new  seedlings  from  a  specialty  shop  or  hardware  store.  
・September  30th:  The  last  day  for  planting  seedlings  of  fall  vegetables.  
・October:  Observe  the  progress  of  fall  vegetables,  and  begin  sowing  for  the  winter  vegetables.  
・Middle  of  October:  Time  to  finish  planting  the  winter  vegetable  seedlings.  These  plants  are  expected  to  grow  until  
・Next   January:   Construction   work   for   the   field,   set   up   an   anti-­‐wind   fences,   cut   the   bamboo   forest,   prune   and  
transplant  the  fruit  trees,  and  plant  the  perennial  grass  seedlings.  These  activities  should  be  performed  in  the  middle  
of  January  so  that  seed  sowing  and  harvest  management  from  February  onwards  can  be  handled  smoothly.  

2-­‐2-­‐5.  Grass  Management,  Seeding,  and  Planting  of  Seedlings  in  Summer  Season  
In   the   Honshu   region   (in   this   case,   specifically   in   Kanto   and   Kinki   regions),   August   and   September   are   the   crucial  
period   for   synecoculture   practice.   In   synecoculture,   where   the   ecosystem   is   proactively   controlled   through  
information  rather  than  material  resources,  the  timing  to  take  the  initiative  is  the  most  important.  If  the  opportunity  
is  missed,  not  only  will  it  be  a  waste  of  effort,  but  it  will  also  have  an  effect  on  the  yearly  scope  of  the  yield  until  the  
next  spring.  
If   a   certain   strategy   didn't   work,   you   should   switch   to   the   next   strategy,   and   plan   at   least   4   to   5   steps   in   advance,   so  
that  the  work  itself  is  light  and  can  be  completed  in  the  shortest  amount  of  time  possible.  

2-­‐2-­‐5-­‐1.  Principle  of  Three  Way  Trade-­‐Off     -­‐Example  of  Summer  Strategy  in  Honshu,  Japan  
During   August   and   September,   mowing   grass,   sowing   seeds   and   planting  
In  order  to  have  vegetables  be  dominant  as  the  
seedlings   are   conducted,   but   it   will   be   necessary   to   consider   the   balance   grass   changes   from   summer   to   fall,   the   period  
from   the   end   of   August   to   the   first   week   of  
and   trade-­‐off   of   following   three   aspects:   1.   soil   formation   of   briquette  
September   is   the   most   crucial.   If   you   mow   the  
structure   through   summer   grass,   2.   benefits   of   early   sowing   of   summer   grass   during   this   period,   the   small  
seedlings  should  not  lose  to  the  fall  grass.  
fall/winter   vegetables,   and   3.   decomposition   of   mowed   grass.   These  
three  points  outlined  below  are  concurrent  and  are  in  conflict  with  each  other;  therefore,  it  is  important  to  make  
appropriate  judgments  of  priority  and  timing,  and  address  each  point  in  balance.    

(1) Have  the  grass  grow  as  thickly  as  possible  

In  order  for  the  grass  roots  to  form  the  soil  structure,  the  annual  grass  must  be  grown  as  thickly  as  possible.  For  this  
reason,  the  later  the  mowing  of  the  grass,  the  better  for  soil  formation.  
(2) Have  the  seeds  germinate  as  quickly  as  possible  
In  synecoculture,  the  growth  rate  of  the  vegetables  is  admittedly  slow  since  we  do  not  give  any  water  and  fertilizer  
(with  the  exception  of  watering  right  after  planting  seedlings  and  in  case  of  aridity).  The  window  of  opportunity  for  
the   vegetables   to   grow   densely   into   harvestable   size   is   limited   between   the   planting   periods   and   mid-­‐November  
when  first  frost  occurs  and  the  growth  stops.  In  order  to  make  this  time  line  as  long  as  possible,  it  is  necessary  to  
sow  as  early  as  possible:  two  to  three  weeks  earlier  than  usual.  This  is  directly  in  conflict  with  (1)  because  you  cannot  
wait  too  long  to  mow  the  summer  grass.    
(3) Have  the  mowed  grass  decomposed  as  much  as  possible  
Mowed  grass  is  decomposed  fairly  quickly  with  the  help  of  rain  in  August,  creating  natural  humus  by  the  beginning  
of  September.  This  decomposition  should  take  place  at  the  location  where  vegetables  grow  to  increase  productivity.  
However,  if  (1)  and  (2)  are  given  priority,  the  mowed  grass  needs  to  be  pushed  aside  to  a  passageway  before  the  
decomposition  takes  place,  in  order  for  the  seeds  that  are  sowed  in  the  middle  of  August  to  germinate.  If  you  are  
sowing  in  the  beginning  of  September,  it  is  possible  that  decomposition  takes  place  in  time  and  you  can  leave  the  
mowed  grass  on  the  ridge.    
To   balance   these   decisions   could   be   difficult;   in   this   case,   you   can   simplify   the   decision   process   by   pushing   the  
mowed  grass  to  a  passageway  from  the  beginning.  This  way,  (3)  are  removed  from  consideration.  In  the  beginning  of  
August,   have   the   mowed   grass   become   humus   at   the   top   of   the   ridge,   and   proceed   with   the   growth   of   the  
slow-­‐growing   root   vegetables.   Then   in   the   beginning   of   September   you   can   take   priority   to   proceed   with   the   leaf  
vegetables,  by  putting  the  mowed  grass  in  the  passageway  that  can  be  used  later  as  dead  grass  mulch  for  seedling.    
The  mowed  grass  should  be  decomposed  as  much  as  possible,  while  when  sowing  the  seeds,  it  will  be  necessary  to  
move   any   non-­‐decomposed   grass.   The   mowed-­‐grass   mulch   can   be   kept   until   it   will   be   gradually   decomposed   in  
September   and   plant   the   seedlings.   Even   if   it   doesn't   decompose   you   can   simply   push   them   aside   just   enough   to  
make  a  space  for  the  seedlings.

2-­‐2-­‐5-­‐2.  Example  of  the  Relationship  between  Mowed  Grass  and  Seeds  and  Seedlings  
Plan   a   production   schedule   at   the   same   time   as   you   mow   summer   grass,   so   that   a   variety   of   vegetables   are   growing  
densely  enough  for  continuous  thinning  harvest,  through  fall  to  the  following  spring  season.  Here  are  the  examples:  
・The  end  of  July  to  August:  Sow  root  vegetables  such  as  carrots.    
・Mid-­‐August:  Sow  seeds  of  mustard  family  (Brassicaceae)  such  as  cabbage,  Chinese  cabbage,  and  broccoli.  
・First  week  of  September:  Sow  all  types  of  leafy  vegetables.  Daikon  radish  should  be  sown  by  September  15th.  
・In   general,   you   want   to   finish   seeding   as   soon   as   possible;   therefore,   August   is   the   optimum   time   for   seeding  
fall/winter  vegetables  up  until  September  10 .  For  large  vegetables  that  will  contribute  to  the  next  round  of  yearly  
yield,  finish  sowing  by  the  beginning  of  September.  
・The  end  of  August  to  the  beginning  of  September:  Sow  leafy  vegetables  especially  the  ones  that  grow  fast  but  are  
susceptible   to   mowing.   Sowing   these   seeds   at   the   end   of   summer   grass   mowing   is   critical   for   their   success.   Such  
vegetables  include  Japanese  mustard  spinach,  radish,  and  any  undergrowth  vegetables  that  become  living  mulch.    
・The  beginning  of  August  to  the  beginning  of  September:  Sow  root   <Difference  in  strategy  between  root     vegetable  
and  leaf  vegetable>  
vegetables   every   time   you   mow   grass.   Sowing   these   vegetables   In   general,   you   want   to   sow   them   in   August,   but  
frequently  at  intervals  allows  for  continuous  thinning  harvest.   there's  a  chance  that  the  summer  grass  will  come  out  
again   and   bury   crops.   Therefore,   use   the  
・Items  such  as  green  onion  and  chives  can  be  harvested  only  from   slow-­‐growing   root   vegetables   (carrots,   radish,  
second   year.   Seedling   of   cabbage   and   broccoli   may   grow   slow   in   the   Japanese  shima  shallot,  etc.)  after  mowing  the  grass  
in  August.  This  way  there's  no  need  to  push  aside  the  
first  year,  but  you  can  expect  to  harvest  them  in  the  following  year.   mowed   grass   as   they   are   decomposed   quickly,  
The   objective   is   not   to   grow   everything   bigger   but   to   differentiate   besides   even   if   these   root   vegetables   are   mowed   or  
buried,  they  will  regain  strength  fairly  quickly.    
the  growth  rate  among  the  crops.      

Depending   on   the   characteristics   of   the   seed,   you   can   either   choose   manual   broadcasting   or   sowing   in   a   furrow   and  
cover  with  the  soil.  Broadcasting  is  the  simplest  method  with  low  workload,  but  it  can  be  also  harder  for  the  seeds  to  
germinate.   If   time   permits,   scratch   the   surface   of   the   soil   for   better   results.   Leaving   10cm   of   surrounding   grass  
prevents  birds  from  eating  the  seeds  and  sprouts.  You  can  expect  a  better  rate  of  germination  by  sowing  in  a  furrow,  
but  this  requires  more  labor.    
Combine   the   cons   and   pros   of   broadcasting   and   sowing   in   a   furrow,   and   plan   a   strategy   to   make   best   use   of   the  
space.  In  a  narrow  space,  a  furrow  provides  better  germination  rate.  In  a  broader  space,  introducing  seedlings  can  
offset  the  downside  of  broadcasting  such  as  the  lower  germination  rate.    
When  broadcasting  the  seeds,  leave  the  grass  10cm  from  of  the  ground  when  mowing,  which  will  act  as  a  deterrent,  
making  it  difficult  for  birds  to  eat  the  seeds.  
If  the  mowed-­‐grass  mulch  covers  seeds  too  much,  they  will  not  germinate  or  turn  into  frail  sprouts,  so  it  is  necessary  
to   remove   any   excess   into   the   passageway.   They   become   passageway   mulch   or   can   also   be   used   as   the   mulch   when  
planting   seedlings.   Having   mowed-­‐grass   mulch   around   the   seedlings   protects   small   seedlings   and   prevents   grass  
from  growing.  
If  the  sown  seeds  are  losing  to  weeds,  trim  them  at  the  vegetable  height.  For  example,  mow  all  the  grass  to  a  height  
of  20cm  from  the  bottom.  
When  sowing  seeds  in  October,  strip  away  the  withered  grass  mulch  then  sow.  In  contrast,  if  you  want  to  let  the  soil  
rest   until   next   spring   or   if   you   do   not   want   to   manage   the   entire   area,   cover   partial   area   with   the   withered   grass  

The  mixture  of  vegetables  in  high  density,  the  underlying  principle  of  synecoculture,  is  performed  starting  from  seed  
sowing.  Seedlings  are  used  as  a  supplement  until  the  seed  germinates,  since  it  is  harder  to  achieve  high  density  only  
with   the   seedlings.   Seedlings   are   particularly   useful   for   large   vegetables   such   as   mustard   family   (Brassicaceae),  
because   it   is   difficult   to   determine   when   to   sow   their   seed   in   August:   Summer   grass   imposes   fierce   competition  
against   the   seed   sown   in   August.   Therefore,   large   vegetables   can   be   better   managed   by   planting   the   seedlings  
toward   the   end   of   summer   to   avoid   weed   competition   and   reduce   the   labor   in   the   heat.   Seedlings   for   larger  
vegetables   are   also   useful   in   a   drought   when   moisture   is   not   sufficient   If   you   do   not   want   to   run   out   of   harvest   in  
August,   for   example   for   the   restaurant  
for   the   seed   to   sprout.   You   can   either   prepare   seedlings   on   your   own   business,  you  should  plant  seedlings  as  early  as  
while  sowing  or  order  them  from  the  seedling  shop  in  advance  to  meet   possible  to  bridge  the  gaps.    
Designating  August  as  a  break  period  allows  the  
the   deadline.   In   certain   cases   where   too   many   vegetables   are   competing   summer   grass   to   grow,   but   at   minimum   you  
for  a  given  space,  you  can  transplant  parts  of  them  to  less  crowded  areas   need   to   devise   a   strategy   for   fall   and   winter  
during  this  time.  
in  September.    

In   regards   to   grass   mowing   and   seeding,   it   is   essential   to   assess   the   circumstance   accurately.   This   process   cannot   be  
standardized   since   each   case,   depending   on   what   you   want   to   focus,   calls   for   different   priorities.   Some   degree   of  
empirical  knowledge  is  required  to  make  these  decisions.    

Image   :   Similar   to   established   local  

variety,  open  pollinated  radish  seeds  flew  

in  by  the  wind  grow  remarkably  fast.  

2-­‐2-­‐5-­‐3.  Fall  Vegetation  Plan  
To   plant   the   seedling   in   fall   season,   you   can   simply   push   aside   the   mulch   on   the   surface   area,   but   more   importantly,  
you   need   to   create   a   vegetation   plan   for   the   following   spring   season.   Here’s   an   example   of   the   transitional   strategy:  
fava  beans  and  kidney  beans  are  planted  in  November  to  mix  with  other  leafy  vegetables  (radish,  bok  choy,  mibuna,  
etc)  since  they  do  not  grow  tall  during  winter  and  do  not  compete  with  leafy  vegetables.  As  you  harvest  the  leafy  
vegetables  in  winter,  they  start  to  withdraw  their  presence  and  in  turn  beans  starts  to  dominate  when  spring  arrives.  
After   the   spring,   beans   wither   and   become   mulch,   giving   ways   to   potatoes   and   other   leafy   vegetables   for   the  
following  season.  

2-­‐2-­‐5-­‐4.  Irrigation  
As   a   basic   principle,   you   do   not   need   to   water   the   seeds.   Simply   let   them   germinate   on   their   own.   Use   of  
cheesecloth   is   permitted   only   during   the   germination   period.   An   exception   to   this   principle   is   when   dry   weather  
persists  following  the  sprouting  of  the  seeds  or  planting  seedlings.  In  this  instance,  you  do  need  to  water  otherwise  
you  will  run  the  risk  of  ruining  all  of  the  crops.  Having  a  sprinkler  system  as  a  temporary  measure  after  the  sowing  of  
August  and  September  can  greatly  reduce  this  risk.  However,  be  mindful  of  excessive  watering.  When  vegetables  are  
excessively   saturated   with   water,   they   will   deviate   physiologically   from   ecological   optimum   state   and   lose   their  
original   taste,   a   key   characteristic   of   synecoculture   produce.   Even  without  irrigation,  seeds  are  able  to  sense  their  own  
environment   and   determine   the   time   that   is   suited   for  
It   is   true   that   all   plants   need   water   to   grow.   If   it   does   not   rain   germination.   On   the   contrary,   when   using   artificial  
much  in  the  fall,  the  vegetables  will  remain  small  throughout   irrigation   to   force   germination,   the   growth   process  
becomes   frail   and   it   will   be   necessary   to   assist   their   lives  
the   winter   and   they   will   stay   small   through   following   spring.   afterwards.  Throughout  a  long  history  of  evolution,  plants  
For   this   reason,   an   appropriate   amount   of   watering   is   have   been   able   to   overcome   multiple   climate   changes  
through   spontaneous   judgment   and   growth,   so   it   is  
acceptable.   If   using   a   sprinkler,   use   it   on   an   as-­‐needed   basis   important   to   encourage   environment   adaptability   of  
during  August  and  September  and  discontinue  use  thereafter.   vegetables.  

2-­‐2-­‐6.  Alternatives  to  Fertilization  (Method  of  Recovering  Productivity)  
The   concept   of   human-­‐provided   fertilizer   does   not   exist   in   synecoculture.   All   vegetations   provide   themselves   the  
essential   nutrients   through   photosynthesis,   which   is   a   direct   interaction,   and   through   indirect   interaction   with  
animal  fauna.  In  an  ecosystem  in  nature,  plants  produce  organic  matter  by  photosynthesis,  and  the  animals  disperse  
phosphorus,   potassium,   and   other   micronutrients.   Any   human-­‐introduced   materials   into   the   ecosystem   are  
considered  foreign  materials,  and  can  be  compared  to  an  accidental  introduction  in  nature  such  as  landslides.  
Phosphorus,   potassium,   and   other   micronutrients   may   become   insufficient   due   to   continued   harvesting,   however  
vegetation  such  as  shrubbery  and  fruit  trees  will  be  introduced  to  encourage  these  supplies  through  diffusion  from  
birds,  insects,  and  other  animal  groups.  As  long  as  no  chemicals  or  external  fodder  are  used,  livestock  may  also  be  
If  it  becomes  necessary  to  restore  the  productivity  of  the  soil  by  external  means,  only  the  following  three  methods  
can   be   applied   during   the   initial   soil   amelioration   stage.   However,   these   methods   do   not   comply   with   the   basic  
principle  of  synecoculture  that  states  “humans  can  introduce  only  seeds  and  seedlings.”  

(1)  Sprinkle  seawater  about  once  a  year.  Dilute  with  1:100  ratio  of  seawater  and  water.    
(2)  Grind  seaweed  or  fish  leftovers  and  spread  them  over  the  surface  (this  is  a  direct  way  to  restore  soil  nutrients  
that  has  run  off  into  the  ocean  via  underground  water,  caused  by  the  conventional  farming).  
(3)   Put   grass   and   fallen   leaves   (humus)   on   the   soil   surface.   Take   them   from   a   neighboring   location   that   is   not  
affected  by  pesticide.    
These   methods   are   acceptable   for   initial   soil   management   Wild   plants   gather   all   nutrients   needed   for   their   growth   by  
themselves.   This   results   in   unique   geographic   distribution   of  
especially   when   converting   a   housing   site   to   an   agricultural   plants   and   environmental   conditions,   which   is   referred   to   as  
land,   where   the   ground   is   leveled   and   the   vegetation   and   an   ecological   niche.   The   natural   ecosystem   does   not   turn   into  
desert   as   long   as   there   is   sufficient   rainfall   and   equitable  
organic   matter   in   the   topsoil   are   scarce.   However,   to   be   species  diversity:  It  self-­‐organizes  and  maintains  the  diversity  
certified   as   synecoculture,   it   is   necessary   that   the   growth   of   of  ecological  niche,  as  well  as  supports  the  sane  metabolism  
of   individual   plant   within.   On   the   other   hand,  
the   plants   is   completely   free   from   external   organic   matters.   human-­‐cultivated  vegetables  that  are  made  with  fertilizer  and  
To   establish   plants’   self-­‐perpetuation   to   the   standard   of   watering   have   significantly   altered   metabolite,   which   can   be  
compared  to  the  metabolic  syndrome  of  humans.      
synecoculture,  it  is  essential  to  maintain  productivity  without    
depending  on  the  external  supply.     The   3   alternate   methods   to   fertilizer   have   its   root   in   the  
material   circulation   between   the   ocean   and   the   land,   which  
  was   established   in   the   course   of   evolution.   These   alternatives  
Some   vegetables   (especially   summer   fruits   and   vegetables)   make   use   of   this   existing   natural   circulation   and   making   it  
more   efficient   by   shortening   the   route.   Therefore,   it   makes  
such   as   eggplant   and   corn   are   selectively   bred   to   grow   well   the   most   economical   sense   to   encourage   birds,   insects,   and  
with   the   fertilizer.   Therefore,   their   yield   may   decrease   microbes  to  do  the  work  for  us  rather  paying  the  cost  of  these  
significantly   in   a   non-­‐fertilized   field.   In   these   cases,   it   is  
possible   for   the   practitioner   to   utilize   non-­‐plow   organic   farming   method   and   put   on   a   fertilizer   on   the   soil,   however,  
the  vegetables  produced  in  this  way  is  not  cosidered  as  synecoculture  produce.

2-­‐2-­‐7.  Harvest  
In   the   high   density   of   mixed   vegetation,   harvesting   is   done   by   thinning-­‐out   from   the   crops   that   grew   large   out   of  
competition.   Once   the   environmental   conditions   are   established,   daily   harvesting   is   possible   year-­‐round.   When  
cutting  off  the  crops,  it  is  better  to  leave  the  roots  in  the  ground  because  they  will  protect  the  soil  and  encourage  
the  vegetation  to  regenerate.  Only  certain  cases,  for  example,  if  you  are  shipping  the  produce  to  a  long  distance,  you  
can  harvest     the  whole  plant  with  the  root  intact  so  the  vegetables  stay  fresh  for  longer  period.  

2-­‐2-­‐8.  Sequence  of  Harvesting  -­‐  Seedling  Transplant  -­‐  Overseeding  

As  you  harvest  or  mow  the  large  grass,  these  newly  created  spaces  and  exposed  soil  should  be  filled  up  either  by  
transplanting  new  seedlings  or  by  overseeding  in  order  to  maintain  high  density  of  edible  plants  and  prevent  grass  
from   gaining   ground.   You   can   also   utilize   unused   spaces   in   the   field   as   nursery,   such   as   by   the   fence/wall   or   in   a  
shade  with  plenty  of  moisture,  since  this  makes  it  easy  to  transfer  seedlings  within  the  farm.  Once  there  is  an  open  
space  in  the  nursery,  sow  more  seeds.  In  this  manner,  harvesting,  transplanting  of  seedlings,  and  sowing  of  seeds  
can  be  carried  out  in  a  sequence  and  at  the  same  time.  
In   the   diagram   below,   we   show   the   schematic   example   of   this   sequence.   After   harvesting   produce   A,   transplant   the  
seedlings  of  a  produce  B  from  the  nursery  to  where  A  was,  and  overseed  with  produce  C  in  a  nursery  where  seedling  
B  was.  Harvesting,  transplanting,  and  overseeding  are  done  in  one  set  of  action.    
In  the  same  manner,  the  harvesting  of  produce  B  –  transplanting  of  produce  C  –  overseeding  of  produce  A,  as  well  as  
harvesting  of  produce  C  -­‐  transplanting  of  produce  A  -­‐  overseeding  of  produce  B  are  shown  in  parallel.  

Diagram:  Harvesting  -­‐  Transplanting  -­‐  Overseeding  in  a  spatial  and  temporal  combination  

In   conventional   farming,   their   basic   principle   is  

in   the   physiological   optimization,   and   seeding,  
In   reality,   you   do   not   need   to   strictly   adhere   to   this   sequence   growing   seedlings,   and   harvesting   is   done   in   a  
(harvesting-­‐transplanting-­‐overseeding)  but  rather  be  flexible  to  make  a   same  location  that  is  isolated  from  other  crops  
(monocropping).   In   synecoculture   farm,   we  
decision   based   on   the   situation.   Sometimes,   it   is   better   to   overseed   optimize   space   and   time   of   multiple   crops  
instead   of   transplanting   and   vice   versa.   For   example,   after   the   initial   simultaneously.   The   work   sets   (seeding,  
transplanting,  harvesting)  are  performed  with  a  
sowing,  you  need  to  assess  the  rate  of  germination,  and  if  the  rate  is  low,   time   lag   between   the   crops,   and   we   spatially  
you  will  proceed  with  overseeding.     move  around  the  plants  to  a  place  that  is  most  
suitable  in  a  given  situation.  

2-­‐2-­‐9.  Self-­‐Seeding  
Some  proportion  of  the  vegetables  should  not  be  harvested  so  they  can  fulfill  their  life,  and  leave  until  they  bloom  
flowers  and  form  seeds.  Practically  speaking,  it  is  nearly  impossible  to  harvest  all  the  vegetables  in  a  highly  dense  
and  mixed  culture,  therefore  there  will  always  be  seeds  left  to  some  extent  for  later  use.  In  order  to  increase  the  
quality   of   open-­‐pollinated   seeds   in   synecoculture,   you   need   to   select   the   seeds   that   showed   superior   genetic   and  
adaptive  traits:  For  example,  take  the  seeds  from  the  crop  that  grew  larger  in  a  given  environment  rather  than  the  
ones   that   did   not   adopt   well   to   the   same   conditions.   This   way   you   can   ensure   and   ameliorate   the   yield   of   the   strain  
for   the   long   period   of   time.   We   have   observed   that   the   seedlings   grown   in   a   synecological   farm   are   far   more  
vigorous   and   resilient   in   a   harsh   environment   than   commercially   distributed   seedlings   that   are   grown   with   chemical  
fertilizer.   It   suggests   that   those   seedlings   from   synecoculture   changed   their   metabolism   and   expanded   their  
habitable   environment   where   they   can   survive.   In   some   cases,   we   We   predict   that   the   seeds   obtained   from   synecological  
farm  will  be  effective  and  useful  when  developing  a  new  
also   observed   the   extension   of   harvesting   period   as   a   part   of   farm  in  a  harsh  and  volatile  environment.    

2-­‐2-­‐10.  Ridges    
Unless  it  is  physically  destroyed  by  natural  disaster,  there  is  no  need  to  add  soil  to  the  ridge  because  they  will  gain  
resilience  against  erosion  with  the  help  from  the  plants.  Annuals  contribute  to  this  by  creating  briquette  structure  
(compacted   soil   structure   with   abundant   air   holes)   in   the   ground.   The   root   of   the   perennials   and   trees   also   assist   by  
holding   the   soil   intact.   In   fact,   this   mechanism   is   exactly   the   same   as   how   the   mountain   holds   its   shape   over   the  
years.  In  case  the  ridges  in  your  farm  keep  collapsing,  you  may  need  to  reevaluate  the  way  the  grass  is  managed.  

Experimental   reports   from   synecoculture   practitioners   in  

Honshu   region   confirm   multiple   resilience   against   harsh   and  
intense  weather  conditions:  While  crops  in  conventional  farm  
and   green   house   suffer   massive   damage   from   disaster   like  
typhoon   and   heavy   snowfall,   plants   in   synecoculture   farm   did  
not  fall  down  against  the  wind  and  snow  pressure,  and  their  
ridges   did   not   erode   from   the   torrent   of   rain.   Synecoculture  
strategies   naturally   augment   mitigation   measures   against  
climate  change.  Reduction  of  management  and  recovery  cost  
in   an   event   of   natural   disaster   is   one   of   the   economic  
incentive   synecoculture   can   provide   for   farmers.   Besides  
increasing   yield,   reduction   in   cost   is   an   important   factor   to  
keep  agriculture  as  a  viable  business.    

Image   :   Mixing   with   a   focus   on   lettuce   and   chili   pepper  

seedlings.   Both   are   strong   produce   that   can   be   harvested  

even  while  making  the  transition  to  synecoculture.  

2-­‐2-­‐11.  Seedling  Strategies  
Although  you  can   purchase  seedlings   from   a   local  shop  or  a  hardware  store,  you  can  grow  them  at  home  when   they  
are   not   available   in   an   off-­‐season.   Homegrown   seedlings   are   especially   useful   because   it   is   possible   to   realize   a  
longer  span  of  harvest  beyond  the  commercial  distribution  period.  
For   example,   tomato   seedlings   are   available   at   the   store   from   April   to   May,   but   upon   planting,   most   of   the  
harvesting  of  these  tomatoes  will  take  place  from  July  to  August.  On  the  other  hand,  if  you  grow  your  own  tomato  
seedlings   in   a   nursery   it   is   possible   to   plant   them   until   August.   By   planting   the   seedlings   incrementally   up   to   August,  
you   can   prolong   the   tomato   harvest   until   around   November.   If   we   also   utilize   the   unripe   tomatoes,   the   harvest  
period  can  be  extended  until  December  in  some  cases.  
In  order  to  improve  the  efficiency  of  synecoculture  production  volume,  it  is  useful  to  set  a  small  green  house  or  a  
room,   where   you   can   control   physiological   conditions   to   Even  for  the  cultivation  and  transplanting  of  seedlings,  you  must  
keep   the   non-­‐fertilizer   principle   and   should   not   introduce   any  
grow   seedlings,   as   a   backup   supply   system.   This   way,   external  organic  matter  in  synecoculture  field.  It  is  best  to  grow  
anytime   you   need   to   fill   the   space   in   the   production   area   seedlings   without   fertilizer.   As   for   hydroponic   cultivation   with  
indoor   environment,   it   can   be   used   in   the   nursery   stage   since  
after   harvesting,   you   always   have   a   backup   of   seedlings.   To   the   transplant   does   not   require   soil,   and   therefore   it   does   not  
increase   the   yield   while   eliminating   the   gap   of   crop   bring   external   organic   matter   into   the   field.   However,   without  
sufficient   time   of   growth   on   site   it   will   not   become   a   healthy  
transition,   the   farm   and   nursery   should   always   be   packed   part  of  the  vegetation  in  terms  of  plant  metabolites.  Hydroponic  
with   produce   and   seedlings.   Fluctuations   in   the   natural   cultivation   is   suited   for   automated   production   of   the   seedlings  
of  certain  perennial  vegetables,  such  as  Italian  parsley,  that  can  
environment   can   result   in   poor   produce   development,   take   sufficiently   long   time   to   achieve   ecologically   optimal  
however   it   is   possible   to   stabilize   and   keep   efficiency   of   growth   on   site   until   harvest.   For   annual   grass   vegetables,   the  
period  from  plantation  to  harvest  is  short,  so  there  is  the  risk  of  
production  by  arranging  the  supply  system  of  seedlings  that   their  metabolites  being  influenced  too  much  by  liquid  fertilizer.  
can  absorb  the  volatility.  

Image   :   Rather   than   pulling   out   entire   roots,  

cutting   burdock   part-­‐way   at   the   harvest  

regenerates   another   one   in   the   same   location.  

Unlike  conventional  product,  you  can  eat  burdock  

from   synecoculture   raw   since   it   takes   on   clear  

taste  without  acridity.

3.  Evaluation  Method  for  Quality  of  Crop  and  Ecosystem  
3-­‐1.Relationship  Between  Crop  Taste  and  Fertilizer   In  organic  farming,  there  are  many  practices  to  plow  
In  traditional  agriculture,  the  fertilizer  heavily  influences  the  taste  of   organic   fertilizer   (decomposing   organic   matter)   into  
the   soil.   If   there   is   too   much   non-­‐decomposed  
the  produce.  For  example,  organic  fertilizers  contain  minerals,  which  
organic   matter,   the   plowing   level   is   too   deep,   or   it  
add  a  characteristic  mineral  flavor  to  the  vegetables.  However,  this   exceeds   the   range   of   decomposition   that   microbes   in  
the   soil   can   achieve   during   a   year,   it   will   result   in   a  
is   a   taste   derived   from   artificially   applied   fertilizer   that   is  
decaying   state   that   cannot   be   utilized   as   plant  
qualitatively  different  from  an  intrinsic  taste  of  the  crop.   nutrition.   Although   using   completely   decomposed  
organic  compost  will  not  result  in  the  decaying  state  
As  we  continue  to  practice  synecoculture,  the  soil  will  gradually  be  
in   the   soil,   it   will   leach   into   the   groundwater   and  
composed   of   only   elements   that   are   a   part   of   the   self-­‐organized   pollute  the  water  system.  Additionally,  there  is  a  high  
risk   of   antibiotic   contamination   for   the   livestock  
material   circulation   of   the   ecosystem,   and   be   in   a   state   where   there  
waste  of  cows,  pigs,  birds,  etc.  In  contrast  to  all  these  
is   no   artificial   surplus.   Promoting   natural   circulation   stabilizes   negative  effects  of  human  intervention,  unmanaged,  
abandoned  farmlands  promote  the  recovery  process  
various   unstable   elements   or   makes   them   harmless,   reduces  
of  clear  soil.  Organic  materials  do  not  get  too  deeply  
adverse   effects   on   neighboring   ecosystems,   and   constantly   underground   in   the   natural   state,   with   the   sole  
exception  of  natural  disasters.  Such  example  is  crude  
reorganizes   material   composition   and   distribution   in   a   way   that  
oil  that  is  considered  to  have  been  transformed  from  
globally   promotes   biodiversity.   Soil   developed   under   such   process   is   organic  matters  over  years  deep  in  the  ground.  
what   makes   the   spring   water   drinkable   (for   example   in   primeval  
Clear  taste  vegetables:  carrots  that  take  on  the  flavor  
forests   in   mountains,   etc.),   as   the   water   passes   through   the   of  Japanese  persimmon,  cabbage  with  a  sweet  core,  
broccoli  and  asparagus  that  can  be  eaten  raw  to  the  
elaborate   soil   structure,   which   we   idiomatically   call   as   "clear   soil."  
stalk,  etc.  
Clear   soil   has   already   been   formed   in   areas   that   have   been   left   to  
nature,   however,   for   areas   where   inorganic   fertilizer   was   used   as   in   modern   farming   methods,   it   will   take   several  
years   to   create   clear   soil.   For   areas   with   organic   farming,   we   estimate   that   it   will   take   at   least   8   years   if   organic  
fertilizer  was  deeply  mixed  into  the  soil.  Even  during  the  transition  from  other  farming  methods  to  synecoculture,  
vegetables  with  vitality  can  be  obtained.  However,  the  metabolic  state  and  consequently  the  taste  will  be  influenced  
by   the   soil   residue.   Once   clear   soil   is   achieved   through   synecoculture,   the   taste   of   the   vegetables   will   be   of   a  
different  quality  (clear  taste)  from  organic  ones.  

3-­‐2.  Pest  Outbreak  

Pests   refer   to   a   large   outbreak   of   insect   species   that   have   harmful   effects   for   agriculture.   Although   many   insect  
species   are   designated   as   pests   in   conventional   farming   methods,   they   do   not   multiply   to   the   point   of   causing  
serious  damage  to  production  in  synecoculture:  They  are  controlled  by  the  elaborate  food  chain  in  the  plot  and  the  
surrounding   environment.   They   can   rather   take   on   the   tasks   of   essential   ecosystem   functions   similar   to   other   useful  
insects,  such  as  pollination  and  stimulate  vegetative  regeneration.  Synecoculture  should  be  achieving  a  state  where  
the  vegetation  is  controlled  in  a  manner  that  the  benefits  of  insect  fauna  outweigh  the  losses,  and  where  no  single  
species  will  emerge  as  a  dominant  pest.  This  is  common  with  the  primeval  forests   of  mountains,  where  little  pest  
occurs  under  the  dominance  of  single  species  as  the  degree  of  species  mixing  is  high.  
Plants  take  on  the  role  of  a  "purification  device"  in  the  ecosystem,  spitting  out  unnecessary  materials  from  the  soil.  
In  the  process  of  absorbing  surplus   components,  the  vegetation  tends  to  be  monotonous,  and  there's  high   risk   of  
insects  eating  that  vegetation  to  outbreak  massively.  In  conventional  farming  methods,  fertilization,  single-­‐species  
cultivation,   plowing   and   pesticides   destroy   the   food   chain   and   create   the   background   of   a   pest   outbreak.   Excess  

materials  in  the  soil,  such  as  leftover  compost,  are  the  ecological  cause  behind  the  loss  of  faunal  balance  expressed  
as  a  pest.  Empirically,  pest  risk  is  reduced  in  soil  that  has  been  purified  through  the  promotion  of  natural  circulation.  
If   there   were   a   mass   outbreak   of   a   single   insect   species   during   the   implementation   process   of   synecoculture,   it  
would  be  possible  that  the  soil  is  at  the  stage  where  it  needs  to  be  purified.  Rather  than  exterminating,  we  should  
facilitate   the   removal   of   the   surplus   materials   by   the   insects.   If   there   is   damage   due   to   external   factors   such   as  
invasion   of   non-­‐native   species,   we   recommend   diversifying   the   vegetation   in   order   to   further   diversify   the   food  
chain  to  regain  faunal  equilibrium.  

3−3. Soil  Improvement   Examples   of   soil   texture   improvement:   Overlay/mix   into  
the  field  river  sand  and  clay  that  does  not  contain  organic  
Soil   improvement   in   synecoculture   is   carried   out   in   the   course   material.    
of   natural   circulation   and   vegetation   transition   by   using   the    
<Example  of  Wasteland  Soil  Improvement>  
plants   and   vegetables,   without   using   any   soil   improvement   For   vegetation   recovery   in   wastelands   where   vegetables  
materials.   do   not   grow,   sow   mainly   Asteraceae   vegetables   such   as  
lettuce   and   chicory,   and   mix   in   root   vegetables   in   an  
However,   for   physical   components   that   are   independent   from   appropriate   level.   Asteraceae   vegetables   can   be   raised  
the   biological   and   chemical   disposition,   they   can   be   freely   even   in   pebble-­‐filled   wastelands.   Wildflowers   that   can   be  
used   in   tea,   such   as   horsetail   and   chameleon   plant,   are  
changed  during  the  initial  construction  phase:  For  example,  soil   also   effective   in   soil   improvement,   and   suppresses   grass  
texture   decides   the   capacity   of   organic   matter   retained   by   the   weeds.   Strong   woodland   fruits   such   as   persimmon,   loquat,  
citrus  fruits,  blueberries;  strong  trees  such  as  common  figs,  
topsoil   in   a   given   climate   condition,   which   can   be   freely   mulberry;   shrubs   and   perennial   plants   such   as   mountain  
adjusted  in  the  initial  setup.   asparagus,   ashitaba   can   also   suppress   weeds.   Another  
method  is  to  plant  tall  trees  early,  and  then  thin  them  out  
  as  other  vegetation  grows  accordingly.  
If  dealing  with  hardened  soil  where  the  recovery  of  the  natural   If   you   are   concerned   about   leftover   fertilizer   from  
conventional   or   organic   farming   used   in   the   previous  
circulation   and   vegetation   transition   processes   is   too   slow,   such   iteration,   one   method   involves   using   wild   oats   and   rye   to  
as   conversion   from   residential   land,   it   is   possible   to   freely   enact   suck  in  and  expel,  to  purify  the  soil.  

initial  soil  improvement  measures.  However  it  will  require  a  transition  period  to  synecoculture  until  clear  soil  can  be  
For   example,   soil   improvement   in   the   initial   construction   is   possible   through   moving   plant   organic   matter   derived  
from   nature,   such   as   cut   grass   from   the   surroundings,   and   promoting   decomposition   using   microbial   materials.  
However  cultivation  through  continuous  and  fixed  usage  of  microbial  and  organic  materials  from  external  sources,  is  
a  violation  of  synecoculture  principles.  
Regarding   chemical   properties,   it   is   possible   to   introduce   adjusting   method   as   long   as   it   does   not   hinder   natural  
circulation,   and   it   will   not   be   necessary   to   continually   introduce   external   materials:   For   example,   placing   oyster  
shells  on  the  surface  during  initial  soil  improvement  will  serve  for  pH  adjustment.  
If  the  vegetation  is  scarce,  one  method  is  to  claw  the  surface  first  and  then  deliberately  grow  thick  weeds,  or  plant  
fast-­‐growing  trees  to  construct  the  ecosystem  regardless  of  its  usage,  however  the  most  ideal  method  is  to  realize  
these  functionality  with  useful  plants.  

3-­‐4.  Plant  Tissue  Normalcy  
In   synecoculture,   as   a   preliminary   criterion   before   the   crop   taste   and   nutrients,   the   plant   tissue   normalcy   is  
evaluated   with   respect   to   the   ecological   optimum   state   as   a   standard.   The   fresh   allure   of   sane   plant   tissue   is  
sometimes   idiomatically   referred   to   as   vitality   of   plant.   The   most   practical   and   simple   method   for   determining   plant  
tissue   normalcy   is   the   "clear   taste"   when   eaten   raw,   which   describes   a   particular   quality   of   flavor   common   in  
synecoculture   produce   based   on   empirical   expressions.   However   when   determining   the   clear   taste,   it   will   be  
necessary  to  have  comparative  experience  between  synecoculture  and  conventional  farming  produce.  It  is  possible  
to  eat  "clear  taste"  vegetables  at  the  harvest  experience  lunch  at  the  Ise  Synecoculture  Farm  in  Japan,  sponsored  by  
the  Sakura  Nature  School.  
There   have   been   reports   of   heath   improvements   from   those   Though  "clear  taste"  is  a  subjective  expression,  since  it  is  a  
characteristic   that   is   commonly   and   repeatedly  
who   consume   produce   that   cleared   the   strict   standards   for   experienced   when   eating   raw   vegetables   from   an  
synecoculture,   even   when   consuming   regular   vegetable   types.   ecological   optimum   state,   evaluation   is   possible   such   as  
using   food   sensory   analysis   together   with   the   assessment  
As  a  supportive  evidence  of  health  beneficial  effect,  compared   of  the  cultivation  conditions.  
to   conventional   produce,   synecoculture   produce   is   revealed   to   From   consumers’   health   improvement   cases,   the   positive  
relationship   between   the   normalization   of   plant   tissue   and  
contain  rich  secondary  metabolites,  which  is  the  largest  source   the   normalization   of   human   metabolism   has   been  
of  medicinal  ingredients.   speculated.  

3-­‐5.  Structure  and  Fluctuations  

The  concept  for  natural  circulation  in  synecoculture  is  qualitatively  divided  into  structure  and  fluctuations:  
The  structure  is  the  establishment  of  the  natural  circulation,  on  which  human  shall  not  intervene.  In  contrast,  the  
fluctuations  are  the  variability  within  the  structure,  which  vary  in  accordance  to  environmental  conditions.  Human  
intervention  may  be  allowed  as  long  as  it  remains  in  the  variation  range  of  the  natural  circulation.  

3-­‐5-­‐1.  Examples  of  Structure  

Soil  structure  that  is  realized  in  a  competing  symbiotic  state  (ecological  optimum  state)  of  planting:  
Plowing   that   destroys   the   soil   structure   is   regarded   as   an   intervention   to   the   structure,   and   is   not   allowed.   Even  
without  plowing,  removing  all  the  weeds  and  exposing  the  topsoil  means  losing  the  roots  that  form  the  soil  structure,  
so  removing  all  weeds  is  considered  to  be  an  intervention  to  the  structure.  Regular  installation  of  vinyl  mulch  acts  as  
an  obstruction  to  the  soil  structure  formation,  and  is  considered  to  be  an  intervention  to  the  structure.  
Traffic  of  Fauna,  Material  Circulation:  
Starting  with  insects  and  birds,  animals  freely  come  in  and  go  out  of  the  synecoculture  plantation.  As  trace  elements  
are   supplied   through   diffusion   by   these   fauna,   their   traffic   must   not   be   disturbed.   Additionally,   an   open-­‐field  
environment  that  is  not  disconnected  from  rainwater  and  groundwater  is  necessary  to  establish  material  circulation.  
Therefore,   the   use   of   agricultural   chemicals   such   as   pesticides,   using   a   plastic   greenhouse   to   completely   shut   out  
insects   and   rain,   and   an   indoor   environment   that   cuts   off   the   connection   with   underground   water   does   not  
constitute  synecoculture.  
However,  using  only  the  skeleton  of  the  plastic  greenhouse  or  the  walls  with  no  ceiling,  or  using  fences  to  keep  out  
mammalian   pest   such   as   wild   boars,   monkeys,   deer,   and   other   harmful   beasts,   is   allowed   as   long   as   it   doesn't  
inferfere  with  the  coming  and  going  of  most  other  insects  and  animals.  

3-­‐5-­‐2.  Examples  of  Fluctuations  
Amount  of  sunlight:  
As  there  exists  rock  and  tree  shade  even  in  a  natural  state,  the  changes  in  sunlight  from  the  surrounding  buildings  
and  trees  is  within  the  range  of  fluctuation.  However,  no  sunshine  will  result  in  no  growth,  and  too  much  sunlight  
creates  an  environment  that's  advantageous  for  indigenous  weeds.  During  germination,  the  use  of  cheesecloth,  etc.,  
to  control  the  sunlight  partially  or  short-­‐term  is  acceptable.  
Amount  of  water:  
Since   there   exists   seasonal   and   yearly   changes   in   precipitation,   artificial   irrigation   in   response   to   reduced  
precipitation   is   within   the   range   of   fluctuation.   However   an   excess   of   water   leads   to   vegetable   blistering   and  
deviates  from  plant  tissue  normalcy.  
Amount  of  seeds  and  seedlings  and  planting  period:  
As   the   amount   of   seeds   in   the   natural   state   changes   in   accordance   to   the   surrounding   vegetation   and   seed   bank,  
humans  introducing  seeds  and  seedlings  for  the  purpose  of  controlling  the  vegetation  strategy  is  within  the  range  of  
fluctuation.   The   problem   of   invasive   non-­‐native   species   has   been  
For   the   germination   and   establishment   of   plants,   as   there   are   spreading   along   with   modern   agriculture.   The   non-­‐native  
species   introduced   by   humans   largely   influences   the  
fluctuations   in   the   environmental   conditions   and   individual   ecosystem,   including   the   material   circulation   level,   and   is  
differences   in   nature,   time-­‐selective   planting   of   seeds   and   involved   with   the   structure.   However,   the   various   mixes   of  
useful   plants   that   are   enacted   through   synecoculture  
seedlings  by  humans  as  part  of  vegetation  strategy  is  considered   restrain   the   dominance   of   non-­‐native   species,   create  
to  be  in  the  range  of  fluctuation.   various   material   circulations   similar   to   indigenous  
ecosystems,   and   we   expect   that   will   mitigate   the   adverse  
From   the   point   of   view   of   ecological   optimum   in   synecoculture,   effects  of  alien  species.  
seeds  and  seedlings  introduced  by  humans  correspond  to  the  initial  condition  setting  to  establish  mixed  vegetation  
toward  ecological  optimum.  
Naturally  occurring  vegetable  organic  matter  on  top  of  soil:  
If  the  soil  structure  is  formed,  piling  up  naturally  occurring  vegetable  organic  matter  such  as  mowed  grass  from  the  
surroundings  on  top  of  the  soil,  or  conversely  removing  mowed  grass,  these  are  considered  to  be  within  the  range  of  
fluctuation.   It   does   not   interfere   with   the   maintainance   of   the   soil   structure   nor   causes   the   contamination   of  
Other  hyper-­‐diluted  amounts  of  active  agents:  
Naturally  occurring  active  agents  and  natural  pesticides  that  are  hyper-­‐diluted  in  homeopathic  dose  is  practically  out  
of  concern  of  material  cycle,  however  it  will  be  necessary  to  make  an  objective  assessment  on  that  effect.  It  is  best  
to  not  utilize  any  useless  materials.  

4.  Application  
4-­‐1.  Combining  with  Rice  Cultivation  
By   conducting   synecoculture   in   non-­‐plowed,   non-­‐fertilized,   pesticide-­‐free   rice   paddies   during   the   dry   season,  
development  of  the  soil  can  be  achieved  together  with  high  diversity  and  high  yield  of  total  produce.  

4-­‐2.  Introduction  of  Domestic  Animals  

A   wide   variety   of   domesticated   animals   can   be   introduced   as   a   part   of   the   fauna   that   coexists   in   a   synecoculture  
farm.  As  with  the  vegetation,  no  artificial  feed  or  chemicals  shall  be  introduced,  and  that  the  domesticated  animal  
be  treated  like  a  self-­‐supporting  wild  animal  as  a  part  of  the  ecosystem.  
Beekeeping   can   be   carried   out   even   in   a   small-­‐scale,   and   has   a   high   synergy   rate   with   synecoculture.   Various  
vegetables  and  tree  flowers  found  in  synecoculture  farms  become  source-­‐plants  for  nectar,  and  bees  contribute  to  
the   pollination   efficiency   and   augment   nutritional   value   of   the   produce.   It   also   increases   the   value   of   wildflowers   as  
a   nector   source,   such   as   white   clover,   Chinese   milk   vetch   (Astragalus),   and   bushkiller   (Cayratia   japonica).   The  
introduction   of   beekeeping   raises   the   practical   value   of   wildflowers   and   blossoming   herbs   as   a   part   of   ecosystem  
services,  and  has  a  significant  effect  on  the  vegetation  strategy.  Though  the  European  honeybee  has  an  established  
breeding   method,   they   require   constant   care   and   may   become   weak   due   to   the   drug-­‐free   condition.   The  
introduction   of   species   native   to   the   wild   (such   as   the   Japanese   honeybee   in   Japan)   is   desirable.   A   synecoculture  
home  garden  and  beekeeping  set,  even  privately,  can  make  great  contributions  to  the  regional  biodiversity.  
It   is   possible   to   grow   birds   such   as   domesticated   chickens   and   pheasants,   using   the   farm's   wild   grass   and   insect  
population   as   bait.   The   leftovers   from   synecoculture   processed   produce   can   also   be   used   as   bait   in   self-­‐sufficient  
cycle.   It   would   be   necessary   to   keep   them   in   a   small   hut   to   hide   them   from   nighttime   predators   such   as   weasels,  
raccoon  dogs,  and  cats.  
It  is   also   possible   to   raise   sheep   and   goats  based  primarily  on  wild  grass  and  herbs  for  feeding.  As  an  application,  
they  may  be  used  as  a  part  of  grass  management.  
For   large   livestock   such   as   pigs   and   cows,   as   they   dig   up   and   tread   down   the   land,   they   are   not   suitable   for  
synecoculture   farms   producing   vegetables.   However   they   may   coexist   as   a   byproduct   in   farms   that   focus   on   fruit  
trees  and  perennial  plants  as  produce.  
For   producing   with   large   livestock   as   a   main   product,   it   will   be   necessary   to   think   in   the   direction   of   their   natural  
habitat  and  behavior:  Make  entire  use  of  primeval  forests  and  forest  edges  grassland  that  can  naturally  serves  plenty  
of   feed,   and   enclosing   it   with   a   fence   to   create   a   wild   animal   ranch.   Even   with   a   monotonous   tree   plantation   in  
mountain  range,  it  is  possible  to  create  an  environment  for  livestock  by  increasing  the  vegetation  that  will  serve  as  
feed,  such  as  chestnuts  and  wild  yams.  
Fish  species  found  in  the  waterways,  rivers,  lakes,  and  ocean  waters  surrounding  the  farm  should  generally  also  be  
utilized  as  produce.  

4-­‐3.  Cooperation  with  Hospitals,  Nursing  Care  Facilities  
Creating  a  synecoculture  farm  next  to  hospitals  and  nursing  facilities  can  support  the  health  recovery  of  hospitalized  
patients  and  residents  through  fundamental  eating  habits.  
4-­‐4.  Using  Indigenous  Plants  
In  conventional  agriculture,  indigenous  plants  (such  as  bamboo  in  Japan)  are  often  considered  as  weeds  and  should  
be  eliminated.  Though  in  synecoculture,  we  consider  that  they  are  establishing  an  example  of  suitable  ecosystem  for  
that   region.   Your   vegetation   plan   should   be   built   taking   advantage   of   those   characteristics.   For   example,   bamboo  
and  bamboo  grass  can  be  found  in  many  abandoned  Japanese  mountain  forests.  If  left  alone  it  drives  away  other  
vegetation  with  strong  root.  However  a  moderate  existence  rather  increases  the  biodiversity,  and  the  boundary  of  a  
bamboo  grove  can  provide  various  conditions  that  promote  the  growth  of  other  vegetation.  As  produce,  there  are  
other  possible  uses  as  well,  such  as  tea,  material  resource,  fishing  equipment,  etc.  

4-­‐5.  Planter  Cultivation  

Planter  cultivation  that  adheres  to  the  principles  of  synecoculture.    
Using  the  topsoil  that  has  already  been  formed  in  a  natural  state,    
such  as  from  mountain  forests,  planter  cultivation  can  be    
performed  with  no  fertilizer  and  pesticide-­‐free.  
Unlike  the  natural  state,  as  it's  difficult  to  maintain  the  homeostasis    
of  the  soil  environment  such  as  soil  temperature  in  a  small  scale,    
it's  not  yet  possible  to  achieve  a  perfect  natural  circulation  with  a    
planter  without  interfering  in  the  soil  over  the  long  term.  However    
it  is  possible  to  create  vegetables  that  are  close  to  the  ecological    
optimum  state  within  a  certain  degree  by  applying  the  basic  principles.  

4-­‐5-­‐1.  Planter  Cultivation  Method  

A   planter   as   large   as   possible   should   be   prepared   in   order   to   maintain   homeostasis   of   the   soil   to   the   greatest   extent  
possible.   Soil   with   a   formed   soil   structure   in   a   natural   state   should   be   introduced,   such   as   that   from   mountain  
forests.   Plant   seeds   and   seedlings   in   this   soil   with   a   dense   mixed   state,   and   let   them   grow.   Naturally   originating  
vegetable  organic  matter  may  be  placed  on  the  soil,  such  as  the  powder  of  mowed  grass.  
Perform  observation  to  see  the  effect  of  different  soil  quality  for  mountain  soil,  bamboo  grove  soil,  perennial  plant  
community   soil,   grassland   soil,   etc.,   whose   formation   being   influenced   Caution:  You  must  obtain  the  permission  of  the  
landowner   before   collecting   soil.   There   are  
by   each   different   type   of   vegetation.   Search   for   the   application   to   many   cases   where   soil   collection   is   prohibited,  
planter  cultivation  according  to  the  soil  type.   such  as  in  national  parks,  preservation  area,  etc.  

4-­‐6.  Cooperation  with  Citizen  Science  
Currently,  as  the  training  for  educational  institutions,  as  a  conservation  research  program,  and  as  a  part  of  corporate  
social   responsibility   (CSR),   a   lot   of   activity   is   taking   place   worldwide   to   document   the   biodiversity.   Synecoculture  
farm   can   create   and   serve   as   a   regional   hot   spot   for   biodiversity,   and   the   documentation   of   the   farm   can   also   be  
used  as  high-­‐profile  data  of  regional  biodiversity.  Synecoculture  field  provides  a  great  teaching  aid  for  science  and  
environmental  classes  starting  from  elementary  and  junior  high  schools.   Within   a   synecoculture   farm,   there   are  
examples   of   rare   insect   species   being   found,  
Currently,   we   are   building   information   sharing   network   service   for   including   threatened   species   in   IUCN   red   list.  
synecoculture   practitioners   that   will   include   an   interactive   biodiversity   Synecoculture   farming   is   listed   on   Sony's   CSR  
activity  candidates.  

Image  :  Examples  of  rare  insects  that  have  been  observed  in  synecoculture  farms.  Through  synecoculture,  a  high-­‐value  ecosystem  can  be  built  

with  biodiversity  that  can  be  greater  than  simple  preservation.  

4-­‐7.  Large-­‐Scale  Mechanization  Model  
Synecoculture   is   expected   to   mechanize   and   expand   its   scale   in   the   future   in   order   to   efficiently   manage   vast  
abandoned  farmland,  or  to  increase  the  productivity  in  proportion  to  the  smaller  number  of  farmers  and  the  greater  
level  of  economic  and  technological  development  of  the  industrialized  countries.  Provided  the  fundamental  principle  
and   definition   of   synecoculture   are   being   observed,   mechanization   will   be   allowed   only   in   a   case   when   introduction  
of   machinery   and   the   technology   augments   the   mananagement   of   a   more   complex   ecosystem.   For   example,   among  
the  management  tasks  of  synecoculture,  planting  of  seeds  and  seedlings,  grass  management,  and  harvesting  are  the  
possible   areas   for   mechanization.   Large-­‐scale   synecoculture   farms   will   require   new   combinations   of   vegetation,  
types  and  placement  of  crop,  and  method  of  harvesting  for  efficient  management.      

Figure:   Schematic   view   of   the   augmentation   of   ecosystem   through  

  large-­‐scale  and  mechanization  of  synecoculture.  By  using  cart  or  wagon  

for   livestock,   machine   technology   such   as   vehicles   and   robot   arms,  

virtual   reality,   etc.,   management   of   a   more   large-­‐scale   synecoculture  

farm  with  greater  biodiversity  is  possible.  

5.     Synecoculture  in  Different  Climate  
5-­‐1.  General  Remarks  
The  principle  of  synecoculture  can  be  applied  to  all  climate  zones  as  long  as  temperature,  precipitation,  and  sunlight  
are   sufficiently   present   for   growing   plant.   The   specific   strategy   of   implementation   and   the   types   of   crop   will   vary  
depending  on  the  climate  and  the  vegetation  of  the  particular  region.  In  the  following,  we  employ  Köppen  climate  
classification,  which  was  determined  by  a  relationship  between  temperature,  precipitation  and  vegetation  type,  as  a  
guide  to  illustrate  the  characteristics  of  the  climate  where  synecoculture  is  being  practiced.    

5-­‐2.  Temperate  Zone  

5-­‐2-­‐1.  Deciduous  Forest  Zone  
Deciduous   Forest   Zone   covers   the   area   of   many   European   and   American   major   cities   where   modern   civilizations  
were  developed.  A  part  of  the  subarctic  zone  is  also  included  in  this  climate  division.  Vegetation  is  mainly  composed  
of   sparse   deciduous   forests   and   undergrowth,   which   makes   weed   management   easier   in   practice,   but   some   regions  
may   need   to   take   countermeasures   against   cold   temperatures   and   insufficient   sunlight   during   the   winter   months.  
For   example,   it   would   be   essential   to   keep   snow-­‐hardy   plants,   root   vegetables   and   the   potato   family   stored  
underground,   and   mainstream   productive   fruit   trees   like   apples,   which   can   be   harvested,   kept   in   the   storage   facility  
until   the   following   spring.   To   retain   enough   moisture   in   the   soil,  
A  climax  forest  of  potential  vegetation  is  an  ecosystem  
you   can   pile   mowed   grass   or   dead   leaf   matter   on   the   surface.   with   natural   vegetation   that   has   been   developed   with  
ecological  optimum  for  several  decades  to  over  several  
Growing  the  large  crop  root  helps  with  cold  resistance  while  some  
hundred   years.   Concrete   example   has   been  
crops  can  survive  through  winter  by  staying  as  small  buds.  Making   academically   conceptualized   as   Chinju-­‐no-­‐mori   (the  
japanese   forest   of   the   village   shrine)   according   to   the  
use   of   evergreen   trees   that   are   strong   against   the   cold   as   a  
ecologist   Akira   Miyawaki,   and   there   are   plantations   all  
protective   boundary   against   winter   winds   should   also   be   over  Japan.  
considered,   along   with   topography   and   geographical   orientation  
For  implementation  on  the  Pacific  Ocean  side  of  Japan,  
of  the  farm.  Overcoming  the  agricultural  off-­‐season  during  winter,   it   becomes   easy   to   make   produce   even   in   the   winter  
with  the  use  of  forests  and  man-­‐made  structure  to  block  
which   is   longer   in   most   cities   than   that   of   the   Honshu   region   in  
the   northern   winds.   It's   also   possible   to   create   a  
Japan,  is  one  of  our  main  concerns  and  challenges  in  research.  We   windbreak   by   using   evergreen   fruit   trees   around   the  
farm.  Plum  pine  tree  (Podocarpus  macrophyllus)  fences  
speculate   that   a   principal   solution   will   be   the   scaling   up   to   mass  
are  traditionally  used,  but  while  they  are  highly  effective  
production  that  corresponds  to  the  usually  high  economic  level  in   in   blocking   the   wind,   they   are   slow   to   grow.  
Additionally,   the   plum   pine   garden   trees   that   are  
these   countries,   with   the   use   of   the   mechanization   that   would  
commercially   sold   are   generally   male,   so   in   order   to  
support  the  augmentation  of  the  ecosystem.     grow  fruit  you  will  have  to  choose  female  trees.  

5-­‐2-­‐2.  Evergreen  Forest  Zone  

In  Japan,  this  zone  includes  from  the  Honshu  region  all  the  way  south  to  the  Kyushu  region.  Because  of  its  plentiful  
rainfall,  even  a  deserted  field  will  be  covered  with  tall  weeds  if  left  untouched.  It  would  ultimately  develop  into  a  
deep   forest   with   a   capacity   to   house   an   abundant   variety   of   indigenous   species,   known   as   potential   natural  
vegetation.  This  manual  is  based  on  the  empirical  knowledge  of  synecological  farming  primarily  in  this  climate  and  
vegetation  zone.  

5-­‐3.  Subtropics  
Subtropics  are  included  in  the  temperate  zone  of  the  Köppen  
This  is  the  temperate  climate  zone  that  is  closer  to  the  tropics.  
climate   classification,   and   a   number   of   varying   definitions  
In   Japan   it   is   commonly   referred   to   as   the   region   from   exist.   This   manual   adopts   common   usage   of   the   term  
subtropics   as   the   southern   Kyushu   region   to   Nansei   islands,  
southern   Kyushu   through   the   Nansei   Islands,   including  
based   on   the   opinions   from   the   inhabitants.   Though   it   is  
Okinawa.  As  most  of  this  region  consists  of  small  islands,  the   classified   as   subtropics,   the   Nansei   islands   have   exceptional  
precipitation   in   contrast   to   many   of   the   world’s   subtropics  
soil   runoff   from   conventional   fields   such   as   sugar   cane   has  
that  are  predominantly  arid  regions.
the  most  direct  effect  on  the  marine  ecosystem.    
To  defend  against  the  strong  winds  from  typhoons  that  pass  
As   a   management   strategy,   it   is   essential   to   grow   fruit   trees  
through  the  subtropics  Nansei  Islands  every  year,  building  an  
and   protect   vegetables   from   intense   sunrays.   In   the   Nansei   anti-­‐wind  fruit  forest  is  an  effective  strategy.  These  forest  will  
be   composed   a   dense   mixture   of   fast-­‐growing   fruit   trees,  
Islands,   where   many   typhoons   pass   through,   densely   mixed  
such   as   papayas   and   bananas,   since   they   bend   easily   and  
fruit   tree   forests   are   crucial   for   protecting   against   strong   absorb   wind   impact.   Raising   fruit   trees   in   a   high   density  
reduces   yield,   however   as   they   support   each   other   and  
winds.  The  plant  tissue  in  a  non-­‐fertilized  field  becomes  more  
increase   their   anti-­‐wind   effects,   they   can   be   placed   as   a  
robust,  and  the  roots  spread  out  more,  which  increases  wind   nursery   facing   the   wind   from   the   shoreline.   Conversely,   the  
underside  of  the  wind,  enclosed  by  anti-­‐wind   fruit   tree   grove,  
productivity  can  be  prioritized  with  high-­‐value  fruit  trees  like  
As   weeds   are   particularly   strong   in   the   subtropics,   frequent   mango   and   island   bananas,   and   creeper   plants   like   guava,  
kiwi  berry  (Actinidia  rufa),  kiwi,  etc.  
grass   management   will   be   necessary   to   produce   vegetables.  
Until   vegetables   dominate   the   surface,   you   need   to   take   a   countermeasure   against   weeds   corresponding   to   their  
types  and  growth  rate.  There  is  also  the  method  of  letting  the  grass  grow  out  intentionally  to  concentrate  on  soil  
formation  at  first.  
If  you  take  advantage  of  a  warm  and  rainy  climate  and  focus  on  producing  subtropical  fruit,  this  way  you  can  lower  
costs  and  expand  the  production  volume.  It  is  also  suited  for  producing  seedlings,  since  the  growth  rate  of  fruit  trees  
is  high  compared  to  Honshu.  In  Nansei  Islands,  abandoned  farmlands  are  increasing  due  to  depopulation  and  aging  
of  the  farmer.  We  are  building  a  model  for  synecoculture  farm  to  utilize  these  fields  with  focus  on  fruits  trees  that  
are  suited  for  subtropical  climate.  

Image  :  Examples  of  fruits  that  are  cultivated  in  synecoculture  farms  in  subtropical  regions.  

5-­‐4.  Arid  Zone   Forests   are   nurtured   by   rain,   and   as   the   groundwater   is  
Climate  zone  with  high  average  temperature,  low  precipitation,   cultivated,   water   vapor   transpiration   from   the   forest  
becomes   rain   again,   making   for   circulation.   The   rain   and  
dry  like  the  desert,  and  little  vegetation.  
groundwater   system   are   tied   together   through   the  
In   contrast   to   the   tropical,   temperate,   and   continental   zones   absorption   and   transpiration   from   surface   plants.   As  
rainfall,   surface   vegetation,   and   groundwater   mutually  
that   are   a   forest-­‐forming   climate   where   trees   can   inhabit,   the  
exist   and   form   a   water   circulation,   deforestation   crucially  
arid   zone   is   a   non-­‐forest   climate,   and   forests   will   not   develop   breaks   this   cycle.   If   there   is   not   much   precipitation   or  
groundwater   to   be   supplied   externally,   natural   recovery  
even   if   left   alone.   This   is   a   region   that   is   subject   to  
will   be   impossible.   This   is   called   the   regime   shift   of   the  
desertification.   ecosystem.   As   if   building   blocks   that   were   once   piled   up  
are  lost,  it  is  not  easy  to  reload  to  the  original  state.  It  is  an  
There   are   two   types   of   causes   for   desertification   -­‐   natural  
irreversible   destruction   phenomenon   that   lies   within   the  
factors   like   the   lack   of   rainfall,   and   human   activities   like   the   ecosystem  dynamics  as  a  mechanism  of  desertification.  
agricultural   practice   such   as   overgrazing   and   over-­‐logging  
In  order  to  adapt  to  abnormal  weather  such  as  floods  and  
leading  to  environmental  destruction.  Actually,  many  of  the  arid   droughts,  we  need  to  diversify  the  ecosystem  with  respect  
to  the  height  of  vegetation  and  depth  of  the  root  system.  
regions   of   the   world   are   facing   desertification   due   to  
Covering  the  topsoil  with  perennial  grass  retains  moisture.  
human-­‐induced  factors.  Once  vegetation  is  lost  in  an  arid  region,   Place  root  crops  and  potatoes  that  will  survive  even  if  the  
surface   dries   out.   Above   ground,   the   multi-­‐layer   of   herbs  
precipitation   will   also   be   reduced,   and   the   lost   vegetation   will  
and   trees   can   be   placed   in   alternating   order,   which  
not  recover,  expanding  the  vicious  cycle.   increase   the   efficiency   of   photosynthesis   with  
perpendicular   configuration   of   the   whole   vegetation  
In   developed   countries   such   as   North   America   and   Australia,  
community.   Mixing   in   crops   of   differing   height   can   also  
groundwater  is  drying  up  and  desertification  is  progressing  due   reduce   damage   of   flooding.   By   stretching   around   the   roots  
in  a  multi-­‐layered  way  and  in  differing  depth,  underground  
to   large-­‐scale   monoculture   farming.   However   even   in   regions  
water  can  be  better  retained  and  the  rain  capacity  can  be  
where  small-­‐scale  farming  is  the  majority,  such  as  Africa,  India,   expanded,   creating   an   ecosystem   that   is   strong   against  
and  China,  the  use  of  modern  farming  methods  is  exacerbating   droughts  and  absorbs  floods.  

the  desertification  process,  expanding  the  regions  under  the  risk.  In  arid  zones  where  many  developing  countries  are  
located,  the  frail  ecosystem  and  socio-­‐political  instability  are  posing  serious  issues:  Poverty  and  malnutrition  prevail,  
and  the  loss  of  biodiversity  is  expanding  at  an  alarming  rate.  
Synecoculture   farming   has   been   implemented   in   Burkina  Faso  at  the  Sahel  region  in  sub-­‐Saharan  Africa  
situated  at  the  boundary  of  the  arid  zone  and  the  tropics.  From  an  initial  success  story,  it  is  expected  to  make  a  great  
contribution  to  the  recovery  of  both  social  and  ecological  systems.  
The  benefits  of  synecoculture  farming  in  the  arid  zone,  based  on  the  implementation  in  Burkina  Faso,  are  as  follows.  
1) Turnover  speed  similar  to  the  tropics:  
As   the   atmospheric   temperature   is   high   in   the   arid   zone,   if   the   vegetation   is   dense   enough   to   hold   the   water   in  
the  topsoil,  vigorous  growth  similar  to  the  tropics  can  be  observed.  
2) Lack  of  competing  vegetation  (weed  seeds)  makes  managing  and  mixing  newly-­‐introduced  species  easy:  
In   the   arid   region,   the   indigenous   seed   bank   is   not   as   robust   as   the   other   regions.   Conversely,   it   is   easy   to  
manage  vegetation  that  is  predominantly  covered  with  useful  plants  like  vegetables.    
3) Less  risk  of  social  conflict  between  synecoculture  and  conventional  farming.  Conventional  farming  is  difficult  to  
introduce  in  this  region,  and  even  if  they  do  they  can  realize  only  a  low  level  of  physiological  optimization:  
It  is  not  practical  to  implement  conventional  farming  in  this  region  since  it  poses  a  serious  risk  of  environmental  
destruction.   Lack   of   established   conventional   agriculture   can   be   seen   as   an   opportunity   for   new   farmers  
because  the  market  entry  regulation   is  also  non-­‐existent.  Standardization  for  agricultural  product  is  rare,  which  
means   there   is   a   ground   for   people   to   embrace   huge   variety   of   synecoculture   produce,   and   they   can   be   sold  

directly  on  the  local  market.  A  lack  of  resources  does  not  allow  people  to  use  expensive  fertilizer  and  machinery,  
but   in   a   way,   this   reduces   the   risk   of   introducing   fertilizer   and   tillage   machinery,   which   are   both   against   the  
principle  of  synecoculture.    
4)     Job  creation  in  a  smallholder  farm:  
Many  members  of  society  from  this  region  are  small-­‐scale  family  farmers.  Since  labor  skill  required  to  work  in  
the  synecoculture  farm  are  mostly  manual  labor,  they  can  be  employed  immediately  without  much  training.   For  
small-­‐scale  farmers  based  on  individual  household  economies  as  the  main  constituent,  achieving  low  cost,  high  
revenue  leads  to  a  large  and  direct  economic  impact.  
To   introduce   synecological   farming   methods   in   arid   regions   as   part   of   desert   greening,   the   followings   are   the  
recommended  strategies:  
・ Find   the   vegetation   among   robust   creeper   vines   (e.g.   kudzu   legume,   Pueraria   montana)   that   could   be   used   as   a  
feed  for  livestock  like  cows.  Use  them  as  a  pioneer  plant  when  implementing  synecoculture.  
・ Plant  these  creeper  vines  near  the  water  source,  and  guide  them  to  grow  towards  the  desert.  Once  the  tip  of  
the  extended  end  grows  thick  leaves  and  takes  root,  have  the  livestock  feed  on  the  leaves.  Feces  of  the  livestock  
will  serve  as  natural  manure  and  increase  the  productivity  of  the  soil.  
・ If   necessary   water  at  the  base   of   the  vine   plant.   If   there   isn't   much   water,   creating   V-­‐shape   vegetation   from   the  
water  source  is  effective  at  greening  over  a  wide  area.  
・ Create  walls  of  creeper  plants  in  intervals  of  a  few  tens  of  meters.  In  between  these  walls,  plant  a  mixture  of  
perennial  plants,  trees,  and  grass  that  are  strong  against  dry  weather  and  reinforce  water  retention  of  the  soil.  
At  this  beginning  stage,  focus  on  building  the  environment  and  growing  seedlings  at  minimum  cost.  After  the  
ecosystem  is  established,  gradually  increase  the  elements  of  productivity.    

Image  :  Examples  of  synecoculture  farms  in  arid  regions  of  the  tropics.  

Even   in   a   harsh   environment   where   other   farming   methods   face  

difficulty,   synecoculture's   farming   method   that   is   founded   on   the  

construction   of   the   ecosystem,   is   proven   to   accomplish   both  

agricultural  productivity  and  ecological  restoration.  (Photo:  July  2016  


5-­‐5.  Tropics     Supported   by   high   temperatures   and   precipitation,   tropics  
features   the   most   diverse   inhabitation   of   plants,   animals,   and  
Tropics   are   a   region   surrounding   the   equator.   Temperature   microbes  on  the  planet.  However,  as  the  decomposition  rate  of  
is   consistently   high   and   its   fluctuation   remains   small   in   organic   matter   is   fast,   the   topsoil   formation   is   thin   and  
vulnerable   to   disturbances.   At   a   glance   it   may   seem   like   the  
annual   range.   For   the   most   part,   it   rains   heavily   but   some   most   rich   environment,   but   it's   also   an   environment   that  
regions   do   have   a   dry   season.   Lush   vegetation   of   tropical   requires  meticulous  care  and  maintenance.  

plants  forms  a  various  degree  of  jungle  depending  on  the  precipitation.  It  is  also  a  treasure  trove  of  medicinal  plant  
Tropical  rainforests  of  Southeast  Asia  and  the  Amazon  in  South  America  typically  provide  the  critical  ecosystem  that  
supports   biodiversity   of   the   earth.   However,   this   function   is   being   diminished   severely   due   to   rapid   economic  
development  and  deforestation.  Soil  structure  in  tropics  form  quickly,  but  also  is  susceptible  to  external  forces.  This  
trait   makes   its   soil   highly   vulnerable   to   logging   and   plowing,   leading   to   rapid   structural   failure.   Furthermore,   the  
coastal  ecosystems  of  the  tropics  and  the  subtropics  are  a  home  to  coral  reefs  that  nurtures  25%  of  all  marine  species  
on  earth.  The  expansion  of  conventional  farming  in  this  region  will  contaminate  the  ground  water  and  consequently  
affect  the  global  marine  ecosystem.  Synecoculture  in  tropics  hold  important  implication,  as  it  allows  the  continuous  
formation  and  maintenance  of  soil  structure  while  taking  into  account  the  circulation  of  land  and  sea.    

6. Education,  Certification  System,  Other  

6-­‐1.  Synecoculture  Farming  Workshop  
Takashi   Otsuka   in   the   Ise   Synecoculture   farm   holds   synecoculture   farming   workshops   regularly   in   Ise   City,   Mie  
Prefecture,  Japan.  Please  contact  the  Sakura  Nature  School  for  more  information.  
Contact  for  participation  in  synecoculture  farming  workshops:  [email protected]  

6-­‐2.  Synecoculture  Farming  Certification  System  

Japanese   word   for   synecoculture   (協生農法)   is   a   registered   trademark   of   Sakura   Nature   School   in   Japan.   Any  
economic  activity  using  the  name  of 協生農法(synecoculture),  such  as  sales  of  produce,  must  be  authorized  by  the  
Sakura  Nature  School.  
There   is   no   regulation   to   implement   synecoculture   in   home   gardens,   and   sell   produce   without   authorization   as   long  
as  it  does  not  use  the  name  of 協生農法(synecoculture).  
The   term   "synecoculture,"   as   well   as   the   original   Japanese   terminology   ( 協生農法 ,   kyousei   nouhou)   and   its  
multilingual   derivatives   are   copyrighted   as   an   open   source.   The   practice   of   synecoculture,   including   sales   and  
research   activities,   is   free   to   everyone,   however,   any   uses   that   do   not   conform   to   the   content   presented   in   this  
manual  or  the  academic  definition  are  irrelevant  to  the  results  of  synecological  farming  or  synecoculture,  and  will  be  
judged  as  a  falsification  regardless  of  the  presence  or  absense  of  intent.  
For  the  implementation  in  every  region,  for  those  who  require  authorization  for  synecoculture,  a  certificate  will  be  
issued  following  an  appropriate  field  survey.  
6-­‐3.  Disclaimer  
For  any  kind  of  damage  resulting  in  the  implementation  of  synecoculture  based  on  the  information  contained  in  this  
manual,  all  actions  are  the  responsibility  of  the  practitioner.  We  appreciate  your  consent  and  understanding  as  you  
apply  these  methods.  

In  Conclusion  
The  objective  of  the  conventional  agriculture  has  been  to  produce  artificially  enlarged  “farmed  vegetables”  through  
the  use  of  science  and  technology.  This  is  ironic  in  the  sense  that  the  more  effort  that  is  dedicated  to  this  pursuit,  
the   further   the   plants   travel   away   from   a   natural,   healthy   state.   When   I   look   at   the   current   agriculture   and   their  
plant  species,  I  can’t  help  seeing  a  resemblance  to  our  own  species  and  struggles  with  countless  health  issues  such  
as   lifestyle   disease   and   metabolic   syndrome.   Additionally,   as   biodiversity   on   this   planet   is   reducing   at   an   alarming  
rate,  human  population  is  growing  at  an  exponential  rate,  which  could  be  compared  to  a  large  outbreak  of  pests  in  
the  ecosystem  of  monocultural  farm.  
In   synecoculture,   our  objective   is   to   return   to  the  natural  state  of  plants  and  animals  as  our  primary   food   source,  
which  we  have  relied  on  for  our  survival  over  millions  of  years.  Furthermore,  considering  our  exceptional  ability  to  
affect  and  modify  natural  environment  in  global  scale,  it  is  not  an  overstatement  to  say  that  we,  the  human  species,  
hold  the  leading  role  to  a  truly  sustainable  society  in  harmony  with  nature  where  all  living  species  can  coexist.  Such  
an  endeavor  depends,  wholly  on  the  success  and  sustatinability  of  our  primary  industries,  starting  with  agricultural  
I  believe  that  goal  is  attainable  if  we  advocate  for  the  cultivation  and  utilization  of  plants  in  their  natural  state  rather  
than   continually   furthering   research   on   element-­‐wise   pesticides   and   fertilizers.   To   this   end,   relying   purely   on  
research   and   academia   will   not   be   sufficient.   Practical   implementation   and   experience   from   the   general   public  
should   be   brought   together,   and   our   reponsibility   to   the   environment   must   also   be   addressed   as   an   integrated  
citizen   science.   Synecoculture   aims   to   take   on   part   of   that   responsibility   in   realizing   a   truly   sustainable   social  
ecological  system.    

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