IIT Project Report On Modulation New Main

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Project Report



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PNR No: 101033
Batch No: 2010-2012

PGDM (Telecom)

Course Name



I, Mr. PRANIL ANIL INGOLE, PRN No: 101033 hereby declare that this
Integrated Project Report On ‘MODULATION’ is the record of authentic work
carried out by me during the period from SEP-2010 to OCT-2010 and has not
submitted earlier to any University or Institute for the award of any
degree/diploma etc.


PRN No: 101033
Batch: 2010-2012
Date: 19/10/2010



SB: 1.1 Introduction 5
SB: 1.2 Types of Modulation 7
SB: 1.3 Aim of Modulation 8

SB: 1.4 Need for Modulation 9

SB: 2.1 Amplitude Modulation (AM) 11
SB: 2.2 Frequency Modulation (FM) 15

SB: 2.3 Phase Modulation(PM) 20


SB: 3.1 Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) 23

SB: 3.2 Frequency Shift Keying (FSK) 26

SB: 3.3 Phase Shift Keying (PSK) 28

SB: 3.4 Quadrature Amplitude 33

Modulation (QAM)

Definition: Modulation refers to the structure of audio and video signal, the
standard protocol for sound production, mixture and transmission. It is the
signalling level of a reproduction and recording system. Amplitude Modulation
and Frequency Modulation are common categories of modulation.

Modulation is the process of varying some characteristic of a periodic wave with

an external signal. Modulation is utilized to send an information bearing signal
over long distances. Radio communication superimposes this information bearing
signal onto a carrier signal. These high frequency carrier signals can be
transmitted over the air easily and are capable of travelling long distances. The
characteristics (amplitude, frequency, or phase) of the carrier signal are varied in
accordance with the information
bearing signal. In the field of
communication engineering, the
information bearing signal is also
known as the modulating signal. The
modulating signal is a slowly
varying signal - as opposed to the
rapidly varying carrier frequency.

In electronics, modulation is the

process of varying one or more
properties of a high frequency
periodic waveform, called the
carrier signal, with respect to a
modulating signal. This is done in a
similar fashion as a musician may modulate a tone (a periodic waveform) from a
musical instrument by varying its volume, timing and pitch. The three key
parameters of a periodic waveform are its amplitude ("volume"), its phase
("timing") and its frequency ("pitch"), all of which can be modified in accordance
with a low frequency signal to obtain the modulated signal. Typically a high-
frequency sinusoid waveform is used as carrier signal, but a square wave pulse
train may also occur.

In telecommunications, modulation is the process of conveying a message signal,

for example a digital bit stream or an analog audio signal, inside another signal
that can be physically transmitted. Modulation of a sine waveform is used to
transform a baseband message signal to a passband signal, for example a radio-
frequency signal (RF signal). In radio communications, cable TV systems or the
public switched telephone network for instance, electrical signals can only be
transferred over a limited passband frequency spectrum, with specific (non-zero)
lower and upper cut-off frequencies. Modulating a sine wave carrier makes it
possible to keep the frequency content of the transferred signal as close as
possible to the centre frequency (typically the carrier frequency) of the passband.
When coupled with demodulation, this technique can be used to, among other
things, transmit a signal through a channel which may be opaque to the baseband
frequency range (for instance, when sending a telephone signal through a fibre-
optic strand).

In music synthesizers, modulation may be used to synthesise waveforms with a

desired overtone spectrum. In this case the carrier frequency is typically in the
same order or much lower than the modulating waveform. See for example
frequency modulation synthesis or ring modulation.

A device that performs modulation is known as a modulator and a device that

performs the inverse operation of modulation is known as a demodulator
(sometimes detector or demod). A device that can do both operations is a modem
(short for "Modulator-Demodulator").

Types of Modulation
There are basically two types of modulation processes they are, Analog
modulation and Digital modulation. Analog modulation can again done on
various basis like by varying amplitude, phase & frequency i.e. amplitude
modulation, phase modulation, frequency modulation & space modulation
respectively. Similarly digital modulation can be achieved by various methods

Analog modulation Digital modulation

Amplitude modulation FSK


Frequency modulation
Phase modulation

Analog Modulation: The altering of a carrier by an analog signal either by
varying its amplitude, phase or frequency.

Digital Modulation: In digital modulation, an analog carrier signal is modulated

by a digital bit stream. The changes in the carrier signal are chosen from a finite
number of M alternative symbols (the modulation alphabet).

Aim of Modulation
Modulation is defined as the characteristics of the carrier wave, which is varied in
accordance with that of the instantaneous value of the message signal. The reason
why carrier signal is modulated with that of the original message signal is that,
the addition of carrier signal will help us in conveying the information to the
receiver side. We can impose the information on the carrier, so that we are able to
alter the frequency and vary the signal strength, by adjusting the carrier signal. So
the variation of the carrier wave in accordance with the message signal is called
as modulation.

The aim of digital modulation is to transfer a digital bit stream over an analog
passband channel, for example over the public switched telephone network
(where a band-pass filter limits the frequency range to between 300 and 3400
Hz), or over a limited radio frequency band.

The aim of analog modulation is to transfer an analog baseband (or lowpass)

signal, for example an audio signal or TV signal, over an analog passband
channel, for example a limited radio frequency band or a cable TV network

Analog and digital modulation facilitate frequency division multiplexing (FDM),

where several low pass information signals are transferred simultaneously over
the same shared physical medium, using separate passband channels.

The aim of digital baseband modulation methods, also known as line coding, is to
transfer a digital bit stream over a baseband channel, typically a non-filtered
copper wire such as a serial bus or a wired local area network.

The aim of pulse modulation methods is to transfer a narrowband analog signal,

for example a phone call over a wideband baseband channel or, in some of the
schemes, as a bit stream over another digital transmission system.

Need for Modulation:

 Radiation becomes very easy in the case of modulation, because we use

higher frequency here to transmit the signals and therefore the use of these
higher frequencies will make our job very easy as the design of the
amplifier circuit and antenna system will be very easier.

 The use of modulation will limit the number of hardware used.

 Here there is no need of repeaters or antenna at regular intervals, because

we transmit the signals at a higher frequency.

 Signal to noise ratio is optimized here which results in less noise, thanks to
the modulation.

 The rate of interference is also reduced to a considerable amount due to


 Modulation is used of multiplexing and frequency assignment.

 The main reason for modulation is to make sure that effective radio
transmission takes place.


Amplitude Modulation is the process of changing the amplitude of a relatively

high frequency carrier signal in proportion with the instantaneous value of
modulating signal (information).

In analog modulation, the modulation is applied continuously in response to the

analog information signal. A low-frequency message signal (top) may be carried
by an AM or FM radio wave. Amplitude Modulation is a process where the
amplitude of a carrier signal is altered according to information in a message
signal. The frequency of the carrier signal is usually much greater than the
highest frequency of the input message signal. It is a technique used in electronic
communication, most commonly for transmitting information via a radio carrier
wave. AM works by varying the strength of the transmitted signal in relation to
the information being sent. For example, changes in the signal strength can be
used to specify the sounds to be reproduced by a loudspeaker, or the light
intensity of television pixels. (Contrast this with frequency modulation, also
commonly used for sound transmissions, in which the frequency is varied; and
phase modulation, often used in remote controls, in which the phase is varied).

In the mid 1870s, a form of amplitude modulation initially called "undulatory

currents" was the first method to successfully produce quality audio over
telephone lines. Beginning with Reginald Fessenden's audio demonstrations in
1906, it was also the original method used for audio radio transmissions, and
remains in use today by many forms of communication. AM is often used to refer
to the medium wave broadcast band.

Forms of AM

As originally developed for the electric telephone, amplitude modulation was

used to add audio information to the low-powered direct current flowing from a
telephone transmitter to a receiver. As a simplified explanation, at the
transmitting end, a telephone microphone was used to vary the strength of the
transmitted current, according to the frequency and loudness of the sounds
received. Then, at the receiving end of the telephone line, the transmitted
electrical current affected an electromagnet, which strengthened and weakened in
response to the strength of the current. In turn, the electromagnet produced
vibrations in the receiver diaphragm, thus closely reproducing the frequency and
loudness of the sounds originally heard at the transmitter.

In contrast to the telephone, in radio communication what is modulated is a
continuous wave radio signal (carrier wave) produced by a radio transmitter. In
its basic form, amplitude modulation produces a signal with power concentrated
at the carrier frequency and in two adjacent sidebands. This process is known as
heterodyning. Each sideband is equal in bandwidth to that of the modulating
signal and is a mirror image of the other. Amplitude modulation that results in
two sidebands and a carrier is often called double sideband amplitude modulation
(DSB-AM). Amplitude modulation is inefficient in terms of power usage and
much of it is wasted. At least two-thirds of the power is concentrated in the
carrier signal, which carries no useful information (beyond the fact that a signal is
present); the remaining power is split between two identical sidebands, though
only one of these is needed since they contain identical information.

To increase transmitter efficiency, the carrier can be removed (suppressed) from

the AM signal. This produces a reduced-carrier transmission or double-sideband
suppressed-carrier (DSBSC) signal. A suppressed-carrier amplitude modulation
scheme is three times more power-efficient than traditional DSB-AM. If the
carrier is only partially suppressed, a double-sideband reduced-carrier (DSBRC)
signal results. DSBSC and DSBRC signals need their carrier to be regenerated
(by a beat frequency oscillator, for instance) to be demodulated using
conventional techniques. Even greater efficiency is achieved at the expense of
increased transmitter and receiver complexity by completely suppressing both the
carrier and one of the sidebands. This is single-sideband modulation, widely used
in amateur radio due to its efficient use of both power and bandwidth.

A simple form of AM often used for digital communications is on-off keying, a

type of amplitude-shift keying by which binary data is represented as the presence
or absence of a carrier wave. This is commonly used at radio frequencies to
transmit Morse code, referred to as continuous wave (CW) operation.

ITU Designations

Mathematical Representation

AM Signal: 5

s(t)= Ac [1+ k*m(t)] coswct


0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1

Modulating signal: 0
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1

Carrier Signal:
c(t)= Ac coswc t
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1

Modulation Index

It can be defined as the measure of extent of amplitude variation about an

unmodulated maximum carrier. As with other modulation indices, in AM, this
quantity, also called modulation depth, indicates by how much the modulated
variable varies around its 'original' level. For AM, it relates to the variations in
the carrier amplitude and is defined as:

where and were introduced above.

So if h = 0.5, the carrier amplitude varies by 50% above and below its
unmodulated level, and for h = 1.0 it varies by 100%. To avoid distortion in the
A3E transmission mode, modulation depth greater than 100% must be avoided.
Practical transmitter systems will usually incorporate some kind of limiter circuit,
such as a VOGAD, to ensure this. However, AM demodulators can be designed
to detect the inversion (or 180 degree phase reversal) that occurs when
modulation exceeds 100% and automatically correct for this effect.


Frequency Modulation: It is the process of varying the frequency of a constant-

amplitude carrier directly proportional to the amplitude of the modulating signal
at a rate equal to the frequency of the modulating signal .

Frequency modulation by a sine wave is given as:

v(t) = Ac cos {2π fct -m sin (2π fmt)}
where, AC = unmodulated peak carrier amnplitude
fC = carrier frequency
fm = modulation frequency
m = modulation index (“degree” of modulation)

FM signals can be generated using either direct or indirect frequency modulation.

 Direct FM modulation can

be achieved by directly
feeding the message into the
input of a VCO.
 For indirect FM modulation,
the message signal is
integrated to generate a
phase modulated signal.
This is used to modulate a crystal controlled oscillator, and the result is
passed through a frequency multiplier to give an FM signal.

Basically frequency modulation and phase modulation both are the forms of
angle modulation. Angle modulation results whenever the phase angle of a
sinusoidal wave is varied with respect to time. In frequency modulation (FM), the
frequency of the carrier wave is varied as a function of the instantaneous voltage
of the modulating signal. This is illustrated in figure. The amount of frequency
shift off the centre frequency is called the frequency deviation. A peak deviation
of 5kHz (such as used in amateur radio systems) means that the carrier frequency
is shifted in one direction a maximum of 5kHz by the positive going peaks of the
modulating signal and shifted in the opposite direction a maximum of 5kHz by
the negative going peaks of the modulating signal. Total frequency swing is thus
10kHz. Modulation index is defined as the ratio of frequency deviation to
modulating frequency producing the deviation. If a 1kHz modulating signal
produces 5kHz of deviation. the modulation index is equal to 5. Considering a
maximum speech frequency of 2.5kHz, the modulation index equals 2 if the

carrier frequency is driven
to a maximum deviation of
5kHz by that particular
speech frequency

The FM receiver is
designed to be insensitive
to amplitude variation in
the RF signal it receives. As
random incoming noise is
received essentially as a
voltage of fluctuating
amplitude, the receiver on
FM has a signal to noise ratio advantage over an AM receiver, given received
signals of equal carrier amplitude. The degree of that advantage is dependent on
the modulation index which is used and this is illustrated in figure 8 showing
noise reduction factor in dB as a function of the index. The diagram shows that to
gain advantage, the modulation index must be greater than 0.6, and the higher the
value of the index, the greater is the noise reduction factor. In comparing the FM
and AM systems, equal receiver audio bandwidth is assumed.

All this is fine except that the FM signal has sidebands much more complicated
than the AM signal, and which theoretically extend infinitely either side of the
carrier frequency. In practice, we need only to consider the sideband frequencies
which are of significant level. The bandwidth of the significant sidebands
increases both as the modulation index is increased and as the modulating
frequency is increased. The second curve in figure 8 plots the bandwidth of the
significant sidebands as a function of modulation index for a modulating
frequency of 2.5kHz, chosen as the maximum speech frequency. Using both
curves, we see that to get a 10dB signal to noise ratio advantage we need a
modulation index equal to 2. However, to achieve this, we take up a bandwidth of
around 22kHz.

So here is the answer to why FM is restricted essentially to the VHF and UHF
bands. FM gives us a signal to noise ratio advantage over AM, but it takes up
more bandwidth and much more than we are able to accommodate in the
restricted band space of our HF bands. More band space is available on the VHF
and UHF bands, allowing us to use FM as a popular mode of transmission. On
two metres, for example, we use 25kHz channel spacing to accommodate the
wide bandwidth FM signals.

Modulation Index

As with other modulation indices, this quantity indicates by how much the
modulated variable varies around its unmodulated level. It relates to the
variations in the frequency of the carrier signal:

where is the highest frequency component present in the modulating signal

xm(t), and is the Peak frequency-deviation, i.e. the maximum deviation of the
instantaneous frequency from the carrier frequency. If , the modulation is
called narrowband FM, and its bandwidth is approximately . If , the
modulation is called wideband FM and its bandwidth is approximately .
While wideband FM uses more bandwidth, it can improve signal-to-noise ratio

With a tone-modulated FM wave, if the modulation frequency is held constant

and the modulation index is increased, the (non-negligible) bandwidth of the FM
signal increases, but the spacing between spectra stays the same; some spectral
components decrease in strength as others increase. If the frequency deviation is
held constant and the modulation frequency increased, the spacing between
spectra increases.



FM is commonly used at VHF radio frequencies for high-fidelity broadcasts of

music and speech (see FM broadcasting). Normal (analog) TV sound is also
broadcast using FM. A narrow band form is used for voice communications in
commercial and amateur radio settings. The type of FM used in broadcast is
generally called wide-FM, or W-FM. In two-way radio, narrowband narrow-fm
(N-FM) is used to conserve bandwidth. In addition, it is used to send signals into


It is the process of varying the phase of a constant amplitude carrier directly

proportional to the amplitude of the modulating signal at a rate equal to the
frequency of the modulating signal.

Phase modulation (PM) is a form of modulation that represents information as

variations in the instantaneous phase of a carrier wave. Unlike its more popular
counterpart, frequency modulation (FM), PM is not very widely used for radio
transmissions. This is because it tends to
require more complex receiving hardware and
there can be ambiguity problems in
determining whether, for example, the signal
has changed phase by +180° or -180°. PM is
used, however, in digital music synthesizers
such as the Yamaha DX7, even though these
instruments are usually referred to as "FM"
synthesizers (both modulation types sound
very similar, but PM is usually easier to
implement in this area).

The top diagram shows the modulating signal

superimposed on the carrier wave. The bottom
diagram shows the resulting phase-modulated
signal. PM changes the phase angle of the
complex envelope in direct proportion to the
message signal. Suppose that the signal to be
sent (called the modulating or message signal)
is m(t) and the carrier onto which the signal is to be modulated is,


carrier(time) = (carrier amplitude)*sin(carrier frequency*time + phase shift)

This makes the modulated signal

This shows how m(t) modulates the phase - the greater m(t) is at a point in time,
the greater the phase shift of the modulated signal at that point. It can also be
viewed as a change of the frequency of the carrier signal, and phase modulation
can thus be considered a special case of FM in which the carrier frequency
modulation is given by the time derivative of the phase modulation.

The spectral behaviour of phase modulation is difficult to derive, but the

mathematics reveals that there are two regions of particular interest:

 For small amplitude signals, PM is similar to amplitude modulation (AM)

and exhibits it’s unfortunate doubling of baseband bandwidth and poor
 For a single large sinusoidal signal, PM is similar to FM, and its bandwidth
is approximately

Where fM = ωm / 2π and h is the modulation index defined below. This is
also known as Carson's Rule for PM.

Modulation index

As with other modulation indices, this quantity indicates by how much the
modulated variable varies around its unmodulated level. It relates to the
variations in the phase of the carrier signal:

where Δθ is the peak phase deviation.



Amplitude-shift keying (ASK) is a form of modulation that represents digital data

as variations in the amplitude of a carrier wave. The amplitude of an analog
carrier signal varies in accordance with the bit stream (modulating signal),
keeping frequency and phase constant. The level of amplitude can be used to
represent binary logic 0s and 1s. We can think of a carrier signal as an ON or
OFF switch. In the modulated signal, logic 0 is represented by the absence of a
carrier, thus giving OFF/ON keying operation and hence the name given.

Like AM, ASK is also linear and sensitive to atmospheric noise, distortions,
propagation conditions on different routes in PSTN, etc. Both ASK modulation
and demodulation processes are relatively inexpensive. The ASK technique is
also commonly used to transmit digital data over optical fiber. For LED
transmitters, binary 1 is represented by a short pulse of light and binary 0 by the
absence of light. Laser transmitters normally have a fixed "bias" current that
causes the device to emit a low light level. This low level represents binary 0,
while a higher-amplitude light wave represents binary 1.

Amplitude shift keying (ASK) in the context of digital communications is a

modulation process, which imparts to a sinusoid two or more discrete amplitude
levels. These are related to the number of levels adopted by the digital message.
For a binary message sequence there are two levels, one of which is typically
zero. Thus the modulated waveform consists of bursts of a sinusoid. Figure below
illustrates a binary ASK signal (lower), together with the binary sequence which
initiated it (upper). Neither signal has been band-limited.

There are sharp discontinuities shown at the transition points. These result in the
signal having an unnecessarily wide bandwidth. Band-limiting is generally
introduced before transmission, in which case these discontinuities would be
‘rounded off’. The bandlimiting may be applied to the digital message, or the
modulated signal itself.
The data rate is often
made a sub-multiple of
the carrier frequency.
This has been done in the
waveform of figure
above. One of the
disadvantages of ASK,
compared with FSK and

PSK, for example, is that it has not got a constant envelope. This makes its
processing (eg, power amplification) more difficult, since linearity becomes an
important factor. However, it does make for ease of demodulation with an
envelope detector.


The simplest and most common form of ASK operates as a switch, using the
presence of a carrier wave to indicate a binary one and its absence to indicate a
binary zero. This type of modulation is called on-off keying, and is used at radio
frequencies to transmit Morse code (referred to as continuous wave operation).

More sophisticated encoding schemes have been developed which represent data
in groups using additional amplitude levels. For instance, a four-level encoding
scheme can represent two bits with each shift in amplitude; an eight-level scheme
can represent three bits; and so on. These forms of amplitude-shift keying require
a high signal-to-noise ratio for their recovery, as by their nature much of the
signal is transmitted at reduced power.

Here is a diagram showing the ideal model for a transmission system using an
ASK modulation:

It can be divided into three blocks. The first one represents the transmitter, the
second one is a linear model of the effects of the channel, the third one shows the
structure of the receiver. The following notation is used:

 ht(t) is the carrier signal for the transmission

 hc(t) is the impulse response of the channel
 n(t) is the noise introduced by the channel
 hr(t) is the filter at the receiver
 L is the number of levels that are used for transmission
 Ts is the time between the generation of two symbols

Different symbols are represented with different voltages. If the maximum

allowed value for the voltage is A, then all the possible values are in the range
[−A, A] and they are given by:

the difference between one voltage and the other is:

There are two types ASK,

Binary Amplitude-Shift Keying (BASK)

A binary amplitude-shift keying (BASK) signal can be defined by
s(t) = A m(t) cos 2πfct, 0 < t< T
where A is a constant, m(t) = 1 or 0, fc is the carrier frequency, and T is the bit
duration. It has a power P = A2/2, so that A = 2P . Thus above equation can be
written as
s(t) = 2π cos 2πfct, 0 < t < T

M-ary Amplitude-Shift Keying (M-ASK)

An M-ary amplitude-shift keying (M-ASK) signal can be defined by
s(t) =Ai cos2πfct 0≤ t≤T
=0 elsewhere
Ai = A[2i - (M - 1)] for i = 0, 1, ..., M - 1 and M > 4. Here, A is a constant, fc is
the carrier frequency, and T is the symbol duration. The signal has a power
Pi = Ai2/2, so that Ai = 2𝜋i. Thus equation can be written as
s(t) = √ (2𝜋i) cos 2𝜋fct, 0<t<T



Frequency-shift keying (FSK) is a frequency modulation scheme in which digital

information is transmitted through discrete frequency changes of a carrier wave.
The simplest FSK is binary FSK (BFSK). BFSK literally implies using a pair of
discrete frequencies to transmit binary (0s and 1s) information. With this scheme,
the "1" is called the mark frequency and the "0" is called the space frequency.
The time domain of an FSK modulated carrier is illustrated in the figures given
below. In Frequency Shift Keying, the modulating signals shift the output
frequency between predetermined
levels. Technically FSK has two
classifications, the non-coherent and
coherent FSK. In non-coherent FSK,
the instantaneous frequency is shifted
between two discrete values named
mark and space frequency,
respectively. On the other hand, in
coherent Frequency Shift Keying or
binary FSK, there is no phase
discontinuity in the output signal.

FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) is also

known as frequency shift modulation
and frequency shift signalling.
Frequency Shift Keying is a data signal
converted into a specific frequency or tone in order to transmit it over wire, cable,
optical fibre or wireless media to a destination point. The history of FSK dates
back to the early 1900s, when this technique was discovered and then used to
work alongside teleprinters to transmit messages by radio (RTTY). But FSK,
with some modifications, is still effective in many instances including the digital
world where it is commonly used in conjunction with computers and low speed
modems. In fact, the contributions of FSK are much more far reaching. For
example, the principle of FSK has laid the path to the development of other
similar techniques such as the Audio Frequency Shift Keying (AFSK) and
Multiple Frequency Shift Keying (MFSK) just to name a few.

The most basic (binary) form of FSK involves the process of varying the
frequency of a carrier wave by choosing one of two frequencies (binary FSK) in
correspondence to a sequence of digital pulses that constitute the information
signal. Two binary digits are represented by two frequencies around the carrier
frequency. Amplitude remains fixed. In frequency-shift keying, the signals
transmitted for marks (binary ones) and spaces (binary zeros) are,
s1(t)= A cos(ὼ1t+Øc) for 0<t≤T
s2(t)= A cos(ὼ2t+Øc) for 0<t≤T
respectively. This is called a discontinuous phase FSK system, because the
phase of the signal is discontinuous at the switching times.

1 0 1 1 0 0 1


Carrier 1 (frequency

Carrier 1
(frequency #1)

FSK modulated

As its name suggests, a frequency shift keyed transmitter has its frequency shifted
by the message. Although there could be more than two frequencies involved in
an FSK signal, in this experiment the message will be a binary bit stream, and so
only two frequencies will be involved. The word ‘keyed’ suggests that the
message is of the ‘on-off’ (mark-space) variety, such as one (historically)
generated by a Morse key, or more likely in the present context, a binary
sequence. The output from such a generator is illustrated in figure above.
Conceptually, and in fact, the transmitter could consist of two oscillators (on
frequencies f1 and f2), with only one being connected to the output at any one


Phase-shift keying (PSK) is a digital modulation scheme that conveys data by

changing, or modulating, the phase of a reference signal (the carrier wave).

Any digital modulation scheme uses a finite number of distinct signals to

represent digital data. PSK uses a finite number of phases; each assigned a unique
pattern of binary digits. Usually, each phase encodes an equal number of bits.
Each pattern of bits forms the symbol that is represented by the particular phase.
The demodulator, which is designed specifically for the symbol-set used by the
modulator, determines the phase of the received signal and maps it back to the
symbol it represents, thus recovering the original data. This requires the receiver
to be able to compare the phase of the received signal to a reference signal such a
system is termed coherent.

Alternatively, instead of using the bit patterns to set the phase of the wave, it can
instead be used to change it by a specified amount. The demodulator then
determines the changes in the phase of the received signal rather than the phase
itself. Since this scheme depends on the difference between successive phases, it
is termed differential phase-shift keying (DPSK). DPSK can be significantly
simpler to implement than ordinary PSK since there is no need for the
demodulator to have a copy of the reference signal to determine the exact phase
of the received signal (it is a non-coherent scheme). In exchange, it produces
more erroneous demodulations. The exact requirements of the particular scenario
under consideration determine which scheme is used. All convey data by
changing some aspect of a base signal, the carrier wave (usually a sinusoid), in
response to a data signal. In the case of PSK, the phase is changed to represent
the data signal. There are two fundamental ways of utilizing the phase of a signal
in this way:

 By viewing the phase itself as conveying the information, in which case

the demodulator must have a reference signal to compare the received
signal's phase against; or
 By viewing the change in the phase as conveying information differential
schemes, some of which do not need a reference carrier (to a certain

A convenient way to represent PSK schemes is on a constellation diagram. This

shows the points in the Argand plane where, in this context, the real and
imaginary axes are termed the in-phase and quadrature axes respectively due to
their 90° separation. Such a representation on perpendicular axes lends itself to

straightforward implementation. The amplitude of each point along the in-phase
axis is used to modulate a cosine (or sine) wave and the amplitude along the
quadrature axis to modulate a sine (or cosine) wave.

In PSK, the constellation points chosen are usually positioned with uniform
angular spacing around a circle. This gives maximum phase-separation between
adjacent points and thus the best immunity to corruption. They are positioned on
a circle so that they can all be transmitted with the same energy. In this way, the
moduli of the complex numbers they represent will be the same and thus so will
the amplitudes needed for the cosine and sine waves. Two common examples are
"binary phase-shift keying" (BPSK) which uses two phases, and "quadrature
phase-shift keying" (QPSK) which uses four phases, although any number of
phases may be used. Since the data to be conveyed are usually binary, the PSK
scheme is usually designed with the number of constellation points being a power
of 2.

1. Binary Phase-Shift Keying (BPSK)

BPSK (also sometimes called PRK, Phase Reversal Keying, or 2PSK) is the
simplest form of phase shift keying (PSK). It uses two phases which are
separated by 180° and so can also be termed 2-PSK. It does not particularly
matter exactly where the constellation points are positioned, and in this figure
they are shown on the real axis, at 0° and 180°. This modulation is the most
robust of all the PSKs since it takes the highest level of noise or distortion to
make the demodulator reach an incorrect decision. It is, however, only able to
modulate at 1 bit/symbol (as seen in the figure) and so is unsuitable for high data-
rate applications when bandwidth is limited.

In the presence of an arbitrary phase-shift introduced by the communications

channel, the demodulator is unable to tell
which constellation point is which. As a result,
the data is often differentially encoded prior to

The general form for BPSK follows the


Fig1: Constellation diagram

example for BPSK.

2. Quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK)

Sometimes this is known as quaternary PSK, quadriphase PSK, 4-PSK, or 4-

QAM. (Although the root concepts of QPSK and 4-QAM are different, the
resulting modulated radio waves are the exactly same.) QPSK uses four points on
the constellation diagram, equispaced around a circle. With four phases, QPSK
can encode two bits per symbol, shown in the diagram with gray coding to
minimize the bit error rate (BER) — sometimes misperceived as twice the BER
of BPSK.

The implementation of QPSK is more general than that of BPSK and also
indicates the implementation of higher-order PSK. Writing the symbols in the
constellation diagram in terms of the sine and cosine waves used to transmit

This yields the four phases π/4, 3π/4, 5π/4 and 7π/4 as needed. This results in a
two-dimensional signal space with unit basis functions

The first basis function is used as the in-phase component of the signal and the
second as the quadrature component of the signal. Hence, the signal constellation
consists of the signal-space 4 points

3. Differential phase-shift keying (DPSK)

Differential phase shift keying (DPSK) is a common form of phase modulation

that conveys data by changing the phase of the carrier wave. As mentioned for
BPSK and QPSK there is an ambiguity of phase if the constellation is rotated by
some effect in the communications channel through which the signal passes. This
problem can be overcome by using the data to change rather than set the phase.

For example, in differentially-encoded BPSK a binary '1' may be transmitted by

adding 180° to the current phase and a binary '0' by adding 0° to the current
phase. Another variant of DPSK is Symmetric Differential Phase Shift keying,
SDPSK, where encoding would be +90° for a '1' and -90° for a '0'.

In differentially-encoded QPSK (DQPSK), the phase-shifts are 0°, 90°, 180°, -

90° corresponding to data '00', '01', '11', '10'. This kind of encoding may be
demodulated in the same way as for non-differential PSK but the phase
ambiguities can be ignored. Thus, each received symbol is demodulated to one of
the M points in the constellation and a comparator then computes the difference
in phase between this received signal and the preceding one. The difference
encodes the data as described above. Symmetric Differential Quadrature Phase
Shift Keying (SDQPSK) is like DQPSK, but encoding is symmetric, using phase
shift values of -135°, -45°, +45° and +135°.

Using DPSK avoids the need for possibly complex carrier-recovery schemes to
provide an accurate phase estimate and can be an attractive alternative to ordinary


Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) is both an analog and a digital

modulation scheme. It conveys two analog message signals, or two digital bit
streams, by changing (modulating) the amplitudes of two carrier waves, using the
amplitude-shift keying (ASK) digital modulation scheme or amplitude
modulation (AM) analog modulation scheme. These two waves, usually
sinusoids, are out of phase with each other by 90° and are thus called quadrature
carriers or quadrature components hence the name of the scheme. The modulated
waves are summed, and the resulting waveform is a combination of both phase-
shift keying (PSK) and amplitude-shift keying (ASK), or in the analog case of
phase modulation (PM) and amplitude modulation. In the digital QAM case, a
finite number of at least two phases, and at least two amplitudes are used. PSK
modulators are often designed using the QAM principle, but are not considered as
QAM since the amplitude of the modulated carrier signal is constant. QAM is
used extensively as a modulation scheme for digital telecommunication systems.

1.Digital QAM

Like all modulation schemes, QAM conveys data by changing some aspect of a
carrier signal, or the carrier wave, (usually a sinusoid) in response to a data
signal. In the case of QAM, the amplitude of two waves, 90 degrees out-of-phase
with each other (in quadrature) are changed (modulated or keyed) to represent the
data signal. Amplitude modulating two carriers in quadrature can be equivalently
viewed as both amplitude modulating and phase modulating a single carrier.

Phase modulation (analog PM) and phase-shift keying (digital PSK) can be
regarded as a special case of QAM, where the magnitude of the modulating
signal is a constant, with only the phase varying. This can also be extended to
frequency modulation (FM) and frequency-shift keying (FSK), for these can be
regarded as a special case of phase modulation.

2.Analog QAM

When using QAM modulation, the transmitted signal will be of the form:

through trigonometric identities we find that


where I(t) and Q(t) are the modulating signals and f0 is the carrier frequency.

Analog QAM is used in NTSC and PAL television systems, where the I- and Q-
signals carry the components of chroma (colour) information. "Compatible
QAM" or C-QUAM is used in AM stereo radio to carry the stereo difference

3.Rectangular QAM

Rectangular QAM constellations are, in general, sub-optimal in the sense that

they do not maximally space the constellation points for a given energy.
However, they have the considerable advantage that they may be easily
transmitted as two pulse amplitude modulation
(PAM) signals on quadrature carriers, and can
be easily demodulated. The non-square
constellations, dealt with below, achieve
marginally better bit-error rate (BER) but are
harder to modulate and demodulate.

The first rectangular QAM constellation

usually encountered is 16-QAM, the
constellation diagram for which is shown here.
A Gray coded bit-assignment is also given.
The reason that 16-QAM is usually the first is Constellation diagram for
that a brief consideration reveals that 2-QAM rectangular 16-QAM.
and 4-QAM are in fact binary phase-shift
keying (BPSK) and quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK), respectively. Also,
the error-rate performance of 8-QAM is close to that of 16-QAM (only about 0.5
dB better), but its data rate is only three-quarters that of 16-QAM.

4.Non-Rectangular QAM

It is the nature of QAM that most orders of constellations can be constructed in

many different ways and it is neither possible nor instructive to cover them all

The diagram of circular QAM constellation is shown, for 16-QAM. The circular
8-QAM constellation is known to be the optimal 8-QAM constellation in the
sense of requiring the least mean power for a given minimum Euclidean distance.
The 16-QAM constellation is suboptimal although the optimal one may be

constructed along the same lines as the 8-QAM
constellation. The circular constellation
highlights the relationship between QAM and
PSK. Other orders of constellation may be
constructed along similar (or very different)
lines. It is consequently hard to establish
expressions for the error rates of non-
rectangular QAM since it necessarily depends
on the constellation. Nevertheless, an obvious
upper bound to the rate is related to the
minimum Euclidean distance of the Constellation diagram for circular
constellation (the shortest straight-line distance 16-QAM.
between two points):

Again, the bit-error rate will depend on the assignment of bits to symbols.
Although, in general, there is a non-rectangular constellation that is optimal for a
particular M, they are not often used since the rectangular QAMs are much easier
to modulate and demodulate.

Interference and noise

In moving to a higher order QAM constellation (higher data rate and mode) in
hostile RF/microwave QAM application environments, such as in broadcasting or
telecommunications, interference (via multipath) typically increases. Reduced
noise immunity due to constellation separation makes it difficult to achieve
theoretical performance thresholds. There are several test parameter
measurements which help determine an optimal QAM mode for a specific
operating environment. The following three are most significant:

 Carrier/interference ratio
 Carrier-to-noise ratio
 Threshold-to-noise ratio

 www.google.com
 Electronics For You magazine
 Principals of Telecommunication
 www.analogmodulationwikipedia.com
 www.digitalmodulationwikipedia.com
 Fundamentals of Communication
 www.modulationencylopedia.com


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