360degree Flexible

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We are carried out project on “360 DEGREE FLEXIBLE DRILLING MACHINE” here by
declared that the matter included in this project is genuine work done by as and has not been
submitted either to SBTET, A.P or any another university/Institute for fulfillment of the
requirement of the degree.

Project Members:
15613-M-027 K. VIJAY KUMAR
15613-M-016 J. VENKATA REDDY
15613-M-017 K. PAVAN
15613-M-022 K. NARESH
15613-M-039 N. CHETAN
15613-M-003 A. L N SWAMY

Amrita Sai Institute of Science & Technology
Approved by AICTE, Affiliated to SBTET, A.P
Accredited by NAAC with ‘A’ Grade
Paritala, Kanchikacherla (MD), Krishna Dt. AP, India – 521 180


This is to certify that the project entitled “360 DEGREE FLEXIBLE DRILLING
MACHINE” this report entitled is the bonafide record of work done by

15613-M-027 K. VIJAY KUMAR

15613-M-016 J. VENKATA REDDY
15613-M-017 K. PAVAN
15613-M-022 K. NARESH
15613-M-039 N. CHETAN
15613-M-003 A. L N SWAMY

In the Department of Diploma Mechanical Engineering by SBTET, A.P During the

academic year 2015-2018.

Internal Guide HOD External

We would like to express our sincere thanks to our college “Amrita Sai Institute of Science &
Technology” for providing us with an opportunity to undergo to do project work.
I would like to thank to our guide Mr. K.SATHISH PRAKASH M.tech for his
encouragement and motivation about our project.
It gives us immense pleasure to thank our HOD Dr. J. SAMPATH SURESH, Associate
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering for being a source of constant inspiration,
precious guidance and generous assistance during the industrial Training. We deem it as a
privilege to have worked under his able guidance. Without his close monitoring and valuable
suggestions this work wouldn’t have taken this shape. We feel that his help is invaluable and
We are also thankful to honorable principal Dr. M.SASI DHAR B.TECH, M.E, PH.D, MISTE,

MCMS, FIE and we express our sincere gratitude and deep sense of respect for making us available
with all the required assistance and for his support and inspiration to carry our project in the
We are also thankful to Chief Executive officer Dr. K. SAI MANOJ, B.Tech, M.Tech, Ph.d,
Ceng, MCTSM, MIE, MCSI and we express our sincere gratitude and deep sense of respect for making
us available with all the required assistance and for his support and inspiration to carry out
project in the Institute.
We are thankful to the teaching and non-teaching staff of Diploma Mechanical
department for their direct as well as indirect help in our project.
We are elated to avail ourselves to this opportunity to express our deep sense of gratitude
to our parents.

Directional drilling machine which can be used based on drilling holes in various location and
movement and easily operation done with high accuracy. Productivity can be improved by
reducing total machining time and reduced human effort and reduced manufacturing cycle time.
In this present age the application of micromachining operations continues to grow. These
operations are required to fabricate the products required for sectors like medical science,
automobile industries and electronics manufacturing etc. which deals with miniature trends.
Drilling process is one of the machining processes which is used to drill micro holes not only in
micro products but also in relatively larger work pieces which require ultra-small features which
can be accomplished only by drilling process

Key words: Drilling machine, Performance, Movement, Material, Operation etc.








1.1 General Aspects of Drilling Machine 7





5.1 Setup procedure 14





Around 35,000 BCE, Homo sapiens discovered the benefits of the application of rotary tools.
This would have rudimentarily consisted of a pointed rock being spun between the hands to bore
a hole through another material. This led to the hand drill, a smooth stick that was sometimes
attached to flint point, and was rubbed between the palms. This was used by many ancient
civilizations around the world including the Mayans. The earliest perforated artifacts such as
bone, ivory, shells and antlers found, are from the Upper Paleolithic era.

Bow drill (strap-drills) are the first machine drills, as they convert a back-and forth
motion to a rotary motion, and they can be traced back to around 10,000 years ago. It was
discovered that tying a cord around a stick, and then attaching the ends of the string to the ends
of a stick(a bow), allowed a user to drill quicker and more efficiently. Mainly used to create fire,
bow-drills were also used in ancient woodwork, stonework and dentistry. Archeologist
discovered a Neolithic grave yard in Mehrgrath, Pakistan dating from the time of the Harappans,
around 7,500-9,000 years ago, containing 9 adult bodies with a total of 11 teeth that had been
drilled. There are hieroglyphs depicting Egyptian carpenters and bead makers in a tomb at
Thebes using bow-drills. The earliest evidence of these tools being used in Egypt dates back to
around 2500 BCE. The usage of bow-drills was widely spread through Europe, Africa, Asia and
North America, during ancient times and is still used today. Over the years many slight
variations of bow and strap drills have developed for the various uses of either boring through
materials or lighting fires.
We had chosen the user defined project (UDP) for our final year project. We are decided
our topic to develop the automatic multi-operational portable machine say like tapping, drilling,
grinding, reaming, and other relative operation. This will make use of compressed air (pneumatic
mechanism) for its operation. We will trying to develop the portable machine which will easily
handle and cover a maximum working area from one station and make it more flexible to
working easily. As a small industries the machine and operation method use for drilling, tapping
and other similar process is not economically and eco friendly. As we know that drilling machine
use the electricity as there power source these machine have many limitation like it is not flexible
and not moveable, consume more floor area and main problem is that it need continuous
electricity which increase the cost of production. The tapping operations are performed by use of
convention tap or hand tap. during operation it is necessary with a hand tap to periodically

reverse rotation to break the chip formed during the cutting process, thus preventing effect called
crowding that may cause defect. In convention method, main problem causes during the tapping
operation for big job industries and complex job these causes are created defect on tap tool,
increasing operational lead time, inaccuracy of thread geometry, more production cost and more
labour cost.

1.1 General Aspects of Drilling Machine:

Drilling is the operation of producing circular hole in the work-piece by using a rotating cutter
called DRILL. The machine used for drilling is called drilling machine. The drilling operation
can also be accomplished in lathe, in which the drill is held in tailstock and the work is held by
the chuck. The most common drill used is the twist drill.
It is the simplest and accurate machine used in production shop. The work piece is held
stationary i.e. Clamped in position and the drill rotates to make a hole.
Drilling machine is kind of machine rotating cutting tool which direction the drill feeds only on
the machine axis(workmanship perforation). Drilling is operating while producing round holes in
the piece work by using a rotating cutter called DRILL.
A Drill is a tool fitted with a cutting tool attachment or driving tool attachment, usually a
drill bit or driver bit, used for boring holes in various materials or fastening various materials
together with the use of fasteners. The attachment is gripped by a chuck at one end of the drill
and rotated while pressed against the target material.
The tip, and sometimes edges, of the cutting tool does the work of cutting into the target
material. This may be slicing off thin shavings grinding off small particles crushing and
removing pieces of the work piece, countersinking, counter boring, or other operations.
Drills are commonly used in woodworking, metalworking, construction and do-it-
yourself projects. Drills are available with a wide variety of performance characteristics, such as
power and capacity.
Drill machines have been the heart of every industry. Drilling holes in parts, sheets and
structures is a regular industrial work. Perfect and well aligned drilling needs fixed and strong
drills. Some parts cannot be drilled using fixed drills due to low space between drill bit and drill
bed. We need to use hand drills in such cases but hand drills have alignment problems while
drilling. So here we propose a 360 degree flexible drill that can be mounted on a table or wall
and can be used to drill holes horizontally, vertically or even upside down. So this makes it
possible for easy drilling in even complicated parts and surfaces. Thus we use rotating hinges

and connectors with motor mount and supporting structure to design and fabricate a mini 360
degree drill for easy drilling operations.

Drilling is the method of making holes in a work piece with metal cutting
tools. Drilling is associated with machining operations such as trepanning,
counter boring, reaming and boring. A main rotating movement is common to
all these processes combined with a linear feed. There is a clear distinction
between short hole and deep hole drilling. The drilling process can in some
respects be compared with turning and milling but the demands on chip
breaking and the evacuation of chips is critical in drilling. Machining is restricted
by the hole dimensions, the greater the hole depth, the more demanding it is to
control the process and to remove the chips. Short holes occur frequently on
many components and high material removal rate is a growing priority along
with quality and reliability.

Solid drilling is the most common drilling method, where the hole is drilled in
solid material to a predetermined diameter and in a single operation.

Trepanning is principally used for larger hole diameters since this method is
not so power- consuming as solid drilling. The trepanning never machines the
whole diameter, only a ring at the periphery. Instead of all the material being
removed in the form of chips, a core is left round the center of the hole.

Counter boring is the enlargement of an existing hole with a specifically

designed tool. This machines away a substantial amount of material at the
periphery of the hole.

Reaming is the finishing of an existing hole. This method involves small

working allowances to achieve high surface finish and close tolerances.

The cutting speed, or surface speed (vc) in for drilling is determined by the
periphery speed and can be calculated from the spindle speed (n) which is

expressed in number of revolutions per minute. During one revolution, the
periphery of the drill will describe a circle with a circumference of π x Dc, where
Dc is the tool diameter. The cutting speed also varies depending upon which
cutting edge across the drill-face is being considered.
A machining challenge for drilling tools is that from the periphery to the center
of the drill, the cutting speed declines in value, to be zero at the center.
Recommended cutting speeds are for the highest speed at the periphery.
The feed per revolution (ƒn) in mm/rev expresses the axial movement of the tool
during one revolution and is used to calculate the penetration rate and to express
the feed capability of the drill.
The penetration rate or feed speed (vf) in mm/min is the feed of the tool in
relation to the work piece expressed in length per unit time. This is known as the
machine feed or table feed. The product of feed per revolution and spindle speed
gives the rate at which the drill penetrates the work piece. The hole depth (L) is
an important factor in drilling as is the radial cutting depth (ap) and feed per
tooth (fz) for calculations.

Machining holes
Holes are either made or finish machined. Most work pieces have at least one
hole and depending upon the function of the hole, it needs machining to various

The main factors that characterize

A hole from the machining view point are:

- diameter
- depth
- quality
- material
- conditions
- reliability
- productivity

Micromachining operations play an important role in precision production industries. Out of
the various machining processes, micro-drilling is used to produce micro holes in fuel injectors,
printed circuit board, aerospace materials etc. So in order to achieve the optimum working
conditions various research were conducted by different researchers from across the globe.
This report reviews some of the journal published by them regarding optimization processes.
Yogendra Tyagi,Vadansh Chaturvedi and Jyoti Vimal have conducted an experiment on
drilling of mild steel, and applied the taguchi methods for determining the optimum parameters
condition for the machining process using the taguchi methods and analysis of variance. The
work piece used is mild steel (100mm×76mm×12mm) and the tool used is HSS with a point
angle of 118° and diameter of 10 mm. Taguchi L9 orthogonal arrays is used here in order to
plan the experiment. The input parameters are feed rate, depth of cut and spindle speed whereas
the output responses are surface roughness and metal removal rate (MRR).In case of signal to
noise ratio calculation, larger the better characteristics is used for calculation of S/N ratio for
metal removal rate and nominal and small the better characteristics is used for the calculation
of S/N ratio for surface roughness. After the analysis of the data obtained it is found that MRR
is affected mostly by feed. Confirmation experiment was conducted using the data obtained
from S/N ratio graphs and it confirmed with the results of taguchi methodology. In case of
surface roughness analysis same procedure was followed where the significant parameter was
found to be the spindle speed. Here too the confirmation experiment was conducted and this
confirms the successful implementation of taguchi methods.

Timur Canel,A. Ugur Kaya,Bekir Celik studied the laser drilling on PVC material in order to
increase the quality of the cavity. Taguchi optimization methods was used to obtain the
optimum parameters. The material used in the experimental setup is PVC samples with

dimensions of 5mm×85mm×4.5mm. Surelite Continuum Laser is used to form the cavities. The
input parameters are wavelength, fluence and frequency and the output response are aspect
ratio, circularity and heat affected zone. Taguchi L9 orthogonal array is used to find the signal
to noise ratio. Smaller the better characteristics is used for HAZ, larger the better
characteristic is used for aspect ratioand nominal the better characteristic is used for
circularity. Variance analysis is performed usingthe calculated S/N ratio to conclude optimum
stage. It is found that most effective parameter for aspect ratio is frequency, second is
wavelength and last is fluence. For circularity it is found that the most effective parameter is
wavelength, fluence and frequency. For HAZ it is found that the most effective parameter is
wavelength, second is frequency and last is fluence. The experimental results are compatible
with Taguchi method with 93% rate.

Thiren G. Pokar,Prof. V. D. Patel used grey based taguchi method to determine the optimum
micro drilling process parameters. hivapragash, K.Chandrasekaran, C.Parthasarathy, M.Samuel
have tried to optimize the drilling process involving metal matrix composites(MMC) in order
to minimize the damage done to it during the process by using taguchi and grey rational
analysis. The work piece used is Al- TiBr2(MMCs),with dimension of 100mm × 170mm ×
15mm.The tool material is HSS with diameter of 0.6 mm. The input parameter are spindle
speed, depth of cut and feed rate whereas the output parameter are MRR and surface roughness.
For finding out the optimal combination of cutting parameters the results are converted into
S/N ratios and higher the better type characteristics is used for MMR, and smaller the better
characteristics is used for surface roughness.

Wen Jialing and Wen Pengfei used an orthogonal experimental design in order to find out the
optimum process parameters for injection molding of aspheric plastic lens, to reduce
volumetric shrinkage and volumetric shrinkage variation. Six input parameters were taken,
each with 5 levels(Fill Time/sec, holding pressure/Mpa, holding pressure/times, cooling time/s,
melt temperature/°C, mold temperature/°C.L25(56) orthogonal array is used to plan the above
experiment. The parameters affecting both volumetric shrinkage and volumetric shrinkage
variation are identified in order.

A. Equipments used for the Experiment as shown:

 Base plate 
 Vertical arm 
 Hrizontal arm 
 Suspension spring 
 Rollar bearing 
 Motor 
 Drill bit 
 Copper wire 
 Switch board 
 Guider

Fig. 1: Experimental Setup Diagram


This drilling machine possesses a radial arm which along with the drilling head can swing
and move vertically up and down as can be seen in Fig. The radial, vertical and horizontal arm
movement of the drilling head enables locating the drill spindle at any point within a very large
space required by large and odd shaped jobs.

The tubular column on that the radial arm which moves up and down manually or it can
powered movement then the drilling head here this is called drilling head which holds the drill
spindle here in which the drill is mounted and is subjected to rotation. The entire head is
mounted on the radial arm and this can move inward and outward from the drill axis. Also the
horizontal arm can slide linearly on vertical arm. Not only that, as this along with this radial arm
the drilling head moves upward and downward to have large gap between the to drill and job or
there is a stoke length. Not only that further this radial arm can be rotated about the column
rotated about the column, say about 360 degree.

The main movements in the machine are:

 360 degrees rotation of arm joint. 

 Up & down movement of the horizontal arm on vertical arm. 

 Linear slide movement of horizontal arm. 

5.1 Setup Procedure

1) Base:

The base acts a support for the whole machine. It’s made of a mild steel. The base of the drilling
machine supports the entire machine and when bolted to the floor, provides for vibration-free
operation and best machining accuracy. The top of the base is similar to the worktable and may
be equipped with t- slot for mounting work too larger for the table.

2) Arm:

There are two arms:

 Vertical arm 
 Horizontal arm 

The primary arm holds the secondary arm and it is with the help of this arm the 360° of rotation
is transferred from the t plate to the secondary arm in order to move the drill head at angles. They
are made up of stainless steel.

3) Cross Slide:

We have used a hand drilling machine to be fixed on the cross slide. Our drilling machine
can drill holes on concrete, wood and metal. The drill bit can be rotated both clockwise
and anticlockwise direction


Pneumatic multi-operation machine make use of compressed air obtained from

compressor passes through pressure regulator & then passes through pneumatic gun. In
pneumatic gun air exerts a axial spinning force on the spindle located inside the tool head which
causes the drill tool to rotate inside the work piece with required RPM.

Fig. 2: Concept Design


Step 1: Part collection

After some survey from market finally we bought pneumatic gun, pressure regulator, pipes,
wheels for table & adaptor at the reasonable price.

Fig 3: Pneumatic Gun

Fig 4: Pressure Regulato

Fig 5: Connecting pipe

Step 2: Define Joints

 We defined joints which are used for relative motion of arms & also to rotate gun in 360
 We designed mainly three types of joints such as ball joints, pin joints & rotational top
 We can switch to an automation by using servo motor in the defined joints for future

Fig 6: Joints

Step 3: Design arms or linkages

 We made arms or linkages having material of mild steel with help of fabricator.

 We can use telescopic arms to extend the work envelope of pneumatic drilling machine
for future scope.

Step 4: Fabrication of table

 We made supporting table to sustain the load of pneumatic drilling machine by mounting
it on the table.

 We provide wheels to the table to provide the portability to the machine

Fig 7: Supporting table

Step 5: Assembling of component

After collection & designing of all parts we go for the final assemble to give the final touch to
our machine.

Finally we assembled all the components in the one single unit and made universal drilling
machine to justify our project title “DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT OF UNIVERSAL

Fig 8: Partial Assembling

Fig 9: Final assembly

Step 6: Fabrication of table

 We did some experiment by drilling the material as wood, aluminium & cast iron using
the appropriate tool & air pressure.

 The experiments in the image shows the drilling of the workpiece. The other operation
such as tapping, boring, grinding, thread cutting can also Performed by our machine.

Fig 10(a): Experiment 1

Fig 10(b): Experiment 2


Fig 11: Component & specification (All dimensions are in mm)

 We can use servo motor in our machine to provide the automation by giving auto feed.
 We can use telescoping arm to increase the working envelope of the machine to reach in
any direction easily.
 We can use hydraulic system or hydraulic lubrication to operate the machine in smooth
manner without including the less fatigue of man power. 


 Due to the various problems faced by conventional operation processes such as Poor thread
finish, more time consumption, frequent tool breakage and many more. So, we have decided
to design the machine which will make use of compressed air as a power source. 

 Above is the Future model of pneumatic machine on which the tapping ,drilling, boring etc
operation is achieved by Pneumatic system and it eliminates all the problem faced by
conventional operation process. 

 This pneumatic multi-operation Machine is to be presented for increasing their productivity
as well as quality of job. It also gives the detailed description of machine mechanism and
their different main parts of machine. In this we are defining different process parameters
like spindle speed (rpm), cutting feed rate, cutting force, torque and power for their efficient
working of operation. 


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