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Best Practices
in Managing
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3 16
Managing Contract Partners: McKinsey & Co.: Tools for Meeting

Do We Have a Failure to Communicate? the Supply Management Challenge

11 20
Delivering Patient Value in McKinsey & Co.: Four Steps to

Pharmaceuticals and Biologics Managing Contract Partner Quality

(excerpted from Chapter 9 of “Supply

Chain Management in the Drug Industry”

by Hedley Rees) Additional Resources

And Article Links

Pharmaceutical manu-
facturers are outsourc-
ing more critical functions
to contract manufactur-
ing organizations. How
are they monitoring qual-
ity and performance, and
what are the best prac-
tices for communication
and knowledge transfer?

This reference examines

current and best practices,
offering insights from reg-
ulators, consultants and
our magazine. We hope
that you find it useful.

t Previous Page 2 Next Page u

CMO Management:
Do We Have a Failure
to Communicate
Are you managing your CMOs or are they managing you?

By Agnes Shanley, Editor in Chief

As competitive pressures increase,

nothing can stop the pharmaceuti-
cal outsourcing juggernaut. What
started off as a “back office” practice
for business, IT, HR and real estate
management has become well estab-
lished in manufacturing, and the use
of outsourcing continues to grow in
other strategic functions, including
R&D and clinical.

Developing an accurate assessment

of the pharmaceutical outsourcing
market’s size is nearly impossible,
says Nigel Walker, managing director
of That’s Nice, LLC (New York, N.Y.)
whose Nice Insight market research
program studies the evolving con-
tract pharmaceutical services market cal recalls and other regulatory issues
closely. including 483s and consent decrees
(Figure 1, next page).
First, a wide range of companies of-
fer services from tiny, privately held Observers say this parallel growth is
and extremely niched players to ge- no coincidence. Over the past five
neric drug manufacturers and even years, McKinsey & Co. consultants
big pharma companies. have found there has been a 16%/yr
increase in pharmaceutical recalls
The market research company Frost that can be directly traced to qual-
& Sullivan estimates that the phar- ity failures on the part of suppliers or
maceutical contract services market contract partners.
is roughly $10.7 billion in the United
States alone, and growing by roughly Paradoxically, operating pharmaceuti-
10% per year1. cal companies say that quality is the
top reason they select a contract part-
While pharmaceutical manufactur- ner. CMO’s ability to comply with regu-
ing and development outsourcing latory requirements is another one of
has increased, so have pharmaceuti- their CMO top selection criteria.2, 3

t Previous Page 3 Next Page u

Recalls for FDA Regulated Products 1991-2008



figure 1
Number of Recalls



Michael Long, from FDA data


19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08


Regulators continue to emphasize calling for much stronger outsourcing

the need for better risk management. governance5. The subject is complex,
“There has been an evidentiary shift touching on risk management, staf-
that places the burden on the indus- fing, training, tech transfer and com-
try to prove appropriate levels of risk munications. Are drug manufacturers
management,” says Michael Long, di- ready for the challenge?
rector of consulting services for Val-
Source, Inc. In this article, two industry experts
comment on the issues playing out
In the future, he says, pharma sup- right now, and suggest best prac-
ply chains may more closely resem- tices. The article also examines re-
ble those of the automotive industry, sults of a recent reader survey, which
with Tier 1 and 2 suppliers. However, sheds some light on how drug manu-
in the short term, Long says, expect facturers are responding to the chal-
more questions from regulators sur- lenges of contract supplier oversight.
rounding risk management, product
and process knowledge, he says4. RISK MANAGEMENT 101
Not only regulators, but observers Clearly, many are at an early stage in
and experts within the industry are developing risk management strate-

t Previous Page 4 Next Page u

How closely are your QMS and those of your CMOs and suppliers linked?

figure 2
50 35.8%
23.6% 22.8%
25 13%

0 Our QMS soft- We use risk We have a formal We closely define We integrate We transfer We monitor and
ware and relevant management framework in process validation our CAPA internal best train key CMO
IT are linked to tools internally place to transfer and change con- systems with practices to our partners and
those of critical and with sup- our best practices trol requirements those of key critical CMOs suppliers in areas
CMOs and sup- pliers to pre- internally for CMOs CMOs and suppliers where improve-
pliers vent issues ment is needed

gies. “Even though ICH Q9 was pub- opportunities. It should never be-
lished six years ago, drug manufac- come a hammer in search of a nail,
turers are just starting to find their and all systems must be evaluated
footing in the areas of risk manage- if it is to be robust.”
ment, quality by design and quality
systems,” said Long. Their progress, Managing contract manufacturers
he says, depends on how advanced requires asking two key questions,
they are in applying risk manage- according to Hedley Rees, consul-
ment tools and concepts. tant and founder of the U.K.-based
consultancy, Biotech PharmaFlow,
“If you do not have an adequate who established and chairs the Drug
quality system in place, with ade- Industry Modernization group on
quate controls, all the product and LinkedIn and whose extensive book
process development, and the pro- on optimizing pharmaceutical sup-
cess understanding in the world, ply chain management was published
may go to waste,” he told attendees two years ago6:
at PDA’s annual meeting earlier this
year in Phoenix. 1) D
 o I understand the extent of my
obligations to manage my CMOs?
In addition, he says, some profes- 2) H ave I the right processes in place
sionals have fundamentally mis- to deliver on those obligations?
understood the concept of a ‘risk-
based approach,” Long says. “It is All manufacture and testing carried
not a gift card for reducing test- out at third parties must be treated as
ing and other precautions,” he said. if they were carried out by the drug
“Instead, it requires a balance be- manufacturer itself, Rees says, and the
tween identifiying and mitigating working supply chain must comply to
threats, while taking advantage of regulations at every stage. This means:

t Previous Page 5 Next Page u

What methods are you using to manage potential CMO and supplier risk?

figure 3
40.3% 42.9%
50 37.8%
17.6% 17.6%

0 FMEA Risk MaPP, Six Sigma Process Capability Modeling and Quality by Design Process Analyti-
heat maps Analysis Simulation for projects that cal Technology
go from develop- (PAT)
mental to com-
mercial stages

• Investigating out-of-specification “If your contract did not spell out

results and appropriate (root cause) alignment, it may not happen.”
corrective and preventive actions
The best approach, he says, is to
• Examining complaints handling view outsourcing as a specific case of
processes procurement, and to remember that
it is a strategic, organizational func-
 eviewing technical documentation tion. Rees urges the following:
and ensuring that it is approved by
suitably knowledgeable and quali- 1) Identify and involve all stakeholders
fied personnel in the outsourcing process from the
start, and do not leave key issues to
 nsuring that supply and quality either the procurement department
agreements are worded to pro- or the CMC group.
vide maximum alignment between
standard operating procedures 2) Beware of checklist Quality
(SOPs) across organizational Agreements based on legal boil-
boundaries. erplate. The commercial and tech-
nical terms for the agreements
“Contracts must closely spell out (Supply and Quality) must form
such widely ranging activities as part of the tender and the pre-
corrective and preventive action contractual negotiations. Terms
(CAPA), technology transfer, opera- should be based on the practical
tion of interfacing quality systems, ways you will work together to
specific mitigations emerging for meet your mutual obligations.
risk assessments as well as newer
approaches, such as the adoption 3) R
 emember that power shifts after
of a pharmaceutical Quality by De- contracts are signed, especially if
sign (QbD )approach,” Rees says. you are entering a single-provider

t Previous Page 6 Next Page u

arrangement. If anything impor- Do you have a formal process
tant is left out of the contract, in place for continuously
such as the requirement that cer- monitoring the source and
tain information be provided by quality of raw materials
the contract company on a regu- bought by CMOs and suppliers,
that are critical to your
lar basis, that requirement must be product’s quality?
explicity written into the contract.

HOW ARE WE DOING? No 13.8% figure 4

Is the typical pharmaceutical man-
ufacturer developing the right ap-
proach to CMO management? Phar-
maceutical Manufacturing surveyed
readers to get a snapshot of con-
tract partner management prac-
tices. Over 173 industry profession-
als responded to the survey, results
of which are highlighted below.
Yes 86.2%
(For more information, check www.

When asked how closely they syn- As far as specific risk management
chronized their internal quality sys- tool kits and methods are concerned
tems with those of CMOs and suppli- (Figure 3), 49% of respondents said
ers (Figure 2), 64% of respondents they were using failure modes and
said they defined process validation effect analysis (FMEA), 43% are using
and change control requirements process capability analysis, 40% are
closely for their CMOs; 46% said they using Six Sigma, 38% say they use
used risk management tools inter- QbD, and 36% report using process
nally and with suppliers. analytical technology (PAT).

In addition, 36% said they monitored Eighty-six percent of respondents

and trained CMO partners in areas said they have a formal process in
where improvement was needed, and place to monitor the source and qual-
31% described having a knowledge ity of raw materials critical to product
transfer process available to transfer quality bought by suppliers (Figure
internal best practices to their con- 4). The remainder did not.
tract partners. Twenty-four percent
said they had integrated CAPA sys- On the positive side, most respondents
tems with those of their suppliers. to the survey said they have a system
in place for monitoring the quality per-
Fewer respondents are using tech- formance of critical CMOs and suppli-
nology to facilitate connection to ers. Sixty-one percent said they hold
CMOs; 13% said they had connected regular meetings with contract part-
QMS and other IT platforms to those ners, 58% send senior quality staffers
of conract partners and suppliers. to visit supplier sites, 58% say they re-

t Previous Page 7 Next Page u

After your quality agreement has been completed, how do you continuously
monitor the performance of your critical CMOs and suppliers?

figure 5
57.5% 60.9%

25 19.5%
Senior quality staff We review relevant We hold meetings We have set up Other
members from our CMO/supplier manufac- with key CMOs dashboards to facilitate
company visit turing and process moni- and suppliers KPI monitoring
supplier sites regularly toring data regularly

view relevant manufacturing and pro- Among other issues respondents cited:
cess monitoring data regularly; and
20% have set up dashboards to moni- •A
 lot of manufacturing and qual-
tor KPIs for contract partners. ity data for CMOs can only be seen
during on-site visits
When asked to define their biggest
challenges in managing CMOs, most •C
 MOs need to prevent process
respondents (30%) cited knowledge drift and poor decisions by man-
transfer; 24%, process validation; and agement
an equal number, change control.
In addition, 23% said that risk man- • Insufficient knowledge of CMC issues
agement was their top challenge;
21% reported monitoring; 15%, CAPA •W
 rote one respondent, “It can be
coordination; and 14% tech trans- difficult to ask informational ques-
fer. “Someone always seems to be tions from most of our suppliers.
asleep at the switch,” wrote one. An- They are reluctant to provide help-
other described high attrition rates at ful information for fear of incrimi-
smaller CMOs, with poor knowledge nating their own products.”
transfer the result.
Other respondents noted that, given
“If you don’t have a quality and tech- limited internal resources, it was be-
nical rep on site for each batch pro- coming more difficult to maintain close
duced at a CMO, there are items that and meaningful contact with suppliers.
don’t get documented at the same Said another, “review of documenta-
time, so resulting deviations aren’t al- tion alone does not provide a full pic-
ways documented efficiently.” ture of actual performance.”

t Previous Page 8 Next Page u

How frequently do you formally CMO respondents said
connect with your key CMos and their clients did not ad-
suppliers to verify their performance equately use QA and QC
and quality management? expertise and expected
CMOs to make regula-
Once a day 2.3% tory decisions for them.
Several times a day 3.4%
Three times a week
1.1 %
It depends 1
The U.S. Contract Manufac-
turing Outsourcing Market
Weekly Revives as Pharmaceuti-
30.7% cal Companies Increasingly
Outsource after the Reces-
sion, April, 2012.
Monthly 18.2% lib/display-press-release.
figure 6 Every other do?Src=RSS&id=257678521
week 4.5% 2
Custom research from and
communication with That’s
Nice, LLC
COMMUNICATION AND equately to their CMOs, 3
Ninth Annual Report and
KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER as contract manufac- Survey of Biopharmaceuti-
Communication, or the turing companies re- cal Manufacturing Capac-
lack of it, has clearly ported in BioPlan’s ity and Production, BioPlan
become a factor in the ninth annual Report Associates, p. 220-222
overall CMO manage- and Survey of Biophar- 4
Long, M., Introduction to
ment picture. In the sur- maceutical Manufac- Quality By Design for Sup-
vey, 5% of respondents turing Capacity and pliers: The First Steps
describe communicat- Production7. Eighty-six 5
Russo, A., Outsourcing
ing with key contract percent of the CMO as a central success fac-
partners at least once professionals who re- tor
a day; 31%, weekly; 18% sponded complained en/Library/KPMG-in-
monthly; but 40% an- that biopharm clients the-Media/Documents/
swered with a vague “it didn’t build in enough pa-20120410-outsourc-
depends.” time for projects, or ing-as-key-success-factor-
communicate effec- for-the-future-of-the-phar-
Relatively infrequent tively, while 83% said maceutical-industry-en.pdf
communication would they didn’t plan their 6
Rees, H., Supply Chain
appear to conflict with tech transfer process or Management in the Drug
the stated goal of better recognize variability in Industry: Delivering Patient
managing knowledge process development. Value for Pharmaceuticals
and tech transfer, said and Biologics.
Long. Another complaint?
67% said that clients just com/Supply-Chain-Man-
Pharmaceutical oper- “handed off a project” agement-Drug-Industry/
ating companies often without planning for on- dp/0470555173
fail to communicate ad- going interactions. Some 7
BioPlan op cit, p. 222

t Previous Page 9 Next Page u

t Previous Page 10 Next Page u
Supply Chain Management
in the Drug Industry:
Delivering Patient Value for
Pharmaceuticals and Biologics
by Hedley Rees

Excerpted from Chapter 9 (pp 201-206), with the permission of J Wiley & Sons

There are two main rationales for


1. The company does not have the

resources to maintain an in-house
capability to perform the necessary

2. T
 he company believes that the
core competencies required could
be carried out more effectively by
an experienced third party. This is
typically called a make vs. buy de-

The first rationale is obviously not al-

ways a choice. Many SMEs (biotech/
virtual companies in pharma) can-
not afford to set up their own fa-
cilities, other than to provide office
space and pay wages to core staff. For many biotech and emerging
Outsourcing is a way of life in these pharma companies intent on getting
cases, and effective procurement into the clinic, or indeed carrying on
practices are critical to success. to commercial supply, outsourcing
is the only feasible option given the
As learned earlier, the growth of need to conserve cash. Often and
SMEs in pharma development was perversely, skills and experience of
facilitated by the availability of third- the laws of commercial exchange are
party service providers, which in not regarded as high priority, even
turn drove demand for the services. though vast sums of money may be
This has been an ongoing spiral ever spent with third parties. Not only
since. Below is an extract from my that, but the third parties need to be
Biotech PharmaFlow website, which managed in a relationship where the
explains further. balance of power shifts dramatically

t Previous Page 11 Next Page u

pre and post contract. Ignore that at •D
 o you have a register of all third
your peril! parties subject to corporate gover-
It is now becoming increasingly rec-
ognized that procurement of out- •A
 re legal, finance, purchasing, inter-
sourced services is a vital cross-func- nal audit and end-users all on the
tional process (not a function called same page?
“procurement”) with a lifecycle that
covers definition of need, supplier • Is information being supplied by
selection, terms of agreement and third parties accurately and appro-
payment completion. Involvement priately?
of the appropriate people at each
stage is of fundamental importance. You may well have this all under
This process is not rocket science, control, but it may be worth check-
can be applied using structured tools ing again.
and techniques, and can be adopted
across the organization for maximum It should be clear that I am sound-
impact on “value for money.” ing a warning bell to those who are
not professionally prepared for out-
If a company outsources major op- sourcing. It should also set the scene
erational activities such as clinical tri- for later examination of some of the
als, manufacture, logistics services, challenges of outsourcing once the
etc., these will likely have a significant second case has been identified. In
effect on financial statements. The the second case above, the make vs.
company’s procurement processes buy decision, the buying company
are a large contributor to internal has a choice.
controls. The following questions are
relevant to ask: Is it more beneficial to carry out the
activities internally or to pass them
 ow are outsourced services and on to more qualified companies that
materials being controlled through can spread their costs over a num-
the lifecycle? ber of clients? This is a very impor-
tant choice and, as always, should
 hat controls are there on con- be considered in the light of sus-
sumption and movement of inven- tainable competitive advantage. It
tory? should therefore be implicit in the
analysis that competitive advantage
 hat controls are in place at the is better served by using a third-
contractor’s subcontractors? party provider, through either lower
costs or increased value. The sus-
 o contracts reflect the need for tainable element means that the
higher levels of audit access? outsourcing arrangement must con-

t Previous Page 12 Next Page u

tinue to deliver the intended bene- companies themselves can decide
fits during and following implemen- after careful consideration of their
tation. Sadly, this understanding is circumstances. There is, however,
often absent in many cost-driven one golden guideline that I would
initiatives to outsource. As an ex- like to propose: If a practical and
ample, a company outsourcing on enforceable contract cannot be de-
the basis of cost improvement must vised that allows the outsourcing
be clear that the revenue-earning company to respond flexibly and
potential is not affected adversely cost-effectively to business pres-
because the service becomes “com- sures for change, it is a doubtful
moditized.” This may well have been candidate for outsourcing.
the case in the financial services
sector during the mass offshor- 9.5.2 Nature and Challenge of
ing of call center services (certainly Outsourced Relationships
from the customer’s viewpoint). An important consideration for out-
sourcing is the nature of the rela-
Many of the organizations involved tionship involved compared to a tra-
have reverted to previous in-house ditional in-house approach. These
arrangements at the behest of frus- are fundamentally contractual rela-
trated customers. There are also ex- tionships and so are defined by pre-
amples closer to home where out- agreed terms set out in a contract.
sourced arrangements have not Although the supplying company may
delivered the anticipated benefits. be willing to accommodate alternative
arrangements, there is no obligation
So how should companies with a to do so. Any attempts at coercion
choice make decisions on outsourc- would obviously be fruitless, and the
ing? There is a very simple answer. If only avenue for resolution would be
the service is critical to a business’s renegotiation of the contract.
strategy toward competitive advan-
tage in chosen markets, it should not This could be a time-consuming pro-
be outsourced. cess and ultimately end in the sup-
plier not wishing to do business on
As always, it seems to be the case the revised terms. What happens
that there are very clear areas at the then? The competency set no longer
extremes of business activities. The exists in the organization, so where
answer here is normally unambiguous. does a buyer of these services go for
an alternative? Switching costs could
Janitorial services are clearly obvi- be prohibitive, so there is a real di-
ous candidates, and product design lemma here. Your business must ei-
teams are unlikely to be outsourced. ther battle on against customer need
In between, the choice becomes or look for a longer-term resource,
more challenging, and only the neither of which would be ideal.

t Previous Page 13 Next Page u

This leads on to some “revealing” first point made is that buyers should
work carried out in the UK by An- have a methodology to ensure that
drew Cox of Birmingham Univer- strategically important resources are
sity and chairman of the advisory not outsourced to suppliers. Earlier
board of the international institute in this section it was noted that out-
for Advanced Purchasing and Sup- sourcing was not recommended for
ply. Professor Cox received criticism activities that were critical to com-
from some sections of the purchas- petitive advantage and what Cox
ing fraternity, due to his forthright stresses as the ability “to earn above-
views on power and dependence normal returns.”
in supply chains. At that time there
was much interest in partnership The paper then goes on to examine
sourcing and other shared rela- the potential pitfalls once a decision
tionship–based approaches. Many to outsource has been made. The
buying companies entered single- next section will consider the former
sourcing relationships with “part- point; here, the pitfalls are explored.
ners” only to find that the benefits Cox defines adverse selection as be-
of “being in bed together” were not ing where the buying company or
all they were cracked up to be. outsourcing practitioner fails to real-
ize that their relative power positions
Cox was, rightly in my opinion, focus- switch once the deal is done.
ing on the relative power differentials
between buyer and seller as the basis If they make a poor (suboptimal) se-
for informing procurement strategy. lection, it is too late once the con-
Firms are distinct legal entities with tact is signed. Inadequate due dili-
boards of directors and pressures gence and selection criteria can lead
to perform and deliver shareholder to a lifetime of regret. Believe it or
value. Buyer–seller relationships are not, there are suppliers out there
therefore certain to be formed and who would claim competence in cer-
governed by these pressures. This re- tain areas but actually possess little
ality is true throughout the procure- of it! The counter to that is to avoid
ment process, but whereas the con- the moral hazard by making suit-
sequences of a failed relationship in able precontractual provisions in the
general procurement of goods are agreement. The message in this is
normally confined to certain trans- that buyers and suppliers must un-
actions, poor outsourcing arrange- derstand the fit between them. Put
ments can cripple a business. very simply, this means that (inexpe-
rienced) buyers can be seduced by
In a paper, Cox presented some re- suppliers who make promises they
markably incisive observations. The cannot keep.

t Previous Page 14 Next Page u

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t Previous Page 15 Next Page u

Meeting the Supply
Management Challenge
To manage increasingly complex supplier networks, pharmaceutical companies
must develop new capabilities, organizational structures and management tools.

By Ric Philips and Kevin Sachs, McKinsey & Co.

Pharmaceutical manufacturers have per year and is expected to be worth

seized the opportunity to cut costs, more than $26 billion by 2012. As
improve flexibility, and reduce risk the external supply base has grown,
by expanding their use of third-party however, managers are increasingly
manufacturing partners. Between recognizing the true complexities
2001 and 2008, the pharmaceuti- of the process. Industry leaders we
cal contract manufacturing indus- speak to highlight challenges across
try doubled in size and, according to the key areas of quality, delivery and
Frost & Sullivan, it is forecast to con- cost in managing their external sup-
tinue growing at a rate of 11 percent ply relationships.

Effective Supplier Management Models Excel Across Five Core Elements

1 Strategic portfolio of external suppliers

Aligning supplier selection with overall business strategy. Seg-
mentation of suppliers by strategic importance.

2 Commercial forecasting and supply planning

Adapting internal forecasting and supply planning approaches
to match supplier capabilities and constraints.

3 I nformation sharing, performance management

and issue notification
Processes for reporting supplier performance against expecta-
tions; and for raising, escalating and resolving issues.

4 Risk management
Proactive risk assessment to predict potential risks and apply
appropriate risk management and mitigation techniques.
SOURCE: McKinsey

5 Supplier development
Processes for ongoing performance management and contin-
uous improvement of supplier capabilities.

t Previous Page 16 Next Page u

New Game, New Rules and managing suppliers, including
These challenges are not insurmount- criticality of the product, supplier
able. Companies in other sectors capabilities, the supply landscape
have built effective mixed models of and others. Firms apply these crite-
internal and external manufacturing. ria rigorously to the full supply base
Now pharma companies are begin- and use them to stratify the supply
ning to apply some of the same tech- base for selection and, later, im-
niques. Strong supplier management prove prioritization for active sup-
requires companies to have the right plier management.
processes for selecting suppliers, for
managing their performance, and 2. T
 hey improve their forecasting
for developing their capabilities over and supply planning approach.
time. Companies with the most ef-
fective supplier management models While outsourcing may offer a com-
do this by getting five core elements pelling solution to the problems
right (see image on previous page). associated with demand volatil-
ity and capacity constraints, com-
1. They create a strategic portfolio of panies that expect these issues to
external suppliers. disappear altogether will be disap-
pointed. Suppliers have some op-
Most companies have allowed their portunity to offset demand fluctua-
external supply base to grow organi- tions between customers, but still
cally, selecting and qualifying suppli- have constraints on equipment ca-
ers on an ad-hoc basis for particular pacity, people, and materials avail-
projects, products or markets. For ability. Compensating for this re-
some companies, this evolution has quires planning across multiple
led to complex, expensive, and dif- horizons, working closely with sup-
ficult to manage networks of more pliers to understand their true flex-
than 200 suppliers. The best firms, ibility and constraints, and adapt-
by contrast, take a much more rigor- ing internal forecasting and supply
ous approach. This starts by align- planning approaches to respond. In
ing the supplier selection process industries where variability is par-
to overall business strategy. A com- ticularly high, such as high-tech, the
pany seeking cost leadership might best performing companies hold
aggressively seek low-cost country quarterly (or longer) equipment
suppliers, for example, while another planning reviews with their suppli-
looking for technology leadership will ers, design their forecast processes
want to forge collaborative relation- to eliminate unnecessary demand
ships that give it access to critical fluctuations, and then work to-
skills and technologies. gether to develop inventory and
production scheduling rules that
Leaders also use sophisticated seg- are tailored to particular products
mentation criteria when selecting based on their value and variability.

t Previous Page 17 Next Page u

3. They implement rigorous proce- problem at the source. First, it de-
dures for information sharing, per- signed a new set of daily, weekly and
formance management and issue monthly reports with the supplier to
resolution. ensure early identification and resolu-
tion of potential issues. Then the com-
Managing the performance of a sup- pany worked with its supplier to iden-
ply chain becomes more difficult as tify the individuals within their two
more of it is outsourced. Companies organizations who were best placed
frequently find that as they outsource to take action to resolve issues. Fi-
manufacturing, for example, they lose nally, it established a cascading issue
sight of the vital production perfor- resolution and tracking system to en-
mance indicators that provide an early sure those people were brought to-
warning of potential supply issues. gether quickly when required, and to
Likewise, their ability to rapidly resolve allow tracking of issues for ongoing
issues that do arise may be compro- supplier management and continuous
mised because they lack the appro- improvement efforts.
priate mechanisms for communicat-
ing and responding to them. Where As a result of the effort, delivery
an internal production manager would performance from the supplier im-
simply have picked up the phone to a proved by more than 9 percent, help-
colleague in logistics, for example, or ing the company to accelerate sales
discussed progress around the water growth. Within six months it had also
cooler, a supplier may be unsure whom achieved cost savings from the sup-
to call, and when. plier of more than 5 percent, thanks
to the reduced complexity of manag-
Avoiding these issues requires com- ing the program.
panies to agree to an effective set
of performance indicators with their 4. T
 hey take a proactive approach to
suppliers — ideally the same ones risk management.
they would have used when pro-
duction was internal. It also requires The best companies hold suppliers
them to implement formal protocols to a level of risk management equal
for the communication, escalation to their internal production facili-
and resolution of issues. ties. Rather than taking a reactive
approach to supplier risk manage-
One company in the high tech sector, ment, relying on reviews of batch
for example, suffered from quality and records and infrequent formal au-
reliability issues when it outsourced dits, these companies adopt a pro-
some critical assemblies to an exter- active, on-site risk assessment and
nal supplier. Identifying and rejecting problem-solving approach.
substandard parts was expensive and
threatened to disrupt production, so Others are already adopting an ap-
the company took steps to tackle the proach pioneered in the automotive

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sector to map the principal sources The best take a more collaborative
of quality risk in key suppliers. Risk approach. While they keep up the
“heat maps” use a company’s own pressure for suppliers to improve
knowledge of process risks to pre- their KPIs, they also work with them
dict the parts of a supplier’s opera- to identify ways in which the perfor-
tion that have the largest poten- mance of the entire value chain can
tial to create problems. These heat be lifted. Supplier development, in
maps can be used to identify criti- which engineers from the procuring
cal criteria during supplier selection, organization spend time working on
and companies can engage directly site with suppliers to fix problems and
with their existing suppliers to agree develop innovative new solutions, is
on appropriate risk management common in the automotive and high
and mitigation techniques. For criti- tech industries. Now it is delivering
cal suppliers, top companies map benefits in pharma, too. A project at
the full operational taxonomy of one large pharmaco, for example, fo-
past, current and future risk in detail cused on developing the skills of a
and carefully manage to those risks. select group of its own production
One pharmaco, for example, devel- engineers. Once they had gained con-
oped a detailed risk management siderable expertise in identifying and
heat map for its own plants, allow- fixing production inefficiencies and
ing it to focus quality improvement quality issues, the company embarked
efforts precisely where the biggest on a program to share that exper-
risks arose. Having proved the tech- tise in a structured way with key sup-
nique in-house, the company is now pliers. In this program, the company
rolling out the same management sends its engineers to work in supplier
and mitigation approach to its most plants alongside supplier production
important suppliers. staff, helping them to tackle specific
issues and to build their own process
5. They systematically improve per- improvement capabilities. So far, the
formance and develop supplier project has been a considerable suc-
capabilities. cess, delivering 5 to 10 percent cost
savings annually, together with im-
Supply chains can’t stand still. While proved supply reliability.
outsourcing should deliver immediate
one-off cost savings and performance As they ramp up their use of out-
improvements, companies must en- sourced manufacturing, pharmacos
sure they have mechanisms in place must be prepared to tackle new chal-
to drive further improvement over lenges. While it is still early days for
time. Simply placing suppliers under the industry, those companies that
pressure to reduce their costs while are embracing the best practices de-
increasing quality and delivery perfor- veloped in other sectors are finding
mance standards has proved frustrat- that they can deliver big benefits in
ingly ineffective for many firms. pharma, too.

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Managing Supplier Quality,
a Continuous Process
A proactive, collaborative approach is critical to success

By Parag Patel, Janice Pai, JehanZeb Noor, and Ramit Jain

While quality problems can be found

in any industry, they are becoming
a more pronounced problem in the
pharmaceutical and medical device
space. Over the last few years, sup-
plier quality has become an increas-
ing concern in the industry. Many
regulatory agencies are holding phar-
maceutical and medical device com-
panies equally responsible for sup-
plier related issues, affecting both
companies’ financial results and their
reputations. As a result, more compa-
nies are focusing on addressing the
challenges with a proactive, collab-
orative, and holistic approach to sup-
plier quality management. Their goal
is to manage and support suppliers in complexity is making supplier in-
similar ways to their own production tegration in product development,
facilities, in an effort to reduce risk manufacturing, logistics and service
and build better partnerships with operations more challenging and
these suppliers. making the timely resolution of sup-
plier quality issues more difficult.
Companies often tell us that they are
struggling to master supplier qual- •G
 lobalization of the supply chain
ity — not due to a lack of effort, but continues to increase complexity in
because doing so is becoming more the industry. For example, much of
challenging. There are several rea- the world’s active pharmaceutical
sons for this, notably: ingredients (API) are now manufac-
tured in low cost countries such as
 roduct complexity is rapidly in- India, China and other south-Asian
creasing, with the increased focus countries. This means companies
on lowering cost for small mole- must be able to manage supplier
cule solid dosage manufacturing, quality across physical, cultural
the increased usage of large mol- and language borders. Seamlessly
ecule protein therapies, and the working on complex matters with
expanded market penetration of best-cost-country suppliers far from
vaccine therapies. This increase in home is obviously challenging, but

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these far-away suppliers also use supplier quality program is required
suppliers of their own. Pharmaceuti- in most companies to address and
cal companies’ visibility into the up- prevent these problems.
stream supply chain is often limited
to first tier suppliers, while signifi- A holistic approach to
cant risk of supplier quality inci- supplier quality management
dents resides with their sub-suppli- Best-practice in supplier quality is not
ers further upstream. a quick fix, but a multi-stage journey.
It is our fundamental belief that suc-
 egulatory demands continue to cessful supplier quality management
increase, with the FDA and other requires a holistic approach. Based
regulatory agencies increasing the on our experience in multiple quality
expectations placed on pharma- transformations, we have identified
ceutical companies in managing four essential cornerstones of such
their suppliers. For example, not an approach:
only has there been an increased
number of supplier related recalls • Supplier strategy and KPI system:
(up around 16% year-on-year for Companies must ensure that their
the past five years), but there con- supplier quality strategy is aligned
tinues to be an increasing number with their overarching corporate and
of 483s, decrees, and forced plant purchasing strategies. They must
shut-downs due to these issues. focus their attention on strategically
On top of this, today’s fast moving important suppliers, define clear
media ensures widespread atten- targets and measure their prog-
tion to any substantial quality is- ress against them. Often, companies
sues, increasing the negative ef- fail to segment their supplier qual-
fects on the players involved. ity programs, spreading their effort
too thinly as a result. This can leave
With these increased challenges in them with only the resources to re-
managing supplier quality, we took spond to day-to-day operational
a closer look at over 40 recent qual- incidents, rather than the proactive
ity incidents (many of which were and preventative actions that will
at pharmaceutical and/or medi- drive deep improvements upstream.
cal device companies) to find com-
mon themes and identify a holistic •F
 unctional supplier quality pro-
approach to improving them. In this cesses: Companies need to define
evaluation, we found that more than and apply a structured set of stan-
40% of these incidents were actu- dards and processes (advanced
ally due to supplier quality issues. product quality planning, part ap-
An in-depth evaluation of these sup- proval processes and root cause
plier quality issues found three main analysis standards, for example),
root causes: 1) lack of collaboration in both internally for themselves and
the design phase; 2) lack of a robust for their suppliers.
quality system / KPIs at the phar-
maco and/or the supplier; 3) lack of • Supplier quality organization & gov-
capabilities in supplier manufacturing ernance: Supplier quality requires an
facilities. This suggests that a robust effective cross-functional approach,

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An Internal Quality Diagnostic Can Help Identify Opportunities for Improvement

D  upplier Quality Mindset

S Supplier Quality Strategy and A
and Capabilities Strategy KPI System Strategy
Selection and approval
Cultural awareness Segmentation

Talent management Specification, characterization/R&D

Vision Supplier readiness

Organization Quality manual

Incentives Auditing process

Escalation Issue resolution

Performance management and Continuous improvement

consequences management
KPI process
Supplier Quality and Risk Quality Functional Supplier
C Governance Organization assessment agreement
Quality Processes B

EXHIBIT 1: Example of supplier quality diagnostic across 20 dimensions

with the right organization structure, tive supplier quality specialists have
the right ‘local’ presence (e.g., at a a combination of deep technical and
supplier site or in the supplier’s re- quality expertise and strong busi-
gion) and smart performance man- ness acumen in order to effectively
agement and incentives. Companies drive change in their suppliers’ oper-
need to move away from an over- ations and management practices.
emphasis on purchased cost and en-
sure that a holistic view of supplier Supplier quality management
performance is part of the agenda approach in action
for their COO or CPO. One large medical device company
applied many of the techniques out-
 upplier quality mindsets & capa- lined above to uncover and rectify
bilities: Focused communication ef- many of their supplier quality issues.
forts with suppliers are required to Along with organizational changes,
maintain attention on quality issues. the company followed a three-
But it is equally important to invest phased approach to improve supplier
in getting the right people with the quality performance.
right skills and expertise. Supplier
quality results are strongly corre- • Diagnostic phase: First, the com-
lated with the competence level of pany identified the sources of sup-
the organization. The most effec- plier quality risk by conducting a full

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quality diagnostic across 20 critical the process, the first supplier the
dimensions of supplier quality. This company worked with confirmed
company started with an internal di- that a key issue for it was that con-
agnostic (see Exhibit 1) using these trol plans frequently did not capture
20 dimensions to identify improve- the critical KPIs appropriately. As
ment opportunities and prioritize its a result, the company was able to
areas of focus. This evaluation high- modify its CTQ cascade approach
lighted areas where the company and control plan development to
needed to improve its internal ap- better ensure accuracy and there-
proaches and capabilities as well as fore improve quality control.
areas of focus for its suppliers.
• Implementation phase: Finally, to
 esign phase / prepare for sup- facilitate implementation, an 18- to
plier assessment: The company de- 24-month roadmap was built to
veloped a supplier assessment ap- roll-out the assessments, build sup-
proach to evaluate the operating plier capabilities and define the in-
systems, management systems and ternal organizational requirements.
culture of its suppliers. The com-
pany’s suppliers were also priori- This new assessment approach was
tized for evaluation based upon risk more actionable, holistic, and ap-
with the goal of balancing a reactive plicable across the company than
approach (i.e., address the recently the existing methodology. It allowed
“problematic suppliers) with a pro- the company to go from a reactive,
active approach (i.e., evaluate sup- audit-based approach to a proac-
pliers that could be “problematic” tive assessment toolkit that could be
in the future). The company used applied across multiple franchises
criteria such as suppliers with re- and products. The company has im-
cent recalls / complaints, suppliers proved many of its internal practices,
linked to critical products, suppliers completed more than 15 supplier as-
with highest spend, and other quali- sessments with clear action plans
tative factors (based upon interac- to improve the suppliers’ approach,
tions, management and general un- and now is continuing to evaluate its
derstanding of suppliers riskiness) other “high-risk” suppliers. Most im-
to rank suppliers and prioritize the portantly, there was a substantial im-
evaluations. This helped to identify provement in the collaboration with
the first 15 suppliers to be assessed suppliers that will continue to iden-
and improved. An in depth evalua- tify actions to reduce quality risks
tion toolkit (with scorecards across for both the suppliers and company
operating, management and culture itself in the future.
systems) was built to conduct the
evaluation and a cross-functional About the authors:
evaluation team was selected and Parag Patel ([email protected]),
trained. Finally, the company pro- Janice Pai ([email protected]), Je-
actively communicated to the sup- hanZeb Noor (jehanzeb_noor@mckinsey.
pliers so that evaluation could be com), and Ramit Jain (ramit_jain@mckin-
collaborative to uncover “win-win” are part of McKinsey & Company’s
opportunities. For example, during Pharmaceutical Operations practice.

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additional resources for more information click on the links below

Duke Fuqua Outsourcing Survey Results, 2012
Current Deals & Liquidations
FDA Quality Management System Guidance CLICK HERE

CLICK HERE Sell to Federal Equipment

FDA Guidance for Contract CLICK HERE

Manufacturing of Biological Products
Federal Equipment News & Events


Tech Transfer: Do It Right the First Time

by Stephen Perry, Kymanox

CLICK HERE Products: Solid, Sterile, Highly Regulated

Taking Responsibility for Supplier Purchasing Controls

by Braulio Ortiz and Michael Neaves, BioTeknica Consulting
Services: Early Development Through
Commercial Productions

Six Steps to Reducing the Risk of Outsourcing Abroad CLICK HERE

by Jim Worrell, CEO, Pharma Services Network, Inc.
Events: Webinars, Seminars, Conferences
CLICK HERE & Presentations


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