Climate Neutral and Resilient Farming Systems
Climate Neutral and Resilient Farming Systems
Climate Neutral and Resilient Farming Systems
and practicality of climate neutral and resilient farming systems with focus on
smallholder farms, and the potential for climate mitigation and the Nationally
Determined Contributions (NDCs). It adds new knowledge and is useful for a
wide audience in this field.”
Dr. V. Geethalakshmi, Ph.D., FAAM,
Vice-Chancellor, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Coimbatore, India
“IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report of Working Group I stated in 2021 that ‘It is
unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land’.
The agricultural sector should take immediate measures to mitigate and adapt to
the climate change due to global warming. For irrigation engineers, it is very sig-
nificant to have a firm grasp of the topic Climate Neutral and Resilience Farming
Systems (CNRFSs), which is the focus of this book.”
Tsugihiro Watanabe, Vice President of the International
Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), Professor
Emeritus of Kyoto University, Japan
“We need to deploy innovative solutions at scale to tackle climate change. This
book is timely in helping to promote a gri-food systems as an important part of the
solution to the climate crisis, especially in the lead up to COP27 in Egypt and
Zitouni Ould-Dada, Deputy Director, Office of Climate
Change, Biodiversity and Environment (OCB), Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Via
delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome, Italy
Climate Neutral and Resilient
Farming Systems
Udaya Sekhar Nagothu is Research Professor and Director at the Centre for
International Development, NIBIO (Norsk Institutt for Biookonomi/Norwegian
Institute of Bioeconomy Research), Norway. He is the editor of The Bioeconomy
Approach (2020), Agricultural Development and Sustainable Intensification (2018),
Climate Change and Agricultural Development (2016) and Food Security and Devel-
opment (2015).
Earthscan Food and Agriculture
Edited by
Udaya Sekhar Nagothu
Preface ix
List of figures xi
List of tables xv
List of boxes xvii
List of contributors xix
Acknowledgements 211
Index 213
We are now facing an increase in the frequency of extreme weather events due to
climate change, which is exacerbating temperature extremes and impacting soil,
water and growth conditions of crops. The agriculture sector is both a victim and
cause of climate change. To address the climate crisis, we need a transformative
change in the way we farm in the future and move from the intensive farming
systems towards carbon-neutral farming. The change implies a drastic reduction
in the use of external chemical inputs and adopting agroecological-based prac-
tices wherever possible. Any climate mitigation efforts to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions in agriculture and food systems must benefit other relevant sectors and
provide co-benefits to adaptation and resilience.
There is no “one-size-fits-all” solution to address climate crisis. A mosaic of
adaptation and mitigation options that suit different situations considering the
environmental, social and economic contexts and vulnerabilities must be devel-
oped. The package of measures must include nature-based, cultural, physical and
biological solutions suitable for the agroecosystems. Further, the efforts need sup-
portive policies, collective stakeholder action, knowledge sharing and adequate
investments to promote systematic implementation. Though the limited funding
opportunities in developing countries will force governments to follow the eco-
nomic agenda rather than invest in climate action, there is still hope. One way to
address this challenge is by ensuring that development work is “climate proofed”
and climate action to be development oriented. In this way, governments can
justify their investments to combat climate change.
The various chapters in the book were drafted by 33 experienced research-
ers and consultants from several disciplines representing more than 20 agencies
worldwide, bringing together diverse field experiences. Several of the book chap-
ters focus on rice, the major cereal providing food security to millions of people
worldwide. Paddy rice is also one of the major sources of methane emissions and
facing several challenges due to high input prices, increased incidence of pests,
low market prices and labour shortages. The book emphasizes on the relevance
and use of agroecological-based soil, water and crop management practices that
have the potential for increasing productivity whilst reducing greenhouse gases
and addressing relevant SDGs (especially SDGs 2, 13 and 15). Addressing the
x Preface
c limate-related challenges will not be easy unless the farmers are motivated, in-
centivized and willing to adapt to the change. We must be optimistic, as it is
necessary to make farming systems resilient, and at the same time mitigate future
climate risks. The open access book will be useful to a wide range of audience
including scientific community, development agencies and policymakers.
A global climate crisis is drawing the attention of activists, politicians, scientists,
and the general public at large, not only due to the increasing rate of extreme
climate events across the world and the severity of the destruction caused by
these events to communities and ecosystems but also due to their continuous
coverage in the media (WMO, 2021). At the same time, climate change debate
is shaping the political landscape in several countries, with some countries se-
riously concerned and pressing for immediate action, while others do not see it
as an immediate threat, even in the developed world. Lack of adequate infor-
mation, evidence-based data, and uncertainty in forecasts are helping sceptics
and politicians in both developed and developing countries to argue that climate
change is not an immediate threat to global society. Such ignorance leads to
short-sighted policy decisions and lack of needed transformative action and sup-
port for investments to combat climate crises. Since 1990, six assessment reports
by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) were prepared, and
recommendations were made for cutting down greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
(IPCC, 2021). Unfortunately, some world leaders do not recognize the seriousness
of the threats and fail to stand by the commitments made to reduce emissions. As
long as these commitments are not put into action, it will not be possible to limit
global temperature rise to 1.5°C by the end of the century.
The IPCC on the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) states that “it is unequiv-
ocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land” and
that “widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and
biosphere have occurred” (IPCC, 2021a). According to the Report, the world has
rapidly warmed by 1.1°C which is higher than pre-industrial levels, and is now
moving towards 1.5°C – a critical threshold level that world leaders agreed to
maintain and take measures to prevent warming above that level (IPCC, 2021b).
The complex shifts observed in recent years affecting our planet’s weather and
climate systems are contributing to the melting of glaciers, sea-level rise, and
DOI: 10.4324/9781003273172-1
2 Udaya Sekhar Nagothu et al.
increase in temperature. The atmospheric carbon dioxide levels reached a record
high in 2020, unprecedented in human history as the world was also grappling
with one of the worst pandemics (NORR, 2021). The year 2020 was also one of
the hottest years recorded globally, and the hottest ever in Europe that has led
to serious forest fires and floods (WMO, 2021). The wild fires in California and
Australia, the destructive floods in Germany, and the heat waves in Canada dur-
ing the summer of 2021 all indicate that the climate crisis is impacting seriously
and can no longer be ignored (GDACS, 2021). The scale of destruction not only
to property and infrastructure but also to human life and ecosystems cannot
continue to be tolerated, especially in regions and populations that are highly
vulnerable. Limiting global warming is only possible by taking drastic measures
to cut GHG emissions, while also removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
through l arge-scale carbon sequestration measures (IPCC, 2021b). The economic
instability caused by COVID-19, with the focus by governments on funding
health initiatives combined with priorities to ensure jobs and economic growth,
will nevertheless pose a big challenge to combat the climate crisis.
This chapter provides an introduction to the climate crisis, followed by a brief
overview of the sources and extent of GHG emissions from various sectors in
general, and the agriculture sector in particular, and the challenges to reduce
emissions from the latter. The chapter then discusses the potential solutions for
reducing GHG emissions from the agriculture sector, including technological,
investment, and policy support required. A separate section is dedicated to intro-
duce the climate-neutral and resilient farming systems (CNRFS) concept and the
various steps necessary for assessing and developing suitable CNRFS. Towards the
end, the chapter provides an outline on the various chapters of the book.
Technological solutions
It is technically feasible for agriculture to become close to carbon neutral, relying
on supply-side mitigation measures alone, although this depends on optimistic
assumptions about the potential of soil carbon sequestration (SCS). Based on full
deployment of available emission reductions, coupled with carbon sequestration
opportunities, the global technical mitigation potential of the agricultural sector
in 2030 is estimated to be 5,500 to 6,000 MtCO2eq yr1 (Smith, 2016).
Investment solutions
The private sector is driving policy around reducing GHG emissions in the ag-
ricultural sector, with governments struggling to keep up to some extent. Gov-
ernments are potentially being outflanked by targets and requirements set by
large international food companies. The o n-farm supply chain emissions of such
8 Udaya Sekhar Nagothu et al.
companies can often account for significant proportions of their total GHG foot-
print (Leahy et al., 2020). For example, 57% of Danone’s “scope 3” GHG emis-
sions are related to the purchase of agricultural products such as milk (Danone,
2017). Many international food and beverage companies (e.g. Danone, Mars Inc.,
Nestle, Tesco, Coca-Cola Co., Kellogg, PepsiCo., Unilever PLC) are driving cli-
mate goals (Leahy et al., 2020). These companies are setting ambitious emissions
targets and increasingly mandating that their suppliers also provide a product that
meets the company’s stated climate agenda.
Considering the extent of emissions from livestock industries, it is critical that
industries actively drive the adoption of c limate-smart policies and invest signif-
icantly. Total GHG emissions from livestock supply chains alone are estimated
to be around 7.1 Gt CO2eq/yr (Gerber et al., 2013). The GHG emissions of 35
of the world’s largest meat and dairy companies are reported to account for up
to 1 Gt CO2eq/yr (14%). The on-farm supply chains from these companies are a
major source of emissions (GRAIN and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade
Policy, 2018). It is likely that these company goals, coupled with global market
dynamics, will increasingly shape production systems of the future. While this
approach may influence internationally traded products, it may have limited im-
pact on subsistence and smallholder farmers that provide more than half of total
food production in many developing countries (Rapsomanikis, 2015). Invest-
ment, development, commercialization, and scaling of next-horizon technologies
should greatly accelerate efforts to reduce GHG emissions in the agriculture
There are a range of promising technologies at various stages of development
that could have significant GHG abatement potential in the crop and livestock
sectors. These include gene editing for disease resistance or for enhanced carbon
sequestration, plant and soil microbiome technology, aerobic rice, direct methane
capture from beef and dairy cattle, perennial row crops, inhibition of enteric fer-
mentation through vaccines, and novel feed additives (Al-Azzawi, 2021, IGI, 2021;
ITIF, 2020; McKinsey & Company, 2020).
Policy solutions
To achieve any given level of mitigation in GHG emissions at minimum eco-
nomic cost, two requirements are necessary for policy measures (OECD, 2021).
The first requirement is the use of m
arket-based policy instruments that achieve a
common price for GHG emissions (such as an emissions tax or emissions trading
scheme). The second is that coverage of the m arket-based policy includes the
largest possible share of global emissions from all regions and sectors. These two
policy requirements should ensure that the lowest cost mitigation measures are
adopted, given the large heterogeneity in marginal abatement costs among agents,
sectors, and regions.
So far, no single country has set a mandatory carbon price for agricultural
emissions and current evidence suggests considerable reluctance to applying other
Climate change impacts on agriculture 9
climate policies with comparable stringency to agriculture (Leahy et al., 2020).
A recent review on agricultural GHG mitigation pathways stated that a more
realistic view is needed if we are to avoid modelled emission scenarios providing
an overly optimistic picture of mitigation potentials from the agricultural sector
(Leahy et al., 2020). While there are entry points for mitigation of agricultural
GHGs outside government price policies, many questions remain unanswered
around their efficacy and scalability, requiring a concerted effort to bridge the gap
from modelled emissions to realistic policy pathways.
Integrated policy interventions that span supply and demand approaches will
be required to achieve agricultural mitigation pathways that are aligned with
the 1.5ºC pathway (IPCC, 2019). Agricultural trade is subject to a wide range
of constraints and distortionary subsidies that reflect powerful special interests.
Furthermore, developing countries’ desire for food self-sufficiency and protection
from food price spikes must be considered. It is worth noting that some of these
spikes have been linked to increased biofuel demand driven by climate policies in
the energy sector of developed countries (Anderson, 2016). Hence, international
coordination is fundamental to addressing concerns about competitiveness, en-
suring environmentally effective outcomes, and avoiding negative consequences
at the trans-national scale (Blandford and Hassapoyannes, 2018).
Current evidence suggests reluctance to apply rigorous climate policies to agri-
culture, even in developed countries. In theory, substantial reductions in agricul-
tural emissions could be attained through a number of mechanisms, including the
widespread introduction of p rice-based policies or other measures with an implicit
price (Leahy et al., 2020). However, there appears to be little current interest
in such strategies. For example, New Zealand is the only country actively con-
sidering a compulsory price on agricultural emissions, although more than 100
countries have included agriculture mitigation in their NDCs (Richards, 2019).
Existing conditions increasing GHGs emissions, CNRFSs reducing GHG emissions, increasing C
loss of Carbon storage
SOIL: Precision soil/fertilizer management (e.g., soil
SOIL: Unbalanced & excess use of fertilizers metagenomics, N- inhibitors)
WATER: Inefficient water management WATER: Water use efficiency and improvement
CROP: Laqck of integrated systems, Puddled pathways (efficient irrigation and cropping systems)
paddy rice cultivation, chemical pest control, CROP: Integrated and diverse cropping systems,
burning crop residues Alternate climate neutral cereal-legume, crop-
MARKETS: Lack of market access and livestock systems
consumers MARKETS: Favourable markets and consumer
support for greener products
Transition to
Business as Usual CNRFSs Carbon neutral & resilient farming systems
Irrespective of farm size, ecologically sound practices (e.g. minimum tillage, leg-
ume N-fixing crops, stubble retention) that can reduce environmental impacts,
thereby enhancing climate neutrality and keeping food production systems in safe
spaces, should be introduced (Bommarco et al., 2013, Dainese et al., 2019). Fur-
ther, combining local measures with landscape management concepts (through
permanent green infrastructure, enhanced crop diversity, and coordinated place-
ment of agri-environment schemes) provides a novel pathway to more sustainable
agriculture (Martin et al., 2019).
Digital and space-based technologies represent another line of promising and
emerging solutions to counter environmental costs of crop production systems,
improve efficiency, and enhance climate resilience (King, 2017). Such solutions
include precision farming with threshold-based and spatially targeted applica-
tion of pesticides and fertilizers, more efficient irrigation systems, and sensor-
and remote sensing-based monitoring of crop growth and potential risks (King,
2017). A key factor to bridge gaps between scientific theoretical knowledge and
practical implementation is the continuous involvement, training, and co-
d esign of solutions with farmer’s communities and other stakeholders (Kleijn
et al., 2019). Combining the n ature-and technology-based components to pilot
and upscale systematically designed innovative solutions will be the way forward
in the future. Thus, it should be possible to overcome the limitations and risks of
current conventional farming systems, including stagnation of yields, increasing
yield losses due to pests and extreme weather events, degradation of soils, and
emission of GHGs.
Institutional changes involve a whole range of factors such as implementa-
tion of conducive policies, enabling environments and effective value chains
(Glover et al., 2019). Also the influence of risk and uncertainty in relation to
socio-economic and marketing constraints will be important to include while
implementing new systems (Reardon et al., 2019). The diffusion of CNRFS will
depend on the role of service providers (e.g. business, advisory, information,
extension) to a large extent. The transformation process should adopt a wider
stakeholder perspective in order to come up with strategies for fostering collab-
oration among actors and enhancing uptake of innovations (FAO, 2014). The
overall aim is to reach n et-zero emissions, together with reduced external in-
puts and more stable yields that can contribute to sustainability along agri-food
chains. An important step in the process is to address the economic, social,
and environmental sustainability challenges related to current farming systems
and develop measurable baseline indicators, some of which have already been
addressed in the previous stages. Attention is needed to reduce GHG emission
in the process.
Climate change impacts on agriculture 15
Multi-actor partnerships to enhance CNRFS
An inclusive m ulti-actor approach aims at a more d emand-driven innovation pro-
cess through the genuine involvement of diverse actors all along the project and
different segments of the agri-food chains, from farm to fork. Multi-actor platforms
(MAPs) have the potential to bring diverse actors together in a structured pro-
cess of interactive learning, sharing, empowerment, and collaborative governance
(Brouwer et al., 2015). Together, the actors can discuss opportunities and the ways
to achieve a desired set of goals. The MAPs can promote innovation in the face
of complexity, uncertainty and risk, and strengthen science-policy linkage. This is
achieved by building trust and continuous dialogue among the actors with inter-
connected but potentially divergent interests or viewpoints (Brouwer et al., 2015).
A multi-actor approach involves working directly with farmers, managers, civil
society groups (e.g. youth, indigenous groups, and women); n on-governmental or-
ganizations (NGOs); and scientific, policy, and business communities (EIP-AGRI,
2020). Their involvement in analysis, co-design, piloting, and upscaling of prom-
ising CNRFS will be highly relevant for promoting new CNRFS. The knowledge
and experience of key agri-food actors combined with scientific knowledge will
help to develop applicable best practices. Setting up sustainable MAPs, however,
is a significant challenge (Reid et al., 2014), requiring a whole range of skills, sup-
port, structure, and process.
The regional and sectoral needs and contexts (environmental, socio-economic,
geographical, cultural) must be considered from an early stage in the process of
transition to CNRFS. The process should ensure that all relevant food systems
stakeholders are actively engaged so that:
In line with the multi-actor approach, defining and prioritizing the research needs
together with the MAPs should be done simultaneously, including piloting the
most appropriate combinations of solutions to accelerate the transition to CNRFS
(Nagothu et al., 2018). Specific care should be taken to engage young professionals
(e.g. young farmers, young fishers, young researchers, young entrepreneurs), SMEs,
consumers, and citizens.
16 Udaya Sekhar Nagothu et al.
Stakeholder perceptions about climate change
While drafting this book chapter, farmers, scientists, and government agencies in
some of the rice growing regions in Piedmont, northern Italy, and the Odisha and
Assam provinces in India, were contacted during S eptember-October 2021. The
purpose was to seek their opinion and perceptions on the current climate crisis
and associated vulnerability and the implications of the Sixth IPCC report. In
general, stakeholders in both India and Italy perceived the climate crisis as an im-
mediate threat – exhibited by temperature changes, i.e. long dry periods alternat-
ing with unexpected intensive rainfall, warmer in the winter months and during
early spring. Farmers, whether in Italy or in India, viewed that changes to climate
will have a serious and direct influence on food production due to extreme climate
variability. According to the respondents, farmers will be one of the communities
most affected by the climate crisis because it is difficult to plan and grow crops in
highly variable environments.
During the discussions, farmers and government agencies suggested combat-
ing climate crisis with climate-neutral solutions in agriculture that can create
maximum impact – and able to address both adaptation and mitigation simul-
taneously (to reduce GHGs and store carbon in the soils). Some of the measures
suggested were (i) minimum tillage of the soil, (ii) growing climate resilient crop
varieties with short duration (to reduce GHGs and fix soil carbon), (iii) diverse
crops, cereal-legume rotations, and (iv) mulching with biomass to increase or-
ganic matter in the soils and enhance soil health. Wherever possible, farmers
were of the opinion that these practices should be combined with agroforestry to
increase agri-biodiversity. One farmer practising organic rice farming in Piedmont
suggested that incentives should be given for regenerative organic agriculture,
training agricultural technicians who could, in turn, assist farmers in the green
transition movement. The farmers also expressed that exploitation of alternative
energies such as solar and wind in the agriculture sector should be explored as
they contribute to reduction of GHG emissions.
Although there are incentives or subsidies, they are not directly given to farm-
ers or to support actions that can help in combating the climate crisis. Overall,
the farmer and other stakeholders’ perception was that investments for scaling up
climate-neutral agricultural technologies that can reduce GHG emissions are go-
ing to be a challenge. Farmers in the two countries also expressed concerns that
current agricultural insurance programmes do not cover crop damages and losses
due to climate extremes.
During the interviews, stakeholders expressed that in Europe it may be pos-
sible to tap the European funds for the Regional Rural Development Plan for
supporting farmers to reduce GHG emissions (European Commission, 2017). The
current Horizon Europe programme provides an opportunity for scientists and
stakeholders across the EU to cooperate on research and development to develop
carbon-neutral and green technologies (European Commission, 2021). Whereas
in countries such as India, although subsidies exist in the farming sector, it will
Climate change impacts on agriculture 17
be challenging to access funding for reducing emissions from agriculture, as the
country priorities are different compared to the EU region. It can be worse in
African regions, where funds are even more limited.
The EU is in the forefront when it comes to policy support (EU level and
national) to address the climate crisis. In irrigated regions, it will be important
to make regulations for water use and irrigation and improve efficiency. Farmers
during the interviews expressed that access to climate-neutral technologies, bio-
based solutions, and inputs are important to reduce GHG emissions from the
agriculture sector.
Achieving the major changes required to sufficiently reduce GHG emissions to
meet the necessary targets may be more challenging for agriculture than for other
sectors. In addition, the agriculture sector has a number of other complex objec-
tives to consider alongside climate goals, including food and nutritional security,
biodiversity, and the livelihood of farmers and farming communities.
Rather than just dwelling on how we produce our food, we must change the
way and what we eat, how we reduce food wastage, how we manage our forests and
carbon sinks, and how we apply next-horizon technologies. But we need to act
swiftly; otherwise, emissions in agriculture will continue to grow and contribute
to heating the planet to dangerous levels.
18 Udaya Sekhar Nagothu et al.
However, we must not lose hope. Agriculture has responded to humanity’s
greatest challenges throughout the course of human history, and there is no rea-
son why the current challenges cannot also be addressed. As evidence of this, in
the past 50 years the agriculture sector has increased food production to a level
that many believed impossible. During this crucial window for global action on
climate change, the sector now has another opportunity to make a major contri-
bution to humanity’s success.
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2 Precision-based soil and
nutrient management tools
for enhancing soil health
while reducing environmental
Amaresh Kumar Nayak, Sangita Mohanty, Mehreteab
Tesfai, Rahul Tripathi, Anjani Kumar, and Udaya
Sekhar Nagothu
Soil is one of our most important natural resources that provide us with vital
goods and services to sustain life on land. If soils are healthy and sustainably
managed, they can provide adequate food, clean water, habitats for biodiversity,
and other important ecosystem services while contributing to climate resilience,
adaptation, and mitigation (Stolte et al., 2016). Soils act as source and sink for
greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide
(Oertel et al., 2016). As a source, soil emits nitrous oxides from applied nitrogen
fertilizers and as sink, soil increases carbon sequestration including carbon storage
via fixation and organic fertilizer addition while reducing environmental foot-
prints from rice cultivation.
Rice is one of the staple foods of India that occupies about 24% of its total
cropped area and contributes 42% of total food grain production. Being input-
intensive crop, rice requires around 15–20 kg of nitrogen to produce 1,000 kg
of grain (e.g., Peng et al., 2010). Most Indian soils contain low-to-medium plant
available nitrogen (N), and therefore the yield potential of rice or other crops
largely depends on the exogenous application of nitrogen fertilizers (Panda et al.,
2019). Rice cultivation alone accounts for 37% of the total N fertilizer consump-
tion in India (FAI, 2018). However, more than 60% of this applied N is lost to
environment in the form of N2O, NH3, and NO3. The conventional practice of
rice cultivation in India involves ponding water between 5 and 7 cm depth in the
soil for a considerable part of the growing period. Such soil m icro-environment
accelerates the processes of nitrogen transformation and its losses through nitrifi-
cation, denitrification, volatilization, leaching, and runoff, which has resulted in
low nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). NUE of a cropping system is defined as ‘the
proportion of all N inputs that are removed in harvested crop biomass, contained
in recycled crop residues, and incorporated into soil organic matter and inorganic
N pools’ (Cassman et al., 2002). As we are aware, use of fertilizer N for crop
DOI: 10.4324/9781003273172-2
Precision-based soil and nutrient management tools 25
production influences soil health primarily through changes in organic matter
content, microbial life, and acidity in the soil (Bijay Singh, 2018).
300 20
Total food production (million
250 16
200 14
150 10
100 6
Total food grain production(million tonnes)
50 4
N consumption( million tonnes) 2
0 0
Figure 2.1 Trend of total food grain production and fertilizer N consumption in India:
Source: Fertilizer statistics (
2019). Data adapted from https://
26 Amaresh Kumar Nayak et al.
of food grains (cereals and pulses) in India by 2050, to feed around 1.8 billion
people (Kumar and Sharma, 2020). During these years, not only the consumption
of fertilizer N will increase tremendously but also the flow of reactive N from
agroecosystems and associated environmental losses.
However, the increased food production during the Green Revolution (e.g., by
applying nitrogen fertilizers) was at the expense of environmental degradation. It
has caused severe degradation of land and water resources, soil pollution, and high
levels of GHG emissions (Rahman, 2015). To address these challenges, research
on nitrogen fertilizer management focused more on nutrient stewardship princi-
ples that entail right rate, right time, right methods, and right source (4R) of nutrient
application (IFA, 2009).
The above-mentioned 4R principles of nutrient stewardship (Box 2.1) are not
new. This chapter, however, attempted to present and discuss c ontext-specific pre-
cision nutrient management tools and techniques that can effectively support the
4R principles in the context of rice cultivation to improve soil health while reduc-
ing environmental footprints. The 4R principles could be applied using p recision-
b ased tools such as remote sensing, Geographic Information System (GIS), Global
positions systems (GPS), and simulation modelling. One of the key factors in im-
plementing precision nutrient management is the ability to provide timely infor-
mation regarding spatial distribution of crop N status within a field. From this
perspective, determining plant N concentration by proximal or remote sensing
techniques is much more appealing than the traditional destructive chemical
analyses on soil/plant samples considering the cost and time required.
Methodological framework
The 4R Nutrient Stewardship framework was applied in the Norwegian funded
Resilience project ( in the case studies of Odisha state
(India) by adopting best management practices for soil and nutrients focusing
on Nitrogen. The 4R principles aim to enhance production, increase NUE, and
increase farmer profitability while reducing environmental footprints (Figure 2.2).
• Modeling approach
• STCR • Critical stage based
• SSNM • Real time Application
• RS based N (CLCC, riceNxpert)
management zone
Right Rate Right Time
4R Nutrient
Source Right Place
• Controlled Release Fertilizers • Deep placement
(SCU, NCU ) • Root zone application
• USG, Urea briquette • Foliar spray
Soil test-based crop Precise fertilizer recommendations are made after the
response approach establishment of a significant relationship between soil test
values, added fertilizer nutrients, and crop response for a
particular soil type (Singh et al., 2021)
Site-specific nutrient Supplying plants with nutrients to optimally match their
management approach inherent spatial and temporal needs for supplemental
nutrients by using different tools such as remote sensing,
GPS, and GIS systems (Verma et al., 2020)
Leaf colour chart A diagnostic tool used to determine N level in rice plants
relative to greenness of the leaves, containing at least four
panels of colour, ranging from yellowish green to dark
green (Nayak et al., 2013)
Sulphur-coated urea Slow-release fertilizer made by coating urea with sulphur
and wax that increases NUE, improves plant growth, and
reduces water pollution (Shivay et al., 2016)
Neem-coated urea Nitrification inhibitor which increases yield, uptake, and use
efficiency of applied N fertilizer in rice (Meena et al., 2018)
Urea super granules Fertilizer applied at 8 –10 cm soil depth saves 30% N,
increases absorption rate, improves soil health, and
ultimately increases rice yield (Sarker et al., 2012)
Basal + LCC (4.0) based top 20 15–57 (PPF N) Ali et al. (2017)
Basal + LCC (4.0) based top 22 7.9 (REN) Mohanty et al. (2018)
Basal + CLCC (≤ 3.0) based 10–13 8.9–12.4 (REN) Mohanty et al. (2021)
top dressing
No basal + LCC (4.0) based 12–16 19–44 (AEN) Shukla et al. (2004)
top dressing
No basal + LCC (≤ 4.0) top 11.3 13 (REN) Bhatia et al. (2012)
REN: recovery efficiency of N, AEN: agronomic efficiency of N, PPFN: partial productivity factor of N.
Source: Adapted from several sources.
Though DSR reduces CH4 emission as it uses less water during initial crop-
ping, it can increase N2O emissions. The C LCC-based NCU application ad-
dresses the trade-offs between CH4 and N2O emissions by translating their
emissions into global warming potential (GWP). In other words, minimum
cumulative radiative forcing of the two gases on GWP is the possible op-
tion to minimize the t rade-off and effect of GHG emissions (Susilawati et al.,
2019). Moreover, the CLCC-based NCU application minimized yield loss,
and resulted in 20–25% reduction of GHG index through DSR (Mohanty
et al., 2017). Thus, the GHG index (GHGI) that compares GWP and grain
yield shows a lower value for DSR, implying that DSR mitigates GHG emis-
sion and produces more rice.
Research on LCC-based N application in other rice growing areas of Asia
also showed similar results about saving of N. For instance, savings of N by
up to 25% by Alam et al. (2006) and 8.3% N by Sen et al. (2011) using LCC-
based N management in different rice genotypes compared to the prescribed
dose of N application (120 kg N ha−1). Moreover, the rice grain yields were 4.8
t ha−1 and 4.3 t ha−1 with variety NDR-359 and Sarju-52, respectively.
Since the CLCC is user friendly to small-scale farmers, several state gov-
ernment departments, Indian Council of Agricultural Research institutes,
and state agricultural universities in India have taken the initiatives to de-
velop region-specific CLCC and are upscaling it through various schemes
(Figure 2.3). Today, more than 500,000 units (cards) of the Indian Rice
Research Institute (IRRI)-LCC type have been produced and distributed to
farmers through collaboration with the National Agricultural Research and
Extension Systems. The IRRI-Hyderabad, India centre developed a five-panel
modified LCC for irrigated rice. Similarly, the Punjab Agricultural University
(PAU) has come up with a six-panel LCC for major food crops such as rice,
wheat, and maize. Studies in the Punjab state of India indicated an average
saving of 30 kg N ha−1 due to the use of the P AU-LCC.
Precision-based soil and nutrient management tools 31
CLCC number
< 100
100 - 250
250 - 500
500 - 1500
1500 - 3000
3000 - 5000
> 5000
Grain yield (t ha-1)
4.0 60
PPFN (kg kg-1)
2.0 30
0.0 0
Figure 2.4 G
rain yield and PFPN of rice under different N application strategies.
Source: Field data from Resilience project.
Precision-based soil and nutrient management tools 33
6 RDN riceNxpert CLCC SPAD
Naveen Swarna Sub 1
Figure 2.5 C
omparative performance of real-time N application tools in relation to grain
yield of rice varieties: Naveen and Swarna Sub 1.
Source: Field data from Resilience project.
terms of grain yield in the two rice varieties (Naveen and Swarna Sub) was
on-significant (Figure 2.5). However, the mean difference in grain yield was
statistically significant (P<0.05) between the tools and RDN. There was on
average an 8 –13% increase in grain yield using the precision-based tools over
RDN. The grain yield of Swarna Sub variety was higher than Naveen variety in
all real-time N application tools including RDN but not significant (P<0.05).
Studies comparing real-time N management tools between SPAD and
CLCC are limited and showed varying results. For instance, Patil et al. (2018)
observed that N application using LCC (threshold 4) produced 8.5% higher
yields and using SPAD (threshold 40) produced 5% higher yields than RDN
application. An LCC-based application saved 30 kg N ha−1, while SPAD saved
only 10 kg N ha−1 compared to RDN application. This indicates the need for
situation-specific standardization of SPAD threshold for N application.
An application of 30 kg N ha−1 at ≤3.0 LCC led to additional application
of 42 kg N ha−1 over RDN and contributed to a yield increase by 3.5–19.8%,
whereas an application of 30 kg N ha−1 at ≤35 SPAD produced 0.6 –15.4%
higher yield than RDN (Jahan et al., 2018). This implies that rice crop show-
ing less than 4 LCC reading requires more N application than using SPAD
meter. Other studies conducted by Ali et al. (2015) showed that applying
30 kg N ha−1 at <4 LCC saved up to 40 kg N ha−1, whereas using SPAD
(reading < 37) savings increased to 70 kg N ha−1 while producing similar
yield. In other words, applications of N using SPAD (with 35–37) save more
N than LCC (<4) based applications without yield loss.
There are also models such as Quantitative Evaluation of Tropical Soil Fertility
(QUEFTS), decision support tools (remote sensing, GIS), enhanced efficiency of
N fertilizers (e.g., SCU, NCU, and USG), and precision-based approaches such as
STCR and SSNM, which are coming into use these days to assess the real-time
crop N need (refer Table 2.1). Recommendations from the precision tools must be
put into wider practice in the cultivation of major cereal crops such as rice and
wheat to increase environmental sustainability and reduce GHG emissions.
Models (e.g., Field evaluation (n = 209) in six agro-climatic zones of Odisha
QUEFTS) and showed RCM recommendation provided yield advantage of
decision support 23% over farmer’s practice and income increased by US$188
tools ha−1 per season on average (Sharma et al., 2019)
Soil test-based crop STCR enhanced grain yield by 20% and increased REN by 18%
response under DSR (Singh et al., 2021)
Remote sensing Multispectral data provided by the MODIS satellite were used
and GIS-based N to predict leaf N status in rice. It indicated the in-season N
application need of the crop which varied between 60 and 120 kg N ha−1
for rice growing areas in Odisha. This enhanced rice yield by
8 –12% over blanket recommendation (Tripathi et al., 2017)
Promising initiatives are being undertaken by the NARES and state agri-
cultural extension departments to disseminate R CM-based recommenda-
tions through public extension services, private initiatives such as the village
knowledge centres (promoted by Resilience project), and e-service facilities.
These extension services are available at village level in India. More than
175,000 RCM-based nutrient recommendations have been generated to farm-
ers in Odisha that has increased the grain yield by 0.3–0.8 t ha−1 compared
to the normal farmers’ fertilizer practices and by 0.2–0.4 t ha−1 over blanket
fertilizer recommendation (IRRI, 2019).
ii Soil test-based crop response
It is evident that there is a linear relationship between crop yield and nutrient
uptake until a certain threshold. This linear relationship is used to estimate the
fertilizer requirement of a crop considering the efficiency of soil and fertilizer
nutrients. Based on the targeted yield approach, the ICAR initiated All India
Coordinated Research Project Soil Test Crop Response (AICRP-STCR). The
objective is to develop fertilizer prescription equations for different crops under
different agroecological regions. STCR studies have developed relationship be-
tween crop yield, on the one hand, and soil test estimates and fertilizer inputs,
on the other hand, using ‘targeted yield approach’ (Jat et al., 2015). An STCR-
based approach of nutrient application has advantage in terms of increasing
nutrient response ratio over RDN application and farmer’s practice. Despite
this, soil and plant leaf tests are time-consuming, inconvenient, and expen-
sive, and do not account spatial/temporal variability nutrient contents within
a field. Thus, remotely controlled drone-mounted sensors and associated tools
are required to implement precision-based N application over space and time.
iii Drone-mounted sensors, remote sensing, and GIS-based N application
Soil and plant sampling and tests using sensors attached on drones can col-
lect remotely sensed data from plant canopies, which can be used to measure
canopy greenness and precise N topdressing recommendations (Huuskonen
36 Amaresh Kumar Nayak et al.
and Oksanen, 2018). D rone-mounted sensors, geospatial sciences, GIS, GPS, big
data analytics, and ICTs have a distinct advantage in terms of capturing the var-
iability of agricultural systems for spatio-temporal monitoring of crop and soil.
Remote sensing methods have been proposed to help in precision farming
to gather data, and with proper analytics, the growth during the season can be
monitored. Remote sensing provides spatially dense information that can be used
to assess the crop N status and understand and predict spatially variable crop N
needs. Tripathi et al. (2017) established a relationship between NDVI (obtained
from MODIS image) and leaf N concentration (field measurements) using uni-
variate regression analysis. They developed N fertilizer recommendation map
using MODIS NDVI and leaf area index for rice growing areas in Odisha.
The precision-based tools/techniques used for N management could promote
the effective implementation of soil management practices thereby improving
soil health and reducing environmental footprints in rice cropping systems.
i Zero tillage and/or minimum tillage: There are several research studies that
demonstrate minimal soil disturbance improves soil health and reduces car-
bon or nitrogen losses. For example, a study conducted by Lal et al. (2019)
showed that zero tillage (ZT) lowered energy use by 56%, carbon footprints
by 39%, and N2O emissions by 20% compared to conventional tillage. Zero
tillage also contributes to improving soil health by enhancing the major plant
nutrients including N, labile pool of carbon and enzymatic activities in soil.
A study by Dash et al. (2017) found that the change in soil organic carbon
(SOC) stock was significantly higher under ZT transplanted rice by 5 –7% in
the dry season and 8 –10% in the wet season, compared to conventional tillage
practices. About 12% less methane emission was recorded under ZT treat-
ments over control. In the long run, ZT can aid in enhancing soil health and
reducing the environmental footprint of a rice cropping system despite a 1 0–
15% yield penalty in early years of the experiment. However, studies also (e.g.,
Yadav et al., 2021) reported that conventional tillage disrupts soil structure
and accelerates soil carbon loss by exposing the inter/intra-aggregate spaces of
carbon to aerobic microbes for rapid oxidation (Al-Kaisi and Yin, 2005).
Precision-based soil and nutrient management tools 37
ii Crop diversification ( intercropping): The rice-based
including crop rotations/
monocropping systems in India and other rice growing regions could bene-
fit by growing diverse crops/varieties over time and/or space. These benefits
include increased productivity, increased profitability, and reduced climate
change risks. Farmer-led demonstration trials were conducted in Odisha un-
der the Resilience project. The trials showed that the diversification of rice
fallow with toria (Brassica campestris L.) and green/black gram rendered ad-
ditional yield of 2 t ha−1 and increased system productivity from 4 t ha−1 to 6
t ha−1. Other studies, e.g., growing dry season crops such as green gram and
black gram, had reduced energy use and carbon footprints (Lal et al., 2020).
An inclusion of black gram and green gram in a r ice-based cropping system
enhanced yield of subsequent crop and resulted in 0.04% increase in SOC
content (Porpavai et al., 2011) and reduced GHG emission (Dash, 2019).
iii Crop residue mulching: Crop residue mulch-based ZT system can save energy
in the form of fuel and labour, reduce carbon footprints, and improve net
farm income, soil health, and environmental quality. However, organic sup-
plements are scarce in dry areas of the tropics and farmers use the crop res-
idues for feed, fuel, and/or construction materials. Burning of crop residues
emits GHGs, and causes problems of air pollution, health hazards, and loss of
nutrients which is a matter of serious concern in countries like India. Crop
residue retention in the form of residue mulching using rice straw enhanced
crop production, microbial biota, and enzymatic activities of soil (Lal et al.,
2019). It also has a potential to reduce carbon footprints by avoiding burning
of residues, e.g., in India in rice monoculture (Yadav et al., 2021).
i Farmyard manure with chemical fertilizers: Shahid et al. (2017) reported that
the inclusion of farmyard manure enhanced crop yield and carbon seques-
tration in the long term. Higher carbon sequestration was reported in humid
climates of lower Indo Gangetic plains compared to semi-arid climate of the
upper Indo Gangetic plain (Nayak et al., 2012). The rate of increase in carbon
stock varied between 57 and 89 kg ha−1 yr−1 by applying chemical fertilizers
alone, whereas the rate of increase in carbon stock raised to 6 1–138 kg ha−1
yr−1 with the application of chemical fertilizers (NPK) plus farmyard manure.
This implies that combined application of chemical fertilizers along with or-
ganic materials like farmyard manure increases SOC stocks and sequestration
in the soils, which will contribute to reduction in GHG emissions.
ii Green manuring: Green manure has been identified as an important substitute
to chemical fertilizers in INM practices – particularly applying green manures
38 Amaresh Kumar Nayak et al.
of leguminous agroforestry trees (e.g., Gliricidia sepum: refer C
hapter 8 of this
book) that provide multiple benefits such as fixing nitrogen and capturing
nitrate leaching. In eastern India, green manuring with Sesbania aculeata (in
direct seeded flood-prone lowland rice) accumulated 80–86 kg N ha−1 in pure
stand and 58–79 kg N ha−1 when intercropped with DSR at 50 days of growth.
Dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) manuring was comparable with 40 kg N ha−1 as
urea in increasing yield of direct seeded and transplanted crops (Sharma and
Ghosh, 2000). In general, green manuring with Sesbania spp. enhanced labile
carbon fractions in soils, thereby enhancing microbial biomass.
iii Vermicomposting including biofertilizers: Vermicomposting is a biological pro-
cess using a variety of worms including earthworms to transform organic
waste into natural nutrient-rich compost, which breaks down organic mate-
rial through the interaction between worms and microorganisms (Rahman
et al., 2019). In India, the application of vermicompost at 20 t ha−1 to the
soil significantly improved soil porosity and aggregate stability (Ferreras et al.,
2006). In rice-legume cropping systems, an integrated application of 50%
vermicompost and 50% chemical fertilizer/biofertilizers resulted in 12–20%
higher grain yields compared with 100% chemical fertilizer alone (Jeyabal
et al., 2001). On-farm demonstration/training on vermicompost preparation
and its application was conducted for farmers in Ganjam project areas of
Odisha through the Resilience project training programme. Farmers realized
the benefits of applying vermicompost into the soils in terms of increase in
yields, benefit-cost ratio, and income compared to conventional composting.
Policy implications
Several schemes have been initiated by the Government of India recently to pro-
mote location-specific improved agronomic practices using soil health cards and
precision-based tools/techniques.
This chapter has presented and discussed some key research results from the ongo-
ing Resilience project to show the positive contributions of p recision-based tools/
techniques in nutrient management in rice cultivation in Odisha. In addition, soil
health improving practices that have the potential to reduce environmental foot-
prints and their policy implications for large-scale adoption were discussed.
40 Amaresh Kumar Nayak et al.
i Precision-based tools/techniques for nutrient management
The precision nutrient and soil management techniques discussed in the
chapter have demonstrated advantages in terms of yield advancement, re-
source saving, enhancement in carbon stock, improvement in soil health,
and reducing environmental footprint. Some of the precision nutrient
management technologies involve high cost, sophisticated instruments, ad-
vanced data collection and analysis. However, data generated using these
technologies will be useful for validation and ground toothing while devising
large-scale remote sensing-based site-specific recommendation. The advent
of remote sensing system such as unmanned air vehicles equipped with mul-
tispectral, hyperspectral, and thermal sensors can deliver real-time data at
the spatial scale required for precision nutrient management.
The precision-based tools/techniques have considerable adaptation and
mitigation potential that could be exploited by providing policy support, ad-
equate funding, infrastructure and extension, and farmer training support as
needed. Government policy support and open collaboration with stakehold-
ers at all levels will facilitate adoption of precision soil and nutrient manage-
ment practices in agriculture.
ii Soil health improving practices
Agroecological approaches, such as conservation agriculture, with good agron-
omy and soil management practices such as zero tillage, crop diversifications,
and residue mulching have shown an increase in carbon storage and seques-
trations, and reduction in GHG emissions and GWP. This is in relation to
the emission of methane from rice paddies and nitrogen losses from inefficient
use of nitrogen fertilizers. India’s commitment for the NMSA – achieving its
NDCs, and attaining the goal of zero emission by 2070 – can be supplemented
to great extent by promoting cost-effective precision-based tools/techniques
with suitable soil health improving practices. In this connection, there is a
need to investigate low-cost precision-based tools/techniques for the effective
implementation of soil health management practices that are user friendly.
The chapter has benefited from the results of the Resilience project field trials
in Odisha. The authors would like to thank field enumerators and lead farmers
involved in the field demos. At the same time, they acknowledge the support of
the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs/The Norwegian Embassy, New Delhi
for funding and support to the Resilience project in India (2018–2023).
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3 Organizational alternate
wetting and drying (AWD)
irrigation management in
rice by water user groups for
reducing methane emission and
water saving
Kimihito Nakamura, Le Xuan Quang, and
Soken Matsuda
Paddy rice agriculture needs to respond to two issues relevant to climate change:
one is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the other is to save water.
Paddy fields are an important source of methane (CH4), which is one of GHGs
responsible for global warming. Though nitrous oxide (N2O) is also one of GHGs
released from the agricultural fields (Nishimura, 2004), the carbon dioxide equiv-
alent of N2O released from rice paddies is lower than that of methane (Quang
et al., 2019). Therefore, methane is the focus in this chapter. Wetland soils are the
main natural source with an estimated emission of 100–200 Tg·year–1, whereas
the other sources are oceans, forest soils, termites, and wild ruminants. Of the an-
thropogenic emissions, domesticated ruminants (65–100 Tg·year–1) and rice fields
(25–150 Tg·year–1) are responsible for 1 5–40% of the total emissions. Human ac-
tivities, including the expansion of paddy rice, played an important role in the
observed long-term methane trend over the past two millennia (Sapart et al.,
2012). Hence, the need to reduce methane emissions from paddy fields is critical
for mitigation (Runkle et al., 2019).
The production and consumption of methane in soils is caused by the meta-
bolic activities of soil microorganisms. Soil organic matter is decomposed by a
series of microbial activities, and methane is finally produced by methanogenic
bacteria under strongly reducing conditions. When redox potential drops to
less than −150 mV (Gupta et al., 2021) or −200 mV (Jean and Pierre, 2001), the
methanogenesis process starts. After the production of methane, some of it is
consumed by methanotrophs in oxidized zones (rhizosphere, lower part of culms,
soil-water interface, and submersion water) (Jean and Pierre, 2001), and some of
it is released to the atmosphere. In planted rice fields, there are two pathways of
methane from soil to atmosphere: ebullition loss by the release of gas bubbles, and
plant transport, into the roots by diffusion and conversion to methane gas in the
aerenchyma and cortex of rice plants and concurrent release to the atmosphere
DOI: 10.4324/9781003273172-3
46 Kimihito Nakamura et al.
through plant micropores (Davamani et al., 2020; Gupta et al., 2021). At the
beginning of the crop cycle, when rice plants are small, the main transfer mecha-
nism is bubble formation and vertical movement in the bulk of the soil. Diffusion
through the aerenchyma becomes the dominant process, which is responsible for
more than 90% of the methane emitted during the reproductive phase of the rice
plant (Cicerone and Shetter, 1981; Jean and Pierre, 2001).
The amount of methane released from rice paddies depends on the redox status
of the soil, so, if properly managed, it can be controlled by ponding water man-
agement. Draining the continuously flooded rice paddies once or more during
the rice-growing season would reduce global emissions by 41 Tg CH4 year−1 (Yan
et al., 2009). Therefore, rice paddy water management is very important for cli-
mate mitigation.
Paddy rice cultivation uses a large amount of water. There is a concern that
climate change will increase the frequency of drought risks (Aryal et al., 2020),
resulting in the loss of stable production of rice. Though paddy rice is convention-
ally grown in lowland systems under continuously flooded conditions, rice can
be successfully grown with less water by the adoption of new technologies and
various water-saving approaches which have been tested and disseminated (Ishfaq
et al., 2020). Water-saving irrigation to maintain rice productivity is required with
increase in extreme weather events leading to droughts (Bouman and Tuong,
2001). Alternate wetting and drying (AWD) has been attracting the attention of
scientists and farmers as one of the promising water-saving management methods.
In this chapter, the focus is on AWD irrigation. The chapter discusses the dif-
ferent options for the organization of irrigation water management for AWD im-
plementation based on experiences from Japan and Vietnam, and the challenges
in AWD adoption followed by potential pathways and conditions for upscaling
2500 2500
Irrigation (mm/2months)
1500 1500
1000 1000
500 500
Not rotational (1989–1994, 2009–2011) Not rotational (1989–1994, 2009–2011)
Rotational (1995–2008) Rotational (1995–2008)
0 0
–500 0 500 –500 0 500
Rainfall–Evapotranspiration (mm/2months) Rainfall–Evapotranspiration (mm/2months)
Figure 3.1 Changes in the amount of irrigation by the block rotational irrigation system
in the water division work areas around Lake Biwa in Japan. Unit No. 10 is a
diversion area with unstable water intake, while No. 11 is an area with stable
water intake (authors’ own compilation).
AWD irrigation management in rice 51
WUGs can contribute to improved irrigation water management in each paddy
plot through the BRI system.
Cyclic irrigation
Drainage water from rice paddy areas contains nutrients such as nitrogen and
phosphorus, especially when the surface water of the rice paddies becomes turbid
during the puddling and transplanting seasons in rice paddy cultivation and is
discharged until the ponding water level reaches a shallow depth for rice trans-
planting. Thus, a large amount of nutrient load as well as suspended solids is dis-
charged downstream, affecting the water quality environment and ecosystem of
the downstream water body (rivers, lakes, and seas). Therefore, it was important
to take measures to reduce the load of nutrients and suspended solids from the
paddy fields around Lake Biwa, because the drainage water from the areas adja-
cent to the lake is immediately discharged back into the lake without undergoing
purification or sedimentation. One of the measures suggested was cyclic irriga-
tion, in which water drained from paddy fields was reused as irrigation water. This
method was originally developed as a technology to reuse drainage water in areas
where water was scarce, but it is now popular in Japan as a means to protect water
quality and the environment in general.
In some areas around Lake Biwa, lake water was pumped as the primary source
of irrigation water. Therefore, it was possible to install a gate in the drainage
channel located near the pumping station and provide a new conduit that diverts
the water from the drainage channel back to the irrigation water tank of the
pumping station at a relatively low cost. Irrigation water to the command area
could thus use water from the lake and the drainage water as well. The concept
of the cyclic irrigation system is shown in F igure 3.2. In some districts, in addition
to this improvement of water management infrastructures, a new pump only for
CI was installed. In one of the areas near the lake, water drainage from a 148 ha
area under paddy rice was monitored by Hama et al. (2010). The CI rate, which is
the ratio of drainage water to pumped water, was 60−80%. The study showed that
the CI system returned 118−199 kg ha−1 of suspended solids to the paddy fields,
indicating that the runoff loadings were controlled (Hama et al., 2010). Nitrogen
concentrations in irrigation water tended to be higher during the CI period than
during the lake water irrigation period. Nitrogen input from irrigated water ac-
counted for about 8−16% of the total input of nitrogen (Hama et al., 2011).
The basic management of CI was done by experienced WUGs such as the LID
in Lake Biwa, since it involves management of gates of drainage channels, water
supply to pumping stations, and management of pumps. This is also important,
since farmers will be accepting drainage water from other plots that they do not
manage and there is a risk that the entire command area will be affected by inap-
propriate use and management of pesticides and fertilizers, when drainage water is
reused for irrigation. Hence, WUGs can build consensus among all farmers which
is necessary in the process and can ensure that all farmers follow certain standard
environmental norms. As farmers prefer to take relatively low temperature lake
52 Kimihito Nakamura et al.
Figure 3.2 F rom lake water irrigation to cyclic irrigation system (authors’ own compilation).
water during the panicle emergence period, CI is generally limited only to pud-
dling and transplanting periods up to the midseason drainage, which could sig-
nificantly contribute to reduce the amount of runoff and effluent load of nutrients
and suspended solids from the paddy field area to outside the district.
Thus, the implementation of water quality protection measures through irrigation
and drainage management by WUGs with the consensus of farmers in the paddy
field areas can contribute toward better implementation and upscaling of AWD.
Figure 3.3 Schematic diagram of the investigated paddy area divided into three blocks
with two water division works (authors’ own compilation).
54 Kimihito Nakamura et al.
Figure 3.4 W
ater division work with sluice gates for block rotational irrigation. Source:
Photo by S. Yonemura.
February. The survey was conducted from the w inter-spring crop in 2015 to the
summer-autumn crop in 2017.
From the operation records of the pumps and sluice gates, and the temporal
changes in the ponding water depth in the observation plots set up in each block,
it was clear that the operation was not always ideal depending on the amount
and timing of rainfall. Since this was the first experience for water managers, it
was difficult for them to operate the system properly, especially in the first year.
Figure 3.5 shows the temporal changes in the ponding water depth of the obser-
vation plots in 2016. It was observed that water management using organizational
AWD method was followed in mid-April during the WS crop season and in July-
A ugust during the SA crop season. Figure 3.6 shows the temporal changes in
the methane emission fluxes of the observation plots. Comparing with Figure 3.5,
the methane emissions were decreased due to the influence of the ponding wa-
ter depth below the soil surface. The daily average of the cumulative methane
emissions in the observed plots divided by the observation period as shown in
Figure 3.7 indicated that the organizational AWD suppressed the methane emis-
sions by shortening the period of soil reduction through the ponding water depth
control. Figure 3.8 shows that the organizational AWD did not impact yields of
paddy rice. Thus, it demonstrated that methane emission could be suppressed
without reducing rice yield, if organizational AWD management could be carried
out by WUG using BRI to control ponding water depth.
The first challenge in implementing organizational AWD under field condition
was that it was difficult for water managers to achieve ideal ponding water depth
AWD irrigation management in rice 55
2016WS 2016SA
100 157.2 100 156.8
Ponding depth (cm) Rainfall (mm d–1)
50 50
0 0
40 C1 40 C1
20 20
0 0
–20 –20
40 W1 40 W1
20 20
0 0
–20 –20
40 S1 40 S1
20 20
0 0
–20 –20
Feb. Mar. Apr. May June June July Aug. Sep.
Figure 3.5 T
emporal changes in ponding water depths of the rice paddy observation plots
in each cropping season in 2016. WS is the winter-spring season and SA is
the summer-autumn season. CI, WI, and SI are a conventional plot, w eak-dry
plot, and strong-dry plot, respectively. Black triangles represent the operation
of pumps. Source: adapted from Quang et al. (2019).
2016WS 2016SA
3 C1 3 C1
2 2
CH4 flux (mg m–2 min–1)
1 1
0 0
3 W1 3 W1
2 2
1 1
0 0
3 S1 3 S1
2 2
1 1
0 0
Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep.
Figure 3.6 T
emporal changes in methane emission fluxes in the rice paddy observation
plots in each cropping season in 2016. WS is the winter-spring season and SA
is the summer-autumn season. CI, WI, and SI are a conventional plot, weak-dry
plot, and strong-dry plot, respectively.
Source: adapted from Quang et al. (2019).
management because the depth of water in the plots varied depending on rainfall
conditions. During the actual rainfall periods, the efforts to keep the paddy plots
under non-flooded condition were reduced. The second problem was that water
managers deliberately avoided running irrigation pumps as much as possible to
reduce operation costs. In addition, if farmers in the district do not fully under-
stand the implementation of organizational AWD, each farmer may use a small
56 Kimihito Nakamura et al.
C1 W1 S1
C1 W1 S1
Figure 3.7 Daily average methane emission fluxes converted to the equivalent CO2 in the
observation plots in each cropping season in 2016. WS is the w inter-spring
season and SA is the summer-autumn season. CI, WI, and SI are a conven-
tional plot, w
eak-dry plot, and strong-dry plot, respectively. Source: adapted
from Quang et al. (2019).
Yield of unhulled rice (× 103 kg ha–2)
C1 W1 S1
C1 W1 S1
Figure 3.8 Yields of unhulled rice in the observation plots in each cropping season in
2016. Error bars represent the standard deviation. WS is the winter-spring sea-
son and SA is the summer-autumn season. C1, W1, and S1 are a conventional
plot, weak-dry plot, and strong-dry plot, respectively. Source: adapted from
Quang et al. (2019).
AWD irrigation management in rice 57
manual pump to irrigate water from the canal to each plot when the ponding
water depth in his plot is low. The organizational AWD does not work if there
is lack of cooperation between water managers and farmers. From the farmers’
questionnaire survey, some farmers indicated that they used manual pumps less
frequently, suggesting that when the BRI worked, the water level in the canal rose
to the downstream in each block compared to the simultaneous water distribution
to all plots in the district without the block rotation. Thus, it showed that the
BRI with proper operation of pumps and gates at the water division works enabled
farmers to realize that they no longer need to operate small manual pumps at
the individual plot level. Due to such complexity of the irrigation management,
it is likely that there was no clear effect of organizational AWD management
on ponding water depth varies and no difference in methane emissions in the
cropping seasons, except in 2016. The results of 2016 showed the potential of
organizational AWD.
Matsuda et al. (2021) observed the ponding water depth, soil redox potential,
and methane emission in 2017 in this district, and found that the methane release
could have been suppressed by a continuous n on-flooding period of three to eight
days after the switch from the flooded state to the non-flooded state, and that the
methane was re-emitted after a continuous flooding period of 14−22 days after the
switch from the non-flooded state to the flooded state. Therefore, the amount of
methane emission can significantly be suppressed by repeating the AWD cycles of
non-flooding period of three to eight days and the flooding period of 13–21 days.
Such schedules of ponding water depth management for reduction of methane
emissions would be useful for water managers. The organizational AWD can be
upscaled if such data are measured and made available for different paddy growing
To reduce the contribution to GHG emissions from rice paddies, it is important
to focus on paddy water management with particular attention to methane re-
duction. In addition, it is important to have the potential ability for water-saving
paddy water management in response to climate change. To spread AWD in a
wide area and continuously, the organizational AWD irrigation system by WUGs
based on BRI with the operation of water diversion works along the irrigation
Since the reduction of methane emission by AWD contributes to the preven-
tion of global warming, it might be useful to promote AWD by establishing a PES
mechanism to benefit farmers at the national level for water management organ-
izations and farmer groups that strictly implement AWD with cross compliance.
Providing an appropriate paddy ponding management schedule considering
AWD to water management organizations and farmers is necessary. It should be
a specific water and soil management method according to the soil and climatic
AWD irrigation management in rice 63
characteristics of the region, not only considering methane emission and water
conservation, but also reducing the environmental load of nitrate nitrogen and
nitrous oxide and crop uptake of Cd, which are caused by the t rade-off between
the oxidative change of soil due to the non-flooding period increased by AWD.
In addition, it is necessary to establish sensing and analysis technologies to
obtain information on water consumption, especially from spatial and temporal
meteorological and agricultural crop conditions; to construct and operate a hy-
drological model that can indicate water management for agricultural water use
facilities and paddy fields based on the information; and to build a platform to
ensure that water management organizations and farmers can easily implement
the proposed appropriate water management using ICT.
AWD management demos were conducted under a joint initiative of the Institute
for Water and Environment under the Vietnam Academy for Water Resources in
Vietnam and the Industrial-Academic Cooperative Research for Irrigation Water
Management in Japan comprising Kitai Sekkei Co., Ltd. and Kyoto University.
The project was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Viet-
nam (Grant Number: NĐT.06.JPN/15), and the Japan Society for the Promotion
of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI (16H05799). We are grateful for the cooperation of
the farmers and the agricultural cooperatives involved, the Hinogawa River Basin
LID, the Kamogawa River Basin LID, the Konohama LID, the Shiga Prefecture
Office, the Kinki Regional Agricultural Administration Office of the Ministry
of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan, JSPS KAKENHI (18H02297 and
20H03101), and “Integrated Research Program for Advancing Climate Models
(TOUGOU program)” from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science
and Technology, Japan.
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4 Integrated pest management
in rice and the potential to
contribute to climate-neutral
and resilient farming systems
Shyamaranjan Das Mohapatra, Najam Waris
Zaidi, Minati Mohapatra, Udaya Sekhar Nagothu,
Radhakrushna Senapati, Munmun Mohapatra,
Bhubananda Adhikari, Subhendu Sekhar Pradhan,
and Amaresh Kumar Nayak
It is now 60 years since the book The Silent Spring was published in 1962 by Rachel
Carson, based on experiences of communities using persistent pesticides, which
caused serious damage to biodiversity, pollinators, wildlife, farm livestock, and
human health (NRDC, 2015). The book raised alarm about the negative im-
pacts of chemical pesticides on the environment and the future of the planet.
Her message is highly relevant even today, with the current climate crisis we are
facing, where agriculture is becoming both a victim and cause for climate crisis.
Although several measures were taken by governments to ban the use of toxic
pesticides, their use still continues in several parts of the world. The overall im-
pact of intensive agriculture promoted by the Green Revolution in the 1960s and
1970s, and the indiscriminate use of agrochemicals in the following years led
to irreparable damage to agroecosystems, the biodiversity they harbor, and an
increase in greenhouse gases (GHGs) as discussed in Chapter 1. The Silent Spring
and other similar publications triggered environmental debates around the globe
that gradually increased awareness among scientists, stakeholders, and develop-
ment agencies about the importance of sustainable and integrated pest manage-
ment (IPM) with minimum impacts on the environment and human health.
Changes in temperature, precipitation patterns, humidity, and droughts have
variable impacts on the different pest and disease species and their behavior,
which can become unpredictable with more increased frequency of extreme
weather events. One direct impact that is of concern to agriculture is increased
incidence and distribution of insect pests, diseases, and weeds, which leads to
low crop production and productivity (Oerke, 2006). Climate change is affecting
the outbreak of potential pests in a vast range of crops and landscapes (Heeb
et al., 2019). Due to the combined effect of climate change and unsustainable
agronomic practices, new invasive species occur, while some of the minor pests
DOI: 10.4324/9781003273172-4
70 Shyamaranjan Das Mohapatra et al.
and diseases are becoming a major problem (Mohapatra et al., 2008, 2016, 2021b;
Pretty and Bharucha, 2015).
A recent study revealed that there was an increase in the duration of the devel-
opmental period of yellow stem borer, Scirpophaga incertulas, in each stage of the
life cycle as the concentration of CO2 increases (Giri et al., 2022). However, the
study showed that the life span of the adult moth was significantly reduced under
elevated CO2 concentrations when compared with ambient CO2 concentrations
(Giri et al., 2022). Similarly, the Fall Army Worm outbreak in Africa and other
regions impacted by global warming has drawn the attention of several national
governments and international agencies to jointly develop an IPM framework to
check the spread of pests (Prasanna et al., 2018). There are several other examples
of such effects of rise in average temperature on other pests and diseases. There-
fore, future management strategies must consider not only the pest incidence and
control per se but also the climate and environmental risks. In this chapter, the
focus will be on c limate-sensitive and sustainable IPM practices in rice, which is
the major staple food for more than 60% of the population and of crucial impor-
tance to global food security (Yuan, 2014).
High pest incidence and crop losses, habitat Reduced crop losses, higher yields, healthier
destruction agroecosystem, reduced GHG emissions
Figure 4.1 A
conceptual framework showing a transition from conventional pest manage-
ment to climate-smart and sustainable IPM (authors’ own compilation).
74 Shyamaranjan Das Mohapatra et al.
helps to establish a functional link between crop and non-crop lands, improves
the interactions of pest-predators, and, thereby, provides a healthy diverse habitat
for both beneficial insects and alternative hosts for pests. A groecosystem-based
measures are normally recommended for habitat management that include main-
taining graminaceous flora around paddy fields, planting catch crops, and growing
green manure crops like Chinese milk vetch Astragalus sinicus after the rice har-
vest, which can provide shelters for native natural enemies (Huang et al., 2005).
The numbers of species, individuals, and diversity index of natural arthropod
enemies were found to be significantly greater in Chinese milk vetch fields than
those in winter fallow fields (Yuan et al., 2010). Furthermore, the milk vetch fields
provide favorable conditions for natural wintering enemies where natural enemies
account for 67.9% of the total insect species. Field bunds around rice farms host
a number of arthropods that can effectively regulate the rice pest populations
increasing the parasitoid population within the rice fields (Gu et al., 1999; Xuetal,
2004; Zhu et al., 2015).
cultural, physical,
biological ● Increased
● Healthier ● Increased
measures,bio- knowledge of
ecosystem resource use
pesticides ecosystem
● GHG emissions efficiency
Farmer biodiversity
reduced ● Organic products
participatory ● Pesticide free
● Carbon storage with better
extension services agri-products
in soils increased markets
(FFS, VKCs) ● Reduced human
● Greater ● Increased farm
health problems
resilience income
Institutional and
● Farmer
● Biodiversity ● Enhanced value
policy support innovation
protected chain
-Research increased
-Public -
services (inputs,
credit, marketing)
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5 System of rice intensification
Empowering farmers to work with
nature to achieve productive,
resilient and climate-neutral
farming systems in rice-based
Abha Mishra, Jan Willem Ketelaar and Max Whitten
While the world is mid-way toward pursuing an ambitious agenda for global sus-
tainable development to be achieved by 2030, there is an increasing realization
that the associated 17 Sustainable Development Goals will not be achieved with-
out urgent action to deal with pivotal environmental concerns, most notably
the so-called Triple Challenge (biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution)
(UNEP, 2021). The agricultural sector, in particular, is responsible for – as well as
impacted by – this Triple Challenge. But it is also in the agriculture sector, espe-
cially the rice sector, where enormous potential and major opportunities exist for
dealing with these environmental challenges.
The IPCC (2007) has reported that agriculture is one of the major sources of
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, accounting for 12% of the GHG produced by
human-made activities. Trend analysis extending activity data and GHG emis-
sions from 1990 to 2010 indicated that agricultural emissions increased 0.7% an-
nually between 2000 and 2010, and accelerated to 1.2% per year in the subsequent
decade (IPCC, 2014). The food system alone may be responsible for one third of
global gas emissions (Crippa et al., 2021).
Rice production has received major attention as a culprit but is also a poten-
tial solution from the agriculture sector for substantial GHG emission reduction
(FAO, 2017). This is especially relevant for Asia, which accounts for 90% of global
rice area, and 20% of the total world cropland area along with 70% of the total
fresh water use for its production. Rice paddies are responsible for 5–20% of global
methane emissions from anthropogenic sources (IPCC, 1996). More particularly,
“business-in-as-usual scenario” will further intensify degradation of the natural
resources base, such as land and water, while exacerbating GHG emissions in the
Therefore, GHG emission reduction from the rice sector, methane in particu-
lar, is crucially important and urgent. Recent studies on the technical potential
for methane mitigation, including through application of alternate wetting and
DOI: 10.4324/9781003273172-5
88 Abha Mishra et al.
drying (AWD), have shown that a 6 –9 Mt/yr reduction within the rice sector
is possible (UNEP and CCAC, 2021). Adoption of climate-smart practices has
received considerable attention in the Asia region. In this regard, c limate-smart
agriculture (CSA) has emerged as one of the strategies to address the emerging
needs. CSA is composed of three main pillars: (1) sustainably increasing agricul-
tural productivity and incomes; (2) adapting and building resilience to climate
change; and (3) reducing and/or removing greenhouse gas emissions, where pos-
sible (FAO, 2016).
The climate-smart agroecological-based System of Rice Intensification (SRI)
defines a way forward for smallholders to grow healthy crops with less inputs
(land, water, pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, labor and capital), and with greater
appreciation and reliance on robust local ecosystem goods and services that sup-
press pests and diseases, that enhance soils, that support food security and rural
livelihoods and, finally, that mitigate methane emission from the paddy system
(FAO, 2014; Thakur and Uphoff, 2017; Mishra et al., 2021).
By producing stable crop yields with low external inputs, SRI also provides
an opportunity for farm diversification, enhanced income generation and dietary
diversity that addresses the nutritional needs of smallholders. Thereby, SRI can
become the main climate change solution and support sustainable development
(Thakur et al., 2021).
SRI is based on four agronomic principles:
• transplanting young and healthy seedlings (at 2.5 leaf stage) or direct sowing
with relatively low seed rate;
• shallow transplanting (with minimum root disturbance) with wider spacing
providing enough space and less competitive plant’s micro-environment to
realize the fullest potential of seedlings/seeds;
• keeping soil preferably moist, not inundated, at least during vegetative stage
to allow root systems to grow larger and healthier, later maintaining shallow
water level, but never creating hypoxic soil condition, thus improving plant
and soil health and mitigating methane emission; and
• applying organic manure as much as possible to nurture the soil systems (feed
the soil to feed the plant) (Stoop et al., 2002, 2011; Mishra et al., 2006, 2013).
All four key principles are amenable for farmers’ experimentation, adaptation and
adoption, as the process does not require any external physical inputs. These SRI
practices – transplanting younger and single seedlings/hill with wider spacing, or
direct seeding with relatively lower seed rate, giving plants more space and avoid-
ing continuous flooding – when implemented together have, in many instances,
resulted in substantial increases in yield, and reduced GHG emissions (Dill et al.,
2013; Gathorne-Hrady et al., 2016; Mishra et al., 2021).
However, to have lasting impact, these ambitious goals need to be pursued
in an enabling social context. Pretty et al. (2020) have argued that the political
economy in past decades “prioritized unfettered individual action over the collec-
tive” thereby harming many rural institutions and “reducing sustainability and
System of rice intensification 89
equity”. Offsetting this trend, Pretty et al. note that, in recent years, changes in
national and regional policy have promoted the growth of social groups whose
existence supports “transitions towards policies and behaviours for global sustain-
ability”. While their study cites integrated pest management (IPM) as a catalyst
in shifting the balance back from individual action to the collective, we propose
that SRI is an important complement to IPM in achieving those social and eco-
nomic objectives.
Thus, the chapter outlines a conceptual framework for optimizing rice produc-
tivity through responsible management of ecosystem goods and services reflective
of the rich biodiversity contained in healthy rice paddy fields. Furthermore, it
shares on-station research findings, coupled with participatory action research
and an outreach effort at scale that has empowered thousands of farmers in their
rural communities to appreciate and responsibly manage sustainable rice produc-
tion. Finally, the chapter concludes with a discussion about and recommendations
for a better enabling environment to allow for a real transformation toward more
sustainable intensification of rice production at landscape, national and global
levels. Such a transformation aligns well with the action called for in the UN
Decade of Ecosystem Restoration (2021–2030) and is vital and urgent for the
world to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
YIELD Resilience to
Erect flag leaf, climate and
higher rate of other stresses PREDATORS
photosynthesis More and heavier and
Delayed senescence
of shoots and roots Higher cytokinin
Lower leaves photo-
synthetically active Healthy root
systems = f (more
organic matter in
Higher root-
soil, fewer
available nitrogen
seedlings/ hill,
wider spacing,
Less CH4
emission from
SRI field O2 O2
O2 Feed the soil to
Larger aerobic feed the plant
Beneficial microbes
oxidizes CH4
promote plant growth ORGANIC
& protect from pathogens MATTER
CH4 production
(when excess water) ENVIRONMENT
Figure 5.1 H
ealthy rice paddy fields under optimum management of ecosystem goods
and biodiversity services facilitated by agroecological p rinciples-led S
shallow flooded conditions for short periods, the higher root activity would keep
the rhizosphere aerobic facilitating methane oxidation and therefore less emission
from the field. A healthier soil also means more CO2 is taken out, or sequestered,
from the air. Avoiding large doses of pesticides by applying IPM principles would
restore and enhance the balance between pests and natural enemies as discussed
in Chapter 4. In this manner, empowered farmers combine IPM and SRI to pro-
mote above and below ground natural biodiversity. A healthy soil contains a vast
number of diverse microbes, which work in exchange with paddy plants growing
in the soil. Rice plants absorb carbon through photosynthesis, which helps them
to grow, and excess carbon is transported to the soil, where it becomes organic
matter. The carbon feeds the various microbes in the soil, which in return sup-
ply the plants with the nutrients they need. A healthy soil supports a balance
among all the components of the ecosystem. These sustainable intensification
approaches build on sound agronomy as well as on biodiversity and ecosystem
ecology for the purpose of raising crop yields and land productivity while captur-
ing and sequestering more carbon and reducing GHG emissions.
Large-scale adoption of SRI practices can be a major game changer in terms
of achieving greater land productivity while addressing key environmental chal-
lenges, including climate change. Below findings from on-station research as well
System of rice intensification 91
as engagement at the regional level in the Mekong River Basin region provide
some useful insights on the landscape-level effects: how SRI can sustainably in-
tensify rice production and mitigate GHG emission from the paddy fields.
Flowering 20 DAF Flowering 20 DAF Flowering 20 DAF
P1 P2 P3
only facilitate higher uptake of nitrogen in the form of nitrate and ammonium for
higher biomass production but also support methane oxidation in the rice rhizos-
phere by 7 5–90%. Thus, there will be negligible methane emission from the rice
fields. Indeed, optimization in spacing and water management is needed in order
to enhance the oxygen release in rhizosphere that benefits plants, soil microbes
and environment without making it burden for plants as releasing oxygen in rhiz-
osphere is an energy-consuming affair for plant.
In addition, intermittent irrigation will reduce the aerenchyma formation rate
(Mishra et al., 2006). Since the aerenchyma acts as a channel for oxygen transport
from the atmosphere to the roots and CH4 transport from the site of produc-
tion to the atmosphere, reduced aerenchyma formation will lead to lowering CH4
transport through the plant. These benefits become more relevant in the pro-
spective scenario where rice production needs to be increased with both reduced
water applications and reduced “climate-forcing” practices.
FPAR sites
FPAR sites
FPAR sites
1st post FFS site (2 FT)
1st post FFS site (2 FT)
3rd post FFS site (2 FT) 3rd post FFS site (2 FT)
4th post FFS site (2 FT) 4th post FFS site (2 FT)
Eco-efficiency (USD/tCO2eq/ha/year)
Eco efficiency (USD/tCO2eq/ha/year)
Figure 5.4 Average eco-efficiency of irrigated and rainfed production systems with SRI
practices in LMB countries.
is irrigated in the region. Using the data from our research findings to calculate
the GHG emissions from current conventional practice for the LMB region as a
whole, it was estimated to be 6.41 million tCO2eq from rainfed and 5.18 million
tCO2eq from the irrigated regions of the four countries. With adoption of SRI-D
methods, the GHG emission will be 5.13 million tCO2eq from rainfed and 4.11
million tCO2eq from irrigated rice areas, which is an overall reduction of 20%
(Figure 5.5).
98 Abha Mishra et al.
GHG Emissions Million t CO2 eq. for
GHG Emissions. Million t CO2 eq.
Thailand Cambodia Vietnam Lao PDR
GHG Emissions. Million t CO2 eq.
Thailand Cambodia Vietnam Lao PDR
Figure 5.5 GHG emission estimation in SRI, SRI-T and FP at country and regional levels
in irrigated and rainfed systems of the LMB region.
These figures show that the absolute gain for GHG reduction could be more in
the rainfed parts of the region compared to the irrigated ones. The rainfed pro-
duction systems have not received much policy attention but there is an opportu-
nity to investigate “underexplored” production systems that can provide multiple
wins: addressing food security and nutrition of smallholders, poverty alleviation,
natural resource conservation, restoring and nurturing ecosystems and creating
circular economy and supporting socially just equitable development.
System of rice intensification 99
Discussion: Opportunities, challenges and recommendations
Rice farming systems of the future must produce more grain while minimizing en-
vironmental impact to achieve sustainable food security goals. Higher yields and
increased resource-use efficiencies are not necessarily conflicting goals and recent
publications indicate that there remains tremendous scope for productivity gains
and higher resource-use efficiencies in most rice production landscapes (FAO,
2014, 2016). In particular, pesticide use and nitrogen balance per unit of produc-
tion are disproportionately higher in a number of cropping systems in Southeast
Asia and South Asia. Our results suggest that greater adoption of agroecological
approaches (e.g., SRI/IPM) for sustainable rice intensification would increase yield
with increased resource-use efficiency and reduced carbon footprints.
SRI provides opportunities for climate-smart paddy production and has oppor-
tunities to become a valuable climate solution. SRI agronomic practices increase
deep root system expansion and thereby allocating more carbon to the deeper
soil layer. Further, with higher photosynthetic rate and hence higher capture of
CO2 from the atmosphere for longer duration (Mishra and Salokhe, 2010) along
with the application of organic manure and/or compost (as much as possible),
the carbon content in soil will be increased. Therefore, soils can also store more
water (either rainwater or irrigation), and this is particularly important for rainfed
production systems. Given that the water stored in the soil serves as the source for
90% of the world’s agriculture production (FAO, 2021), it is therefore evident that
soil with higher carbon content would be more productive with clear implication
for achieving higher levels of global food security.
The multiple benefits of these practices especially with regard to climate
change and water uses would be more appreciated when production practices
recognize and value the total virtual water usages (rainfed plus irrigated), along
with other environmental footprints, such as conservation of ecosystems services.
The World Economic Forum’s global risks survey has identified water scarcity as
one of the top five global risks affecting people’s w ell-being (WEF, 2021). And
it is known that for each 1% increase in soil organic matter, soil can store an
additional 20,000 gallons of water/acre (about 0.4 ha). Indeed, the importance of
increasing soil organic carbon has been stressed in recent years, presenting an op-
portunity to help addressing water scarcity issues along with meeting the targets
of the Paris Agreement.
In addition, certain SRI practices such as intermittent irrigation and fewer rice
seedlings/hill transplanted with wider spacing create conditions for a larger and
longer lasting aerobic rhizosphere. These conditions enable more CH4 oxidation
in the rhizosphere, reducing methane emissions from rice fields (Mishra, 2019a,b).
In practice, SRI encourages location-specific adaptation for such gains to mate-
rialize. This requires active participation between farmers, researchers and other
stakeholders to ensure a successful and evidence-based shift toward a more sus-
tainable intensification of rice-based farming systems and landscapes (Ketelaar
et al., 2020).
Our regional collaborative multi-
stakeholder’s intervention confirmed that
the SRI-IPM-FFS empowerment philosophy can contribute to poverty reduction
100 Abha Mishra et al.
while making smallholder farming more attractive, profitable and smart. Small-
holders’ rice farmers can feed themselves and help feed the rest of the world while
minimizing the environmental costs of agricultural intensification. Such efforts
can be extended to farming systems of many scales provided that farms’ heter-
ogeneity is taken into consideration while implementing the action. This was
encouraged through the flexibility that is part of the SRI approach.
The results also showed the contribution of rainfed production systems in
terms of GHG mitigation aligned with sustainable development goals and the
Paris Agreement. Currently, rainfed rice accounts for 33% of the total rice pro-
duction area in the world. Because of relatively low yields (2–3 t/ha compared to
the global average of 4.5t/ha) (Hayashi et al., 2018), rainfed rice production land-
scapes provide only 19% of world rice production. Therefore, improving produc-
tivity in rainfed rice with active community participation is imperative not only
to lessen the burden on irrigated production systems but also to enhance efficient
use of green water and other natural resources for food supply for local as well as
global population. The effort will not just address poverty, food insecurity, rural
development and support ecosystem benefits. It will also alleviate the pressure on
irrigated rice production, which withdraws 70% of fresh water and is blamed for
the bulk of CH4 emissions.
The Southeast Asian regional policy, presented in the ASEAN Integrated Food
Security Framework and the Strategic Plan of Action on Food Security, has high-
lighted a strategy to attain long-term food security and improve the livelihoods
of farmers in the region (ASEAN, 2015). Particularly in the context of climate
change, the Strategic Plan of Action on Food Security for 2015–2020 included
as one of its “strategic thrusts” the introduction of climate-smart agriculture in
the ASEAN member states. Accordingly, the plan recommended pilot testing
of integrated technologies and practices, such as SRI and CA (Conservation
However, there is as of yet little evidence for the implementation at scale of
such recommendations, not just for SRI but for any agroecological practices that
demand knowledge and skill-intensive capacity building. Without substantial
investments in farmer education and empowerment, it is unlikely that greater
adoption rates of such knowledge-intensive agroecological practices will ever be
realized. In tandem with such investments and other enabling conditions, a real
transformation of the rice sector will require major changes in policies and regula-
tions as well as the removal of perverse subsidies, including on chemical fertilizers
and pesticides (FAO, 2016; Ketelaar et al., 2018).
That said, Vietnam is showing the ASEAN region that national policy support
combined with enabling conditions, including quality capacity building inter-
ventions (e.g., Farmers Field Schools) for scaling out agroecological rice intensi-
fication (e.g., SRI, IPM), can lead to major advances in sustainable development.
Some 4 million rural households in Vietnam currently apply SRI each production
season with the government investing annually in farmer training and outreach
activities (MARD, 2016). In 2020, the Vietnamese government declared SRI a
climate-policy “breakthrough” to increase agricultural production while reducing
System of rice intensification 101
methane emissions from rice paddies. Other ASEAN countries could do well to
follow this great example and put similar policies and actions in place.
Greater investments in the rice sector as well as adoption of sustainability
standards, such as the Sustainable Rice Platform Standard,4 should also facili-
tate a transformation in the rice sector toward greater sustainability, including
mitigation of GHG emissions.5 While international and domestic markets in the
ASEAN region are increasingly concerned about sustainability issues, adoption
of the SRP Standard can help de-risk supply chains and therefore also entice
the private sector to invest. SRI fits perfectly well within the scope of the good
practices promoted by the SRP Standard and greater adoption of SRI in the rice
sector can assist countries deliver on key SDGs, including Zero Hunger (SDG2)
and Climate Action (SDG12) (Thakur et al., 2021).
Apart from social barriers, limited infrastructure, limited market connectivity,
conflicting connection between policies and actions and incompatibility, there
are limited innovative approaches available and/or being generated to shift from
ready-to-use technological solutions to tailor-made solutions for a genuine transi-
tion toward greater sustainability in the rice sector. In short, there is considerable
focus on the rhetoric of the “what” and “why” rather than local farmer engage-
ment on the “how” for co-generated solutions that work for the millions of rice
producing smallholder farmers around the world.
The effort for redesigning agroecology-based sustainable paddy systems requires
technical, institutional and organizational change through innovation in agri-
cultural practices and substantial investments, including in capacity building of
smallholder farmers. Equally, multi-actor agricultural innovation platforms along
with the value chains should be based on demand-driven survey and analysis, as
we did in our intervention. Extension and advisory services should become more
flexible, user-driven and focused on local problems. Knowledge-intensive agroeco-
logical practices, such as those promoted in SRI and IPM, require substantial in-
vestments in capacity building of extension systems and their main beneficiaries,
smallholder farmers (Swanson and Rajalathi, 2010).
Such transformed extension and advisory systems should also assist on utiliza-
tion of different dimensions of interaction and learning processes such as farmer
to farmer, market actors to farmers, input suppliers to farmers, processors to farm-
ers, public and private extension and advisory services to farmers. And on top of
that, such efforts should generate returns on four capitals: social capital (creating
jobs, education and business); natural capital (restoring biodiversity, soil, water
quality and carbon); financial capital (realizing long-term sustainable profit); and
inspiration (being a sort of emotional or psychological capital) by giving a sense
of purpose, value and relevance to people.
The current modern industrialized production system relies mainly on the
highest returns on investments, but without sufficient regard to the sustainability
and other negative externalities. The S RI-like approach requires integration of
ecology with economics, and values empowerment and sustainability.
To date, IPM is often recognized as an ideal entry point to farmer empower-
ment and a re-invigoration of social capital in sustainable food production, e.g.,
102 Abha Mishra et al.
Pretty et al. (2020). In this chapter, we would contend that SRI, to the extent
that it embraces IPM, is perhaps a bolder platform for optimizing social capital for
securing sustainable rice production. Additionally, as noted by Uphoff and others,
both IPM and SRI principles extend well beyond rice and have relevance for other
crops, under the label “System of Crop Intensification (SCI)”, and therefore have
wider relevance for sustainable food security.
Thinking more broadly, the C OVID-19 pandemic has revealed how closely, hu-
man, animal and ecological health and production systems are linked. The crisis
has revealed the socio-ecological fragility of current industrialized-globalized food
systems and the effects on farming and food supply. Indeed, a transition to more
socially just, ecologically resilient, localized food systems that requires less energy
and has potential to become c limate-smart solution is urgently needed. With the
changing pandemic-led global environment, the year 2021 has seen the conver-
gence of national as well as global policy goals. For example, the India delegation
at the COP26 highlighted the need for global support for local adaptation for
climate change amelioration. The UNEP and FAO jointly declared a formal call
for the protection and revival of millions of hectares of ecosystems all around the
world for benefit of people and nature. The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
aims to prevent, halt and reverse ecosystems’ degradation. Implementing the UN
message can help to end poverty, combat climate change and prevent further
biodiversity loss. However, this would require adequate investments to support
farmers implementing the climate mitigation measures. Empowered farmers, as
custodians and managers of their local biodiversity (Whitten and Settle, 1998),
are critical to realizing the UN’s aspirations. Integrating S RI-IPM with the FFS
empowerment approach provides a compelling example of a way forward.
1 The ability to change phenotypically/physiologically and adapt in response to var-
iations in the environment depending on the epigenetic processes, often termed as
phenotypic plasticity.
2 We used FO2 AR (where FO2 = flux of oxygen across root surface, and AR = sur-
face area of roots capable of absorption) = 0.2 nmol s−1 (which is standard rate under
flooded condition).
3 Managing water in a rainfed conditions through prescriptive intermittent irriga-
tion method was a challenge and therefore not recommended in our intervention.
Although there was broader realization to avoid continuously deep flooded soil con-
dition, efforts were made to avoid continuously flooded soil condition, where needed,
to keep the root system healthy. In fact, rainfed environment is naturally intermittent
flooded and indeed not continuously flooded.
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6 Direct seeded rice
A potential climate-neutral and
resilient farming system
Anjani Kumar, Amaresh Kumar Nayak, Mehreteab
Tesfai, Rahul Tripathi, Sangita Mohanty, Shyamaranjan
Das Mohapatra, Kiran Mohapatra and Udaya Sekhar
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the principal staple food crops, which ensures food
and nutritional security to a large percent of the global population, especially
in Asia. It is cultivated globally by more than 95 countries and occupies 11%
of the world’s arable land with an annual production of about 678 million tons
( Thus, rice is an important cereal crop on which global
food security is dependent. The three major rice producing countries are China
followed by India and Indonesia, which are also the three of the most populated
countries. To satisfy the global food demand, food production needs to be in-
creased by 70% by 2050 (Muthayya et al., 2014). The changing trend of farming
and other land uses has decreased the availability of arable land for rice farming
that limits further expansion of rice cultivation. Thus, increasing the rice produc-
tivity through intensification is one option to meet the growing demand for rice
production. However, the intensification must be done in a sustainable manner
with minimum environmental impacts (FAO, 2011, 2014, 2016). We need to learn
from the past experiences, and any future strategy to increase rice production
must be performed without further increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,
particularly methane and nitrous oxide.
Conventionally, rice is grown by puddling the rice fields and transplanting the
seedlings in the puddled land. The main advantage of this system includes in-
creased nutrient mobility due to the continuous presence of standing water in the
field, weed suppression and a stable yield. However, the anticipated climate change
will negatively affect the precipitation pattern and crop water requirement, which
in turn will affect the timely availability of irrigation water for sustaining rice
production (IPCC, 2007). In Asia, anticipated water crisis is reported to be the
root cause of ‘physical water scarcity’ for nearly 39 million ha of irrigated rice by
2025 (Tuong and Bouman, 2003). This would ultimately result in 30% decline
in agricultural production by 2050 (Hossain and Siddique, 2015). Moreover, the
presence of standing water in the traditional lowland paddy fields causes arsenic
toxicity and emits significant amount of methane gas, which contributes to global
DOI: 10.4324/9781003273172-6
Direct seeded rice 107
warming (Kumar et al., 2016). The other challenge is the migration of labour
force from rural to urban areas, as a result of which the availability of labour for
agricultural work is at stake in most parts of South and Southeast Asia.
Thus, rice cultivation is faced by two risks in Asia mainly from anticipated
irrigation water scarcity due to climate change and variability and increased la-
bour costs (Pandey and Velasco, 2005). In addition, there are other constraints
including the availability of seeds and timely extension services support. Thus,
rice demands continuous efforts to ensure a resource-efficient sustainable alterna-
tive system to cope with the vagaries of climate change and other growing risks.
A viable alternative rice establishment technology, which can produce more
grain with less labour and ensure optimal water use in an e co-friendly manner,
would potentially be direct seeded rice (DSR).
The main objective of this chapter is to assess the performance of DSR com-
pared to conventional puddled and transplanted rice, and further recommend
strategies that can promote adoption and scaling up of DSR as a potential climate-
eutral and resilient rice farming system (CNRFS). The chapter was arranged as
follows: first, the introduction section that described the main challenges of rice
production, followed by the principles and practices of DSR, its advantages and
limitations. Then, the performance of DSR compared to conventional puddled
and transplanted rice was assessed using evidence-based field data from India and
other countries under both dry and wet conditions. The performance indicators
that were evaluated included grain yield, nutrient and water use, GHG emissions
and socioeconomic benefits. Finally, the chapter recommended strategies to pro-
mote adoption and scaling up DSR.
i DSR with dry seeding (dry-DSR): The practice of dry seeding involves sowing
of seeds in the field with optimum moisture conditions. Seeds are sown with
pre-sowing irrigation to enhance a good seed germination rate and establish-
ment before the onset of monsoons. This practice ensures timely crop estab-
lishment, which ensures higher productivity; in addition, it is less demanding
in labour, water and energy compared to conventional paddy transplantation.
108 Anjani Kumar et al.
ain advantages and disadvantages of DSR compared to transplanted
Table 6.1 M
puddled rice (TPR)
• Saves irrigation water use by 30–50% and increases Kumar et al. (2019)
water productivity, if properly managed Field study (Figure 6.4)
• Reduces GHG emissions (mostly methane) Singh et al. (2005)
• Saves labour requirement up to 60% (no transplanting, Kumar and Ladha (2011)
puddling and maintenance of standing water), thus Field study (Figure 6.6)
reduces labour cost and renders higher net profit
• Maintains soil aggregates, reduces percolation losses, Sharma et al. (2003)
avoids formation of hard pans in the root zone and
ensures favourable soil condition for succeeding crops
Disadvantages of DSR
• Weed emergence in DSR puts a strong competition Bista and Dahal (2018)
for nutrients, moisture, space and light, and results in
reduction of economic yield
• Nutrient uptake by rice roots under DSR is decreased Johnson et al. (2005)
due to change in nutrient dynamics, compared to TPR
• Higher occurrence of root-knot nematode which results Prot et al. (1994)
in severe damage to rice in all ecologies
Dry direct seeded rice Wet direct seeded rice Water seeding
Dry direct seeded rice in upland Wet direct seeded rice in dry season Water seeding after dry tillage
Dry direct seeded rice in lowland
Wet direct seeded rice in wet season Wet seeding after wet tillage
Dry direct seeded rice in medium and shallow
Figure 6.1 Different methods of DSR and its suitability in different rice ecologies.
ii DSR with wet seeding (wet-DSR): The main agronomic practices involved in
wet seeding are the sowing of sprouted seeds (seed rate = 50 kg ha−1) on the
puddled bed with the help of drum seeder. The advantages of this method in-
clude reduction in labour costs and drudgery, besides, timely and better crop
establishment (De Datta, 1986). The pre-requisites for successful wet-seeded
rice are carefully levelled field and effective weed control (Balasubramanian
and Hill, 2002).
iii Water seeding: Water seeding is mostly practised in irrigated lowlands where
standing water of 5–15 cm is present. In this practice, land is dry ploughed,
harrowed but puddling is avoided after dry tillage. Pre-germinated seeds are
broadcast in the standing water of 10–15 cm depth; however, after wet tillage,
puddling is practised.
Direct seeded rice 109
In the following section, the performance of DSR was compared to conventional
transplanted rice (TPR). The assessment was performed using some key indicators
including grain yield, water input and water use efficiency, nutrient use, GHG emis-
sions, farm mechanization and benefit-cost ratio of DSR. The results were discussed
using the research findings from various studies conducted in different rice growing
areas of India and other parts of Asia, under both dry and wet conditions. The data
from the Government of Norway-funded Resilience project (www.resilienceindia.
org) focusing on climate-smart rice production systems (2018–2022) were analysed
to show the performance of DSR in Cuttack district, Odisha state of India.
Performance of DSR
i Grain yield: Performance of DSR in terms of grain yield is dependent on
many factors such as climatic condition, crop establishment, precise management
of inputs (irrigation water and nutrients), crop lodging and stakeholder’s knowl-
edge (e.g., efficient use of machinery) on different farm operations (Rao et al.,
Pilot demonstrations conducted under the Resilience project in Cuttack ,
Odisha (2018–2022) showed that grain yields of wet-DSR and dry-DSR were
significantly higher than the TPR. The rice yield in DSR increased by 6.
71–13.3% in the wet season and by 6.45–11.5% in the dry season compared
to TPR. This contrasts with a study conducted by Kumar and Ladha (2011)
that showed reduction (9–28%) in grain yield under dry-DSR compared to
conventional TPR. This may be due to different agro-ecological settings in
which the two studies were carried out.
Grain yield under different crop establishment methods is summarized in
Figure 6.2. In general, the grain yield under DSR varied from 3 t ha−1 (Farooq
et al., 2009) to nearly 6 t ha−1 (Sharma et al., 2004). In most of the studies,
Grain Yield
t ha-1
Harada et al., Mitchell et al., Farooq et al., Hobbs et al., Sharma et al., Ko and Kang, Sarkar et al., Resilience project
2007 2004 2009 2002 2004 2000 2003
Figure 6.2 R
ice grain yield under different crop establishment methods.
110 Anjani Kumar et al.
Table 6.2 Desirable traits of rice cultivars suitable for DSR
the grain yield under DSR was higher than under TPR except in one study
reported by Farooq et al. (2009). One of the reasons for the better perfor-
mance of DSR was probably the desirable traits (Table 6.2) of the improved
rice cultivars used and the good agronomic practices applied.
ii Water input and water use efficiency: One of the critical factors for high wa-
ter productivity in dry and wet seeded rice is precision water management.
Maintaining aerobic conditions in the field is essential for promising crop
stand establishment and high seedling vigour in early stages of dry seeding,
whereas in wet seeded rice, precision water management is required for better
performance of the applied herbicides and crop growth. Several studies were
carried out during the last two decades, analysing the performance of wa-
ter productivity and water savings under different rice systems. The research
findings on total water inputs in rice under the different water management
methods are summarized in F igure 6.3. The total water input ranged from
about 3,500 mm under flooded and transplanted (Kato et al., 2009) to 500
mm under alternately submerged/non-submerged conditions (Belder et al.,
2004) under different rice ecologies. The total water input under D-DSR,
W-DSR in the Resilience project was lower than 1,000 mm except in TPR.
Experiments conducted under the Resilience India project reported that
water saving was higher by 1 8–19.5% in w
et-DSR and by 4 3–45% in dry-
DSR over TPR (Figure 6.4). Similar findings were reported by Sharma et al.
(2002) that observed 12–60% water savings under DSR and 1 3–30% under
TPR. However, the water productivity under DSR in dry conditions (0.4–0.5
kg m−3) was higher than that under DSR in wet conditions TPR (0.2–0.3
kg m−3) (Figure 6.2). The water productivity can further be increased under
DSR by precise land levelling using laser land leveller. This ensures uniform
distribution of water, proper seed germination and weed control and good
crop establishment, resulting in higher yield (7–24%) and irrigation water
saving by 12–21% (Choudhary et al., 2002).
In DSR, precision irrigation practices like micro-irrigation, drip irriga-
tion and other automated irrigation technologies can be used for enhanc-
ing water use efficiency. However, this requires additional investments that
Direct seeded rice 111
Water input (mm)
Daily irrigation
Beldar et al., Beldar et al., Choudhary Matsuo et Kato et al., Ghosh et al, Yadav et al., Kadiyala et Kumar et al., Resilience project
2004 2005 et al., 2007 al., 2009 2009 2010 2011 al., 2012 2017
Figure 6.3 Representative studies reporting total water input in rice under different water
Water Productivity kg kg-3
Figure 6.4 Comparison of cost of production and benefit-cost ratio under DSR and TPR.
smallholders cannot afford unless they are supported by subsidies from the
government and maintenance of equipment. The Government of India has
initiated country-wide programmes for upscaling precision irrigation systems
for fruit crops, which may be eventually extended to rice (Agricoop, 2021).
Drip and sprinkler irrigation technologies were found effective in saving ir-
rigation water in rice up to 67%, and two-fold increase in the yield (Arns,
1999). Other advanced studies have shown that the application of artificial
intelligence in automation of drip and sprinkler irrigation systems can further
112 Anjani Kumar et al.
improve the application efficiency over surface irrigation method (Bhoi et al.,
2021). However, drip and sprinkler methods are not commonly practised by
farmers in the rice growing countries, due to difficulties in maintenance and
initial establishment costs.
At the same time, we are observing a shift towards adoption of sensor-
based technologies for site-specific and need-based application of irrigation
water in India and other regions within the agriculture sector. Some of the
sensor-based technologies used for scheduling irrigation include gypsum block
sensor, time-domain reflectometry (TDR), frequency-domain reflectometry
(FDR) and neutron probe sensors. Recently developed advancement in preci-
sion irrigation management is the development of Customized Colour-Coded
Tensiometer (Kumar et al., 2021a) and the NRRI ARM sensor (Kumar et al.,
2021b). Some of these sensors are being made farmer friendly and easy to
handle and have the potential to save irrigation water, which can be up to
41% without any significant decline in the grain yield (Kumar et al., 2021a,b).
iii Integrated nutrient and fertilizer management: Site-specific or precision nutri-
ent management is becoming important in rice and other cropping systems
to improve productivity (Dobermann and Witt, 2004; Sapkota et al., 2016).
This will not only reduce overuse of fertilizers but also reduce GHGs sig-
nificantly. Proper dosage, and right time and method of application play an
important role in nutrient management in rice. Otherwise, it can lead to
losses of reactive nitrogen (N) through denitrification, volatilization and
leaching, as observed under dry-DSR, which is higher compared to TPR
(Davidson, 1991). As a result, the availability of plant nutrients such as nitro-
gen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), sulphur (S), iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn)
also reduced (Ponnamperuma, 1972), which hinders optimum plant growth
and yield under DSR. There are several fertilizer management practices that
can contribute to an improvement in the nutrient availability in DSR.
a Split fertilizer application: The dose of N fertilization used in DSR is
higher than that used in TPR to compensate the higher losses of reactive
N (Gathala et al., 2011). Normally, under DSR, one-third of the full dose
of N, P and K is applied as basal dose, which enhances the fertilizer use
efficiency by facilitating the availability of nutrients to the plants. The
remaining two-thirds dosage of N is applied in equal splits at vegetative
(active tillering) and reproductive (panicle initiation) stages (Kamboj
et al., 2012). Such type of fertilizer application increases the grain yield
and maximizes N use efficiency. More details about the dosage and tim-
ing of fertilizer application for DSR in different agro-ecological settings
are provided in Box 6.1. Awareness about the fertilizer management
suitable to DSR needs to be increased among farmers through regular
trainings and information.
b Green/brown manuring: In conventionally tilled DSR, the use of chem-
ical N fertilizer can be significantly reduced by applying green/brown
manuring such as Sesbania (Farooq et al. 2021). The seeds of Sesbania spp
Direct seeded rice 113
@ 19.76 kg ha−1 are broadcast three days after rice sowing and allowed to
grow for 2 5–30 days. It is then dried by spraying 2,4-D Ethyl Easter. In the
case of broadcast rice, at the time of beushening (a traditional system of
rice cultivation common in rainfed regions), harvested Sesbania foliage is
incorporated in soil, whereas in the case of line sowing the incorporation
is done at the time of manual weeding. This practice supplies about 14
kg of N per acre1, adds organic matter to soil and helps in maintenance
of overall soil health. Thus, a part of nitrogenous fertilizer (up to 25%)
can be replaced by brown manuring. The occurrence of nematode infes-
tation in DSR can be minimized by growing summer legume crops such
as green gram in rice-wheat or green manuring of Crotolaria juncea L.
c Fertilizer and seed treatment: One of the important factors in sustainable rice
production is integrated nutrient management, to improve the availability
114 Anjani Kumar et al.
of nutrients applied through several fertilizer and seed treatment tech-
niques. These techniques help not only in increasing the nutrient use effi-
ciency but also reducing environmental pollution. The use of neem-coated
urea (slow/controlled release of N fertilizers) and real-time N management
significantly enhances the yield and nitrogen use efficiency. In the real-
time N management practice, about 50% N application is adequately fol-
lowed by split application based on the value shown by leaf colour chart,
which is easy to use by farmers even without much literacy. In the case of K,
split application (50% basal and 50% at panicle initiation stage) has proved
to be more advantageous under the DSR condition (PhilRice, 2002). Seed
treatment with suitable microbial inoculants helps DSR farmers for better
nutrient cycling and enhancing the nitrogen use efficiency.
iv Greenhouse gas emissions: Irrigated rice is one of the major sources of meth-
ane emissions (nearly 1.5% of total global GHG), a GHG which is more than
30 times as potent as carbon dioxide (Searchinger and Wiate, 2014). There
are several studies that showed the practice of alternate wet and dry irrigation
cycles in rice significantly helps in reducing CH4 emission (Wang et al., 2012;
Kumar et al., 2016). Some of the mitigation measures to GHG emissions from
DSR based on previous research findings and the Resilience project results
are presented in Figure 6.5. The findings showed that methane emission was
lower in all DSR demo plots under wet/dry and zero tillage conditions than
under the conventional TPR. The emissions were even lower under dry-DSR
than under wet and/or zero tillage DSR. Careful land and water management
in DSR with proper sequence of wetting and drying has the potential to re-
duce significant methane by 40–50%.
a Water management practices: Water management practices like midsea-
son drainage and intermittent drainage reduce emission of CH4 more
kg ha-1
seeding seeding seeding seeding seeding seeding DSR
Ishibashi et al., 2001 setyanto et al., 2000 Ko and Kang 2000 Corton et al., 2000 Ko et al., 2002 Tsuruta et al., 2002 Singh et al., 2009
esearch findings on methane emissions (kg ha−1) from rice cultivation under
Figure 6.5 R
TPR, DSR and ZT. CT = conventional tillage, TPR = transplanted puddled
rice, DSR = direct seeded rice, ZT = zero tillage.
Direct seeded rice 115
compared to flooded rice. However, earlier studies have also shown that
midseason drainage and intermittent drainage increase N2O emissions
(e.g., Kumar et al., 2016). Li et al. (2011) reported that the timing and
duration of midseason aeration affected the trade-off between CH4 and
N2O emissions. It shows there is a potential for reducing GHG emissions
from rice fields by adopting suitable water management practices (refer
Chapter 3). Farmers need to be trained on the timings and method of
water application to the rice fields for achieving net reductions in GHGs.
Where farmers are dependent on canal irrigation, water management has
to be coordinated by farmer groups and irrigation agencies collectively.
b Crop establishment methods: Under different crop establishment methods,
Kumar and Ladha (2011) reported a higher N2O-N emission under differ-
ent dry-DSR practices (1.3–2.2 kg N2O-N ha−1 in bed-dry-DSR and ZT-
dry-DSR compared to 0.31–0.39 kg N2O-N ha−1 in conventional TPR).
These findings clearly indicate that although DSR has the capacity to
reduce methane emission, it increases the N2O emissions. The trade-off
between CH4 and N2O emissions should be the basis for devising water
management strategy under DSR for mitigating overall global warming
potential (GWP) from rice fields. Crop establishment strategies that
would reduce GWP will be ideal for fitting into the r ice-based systems as
alternatives for conventional practices.
F armer-led demo trials during the years 2 019–2021 (under the Resilience project)
in the Tangi area of Cuttack district (Odisha state) reported that cumulative N2O
emission flux was between 1.1 and 1.5 kg N2O-N ha−1 under DSR, which is higher
than that under TPR by almost 42%. Similar results were found by Kumar and
Ladha (2011) who reported higher N2O emission flux (0.90–1.1 kg N2O-N ha−1)
under conventional dry-DSR practice. The cumulative CH4 emissions in WDSR
and DDSR were 30.3% and 39% less than in TPR in wet season, whereas 36.8%
and 47% less than in TPR in dry season (Table 6.2). The cumulative CO2 emis-
sion flux in WDSR, DDSR and TPR were 1,323, 1,474 and 1,647 kg ha−1 in wet
season and 1,520, 1,576, 1,656 kg ha−1 in dry season, respectively (Table 6.3). The
cumulative GWPs were 20.5–21.6% less in WDSR and 22.7–23.3% less in DDSR
compared to TPR. Other studies have reported similar results showing that the
overall net effect of DSR in GWP was decreased by 16–33% compared to conven-
tional rice production methods (Pathak and Aggrawal, 2012). Harada et al. (2007)
reported that replacing conventional TPR by DSR in the Indo-Gangetic Plains
can reduce the global warming potential by 25%. Thus, DSR provides an oppor-
tunity for the agriculture sector to contribute to mitigation efforts if included and
supported within the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) initiatives.
Farm mechanization
The small landholding size of many Indian farmers (<2 ha) is a major constraint
to promote farm mechanization at the individual farm level. However, there is an
116 Anjani Kumar et al.
Table 6.3 Effect of greenhouse gas emissions, GWP on different crop establishment
WDSR 75.1 52.3 1,323 1,520 1.07 1.13 3,657 3,163 20.5 21.6
DDSR 65.5 43.1 1,474 1,576 1.48 1.46 3,552 3,099 22.7 23.3
TPR 108 82.8 1,647 1,656 0.92 1.10 4,598 4,038 – –
DSR – wet direct seeded rice, DDSR – dry direct seeded rice, TPR – transplanted puddled rice.
Source: Authors analysis of research data from Resilience project sites.
Economics of DSR
There are several determinants of cost of cultivation like labour wages, machine
use, and irrigation cost (Tripathi et al., 2014). The profitability under DSR is lo-
cation specific. Areas with cheaper labour cost and easy availability of irriga-
tion water recorded higher benefit-cost ratio under DSR compared to other areas.
There are several studies that showed economic prospects for DSR are highly
promising (Pandey and Velasco, 2002). The cost of cultivation under DSR re-
duced by 4 5–48% compared to TPR due to crop establishment, followed by water
management (Yaduraju et al., 2021). Other studies by Kumar and Ladha (2011)
reported a reduction in the cost of cultivation by 6 –32% under dry-DSR and by
2–16% under wet-DSR. This reduction in the production cost increases profita-
bility mainly due to less tillage operations, cheap labour and irrigation water and
more use of machines for different agricultural operations (Tripathi et al., 2014).
Nevertheless, the cost for weed control is about 20–38% higher in DSR compared
to TPR. Assuming other expenditures on crop cultivation in both TPR and DSR
similar, adoption of DSR practice may result in total net saving of Indian rupees
(INR) 9,114 to 10,192 per hectare. This implies that DSR adoption per million
hectares of land would result in an economic benefit range of INR 10.0 billion
(Yaduraju et al., 2021).
118 Anjani Kumar et al.
The inclusion of seed drill, power-operated boom sprayer and combine har-
vester in DSR (accessed by farmers through custom hiring centres) system con-
tributed to reduced cost of cultivation by 25%. Moreover, the use of modern seed
drills further decreased the seed rate under DSR by around 50% compared to TPR
(Dhakal et al., 2019).
The pilot demos conducted at the Resilience project site in Odisha state, India,
recorded a significantly higher benefit-cost ratio under DSR (1.6) compared to
TPR (1.8). The use of seed drills in the DSR demos resulted in significant reduc-
tion in labour and fuel costs, which led to enhancing the farm profitability (see
Figure 6.6).
Benefit - cost ratio
Rupees ha-1
0 0
Figure 6.6 Comparison of cost of production and benefit-cost ratio under DSR and TPR.
DSR = direct seeded rice, TPR = transplanted puddled rice.
Direct seeded rice 119
i Shortage of climate resilient rice varieties: In this regard, one success case story
to mention is how the lack of good quality improved seeds was addressed by
the Resilience project in Assam (India). Two climate resilient varieties were
developed by the researchers and were introduced to farmers. As the demand
for these seeds was increasing, there was a need to develop a public-private
partnership between farmers and research community. The latter agreed to
provide foundation seeds to farmers directly for on-farm multiplication un-
der the supervision of the local research institute. This success has gener-
ated positive impacts among the farmers and increased the availability of
improved seeds in the area. In addition, adaptive research should be carried
out to produce rice varieties that adapt the local condition and tolerant to
lodging problem.
ii Lack of effective herbicides and nematode infestation: There are many species of
weed flora, of which hardy grassy weeds and sedges are more prevalent in DSR
(Caton et al., 2003; Rao et al., 2007). The weed problems in DSR can be con-
trolled using various measures that are context specific, as shown in Table 6.4.
To implement the above-mentioned measures effectively, it requires train-
ing of farmers, increasing awareness and informing farmers about the right
time and method for weed control during the cropping season and access to
purchase the inputs.
iii Nutrient uptake by rice roots and iron deficiency: Several research efforts have
been made on nutrient uptakes and iron deficiency in DSR (e.g., Zhang et al.,
2019). However, there is limited knowledge to improve nutrient u ptakes – in
particular iron deficiency in DSR in specific ecologies. In general, measures
such as applying site-specific nutrient management approach (refer Chapter 2)
and growing rice cultivars with high iron contents could improve rice nutri-
ent uptakes including iron in the soils.
iv N on-availability of appropriate machinery for seeding rice: This challenge
could be addressed by introducing services hiring centres that provide access
Table 6.4 E
xamples of research findings related to effective weed control measures in
• Use of manual and/or self-propelled weeders can play a Rao et al. (2007)
significant role in controlling weeds
• Mulching with wheat residue @ 4 t ha−1 inhibits emergence of Singh et al. (2007)
grassy weeds by 4 4–47% and broad leaf weeds by 56–72% in
• Brown manuring reduces weed population at early stage due to
its high growth rate and competition
• Use of EMS mutant lines of Nagina 22 (N 22) was identified as Grover et al. (2020)
Imazethapyr resistant. The trait has been transferred to Pusa
Basmati 1121; non-genetically modified herbicide-tolerant rice
120 Anjani Kumar et al.
to farm machineries to smallholders, women and youth. For example, the
Resilience project established a Custom Hiring Centre (CHC) in Assam
(Golgahat district) to support farmers to provide farm machineries such as
power tillers, paddy threshers, straw choppers, power weeders and winnowers
at a subsidized hiring rate. The rent charge is used to cover the costs of main-
tenance and operation of CHC and the machineries. According to farmers,
the timely availability of farm machinery has enabled them to perform the
different farming activities efficiently.
v Lack of awareness on DSR cultivation methods: The virtual and/or physical Vil-
lage Knowledge Centre (VKC) services (ICT-based digital tools) introduced
in the Resilience project have increased farmers’ awareness about DSR. Par-
ticipatory extension services through VKCs and farmer-to-farmer learning
have encouraged other farmers to practise DSR. The VKCs extension per-
sonnel working in collaboration with the state-run farmer training centres
(KVKs) is helping in scaling up DSR.
The chapter has benefited from the results of the Resilience project field trials in
the Odisha state of India. The authors would like to thank field enumerators and
lead farmers involved in the field demos. At the same time, they acknowledge the
support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs/The Norwegian Embassy,
New Delhi for funding and support to the Resilience project in India (2018–2023).
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7 Carbon-neutral farming
solutions in rice farming
systems in Europe
Stefano Monaco, Patrizia Borsotto, Roberto Cagliero,
Chiara Bertora, Omedé Gabriele, Maite Martínez-
Eixarch and Laura Bardi
In Europe, rice cultivation in terms of area and production has been stable be-
tween 1994 and 2020. The amount of rice produced in 2019 was about 2.8 million
tonnes from a total cultivated area of about 428,000 ha, which represented 0.27%
of world’s rice production and 0.41% of world’s harvested area (FAOSTAT, 2019).
Due to temperature and water needs, rice in Europe is only cultivated in southern
regions and in specific areas or districts, mainly in Italy (53.2% of total area as of
2020) and Spain (23.9%), and to a lesser extent in Greece (8.4%), Portugal (6.2%),
France (3.6%), Bulgaria (2.9%), Romania (1.4%) and Hungary (0.7%). The pro-
duction provides nearly 60% of internal rice consumption needs in Europe; the
remainder 40% (approximately 1.2 million tonnes of milled rice per year, mainly
Indica/long grain rice) is imported, especially from Pakistan, Thailand, Myanmar
and Cambodia (EC, 2019a).
Though the rice production in the European Union (EU) is comparatively
smaller to the total global production, the rice farming systems in some of the
European regions have a long tradition and have important economic, cultural
and landscape relevance at local and regional scale. The current research on im-
proving sustainability and carbon neutrality of rice farming in Europe can there-
fore be useful to other rice growing regions in the world. This is one of the main
reasons for including this chapter in the book.
In the EU, rice is normally cultivated under flooding conditions, sown in spring
and harvested in autumn. Average yields range between 4 and 8 tonnes per hec-
tare, also depending on cultivars that mostly belong to Japonica rice varieties.
Flooded paddy landscapes providing habitats for many organisms including mi-
gratory birds are important for biodiversity conservation and artificial wetland
maintenance in Europe. This agroecosystem is similar to other rice growing re-
gions, where several environmental problems can be observed due to high use of
fertilizers and agrochemicals, leading not only to pollution of soil and water but
also to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Kraehmer et al., 2017). Moreover, cli-
mate change (CC) further increases the vulnerability of these specialized farming
systems due to the rise in water shortage, new pests and diseases and soil salinity
in coastal regions.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003273172-7
128 Stefano Monaco et al.
GHG emissions from agriculture and rice farming systems in
the EU
Considering all sources and sectors, except for LULUCF,1 the total GHG emis-
sions decreased by about one-third in EU since 1990. A total of 3.6 Gt of CO2 eq
emissions was estimated in 2019 (EEA, 2019), which is about 10% of the global
GHG emissions (UNFCCC, 2019). According to the EEA, this is mainly due
to the implementation of the EU and national policies and measures that have
contributed to the decrease of GHG emissions in almost all sectors, particularly
in energy supply, industry and the residential sector, while emissions from agricul-
ture have increased in recent years. The EU has set new targets of 55% reduction
by 2030 compared with 1990 level and of achieving a climate-neutral economy
by 2050, which will need substantial efforts across all the sectors of the economy.
The agricultural sector has contributed to 12.7% of the total GHG emissions in
2019, mostly methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) (EEA, 2019). The shares of
CH4 and NO2 emitted from the agricultural sector are highly relevant in the EU,
because they correspond to 53.7% and 74.6% of total CH4 and NO2 emissions, re-
spectively. Although rice in the EU is usually cultivated under flooded conditions,
which causes high amount of CH4 emissions during crop growing season at field
scale, the contribution of CH4 from paddy fields to the total CH4 emissions is only
1.2%, due to the very limited area of rice cultivation, while the main sources are
represented by ruminants’ enteric fermentation (80.7%) and manure management
(17.4%). Nevertheless, as the contribution of CH4 emissions from rice paddies to
global warming is relevant at global scale, the effort for its reduction concerns
the entire global community, as recognized by the EU in its strategy to reduce
methane emissions (EC, 2020). Concerning N2O emissions, the direct and indi-
rect N2O emissions from agricultural soils are relevant, representing 88.6% of the
sector in 2019, while the remaining share originates from manure management
(11.2%). Policies on climate impacts or rice assume that N2O emissions from this
crop are negligible or very small, in fact, less than 10% of the total emissions, and
none of the rice growing countries include them in their national inventories.
Nevertheless, water-saving techniques, which have been developed and spread to
reduce water use and CH4 emissions from paddies, may increase N2O emissions
through a erobic-anaerobic cycling, which favours nitrification and less complete
denitrification. A more detailed account of the aerobic-anaerobic cycling and its
impact on N2O emissions is given in Chapter 3.
Besides the information on the contribution of the agriculture and rice sector
to climate change through IPCC-supported national GHG inventory method-
ology, several other methods have been proposed for calculating the magnitude
of impact per kilogram of food products and for understanding where the im-
pacts are concentrated within the production chain from field to supermarket.
Life cycle assessment (LCA) is the most utilized method for evaluating the en-
vironmental impacts of processes and products through indicators such as global
warming potential (GWP) and carbon footprint. In an LCA study carried out
in the Vercelli district, which is one of the most important rice producing area
Carbon-neutral farming solutions in rice farming systems 129
in Northern Italy, Blengini and Busto (2009) estimated that in the baseline rice
farming system, direct emissions from the field were the first source of GWP with
68% of contribution, followed by fertilizer production (9%) and product transpor-
tation (6%). They also investigated the effects of alternative rice farming systems
such as organic farming and water-saving techniques that provided interesting
results. For organic farming, a lower impact per hectare but a higher GWP per
unit mass of product was assessed, which increased by 20%, as expected due to
lower yields. As organic farming has other important beneficial effects, such as
biodiversity conservation and environmental pollution reduction, which are also
major concerns in large rice producing regions of Asia, the research strategies for
maintaining high yield and low GWP per product in the organic rice system have
become more important in recent years. The use of alternatives such as water-
saving techniques, which could also cause yield reductions and even concerns
about its feasibility and negative t rade-offs at large scale, has nonetheless the po-
tential to decrease GWP by about 50%.
(M01,M02;M15;M06;M12;M11), 92
M16, 75
M04, 110
M13, 217
M10, 596
M08, 2838
Figure 7.1 P
lanned public expenditure on Focus Area 5E per measure (millions of euro).
Source: ENRD 2016.
Carbon-neutral farming solutions in rice farming systems 131
and implementation of nature-based solutions as options for achieving climate
neutrality by 2050. Moreover, sequestration methodologies could also have
strong positive trade-offs, such as resilience increase of land and farming sys-
tems to climate change and other risks, improvement of resource use efficiency
and enhancement of soil health and biodiversity. Mitigation potentials of the
EU farming systems, together with feasibility, impact and cost effectiveness of
monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system of possible measures and
options, have been addressed in several research studies and in specific policy
reports (Martineau et al., 2016; Leip et al., 2017; COWI, 2021). The concept of
“Carbon farming” has been gaining more relevance in the EU context and its
implementation is expected to start in the coming years (EC, 2021). It refers to
the management of carbon pools, flows and GHG fluxes at farm level, with the
aim of reducing net GHG emissions for climate change mitigation. This objec-
tive can be achieved through measures that involve the management of land,
crops, soil and livestock.
Examples of mitigation actions at farm level to manage carbon and GHG
fluxes, identified as relevant within the EU context, are reported in Table 7.1
with estimates of their potential impact. Martínez-Eixarch et al. (2021) assessed
22 different actions reported in the table and their mitigation potential and
found that 11 could have substantial impact, with more than 5,000 kt of CO2
eq per year of reduction at EU level. Among them, eight actions were related
to carbon sequestration due to land use, land use change or crop production;
two were related to mitigation of N2O emissions from fertilizer application; and
one (carbon audits) was a means of identifying relevant actions at farm business
level. While the potential contribution to climate mitigation should be the first
aspect to consider in any assessment of future potential schemes, other factors
need to be considered as well. The permanence of the effect of the climate action
on carbon pool and GHG fluxes, and the associated risk of reversal processes
such as land management change or a catastrophic event such as fire, must be
adequately considered, together with the additionality of the effect that without
the action taken the results would not have occurred. Moreover, it is necessary
to evaluate the risk of the s o-called “carbon leakage”, which is the displacement
of the emission to another location, by emitting activities increase or land use
changes caused by the considered mitigation action. Another important aspect
is related to the evaluation of the achievement of the expected results in terms
of carbon stock increase or GHG emission reduction, and in terms of the asso-
ciated uncertainty, reliability and costs of the applied methodology that could
be based on direct measurements, assessment tools and/or modelling. These are
challenges that should be considered while planning for mitigation measures
and their actual implementing and monitoring at each farm level in the coming
years. This could be even a bigger challenge in scattered and small-size farms
in Asia or Africa, where farmers’ climate literacy could be limited. Any lessons
learnt from the EU small farms in this context could be relevant for small-scale
farming systems elsewhere.
132 Stefano Monaco et al.
Table 7.1 P
otential GHG savings from various measures in practice to reduce EU
agriculture and land use emissions
Range of values potential
Group Mitigation action utilized for the (kt CO2 eq/y)
Min Max
Land use Conversion of arable land to 2.2–7.3 t/ha/y CO2e 2,670 8,850
grassland sequestered in soil
New agroforestry potential 0.15–0.88 t/ha/y 257 1,560
CO2e sequestered
in soil
Wetland/peatland 1.3–8.2 t CO2e /ha/y 1.61 10.1
Woodland planting 1.47–1.83 t/ha/y 2,570 3,210
CO2e sequestered
in soil
Preventing deforestation and 0.73–7.3 t/ha/y 1,079 10,790
removal of farmland trees CO2e sequestered
in soil
Woodland, hedgerows, woody 0.37 t/ha/y CO2e 5,500 5,500
buffer strips and trees sequestered in soil
on agricultural land
Crop Reduced tillage 0.0059–0.0180 t 104.5 324
production CO2e /ha/y for
fuel saved
Zero tillage 0.0121–0.0359 t 809 2,467
CO2e /ha/y for
fuel saved
Leaving crop residues on the 0.11–2.2 t/ha/y CO2e 133.3 2,670
soil surface
0 –0.512 Mt per
Ceasing to burn crop residues 880
and vegetation member state
CO2e per year
Use cover/catch crops 0.88–1.47 t/ha/y 10,460 18,100
CO2e sequestered
in soil
Nutrient Soil and nutrient management 0.033–0.159 t CO2e 2,130 21,300
and soil plans /ha/y from N2O
management reduction
Use of nitrification inhibitors 0.003–0.017 t CO2e 29,700 89,100
/ha/y from N2O
Improved nitrogen efficiency 0.033–0.159 t CO2e 2,130 21,300
/ha/y from N2O
Biological N fixation in 0.006–0.042 t CO2e 6,390 12,400
rotations and in grass mixes /ha/y from N2O
Carbon-neutral farming solutions in rice farming systems 133
Source: Based on own data collection through farmer interviews and field survey.
main cause of yield variability and yield gap of organic paddies. The use of green
mulching from different cover crops was widespread in a major part of farms of
the sample, aimed to limit weed development through the physical obstruction
obtained by cover crop residue biomass and, to some extent, the phytotoxic action
of chemical compounds (e.g. organic acids) produced during its fermentation in
flooding water. In this technique, the rice seeds are broadcast or directly seeded on
the cover crop (e.g. ryegrass and/or vetch), left standing or rolled or chopped just
before field flooding, inducing biomass fermentation processes. This technique
was carried out solo in the entire rice farm area or in combination with a differ-
ent strategy, combining false seedbed preparation and mechanical weed control.
Green mulching is in general associated with dry seeding in farmland with light
soils and limited water availability, and it is carried out with a weeder harrowing
used several times at p re-seeding, during p re-emergence and after the three leaves
stage. In area with heavy soil with problems of water drainage, false seedbed and
136 Stefano Monaco et al.
Table 7.3 List of innovative agricultural practices applied in the subgroup of rice farms
org01 Mulching with cover crop biomass, false seedbed, green 60 4.3
manure, manual weed control
org03 Mulching with cover crop biomass, mulching with 44 3.7
org04 Mulching with cover crop biomass, minimum tillage 39 3.2
org05 Mulching with cover crop biomass 4 3.8
org06 Mulching with cover crop biomass 28 3.4
org07 Mulching with cover crop biomass 40 3.7
org08 Mulching with cover crop biomass, agroforestry 60 4.1
org09 False seedbed 21 3.6
org10 Mulching with cover crop biomass 21 3.6
org11 False seedbed 8 5.2
org12 AWD, transplant, interrow cultivator 30 5.0
conv01 Low chemical input use 145 4.4
conv02 Green manure 210 6.5
conv03 Winter flooding, mulching with cover crop, straw 116 7.5
conv04 High chemical input use, precision farming, minimum 100 9.3
conv05 High chemical input use, precision farming 36.6 7.9
mechanical weed management was carried out under saturated soil conditions
(i.e. “puddling technique”). An improvement of mechanical weed control was
carried out by seeding rice rows at 30 cm and using an interrow cultivator with
satellite control as observed in the sample farm org12. Other innovative practices
tested in the sample of farms included alternate wetting and drying (AWD) tech-
nique (Monaco et al., 2021), winter flooding, minimum tillage, mulching with
biofilm, transplanting and agroforestry. Low chemical inputs for herbicides and
fertilizers (conv01) and green manure (conv02) were tried out on the areas under
conventional farming. The precision agriculture technique carried out in conv04
and conv05 rice area consisted in variable fertilization rate, based on prescription
map, with the aim of yield maximization.
The carbon footprint of farms was calculated using the Cool Farm Tool©
(CFT) with the data collected through interviews. The tool which was developed
by the Cool Farm Alliance is an online tool used for the calculation of various
agro-environmental indicators (CFA, 2019). Among the different tools available
for calculating the “carbon footprint” on a farm (Whittaker et al., 2013), the CFT
was selected for the following reasons: (i) it includes all emission sources; (ii) it al-
lows us to manage the estimation for several farms simultaneously; and, above all,
(iii) it presents a specific modality for rice cultivation (Hillier et al., 2011). The soil
carbon sequestration was assessed using RothC model, one of the most popular
Carbon-neutral farming solutions in rice farming systems 137
models for this research topic (Coleman et al., 1996). Due to the anaerobic condi-
tions of paddy soil caused by flooding, which slows down organic matter decom-
position, it was necessary to apply proper coefficients of the decomposition/and
mineralization rate to obtain reliable results for paddy, using the version devel-
oped by Shirato et al. (2005) in RothC-26.3. The application of CFT and RothC
focused on rice cultivation and the outputs were reported using both surface and
product as reference unit. The results of carbon footprint and carbon sequestra-
tion assessment are reported in Figure 7.2, while the detail of all other sources of
GHG emissions except methane from paddy is reported in Figure 7.3.
kg CO2 eq ha-1 y-1
Methane emissions from paddies GHG from all other sources
Soil carbon sequestration Carbon sequestration from wood biomass
kg CO2 eq t-1 y-1
Methane emissions from paddies GHG from all other sources
Soil carbon sequestration Carbon sequestration from wood biomass
Figure 7.2 GHG emissions and soil carbon sequestration under different rice management
referred to the surface (a) and rice product (b) unit.
Source: Authors’ own data calculated with Cool Farm Tool and RothC using farms survey data.
Carbon-neutral farming solutions in rice farming systems 139
2200 a)
kg CO2 eq ha-1
kg CO2 eq t-1
Figure 7.3 G
HG emissions from all other sources except methane emissions from paddies
under different rice managements referred to the surface (a) and rice product
(b) unit.
140 Stefano Monaco et al.
and mechanical weed control with high energy consumption represented a rele-
vant emission source in the sample farm org12 (1.5 t CO2 eq ha−1).
Carbon sequestration
Considering soil carbon sequestration calculated by R othC-26.3 model, which is
reported in Figure 7.2, the current management techniques would lead to an in-
crease of 0.2% in organic carbon in 20 years and will sequester 1.7 t CO2 ha−1 per
year on average for all farms, which corresponds to 27.6% of total GHG emissions.
Conventional management generally showed higher values than organic man-
agement. This was probably due to the calculation by the model of higher carbon
input from straw produced and returned to the soil. In the sample farm conv03,
where straw was removed, the soil carbon sequestration was lower. Moreover,
there was a large variability of results among organic farming, probably due to the
different soil characteristics and the initial level of soil organic matter. Neverthe-
less, the sample farm org09 was the only management option that showed a clear
trend of soil organic content depletion, which could be attributed to low yield
(and straw return) and absence of cover crops. Low values of carbon sequestration
were assessed when vetch was used as cover crop compared to ryegrass, due to low
biomass production and C input. In the sample farm org12, the result obtained
was very high, but this is mainly due to the very low initial carbon content. Posi-
tive variations largely depended on the initial conditions of the soil and therefore
comparisons with other situations can be difficult. The information per se is use-
ful for comparing different practices in a given area. Carbon sequestration due to
tree planting under agroforestry was observed on one of the sample farms (org08)
and was calculated using the CFT web application. Agroforestry is a practice that
has a high potential to store carbon effectively, yet its contribution in this case
was observed to be limited. The rather low result may be due to several factors,
including low tree density and inadequacy of CFT on carbon input estimates from
temperate climate tree crops.
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8 Agroecological farming
approaches that enhance
resilience and mitigation to
climate change in vulnerable
farming systems
Mehreteab Tesfai, Alamu Oladeji Emmanuel, Joyce
Bakuwa Njoloma, Udaya Sekhar Nagothu, and
Ngumayo Joel
Current farming systems rely heavily on the intensive use of external resources
and inputs such as water, mineral fertilizers, and pesticides to increase agricultural
production (Bernard and Lux, 2017). Such farming systems have caused severe
degradation of land water resources, soil depletion, increased outbreaks of pests
and diseases, biodiversity loss, decline of ecosystem services (ESSs), and high lev-
els of greenhouse gas emissions (e.g., FAOSTAT, 2020). There is a widespread rec-
ognition and growing concern that agricultural approaches based on high-external
inputs and resource-intensive farming systems cannot deliver sustainable food and
agricultural production (e.g., FAO, 2018) and it is likely that ‘planetary bounda-
ries’ will even be further exceeded by such systems (e.g., Struik and Kuyper, 2017).
Hence, more sustainable and affordable production methods are needed to pro-
tect and optimize the Earth’s natural resources, while increasing productivity, ad-
aptation, and mitigation to climate change. At the same time, the assumption is
that sustainable agroecological farming systems provide several economic, envi-
ronmental, social, and health benefits, and are the main prerequisite for food and
nutrition security (e.g., Nguyen, 2018).
In recent years, key actors including regional governments, international
agencies, civil society, and non-governmental organizations have demonstrated
their commitments to a new paradigm shift based on agroecology (AE). Some of
these initiatives include (i) the new research and innovation programme by the
European Commission (EC) (2020, 2021) ‘Horizon Europe – Cluster 6: “Food,
Bioeconomy, Natural resources, Agriculture and Environment”’ launched in
2021 that supports a number of sub-priority topics on agroecology, and (ii) the
Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and the FiBL project ‘SysCom’
in Kenya, Bolivia, and India ( In addition,
assessment reports, e.g., by IPCC (2019), FAO (2019), HLPE (2019), and UN
Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016–2025), have all emphasized AE’s potential
DOI: 10.4324/9781003273172-8
148 Mehreteab Tesfai et al.
contributions to climate change mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity preser-
vation, and ESSs. Other international and regional institutions and agencies like
the AGRA (2016) and IPES-Food (2016), and international peasants’ movement
(e.g., La Via Campesina:
v oice/) are promoting AE as a potential to c limate-neutral and resilient farming
systems (CNRFSs).
different farming systems and agroecological zones (AEZs) worldwide. The main
barriers to widespread adoption and upscaling of AE practices/approaches at field/
farm/landscape levels include the following:
negative impacts on the environment (Bernard et al., 2017). They can generate
healthy soils, crops, and animals, which is a core element of regenerative agricul-
ture (Newton et al., 2020). One basic divergence between the two is SI focuses
on increasing the food production side of the food systems. At the same time, AE
addresses the whole food systems along their value chains and relationships with
society and nature (Lampkin et al., 2015). In this chapter, we will focus on the
convergence of SI and AE by promoting the essential elements of AE (Table 8.2)
and their implications to practice, science, and policy.
The chapter has been divided into four main sections. The first section in-
troduces AE definition and concepts, principles and practices, the potential for
sustainable developments, gaps and barriers for adoption and upscaling. This is
followed by case study descriptions of farmer-led AC with Gliricidia agroforestry
demonstration trials in Zambia and the methodological approaches used. Then, a
detailed analysis of the research results is presented and discussed including fun-
damental AE principles, practices, and policy. Towards the end, optimal combi-
nations of the AE practices that enhance food security, resilience, and mitigation
to climate change are recommended.
properly and provide the required ecosystem services and goods’, is essential for im-
proving crop yield and crop nutritional quality. The crop nutritional quality largely
depends on the composition and concentration of nutrients available in the soil.
Maintaining healthy soil ensures nutritious, tasty, and safe foods, and enhances
resilience and mitigation to climate change which are essential for achieving the
SDGs such as SDG 2 (zero hunger) and SDG 13 (climate action). Hence, there is
a need to understand whether crops produced under AC with agroforestry-based
systems are more nutritious than those produced in conventional systems.
A set of AE practices that include AC of maize, groundnuts, soybean with Gli-
ricidia, conservation agriculture, composting/leaf manuring, residue mulching were
implemented in selected on-farm demonstration trials (n = 15) in the eastern
province of Zambia through a farmer-led approach. Farmer-to-farmer extension
services backed these demo trials through farmer field days for broader adoption
of Gliricidia and knowledge sharing. Farmer-to-farmer knowledge exchange on
AE farming practices was also carried out through multimedia platforms such as
weekly radio broadcasts to the farming community in the case study areas.
Figure 8.3 Woman farmer incorporating Gliricidia tree leaves into the soils.
1.6 30
OC (%);BD (Mg/cm3)
0.8 15
0 0
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7
OC (%) BD (Mg/m3) C Stock (t/ha)
Figure 8.4 Mean organic carbon, BD, and carbon stock estimates from the seven treat-
ment plots: T1: Gliricidia + Maize intercrop, T2: sole Maize + Mineral fertili-
zation, T3: sole Maize + no Mineral fertilization, T4: Gliricidia + Soybean, T5:
Gliricidia + Groundnuts, T6: sole Soybean, and T7: sole Groundnuts.
Source: Authors’ own analysis.
organic sources (such as green manures and crop residues) in the long term will
stimulate both microbial community growth and the stabilization (sequestration)
of carbon in aggregates (Moebius-Clune et al., 2016). The magnitude of changes
in soil OM depends on the quantity and quality of prunings, pedo-climatic con-
ditions, and the system management as a whole (Makumba et al., 2007). There is
Agroecological farming approaches to enhance resilience and mitigation 157
Table 8.4 Average grain yields of maize, groundnut, and soybean by treatment (n = 15
demo plots)
T1: Gliricidia + Maize intercrop, T2: sole Maize + Mineral fertilization, T3: sole Maize + no Mineral
fertilization, T4: Gliricidia + Soybean, T5: Gliricidia + Groundnuts, T6: sole Soybean, and T7: sole
Source: Authors’ own analysis.
MC = moisture content; CF = crude fibre; CHO = total carbohydrate; SD: standard deviation, F: F
statistic, T: test statistic. Mean values with different letters in the same row are significantly different
at P <0.05. Pr > F: this is the P-value associated with the F statistic of a given effect and test statistic.
Source: Authors’ own analysis from field data.
maize samples agrees with the study by Ogunyemi et al. (2018), who also reported
no significant difference in the ash content of maize samples subjected to differ-
ent treatments (NPK and biochar fertilized). The mean values for ash, fat, and
protein contents obtained for the Gliricidia-Maize intercrop (T1) without mineral
fertilizer are higher than the results reported by Ogunyemi et al. (2018) for maize
using biochar fertilizer. It implies that Gliricidia has a better effect on nutritional
properties than mineral fertilizer (NPK) and biochar. Also, Gliricidia-Maize inter-
crop (T1) without mineral fertilizer significantly reduced the tannin and phytic
contents of maize samples compared with the control (T3).
Table 8.6 presents treatment effects on the soybean samples’ NPs and ANPs.
Both treatments had a significant (P < 0.05) effect on fat, amylose, total carbohy-
drate (CHO), energy, and ANPs. The result agrees with the studies by Etiosa et al.
(2017) and Alamu et al. (2019), who reported similar values for soya bean seeds.
A higher mean value was observed for protein, starch, amylose, crude fibre, and
CHO contents when Gliricidia + soybean intercrop (T4) was used. There were
lower mean values for ANPs in T4 but comparable ash contents and significantly
lower fat contents (P < 0.05). The observation is similar to what Alamu et al.
(2019) reported, where they observed low values of ANPs for the soybean samples
taken from integrated soil management practices plots. The amylose and CHO
contents were significantly increased while tannin and phytic acid contents were
reduced in T4. Some soybean samples from T4 showed higher ash, protein, and
carbohydrate contents but lower phytic acid and tannin contents than farmer
plots from T6 (sole soybean).
Agroecological farming approaches to enhance resilience and mitigation 159
Table 8.6 Nutritional and antinutritional properties of soybean by treatment (n = 26)
Mean SD Mean SD
Table 8.7 shows the mean values and treatment effects on NPs and ANPs of
groundnut. The result for nutritional properties of groundnut reported agrees with
previously published studies on the proximate composition of groundnut samples
(Asibuo et al., 2008; Atasie et al., 2009). Both treatments (T5 and T7) exhibited
a significant effect (P < 0.05) on fat, protein, sugar, starch, crude fibre (CF), total
carbohydrate (CHO), total energy, and tannin content of groundnut, but a non-
s ignificant effect on ash, amylose, and phytic acid at P > 0.05.
The mean values of crop samples from Gliricidia + Groundnut (T5) were higher
in fat, protein, tannin, and bulk density but lower in starch, CF, and CHO than
with sole Groundnuts (T7). The implication is that T5 significantly increased
the crop’s fat, protein, and tannin levels. Goudiaby et al. (2020) reported a
160 Mehreteab Tesfai et al.
on-significant effect of groundnut intercropped with Eucalyptus camaldulensis
tree on the proximate content of the crop except for the grain yield. This implies
that the Gliricidia-groundnut intercropping improved nutritional properties of
groundnuts compared to treatment using E. camaldulensis.
It can be summarized that the Gliricidia + Maize intercrop (i.e., T1) showed the
highest mean value of ash, fat, protein, and total carbohydrate (CHO) contents.
A higher mean value of protein, starch, amylose, crude fibre, and CHO contents
was measured in Gliricidia + Soybean intercrop (T4). Gliricidia + Groundnut in-
tercrop (T5) significantly increased the fat and protein contents of groundnuts.
Gliricidia + Maize intercrop (T1) significantly (P < 0.05) reduced the tannin and
phytic contents of maize samples compared to the control (sole Maize: T3). Lower
mean values of tannin and phytic acid were observed in T4 than sole Soybean
(T6). A lower value of phytic acid but increased tannin level was measured in
T5. Thus, intercropping with the Gliricidia improves the nutritional quality of
maize, soybean, and groundnut and decreases the antinutritional qualities of the
This chapter reviewed literature related to the key principles/elements of agroeco-
logy (AE) and elaborated their implications to science, practice, and policy. One
of the main barriers to adopting AE is the lack of evidence on the interactive
effects of the practices on AE elements. The case study (i.e., Gliricidia agroforestry
project in Zambia) has implemented a range of AE practices and approaches that
include intercropping, leaf manure incorporation, residue mulching, and value
addition on the AE farming products. The results demonstrated the synergistic
effects on adaptation and mitigation to climate change. More specifically, the
farmer-led demonstration trials on AC systems with Gliricidia agroforestry showed
Agroecological farming approaches to enhance resilience and mitigation 165
positive impacts on the ecological/environmental and socio-economic dimen-
sions of AE elements and principles:
The authors would like to thank the farmers and field enumerators of the
Gliricidia-Zambia project and the NORAD/Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway
for funding the project.
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9 Transitioning toward
climate-neutral and resilient
smallholder farming systems
An institutional perspective
Giacomo Branca, Luca Cacchiarelli, Udaya Sekhar
Nagothu, and Chiara Perelli
The global food production system faces many challenges, including increasing
food demand due to a growing population and climate change, which is expected
to affect food production and stress the natural resource base upon which agricul-
ture depends (IPCC, 2014). This is particularly true in sub-Saharan Africa, where
a fast-growing population, food insecurity, environmental degradation, resource
depletion, and increasing smallholder vulnerability to climate change is making
it difficult to scientists and policy makers to address the problems (Li et al., 2019).
For African smallholders, it is even more important to adopt climate-resilient
agriculture in order to make a sustainable transition toward climate-neutral
and resilient farming systems (CNRFS). However, the adoption and diffusion of
climate-smart technologies have been slow (Branca and Perelli, 2020). The un-
derdeveloped rural financial options, inadequate research and extension services,
insufficient market infrastructure, and lack of policy support often contribute to
the slow diffusion of innovation in the agriculture sector.
Value chains (VCs) represent one of the few options for small producers to
access larger markets and innovative technologies (World Bank, 2007). However,
the private sector does not see the smallholder segment as a potential market
source for its products and services and vice versa. Indeed, most smallholders in
developing countries face bottlenecks in accessing markets and in capturing the
value addition, which is often exploited by intermediaries along the VC. Unlock-
ing the complexity in VC pathways, strengthening linkages among the differ-
ent actors of the VCs, and supporting the development of innovative business
models for small producers can contribute to overcome such barriers to market
entry. This is particularly relevant for the smallholder adoption of CNRFS-related
The objective of the chapter is to provide an institutional perspective about
innovations for a transition toward CNRFS, with a focus on VCs. In highlighting
the role played by stakeholders in the dynamics and partnerships for the diffusion
of climate-resilient innovative technologies, we focus on the how and who should
DOI: 10.4324/9781003273172-9
170 Giacomo Branca et al.
be engaged, and what are the benefits and challenges of such engagement. In
this context, the case of dairy VCs in two Eastern Africa countries (Kenya and
Rwanda) will be discussed, with focus on the socio-economic barriers faced by
smallholders. Adoption of technological innovations is dependent on the proper
institutional and policy support. The recommendations from the chapter can
help in developing frameworks for upscaling adoption of CNRFS. Right policy
and institutional settings are necessary to overcome barriers to innovation adop-
tion, and to foster coordination.
The chapter is organized as follows: the next section presents the conceptual
framework. The case studies are described in section “Case studies”, followed by
the results in section “Discussion”. Toward the end, conclusions are presented.
Conceptual framework
Multiple institutional factors can prevent primary producers from adopting inno-
vative technologies and, in turn, exploiting market opportunities and the business
environment (Poulton et al., 2006; Markelova et al., 2009; Nagothu, 2015, 2018).
They include (i) households’ socio-economic characteristics, including their as-
sets, education, gender, and property rights; (ii) limitations in infrastructure and
input markets, for instance, credit, seed, or fertilizer; and (iii) insecure access to
information services.
Smallholder farmers’ decision to adopt agricultural innovations requires a good
combination of the institutions and policies, which can help to overcome barriers
and limiting factors. From an institutional perspective, different models of VC
integration are possible (Montefrio and Dressler, 2019), ranging from informal
agreements to more complex and formalized relations such as o ut-grower schemes
(Branca et al., 2016). The VC partnerships are increasingly becoming useful
pathways to tackle these limitations, evidenced in the active promotion of multi-
stakeholder groups represented by the different VC actors – for instance, pro-
ducers, farmer organizations, input and service providers, private sector, research
institutions, government agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs),
small and medium enterprises (SMEs) that operate at different levels. The synergy
derived from the partnerships can overcome barriers in the adoption (Kolk et al.,
2008). Partnerships should be based on interactive learning, empowerment, and
collaborative governance that enables stakeholders with interconnected problems
and ambitions, but with different interests, to be collectively innovative and re-
silient when faced with the emerging risks, crises, and opportunities of a complex
and changing environment (Woodhill and van Vugt, 2011). By addressing the in-
stitutional business environment, partnerships can play a pivotal role in enhanc-
ing the chances for producers to be viable suppliers of VCs being a combination
of organizational activity functional to production and marketing (Wijk et al.,
2010). Partnerships can be vehicles for the diffusion of agricultural innovations
(Hermans et al., 2017).
Successful cases of innovation adoption invariably demonstrate a range of part-
nerships and network-like arrangements that connect knowledge users, knowledge
Climate-neutral and resilient smallholder farming systems 171
producers, and others involved in the market, policy, and civil society arenas
(Hall, 2012). In this context, public extension services can play a brokerage role,
beyond their traditional role of linking technology and farmers, networking with
relevant VC actors, and can help to negotiate changes in the policy environment
and investment arrangements. Several factors and processes enable or hinder in-
teractions, both within and external to m ulti-actor co-innovation partnerships
(Cronin et al., 2021). Factors that enable partnerships to achieve their own goals
are based on the inclusion of partners linked with already existing networks that
can facilitate internal collaboration and couple with external environment in-
cluding policy and market conditions.
Smallholder farmers need to be genuinely engaged with the VC actors so that
they benefit from the added value for their products (AFI, 2017). The success of a
particular product in VC development will depend on smallholder stewardship of
the program and their involvement early in the VC development process (CGI,
2016). On their own, small farmers who constitute a majority are disadvantaged
when it comes to accessing markets, credit, and agricultural resources. This is
one of the reasons for poor adoption of innovations on small farms. In response,
countries such as India have initiated Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) to
enable farmers work collectively to reduce costs, improve market access, drive
higher agricultural productivity, enhance food security and livelihood develop-
ment (Verderosa, 2021). The FPOs provide a good platform for strengthening
smallholder stewardship in the VC development.
From the policy point of view, a stable political environment with adequate
legislative measures can favor innovation adoption and encourage rural revitali-
zation (Kosec and Resnick, 2019; Branca et al., 2022). A wide variety of options
exist to create a policy environment conducive to innovation adoption (Lybbert
and Sumner, 2012), ranging from legislative and regulatory instruments to direct
investments, property right allocations, and economic incentives or subsidies.
The adoption of CNRFS will succeed when there are stable and assuring mar-
kets for the farmer’s produce also providing adequate opportunity to farmers to
earn higher incomes. The extent of adoption will also depend on social and en-
vironmental context, whether farmers are educated and used to new tools and
knowledge, age and gender (Nagothu, 2018). It is important to consider whether
the knowledge transfer takes into proper consideration factors such as gender with
differentiated needs. A transformative change of smallholders toward CNRFS
is required to cope with climate change and ensure food and nutrition security.
Climate-resilient innovative farming practices could include (i) improved agro-
nomic practices and effective crop management, (ii) tillage and residue man-
agement, and ( iii) efficient water management. A combination of improved
agronomic technologies and practices can be used to cope with the more unpre-
dictable conditions and the resulting impacts caused by climate change. Examples
of such technology packages comprise use of improved crop varieties (e.g., heat
and pest tolerant), implementation of crop rotation or intercropping (e.g., cereal-
legume), planting cover crops, and avoiding bare fallow (Scialabba et al., 2010).
Tillage cropping systems focus on minimum soil disturbance in conjunction with
172 Giacomo Branca et al.
the retention of crop residues on the soil surface (mulching) to enhance water in-
filtration, prevent runoff, and protect the soil from erosion and crusting by rainfall
(Scopel et al., 2004). Proper water management can help capture more rain, mak-
ing more water available to crops, and using water more efficiently (Rockstrom
and Barron, 2007; Vohland and Barry, 2009; Branca et al., 2013), e.g., through
planting pits and tied ridge systems which increase infiltration, reduce erosion
and the loss of water and soil from arable land (Wiyo et al., 2000). Such concep-
tual links are shown in Figure 9.1 and discussed below.
Households’ socio-economic characteristics. Socio-economic characteristics of
smallholder producers are highly heterogeneous (de Oca Munguia and Llewellyn,
2020). Their capacities can be different in terms of education and knowledge
intake. According to Huffman (2020), innovation adoption is facilitated by en-
hanced knowledge and access to formal education which may improve human
capital and management capacity. Besides, assuring physical assets’ property rights
(e.g., land tenure) can help farmers obtain long-term benefits from current invest-
ments, thereby increasing the likelihood of adoption (Kassie et al., 2015; Mwangi
and Kariuki, 2015; Branca and Perelli, 2020). In this context, social capital (e.g.,
inclusion in a social network) facilitates innovation adoption, especially on small-
holder farms (Husen et al., 2017). Social capital cannot ignore the importance of
women and their contribution to agriculture. However, agricultural research and
extension has been traditionally biased toward men and there has not been an
Case studies
This section presents the results of two case studies in Eastern Africa (Kenya
and Rwanda).1 The case studies explore the socio-economic, physical, and agro-
ecological factors that influence o n-farm adoption of innovative c limate-smart ag-
ricultural practices and the related adoption barriers, with a focus on the VC and
174 Giacomo Branca et al.
the relevant institutional and policy perspectives. This chapter focuses on the in-
troduction of the Brachiaria grass forage to improve the livestock dairy value chain
and the factors that influenced its success in adoption. The forage is an innovation
in the case study areas and has contributed to increased climate resilience of the
current dairy production systems, fostering their transition toward CNRFS.
Brachiaria grass is a perennial tropical forage with high productivity in terms
of palatable and nutritious biomass, tolerates abiotic and biotic stresses, improves
soil fertility, produces more nutritious animal feed, and increases overall livestock
productivity (Mutimura and Ghimire, 2020). In addition to improvements in live-
stock productivity in terms of milk production, it is known to contribute signif-
icantly toward ecological restoration of degraded lands and soil erosion control
(Ghimire et al., 2015). With its appositive traits, it can be one of the promising
climate-neutral resilient forage and a good component that can strengthen adap-
tation and mitigation in crop-livestock integrated systems. In Rwanda, the Bra-
chiaria grass has proved to improve the resilience of mixed c rop-livestock systems
and a buffer against frequent crop failures due to extreme weather events and
climate change (Mutimura and Ghimire, 2020). It has large root systems, seques-
ters carbon into soils, resistant to droughts, performs well in low fertility soils,
and provides several environmental benefits in the form of ecosystem services
(Djikeng et al., 2014; Njarui et al., 2016, 2020). The fodder grass has a positive
impact not only on milk production but also on crop yields (in crop rotation
systems) due to the benefits it has on soil fertility. Overall, it generates significant
ecological, nutritional, and socio-economic benefits (Table 9.1).
The introduction of Brachiaria grass in the farming systems of the case study
areas has been achieved due to the promotion of a participative value chain gov-
ernance approach supported by multi-actor platforms (MAP) established in the
two cases, i.e., a partnership aimed at linking farmers’ organizations, scientific
community, public and private sector, n on-governmental organizations (NGOs),
and SMEs operating within the same product chain. The MAP members have
been involved in different activities, including validation, extension, providing
feedback, and upscaling of innovative Brachiaria-based dairy production sys-
tems. Experience has shown that the MAP members played an important role in
strengthening science-policy linkage.
Table 9.1 E
cological, nutritional, and socio-economic benefits provided by Brachiaria
a Limuro Dairy Cooperative, with around 8,000 active members. Services pro-
vided to members included raw material collection, processing and market-
ing, subsidized fertilizer provision, extension and technical services (e.g.,
veterinary, agriculture extension). Service provision to members is based on
a credit-system (i.e., costs are charged at the end of each month and deducted
directly from milk sales).
b Kambusu Cooperative is the largest cooperative in the area. It collects ap-
proximately 3,000 liters per day. Payments to members were made monthly
through a bank. Milk was mostly sold outside the area, while the remaining
30% was sold to local retail shops.
c Kakuyuni Cooperative was recently established. Its members are mainly small-
scale farmers.
Local traders connected farmers to milk outlets. They mainly comprised milk
hawkers who collected milk from farmers and supply to different buyers, including
hotels and schools. This marketing channel is preferred by farmers because of
prompt payments.
Processing: Processors purchased raw milk directly from individual farmers (e.g.,
New Kenya Cooperative Creameries) or from farmer cooperatives. The latter op-
tion reduces transport and logistics costs. Processing consists of pasteurization
and ultra-heating. Milk is then either packed into packets/containers or further
processed into yoghurts, butter, cheese, and ghee.
Retailing: Retailers include supermarkets, milk dispensing machines (ATMs),
mobile vendors, milk kiosks, and bars. Supermarkets sold a diverse range of dairy
products and can operate ATMs which were also operated by individual entrepre-
neurs. Mobile vendors sold milk to shops, outlets, and small hotels, using private
means of transport (motorcycles or bicycles). Milk kiosks or bars sold milk to
consumers on behalf of shops or hotels.
Farmers’ characteristics
The results of the survey conducted over a sample of 316 households indicated
that only 11% of the households in the study area included Brachiaria into their
farming systems. Table 9.2 reports the socio-economic characteristics of the sam-
ple. Most smallholder farmers are male, middle aged. They attended at least pri-
mary school. With reference to economic assets, households’ average monthly
Climate-neutral and resilient smallholder farming systems 177
Table 9.2 Socio-economic and physical characteristics of farmers in Kangundo (n = 316)
Economic assets
HH total income Total farm income (USD) 233.724 232.503 4.95 2376
Credit Access to credit (1/0) 0.320 0.467 0 1
Subsidy fertilizers Subsidy’s access to buy fertilizers (1/0) 0.022 0.147 0 1
Physical assets
HH total area Total farm size (ha) 1.815 8.102 0.1 141.7
Local breed Household own local breed (1/0) 0.427 0.495 0 1
Exotic breed Household own exotic breed (1/0) 0.310 0.463 0 1
Crossbreed Household own crossbreed (1/0) 0.472 0.500 0 1
Fertilizers use Household uses of fertilizers (1/0) 0.665 0.473 0 1
Environmental context
emi-arid AEZ
S Agro-ecological Zone semi-arid (1/0) 0.981 0.137 0 1
Drought experience Household experienced drought (1/0) 0.911 0.285 0 1
Flood experience Household experienced floods (1/0) 0.025 0.157 0 1
Irregular rain Household experienced irregular rains 0.873 0.333 0 1
experience (1/0)
Extension provided by Access to extension services provided 0.206 0.405 0 1
government by government
Extension provided by Access to extension services provided 0.044 0.206 0 1
private company by private company
Extension provided by Access to extension services provided 0.016 0.125 0 1
Extension provided Access to extension services provided 0.098 0.298 0 1
cooperatives/farmers by cooperatives/farmers
Extension provided by Access to extension services provided 0.076 0.265 0 1
bank/insurance by bank/insurance
Group participation Participation to groups (1/0) 0.449 0.498 0 1
a Seed and fertilizer subsidies through the “Input policy”. They aim to provide
inputs to farmers at affordable prices, therefore expanding inputs access to
smallholders. However, inadequate funds allocated to this policy and target-
ing difficulties limited policy effectiveness.
b Public extension service support through the “Livestock policy”. It aims to fa-
cilitate demand-driven extension services and increase production efficiency
even if farmers lack awareness of its importance. The limiting factors to pol-
icy effectiveness were inadequate financial resources allocated to policy, lim-
ited capacity of extension workers, and lack of transportation means to reach
rural areas.
c Provision of small irrigation equipment through the “Agriculture irrigation
policy”. It aims to provide irrigation infrastructure to farmers in arid and
semi-arid land. Inadequate financial resources, scarce technologies, and in-
sufficient capacity of technical staff to facilitate implementation limited pol-
icy effectiveness.
d Establishment of appropriate storage facilities through the “Agribusiness pol-
icy”. It aims to provide storage facilities, make livestock commercially ori-
ented and competitive, and provide capacity building on agribusiness skills.
Inaccessibility of appropriate storage facilities (e.g., coolers), limited funds,
and insufficient awareness regarding the efficient handling of post-harvest
agricultural produce were found to be the main limiting factors.
Strategic Improve the selected VCs, and overcome the main weaknesses and adoption
Objective barriers to innovation
Expected Strategic
6. Enhanced compliance with the
4. Increased acreage of fodder 5. Increased milk production
dairy sector, land, seed regulations
30% and 50%. The minimum price for milk at the farm gate was set by the gov-
ernment and was 200 Rwandan franc (RWF) per liter2 in 2017. However, on the
informal market, the price for local consumers was 160 RWF per liter in the same
year. Farmers did not process raw material for the formal market, but they pro-
cessed fermented milk for self-consumption and for sales to local consumers.
Trading: One dairy cooperative collected the raw product through a milk col-
lection center. With reference to 2017 (when the data collection has been con-
ducted), despite its milk collection capacity of 5,000 liters per day, local dairy
farmers supplied only between 500 and 800 liters per day (in the dry and wet
season, respectively). The cooperative bought raw milk from local dairy farmers
(at a price of 200 FRW per liter) and from local traders (at 220 FRW per liter).
The collected and cooled milk was sold at 250 FRW per liter to local traders, res-
taurants, and single consumers. Local traders in the area operated at two different
Climate-neutral and resilient smallholder farming systems 181
levels, playing an intermediary role in two stages of the supply chain: (i) they
bought milk from farmers at 200 FRW per liter and resold it to the dairy coop-
erative at 220 FRW per liter; (ii) they bought milk from the dairy cooperative at
250 FRW per liter and resold it to local supermarkets and local restaurants at 300
FRW per liter.
Processing: Packed milk was supplied by national processors, who bought milk
from farmers located in other production areas. The largest national company
was Inyange Industries, which processes and distributes most produced milk in the
country. It processed a wide variety of dairy products (packed milk, pasteurized
milk, flavored milk, ghee, butter, yoghurt). Products were also exported to Sudan,
South Africa, Uganda, Kenya, and Tanzania. Within the domestic market, dairy
products were supplied to retailers via independent or own distributors.
Retailing: Independent distributors were registered with the Inyange Industries.
They bought packed milk at 880 FRW per liter from national processors and sold
it to the groceries/supermarket at 930 FRW per liter. Raw milk was bought by dis-
tributors at 350 FRW per liter and sold to local groceries at 400 FRW per liter. At
the retail level, consumer prices were 1,000–1,200 FRW per liter for packed milk
and 430 FRW per liter for raw milk (consumers bring their own containers). Dis-
tributors sold packed milk on various markets in the country, whereas individuals
mostly sold unpacked cooled milk mainly in urbanized and business center areas.
Farmers’ characteristics
The results of the survey conducted over a sample of 308 households indicated
that only 4% of the households in the study area included Brachiaria into their
farming systems. T able 9.3 reports the socio-economic characteristics of the
sample. Most smallholder farmers were male, middle-aged, and attended at least
primary school. Considering the economic assets, the average monthly income
amounted to US$43.9. Almost 40% of sampled farms had access to credit, while
only a few farmers benefited from seed and fertilizer subsidies (2% and 3%, respec-
tively). Considering physical assets, the average land parcel size was less than 1
ha; dairy cattle production relied mostly on crossbreeds (79%); fertilizers used was
limited (only 13% of sampled farmers). With reference to climate change, most
farmers perceived climate alterations, mainly droughts (85%). Approximately
30% of farmers were part of agricultural groups/associations.
• A gradual increase in the number of improved dairy cows bred was promoted
by the government through the “One cow per poor family” program, whose
objectives included fighting malnutrition and poverty through productivity
increase and a reduction of pressure caused by grazing on the limited pasture
182 Giacomo Branca et al.
Table 9.3 H
ousehold socio-economic and physical characteristics in Nyamagabe
(308 HHs)
Economic assets
HH total income Total farm income (USD) 43.975 48.833 0 300
Credit Access to credit (1/0) 0.377 0.485 0 1
Subsidy seed Subsidy’s access to buy seeds (1/0) 0.019 0.138 0 1
Subsidy fertilizers Subsidy’s access to buy fertilizers 0.029 0.169 0 1
Physical assets
HH total area Total farm size (ha) 0.693 0.879 0 5.7
Local breed Household own local breed (1/0) 0.188 0.392 0 1
Exotic breed Household own exotic breed (1/0) 0.078 0.268 0 1
Crossbreed Household own crossbreed (1/0) 0.792 0.406 0 1
Fertilizers use Household uses fertilizers (1/0) 0.133 0.340 0 1
Brachiaria Household uses Brachiaria (1/0) 0.003 0.057 0 1
Drought experience Household experienced drought 0.854 0.354 0 1
Floods experience Household experienced floods (1/0) 0.172 0.378 0 1
Irregular rain Household experienced irregular 0.169 0.375 0 1
experience rains (1/0)
Social assets
Extension provided by Access to extension services 0.058 0.235 0 1
government provided by government
Extension provided by Access to extension services 0.013 0.113 0 1
private company provided by private company
Extension provided by Access to extension services 0.003 0.057 0 1
NGO provided by NGO
Extension provided by Access to extension services 0.026 0.159 0 1
cooperatives/farmers provided by cooperatives/farmers
Extension provided by Access to extension services 0.000 0.000 0 1
bank/insurance provided by bank/insurance
Group participation Participation to groups (1/0) 0.315 0.465 0 1
Extension services: They serve as focal points for facilitation and information re-
lated to the market, inputs, credits, and producer coordination. Options for ex-
tension delivery methods are becoming more pluralistic with the widespread use
of mobile phones and information and communication technology (ICT). An ex-
tension communication system was built to allow direct feedback from extension
workers to farmers for questions and queries. In addition, farmers can obtain in-
formation from different government institutions, also at decentralized level. This
enabled farmers to access information on inputs markets available in the area.
At the sector level, the government organizes savings and credit cooperatives
(SACCO) which assisted farmers in obtaining loans for their business though
micro-finance options. However, smallholders’ access to extension advisory ser-
vices was constrained by the exclusive availability of public extension agents and
resources which were limited in size and scope.
Markets and other Institutions: Cooperatives, traders, and individuals were the
most important marketing channels. However, half of sampled households had
inadequate market access and were constrained by low and unstable farm-gate
prices. The National Agricultural Export Development Board supports stake-
holders’ activities to process and export agricultural and livestock products. An
exemption from taxation for selected agricultural inputs and equipment is an
instrument established to enable and encourage the private sector to invest in
184 Giacomo Branca et al.
Value chain development strategies
MAP members identified the following barriers to the adoption of Brachiaria
forage in Rwanda despite its positive traits and benefits in terms of enhanced
forage supply: lack of information on forage grasses, shortage of land for forage
production, and lack of available seed material. The strategies suggested to over-
come challenges included practical trainings, and on-farm demonstrations and
trials that could mitigate the lack of technical and technological know-how, es-
tablishing a hub model for selling forage and exploiting cropping niches (e.g.,
under banana plantation) to overcome the issue of land shortage. Policies are
required to support productivity enhancement through the increase in the avail-
able improved dairy cattle breeds. This can be reached by expanding the num-
ber of importers and streamlining the procedures for obtaining import licenses.
Cooperatives might effectively provide both upstream and downstream services,
facilitating access to input markets (fertilizers, credit) and training and serving as
aggregators and quality promoters. The results from the Theory of Change exer-
cise applied to the case study area are reported in Figure 9.3.
The introduction of Brachiaria forage into the current farming systems of Kenya
and Rwanda may generate ecological, nutritional, and socio-economic benefits
Strategic objective:
Improve the selected VCs, and overcome the main weaknesses and adoption barriers to innovation
Expected Strategic
5. Higher quantity/better 6. Enhanced links between
4. Enhanced market access
quality of milk product farms and extension services
Weaknesses to be 1. Limited farmers’ access 2. Limited farmers’ access to 3. Low and unstable
addressed to knowledge and inputs markets households’ income
Figure 9.3 T
heory of Change: introducing Brachiaria into the dairy VC in Nyamagabe
(Rwanda) (authors’ own elaboration).
Climate-neutral and resilient smallholder farming systems 185
along the VC. For example, Brachiaria cultivation fostered higher milk yields,
expanded product flow along the chain, and improved dairy farmers’ incomes.
Thanks to the promising market opportunities and consumers’ demand for a wide
range of dairy products. Also, Brachiaria grass can be introduced as an intercrop
or border crop, and on marginal lands, being able to survive in poor soils with low
nitrogen and phosphorus contents with evident positive externalities in the form
of enhanced soil fertility and climate resilience.
However, smallholders’ adoption of Brachiaria was constrained by limited ac-
cess to VCs’ opportunities, seed material, including value addition and transfor-
mation. Small farmers often operated with limited knowledge and capacity, and
in a context of poor infrastructures and weak access to technology and knowledge
services. Also, they cultivated small land parcels and could not introduce forage
production due to the need to prioritize land use for crop production and food
security purposes. Milk was undersupplied and economies of scale could be intro-
duced along the chain, with efficiency losses for all operators.
In both case studies, strategies to overcome adoption barriers included infor-
mation dissemination, demonstration, and on-farm trials to motivate new farmers
to uptake forage cultivation, coupled with investments to enhance availability
of forage seeds as well as suitable land areas for forage production (e.g., through
irrigation). Actions to improve coordination along the chain may lead to more
efficient dairy VCs.
In this context, multi-actor initiatives as MAPS have the potential to be a
forum to enhance the diffusion of information and knowledge as well as coordi-
nation along VC actors, with benefits for all the participants. Such platforms face
the problem from a multi-stakeholder point of view, and can identify suitable de-
velopment strategies including options to harmonize institutions and agricultural
policies to facilitate diffusion of agricultural innovation.
Our findings confirmed results from other studies available in the literature accord-
ing to which the low innovations adoption by smallholders was influenced by farm
size, farmer’s education status, institutional assets, marketing possibilities, and profits
(e.g., Kangogi et al., 2021). The effect of households’ physical assets on technology
innovation adoption was positive, due to households’ improved management capacity
(Mwangi and Kariuki, 2015). Access to knowledge is also a critical factor for adoption.
For example, Obi and Maya (2021) showed that awareness creation targeting remote
rural areas as well as institutions to ease farmers’ access to information can contribute
to higher adoption rates. Information access and association membership positively
influenced technology adoption and innovation (Chowdhury et al., 2014).
Some limitations to our findings exist. Farmer entrepreneurship plays an impor-
tant role in influencing adoption decisions of smallholders. Mizik (2021) showed
that small-scale farmers consider the length of the payback period when they de-
cide on any adoption of climate-smart agricultural practices. One way is to com-
pensate them for providing environmental benefits, which is still not an option in
the case study areas. Also, aspects related to drivers of coordination, cooperation,
and institutional transformation processes, as well as to economic incentives to at-
tract spontaneous participation of VC stakeholders deserve further investigation.
186 Giacomo Branca et al.
The case studies of Kenya and Rwanda presented in this chapter demonstrated
that the diffusion of climate-friendly and resilient forage grasses such as Brachi-
aria offered promising results and demonstrated how technology innovations can
transform current systems into CNRFS. However, investments are to be made
to improve availability and on-farm access to forage grass seed material and im-
prove fodder and dairy-cattle management. At the same time, technology and
institutional interventions in off-farm VC segments (marketing, processing, stor-
age, standards regulation) are required to capitalize the expected benefits deriving
from on-farm innovations. Despite challenges, the sub-Saharan Africa is slowly
becoming a competitive marketplace for a gri-products.
Smallholder production systems must enhance their productivity in a more
resilient way to respond to the increasing food demand in the context of climate
change. As in other sustainability transitions, innovations in the technology as
well as in the institutional settings play a critical role. Indeed, adoption of innova-
tive technology to increase production efficiency and transform farming systems
toward CNRFS will not be possible without farmers’ access to properly function-
ing institutions, including effective information and knowledge systems, timely
delivery of modern input technologies, and market access.
In this context, existing policies and institutions operating in the African
agri-food system should be harmonized, along with an effective governance for
multi-stakeholder VCs. The development of stakeholders’ platforms – such as
MAPs – represents an institutional innovation which could respond to such de-
mand. Other studies have also shown that MAPs play an increasing role in scaling
up innovations in agricultural systems (Barzola et al., 2020). In the two case stud-
ies, MAPs identified specific strategies to develop the VC in a coordinated manner.
This included structuring the p ublic-private EASs in support of the development
of professional capacities and skills of extension workers; supporting cooperatives
to enhance smallholders’ participation in the VC, including their access to knowl-
edge and inputs; improving regulations for license import of technical inputs for
animal production; setting adequate hygienic standards related to milk commer-
cialization; promoting public-private-producer partnerships on information and
knowledge management; introducing labor market policies to lift the labor scarcity
constraint and ease the adoption of labor-consuming innovation technologies.
MAPs can provide a conducive entry point for smallholders’ linkage with markets,
especially those requiring assurances that adequate volumes of commodities can
be traded. They will also play a key role in improving smallholder farmers’ inno-
vation skills and designing entrepreneurial agribusiness models, which could be
replicated to different VCs and upscaled to national and regional markets.
1 The case studies refer to the activities conducted within the H2020 InnovAfrica pro-
ject ( funded by the EU (Grant agreement no 727201 and call
2 US$1 is equal to 1,183 RWF.
Climate-neutral and resilient smallholder farming systems 187
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10 Enhancing and scaling climate-
neutral and resilient farming
A summary and recommendations
Udaya Sekhar Nagothu
Since the early 2000s, the debate about the carbon neutrality concept and its
role in managing the risks and reducing the vulnerabilities in the land and the
food system has drawn the attention of scientific community and policy makers
(Becker et al., 2020). At the same time, the awareness and demand for sustainable
and green products is gradually increasing among urban consumers and society at
large. Climate-neutral and resilient farming systems (CNRFS) must gradually re-
place the current systems that are intensive, polluting and unsustainable (IPCC,
2022). In fact, CNRFS are not only beneficial to the climate but could also be
motivating to the farmers if incentivized for the carbon credits they generate in
the process of adopting them. Studies show that farms can offer a huge potential
for reducing methane emissions and increasing carbon sequestration, and thereby
support global commitment to reduce greenhouse gases (GHGs) (OECD, 2019;
Lehner and Rosenborg, 2021).
However, science and technology alone cannot stop global warming. It must be
supported by appropriate policies and regulatory systems, political will, collective
stakeholder responsibility, wider support from the public at large, adequate invest-
ments to promote systematic implementation and scaling of c limate-neutral (or
carbon-neutral) and sustainable production systems (UNFCCC, 2019a). There is
no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution to address climate crisis. We need a mosaic of climate
adaptation and mitigation options that will suit different situations, where the
environmental, social and economic contexts and vulnerabilities are duly con-
sidered (OECD, 2021a). The measures, preferably, should include the old, current
and new ones, the ecosystem-based practices that farmers practiced, rethinking
the use of agrochemicals and replacing these with b io-based solutions, including
precision-based applications of inputs (IPCC, 2022). In a recent ‘Farming for the
Future’ report, the authors emphasized that achieving climate neutrality in agri-
culture is not only about climate but aiming toward a sustainable food production
regime based on principles of resource efficiency, productivity and farm profitabil-
ity (SIANI, 2020a). The sustainable food systems approach aims at strengthening
the entire value chain, changing not only the way we produce but also how we
consume and avoid food wastage.
DOI: 10.4324/9781003273172-10
192 Udaya Sekhar Nagothu
The Glasgow COP26 summit agreement to reduce GHG emissions is encour-
aging (UNEP, 2021). However, the deal in its current form may not be enough
to limit global warming to 1.5°C over p re-industrial levels. At the same time,
the roadmap for the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of several
countries falls short of the expectations, according to the analysis of the United
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP, 2021). Though climate-related agree-
ments were made in the past, countries have not managed to put them into action
due to various constraints. Only if countries or regions can see climate crises as
an opportunity to innovate, create jobs, and cooperate with each other to reduce
climate instability and human insecurity, can we be hopeful about the future cli-
mate action (OECD, 2009)? Initiatives like the Horizon Europe program and the
EU Farm to Fork Strategy are good examples of how innovation and cooperation
can help to drive climate action forward (EU, 2021). Using market and economic
instruments and putting a price on the carbon and emission reductions in the
agriculture sector would encourage farmers to adopt CNRFS.
The impact of COVID-19 on economy and food security and the prevailing
geopolitical conflicts in the Asia-Pacific region, Europe and parts of Africa will
make it even more challenging for governments to prioritize, cooperate and sup-
port the global climate agenda (OECD, 2021b). The concern is not only about de-
veloping nations but also about developed countries, which are the major sources
of GHG emissions, not fulfilling their commitments and making adequate invest-
ments. It is crucial that the major GHG emitters, in terms of the total emissions as
well as the per capita emissions, must come on board and cooperate for the global
climate good (UNCTAD, 2021). Advocacy and diplomacy using the existing in-
ternational bodies and forums such as the UNEP, the EU, the IPCC, the COP
summits and other platforms must be continuously pursued to engage countries
that are not willing to take climate action seriously (IPCC, 2021).
The IPCC report provided a more detailed regional assessment of impact
of climate change, concluding that it is already affecting every region on the
Earth (IPCC, 2021). The growing scientific evidence about climate change must
be taken seriously by politicians and bureaucrats. Their support now to promote
CNRFS to improve adaptation and reduce GHG emissions will define the future
of our climate action. Though the limited funding opportunities in developing
countries will force governments to follow the economic agenda rather than in-
vest in climate action, there is still hope. One way to address this challenge is
by ensuring that development work is ‘climate proofed’ and that climate action
is to be development oriented (SIPRI, 2019). In this way, the environmental and
climate priorities no longer need to be put secondary on the development agenda
of the countries.
development. A particular farming practice, take for example AWD, may reduce
methane but could lead to higher emissions of other GHGs, such and nitrous ox-
ide, and other negative trade-offs. Hence, care must be taken to look at the overall
environmental, economic and social impacts in totality of the new farming sys-
tems introduced. In theory, it is technically feasible for the agriculture sector to
become close to carbon neutral relying on supply-side mitigation measures alone,
although it depends on optimistic assumptions about the potential of soil carbon
sequestration (OECD, 2019). Within the EU, a target to achieve climate neutrality
200 Udaya Sekhar Nagothu
in the agriculture sector has been set for the year 2050 (European Commission,
2021). How this can be translated into practice will depend on the changes at
different scales and at individual farm level. The implications to set such objec-
tives in developing countries would be different, as it would involve millions of
small-scale farms that are scattered and difficult to reach and monitor. It will be
a daunting task for the resource-constrained governments to bring a significant
percentage of these farms to change their current farming practices and shift to
CNRFS. Systematic and step-wise building of climate action initiatives starting
with ecosystem or n ature-based solutions will be possible with careful planning,
investments and capacity building. When farmers see the economic incentives,
upscaling becomes easier.
Technology options
There is a lot of focus on technological solutions to reduce GHGs and increase
soil carbon sequestration. We also see a change even in developing countries
where transformation of food systems is happening both on the production and
consumption side (Reardon et al., 2019). Market and consumer preferences for or-
ganic and reduced carbon footprint are encouraging farmers to adopt innovative
Within agriculture, maintaining soil health is one of the most critical factors
necessary for overall sustainable and carbon-neutral agricultural production. A
first step toward improving soil health is to introduce regular and site-specific soil
testing to assess the status and plan soil improvement measures accordingly. The
‘Soil Health Card’ scheme initiated in India is a good example of how to organize
a nationwide soil testing campaign toward improving soil fertility (Government
of India, 2015). In the process, such measures also aim at improving organic car-
bon content of soil and ecosystem services. As demonstrated in Chapter 2, there
are measures such as minimum or zero tillage, crop rotations with legumes, cover crops
and use of organic mulching that give multiple benefits. Zero tillage is now being
promoted in India by CIP and has shown good results (CGIAR, 2020). C hapter 2
also demonstrated the impacts due to precision application of nitrogen fertilizer
application that can significantly reduce the amount of chemical fertilizer used
and lower GHG emissions. In this context, the use of sensors and digital tools
is becoming popular for guiding farmers on proper timing and precision use and
management of nitrogen application. A need-based application of fertilizers also
reduces excess of fertilizers and input costs to farmers.
An international initiative ‘4 per 1000’, launched at the 2015 Paris climate
conference, showed that increasing soil carbon globally by a mere 0.4% annually
could offset that year’s new growth in carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels
(Van der Pol, et al., 2021). Most carbon-farming techniques mirror age-old organic
growing methods that have the capacity to contribute to a healthy soil system, for
example, the use of cover crops and organic mulch (Barth, 2016). Cover crops are
common in some countries, which help to capture carbon from the atmosphere
and store it in soils, in addition to adding nutrients (WUR, 2019). These practices
202 Udaya Sekhar Nagothu
are termed as ‘regenerative agriculture’, which are low-cost solutions to increase
soil organic carbon and are suitable for both small and large farms. Chapter 8
discusses the impacts of systems such as c ereal-legume rotations and integrated
cropping systems on GHG emissions and soil carbon sequestration. According to
some studies, diverse cropping systems alone will be able to sequester soil organic
carbon and increase biodiversity simultaneously (SIANI, 2020a).
Some of the common problems in agriculture including soil erosion, poor soil
health, nutrient removal, and runoff can be controlled by practices that can also
increase soil carbon simultaneously. Soil carbon should be seen as another farm
output, and accordingly incentivizing farmers that help in increasing soil carbon
will be necessary for reducing GHGs and improving soil health and productivity
(van der Pol et al., 2021). Within the EU, financial support mechanisms already
exist to support farmers to practice soil mitigation measures. Studies have shown
that integrating improved farming practices including precision-based fertilizer
application, supported by soil tests, reducing summer fallow frequencies and crop
rotation of cereals with grain legumes, lowers carbon footprint in crops such as
wheat at an average of −256 kg CO2 eq ha−1 per year (Gan et al., 2014). Therefore,
it makes sense to include net-zero farming and carbon capture initiatives to pro-
mote climate mitigation into NDCs (IGI, 2021). Though in practice it may not be
easy to reach net-zero farming levels, we should start somewhere.
One of the basic premises for an integrated approach is a good understanding
of the agroecosystem, which will help in planning and developing most suitable
measures to address the climate crisis. Be it integrated soil and nutrient manage-
ment or pest management, the new measurers must be ecosystem based as well as
climate smart. Developing c limate-smart and sustainable IPM will be a necessary
part of carbon-neutral agriculture as shown in Chapter 4. By reducing damage to
crops from pests and diseases, farmers can sustain yields and thereby reduce pres-
sure on more land for production. C hapter 4 also demonstrated the importance of
IPM as the way forward to combat multiple and new invasive pest outbreaks in the
future due to extreme weather events that are increasing. Some of the IPM meas-
ures are low cost but require additional efforts in terms of collective action where
several agencies and farmers in the locality should cooperate for better results.
Within agriculture, improving water use efficiency and reducing methane
emissions are the two main objectives that are possible through alternative
climate-smart management practices such as the Alternate Wetting and Drying
(AWD) irrigation which was the focus of Chapters 3. Improving the efficiency of
water management in paddy rice will be one of the most important measures in
agriculture to address, as paddy rice is a major contributor of methane. Any cli-
mate action would not be able to reach its targets without significant reduction of
methane from rice and livestock sectors. The SRI and DSR systems (Chapters 5
and 6) have been investigated as potential climate mitigation measures in rice by
several agencies in the past. But the results so far are mixed and still debated by
scientists. These systems have their potential, benefits and challenges at the same
time, depending on agroecosystem in which they are introduced, availability of
suitable rice varieties, weed infestation problems, capacity of farmers, scalability
Summary and recommendations 203
and so on. Hence, more research and especially development initiatives need to
be pursued to establish the credibility of these systems. The results presented in
Chapters 3, 5 and 6 are thus another attempt in this direction, adding new knowl-
edge and reasons to practice these systems in the major rice growing regions of
Asia. The chapters demonstrated practical measures to overcome some of the
barriers in upscaling.
New hybrids of food crops that can adapt to extreme weather, including floods
and droughts, and simultaneously lower carbon footprint will be in demand in
the future. In Chapter 6, the benefits of such varieties in rice are demonstrated for
DSR. One of the constraints is to m ass-produce the new seed varieties and make
it accessible to smallholders in developing countries. Further, increasing overall
farm productivity would imply a reduction in GHG emissions (Rural Hub, 2021).
Also, DSR in dry fields, rather than transplanting as often done in flooded rice
paddies, will help to significantly improve soil organic carbon if crop rotation
is practiced with legumes. Thus, DSR could be another promising practice in
rice that could play a significant role in climate mitigation as well as soil health
There is much emphasis these days on nature-based solutions to address the
climate crisis, i.e., by taking advantage of nature to provide sustainable and c ost-
e ffective solutions to climate problems (SIANI 2020b). For example, organic agri-
culture, agroforestry and other interventions that can improve soil fertility, increase
soil organic carbon and at the same reduce GHGs as discussed in C hapters 7 and
8. Agroforestry is common in many developing countries, practiced by small-
holders, and a potential climate mitigation measure that can provide multiple ad-
vantages and additional income to farmers. Similarly, the importance of organic
agriculture, and the consumer awareness for organic and locally grown products
with reduced water and carbon footprint, is increasing gradually among segments
of society, including the youngsters and urban based consumers.
Investment options
It is encouraging to know that most scenarios include the likelihood of agricultural
emissions being reduced in the coming decades (Kingwell, 2021). Innovations
in carbon-neutral agriculture and development that enable reduced agricultural
emissions will be critical to lower the cost of achieving and sustaining carbon neu-
trality. The EU Horizon Europe program is a good example of how investments
to support innovative research and development can integrate public and private
sectors, farmer groups and government agencies to drive c limate-neutral agenda
forward (European Commission, 2021). Innovations that will be developed un-
der this program will be made open for use by relevant stakeholders within and
outside the EU. Similar initiatives outside the EU are necessary to engage with
relevant actors, share knowledge and cooperate on climate action. International
funding facilities such as the Climate Support Facility (CSF) seek to align the
green economic recovery efforts with the national climate goals and climate-
r esilient strategies they adopt in different sectors (World Bank, 2021). Under the
CSF, the new multi-donor trust fund, the NDC Support Facility (NDC-SF), was
created specifically to facilitate the NDCs. Similarly, the NDC Invest and the
Climate Investments Fund support climate action in the low-and middle-income
Latin American and Caribbean countries (Fazekas et al., 2021).
The role of private sector, including philanthropic groups and individuals and
corporate sector, will be important to secure adequate climate financing, as gov-
ernments alone cannot provide the necessary resources for meeting the costs of
mitigation in the agriculture sector. For example, the ‘Climate Change Solutions
Fund’ set up at J.P. Morgan is another attempt to facilitate climate action (J.P.
Morgan, 2022). Innovative business models that are sustainable and provide eco-
nomic benefits to smallholders who adopt CNRFS must be developed for different
business settings. In this process, e co-innovation will become the key to enabling
a sustainable transition and green growth in the future by encompassing both
economic and environmental values (OECD, 2012). Currently, the pace of these
innovations is not adequate to drive the desired changes.
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Summary and recommendations 209
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I would like to thank all the contributors of the various book chapters, particu-
larly the lead authors who have spent their time in coordinating and drafting the
chapters. This book would not have been possible without the support from the
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Ås, Norway.
The support from my wife Shanthi, daughter Shreya and my son Sankalp dur-
ing the drafting and compilation process helped me to complete the book on
time, despite the challenges we faced at home during this period. Finally, I want
to acknowledge the inspiration I have got from my late father who passed away in
November 2020 when I just started to prepare the book manuscript.
Note: Bold page numbers refer to tables; italic page numbers refer to figures and page
numbers followed by “n” denote endnotes.