Mrcs Part B Osce-Anatomy

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Jeremy Lynch MBChB MRCS (Eng)

Specialist Registrar in General Surgery,
Royal Sussex County Hospital,
Brighton, UK

Susan Shelmerdine MBBS BSc (Hons) MRCS (Eng)

Specialty Registrar in Clinical Radiology,
St. George’s Hospital, London, UK

Vishy Mahadevan MBBS PhD FRCS (Ed & Eng)

Professor of Surgical Anatomy and
Barbers’ Company Professor of Anatomy,
The Royal College of Surgeons of England,
London, UK

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The MRCS Part B OSCE Examination is a highly structured, standardised and

comprehensive assessment of a surgical trainee’s competence in a wide variety
of surgical subjects and skills. These include the applied basic sciences, verbal
communication, history taking, clinical examination of patients and manual procedures.
The anatomy component of the exam is often the most feared, due to the seeming
magnitude of the knowledge required. Whilst there are many excellent anatomy
textbooks, it can be a difficult subject to learn by reading alone. The purpose of this
book is to provide a more stimulating method of learning and consolidating anatomical
knowledge. It is more than just a few practice stations to be attempted in the remaining
few days before the exam (although it can be used as such). It aims to be wide-ranging
and can be dipped into during stolen moments in the working day and evening. This is a
key advantage, since study leave is usually limited to a short period of time.
The exam is not designed to trick candidates and the knowledge required for the
anatomy component is not arcane. It is anatomy that is encountered in the operating
theatre and the emergency department. To mirror the anatomy component of the MRCS
exam, the majority of specimens, radiological images, and surface anatomy pictures
in this book depict normal anatomy. We have based each station around a specific
anatomical region so that trainees can develop knowledge of these parts of the body
in depth. All stations in the exam are manned by examiners, and working through this
book with a colleague (preferably one due to sit the same exam) will make revision more
realistic, rewarding and enjoyable.
We have aimed to cover the entire MRCS anatomy syllabus in depth. At times, the
questions may seem harder than those likely to be encountered in the exam and this is
because we feel that it is better for you to be stretched during revision, not during the
exam. For this reason, do not be disheartened if some of the questions seem beyond
your reach – we have made every effort to include detailed explanations to prepare you
for the real thing.
Good luck!
Jeremy Lynch
Susan Shelmerdine
Vishy Mahadevan
October 2012


Preface v
About the exam ix
Tips and tricks x
Acknowledgements xi
Image sources xii

Chapter 1 Thorax and trunk 1

Stations 1–39 2
Answers 41

Chapter 2 Limbs and spine 93

Stations 1–49 94
Answers 142

Chapter 3 Head and neck 213

Stations 1–41 213
Answers 250

Chapter 4 Neurosciences 307

Stations 1–21 307
Answers 329
Index 365

About the exam

The aim of the MRCS Part B OSCE Examination is to determine whether or not trainees
have acquired the knowledge, skills and attributes commensurate with the completion
of core training in surgery.
Structure of the exam
As of February 2013, the nature, format, and marking scheme will be significantly
different from that employed in previous diets of the MRCS OSCE examination. This book
is written in keeping with the new changes. There are 18 examined stations in the OSCE
circuit and candidates must complete each station within nine minutes. The 18 stations
cover applied basic surgical sciences, clinical and procedural skills, communication skills,
and history taking.
To summarise, out of a total of 18 stations, three shall be anatomy stations, two will be
pathology stations, three will be given to applied surgical sciences and critical care, four
will be devoted to communication skills and history taking, and finally, two stations will
assess procedural skills and four stations clinical examination technique.
Each station is scored out of 20 marks.
For more details on the marking and further information regarding the MRCS Part B
OSCE, we recommend that you read the Candidate Instructions and Guidance Notes
provided on the MRCS exam website.

Tips and tricks

We have come up with a few tips and hope this knowledge will help you achieve success.
1. In the weeks before the exam, try to gauge those areas in anatomy in which you feel
your knowledge is inadequate, and attempt to rectify this. For example, if you find
radiological images confusing then arrange an afternoon sitting in with a radiologist.
Candidates in the UK may consider visiting the Wellcome Museum of Anatomy and
Pathology at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, where various specimens
and prosections are on display. Alternatively your nearest medical school may let
you visit their dissection laboratory.
2. Arrive early for the exam and remember to carry all the necessary identification
3. Dress appropriately and bring the right equipment. Be smart, bare below the
elbows, with hair tied back if it is long. You may bring your own stethoscope and
other similar equipment. Do not under any circumstance carry your mobile phone
to the OSCE circuit as this will certainly disqualify you from the exam.
4. Whilst waiting outside the anatomy station in the exam, read the instruction sheet
carefully. Although the questions that will be asked will not be listed on this sheet, it
will give you a clue about the anatomical theme in which you will be examined. This
will prevent you rushing into the station feeling completely in the dark.
5. Listen to the question! Answer each question clearly, concisely and confidently,
making eye contact with your examiner. Do ensure that your answers are well
structured and presented in a systematic manner. Feel free to ask for the question to
be repeated if you do not understand or hear the question the first time.
6. If the answer to a particular question escapes you at the time, do not panic. Instead
ask the examiner whether you can return to the question later. This will be allowed
and you can save time and perhaps gain confidence by answering other questions
you are more familiar with than wasting time on a question you do not know. If there
is time at the end of the station, you will be able to have another go at answering the
missed question.
7. Many of the prosections used in the exam will have been carefully prepared and
arranged for the candidates to inspect. Do not disturb the specimens, unless asked
by the examiner to point out relevant anatomy.
8. If asked to point out anatomical features on a prosection, ensure gloves are worn
and use a pointer (these are provided in the station). Do not touch the specimens
with bare hands. This sounds like common sense but it can be easily forgotten in the
heat of the moment.
9. It is an oft-observed phenomenon that a candidate who does poorly in a station
proceeds to perform sub-optimally in subsequent stations too, presumably owing to
a loss of confidence. Remember that each new station is a chance to start afresh, so
move on and give yourself a chance to prove what you really know.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the generosity of the trustees of the Royal College
of Surgeons of England for allowing the use of anatomical specimen images from the
Wellcome Museum of Anatomy and Pathology.
We are deeply indebted to John Carr of the Photography Department at the Royal
College of Surgeons for his outstanding and immensely skilful help with many of the
images in the book.
We would also like to thank Mandeep Gill Sagoo, Anatomist at St George’s, University
of London, for allowing us to photograph the prosections of the inguinal canal and right
iliac fossa.
We would like to thank our parents, families and friends for their support and
October 2012

Image sources

The Anatomical Department of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

• Chapter 1: Stations 1, 6, 8, 13, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 30, 31, 39
• Chapter 2: Stations 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 35, 37, 44
• Chapter 3: Stations 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 22, 27, 32, 33, 34
• Chapter 4: Stations 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 14, 19, 21
By permission from The Visible Human Project of the US National Library of Medicine,
Bethesda, MD, USA.
• Chapter 1: Stations 9, 18, 19, 34, 36, 38
• Chapter 2: Stations 11, 20 (prosection), 25
• Chapter 3: Stations 17, 20, 23
Surface anatomy images were originally published in Pocket Tutor Surface Anatomy
(©2012 JP Medical Ltd) and are reproduced courtesy of Sam Scott-Hunter, London.
• Chapter 1: Stations 2, 5, 11, 23
• Chapter 2: Stations 1, 3, 36, 39, 40, 45
The Anatomical Department of St George’s, University of London and reproduced
courtesy of Mandeep Gill Sagoo.
• Chapter 1: Stations 14, 17, 37
The Otolaryngology Department of the Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton and
reproduced courtesy of Ketan Desai.
• Chapter 3: Station 30

Chapter 1
Thorax and trunk

Syllabus topics
The following topics are listed within the Intercollegiate MRCS examination syllabus
for trunk and thorax anatomy. Tick them off as you revise these topics to ensure you
have covered the syllabus.

Thorax Abdomen and pelvis

Development: Development:
‰‰ Heart and great vessels ‰‰ Foregut/midgut/hindgut
‰‰ Fetal circulation ‰‰ Gut rotation
‰‰ Oesophagus ‰‰ Anal canal
‰‰ Diaphragm ‰‰ Kidneys and ureters
‰‰ Bladder and urethra
‰‰ Testis
‰‰ Thoracic wall
Walls and spaces and associated
‰‰ Mechanics of breathing
Thoracic cavity and viscera:
‰‰ Anterior abdominal wall
‰‰ Superior and inferior mediastinum ‰‰ Posterior abdominal wall
‰‰ Heart and pericardium ‰‰ Inguinal canal, spermatic cord,
‰‰ Lungs Inguinal hernia
‰‰ Pleurae ‰‰ Pelvic floor and wall
‰‰ Lumbar plexus
Surface and imaging anatomy:
‰‰ Sacral plexus
‰‰ Heart & heart valves ‰‰ Peritoneal cavity
‰‰ Auscultation sites ‰‰ Intra-abdominal spaces
‰‰ Lungs and pleurae
Abdominal viscera:
‰‰ Surface plane of sternal angle
‰‰ Dermatomes ‰‰ Oesophagus
‰‰ Chest drains ‰‰ Stomach
‰‰ Incisions ‰‰ Small and large intestine
‰‰ Chest X-ray ‰‰ Appendix
‰‰ CT/MRI ‰‰ Liver
2 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

‰‰ Gall bladder ‰‰ Male urogenital triangle: scrotum,

‰‰ Bile ducts Testis and epididymis, penis and
‰‰ Pancreas urethra
‰‰ Spleen ‰‰ Female urogenital triangle: vulva
‰‰ Kidney and ureter
Surface and imaging anatomy:
‰‰ Adrenal gland
‰‰ Quadrants/nine regions
Pelvic viscera:
‰‰ Planes: subcostal, transpyloric,
‰‰ Rectum transtubercular
‰‰ Bladder ‰‰ Dermatomes
‰‰ Prostate ‰‰ Abdominal incisions
‰‰ Seminal vesicles ‰‰ Rectal and vaginal examinations
‰‰ Uterus ‰‰ Imaging appearances of abdomen/
‰‰ Uterine tubes gastrointestinal/biliary/urinary
‰‰ Ovaries tracts,
‰‰ Vagina ‰‰ Arteriography
‰‰ CT/MRI/Ultrasound
‰‰ Anal triangle: anal canal and
ischioanal fossa

Station 1
A 66-year-old man is struck in the chest by a winch whilst attempting to repair his car.
In the emergency department he is diagnosed with multiple right-sided rib fractures.
Image (a) below shows the inferior aspect of a right rib (demonstrating normal anatomy):


Stations 3

1.1 Identify the bony landmarks labelled B, C and D.

1.2 What does A articulate with?
1.3 What runs in the groove indicated by B?
1.4 What is the arterial supply of the intercostal muscles of the second and tenth
intercostal spaces?
1.5 Where do the intercostal veins drain?
1.6 What is meant by the term ‘flail chest’?
1.7 What type of joint is the first costochondral joint?

Image (b) below shows the anterior aspect of the sternum:



1.8 Identify the parts labelled A, B, C, and D.

1.9 Name the structure that articulates with the sternum at E.
4 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

Station 2
A 54-year old woman attends the preoperative clinic in preparation for abdominal
surgery. History taking reveals that she has had haemoptysis on and off for a couple
of weeks. On clinical examination there is dullness to percussion over her left lower
The images below are of the anterior (a) and posterior (b) aspects of the chest:



a b

2.1 Which lung lobes are auscultated at sites labelled A to E?

2.2 Describe the surface marking of the pleural edges in terms of their relations to the
thoracic skeleton.
2.3 Describe the surface marking of the lung edges in terms of their relations to the
thoracic skeleton.
2.4 What are the surface markings for:
2.4a  the oblique fissure of the lungs?
2.4b  the transverse fissure of the lungs?
2.5 Which costal cartilage attaches to the sternum at the sternal angle?
2.6 At which vertebral level is the suprasternal notch?
2.7 At which vertebral level is the xiphisternal joint?
2.8 What are the boundaries of the superior mediastinum?
2.9 What are the contents of the superior mediastinum?
Stations 5

Station 3
A 22-year-old man is brought to the emergency department after being hit by a car.
He is intubated by the paramedics at the scene of the accident. On arrival in the
emergency department it is noted that he has extensive bruising over his lower chest.
Review your knowledge of intrathoracic anatomy using the following image.
This is a contrast-enhanced axial computed tomography (CT) scan of a normal thorax:

3.1 Identify the structures labelled A, B, C.

3.2 Classify the divisions of the mediastinum.
3.3 Through which division of the mediastinum is this slice taken?
3.4 What are the boundaries of this division of the mediastinum?
3.5 What is the innervation of the parietal and visceral pleura?
3.6 Name some of the important functions of the thoracic sympathetic chain, and state
which spinal cord segments contribute to the sympathetic chain?
3.7 Define thoracic outlet syndrome.
3.8 Define subclavian steal syndrome.

Station 4
A 55-year-old male banker experiences a crushing type of retrosternal chest pain of
sudden onset whilst climbing the stairs in his office. An echocardiogram shows severe
aortic stenosis.
6 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

The image below is of an axial cardiac CT taken at the level of the aortic root
(demonstrating normal anatomy):



4.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

4.2 What is the origin of the right coronary artery? Name the branches of the right
coronary artery.
4.3 What is the origin of the left coronary artery? Name the branches of the left
coronary artery.
4.4 Which coronary artery most commonly supplies:
4.4a  the sinoatrial node?
4.4b  the atrioventricular node?
4.5 Describe the venous drainage of the heart.
4.6 Describe the conducting system of the heart.
4.7 Describe the efferent nerve supply to the heart.
4.8 Why is the pain of ischaemic heart disease referred to the chest wall?

Station 5
A 29-year-old woman is involved in a head-on collision with another car. She
is brought to the emergency department where it is noted that she is restless,
tachypnoeic and tachycardic. Clinical examination reveals she has a large right-sided
tension pneumothorax and you are asked to perform emergency decompression.
Stations 7

This image displays the anterior aspect of the female chest:

5.1 Where would you insert a cannula for emergency decompression of tension
pneumothorax? What layers does this needle pass through?
5.2 What is the ‘safe triangle’ of chest drain insertion?
5.3 The point marked B is located within which dermatome?
5.4 What is the direction of relaxed skin tension lines at point A?
5.5 What is the surface marking for:
5.5a  the entry point of the needle for subclavian vein catheterisation?
5.5b  the entry point of the needle for internal jugular vein catheterisation?
5.5c  a posterolateral thoracotomy incision for exposure of upper thoracic structures?
5.6 At which vertebral level is:
5.6a  the sternal angle (plane of Louis)?
5.6b  the bifurcation of the trachea?
5.7 What are the surface markings for auscultation of the aortic and pulmonary valves?
5.8 What are the surface markings for the borders of the heart?

Station 6
Two days post-nephrectomy, a 59-year-old man is noted by the ward staff to have
become suddenly very breathless. An emergency chest radiograph is requested and
while you are waiting for the radiographs you wish to view a normal chest film to revise
your knowledge of thoracic anatomy.
8 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

This is an anteroposterior plain radiograph of the chest (demonstrating normal


1 C

a 3

6.1 Identify the structures labelled A to D.

6.2 Which fissures do lines 1–3 indicate?
6.3 At what vertebral level do the bronchi enter the lungs?
6.4 Name the lobes of the right and left lungs.
6.5 Define the term ‘bronchopulmonary segment’.
6.6 How many bronchopulmonary segments are there in each lung?
6.7 What is the blood supply to the lungs?
6.8 What is the lymphatic drainage of the lungs?
6.9 Describe the nerve supply to the lungs? What effect does stimulation of the
sympathetic and parasympathetic system have on the lungs?
6.10 In which bronchus (right or left) are inadvertently aspirated foreign bodies most
likely to lodge and why?

Station 7
A 72-year-old man is hit by a car. He is noted to be in haemodynamic shock when
reviewed in the emergency department. There is suspicion of intrathoracic bleeding
and the man is taken to theatre.
Stations 9

The image below is a dissection of the thorax and mediastinum viewed from the right:



7.1 Identify the structures labelled A to G.

7.2 What are the contents of the pulmonary hilum?
7.3 How many pulmonary veins drain each lung?
7.4 How many embryonic pharyngeal arches are there and which numbered arch
disappears without giving rise to any specific structures?
7.5 From which embryonic pharyngeal arch are the internal carotid arteries derived?
7.6 From which embryonic pharyngeal arch is the right subclavian artery derived?

Station 8
During the preoperative assessment of a 65-year-old man due to have general
anaesthesia, a systolic murmur is detected. The man undergoes an echocardiogram
which reveals severe tricuspid regurgitation. You discuss the patient with the
cardiothoracic surgeons.
10 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

This is a prosection of the heart, displaying the inside of the right ventricle
(demonstrating normal anatomy):

a E



8.1 Identify the structures labelled A to G.

8.2 Identify the structure labelled H? What is its function?
8.3 Name the layers of pericardium.
8.4 Where is the pericardial space and what does it normally contain? What layers,
from skin downwards, does a needle pass through to perform pericardiocentesis?
8.5 What structures are at risk of damage during pericardiocentesis?
8.6 What is the function and composition of the foramen ovale? What percentage of
adults has an anatomically patent foramen ovale?
8.7 What structures do the ductus arteriosus connect in the fetus?
8.8 Where is the commonest site for coarctation of the aorta?
8.9 What do the bulbus cordis and truncus arteriosus give rise to in the adult?

Station 9
A 45-year-old man is involved in a high-speed road collision. He is intubated at the
scene of the accident by the paramedic team, and bilateral chest drains are inserted.
On arrival in the emergency department the man remains very hypoxic and the chest
drains are continuing to drain large volumes of blood. You assist with a thoracotomy
performed in the resuscitation room to identify the source of bleeding.
Stations 11

The following image is an axial dissection of the thorax at the level of T9

(demonstrating normal anatomy), viewed from below:


9.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

9.2 List the successive elements of the airway, starting with the trachea and leading on
to the alveolus.
9.3 State the origin and termination of the azygos vein.
9.4 What tributaries do the hemiazygos and accessory veins receive, and where do
they drain to?
9.5 Describe the arrangement of muscles in the intercostal spaces.
9.6 Which muscles contract to produce inspiration?
9.7 Name the accessory muscles of respiration.

Station 10
A 52-year-old man presents to the surgical clinic with progressive dysphagia for both
liquids and solids over the last few months. He confesses to have lost a significant
amount of weight recently and admits to being a heavy drinker and smoker.
He undergoes the following investigation (demonstrating normal anatomy):
12 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk


10.1  What type of radiological investigation is this?

10.2  Name the parts of the gastrointestinal tract indicated by A, B and C.
10.3  Comment on the narrowing at point D.
10.4 Oesophogastroduodenoscopy (OGD) is performed. State in centimetres the
distance from the incisor teeth:
10.4a  at which the oesophagus commences.
10.4b  at which the oesophagus is crossed by the left bronchus.
10.4c  at which the oesophagus terminates.
10.5  Name the layers an endoscope must pass through to perforate the oesophagus.
10.6 What type of muscle fibre lies in the oesophageal wall, and what cell type lines
the oesophageal mucosa?
10.7  What is the blood supply of the oesophagus?
10.8  What is meant by the term ‘Barrett’s oesophagus’?
10.9  What is the lymphatic drainage of the oesophagus?
10.10  What is ‘Virchow’s node’ and why does it commonly present on the left side?
10.11  Where is the cisterna chyli and what is its function?
10.12  What is the embryological origin of the trachea?
Stations 13

Station 11
A 63-year-old woman presents acutely with generalised abdominal pain and
constipation. On examination the abdomen is distended and a mass is felt in the right
lower quadrant.
This image demonstrates some features of the anterior aspect of the abdomen:

11.1 With your knowledge of anatomy, give a differential diagnosis of a mass located
in the region indicated by circle B.
11.2  Define McBurney’s point.
11.3  In which dermatome is the umbilicus located?
11.4 Name the sequence of layers you would pass through whilst incising through
lines A and C to enter the abdomen?
11.5 What is the surface marking of the transpyloric plane and what structures are
present at this level?
11.6 At what vertebral level is the subcostal plane and what structures are present at
this level?
11.7 At what vertebral level does the aorta bifurcate? What is the surface marking for
this point?
11.8  What are the surface markings for:
11.8a  the inferior border of the liver?
11.8b  the spleen?
11.8c  the fundus of the gallbladder?
11.9  Describe the location of these abdominal incisions:
11.9a  Gridiron
14 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

11.9b  Kocher
11.9c  Mercedes Benz
11.9d  Pfannenstiel

Station 12
A 49-year-old woman presents with epigastric pain and weight loss over a period of
4 months. At the last clinic attendance an abdominal CT scan was requested. Before
you review her scans you wish to familiarise yourself with the features of a normal
abdominal scan.
This is an axial CT scan of the upper abdomen (a) (demonstrating normal anatomy):


a G

12.1  Identify the structures labelled A to G.

12.2  At what vertebral level is the above CT slice taken?
12.3  What is C and what are its tributaries?
12.4  What proportion of blood does C supply to the liver?

The image on the next page (b) is another axial CT scan of the same patient:
12.5  Identify the structures labelled A to E.
12.6  What are the functions of organ E?
12.7  Name the different parts of organ E.
12.8  Define the term ‘pseudocyst’? Describe its pathogenesis.
Stations 15

a C

Station 13
A 23-year-old woman undergoes laparoscopy for investigation of abdominal pain. You
assist the consultant who is performing the operation. On the fourth postoperative day you
examine her wounds and note that there is an abscess developing in the umbilical wound.
This is a dissection of the anterior abdominal wall:



16 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

13.1  Identify the structure labelled A? What gives rise to its colour?
13.2  Identify the structures labelled B to G.
13.3 Name in sequence the layer of the abdominal wall traversed by the umbilical port.
13.4 In which direction do the fibres of the internal oblique, external oblique, and
transversus abdominis fibres run at the level of the umbilicus?
13.5  What are the contents of the rectus sheath?
13.6  What is the surface marking of the arcuate line and what is its significance?
13.7  What is the distal limit of Scarpa’s fascia?
13.8  What is the continuation of Scarpa’s fascia in the perineum called?
13.9  Where is the median umbilical ligament located and what does it contain?
13.10  Where are the medial umbilical ligaments located and what do they contain?

Station 14
A 22-year-old woman presenting with right iliac fossa pain undergoes laparoscopy for
suspected appendicitis. You assist the consultant performing the operation.
This is a dissection of the appendix and lower abdominal structures in a normal

a B c

14.1  Identify the structures labelled A, B, D and E.

14.2  Identify the structure labelled C. What structures run in this tissue?
14.3 Explain on the basis of anatomical principles why infection of the appendix may
result in necrosis whilst infection of the gallbladder usually does not.
14.4  Name four common positions assumed by the appendix.
Stations 17

14.5 Using embryological principles explain the changing nature and location of pain
in appendicitis.
14.6  Which nerves may be damaged when performing an open appendicectomy?
14.7  What are taeniae coli and where do they converge?
14.8  What are appendices epiploicae?

Station 15
A 63-year-old woman gives a history of urinary incontinence a couple of weeks
following an abdominoperineal resection for rectal cancer. At the last clinic attendance
an abdominal CT was booked. Before you review her scans you wish to familiarise
yourself with the features of a normal female subject.
Image (a) is a contrast-enhanced axial CT through the pelvis (demonstrating normal

c a


15.1  Identify the structures labelled A to E.

15.2  At what vertebral level does the structure labelled A divide?
15.3  What bony landmark in the pelvis defines this division?
15.4  Does the ureter pass anterior or posterior to this division?

Image (b) on the next page is an axial CT scan through the pelvis of the same patient:
15.5  Identify the structures labelled A to D
15.6  Name the parts of the levator ani.
15.7  What are the boundaries of the pelvic outlet?
15.8  What attaches to the perineal body?
18 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

a b

Station 16
A 79-year-old man presents to his general practitioner with a 3-month history of
weight loss and change in bowel habit. He is referred to the colorectal clinic where he
undergoes investigations to rule out colorectal malignancy.
This is a contrast study of the large bowel (demonstrating normal anatomy):

Stations 19

16.1 How does the small bowel differ in appearance from the large bowel on an
abdominal plain film?
16.2  What type of radiological study is shown? Comment on the diameter of the
16.3  What name is given to the lines labelled B?
16.4 Name the segments of the colon labelled A and C. What is the blood supply to
these structures?
16.5  What is the marginal artery of Drummond?
16.6  What are the topographical relations of structure D?
16.7  How does the peritoneum relate to structure D?
16.8 What parts of the large bowel are particularly susceptible to injury in blunt
abdominal trauma?
16.9  What muscles make up the posterior abdominal wall?

Station 17
A 52-year-old man presents with a swelling in the left groin and is diagnosed with an
inguinal hernia. You are assisting your consultant in theatre during the inguinal hernia
repair, and he asks you to identify some of the anatomical structures.
This is a dissection of the left groin (demonstrating normal anatomy):


20 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

17.1 Identify the structures labelled A to D.

17.2 What are the contents of A?
17.3 What is the inguinal ligament? What are the medial and lateral attachments of the
inguinal ligament?
17.4 What is the surface marking for the deep inguinal ring? Intraoperatively, what
anatomical structure may be found that helps define this point?
17.5 How may an inguinal hernia be clinically distinguished from a femoral hernia?
17.6 What are the boundaries of the inguinal canal?
17.7 What is the embryological origin of the cremasteric fascia?
17.8 Describe the significance and boundaries of Hesselbach’s triangle.
17.9 Why is one cautioned against taking deep bites when suturing the inferior border
of a mesh to the inguinal ligament?

Station 18
A 52-year-old man presents to the colorectal clinic with rectal bleeding. On
proctoscopy you identify first degree haemorrhoids and proceed to perform banding.
The image below is a normal axial dissection of the male pelvis viewed from below:


c d

18.1  Identify the structures labelled A to G

18.2  Regarding the structure labelled G:
Stations 21

18.2a what communication exists between the portal and systemic venous
circulation in this region?
18.2b Name other regions in the body where similar portosystemic
communications exist.
18.3 Describe the boundaries of the anal triangle of the perineum.
18.4 What are the topographical relations of the prostate?
18.5 What are the contents and boundaries of the ischioanal fossae?
18.6 Where is the commonest site for an anal fissure?
18.7 Anatomically speaking, what is a haemorrhoid?
18.8 What is Goodsall’s rule?
18.9 What are the lengths of the normal adult anal canal and rectum?
18.10  What are the topographical relations of the anal canal?

Station 19
A 45-year-old man known to have ulcerative colitis presents with acute abdominal
pain. An abdominal radiograph is requested and reveals toxic megacolon. You assist
your consultant in performing a subtotal colectomy.
This image is an axial dissection of the abdomen at the level L2 (demonstrating normal
anatomy) viewed from below:

f g

a c

19.1  Identify the parts of the bowel labelled A, B and C.

19.2  What muscle is present at D?
22 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

19.3 Identify the structures labelled E, F, and G.

19.4 What are the posterior topographical relations of the ascending colon?
19.5 What are the posterior topographical relations of the descending colon?
19.6 Which circumferential positions in the colonic wall are susceptible to acquired
diverticular disease?
19.7 What does the transverse mesocolon attach to on the posterior abdominal wall?
19.8  What structures run within the transverse mesocolon?
19.9 Of what clinical significance is the ileocaecal valve in a patient with large bowel
19.10  Which part of the bowel most commonly undergoes volvulus?

Station 20
A 75-year-old man with a history of hypertension and hypercholesterolaemia
presents with post-prandial abdominal pain. Ultrasound and OGD do not reveal
any abnormalities. Chronic mesenteric ischaemia is suspected and an angiogram is
Image (a) is a digital subtraction angiogram of the coeliac plexus and its branches
(demonstrating normal anatomy):



a d

20.1 Identify the arteries labelled A to F.

20.2 At what vertebral level does the coeliac artery (coeliac axis) leave the aorta?
20.3 What organs does D supply?
20.4 Within what peritoneal structure does A run, and what topographical
relationship does it have to the bile duct and portal vein?

Image (b) on the next page is a digital subtraction angiogram of the superior
mesenteric artery and its branches (demonstrating normal anatomy).
Stations 23



20.5 Identify the arteries labelled A to F.

20.6 At what vertebral level does the superior mesenteric artery leave the aorta?
20.7 At what vertebral level does the inferior mesenteric artery leave the aorta?
20.8 Over what structures does the superior mesenteric artery pass before entering
the root of the small intestinal mesentery.
20.9 Which part of the large intestine is particularly susceptible to ischaemia?

Station 21
A 72-year-old man with a known abdominal aortic aneurysm is admitted with acute,
severe abdominal and back pain. A diagnosis of leaking aneurysm is made and he is
taken to theatre for an emergency operation.
This is a dissection of the retroperitoneal region of a normal subject:

a e

24 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

21.1 Identify the structures labelled A to H.

21.2 What is the ligament of Treitz?
21.3 What are the lateral branches of the aorta?
21.4 What is the arterial supply of the adrenal glands?
21.5 What is the venous drainage of the adrenal glands?
21.6 At operation the inferior mesenteric artery can often be ligated without serious
consequence. What is the anatomical explanation for this?
21.7 Regarding structure B:
21.7a at what vertebral level does it commence?
21.7b as it ascends, what are its successive anterior topographical relations?
21.7c name the tributaries.

Station 22
An obese 55-year-old woman presents with long standing intermittent, colicky right
upper quadrant pain. An abdominal ultrasound scan proves inconclusive and she is
referred for magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP). You are due to
review her in the outpatient clinic and wish to familiarise yourself with normal biliary
anatomy as seen on a MRCP.
The image below is a MRCP demonstrating the normal anatomy of the biliary system:

b c

22.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

Stations 25

22.2 What route does bile take to enter the intestinal tract? In gallstone ileus, what
route does a gallstone usually travel to enter the intestinal tract?
22.3 What is the narrowest part of the extrahepatic biliary system?
22.4 What is the function and composition of bile?
22.5 Which hormone stimulates the release of bile? What is the trigger for this
hormone and where is the hormone synthesised.
22.6 What epithelium lines the extrahepatic biliary ducts?
22.7 What is Pringle’s manoeuvre?
22.8 What is Mirizzi’s syndrome?

Station 23
A 23-year-old female bank official presents as an emergency after being shot during
a bank raid. There is a bullet wound in her right loin with extensive bleeding from a
superficial vessel. She is taken to theatre for exploration of the wound.
This photograph demonstrates some features of the surface anatomy of the anterior
aspect of the abdomen:


23.1 What anatomical lines are indicated by C and D?

23.2 What plane is indicated by dotted yellow line B? What anatomical structures can
be found at this level?
23.3 Which vessels in the anterior abdominal wall, indicated by point A, may have
been punctured by the bullet?
23.4 What are the origins of these vessels?
23.5 Define the linea semilunaris.
23.6 What is the innervation and action of the internal oblique?
23.7 List the functions of the muscles of the abdominal wall.
26 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

Station 24
A 70-year-old man presents in shock with a rigid abdomen. He is taken to theatre and
found to have a perforated duodenal ulcer, which is repaired with an omental patch.
This is a prosection showing the stomach and other upper abdominal viscera in a
normal subject:

a d

24.1 Identify the structure labelled 1? What are its parts? Which of these parts are
24.2 Identify the structure labelled 2? What are its branches?
24.3 Identify the structure labelled 3? Describe its blood supply.
24.4 Identify the structures labelled A to D.
24.5 What is the name of the fold of peritoneum that hangs from the greater curvature
of the stomach? What blood vessels run in this tissue?
24.6 What is the epiploic foramen (foramen of Winslow)? Define its boundaries.
24.7 What are the topographical relations of the second part of the duodenum?
24.8 What is the definition and contents of the supracolic compartment?
24.9 What are the contents of the splenorenal (lienorenal) ligament?
24.10  What vessels are carried within the gastrosplenic ligament?
24.11  Where is the root of the small bowel mesentery attached?
Stations 27

Station 25
A 45-year-old woman with recurrent bouts of epigastric pain is noted to have
gallstones on ultrasound scanning. She attends for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. You
are assisting the consultant who is performing the procedure.
This is a prosection displaying the inferior surface of the liver (demonstrating normal

a e





25.1 Identify structures labelled A to J.

25.2 State the blood supply, lymphatic drainage, and nerve supply of structure A?
25.3 What epithelium lines structure A?
25.4 What are the boundaries of Calot’s triangle and what does the triangle contain?
25.5 What is the upper limit of the normal diameter of the common bile duct on
ultrasound in a 20-year-old?
25.6 What is the embryological origin of the ligamentum teres hepatis?
25.7 What is the embryological origin of the liver?

Station 26
A 64-year-old man is diagnosed with rectal adenocarcinoma and is admitted for an
anterior resection of the rectum. You are assisting your consultant who is performing
the procedure.
28 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

This is a sagittal prosection of the left hemipelvis of a normal adult male:

a e

26.1 Identify the structures labelled A to F.

26.2 Name the segments of the gastrointestinal tract that are immobile.
26.3 What are the branches of the inferior mesenteric artery?
26.4 What epithelium lines the anal canal?
26.5 Where in the adult gut are the junctions between the embryological foregut and
midgut, and the embryological midgut and hindgut?
26.6 What is the superior boundary of the left paracolic gutter?
26.7 What is the most dependent part of the peritoneal cavity in the supine position?
26.8 List the routes via which rectal adenocarcinoma spreads.

Station 27
A 45-year-old male builder sustains a heavy blow to the thorax and abdomen by
a reversing truck. On arrival at the emergency department, the trauma series of
radiographs reveals a fractured pelvis and diaphragmatic rupture.
The image on the next page is a dissection of the superior surface of the normal
diaphragm, showing the structures that traverse it.
27.1 What structure passes through the opening labelled A? At what vertebral level
does this structure traverse the diaphragm and what accompanies it through this
Stations 29



27.2 What structure passes through the opening labelled B?

27.3 Identify the structure labelled C. At what vertebral level does it traverse the
diaphragm and what accompanies it through this opening?
27.4 Identify the structures labelled D to F
27.5 At what vertebral levels do the following traverse the diaphragm:
27.5a the vagus nerves?
27.5b the right phrenic nerve?
27.5c the left gastric artery?
27.6 Where, respectively, do the splanchnic nerves and sympathetic chain traverse the
27.7 What nerves provide the motor innervation of the diaphragm?
27.8 Describe the course of these nerves.
27.9 What four components contribute to the embryological origin of the diaphragm?
27.10  Name two common types of acquired diaphragmatic hernias.
27.11  Name two common types of congenital diaphragmatic hernias.

Station 28
A 24-year-old man presents with severe colicky pain in the left renal angle radiating
to the groin. He undergoes an intravenous urogram. Before reviewing the scan, you
familiarise yourself with some of the normal features of this type of scan.
On the next page is a normal intravenous urogram.
28.1 At what vertebral levels do the kidneys lie?
28.2 Identify the structures labelled A, B and C.
30 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk


28.3 What are the three natural narrowings in D?

28.4 What is the blood supply to D?
28.5 What is the topographical relationship between the renal artery and the renal
28.6 Can you ligate the left renal vein without serious consequences and if so, why?
28.7 Name the retroperitoneal structures of the abdomen.
28.8 From what embryological structures are the kidneys and ureters derived?
28.9 What arrests the ascent of a horseshoe kidney from the pelvis during

Station 29
A 37-year-old woman is referred to the surgical team with abdominal pain. However,
soon after arriving in the emergency department she collapses, shocked. A urine test is
positive for b-hCG and she is suspected to have a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.
Stations 31

This is a sagittal view of a normal female left hemipelvis:



29.1 Identify the structures labelled A, B, C.

29.2 Regarding structure D:
29.2a what is it?
29.2b name the various parts of structure D.
29.2c what is the blood supply to structure D?
29.2d what are different positions in which it can lie?
29.3 Regarding structure E:
29.3a what is it?
29.3b what are its topographical relations?
29.3c what is the blood supply?
29.3d what epithelium lines it?
29.4 Name the parts of the fallopian tube.
29.5 Where are the Bartholin’s glands and what is their function?
29.6 What are the broad ligaments of the uterus?
29.7 What is the round ligament of the uterus?
29.8 Name three other ligaments that support the uterus and vagina.
32 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

Station 30
A 63-year-old man is diagnosed with bladder cancer and undergoes a radical
cystectomy and ileal conduit formation. You are assisting the consultant who is
performing the operation.
This is a dissection of the male pelvis (demonstrating normal anatomy):


b g

30.1 Identify the structures labelled A to H.

30.2 What are the boundaries of the urogenital triangle? What are its contents in the
30.3 What is the blood supply of the bladder?
30.4 Describe the innervation of the bladder.
30.5 What layers, from skin inwards, does a needle pass through when aspirating a
30.6 What is the lymphatic drainage of the testes?
30.7 What is the origin of the left testicular artery?
30.8 Name the parts of the male urethra. What is its approximate length in the adult
30.9 Is ejaculation mediated by the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system?
30.10  Which epithelium lines the prostatic urethra?

Station 31
A 75-year-old woman presents to the surgical clinic with rectal prolapse that occurs
during defecation. You assess her using your knowledge of the anatomy of the pelvis
and rectum.
The image on the next page is a sagittal prosection of the left hemipelvis of a normal
Stations 33



31.1 Identify the structures labelled A to I.

31.2 What is the origin and insertion of the muscle labelled A?
31.3 What are the origin, insertion, action and nerve supply of C?
31.4 From which nerve roots does the lumbar plexus arise?
31.5 What branches of the lumbar plexus emerge from the lateral border of the psoas?
31.6 What are the root values for the femoral nerve?
31.7 What are the root values for the sacral plexus?
31.8 Describe the course and relations of the right and left lumbar sympathetic chains.
31.9 What are the indications for lumbar sympathectomy?
31.10  From where does the parasympathetic supply of the abdomen originate?

Station 32
A 45-year-old male sushi chef presents with weight loss and epigastric pain. He has a
family history of stomach cancer and is worried that this might be the diagnosis. You
request urgent outpatient radiological investigations.
The image on the next page is a contrast study of a normal stomach:
32.1 What type of study is this?
32.2 Identify the parts of the stomach labelled A, B, C, D, F and G.
32.3 What do the vertical lines at point E indicate?
32.4 Describe the arterial supply of the stomach.
32.5 Describe the innervation of the stomach.
34 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk



32.6 What are the consequences of highly selective vagotomy?

32.7 What are the anterior and posterior relations of the stomach?
32.8 What anatomical landmarks demarcate the duodenum from the stomach?
32.9 Describe the cardiac sphincter of the stomach.
32.10 Describe the lymphatic drainage of the stomach.

Station 33
A 35-year-old man presents to the hospital with left upper quadrant pain following
a game of rugby, where he thinks he may have been elbowed in the stomach. On
questioning he admits to having had a sore throat for the past week. You assess him
and request a CT scan as you think he may have ruptured his spleen.
The images below are contrast-enhanced axial CT slices taken at the level of the spleen
in two different normal subjects. Both images demonstrate normal anatomy. Image (a)
has been acquired during the venous phase and image (b) has been acquired during
the arterial phase.


a C b
Stations 35

33.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

33.2 Which pathogen causes upper respiratory tract infection and also predisposes
the individual to splenic rupture?
33.3 In what direction does a spleen enlarge and why?
33.4 What organs are in direct contact with the spleen?
33.5 Is the spleen intraperitoneal or retroperitoneal?
33.6 What splenic ligaments must be cut during splenectomy?
33.7 What are the branches of the splenic artery?
33.8 Describe the functions of the spleen.
33.9 What embryological structure does the spleen develop from?
33.10  What is the innervation of the adrenal glands?
33.11 Name the different macroscopic regions of the adrenal gland and their respective

Station 34
A 47-year-old man undergoes a liver biopsy for investigation of jaundice. Twenty-four
hours later he presents to the emergency department in shock, complaining of right
upper quadrant pain. You suspect that he may be bleeding from his biopsy site.
The following image is an axial dissection obtained at the level of the hepatic hilum
(demonstrating normal anatomy):

36 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

34.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

34.2 What anatomical layer, related to the liver, may help contain hepatic bleeding?
34.3 Describe the functional divisions of the liver.
34.4 Describe the innervation of the liver.
34.5 What are the contents and attachments of the falciform ligament?
34.6 What is the ligamentum venosum?
34.7 How are the portal vein, hepatic artery, and bile duct related to each other in the
free edge of the lesser omentum?

Station 35
A 57-year-old male builder is struck by a falling metal girder on a building site. In the
emergency department he is complaining of severe pain in the left pelvis, and there is
significant bruising in this area.
This is a plain anteroposterior radiograph of the pelvis (demonstrating normal



35.1 Identify the structures labelled A, B, D, E and F.

35.2 Name the foramen indicated by C. What structures pass through here?
35.3 What type of joint is the sacroiliac joint?
35.4 What type of joint is the sacrococcygeal joint?
35.5 What are the boundaries of the pelvic inlet?
35.6 Define the false pelvis.
Stations 37

35.7 What are contents of the pudendal (Alcock’s) canal?

35.8 What lies medial to the pudendal canal, and what lies laterally?
35.9 What are the clinical consequences of superior hypogastric plexus damage?
35.10  What are the branches of the pudendal nerve?

Station 36
A 78-year-old man presents to the urology clinic with a swollen left testicle. On
palpation the testicle feels firm, non-tender and enlarged.
Test your knowledge of the regional axial anatomy on the following axial cadaveric
dissection done at the level of the testes and penis (note, in this specimen this subject
has only one testis).

A b

36.1 Identify the structures labelled A to D.

36.2 Trace the pathway of semen from the seminferous tubules to the terminal urethra.
36.3 What is the blood supply to the testis?
36.4 What are the functions of the Leydig and Sertoli cells of the testis?
36.5 List the possible locations for an undescended or incompletely descended testis.
36.6 What is a varicocele? On which side are they most common?
36.7 What is a hydrocele? How may peritoneal fluid enter the scrotum in some
36.8 What is the clinical significance and embryological origin of the appendix testis
(hydatid of Morgagni)?
36.9 What is Fournier’s gangrene?
38 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

Station 37
A 72-year-old man presents with frequency of micturition and nocturia. On rectal
examination the left lobe of his prostate is enlarged and hard. He has a prostate
specific antigen of 20 ng/mL. You suspect prostate cancer and request an MRI.
This is a sagittal MRI of a normal male pelvis:

a D


37.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

37.2 What does ‘BPH’ stand for?
37.3 Which zone of the prostate becomes enlarged in BPH?
37.4 In which zone of the prostate does cancer most commonly occur?
37.5 What is the arterial supply to the prostate?
37.6 By what route may prostatic metastases travel to the spine?
37.7 What is the seminal colliculus (verumontanum)?
37.8 What is the prostatic utricle? What is its embryological origin?
37.9 Describe the structure of the body of the penis. In which part does the urethra
37.10  What is the arterial supply to the penis?

Station 38
A 25-year-old woman suffers from acute right iliac fossa pain and undergoes
laparoscopy. The appendix is seen to be normal. However there is a large
haemorrhagic ovarian cyst on the right side.
Stations 39

The image below is an axial dissection through a normal adult female pelvis:


d e

38.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

38.2 What is the blood supply to the ovaries?
38.3 What is the lymphatic drainage of the ovaries?
38.4 In which structure do the vessels and nerves of the ovary run?
38.5 Which ligaments are connected to the ovary?
38.6 What is the name of the layer which envelopes the ovary?
38.7 Which tumour marker rises in ovarian cancer?

Station 39
A 47-year-old man presents with pain in the left upper medial thigh 6 months after
undergoing an inguinal hernia repair. The consultant suspects that the ilioinguinal
nerve was damaged during the operation.
The prosection on the next page displays abdominal contents and branches of the
lumbar plexus in a normal subject.
39.1 Identify structures A to D.
39.2 Where is the lumbar plexus located?
39.3 What does the genitofemoral nerve supply?
39.4 What does the ilioinguinal nerve supply?
40 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

39.5 Describe the cremasteric reflex.

39.6 Where does the sympathetic trunk enter the abdomen?

Answers 41

Station 1
1.1 B  Costal groove
1.2 The costal cartilages.
1.3 The neurovascular bundle accompanying the ribs runs in the subcostal groove in-
between the internal and innermost intercostal muscles (the order of Veins, Arteries
and Nerves from superior to inferior can be remembered by the mnemonic VAN).
1.4 The muscles of rib spaces 1–9 are supplied by the posterior and anterior intercostal
arteries, whereas those of rib spaces 10 and 11 have only posterior arteries. The
posterior intercostal arteries of the first two rib spaces come from the superior
intercostal branch of the costocervical trunk, whereas the posterior intercostal
arteries of the bottom nine come directly off the aorta (there are only 11 rib spaces).
The anterior intercostal arteries are branches of the internal thoracic arteries and its
1.5 The anterior intercostal veins drain into the internal thoracic and musculophrenic
veins. The drainage of the posterior intercostal veins is more complicated. These
drain into the azygos, hemiazygos or accessory hemiazygos veins with the following
exceptions: the 1st posterior vein (the supreme intercostal vein) drains into the
ipsilateral brachiocephalic or vertebral veins; the left 2nd, 3rd and 4th veins join to
form a superior intercostal vein, which drains into the left brachiocephalic vein.
1.6 The term ‘flail chest’ describes a scenario in which a section of chest wall is
disconnected from its surrounding bony skeleton by multiple rib fractures. This
can occur unilaterally (where the ribs often fracture both at the angle and near the
costochondral junction), or bilaterally (where the sternum itself can be flail).
1.7 A costochondral joint is a primary cartilaginous joint, with the costal hyaline
cartilage connecting directly with the rib without any intervening fibrous tissue.
As with all primary cartilaginous joints virtually no movement occurs at the
costochondral joint.
1.8 A Manubrium
Jugular notch
1.9 1st rib
42 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

Station 2
2.1 See Figure 1.1.
Upper lobe
Middle lobe
Upper lobe
Upper lobe
Lower lobe
2.2 The pleural edge extends from the junction between the middle and medial thirds
of the clavicle, to an apex about 2.5 cm above the medial end of the clavicle, and

Figure 1.1  (a) Anterior

thoracic wall and
lobes of the lung. (b)
1 Posterior thoracic wall
Upper Upper
lobe 2 lobe and lobes of the lung.
fissure 3

Oblique 4
Middle lobe
fissure 5
Lower Lower
lobe 6 lobe
Pleural Pleural
8 fissure


Oblique fissure



Answers 43

then down to the sternoclavicular joint. It then meets the pleura of the contralateral
side in the midline at the level of the 2nd costal cartilage. The right pleural edge
extends down to the level of the 6th costal cartilage. It then turns laterally crossing
the 8th rib in the midclavicular line and the 10th rib in the midaxillary line; it then
meets the 12th rib at the lateral border of erector spinae. On the left side the heart,
at the level of the 4th costal cartilage, reflects the pleura laterally but otherwise the
pleural reflexion follows a similar course to that on the right side.
2.3 The apex of the lung follows the pleura. The lower border of the lung is parallel to
the line of pleural reflexion but two ribs above: thus the lower border of the lung
crosses the 6th rib in midclavicular line, the 8th rib in the midaxillary line, and the
10th rib adjacent to the vertebral column posteriorly.
2.4a The oblique fissure divides the upper and lower lobes. For the most part, it
corresponds to the line of the 5th rib. It may be indicated on the surface as a line
running obliquely downwards and outwards from just lateral to the spine of the
3rd thoracic vertebra to the 6th costal cartilage 4 cm from the midline. With the
shoulders abducted fully this line corresponds to the medial border of the scapula.
2.4b The horizontal (transverse) fissure divides the middle from the upper lobe of
the right lung. It follows a line along the 4th costal cartilage to meet the oblique
fissure where it crosses the 5th rib near the midaxillary line.
2.5 The 2nd costal cartilage articulates with the lateral aspect of the manubriosternal
2.6 The suprasternal notch lies at the level of the T2/T3 intervertebral disc.
2.7 The xiphisternal joint lies at the level of T9.
2.8 The superior mediastinum is bounded anteriorly by the manubrium, laterally by
the pleurae, posteriorly by the T1–T4 vertebral bodies, superiorly by the superior
thoracic aperture, and inferiorly by the plane of Louis (transverse thoracic plane at
the T4/T5 intervertebral disc).
2.9 The superior mediastinum contains the great vessels (aortic arch, brachiocephalic
artery and veins, left common carotid and subclavian arteries, superior vena cava),
trachea, oesophagus, remains of the thymus, thoracic duct, right and left vagi, left
recurrent laryngeal nerve and right and left phrenic nerves, and very importantly,
lymph nodes.

Station 3
3.1 A  Ascending aorta
Descending aorta
Pulmonary trunk
3.2 The mediastinum is the space in the thoracic cavity between the right and left
pleural sacs. It is conventionally divided into a superior mediastinum and inferior
mediastinum by an imaginary plane plotted perpendicular to the sternum at the
plane of Louis (Figure 1.2). The inferior mediastinum is further subdivided into
anterior, middle, and posterior mediastina by the fibrous pericardium.
44 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

Figure 1.2  Divisions of

the mediastinum.

mediastinum Inferior

3.3 It shows the inferior mediastinum. This requires knowledge of the contents of each
division of the mediastinum.
• The superior mediastinum contains the great vessels (aortic arch, brachiocephalic
artery and veins, left common carotid and subclavian arteries, superior vena cava),
lymph nodes, trachea, oesophagus, remains of the thymus, thoracic duct, vagi, left
recurrent laryngeal nerve and phrenic nerves.
• The anterior mediastinum contains the remains of the thymus and branches of the
right and left internal thoracic arteries.
• The middle mediastinum contains the heart inside the pericardium, the ascending
aorta, the superior vena cavae, the bifurcation of the trachea, the pulmonary
arteries and veins, the phrenic nerves and pericardiophrenic vessels.
• The posterior mediastinum contains the descending thoracic aorta and its
branches, the azygos/hemiazygos/accessory hemiazygos veins, the right and
left vagus nerves, the right and left splanchnic nerves, the oesophagus, and the
thoracic duct. The ganglionated thoracic sympathetic chains may also be regarded
as contents of the posterior mediastinum.
3.4 This, the inferior mediastinum, is bounded anteriorly by the body of the sternum
(mesosternum), laterally by the pleurae, posteriorly by the T5–T12 vertebral bodies,
inferiorly by the diaphragm, and superiorly by the plane of Louis.
3.5 The parietal pleura are sensitive to pain, temperature, touch and pressure. Its
innervation depends on region: intercostal nerves supply the costal pleura; the
phrenic nerve supplies the mediastinal pleura; and the phrenic nerve and lower six
intercostal nerves supply the diaphragmatic pleura. The visceral pleura are sensitive
to stretch and receive their sensory innervation from the autonomic pulmonary
plexus (formed from branches of the thoracic sympathetic trunk and vagus nerve).
3.6 The thoracic sympathetic chain has three main branches. It supplies sympathetic
fibres to the skin, postganglionic fibres from T1–T5 to the thoracic viscera, and
mostly preganglionic fibres from T5–T12 to supply the abdominal viscera (in the
Answers 45

form of the greater splanchnic, lesser splanchnic and least splanchnic nerves). The
chain receives preganglionic white ramus communicans from each spinal nerve to
a corresponding ganglion, and gives back a grey ramus containing postganglionic
3.7 Thoracic outlet syndrome is caused by compression at the superior thoracic aperture
of neurovascular structures passing above the first rib, either between the anterior
and middle scalene muscles or in front of scalenus anterior. It can affect the brachial
plexus (most commonly, lower trunk of the brachial plexus) or subclavian artery/
vein. A rare cause of thoracic outlet syndrome is a cervical rib or a cervical band
of fibrous tissue. The syndrome manifests most commonly in the hands with pain,
weakness, and coldness. Note that the superior thoracic aperture is usually referred
to by clinicians as the thoracic outlet but by anatomists as the thoracic inlet!
3.8 Subclavian steal occurs when blood flows in a retrograde direction in the vertebral
artery in association with proximal ipsilateral subclavian artery stenosis or occlusion.
This blood is ‘stolen’ from the circle of Willis via the ipsilateral vertebral artery.
Patients with retrograde flow are usually asymptomatic but they may develop
dizziness, vertigo, syncope, dysarthria, and visual symptoms. There is usually a drop
in blood pressure in the ipsilateral arm distal to the stenosis.

Station 4
4.1 A  Right coronary artery
Left atrium
Descending thoracic aorta
Left anterior descending artery (anterior interventricular artery)
Left circumflex artery
4.2 The right coronary artery (Figure 1.3) originates from the anterior aortic sinus of the
ascending aorta. It has the following branches:
• The anterior ventricular branches supply the anterior surface of the right ventricle.

Figure 1.3  Arterial

supply of the heart.
Left coronary
Right coronary
artery Left circumflex
Posterior Left marginal
interventricular artery
Right marginal interventricular
artery artery
46 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

• The marginal artery is a branch of the anterior ventricular and runs towards the apex.
• The posterior ventricular branches supply the diaphragmatic surfaces of the right
• The posterior interventricular artery supplies the right and left ventricles and runs in
the posterior interventricular groove.
• The atrial branches supply the right atrium.
4.3 The left coronary artery originates from the left posterior aortic sinus of the
ascending aorta. Its branches are:
• The anterior interventricular artery (also known as left anterior descending artery).
This is the major branch of the left coronary artery and supplies the anterior aspect
of both ventricles and the anterior half of the interventricular septum before
proceeding to anastomose with the posterior interventricular branch of the right
coronary artery.
• The circumflex artery is the continuation of the left coronary artery after the
anterior interventricular is given off. It winds around the left margin of the heart in
the atrioventricular groove.
• The left marginal artery is a branch of the circumflex.
• The anterior/posterior ventricular arteries are branches of the circumflex.
• The atrial branches are also branches of the circumflex.
4.4a The sinoatrial node is supplied by the right coronary artery in about two-thirds of
people, and by the left in approximately one-third.
4.4b The atrioventricular node is supplied by the posterior interventricular branch of
the right coronary artery in over 90% of individuals and less commonly by the left
coronary artery via its circumflex branch.
4.5 The coronary veins drain in to the coronary sinus, which is located in the posterior
atrioventricular groove. The coronary sinus drains into the right atrium. The major
veins it receives are the great cardiac vein (in the anterior interventricular groove),
the middle cardiac vein (in the posterior interventricular groove), the small cardiac
vein (running along the lower border of the heart), and the cardiac oblique vein (on
the posterior surface of the left atrium). The anterior cardiac veins drain the anterior
surface of the heart and empty anteriorly into the right atrium directly. There are
numerous much smaller veins emptying directly into the chambers that they overlie.
4.6 The sinoatrial node is located in the wall of the right atrium, to the right of the
opening of the superior vena cava. It generates rhythmic electrical impulses that
radiate out throughout the atrial muscle, causing contraction. The atrioventricular
node is in the ventricular end of the atrial septum and conducts the atrial impulse
to the ventricles, via the atrioventricular bundle of His. The time that it takes for this
conduction (about one tenth of a second) allows the atria to empty their blood into
the ventricles. The bundle of His divides into two branches, one for each ventricle.
The right bundle travels down on the right side of the interventricular septum to
reach the anterior wall of the right ventricle and becomes continuous with the
Purkinje plexus of the right ventricle. The left bundle divides into anterior and
posterior branches, and these fibres are continuous with the Purkinje plexus of the
left ventricle. These fibres induce contraction of the ventricles.
Answers 47

4.7 The parasympathetic supply of the heart is the vagus nerve. The heart's sympathetic
supply is the cervical and upper thoracic sympathetic trunk. The cardiac plexuses are
located below the arch of the aorta and transmit all of the heart’s autonomic fibres.
Sympathetic stimulation increases the force and rate of contraction and dilates
the coronary arteries. Parasympathetic stimulation decreases the force and rate of
contraction and constricts the coronary arteries.
4.8 Afferent fibres from the heart run with sympathetic fibres and enter the spinal cord
through the posterior roots of T1–T4. The pain of ischaemia is referred to the skin
areas of the skin supplied by the corresponding spinal nerves, i.e. the upper four
intercostal nerves and the intercostobrachial nerve. This territory is the left chest wall
and the upper part of the left arm.

Station 5
5.1 Tension pneumothorax requires emergency decompression with a 14–16 gauge
needle in the 2nd intercostal space in the midclavicular line. The needle passes
through skin, superficial fascia and fat, pectoralis major, external intercostal, internal
intercostal, innermost intercostal, and parietal pleura.
5.2 The safe triangle is made up of the lateral border of the pectoralis major, the anterior
border of latissimus dorsi, and the upper border of the 6th rib (about the level of the
nipple), with the apex slightly below the axilla.
5.3 T6 or T7 (Figure 1.4)


C4 C5
C5 C7
T1 T2 C8
T3 T2
T4 T3
T5 T5
T6 T6
T8 T9
T9 T10
T10 T11
T11 L2
T12 L4

Figure 1.4  Trunk dermatomes.

48 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

5.4 At this point the lines are not horizontal, but are actually directed towards the
axillary skin crease.
5.5a The target is 1 cm inferior to the junction of the middle and distal third of the
clavicle. The tip should be directed towards the sternal notch.
5.5b With the patient’s head turned away from the insertion site, the target is
the apex of the triangle formed by the sternal and clavicular heads of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle. The needle should be inserted at a 30° angle to the
skin directed towards the ipsilateral nipple.
5.5c The site is somewhat dependent on what access is necessary, but the incision
usually lies at the level of the 5th rib for upper thoracic structures (for exposure
of lower structures the incision is at the 6th or 7th rib). The incision is started at a
point midway between the medial border of the scapula and the thoracic spine.
The incision curves about 3 cm below the inferior angle of the scapula and turns to
run parallel with the rib.
5.6a The intervertebral disc between T4 and T5.
5.6b The normal level is the plane of Louis, but in full inspiration the level is the T6 vertebra.
5.7 The aortic valve is auscultated at the 2nd intercostal space, right upper sternal
border (Figure 1.5). The pulmonary valve is heard at the 2nd intercostal space,
left upper sternal border. The mitral valve is heard at the 5th intercostal space, left
midclavicular line. The tricuspid valve is heard at the 4th intercostal space, lower left
sternal border. Note that these sites do not actually overlie the valves themselves.
5.8 The left border of the heart is from the 2nd costal cartilage, left of the sternum, to
the 5th left intercostal space, midclavicular line (Figure 1.5). The right border of
the heart is from the 3rd right costal cartilage, right of the sternum, to the 6th right
costal cartilage, right of the sternum.

Figure 1.5  Borders and auscultation

areas of the heart. A, aortic valve; P,
pulmonary valve; T, tricuspid valve; M,
1 mitral valve.

5 M

Answers 49

Table 1.1  Surface anatomy landmarks of the thorax

Landmark Location and significance

Midaxillary line Vertical line intersecting a point midway between the anterior
and posterior axillary folds

Midclavicular line Vertical line passing through the midshaft of the clavicle

Nipple Superficial to the 4th intercostal space in the male and prepu-
beral female Usually within the T4 dermatome

Sternal angle Junction of the manubrium and body of the sternum

Attachment of the 2nd costal cartilage rib to the sternum, the
T4/T5 intervertebral disc, the inferior boundary of the superior

Suprasternal notch Curved superior border of the manubrium

Station 6
6.1 A  Right atrium
Arch of aorta
Left lung hilum
Left ventricle
6.2 1  Right horizontal or transverse
Right oblique
Left oblique
6.3 The right main bronchus is about 2.5 cm long and enters the hilum of the lung at T5.
It gives off an upper lobe branch before reaching the hilum. The left main bronchus is
about 5 cm, and passes downwards and laterally below the arch of the aorta, anterior
to the oesophagus and descending aorta. It enters the hilum of the lung at T6.
6.4 The right lung is divided by the oblique and horizontal fissures in to upper, middle,
and lower lobes. The left lung is divided by an oblique fissure into upper and lower
lobes. The lingula (Latin: ‘little tongue’) of the left upper lobe is composed of two
bronchopulmonary segments that are analogous to the right middle lobe.
6.5 A bronchopulmonary segment is a discrete anatomical and functional unit of the
lung that can be removed without disturbing the function of the other segments.
They are pyramid shaped with their apices at the hilum. Each is served by its own
tertiary bronchi, vein, artery, and lymph and has its own autonomic nerve supply.
6.6 Each lung has 10 bronchopulmonary segments. It would be unlikely that you would
need to recite them in the exam, but they are listed here for reference purposes
(Table 1.2):
50 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

Table 1.2  Bronchopulmonary segments of the lung

Right Left
Upper lobe Upper lobe
1. Apical 1. Apical
2. Posterior 2. Posterior
3. Anterior 3. Anterior
Middle lobe Lingula
4. Lateral 4. Superior
5. Medial 5. Inferior
Lower lobe Lower lobe
6. Superior (apical) 6. Superior (apical)
7. Medial basal (cardiac) 7. Medial basal
8. Anterior basal 8. Anterior basal
9. Lateral basal 9. Lateral basal
10. Posterior basal 10. Posterior basal

6.7 The bronchial arteries supply oxygenated blood to the bronchial and connective
tissue of the lungs. The left superior and inferior bronchial arteries arise from the
thoracic aorta, whereas the single right bronchial artery has a variable origin (either
the aorta, the left superior bronchial artery, or the right intercostal arteries). The
bronchial veins drain into the azygous and hemiazygos veins. The pulmonary
arteries supply deoxygenated blood to the alveoli via their terminal branches, and
the superior and inferior pulmonary veins drain oxygenated blood to the left atrium.
6.8 The superficial lymphatic plexus lies under the visceral pleura and drains the surface
of the lungs towards the hilum, whereas the deep plexus drains along the blood
vessels towards the hilum. Lymph passes from the bronchopulmonary lymph nodes
at the hilum to the tracheobronchial nodes at the bifurcation of the trachea, and
thence to bronchomediastinal lymph trunks.
6.9 The pulmonary plexus at the hilum of the lung receives afferent autonomic nerve
fibres from the mucous membranes of the bronchioles and alveoli stretch receptors,
and serves efferent fibres to the bronchial musculature. Sympathetic fibres cause
bronchodilatation and vasoconstriction, whereas parasympathetic fibres cause
bronchoconstriction, vasodilatation, and glandular secretion.
6.10 Foreign objects are aspirated more commonly in the right bronchus because it is
wider and has a steeper angle than the left.

Station 7
7.1 A  A right intercostal artery and vein
Answers 51

Right sympathetic chain
Right phrenic nerve
Superior vena cava
Right principal bronchus
Right pulmonary vein
Pericardial sac (over right atrium)
7.2 The pulmonary hilum contains: the pulmonary artery, the pulmonary vein, the
main bronchus, the bronchial arteries and veins, lymph nodes, and autonomic
7.3 Two veins drain each lung (so there are four in total).
7.4 There are six but the fifth exists only transiently, and no human structures are
derived from it.
7.5 The 3rd arch.
7.6 The 4th arch.

Station 8
8.1 A  Ascending aorta
Auricle of right atrium
Pectinate muscles on right ventricular wall
Chordae tendineae
Pulmonary trunk
Auricle of left atrium
Anterior interventricular branch of left coronary artery
8.2 H Papillary muscles. These attach to the cusps of the atrioventricular valves (in this
case the tricuspid valve) to prevent prolapse.
8.3 The pericardium is divided in to fibrous and serous layers, the latter of which is
subdivided into parietal and visceral layers. The fibrous pericardium is a tough layer
fused with the central tendon of the diaphragm and the outer coats of the great
vessels. It is attached to the sternum via the sternopericardial ligaments. The parietal
pericardium lines the inner surface of the fibrous pericardium and is reflected
around the great vessels to become continuous with the visceral pericardium that
lines the heart.
8.4 The pericardial space exists between the parietal and visceral layers, and is filled with
about 50 mL of pericardial fluid.
In the subcostal approach the needle is positioned left of the xiphoid process with
the needle angulated upwards at 45° to the skin. The needle passes through skin,
52 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

superficial/deep fascia, the anterior layer of the rectus sheath, rectus abdominis,
the posterior layer of the rectus sheath, diaphragm, endothoracic fascia, fibrous
pericardium, and the parietal layer of serous pericardium.
In the parasternal approach the needle is placed at the 5th intercostal space
near the left sternal margin. The needle passes through skin, superficial/
deep fascia, pectoralis major muscle, intercostal muscles, transversus thoracis
muscle, endothoracic fascia, fibrous pericardium, and the parietal layer of serous
8.5 In the subcostal approach, the main risk is of puncturing the liver if the needle is
angulated too inferiorly. In the parasternal approach, the main risk is of puncturing
the lungs. In both approaches, there is the risk of damage to the coronary arteries
and atrial/ventricular walls.
8.6 In the fetus, the foramen ovale allows oxygenated blood from the umbilical vein
(via the inferior vena cava) to flow from the right to left atrium. It is composed of the
septum primum and septum secundum. These are forced together at birth due to
pressure changes resulting from expansion of the lungs, and usually fuse at about 3
months. In 10% of people fusion is incomplete.
8.7 The ductus arteriosus is a vascular shunt in the fetus connecting the pulmonary
artery to the descending thoracic aorta, allowing blood from the right ventricle to
bypass the lungs (which are non-functioning at this stage).
8.8 Aortic coarctation is associated with a patent ductus arteriosus, and occurs in the
area where the ductus arteriosus inserts. Narrowing can be preductal, ductal, or
postductal. It usually occurs distal to the origin of the left subclavian artery.
8.9 The bulbus cordis and the primitive ventricle give rise to the ventricles of the heart.
The cranial end of bulbus cordis and the truncus arteriosus give rise to the aorta and
pulmonary trunk.

Station 9
9.1 A  Right oblique fissure of the right lung
Left ventricle
Right latissimus dorsi muscle
Descending thoracic aorta
Left trapezius
9.2 The trachea splits into the left and right principle bronchi and thence to lobar
(secondary bronchi), and segmentary (tertiary) bronchi. After entering the
bronchopulmonary segment the bronchi undergoes successive branching into
smaller and smaller tubes until they give rise to bronchioles. These are less than
1 mm in diameter and contain no cartilage. Bronchioles divide into terminal
bronchioles, which give rise to respiratory bronchioles in their walls. These structures
end in alveolar ducts that lead to alveolar sacs, across which gas exchange takes
place with the surrounding capillaries.
Answers 53

9.3 The azygos vein forms about the level of the right renal vein from either a posterior
tributary of the inferior vena cava or from the junction of the right ascending lumbar
and right subcostal veins. It traverses the aortic opening of the diaphragm and
lies to the right of the vertebra, behind the oesophagus. The vein ends by running
anteriorly over the hilum of the right lung to enter the superior vena cava at T4. The
azygos vein has tributaries of: the lower eight right posterior intercostal veins, the
right superior intercostal vein, bronchial and oesophageal veins, and the accessory
azygos/hemiazygos veins.
9.4 The hemiazygos vein drains the four lower left posterior intercostal veins. It arises from
the left ascending lumbar, the left subcostal, and often the left renal veins.
The accessory hemiazygos vein drains the 5–8th left posterior intercostal veins, and
has tributaries from the bronchial and mid-oesophageal veins.
9.5 There are three layers of muscle in the intercostal space (Figure 1.6). The external
intercostal muscle forms the outermost layer; its fibres are directed forwards and
downwards from the inferior border of the rib above to the superior border of the rib
below. The internal intercostal muscle is the intermediate layer; its fibres are directed
downwards and backwards from the subcostal groove of the rib above to the
upper border of the rib below. The deepest layer is the innermost intercostal muscle
(really composed of a group of three muscles). These muscles cross more than one
intercostal space.
9.6 The external intercostal muscles aid in forced and passive inspiration. The internal
intercostal muscles aid in forced expiration. Passive expiration is achieved by
relaxation of the muscles and the elastic recoil of the lungs.
9.7 The accessory muscles of respiration help to increase the thoracic capacity in deep
inspiration. They are the sternocleidomastoid, scalenus anterior and medius, serratus
anterior and pectoralis major and minor.

Figure 1.6  The layers

Skin Rib of the chest wall.

Subcutaneous vein, artery
fat and nerve

External Parietal
intercostal pleura

54 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

Station 10
10.1 Barium swallow
10.2 A  Lower oesophagus
Also stomach
10.3 D  This narrowing represents the site of the lower oesophageal sphincter.
10.4a 17 cm
10.4b 28 cm
10.4c 43 cm
10.5 To perforate the oesophagus one must pass through first mucosa, submucosa,
a muscular layer (the composition of which depends on level), and an outer
connective tissue layer (areolar tissue). The thoracic oesophagus has no serosa.
10.6 The oesophagus has outer longitudinal and internal circular muscular layers. The
muscle fibres of the upper two-thirds of the oesophagus are striated (and hence
under voluntary control), and the lower one-third is smooth. In health, it is lined by
squamous epithelium.
10.7 The blood supply to the oesophagus, like most long tubes, is segmental. The
upper third is supplied by the inferior thyroid artery and vein, the middle third by
descending aortic branches and veins to the azygos, and the lower third by the
left gastric artery and vein (portal system). Note that there is anastomosis between
the portal and systemic systems; in portal hypertension these veins distend in to
oesophageal varices that can cause life-threatening haemorrhage.
10.8 Barrett’s oesophagus is metaplasia of the squamous epithelium of the lower
oesophagus into columnar epithelium. It is thought to be an adaption to chronic
acid exposure from gastro-oesophageal reflux. There is a strong association with
adenocarcinoma of the oesophagus.
10.9 Lymph drainage follows arterial supply. The upper third of the oesophagus drains
into the deep cervical nodes, the middle third into the superior and posterior
mediastinal nodes, and the lower third in to coeliac nodes.
10.10 Virchow’s node is an enlarged lymph node in the left supraclavicular fossa (the
associated sign is called Troisier’s sign). It is associated with gastric and other intra-
abdominal cancer. The lymph node is on the left side because the majority of
lymph drains via the thoracic duct in to the left subclavian vein. Metastases block
the thoracic duct causing reflux in to the surrounding nodes.
10.11 The cisterna chyli is a dilated sac at the lower end of the thoracic duct that is the
common pathway of drainage of lymph and chyle from the abdomen and lower
limbs. It is usually positioned between the abdominal aorta and right crus of the
diaphragm. Its position and existence are, however, inconsistent.
Answers 55

10.12 The trachea develops from the floor of the foregut. Initially the laryngotracheal
groove appears, which later becomes a tube. Buds appear on either side
of the tube and develop into the lungs. The shared origin of the trachea
and oesophagus explains the association of tracheoesophageal fistula with
oesophageal atresia.

Station 11
11.1 Skin/soft tissue: sebaceous cyst, lipoma
Muscle: sarcoma, psoas abscess
Bowel: appendix abscess/mass, Crohn’s, carcinoma, tuberculosis
Gynaecological: ovarian tumour, fibroids
Urological: pelvic kidney, bladder diverticulum
Vascular: aneurysm of the external or common iliac artery, enlarged iliac lymph
11.2 McBurney’s point (Figure 1.7) is the typical location of the appendix, and is located
at a point two thirds from the umbilicus to the anterior superior iliac spine.
11.3 T10 (see Figure 1.4).

Figure 1.7  Abdominal


Benz incision



Pfannenstiel incision
56 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

11.4 A  Skin, subcutaneous fat, Scarpa’s fascia, external oblique muscle, internal oblique
muscle, transversalis fascia, extraperitoneal fat, parietal peritoneum.
C Skin, subcutaneous fat, Scarpa’s fascia, linea alba, transversalis fascia,
extraperitoneal fat, parietal peritoneum.
11.5 The transpyloric plane (Figure 1.8) is located halfway between the suprasternal
notch and the pubic symphysis, at the level of the L1 vertebral body. At this level lie
the following structures: the pylorus of stomach, fundus of gallbladder, pancreatic
neck, duodenojejunal flexure (and first part of duodenum), spinal cord termination,
line of attachment of transverse mesocolon, left renal hilum, origin of the superior
mesenteric artery, origin of portal vein.
11.6 The subcostal plane (Figure 1.8) is the line parallel to the lowest part of the
thoracic cage. The inferior mesenteric artery and L3 vertebra are present at this
11.7 The aorta bifurcates at the L4 vertebral level, which is usually about the level of the
umbilicus. This is also the level of the supracristal plane (Figure 1.8), which is a line
joining the most superior parts of the iliac crests.
11.8a The inferior border of the liver extends from the tip of the right 10th rib to the left
5th intercostal space medial to the midclavicular line. The superior border is at the
level of the 5th intercostal space.

Figure 1.8  Lines

and planes of the

Transpyloric plane

Subcostal plane

Supracristal plane

Answers 57

11.8b The spleen lies under the 9–11th ribs on the left side. The long axis of the spleen
lies along the 10th rib, the posterior pole being just to the left of the vertebral
column, and the anterior pole is in the midaxillary line.
11.8c The fundus of the gallbladder is at the point at which the rectus abdominis
intersects the costal margin, at the tip of the 9th costal cartilage.
11.9  See Figure 1.7 and Table 1.3.

Table 1.3  Abdominal surface anatomy landmarks

Landmark Location Significance
Arcuate line Approximately one-third of Lower limit of the posterior sheath
(Douglas’ line) the distance from the umbi-
licus to the pubic symphysis
Deep inguinal Midway between anterior Opening in the transversalis fascia for
ring superior iliac spine and pubic the vas deferens and gonadal vessels
tubercle (or round ligament in the female)
Linea alba Midline aponeurotic band ex- Formed by the combined abdominal
tending from xiphoid process muscle aponeuroses.
to the pubic symphysis
McBurney’s Two-thirds from the umbilicus Typical location of the appendix
point to the anterior superior iliac

Mid-inguinal Midway between the anterior Location of the femoral artery

point superior iliac spine and the
pubic symphysis

Semilunar line The lateral edge of the rectus Formed by the combined aponeuroses of
abdominis muscle the abdominal wall muscles at the lateral
margin of the rectus sheath.
Subcostal Line parallel to the lowest Origin of inferior mesenteric artery
plane part of the thoracic cage
Supracristal Horizontal plane at the upper L4
plane margin of the iliac crests Bifurcation of the aorta
Transpyloric Half the distance between Pylorus of stomach
line the jugular notch and the Fundus of gallbladder
pubic crest Pancreatic neck
Duodenojejunal flexure (and first part
of duodenum)
Spinal cord termination
Line of attachment of transverse mesocolon
Left renal hilum
Origin of the superior mesenteric artery
Origin of portal vein
Umbilicus Within T10, approximately at level of L4
58 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

11.9a Gridiron: A 2.5–5 cm oblique incision at McBurney’s point, perpendicular to a

line running from the anterior superior iliac spine to the umbilicus. Used for
11.9b Kocher: an oblique incision below and parallel to the right costal margin
(starting below the xiphoid process). Used for access to biliary structures.
11.9c Mercedes Benz: bilateral low Kocher’s incisions with an upper midline limb
up and through the xiphisternum. For access to upper abdominal viscera.
Also known as a roof-top incision.
11.9d Pfannenstiel: A transverse lower abdominal incision centered above the
pubic symphysis, slightly upturned at the ends (a 'smile' incision).

Station 12
12.1 A  Inferior vena cava
Erector spinae muscle
Portal vein
Right crus of diaphragm
Superior mesenteric artery
Fundus of the stomach
Aorta (abdominal)
12.2 At the level of the superior mesenteric artery, below the level of the spleen.
12.3 The portal vein (C) drains the gastrointestinal tract and associated viscera. It is
formed from the splenic and superior mesenteric veins as they unite behind the
neck of the pancreas. The splenic vein receives the short gastric, left gastroepiploic,
inferior mesenteric, and pancreatic veins. The superior mesenteric vein receives the
jejunal, ilial, ileocolic, right colic, middle colic, inferior pancreaticoduodenal and
right gastroepiploic veins. There are three other direct tributaries of the portal vein:
the left gastric, right gastric, and cystic veins.
12.4 The portal vein supplies about 70% of the blood to the liver. The remaining 30% is
oxygenated blood from the hepatic arteries.
12.5 A Gallbladder
Biliary tract
Superior mesenteric artery
Left lobe of the liver
Tail of the pancreas
12.6 The pancreas (E) has exocrine and endocrine functions. The pancreatic islets (Islets
of Langerhans) produce insulin and glucagon. The pancreas also secretes enzymes
capable of hydrolysing proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.
Answers 59

12.7 The pancreas is divided in to a head, uncinate process, neck, body, and tail.
The head lies within the concavity of the duodenum, with its uncinate process
extending to the left behind the superior mesenteric vessels. The neck is positioned
anterior to the portal vein and superior mesenteric artery origins. The body runs
upwards and to the left and the tail abuts the hilum of the spleen.
12.8 The lesser sac separates the stomach from the pancreas. If fluid leaks from the
pancreas during acute pancreatitis this can become trapped within the lesser sac
forming a pseudocyst.

Station 13
13.1 A  Linea alba (‘white line’). The whiteness indicates that it is a relatively avascular
structure and hence ideal for incision without bleeding.
13.2 B  Tendinous insertion
External oblique muscle
Rectus abdominis
Superficial epigastric vessels
Posterior layer of rectus sheath
13.3 Skin, subcutaneous fat, Scarpa’s fascia, umbilical cicatrix pillar, extraperitoneal fat,
parietal peritoneum.
13.4 External oblique fibres run inferiorly and anteriorly. Internal oblique fibres run
perpendicular to the external oblique muscle, directed superiorly and anteriorly.
Transversus abdominis fibres run transversely.
13.5 The rectus sheath contains the large rectus abdominis muscle (extending from
the pubic symphysis to the xiphisternum/lower costal cartilages), the pyramidalis
muscle, the superior and inferior epigastric vessels, ventral primary rami of T7–T12,
and lymphatics.
13.6 The arcuate line (Douglas’ line) demarcates the lower limit of the posterior sheath.
It is located about one-third of the distance from the umbilicus to the pubic crest.
Above the level of this line, the internal oblique aponeurosis splits to envelope the
rectus abdominis muscle, and the transversus abdominis aponeurosis runs under
the rectus abdominis. Below the arcuate line, the internal oblique and transversus
abdominis aponeuroses merge and pass superficial to the rectus muscle. Hence,
below the arcuate line the only layers deep to the rectus abdominis are the
transversalis fascia, extraperitoneal fat, and parietal peritoneum.
13.7 Scarpa’s fascia extends in to the thigh and fuses with the fascia lata at the flexure of
the skin crease of the hip joint (about 1 cm below the inguinal ligament).
13.8 It fuses with Colles’ fascia in the perineum.
60 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

13.9 The median umbilical ligament extends from the bladder to the umbilicus, on
the deep surface of the anterior abdominal wall. It can be seen easily during
laparoscopy by pointing the laparoscope towards the anterior abdominal wall in
the median plane. It contains the urachus, which is the remnant of the allantois, a
canal that drains the urinary bladder of the fetus that joins and runs through the
umbilical cord. If the allantois fails to close then urine continues to leak through the
umbilicus after birth.
13.10 The medial umbilical ligaments are lateral to the median umbilical ligament on
the deep surface of the anterior abdominal wall. They contain the remnant of the
fetal umbilical arteries.

Station 14
14.1 A Caecum
Mesentery of small bowel
14.2 C  Mesoappendix. The most important structures are the appendicular artery and
vein, which may bleed if not ligated carefully. There are also autonomic nerves,
lymphatic vessels, and sometimes a lymph node.
14.3 A small non-anastomosing single artery, the appendicular artery, supplies the
appendix (Figure 1.9). When the appendix becomes inflamed, oedema of the wall
compresses the artery causing thrombosis. This leads to necrosis and perforation
of the blind ending tip of the appendix. In contrast, in addition to the cystic artery,
the gallbladder has collateral supply from the liver bed, ensuring that adequate
blood supply is preserved.
14.4 Common positions include: retrocolic/retrocaecal, pelvic/subcaecal, retroileal/
preileal. The order of frequency is disputed but the commonest two are probably

Figure 1.9  Appendix

Ileocolic artery
and arterial supply.
Teniae coli
Ascending colic

caecal Posterior caecal
artery Ileum artery

Caecum Appendicular

Appendix mesentery
Answers 61

pelvic and retrocaecal. This variability of the appendix position can make diagnosis
sometimes difficult and removal technically difficult.
14.5 Visceral pain from the appendix is triggered by distension of the lumen or muscle
spasm. Afferent pain fibres travel to the T10 spinal level, and a midline periumbilical
pain is felt. As the appendix becomes more inflamed it can cause localised
inflammation of the peritoneum, and pain is referred to the right iliac fossa.
14.6 The ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves. To avoid these nerves incision should
not be closer than 3 cm from the anterior superior iliac spine.
14.7 The teniae coli are three bands of smooth muscle running longitudinally along the
caecum, ascending, transverse and descending and sigmoid colon (Figure 1.9).
They contract to form haustra, which are sacculations of the large bowel that can
be seen on radiographs. The teniae coli converge at the vermiform appendix and
the rectum.
14.8 Appendices epiploicae are small fat-filled peritoneal pouches along the teniae
coli. They can sometimes become inflamed (epiploic appendagitis) mimicking
appendicitis and other intra-abdominal conditions.

Station 15
15.1 A Right external iliac artery
Right external iliac vein
Urinary bladder
15.2 L5/S1.
15.3 The sacroiliac joints.
15.4 The ureter passes anteriorly over the bifurcation of the iliac arteries.
15.5 A Sartorius
Superior pubic ramus
Obturator internus
15.6 The levator ani originates from the body of the pubis, the ischial spine, and the
fascia of obturator internus. It inserts in to the perineal body, the anococcygeal
body, and the walls of the pelvic organs below the bladder (the prostate, vagina,
rectum and anal canal). As well as the functions listed in Table 1.4 it also increases
intra-abdominal pressure during defecation, micturition, and parturition. The parts
are outlined in Table 1.4.
15.7 The pelvic outlet is bounded posteriorly by the coccyx, laterally by the ischial
tuberosities, and anteriorly by symphysis pubis (see Figure 1.11).
62 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

Table 1.4  The parts and functions of levator ani

Part Name Functional anatomy
Anterior Levator prostatae Forms a sling around the prostate/
Sphincter vaginae vagina and inserts in to the perineal
body, helping to stabilise it

Intermediate Puborectalis Forms a sling around the junction

Pubococcygeus of the rectum/anal canal

Posterior Iliococcygeus Inserted into the anococcygeal

body and the coccyx

15.8 The perineal body is a pyramidal fibromuscular mass of tissue at the junction of
the urogenital triangle and the anal triangle. It has attachments to: the external
anal sphincter, bulbospongiosus muscle, superficial and deep transverse perineal
muscles, anterior fibres of levator ani, and the external urinary sphincter.

Station 16
16.1 The large bowel is peripheral and less coiled. It has haustra (which on an abdominal
radiograph do not traverse the entire diameter of the colon). The lumen of large
bowel is greater than the small bowel.
16.2 Double contrast barium enema. The bowel has been inflated by air pumped
through the rectum.
16.3 B Haustra
16.4 A Caecum/ascending colon. This is supplied by the colic branch of the ileocolic
artery, and the right colic artery (both branches of the superior mesenteric
C  Descending colon. This is supplied by the left colic artery (a branch of the
inferior mesenteric artery).
The blood supply to the rest of the large bowel is illustrated in Figures 1.13
and 1.18 (see pp. 69 and 77). The proximal two-thirds of the transverse colon is
perfused by the middle colic artery (superior mesenteric), and the latter one-third
by the inferior mesenteric. The sigmoid arteries supply the sigmoid colon. The
rectum is supplied by the superior rectal artery (inferior mesenteric), middle rectal
artery (internal iliac), and inferior rectal artery (internal iliac).
16.5 There is a continuous vascular arcade throughout the length of the gastrointestinal
tract, due to anastomosis of branches of the superior and inferior mesenteric
arteries along the marginal artery of Drummond.
Answers 63

16.6 D  Rectum. The rectovesical fascia of Denonvilliers separates the rectum from
anterior structures and is dissected in rectal dissection for carcinoma. Anteriorly
in the upper two-thirds are coils of small intestine that lie in the space between
the rectum and bladder in men, or rectum and uterus in women (the pouch of
Douglas). In the lower two-thirds anteriorly are the prostate, bladder, vas deferens,
and seminal vesicles in males, and vagina in the female. Posteriorly are the sacrum,
coccyx, median sacral and rectal vessels, sympathetic trunk, pelvic splanchnic
nerves, and piriformis. Laterally lies levator ani, coccygeus and obturator internus
muscles, fat, lymph nodes, ischioanal fossa, and the lateral ligaments of the rectum.
16.7 D  The upper third of the rectum has peritoneum on its anterior and lateral
surfaces, the middle third has peritoneum on its anterior surface only, and the
lower third is beneath the rectal floor and has no peritoneal attachments.
16.8 Injuries occur at the junctions of where mobile parts of the colon (the transverse
and sigmoid) join the fixed parts (ascending and descending).
16.9 From medial to lateral are the psoas major, quadratus lumborum (above the iliac
crest), or iliacus (below the iliac crest), transversus abdominis and internal oblique
(Figure 1.10). The posterior part of the diaphragm also contributes to the upper
posterior wall of the abdomen.

Figure 1.10  Posterior abdominal wall.


Quadratus lumborum

Transversus abdominis


Psoas major

Station 17
17.1 A  Spermatic cord
Long saphenous vein
Common femoral artery
Common femoral vein
17.2 The most well-known mnemonic for the contents of the spermatic cord (A) is the
‘rule of threes’ (Table 1.5).
64 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

Table 1.5  The ‘rule of threes’ for contents of the spermatic cord
Layers of fascia External spermatic
Internal spermatic
Arteries Testicular
Artery of the vas
Veins Pampiniform plexus
Vein of the vas
Nerves Nerve to the cremaster
Sympathetic fibres (T10–T11)
Ilioinguinal nerve (this is actually on, not in, the cord)
Other structures Vas deferens
Processes vaginalis (pathologically, in patients with an indirect
inguinal hernia)

17.3 The inguinal ligament is formed from the rolled over aponeurosis of the external
oblique. It runs from the pubic tubercle to the anterior superior iliac spine.
17.4 The deep inguinal ring is an opening in the fascia transversalis at the mid-point of
the inguinal ligament. Medially run the inferior epigastric vessels.
17.5 The opening of an inguinal hernia is above and medial to the pubic tubercle
whereas a femoral hernia is below and lateral.
17.6 The boundaries of the inguinal canal:
• anterior: external oblique aponeurosis, reinforced at its lateral one-third by the
origin of the internal oblique
• posterior: conjoint tendon medially (the fused insertion of the internal oblique
and transversus abdominis), transversals fascia laterally
• roof: arching fibres of the internal oblique and transversus abdominis
• floor: the inguinal ligament, and the lacunar ligament medially.
17.7 As the processus vaginalis descends into the scrotum during development
it brings with it layers of the abdominal wall. The external spermatic fascia is
derived from the external oblique aponeurosis. The cremasteric fascia is derived
from the internal oblique. The internal spermatic fascia is derived from the fascia
17.8 Direct inguinal hernias pass through Hesselbach’s triangle, a defect in the
transversalis fascia, whereas indirect hernias must traverse the deep inguinal ring.
The boundaries of Hesselbach’s triangle are:
Answers 65

• medially – the lateral border of rectus abdominis

• superolaterally – the inferior epigastric vessels
• inferolaterally – the inguinal ligament.
17.9 Because the femoral vessels run just under this ligament, and may bleed profusely!
The femoral vein is more difficult to control than the femoral artery.

Station 18
18.1 A  Right superficial femoral artery
Right vas deferens and spermatic cord
Right obturator internus
Alcock’s canal, internal pudendal vessels, pudendal nerve
Left sciatic nerve
Membranous urethra
18.2a There is communication between the superior rectal vein (portal system), and the
inferior rectal veins (draining to the internal iliac vein via the internal pudendal
veins, systemic circulation).
18.2b The other communications are shown in Table 1.6.
18.3 This is formed by the two ischial tuberosities and the coccyx (Figure 1.11).
The anterior border is the posterior border of the perineal membrane, and the
sacrotuberous ligaments form the two sides.
18.4 Anterior: the pubic symphysis (separated by extraperitoneal fat), and the prostatic
plexus of veins.
Posterior: the rectum separated by the fascia of Denonvilliers.
Superior: the bladder.
Inferior: the external sphincter of the bladder.

Table 1.6  Portal-systemic communications

Lower oesophagus Between the oesophageal branch of the left gastric vein (portal
system), and the oesophageal vein (azygos system)

Abdominal wall Between portal branches in the liver and the veins passing to the
abdominal wall (forming a caput medusae)

Bare area of liver Between portal veins in the liver and veins of the diaphragm
(across the bare area)

Retroperitoneum Between the portal tributaries in the mesentery and retroperito-

neal veins
66 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

Pubic symphysis

Ischiopubic ramus
diaphragm Urogenital triangle
Ischial tuberosity Superficial transverse
External anal perineal muscle
sphincter Anal
Anus triangle
Perineal body
Levator ani
Anococcygeal body
Sacrotuberous ligament


Figure 1.11  Anal and urogenital triangles.

18.5 The ischioanal fossae (or ischiorectal fossae, an old term) are wedge shaped spaces
on either side of the anal canal. Their boundaries are:
• laterally: obturator internus muscle and fascia
• medially: levator ani and pelvic fascia, external anal sphincter
• anteriorly: the urogenital perineum
• posteriorly: sacrotuberous ligament and gluteus maximus
• inferiorly: skin and subcutaneous fat
• superiorly: levator ani
The space contains fat (which is particularly prone to infection and abscess
formation) and the inferior rectal nerve and vessels. The lateral walls contain
Alcock’s canal, which has in it the pudendal nerve and vessels.
18.6 Anal fissures occur most commonly in the posterior midline. Fissures develop in
the anal valves (the lower ends of the anal columns) as hard faecal matter catches
during defecation. This area may be susceptible due to a lack of support from the
superficial part of the external sphincter.
18.7 A haemorrhoid is fold of mucosa and submucosa containing a varicosed tributary
of the superior rectal vein and a terminal branch of the superior rectal artery.
18.8 Goodsall’s rule states that the external opening of a fistula situated behind the
transverse anal line will open in to the anal canal in the posterior midline, but a
fistula that opens anterior to this line is associated with a direct tract.
Answers 67

18.9 The anal canal is approximately 4 cm long and the rectum is about 13 cm long.
18.10  The topographical relations of the anal canal are:
• posteriorly: the anococcygeal body
• laterally: the ischiorectal fossae
• anteriorly in men: the perineal body, the urogenital diaphragm, and the
membranous part of the urethra
• anteriorly in women: the lower part of the vagina.

Station 19
19.1 A  Hepatic flexure or ascending colon
Transverse colon
Small bowel
19.2 D  Left psoas major muscle
19.3 E Spleen
Linea alba
Rectus abdominis muscle
19.4 Posterior to the ascending colon lies:
• musculoskeletal: iliac crest, iliacus, quadratus lumborum, transversus abdominis,
and the right psoas.
• organs: lower pole of the right kidney.
• nerves: iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves.
19.5 Posterior to the descending colon lies:
• musculoskeletal: iliac crest, iliacus, quadratus lumborum, transversus abdominis,
and the left psoas.
• organs: lateral border of left kidney
• nerves: iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal, femoral nerves and the lateral cutaneous
nerve of the thigh.
19.6 Diverticula are herniations of the mucosa through the circular muscle at points
where the blood vessels pierce the muscle (natural points of weakness).
19.7 The transverse mesocolon attaches the transverse colon to the posterior wall of the
abdomen and the pancreas. It is continuous with the two posterior layers of the
greater omentum (Figure 1.15).
19.8 The transverse mesocolon contains the transverse colon (in its free edge), the
middle colic vessels and their branches, lymphatics, autonomic nerves, and
extraperitoneal fatty tissue.
19.9 An incompetent ileocaecal valve allows decompression of the large intestine in
patients with large bowel obstruction and thereby reduces the risk of perforation.
19.10 The sigmoid colon has a long mesentery and may rotate upon it, causing an
obstructed, often massively distended, loop of bowel. Volvulus of the caecum and
transverse colon may also occur less commonly.
68 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

Station 20
20.1 See Figure 1.12.
Proper hepatic artery
Common hepatic artery
Left gastric artery
Gastroduodenal artery
Coeliac trunk
Splenic artery
20.2 Upper part of L1 (not T12, although many textbooks claim this).
20.3 The gastroduodenal artery (D) supplies the stomach, the duodenum, and,
indirectly, the pancreatic head and neck (via the anterior and posterior superior
pancreaticoduodenal arteries).
20.4 The hepatic artery (A) runs in the free border of the lesser omentum, anterior to the
portal vein and left of the bile duct.
20.5 See Figure 1.13.
Right colic artery
Ileocolic artery
Appendicular artery
Superior mesenteric artery

Figure 1.12
Cardia Short gastric artery
The coeliac
Splenic artery
Right and left
hepatic artery
Proper hepatic

Lesser curve

Common hepatic
r curv e

artery Spleen
Left gastric artery

Right gastric artery

Gastroduodenal Pylorus
duodenal artery Right Left
gastroepiploic artery gastroepiploic artery
Answers 69

Figure 1.13
Branches of
the superior

Main stem of jejunal arteries
Main stem of ileal arteries
20.6 L1
20.7 L3
20.8 After leaving the aorta, the superior mesenteric artery passes over the left renal
vein, beneath the splenic vein and neck of the pancreas. It then passes over the
uncinate process of the pancreas and the junction of the third and fourth parts of
the duodenum, before entering the mesentery of the small and large bowel to give
off its terminal branches.
20.9 The distal third of the transverse colon/splenic flexure is termed a ‘watershed’ area,
as there is a change in blood supply from the superior mesenteric to the inferior
mesenteric artery. Watershed areas are vulnerable to ischaemia as they do not have
good collateral supply.

Station 21
21.1 A  Right renal vein
Inferior vena cava
Testicular vein (right)
Left suprarenal organ
Superior mesenteric artery
Left renal vein
70 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

Abdominal aorta
Left ureter
21.2 The ligament of Treitz connects the duodenojejunal junction to the diaphragm
(this ‘ligament’ actually contains muscular fibres that on contraction widen the
angle of the duodenojejunal flexure assisting movement of intestinal contents).
The ligament is commonly cut to access the aorta.
21.3 The branches of the aorta are outlined in Table 1.7.

Table 1.7  Branches of the abdominal aorta

Three anterior visceral branches Coeliac
Superior mesenteric
Inferior mesenteric

Three lateral visceral branches Suprarenal

Testicular or ovarian
Five lateral abdominal wall branches Inferior phrenic
Four lumbar branches
Three terminal branches Two common iliac branches
Median sacral

21.4 The adrenal glands are supplied by the superior adrenal artery (from the inferior
phrenic), middle adrenal artery (abdominal aorta), and inferior adrenal artery (renal
21.5 The adrenal vein (the right adrenal vein drains into the inferior vena cava, the left
adrenal vein drains in to the left renal vein).
21.6 Due to collateral supply via the marginal artery of Drummond. It is sometimes
ligated in operations such as open aortic aneurysm repair.
21.7a Commences at L5 behind the common iliac arteries.
21.7b It is initially related anteriorly to the small intestine, the third part of the
duodenum, the head of the pancreas, and the first part of the duodenum. It
passes behind the epiploic foramen (in front of which is the portal vein, common
bile duct and hepatic artery); it then ascends in a groove in the liver before
traversing the diaphragm.
21.7c This can be remembered by the mnemonic: I Like To Rise So High: Iliac, Lumbar,
Testicular, Renal, Suprarenal, Hepatic.

Station 22
22.1 A Gallbladder
Answers 71

Right hepatic duct
Left hepatic duct
Right renal pelvis
Common bile duct
22.2 Bile is stored in the gallbladder. It passes in to the cystic duct, which joins the
common hepatic duct to form the common bile duct (Figure 1.14). This travels in
the free edge of the lesser omentum (with the hepatic artery and portal vein). The
duct is joined by the main pancreatic duct (of Wirsung) at the ampulla of Vater,
which enters the second part of the duodenum past the sphincter of Oddi.
Gallstone ileus is the condition of a gallstone causing mechanical intestinal
obstruction (hence the condition is not really ileus at all). Instead of travelling
through bile ducts, gallstones usually erode through the wall of the gallbladder
over a period of time. They often get lodged in the distal ileum.
22.3 Its opening in to the second part of the duodenum.
22.4 Bile is produced by hepatocytes in the liver. It is composed mainly of water (85%),
bile salts, mucous, pigments, fats, inorganic salts, and cholesterol. Bile acts as a
surfactant, emulsifying fats. The increased surface area allows for more efficient
action of enzymes such as pancreatic lipase. Its other functions include: being
the route of excretion for the haemoglobin breakdown product bilirubin, and
neutralising excess stomach acid before it enters the ileum.
22.5 Cholecystokinin is a peptide hormone that stimulates the contraction of the
gallbladder and the relaxation of the sphincter of Oddi. It is synthesised by the

Figure 1.14  The biliary system.

72 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

‘I-cells’ of the mucosal epithelium of the small intestine, and secreted in response
to Chyme entering the duodenum. Its other functions include: increasing the
production of bile in the liver; stimulation of the release of digestive enzymes in
the pancreas; causing relaxation of the stomach musculature.
22.6 Extra-hepatic ducts are lined by tall columnar cells interspersed with mucous
22.7 Pringle’s manoeuvre temporarily prevents blood from entering the liver by
compressing the hepatic artery and portal vein. Intraoperatively it can be
performed by placing a finger within the foramen of Winslow and another on its
anterior wall and squeezing.
22.8 Mirizzi’s syndrome is a cause of obstructive jaundice caused by one or more
gallstones becoming impacted in Hartmann’s pouch. The biliary obstruction can
be caused by either external compression of the common hepatic duct by the
gallstone, or fistulisation of the gallstone in to the common hepatic duct.

Station 23
23.1 See Figure 1.8.
Linea semilunaris
Arcuate line
23.2 B The supracristal plane (Table 1.3). This is a transverse plane through the
uppermost part of the iliac crest, at the level of the L4 vertebra. It usually passes
close to the umbilicus. The plane divides the lower and upper quadrants of the
abdomen. At this level the abdominal aorta bifurcates.
23.3 The inferior epigastric artery is a branch of the external iliac artery, and enters the
rectus sheath anterior to the arcuate line by piercing the transversalis fascia. It runs
in the sheath posterior to the rectus abdominis muscle and supplies the anterior
abdominal wall. It ends by anastomosing with the superior epigastric branch of
the internal thoracic artery. The inferior epigastric vein follows a similar course and
drains in to the external iliac vein.
23.4 The external iliac artery and vein.
23.5 The linea semilunaris (Figure 1.8 and Table 1.3) is a tendinous line lateral to
the rectus abdominis, extending from the cartilage of the ninth rib to the pubic
tubercle. It demarcates the lateral fusion of the anterior and posterior rectus sheath
23.6 The internal oblique is supplied by the lower six thoracic nerves, the iliohypogastric
nerve, and the ilioinguinal nerve (also true for the external oblique and the
transversus abdominis). It assists in flexion and rotation of the trunk.
23.7 The muscles of the anterior and lateral walls have a number of functions. They
assist during forced expiration by pulling down the ribs and sternum. During
inspiration they aid the diaphragm by relaxing. They protect the abdominal
Answers 73

contents from trauma. They can increase abdominal pressure during micturition,
defecation, vomiting and parturition by contracting simultaneously with the
diaphragm with a closed glottis.

Station 24
24.1 1  The duodenum
The first part of the duodenum begins at the pylorus and runs up and backwards
(at the transpyloric plane). The second part of the duodenum runs vertically
downward in front of the hilum of the right kidney. The bile duct and pancreatic
duct enter the duodenum at the ampulla of Vater, with the accessory pancreatic
duct nearby. The third part of the duodenum runs horizontally to the left on the
subcostal plane, following the lower margin of the head of the pancreas. The fourth
part of the duodenum runs up and to the left and ends at the duodenojejunal
flexure, which is indicated by the suspensory ligament of Treitz.
Only the first few centimetres of the first part of the duodenum are intraperitoneal
(mobile), the rest of the duodenum is retroperitoneal.
24.2 2  Coeliac axis
The branches of the coeliac axis are the left gastric artery, the splenic artery, and
the common hepatic artery (Figure 1.12).
24.3 3 Pancreas
The splenic and superior/inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries supply the
pancreas. The veins are named after the arteries and drain in to the portal system.
24.4 A  Common hepatic artery
Right lobe of the liver
The spleen
The splenic artery
24.5 The greater omentum is a fold of parietal peritoneum that is suspended from the
greater curvature of the stomach (Figure 1.15). Its anterior fold hangs over the
small intestines before being reflecting back up on itself to reach the transverse
colon, and then to the posterior abdominal wall. The right and left gastroepiploic
vessels run in and supply the greater omentum. It also carries lymphatics (to the
stomach) and autonomic nerves.
24.6 The epiploic foramen (foramen of Winslow) is the entrance to the lesser sac:
• anteriorly: border of lesser omentum carrying the bile duct, hepatic artery, and
portal vein
• posteriorly: inferior vena cava
• superiorly: caudate process of the liver
• inferiorly: first part of the duodenum.
24.7 The topographical relations of the second part of the duodenum:
• anteriorly: gallbladder, right lobe of the liver, transverse colon, and small intestine
74 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

Figure 1.15  The

Aorta compartments of
Liver the abdomen.
foramen Pancreas
Stomach Duodenum
colon Mesentery
Lesser sac

Greater Greater sac

Bladder Vesicouterine

Pouch of


• posteriorly: right renal pelvis

• superiorly: head of the pancreas, bile ducts draining in to the duodenum
• inferiorly: ascending colon, right colic flexure, and right lobe of the liver.
24.8 The supracolic compartment is the division of the abdomen above the transverse
mesocolon, and the infracolic compartment is the division below this level.
The supracolic compartment contains the oesophagus, stomach, first part of
duodenum, lesser omentum, spleen, liver, and gallbladder.
24.9 The splenic vessels and the tail of the pancreas.
24.10  The short gastric and left gastroepiploic vessels.
24.11  The left L2 transverse process to the right sacroiliac joint.

Station 25
25.1 See Figure 1.16.
Right lobe of liver
Bile duct
Inferior vena cava
Quadrate lobe of liver
Ligamentum teres hepatis and falciform ligament
Answers 75

Falciform ligament
Left triangular

Caudate lobe IVC

Left lobe
Lesser omentum Bare area

Porta hepatis

Right triangular
Right lobe

Figure 1.16  The posterior surface of the liver.

Left lobe of liver
Common hepatic artery
Portal vein
Caudate lobe of liver
25.2 The cystic artery is the main blood supply to the gallbladder (A). This is usually
a branch of the right hepatic, but there are several anatomic variants. There are
also small vessels that run from the gallbladder to the liver in the gallbladder
bed. Lymph drains via a cystic lymph node near the neck of the gallbladder
to the hepatic then coeliac nodes. The gallbladder receives sympathetic and
parasympathetic supply via the coeliac plexus.
25.3 The gallbladder (A) is lined by tall columnar epithelium. This epithelium does not
secrete mucous.
25.4 Calot’s triangle is now conventionally defined as the cystic duct, the common
hepatic duct, and the inferior surface of the liver (Figure 1.17) (although the
original description in 1891 described the triangle as formed by the cystic duct, the
bile duct and the cystic artery). The cystic artery is constantly found in this triangle.
Visualising the ducts and arteries is essential before removing the gallbladder to
ensure that they are not inadvertently injured. Common bile duct injury, especially
those injuries unrecognised at time of surgery, can be disastrous.
25.5 The upper limit of the common bile duct diameter on ultrasound in adults is
conventionally about 7 mm. In the elderly, and after cholecystectomy, the diameter
25.6 The ligamentum teres hepatis is the remnant of the left fetal umbilical vein.
76 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

Figure 1.17  Calot’s


25.7 The liver and biliary tree appear in the third/fourth week as hepatic diverticula
from the ventral wall of the distal foregut endoderm.

Station 26
26.1 A Rectum
Internal iliac artery
Ductus deferens
Pubic symphysis
26.2 Immobile implies retroperitoneal. This includes most of the duodenum, the
ascending and descending colon, and the distal two thirds of the rectum.
26.3 Branches of the inferior mesenteric are: the left colic artery, branches to the
sigmoid, and the superior rectal artery (the continuation of the inferior mesenteric
artery) (Figure 1.18).
26.4 Longitudinal folds of simple columnar epithelium line the upper two-thirds. The
lower one-third is lined by stratified squamous epithelium, blending with the skin.
The dentate line divides these areas.
26.5 The foregut runs from the mouth to the duodenum, as far as the entry of the bile
duct (D2). The midgut ends two-thirds of the way along the transverse colon. The
hindgut ends two-thirds of the way along the anal canal at the dentate line.
26.6 The paracolic gutters are peritoneal recesses on the posterior abdominal wall,
lying lateral respectively to the ascending and descending colon. Their significance
is that substances such as bile or pus can travel along their length and settle at
sites remote from their origin. The left paracolic gutter is limited superiorly by
the phrenicocolic ligament, and inferiorly by the attachment of the lateral limb of
the sigmoid mesocolon at the pelvic brim. The right paracolic gutter is superiorly
continuous with the hepatorenal pouch (Morrison’s pouch), and inferiorly with the
pelvis. The right paracolic gutter is continuous with the lesser sac.
Answers 77

Figure 1.18  Branches

of the inferior
mesenteric artery.

mesenteric Descending
artery colon

Left colic

Superior branches


26.7 The hepatorenal pouch (Morrison’s pouch) is the most dependent part of the
abdomen and is a common site for accumulation of fluid/pus/blood.
26.8 Rectal adenocarcinoma spreads via the following routes:
• local spread: direct invasion of other structures in the pelvis
• lymph node spread: regional and then distal
• blood-borne distal spread: to the liver, lungs, and bone
• peritoneal spread to other abdominal organs.

Station 27
27.1 A  Inferior vena cava. Enters the diaphragm at T8, accompanied by the right
phrenic nerve.
27.2 B  Oesophageal hiatus
27.3 C  Aorta. Traverses the diaphragm at T12, accompanied by the thoracic duct and
azygous/hemiazygous veins.
27.4 D Sternum
Vertebral body
Spinal cord
27.5a The vagi accompany the oesophagus through the diaphragm at T10.
27.5b T8 or T9.
27.5c T10.
78 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

Table 1.8 summarises the structures traversing the diaphragm.

Table 1.8  Structures traversing the diaphragm

Vertebral level Main structure transmitted Additional structures transmitted

T8 Inferior vena cava opening Right phrenic nerve

Vagi, branches of the left gastric vessels

T10 Oesophageal opening

Thoracic duct
T12 Aortic opening Azygos, and hemiazygos veins

T12 (crura) Splanchnic nerves

27.6 The splanchnic nerve traverses the crura of the diaphragm, and the sympathetic
chain passes behind the diaphragm deep to the medial arcuate ligament.
27.7 The phrenic nerves (C3– C5; mnemonic: ‘C3, 4, 5 keeps the diaphragm alive’). These
contain motor, sensory, and sympathetic nerve fibers. There is sometimes an
accessory phrenic nerve (often a branch of the nerve to the subclavius).
27.8 The phrenic nerves originate at the C3–C5 vertebral levels. They run vertically
downwards over the anterior scalene muscles deep to the prevertebral layer of
deep cervical fascia. They enter the thorax by passing over the subclavian arteries.
The right phrenic nerve passes along the right side of the brachiocephalic artery,
posterior to the subclavian vein, and then crosses anterior to the root of the right
lung, over the pericardium of the right atrium, and then leaves the thorax by
passing through the caval opening in the diaphragm. The left phrenic nerve travels
lateral to the left subclavian artery and passes in front of the root of the left lung
and over the pericardium of the left ventricle to pierce the muscular diaphragm to
supply the peritoneum on its under surface.
27.9 The central tendon is formed by the septum transversum. The peripheral rim
comes from the body wall. There are also contributions from the oesophageal
mesentery and the pleuroperitoneal membranes.
27.10 The most common acquired hernias are termed ‘sliding’ and ‘rolling’. Sliding
hernias consist of the projection of the upper part of the stomach through
the diaphragm in to the chest when the patient lies or bends. It predisposes
to gastroesophageal reflux due to incompetence of the lower oesophageal
sphincter. A rolling hernia describes the fundus of the stomach rolling up through
the diaphragm in front of the oesophagus. Patients with this condition do not
experience reflux.
27.11 Herniation may occur posteriorly through the foramen of Bochdalek. This is
the most common form of congenital diaphragmatic hernia and is due to
Answers 79

developmental failure of the posterolateral diaphragmatic foramina. It most

commonly occurs on the left side. A hernia through the foramen of Morgagni is
located anteromedially, between the costal and sternal origins of the diaphragm.
Other forms of congenital hernia include a deficiency of the central tendon, or a
large oesophageal hiatus.

Station 28
28.1 T12–L3
28.2 A  Minor calyx of the left kidney
Major calyx of the left kidney
Left renal pelvis
28.3 D  The right ureter. The three narrowest parts of the ureter are (i) the pelviureteric
junction, (ii) where the ureter crosses the pelvic brim and (iii) the vesicoureteric
28.4 Like most long tubes the ureter has a segmental blood supply from vessels that it
passes close to: the aorta, the renal artery, the testicular/ovarian artery, the internal
iliac artery and the inferior vesical vessels.
28.5 The renal vein is anterior to the renal artery, which is anterior to the renal pelvis.
28.6 Yes, this is often cut during open aortic aneurysm repair (remember that the left
renal vein reaches across the aorta to reach the inferior vena cava). This is possible
due to sufficient collateral drainage via the adrenal and inferior phrenic veins.
28.7 Pancreas, kidneys, ureters, adrenals, aorta, para-aortic lymph nodes, lumbar
sympathetic chain ascending/descending colon, the duodenum beyond the first
few centimetres, inferior vena cava, rectum. The spleen is not retroperitoneal, a
common incorrect answer given in the exam!
28.8 The distal part of the pronephros develops in to the mesonephric duct. A
diverticulum of the lower end of the mesonephric duct develops in to the
metanephric duct. Tissue overlying the end of this duct develops in to the kidneys
(metanephros), whilst the duct itself develops in to the collecting tubules, calyces,
pelvis, and ureter.
28.9 The inferior mesenteric artery.

Station 29
29.1 A  The rectum
The pubic symphysis
The bladder
29.2a D  The uterus
80 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

29.2b See Figure 1.19.

Fundus: lies above the entrance of the fallopian tubes.
Body: the part that lies below the fallopian tubes.
Cervix: projects in to the vagina.
Cavity: hollow space within the uterus.
Internal os: communication in to the uterus.
External os: communication in to the vagina.
29.2c The uterine artery (internal iliac artery), and the ovarian artery (abdominal aorta).
29.2d The most common position is anteverted, where the long axis of the uterus is
bent forwards. The uterus is also usually anteflexed (bent forward at the level of
the internal os). It follows that the uterus can also be retroverted and retroflexed.
29.3a E The cavity of the vagina.
29.3b The relations of the vagina are important to know for the purposes of vaginal
examination. Anteriorly lies the bladder, urethra, and symphysis pubis.
Posteriorly lies the Pouch of Douglas (in which fluid and bowel may be felt) and
the rectum. Laterally are the levator ani muscles, pelvic fascia and the ureters. At
the apex of the vagina is the cervix.
29.3c the vagina is supplied by the vaginal, uterine, internal pudendal, and middle
rectal arteries (all branches of the internal iliac artery). It is drained by the vaginal
vein (internal iliac vein).
29.3d the vagina and vaginal cervix are lined by stratified squamous epithelium. The
uterine cervix is lined by tall columnar cells (which secrete the cervical mucus
plug). The uterus is lined by cuboidal ciliated cells forming tubular glands.

Fundus Fallopian
Cavity of uterus tube

Isthmus Ampulla

Fimbriae Infundibulum

Uterine wall Internal os

Cavity of cervix

External os Fornix

Figure 1.19  The uterus.

Answers 81

29.4 See Figure 1.19. The infundibulum is the most lateral part and opens in to the
peritoneal cavity via the ostium. This joins the wide ampulla, becoming the narrow
isthmus before piercing the uterine wall.
29.5 These are two glands located in the labium magus. They secrete mucus to provide
vaginal lubrication. They can become obstructed, forming Bartholin’s cysts, which
are prone to infection.
29.6 The broad ligaments are folds of peritoneum that connect the lateral sides of the
uterus to the pelvic sidewalls. The fallopian tubes lie in the free edge of the broad
ligaments and open into the cornu of the uterus. The ligaments also carry the ovary
(attached by the mesovarium to the posterior aspect of the uterus), the round
ligament, the ovarian ligament, the uterine vessels and their branches, lymphatics
and nerves.
29.7 The round ligaments maintain anteversion of the uterus during pregnancy. They
are attached to the uterine horns (where the uterus and the fallopian tubes meet)
and travel in the anterior layer of the broad ligament to leave the pelvis via the
internal inguinal ring. They then pass through the inguinal canal to attach to the
labium majora.
29.8 The cardinal (or cervical) ligaments pass laterally from the cervix and upper vagina
to the sidewalls of the pelvis. The uterosacral ligaments pass backwards from
the posterolateral cervix and from the lateral vaginal fornices to attach to the
periosteum in front of the sacroiliac joints and the lateral part of the sacrum. The
pubocervical fascia extends from the cardinal ligament to the pubis, either side of
the bladder (acting as a sling).

Station 30
30.1 A  Right psoas major muscle
Right external iliac artery
Left iliacus muscle
Left ureter
Superior hypogastric plexus
Left internal iliac artery
Left external iliac vein
Left common femoral artery
30.2 The anterior vertex is the pubic symphysis and the two other vertices are the
ischiopubic rami of the pelvic bone. Its contents in males are the penis and
scrotum. In females, the triangle contains the external genitalia, the urethra, and
the vagina (Figure 1.11).
30.3 The bladder is supplied by the superior and inferior vesical arteries (internal iliac
artery). It drains to the vesical venous plexus (iliac vein).
82 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

30.4 The bladder is innervated by sympathetic and parasympathetic fibres. The

sympathetic fibres originate at L1–2. These fibres inhibit contraction of the
detrusor and stimulate tonic contraction of the internal urethral sphincter. The
parasympathetic preganglionic fibres originate at S2–4 as the pelvic splanchnic
nerves, and synapse with postganglionic neurones in the bladder wall. Most
of the afferent impulses (initiated by stretch) travel through these fibres. The
parasympathetic fibres stimulate contraction of the detrusor and inhibit the internal
urethral sphincter. In the continent individual there are fibres originating in the
cerebral cortex that inhibit the micturition reflex until it is required.
30.5 A mnemonic for the layers of scrotum is: Some Damn Englishman Called It Testes:
Skin, Dartos, External spermatic fascia, Cremaster, Internal spermatic fascia, Tunica
vaginalis, Testis.
30.6 The lymph drainage of the testis and epididymis is via the spermatic cord and
ends at the para-aortic lymph nodes at L1. The scrotum, in contrast, drains to the
superficial inguinal lymph nodes.
30.7 The testicular arteries both branch off from the aorta at L2, they then travel in the
inguinal canal to reach the testes. Note that it is the left testicular vein not artery
that drains in to the left renal vein, whereas the right joins the inferior vena cava.
30.8 The male urethra is approximately 20 cm long. The prostatic urethra is the area
surrounded by prostate. It is about 3 cm and has a central elevated area called the
urethral crest, with a depressed area either side termed the prostatic sinuses (into
which prostatic ducts empty). The crest has a short tract – the verumontanum –
into which opens the prostatic utricle. The ejaculatory ducts open either side of the
utricle. The membranous urethra is about 2 cm and traverses the external sphincter
urethrae and perineal membrane. The spongy urethra is the area within the corpus
spongiosum of the penis.
30.9 Ejaculation is a sympathetic process, whereas erection is parasympathetic. A useful
mnemonic is Point = Parasympathetic, Shoot = Sympathetic.
30.10 Transitional cell epithelium.

Station 31
31.1 A Piriformis
Coccygeus and sacrospinous ligament
Obturator internus
Internal pudendal artery
Left common iliac
L5 vertebral body
Obturator nerve
Anterior trunk of internal iliac
External iliac artery
Answers 83

31.2 The piriformis (A) originates from the anterior surface of the lateral mass of the
sacrum. Its tendon traverses the greater sciatic foramen to insert in to the upper
border of the greater trochanter. It is innervated by the nerve to the piriformis
(L5–S2) and is an external rotator of the hip.
31.3 The obturator internus (C) originates from the inner surface of the anterolateral
wall of the pelvis and the obturator membrane. It inserts in to the greater
trochanter. The muscle is innervated by the nerve to obturator internus
(sacral plexus), and is a lateral rotator of the femur.
31.4 L1–L4.
31.5 All of the branches of the lumbar plexus arise from the lateral border of the psoas
(iliohypogastric nerve, ilioinguinal nerve, lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh,
femoral nerve) except for the genitofemoral nerve (anterior aspect), and obturator
nerve (medial border).
31.6 L2–L4.
31.7 L4–S4.
31.8 The lumbar sympathetic chain is a continuation of the thoracic chain as it passes
under the medial arcuate ligament of the diaphragm and travels on the lumbar
vertebral bodies. On the left, it runs posterolateral to the aorta, on the right
underneath the inferior vena cava. They converge on the coccyx at a structure
known as the ganglion impar.
31.9 Lumbar sympathectomy is performed for patients with non-reconstructible arterial
disease or vasospastic conditions of the lower limbs. It involves excision of a
variable number of the L1–L2 ganglia to denervate the sympathetic supply to the
leg and hence increase its blood supply.
31.10 The vagus nerve is the main parasympathetic nerve of the abdominal organs. It
supplies the gastrointestinal tract as far as the proximal transverse colon. There
is also parasympathetic supply from S2–S4 in the form of the pelvic splanchnic
nerves. These supply the distal transverse colon as well as the rectum, internal
anal sphincter, bladder wall, internal vesicle sphincter, penis and clitoris.

Station 32
32.1 The image displays a barium meal.
32.2 A  Lesser curve
Greater curve
84 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

32.3 E  Stomach rugae. These are longitudinal folds in the mucous membrane of the
stomach that flatten out when the stomach distends.
32.4 All of the arteries that supply the stomach are derived from the coeliac axis
(Figure 1.12). The left gastric is the only direct branch of the axis, and passes
upwards and to the left to reach the oesophagus (which it also supplies) before
descending along the lesser curvature. The right gastric arises from the common
hepatic artery and runs up the lesser curvature. The short gastric arises from the
splenic artery at the hilum of the spleen and travels in the gastrosplenic ligament
to supply the upper greater curvature. The left gastroepiploic also originates
from the splenic artery and travels in the greater omentum to supply the greater
curvature. The right gastroepiploic is a branch of the gastroduodenal artery (which
in turn comes off the hepatic artery). It supplies the inferior greater curvature.
32.5 Sympathetic fibres arise from the coeliac plexus. They carry afferent pain fibres,
cause reduction in secretory and motor function, and cause constriction of the
pylorus. The parasympathetic fibres arise from the vagus nerves. Parasympathetic
fibres are secretomotor to the stomach and cause relaxation of the pylorus. The
left vagus nerve forms the anterior vagal trunk and enters the abdomen on the
anterior surface of the oesophagus. It gives off branches to the anterior stomach
wall, the liver, and the pylorus of the stomach. The posterior vagal trunk enters the
abdomen on the posterior surface of the oesophagus and supplies the posterior
wall of the stomach. The posterior trunk also gives off branches to the coeliac and
superior mesenteric plexuses to supply the pancreas and the colon as far as the
splenic flexure.
32.6 Highly selective vagotomy is division of those branches of the anterior and
posterior vagus nerves that supply the acid-secreting body of the stomach. The
nerve of Latarjet is preserved, maintaining function of the pyloric antrum.
32.7 The anterior relations of the stomach are: the anterior abdominal wall, the left
costal margin, the left pleura and lung, the diaphragm, and the left lobe of the
liver. The posterior relations are: the lesser sac, the spleen and splenic artery, the
pancreas, the left suprarenal gland, the left kidney, and transverse colon and
32.8 The junction of pylorus of the stomach from the duodenum is marked by an
external constriction and the constant vein of Mayo.
32.9 The cardiac sphincter is a physiological rather than anatomical sphincter. Tonic
constriction of the circular layer of smooth muscle at this level prevents gastric
contents from regurgitating upwards. It relaxes ahead of peristaltic waves caused
by the swallowing of food. There are mucosal folds at the junction which act as
valves, and the right crus of the diaphragm also exerts external pressure.
32.10 The lymph drainage follows the arterial supply. The superior two-thirds of the
stomach drain along the left and right gastric vessels. The right greater curvature
of the stomach drains along the right gastroepiploic arteries to the subpyloric
nodes. The left part of the greater curve drains alongside the short gastric and
splenic vessels to the suprapancreatic nodes. All lymph eventually passes to the
coeliac nodes.
Answers 85

Station 33
33.1 See Figure 1.20 demonstrating the vessels within the splenic hilum.
Portal vein origin (confluence of the splenic and superior mesenteric veins)
Splenic vein
Origin of the coeliac axis
Splenic artery
Note how the density of the splenic artery mimics that of the aorta in an arterial
phase scan. This knowledge helps you identify that the vessel here labeled ‘E’ is an
artery and not a vein.
33.2 The Epstein–Barr virus causes glandular fever and is associated with splenomegaly.
33.3 The diaphragm ensures that the spleen enlarges downwards, but the left colic
flexure and phrenicocolic ligament direct the spleen medially. The notched anterior
border of the spleen is palpable as it projects below the costal margin.
33.4 Posteriorly: the diaphragm (behind which is the pleura, left lung and 9–11th ribs).
Anteriorly: the stomach, the tail of the pancreas.
Inferiorly: the splenic flexure of colon.
Medially: the left kidney.
33.5 The spleen is intraperitoneal (and hence mobile).
33.6 Splenorenal (or lienorenal), gastrosplenic, splenocolic, and splenophrenic
ligaments (or we also accept: ‘all of them’).
33.7 The splenic artery originates from the coeliac axis (see Figure 1.12). It runs a
tortuous course along the upper border of the pancreas giving off multiple

Figure 1.20  The


Notch on
anterior border

Splenic vessels
(within splenorenal
86 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

branches to the pancreas (the largest of which is the arteria pancreatica magna),
the short gastric artery, the left gastroepiploic artery, and the posterior gastric
33.8 In the foetus the spleen has haematopoietic properties up until the 5th month of
gestation. In the adult it has immune functions (via humoral and cell-mediated
pathways) and filters red blood cells.
33.9 The spleen develops as multiple thickenings of mesenchyme in the dorsal
mesentery. In most people these masses fuse, although approximately 10% of
people have more than one spleen.
33.10 The medulla of the adrenal gland receives preganglionic sympathetic fibres from
the greater splanchnic nerve. It can be considered a specialised sympathetic
ganglion, except that it releases its adrenergic secretions directly into the
bloodstream. The cortex is regulated by hormones from the pituitary and
hypothalamus, well as the renin–angiotensin system.
33.11 The adrenal glands have an outer yellow cortex, and a dark brown inner medulla.
The medulla secretes adrenaline and noradrenaline in response to sympathetic
stimulation. The cortex produces corticosteroid hormones and is further divided
in to a zona glomerulosa (producing mineralocorticoids), zona fasciculata
(producing cortisol), and zona reticularis (producing androgens).

Station 34
34.1 A  Common hepatic artery
Common hepatic duct
Portal vein
Inferior vena cava
Tail of the pancreas
34.2 The liver has a connective tissue layer, Glisson’s capsule, which covers its surface
and invests its blood vessels. Bleeding from the liver can be contained within this
capsule, although this may rupture and blood can leak in to the peritoneal cavity.
34.3 The gross liver can be divided into left and right segments by the attachments of
the falciform ligament, ligamentum teres, and ligamentum venosum. However, it is
functionally divided by a plane that passes through the gallbladder and the inferior
vena cava fossae. These functional lobes have separate blood supply and biliary
drainage, and can thus be resected separately. In the Couinaud or ‘French’ system,
these functional lobes are divided into a total of eight sub-segments.
34.4 The liver receives parasympathetic and sympathetic supply from the coeliac plexus.
The anterior vagal trunk also gives off a branch to the liver.
34.5 The falciform ligament is a two-layered fold of peritoneum that contains the
ligamentum teres (the remnant of the umbilical vein, see Figure 1.16). It attaches
the umbilicus to the anterior surface of the liver before splitting in to two layers on
Answers 87

its posterior surface. The right layer forms the upper coronary ligament and the left
the upper triangular ligament.
34.6 The ligamentum venosum is the remnant of the foetal ductus venosus, which
shunts blood from the umbilical vein to the inferior vena cava. It adheres to the left
branch of the portal vein and travels in a fissure on the visceral surface of the liver
to attach superiorly to the inferior vena cava.
34.7 The bile duct lies anterior and to the right, the hepatic artery lies anterior and to
the left, and the portal vein lies posteriorly.

Station 35
35.1 A  Wing of the ileum
Iliopectineal line (with the ischial spine behind it)
Ala of sacrum
Superior pubic ramus
35.2 C  Obturator foramen. The obturator nerve and vessels pass through this space.
35.3 The sacroiliac joint is a synovial plane joint.
35.4 The sacrococcygeal joint is a secondary cartilaginous joint.
35.5 The pelvic inlet (or brim) is bounded anteriorly by the symphysis pubis, laterally by
the iliopectineal lines, and posteriorly by the sacral promontory.
35.6 The false pelvis is a space within the abdomen bounded posteriorly by the lumbar
vertebrae, laterally by the iliac fossae and iliacus muscles, inferiorly by the pelvic
inlet, and anteriorly by the anterior abdominal wall.
35.7 The pudendal (Alcock’s) canal is a fascial space in the lateral wall of the ischioanal
fossa containing the pudendal nerve and internal pudendal vessels.
35.8 Medial is the ischioanal fossa, and laterally are the obturator internus and ischial
35.9 The superior hypogastric plexus is a continuation of the aortic plexus with
contributions from the third and fourth lumbar sympathetic ganglia. It lies on the
promontory of the sacrum and may be damaged during operations in the pelvis,
e.g. open aortic aneurysm repair. Injury results in erectile dysfunction in males and
bladder dysfunction in females.
35.10 The pudendal nerve is a branch of the sacral plexus. It leaves the pelvis via the
greater sciatic foramen, and enters the perineum through the lesser sciatic
foramen. Its branches are:
• inferior rectal nerve: supplies the external anal sphincter, the mucous
membrane of the lower half of the anal canal, and the perianal skin.
• dorsal nerve of the penis/clitoris
88 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

• perineal nerve: has a superficial branch that supplies the skin of the posterior
scrotum/labia majora, and a deep branch supplying the muscles of the
urogenital triangle.

Station 36
36.1 See Figure 1.21.
Corpora cavernosa of the penis
Corporum spongiosum of the penis
Right testis
36.2 The seminiferous tubules are located in the lobules of the testis. Each testis has
200–300 lobules and each lobule contains one to three coiled tubules. The tubules
drain in to a plexus termed the rete testis, and thence in to efferent ductules. This
pierces the tunica albuginea at the upper testis and passes into the head of the
epididymis. The efferent ductules coalesce upon a single much coiled tube, which
forms the body and tail of the epididymis. This is a 6 metre long tube that allows
for storage and maturation of spermatozoa. The tube continues from the tail as
the vas deferens, which travels through the inguinal canal in the spermatic cord. It
emerges from the deep inguinal ring and then travels downwards and backwards
on the lateral wall of the pelvis (intersecting the ureter at the ischial spine), before
running medially and downwards on the posterior bladder. The final part of the vas
forms an ampulla before combining with the duct of the seminal vesicle to form
the ejaculatory duct. The two ejaculatory ducts pierce the posterior surface of the
prostate to open in to the prostatic urethra either side of the prostatic utricle.
36.3 The testis and epididymis are supplied by the testicular arteries, which come off
the aorta at L2 and pass through the inguinal canal. The venous drainage is the
testicular veins, via the pampiniform plexus. The right vein drains in to the inferior
vena cava, and the left to the left renal vein.

Figure 1.21  The testis.

Vas deferens


Rete testis Body


Seminiferous tubules
Answers 89

36.4 The Sertoli cells form the epithelium of the seminiferous tubules. Their function is
to nurture developing sperm cells through spermatogenesis. The cell is activated
by follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and in turn secretes a number of hormones
and proteins. Leydig cells are interstitial cells that produce androgens in response
to luteinizing hormone (LH).
36.5 The testes develop on the posterior abdominal wall and descend during the latter
stages of pregnancy, explaining the distant origin of their vascular and nervous
supply. If descent is incomplete they may be found at any point along this path: the
abdomen, the inguinal canal, superficial ring, or high in the scrotum.
36.6 A varicocele is a dilatation of the pampiniform plexus. The majority of varicoceles
occur on the left side and this is probably due to the testicular vein on the left side
entering the left renal vein rather than the inferior vena cava.
36.7 A hydrocele is fluid within the tunica vaginalis, and may be associated with a patent
processus vaginalis. The processus vaginalis is an embryological outpouching of
peritoneum in to the scrotum, and surrounds the front and sides of the testis. The
processus normally closes soon after birth. A persistent patent processus vaginalis
allows for fluid and peritoneal contents to travel in to the scrotum. Persistency is
more common on the right side. Hydroceles can also be caused by inflammation of
the testis without communication to the peritoneal cavity.
36.8 Both the testis and epididymis have appendages. The former is derived from the
paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts, and the latter from the mesonephric tubules.
The testicular appendage is called the hydatid of Morgagni, and is present in most
individuals. As these appendages exist on stalked bodies, they may both undergo
torsion. This, in itself, is not a problem, but the clinical presentation may mimic
torsion of the testes. Clinically a ‘blue dot’ is visible through the scrotal skin.
36.9 Fournier’s gangrene is a necrotising infection of the perineum and associated
structures. The condition is associated with diabetes and immunosuppression, and
a mixture of both aerobic and anaerobic organisms is usually responsible. It can be
rapidly spreading and requires urgent admission, antibiotics and debridement.

Station 37
37.1 A Bladder
Pubic symphysis
37.2 BPH stands for benign prostatic hyperplasia (not hypertrophy). Hyperplasia is the
abnormal but benign proliferation of cells of the same type. It is often a response
to a specific external stimulus. Hypertrophy, in contrast, is a benign increase in the
size of the cells.
90 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

37.3 The transition zone is affected in benign prostatic hyperplasia, compressing the
surrounding peripheral zone. The zones of the prostate are outlined in Table 1.9.
37.4 Prostate carcinoma usually occurs in the peripheral zone.
37.5 The prostate is supplied by prostatic branches of the inferior vesical arteries (both
ultimately originating from the internal iliac artery).
37.6 Cancer can spread via the prostatic venous drainage. The veins of the prostate form
a venous plexus in front of the vertebral bodies, outside of the prostatic capsule,
before draining in to the internal iliac veins. There are connections between the
prostatic venous plexus and the vertebral veins. The veins in the plexus do not have
valves, and therefore during periods of raised abdominal pressure (e.g. coughing
or straining) the direction of flow may be directed in to the vertebrals, allowing
seeding to the vertebral bodies.
37.7 The seminal colliculus or verumontanum is an elevation of the posterior wall of
the prostatic urethra in the middle of the urethral crest. At its margins open the
prostatic utricle and the ejaculatory and prostatic ducts. During transurethral
resection of the prostate the surgeon works above this level to avoid damage to
the urethral sphincter.
37.8 The prostatic utricle is a blind ending pouch on the posterior wall of the prostatic
urethra at the apex of the urethral crest, on the seminal colliculus (verumontanum).
It is derived from the paramesonephric (Müllerian) duct, which in the female
becomes the fallopian tubes, uterus and upper vagina.
37.9 The body of the penis comprises two dorsal corpora cavernosa and a ventral
corpus spongiosum. The corpus spongiosum expands distally to form the glans
penis. The penis is enclosed in Buck’s fascia and has a foreskin that is connected to
the glans penis by the frenulum. The urethra travels within the corpus spongiosum.
37.10 The arterial supply is the internal pudendal artery (internal iliac). The corpus
spongiosum is supplied by the artery of the bulb, the corpora cavernosa are

Table 1.9  The zones of the prostate

Central Wedge shaped region that surrounds < 5% of prostatic cancer
the ejaculatory ducts (extends from
bladder base to the veru)

Peripheral Posterolateral part of the prostate, 70% of prostatic cancer

surrounding the central zone

Transition Surrounds the prostatic urethra 20% of prostatic cancer

proximal to the veru
Benign prostatic hyperplasia
arises here

Anterior Anterior region composed of fibrous Not affected by cancer

fibromuscular and muscular tissue
zone (or stroma)
Answers 91

supplied by the deep arteries of the penis, and the sheath of the corpora
cavernosa are supplied by the dorsal artery of the penis. The veins of the penis
drain to the internal pudendal vein.

Station 38
38.1 A  Right ureter
Levator ani
38.2 The ovary is supplied by the ovarian artery, which branches from the abdominal
aorta at L1. The corresponding veins drain in to the inferior vena cava on the
right, and the left renal vein on the left. This is identical to the blood supply of the
38.3 The lymph drainage follows the arterial supply into paraaortic nodes at the L1
38.4 The neurovascular and lymphatic structures travel via the suspensory ligament
(also known as the infundibulopelvic ligament) of the ovary and thence through
the mesovarium, to enter the hilum of the ovary.
38.5 The ovary is attached to the following ligaments:
• the mesovarium: attaches the ovary to the broad ligament of the uterus
• the round ligament of the ovary: connects the ovary to the lateral margin of the
• the suspensory ligament of the ovary: connects the mesovarium to the lateral
wall of the pelvis.
38.6 The ovary (and testis) is surrounded by the tunica albuginea.
38.7 Ca125.

Station 39
39.1 A  Left ureter
Psoas major
Superior hypogastric plexus
Left hypogastric nerve
39.2 The lumbar plexus is formed in the psoas muscle from the anterior rami of L1–L4.
39.3 The genitofemoral nerve (L1, L2) supplies the cremaster muscle of the scrotum
and scrotal skin (genital branch) and the skin of the anterior thigh (femoral branch)
(Table 1.10).
92 Chapter 1  Thorax and trunk

Table 1.10  The nerves of the lumbar plexus

Nerve Motor supply Sensory supply
Iliohypogastric External oblique Lower abdominal wall
(T12–L1) Buttock
Internal oblique
Transversus abdominis

Ilioinguinal (L1) External oblique Upper medial thigh

Internal oblique Root of penis and
Transversus abdominis
Mons pubis
Labia majora

Genitofemoral (L1–L2) Cremaster muscle Anterior thigh

Lateral cutaneous nerve None Anterior and lateral thigh

of the thigh (L2–L3)

Obturator (L2–L4) Obturator externus Medial thigh

Gracilis, adductor brevis
Adductor longus
Adductor magnus (adductor part)

Femoral (L2–L4) Iliacus, sartorius Anterior thigh

Pectineus Medial leg and foot
(saphenous branch)
Quadriceps femoris

Muscular branches Psoas None

Quadratus lumborum

39.4 The ilioinguinal nerve supplies the external oblique, the internal oblique,
transversus abdominis, the skin of the upper medial thigh, the base of the penis
and scrotum, the mons pubis and the labia majora.
39.5 The cremasteric reflex can be elicited by lightly stroking the medial thigh. The
afferent limb of the reflex is the femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve. This
causes contraction of the cremaster via the efferent limb, which is the genital
branch of the genitofemoral nerve. The function of the cremasteric reflex is to raise
the testis for warmth and protection. It may be absent in testicular torsion.
39.6 The sympathetic trunk enters the abdomen behind the medial arcuate ligament.
Chapter 2
Limbs and spine

Syllabus topics
The following topics are listed within the Intercollegiate MRCS Examination syllabus
for limbs and spine anatomy. Tick them off as you revise these topics to ensure you
have covered the syllabus.

Upper limb Lower limb

 Pectoral girdle  Gluteal region
 Breast  Thigh, front, medial side, back
 Axilla  Femoral triangle
 Brachial plexus  Femoral sheath and canal
 Scapular region  Femoral hernia
 Cubital fossa  Adductor canal
 Muscles of the arm and forearm  Popliteal fossa
 Carpal tunnel  Leg, compartments
 Shoulder joint  Hip joint
 Elbow joint  Knee joint
 Radio-ulnar joints  Ankle joint
 Wrist joint  Foot, arches
 Hand joints  Foot joints
 Thumb movements
 Arteries and pulses (surface and
imaging anatomy)  Vertebral column
 Nerves: axillary, radial,  Vertebral canal
musculocutaneous, ulnar and
 Arteriography
 Venography
 Dermatomes & tendon reflexes
 Superficial veins and lymphatics
94 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Station 1
A 31-year-old lactating woman presents with a hard, painful, erythematous lump in
the right breast. A diagnosis of breast abscess is made and arrangements are made for
a percutaneous drainage to be performed.
This photograph demonstrates the anterior aspect of the female chest:


1.1 In which dermatome is the region indicated by A located?

1.2 Other than lactiferous ducts, what other secretory glands are found in area B?
1.3 What embryological structures does the breast develop from?
1.4 Where is milk produced? What does it travel through to leave the breast?
1.5 How does the structure of the breast alter during pregnancy?
1.6 Why does skin dimpling occur with malignant infiltration of the breast?
1.7 What is meant by the terms simple and radical mastectomy?
1.8 Define the boundaries of the quadrangular space and name the structures that
traverse it.
1.9 Define the boundaries of the triangular space and name the structures that
traverse it.

Station 2
A 32-year-old woman presents to the breast clinic with a mobile, painless lump in the
upper, outer quadrant of the left breast. A mammogram is undertaken.
On the following page the projection labelled (a) is lateral-oblique and the projection
labelled (b) is cranio-caudal.
Stations 95

a b

2.1 Describe the surface anatomy of the adult female breast in relation to the thoracic
2.2 Identify the structures labelled A to E.
2.3 What is the blood supply to the breast?
2.4 What is the lymphatic drainage of the breast? Classify the groups of lymph nodes
within the axilla.
2.5 What is the surgical relevance of the lymphatic drainage of the breast?
2.6 What are the boundaries of the axilla?
2.7 What structures are contained within the axilla?
2.8 In which quadrant of the breast are malignancies most commonly found?

Station 3
A 19-year-old workman accidentally drops and breaks a plate of glass while fitting a
window. A shard of glass is impaled in his right forearm.
Images (a) and (b) on the following page show the anterior aspect of the right arm.
3.1 In which dermatomes are the points labelled A, B and C located?
3.2 Which cutaneous nerves supply regions labelled A, B, C?
3.3 Name the prominent muscle that accounts for the bulge at D that originates from
the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus and inserts onto the radial styloid
process? What is its motor innervation?
96 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

3 C
2 E

a b

3.4 Which vein is commonly cannulated at position E?

3.5 Which muscles cause supination of the forearm?
3.6 Classify the compartments of the forearm.
3.7 List the muscles that belong to the superficial group in the flexor compartment of
the forearm.
3.8 Identify the tendons labelled 1, 2 and 3.

Station 4
A 76-year-old woman presents to the outpatients clinic with a cold, pale left hand. She
has absent arterial pulses and monophasic Doppler signals in the left brachial and
radial arteries. You request an angiogram.
The image on the following page is a normal arteriogram of the left upper limb.
4.1 Identify the arteries labelled A to D.
4.2 What is the origin of the artery labelled A?
4.3 Is the artery labelled A medial or lateral to its corresponding vein?
4.4 Name the branches of the artery labelled A.
4.5 Name the branches of the artery labelled D.
4.6 Describe the blood supply to the structure labelled E.
4.7 What are the branches of the artery labelled C?
Stations 97



Station 5
A 22-year-old woman falls off her horse and extends her hand to break her fall. She
feels a sudden and severe pain in the shoulder region. On clinical examination of the
patient in the emergency department, there is an obvious deformity in the clavicular
region and bony fragments can be palpated.
This is the clavicle viewed from below (demonstrating normal anatomy):

A 4 C



5.1 To which side of the body does this bone belong?

5.2 What are the functions of the clavicle?
5.3 With which bone does the medial end of the clavicle articulate?
5.4 Identify the parts labelled A to D.
5.5 Which muscles attach to the areas labelled 1 to 4?
5.6 Which part of the bone is most likely to fracture when the clavicle is subjected to
an indirect stress of sufficient force?
98 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

5.7 What structures are at risk in clavicular fractures at this point?

5.8 What type of joint is the sternoclavicular joint?
5.9 Which ligaments stabilise the sternoclavicular joint?
5.10 What muscle separates the clavicle from the subclavian vessels and brachial
5.11 What is the normal range for passive shoulder flexion and extension?
5.12 What is the normal range for passive elbow flexion and extension?

Station 6
A 50-year-old patient requires cannulation of the cubital vein. The colleague who
carried it out calls you soon after. He is concerned that he may have inadvertently
cannulated an artery instead of a vein.
This is a dissection of the left cubital fossa:



6.1 Identify the structures labelled A to H.

6.2 What are the origin, insertion, action and innervation of muscle G?
6.3 What are the boundaries of the cubital fossa?
6.4 What layer protects the brachial artery when blood is drawn from the median
cubital vein?
6.5 What is the annular ligament?
Stations 99

6.6 What are the humeral attachments of the common flexor and extensor tendons of
the forearm?
6.7 What is the function of the anconeus muscle?
6.8 Is the ulnar nerve medial or lateral to the ulnar artery at the wrist?
6.9 At the wrist which tendon lies lateral (radial) to the median nerve?

Station 7
A 69-year-old man with multiple myeloma is discovered to have a pathological fracture
of the shaft of humerus. It is decided that he is to undergo internal fixation of the
This image shows the anterior aspect of the normal humerus:


C 1



7.1 To which side of the body does this bone belong?

7.2 Which of the two lines (H1 or H2) denotes the surgical neck of the humerus?
7.3 Identify the parts labelled A–H.
100 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

7.4 What tendons attach to the region labelled B?

7.5 What tendons attach to the region labelled D?
7.6 What group of tendons attach to the region labelled G?
7.7 What are the origins and what is the insertion of the triceps brachii muscle?
7.8 Which nerves are particularly vulnerable in fractures at levels indicated by
1, 2 and 3?
7.9 In a subject with an anterior shoulder dislocation what is the most laterally
situated palpable bony prominence in the shoulder region?
7.10 Describe the muscles involved in abducting the arm above your head.
7.11 What bony structures are commonly fractured in association with elbow

Station 8
A 63-year-old female patient on haemodialysis presents with pain and generalised
swelling of the left arm, following the creation of an arteriovenous (brachiocephalic)
fistula. Obstruction of the deep veins impeding venous return is suspected. As the
resident in charge of the patient you wish to refresh your knowledge of upper limb
vascular anatomy
The following image is a contrast study of a normal left upper limb:


8.1 What is the name of the investigation above?

8.2 Identify the structures labelled A to D.
8.3 Where does the structure labelled D originate?
8.4 What are the tributaries of the structure labelled D?
8.5 Which other structure (not demonstrated on this investigation) joins structure C to
form the structure labelled B?
Stations 101

8.6 In the axilla what runs more superficially: the axillary artery or the axillary vein?
8.7 Describe the courses of the basilic and cephalic veins.
8.8 Describe the deep veins that drain the hand.

Station 9
A 55-year-old man falls over whilst intoxicated and presents to the emergency
department with a severely painful right shoulder that he is unable to move. He is
seen to be supporting the painful limb with the other hand. A diagnosis of shoulder
dislocation is made on clinical examination.
A plain anteroposterior radiograph of the right shoulder is taken after reduction of the

9.1 What type of joint is the shoulder joint?

9.2 Identify the part labelled A. What muscles/tendons insert here?
9.3 Which muscles/tendons attach to the part labelled B?
9.4 What is the name given to the part labelled C?
9.5 What structures stabilise the shoulder joint?
9.6 What is the most common type of shoulder dislocation, and what structures may
be damaged during such an injury?
102 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

9.7 Name the two bursae surrounding this joint.

9.8 Define the terms Bankart’s lesion and Hill–Sachs’ lesion.
9.9 Classify the compartments of the arm.
9.10 What major nerves, arteries and muscles run in the posterior compartment of the

Station 10
A 30-year-old postman falls off his bike and lands on his right hand. One week after
the injury he is still experiencing pain in the wrist and he attends the emergency
This is the dorsum of the right hand:


10.1 What is the name given to the orange shaded region?

10.2 What is the most likely structure to have been injured if a patient complains of
pain on palpation within this region?
10.3 What other structure is contained within this anatomical space?
10.4 Name the tendons labelled A, B and C that form the boundaries of this space?
10.5 Which peripheral nerve is responsible for sensation within the green shaded area
on the back of the hand?
10.6 Describe the course of the radial nerve.
10.7 Which muscles does the radial nerve innervate?
10.8 What is the result of radial nerve damage:
10.8a Within the axilla?
10.8b At the level of the mid humerus?
10.8c At the wrist?
Stations 103

10.9 In which dermatome is the region of skin labelled D?

10.10 Which nerve innervates the skin over the region D?

Station 11
A 29-year-old woman falls onto her left shoulder whilst ice-skating. On clinical
examination there is bruising and tenderness over the upper, outer aspect of the
shoulder region.
Image (a) demonstrates the surface anatomical features of the left shoulder in a
normal subject:

11.1 Identify the muscle indicated by the arrows labelled A.

11.2 What are the attachments and action of this muscle?
11.3 What bony structure is palpable at point B?
11.4 Regarding the joint at point C:
11.4a What is its name?
11.4b What type of joint is this?
11.4c Which ligaments help stabilise this joint?
11.5 Which nerve provides cutaneous innervation to the area labelled X? How is it
commonly damaged?
11.6 Name the muscles innervated by this nerve.
11.7 Which cord of the brachial plexus does this nerve originate from?
104 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

This is an axial prosection of the left shoulder region and upper thorax at the level of
the humeral head, viewed from above:


d a

11.8 Identify the structures labelled A, B, C and E.

11.9 Which muscles form the rotator cuff of the shoulder joint?
11.10 What is the motor innervation of these muscles?
11.11 Identify the muscle labelled D. What is the action of this muscle?

Station 12
A 78-year-old woman falls down a flight of stairs. She is taken to the emergency
department complaining of a swollen painful right wrist. A plain radiograph confirms a
fracture of the distal radius.
This is the anterior aspect of the right radius:



12.1 Identify the parts labelled A, D and E.

12.2 What articulates with the point labelled B?
12.3 What muscle attaches at the region labelled C?
12.4 What is the innervation and action of this muscle?
Stations 105

12.5 What is the origin, insertion and innervation of the supinator muscle?
12.6 What attaches at the part labelled D?
12.7 What structure encircles the part labelled E?
12.8 Describe Galeazzi fracture.
12.9 Describe Monteggia fracture.

Station 13
A 39-year-old presents to the emergency department with a painful swelling to the
right elbow. You suspect bursitis.
This is the lateral aspect of the right ulna:


13.1 Identify the parts labelled A, B, C, D and F.

13.2 Which end of the ulna is conventionally termed the head?
13.3 Where is the coronoid process and what does it articulate with?
13.4 What muscle attaches at the region labelled E?
13.5 What is the innervation and action of the abductor pollicis longus?
13.6 The interosseous membrane joins the radius and ulna. What is the name for this
type of joint?
13.7 Which muscles contribute to:
13.7a elbow flexion?
13.7b elbow extension?
13.8 What is a bursa? What causes bursitis?

Station 14
A 34-year old builder falls from a height of 12 feet on to the pavement. Along with
bilateral rib fractures he is discovered to have a fracture of the scapula neck.
The image on the following page is the dorsal aspect of the scapula (demonstrating
normal anatomy).
106 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine



14.1 To which side of the body does this bone belong?

14.2 Identify the parts labelled A to F.
14.3 What muscles attach to the parts labelled B, F and A?
14.4 At what vertebral level is the inferior angle of the scapula?
14.5 At what vertebral level is the most medial part of the spine?
14.6 Name three muscles that attach to the part labelled C.
14.7 Which muscle/tendon originates from the supraglenoid tubercle?
14.8 Which muscle/tendon originates from the infraglenoid tubercle?
14.9 Which muscles are responsible for flexion and extension of the shoulder?
14.10 Which muscles are responsible for internal and external rotation of the shoulder?

Station 15
A 25-year-old man punches a window whilst drunk and suffers lacerations to the
forearm. He presents to the emergency department and you are called to assess him.
On clinical examination he has weakness of the thumb.
Images (a) and (b) on the following page display movement of the thumb in two
different planes.
15.1 What movement of the thumb is being demonstrated in (a)?
15.2 Which muscles are responsible for this action and what is their innervation?
15.3 Which movements of the thumb are being demonstrated by the red and blue
arrows in (b)?
15.4 Which muscles are responsible for these actions and what are their innervations?
Stations 107

a b

15.5 Which two other movements of the thumb have not been demonstrated?
15.6 How would you classify the joints of the body?
15.7 What type of joint allows the thumb to perform all the movements described?

Image (c) demonstrates a patient trying to straighten his thumb flat against his index
finger but being unable to do so.

15.8 What is this clinical sign called?

15.9 What nerve has been injured. Give three causes of this sign.
108 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

15.10 What other actions would you expect this patient to find difficult?
15.11 Describe the course of the ulnar nerve within the upper limb.
15.12 What do you understand by the term ‘ulnar paradox’?

Station 16
A 67-year-old man is working in his garage with a circular saw when he accidently
slices into the distal interphalangeal joint of the index finger. You review him in the
hand clinic the following day.
This is the left palm (demonstrating normal anatomy):



a B

16.1 Which muscles comprise the thenar eminence, indicated by the arrows
labelled A?
16.2 Which muscles comprise the hypothenar eminence, indicated by the arrows
labelled B?
16.3 Which peripheral nerve supplies sensation to the area labelled C?
16.4 Which peripheral nerve supplies sensation to the area labelled D?
16.5 What is the name of the joint labelled E? Which muscle is responsible for flexion
of this joint?
16.6 What are the names of the joints labelled F and G? Which muscles flex these joints?
16.7 What are the actions of the lumbricals?
16.8 What are the interossei muscles and what is their action?
Stations 109

16.9 Which is encountered closer to the skin: the digital nerve or digital artery?

Station 17
A 27-year-old male snowboarder attends your clinic after falling on the slopes whilst
on holiday the previous week. He remembers falling onto his outstretched right hand
and is complaining of pain between his thumb and index finger.
The radiographs below are in a series known as ‘scaphoid views’. They all demonstrate
normal anatomy:


17.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

17.2 Given the clinical scenario and the fact that an initial plain film did not reveal a
fracture, does this exclude the diagnosis of scaphoid injury.
17.3 Describe the blood supply to the scaphoid bone.
17.4 What may be the clinical consequences of missing a scaphoid fracture?
17.5 Which part of the scaphoid bone is most prone to this complication?
110 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

17.6 Name three other bones within the upper or lower limbs that may also be at risk
of this complication.
17.7 In the absence of trauma, what medical conditions or risk factors should be asked
about in the history when contemplating this diagnosis?

Station 18
A 32-year-old male gardener presents with an acute onset of pain and swelling in his
left little finger. The pain started 1 week previously, shortly after he pricked the tip of
his finger, and there is now erythema and tenderness tracking along the finger into the
Image (a) displays the left palm and (b) the dorsal aspect of left thumb:


a b

18.1 What types of joints are A and B? Which ligaments protect these joints?
18.2 What are the names of the arterial arches that would be found beneath points
labelled C and D?
18.3 What is the medial boundary of the thenar space?
18.4 What is the lateral boundary of the mid-palmer space?
18.5 Why are infections of the little finger and thumb more likely to spread into the
palm than infections in the other fingers?
18.6 What are the cardinal signs of infectious digital flexor tenosynovitis?
18.7 Define the term ‘paronychia’.
Stations 111

18.8 What is the name of the light area on the proximal nail labelled E?
18.9 Define the term ‘felon’. What may be the consequences of neglecting a felon?

Station 19
A 54-year-old female secretary presents to the orthopaedic clinic with numbness and
tingling in the left thumb and index finger, along with weakness of the thumb.
This is an axial MRI of the carpal tunnel of the left wrist (demonstrating normal


19.1 Identify the muscles labelled A and B.

19.2 What are the names given to the tendons labelled C, D, E and F?
19.3 What are the contents of the carpal tunnel?
19.4 To which carpal bones does the flexor retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament)
19.5 Name the structures at risk during carpal tunnel release.
19.6 What is the structure labelled G in the MRI image?
19.7 Is this structure ever involved in carpal tunnel syndrome?
19.8 What is the innervation of the muscles whose tendons reside within the carpal
19.9 Describe Tinel’s test.
19.10 Where is Guyon’s canal and what runs through it?

Station 20 (Specialty)
A 37-year-old male office worker attends the orthopaedic clinic complaining of elbow
pain, from which he has suffered for the previous 2 months. He complains that the
pain is inhibiting his tennis playing.
112 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Image (a) is an anteroposterior radiograph of the left elbow joint (demonstrating

normal anatomy):



20.1 Identify the structures labelled A to I.

20.2 What tendon attaches to the structure labelled D?
20.3 What are the origins of this muscle?
20.4 What muscle attaches to structure labelled H?
20.5 What is the action of this muscle?
20.6 Describe the deformity associated with:
20.6a Colles’ fracture.
20.6b Smith’s fracture.

Image (b) on the following page is an axial view of a prosection through the right elbow
viewed from above.
20.7 Identify the structures labelled A to E.
20.8 What would be the clinical consequences of damage to the ulnar nerve?
20.9 Describe the course of the median nerve.
Stations 113

c B


20.10 What would be the result of an injury to the median nerve at:
20.10a the elbow?
20.10b the wrist?
20.11 What is the origin and what are the names of the branches of the brachial artery?

Station 21
A 16-year-old boy catches a cricket ball at close range and suffers severe pain in the
right metacarpophalangeal joint of his middle finger. A plain film shows a fracture
of the metacarpal head of this finger. You are called to the emergency department to
assess the patient.
The image below is the volar aspect of an articulated right hand (demonstrating
normal anatomy):

Medial Lateral


114 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

21.1 Identify the bones labelled A to D.

21.2 What type of bone is the pisiform bone?
21.3 Which structures attach to the pisiform bone?
21.4 Which carpal bones articulate with the radius?
21.5 Define Bennett’s fracture.
21.6 Where do the tendons of flexor digitorum profundus and flexor digitorum
superficialis insert?
21.7 Where does flexor pollicis longus originate and insert?
21.8 What is ‘mallet finger’? How is this treated?
21.9 What is ‘trigger finger’? How is this treated?
21.10 What is the function of the cruciform and annular pulleys of the hand?

Station 22
A 22-year-old man is attacked by a dog and suffers lacerations to the dorsum of his
left hand. On exploration of his wound in theatre he is found to have several damaged
tendons. Your registrar is assisting you in theatre whilst you perform the tendon
This is a dissection of the dorsal aspect of the left hand (demonstrating normal

Stations 115

22.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

22.2 Which nerves supply the muscles attached to the tendons labelled B?
22.3 Where is the origin and insertion of the extensor digitorum communis muscle?
22.4 Why is it difficult to fully extend the ring finger alone at the metacarpophalangeal
22.5 What is the origin and insertion of the extensor carpi ulnaris muscle?
22.6 What is the origin and insertion of the extensor carpi radialis longus muscle?
22.7 What is the structure labelled C attached to?
22.8 What is ‘de Quervain’s tenosynovitis’?
22.9 What is ‘Volkmann’s contracture’ of the hand?

Station 23
A 32-year-old man spins out of control on a wet road whilst on a motorbike and
collides with the roadside barriers. The emergency personnel note, as they extract him,
that he is bleeding from a deep laceration to the left hand. You are asked to assess him.
This is a dissection of the palmer aspect of the left hand (demonstrating normal


c g

116 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

23.1 Identify the structures labelled A to H.

23.2 What is the origin of the anterior and posterior interosseous nerves?
23.3 Which muscles do they innervate?
23.4 What are the origins of the anterior and posterior interosseous arteries?
23.5 Which forearm flexor is commonly used as a graft for tendon transfers?
23.6 What is the name of the terminal branches of the radial and ulnar arteries?
23.7 Describe Allen’s test.

Station 24
A 20-year-old man is involved in an accident whilst riding his motorbike and lands
on his right shoulder. In hospital it is noted that his arm is internally rotated with the
forearm pronated. On performing a neurological examination of the limbs you note
numbness of the lateral aspect of the arm and forearm.
This is a dissection of the right brachial plexus (demonstrating normal anatomy):



24.1 Identify the muscle labelled A, and the nerves labelled B to F.

24.2 Which muscles does the nerve labelled D supply?
24.3 What are the root values for the radial, median, musculocutaneous and axillary
24.4 What are the branches of the posterior cord of the brachial plexus?
24.5 Where do the roots, trunks, divisions and cords of the brachial plexus lie?
24.6 What would be the clinical consequences of an upper trunk brachial plexus
Stations 117

24.7 What would be the clinical consequences of a lower brachial plexus lesion?
24.8 Which muscle does the long thoracic nerve supply and how would you test for a
deficit of this nerve?
24.9 Which branch of the brachial plexus gives a contribution to the accessory phrenic
nerve (when it is present)?
24.10 List the branches of the brachial plexus that come off at the level of the trunks?
24.11 The cords of the brachial plexus are named after their relationship to which

Station 25
A 23-year-old man presents to the orthopaedic clinic with pain and swelling of the
lower right thigh. On palpation you feel a hard mass just above the right knee.
This is an axial dissection through the right thigh, viewed from above at the level of the
distal femur:


b e

25.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

25.2 What are the origin, insertion, and action of the quadratus femoris muscle?
25.3 What are the origin, insertion, and action of the semitendinosus muscle?
25.4 What is the innervation of the adductor magnus muscle?
25.5 Why is hip pain sometimes referred to the knee joint?
25.6 What are the roots of the obturator nerve?
25.7 What area of skin, and group of muscles does the obturator nerve innervate?
118 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Station 26
A 32-year-old professional male rugby player presents to the orthopaedic clinic with a
limp and left hip pain.
This photograph illustrates a man undergoing a hip examination. The patient is being
asked to resist a force indicated by arrow A.

26.1 What action is being tested by pressing on area A in the image above?
26.2 Which dermatome does the arrow point to?
26.3 What muscles and nerve roots are involved in resisting the force of the arrow?
26.4 What is the normal range of motion for flexion and extension of the hip?
26.5 What is the normal range of motion for internal and external rotation of the hip?
26.6 What is the normal range of motion for flexion and extension of the knee?
26.7 What is the normal range of motion for internal rotation of the knee?
26.8 How do you measure ‘real’ and ‘apparent’ leg length? What do these terms mean?
26.9 How do you perform McMurray’s test, and what does it test for?
26.10 How do you perform Lachman’s test, and what does it test for?

Station 27 (Generic)
A 62-year-old man presents to the orthopaedic clinic with right hip pain. On
examination he has a positive Trendelenburg test and restricted hip movements.
Stations 119

This is a prosection of the right gluteal region (demonstrating normal anatomy):


27.1 Identify the structures labelled A to F.

27.2 What is the clinical significance of Trendelenburg’s test, and which muscles are
27.3 What are the innervation and blood supply of the structure labelled A?
27.4 Regarding structure C:
27.4a What are its root values?
27.4b What are its main branches?
27.5 Regarding structure B:
27.5a What are its origin, insertion, and function?
27.5b what vessels leave the greater sciatic foramen below B?
27.5c what nerves leave the greater sciatic foramen below B?
27.6 What is the ‘fascia lata’?
27.7 What is the ‘iliotibial tract’, which muscles insert into it, and what is its function?
27.8 What is the surface landmark for safe intramuscular injection into the buttocks?

Station 28
A 54-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with a severe painful
lump in the right groin region. When you examine her you find that the lump is below
and lateral to the pubic tubercle and there is a positive cough reflex.
120 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

This is a dissection of the right femoral region (demonstrating normal anatomy):

a c

28.1 Using anatomical principles, give a differential for a lump in the groin.
28.2 Identify the structures labelled A to F.
28.3 What is the origin and course of structure C?
28.4 Through which opening does a femoral hernia pass, and what are the boundaries
of this opening?
28.5 What are the normal contents of this opening, and what is its physiological
28.6 What are the boundaries of the femoral triangle?
28.7 What is the ‘femoral sheath’?
28.8 What are the boundaries of the adductor canal (‘Hunter’s canal’)?
28.9 Tingling or numbness of the lateral thigh is a common condition. Which nerve is
responsible for this and what is this condition called?

Station 29
A 45-year-old female cleaner presents to the orthopaedic clinic with a painful swelling
just below her right knee, which has been present and worsening for 6 months. You
assess her and request some radiographs.
Images (a) and (b) on the following page are anteroposterior and lateral radiographs
of the right knee.
Stations 121

a d


a b

29.1 Identify the bony landmarks labelled A to D.

29.2 Regarding the bone labelled E:
29.2a What is it? What type of bone is it?
29.2b Comment on its position.
29.2c What is the function of this bone?
29.2d Which direction does it most commonly dislocate?
29.3 Which joints connect the tibia and fibula and what type of joints are these?
29.4 Which four muscles comprise the quadriceps femoris?
29.5 Define the terms ‘housemaid’s knee’, and ‘clergyman’s knee’.
29.6 Where can the common peroneal nerve be palpated?
29.7 What are the clinical consequences of injury to the common peroneal nerve?
29.8 After section of the sciatic nerve, some flexion of the knee is still possible. Which
muscles allow this?

Station 30
An 82-year-old woman falls at home. In the emergency department she complains
of severe pain in the hip and on examination the leg is seen to be shortened and
externally rotated. There is a deep laceration down the posterior aspect of the thigh.
Image (a) on the following page is a medial view of the upper end of the femur.
30.1 To which side of the body does this bone belong?
30.2 Identify the bony landmarks labelled A, B, C, D.
30.3 Which arteries supply the head of the femur?
30.4 How does this differ in the young child?
122 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

30.5 Why do some fractures of the femoral neck result in avascular necrosis?

a D

Image (b) is a prosection of the muscles of the posterior right thigh:

a d


Stations 123

30.6 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

30.7 What is the blood supply to the gracilis muscle?
30.8 What is the innervation of the gracilis muscle?
30.9 What is the origin and insertion of the gracilis muscle?
30.10 Which other muscles contribute to hip adduction?

Station 31
A 34-year-old male jockey presents to the surgical outpatients clinic with a lump in
the right popliteal region. On examination, the lump is approximately 2 × 2 cm, non-
tender and pulsatile.
This is a dissection of the right popliteal fossa:


a f

31.1 Using anatomical principles give a differential for a lump in the popliteal region.
31.2 Identify the structures labelled A to F.
31.3 What is the definition of an aneurysm?
31.4 What are the boundaries of the popliteal fossa?
31.5 What is the deepest structure in the popliteal fossa?
124 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

31.6 What are the branches of the popliteal artery?

31.7 In which compartment does the tibial nerve run in the lower leg?
31.8 What would be the consequences of a high section of the tibial nerve?
31.9 In which compartment does the deep peroneal nerve run?
31.10 What would be the consequences of section of the superficial peroneal nerve?
31.11 What is the function of the popliteus muscle?

Station 32
Whilst intoxicated, a 55-year-old man falls off his bicycle and suffers a fracture to the
mid-tibia. Six hours after open reduction and internal fixation he complains of severe
pain in the calf. On examination you find evidence of compartment syndrome and the
patient is brought back to theatre immediately for fasciotomies.
This prosection demonstrates the left leg from its anterolateral aspect (demonstrating
normal anatomy):


32.1 What bony prominence is palpable at the part labelled A?

32.2 Identify the structures labelled B to D.
32.3 What are the symptoms and signs of anterior compartment of the leg syndrome?
Stations 125

32.4 Classify the fascial compartments of the lower leg and give their principal blood
32.5 In which compartment is the extensor digitorum longus muscle?
32.6 In which compartment does the tibial nerve run?

Station 33
A 72-year-old man with a history of atrial fibrillation presents to the emergency
department with an acutely painful right leg. He undergoes urgent investigation to
determine the blood supply to his lower limbs.
This is a contrast study of the right lower limb (demonstrating normal anatomy):

33.1 What is the name of the above investigation?

33.2 Identify the vessels labelled A to D.
33.3 What are the signs and symptoms of an acutely ischaemic limb?
33.4 In which compartment does the vessel labelled D run?
126 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

33.5 What are the terminal branches of the vessel labelled C?

33.6 What is the origin of the dorsalis pedis artery?
33.7 What does the sural nerve supply, and what is its origin?
33.8 Between which structures at the medial malleolus does the vessel labelled C run?

Station 34
A 32-year-old male motorcyclist spins off his bike on a motorway. On arrival in the
emergency department he is complaining of severe pain in the right hip and a pelvic
radiograph confirms dislocation. After assessment you reduce the hip.
A post-reduction radiograph of the right hip is taken:


34.1 Identify the structures labelled A, B, C, D.

34.2 What structure attaches to the part labelled B?
34.3 What muscles insert into the part labelled D?
34.4 In which direction does the head of the femur dislocate most commonly?
34.5 Which nerve is at particular risk during the above dislocation?
34.6 How would one clinically assess for damage to this structure?
34.7 Which strong ligaments prevent dislocation of the hip?
34.8 Where is the glenoid capsule attached to the neck of the femur?
Stations 127

Station 35
A 28-year-old woman presents to the orthopaedic clinic 1 week after her knee gave way
during the middle of a football match. She has been suffering from pain and swelling
since then.
This is a posterior view of the right knee ligaments (demonstrating normal anatomy):

b c

35.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

35.2 Which muscles flex and extend the knee?
35.3 What are the common nerve roots for these actions?
35.4 Which ligaments protect the knee?
35.5 What are the attachments of these ligaments?
35.6 What is the function of the menisci of the knee?
128 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

35.7 What are the usual actions that cause meniscal tears of the knee?
35.8 What tissue type are the menisci composed of?

Station 36
A 71-year-old woman undergoes elective total hip replacement. She suffers post-
operative bleeding and requires emergency evacuation and washout. Five days after
this second operation you observe her mobilising on the ward and note that she is
suffering from foot drop.
This is a photograph of the buttocks and posterior thigh region:

36.1 What bony prominences are palpable at A and B?

36.2 What bulky muscles are palpable at C and E?
36.3 What is the anatomical term for the skin crease at point D?
36.4 What are the surface markings of the sciatic nerve?
36.5 What does Hilton’s law state?
36.6 Which muscles comprise the hamstring group?
36.7 What is the origin and insertion of the semimembranosus muscle?
36.8 What is the innervation of the semimembranosus muscle?
Stations 129

Station 37
A 36-year-old man falls off his motorbike whilst travelling at high speed. He complains
of severe pain in the pelvis and pelvic radiography reveals fractured pubic rami and
bilateral dislocation of the sacroiliac joints.
This is a normal hemipelvis viewed from its lateral surface:


37.1 To which side of the body does this bone belong?

37.2 Identify the parts labelled A to H.
37.3 What attaches to it the part labelled A?
37.4 Which muscles attach to the part labelled B?
37.5 Which muscles attach to the part labelled C?
37.6 What bones comprise the pelvis?
37.7 What type of joint is the symphysis pubis?
37.8 List 3 ways the male differs from the female pelvis.
37.9 What is the origin and insertion of the obturator internus muscle?
37.10 What are the boundaries of the greater sciatic foramen?
37.11 What are the boundaries of the lesser sciatic foramen?
37.12 Over what part of the pelvis does the common iliac artery bifurcate?
37.13 What are the branches of the external iliac artery?
130 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

37.14 What are the posterior branches of the internal iliac artery?

Station 38
A 65-year-old diabetic man presents to the vascular clinic with claudication of the
right calf. On examination, you detect monophasic signals in the limb and want to
investigate further. You discuss the patient with your consultant, who quizzes you on
the arterial supply of the lower limb.
This is a digital subtraction angiogram of the lower limbs:


38.1 Identify the arteries labelled A, B, C and D.

38.2 What are the branches of the common femoral artery?
38.3 What are the surface landmarks for palpation of the dorsalis pedis and the
posterior tibial arteries?
38.4 By which route can blood reach the foot in complete obstruction of the
superficial femoral artery?
38.5 What are the contents of the adductor canal?
38.6 Where does the superficial femoral artery become the popliteal artery?
38.7 Where would you position a Doppler probe to detect the peroneal artery?

Station 39 (Generic)
A 62-year-old man presents to the vascular clinic with varicosities of the right medial
ankle. Six months previously he suffered a deep vein thrombosis of this leg.
Stations 131

These images display the medial (a) and posterior (b) aspect of the right leg:

a b

a b

39.1 What tendons run at the points labelled A (with the big toe in extension) and F?
39.2 What bony prominences can be palpated at the points labelled B, C, D, E and F?
39.3 What superficial vein is present in front of the point labelled D?
39.3a Describe the course of this vein.
39.3b What nerve accompanies this vein in the lower leg?
39.3c What tributaries does this vein recieve just before it terminates?
39.4 What superficial vein runs up the posterior midline of the lower leg?
39.4a Describe the course of this vein.
39.4b What nerve accompanies this vein in the lower leg?
39.5 Describe the deep venous return of the leg.
39.6 Why might stripping the superficial venous system not be the optimal solution
for this patient?

Station 40
A 29-year-old woman sustains a stab wound to the right anterior thigh during a fight.
You attend the trauma call and are asked to conduct the secondary survey.
The image on the following page shows the anterior aspect of the thighs. The wounds
are indicated by the points labelled A, C and E.
40.1 In which dermatomes are the points B and D located?
40.2 Which cutaneous nerves innervate the points labelled B and D?
40.3 What bulky muscle would a knife probably first encounter at the point labelled C?
132 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

40.4 The wound at point E is opened up by the linear incision shown. What important
vessels and nerves would be encountered here?
40.5 What would be the clinical consequences of section of the major nerves
encountered at point E?
40.6 Which common nerve roots control flexion and extension of the hip?
40.7 Which muscles cause flexion and extension of the hip?
40.8 What are the origin, insertion and function of the tensor fasciae latae?

Station 41
A 35-year-old woman has been experiencing inferior heel pain and has been
diagnosed with plantar fasciitis by her general practitioner. The condition has been
refractory to medical treatment, however, and she has been referred to the orthopaedic
Stations 133

These images display the plantar (a) and dorsal (b) surfaces of the right foot:

a b d


a b

41.1 Which cutaneous nerves supply the points A to E?

41.2 Which dermatomes do the points A to E reside in?
41.3 What are the attachments of the plantar fascia?
41.4 Define the ‘sustentaculum’. The tendon of which muscle attaches to it?
41.5 Name the three arches of the foot.
41.6 Where is the insertion of the peroneus longus?
41.7 Where is the insertion of the peroneus brevis?
41.8 Where is the insertion of the peroneus tertius?
41.9 What is the function of the peroneus tertius?

Station 42
A 23-year-old woman trips whilst playing hockey and suffers severe pain and swelling
in her left ankle. She presents to the emergency department with a suspected fracture
and you are asked to assess her.
134 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

The radiographs below show the anteroposterior (a) and lateral (b) radiographs of a
normal left ankle joint:

a d

a b

42.1 Identify the bony structures labelled A to E.

42.2 What type of joint is the ankle joint?
42.3 What bones comprise this joint?
42.4 Which nerves supply this joint?
42.5 What are the attachments of the deltoid ligament?
42.6 Which tendons pass behind the lateral malleolus?
42.7 What is the syndesmosis of the ankle?
42.8 What classification system is used for distal fibular fractures?

Station 43
A 24-year-old female dancer trips and stubs her foot whilst performing in a musical
play. The foot becomes very painful and swollen over its medial aspect. You assess her
in the emergency department and suspect that she has suffered a fracture.
The image on the following page is a radiograph of the bones of the normal left foot.
43.1 Identify the bones labelled A to E.
43.2 Where does the tibialis anterior muscle insert?
43.3 Where does the tibialis posterior muscle insert?
Stations 135

b d

43.4 What muscles cause inversion and eversion of the foot?

43.5 At which bony articulation does inversion/eversion occur?
43.6 What muscles dorsiflex and plantarflex the foot?
43.7 What muscles flex and extend the big toe?

Station 44
A 34-year-old male builder falls from a height onto his back and is taken to the
emergency department complaining of severe back pain. A computed tomography
scan of his spine reveals multiple fractures in the thoracic and cervical regions and he
is taken to theatre for operative fixation.
136 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Image (a) is a vertebra viewed from above:

a c

44.1 What segment of the vertebral column is this vertebra from?

44.2 Identify the parts labelled B, C and D.
44.3 What is the part labelled A?
44.3a What does it articulate with?
44.3b What type of joint is this?

Image (b) is the same vertebra viewed from the side:


44.4 Identify the part labelled A. What does it articulate with?

44.5 Identify the part labelled B. What does it articulate with?
44.6 Describe the structure and function of the intervertebral discs.
44.7 What layers from skin downwards does a needle pass through during a lumbar
puncture to enter the subarachnoid space?
Stations 137

44.8 At what vertebral level does the pia mater end?

44.9 What are the surface landmarks for the correct level to insert a needle during
lumbar puncture?

Image (c) is a vertebra from another part of the vertebral column, viewed from above:

44.10 Which part of the vertebral column is this vertebra from?

44.11 What is the name of the foramen labelled A and what runs in here?

Station 45
A 44-year-old woman presents to the orthopaedic clinic with back pain, which has
progressively worsened over the last 6 months. You perform an examination of her
back to identify the problem.
The photograph on the next page illustrates some aspects of the surface anatomy of the
45.1 What muscle mass is palpable at the point labelled A, attaching to the inferior
angle of the scapula?
45.2 What is the action of this muscle?
45.3 What muscle mass is palpable at the points labelled B?
45.4 What parts does this muscle have, what is its innervation, and what action does it
45.5 What muscle mass is palpable at the points labelled C?
45.6 What are its action, origin and insertion?
45.7 In which dermatome is the point labelled D located?
45.8 What bony landmark is palpable at the point labelled E?
138 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine


Station 46
A 61-year-old man with prostate cancer presents to the emergency department with severe
acute back pain that came on 24 hours ago. He is having trouble walking and confesses to
incontinency of urine. You assess him and organise urgent imaging of the spine.
This is a sagittal T2-weighted MRI of a normal spine:


Stations 139

46.1 Identify the structures labelled A to D.

46.2 At what vertebral level does the spinal cord terminate?
46.3 What are the contents of the vertebral canal below this level?
46.4 What is the arterial supply of the spinal cord?
46.5 What is the function of the anterior and lateral spinothalamic tracts?
46.6 What is the function of the posterior columns?
46.7 Do the L3 spinal nerves leave the spinal canal above or below their respective
vertebral pedicles?

Station 47
A 46-year-old male porter attends the surgical outpatients clinic complaining of lumbar
back pain associated with a sharp shooting pain down his left leg, and some numbness
over his big toe and the front of his shin. He has been off work due to the pain for the
last month and complains that the lifting he does at work makes the pain worse.
The image below is an axial MRI of a normal lumbar spine at the L5 vertebral level
(demonstrating normal anatomy):



47.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

47.2 Given the clinical scenario what is your working diagnosis?
47.3 At what vertebral level do you think the pathology is?
47.4 What is the arterial supply to the intervertebral discs of the lumbar spine?
47.5 What is the venous drainage of the lumbar spine?
140 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Station 48
A 54-year-old male builder attends the emergency department with backache. He has
had the pain for the last 6 months but it is a bit worse this afternoon and he wanted
to get it ‘checked out’. He does not describe any neurological symptoms, but cannot
get comfortable despite taking the maximum doses of the painkillers his general
practitioner has prescribed him.
The image below is a sagittal MRI of a normal lumbar spine:

a d

b e

48.1 Identify the parts of the intervertebral disc labelled A and B.

48.2 What type of tissue is the structure labelled A composed of?
48.3 What is the function of the part labelled B within the intervertebral disc?
48.4 Identify the spinal ligaments labelled C, D and E.
48.5 What other unlabelled spinal ligaments provide stability to the vertebral column?
48.6 Where do the spinal ligaments labelled C and D attach?
48.7 Which muscles are responsible for flexion and extension of the lumbar spine?

Station 49
A 19-year-old male medical student is brought into the emergency department after
sustaining an injury to his neck during a rugby match. He is complaining of severe
neck pain and this was immobilised on scene. He does not report any neurological
Stations 141

This is a lateral radiograph of a normal cervical spine:


49.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

49.2 How does one clinically ‘clear’ the neck of cervical fracture?
49.3 Which types of cervical fractures are classified as unstable?
49.4 What features of the first cervical vertebra make it different to the cervical
vertebrae C3–C7?
49.5 Does an absence of the posterior arch (or lamina) of the first cervical vertebrae
cause instability of the cervical vertebral column?
49.6 What features of the second cervical vertebrae (C2) make it different to vertebrae
49.7 Which ligaments confer stability to the atlantoaxial joint?
49.8 How many intervertebral discs are there between the C1 to C7 vertebral bodies?
142 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Station 1
1.1 T4
1.2 Montgomery’s glands (or areolar glands) are sebaceous glands that lubricate the
areola and nipple. They are seen as 4–28 tubercles on the areolar surface.
1.3 The breasts develop from a thickening of the ectoderm called the milk ridge (or
mammary ridge), which extends from the axilla to the inguinal region. In humans
the ridge persists only in the pectoral region. The area thickens and sends off 15–20
cords that grow into underlying mesenchyme. The mesenchyme proliferates and
becomes raised to form the nipple.
1.4 Milk is produced in alveoli lined with milk-secreting cuboidal cells. The alveoli form
lobules, and groups of lobules form lobes. The average breast has about 15–20 lobes
that drain in to lactiferous ducts, which in turn drain in to the lactiferous sinus before
departing the body through the nipple.
1.5 A number of changes occur during pregnancy. The secretory alveoli expand and
further alveoli bud off. There is an increase in length and branching of the duct
system. The vascularity of the connective tissue increases in order to supply the
greater demands of the glands. The nipple increases in size and darkens, and the
areolar area expands. Growth slows in the latter stages of pregnancy but the breasts
continue to increase in size because of alveoli filling with colostrum.
1.6 The lobes of the breast are separated by fibrous septa, the suspensory ligaments of
the breast (Cooper’s ligaments), which are connected to the subcutaneous tissue. If
a malignancy infiltrates the septa then they contract, causing the skin to be drawn
1.7 During a simple mastectomy the entire breast contents are removed but the
axillary contents are left untouched. Radical mastectomy involves removal of the
entire breast along with the axillary lymph nodes. In a classical radical mastectomy
the pectoralis major and minor muscles are also removed. In a modified radical
mastectomy, the pectoral muscles are left intact.
1.8 The ‘quadrangular space’ is an anatomical space within the axilla (Figure 2.1). Its
borders are:
• superiorly – subscapularis and teres minor
• inferiorly – teres major
• medially – long head of triceps
• laterally – surgical neck of humerus.
This space transmits the axillary nerve and the posterior circumflex humeral artery
and veins.
1.9 The ‘triangular space’ lies adjacent (medial) to the quadrangular space (Figure 2.1). It
transmits the circumflex scapular artery. Its borders are:
Answers 143

Figure 2.1  The right

Supraspinatus Quadrangular scapular and axillary
la space
pu regions viewed from
sca Hum Lateral head of
f erus triceps brachii behind, showing
Sp the triangular space
Long head of
(containing the circumflex

triceps brachii

scapular artery), triangular


interval and quadrangular


space (containing the


Triangular axillary nerve and posterior

interval circumflex humeral vessels).



• superiorly – subscapularis and teres minor

• laterally – long head of triceps
• inferiorly – scapula and teres major.
Note: the ‘triangular space’ is distinct from the ‘triangular interval’. The latter is an
area that lies inferolateral to the quadrangular space, with teres major as their shared
borders. It transmits the radial nerve and profunda brachii vessels. The boundaries of
the triangular interval are:
• superiorly – teres major
• laterally – humerus and lateral head of triceps
• medially – long head of triceps.

Station 2
2.1 The breast extends from the 2nd–6th ribs, from the lateral sternal edge to the
midaxillary line. The floor is the pectoralis major muscle, with contributions from the
serratus anterior, external oblique muscles and superior rectus sheath.
2.2 A  Pectoralis major
Fibroglandular tissue
Adipose tissue (breast volume is due to the amount of interposed fatty tissue)
Cooper’s ligaments (fibrous bands that pass from the chest wall to skin)
2.3 The blood supply to the breast is from perforating branches of the internal thoracic,
lateral thoracic and thoracoacromial arteries.
2.4 Most (75%) of the lymph from the breast drains into ipsilateral axillary lymph nodes.
Lymph from the nipple and areola drains first into the subareolar plexus before
draining into the axillary lymph nodes. The axillary lymph nodes are arranged in five
groups (Table 2.1 and Figure 2.2), the position of which is variable.
144 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Table 2.1  The axillary lymph nodes

Group Situated Drains
Anterior Medial axillary wall along the The major part of the lymph
(pectoral) lateral thoracic artery drainage from the breast

Posterior Medial axillary wall behind the Axillary tail and posterior upper
anterior group with the subscapu- trunk
lar artery

Lateral Medial side of axillary vein Upper limb

Central The fatty tissue that fills the axilla The upper three groups of nodes

Apical The axillary apex All of the above.

Drains into the supraclavicular
nodes and to the thoracic duct or
right lymphatic trunk.

Figure 2.2  The axillary

Deep cervical Internal lymph nodes.
Apical vein

Subclavian Clavicle

Within the deeper aspects of the breast the lymphatics follow the perforating
branches of the internal thoracic artery. They travel next with the intercostal arteries
and drain into the para-aortic lymph nodes. In this way, cancer may spread from
the breast into the thorax. Lymphatic connection across the midline means breast
cancer can spread to the contralateral breast.
2.5 Cancer of the breast spreads via the lymphatics. Occasionally the first sign of breast
cancer is an isolated enlarged axillary lymph node. The pattern of lymph node
involvement is important for staging. Axillary lymph nodes are classified as being
at one of three levels depending on their relationship to the pectoralis minor (note,
the axillary artery is also divided into three parts according to its relation to the
pectoralis minor muscle).
Level 1 – nodes lie distal to the lower border of pectoralis minor
Answers 145

Level 2 – nodes lie deep to the pectoralis minor muscle

Level 3 – nodes lie medial to the upper border of pectoralis minor.
2.6 The axilla is pyramid-shaped with its base comprising deep fascia and overlying skin
and its truncated apex formed by the interval between the clavicle, scapula, and first
rib. The boundaries of the axilla are:
• medial wall: lateral aspects of ribs 1–4, intervening intercostal spaces, with
overlying digitations of serratus anterior
• lateral wall: humerus (specifically the bicipital groove)
• anteriorly: pectoralis major, pectoralis minor and clavipectoral fascia
• posteriorly: scapula, subscapularis, teres major, latissimus dorsi.
2.7 Contents of the axilla:
• axillary artery and its branches
• axillary vein: this vessel lies anteromedial to the axillary artery throughout the
• axillary lymph nodes
• branches of the brachial plexus: the cords enter the axilla from above and
surround the second part of the axillary artery. The cords are named after their
relationship to the axillary artery (medial, lateral and posterior).
• long and short heads of the biceps brachii and coracobrachialis
2.8 The upper, outer quadrant.

Station 3
3.1 A  C6 (Figure 2.6)
3.2 A  lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm
medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm
medial cutaneous nerve of the arm
3.3 The brachioradialis. Its origin is the upper part of the lateral supracondylar ridge of
the humerus, and it inserts onto the styloid process of the radius. Being a posterior
compartment muscle it is innervated by the radial nerve.
3.4 E  Median cubital vein
3.5 Muscles responsible for supination and pronation at the elbow:
• supination: biceps, supinator
• pronation: pronator teres, pronator quadratus.
3.6 The forearm compartments are divided into: anterior superficial, anterior deep, and
posterior superficial and posterior deep.
3.7 The muscles and innervation of the compartments of the forearm are outlined in
Table 2.2.
146 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Table 2.2  Compartments of the forearm, their muscles, and their innervation
Compartment Muscles Innervation
Anterior Flexor carpi radialis Median nerve, except for the
superficial flexor carpi ulnaris (ulnar nerve)
Palmaris longus
and ulnar half of flexor digitorum
Pronator teres profundus (ulnar nerve)
Flexor digitorum superficialis Flexor pollicis longus and prona-
tor quadratus innervated by the
Flexor carpi ulnaris
anterior interosseous branch of the
Anterior deep Flexor digitorum profundus median nerve

Flexor pollicis longus

Pronator quadratus

Posterior Brachioradialis Radial nerve and its derivatives,

superficial the deep branch of the radial
Extensor carpi radialis longus
nerve and the posterior
Extensor carpi radialis brevis interosseous nerve
Extensor carpi ulnaris
Extensor digitorum
Extensor digiti minimi
Posterior deep Abductor pollicis longus
Extensor pollicis brevis
Extensor pollicis longus
Extensor indicis

3.8 1  Flexor carpi radialis tendon

Flexor digitorum superficialis (this individual lacks a palmaris longus).
Flexor carpi ulnaris tendon

Station 4
4.1 A  Axillary artery
Circumflex humeral arteries
Subscapular artery
Brachial artery
Answers 147

4.2 The axillary artery (A) commences at the lateral border of the first rib (as the
continuation of the subclavian artery), and ends at the inferior border of teres major
to become the brachial artery.
4.3 The axillary artery is lateral to the axillary vein.
4.4 The axillary artery can be divided into three parts based upon its relationship to
pectoralis minor: the first part is medial; the second part is deep; and the third part is
distal. The branches of the axillary artery are:
• from the first part: superior thoracic artery
• from the second part: thoracoacromial artery, lateral thoracic artery
• from the third part: subscapular artery, anterior circumflex humeral artery,
posterior circumflex humeral artery.
4.5 Branches of D (the brachial artery): ulnar, radial, profunda brachii, superior ulnar
collateral, inferior ulnar collateral.
4.6 E  Humeral head. The blood supply is from the arcuate artery, a branch of the
anterior humeral circumflex artery. It enters the bone between the greater and
lesser tubercles. There is also a less important supply from the posterior circumflex
humeral artery to an area on the posteroinferior aspect of the head.
4.7 The circumflex scapular artery and the thoracodorsal artery.

Station 5
5.1 Right clavicle. The clavicle is the most frequently fractured long bone in the body.
Taken out of its articulations with the manubrium and acromion it can be difficult
to orientate, so it is worth familiarizing yourself with a real specimen if possible.
The medial two-thirds are circular in cross-section and the lateral one-third is flat.
The medial end articulates with the manubrium at the sternoclavicular joint. This
synovial joint has an articular disc and allows movement in anteroposterior and
vertical planes (allowing a minor degree of rotation). At the lateral end it articulates
with the acromion of the scapula at the acromioclavicular joint.
5.2 It functions (i) as an attachment for muscles and (ii) as a strut that transmits forces
from the upper limb to the axial frame.
5.3 The sternum (manubrium sterni).
5.4 See Figure 2.3.
Acromial end and articular surface
Conoid tubercle
Costoclavicular impression
Sternal articular
5.5 See Figure 2.3.
148 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Trapezius Superior surface Sternocleidomastoid

Deltoid tubercle

Acromial end Deltoid Pectoralis major Sternal end

Trapezius ridge Costal


Trapezoid Conoid Subclavian Costoclavicular

ligament tuberosity/ groove / ligament
conoid subclavius
ligament Inferior surface

Figure 2.3  The clavicle and its muscular attachments. Red, origin; blue, insertion; green,

Pectoralis major
5.6 The junction of the middle and outer third as this is the narrowest and weakest part
of the bone.
5.7 Clavicular fractures may result in damage to the subclavian vessels and trunks of the
brachial plexus, although these neurovascular injuries are quite rare.
5.8 The sternoclavicular joint is an atypical synovial joint.
5.9 The sternoclavicular ligaments anteriorly and posteriorly, and the costoclavicular
ligament inferolaterally.
5.10 The subclavius muscle.
5.11 Approximate normal values for shoulder range of movement are given in Table 2.3.
5.12 Approximate normal values for elbow range of movement are given in Table 2.4.

Station 6
6.1 A  Left median nerve
Left pronator teres muscle
Answers 149

Table 2.3  Normal values for shoulder range of movement

(from the anatomical position)
Flexion 120°

Extension 30°

Abduction 165°

Adduction 55°

External rotation 70°

Internal rotation 105°

Table 2.4  Normal values for elbow range of movement

(from the anatomical position)
Flexion 145°

Extension 0-5°

Supination 90°

Pronation 90°

Left ulnar artery
Left cephalic vein
Left brachial artery
Left biceps tendon
Left brachioradialis muscle
Left radial artery
6.2 Brachioradialis (G) originates from the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus,
and inserts onto the base of the styloid process of the radius. It is a flexor of the
semi-pronated elbow and is innervated by the radial nerve (being a posterior
compartment muscle).
6.3 Boundaries of the cubital fossa:
• lateral: brachioradialis
• medial: pronator teres
• proximal: a line running from the medial to lateral epicondyles of the humerus
• roof: deep fascia
• floor: brachialis.
6.4 The bicipital aponeurosis lies between the median cubital vein and the brachial artery.
6.5 The annular ligament wraps around the radial head and neck and is attached to
the margins of the radial notch of the ulna. It allows rotation of the radius about a
virtually fixed ulna.
150 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

6.6 Common flexor origin: anterior aspect of medial epicondyle.

Common extensor origin: anterior aspect of lateral epicondyle.
6.7 The anconeus is a small muscle that originates from the lateral epicondyle and
inserts onto the olecranon process of the ulna. It aids in extension of the elbow and
stabilises the joint.
6.8 The ulnar nerve is medial to the ulnar artery.
6.9 The flexor carpi radialis tendon is lateral to the median nerve.

Station 7
7.1 Right humerus.
7.2 H2 is the surgical, and H1 is the anatomical neck of the humerus.
7.3 See Figure 2.4.

Anterior Posterior
Greater tuberosity Infraspinatus

Head Teres minor

Intertubercular Lesser tuberosity
Anatomical neck
Pectoralis major Surgical neck Lateral
head of triceps
Latissimus dorsi Teres major


Medial head
of triceps


Extensor carpi Pronator teres

radialis longus Common flexor
extensor origin

Capitulum Trochlea Olecranon fossa

Figure 2.4  The humerus and its muscular and ligamentous attachments. Red, origin;
blue, insertion.
Answers 151

Head of humerus
Greater tubercle
Intertubercular sulcus
Lesser tubercle
Shaft of humerus
Medial epicondyle
7.4 B  Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor.
7.5 G Subscapularis.
7.6 H  This is the common flexor origin of the forearm.
7.7 Origin: long head – infraglenoid tubercle of scapula. Medial and lateral head – dorsal
surface of humerus (the medial head is more distal than the lateral head). Insertion:
olecranon process of the ulna.
7.8 1  Axillary nerve
Radial nerve
Median nerve
7.9 The acromion process.
7.10 The supraspinatus initiates abduction of the arm to about 15°, the deltoid then
abducts to 90°. Movement from 90 to 180° is achieved through rotation of the
scapula by the trapezius and serratus anterior.
7.11 Fractures of the radial head and neck, medial epicondyle and coronoid process.

Station 8
8.1 This is a digital subtraction venogram of the left upper limb.
8.2 See Figure 2.5.
Superior vena cava
Left brachiocephalic vein (or left innominate vein)
Left subclavian vein
Left axillary vein
8.3 D (the axillary vein) originates at the inferior border of the teres major where it
receives its superficial tributaries (the basilic and cephalic veins). It is a continuation
152 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Figure 2.5  Superficial

Right Left veins of the upper limb.
subclavian subclavian

Superior brachio-
vena cava cephalic
Brachial Right


of the brachial vein (a deep vein). It terminates at the lateral border of the first rib
where it continues as the subclavian vein.
8.4 Tributaries of D (axillary vein) include the brachial, cephalic and basilic veins and
various other unnamed tributaries in the axilla.
8.5 The internal jugular vein joins the subclavian to form B, the brachiocephalic (or
innominate) vein bilaterally, which then drain into the superior vena cava.
8.6 The axillary vein is superficial to the axillary artery.
8.7 The superficial veins begin as a network over the dorsum of the hand. The cephalic
vein has a constant position behind the radial styloid and runs up the lateral border
of the forearm. In the upper arm it lies lateral to the biceps and perforates the
clavipectoral fascia to run deep, and drains in to the axillary vein.
The basilic vein runs up the medial border of the forearm and lies medial to the
biceps brachii in the upper arm. It pierces the deep fascia halfway between the
elbow and the axilla. The median cubital vein joins the basilic and cephalic veins to
each other slightly distal to the elbow.
8.8 The deep veins of the hand and forearm resemble the arteries, with superficial and
deep palmer arches draining in to ulnar and radial veins before merging to form the
brachial vein.

Station 9
9.1 The shoulder joint is a ball and socket joint consisting of the head of the humerus
articulating with the glenoid fossa of the scapula. It is deepened by the cartilaginous
Answers 153

glenoid labrum. It is a synovial joint and hence has a capsule lined by synovial
membrane, extending down to the diaphysis of the humerus.
9.2 A  Greater tubercle of humerus. This is the insertion point of the supraspinatus,
infraspinatus, and teres minor muscles.
9.3 B  Intertubercular sulcus (or bicipital groove). Attachments: Teres major, latissimus
dorsi, and pectoralis major.
9.4 C  Acromion process.
9.5 The glenoid cavity of the shoulder is shallow compared to the hip socket. This allows it
a greater degree of freedom but also makes it at higher risk of dislocation. The rotator
cuff group of muscles are the main stabilisers of the shoulder. These consist of the
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor (all of which insert in to the greater tuberosity
of the humerus), and the subscapularis (which inserts in to the lesser tuberosity). The
shoulder is also stabilised to a lesser extent by other surrounding muscles such as the
deltoid, latissimus dorsi, and pectoralis major. The long head of the biceps brachii,
running through the joint capsule, also contributes to joint stability.
9.6 The most common type of dislocation is anterior (more specifically, anteroinferior) in
approximately 95% of cases. Commonly damaged structures include: nerves of the
brachial plexus (especially the axillary and the radial nerves), the axillary artery, and
the humeral head.
9.7 Subacromial, subscapular bursae.
9.8 A Bankart’s lesion is the avulsion of the anteroinferior glenoid labrum at its
attachment to the glenohumeral ligament complex. The joint capsule and inferior
glenohumeral ligaments are damaged.
A Hill–Sachs lesion is an indentation fracture in the posterolateral region of the
humeral head, caused when the humeral head impacts against the anterior glenoid
rim during dislocation.
9.9 The arm is divided by an intermuscular septum in to anterior and posterior
The contents of the compartments of the upper arm are given in Table 2.5.

Table 2.5  Compartments of the upper arm

Posterior compartment Anterior compartment

Muscles Triceps brachii Biceps brachii

Anconeus Coracobrachialis
Arteries Profunda brachii Brachial
Ulnar collateral

Nerves Ulnar Ulnar

Radial Median
154 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Station 10
10.1 The anatomical snuff box.
10.2 Scaphoid bone. The clinical recognition of scaphoid fracture is important, as
fractures do not always appear on radiographs in the acute stage. Untreated
fractures may lead to avascular necrosis of the proximal segment due to the
retrograde vascular supply of this part.
10.3 Contents of the anatomical snuffbox: radial artery (the cephalic vein and radial
nerve overlie this space).
10.4 A  Medial border of snuff box: extensor pollicis longus.
B & C  Lateral border of snuff box: abductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis
Note: to remember this imagine that extensor pollicis is on either side of the snuff
box, however ‘brevis’ is too ‘little’ to be on the outer edge all on its own and so is
accompanied by abductor pollicis longus.
The floor is the scaphoid and trapezium. The proximal border is the styloid process
of the radius.
10.5 Superficial branch of the radial nerve (this actually innervates a wider space, but
the area that is shown is without overlap from other nerves).
10.6 The radial nerve originates from the posterior cord of the brachial plexus (C5–T1).
It leaves the axilla and traverses the triangular space of the arm. It then descends
in the extensor compartment behind the medial head of triceps brachii (supplying
the extensors of the upper arm) before occupying the radial groove on the
posterior surface of the humerus. The nerve pierces the lateral intermuscular
septum to emerge in the anterolateral aspect of the forearm between the
brachioradialis (superficial) and brachialis (deep). At this level it divides into its
superficial and deep branches.
The deep branch is known as the posterior interosseous nerve after it passes between
the two heads of the supinator muscle and is responsible for the motor innervation
of all forearm extensors. At the mid forearm the nerve passes close to the anterior
interosseous artery and passes deep to extensor digitorum in the extensor
retinaculum, ending at the back of the wrist to supply the wrist joint. The superficial
branch is sensory. It passes down the forearm lateral to the radial artery eventually
passing over the anatomical snuffbox to innervate the dorsal first web space.
10.7 The muscles that the radial nerve innervates are given in Table 2.6.
10.8 The consequences of radial nerve damage are given in Table 2.7.
10.9 D  C8 dermatome (Figure 2.6).
10.10  Dorsal cutaneous branch of the ulnar nerve.
Answers 155

Table 2.6  Muscles innervated by the radial nerve

Muscular Triceps brachii Extends the elbow joint
branches within (lateral and medial heads)
the upper arm Anconeus Assists triceps in elbow extension
Brachioradialis Flexes the elbow joint
Extensor carpi radialis longus Extends the wrist joint

Deep branches Extensor carpi radialis brevis Extends the wrist joint
Abducts the thumb
Supinator Supinates the forearm

Posterior inter- Extensor digitorum Extends proximal phalanges and wrist

osseus nerve Extensor digiti minimi Extends the little finger
(a continuation
of the deep Extensor carpi ulnaris Extends wrist (with an ulnar deviation)
branches) Extends interphalangeal joint of the
Extensor pollicis longus thumb
Extensor pollicis brevis Extends and abducts the thumb
Extensor indicis Extends the index finger, wrist and
midcarpal joints
Abductor pollicis longus Abducts the thumb

Table 2.7  Consequences of radial nerve damage

Type of nerve Causes Motor Sensory
Radial nerve Compression injuries Loss of the elbow exten- Loss of sensation
within the axilla such as ill-fitted sors (including triceps over the back of
crutches and ‘Saturday reflex), wrist drop due the arm/forearm
night palsy’ (falling to loss of wrist extensors, (posterior cutane-
asleep with an arm weakness of extensors ous nerve of arm),
hung over the back of fingers. lower lateral part
of a chair) of arm (inferior
Note that with loss
lateral cutaneous
of wrist extension it
nerve of arm) and
becomes very difficult to
a patch of skin
grip objects and hence
over the dorsal
flexion of the fingers is
first web space
also impaired

Radial nerve Fractures of humerus Same as above, but with Loss of sensation
at level of preservation of elbow over the lateral fore-
humerus extensors arm and a patch of
skin over the dorsal
first web space

156 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Table 2.7 cont.

Type of nerve Causes Motor Sensory


Posterior inter- Fractures/dislocations Same as above, except None (due to

osseus nerve in of radial head that wrist extension is preservation of
forearm preserved due to the superficial radial
extensor carpi radialis nerve)

Posterior inter- Traumatic laceration None None (due to

osseus nerve at preservation of
wrist superficial radial
Superficial Traumatic laceration None Patch of skin
radial nerve over the dorsal
first web space

Figure 2.6  Upper limb

C5 C6 dermatomes.
C6 T1






Anterior Posterior
Answers 157

Station 11
11.1 A Sternocleidomastoid
11.2 Working by itself each sternocleidomastoid muscle flexes the neck and
simultaneously rotates the neck to the other side. Working together, the two
sternocleidomastoids are powerful flexors of the neck. The sternocleidomastoid
has two heads: a tendinous sternal head (arising from the anterosuperior surface
of the manubrium sterni) and a clavicular head (arising from the medial third of
the upper surface of the clavicle). It inserts into the lateral surface of the mastoid
process and the superior nuchal line just medial to the mastoid process. The
muscle is innervated by the spinal accessory nerve.
11.3 The clavicle.
11.4a The acromioclavicular (AC) joint.
11.4b Atypical synovial joint. A joint capsule provides a tough fibrous layer. This is lined
on the inside with synovial membrane (that secretes synovial fluid). The joint
surfaces are covered in fibrocartilage and not articular hyaline cartilage, as are
most synovial joints. The AC joint has an intraarticular disc of fibrocartilage.
11.4c Two ligaments stabilize the joint predominantly: the acromioclavicular ligament,
and the coracoclavicular ligament. The acromioclavicular ligament is important
for horizontal stability. The coracoclavicular ligament comprises two parts: the
conoid and trapezoid ligaments which together help maintain vertical stability.
11.5 The axillary nerve (C5 and C6, via the upper lateral cutaneous nerve of the
arm) supplies this area of skin, known as the 'regimental badge'. This nerve
can be damaged during anteroinferior dislocation of the humerus, and so its
presence should be tested before reducing these injuries. It can also be damaged
during fractures of the surgical neck of the humerus, or after prolonged heavy
compression with a crutch.
11.6 The axillary nerve innervates deltoid and teres minor.
11.7 Posterior cord.
11.8 A Infraspinatus
Axillary artery (with the accompanying subclavian vein just superficial.
Note: how the thinner walled vein is easily compressed and does not maintain its
circular cross-sectional structure unlike the thicker walled artery).
Deltoid muscle
11.9 The rotator cuff muscles of the shoulder can be remembered by the mnemonic
SITS: Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres minor, and Subscapularis (Figure 2.7).
158 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Figure 2.7  The

Coracoid Spine of rotator cuff muscles.
process Supraspinatus scapula Acromion


Greater Subscapularis
tuberosity Infraspinatus


Teres Teres
minor minor
Anterior Posterior

11.10 Table 2.8 illustrates the actions, and other important features of the rotator cuff.
11.11 D  Deltoid muscle. Due to its macroscopic structure comprising anterior, posterior,
and lateral fibres, it assists in the actions mainly of shoulder abduction but also
plays a smaller part in shoulder flexion and extension.

Table 2.8  The rotator cuff muscles

Muscle Origin Insertion Innervation Action
Supraspinatus Supraspinous Greater Suprascapular Initiates abduction
fossa of the tubercle of nerve
Internal rotation
scapula humerus
Infraspinatus Infraspinous Greater Suprascapular External rotation
fossa of the tubercle of nerve
scapula humerus

Teres minor Dorsum of Greater Axillary nerve External rotation

lateral border of tubercle of
the scapula humerus
Subscapularis Subscapular Lesser Upper and Internal rotation
fossa on the tubercle of lower subscap-
anterior surface humerus ular nerves
of the scapula

Station 12
12.1 A  Styloid process
Bicipital (or radial) tuberosity
Radial head
Answers 159

12.2 The ulna.

12.3 The pronator quadratus.
12.4 This is a pronator of the forearm and is innervated by the anterior interosseous
nerve. It originates from the anteromedial aspect of the distal ulnar shaft, and
inserts onto the anterolateral aspect of the distal part of the shaft of the radius and
the interosseous membrane.
12.5 Supinator has two heads: one arises from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus
and the annular ligament, and the other arises from the ulna. It inserts onto the
neck and shaft of the radius. The muscle is a supinator of the forearm when the
elbow is extended, and is innervated by the posterior interosseous nerve.
12.6 The biceps tendon.
12.7 The annular ligament.
12.8 Galeazzi’s fracture is a fracture of the proximal third of the radius with dislocation of
the distal radioulnar joint.
12.9 Monteggia’s fracture is a fracture of the shaft of the ulna with anterior dislocation
of the radial head (with rupture of the annular ligament). It is often caused by a
direct blow to the back of the upper forearm.

Station 13
13.1 A Olecranon
Trochlear notch
Coronoid process
Styloid process
13.2 The head is at the distal end of the ulna, unlike the radius where it is proximal.
13.3 The triangular coronoid process is on the anterior surface of the ulnar below the
olecranon process (C). On its lateral surface it has a radial notch for articulation with
the radius.
13.4 E  Flexor digitorum profundus.
13.5 The abductor pollicis longus arises from the upper posterior ulna, the posterior
shaft of the radius, and the interosseous membrane. The muscle inserts into the
base of the first metacarpal bone. It is an abductor and extensor of the thumb and
is innervated by the deep branch of the radial nerve.
13.6 A syndesmosis joint (a slightly movable articulation where the bony surfaces are
united by an interosseous ligament).
13.7a Elbow flexion: biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis, forearm flexors.
13.7b Elbow extension: triceps, anconeus.
160 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

13.8 A bursa is a fibrous sac lined by synovial membrane filled with a film of viscous
fluid. They occur close to joints and reduce friction between tendons and other
structures. A synovial sheath is a tubular bursa surrounding a tendon. Bursitis
is inflammation of a bursa. It can be caused by repetitive movement or by
inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Station 14
14.1 This is the right scapula. This bone can be difficult to side, but remember that the
glenoid fossa faces outwards, the coracoid process forwards and the spine faces
14.2 A Spine
Supraspinous fossa
Coracoid process
Acromion process
Margin of the glenoid cavity
Infraspinous fossa
14.3 B Supraspinatus
Trapezius, deltoid
Table 2.9 and Figure 2.8 lists the muscular attachments of the scapula.

Table 2.9  Muscular attachments of the scapula

Dorsal (posterior) aspect Supraspinatus attaches superior to the dorsal spine
Infraspinatus attaches inferior to the spine

Lateral border (superior The long head of triceps

to inferior) Teres minor
Teres major
Latissimus dorsi (from the tip of the angle of the scapula)

Medial border Rhomboid major

Rhomboid minor
Levator scapula

Costal (internal/anterior) Subscapularis occupies the majority of the surface

surface Serratus anterior is attached along the medial and infe-
rior borders

Spine Trapezius is attached along the superior aspect of the

Deltoid is attached along the inferior aspect of the spine
Answers 161

Figure 2.8  Muscular

Pectoralis minor
attachments of the
Coracobrachialis scapula.
+ short head of biceps
brachii Serratus anterior

Long head of
biceps brachii

Anterior aspect

Rhomboid minor
Long head of
triceps brachii
Teres minor

Rhomboid major Teres major

Latissimus dorsi
Posterior aspect

14.4 T7
14.5 T3
14.6 Attachments to C (coracoid process): pectoralis minor, coracobrachialis and short
head of biceps brachii muscle.
14.7 The long head of biceps brachii muscle originates from the supraglenoid tubercle.
14.8 The long head of the triceps brachii muscle originates from infraglenoid tubercle.
14.9 Muscles responsible for movements at the shoulder are given in Table 2.10.

Table 2.10  Muscles causing movements of the shoulder

Adduction Pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi, teres major, triceps,

Abduction Deltoid, supraspinatus

Flexion Pectoralis major, anterior fibres of the deltoid, coracobra-

chialis, biceps brachii

Extension Latissimus dorsi, posterior fibres of the deltoid, triceps and

teres major

Medial (internal) rotation Subscapularis, pectoralis major, anterior fibres of deltoid,

latissimus dorsi, teres major

Lateral (external) rotation Infraspinatus, teres minor, posterior fibres of the deltoid
162 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

14.10 See Table 2.10.

Station 15
15.1 Flexion of the thumb
15.2 Flexor pollicis longus and brevis, median nerve.
15.3 Red arrow: adduction.
Blue arrow: abduction.
15.4 Table 2.11 lists the movements of the thumb, the muscles involved, and their

Table 2.11  Movements of the thumb

Movement Muscles involved Innervation
Flexor pollicis longus
Flexion Median nerve
Flexor pollicis brevis

Extensor pollicis longus

Extension Radial nerve
Extensor pollicis brevis
Abductor pollicis longus

Abduction Abductor pollicis brevis Median nerve

Adduction Adductor pollicis Ulnar nerve
Opposition Opponens pollicis Median nerve

15.5 The other actions include opposition and extension.

15.6 The main classification of joints is outlined in Table 2.12.
15.7 The carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is a saddle joint.
15.8 Froment’s sign. A piece of paper is placed between the thumb and index finger and
the patient is asked to hold it there whilst the examiner pulls it out. Patients with
ulnar nerve damage have impaired adductor pollicis, but cheat by using their flexor
pollicis longus to hold the paper in place (median nerve).
15.9 Ulnar nerve injury. Traumatic laceration, fracture of the humerus, cubital tunnel
15.10 Commonly tested are abduction and adduction of the fingers. There may be
weakness of any of the muscles supplied by the ulnar nerve. These are outlined in
Table 2.13.
15.11 The ulnar nerve is the continuation of the medial cord of the brachial plexus
(C8–T1). It descends in the arm behind the brachial artery, angling backwards and
Answers 163

Table 2.12  Classification of joints

Type of joint Structures Examples

Fibrous Held together by a ligament Radioulnar
Talofibular joint

Cartilaginous The articulating surfaces of the bones Primary: the first sternocostal
(slightly are cartilaginous. joint
• Primary cartilaginous joints (known Secondary: pubic symphysis
as ‘synchondroses’) are joined by
hyaline cartilage, which may ossify
with age.
• Secondary cartilaginous joints
(known as ‘symphyses’) have a
compressible pad of fibrocartilage
between the hyaline covered bone

Synovial A synovial capsule surrounds the joint Ball and socket: glenohu-
(freely with an inner synovial membrane meral joint
moveable) that secretes synovial fluid. Hyaline
Saddle: carpometacarpal
cartilage is at the articulating ends of
joint of the thumb
the bones. There are six subtypes of
synovial joints classified by the shape Condyloid: metacarpopha-
of the joint. langeal joints
Hinge: elbow joint
Pivot: atlantoaxial joint
Gliding: intercarpal joints

passing through the intermuscular septum behind the medial epicondyle of the
humerus and anterior to the olecranon. Within the upper arm it does not give
off any branches. In the forearm the nerve passes between the two heads of the
flexor carpi ulnaris on the surface of the flexor digitorum profundus. It emerges at
the wrist medial to the ulnar artery (lateral to the flexor carpi ulnaris) and crosses
the wrist above the flexor retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament).
The branches of the ulnar nerve comprise:
• muscular branches supplying flexor carpi ulnaris and medial half of flexor
digitorum profundus
• palmar cutaneous branch supplying skin over the medial part of the palm
• dorsal cutaneous branch supplying skin to medial one and a half digits dorsally
• superficial branch supplying only the palmaris brevis muscle
• a deep branch supplying the adductor pollicis, hypothenar, interossei and ulnar
164 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Table 2.13  Muscles supplied by the ulnar nerve

Muscle type Muscles Movement
Muscular Flexor carpi ulnaris Flexes and adducts wrist
branches within Flexor digitorum profundus Flexes the fingers and wrist
the upper arm (medial part)

Deep branch Adductor pollicis Adducts the metacarpal of the thumb

within the hand (deep branch of ulnar nerve)
Abductor digiti minimi Abducts the little finger
Flexor digiti minimi Flexes and abducts the little finger
Opponens digiti minimi Opposes little finger with thumb
Three palmar interossei Deep branch of ulnar nerve, adduct the
fingers and thumb. In addition, they
flex the metacarpophalangeal joint and
extend the interphalangeal joints.
Four dorsal interossei Deep branch of ulnar branch, abduct the
index, middle and ring fingers at meta-
carpophalangeal joint. Flex a straight
Lumbricals (third and Flexes the metacarpophalangeal joint
fourth) and extends the interphalangeal joints

Superficial Palmaris brevis Deepens the hollow in the palm of the

branch within hand (superficial branch)

15.12 With ulna nerve lesions, ‘clawing’ may occur due to denervation of the
medial two lumbricals of the hand. The lumbricals normally flex the
metacarpophalangeal joints and so their denervation causes these joints to
become extended by the newly unopposed action of the forearm extensors.
The ‘claw’ is completed by slight flexion of the interphalangeal joints occurs
due to the pull of the flexor digitorum profundus (ulnar nerve for these fingers).
However, in higher lesions the profundus is also paralysed and so the fingers
look less like a claw.

Station 16
16.1 The thenar eminence is formed from three muscles: flexor pollicis brevis, abductor
pollicis brevis and opponens pollicis. Adductor pollicis is not part of the thenar
eminence and the remaining muscles that act on the thumb (flexor pollicis longus,
adductor pollicis, and abductor pollicis longus) are located within the forearm.
Answers 165

16.2 Hypothenar muscles: flexor digiti minimi brevis, abductor digiti minimi, and
opponens digiti mini. Note that the names of the hypothenar muscles complement
the thenar muscles.
16.3 C  Median nerve (C5–T1)
16.4 D  Ulnar nerve (C8–T1)
16.5 E  Metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb. Flexion is achieved with flexor pollicis
longus and flexor pollicis brevis.
16.6 F  Distal interphalangeal joint of the index finger. Flexion is achieved with flexor
digitorum profundus.
G  Proximal interphalangeal joint of the ring finger. Flexion is achieved with flexor
digitorum superficialis and flexor digitorum profundus.
16.7 The lumbrical muscles flex the metacarpophalangeal joints whilst extending the
interphalangeal joints. Other muscles acting on the fingers include the flexor
digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, and interossei. The flexor
digitorum superficialis inserts into the middle phalanx and flexes the proximal
interphalangeal joints primarily, but also the metacarpophalangeal and wrist
joints to a lesser extent. The flexor digitorum profundus tendons insert into the
distal phalanx and cause distal interphalangeal joint flexion, but also flexion of the
proximal, metacarpophalangeal and wrist joints to a lesser extent.
16.8 The dorsal interossei are bipennate muscles that have two heads originating from
adjacent metacarpals. They insert into the bases of the proximal phalanx and
extensor expansions of their corresponding digits. Their primary function is to flex
the metacarpophalangeal joints and extend the interphalangeal joints (like the
lumbricals). Their secondary function is to abduct the fingers away from the axis of
the middle finger.
The palmer interossei are unipennate muscles that originate from the sides of the
metacarpals and insert in to the base of the proximal phalanx of the same digit.
Their function is to adduct the fingers towards the middle finger.
A mnemonic for the actions of the interossei is: DAB (short for Dorsal ABducts) and
PAD (short for Palmar Adducts).
16.9 The digital nerve.

Station 17
17.1 A  Scaphoid bone
Radius bone
First metacarpal bone
Lunate bone (It looks very 'lunar')
Ulnar bone
166 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

17.2 No. It is quite common for a scaphoid fracture to be unnoticeable on an initial plain
film of the carpal bones and a repeat film taken 7–10 days after the initial injury is
recommended to ensure that any developing necrosis of the bone is not missed.
17.3 The blood supply to the scaphoid bone is from the radial artery via two routes.
The main supply is via dorsal branches of the radial artery that enter the scaphoid
on its dorsal surface at approximately the ‘waist’ of the bone. These vessels supply
the waist and proximal pole of the scaphoid bone in a retrograde fashion. The
remainder of the blood supply is via palmar branches of the radial artery that
supply the distal aspect of the bone. These branches enter the scaphoid at its distal
pole (Figure 2.9).
17.4 It is important to detect an injury to the scaphoid early as the blood supply to the bone
may be impaired. Should this occur, there is a high likelihood of avascular necrosis.
17.5 The proximal pole of the scaphoid is most at risk of avascular necrosis due to
its lack of collateral blood supply. A fracture at the distal pole and waist of the
scaphoid poses less of a risk of avascular necrosis compared to one more proximal
that disrupts the major arterial supply to the bone (Figure 2.10).
17.6 Bones which are commonly affected by avascular necrosis are listed in Table 2.14.

Distal aspect
Figure 2.9  Vascular
arterial supply to the
Radial artery scaphoid bone.
(palmar branches)

Radial artery
(dorsal branches)

Proximal aspect

Figure 2.10
of how various
fractures of
the scaphoid
bone result in
the likelihood
of avascular
Distal fracture Waist fracture Proximal fracture necrosis (area at
risk shaded in
Answers 167

Table 2.14  Common sites for avascular necrosis

Bone affected Eponymous name of Comments
Scaphoid None The proximal pole of the scaphoid is
at risk of avascular necrosis due to its
lack of collateral blood supply

Lunate Kienböck’s disease Rare

Affects the dominant hand of the
patient in over two-thirds of cases

Head of the second or Freiberg’s infarction Seen in young female runners

third metatarsal bones
Pain is usually felt in the forefoot and
may resolve spontaneously

Talus Diaz disease Can lead to total loss of the ankle joint
with destruction and deformity in
severe cases.

Navicular Kohler’s disease Frequently self-limiting and unilateral

More common in males

Femoral head Perthes’ disease Presents with hip pain

(in children), Chandler’s
The treatment is to avoid remove force
disease (if cause is
on this joint until the condition has
idiopathic in adults)

17.7 Other medical conditions to ask about include sickle cell disease, previous
radiotherapy, corticosteroid usage, and autoimmune conditions such as
rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.

Station 18
18.1 A  The proximal interphalangeal joint is a synovial hinge joint. It has a palmar
ligament (known as the volar plate), and two collateral ligaments.
B The metacarpophalangeal joint is a synovial condyloid joint. It is protected by
palmer and collateral ligaments. The deep transverse metacarpal ligament unites
the palmer ligaments of the 2nd–5th joints.
18.2 C  Superficial palmar arch
Deep palmar arch
168 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

18.3 The thenar space is a potential compartment in the hand in to which infection can
spread (Figure 2.11). The boundaries of the thenar space are:
• medially: the intermediate palmer septum (which connects the deep surface of
the lateral part of the palmar aponeurosis to the front of the third metacarpal
• laterally: lateral palmar septum
• anteriorly: the lateral part of palmar aponeurosis
• posteriorly: adductor pollicis
• distally: proximal transverse crease of palm
• proximally: distal margin of flexor retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament).
18.4 The boundaries of the mid-palmar space (Figure 2.11):
• medially: medial palmar septum
• laterally: intermediate palmar septum (the lateral border of the mid-palmar
space is the medial border of the thenar space)
• anteriorly: medial part of palmar aponeurosis, and flexor tendons to medial three
• posteriorly: fascia covering the medial three metacarpal bones and interosseous
• distally: distal transverse crease of palm
• proximally: distal margin of flexor retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament).
18.5 The flexor tendons of the digits travel within fibrous flexor sheaths. The distal limit
of the sheaths is the insertion of the profundus tendon at the base of the distal
phalanx. The proximal limit of the sheaths of the 2nd–4th digits is the metacarpal
heads, but the sheaths of the little finger and thumb extend past the wrist. This
continuation of the sheath for the thumb is termed the radial bursa and that for the
little finger the ulnar bursa. Infections of the thumb and little finger can therefore
readily spread into the palm.

Figure 2.11 Spaces

Medial Lateral of the hand, axial
Superficial Palmar
Ulna bursa
palmar arch aponeurosis view from below.
Hypothenar Thenar
muscles muscles
Medial palmar bursa
Fifth metacarpal
Mid-palmar septum
Flexor tendons Intermediate Thenar pollicis
palmar septum space
Answers 169

18.6 Kanavel described four cardinal signs of infectious flexor tenosynovitis:

• fusiform digital swelling
• semi-flexed digital posture
• pain on passive extension
• tenderness along the flexor tendon sheath.
18.7 Paronychia is infection of the soft tissues folds surrounding the proximal nail. The
lateral nail fold is termed the paronychial fold, and the infection usually starts here.
It may extend to the proximal fold, the eponychium, and even to the contralateral
paronychial fold (‘horseshoe infection’). Staphylococcus aureus is the typical
organism and the treatment is antibiotics and drainage.
18.8 E  Lunula. This is a crescent shaped area that is the visible part of the germinal
matrix of the nail.
18.9 Felon is infection of the distal volar pulp space of the digits. This space is composed
of fat broken up between multiple fibrous septa connecting the subcutaneous
layer to the bone. If one of these compartments becomes infected and oedematous
then there is little room for expansion and the pressure increases. Not only is this
extremely painful but it can compromise the blood supply and cause necrosis of the
tip of the distal phalanx. Other complications include proximal spread of infection,
flexor tenosynovitis, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis of the distal interphalangeal joint,
and paronychia.

Station 19
19.1 See Figure 2.12.
Hypothenar muscles
Thenar muscles

Figure 2.12  The

Ulnar nerve Ulnar artery Median nerve carpal tunnel, axial
Flexor Flexor pollicis longus view from below.
digitorum Flexor carpi radialis
Hypothenar Thenar muscles
muscles Trapezium
Flexor 1st metacarpal
profundus Radial artery
Extensor tendons
tendons Capitate Trapezoid 2nd metacarpal
170 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

The MRI in this station can be confusing to the unfamiliar candidate because of
its orientation. The best method to determine the orientation of the scan is to
remember that the flexor carpi radialis, whilst within the carpal tunnel, does not
lie within the same fascial compartment as the other ten structures. Once you
identify this structure you know that the side where this tendon lies is therefore
radial (lateral).
19.2 C  Flexor digitorum superficialis muscle tendons
Flexor pollicis longus muscle tendon
Flexor carpi radialis muscle tendon
Flexor digitorum profundus muscle tendon
19.3 The contents of the carpal tunnel are:
• the four tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus
• the four tendons of the flexor digitorum superficialis
• median nerve (this is in the most superficial structure)
• the tendon of the flexor pollicis longus.
19.4 The flexor retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament) is a strong fibrous sheath that
attaches to the tubercle of the scaphoid and the pisiform bone laterally and the
hook of hamate and tubercle of the trapezium medially.
19.5 Structures at risk during a carpal tunnel release include:
• palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve giving sensation to the thenar
• recurrent branch of median nerve, which is the motor branch to the thenar
• ulnar nerve
• median nerve
• flexor tendons within the wrist.
19.6 G  Ulnar artery (the ulnar nerve is smaller in diameter and lies medial to the artery)
19.7 No. The ulnar artery lies outside of the carpal tunnel and is not affected by the
carpal tunnel syndrome.
19.8 All the muscles are supplied by the median nerve and its branches except for the
medial half of flexor digitorum profundus (ulnar nerve).
19.9 Tinel’s test consists of tapping over the median nerve, causing tingling in
the thumb/index and middle finger, indicating some degree of carpal tunnel
compression. In Phalen’s test, the subject holds their wrist in exaggerated flexion,
increasing the pressure in the carpal tunnel. This, again, may reproduce the
symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome in sufferers.
19.10 Guyon’s canal is a fibro-osseous tunnel that begins at the proximal extent of flexor
retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament) and ends at the aponeurotic arch of the
Answers 171

hypothenar muscles. Its walls are the pisiform, the hook of the hamate, the volar
carpal ligament, and pisohamate ligament. It contains the ulnar artery and the
ulnar nerve.

Station 20
20.1 A  Lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Radial head
Radial tuberosity
Olecranon fossa
Medial epicondyle of the humerus
Trochlea notch of ulna
Coronoid process of ulna
Ulnar shaft
20.2 The biceps brachii tendon attaches to D (radial tuberosity).
20.3 The biceps brachii muscle has two heads: the long head originates from the
supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula; the short head originates from the coracoid
process of the scapula. The biceps brachii inserts on to the posterior border of
radial tuberosity, and the bicipital aponeurosis to deep fascia and the border of the
subcutaneous ulna.
20.4 The brachialis muscle attaches to H (coronoid process of ulna).
20.5 The brachialis muscle aids in flexion of the forearm. However, it does not
participate in supination unlike the biceps brachii muscle.
20.6a Colles’ fracture is a transverse fracture of the radius about 2.5 cm proximal to the
wrist joint. The distal fragment is displaced posteriorly and angulated, giving a
‘dinner fork’ like appearance.
20.6b Smith’s fracture is a fracture of the distal radius where the distal fragment is
displaced anteriorly.
20.7 A  Brachialis muscle
Brachioradialis muscle
Ulnar artery
Lateral epicondyle of the humerus
Olecronon of the ulna
20.8 Table 2.15 describes the results of damage to the ulnar nerve at various levels.
172 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Table 2.15  Consequences of ulnar nerve section

Type of damage Causes Motor Sensory
Ulnar nerve at Traumatic Weakness of intrinsic If the division is above
wrist laceration, muscles of hands (tested the palmar and dorsal
fractures. by abduction and cutaneous branches
adduction of fingers), (5 cm above the wrist)
clawing of the hand then there is loss
(except less clawing in of sensation to the
second and third digits medial 1.5 fingers on
compared to ‘Klumpke’s the volar and dorsal
palsy’ due to intact supply surfaces, and the
of the lumbricals). corresponding palm.

Ulnar nerve at Fractures Similar weaknesses of Loss of sensation to

elbow (especially intrinsic muscles of hand. the medial 1.5 fingers
medial There is less clawing of the on the volar and dorsal
epicondyle) fourth and fifth fingers, surfaces, and the cor-
or disloca- as the flexor digitorum responding palm.
tions of elbow, profundus to those fingers
cubital tunnel is paralysed (the ‘ulnar
syndrome paradox’). There is a radial
deviation of the wrist due
to paralysis of flexor carpi

20.9 The median nerve is a continuation of the medial cord of the brachial plexus
(C5–T1). During its descent within the arm it remains in the flexor compartment
accompanied by the brachial artery, deep to biceps brachii. In the cubital fossa
the median nerve lies medial to the brachial artery. It continues into the forearm
by passing deep to pronator teres and flexor digitorum superficialis origin, here
it gives off the anterior interosseous branch. At the wrist the nerve emerges on
the lateral side of the superficialis tendons and gives off another branch, the
palmar cutaneous branch, before travelling with the flexor digitorum superficialis
tendons through the carpal tunnel under the flexor retinaculum (transverse carpal
The median nerve supplies the palmar aspect of the thumb and lateral 2.5 fingers.
Table 2.16 lists muscles supplied by the median nerve.
20.10 Median nerve damage (A) can occur at several levels (Table 2.17).
20.11 The brachial artery is the continuation of the axillary artery at the distal border
of the teres major muscle. Branches of the brachial artery are: profunda brachii,
superior ulnar collateral, inferior ulnar collateral, nutrient branches to the
humerus, and the two terminal branches – the radial artery and ulnar artery
(Figure 2.13).
Answers 173

Table 2.16  Muscles supplied by the median nerve

Nerve Muscles Movements
Anterior Flexor pollicis longus Flexes terminal phalanx of thumb
interosseous Flexor digitorum profundus Flexes distal interphalangeal joints of
nerve (lateral half ) the fingers and wrist
Pronator quadratus Pronates forearm
Muscular Pronator teres Pronates forearm, flexes wrist
branches Flexor carpi radialis Flexes wrist
Flexor digitorum superficialis Flexes proximal interphalangeal joints
of the fingers
Palmaris longus Flexes the wrist
First two lumbricals Flexes the metacarpophalangeal joints
whilst extending the interphalangeal
Abductor pollicis brevis Abducts the thumb
Opponens pollicis Opposes thumb
Flexor pollicis brevis Flexes proximal phalanx of thumb

Table 2.17  Consequences of median nerve damage

Location of Causes Motor Sensory
Wrist Traumatic Weakness of the lateral If the lesion is above the
laceration two Lumbricals, Opponens palmer cutaneous branch
pollicis, Abductor pollicis in the forearm then there
Carpal tunnel
brevis, and Flexor pollicis is loss of sensation to the
brevis muscles (LOAF volar surface of skin below
muscles). This is tested by and including the radial 3.5
abducting the thumb with digits. If the lesion is below
the dorsum of the hand this level, then the sensa-
flat on the table tion to the palm (but not
the digits) is preserved

Supracondylar Supra- As well as above Loss of volar cutaneous

level condylar consequences: loss of sensation below and in-
fractures of forearm pronation, weak cluding the radial 3.5 digits
the humerus, wrist flexion (as it now
rarely elbow solely depends on flexor
dislocation. carpi ulnaris and medial
half of flexor digitorum
profundus, supplied by
the ulnar nerve)
174 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Brachial A.
Lower border of teres major

brachii A.
rio Ulna
r collateral

Posterior interosseous
contributing branch Ul
A. na
al A.

Dorsal carpal branch

Flexor on s A
mm ou
Palmar carpal branch retinaculum Co sse
Muscular branches
Arteria princeps pollicis
palmer Palmar carpal branch
Arteria radialis indicis Interosseous
branch Dorsal carpal branch
Flexor retinaculum

Deep branch

Palmar digital branches

Deep Posterior Anterior Superficial
palmar arch inter- inter- palmar
osseous osseous arch
A. A.

Figure 2.13  Branches of the brachial artery. (A. = Artery).

Station 21
21.1 A Metacarpal head of the little finger
Hook of the hamate
21.2 It is a sesamoid bone, meaning that it is embedded within a tendon (that of flexor
carpi ulnaris).
Answers 175

21.3 The flexor retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament), the flexor carpi ulnaris and the
abductor digiti minimi (to complete the list: pisometacarpal ligament, pisohamate
ligament, and volar carpal ligament).
21.4 The scaphoid, lunate, and triquetral bones.
21.5 Bennett’s fracture is an intra-articular fracture dislocation of the base of
the metacarpal of the thumb extending in to the first carpometacarpal
(trapeziometacarpal) joint.
21.6 Flexor digitorum profundus: originates from the ulna, interosseous membrane, and
fascia of the forearm and inserts in to the base of the distal phalanx of the medial
four fingers.
Flexor digitorum superficialis: has humeroulnar and radial heads, and inserts into
the middle phalanx of the medial four fingers.
21.7 The flexor pollicis longus muscle originates from the anterior surface of the radius
and the interosseous membrane. It travels through the carpal tunnel and inserts in
to the base of the distal phalanx of the thumb.
21.8 Mallet finger results from a hyperextension injury that avulses or ruptures the
insertion of the extensor tendon in to the distal phalanx, resulting in flexion of the
distal phalanx at rest due to pull from the flexor digitorum profundus. It is often
treated in a finger splint for 6 weeks although occasionally surgery is required.
21.9 Trigger finger is catching of the finger during flexion or extension due to a disparity
of size between the flexor tendon and the pulley system of the finger. The most
common location is the A1 pulley. It can be treated with steroid injections, but
surgical release of A1 pulley is a more definitive treatment.
21.10 The pulleys of the digits are thickenings of the flexor tendon sheath that keep the
tendons tight to the bones. There are three cruciform pulleys and these prevent
sheath collapse and expansion during digital motion. There are five annular
ligaments that act to prevent bowstringing.

Station 22
22.1 A  Extensor digiti minimi tendon
Extensor digitorum tendon of middle finger
Extensor retinaculum
Extensor expansion of index finger
Abductor pollicis longus tendon
22.2 The posterior interosseous branch of the radial nerve.
22.3 The extensor digitorum communis originates from the lateral epicondyle of the
humerus. The tendons terminate in an aponeurotic extensor expansion over the
proximal phalanges. They attach by a central slip in to the base of the middle
176 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

phalanx, and two lateral slips in to the distal phalanx. The extensor expansion
receives the attachments of the interossei and lumbricals.
22.4 There are attachments between the tendons of the extensor digitorum tendons of
the little, ring, and middle fingers, making it difficult to fully extend each of these
fingers alone.
22.5 The extensor carpi ulnaris originates from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus,
and inserts in to the base of the 5th metacarpal.
22.6 The extensor carpi radialis longus originates from the lateral supracondylar ridge
of the humerus, the lateral intermuscular septum, and the lateral epicondyle of the
humerus. It inserts in to the dorsal surface of the base of the second metacarpal bone.
22.7 The extensor retinaculum (C) is attached laterally to the lateral margin of the radius,
and medially to the triquetrum and pisiform.
22.8 de Quervain’s tenosynovitis is inflammation of the sheath containing extensor
pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis longus (both abductors of the thumb). It is
commonly treated by steroid injection.
22.9 Volkmann’s contracture is fibrosis and contraction of the long flexors and
extensors of the forearm due to ischaemia and necrosis of the muscles. The
wrist is usually flexed (as the forearm flexors are bulkier than the extensors), the
metacarpophalangeal joints are extended (the long extensors insert into proximal
phalanges), and the interphalangeal joints flexed.

Station 23
23.1 A  Palmar digital artery of index finger
Palmar digital nerve of index finger
Abductor pollicis brevis
Flexor digitorum profundus
Flexor digitorum superficialis
Superficial palmar arch
Abductor digiti minimi
Ulnar artery
23.2 The anterior interosseous nerve is a branch of the median nerve and the posterior
interosseous nerve is a branch of the radial nerve.
23.3 The anterior interosseous nerve arises below the two heads of pronator teres and
runs on the anterior surface of the interosseous membrane. It supplies the flexor
pollicis longus, the pronator quadratus, and the radial half of flexor digitorum
The posterior interosseous nerve passes between the two heads of supinator in to
the posterior compartment. This nerve supplies most of the extensors of the forearm.
Answers 177

23.4 Both the anterior and posterior interosseous arteries are branches of the ulnar
23.5 The palmaris longus is a wrist flexor that is absent in about 13% of people. Its
absence does not significantly weaken flexion and so is suitable for use as a tendon
23.6 The radial artery ends as the deep palmar arch in the palm of the hand. This lies
1 cm proximal to the superficial palmar arch, which is the continuation of the ulnar
The deep palmar arch gives off palmar metacarpal branches. The superficial palmar
arch supplies the hypothenar eminence and gives off the digital arteries. There is
an anastomosis between the deep and superficial arches and hence division of the
radial or ulnar artery by itself is usually of little consequence.
23.7 Allen's test assesses the patency of the radial and ulnar arteries, and is useful before
arterial cannulation or puncture. The radial artery is compressed at the wrist and
the patient is asked to tightly clench their fist, which closes off the superficial and
deep palmar arches. The patient then opens their hand. After a few seconds the
hand should be fully perfused by blood from the ulnar artery via the palmar arches.
These actions are repeated with compression of the ulnar artery to complete the

Station 24
24.1 A  Biceps brachii (short head)
Median nerve
Ulnar nerve
Musculocutaneous nerve
Axillary nerve
Radial nerve
24.2 D  Musculocutaneous nerve. It innervates the biceps brachii, brachialis, and
coracobrachialis muscles (mnemonic: BBC – Biceps, Brachialis, and Coracobrachialis).
24.3 Radial: C5–T1
Median: C5–T1
Musculocutaneous: C5–C7
Axillary: C5, C6
24.4 The branches of the posterior cord can be remembered using the acronym STAR:
upper Subscapular nerve, Thoracodorsal nerve, Axillary nerve, and Radial nerve
(note the thoracodorsal nerve is also known as the nerve to latissimus dorsi).
24.5 The roots (C5–T1) lie between the anterior and middle scalene muscles.
The trunks (middle and lower) lie within the posterior triangle of the neck.
178 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Figure 2.14  The

Roots Trunks Divisions Cords brachial plexus.
1 2 3
Lateral cord Musculocutaneous
C6 Axillary
C7 Posterior cord Radial Median

C8 45
Medial cord Ulnar
T1 678
Long thoracic nerve

1 – Dorsal scapular 5 – Subscapular

2 – Suprascapular 6 – Medial pectoral
3 – Nerve to subclavius 7 – Medial brachial cutaneous
4 – Thoracodorsal 8 – Medial antebrachial cutaneous

The divisions (anterior and posterior) lie behind the clavicle.

The cords (lateral, posterior and medial) lie in the axilla.
Note: the brachial plexus can be difficult to memorise. Of the structures in Figure
2.14, the named nerves are the most important to remember; the less important
nerves are numbered. Try also to take note of the roots and cords.
24.6 Upper brachial plexus injuries may occur due to shoulder dystocia. Injuries of
this type are referred to as ‘Erb–Duchenne’ paralysis. The roots involved are C5
and C6 and hence muscles innervated by the axillary (deltoid and teres minor),
suprascapular (supra- and infraspinatus), and musculocutaneous (biceps and
brachialis) nerves are affected. The arm hangs limply, medially rotated and fully
pronated – like giving a tip to the waiter behind your back (‘waiter’s tip palsy’).
24.7 Lower brachial plexus injuries involve T1 roots, and can be caused by upward
traction on the arm at birth. This injury is termed ‘Klumpke’s palsy’. T1 supplies
the small muscles of the hand and so it takes on a ‘clawed’ appearance due to
unopposed action of the long flexors and extensors (causing extension of the
metacarpophalangeal joints and flexion of the interphalangeal joints).
24.8 The long thoracic nerve of Bell (C5–C7) supplies the serratus anterior muscle.
Section of this nerve produces a ‘winged scapula’ appearance (prominent
protrusion of the scapula). This appearance is exaggerated by pushing against
resistance. There is weak anteversion and abduction of the arm above the head.
24.9 The nerve to the subclavius.
24.10 Suprascapular nerve (upper trunk). This supplies supraspinatus and
24.11 The axillary artery (not anything ‘brachial’!).
Answers 179

Station 25
25.1 A  Vastus medialis muscle
Long (or great) saphenous vein
Distal femur
Popliteal vessels
25.2 Quadratus femoris arises from the lateral border of the ischial tuberosity. The
muscle inserts in a vertical line that extends from the quadrate tubercle of the
femur to the level of the lesser trochanter. It is an external rotator of the hip and is
innervated by the nerve to the quadratus femoris (Table 2.18).
25.3 Semitendinosus arises from the upper posterior surface of the ischial tuberosity,
and inserts in to the upper medial shaft of the tibia. It is a flexor and internal rotator
of the knee, and an extensor of the hip. The muscle is innervated by the tibial part
of the sciatic nerve.
25.4 Adductor magnus has two parts: adductor and hamstring. The adductor part arises
from the ischiopubic ramus and inserts in to the lower gluteal line and linea aspera.
This part is innervated by the posterior division of the obturator nerve. The hamstring
portion arises from the posterior surface of the ischial tuberosity and inserts in to the
adductor tubercle, and is innervated by the tibial portion of the sciatic nerve.
25.5 The same nerves that innervate the hip – the femoral, sciatic, and obturator
nerves – also supply the knee. Hence, hip disease is an important differential to be
considered in knee pain.

Table 2.18  Compartments of the thigh

Compartment Muscles Nerve supply Blood supply

Anterior Sartorius, iliacus, psoas. Pectin- Femoral nerve Femoral artery

eus, quadriceps femoris (rectus (except psoas
femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus which is from
medialis, vastus intermedius) the lumbar

Medial Gracilis, adductor longus, adductor Obturator Profunda femoris

brevis, adductor magnus and obturator
(adductor), obturator externus arteries

Posterior Biceps femoris, semitendinosus, Sciatic nerve Profunda femoris

semimembranosus, adductor artery
magnus (hamstring)

Note: Adductor magnus has both adductor and hamstring portions, and different nerves innervate them.
180 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

25.6 The obturator nerve arises from the lumbar plexus from the anterior divisions of
the anterior primary rami of L2–4. It emerges at the medial border of the psoas
and splits in to anterior and posterior branches at the obturator groove before
traversing the obturator foramen to supply the adductors of the thigh.
25.7 Sensory: the skin of the medial thigh.
Motor: adductor magnus (adductor part), adductor longus, adductor brevis,
gracilis, pectineus, obturator externus.

Station 26
26.1 Hip flexion.
26.2 L2/L3
26.3 Iliacus and psoas major mainly. Other muscles that contribute are rectus femoris,
sartorius, and pectineus. L2/L3.
26.4 Normal values for hip and knee ranges of movement are given in Table 2.19.
26.5 See Table 2.19.
26.6 See Table 2.19.
26.7 See Table 2.19.
26.8 ‘Real’ leg length can be measured with the patient lying down with the pelvis
square and legs positioned symmetrically in abduction. The measurement is from
the medial malleolus to the anterior superior iliac spine. ‘Apparent’ leg length is
measured with the legs parallel, from the medial malleolus to the xiphisternum (or
other constant midline landmark). Real shortening is due to loss of bone length
whereas apparent shortening is due to fixed deformity.
26.9 The McMurray circumduction test is performed to identify meniscal injury in the
knee. With the patient supine, the knee is first flexed to 90° and the examiner’s left
hand is placed over the knee joint, with thumb laterally and index finger medially.

Table 2.19  Normal values for hip and knee range of movement* (from the
anatomical position)
Hip Knee

Flexion 120° 130°

Extension 30° 15°

Abduction 45° *

Adduction 30° *

External rotation 45° *

Internal rotation 40° 10°

*These movements are not possible at the knee.
Answers 181

The examiner’s right hand applies an external rotation force to the foot while
extending the knee and the left hand applies a valgus force to the knee. A torn
medial meniscus may become trapped between the femoral and tibial condyles.
The test is repeated with the knee being extended with internal rotation of the foot
and varus stress. Pain, clicking, or crepitus indicates a positive test.
26.10 Lachman’s test evaluates anterior cruciate ligament injury. The knee is flexed to
30° and the lower leg is grasped with one hand on the tibia and the other on the
thigh. The leg is then pulled forward firmly. If the anterior cruciate ligament is
deficient, there will be a greater forward translation of the joint than normal.

Station 27
27.1 A  Gluteus maximus
Sciatic nerve
Inferior gemellus
Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
Quadratus femoris
27.2 Trendelenburg’s test is ipsilateral sinking of the pelvis opposite the side of a
pathological hip when standing on one leg (‘sound side sags’). A normal (negative)
test is indicated by a rise of the pelvis opposite the side on which the subject
is standing. This is caused by contraction of the gluteus medius and minimus,
and is necessary for normal gait. If there is weakness of either of these muscles,
dislocation of the femoral head, or a defective femoral neck or angle then
Trendelenburg’s sign will be positive.
27.3 A  Gluteus maximus. This is the largest muscle in the body. It originates from the
outer surface of the ilium, sacrum, coccyx, and sacrotuberous ligament and inserts
into the iliotibial tract and gluteal tuberosity of the femur. It is supplied by the
inferior gluteal nerve (L5–S2) and the superior and inferior gluteal arteries (internal
iliac artery). Its action is to extend and laterally rotate the hip, and it helps extend
the knee (through the iliotibial tract).
27.4a C  The sciatic nerve (the largest nerve in the body)
27.4b The major branches of the sciatic nerve are: the tibial nerve, the common
peroneal nerve, the nerve to quadratus femoris (also supplying the inferior
gemellus and the hip joint), and the nerve to obturator internus (also supplying
the superior gemellus).
27.5 B  Piriformis muscle.
27.5a The piriformis originates from the front surface of the sacrum (Figure 2.15).
It leaves the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen, to insert on to the
greater trochanter of the femur. It is supplied by branches of the sacral
plexus and acts as a lateral rotator of the femur, and stabiliser of the hip.
182 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Figure 2.15
The gluteal
Gluteus medius region (gluteus
Inferior glutear
artery + nerve Gluteus muscle removed
Superior gluteal but would
artery + nerve overlie gluteus
artery + nerve
Gemellus superior minimus).
Posterior femoral Obturator internus
cutaneous nerve
Gemellus inferior
Sciatic nerve Obturator externus

27.5b Table 2.20 lists structures departing the greater sciatic foramen above and
below the piriformis.
27.5c See Table 2.20.
27.6 The ‘fascia lata’ is the deep fascia of the thigh.
27.7 The iliotibial tract is a dense area of fascia lata over the lateral leg. It is attached
superiorly to the tubercle of the iliac crest, and inferiorly to the lateral condyle of
the tibia. It receives the tensor fasciae latae muscle and the insertion of the gluteus
maximus. It has an important role in stabilising the hip and extending the knee
when standing.
27.8 The upper outer quadrant of the buttock. The important structures (notably the
sciatic nerve and its branches) run safely medial to this.

Table 2.20  Structures exiting the greater sciatic foramen

Location Vessels Nerves

Above piriformis Superior gluteal vessels Superior gluteal nerve

Below piriformis Inferior gluteal vessels Inferior gluteal nerve

Internal pudendal vessels Pudendal nerve
Sciatic nerve
Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
Nerve to obturator internus
Nerve to quadratus femoris
Answers 183

Station 28
28.1 The differential for a lump in the groin is:
• soft tissue: sebaceous cyst, lipoma, sarcoma
• musculoskeletal: psoas abscess
• vessel: femoral artery aneurysm or pseudoaneurysm, saphena varix
• nerve: femoral neuroma
• enlarged lymph node
• femoral hernia.
28.2 Remember, the mnemonic for the order of the structures in the femoral triangle
from lateral to medial is NAVY: Nerve, Artery, Vein, and Y-fronts!
Femoral nerve
Common femoral artery
Profundus femoris artery
Long saphenous vein
Adductor longus
28.3  The femoral artery (C) is the continuation of the external iliac artery as it passes
under the inguinal ligament. It gives off the profunda femoris about 3.5 cm below
the inguinal ligament to become the superficial femoral artery. The artery then
travels in the adductor canal, lying first on adductor longus and then adductor
magnus, underneath sartorius. It passes through the adductor hiatus in adductor
magnus to become the popliteal artery.
28.4 Femoral hernias pass through the femoral canal. This is bounded anteriorly by the
inguinal ligament, posteriorly by the pectineal ligament (overlying the superior
pubic ramus), medially by the lacunar ligament (the pectineal part of the inguinal
ligament), and laterally by the femoral vein.
28.5 Normally the canal contains fat and a lymph node (Cloquet’s node). The space in
the canal allows for expansion of the femoral vein, and allows a lymphatic pathway
to the external iliac nodes.
28.6 The boundaries of the femoral triangle are (Figure 2.16):
• superiorly: the inguinal ligament
• medially: medial border of adductor longus
• laterally: the medial border of sartorius
• floor: iliacus, psoas, pectineus, and adductor longus muscles
• roof: fascia lata (pierced by the saphenous vein).
28.7 The femoral sheath is a protrusion of the fascial lining of the abdominal wall. It
surrounds the femoral vessels and lymphatics for about 2.5 cm below the inguinal
184 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Figure 2.16  The

right femoral triangle
Inguinal ligament (triangle exists within
Iliacus dotted region).

Artery Femoral

Lymph node (within

femoral canal)
Adductor longus

28.8 The adductor canal is bounded:

• anterolaterally – vastus medialis
• posteromedially – adductor longus and magnus
• anteromedially (i.e. the roof ) – subsartorial fascia, on which lies sartorius.
28.9 The nerve involved is the lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh, a branch of the
lumbar plexus. The condition is termed meralgia paraesthetica.

Station 29
29.1 A  Lateral femoral condyle
Head of the femur
Intercondylar fossa
Medial femoral condyle
29.2a E The patella. This is the largest sesamoid bone in the human body.
29.2b The patella is in its normal position with the knee in extension.
29.2c The patella protects the front of the knee. It may have a role in increasing the
leverage that the tendon exerts on the femur during knee extension.
29.2d Laterally.
29.3 The tibia and fibula are connected at proximal and distal joints. The proximal
tibiofibular joint is a synovial plane joint between the lateral condyle of the tibia
Answers 185

and the head of the fibula. The distal tibiofibular joint is a fibrous joint between the
fibular notch at the lower end of the tibia and the lower end of the fibula.
29.4 The rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius, and vastus lateralis.
29.5 ‘Housemaid’s knee’ – prepatellar bursitis, classically caused by prolonged kneeling
forwards (as you would scrubbbing the floor).
‘Clergyman’s knee’ – infrapatellar bursitis, classically caused by kneeling in the erect
position (as you would praying).
29.6 The common peroneal nerve can be palpated as it winds around the neck of the
fibula. Tight bandages and plaster casts can compress it.
29.7 Table 2.21 outlines the result of damage to some of the major nerves of the lower
29.8 The gracilis (obturator nerve), and the sartorius (femoral nerve).

Table 2.21  Consequences of section of major lower limb nerves

Nerve Root Causes Result of section
values Motor Sensory

Femoral L2–L4 Operations on the Weakness of hip Numbness of the

hip, fractures of flexion and knee anterior thigh and
femur or pelvis, extension medial leg
trauma of anterior

Sciatic L4–S3 Posterior disloca- Paralysis of all Numbness below

tion of the hip, muscles of leg except the knee except
inadvertent intra- for adduction and area along medial
muscular injec- flexion of hip and malleolus and me-
tion, penetrating extension of knee dial foot (saphenous
trauma. nerve)

Tibial Ventral Penetrating Paralysis of muscles Numbness along the

divisions trauma of popli- of posterior compart- back of the leg and
of L4–S3 teal fossa ment (plantarflexors) sole of the foot
and sole of foot

Common Dorsal Penetrating Paralysis of muscles Numbness on

peroneal divisions trauma of popli- of anterior (dorsiflex- anterolateral lower
of L4–S2 teal fossa, tight ors) and lateral (ever- leg and upper
bandages/casts, tors) compartments surface of foot
fracture of neck
of fibula
186 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Station 30
30.1 The left side (the lesser trochanter is prominent on the posterior surface of the
femur, so this is the left side viewed from behind).
30.2 See Figure 2.17.

Anterior Posterior

Neck Head Ligament of head Head Neck

Obturator externus
Greater Fovea capitis
Greater trochanter
Gluteus medius
minimus Interochanteric line
Vastus Quadratus femoris
Psoas major
Lesser trochanter
Vastus medialis
Gluteus maximus
intermedius Pectineus Adductor magnus

Linea aspera Adductor brevis

Vastus internus

Vastus intermedius
Adductor longus
Biceps femoris,
short head

Articularis genu
Medial supracondylar
supracondylar ridge

Adductor heads

Lateral Medial Condyles

epicondyle epicondyle

Figure 2.17  Muscular attachments of the femur.

Answers 187

Greater trochanter
Trochanteric fossa
Lesser trochanter
Fovea of head
30.3 There are three main blood sources to the head of the femur. The first is from vessels
travelling up the diaphysis of the femur, the second is from reticular vessels piercing
the capsule and travelling up the neck beneath the synovial membrane (from the
medial femoral circumflex artery). The third, and least important in the adult, is from
vessels in the ligamentum teres (derived from a branch of the obturator artery).
30.4 In the child the blood supply from arteries travelling in the ligamentum teres is
much more important.
30.5 The most important factor is whether the fracture is intra- or extracapsular, as
this determines whether the femur will receive enough blood to avoid avascular
necrosis. Intracapsular fractures disrupt the reticular blood supply and the
diaphyseal blood supply, and hence the only source of blood to the head is via
the ligamentum teres. As this supply is poor in the adult it often results in necrosis
of the head. Extracapsular fractures disrupt the diaphyseal blood supply but the
retinacular supply is usually left intact, hence the risk of necrosis is lower. The
degree of displacement of the femoral neck is an important factor in determining
the patency of the retinacular vessels.
30.6 A Semimembranosus
Long head of biceps femoris
Vastus lateralis
Tibial nerve
30.7 The medial femoral circumflex artery. This muscle is commonly used as a pedicled
or free flap based on this vessel.
30.8 The obturator nerve (anterior branch).
30.9 Gracilis originates from the outer surface of ischiopubic ramus. It inserts into the
upper part of the shaft of the tibia on its medial surface.
30.10 Adductor longus, brevis and magnus, and pectineus.

Station 31
31.1 The differential for a popliteal lump includes:
• soft tissue: sebaceous cyst, lipoma, sarcoma
• vessel: short saphenous varicosity, popliteal aneurysm
• nerve: neuroma
• musculoskeletal: knee joint effusion, sarcoma, enlarged bursae, tumour of the
femur or tibia
• enlarged lymph node
188 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

31.2 A  Semitendinosus tendon

Popliteal vein
Popliteal artery
Biceps femoris muscle
Short saphenous vein
Lateral head of gastrocnemius
31.3 A localised widening of a portion of an artery, greater than 150% of its
normal diameter. Aneurysms may be fusiform (expansion of the entire vessel
circumstantially ) or saccular (evagination of a segment of the circumference).
31.4 The boundaries of the popliteal fossa are listed below (Figure 2.18):
• superolateral: biceps femoris tendon
• superomedial: semimembranosus and semitendinosus
• inferomedial: medial head of gastrocnemius
• inferolateral: lateral head of gastrocnemius
• roof: deep fascia pierced by the short saphenous vein
• floor: popliteal surface of the femur, the posterior aspect of the knee joint, and
the popliteus muscle.
31.5 The deepest structure is the popliteal artery. The space also contains the
tibial nerve, the popliteal vein, the common peroneal nerve, sural and sural
communicating nerves, lymph nodes and fat. The short saphenous vein and
posterior femoral cutaneous nerves are in the fascia of its roof.
31.6 The branches of the popliteal artery are: the genicular arteries (the superior medial,
superior lateral, middle, inferior medial and inferior lateral), the anterior tibial

Figure 2.18  The right

Biceps femoris popliteal fossa.

Semitendinosus Common
peroneal nerve
Tibial nerve

Popliteal artery

Popliteal vein
Head of fibula

Medial head of
Lateral head of

Sural nerve
Answers 189

Tibialis anterior Anterior

digitorum longus Flexor digitorum
Anterior tibial artery longus
Peroneus longus
Posterior tibial artery
Deep peroneal nerve
Interosseous nembrane
Saphenous nerve and
Superficial long saphenous vein
peroneal nerve
Tibialis posterior
Flexor hallucis longus
Peroneal artery Soleus
Tibial nerve
Sural nerve and short
saphenous vein Plantaris

Figure 2.19  Axial section of the left lower leg, viewed from above, revealing the
different compartments.

artery, and the tibial-peroneal trunk (which splits in to the posterior tibial artery
and peroneal artery.
31.7 The deep posterior compartment (Figure 2.19).
31.8 Consequences of a high section of the tibial nerve:
• sensory: numbness of posterior surface of the leg, foot and 5th toe (via the sural
nerve), the sole of the foot (via the medial and lateral plantar nerves).
• motor: loss of plantarflexion of the toes and inversion of the foot (Table 2.21).
31.9 The anterior compartment (Figure 2.19).

31.10  Consequences of section of the superficial peroneal nerve (Table 2.21):

• sensory: numbness of upper surface of the foot (apart from the first webspace,
supplied by the deep peroneal nerve)
• motor: loss of eversion of the foot (paralysis of peroneus longus and brevis).
31.11 The popliteus muscle assists in the initial stages of flexion from full extension, as it
internally rotates (‘unscrewing’ or ‘unlocking’) the joint. The muscle arises from the
lateral condyle of the femur and is inserted in to the upper part of the posterior
surface of the tibia.

Station 32
32.1 A  Tibial prominence
190 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

32.2 B  Fascia overlying tibialis anterior

Superior extensor retinaculum
Fibularis longus and brevis tendons
32.3 Compartment syndrome is caused by an increase in the compartment’s pressure (or
a reduction in its volume). This compromises capillary blood flow. Soft tissue oedema
further raises the pressure, which then compromises first venous and lymphatic
drainage and then arteriole perfusion causing ischaemia. It is commonly associated
with soft tissue injury associated with fractures, and even open fractures can result in
the syndrome. Pain out of proportion to clinical signs is suspicious of the condition.
The leg is swollen and tender. Paraesthesia may be present. Active dorsiflexion, as
well as stretching the muscles of the anterior compartment by passive plantarflexion
increases the pain. As the pressure rises, dorsiflexion of the ankle and extension of
the toes is lost, and sensation carried by the deep peroneal nerve (between the first
and second webspace) is lost. Loss of pulses is a very late and worrying sign.
32.4 Compartments of the leg and blood supply (Figure 2.19):
• anterior compartment (separated from the posterior by the interosseous
membrane) – anterior tibial artery.
• lateral compartment (separated from the anterior and posterior compartments
respectively by the anterior and posterior fascial septa) – branches from the
peroneal artery (which actually runs in the posterior compartment).
• deep and superficial posterior compartments (divided by the deep transverse
fascia) – posterior tibial artery.

Table 2.22  Compartments of the lower leg

Compartment Muscles Nerve supply Blood supply
Anterior Tibialis anterior Deep peroneal Anterior tibial artery
Extensor digitorum longus
Peroneus tertius
Extensor hallucis longus
Extensor digitorum brevis
Lateral Peroneus longus Superficial Peroneal artery
peroneal nerve
Peroneus brevis

Superficial Gastrocnemius Tibial nerve Posterior tibial

posterior artery

Deep posterior Popliteus Tibial nerve Posterior tibial

Flexor digitorum longus
Flexor hallucis longus
Tibialis posterior
Answers 191

32.5 Extensor digitorum longus is in the anterior compartment of the leg. Table 2.22
reviews the compartments of the lower leg.
32.6 The tibial nerve runs in the deep posterior compartment.

Station 33
33.1 This is a digital subtraction angiogram of the right lower limb.
33.2 See Figure 2.16.
Right popliteal artery
Right anterior tibial artery
Right posterior tibial artery
Right peroneal artery
33.3 The clinical features can be remembered using the ‘6 Ps’: Pale, Pulselessness,
Painful, Paralysed, Paraesthesia, Perishing cold.
33.4 Despite supplying the lateral compartment, the peroneal artery actually runs in the
deep posterior compartment.
33.5 C (the posterior tibial artery) ends as the medial and lateral plantar arteries (Figure 2.20).
33.6 The dorsalis pedis is a continuation of the anterior tibial artery (Figure 2.20).
33.7 The sural nerve is the cutaneous branch of the tibial nerve. It is often joined by the sural
communicating branch of the common peroneal nerve. It supplies the skin of the calf
and back of the leg before accompanying the small saphenous vein behind the lateral
malleolus to supply the skin along the lateral border of the foot and little toe.
33.8 The order of structures at the medial ankle from anterior to posterior can be
remembered using the mnemonic ‘Tom, Dick and Nervous Harry’: Tibialis posterior,
flexor Digitorum longus, Artery (posterior tibial), Nerve (tibial), flexor Hallucis longus.

Station 34
34.1 A  Greater trochanter of the femur
Fovea capitis femoris
Intertrochanteric crest
Lesser trochanter of the femur
34.2 The ligament of the head of the femur (ligamentum teres) attaches to structure B
(fovea capitis femoris). It contains the acetabular branch of the obturator artery,
which is an important blood supply to the head in children but not so in later life.
34.3 The common tendon of the psoas and iliacus insert into structure D (lesser trochanter).
34.4 The femur is usually dislocated posteriorly. This is accompanied by fractures of the
posterior acetabular lip if the hip is abducted at the time.
34.5 The sciatic nerve.
192 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Femoral A.
Common Superficial epigastric A. Superficial circumflex illac A.
A. Superficial external pudendal A.
Deep external pudendal A.

femoral A. Profunda femoris A.
Genicular descending branch

Adductor hiatus

Superior medial genicular branch Superior lateral genicular branch

Popliteal A. Middle genicular A.

Inferior medial genicular branch Inferior lateral genicular branch

Sural A.

membrane Po
Anterior & posterior or
recurrent A. . ial
lA A.
ior Peroneal A.
Anterior medial and Extensor
Lateral mealleolar A. retinaculum
Dorsalis Medial tarsal A. Lateral Calcaneal and
pedis A. tarsal A. posterior medial
malleolar branches
Arcuate Calcaneal Medial Lateral
A. A. plantar plantar A.

Figure 2.20  Branches of the femoral artery. (A. = Artery).

34.6 This would cause loss of all motor function of the leg besides adduction and flexion
of the hip and extension of the knee. The patient would have foot drop. There
would be loss of sensation of the lower leg and foot apart from the anteromedial
thigh (femoral nerve) and a small strip down the medial side of the leg into the
hallux (saphenous branch of femoral nerve) (Table 2.21).
34.7 Table 2.23 lists the attachments of the ligaments of the hip.
Answers 193

Table 2.23  Ligaments of the hip

Ligament Upper attachments Lower attachment
Iliofemoral Anterior inferior iliac spine Upper and lower parts of
the intertrochanteric line

Pubofemoral Superior ramus of the pubis Lower part of the

intertrochanteric line

Ischiofemoral Body of the ischium near the Greater trochanter

acetabular margin

Transverse Acetabulum Fovea capitis femoris


34.8 The capsule is attached on the anterior surface to the intertrochanteric line but
on the posterior surface halfway up the femoral neck. Superiorly it is attached
circumferentially around the glenoid labrum and transverse ligament.

Station 35
35.1 A  Medial condyle of femur
Medial collateral ligament
C  Posterior cruciate ligament
Lateral collateral ligament
Lateral meniscus
35.2 The movements of the knee:
• flexion: the hamstrings (semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps
femoris), gracilis, gastrocnemius, sartorius
• extension: quadriceps femoris (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis,
vastus intermedius)
• internal rotation: popliteus.
35.3 The nerve roots for flexion are L5 and S1. The nerve roots for extension are L3 and L4.
35.4 The knee has intracapsular and extracapsular ligaments. The intracapsular
ligaments are the cruciates. The anterior cruciate ligament is attached to the
anterior intercondylar area of the tibia and passes backwards and laterally to
attach to the medial posterior surface of the lateral femoral condyle. The posterior
cruciate ligament is attached to the posterior intercondylar area and passes
forward and medially to be attached to the anterior lateral surface of the medial
femoral condyle.
194 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

The medial and collateral ligaments are situated alongside the knee. The patellar
ligament protects the anterior surface and is strengthened on each side of the
patella by medial and lateral retinacula (from the vastus medialis and lateralis). The
oblique popliteal ligament protects the posterior capsule and is derived from the
Note: the main structures of the knee from anterior to posterior can be
remembered by the mnemonic Treaves Is An Excellent Surgeon Especially
In Piles: Transverse ligament, Internal meniscus, Anterior cruciate ligament,
External meniscus, Spine, External meniscus, Internal meniscus, Posterior
cruciate ligament.
35.5 See answer to previous question.
35.6 The menisci are C-shaped sheets composed of fibrocartilage, with the peripheral
edges thickened and attached to the capsule. Their function is to cushion the
contact of the bone articulations, and to deepen the surfaces of the tibial condyles
in order to receive the femoral condyles.
35.7 Lateral rotation of partially flexed leg (the knee is most stable in extension).
35.8 Fibrocartilage.

Station 36
36.1 A  The greater trochanter
The ischial tuberosity
36.2 C  Gluteus maximus
The hamstrings
36.3 D  The natal cleft, intergluteal cleft, or vertical gluteal crease.
36.4 The sciatic nerve commences at the midpoint of a line joining the posterior
superior iliac spine (at the sacral dimple) to the ischial tuberosity. The nerve curves
laterally and inferiorly through a point midway between the greater trochanter and
ischial tuberosity, and then continues vertically downwards in the midline of the
posterior thigh.
36.5 Hilton’s law states that nerves crossing a joint supply the muscles acting on that
joint as well as the joint itself.
36.7 The superior and inferior gemelli are lateral rotators of the hip, and are supplied
by branches of the sacral plexus (the nerve to quadratus femoris, and the nerve to
obturator internus).
36.8 The hamstring group of muscles are outlined in Table 2.24.
36.9 See answer to previous question.
Answers 195

Table 2.24  The hamstring muscles

Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve

Semitendinosus Ischial tuberosity Medial surface of Tibial


Semimembranosus Ischial tuberosity Medial tibial Tibial


Biceps femoris Ischial tuberosity Lateral side of head Tibial

(long head) of fibula

Biceps femoris Lateral lip of linea Lateral side of head Common peroneal
(short head) aspera of fibula

Station 37
37.1 This is the right hip (innominate) bone.
37.2 A  Ischial spine
Ischial tuberosity
Anterior inferior iliac spine
Acetabular fossa
Superior pubic ramus
Pubic tubercle
Obturator foramen
Inferior pubic tubercle
37.3 A Ischial spine. Coccygeus muscle and sacrospinous ligament.
37.4 B  Ischial tuberosity. Provides attachment for the adductor magnus,
semimembranosus, biceps femoris, and semitendinosus. Also provides attachment
to the sacrotuberous ligament.
37.5 C  Anterior inferior iliac spine. The straight head of rectus femoris (Figure 2.21).
37.6 The pelvis is comprised of the innominate bones, the sacrum, and the coccyx. The
innominate bones are: the ischium, the ilium, and the pubis.
37.7 Secondary cartilaginous (Table 2.12).
37.8 The male pelvis is heavier, thicker, with well-defined muscle attachments. The
pelvic inlet is heart shaped in the male, and oval in the female. The false pelvis is
much deeper in the male, and the pelvic canal is longer. The sacrum is long and
narrow in the male, and short and flat in the female. In men, the angle between the
inferior pubic rami (the subpubic angle) is about equal to the angle between the
middle and index finger, whereas in women it is approximately the angle between
196 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Iliac tubercle
medius Tensor fasciae latae
Gluteus maximus
Gluteus Anterior superior iliac spine
Posterior superior minimus
iliac spine Sartorius
Posterior inferior
iliac spine Anterior inferior iliac spine
Gemellus superior
Ischial spine Rectus femoris heads

Gemellus inferior Acetabular fossa

Semitendinosus Pectineus
and biceps femoris
Pubic tubercle
Ischial tuberosity
Adductor longus
Quadratus femoris foramen

Adductor magnus Inferior pubic ramus

Adductor brevis
Obturator internus

Figure 2.21  Muscular attachments of the pelvis viewed from its lateral surface.

the thumb and index finger. The male acetabulum is larger than the female. The
ischial tuberosities are directed inwards in men and outwards in females.
37.9 The obturator internus originates from the medial surface of the obturator
membrane, the ischium and the rim of the pubis. It leaves the pelvic cavity via
the lesser sciatic foramen to insert on to the greater trochanter of the femur. It
is supplied by the nerve to the obturator internus (sacral plexus), and acts as an
external rotator of the femur.
37.10 The greater sciatic foramen is bounded anterolaterally by the greater sciatic notch
of the ilium, posteromedially by the sacrotuberous ligament, and inferiorly by the
sacrospinous ligament.
37.11 The lesser sciatic foramen is bounded anteriorly by the ischial tuberosity,
superiorly by the spine of the ischium and the sacrospinous ligament, and
posteriorly by the sacrotuberous ligament. It transmits: the tendon of obturator
internus, the internal pudendal vessels, the pudendal nerve, and the nerve to
obturator internus.
37.12 The sacroiliac joint.
37.13 The external iliac gives off inferior epigastric and deep circumflex iliac branches
before continuing as the femoral artery (as it passes under the inguinal ligament).
Answers 197

37.14 Table 2.25 lists the branches of the internal iliac artery.

Table 2.25  Branches of the internal iliac artery

Anterior Umbilical (branching into the artery to the vas deferens and the
division superior vesical artery)
Inferior vesical
Middle rectal
Internal pudendal
Inferior gluteal
Uterine (female)
Vaginal (female)

Posterior Iliolumbar
Lateral sacral
Superior gluteal

Station 38
38.1 A  Right common femoral artery
Right lateral circumflex femoral artery
Right superficial femoral artery
Left profunda femoris artery
38.2 Superficial epigastric, superficial circumflex iliac, superficial external pudendal,
deep external pudendal, and profunda femoris (with its medial and lateral
circumflex femoral branches). The common femoral artery continues as the
superficial femoral artery after giving off the profunda femoris, and then as the
popliteal artery as it emerges from the adductor canal.
38.3 The dorsalis pedis can be palpated between the tendons of flexor hallucis longus
and extensor digitorum on the upper surface of the foot.
The posterior tibial artery can be felt behind the medial malleolus.
38.4 Blood may reach the foot via collaterals from the profunda femoris. These travel via
genicular vessels to provide flow to the popliteal artery.
38.5 The adductor canal contains the femoral artery and vein, the saphenous nerve, and
the nerve to vastus medialis.
38.6 The femoral artery continues as the popliteal artery as it emerges from under the
adductor hiatus.
198 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

38.7 The peroneal artery is usually evaluated by Doppler probe via its anterior
perforating branch. This can be found by holding the probe in the lateral soft area
above the ankle joint between the tibia and fibula.

Station 39
39.1 See Figure 2.22.
Tendon of extensor hallucis longus
The Achilles’ tendon
39.2 B The head of the first metatarsal
The sustentaculum tali
The medial malleolus
The tuberosity of the calcaneum
39.3 The long saphenous vein.
39.3a This vein forms from the medial end of the dorsal venous arch of the sole
of the foot. It passes directly in front of the medial malleolus and ascends in
the superficial fascia up the medial leg. It passes over the posterior parts of
the medial condyles of the tibia and femur, and then curves forward to pass
through the saphenous opening in the deep fascia to join the femoral vein
about 4 cm below and lateral to the pubic tubercle.
39.3b The saphenous nerve.
39.3c Just before it joins the femoral vein, the saphenous vein receives three
tributaries: the superficial circumflex iliac vein, the superficial epigastric vein,
and the superficial external pudendal vein.
39.4 The short saphenous vein.
39.4a The short saphenous arises from the lateral part of the dorsal venous arch
of the foot. It ascends behind the lateral malleolus and then runs up the
posterior aspect of the back of the leg in the midline. It pierces the deep
fascia and passes between the heads of gastrocnemius in the lower part of
the popliteal fossa to join the popliteal vein.
39.4b The sural nerve.
39.5 The deep veins begin on the plantar aspect of the foot and follow the major
arteries (i.e. the anterior and posterior tibial, and the peroneal). They drain into the
popliteal and femoral veins. Most of the blood of the lower limbs is carried in these
deep veins, hence high tie of the saphenous veins for treatment of varicose veins is
usually a safe procedure.
39.6 As the deep venous system may be damaged by the previous deep vein thrombosis,
the superficial veins may now be contributing significantly to the venous return.
Ligating the superficial supply may then result in venous hypertension.
Answers 199

Figure 2.22  Structures

Saphenous nerve Long saphenous vein
at the medial ankle.
Tibialis posterior

Tibial nerve
Tibialis Flexor digitorum
anterior longus
tibial vessel
longus Flexor hallucis
Achilles tendon
Flexor retinaculum

Station 40
40.1 See Figure 2.23.
L4 or L5
40.2 B Lateral cutaneous nerve of the thigh (lumbar plexus)
Lateral sural nerve (common peroneal nerve)
40.3 The rectus femoris.
40.4 Vessels: the femoral vein, and the femoral artery
Nerves: the saphenous nerve, the nerve to vastus medialis, the medial femoral
cutaneous nerve.
40.5 Saphenous nerve: numbness of the skin on the anteromedial surface of the leg.
Medial femoral cutaneous nerve: numbness of a patch of skin on the lower
anteromedial thigh.
Nerve to vastus medialis: weakness of knee extension.
40.6 Hip flexion: L2, L3
Hip extension: L4, L5
40.7 Table 2.26 lists the muscles responsible for movements of the hip (muscles which
are the main contributors to the action are in bold):
40.8 The tensor fasciae latae originates from the iliac crest and inserts in to the iliotibial
crest. It is supplied by the superior gluteal nerve and assists gluteus maximus in
extending the knee.
200 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Figure 2.23
S5 S4S3
Dermatomes of the
lower limb.
L1 L1 L2 L2

L2 L2
S2 S2

L3 L3
L3 L3
L4 L4

L5 L4 L4 L5
L5 L5

S1 S1

S1 S1

Anterior Posterior

Table 2.26  Movements of the hip

Flexion Iliacus, psoas major, rectus femoris, sartorius, pectineus.

Extension Gluteus maximus, hamstrings

Adduction Adductor longus, brevis and magnus, gracilis, pectineus

Abduction Gluteus medius and minimus, tensor fasciae latae

Internal rotation Tensor fasciae latae, anterior fibres of gluteus medius and minimus

External rotation Gluteus maximus, obturators, gemelli, quadratus femoris

Answers 201

Station 41
41.1 A  Medial plantar
Lateral plantar
Superficial peroneal
Deep peroneal
41.2 A L4/5
41.3 The plantar fascia is triangular and is attached to the tuberosity of the calcaneus
and to the heads of the metatarsal bones.
41.4 The sustentaculum is an eminence on the medial surface of the calcaneus.
It provides attachment for the flexor hallucis longus muscle. It also provides
attachment to the plantar calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament, tibiocalcaneal
ligament, the deltoid ligament, and the medial talocalcaneal ligament.
41.5 The medial longitudinal, the lateral longitudinal, and the transverse arches.
41.6 The medial cuneiform and first metatarsal.
41.7 The tuberosity at the base of the fifth metatarsal bone.
41.8 The base of the fifth metatarsal.
41.9 The peroneus tertius assists in dorsiflexion and eversion (in contrast to the
peroneus longus and brevis that are plantar flexors and evertors of the foot).

Station 42
42.1 A  Left medial malleolus
Left calcaneus bone
Left talus bone
Left navicular bone
Left cuboidal bone
42.2 The ankle joint is a synovial hinge joint. It has a capsule that is weak anteriorly and
posteriorly, but is reinforced by strong ligaments laterally.
42.3 The articulation is between the tibia, the fibula, and the talus.
42.4 According to Hilton’s law, the deep and superficial peroneal and tibial nerves supply
the ankle joint.
202 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

42.5 The deltoid ligament (medial ligament of talocrural joint) has deep and superficial
fibres, both attached to the medial malleolus. The deep fibres distally attach to the
medial talus, and the superficial fibres attach to the talus, the sustentaculum tali,
the plantar calcaneonavicular ligament, and the tuberosity of the navicular.
42.6 The tendons of peroneus longus and peroneus brevis run behind the lateral
malleolus, bound by the superior and inferior peroneal retinacula.
42.7 A syndesmosis is an articulation united by an interosseous ligament, where a small
degree of movement is allowed. Apart from the interosseous membrane, the
tibiofibular joint is also connected by the anterior and posterior tibiofibular ligaments.
42.8 The Danis–Weber classification of ankle injuries is outlined in Table 2.27.

Table 2.27  Danis–Weber classification of fibular fractures

Level of fibular Syndesmosis Deltoid Medial Stability
fracture ligament malleolus
Type A Below the ankle Intact Intact Intact Usually stable
Type B At the ankle Intact or partial May be May be Variable
injury injured injured stability

Type C Above the ankle Disrupted May be May be Unstable and

(widening of injured injured requires open
tibiofibular reduction and
articulation) fixation

Station 43
43.1 A  The fifth metatarsal (head)
The intermediate (or second) cuneiform
The navicular
The medial (or first) cuneiform
The talus
43.2 Inferomedial surface of base of first metatarsal and the medial cuneiform.
43.3 The tuberosity of navicular bone and plantar surface of medial cuneiform.
43.4 Movements of the ankle, talocalcaneal and mid-tarsal joints (muscles which are the
main contributors to the action are in bold) are outlined in Table 2.28.
43.5 Talocalcaneal, and mid-tarsal joints (calcaneocuboid and talonavicular).
43.6 See Table 2.28.
43.7 The big toe is flexed by flexor hallucis longus, and flexor hallucis brevis. It is
extended by extensor hallucis longus, and extensor digitorum brevis.
Answers 203

Table 2.28  Muscles responsible for movements of the ankle

Plantarflexion Gastrocnemius, soleus, tibialis posterior, flexor hallucis longus, flexor
digitorum longus, peroneus longus, peroneus brevis

Dorsiflexion Tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus,

peroneus tertius

Inversion Tibialis anterior and posterior, long extensor and flexor tendons of
the hallux

Eversion Peroneus longus, brevis and tertius

Foramen Transverse processes
Superior articular Vertebral foramen
Bifid spinous
process Cervical

Body Body foramen
Vertebral Pedicle
Pedicle foramen Pedicle
Transverse articular
process process

Superior Lamina Lamina

articular Spine
Lumbar Thoracic

Figure 2.24  The vertebral bodies.

Station 44
44.1 This is a thoracic vertebra.
Differentiating features of the vertebra are given in Table 2.29 and shown in
Figure 2.24.
44.2 B Lamina
Vertebral foramen
204 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Table 2.29  Differentiating features of the vertebra

Atlas No body or spinous process
Lateral mass on each side for articulation with occipital condyles, and
mass on lower side of articulation with axis

Axis Odontoid process

Cervical Body is small

Vertebral foramen large and triangular
Transverse process has foramen transversarium containing the vertebral
artery, vertebral vein, and a plexus of sympathetic nerves
Spines are bifid
The seventh process does not have a bifid spinous process; the fora-
men transversarium is small and only transmits the vertebral vein and
sympathetic nerves.

Thoracic Body is medium sized

Vertebral foramen is small and circular
Spines are long and inclined downwards
Costal facets present on the transverse processes and bodies
Superior articular processes have facets facing backward and laterally,
and inferior articular processes have facets facing forwards and medially
Lumbar Body is large and kidney shaped
Vertebral foramens are triangular
Transverse processes long
Spines are short, flat, quadrangular, and project backwards
Superior articular processes have articular processes that face medially,
and inferior articular processes have processes facing laterally

44.3 A  The superior articular process

44.3a The superior articular processes articulates with the inferior articular process
of the vertebra above.
44.3b This is a synovial joint and as such is prone to osteoarthritis.
44.4 A  Transverse costal facet, for articulation with the rib tubercles.
44.5 B  Inferior costal demifacet, for articular with the head of the ribs.
44.6 The intervertebral discs have a peripheral region the anulus (or equally correctly
‘annulus’) fibrosus, and a central region the nucleus pulposus. The anulus fibrosus
is formed from fibrocartilage, with the fibres arranged in concentric layers. The
nucleus pulposus is a mass of gelatinous substance consisting of chondrocytes,
collagen, and proteoglycan aggrecans.
Answers 205

Figure 2.25  Articulations

Superior Demi-facet of the vertebral bodies.
articular process for head of rib

Facet for
of rib Body

for head of rib



The jelly-like nucleus pulposus allows the vertebra to accommodate sudden

increases in compressive load. It also assists in flexion and extension of the
vertebral column by allowing the vertebra to tilt forwards and backwards.
44.7 Skin, superficial fascia, supraspinous ligament, interspinous ligament, ligamentum
flavum, areolar tiss ue (containing the internal vertebral venous plexus in the
epidural space), dura mater, and arachnoid mater (Figure 2.26).
44.8 The pia mater ends at the lower border of the second sacral vertebra. Below this
point the filum terminale continues, anchoring the spinal cord to the coccyx.

Figure 2.26  Sagittal

Interspinous Ligamentum
section through the lumbar
vertebral bodies.
body Anulus
Spinal nerve fibrosus
Intervertebral pulposus

Skin Anterior
Superficial Supraspinous Posterior ligament
fascia ligamant longitudinal ligament
206 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

44.9 A line joining the iliac crests passes through the 4th lumbar vertebra. The
intervertebral spaces immediately above or below this line should be suitable for
the procedure. The spinal cord ends at the L1/L2 vertebral level, forming the conus
medullaris, therefore lumbar puncture is safe below this level.
44.10 Cervical vertebra. Observe the formamen transversarium, bifid spinous process
and small body (Figure 2.24).
44.11 A Foramen transversarium. This carries the vertebral artery and vein in C1–C6, and
just the vertebral vein in C7. It also transmits sympathetic nerves.

Station 45
45.1 A  Teres major
45.2 The teres major arises from the inferior lateral border of the scapula and inserts in
to the bicipital groove of the humerus. It medially rotates and adducts the arm.
45.3 Erector spinae (or extensor spinae).
45.4 There are three columns of the erector spinae muscle: the iliocostalis, the
longissimus, and the spinalis. It is innervated by the dorsal rami of the spinal
nerves. Its action is to extend the back and neck.
45.5 C Trapezius
45.6 The trapezius originates from the occipital bone, the ligamentum nuchae, and the
spinous processes of C7–T12 vertebrae. Its upper fibres insert in to the upper lateral
third of the clavicle, the middle and lower fibres in to the acromion and spine of the
scapula. It is supplied by the spinal part of the accessory nerve. The upper fibres
elevate the scapula, the middle fibres pull the scapula medially, and the lower
fibres pull the medial border of the scapula downwards.
45.7 D T1/T2/T3
45.8 The posterior superior iliac spine.

Station 46
46.1 A  L2 vertebral body
Intervertebral disc for L3/L4
Conus medullaris
Thecal sac containing cerebrospinal fluid
46.2 The L1/L2 vertebral level.
46.3 The spinal cord tapers off into the conus medullaris, from which continues a
prolongation of pia mater termed the filum terminale, which is attached to the
coccyx. The roots of the lumbar and sacral nerves below the termination of the
spinal cord are called the cauda equina. There is also dura mater, arachnoid mater,
and cerebrospinal fluid.
Answers 207

46.4 The spinal cord has three main blood sources. The anterior spinal artery originates
from the fused vertebral arteries and runs within the anterior median fissure. The
posterior spinal arteries arises directly or indirectly from the vertebral arteries and
run down the sides of the spinal cord. There are also radicular arteries that enter
the canal via the intervertebral foramina. These radicular arteries are branches of
spinal arteries that in turn are branches of the posterior intercostal arteries.
46.5 The lateral spinothalamic tract transmits pain and temperature; the anterior tract
transmits crude touch and pressure. Afferent fibres enter the dorsal spinal cord,
ascend 1–2 vertebral levels, and decussate 1–2 spinal nerve segments above the entry
point. They converge on the thalamus, before continuing to various parts of the brain
46.6 The posterior columns (or dorsal columns) carry fine touch and proprioception.
There are two main tracts – fasciculus gracilis and fasciculus cuneatus. These ascend
uncrossed until they reach the gracile and cuneate nuclei in the medulla, where
they decussate (‘the great sensory decussation’) before reaching the thalamus.
46.7 The L3 spinal nerves emerge below the vertebral pedicle. There are 31
complementary paired spinal nerves. Each cervical spinal nerve emerges above
its respective vertebra; each thoracic/lumbar/sacral spinal root emerges below
its vertebra. Hence there is an ‘extra’ spinal nerve below C7 and above T1 – this is
termed the C8 spinal nerve.

Station 47
47.1 A  Inferior vena cava
Common iliac arteries
Right psoas major
Right exiting nerve root
Spinal cord
Right erector spinae
47.2 The scenario is suggestive of either sciatica or a herniated intervertebral disc.
47.3 The numbness is over the big toe and the anterior aspect of his shin so the affected
dermatome is L5. This suggests nerve impingement is the L5 nerve root.
47.4 In the adult no arteries supply the intervertebral discs (they disappear about the
age of 10). They are entirely dependent on diffusion from the anulus fibrosus and
vertebral bodies.
47.5 This is via venous plexuses along the vertebral column both inside and outside the
canal as well as anteriorly and posteriorly.

Station 48
48.1 A  Anulus fibrosus (seen as an outer rim of reduced MRI signal on T2)
Nucleus pulposus (seen as a central portion of increased MRI signal on T2)
208 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

48.2 The anulus fibrosus (A) is composed of fibrous tissue and fibrocartilage and is
arranged in multiple layers or ‘laminae’ around the nucleus pulposus.
48.3 The nucleus pulposus is a jelly-like material (consisting of collagen, proteoglycans
and other substances). It offers a degree of ‘cushioning’ and shock absorbency for
the vertebral bodies.
48.4 C  Anterior longitudinal ligament
Posterior longitudinal ligament
Interspinous ligament
48.5 Apart from the three spinous ligaments labelled in the image there are (Figure 2.28):
• the ligamentum flavum: this is the strongest of the spinal ligaments. It is thickest
within the lumbar spine and contributes to the posterior wall of the spinal canal
running anterior to the posterior vertebral arches.
• the intertransverse ligament: running between the transverse processes of each
vertebra these limit the extent of lateral flexion.
• the supraspinous ligament (sometimes considered with the interspinous
ligament together as the interspinous ligament complex): connects the ends of
the spinous processes between adjacent vertebrae.
• the iliolumbar ligament: this originates from the transverse processes of the
L5 vertebra and attaches onto the posterior iliac crest to offer stability to the
sacroiliac joint.
48.6 The anterior longitudinal ligament (C) runs along the anterior surface of the vertebral
bodies beginning at the basi-occiput of the skull and anterior tubercle of the atlas
(C1 vertebra) and inserting at to the anterior superior aspect of the sacrum.
The posterior longitudinal ligament (D) runs along the posterior surface of the
vertebral bodies beginning superiorly at the back of the body of the axis and
inserting into the superior aspect of the sacrum.
48.7 The muscles responsible for flexion and extension of the lumbar spine are given in
Table 2.30 below.

Table 2.30  Muscles responsible for flexion and extension of the lumbar

Flexion of the lumbar spine Extension of the lumbar spine

Psoas major Erector spinae
Iliacus There are a multitude of smaller muscles
which also contribute, however the erector
Other extrinsic muscles that contribute to
spinae is the largest contributor
flexion include the abdominal muscles:
• rectus abdominis
• external oblique
• internal oblique
• transversus abdominis
Answers 209

Station 49
49.1 A  Occipital bone
Spinous process of C1 (atlas) vertebra
Spinous process of C4 vertebra
Hyoid bone
49.2 This can be achieved by:
• ensuring the patient is not suffering from any distracting injuries
• checking that the patient is not under the influence of any sedative or
intoxicating drugs
• ensuring that the patient’s Glasgow coma score (GCS) is 15
• examining the neck for tenderness of the spine.
If these four conditions are met and the mechanism of injury suggests a low
probability of injury then the cervical spine can be mobilized gently.
49.3 Table 2.31 is a non-exhaustive list of stable and unstable cervical spine
49.4 The first cervical vertebra is the atlas. Features which are unique to this vertebra
(Figure 2.27) are:

Table 2.31  Demonstrating the stability of various cervical spine fractures

Unstable Potentially unstable Stable
Flexion teardrop fracture Anterior subluxation Simple wedge fracture
(mechanically stable without posterior column
but increased vertebral disruption
displacement may occur
with flexion movements)

Bilateral facet joint disloca- Extension teardrop fracture Clay shoveller's fracture
tion (extremely unstable) (unstable in extension, stable (a fracture of the spinous
in flexion) process specifically at the
C7/T1 level)

Atlantoaxial dislocation Burst fracture of the verte- Unilateral facet joint

bral body (only stable if no dislocation.
neurological impairment or
retropulsion of fragments)

Hangman’s fracture Burst fracture of the C1 Fracture of posterior arch of

(bilateral fractures through vertebra (stable if no the C1 vertebra
the pedicles of the C2 disruption of the
vertebra) transverse ligament)
210 Chapter 2  Limbs and spine

Atlas -C1 Axis-C2 A typical cervical vertebra

Superior view Superior view Superior view

Anterior Anterior Odontoid peg Vertebral body
tubercle arch Pedicle Foramen
Foramen Superior
transversarium articulating Superior
Superior Transverse process facet / lateral articulating
articulating Posterior arch mass facet
facet Posterior Spinous Laminae
tubercle process Posterior arch/lamina

Lateral view Lateral view Lateral view

Anterior Superior
Dens/odontoid peg
tubercle articulating facet Superior
Superior articulating facet
articulating facet
Posterior Spinous Spinous
tubercle process process
Transverse Posterior Vertebral Inferior
process arch body articulating facet

Figure 2.27  Features of the atlas, axis, and typical cervical vertebrae.

• no vertebral body
• very thick anterior arch
• prominent lateral masses which articulate with the occiput
• very thin posterior arch.
49.5 The absence of the posterior arch of the C1 vertebra does not make the cervical
spine unstable. It is sometimes removed electively in addition to removal of part of
the occipital bone to decompress cerebellar tonsil herniation through the foramen
magnum. In some severe cases, the laminae of C2 and C3 may also be removed.
49.6 The second cervical vertebra (C2) is the axis. Features that are unique to this
vertebra (Figure 2.27):
• possesses an odontoid peg
• deep anterior vertebral body
• broad pedicles bilaterally
• thickened laminae bilaterally
• large and flat superior articulating facet for articulation with the axis.
49.7 There are three main ligaments that confer stability to the atlantoaxial joint
(Figure 2.28):
• anterior atlantoaxial ligament (which is continuous with the anterior longitudinal
ligament inferiorly)
• posterior atlantoaxial ligament
Answers 211

Clivus longitudinal Occipital Lateral C2 Lateral
ligament bone mass of odontoid mass of
Anterior C1 peg C1
longitudinal Posterior
ligament C1
Anterior C2 Posterior
atlantoaxial atlantoaxial
ligament ligament
Spinal canal
for spinal cord
Transverse + meninges

Figure 2.28  The atlantoaxial ligaments.

• transverse ligament (attached on both sides to the medial aspect of the lateral
masses and keeps the odontoid peg in close contact to the anterior arch of the
49.8 There are five intervertebral discs between the C1 and C7 vertebral bodies. There is
no intervertebral disc present between the atlas (C1) and the axis (C2). This is also
true for the atlas and the base of the skull.
Chapter 3
Head and neck

Syllabus topics
The following topics are listed within the Intercollegiate MRCS Examination syllabus
for head and neck anatomy. Tick them off as you revise these topics to ensure you have
covered the syllabus.

General  Central venous catheterisation

 Laryngeal structures
 Branchial arches
 Airway access
 Face, scalp
 Skull and cervical spine
 Cranial cavity, dural venous
sinuses, pituitary gland Anterior triangle
 Orbit, eyeball
 Anterior triangle
 Ear
 Thyroid and parathyroid glands
 Parotid gland
 Larynx and trachea
 Temporomandibular joint
 Pharynx and oesophagus
 Nose and paranasal air sinuses
 Carotid sheath
 Mouth, tongue
 Submandibular and sublingual Posterior triangle
 Spinal accessory nerve
 Root of neck: thoracic duct
 Cervical plexus
 Middle meningeal artery
 Neck blood vessels

Station 1
A 35-year-old woman presents to the outpatient clinic with a 6-month history of a
gradually enlarging, non-tender swelling in the middle of the anterior part of her neck.
On examination, the mass is seen to move upwards during swallowing. Revise your
knowledge of the anatomy of the region by answering the following questions based on
the dissection shown on the following page.
214 Chapter 3  Head and neck

This is a deep dissection of the anterior part of a normal neck, viewed from the front:


1.1 At which vertebral level is the cricoid cartilage situated?

1.2 What other important structures are found at this level?
1.3 At which vertebral level is the isthmus of the thyroid gland situated?
1.4 Explain why the patient’s swelling ascends when she swallows.
1.5 Identify the structures labelled A to G.
1.6 What is the blood supply to the thyroid gland?
1.7 Where is an incision for thyroidectomy placed?
1.8 Name, in sequence, the tissue layers that must be incised during the approach to
the thyroid gland.
1.9 List the complications of thyroidectomy.

Station 2
A 23-year-old woman presents with a small (2 cm), cystic, non-tender midline swelling
of the neck just above the level of the thyroid notch. The lump is seen to ascend when
the patient protrudes her tongue.
Stations 215

This image shows a normal neck with the head turned slightly to the right:

2.1 What are the boundaries of the region labelled A?

2.2 Which two neck muscles further subdivide this area of the neck?
2.3 Name the four subdivisions of the region labelled A.
2.4 Which structures are found in each of these regions?
2.5 What are the boundaries of the region labelled B?
2.6 What structures are found in this region?
2.7 What are the clinical consequences of severing the spinal accessory nerve?
2.8 What is the surface marking of the path of the spinal accessory nerve?
2.9 Identify the structures labelled W and Z.
2.10 What is the most likely diagnosis of this patient’s lump?
2.11 Describe the embryology of the thyroid gland.
2.12 What is a thyroglossal cyst?
2.13 Why do thyroglossal cysts ascend on protrusion of the tongue?

Station 3
A 25-year-old man presents in the outpatient clinic with a midline neck swelling. At the
previous appointment a computed tomography scan of his neck was arranged. Before
calling the patient into the room you wish to familiarise yourself with the anatomical
details in a normal scan.
216 Chapter 3  Head and neck

The image below is an axial computed tomography slice from a normal subject’s neck:

x b


3.1 Identify the structures labelled A to D.

3.2 Approximately, at what vertebral level has the above image been taken?
3.3 Name the structures X and Y. What is the fascial layer that contains them?
3.4 Which other structures, not seen in this scan, are contained within this fascial layer?
3.5 What is the name of the vessel labelled Z?
3.6 What other muscle has the same motor innervation as the muscle labelled D?

Station 4
A 26-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with a 3-day history of
otalgia and aural discharge following a recent upper respiratory tract infection.
The image on the following page shows the external aspect of a normal right ear.
4.1 Identify the structures labelled A to J.
4.2 What is the arterial supply to the external ear?
4.3 Describe the cutaneous innervation of the external ear?
4.4 What is the ‘Ramsay Hunt’ Syndrome?
4.5 What makes up the medial boundary of the outer ear?
4.6 What type of epithelium lines the outer aspect of the tympanic membrane?
4.7 What type of epithelium lines the inner aspect of the tympanic membrane?
Stations 217

i f

j e

Station 5
A 75-year-old man attends the otolaryngology clinic complaining of an intermittently
painful swelling in the cheek, just in front of the ear. This swelling tends to worsen
around meal times and prevents him from enjoying his food. Your consultant suspects
that the patient may have an inflammatory condition of a major salivary gland, and
orders a sialogram. Not ever having seen a sialogram before you wish to familiarise
yourself with normal sialographic anatomy.
The following image demonstrates a normal sialogram of one of the major salivary
218 Chapter 3  Head and neck

5.1 Into which salivary duct has contrast been administered?

5.2 Where is the opening of this duct within the oral cavity?
5.3 Describe the surface marking of this duct.
5.4 What are the surface markings of the gland to which this duct belongs?
5.5 Define the superficial and deep lobes of this gland.
5.6 Name three neoplasms that originate within this gland.
5.7 What important (non-glandular) structures lie within this gland?
5.8 What is Frey’s Syndrome?

Station 6
An 89-year-old man presents to the emergency department. He has sustained a
laceration to the top of his head and is bleeding profusely from his scalp.
This is a superficial dissection of the layers of the scalp and meninges:

a b c d e

6.1 What are the five layers of the scalp from superficial to deep?
6.2 Identify the structures labelled A to E.
6.3 What is the arterial supply to the scalp?
6.4 Within which layer of the scalp do these vessels run principally?
6.5 Why do scalp lacerations bleed profusely? How can bleeding be controlled?
Stations 219

6.6 Why may scalp infections be life threatening?

6.7 Describe the cutaneous innervation of the scalp.
6.8 Describe the cutaneous innervation of the face.

Station 7
You are referred a 32-year-old man with sudden onset of unilateral periorbital oedema,
proptosis, photophobia and a severe frontal headache. He has an infected skin lesion
on his philtrum.
The image below is a coronal reconstruction of a normal computed tomography scan
of the brain:

a d e

7.1 What is the venous drainage of the face?

7.2 What is the ‘danger triangle’ of the face?
7.3 What is the likely diagnosis in the patient described in the clinical scenario?
7.4 What may be the causative predisposing factors for this condition?
7.5 Identify the structures labelled A to E.
7.6 Which cranial nerves pass through (or in relation to) the cavernous sinus?
7.7 What neurological signs may be seen in a patient with a mass or tumour invading
the cavernous sinus?
7.8 What is unique about the anatomy of the cavernous sinus?
220 Chapter 3  Head and neck

Station 8
A 62-year-old man presents to the emergency department with tension headaches
and double vision. You notice that the patient is unable to abduct his left eye on lateral
gaze. He denies periorbital pain or swelling.
This photograph shows the orbits of a normal adult skull viewed from the front:

a b

8.1 Identify the structures labelled A to D.

8.2 Name the bones which contribute to the walls of the orbit.
8.3 Which structures pass through A?
8.4 Which structures pass though D?
8.5 Which structures pass through B?
8.6 Which muscle is responsible for abduction of the eyeball and what is its
8.7 Describe the course of this nerve.
8.8 What clinical condition must be considered in a patient with a palsy of this nerve?

Station 9
You are called to the ward as a matter of urgency and find a 78-year-old gentleman
looking very anxious and agitated. He is coughing, choking and is having difficulty in
breathing. You suspect an upper airway obstruction.
On the following page a superficial dissection of a normal neck is viewed from its
anterior aspect.
9.1 What is the narrowest part of the airway in the adult and in the child?
9.2 Which layers are traversed in superficial to deep sequence when performing a
needle cricothyroidotomy?
Stations 221

9.3 Name, in sequence the layers which are incised when performing an elective
surgical tracheostomy?
9.4 Name the structures labelled A to E in the image above.
9.5 What are the complications of a surgical tracheostomy?

Station 10
A 19-year-old woman Hodgkin’s lymphoma deteriorates rapidly on the ward and
requires a central venous catheter. There are multiple palpable lymph nodes in the
neck. Whilst inserting the catheter you consider the anatomy of the neck.
The image below is a deep dissection of the lower part of the neck in a normal adult:

e f


222 Chapter 3  Head and neck

10.1 Identify the structures labelled A to F.

10.2 Into which two vessels are central venous catheters most commonly inserted?
10.3 On a plain chest radiograph where would you expect the tip of a correctly placed
central venous catheter to lie?
10.4 What are the complications of central venous line catheterisation?
10.5 Name the groups of cervical lymph nodes.
10.6 Define the levels of the cervical lymph nodes.
10.7 How is this knowledge of the location of cervical lymph nodes used in clinical

Station 11
A 69-year-old man is referred with hoarseness of the voice and dysphagia. You are due
to assist your consultant performing his laryngectomy, and prior to surgery you revise
the anatomy of this region.
Both images below are dissections of the normal larynx with the cervical vertebral
column removed. Image (a) is a dissection of the larynx and pharynx viewed from
the lateral aspect. Image (b) is a dissection of the larynx viewed from behind. In both
images the cervical column has been removed.

a g


b j

d e

a b
Stations 223

11.1 Identify the structures labelled A to K.

11.2 What are the functions of the larynx?
11.3 Name the intrinsic muscles of the larynx.
11.4 What is the innervation of these muscles?
11.5 How is the cricothyroid muscle different to the other intrinsic laryngeal muscles?
11.6 What structures do the left and right recurrent laryngeal nerves loop beneath,
11.7 What is the consequence of damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve if the damage is:
11.7a unilateral?
11.7b bilateral?
11.8 Define the true and false vocal cords.
11.9 What is the lymphatic drainage of the larynx:
11.9a above the true vocal cords?
11.9b below the true vocal cords?

Station 12
An 85-year-old man attends outpatient clinic one month after left parotidectomy for
malignancy. The patient complains of drooping of the left side of his face.
The image on the following page shows a superficial dissection of the left side of a
normal adult face.
12.1 Identify the structures labelled A to F.
12.2 In the patient described in the scenario above, what neurological complication is
very likely to have occurred as a result of the operation?
12.3 Describe the path of the nerve that may have been involved.
12.4 Name the branches that this nerve gives off:
12.4a Within the facial canal.
12.4b Distal to the stylomastoid foramen, before entering the parotid gland.
12.4c Within the parotid gland.
12.5 Intraoperatively, how may this nerve be identified?
12.6 What is the clinical distinction between an upper motor neurone and lower
motor neurone lesion of this nerve?
12.7 Which nerve is responsible for the motor innervation of the sternocleidomastoid
12.8 What are the insertion and origin points for this muscle?
12.9 How may one assess the function of this muscle on the right side?
224 Chapter 3  Head and neck


Station 13
A 30-year-old man sustains multiple facial injuries in a road traffic accident and is
brought to the emergency department. During clinical examination he complains of
blurred vision and diplopia.
The image below is an axial magnetic resonance image through the normal human


Stations 225

13.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

13.2 Which intracranial foramen does the structure labelled D traverse?
13.3 What are the attachments of the structure labelled E?
13.4 What is the name given for the intraorbital structures labelled F and G?
13.5 Explain the function of structure labelled G.
13.6 Identify the lobe of the brain labelled X.

Station 14
A 45-year-old man is taken to the emergency department following a road traffic
accident in which his car is reported to have collided with another car.
The images below are computed tomography scans of the normal cervical spine. On
the left is the sagittal reformat and on the right the coronal reformat.



a b

14.1 Identify the structures labelled A to F.

14.2 How does the prevertebral soft tissue margin, labelled X, differ above and below
the C4 vertebral level? Give figures where appropriate.
14.3 Of what clinical relevance is this information when assessing a cervical spine
radiograph in trauma?
14.4 State three morphological differences between cervical and lumbar vertebrae?
14.5 How many cervical vertebrae are there in the human vertebral column?
14.6 Which cervical vertebra is also known as the ‘vertebra prominens’ and why?
226 Chapter 3  Head and neck

14.7 Name the spinal nerve which passes superior to the pedicles of the following
14.7a C1
14.7b C7
14.7c T1
14.7d T7
14.8 For what reason does the T7 spinal nerve not pass superior to the T7 pedicle?

Station 15
A 48-year-old female presents with a history of irregular periods, loss of libido
and central headaches. She denies any visual problems but does report a lack of
coordination recently.
These are magnetic resonance images of a normal brain. The upper radiograph is a
coronal view through the suprasellar cistern. The lower radiograph is a mid-sagittal
view of the brain.

a c

c X

Stations 227

15.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E. (Structures B and C are the same in both
15.2 Name the region labelled X. State how the knowledge of the proximity of X to the
structure C is clinically relevant.
15.3 Name the lobes of structure C.
15.4 How do these lobes differ in their development?
15.5 List the secretions released by of each of the lobes.
15.6 What is the most common pathology to develop within the structure C? Which
lobe does this commonly affect?
15.7 Describe the deficit in vision one would expect if the structure A were
15.8 Which vessels combine to form the structure labelled E and where does this
confluence occur?

Station 16
A 28-year-old male motorcyclist is brought to the emergency department following
a road traffic accident. In the secondary survey he complains of decreased sensation
down the left side of his neck.
This is a prosection showing the anterior and lateral aspects of the neck:


228 Chapter 3  Head and neck

16.1 Identify the structures labelled A to F.

16.2 Which spinal nerves contribute to the cervical plexus?
16.3 Name the cutaneous branches of the cervical plexus.
16.4 Which muscles does the cervical plexus supply?
16.5 Where in the neck is the ansa cervicalis located?
16.6 Which muscles does the ansa cervicalis supply?
16.7 What is the innervation of the infrahyoid muscle that is not supplied by the ansa

Station 17
You are asked to examine a 31-year-old woman in the outpatient department who is
complaining of pain down her neck and right arm. She has a past medical history of
Raynaud’s Syndrome and has been told by her general practitioner that she may be
eligible for ‘a nerve block’ in her neck to help the symptoms.
The image below is an axial cadaveric dissection through the root of the neck at the T1
vertebral level:


17.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

17.2 Which spinal cord segments contribute to the sympathetic nervous system?
17.3 What is the stellate ganglion, and what are the clinical effects of blocking it?
17.4 What are the indications for stellate ganglion block?
17.5 What are the anterior and posterior relations of the stellate ganglion?
Stations 229

17.6 In approximately what percentage of individuals is the stellate ganglion absent?

Station 18
A 21-year-old woman presents to the otolaryngology clinic with a hemispherical lump
in the midline of his neck. The consultant evaluates the patient and sends her for an
ultrasound scan.

The image below is a photograph of the anterolateral view of the neck of a normal


18.1 What is the differential diagnosis of a lump at A?

18.2 What is the differential diagnosis of a lump at C?
18.3 What is the differential diagnosis of a lump at B?
18.4 Name the infrahyoid ‘strap’ muscles.
18.5 What is the innervation and function of the infrahyoid ‘strap’ muscles?
18.6 What is a cystic hygroma and where is it usually located?
18.7 What is a branchial cyst and where is it usually located?
18.8 What is a chemodectoma and where is it usually located?
18.9 What is Ludwig’s angina? In which tissue space does Ludwig’s angina occur?

Station 19
A 44-year-old man presents to the emergency department with red, painful eyes. You
are asked to assess him.
230 Chapter 3  Head and neck

This image demonstrates the normal anatomy of the eyes:

a c

19.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

19.2 How many lacrimal glands drain each eye?
19.3 Where are the lacrimal glands located?
19.4 Describe the passage of tears from the lacrimal gland to the nasolacrimal duct.
19.5 What is the ‘annulus of Zinn’, and what structures arise from it?
19.6 Which cranial nerves are responsible for the efferent and afferent limbs of the
pupillary light reflex?
19.7 How would this reflex be affected if the left optic nerve were completely
19.8 How would this reflex be affected if the right oculomotor nerve were damaged?

Station 20 (Generic)
A 55-year-old man attends the otolaryngology clinic complaining of a permanently
blocked nose, and intermittent episodes of facial pain.
The image on the following page shows an axial dissection through the head taken at a
level just superior to the orbit. It demonstrates normal anatomy.
20.1 Identify the sinuses labelled A to C. What is D?
20.2 What are the boundaries of the nasal cavity?
20.3 What is the nasal vestibule?
20.4 Which structures drain into the superior meatus of the nasal cavity?
20.5 Which structures drain into the middle meatus of the nasal cavity?
20.6 Which structures drain into the inferior meatus of the nasal cavity?
20.7 What is the sphenoethmoidal recess?
Stations 231

20.8 What type of epithelium lines most of the nasal cavity?

20.9 Which nerves supply sensation to the nasal cavity?
20.10 Why do patients with frontal sinusitis often also have maxillary sinusitis?
20.11 Why is maxillary sinusitis associated with dental infections?

Station 21
An 86-year-old woman in the emergency department has been fitted with a soft
cervical collar after falling down the stairs. She complains of neck pain and on
examination she is noted to have tenderness over the lower half of the cervical spine.
Images (a) and (b) on the following page are flexion and extension plain views of a
normal cervical spine.
21.1 Which muscles are responsible for neck flexion and extension?
21.2 Within which fascial compartment in the neck does the Trapezius muscle lie?
21.3 What other structures are contained within this fascial compartment?
21.4 Name the other three major fascial compartments of the neck.
21.5 Which fascia is the prevertebral fascia continuous with?
232 Chapter 3  Head and neck

a b

Station 22
You are referred a 66-year-old woman who presents with a 3-month history of
repeated, very short-lived sharp paroxysms of pain over the right side of her face. The
pain, which she describes as ‘electric shock like,’ is often brought on by trivial stimuli
such as touching and scratching or even moving the right side of her face.
This is a superficial dissection of the normal face:


Stations 233

22.1 Identify the structures labelled A to F.

22.2 Which cranial nerve supplies the muscles A and F?
22.3 Which cranial nerve supplies the skin over the lower jawline?
22.4 What is the action of the structure labelled A?
22.5 What are the origin and insertion points of the muscle A?
22.6 How can you test the action of this muscle?
22.7 Where do the three sensory branches of the trigeminal nerve converge?

Station 23
A 63-year-old woman experiences two episodes of left-sided weakness over the course
of a week, each lasting for less than 1 hour. She undergoes a carotid duplex scan, which
demonstrates 80% stenosis of the left internal carotid artery, and 75% of the right
internal carotid artery. She is booked for an urgent carotid endarterectomy.
The image below is an axial dissection of the head at the level of the maxillary sinuses
and inferior brainstem viewed from below. It demonstrates normal anatomy.


23.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

23.2 Which internal carotid artery should be operated on?
234 Chapter 3  Head and neck

23.3 Name in sequence, the tissue layers which are incised in order to expose the
carotid artery?
23.4 Describe the arrangement of the structures within the carotid sheath above the
level of bifurcation of the common carotid artery.
23.5 How may the internal carotid artery be distinguished from the external carotid
23.6 What would be the clinical consequences of damage to the superior laryngeal
23.7 What would be the clinical consequences of damage to the great auricular nerve?
23.8 What would be the clinical consequences of damage to the marginal mandibular
branch of the facial nerve?

Station 24
A 35-year-old man presents to the emergency department with deep neck lacerations
and profuse bleeding after suffering a knife attack outside a pub. The bleeding is being
stopped by pressure but he is taken immediately to theatre for exploration.
The image below reveals the normal surface anatomy of the anterior aspect of the neck:

24.1 What structures are normally palpable at points A, B, C?

24.2 What is the origin and insertion of the anterior scalene muscle?
Stations 235

24.3 What is the origin and insertion of the posterior scalene muscle?
24.4 What structures run in front of the anterior scalene muscle?
24.5 What structures run between the anterior and middle scalene muscles?
24.6 What is the origin and insertion of the digastric muscle?
24.7 What is the origin and insertion of the mylohyoid muscle?
24.8 What is the origin and insertion of the platysma muscle?

Station 25
An 82-year-old man presents to the otolaryngology clinic with symptoms of chronic
sinusitis and headaches. On inspection you notice that he has a partial ptosis
of the left eyelid. He is a lifelong smoker and is frequently breathless but denies
This is a coronal reconstruction of a normal computed tomography scan of the face:



25.1 Identify the structures labelled A to C.

25.2 Which nerve is responsible for the innervation of the muscle labelled A?
25.3 Name the other muscles supplied by this nerve.
25.4 What clinical signs are found in a palsy of this nerve?
25.5 How would the clinical signs differ in Horner’s syndrome?
25.6 Identify the structures labelled X, Y and Z.
25.7 What is the name given to the medial wall of the orbit labelled D? What must you
consider when performing instrumentation of the nasal cavity near this region?
236 Chapter 3  Head and neck

Station 26
You examine a 59-year-old man in the outpatient clinic who complains of a frontal
headache with rhinitis. You suspect he is suffering from rhinosinusitis.
This is a sagittal reconstruction of a normal computed tomography scan of the paranasal
sinuses. The windowing of the scan has been altered to demonstrate the bony anatomy.



26.1 Identify the structures labelled ‘A’ to ‘G’.

26.2 Where does each of the paranasal sinuses drain into the nasal cavity?
26.3 What is the osteomeatal complex and what is its clinical significance?
26.4 What are the functions of the paranasal sinuses?
26.5 Why do allergies predispose a patient to sinusitis?
26.6 To which lymph nodes do the lymphatics from the paranasal sinuses and nose
26.7 Describe the arterial supply to the nasal cavity.
26.8 What is ‘Kiesselbach’s plexus’? Where is it located?
26.9 Where is ‘Woodruff’s plexus’ located?
26.10 What is the venous drainage of the nose?

Station 27
You are referred a 45-year-old female patient with high calcium and low phosphate
blood levels. The patient has also been complaining of backache and abdominal pain.
Stations 237

The image below is a dissection of the side of the face and neck of a normal subject:



27.1 Identify the structures labelled A to G.

27.2 Which gland is responsible for this patient’s symptoms?
27.3 Where in the neck are these glands located?
27.4 What is the blood supply to these glands?
27.5 What are the pharyngeal pouches and pharyngeal (branchial) arches? How many
of each is present in the developing human?
27.6 From which pharyngeal pouch do the superior members of this gland arise?
27.7 From which pharyngeal pouch do the inferior members of this gland arise?
27.8 To which pharyngeal (branchial) arch does the facial nerve belong?

Station 28
A 72-year-old man presents with right-sided facial drooping and slurred speech. A
diagnosis of cerebrovascular accident is made and the patient undergoes carotid artery
angiography. As the junior resident in charge of the patient you wish to familiarize
yourself with normal carotid angiographic anatomy.
The image on the following page is a normal carotid artery angiogram demonstrating
the branches of the external carotid artery.
238 Chapter 3  Head and neck

Anterior Posterior



28.1 What are the origins of the right and left common carotid arteries?
28.2 At which vertebral level does the common carotid artery bifurcate?
28.3 Name vessels labelled A, B and C.
28.4 What are the names of the other branches of the external carotid artery not
labelled above?
28.5 The artery labelled C is often subdivided descriptively into three parts by which
28.6 Identify the artery labelled X (a branch of C).
28.7 What may be the result of a traumatic rupture of the distal part of artery X?
28.8 What branch of C causes epistaxis at the back of the nasal cavity?
28.9 What is the name of the artery labelled Y?
28.10 Where can this artery be palpated?
28.11 Is it possible to ligate this artery without serious consequences?

Station 29
A 46-year-old woman complains of preprandial pain at the back of her lower jaw. A
sialogram is obtained.
The image on the following page is a normal sialogram of one of the major salivary glands.
29.1 Into which salivary duct has contrast been administered?
29.2 Where is the opening of this duct within the oral cavity?
Stations 239

29.3 Describe the incision made during excision of this gland?

29.4 What structures may be damaged during excision of this gland?
29.5 What would be the clinical consequences of severing the lingual nerve?
29.6 Why is sialolithiasis more common in this than in any other salivary gland?
29.7 Name the minor salivary glands.

Station 30
You are asked in the otolaryngology clinic to examine a 6-year-old boy complaining of
otalgia. After taking a clinical history and external examination of the ear, you proceed
to inspect the external auditory canal with an otoscope:
The image below is a normal tympanic membrane as seen through the otoscope:


240 Chapter 3  Head and neck

30.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

30.2 Is the above image from the right or left ear?
30.3 How does the sensory supply to the inner aspect of the tympanic membrane
differ from that to the outer aspect?
30.4 Define the boundaries of the middle ear.
30.5 Within which bone are the ossicles contained?
30.6 Name the ossicles of the middle ear.
30.7 Which muscles are attached to the stapes and the malleus respectively?
30.8 What is the function and innervation of these muscles?
30.9 What channel connects the middle ear with the pharynx?
30.10 What epithelium lines this channel?
30.11 What connects the middle ear with the mastoid air cells?

Station 31
An 18-year-old man presents to the emergency department with multiple facial
injuries. He remembers being punched across the chin and now has pain on opening
his mouth and complains of a ‘locked’ jaw.
This is a 3D reconstruction of a computed tomography scan of the right lateral aspect
of a normal adult skull:

z a y


31.1 Identify the parts of the mandible labelled A to D.

31.2 Identify the parts of the skull labelled X, Y and Z.
31.3 Which nerve passes through the mandibular foramen?
31.4 What is the result of an anaesthetic block of this nerve?
31.5 Which part of the mandible is most frequently fractured?
Stations 241

31.6 Which bone does part ‘A’ articulate with?

31.7 What type of joint is the temporomandibular joint?
31.8 What type of cartilage lines its articulating surfaces?
31.9 What type of cartilage is the intra-articular disc of the temperomandibular joint
composed of?
31.10 Name three ligaments associated with the temporomandibular joint.
31.11 List the muscles of mastication.
31.12 Which nerve innervates these muscles?
31.13 In an uncomplicated dislocation, in which direction is the temporomandibular
joint likely to dislocate?

Station 32
A 19-year-old woman presents to the emergency department complaining of a high
temperature and painful swallowing. She was told by her general practitioner 3 days
ago to drink plenty of water and rest but was not prescribed any specific medification.
The image below is a sagittal dissection of the normal head and neck:


32.1 Identify the structures labelled A to F.

32.2 Name and define the boundaries of the three parts of the pharynx.
242 Chapter 3  Head and neck

32.3 Within which subdivisions of the pharynx are the following located?
32.3a The palatine tonsils
32.3b The adenoids
32.3c The Eustachian tube
32.4 List the pharyngeal constrictor muscles.
32.5 Where might you find a pharyngeal diverticulum?
32.6 What is the sole muscle in the pharynx to be innervated by the glossopharyngeal
32.7 What is the sensory innervation of the pharynx?
32.8 At which vertebral level is the hyoid bone located?
32.9 Name the muscles attached to the hyoid bone.
32.10 If a fracture of this bone is found at postmortem, what must be considered as the
cause of death?

Station 33
A 39-year-old man is involved in a fight and sustains extensive bruising over his face
especially in the periorbital region. You assess him in the emergency department.
This is the lateral aspect of a normal adult human skull. Different colours designate the
various skull bones.



33.1 Identify the bones of the skull labelled A to F.

33.2 Which bone of the skull is most commonly fractured?
Stations 243

33.3 Which skull bones are involved in a ‘tripod fracture’?

33.4 Why are tripod fractures associated with numbness of the ipsilateral cheek?
33.5 What are the other complications of a ‘tripod fracture’?
33.6 What is a ‘blow out’ fracture and what is the usual mechanism of injury?
33.7 What sign is seen on a plain radiograph of the facial bones with ‘blow out’
33.8 If the fracture is not adequately repaired what may be the resulting complication?
33.9 What is the commonest type of temporal bone fracture resulting from blunt
33.10 What is the commonest type of temporal bone fracture resulting from
penetrating trauma?
33.11 What structures may be damaged in each of these two fractures?

Station 34
An 88-year-old man referred by his general practitioner, presents with a painless lump
at the back of his tongue associated with persistent halitosis. He also complains of
several ‘lumpy’ areas on his neck.
The images below demonstrate two sagittal dissections of the tongue. Image (a)
demonstrates the tongue with surrounding structures and image (b) demonstrates the
vessels supplying the tongue with the tongue muscles removed.


a d e b

34.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

(the structure labelled E is the same structure in both images).
34.2 Name the four extrinsic muscles of the tongue and their actions.
34.3 What is the motor innervation of these muscles?
244 Chapter 3  Head and neck

34.4 What nerves transmit taste sensation from the tongue?

34.5 Describe the lymphatic drainage of the tongue.
34.6 Why are malignant growths within the posterior third of the tongue usually more
advanced at time of presentation than those in the anterior two-thirds?
34.7 What type of epithelium lines the tongue?
34.8 What is the commonest type of cancer to arise from the tongue?

Station 35
You review a 69-year-old woman in the otolaryngology clinic with a history of
squamous cell carcinoma of the upper lip that was removed 6 months ago. Since the
operation she has noticed numbness of the lower eyelid, upper lip and cheek on the
same side as operation took place.
The image below is an axial computed tomography scan through base of the skull of a
normal individual. The windowing of the image has been altered to display the bony

b c

35.1 Identify the structures of the mandible labelled A to E.

35.2 Which cranial nerves traverse the foramen labelled B?
35.3 Which structures traverse the foramen labelled C?
35.4 Name the fossa labelled X.
35.5 What are the contents of X?
Stations 245

35.6 What are the boundaries of X?

35.7 Describe the pathways in which malignancy may spread via ‘X’?

Station 36
You examine a 25-year-old woman in the emergency department who has sustained
a laceration to her upper lip. You have been asked by the nurse in charge to suture the
This is a photograph of the lower aspect of the face. It demonstrates normal anatomy:

b f


36.1 Identify the structures labelled A to G (note that the label B is referring to the
dotted line).
36.2 Describe the embryological development of the upper jaw.
36.3 What is cleft lip? How does this deformity arise?
36.4 What is cleft palate? How does this deformity arise?
36.5 Classify the types of cleft palate.

Station 37
You review a 30-year-old man in the outpatients department who is keen to have
rhinoplasty after a rugby injury left him with a deviated nasal septum and difficulty in
breathing 1 year ago.
The image on the following page shows the inferior aspect of the normal nose.
246 Chapter 3  Head and neck


37.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

37.2 Which cranial nerve is responsible for the sense of smell?
37.3 Through which foramen (or foramina) does this nerve enters the cranial cavity?
37.4 Within which bone in the skull is this foramen contained?
37.5 List the common causes of unilateral anosmia?
37.6 Where in the human nasal cavity is the olfactory mucosa located?
37.7 What type of epithelium is the olfactory mucosa?

Station 38
A 6-year-old boy undergoes elective tonsillectomy for repeated episodes of tonsillitis.
The operation is quite difficult and there is more than the usual amount of bleeding.
The image below demonstrates the normal anatomy of the oropharynx:


Stations 247

38.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

38.2 What comprises ‘Waldeyer’s ring’ of lymphoid tissue?
38.3 What is the arterial supply to the palatine tonsils?
38.4 What comprises the anterior and posterior pillars of the palatine tonsils?
38.5 What forms the floor of the tonsillar fossa?
38.6 Describe the lymph drainage of the palatine tonsil.
38.7 Which major artery lies approximately 2–3 cm directly behind the palatine tonsil?
38.8 What is quinsy?

Station 39
A 35-year-old lady is diagnosed with a squamous cell carcinoma of the right forehead,
1.5 cm in diameter. She attends the day surgery unit for excision of the lesion.
The image below demonstrates a normal surface anatomy of the forehead:

39.1 Which cutaneous nerves will be affected during the infiltration of local
anaesthetic at the point labelled A?
39.2 What is the origin of these nerves?
39.3 Which arteries supply this region of the face?
39.4 What is the origin of these arteries?
39.5 Where would you palpate for lymphadenopathy in the patient described in the
248 Chapter 3  Head and neck

39.6 What would you consider as an acceptable margin for excision of this lesion?
39.7 What muscles causes wrinkling of the skin of forehead skin?

Station 40
You review a 45-year-old woman in the otolaryngology clinic who is complaining of
dizziness, poor balance and tinnitus.
This is a normal axial T2-weighted magnetic resonance image through the internal
acoustic meatus:

a e


40.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

40.2 What is the name of the region labelled F and which nerves enter this area?
40.3 Describe the orientation of these nerves within the region labelled F.
40.4 Within which bone is the inner ear contained?
40.5 Name the semilunar canals.
40.6 Explain how the semilunar canals contribute to balance.
40.7 Describe the mechanism whereby the cochlea contributes to the sense of
Stations 249

Station 41
A 56-year-old man presents to the otolaryngology clinic with a 4-week history of
hoarseness of voice. A barium swallow has been requested.
The images below are those of a normal barium swallow: (a) lateral view (b)
anteroposterior view.

a y


a b

41.1 What do X, Y and Z indicate? (these are the same structures in both images).
41.2 What do A, B and C indicate?
41.3 At which vertebral level is B?
41.4 What type of tissue is structure Y composed of?
41.5 During laryngoscopy where is the tip of the laryngoscope blade placed in relation
to the epiglottis?
41.6 Describe the boundaries of the area labelled Z.
41.7 What is the significance of area Z in relation to clinical practice?
250 Chapter 3  Head and neck

Station 1
1.1 The inferior border of the cricoid cartilage is found at the C6 vertebral level.
1.2 Other important structures at the C6 vertebral level are:
• the superior parathyroid glands
• the junction of the larynx and the trachea
• the junction of the pharynx with the oesophagus
• the middle cervical sympathetic ganglion
• the inferior thyroid artery entering the thyroid gland
• the middle thyroid vein leaving the thyroid gland
• the omohyoid muscle (superior belly) crossing the carotid sheath
• the vertebral artery entering the foramen transversarium of C6 vertebra
• the level of the carotid tubercle (of Chassaignac).
1.3 The isthmus of the thyroid gland lies at the C7 vertebral level, which also
corresponds to the level of the 2nd–4th tracheal rings. One way to remember this is
to think of the rhyme: ‘Rings 2,3,4 make the isthmus floor’. The isthmus is a midline
structure lying inferior to the cricoid cartilage. The lobes of the thyroid extend from
the level of the thyroid cartilage (C4 vertebral level) down to the level of the 6th
tracheal ring inferiorly (T1 vertebral level).
1.4 The lump is almost certainly related to the thyroid. The thyroid gland is enveloped
by the pretracheal fascia which in turn is attached to the trachea and larynx. This
attachment causes the thyroid gland to move on swallowing, since the larynx and
trachea move upwards during swallowing.
1.5 A  Right superior thyroid artery
Right internal thoracic artery
Right common carotid artery
Left brachiocephalic vein
Thyroid isthmus
Right lobe of the thyroid gland
Thyroidea ima artery
1.6 The thyroid gland is supplied by three arteries as summarised in Table 3.1. All these
arteries anastomose richly with each other.
It is drained by three veins as shown in Table 3.2.
1.7 A transverse incision is made in the neck approximately 1 cm inferior to the cricoid
cartilage and two finger breadths superior to the suprasternal notch. This is at the
level of the thyroid isthmus and corresponds to the relaxed skin tension lines of the
neck. The eventual scar is thin and cosmetically appealing.
Answers 251

Table 3.1  Arteries supplying the thyroid gland

Artery Artery originates from
Superior Thyroid Artery (right and left) External carotid artery

Inferior Thyroid Artery (right and left) Thyrocervical trunk (a branch of the sub-

Thyroidea Ima Artery (only present in 2–5% Usually aortic arch or brachiocephalic
of the population).

Table 3.2  Veins draining the thyroid gland

Vein Vein drains into
Superior Thyroid Vein (right and left) Internal jugular vein

Middle Thyroid Vein (right and left) Internal jugular vein

Inferior Thyroid Veins (multiple) Brachiocephalic veins

1.8 The layers encountered in superficial to deep sequence are:

• skin
• subcutaneous fat
• superficial fascia (including platysma)
• investing layer of the deep cervical fascia
• strap muscles – first sternohyoid then sternothyroid
• pretracheal fascia
• thyroid isthmus.
1.9 Complications resulting from a thyroidectomy include:
• bleeding, e.g. from the middle thyroid vein, superior thyroid artery or branches of
the inferior thyroid artery (note that part of the inferior thyroid artery supplying
the parathyroid glands is preserved during the operation so as not to render the
parathyroid glands ischaemic).
• inadvertent removal of the parathyroids leading to hypoparathyroidism.
• damage to the recurrent laryngeal nerve resulting in a hoarse voice if unilateral or
aphonia and airway obstruction if bilateral. In unilateral nerve damage, the right
recurrent laryngeal nerve is more commonly damaged as it runs a relatively more
superficial course.
• injury to the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve, resulting in paralysis
of the ipsilateral cricothyroid muscle. The cricothyroid tenses the vocal fold and
impairment of the muscle weakens the patient’s voice.
252 Chapter 3  Head and neck

Station 2
2.1 A  The anterior triangle of the neck. Its boundaries are:
• anteriorly: the midline of the neck
• posteriorly: the anterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
• superiorly: the lower border of the body of the mandible and a line from the angle
of the mandible to the mastoid process.
2.2 The digastric and omohyoid (superior belly) muscles subdivide the anterior triangle
of the neck into four further subdivisions (Figure 3.1).

Figure 3.1  The anterior

and posterior triangles
triangle of the neck and their
Submental Carotid triangle
Occipital triangle
Omohyoid domastoid
Muscular triangle Omohyoid
Anterior triangle Supraclavicular
Posterior triangle triangle

2.3 The subdivisions of the anterior triangle are the submandibular, submental,
muscular and carotid triangles.
2.4 Structures contained within each of these subdivisions are shown in Table 3.3.
2.5 B  The posterior triangle of the neck. Its boundaries are:
• anteriorly: posterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle
• posteriorly: anterior border of the trapezius muscle
• inferiorly: middle third of the clavicle
• floor: prevertebral fascia
• roof: investing layer of deep fascia.
The posterior triangle may also be further subdivided into two smaller triangles
by the inferior belly of the omohyoid muscle into the occipital and supraclavicular
2.6 The contents of the posterior triangle of the neck are:
• nerves: branches of the cervical plexus, and spinal accessory nerve
Answers 253

Table 3.3  The anterior sub-triangles of the neck and their contents

Submandibular Submandibular gland and duct and lymph nodes

Facial artery and its submental branch
Lingual nerve and submandibular ganglion
Mylohyoid muscle and its nerve
Hypoglossal nerve (CNXII)

Submental Submental lymph nodes

The mylohyoid muscle originates from the body of the hyoid bone
on the floor of the submental triangle and inserts into the mylohyoid
line on the inside of the body of the mandible.

Muscular Strap muscles (sternohyoid, superior belly of omohyoid,

sternothyroid, thyrohyoid)
Thyroid gland and associated structures (e.g. superior and inferior
thyroid vessels, recurrent laryngeal nerves, parathyroids, thyroid
membrane, larynx

Carotid Carotid sheath containing the upper portion of the common carotid
artery and branches of the external carotid arteries
Vagus nerve, ansa cervicalis
Internal jugular vein and lymph nodes

• arteries: superficial cervical, suprascapular, occipital arteries

• veins: transverse cervical, suprascapular, external jugular veins
• muscle: omohyoid muscle with sling
• lymph nodes: supraclavicular, anterior and posterior chain lymph nodes.
The brachial plexus and subclavian artery being deep to the prevertebral fascia,
the fascial floor of the posterior triangle, are strictly speaking not contents of the
posterior triangle.
2.7 The spinal accessory nerve is an exclusively motor nerve. It arises from the spinal cord,
ascends in the vertebral canal, crosses the foramen magnum and joins the cranial
accessory nerve in the posterior cranial fossa. Together they leave the latter fossa
through the jugular foramen, immediately after which the spinal accessory nerve
parts company with the cranial accessory. The latter joins the vagus nerve and its
fibres are distributed through the branches of the vagus.
254 Chapter 3  Head and neck

The spinal accessory provides motor innervation to the trapezius and

sternocleidomastoid muscles. Transection of the nerve in the anterior triangle
will result in paralysis of the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles, whereas
section of the nerve in the posterior triangle will cause paralysis of the trapezius
alone with sparing of sternocleidomastoid. There is weakness of rotating the head
inwards on the ipsilateral side, and shrugging the ipsilateral shoulder.
2.8 The course of the spinal accessory nerve may be recalled using the rule of thirds. The
nerve traverses the posterior triangle of the neck in the top third of the posterior
border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle to the bottom third of the trapezius
muscle (Figure 3.2).

Figure 3.2  The super-

ficial landmarks of the
course of the spinal
accessory nerve.

Top ⅓

Top ⅓
Mid ⅓

Mid ⅓ Spinal
accessory nerve
Lower ⅓
Lower ⅓

2.9 W Left sternocleidomastoid muscle

Left clavicle
2.10 A thyroid mass or thyroglossal cyst
2.11 The thyroid gland at the 4th week of gestation as a proliferation of cells at the
back of the tongue known as the foramen caecum (Figure 3.3). These cells descend
down the neck and a residual duct, the thyroglossal duct, is left behind connecting
the developing thyroid cells to the foramen caecum. After reaching their final
destination just inferior to the thyroid cartilage, the diverticulum becomes
solidified and takes the shape of a bilobed structure as seen in the adult thyroid
gland. The thyroglossal duct eventually obliterates. The thyroid is fully formed and
descended by the 12th week in utero.
Answers 255

Figure 3.3
Posterior Anterior Schematic
Tongue view of the
pathway of
descent of the
thyroid gland.
Ectopic thyroid
Lingual tissue or a
thyroid Suprahyoid
thyroglossal cyst
cyst may reside
Hyoid along any point
bone of this pathway.
Thyroglossal cyst In certain cases
the descent
of the thyroid
Thyroid tissue may
cartilage continue
inferior to the
Ectopic thyroid
gland and
reside within
the superior

Beyond into the

superior mediastinum

2.12 A thyroglossal cyst is a congenital abnormality that arises along the path of the
thyroglossal duct. It is due to the persistence of part of this duct, which should
normally involute in utero and not remain patent at birth. Thyroglossal cysts are
usually below the level of the hyoid bone but may occur anywhere along the
thyroglossal duct.
2.13 The cyst is rises on tongue protrusion as it lies along the path of the thyroglossal
duct that has its origins at the posterior aspect of the tongue. This duct normally
disappears during normal development, however in some cases (as in those where
a thyroglossal cyst is present) a solid cord of cells representing the remnant of the
duct may persist and the connection with the tongue is upheld.

Station 3
3.1 A  Hyoid bone
Left parotid gland
256 Chapter 3  Head and neck

Left sternocleidomastoid
3.2 At this level in the scan you can visualise the hyoid bone and the top of the hyoid
bone making this approximately C3–C4.
3.3 X  Right common carotid artery
Right internal jugular vein
They are both contained within the carotid sheath.
3.4 The contents of the carotid sheath are:
• common carotid artery
• internal jugular vein
• vagus nerve
• deep cervical lymph nodes.
In CT imaging, the vagus nerve is not visualised and cervical lymph nodes are only
seen if they are enlarged.
3.5 Z  Right vertebral artery (lying within the foramen transversarium of the cervical
3.6 The sternocleidomastoid muscle, D, is innervated by the spinal accessory nerve (CN
XI). The trapezius muscle is the other muscle innervated by this nerve.

Station 4
4.1 A Tragus
Intertragic notch
Triangular fossa
Superior crus
4.2 The arterial supply to the outer ear is from branches (or sub-branches) of the
external carotid artery:
• posterior auricular artery
• deep auricular artery (from the maxillary artery)
• auricular branch of the superficial temporal artery.
4.3 Sensory cutaneous nerve supply to outer ear
• great auricular and lesser occipital nerves, branches of the cervical plexus
Answers 257

• auriculotemporal branch of mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V3)

• Auricular branch of the vagus nerve (C NX).
4.4 Ramsay Hunt syndrome is an acute facial neuropathy caused by the reactivation of
the varicella zoster virus within the geniculate ganglion of the facial (CN VII) nerve.
It commonly manifests as a deep pain within the ear and can include feelings of
tinnitus, dizziness, facial drooping or vertigo. A vesicular rash over the external ear
which can continue within the auditory canal is almost pathognomonic for this
disease signifying the importance of closely examining the outer ear in all patients
who complain with ear pain.
4.5 The outer ear consists of the pinna, concha laterally and extends to the outer aspect
of the tympanic membrane at its most medial border.
4.6 The skin that covers the cartilage over the pinna and concha is continuous with
the external acoustic meatus and lines the most superficial layer of the tympanic
membrane. This consists of stratified squamous epithelium.
4.7 Simple cuboidal epithelium covers the inner aspect of the tympanic membrane.

Station 5
5.1 This is a parotid gland sialogram. Contrast has been administered via the parotid
duct (also known as Stensen’s duct).
5.2 The opening of the parotid duct is opposite the upper second molar tooth.
5.3 The parotid duct lies approximately 1.5 cm inferior to the zygomatic arch in the
middle third of an imaginary line drawn from the intertragic notch to the philtrum.
The duct arises from the anterior aspect of the parotid gland and pierces the
buccinator muscle on its course before opening into the oral cavity.
5.4 The superficial landmarks of the borders of the parotid gland are:
• superiorly: the posterior two-thirds of the inferior border of the zygomatic arch
• anteriorly: the posterior border of the masseter muscle
• posteriorly: anterior to the external acoustic meatus and mastoid process
• inferiorly: an imaginary line drawn from the mastoid process to the greater cornu
of the hyoid bone.
5.5 The parotid is divided into deep and superficial parts by the facial nerve (CN VII)
(which runs through the gland substance) (Figure 3.4). The superficial lobe is much
larger, comprising 80% of the gland’s mass.
5.6 Salivary gland tumours are rare and represent only 2–4% of all head and neck
malignancies. When present they are benign in over 80% of cases and the majority
occur within the parotid. The three most common malignancies (in order of
frequency) are listed below.
Pleomorphic adenoma: accounts for 85% of salivary gland neoplasms; benign in
nature and of mixed cell type in origin.
Warthin’s tumour (adenolymphoma): accounts for 15% of neoplasms. There is a
strong association with smoking. They are usually situated in the tail of the parotid
gland. In 10% of cases the tumour is bilateral.
258 Chapter 3  Head and neck

Figure 3.4  The deep

Facial nerve and superficial lobes of
(runs within the parotid gland.
the parotid gland)

lobe charger

Deep lobe

Posterior Anterior

Mucoepidermoid cancer (in the parotid glands) or adenoid cystic carcinoma (in
the submandibular and sublingual glands): Although malignant, they are usually
locally aggressive and slow to form distant metastases.
5.7 Important structures that lie within the parotid gland include (Figure 3.5):
• the facial nerve (the most superficial and also most prone to damage)
• the retromandibular vein
• the external carotid artery.
5.8 Frey’s Syndrome is gustatory sweating. It can be congenital or acquired (usually
after parotidectomy). The auriculotemporal branch of the mandibular nerve carries
parasympathetic fibres which are secretomotor to the parotid gland. Sympathetic
fibres on the other hand reach the face by accompanying facial blood vessels
and various cutaneous nerves. Parotid surgery with its extensive subcutaneous
dissection inevitably damages these autonomic fibres at a microscopic level.
When these fibres regrow they make aberrant connections with each other (i.e.
parasympathetic fibres connect with the stumps of sympathetic fibres). These
connections take several months to develop. Once the connections are made
however, parasympathetic stimulation (e.g. thinking about food) will cause
sympathetic manifestations in addition to causing salivation: hence the facial
sweating and tingling that are characteristic of gustatory sweating.

Station 6
6.1 The layers of the scalp can be remembered by assigning each letter in the word
SCALP to a different layer, from superficial to deep:
• S: skin
• C: connective tissue
• A: aponeurosis
• L: loose connective tissue
• P: pericranium
Answers 259

Axial section Lateral/external aspect

Parotid nerve
Sternocleido- gland
Mandible Parotid
Medial pterygoid duct
process Retromandibular vein

Styloid process Maxillary artery

with surrounding
Carotid Posterior belly of Medial
sheath digastric muscle internal
Posterior Anterior

Lateral view

Posterior Anterior

Sublingual gland
Parotid gland


Figure 3.5  Axial section through the parotid gland (above) and lateral view of the
parotid gland (below) demonstrating adjacent structures.

6.2 A Skin
Epicranial aponeurosis
Loose connective tissue and pericranium
Skull bone
Dura mater
6.3 The arterial blood supply to the scalp is predominantly from branches of the external
carotid artery but there is also supply from the internal carotid artery:
• branches of external carotid artery: superficial temporal, posterior auricular and
occipital arteries
260 Chapter 3  Head and neck

• branches of the internal carotid artery: supratrochlear and supra-orbital arteries

(branches of the ophthalmic artery (in turn a direct branch of the internal carotid
6.4 The blood vessels of the scalp lie within the subcutaneous connective tissue layer.
6.5 Lacerations of the scalp bleed profusely because the vessels:
• are connected together via a dense anastomotic network thus giving the scalp a
very rich and dense blood supply and
• are held in place by dense connective tissue that prevents them from contracting
and retracting.
Haemorrhage can be halted by compressing the vessels against the skull
circumferentially around the wound, or compressing them with artery forceps in the
aponeurotic layer and suturing the laceration firmly both within the aponeurotic and
subcutaneous layers.
6.6 The veins of the scalp are connected to veins that pierce the skull and connect with
the intracranial venous sinuses (emissary veins). These veins do not contain valves
and thus infections can spread rapidly through this connection leading to meningitis
or venous sinus thrombosis (both potentially fatal conditions).
6.7 Cutaneous innervation to the scalp is from:
• Ophthalmic division (CN V1): via supraorbital and supratrochlear nerves
• Maxillary division (CN V2): via the zygomaticotemporal nerve
• Mandibular division (CN V3): via the auriculotemporal nerve
• C2 and C3 spinal nerves: via the greater and lesser occipital nerves and 3rd
occipital nerve
6.8 Cutaneous innervation to the face is via the three branches of the trigeminal nerve
(CNV) and the great auricular nerve as depicted (Figure 3.6). Note that the sensory
supply from the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve (V3) extends to supply
a large area of the scalp (up to the vertex and beyond) and does not end at the
‘hairline’. This is a common misconception regarding the posterior limit of this
nerve’s territory.

Figure 3.6  Sensory

Supraorbital nerve
V1 Zygomaticotemporal innervation of the head
and neck.
Auriculotemporal Supratrochlear nerve
Greater Zygomaticofacial nerve
occipital nerve Infraorbital nerve
Lesser V2
Occipital nerve
Buccal nerve
Posterior rami Mental nerve
of C3,4,5
Great auricular nerve
Supraclavicular nerves
Transverse cervical
from the cervical plexus
Answers 261

Station 7
7.1 The venous drainage of the face follows the same pattern as its arterial supply:
• the supraorbital and supratrochlear veins run deep through the orbit terminating
with the superior and inferior orbital veins.
• superficially the angular vein runs across the mandible becoming the anterior
facial vein and contributing to the common facial vein.
• the superficial temporal vein becomes the retromandibular vein, which, together
with the facial veins drain into the external and internal jugular veins.
7.2 The ‘danger triangle’ of the face is bounded by the lateral corners of the lips inferiorly
and the nasal bridge superiorly (Figure 3.7). The veins draining this region of the
face are connected indirectly to the cavernous sinus via the deep facial vein and
pterygoid venous plexus. This provides a potential route for cutaneous infections to
spread into the cranial cavity.

Figure 3.7  The danger triangle of the

face, indicated by the shaded area.

7.3 Cavernous sinus thrombosis.

7.4 Causative factors may be bacterial infection within the danger area of the face
(for example, skin infections, sinusitis, dental abscesses or gingivitis). Predisposing
factors include diabetes, immunosuppression, and prothrombotic states (e.g. factor
V Leiden).
7.5 A  Right cavernous sinus
Optic chiasma
Pituitary gland
Right sphenoid sinus
Left cavernous portion of the internal carotid artery
7.6 See Figure 3.8. The cranial nerves travelling along or within the lateral wall of the
cavernous sinus are (from superior to inferior):
262 Chapter 3  Head and neck

Figure 3.8  The

Internal carotid artery Left cavernous arrangement of the
(cavernous segment) sinus contents of the left
Oculomotor cavernous sinus.
Pituitary (CN3) nerve
gland Trochlear (CN4)

Abducens Trigeminal
(CN6 (ophthalmic,
nerve) CN3i) nerve

Left Trigeminal
sphenoid (maxillary,
sinus CN3ii) nerve

• culomotor nerve (CNI II)

• Trochlear nerve (CN IV)
• Ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve (CN V1)
• Maxillary division of trigeminal nerve (CN V2)
The abducens nerve (CN VI) is also found within the cavernous sinus but travels
adjacent to the internal carotid artery rather than along the lateral wall of the
cavernous sinus like the other nerves mentioned above.
7.7 Total ophthalmoplegia (a fixed, dilated pupil on the affected side) and loss of
sensation over the region supplied by the ophthalmic and maxillary divisions of the
trigeminal nerve (CN V1 and CN V2) may be seen.
7.8 The cavernous sinus is unique in that it is the only area of human anatomy where an
artery (the cavernous portion of the internal carotid artery) travels within a venous

Station 8
8.1 A  Right optic canal
Left superior orbital fissure
Supraorbital foramen
Left inferior orbital fissure
8.2 The bones which form the margins of the orbit are:
• superiorly: frontal bone
• medially: lacrimal, maxilla (frontal process) and frontal bones
• laterally: zygomatic bone and frontal bone (zygomatic process)
• inferiorly: maxilla, and zygomatic bones.
8.3 The optic canal transmits the optic nerve (CN II) and ophthalmic artery.
Answers 263

8.4 The inferior orbital fissure transmits the maxillary division of the trigeminal nerve
(CN V2) and the infraorbital artery. The inferior orbital fissure allows communication
of the orbit with the infratemporal and pterygopalatine fossae.
8.5 The superior orbital fissure allows communication between the orbit and middle
cranial fossa. The structures passing through this fissure include:
8.5a nerves: oculomotor nerve (CN III), trochlear nerve (CN IV), the ophthalmic
division of the trigeminal nerve (CN V1) and abducens nerve (CN VI).
8.5b veins: inferior and superior ophthalmic veins.
8.6 The lateral rectus muscle is responsible for abduction of the orbit and is supplied by
the abducens nerve (CN VI).
8.7 The abducens nerve (CN VI) nucleus lies in the pons and emerges from the base of
the brain to enter the cavernous sinus adjacent to the internal carotid artery. It exits
the skull via the superior orbital fissure entering the orbit and piercing the deep
surface of the lateral rectus muscle that it innervates.
8.8 The abducens nerve (CN VI) has the longest intracranial course of the cranial nerves.
It is often the first nerve to be impaired in raised intracranial pressure.

Station 9
9.1 In adults the narrowest part of the airway is the glottis at the level of the true vocal
cords. In children the narrowest part is the subglottis at the level of the cricoid.
9.2 The layers encountered (from superficial to deep) are:
• skin
• subcutaneous fat
• cricothyroid membrane.
9.3 The layers encountered (from superficial to deep) are:
• skin
• subcutaneous fat
• superficial fascia (including Platysma muscle)
• investing layer of the deep cervical fascia
• strap muscles (first sternohyoid then sternothyroid)
• pretracheal fascia
• thyroid isthmus
• trachea.
9.4 A  Right pectoralis major muscle (clavicular part)
Isthmus of thyroid gland
Left internal jugular vein
Left clavicle
Left axillary vein
264 Chapter 3  Head and neck

9.5 Complications from the creation of a tracheostomy include:

• bleeding from the thyroid isthmus or from anterior displacement of the
tracheostomy tube (may lead to erosion into the brachiocephalic vein)
• infection around the tracheostomy site
• subcutaneous emphysema
• aspiration from blood tracking into the trachea
• tracheal stenosis from prolonged tracheostomy cuff use.

Station 10
10.1 A  Right subclavian artery
Right common carotid artery
Right brachiocephalic vein
Left brachiocephalic vein
Thyroidea ima artery
10.2 The two vessels that are commonly cannulated when inserting a central venous
line are the subclavian vein and internal jugular vein. The right-sided vessels are
more commonly used as they provide a shorter and less tortuous route into the
superior vena cava.
10.3 The tip for a central venous catheter should lie within the cavoatrial junction (i.e.
where the superior vena cava enters the right atrium). On a posteroanterior chest film
this is just medial to the right superior aspect of the cardiac silhouette approximately
at the level of the T6 vertebra and medial aspect of the anterior third rib.
10.4 Complications from central venous line insertion include:
• pneumothorax (more likely with the subclavian approach)
• haemorrhage from inadvertent arterial puncture (of the subclavian or common
carotid arteries) and resultant haematoma or haemothorax formation
• malposition of the central line (either too proximal within in the brachiocephalic
vein or too distal within the right atrium)
• arrhythmia (from a too distal tip placement within the right atrium or even right
• line infection
• thrombosis within the line or air embolism.
10.5 There are 10 cervical lymph node groups (Figure 3.9):
• pre- and postauricular
• submental
• submaxillary
• occipital
• posterior cervical chain
• tonsillar
• deep and superficial cervical chain
• supraclavicular.
Answers 265

Preauricular nodes

Postauricular nodes
Parotid chains Occipital chain
Submandibular nodes Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Internal jugular chain
Submental nodes
Posterior spinal chain
Anterior cervical chain
Posterior cervical chain

Supraclavicular chain

Figure 3.9  Cervical lymph node groups.

10.6 The cervical lymph node levels were defined by the Committee for Head and Neck
Surgery and Oncology of the American Academy of Otolaryngology. These levels
are demonstrated in Figure 3.10 and Table 3.4.

The superior aspect Inferior aspect

II of the level lll cervical = of hyoid
lymph node bone
Inferior border
The inferior aspect Inferior aspect
of hyoid bone VA
III of the level lll cerivcal = of cricoid
lymph node cartilage
Inferior border of
cricoid cartilage VB



Figure 3.10  Cervical lymph node levels.

266 Chapter 3  Head and neck

Table 3.4  Cervical lymph node levels

Cervical lymph node level Lymph node group

I Submental (Ia) and submandibular (Ib) nodes

II Upper jugular nodes

III Middle jugular nodes

IV Lower jugular nodes

V Posterior triangle nodes

• Va nodes: those associated with the spinal accessory
• Vb nodes: those associated with the transverse cervical
and supraclavicular nodes.

VI Anterior compartment nodes

10.7 This terminology is useful both in the understanding of the cervical lymph node
drainage patterns and also in determining which nodes are to be dissected in a
clearance operation.

Station 11
11.1 A Tongue
Hypoglossal nerve
Inferior constrictor muscle
Right aryepiglottic fold
Piriform recess
J Arytenoid muscles (the transverse and oblique parts of this muscle are difficult to
identify from this specimen)
Left posterior cricoarytenoid muscle
11.2 The functions of the larynx include phonation, protection of the trachea and
bronchial tree during ingestion of food and maintaining an open tract for
Answers 267

11.3 The intrinsic muscles of the larynx act to regulate the movements of the vocal
cords. They are:
• lateral cricoarytenoid muscles
• posterior cricoarytenoid muscles
• cricothyroid muscles
• thyroarytenoid muscles.
11.4 The recurrent laryngeal nerve innervates all but one (the cricothyroid muscle)
of the intrinsic laryngeal muscles. The cricothyroid muscle is innervated by the
external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve. Other ‘exceptions to the rule’
within the head and neck are displayed in Table 3.5.

Table 3.5  ‘Exceptions to the rule’ innervations of the face, tongue

and larynx
Muscles of Supplied by Exceptions

Facial Facial (CN VII) nerve Levator palpebrae superioris is supplied

expression by the oculomotor (CN III) nerve

Tongue Hypoglossal (CN XII) nerve Palatoglossus is supplied by the

pharyngeal plexus

Larynx Recurrent laryngeal nerve Cricothyroid is supplied by the external

(branch of vagus (CN X) nerve) branch of the superior laryngeal nerve

11.5 The cricothyroid muscle is different to all other intrinsic laryngeal muscles:
• it is innervated by the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve, not the
recurrent laryngeal nerve
• it is the only tensor muscle of the larynx and therefore the only muscle to cause
elongation of the vocal cords.
11.6 The left recurrent laryngeal loops underneath the arch of the aorta, posterior to the
ligamentum teres, before ascending. The right recurrent laryngeal loops around
the right subclavian artery (Figure 3.11).
11.7a Unilateral section results in the vocal cord assuming a position between
abduction and adduction. Speech is not usually affected to a great extent but
may be hoarse.
11.7b Bilateral section causes both the cords to assume this position, and breathing is
made difficult due to closure of the rima glottides. Speech is not possible.
11.8 The true vocal cords consist of the vocal ligaments and an elastic membrane
known as the conus elasticus, sitting between the vocal ligaments and cricoid
cartilage (Figure 3.12). The false cords are located superiorly and laterally to the
true and are also known as the ‘vestibular folds’. They are not responsible for sound
268 Chapter 3  Head and neck

Figure 3.11  Pathways

of the right and left
Thyroid cartilage recurrent laryngeal
Left common nerve.
Right recurrent carotid artery
laryngeal nerve
Left recurrent
Right common
laryngeal nerve
carotid artery
Aortic arch

Right subclavian Left subclavian

artery artery

Figure 3.12  The false

and true vocal cords
viewed from above.
Piriform Aryepiglottic
sinus fold
False cord

Ventricle Lingual
True cord
Tubercle of


11.9a Above the vocal cords the larynx drains into the upper deep cervical lymph nodes
(and further on to the mediastinal lymph nodes).
11.9b Below the vocal cords the drainage is to the lower deep cervical lymph nodes.

Station 12
12.1 A  Left parotid gland
Left superficial temporal artery
Left temporalis tendon
Left orbicularis oculi
Left orbiculariss oris
Left trapezius
Answers 269

12.2 The facial nerve has been damaged.

12.3 The facial nerve (CNVII) arises from the caudal aspect of the pons leaving the skull
via the internal acoustic meatus with the vestibulocochlear (CNVIII) nerve. It travels
through the facial canal within the petrous temporal bone to emerge from the
stylomastoid foramen and dividing into its terminal branches within the parotid
12.4a  Within the facial canal, the facial nerve gives off the following branches:
• greater petrosal nerve
• nerve to stapedius
• chorda tympani
• auricular branch.
12.4b  After leaving the stylomastoid foramen the facial nerve gives off:
• the posterior auricular nerve
• the nerve supplying the stylohyoid and posterior belly of the digastric.
12.4c  Within the parotid gland the facial nerve gives off five branches which supply the
muscles of facial expression:
• temporal
• zygomatic
• buccal
• mandibular
• cervical.
12.5 The facial nerve is first found at the stylomastoid foramen and then followed.
Alternatively a peripheral branch of the facial nerve such as the marginal
mandibular nerve can be traced proximally.
12.6 In lower motor neurone lesions there is complete unilateral impairment of facial
movement. In upper lesions the weakness is only of the lower face because there is
dual innervation of the muscles of the forehead (Figure 3.13).
12.7 Innervation of the sternocleidomastoid muscle is via the spinal accessory nerve
12.8 The origin of sternocleidomastoid is the mastoid process of the skull. As it descends
anteromedially in the neck it divides into two heads. The medial head inserts into
the sternum and the lateral head onto the superior aspect of the medial third of
the clavicle.
12.9 Unilateral innervation of the sternocleidomastoid muscle tilts the head to the
ipsilateral side and also rotates the face so that it looks to the other side of the
muscle. In order to test the function of the right sternocleidomastoid muscle ask
the patient to turn their head to the left and try to oppose this action.

Station 13
13.1 A  Sphenoid sinuses
Nasal septum
270 Chapter 3  Head and neck

Figure 3.13  The

Right Left motor innervation
from the facial (CN VII)
nerve to the upper
Upper motor neurone and lower face.
No innervation to
lower face, only upper
face on contralateral side
Nuclei of facial
(CN Vll) nerve
Lower motor
neurone lesion
No innervation to
upper or lower or face
on ipsilateral side of
face to the lesion

Area affected by left side

lower motor neurone lesion

Area affected by sided

upper motor neurone

Right lateral rectus muscle
Optic nerve
Right medial rectus muscle
13.2 D  The optic nerve. This travels through the optic canal.
13.3 The right medial rectus muscle. The medial rectus originates from the annulus of
Zinn (a tendinous ring of fibrous tissue surrounding the optic nerve at its entrance
into the orbit) and inserts into the horizontal meridian, 0.5 cm from the limbus (the
outer edge of the iris). It is the largest of the extraocular muscles.
13.4 F Lens
Vitreous humour
13.5 The vitreous humor is a clear gelatinous like substance within the eye that occupies
the space between the lens and the retina. Its functions include maintaining the
spherical shape of the eye and preventing retinal detachment by pressing against
the retina. It also contains cells such as phagocytes that aid in the removal of
cellular debris.
13.6 Left temporal lobe.
Answers 271

Station 14
14.1 A Clivus
Anterior arch of C1 vertebra
Spinous process of C7 vertebra
Left transverse process of C1 vertebra
Vertebral body of C6
Intervertebral disc space of C7/T1
14.2 Above the C4 level the prevertebral soft tissue margin should measure less than
7 mm (or less than 50% the width of the adjacent vertebral body) and below this
level it should not be more than 22 mm (or the width of the adjacent vertebral
14.3 This may be the only radiological clue that there is an underlying fracture to a
cervical vertebra.
14.4 The ways in which the cervical vertebrae differ are listed below.
Size: the cervical spine vertebrae are smaller and broader in their lateral
dimensions than in their anteroposterior dimensions.
Structure: cervical spine vertebrae consist of bifid spinous processes (non-
bifid in the lumbar vertebrae) and their transverse processes contain ‘foramen
transversarium’ which transmit the vertebral vessels and sympathetic supply. Their
laminae are long and thin and give a triangular shape to the vertebral foramen in
which the spinal cord is contained.
Number: there are seven cervical spine vertebrae whereas there are only five
lumbar vertebrae.
14.5 There are seven cervical vertebrae.
14.6 The C7 vertebra is known as the vertebra prominens because of its long and
prominently felt spinous process palpable under the skin at the base of the neck. It
is the most prominent cervical vertebra in about 70% of people.
14.7 The following cervical nerves pass over the superior aspect of the following
14.7a C1 vertebrae – C1 nerve
14.7b C7 vertebrae – C7 nerve
14.7c T1 vertebrae – C8 nerve
14.7d T7 vertebrae – T6 nerve
14.8 There are eight cervical nerves but only seven cervical vertebrae. The cervical
spinal nerves vertebra pass superior to their pedicles but those of the thoracic
nerves pass underneath. Therefore there is a spare nerve between the C7 and T1
vertebra, and this is called the C8 spinal nerve (Figure 3.14).
272 Chapter 3  Head and neck


C2 Although there are only 7 cervical

C2 vertebrae, there are 8 cervical nerve.
C3 Nerves C1–C7 pass superior to their
C4 respective pedicles but C8 passes inferior
C4 C5 to the C7 pedicles.
C5 C7
C6 C8 T1
C7 T2
T1 T4
T2 T5
T3 T6
T4 T7
T7 T8
T9 T9
The remainder of the
T10 T10 nerves of the spinal
T11 column pass below the
T12 pedicles of the vertebral
L1 levels they are named
The cauda equina originates L2
just below where the spinal
L3 L3
cord terminates at L4
approximately the L1–L2 L4 L5
level. S1
S1 S3

Figure 3.14  Schematic view of the spinal nerves.

Station 15
15.1 A  Optic chiasm
Pituitary stalk (infundibulum)
Pituitary gland
Optic nerve
Basilar artery
15.2 X  The sphenoid sinus. Its proximity to the pituitary gland is the reason why
neurosurgeons are able to access the pituitary gland via the trans-sphenoidal route
without requiring a more invasive intracranial course.
Answers 273

15.3 C  The pituitary gland. It consists of two lobes: an anterior and a posterior. A third
intermediate lobe is sometimes described however this is rudimentary in humans
and has little function.
15.4 The embryology of the anterior and posterior pituitary differs considerably. The
anterior pituitary gland originates from ‘Rathke’s pouch’ (a pouch of ectoderm
that begins in the midline from the developing mouth, the stomodeum). The
infundibulum and posterior lobe are derived from the diencephalon (the posterior
aspect of the forebrain). The anterior pituitary gland consists of secretory cells and
is regulated via feedback mechanisms by the hypothalamus. The posterior pituitary
gland does not create any hormones itself and only releases hormones produced
by the hypothalamus.
15.5 The anterior pituitary lobe secretes the hormones prolactin (PRL), thyroid
stimulating hormone (TSH), adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), growth
hormone (GH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinising hormone (LH). The
posterior pituitary does not produce hormones however it releases hormones
made by the hypothalamus (oxytocin and antidiuretic hormone, ADH).
15.6 The most common pathology of the pituitary gland (C) is a pituitary adenoma.
This pathology commonly affects the anterior lobe of the gland and may either be
hormone secreting or non-hormone secreting.
15.7 A  The optic chiasm. Compression of this structure causes a bitemporal hemianopia
(only the most medial aspect of vision is preserved).
15.8 E  The basilar artery. This is formed from the right and left vertebral arteries at a
level between the pons and the medulla.

Station 16
16.1 A  Supraclavicular nerve(s)
Right superior belly of omohyoid
Right sternohyoid
Right clavicular head of the sternocleidomastoid
Right sternal head of the sternocleidomastoid
Left internal jugular vein
16.2 The C1–C4 spinal nerves contribute to the cervical plexus. It lies in series with the
brachial plexus on scalenus medius and is covered by the upper aspect of the
sternocleidomastoid (Figure 3.15).
16.3 The cervical plexus has motor and sensory branches. The cutaneous branches of
the plexus are:
• greater auricular nerve (C2, C3)
• lesser occipital nerve (C2)
• transverse cervical nerve (C2, C3)
• supraclavicular nerves (C3, C4).
274 Chapter 3  Head and neck

Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)

Nerves to C1
geniohyoid and
thyrohyoid muscles Branches to rectus
capitalis muscles

cervical nerves Great auricular
Nerve to superior Lesser occipital

Spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)

belly of omohyoid nerve
Nerve to sternothyroid
Supraclavicular nerves

Nerve to sternohyoid C4
Nerve to inferior
belly of omohyoid
Phrenic nerve


Nerves supplying scalene and levator

scapulae muscles

Supply to longus capitis and longus

colli muscles

Figure 3.15  The cervical plexus.

16.4 The muscular branches of the cervical plexus and the structures which they supply
is summarised in Table 3.6.

Table 3.6  The motor branches of the cervical plexus

Muscular branches Structures innervated
Ansa cervicalis (C1, C2, C3) Most of the infrahyoid muscles (except for
thyrohyoid muscle)

Phrenic nerve (C3, C4, C5) Pericardium and diaphragm

Segmental branches (C1–C4) Anterior and middle scalene muscles

16.5 The ansa cervicalis a nerve loop formed from the C1–C3 spinal nerves. It is located
within the carotid sheath, lateral and superficial to the internal jugular vein, and is
accompanied by the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII).
16.6 The ansa cervicalis supplies the sternothyroid, sternohyoid and omohyoid muscles
(ipsilateral side).
Answers 275

16.7 The only infrahyoid muscle which the ansa cervicalis does not innervate is the
thyrohyoid muscle which is innervated by the hypoglossal (CN XII) nerve.

Station 17
17.1 A  Erector spinae
Middle scalene
Anterior scalene
Longus colli
17.2 The sympathetic nervous system has a thoracolumbar outflow from the T1–L3
spinal nerve roots. The parasympathetic nervous system has a craniosacral outflow
from the spinal nerve roots of: C3,7,9,10 and S2–4.
17.3 The stellate ganglion is a sympathetic mass of nervous tissue formed by the fusion
of the inferior cervical ganglion and first thoracic ganglion. Blocking results in the
ipsilateral dilatation of the upper limb vasculature, decreased sweating and a mild
reduction in left ventricular contractility.
17.4 Common indications include complex regional pain syndromes, hyperhidrosis and
diseases causing vascular insufficiency (such as Raynaud’s syndrome).
17.5 Posterior to the stellate ganglion are:
• the transverse process of the C7 vertebra
• the neck of the 1st rib
• the brachial plexus sheath
• longus colli
• the anterior scalene muscles.
Anterior to the ganglion are the vertebral artery and the sternocleidomastoid.
17.6 The stellate ganglion is absent in about 20% of the population.

Station 18
18.1 A lump at region A indicates a midline neck swelling. Differential diagnoses could
include: subcutaneous abscesses, enlarged lymph nodes, sebaceous cyst, lipoma,
dermoid cyst, thyroglossal cyst, thyroid mass.
18.2 A lump at region C indicates a mass in the anterior triangle. Differential diagnoses
could include: subcutaneous abscesses, enlarged lymph nodes, sebaceous cyst,
lipoma, branchial cyst, parotid tumour, laryngocele, carotid artery aneurysm/
18.3 A lump at region B indicates a mass in the posterior triangle. Differential diagnoses
include: subcutaneous abscesses, enlarged lymph nodes, sebaceous cyst, lipoma,
cervical rib, pharyngeal pouch, cystic hygroma, Pancoast’s tumour, subclavian
artery aneurysm.
276 Chapter 3  Head and neck

18.4 The infrahyoid ‘strap’ muscles are: sternothyroid, thyrohyoid, sternohyoid,

18.5 They are supplied by the ansa cervicalis and their function is to fix the hyoid bone
so that the suprahyoid muscles can contract against an immoveable base.
18.6 A cystic hygroma is a congenital multiloculated lymphatic lesion in the lower
posterior triangle of the neck. It is benign but can be disfiguring and the treatment
is excision.
18.7 A branchial cyst is a cystic mass filled with squamous or columnar epithelium.
It is usually located along the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid at the
junction of the superior/middle third. It is thought to be a remnant of the branchial
arches (usually the second), although another theory is it arises from squamous
clefts in cervical lymph nodes.
18.8 A chemodectoma is a carotid body paraganglioma. It presents as a pulsatile mass
along the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid at the level of the hyoid. The
mass can be moved from side to side but not up and down. It is associated with a
small risk of malignancy.
18.9 Ludwig’s angina is an acute bacterial infection of the submandibular fascial
space, often associated with dental infection. It may cause life-threatening airway

Station 19
19.1 A  Right sclera
Right iris
Left caruncula lacrimalis
Left superior palpebral sulcus
Pupil of the left eye
19.2 Each eye is drained by one lacrimal gland. Each lacrimal gland consists of two
lobes: the larger orbital and smaller palpebral.
19.3 Each lacrimal gland is located in the superotemporal aspect of the orbit
(Figure 3.16).
19.4 The nasolacrimal duct drains tears from the lacrimal gland to the nasal cavity. The
superior and inferior lacrimal puncta and papillae are located at the medial corner
of the eyes and receive tears. They then pass in to the superior and inferior lacrimal
canaliculi, and thence in to the lacrimal sac before entering the lacrimal duct
(Figure 3.16).
19.5 The ‘annulus of Zinn’ is a fibrous ring that encircles the optic nerve and is
continuous with the dura of the middle cranial fossa. The four recti muscles
originate from this structure.
Answers 277

Figure 3.16  The

lacrimal gland and
nasolacrimal ductal

19.6 The afferent limb of the pupillary light reflex is the optic nerve (CN II). The efferent
limb is the oculomotor nerve (CN III), which innervates the constrictor pupillae
(Figure 3.17).
19.7 The direct pupillary reflex is lost but the consensual pupillary reflex is intact.
This means that light shone in to the damaged eye would not cause pupillary
constriction of either eyes, but light shone in to the undamaged eyes would cause
constriction of both.
19.8 Damage to the right oculomotor (CN III) nerve would prevent constriction of the
pupil of the right eye. Whether light was detected within the right or left eye, only

Figure 3.17  The

afferent and efferent
pathways of the
pupillary light reflex.
Short ciliary

Optic chiasm
Ciliary ganglion

(CN III) nerve

Optic (CN II) Edinger–Westphal

nerve nucleus
Pretectal nucleus

Midbrain in axial section

278 Chapter 3  Head and neck

the left eye would be able to demonstrate pupillary constriction. In other words
the ‘direct pupillary and consensual reflex’ is lost.

Station 20
20.1 A  Anterior ethmoid sinus
Posterior ethmoid sinus
Sphenoid sinus
20.2 Boundaries of the nasal cavity:
• anterior: the nostrils
• posterior: the posterior nasal apertures
• floor: the palatine process of the maxilla and the palatine bone
• roof: anteriorly is the nasal and frontal bones, in the middle is the cribriform plate
of the ethmoid bone, and posteriorly is the sphenoid bone
• medial: nasal septum, made up of septal cartilage, the vertical plate of the
ethmoid, and the vomer
• lateral: the ethmoid bone above, the medial surface of the maxilla and the
perpendicular plate of the palatine bone below.
20.3 The nasal vestibule is the anterior part of the nasal cavity that is lined by stratified
squamous keratinizing epithelium. It has small hairs, vibrissae, which filter the air.
20.4 The superior meatus receives the posterior ethmoidal air sinuses.
20.5 The middle meatus receives the openings of:
• the anterior (via the infundibulum) and middle ethmoidal air sinuses
• the frontal sinus (via the infundibulum and hiatus semilunaris)
• the maxillary sinus (via the hiatus semilunaris).
20.6 The inferior meatus receives the opening of the nasolacrimal duct.
20.7 The sphenoethmoidal recess is an area above the superior concha that receives the
opening of the sphenoid air cells.
20.8 The nasal cavity proper is lined with ciliated pseudostratified columnar epithelium,
containing mucous secreting goblet cells. The mucociliary escalator transfers
material trapped by mucous cranially to be swallowed or expectorated.
20.9 Sensation is supplied via the ophthalmic and maxillary branches of the trigeminal
nerve. The olfactory mucous membranes are innervated by the olfactory nerves,
which travel through the cribriform plate to the olfactory bulbs.
20.10 The hiatus semilunaris is the common drainage pathway for the frontal and
maxillary sinuses, and communication between the maxillary from the frontal is
possible. Additionally, the drainage orifice of the maxillary sinus is situated near
the roof of the sinus, and is therefore only effective when already full of fluid.
Answers 279

20.11 The floor of the maxillary sinus is closely approximated to the first and second
molar teeth, and the apices of the roots sometimes protrude through and are
occasionally dehiscent in to the space.

Station 21
21.1 Table 3.7 describes the muscles responsible for the movements of the neck.

Table 3.7  Muscles responsible for the neck movements

Neck action Muscles responsible

Flexion Sternocleidomastoid and scalene muscles

Extension Trapezius, cervicis, splenius capitis, semispinalis capitis, semispinalis

cervicis muscles
Other contributing muscles include: spinalis capitis and longissimus

Rotation Splenius capitis, sternocleidomastoid, levator scapula, suboccipitalis

Lateral flexion Scalene muscles

21.2 The trapezius is contained within the investing layer of the deep cervical fascia.
21.3 Other structures within the investing layer of the deep cervical fascia are:
• sternocleidomastoid
• fibrous capsule of the parotid gland
• submandibular gland.
21.4 The three remaining fascial compartments (Figure 3.18) are:
• carotid sheath – containing the common carotid artery, vagus nerve (CN X) and
the internal jugular vein
• prevertebral fascia – passing in front of the prevertebral muscles
• pretracheal fascia – containing the thyroid gland.
21.5 The prevertebral fascia is continuous with the axillary sheath inferior to the

Station 22
22.1 A  Temporalis muscle
Sternocleidomastoid muscle
Right submandibular gland
Right scalenus muscle (anterior and middle)
Right superior belly of omohyoid muscle
Right masseter muscle
280 Chapter 3  Head and neck

Figure 3.18
Anterior The fascial
compartments of
Sternocleidomastoid the neck.
muscle Investing layer
of deep fascia

Carotid sheath


Trapezius Trapezius

22.2 The trigeminal (CN V) innervates the muscles of mastication which include the
masseter and temporalis muscle.
22.3 The mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V) innervates the skin over the
lower jawline.
22.4 The temporalis muscle (A) elevates and retrudes the mandible.
22.5 The temporalis muscle (A) is a large fan shaped muscle originating from the
temporal fossa on the external surface of the skull and inserting into the coronoid
process of the mandible.
22.6 You can test the temporalis muscle by asking the patient to tightly clench their jaw
whilst palpating the temples and feeling for contraction of the muscle.
22.7 The three sensory branches of the trigeminal nerve converge at the trigeminal
ganglion within Meckel’s cave (or the trigeminal cave) lateral to the cavernous
sinus within the sphenoid bone.

Station 23
23.1 A Mandible
Parotid gland
Mastoid air cells
Upper spinal cord
Answers 281

23.2 Left sided weakness indicates ischaemia of the right side of the brain, which is
supplied by the right internal carotid artery. As this has significant stenosis it would
be suitable for endarterectomy.
23.3 Skin, superficial fascia, platysma, investing layer of deep cervical fascia, and carotid
sheaf. The incision is made along the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid,
from approximately the level of the lower border of the thyroid cartilage to the
angle of the mandible.
23.4 The internal carotid artery is initially lateral to the external carotid but as they
ascend it winds posterior to it. The jugular vein and vagus nerve have constant
positions to the internal carotid: the former stays lateral and the latter runs behind
and between the internal carotid and the jugular vein.
23.5 The internal carotid artery has no branches in the neck.
23.6 The superior laryngeal nerve has internal and external branches. The internal
laryngeal supplies sensation to the piriform fossa and larynx above the level of the
vocal cords. The external laryngeal supplies the cricothyroid muscle and division
produces paralysis of the cricothyroid and weakness of the voice.
23.7 Section of the great auricular nerve results in numbness over the angle of the
mandible, the parotid gland, and on both surfaces of the auricle.
23.8 Section of the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve results in drooping
of the ipsilateral side of the lip and an asymmetrical smile.

Station 24
24.1 A  Laryngeal prominence of the thyroid cartilage
Hyoid bone
Cricoid cartilage
24.2 The origin and insertion of the scalene muscles are shown in Table 3.8.
24.3 See above.

Table 3.8  The scalene muscles

Muscle Origin Insertion

Anterior scalene Anterior tubercles of transverse Scalene tubercle of first rib

processes C3–6

Middle scalene Posterior tubercles of transverse Anterior to the tubercle of the

processes of C2–7 first rip, on its superior surface

Posterior scalene Posterior tubercles of transverse Posterolateral second rib

processes of C4–6
282 Chapter 3  Head and neck

24.4 Anterior relations of the anterior scalene muscle:

• arteries: carotids, transverse cervical, suprascapular
• veins: internal jugular, subclavian
• nerves: vagus, phrenic
• lymph: deep cervical
• fascia: prevertebral layer of deep cervical fascia.
24.5 Structures between the anterior scalene and middle scalene muscles:
• arteries: subclavian (second part)
• nerves: brachial plexus
• fascia: pleura of the lung.
24.6 The digastric has two bellies: the origin of the anterior belly is the digastric fossa
on the posterior surface of the symphysis menti, and the origin of the posterior is
the base of the medial aspect of the mastoid process. The muscle inserts in to the
lesser cornu of the hyoid bone.
24.7 The mylohyoid arises from the mylohyoid line on the internal aspect of the
mandible. The middle and anterior fibres insert in to the midline raphe (extending
from the symphysis menti to the hyoid bone). The posterior fibres insert in to the
body of the hyoid bone.
24.8 The platysma arises from the skin and deep fascia over pectoralis major and
deltoid. It inserts in to the inferior border of the mandible and overlying skin.

Station 25
25.1 A  Superior rectus muscle
Optic nerve
Lateral rectus muscle
25.2 The oculomotor nerve (CN III).
25.3 Muscles supplied by the oculomotor nerve (CN III) are:
• superior rectus muscle
• inferior rectus muscle
• medial rectus muscle
• inferior oblique muscle
• levator palpebrae superioris.
25.4 The clinical signs of an isolated oculomotor (CN III) nerve palsy includes:
• deviation of the orbit ‘down and out’ (abducted and inferiorly deviated) due to
the unopposed actions of the lateral rectus and superior oblique muscles not
supplied by the same nerve
• ptosis of the ipsilateral eyelid
• dilatation of the ipsilateral pupil
• impairment of the accommodation reflex and consensual (not direct) light reflex
on the affected side.
Answers 283

• I n Horner’s syndrome just the sympathetic pathway is disrupted. There is a

ptosis of the upper eyelid, anhydrosis, but no deviation of the orbit. The pupil
is constricted and slow to dilate but there is no impairment of the direct or
consensual light reflex.
25.6 X  Ethmoid sinus
Right maxillary sinus
Left inferior turbinate/concha
25.7 The medial wall of the orbit is also known as the ‘lamina papyracea’ that translates
literally into to ‘paper thin’. This wall of the orbit is easily damaged during
instrumentation of the nasal cavity.

Station 26
26.1 A  Frontal sinus
Posterior ethmoid sinuses
Sphenoid sinus
Pituitary fossa
Middle turbinate
Inferior turbinate
Soft palate
26.2 The paranasal sinuses drain into the nasal cavity via openings known as ‘ostia’. The
various openings of the sinuses and position of their ostia are demonstrated in
Table 3.9 and Figure 3.19 below.

Table 3.9  The openings of the various paranasal sinuses within the nasal
Paranasal sinus Opening within the nasal cavity

Frontal Frontal recess in the anterior middle meatus (via the

frontonasal duct)

Sphenoid Sphenoethmoidal recess (above the superior turbinate)

Maxillary Hiatus semilunaris within the middle meatus

Anterior ethmoid Hiatus semilunaris (via the ethmoid infundibulum) or the

ethmoid bulla within the middle meatus

Middle ethmoid Ethmoid bulla

Posterior ethmoid Superior nasal meatus

284 Chapter 3  Head and neck

Figure 3.19 The
Posterior openings of the
concha Sphenoid sinus various paranasal
sinus sinuses within the
Posterior ethmoid
Frontal sinus ostium nasal cavity.
ostium Sphenoid sinus
Ethmoid bulla
concha Maxillary sinus
concha Anterior ethmoid
Nasolacrimal duct sinus ostium

26.3 The osteomeatal complex is a region where the frontal, ethmoidal and maxillary
sinuses drain through. The passage through which these various sinuses drain
is very narrow and therefore any blockage at this region will cause stasis and
obstruction of drainage of secretions from the involved paranasal sinuses. It is
made up of the maxillary ostium, uncinate process, middle turbinate, ethmoidal
bulla and ethmoidal infundibulum (Figure 3.20).

Figure 3.20  A coronal

section of the orbit
Frontal sinus and paranasal sinuses
Ethmoid air cells demonstrating the
Ethmoidal bulla
osteomeatal complex.
Osteomeatal complex
Uncinate process
ostium and
sinus Middle concha

Maxillary Middle nasal meatus

Inferior concha
Inferior nasal meatus

26.4 The functions of the paranasal sinuses include:

• reduction of the weight of the skull
• increasing the area for olfactory input
• resonators for voice production
• production of mucus to humidify the nasal chambers
• providing a buffer between the skull and brain against trauma to the face.
Answers 285

26.5 Allergic reactions cause irritation and hyperplasia of the mucosal lining to the
paranasal sinuses and can impair their drainage of mucus secretions. The build-up
and stagnation of these contents provides a good medium for infective organisms
to proliferate.
26.6 The lymphatics of the posterior paranasal sinuses drain into the retropharyngeal
lymph nodes and the submental nodes anteriorly. Both of these lymph nodes
eventually drain into the upper deep cervical nodes.
26.7 The arterial supply to the nasal cavity is via branches of the external and internal
carotid arteries (Figure 3.21):
26.7a External carotid artery: via the superficial labial artery (facial artery) and the
sphenopalatine artery (maxillary artery)
26.7b Internal carotid artery: via the anterior and posterior ethmoidal arteries
(ophthalmic artery)

Anterior ethmoid artery

(septal branch)
Frontal sinus Posterior ethmoid
(septal branch)
plexus or Sphenoid sinus
‘Little’s area’
frequent site
for anterior Woodruff’s
epistaxis plexus = origin of
a posterior epistaxis

Superior labial
artery Palate artery (septal branch)
(septal branch)

Figure 3.21  Blood supply to the nasal cavity.

26.8 Kiesselbach’s plexus (Little’s area) is located on the anteroinferior aspect of the
nasal septum. Here, the external and internal carotid arteries anastomose. It is a
frequent site for epistaxis.
26.9 Woodruff’s plexus is the name given to the area where the sphenopalatine artery
leaves the sphenopalatine foramen and enters the nasal cavity. It is situated at the
posterior limit of the middle turbinate and the origin for a posterior epistaxis.
26.10 The venous drainage of the nose is named after the arteries:
• anterior and posterior ethmoidal veins drain into the ophthalmic vein
• sphenopalatine and greater palatine veins drain to the pterygoid plexus of veins
• the angular vein drains into the anterior facial vein.
286 Chapter 3  Head and neck

The ophthalmic vein and pterygoid plexus of veins have connections with the
cavernous sinuses and infection within the nasal cavity can spread intracranially via
this route predisposing to a cavernous sinus thrombosis.

Station 27
27.1 A  Right external acoustic meatus
Posterior belly of the right digastric muscle
Right internal carotid artery (note the lack of arteries given off in the neck)
Right facial artery
Right external carotid artery
Anterior belly of the right digastric muscle
Right superior thyroid artery
27.2 The parathyroid glands.
27.3 There are normally four parathyroid glands, two superior and two inferior, although
this number may vary. The superior parathyroid glands are found constantly at the
superolateral aspect of the superior pole of the thyroid gland. The position of the
inferior parathyroid glands is more varied. During embryological development they
have a shared migration path with the thymus gland. They are often found at the
level of the inferior pole of the thyroid gland but may also be within the superior
mediastinum or even the carotid sheath.
27.4 The parathyroid glands are supplied by the inferior thyroid artery. Branches of this
artery are carefully preserved during thyroidectomy to prevent ischaemia to the
glands and rendering the patient hypocalcaemic.
27.5 The branchial apparatus is a set of metameric structures in early development that
develops into structures within the head and neck. Each ‘apparatus’ consists of:
• branchial (or pharyngeal) arch
• groove
• pouch
• membrane.
In total there are five branchial arches labelled 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 (the 5th branchial
arch only exists transiently and fails to develop in utero). The same nerve
innervates structures that arise from each arch. The pharyngeal (or branchial)
pouches develop between the branchial arches. There are four pairs of pharyngeal
pouches, the 5th is usually absent or very small.
27.6 The superior parathyroid glands are derived from the fourth pharyngeal pouch
(Table 3.10). The parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland (which secrete calcitonin)
are also derived from this same pouch.
27.7 The inferior parathyroid glands are derived from the third pharyngeal pouch. Other
structures which are also derived from this pouch include the thymus gland.
27.8 Pharyngeal (branchial) arch derivatives and their innervation are given in Table 3.11.
Answers 287

Table 3.10  The derivatives of the pharyngeal pouches

Pharyngeal pouch Derivatives
First Tubotympanic recess contributing to development of the tym-
panic membrane, external acoustic meatus, mastoid antrum and
tympanic cavity

Second Contributes to formation of the palatine tonsils

Third Inferior parathyroid glands and thymus gland

Fourth Superior parathyroid glands and parafollicular cells of the thyroid


Table 3.11  The branchial arches

Branchial arch Artery Nerve Muscle Skeletal

1 Mandibular Maxillary Mandibular Muscles of masti- Incus, malleus,

division of cation (masseter, Mandible (as
trigeminal temporalis), digas- a model for
(Vc) tric (anterior belly), the mandible),
mylohyoid, tensor Meckel’s cartilage
tympani, tensor
veli palatini

2 Hyoid Stapedial Facial (VII) Stylohyoid, sta- Hyoid: lesser

pedius (posterior cornu and supe-
belly), muscles of rior part of body,
facial expression styloid process,
(including bucci- stapes, Reichert’s
nator, platysma) cartilage

3 Thyrohyoid Internal Glossopha- Stylopharyngeus Hyoid: greater

carotid ryngeal (IX) cornu and infe-
rior part of body

4 Part of right Vagus (X) Intrinsic muscles of Thyroid carti-

subclavian, and superi- soft palate (includ- lage, epiglottic
left aortic or laryngeal ing levator veli cartilage
arch branch palatini), cricothy-
roid, pharyngeal

6 Ventral Vagus Intrinsic muscles Cricoid cartilage,

pulmonary (X) and of larynx (except arytenoid carti-
artery, dor- recurrent cricothyroid) lage, corniculate
sal ductus laryngeal cartilage
arteriosus branch
288 Chapter 3  Head and neck

Station 28
28.1 The right common carotid artery originates from the brachiocephalic artery. The
left common carotid artery is the second branch of the aortic arch.
28.2 The common carotid bifurcate into its internal and external branches at the C4
vertebral level.
28.3 A  Superficial temporal artery
Occipital artery
Maxillary artery
28.4 The branches of the external carotid artery are, from inferior to superior
(Figure 3.22):
• superior thyroid artery
• ascending pharyngeal artery
• lingual artery
• facial artery
• occipital artery
• posterior auricular artery
• maxillary artery
• superficial temporal artery.
A mnemonic that may help you to remember these branches is ‘Some Anatomists
Like Flirting with Obliging Pretty Medical Students’. In order to help identify the

Figure 3.22  The

branches of the
external carotid
Answers 289

vessels on an angiogram it is useful to remember that the occipital and posterior

auricular arteries arise from the posterior aspect of the external carotid artery.
28.5 This is divided into three parts by the lateral pterygoid muscle.
28.6 X  The middle meningeal artery. It is a branch of the first part of the maxillary
28.7 The distal part of this artery runs beneath the pterion of the skull and can bleed
profusely forming an extradural haematoma.
28.8 The sphenopalatine artery. This is also known as the ‘artery of epistaxis’ and is one
of the terminal branches of the maxillary artery. This artery causes bleeding in the
posterior nasal cavity, making it more difficult to control than an anterior bleed.
28.9 Y  The facial artery
28.10 The facial artery runs along a line drawn from the corner of the mouth to the
angle of the mandible. It can be felt in front of the masseter muscle on the lower
border of the body of the mandible. It can also be felt at the angle of the mouth.
28.11 Yes, the facial artery is often ligated during removal of the submandibular gland.

Station 29
29.1 Contrast has been administered via the submandibular duct (also known as
Wharton’s duct) to obtain a submandibular gland sialogram.
29.2 The opening of the submandibular duct is in the floor of the mouth, lateral to the
frenulum of the tongue.
29.3 The surgical incision for submandibular gland removal is approximately 2 cm
below the angle of the mandible, to avoid damage to the marginal mandibular
branch of the facial nerve. This nerve provides innervation to the muscles of the
lower lip and chin and ligation would result in drooping of the ipsilateral corner of
the lip.
29.4 During excision of the submandibular gland the following structures are at risk:
• lingual nerve
• marginal mandibular nerve
• nerve to mylohyoid muscle
• hypoglossal nerve.
29.5 The lingual nerve is a branch of the mandibular) portion of the trigeminal nerve
(CN V3). It supplies sensation to the floor of the mouth, the lingual gingival and
anterior two-thirds of the tongue. It also supplies taste to anterior two-thirds of the
tongue (via the chorda tympani, a branch of the facial nerve).
29.6 Sialolithiasis (salivary gland calculi) affects the submandibular gland in 80% of
cases followed by the sublingual gland and then the parotid gland. The postulated
reasons are:
• the submandibular gland produces viscous saliva composed of mucinous and
serous secretions.
290 Chapter 3  Head and neck

• the submandibular duct forms a steep up-sloping angle to the floor of the
mouth promoting stasis of its contents and stone formation.
29.7 Minor salivary glands, which are scattered throughout the oral mucosa and
submucosa, include:
• labial glands
• buccal glands
• palatoglossal glands
• palatal glands
• lingual glands
(The major salivary glands are the sublingual gland, the parotid gland and the
submandibular gland.)

Station 30
30.1 A Malleolar prominence
Umbo (tip of the malleus)
Cone of light
Pars flaccida
Pars tensa
30.2 It is possible to tell which ear is being examined by looking at just the image of the
tympanic membrane as the handle of the malleus always points posteriorly with
its lateral process situated anteriorly. In the image provided, the left ear is being
30.3 The innervation of the tympanic membrane:
• outer surface: the auriculotemporal branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V3) and
the auricular nerves (from the cervical plexus)
• inner surface: the tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)
30.4 The boundaries of the middle ear are:
• laterally: the tympanic membrane
• medially: the lateral wall of the inner ear
• superiorly: the tegmen tympani (a part of the petrous temporal bone)
• inferiorly: the jugular fossa and thin plate of bone
• anteriorly: the carotid canal.
30.5 The petrous part of temporal bone.
30.6 There are three bones of the ossicular chain (from external to internal): the malleus,
incus and stapes. Their purpose is to transmit sound vibrations from the tympanic
membrane to the oval window (Figure 3.23).
30.7 Stapes: the stapedius.
Malleus: the tensor tympani.
Answers 291

Figure 3.23  The

Malleus Head Body ossicles of the
('hammer') Handle
Short process middle ear.
External Long process Incus
acoustic meatus ('anvil')
Oval window
Tympanic Eustachian tube
Outer ear membrane Inner ear

Middle ear

30.8 The stapedius is innervated by the facial nerve (CN VII) and the tensor tympani
is innervated by the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V3). Their
function is to dampen loud sounds to avoid damage to the inner ear stereocilia,
to expand the range of sounds heard and to reduce the volume of self-generated
noises such as chewing and vocalisation.
30.9 The Eustachian tube or canal.
30.10 The first third of the eustachian tube is cartilaginous and the remaining two
thirds are lined by ciliated columnar epithelial cells containing numerous mucous
glands and lymphoid tissue. Infection may cause inflammation of these tissues
resulting in blockage of the tube. This can manifest as otalgia and deafness.
30.11 The middle ear is connected to the mastoid antrum by an entrance called the
aditus. This may serve as a portal through which infection can spread into the
middle ear from the mastoid cells.

Station 31
31.1 A  Condyle of the mandible
Coronoid process of mandible
Ramus of the mandible
Angle of the mandible
31.2 X  Temporal bone
Zygoma bone
Mastoid process of the temporal bone
31.3 Inferior alveolar nerve.
31.4 The inferior alveolar nerve is a branch of the mandibular nerve (CN V3) and is
sometimes known as the ‘dental nerve’. An anaesthetic block of this nerve gives
total loss of sensation of the lower teeth of the ipsilateral half of the mandible.
292 Chapter 3  Head and neck

31.5 The commonest regions, decreasing order of frequency, are the body, angle,
condyle and symphysis. Just as in the pelvis when one part breaks often too does
31.6 The condyle of the mandible (A) articulates with the glenoid fossa of the temporal
31.7 The temporomandibular joint is a synovial joint that allows ‘hinge’ and ‘sliding’
movements at the joint.
31.8 As with all synovial joints, hyaline cartilage lines the articulating surfaces.
31.9 The temporomandibular joint is one of only two synovial joints in the body (the
other is the sternoclavicular joint) that have an articulating disc. This is made of
fibrocartilaginous tissue.
31.10 Three ligaments which are related to the temporomandibular joint include:
• the lateral temporomandibular ligament
• the sphenomandibular ligament
• the stylomandibular ligament.
31.11 The muscles of mastication are responsible for the movements of the
temporomandibular joint as given in Figure 3.24 and Table 3.12.
31.12 The mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve (CN V3) innervates the muscles of
31.13 In an uncomplicated dislocation the mandible is most likely to dislocate in the

Figure 3.24  The

Temporalis movements of
the muscles of
Lateral pterygoid mastication.

Medial pterygoid

Answers 293

Table 3.12  Movements of the various muscles of mastication

Muscle Origin Insertion Action
Masseter Inferior and medial bor- Lateral surface of Closure and
der of zygomatic arch ramus and angle of retraction of the
mandible mandible

Medial Medial surface of lateral Medial surface of Closing and

Pterygoid pterygoid plate angle and ramus of protrusion of the
mandible mandible

Lateral Superior head: infratem- Superior head: Opening and

Pterygoid poral surface of sphenoid protrusion of the
Articular disc and
bone mandible
capsule of the TMJ
Inferior head:
Lateral surface of the
lateral pterygoid plate

Temporalis Floor of temporal fossa Coronoid process and Retraction and

ramus of mandible closure of the TMJ

Station 32
32.1 A  Nasal septum
Soft palate
32.2 The three parts of the pharynx are as follows:
• nasopharynx: lying behind the nasal fossae above the soft palate to the anterior
pillars of fauces
• oropharynx: originating from the anterior pillars of fauces to the tip of the
• laryngopharynx: originating from the tip of the epiglottis to the junction of the
pharynx and oesophagus at the C6 vertebral level.
32.3a The palatine tonsils are found within the oropharynx.
32.3b The adenoids are located in the nasopharynx.
32.3c The Eustachian tube is located in the nasopharynx.
32.4 There are three pharyngeal constrictor muscles: the superior, middle and inferior
constrictors. There function is to initiate pharyngeal peristalsis, enabling a food
bolus to pass into the oesophagus. This is under autonomic control.
294 Chapter 3  Head and neck

32.5 A pharyngeal diverticulum is commonly found within the fibres of the inferior
pharyngeal constrictor muscle between its upper oblique and lower transverse
portions. This area of weakness is termed Killian’s dehiscence (Figure 3.25). A
diverticulum at this position is called Zenker’s diverticulum.

Hyoid Hyoid

Thyroid Inferior
cartilage Thyroid constrictor
cartilage muscle

Cricoid Cricoid
Pharyngeal Pouch

Anterior view Lateral view

Figure 3.25  Zenker’s diverticulum.

32.6 The stylopharyngeus muscle

32.7 The pharyngeal branches of the glossopharyngeal (CN IX) nerve provide sensory
supply and the vagus (CN X) nerve provides motor supply of the pharynx. Sensory
innervation to the nasopharynx is also provided by the maxillary division of the
trigeminal (CN V) nerve.
32.8 The hyoid bone (X) is at the C3 vertebral level.
32.9 Muscles attached to the hyoid bone may be classified as the suprahyoid and
infrahyoid (the ‘strap muscles’) groups. These muscles are all found within the
anterior triangle of the neck (Table 3.13).

Table 3.13  The suprahyoid and infrahyoid muscles of the neck

Suprahyoid Infrahyoid

Digastric Sternohyoid

Mylohyoid Sternothyroid

Geniohyoid Thyrohyoid

Stylohyoid Omohyoid
Answers 295

Muscles which are not referred to as being within this supra- or infrahyoid group of
muscles but which are also attached to the hyoid bone are the middle pharyngeal
constrictor, hyoglossus and genioglossus.
32.10 It is extremely rare to fracture the hyoid bone and this suggests that the patient
was strangled.

Station 33
33.1 A  Frontal bone
Parietal bones
Sphenoid bone
Temporal bone
Zygoma bone
Mandible bone
33.2 The nasal bones.
33.3 In a tripod fracture (zygomaticomaxillary fracture) the areas disrupted are the
zygomaticofrontal suture, the zygomatic arch and the zygomaticomaxillary suture
(Figure 3.26). This combination of fractures commonly occurs together (even more
often than an isolated fracture of the zygomatic arch).

Figure 3.26  Fractures

sites in a tripod



33.4 A tripod fracture cause damage to the infraorbital nerve, a branch of the maxillary
division of the trigeminal nerve (CN V2). This nerve supplies the lower eyelid, upper
lip and side of the nose (Figure 3.27).
33.5 Other complications of a tripod fracture may include:
• chronic maxillary sinusitis from poor drainage of the sinus.
• diplopia and enophthalmos, due to damage of the inferior orbital wall and
trapping of the extraocular muscles
296 Chapter 3  Head and neck

Figure 3.27  The sensory

distribution of the infraorbital nerve.
Shaded area denotes the sensory

Shaded area = sensory innervation

of infraorbital nerve

• poor cosmetic outcome and facial deformity

• restricted range of motion of the mandible.
33.6 A ‘blow out fracture’ is a fracture of the walls of the orbit (without damage to the
orbital rim) caused by blunt trauma (Figure 3.28). This occurs secondary to the
sudden increase in the intraocular pressure brought about by the impact of the
non-penetrating object that dissipates in to the orbital walls. The inferior and
medial orbital walls are commonly involved.

Superior rectus
Orbit Orbit muscle
Retro-orbital fat
‘Tear drop’ sign Inferior rectus
Inferior herniation muscle
of orbital contents Fractured inferior
containing fat +/– orbital wall
inferior rectus
muscle Maxillary sinus


Figure 3.28  The ‘tear drop’ sign and the mechanism of a blow out fracture.
Answers 297

33.7 On a plain film of the facial bones the ‘tear drop’ sign is seen. This shadow looks
like a polypoid mass arising from the superior wall of the maxillary sinus but is in
fact herniation of the orbital contents, periorbital fat and the inferior rectus muscle
through the inferior orbital wall (Figure 3.28).
33.8 Failure to repair a blow out fracture may result in continued herniation of the
orbital contents causing decreased visual acuity, diplopia on upward gaze (due to
the entrapment of the inferior rectus muscle), periorbital haematoma formation
and enophthalmos.
33.9 Longitudinal temporal bone fracture (the most common type of all temporal bone
fractures). This classically extends from the thin squamous part of the temporal
bone, through the middle ear and along the long axis of the petrous temporal
33.10 Transverse temporal bone fracture, classically originating from the foramen
magnum and running perpendicular to the long axis of the petrous temporal
33.11 Knowledge of the structures traversed in each of these types of fractures allows
prediction of the potential complications (Table 3.14).

Table 3.14  Complications of temporal bone fractures

Longitudinal fracture Transverse fracture
Conductive hearing loss due to middle Sensorineural hearing loss and vertigo due to
ear ossicular disruption disruption of the facial nerve and vestibulo-
cochlear apparatus

CSF otorrhea (due to disruption of the CSF rhinorrhoea (there is not usually disrup-
tympanic membrane) tion to the tympanic membrane and CSF
leakage is more usually through the nasal
cavity via the Eustachian tube)

Meningitis Meningitis

Facial nerve injury Facial nerve injury (higher incidence than in

longitudinal fractures)

Perforation of the tympanic membrane

Station 34
34.1 A Vallecula
Lingual artery
298 Chapter 3  Head and neck

34.2 The extrinsic muscles of the tongue are:

• genioglossus
• hyoglossus
• styloglossus
• palatoglossus.
34.3 The motor innervation of the extrinsic muscles of the tongue is the hypoglossal
nerve (CN XII) except for the palatoglossus, which is innervated by the vagus nerve
(CN X) via the pharyngeal plexus.
34.4 Taste from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue is transmitted via the lingual nerve
(a branch of the trigeminal nerve) and also by the chorda tympani (a branch of
the facial nerve). For the posterior third of the tongue, taste is transmitted via the
glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX). The very posterior aspect of the tongue is also
supplied by the internal laryngeal nerve.
34.5 The tip of the tongue drains to the submental nodes, the anterior two-thirds of
the tongue drains to the submental and submandibular nodes (then to the lower
nodes of the deep cervical chain) and the posterior one-third drains to the upper
nodes of the deep cervical chain.
34.6 There is more drainage across the midline of the posterior-third compared to the
anterior two-thirds.
34.7 The tongue is lined with stratified squamous epithelium.
34.8 Squamous cell carcinoma is the commonest type of tongue cancer.

Station 35
35.1 A  Left maxillary sinus
Right internal acoustic meatus
Left carotid canal
Left cochlea
Left mastoid air cells
35.2 The nerves which exit via the internal acoustic meatus are the:
• superior and inferior vestibular nerves (CN VIII)
• cochlear nerve (CN VIII)
• facial nerve (CN VII)
35.3 C  The carotid canal. This transmits the internal carotid artery and sympathetic
35.4 X  The pterygopalatine fossa
35.5 Contents of the pterygopalatine fossa are:
• pterygopalatine ganglion
Answers 299

• maxillary artery
• maxillary branch of the trigeminal (CN V2) nerve.
35.6 The pterygopalatine fossa is located posterior to the trigeminal cave and inferior to
the orbit. Its boundaries are:
• anteriorly: infratemporal surface of maxilla
• posteriorly: root of the pterygoid process and greater wing of sphenoid bone.
• inferiorly: palatine bone (pyramidal part)
• laterally: pterygomaxillary fissure
• medially: palatine bone (perpendicular plate and orbital sphenoidal processes)
35.7 The connections of the pterygopalatine fossa are given in Figure 3.29 and
Table 3.15.

Figure 3.29  Pathways

Orbit from the
pterygopalatine fossa
Middle cranial Foramen Inferior orbital to other sites within
fossa rotundum fissure
the head and neck.
Pterygoid canal Pterygopalatine
Nasal cavity
Pterygomaxillary Palatine Sphenopalatine
fissure canal foramen

Infratemporal Oral cavity

canal Anterior
Nasal cavity Posterior

Table 3.15  Connections of the pterygopalatine fossa

Connection from Via Orientation of connection
pterygopalatine fossa to:

Orbit Inferior orbital fissure Anteriorly/superiorly

Middle cranial fossa Foramen rotundum, Posteriorly

pterygoid canal

Nasal cavity Pharyngeal canal Posteriorly

Sphenopalatine foramen Medially

Infratemporal fossa Pterygomaxillary fissure Laterally

Oral cavity Palatine canals Inferiorly

300 Chapter 3  Head and neck

Station 36
36.1 A  Nasal tip or columella
Upper vermilion border (Cupid's bow)
Right labial commissure
Left nasolabial groove
Upper lip
Lower lip
36.2 Knowledge of the embryology of the upper jaw is necessary in understanding the
pathology of cleft lips and palates (Figure 3.30). The upper jaw is formed during
the 4th to the 8th week in utero from the fusion of five different outgrowths of
tissue that originate from the first branchial arch. These five tissue outgrowths are
arranged around the primitive mouth and are named the frontonasal (consisting of
the medial and lateral nasal prominences), maxillary (right and left) and mandibular
(right and left) prominences.

Figure 3.30  The embryology of the

Median nasal prominence
Lateral nasal prominence
upper lip and palate.
Maxillary prominence
Mandibular prominence

Week 5 in utero


Week 7 in utero

Week 14 in utero
Answers 301

Between the 5–6th weeks the maxillary prominences and medial nasal
prominences fuse to form the upper lip and primary palate. The secondary palate
forms slightly later after the sixth week from two ‘palatal shelves’ of the posterior
aspects of the maxillary prominences. After the ‘shelves’ have descended they
begin to fuse in the midline and also anteriorly with the primary palate. The
mandibular prominences fuse to form the lower jaw and lower lip.
36.3 Cleft lip is a defect within the upper lip that appears as a vertical split. It occurs
where there is a failure of fusion from the either the medial, lateral and maxillary
nasal processes during embryological development. Like cleft palates, these
deformities can occur spontaneously, due to environmental factors in utero, or
from a genetic deformity (for example, Pierre Robin syndrome).
36.4 Cleft palate can occur in isolation or in conjunction with a cleft lip. It consists of
failure of fusion of soft or hard palates.
36.5 Two common classifications are used for cleft palates. The ‘Veau classification’
provides a quick overview of four different types of deformity and is illustrated in
Figure 3.31.
• Type A is cleft of the soft palate only
• Type B is cleft of the soft and hard palate extending anteriorly towards the
incisive foramen

Figure 3.31  The

Upper lip Upper lip ‘Veau classification’
Hard palate Hard palate for cleft palate.

Soft palate Soft palate

Cleft palate
Upper lip Upper lip

Hard Hard
palate palate

Soft palate Soft palate

302 Chapter 3  Head and neck

• Type C is a unilateral cleft of the soft palate, hard palate and lip
• Type D is a bilateral cleft lip with cleft palate.
The ‘Kernahan and Stark classification’ is more detailed and relies on knowledge
of the embryology of the defect. There are two categories, each of which is further
subdivided based on whether the defect is complete, incomplete, total or subtotal.
• Category 1 defects involve the primary palate and structures anterior to the
incisive foramen
• Category 2 defects involve the secondary palate and structures posterior to the
incisive foramen.

Station 37
37.1 A  Right nasal alar/sidewall
Right nostril
Infratip lobule or nasal tip
Columella-labial junction
37.2 Olfactory nerve (CN I).
37.3 The cribriform fossa.
37.4 The cribriform plate is part of the ethmoid bone and has the appearance of a sieve.
It has multiple foramina allowing the olfactory nerves to pass to the olfactory bulb,
which lies on the surface of the plate.
37.5 Anosmia can be unilateral or bilateral, and partial or complete. Unilateral anosmia
is due to blockage of the nostril, or disruption of the olfactory pathway from the
olfactory mucosa to the anterior commissure of the temporal lobe. There are many
causes of unilateral anosmia and these include: nasal obstruction from a deviated
septum, increased mucosal secretions from an upper respiratory tract infection,
growths in the nasal cavity (for example, polyps), and intracranial lesions.
37.6 The olfactory mucosa is located in the roof of the nasal cavity, in close proximity to
the olfactory bulb of the olfactory nerve (CN I).
37.7 The olfactory mucosa is comprised of pseudostratified columnar epithelium that
containing olfactory cells and receptors. It has the potential to regenerative if
damaged by noxious agents.

Station 38
38.1 A  Hard palate
Anterior pillar of the fauces (or palatoglossal arch)
Palatine tonsils
Answers 303

38.2 Waldeyer’s ring is a group of lymphoid tissue surrounding the openings of the
respiratory and digestive systems. The ring consists of:
• pharyngeal tonsils (adenoids): located in the roof of the nasopharynx
• tubal tonsils: located at the opening of the eustachian tube in to the lateral wall
of the nasopharynx
• palatine tonsils: located on the lateral wall of the oropharynx
• lingual tonsils: located on the posterior third of the tongue.
38.3 The palatine tonsil is supplied by branches of the external carotid artery. The lower
pole is supplied by the dorsal lingual artery, the ascending palatine artery, and the
tonsillar branch of the facial artery. The latter being the principle supply. The upper
pole is supplied by the ascending pharyngeal artery and the lesser palatine artery.
The veins drain into the internal jugular vein via the lingual and pharyngeal veins.
38.4 The anterior pillar is formed by the projection of the palatoglossus muscle
(delimiting the buccal cavity from the oropharynx), and the posterior pillar is
formed by the projection of the palatopharyngeal muscle.
38.5 The tonsillar fossa is formed by the superior constrictor muscle of the pharynx. The
tonsil is separated from the muscle by the tonsillar capsule and a layer of loose
areolar tissue.
38.6 The lymph drainage is via the jugulodigastric node (a deep cervical lymph node),
below the angle of the mandible. This may be palpable during episodes of
38.7 The internal carotid artery.
38.8 Quinsy is a peritonsillar abscess, caused by spread of infection during an episode
of tonsillitis outside the capsule of the palatine tonsil in to its surrounding areolar

Station 39
39.1 The supratrochlear and supraorbital nerves.
39.2 They are both branches of the frontal nerve, which is a branch of the ophthalmic
division of the trigeminal nerve. The supraorbital nerve passes through the
supraorbital foramen and ends in medial and lateral branches that supply the
skin of the forehead as far back as the lambdoidal suture line. It additionally
supplies the conjunctiva, the skin of the upper eyelid, and the frontal sinus. The
supratrochlear nerve runs more medially than the supraorbital nerve and supplies
the skin of the lower forehead close to the midline, the conjunctiva and the skin of
the upper eyelid.
39.3 The arteries are identically named: the supratrochlear and supraorbital arteries.
39.4 The common origin is the ophthalmic artery. The ophthalmic artery is a branch of
the internal carotid and passes through the optic canal within the optic nerve’s
dural sheath.
304 Chapter 3  Head and neck

39.5 Lymph from the forehead and anterior face, including the region in which this
lesion is present, drains into ipsilateral submandibular nodes via the buccal nodes.
However lymph from the lateral face drains to the ipsilateral parotid nodes. Lymph
from the lower lip chin drains to submental nodes. After passing to all of these
destinations the lymph from these regions then drains to the deep cervical nodes.
39.6 4 mm margins are sufficient for squamous cell carcinoma.
39.7 The corrugator supercilii and occipitofrontalis muscles. The occipitofrontalis
muscle has an occipital belly that originates from the highest nuchal line of the
occipital bone, and a frontal belly originates from the superficial fascia and skin
of the eyebrows. Both bellies insert into the epicranial aponeurosis. The muscle is
supplied by the facial nerve.

Station 40
40.1 A  Right cochlea
Right lateral semilunar canal
Right posterior semilunar canal
Left internal carotid artery
Left vestibule
40.2 F  The internal acoustic meatus. Entering this region are the superior and inferior
vestibular nerves, the cochlear nerve and the facial nerve. The sensory division of
the trigeminal and glossopharyngeal nerves are also nearby.
40.3 The orientation of the nerves is illustrated in Figure 3.32. Think of them as each
occupying a quadrant within the canal with the superior and inferior vestibular
nerves occupying the posterior compartments in the inferior and superior aspects
respectively. Within the anterior compartments, the facial nerve (CN VII) lies superiorly
and the cochlear (CNVIII) nerve lies inferiorly. A way of remembering this orientation is
to think of ‘7up’ i.e. ‘7’ referring to the facial nerve being the seventh cranial nerve.

Figure 3.32  The

arrangement of the
cranial nerves within
Superior vestibular
nerve (CN VIII)
Facial (CN VII) nerve the internal acoustic
Nervus intermedius meatus, as viewed
through the inside of
Posterior Anterior the meatus outwards.

Inferior vestibular Cochlear nerve

nerve (CN VIII) (CN VIII)

Answers 305

40.4 The inner ear is contained within the petrous temporal bone.
40.5 There are three semilunar canals in the inner ear, lateral, posterior and superior.
These are interconnected and perpendicular to each other (Figure 3.33).

Figure 3.33  The inner

Superior semilunar canal
Cupula with in the
Lateral ampulla of the semilunar canals
semilunar Vestibular
canal nerves



Ampulla of Posterior Utricle Oval Saccule

semilunar semilunar window
canal canal

40.6 Each semilunar canal contains a fluid-like substance, endolymph, as well as a

small structure, the cupola, near its base. The cupola consists of thicker gelatinous
fluid with multiple small microcilia. During rotational or vertical movements, the
endolymph is disturbed bending the cilia. This action causes electrical stimulation
of the vestibular nerve. The combination of electrical stimulation from the different
semicircular canals is experienced as balance.
40.7 The cochlea is a shell shaped bony structure within the inner ear that contains
endolymph and sensory epithelium consisting of numerous cilia upon a basilar
membrane. As sound hits the tympanic membrane the waves are transmitted via
ossicles within the middle ear to the inner ear. The vibrations cause disruption of
the endolymph of the cochlea and disrupt the basilar membrane and cilia. This
disruption causes neural impulses along the cochlear nerve which travel to the
auditory cortex. Cilia within different positions along the spiral shaped cochlea
convey different frequencies of sound. Violent disruptions of the basement
membrane due to loud noises may result in the destruction of the hair cells and
cause sensorineural deafness.

Station 41
41.1 X  Vallecula (or pre-epiglottic region)
Piriform fossa
306 Chapter 3  Head and neck

41.2 A Oropharynx
Hyoid bone
41.3 The hyoid bone corresponds to the C3 vertebral level.
41.4 The body of the epiglottis is composed of elastic cartilage but its surface is lined
by two different cell types. The superior aspect of the body and the superior aspect
of the laryngeal surface are lined by stratified squamous epithelium. The laryngeal
aspect (its undersurface) is lined by ciliated columnar epithelium.
41.5 During laryngoscopy it is important to visualise the vallecula as this is where the tip
of the laryngoscope blade is placed.
41.6 Z  The piriform fossa. These are located either side of the laryngeal fossa. Medial
to each fossae are the aryepiglottic folds and laterally are the lateral aspects of the
thyroid cartilage and hyothyroid membranes.
41.7 The piriform fossa is a common area for malignancy. Its rich lymphatic supply
means that early metastases are common to the cervical lymph nodes.
Chapter 4

Syllabus topics
The following topics are listed within the Intercollegiate MRCS Examination syllabus
for Neurosciences (Anatomy). Tick them off as you revise these topics to ensure you
have covered the syllabus.

Central nervous system Autonomic nervous system

 Cerebral hemispheres  General organization
 Ventricles Surface anatomy
 Cerebellum, brainstem  Basic aspects
 Spinal cord Imaging anatomy
 Meninges  Arteriography
Peripheral nervous system  CT/MRI
 Cranial nerves
 Spinal nerves
 Peripheral nerves

Station 1
A 79 year-old man is brought into the emergency department with weakness and
decreased sensation within his left arm. He has a past medical history of atrial
fibrillation. You examine him and are concerned that the patient may be suffering from
an ischaemic neural event.
308 Chapter 4 Neurosciences

The image below is an axial MRI of a normal brain at the level of the midbrain
demonstrating the circle of Willis:

a d

1.1 Identify the structures labelled A to D.

1.2 Which lobe of the brain is indicated by the arrow labelled E?
1.3 Which lobes (or parts of the lobes) of the brain are supplied by:
1.3a the anterior cerebral artery?
1.3b the middle cerebral artery?
1.3c the posterior cerebral artery?
1.4 Given the clinical scenario above, which cerebral artery is most likely to have been
affected by a thrombus?
1.5 Which gyrus contains the primary motor cortex? Which side of the body
(contralateral or ipsilateral) do lesions or disruptions within this cortex affect?
1.6 What is meant by the ‘motor homunculus’?
1.7 Within which lobes of the brain do the primary motor and primary somato-
sensory cortices lie? What is the blood supply to these regions?
1.8 Which side of the body do lesions or disruptions of the primary somatosensory
cortex affect?
Stations 309

Station 2
A 56-year-old man presents to the emergency department with non-specific symptoms
of vomiting, nausea, and poor co-ordination. A CT scan of the brain performed after
admission shows gross hydrocephalus.
Test your knowledge of cerebral anatomy with this axial MRI of a normal brain at the
level of the lateral ventricles.

2.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

2.2 Where is cerebrospinal fluid produced and where is it resorbed?
2.3 Describe the flow of cerebrospinal fluid within the brain.
2.4 What is the normal volume of cerebrospinal fluid you would expect in an adult
2.5 Classify the different types of hydrocephalus.
2.6 Give two causes for each of the various types of hydrocephalus you have listed.
2.7 Explain what is meant by the term ‘cistern’ in relation to neuroanatomy.

Station 3
A 12-year-old boy is struck by a ball to the right side of his head whilst playing field
hockey. He appears alert initially, however, within a few minutes he starts to become
310 Chapter 4 Neurosciences

confused and drowsy. He is taken to hospital immediately and diagnosed with a large
intracranial haematoma. He is referred to the neurosurgeons and taken to theatre.
The image below is of a normal skull viewed from the left side:


d c

3.1 Identify the structures labelled A to G.

3.2 Which skull bones converge and meet at the region marked X?
3.3 Why is the area marked X clinically significant in this scenario? Which vessel is
located deep to this structure?
3.4 What are the surface anatomical landmarks for locating the:
3.4a anterior branch and
3.4b posterior branch of this vessel?
3.5 What type of intracranial haematoma is the patient in this scenario likely to be
suffering from?
3.6 Between which meningeal layers is this haematoma likely to be situated?
3.7 What are the superficial landmarks for siting a temporal burr hole?
3.8 Why is the site of the burr hole not located directly at the region X?

Station 4
You are asked by your consultant to give some anatomy teaching to a group of
medical students. You decide to start with demonstrating the anatomy of the base
of the skull.
The image on the next page is the inferior view of the base of the skull. It demonstrates
normal anatomy.
Stations 311

a d
b f

4.1 Identify the structures labelled A to I.

4.2 Through which foramen do the vertebral arteries enter the cranial cavity?
4.3 Which vascular structure is transmitted though B?
4.4 With which structure does the area labelled C articulate?
4.5 Which structures are transmitted through the foramen labelled D?
4.6 Which bone articulates at the region labelled E?
4.7 Which muscle attaches to the region labelled I?

Station 5
In the second half of your medical student teaching session, you show the students a
different view of the base of the skull.
The image on the next page is the internal view of the normal base of the skull.
5.1 Identify the structures/areas labelled A to F.
5.2 To which skull bone does the structure labelled B belong?
5.3 Which vascular structure enters the skull through the area labelled C?
5.4 Which cranial nerve exits through the hypoglossal canal?
5.5 What structures pass through the foramen labelled D?
312 Chapter 4 Neurosciences


d g

5.6 What clinical signs would you expect a patient to display if they were to suffer a
fracture of the base of skull?
5.7 Which intracranial structure is situated in the indentation indicated by label G?
5.8 Which skull bone does the label H indicate?

Station 6
You attend to a patient in the neurosurgical outpatient clinic who is accompanied by
his relatives and has been suffering a slow decline in cognitive function and increasing
confusion. Before examining the patient you wish to review a normal MRI scan and
refresh your knowledge of functional neuroanatomy.
The image on the next page is a sagittal MRI image of a normal brain taken through the
midline of the head.
6.1 Identify the structures labelled A to G.
6.2 Name the four different lobes of the cerebral hemisphere.
6.3 How are these lobes demarcated anatomically?
6.4 Within which lobe are each of the following located?
6.4a Auditory cortex
Stations 313

a e

c f

6.4b Visual cortex

6.4c Olfactory cortex
6.5 What is the function of the structure labelled A?
6.6 What are the different anatomical parts of this structure?
6.7 Which system in the brain does the structure labelled B belong to?
6.8 What is the function of this system?
6.9 Which vessels contribute to form the structure labelled D?

Station 7
You are asked to examine a 36-year-old woman in the emergency department who
complains of a 1-week history of severe worsening headache accompanied by
vomiting. Apart from being 1 week post partum she has no other medical history of
note and is not on any medication. She does not complain of any neurological deficit.
The images on the next page are sagittal (a) and anteroposterior (b) views taken during
a normal cerebral angiogram in the venous phase.
7.1 Identify the structures labelled A to G.
7.2 What is meant by the term ‘Torcular Herophili’?
7.3 Into which sinus do the superficial cranial veins drain?
7.4 Into which sinus do the deep cerebral veins drain?
7.5 Which sinuses drain into the internal jugular vein?
7.6 What would be the clinical presentation of a patient who sustains a thrombus
within the structure labelled A?
314 Chapter 4 Neurosciences

a b

a b

7.7 How are the dural venous sinuses connected to the extracranial veins? Why is this
information clinically relevant?

Station 8
You are referred a 26-year-old man from the emergency department who is
complaining of decreased sensation down the right side of his body. He reports having
been in a car accident the day before which involved a head on collision with another
vehicle. He did not sustain any obvious external injuries and only complains of some
whiplash at the time. This is the first time he has sought any medical attention since
the incident.
The image on the next page is a reconstruction from a cerebral CT angiogram of the
main neck and intracranial vessels. There are no abnormalities demonstrated in this
8.1 Identify the structures labelled A to H.
8.2 From which vascular structure does the vessel labelled F arise? Is this the same on
the left as it is on the right?
8.3 Apart from vessel labelled F, what other vascular branches does this vessel give rise
8.4 Describe the course of the artery labelled B from its origin to where it forms the
artery labelled E.
8.5 Into which foramen in the base of the skull does the vessel labelled A enter?
8.6 Where is the most common location for a dissection of the vessel A? What is the
presumed anatomical reason for this?
Stations 315


Station 9
An 84-year-old woman is taken to hospital after complaining of a left-sided headache
after a fall in her nursing home. She is confused and a little drowsy but will not allow
you to examine her. She does not appear to have sustained any open wounds on her
head. Her carers are not able to tell you much about her past medical history. They do
mention however that she is on warfarin.
The image on the next page is a dissection of the normal human brain demonstrating
the dural reflections and base of the skull. The cerebral hemispheres have been
9.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.
9.2 Name the meningeal layers that surround the brain starting with the most
9.3 In the image above, structures A and B are reflections of which meningeal layer?
9.4 Which venous sinuses lie within the structures A and B?
9.5 What does the attached border of structure A adhere to? Where does its free border
9.6 What does the attached border of structure B adhere to? Where does it free border
316 Chapter 4 Neurosciences

9.7 You want to rule out an intracranial haematoma in this patient and request a head
CT. What is the most likely intracranial injury this patient has sustained given her
age and clinical history?
9.8 Between which two meningeal layers would the blood accumulate in this type of
9.9 Between which two meningeal layers is the subarachnoid space?

Station 10
You are referred a 50-year-old woman complaining of sudden, short-lived, sharp
‘electrical shock’ like episodes of pain down the right side of her face. Her general
practitioner (GP) suspects trigeminal neuralgia.
The image on the next page is a dissection demonstrating the normal anatomy of the
base of the skull. The cerebral hemispheres have been removed but the cranial nerves
remain intact.
10.1 Identify the structures labelled A, B, D, and E.
10.2 What are the names of the three fossae that the base of the skull is divided into?
10.3 What are the borders of these anatomical divisions?
10.4 Which lobe of the brain occupies the space labelled C?
10.5 Name the vascular structure which is situated in the region labelled G.
10.6 Which foramen does the cranial nerve labelled D traverse?
Stations 317

10.7 Where is the ganglion of this cranial nerve located?

10.8 Where is the sensory nucleus of this cranial nerve located?
10.9 Where is the motor nucleus of this cranial nerve located?

Station 11
A 63-year-old man, referred to you by the local GP, has been complaining of
decreased sensation in both of his upper limbs. The GP’s letter states that the patient’s
proprioception and light touch sensation are intact but pain and temperature are
blunted. He has arranged for the patient to have a MRI scan of his cervical spine.
Before viewing the patient’s scan, you wish to familiarise yourself with the appearances
on a normal scan.
The image on the next page is a sagittal MRI scan of a normal cervical and upper
thoracic spine.
11.1 Identify the structures labelled A to F.
11.2 Which ascending pathway carries sensation of light touch and proprioception?
Where is this pathway located within the spinal column?
11.3 Which ascending pathway carries sensation of temperature and pain? Where is
this pathway located within the spinal column?
11.4 Where in the spinal column are the descending pathways that contribute to
motor movement?
11.5 What would be the symptoms in a patient with a total transaction at level T2.
11.6 What is Brown–Sequard syndrome?
11.7 What symptoms and signs would you expect in a patient with Brown–Sequard
syndrome due to a right sided defect at the level of T2?
318 Chapter 4 Neurosciences

Station 12
A 23-year-old woman presents to the emergency department complaining of severe,
sudden onset, occipital headache. Although she has no neurological signs and is fully
alert, she appears very anxious and tells you that her mother died of an intracerebral
haemorrhage when she was 35 years old.
The image on the next page is of a normal cerebral angiogram.
12.1 Identify the structures labelled A to F.
12.2 What type of intracerebral haemorrhage might the patient’s mother have
sustained given the history above?
12.3 What is the most likely cause for such a haemorrhage? In which vessel would you
most expect the cause to manifest?
12.4 In what syndrome would you expect a patient to develop such a pathology,
especially given a possible family inheritance?
12.5 Given the scenario above, what would be the first line investigation you would
request to confirm your clinical suspicion? What investigation would you then
proceed to if this first test were negative?
12.6 What is the ‘blood brain barrier’? What is its function?
12.7 Are all areas of the brain ‘protected’ by the blood brain barrier? If not, which
areas lack a blood brain barrier?
Stations 319



Station 13
You are a neurosurgical resident working in a large teaching hospital. Your consultant
is performing a transsphenoidal operation on a 38-year-old woman suffering with a
pituitary macroadenoma. Before joining him in theatre, you revise your anatomy of the
relevant region.
The photographs below and overleaf show one of the bones of the skull. Photograph
(a) is an anterior view and (b) is a posterior view of this bone. No pathology is
demonstrated within these images.
13.1 Which bone is being demonstrated?
13.2 Identify the structures labelled A to E.


320 Chapter 4 Neurosciences




13.3 Which cranial nerves are transmitted via the foramina labelled X and Y
13.4 Which dural attachment does the structure labelled Q give rise to?
13.5 Name the other bones that articulate with the bone in the picture.
13.6 To which cranial fossa do the superior aspects of the greater wings of this bone
13.7 Within which area of the bone shown above does the pituitary gland sit?
13.8 Which lobe of the brain sits upon the lesser wings of this bone?

Station 14
You are referred a 50-year-old man with symptoms of ataxia and slurred speech.
Although he admits to a former history of alcohol addiction, he adamantly denies any
recent intake.
The images on the next page are of a dissection of the cerebellum viewed from the side
(a) and from the front at a slight inferior angle (b).
14.1 Identify the structures labelled A to I.
14.2 Within which of the cranial fossae would you expect the cerebellum to be
14.3 What connects the cerebellum to the brainstem?
14.4 What intervenes between the cerebellum and the pons, in the median plane?
14.5 What are the functions of the cerebellum?
14.6 Are there any sensory functions attributable to the cerebellum?
14.7 After examining your patient, you find he has mainly right-sided symptoms. Within
which cerebellar hemisphere would you expect a cerebellar lesion to be present?
Stations 321


14.8 What features of cerebellar dysfunction would you expect with a lesion in this
14.9 How would these symptoms differ if the lesion or abnormality was situated
within the midline of the cerebellum and not localised to either hemisphere?

Station 15
You are asked to review a 72-year-old man on the ward, who alongside other
presenting features, displays features of cerebellar dysfunction secondary to a previous
322 Chapter 4 Neurosciences

stroke. As a resident looking after the patient, you wish to familiarise yourself with the
appearances of a normal MRI before viewing the patient’s MRI scan.
The image below is an axial MRI image of a normal brain taken at the level of the

15.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

15.2 What are the gross anatomical subdivisions of the cerebellum?
15.3 How else is the cerebellum divided when considering its functional subdivisions?
15.4 How do each of these subdivisions contribute to the function of the cerebellum?
15.5 Name the four paired nuclei within the cerebellum. Where are they located?
15.6 During periods of raised intracranial pressure, through which foramen could the
cerebellar tonsils herniate?
15.7 What are the clinical signs and symptoms of raised intracranial pressure?
15.8 Which anatomical landmark seen on axial imaging would help you determine
whether or not the cerebellar tonsils are herniated?
15.9 What is the name given to the malformation where in the cerebellar tonsils are
low lowing without there necessarily being any evidence of raised intracranial
Stations 323

Station 16
A 69-year-old woman presents to the emergency department complaining of
sudden onset right-sided blindness. She denies any past medical history of diabetic
retinopathy or ophthalmic disease or trauma, but has suffered a transient ischaemic
attack within the last month. She has no other neurological symptoms.
The image below is of a normal cerebral angiogram:

a b e

16.1 Which principal vessel is being highlighted in the image above?

16.2 Which area of the brain is supplied by this artery?
16.3 What neurological signs would you expect with a total occlusion of the principal
vessel shown above?
16.4 Which vessel connects the vessel shown above to its left sided counterpart?
16.5 Identify the vascular structures labelled A to E.
16.6 Vessel C is descriptively divided into ‘segments’ or ‘parts’. Name the segments.
16.7 Why is knowledge of the different segments of vessel C important?
16.8 Within which vascular structure would you most expect an occlusion to be
present given the patient’s symptoms?

Station 17
You review a 79-year-old man who has a past medical history of Parkinson’s Disease.
He had a seizure 3 weeks ago and has undergone an MRI scan.
324 Chapter 4 Neurosciences

The image below is an axial MRI of a normal brain through the level of the lateral


c g

17.1 Identify the structures labelled A to G.

17.2 Which structures comprise the basal ganglia?
17.3 What is the function of the basal ganglia?
17.4 Which side of the body would you expect an abnormality to present if there was a
lesion within the right basal ganglia?
17.5 Should the amygdala be included in the description of the basal ganglia? What is
its function?
17.6 What structures comprise the corpus striatum?
17.7 Which structures comprise the lentiform nucleus?
17.8 Which structure within the lentiform nucleus has a midbrain extension?
17.9 What are the different anatomical parts of the structure labelled E and which
structure does it follow closely?

Station 18
You attend a multidisciplinary meeting where radiologists and clinicians are
discussing a patient on the ward who has sustained right-sided weakness from a
brainstem haemorrhage.
Stations 325

The image below is a normal axial MRI slice at the level of the midbrain with the
midbrain magnified:


e g

18.1 Identify the structures labelled A to G.

18.2 The region labelled G is sometimes implicated in multiple sclerosis through
demyelination. What is the function of this region?
18.3 How does a deficit in this structure manifest itself? How do you examine for this?
18.4 Which structures are usually referred to by the term ‘brain stem’?
18.5 Which cranial nerves arise from the brain stem?
18.6 Within which part of the brainstem do the corticospinal descending pyramidal
tracts decussate?
18.7 Where do the first, second and third order fibres lie within the ascending dorsal
sensory column? Where does this pathway decussate?
18.8 Where do the first, second and third order fibres lie within the ascending lateral
spinothalamic sensory column? Where does this pathway decussate?
18.9 How is the knowledge regarding the pathways of the dorsal column fibres and
lateral spinothalamic fibres clinically useful?
18.10 What clinical signs and symptoms would you expect in a patient with a
unilateral brain stem lesion?
18.11 How do these differ in a patient with bilateral brain stem lesions?
326 Chapter 4 Neurosciences

Station 19
A 63-year-old woman is admitted to the emergency department with sudden loss
of function in the right upper and lower limbs. She has multiple cardiovascular
risk factors including atrial fibrillation and diabetes. You suspect an occlusion
of the middle cerebral artery and lose no time in contacting the interventional
neuroradiologists with a view to intra-arterial thrombolysis.
The image below is a coronal dissection of a normal brain seen from the front:


19.1 Identify the structures indicated by the labels A to F.

19.2 What is the blood supply to the basal ganglia?
19.3 How is this knowledge clinically significant in situations where there is an
occlusion to the middle cerebral artery?
19.4 Which vessel lies within the region labelled E?
19.5 What is the function of the region labelled F and in which condition is this area
seen to atrophy?
19.6 Where is the ‘massa intermedia’ located and to which structure does it refer?
19.7 Which part of the brain stem would you expect to be located in the region
labelled ‘G’?
19.8 Which cranial nerve nuclei arise from the pons?
19.9 How is the pons important in the function of respiration?
Stations 327

Station 20
You are called urgently to review a 76-year-old woman in the emergency department
who is suffering from sudden onset paralysis of all extremities accompanied by
aphasia. Despite early imaging and treatment she is pronounced dead within 1 hour of
admission, the cause of death being basilar artery thrombosis.
The image below is of a normal cerebral angiogram demonstrating the posterior

b c

20.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

20.2 How many parts are there to the vessel labelled B? Describe what marks the
transition point between these different divisions.
20.3 What are the branches of the vessel labelled B prior to its formation of the vessel A?
20.4 Anatomically, where is the origin of the vessel labelled A?
20.5 Describe the course of the vessel labelled A. Where does it terminate and what
does it divide into?
20.6 What is the blood supply to the cerebellum?
328 Chapter 4 Neurosciences

Station 21
A 32-year-old man is admitted after a road traffic accident, having suffered a severe brain
injury. He is ventilated and neurological testing has not been able to demonstrate any
brain function.
The image below is a dissection of the inferior aspect of the base of the brain
(demonstrating normal anatomy):


21.1 Identify the structures labelled A to E.

21.2 What do you understand by the ‘brainstem death’?
21.3 What is the difference between the term ‘persistent vegetative state’ and ‘brainstem
21.4 State any three preconditions (criteria) that must be present and verified before
the diagnosis of brain stem death is made.
21.5 What are the efferent and afferent cranial nerves responsible for mediating:
21.5a the pupillary light reflex?
21.5b the corneal reflex?
21.5c the gag reflex?
21.6 Apart from the absence of the above reflexes, what other clinical tests (and their
findings or lack of ) are required for the diagnosis of brainstem death?
Answers 329

Station 1
1.1 A  Right anterior cerebral artery (A2). This region of the anterior cerebral artery
originates at the level of the anterior communicating artery just up to the level
where the anterior cerebral artery divides to give off pericallosal and callosomarginal
Right middle cerebral artery
Right posterior cerebral artery
D  Left anterior cerebral artery (A1). This is the region of the artery that originates
from the internal carotid artery to the level of the anterior communicating artery.
1.2 E  Left occipital lobe
1.3 The areas of the brain which are supplied by the various cerebral arteries are
described and shown in Figure 4.1 and Table 4.1.

Anterior cerebral
ACA artery territory

MCA Middle cerebral

artery territory

PCA Posterior cerebral

artery territory
Coronal view

ACA territory ACA territory

MCA territory

PCA territory
PCA territory
Anterior Posterior Anterior

Lateral view Medial view

Figure 4.1  The regions of the brain supplied by the cerebral arteries.
330 Chapter 4  Neurosciences

Table 4.1  The arterial blood supply to the various lobes of the brain
Artery Anatomy supplied
Anterior cerebral Medial surface of the frontal and parietal lobes
Anterior portions of the basal ganglia
Anterior limb of the internal capsule
The majority of the corpus callosum

Middle cerebral Majority of the lateral surfaces of each cerebral hemisphere except
the area supplied by the anterior cerebral artery
Deep branches of the middle cerebral artery contribute to the blood
supply to the basal ganglia and internal capsule

Posterior cerebral Occipital lobes and posteromedial aspect of the temporal lobes

1.4 Given the signs and symptoms suffered by the patient in the clinical scenario, a
thrombotic event within the right middle cerebral artery would be the most likely
1.5 The motor cortex is situated at the pre-central gyrus. Lesions affecting the
pre-central gyrus within the left cerebral hemisphere would produce right-sided
motor symptoms due to the decussation of the descending pathways within the
1.6 The motor (or cortical) homunculus is the representation of various anatomical
regions within the motor cortex. Each part of the cortex is responsible for the

Figure 4.2  The motor




Ankle Ha


Toes limb
Lower limb
+ Jaw
Answers 331

innervation of different body parts and the homunculus represents diagrammatically

how these areas within the cortex are distributed. The greater the proportion of the
cortex dedicated to a particular body part relates to how richly innervated or how
many muscle units are within that region (not necessarily the size of the region).
1.7 The primary somatosensory cortex is located within the post central gyrus within
parietal lobe, and the pre-motor cortex is located within the pre-central gyrus of the
posterior aspect of the frontal lobe (Figure 4.3). The primary somatosensory cortex
and pre-motor cortex are both supplied by the middle cerebral artery (apart from
the most medial aspect of these cortices which is supplied by the anterior cerebral
1.8 Lesions within the primary somatosensory cortex would result in symptoms on the
contralateral side of the body.

Figure 4.3  Regions

of the premotor
Primary cortex and somatosensory
motor cortex
Somatosensory cortices.
Premotor area association
Prefrontal area cortex
Broca’s area Visual cortex
(motor speech)
Wernicke’s area
Primary (sensory speech)
auditory cortex Cerebellum

Station 2
2.1 A  Superior sagittal sinus
Anterior horn of the left lateral ventricle
Left foramen of Monro
Third ventricle
Left lateral ventricle (trigone)
2.2 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is made by the choroid plexus (which consists of
ependymal cells) and drains via the arachnoid granulations, small protrusions of
arachnoid mater within the dura that allow the fluid to exit the ventricular system
and drain into the venous sinus system of the brain.
2.3 The various regions of the ventricular system are demonstrated in Figure 4.4. The
flow of CSF is as follows:
• CSF is made by the choroid plexus that mainly occupies the lateral ventricles, but
also part of the third ventricle.
332 Chapter 4  Neurosciences

Figure 4.4  The

Lateral ventricles Third ventricle ventricular system of
(frontal horns) Lateral ventricles the brain.
Foramen (posterior horns)
of Monro Aqueduct of
Lateral ventricles Sylvius
(temporal horns)
Fourth ventricle
Foramina of Luschka and Magendie

• CSF flows from the lateral ventricles via the foramen of Monro to the third
• from the third ventricle, it flows via the cerebral aqueduct (also known as the
aqueduct of Sylvius) to the fourth ventricle.
• from the fourth ventricle, the CSF flows via the foramen of Magendie and
foramina of Luschka through to subarachnoid space that bathes the brain and
spinal cord.
• fluid within the subarachnoid space is then exposed to the arachnoid granulations
and exits these areas into the dural venous sinuses of the brain.
2.4 The average volume of CSF within the adult human body is approximately 150 mL.
Approximately 500 mL of CSF is produced daily meaning that the cerebrospinous
fluid is replenished 3–4 times daily.
2.5 Hydrocephalus can be classified as:
• communicating (where an obstruction in the system is not grossly obvious)
• non-communicating (where there is an obstruction to the flow of the CSF).
The condition can also be classified by pathological processes:
• Overproduction of CSF (communicating hydrocephalus).
• Failure of resorption of the CSF (communicating hydrocephalus).
• Blockage of the circulation of the CSF without problems in the production or
resorption (non-communicating hydrocephalus).
2.6 Examples of communicating hydrocephalus include meningitis, subarachnoid
haemorrhage, and intraventricular haemorrhage. A choroid plexus tumour that
does not cause obstruction but results in an overproduction of CSF would also be a
potential cause.
Non-communicating hydrocephalus is caused by obstruction within a ventricle or
obstructed connection between ventricles, for example: malignancy, colloid cysts,
atresia of the ventricular foramina, ependymitis, or haemorrhage.
2.7 The term ‘cistern’ (Latin, ‘box’) is easily confused with ‘ventricle’ as they both contain
CSF even though they are not identical structures. Cisterns are areas of subarachnoid
space within the brain created by the separation of pia and arachnoid mater. The
important cisterns to know about are listed in Table 4.2 and illustrated in Figure 4.5.
Answers 333

Table 4.2  The cerebral cisterns

Cistern Also known as Location and notes
Cisterna magna Cerebellomedullary • The largest subarachnoid cistern
cistern • Lies inferior to the cerebellum and
posterior to the medulla. Is filled with
cerebrospinal fluid from the fourth
ventricle via lateral and median

Cisterna pontis Pontine cistern • Situated anterior to the lower pons

and upper medulla

Cisterna inter­ Interpeduncular cistern • Located anterior to the cerebral

peduncularis peduncles

Superior cistern Quadrigeminal cistern • Located posterior to the tectal or

quadrigeminal plate

Cisterna ambiens Ambient cistern • Consists of thin sheet like projections

that are dorsally continuous with the
quadrigeminal cistern

Figure 4.5  The cerebral

Pericallosal cisterns.
Midbrain Quadrigeminal
cistern Ambient cistern

Interpeduncular Fourth ventricle

cistern Medulla
Pontine cistern Cisterna magna

Station 3
3.1 A  Coronal suture
Squamous suture
Mastoid process
External acoustic meatus
Coronoid process of mandible
Maxilla bone
Angle of mandible
334 Chapter 4  Neurosciences

3.2 The area marked X is the junction between the frontal, parietal, temporal and
sphenoid bones.
3.3 The area marked X is also known as the ‘pterion’. This region is clinically relevant as
the middle meningeal artery lies deep to the skull at this region and can be easily
damaged leading to an extradural haematoma. It is a thin region of the skull that can
be easily fractured.
3.4 The anatomical landmarks for the various branches of the middle meningeal artery
3.4a the anterior branch of the middle meningeal artery can be found
approximately 3 cm above the midpoint from the zygomatic arch, just inferior
to the pterion and
3.4b the posterior branch of the middle meningeal artery lies posterior to the
anterior branch above, just at the level where a horizontal line from the outer
canthus of the eye intersects a vertical line from the mastoid process.
3.5 An extradural haematoma for the reasons outlined above and also because of the
classic history and symptoms of trauma and eventual decline in conscious level with
an intermittent ‘lucid’ interval.
3.6 The blood in this scenario is extradural blood that collects between the cranium and
the dura mater.
3.7 The superficial anatomical landmarks for siting a temporal burr hole are halfway
between the outer canthus of the eye and external acoustic meatus. This is
approximately 2 cm above the zygomatic arch.
3.8 The pterion is avoided when creating a burr hole in case the burr hole needs re-
sizing or widening and is thus safely away from disrupting the middle meningeal
artery which lies underneath the pterion.

Station 4
4.1 A  Foramen ovale
Foramen spinosum
Occipital condyle
Foramen lacerum
Mandibular fossa
Carotid canal
Stylomastoid foramen
Foramen magnum
External occipital protuberance
4.2 The vertebral arteries enter the skull via the foramen magnum. Other important
structures that are transmitted through the foramen magnum include: the medulla
Answers 335

oblongata, spinal accessory nerve (CN XI), and the anterior and posterior spinal
4.3 The middle meningeal artery is transmitted via the foramen spinosum (B).
4.4 The occipital condyle (C) articulates with the superior articulating facets of the C1
vertebrae (also known as the atlas).
4.5 The foramen lacerum (D) is an irregularly shaped opening in the base of the skull
that is covered by fibrocartilage along its inferior aspect and therefore does not
actually transmit any vessels or nerves. The upper part, however, is traversed by the
internal carotid artery and greater and deep petrosal nerves before they enter the
pterygoid canal.
4.6 The condyle of the mandible (E) articulates with the mandibular fossa. It is here that
the temporomandibular joint is located.
4.7 The trapezius muscle attaches at this site (the external occipital protuberance, I) and
inserts into the posterior lateral third of the clavicle, the acromion, and the spine of
the scapula.

Station 5
5.1 A  Optic canal
Anterior clinoid process
Jugular foramen
Foramen magnum
Foramen lacerum
Foramen ovale
5.2 The anterior clinoid process (B) is part of the sphenoid bone
5.3 As the name suggests, the jugular bulb of the internal jugular vein is transmitted
through the jugular foramen (C).
5.4 Again, as the name suggests, the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) is transmitted through
the hypoglossal canal.
5.5 The foramen magnum transmits the vertebral arteries, medulla oblongata, anterior
and posterior spinal arteries, and the spinal accessory nerve (CN XI). The foramen
magnum is the largest foramen of the skull. Table 4.3 outlines the structures that are
transmitted through the various skull foramina.
5.6 There are several signs associated with a base of skull fracture:
• leakage of the CSF either via the nose (CSF rhinorrhoea) or ears (CSF otorrhoea)
• blood may be seen to collect behind the tympanic membrane or if this is
ruptured, the blood could drain out via the external acoustic meatus
• bruising may also develop, typically situated behind the ears (‘Battle’s sign) or
around the eyes (‘raccoon eyes’).
336 Chapter 4  Neurosciences

Table 4.3  Foramina within the base of the skull

Foramen Contents

Cribriform plate Olfactory nerve fibres (CN I)

Optic canal Optic (CN II) nerve

Ophthalmic artery
Sympatheticus from internal carotid plexus

Superior orbital fissure Oculomotor (CN III) nerve

Trochlear (CN IV) nerve
Abducens (CN VI) nerve
Ophthalmic division of the trigeminal (CN V1) nerves
Superior ophthalmic vein
Sympatheticus from the internal carotid plexus

Foramen rotundum Maxillary division of the trigeminal (CN V2) nerve

Foramen ovale Mandibular branch of the trigeminal (CN V3) nerve

Accessory meningeal artery
Lesser petrosal nerve and emissary veins

Internal acoustic meatus Facial (CN VII) nerve

Vestibulocochlear (CN VIII) nerve
Labyrinth artery

Jugular foramen Jugular bulb of the internal jugular vein

Inferior petrosal sinus
Glossopharyngeal (CN IX) nerve
Vagus (CN X) nerve
Accessory (CN XI) nerve

Hypoglossal canal Hypoglossal (CN XII) nerve

Foramen magnum Spinal cord and meninges

Ascending rootlets of the accessory (CN XI) nerve
Vertebral arteries
Anterior and posterior spinal arteries

Supraorbital foramen Supraorbital artery, vein and nerve

Infraorbital foramen Infraorbital artery, vein and nerve

Inferior orbital fissure Infraorbital and zygomatic nerves from the maxillary
division of the trigeminal (CN V2) nerve
Veins from orbit to pterygoid plexus
Infraorbital artery and vein

Answers 337

Table 4.3 cont.

Foramen Contents

Foramen spinosum Middle meningeal artery

Nervous spinosus from the mandibular nerve
Posterior trunk of the middle meningeal vein

Foramen lacerum Largely filled by fibrocartilage

Pterygopalatine fossa Maxillary division of trigeminal (CN V2) nerve

Pterygopalatine ganglion
Maxillary artery and vein branches

5.7 G  Posterior cranial fossa. The cerebellum and brainstem are both contained within
this fossa and the left cerebellar hemisphere sits within the indentation within the
5.8 The occipital bone.

Station 6
6.1 A  Genu of corpus callosum
Mammillary body
Pituitary gland
Basilar artery
Splenium of the corpus callosum
Fourth ventricle
Cervical spinal cord
6.2 The four lobes of the brain are the:
• frontal lobe
• temporal lobe
• parietal lobe
• occipital lobe.
6.3 Table 4.4 and Figure 4.6 define the lobes of the brain.
6.4 The cortices mentioned above are contained within the following lobes:
6.4a auditory cortex: within the temporal lobe in the superior temporal gyrus,
inferior to the lateral fissure.
6.4b visual cortex: within the occipital lobe below the calcarine sulcus.
6.4c olfactory cortex: within the medial aspect of the temporal lobes.
6.5 The corpus callosum is formed of neural fibres that help to facilitate communication
between the right and left cerebral hemispheres. In congenital conditions where
338 Chapter 4  Neurosciences

Table 4.4  The boundaries of the various cerebral lobes

Lobe of the brain Anatomical boundaries

Frontal lobe Anterior: frontal pole

Posterior: central sulcus

Temporal lobe Anterior: lateral fissure

Posterior: the line connecting the top of the parieto-occipital sulcus
and the pre-occipital notch
Superior: lateral fissure
Inferior: temporal pole

Parietal lobe Anterior: central sulcus

Posterior: parieto-occipital sulcus (seen on the medial surface of
the cerebral hemispheres)
Inferior: lateral fissure

Occipital lobe Anterior: parieto-occipital sulcus (seen on the medial surface of the
cerebral hemispheres)
Posterior: occipital pole

Figure 4.6  The

Anterior Posterior
boundaries of the
Central sulcus different cerebral lobes
Parietal lobe (a); (b) shows the lateral
Frontal lobe and (c) the medial view
Occipital lobe
of the left cerebral
Temporal lobe hemisphere.

Precentral sulcus Central sulcus Posterior sulcus
Precentral gyrus
Superior parietal lobule
frontal gyrus
Middle sulcus
frontal gyrus Inferior
Inferior parietal lobule
frontal gyrus Lateral
Superior occipital sulcus
temporal gyrus Inferior Postcentral
temporal gyrus gyrus
Answers 339

Figure 4.6  The

Paracentral boundaries of the
frontal gyrus different cerebral lobes,
Central sulcus
Precuneus sulcus
Parieto-occipital Cingulate
sulcus gyrus
Cuneus Uncus
Calcarine fissure Hippocampal
Corpus Fusiform gyrus
callosum gyrus

there is an absence of the corpus callosum, this is not fatal however individuals
display delayed development and frequent seizure activity.
6.6 The different regions of the corpus callosum are best displayed when viewing the
structure in sagittal section (Figure 4.7). The anterior portion of the corpus callosum
is called the genu with the rostrum projecting inferiorly. The posterior portion is
called the splenium and the section in between is called the body of the corpus

Figure 4.7  The regions of the corpus

Body of corpus callosum callosum seen in sagittal section.




6.7 The mammillary bodies, (B), are considered part of the limbic system and thought to
play a role in learning and memory.
6.8 The function of this system is to regulate human emotion, mood, and memory. Three
structures make up the limbic system. These are contained within the medial aspect
of the temporal lobe and consist of the hippocampus, amygdala, and olfactory
6.9 The basilar artery, (D), is formed by the right and left vertebral arteries.

Station 7
7.1 A  Superior sagittal sinus
Cortical vein
340 Chapter 4  Neurosciences

Straight sinus
Sigmoid sinus
Confluence of sinuses
Transverse sinuses
Internal jugular veins
7.2 The ‘Torcular Herophili’ is another name for the ‘confluence of sinuses’ (where the
sagittal, transverse and straight sinuses converge).
7.3 The superficial cranial veins drain into the superior sagittal and cavernous sinuses.
7.4 The deep cerebral veins drain into the great cerebral vein that is continuous with
straight sinus.
7.5 The inferior petrosal and the sigmoid sinuses drain into the bulb of the internal
jugular vein.
7.6 Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis can present with rather nonspecific symptoms
including: generalized headaches, nausea, vertigo, seizures, and decreased
conscious level.
7.7 The superficial veins that drain the scalp are connected to the dural venous sinuses
via the emissary veins (Figure 4.8). Superficial scalp infections may therefore cause
meningitis via this route.

Loose Superior Superficial

connective tissue sagittal sinus scalp vein

Emissary vein
Dura mater

Connective tissue
Subdural space

Cerebral vein Arachnoid mater

Brain Subarachnoid space

Falx cerebri

Inferior sagittal sinus

Figure 4.8  The emissary veins and the dural venous sinuses.
Answers 341

Station 8
8.1 A  Right internal carotid artery
Right vertebral artery (V4)
Brachiocephalic artery
Anterior cerebral artery
Basilar artery
Left vertebral artery (V2)
Left common carotid artery
Left subclavian artery
8.2 Vessel ‘F’ is the left vertebral artery and arises from the left subclavian artery. The
right vertebral artery also originates from the right subclavian artery. Conversely,
the subclavian arteries do not show this symmetry. The right subclavian artery is a
branch of the brachiocephalic (or innominate) artery and the left subclavian artery
originates from the arch of the aorta (Figure 4.9).

Figure 4.9  The origin

Left common of the subclavian and
vertebral artery
carotid artery vertebral arteries.
Right common
Left vertebral
carotid artery
subclavian artery
Left subclavian
Brachiocephalic artery
Aortic arch

8.3 The branches of the subclavian artery can be remembered using the mnemonic ‘VIT
C and D’:
• Vertebral artery
• Internal thoracic artery
• Thyrocervical trunk
• Costocervical trunk
• Dorsal scapular artery.
8.4 The vertebral artery can be divided into four parts, V1–V4 (Figure 4.10):
• the first part, V1, begins at the origin of the vertebral artery (from the subclavian
artery) and ends at the foramen transversarium at the level of the C6 vertebra
• the second part, V2, continues from this point and emerges from the transverse
process of C2.
342 Chapter 4  Neurosciences

Lateral view Frontal view

Basilar artery

Right C1
vertebral artery C1 C2
C2 C3
C3 Right Left vertebral
vertebral C4 artery
C4 artery C5
C5 Carotid C6
bifurcation Right
subclavian C7
C6 Left subclavian
artery T1
C7 Right common artery
carotid artery
First rib (left)
Right subclavian
artery First rib Aortic arch

Figure 4.10  The course of the right vertebral artery.

• the third part, V3, is the most tortuous and loops posteriorly around the lateral
mass of C1 before piercing the dura mater via the foramen magnum.
• the fourth part, V4, terminates where the vertebral artery joins its contralateral
counterpart to form the basilar artery.
8.5 Vessel ‘A’ is the right internal carotid artery and enters the skull via the carotid canal.
Other structures that also traverse this foramen include the sympathetic plexus of
nerves from the internal carotid nerve.
8.6 The most likely area for carotid artery dissection is just before it pierces the dura of
the brain. Here the distal segment is relatively more fixed than its proximal portion
and at risk of damage during flexion-extension injuries.

Station 9
9.1 A  Falx cerebri (the cut base is shown in the photograph)
Left tentorium cerebelli
Right middle cerebral artery
Right olfactory nerve (CN I)
9.2 Dura, pia, arachnoid mater.
Answers 343

9.3 The dura mater is a tough fibrous membrane that loosely covers the brain. In some
areas, this fibrous layer forms reflections, greatest of which are the falx cerebri and
tentorium cerebelli.
9.4 Superior sagittal sinus, transverse sinuses, and straight sinus lie within the falx
cerebri and tentorium cerebelli.
9.5 The falx cerebri is formed by a vertical sheath of dura mater which extends from its
fixed edge along the cranial roof (on the internal surface) in the midline to its free
border which occupies the Interhemispheric fissure and terminates just above the
corpus callosum.
9.6 The tentorium cerebelli is formed by a horizontal ‘shelf’ of dura mater with its fixed
border along the inner surface of the skull at the occipitotemporal region and
extends to its free border lying in the transverse cerebral fissure and encircling
the midbrain. This fissure is situated superior to the cerebellum and inferior to the
occipital lobe of the brain. In the midline, the tentorium cerebelli is continuous with
the falx cerebri (Figure 4.11).
9.7 Subdural haematoma.

Falx cerebri
Fixed edge = midline inner
Posterior attachment of falx aspect of skull
cerebri is to tentorium cerebelli, (contains superior sagittal sinus)
posterior attachment of tentorium
Free edge contains inferior
cerebelli is to inner surface
sagittal sinus
of occipital bone
Anterior attachment = crista galli
Tentorium cerebelli of ethmoid bone

Free edge allows transmission of Anterior attachment = petrous

cerebellar peduncles temporal bone and clinoid
Fixed edge = occipital bones and
a temporal bones (inner surface)

Figure 4.11  The tentorium

Superior sagittal cerebelli and falx cerebri.
sinus (a) Attachments of the
Layers falx cerebri and tentorium
Falx Parietal bone
of dura
cerebelli. (b) Cross-
mater Inferior sagittal sectional coronal diagram
sinus demonstrating the position
Left transverse of the cerebral sinuses
sinus within the dural reflections.
Occipital bone
Dura of
b spinal cord
344 Chapter 4  Neurosciences

9.8 Blood in a subdural haematoma accumulates between the dura and pia mater.
9.9 The subarachnoid space is between the pia and arachnoid mater.

Station 10
10.1 A  Cribriform plate
Right optic nerve
Left trigeminal (CN V) nerve
Left vertebral artery
10.2 The anterior, middle, and posterior fossae.
10.3 The boundaries of the three fossae are given in Table 4.5.
10.4 The temporal lobe occupies the area labelled C, the temporal fossa.
10.5 The right transverse sinus occupies the region labelled G.

Table 4.5  The boundaries of the cranial fossae

Boundaries Important contents
(this list is not exhaustive)
Anterior fossa Anterior: posterior wall of the Frontal lobes of the brain
frontal sinus Olfactory bulb and tract
Lateral: frontal bone Cribriform plate
Posterior: posterior border of the Anterior aspects of the superior
lesser wing of sphenoid, anterior and inferior sagittal sinuses
clinoid processes
Floor: orbital plate of the frontal
bone, anterior border of the lesser
wing of the sphenoid bone and
anterior body of sphenoid bone

Middle fossa Anterior: greater wing of the Temporal lobes

sphenoid bone Pituitary gland
Posterior: clivus bone Trigeminal ganglion
Lateral: greater wing of the sphe- Intracranial portion of the
noid bone, squamous portion of internal carotid artery
the temporal bone, anteroinferior
portion of the parietal bone Cavernous sinuses
Floor: greater wing of the sphe- Greater superficial petrosal nerve
noid bone anteriorly and the
petrous portion of the temporal
bone posteriorly

Answers 345

Table 4.5 cont.

Boundaries Important contents

(this list is not exhaustive)
Posterior fossa Anterior: clivus Cerebellum
Posterior: occipital bones Brainstem
Floor: occipital bones with the (CN 7–12 exit via the posterior
foramen magnum occupying the fossa)
central aspect of the floor

10.6 The nerve labelled D is the trigeminal nerve and is transmitted through the
superior orbital fissure.
10.7 The trigeminal ganglion is located in Meckel’s cave (otherwise known as the
‘trigeminal cave’). This is immediately posterolateral to the cavernous sinuses
within the middle cranial fossa.
10.8 The trigeminal sensory nucleus consists of three subnuclei and occupies a large
area of the brainstem extending from the midbrain down to the upper cervical
cord. It is the largest of the cranial nerve nuclei.
10.9 The motor nucleus of trigeminal nerve occupies a separate and distinct area just
medial to its sensory counterpart within the superior aspect of the pons (in the
pontine tegmentum). It is smaller than the sensory trigeminal nucleus.

Station 11
11.1 A  Odontoid peg
Medulla oblongata
Cervical spinal cord
Spinous process of T1 vertebra
CSF fluid surrounding the spinal cord within the thecal sac
Vertebral body of T6
11.2 The dorsal column transmits light touch, vibration, and proprioception. This is an
ascending spinal tract and located within the dorsal (posterior) aspect of the spinal
canal (Figure 4.12).
11.3 The spinothalamic tract transmits crude touch, pain, and temperature. It is located
in the ventrolateral aspect of the spinal cord and is sometimes known as the
‘anterolateral tract’.
11.4 Motor descending pathways include the pyramidal (corticospinal tracts) and the
extrapyramidal tracts (rubrospinal, reticulospinal, olivospinal, vestibulospinal
tracts). The lateral corticospinal tract is found in the dorsolateral region of the
spinal cord, the anterior corticospinal tract is found anteromedially within the
spinal cord. The extrapyramidal tracts can be seen to also occupy the anteromedial
and dorsolateral regions and are better visualized in the diagram below.
346 Chapter 4  Neurosciences

Figure 4.12  The

Ascending Dorsal column ascending and
pathways Pyramidal
tract descending pathways
Descending within the spinal cord.
pathways Spino-

Extra Lateral
pyramidal spinothalamic
tracts tract

Pyramidal Spino-olivary
tracts fibres
tracts Anterior

11.5 A total transection of the spinal cord at T2 would prevent any motor or sensory
innervation from the level of T2 downwards. At the level of T1, the exiting motor
tracts will have left the spinal cord and the sensory information from the dorsal
column fibres will be transmitted. The information from the spinothalamic tract
fibres at the T1 level may not have yet decussated across the cord but would have
entered above the transection level and would still be transmitted.
As the transection occurs below the level of innervation to the upper limbs
sensation and motor function to the upper limbs is spared, however there will
be lack of motor or sensory function from the superior aspect of the thorax
downwards, including no innervation to the lower limbs.
11.6 Brown–Sequard syndrome results from a lateral hemisection of the spinal cord.
11.7 The signs that would result from a right hemitransection of the spinal cord at the
level of T2 include:
• Loss of motor function on the right side of the body from the T2 vertebral level
downwards. This results in an upper motor neuron lesion leading to spastic
• Loss of transmission of sensory information from the dorsal column tract (i.e. no
vibration, proprioception or light touch sense) from the right side of the body at
the level of T2 downwards.
• Normal transmission of sensory information from the spinothalamic tract
(i.e. crude touch, temperature and pain) on the right but loss of such sensory
information from the contralateral side beginning approximately one or two
vertebral levels inferiorly; in this example loss of information from T4 downwards
on the left.

Station 12
12.1 A Right middle cerebral artery (MCA)
Right internal carotid artery
Answers 347

Lenticulostriate branches of MCA
Anterior cerebral artery (ACA) A1
Cortical branches of the anterior cerebral artery
Anterior cerebral artery (ACA) A2
12.2 A subarachnoid haemorrhage.
12.3 A berry aneurysm is the usual cause. This most commonly occurs in the anterior
communicating artery (followed in frequency by the posterior communicating
12.4 Up to one-third of patients who have autosomal dominant polycystic kidneys are
thought develop intracranial berry aneurysms over the course of their lives.
12.5 To diagnose a subarachnoid haemorrhage the initial investigation of choice is CT
imaging of the brain without intravenous contrast. If this proves to be negative
then a lumbar puncture should be performed no sooner than 12 hours from the
onset of the clinical symptoms to identify xanthochromia.
12.6 The blood brain barrier (BBB) consists of endothelial cells that line the capillaries
of the brain. They differ from other endothelial capillary cells by the tight junctions
they form that repel molecules from passing through the capillary walls. The
function of the BBB is to maintain homeostasis and only allow the entrance of
essential nutrients from the blood whilst preventing toxins from being transmitted.
Water-soluble substances are impermeable, whereas those that are lipid soluble
are permeable.
12.7 The areas of the brain that lie outside the BBB (and are therefore at risk of exposure
to toxins from the bloodstream) include the area postrema (the chemoreceptor
trigger zone within the medulla) and the posterior pituitary gland. The capillaries
in these regions are different in that they are fenestrated and more similar to those
seen in peripheral tissues than to the other regions of the brain.

Station 13
13.1 The sphenoid bone. This is located in the midline within the base of the skull. It has
a very characteristic shape that makes it easily recognisable and resembles ‘bat
wings’ (Figure 4.13).
13.2 A  Right greater wing of the sphenoid bone
Right foramen ovale
Sella turcica
Left lesser wing of the sphenoid bone
Left lateral pterygoid plate
13.3 X  Foramen rotundum. This transmits the maxillary nerve (CN V2), a branch of the
trigeminal nerve (CN V).
348 Chapter 4  Neurosciences

Figure 4.13  The position of the

Cribriform plate sphenoid bone viewed from the
Frontal bone interior aspect of the base of the skull.
Sphenoid bone

Temporal bone

Parietal bone

Occipital bone

Y The superior orbital fissure. This transmits the oculomotor (CN III), trochlear
(CN IV), ophthalmic (CN V1) and abducens (CN VI) nerves.
13.4 The structure labelled Q, the anterior clinoid process, gives rise to the attachment
of the tentorium cerebelli along its medial aspect.
13.5 There are 12 bones that the sphenoid bone articulates with (Table 4.6).

Table 4.6  Paired and unpaired bones articulating with the sphenoid bone

Paired bones Unpaired bones

Parietal Vomer

Temporal Ethmoid
Zygomatic Frontal
Palatine Occipital

13.6 Middle cranial fossa.

13.7 The pituitary gland sits within a space in the sphenoid bone known as the
sella turcica (the Latin translation of this is ‘Turkish saddle’, named after its
resemblance [Figure 4.14]). The anterior boundaries of this region are the middle
clinoid processes and the posterior boundary is formed by the dorsum sellae, a
rectangular shaped part of the sphenoid bone that juts vertically upwards.
13.8 Upon the superior aspect of the lesser wings of the sphenoid sit the inferior aspect
of the frontal lobes of the brain.

Station 14
14.1 A Posterior cerebellar lobe
Anterior cerebellar lobe
Answers 349

A Turkish saddle Sella turcica

clinoid + dorsum
Sphenoid sellae in section


Figure 4.14  The sagittal view of the sella turcica and its resemblance to a Turkish saddle.

Cerebellar tonsil
Optic chiasm
Right cerebellar hemisphere
Mamillary bodies
14.2 The cerebellum is located within the posterior cranial fossa. The posterior cranial
fossa is the area of the base of the brain formed by the occipital and petrous
temporal bones. Its anterior border is formed by the clivus, amongst many other
structures; it contains the cerebellum and brainstem.
14.3 The cerebellum is connected to the brainstem via three pairs of thick fibrous
bundles known as peduncles. Table 4.7 outlines where the peduncles of the
cerebellum attach.
14.4 The fourth ventricle and Aqueduct of Sylvius lie in-between the cerebellum and the
pons. Masses that occupy the vermis of the cerebellum may grow to encroach on the
fourth ventricle anteriorly, causing a non-communicating hydrocephalus as a result.
14.5 The main functions of the cerebellum include:
• maintenance of balance
• co-ordination of movement
• contribution to maintenance of posture and muscle tone.
14.6 The cerebellum contributes only to motor function and does not have any sensory
function at all, although it does receive sensory information from the body.
14.7 Right-sided cerebellar lesions produce right-sided signs and symptoms, unlike
lesions within the cerebral cortices that produce contralateral signs. The reason
for this finding is due to the nature of the descending and decussating pathways
350 Chapter 4  Neurosciences

Table 4.7  The cerebellar peduncles and their relation to the structures of
the midbrain
Cerebellar Connects the Comments
peduncle cerebellum to which
brainstem area
Superior (superior Midbrain This peduncle contains efferent fibres from
brachium con- the dentate, emboliform and globose nuclei.
junctivum) The afferent fibres provide the cerebellum
with information of proprioception of the
lower limbs ascending via the ventrospino-
cerebellar tract.

Middle (middle Pons Largest of the three peduncles and related to

brachium pontis) muscle movement.

Inferior (restiform Medulla The afferent fibres from this peduncle

bodies) provide the cerebellum on proprioceptive
information of the upper limbs via the dorso-
spinocerebellar tract.

of the cerebellar tracts. The knowledge of these pathways are rather detailed and
complex and not required for the MRCS Part B examination.
14.8 The features of cerebellar dysfunction can be remembered by the mnemonic
• Dysdiadokokinesia (inability to perform rapid alternating movements)
• Ataxia (lack of co-ordination and muscle movements)
• Nystagmus (impaired co-ordination of eye movements)
• Intention tremor (ipsilateral mal-coordination)
• Slurred/staccato/scanning speech pattern
• Hypotonia.
In a right-sided lesion of the cerebellum, as described in the clinical scenario, the
clinical findings would be ipsilateral. Nystagmus would demonstrate greatest
amplitude with the patient looking towards the affected side and altered postural
control would lead the patient to tilt towards the side of the lesion.
14.9 If a cerebellar abnormality were located in the midline without a predilection for
either lobe then the signs would not localise to either side. A midline lesion would
generally lead to loss of postural control whereby the subject would not be able to
stand without falling despite preserved co-ordination of their limbs. Patients would
also generally not present with nystagmus or features of dysarthria.

Station 15
15.1 A  Right ethmoid sinus
Right sphenoid sinus
Right dentate nucleus
Answers 351

Aqueduct of Sylvius
Left cerebellar hemisphere
15.2 The cerebellum can be classified into the right and left cerebellar hemispheres
(each consisting of an anterior and posterior lobe separated by the primary fissure),
the vermis (in the midline) and the flocculonodular lobe (consisting of a small area
of each cerebellar hemisphere and the vermis). Note that the vermis is part of the
flocculonodular lobe, but is also sometimes described on its own as the midline
portion of the cerebellum.
15.3 Another way of classifying the cerebellum is by function (Table 4.8).
15.5 The four paired nuclei in the cerebellum are called:
• the dentate nuclei (the only nucleus visible to the naked eye)
• the emboliform nucleus
• the globose nucleus
• the fastigial nucleus.
The dentate nucleus is the most laterally located of the four nuclei within the deep
white matter of each cerebellar hemisphere forming part of the cerebrocerebellum.
The remaining three paired nuclei are located adjacent to the dentate in the
following order (from most lateral to medial): emboliform, globose and fastigial
(Figure 4.15). The fastigial nuclei are located immediately over the room of the

Table 4.8  The functional regions of the cerebellum

Functional cerebellar Gross anatomical area Function
Vestibulocerebellum Flocculonodular lobe Regulates the maintenance of
(archicerebellum) balance. The influence of this
region on the lower limbs is
bilateral and disturbances of this
region lead to problems with gait
and balance.

Spinocerebellum Vermis and the medial Regulates muscle tone and pos-
(paleocerebellum) aspects of the cerebellar ture. It receives information on
hemispheres the proprioception of the body
from the dorsal spinal column,
trigeminal nerve and visual and
auditory systems.

Cerebrocerebellum Lateral hemispheres Muscle coordination including

(neocerebellum) the planning of certain move-
ments such as the speed, force,
and direction of movements.
It only receives input from the
cerebral cortices and helps with
the fine-tuning of anticipated
352 Chapter 4  Neurosciences

Figure 4.15  The

Anterior location of the various
cerebellar nuclei. D,
dentate nuclei; E,
emboliform nuclei;
F, fastigial nuclei; G
globose nuclei.




fourth ventricle in the midline. A mnemonic which can help you remember the
position and names of these four nuclei is: Don’t (dentate) Eat (emboliform) Green
(globose) Fish (fastigial).
15.6 The foramen magnum.
15.7 Clinical signs of raised intracranial pressure include papilloedema, decreased levels
of consciousness and altered visual acuity and ocular palsies. Clinical symptoms
include headache (worse on straining), vomiting (without necessarily symptoms
of nausea), and occasionally backache. Note that although imaging of the brain is
usually requested to determine whether there is the presence of raised intracranial
pressure, it is actually a very poor investigation for ruling this out unless there is
herniation of the cerebellar tonsils or gross hydrocephalus present.
15.8 The line joining the basion to the opisthion (also known as ‘McRae’s Line’ –
Figure 4.16) defines the lower limit of the cerebellar tonsils within the posterior
fossa. If the cerebellar tonsils are seen to lie significantly below this level then there
is the suggestion that cerebellar tonsillar herniation is occurring.
15.9 An Arnold–Chiari (I) malformation.

Station 16
16.1 The anterior circulation is being examined. Although the catheter is placed within
the internal carotid artery, it is demonstrating the branches of the anterior cerebral
artery. Figure 4.17 demonstrates the branches of this artery in more detail.
16.2 The anterior cerebral artery supplies the medial surface of the frontal and parietal
lobes, anterior portions of the basal ganglia and anterior limb of the internal
capsule as well as the majority of the corpus callosum.
Answers 353

Figure 4.16
Demonstration of
McRae’s line.
Pons Cerebellum

McRae’s bone
line Basion Opisthion



Figure 4.17  The

Callosomarginal Corpus callosum Pericallosal artery branches of the
artery anterior cerebral
Frontopolar artery artery.
Medial artery
Mid brain
Internal carotid artery
External carotid artery Cerebellum

Common carotid artery

Anterior Posterior

16.3 Complete proximal obstruction of the anterior cerebral arteries is rare due
to the anastomosis between the two arteries by the anterior communicating
artery. Nevertheless, those that are distal to the anterior communicating
artery can cause a variety of effects. Unilateral occlusion distal to the anterior
communicating artery can result in contralateral sensorimotor deficits
mainly affecting the lower limb (as the part of the cortex supplied by the
anterior cerebral artery represents the lower limbs on the motor and sensory
homunculus). Bilateral occlusion of the anterior cerebral arteries is rare but if
this occurs at their origins, the result will be infarction of both anteromedial
cerebral hemispheres leading to paraplegia of both lower limbs (sparing the
face and upper limbs), incontinence, potential change in personality and
decision making (due to frontal lobe symptoms).
354 Chapter 4  Neurosciences

16.4 The anterior communicating artery connects the right anterior cerebral artery with
the left anterior cerebral artery.
16.5 A  Ophthalmic artery
B  Internal carotid siphon (right) – cavernous portion
C  Internal carotid artery (right)
D  Pericallosal branch of the anterior cerebral artery (right)
E  Internal carotid artery (petrous portion)
16.6 There are seven parts to the internal carotid artery, detailed in Figure 4.18 and
Table 4.9.

Figure 4.18  The segments of the

internal carotid artery.

Anteroposterior C5
view C4


C6 C7
C5 C4

Lateral view C3 C2


Knowing the seven segments of the internal carotid artery is useful not only in
the description of the arterial anatomy but also because it helps to remember its
16.7 Given the presenting symptoms in the clinical scenario, the ophthalmic artery
(vessel labelled A and a branch of the ophthalmic segment of the internal carotid
artery) is the most likely affected vessel. This artery supplies all the structures in the
16.8 A Ophthalmic artery
Answers 355

Table 4.9  The segments of the internal carotid artery

Number of Name of Notes
segment segment
C1 Cervical • Runs from where the common carotid artery
bifurcates up to the level where the internal carotid
artery enters the carotid canal in the skull base
• The internal carotid canal has no branches within
the neck

C2 Petrous • Extends from the base of the skull, running within

the petrous portion of the temporal bone to the
foramen lacerum

C3 Lacerum • Continues from the petrous segment originating

above the foramen lacerum and continuing until the
apex of the sphenoid bone
• It does not actually travel through the foramen

C4 Cavernous • Passes through the cavernous sinus adjacent to the

abducens (CN VI) nerve
• Branches given off by this section supply the
posterior aspect of the pituitary gland

C5 Clinoid • Continues from where the artery exits the cavernous

(or supraclinoid) sinus to where it enters the subarachnoid space
• Segment is very short

C6 Ophthalmic • Extends from the distal dural ring (where the clinoid
segment first becomes intradural) and terminates at
the level where the posterior communicating artery
is given off
• Gives off the ‘ophthalmic artery’ branch that supplies
all the structures in the orbit, frontal and ethmoidal
sinuses, and a part of the scalp covering the frontal

C7 Communicating • The terminal segment

• Continues from the ophthalmic segment up to
where the artery bifurcates into the anterior cerebral
and middle cerebral arteries

Station 17
17.1 A  Septum pellucidum
External capsule
Lentiform nucleus
356 Chapter 4  Neurosciences

Third ventricle
Head of caudate nucleus
Internal capsule
17.2 The basal ganglia is composed of the following structures:
• claustrum
• caudate nucleus
• globus Pallidus
• putamen
17.3 There are a multitude of functions provided by the basal ganglia. In general, it is
responsible for the co-ordination of movements, behaviour and also the inhibition
of unwanted movements. It does not cause the movements to happen but
manages the way in which they occur. The pathways involved are rather complex
and their detailed knowledge is not required for the examination.
17.4 A right-sided basal ganglia lesion would give symptoms on the contralateral (i.e.
left) side of the body. As touched upon earlier, a deficit within the basal ganglia
would not cause paralysis of a movement as its function is not concerned with
the production of the movement. However, it would result in abnormal motor
control of the limb (including reduced or slow movements, tremors, athetosis, and
choreas) and alteration in the muscle tone (which can either be increased leading
to rigidity or reduced resulting in hypotonia).
17.5 The amygdala is closely located to the structures of the basal ganglia and shares
a similar embryological derivation, however it is actually part of the limbic system
and concerned with aspects of memory and emotion.
17.6 The corpus striatum is composed of the following structures:
• caudate nucleus
• putamen
17.7 The lentiform nucleus is composed of the following structures:
• putamen
• globus pallidus
An easy way of visualizing the structures that make up the striatum, lentiform
nucleus, and basal ganglia is displayed in the Venn diagram (Figure 4.19) below.
17.8 The globus pallidus is the portion of the lentiform nucleus that has an extension to
the midbrain, specifically the substantia nigra.
17.9 E  Caudate nucleus. This is a ‘C’ shaped structure and is anatomically closely
associated with the lateral ventricle (Figure 4.20). The different anatomical regions
of the caudate nucleus are the head, body, and tail. The head and the body of
the caudate nucleus both form part of the floor of the anterior horn of the lateral
ventricle. The tail of the caudate nucleus forms part of the roof of the temporal
horn of the lateral ventricle.
Answers 357

Figure 4.19  Venn

Basal ganglia
diagram demon-
Corpus striatum strating the
components of the
Striatum Lentiform nucleus basal ganglia.
Claustrum Caudate Globus
nucleus pallidus

Figure 4.20  The

caudate nucleus.
Anterior horn
Caudate Lateral
nucleus ventricle
+ globus
pallidus Posterior
Tail of
Temporal Inferior caudate
horn nucleus
Anterior Posterior

Station 18
18.1 A  Left frontal lobe
Red nucleus
Substantia nigra
Cerebral aqueduct
Nucleus of the oculomotor nerve (CN III)
Medial longitudinal fasciculus
The regions of the midbrain are more easily identified and demonstrated in
Figure 4.21.
18.2 The medial longitudinal fasciculi are a pair of white matter tracts within the
brainstem. Their primary role is in the co-ordination of conjugate eye movements,
in particular the vertical eye movements.
358 Chapter 4  Neurosciences

Figure 4.21  The

Anterior regions within the
Oculomotor (CN III) nerve

Red nucleus

Substantia nigra

Medial longitudinal
Cerebral aqueduct
lemniscus Superior colliculus

Oculomotor (CN III)

nerve nucleus Posterior

18.3 A deficit in the function of the medial longitudinal fasciculus results in abnormal
(predominantly vertical) eye movements. Clinical signs include vertical gaze
nystagmus, decreased vertical smooth pursuit, and diminished vertical gaze
holding. Clinical symptoms may include diplopia, blurred vision, or even the
impression that the environment is moving around them. This deficit is known
as ‘internuclear ophthalmoplegia’ (INO) and it tends to be bilateral in multiple
sclerosis or unilateral when the cause is due to cerebrovascular disease.
In order to test for the signs, a thorough cranial nerve examination must be carried
out, including testing the full range of eye movements with an assessment of how
long the patient is able to hold their gaze in all directions, and examination of
horizontal and vertical nystagmus (Figure 4.22).
18.4 The term brainstem refers to the midbrain, pons and medulla
18.5 The majority of the cranial nerves originate from the brain stem. These include
the CN III–XII, namely the oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducens, facial,
vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, accessory, and hypoglossal nerves.
18.6 The corticospinal tract fibres decussate within the medulla before entering the
spinal cord.
18.7 The dorsal column transmits information on proprioception and vibration sense.
The first order dorsal column proprioceptive fibres transmit their sensory signals
within the ipsilateral dorsal column of the spinal cord until reaching the brainstem
where they relay to the dorsal nuclei within the medulla. Here the second order
fibres decussate to form the medial lemniscus and with sensory input from
the trigeminal nerve (CN V) which offers sensory information from the face the
fibres continue to the thalamus where they relay to the third order fibres. The
third order fibres start at the thalamus and eventually synapse with the primary
somatosensory cortex. This pathway is demonstrated in Figure 4.23:
Answers 359

Figure 4.22  The

Left Right
medial longitudinal
Lateral fasciculus and
rectus resultant clinical
by abducens
Medial rectus innervated effects during an
by oculomotor (CN III) nerve
(CN VI) nerve abnormality of this
CN III nucleus

CN III Medial longitudinal

nucleus fasciculus

reticular formation

On looking to one side

On looking to one side with lesion of medial longitudinal

fasciculus (loss of innervation of medial rectus on ipsilateral side)

No adduction of eye

Figure 4.23  The

Sensory cortex Sensory cortex dorsal column and
lateral spinothalamic

Medulla decussates
in medulla
within Spinothalamic Dorsal column
spinal cord pathway system
(pain, temperature (proprioception and
and pressure) vibration sensation)
360 Chapter 4  Neurosciences

18.8 The lateral spinothalamic tract transmits pain, temperature, and crude touch. The
first order neurones transmit sensory information by entering the ipsilateral dorsal
horn of the spinal cord and synapsing with the second order neurones within this
region. The second order axons then decussate via the ‘ventral white commissure’
lying anterior to the central canal of the cord. The decussation usually occurs within
one or two vertebral levels from the original vertebral level at which the first order
neurons enter the spinal cord. From the contralateral dorsal horn, the second order
axons run towards the brainstem adjacent to the medial lemniscus of the dorsal
column fibres (mentioned above) where they are termed the ‘spinal lemniscus’.
These fibres terminate in the thalamus synapsing with the third order neurons that
project to the somatosensory cortex (Figure 4.23).
18.9 This information helps us to predict the clinical signs that would result from a
transected cord. Conversely, if a patient presents with a collection of signs and
symptoms we can also predict where a potential transection could have occurred.
18.10 Ipsilateral cranial nerve dysfunction, contralateral spastic hemiparesis, hyperreflexia
and an contralateral hemisensory loss and ipsilateral mal co-ordination.
18.11 Bilateral brain stem lesions are rarely compatible with life. Commonly patients
who present with this pathology have severely decreased conscious levels and
eventually succumb to respiratory depression.

Station 19
19.1 A  Right basal ganglia
Right head of caudate nucleus
Interhemispheric fissure
Corpus callosum
Left Sylvian fissure
Left hippocampus
19.2 The blood supply to the basal ganglia is primarily via end branches, the
lenticulostriate branches, of the middle cerebral artery (MCA). These vessels
are very narrow and easily damaged either by haemorrhage in patients with
uncontrolled hypertension or blocked by thrombus leading to tiny infarcts known
as lacunar infarcts.
19.3 The knowledge that the lenticulostriate branches are end branches is significant
because in a proximal MCA infarct the basal ganglia are at risk of early ischaemic
damage. The cortex supplied by the MCA is conversely at less risk of early
ischaemia because the contralateral MCA also provides some crossover supply.
Early thrombolysis can help to restore the original blood supply to the cortex
before substantial damage to the cortex has occurred, however early damage to
the basal ganglia is less successful and may lead to movement disorders.
19.4 The middle cerebral artery lies in the Sylvian fissure.
Answers 361

19.5 The hippocampus serves us primarily in the function of memory. Patients with
Alzheimer’s disease typically demonstrate atrophy in this region.
19.6 The massa intermedia is the part of the medial surface of the two thalami (one in
each cerebral hemisphere) that fuse together in the midline. It is also known as the
‘interthalamic adhesion’ and does not appear to perform any unique function, as
patients who lack this adhesion are asymptomatic, unlike those that lack a corpus
19.7 Within the region labelled G, one would expect the midbrain to be situated.
19.8 The trigeminal, abducens, facial and vestibulocochlear nerves (CN V, VI, VII and VIII
respectively) arise from this level.
19.9 There are numerous parts of the brainstem and cortex that exert control on
respiration. Within the pons, two areas influence the pattern of breathing but are
not essential for breathing. The areas include the apneustic centre (which prolongs
inspiration) and the pneumotaxic centre (which inhibits the inspiratory neurons
resulting in shorter inspirations and longer expirations).

Station 20
20.1 A  Basilar artery
Vertebral artery
Muscular branches of the vertebral artery
Superior cerebellar artery
Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
20.2 There are four parts to the vertebral artery (B), named V1–V4. The origin and
transition points between the segments have been discussed previously.
20.3 The branches of vertebral artery can be thought of as those that originate within
the neck and those that originate in the skull (Figure 4.24). Those that are given
off in the neck include: the muscular branches that supply the deep muscles of the
neck and the lateral spinal arteries, which travel within the intervertebral foramina
of the cervical vertebra and supply the spinal cord, meninges and vertebral bodies.
Those that are given off in the skull include the:
• posterior inferior cerebellar artery that partly supplies the cerebellum, fourth
ventricle and choroid plexus
• anterior spinal artery that supplies the anterior portion of the spinal cord.
20.4 The origin of the basilar artery (A) is at the confluence of the two vertebral arteries
just inferior and anterior to the pons.
20.5 After the origin of the basilar artery it ascends within the ‘sulcus basilaris’, a straight
midline groove on the ventral surface of the pons, before terminating at a level
just inferior to the optic chiasm and pituitary infundibulum by dividing into two
posterior cerebral arteries.
20.6 The cerebellum is supplied by three main arteries (Figure 4.25 and Table 4.10).
362 Chapter 4  Neurosciences

Figure 4.24  The

branches of the
Posterior vertebral and basilar
cerebral artery artery.

Termination of
basilar artery by
splitting into the
cerebellar artery
posterior cerebral

Pontine branches

Basilar artery

Anterior inferior
The origin of the artery (AICA)
basilar artery from
the combination Posterior inferior
of two vertebral cerebellar
arteries artery (PICA)
Right vertebral
Left vertebral
Anterior artery
spinal artery

Figure 4.25  The

arterial blood supply
Superior to the cerebellum.
cerebellar artery


Anterior inferior
cerebellar artery
Basilar artery Posterior inferior
cerebellar artery

Vertebral artery
Vertebral artery
Answers 363

Table 4.10  The arterial blood supply of the cerebellum

Artery Branch of Part of cerebellum supplied Comments
Posterior inferior Vertebral Inferior surface of the cer- Occlusion of this artery
cerebellar artery artery ebellum (and the dorsolat- results in the ‘lateral
eral aspect of the medulla medullary syndrome’ or
oblongata) ‘locked-in syndrome’

Anterior inferior Basilar A very small anterior inferior Its origin is variable, but
cerebellar artery artery aspect of the cerebellum, the in the majority of cases
cerebellar flocculus (also the it arises from the infe-
dorsolateral pons and middle rior third of the basilar
cerebral peduncle) artery

Superior Basilar The whole superior aspect

cerebellar artery of the cerebellum, most of
artery the cerebellar white matter
and the dentate nuclei (also
the dorsolateral aspect of the

Station 21
21.1 A  Right olfactory (CN I) nerve
Optic chiasm
Infundibulum (pituitary stalk)
Left optic tract
Medulla oblongata
21.2 In this state a patient is permanently unconscious and lacks brainstem reflexes.
Declaring a patient ‘brainstem dead’ or ‘brain dead’ consists of a set of criterion to
confirm death by neurological grounds. This criterion has been in use in the United
Kingdom since the late 1970s.
21.3 In a persistent vegetative state, the patient still maintains some level of their
consciousness and has preserved sleep wake cycles, breathing, brainstem, and
some primitive reflexes. Nevertheless, they do not necessarily interact in any
meaningful manner to their environment and may not possess any awareness of
their own state or of the stimuli around them. They do not produce any voluntary
movements and their gestures and sounds are usually without purpose and
364 Chapter 4  Neurosciences

Table 4.11  The afferent and efferent limbs of brainstem reflexes

Reflex Afferent nerve Efferent nerve

A Pupillary light Optic (CN II) nerve detects the Oculomotor (CN III) nerve
reflex light stimulus reaching the acts to constrict the pupil in
retina response to light stimulus

B Corneal reflex Trigeminal (CN V) nerve detects Facial (CN VII) nerve acts to
light touch stimulus on the shut the eye in response to the
surface of the cornea corneal irritation

C Gag reflex Glossopharyngeal (CN IX) nerve Vagus (CN X) nerve acts to pre-
detects sensation at the soft vent any foreign object from
palate at the back of the throat entering the respiratory tract
by elevating the uvula and
constricting the cricopharyn-
geus muscle, thereby creating
the ‘gagging’ sensation that
gives this reflex its name

21.4 There are several preconditions and an awareness of them is important. Some of
the important preconditions are listed below:
• An irreversible pathology must be identified.
• Exclusion of causes for decreased consciousness must be made (e.g. exclusion of
the effects of hypothermia, narcotics or other sedative drugs).
• There must be correction of other potentially reversible physiological causes for
the decreased conscious level such as circulatory and biochemical disturbances.
• The patient must be reliant on the aid of mechanical ventilation and not able to
breathe unassisted.
21.5 Table 4.11 demonstrates the efferent and afferent cranial nerves for each reflex.
21.6 Other tests for brainstem death (in addition to those outlined in the 21.4) must
include the following:
• Absence of any respiratory effort or movement during the disconnection of a
mechanical ventilator machine (despite pre-oxygenation).
• No motor response to pain stimulus (this is commonly inflicted by pressure over
the supraorbital ridge).
• Vestibulo-ocular reflexes should be absent, which is usually tested by instilling
ice-cold water into each external acoustic meatus slowly and repeating the
test for both sides; a normal reflex is to observe eye movements away from the

A Adenoid cystic carcinoma 258

Abdominal aorta 58, 70 Adenoids (pharyngeal tonsils) 293, 303
Abdominal compartments 74 Adenolymphoma (Warthin’s tumour) 257
Abdominal imaging anatomy 58–9, 62–3, 68–9, Adipose tissue, breast 143
70–2, 83–4, 85–6 Aditus 291
Abdominal incisions 55, 56, 57–8 Adrenal glands 69, 70, 79, 86
Abdominal lines 56, 57, 59, 67, 72 Adrenal vessels 70
Abdominal masses, differential diagnoses 55 Airway 52, 263–4, 266, 267
Abdominal planes 56, 57, 72 Alcock’s (pudendal) canal 65, 66, 87
Abdominal surface anatomy 55–8, 72 Allantois 60
Abdominal viscera Allen’s test 177
adrenal glands 69, 70, 79, 86 Allergic reactions 285
appendix 55, 57, 60–1 Alveolar nerve, inferior (dental nerve) 291
biliary system 58, 70–2, 73, 74, 75, 76 Alveoli 52
gallbladder 57, 58, 60, 69, 71, 74, 75, 76 Alzheimer’s disease 361
kidney 57, 67, 71, 73, 79 Ampulla of Vater 71, 73
large bowel 61, 62–3, 66–7, 69, 74, 76–7, 79, 83, Amygdala 339, 356
91 Anal canal 66, 67, 76, 87
liver 56, 58, 65, 71, 72, 73, 74–6, 86–7 Anal sphincter 87
oesophagus 54, 65, 77, 78 Anal triangle 65, 66
pancreas 57, 58, 59, 71, 73, 74, 79, 85–6 Anatomical snuff box 154
small bowel 60, 62, 67, 68, 69, 71–2, 73–4, 84 Anconeus 146, 150, 153, 155
spleen 57, 67, 68, 73, 79, 85–6 Aneurysms 188
stomach 54, 57, 58, 68, 73, 74, 78, 83–4 intracranial 347
ureter 61, 70, 79, 81, 91 Ankle 201–2
Abdominal wall 59–60, 63, 65, 67, 72–3, 76 avascular necrosis 167
Abducens nerve (CN VI) 262, 263, 359 Danis–Weber classification of injuries 202
Abductor digiti minimi 164, 165, 175, 176 muscles responsible for movement of 202, 203
Abductor pollicis brevis 162, 164, 173, 176 structures at medial 191, 198, 199
Abductor pollicis longus 146, 154, 155, 159, 162, Annular ligament 149, 159
175, 176 Annulus of Zinn 276
Accessory hemiazygos vein 53 Anococcygeal body 66, 67
Acetabular fossa 195 Anosmia 302
Acetabular ligament, transverse 193 Ansa cervicalis 274–5, 276
Achilles tendon 198, 199 Anterior triangle of neck 252, 254, 275, 294
Acoustic meatus Anterolateral tract see Spinothalamic tract
external 257, 286, 291, 333, 334, 335, 364 Anulus fibrosus 204, 205, 207, 208
internal 269, 298, 304, 336 Anus 65, 66
Acromioclavicular (AC) joint 147, 157 Aorta 43, 44, 51
Acromioclavicular (AC) ligament 157 abdominal 58, 70
Acromion 147, 148, 151, 153, 160 bifurcation of 56, 57
Adductor brevis 186, 187, 200 as retroperitoneal structure 79
Adductor canal 184, 197 splenic artery and 85
Adductor longus 179, 186, 187, 200 thoracic 45, 50, 52
Adductor magnus 179, 186, 187, 195, 200 traverse of the diaphragm 77, 78
Adductor pollicis 162, 164, 168 Aortic arch 49, 251
Adenocarcinoma, rectal 77 Aortic coarctation 52
366 Index

Aortic valve 48 Barium meal 83

Appendices epiploicae 61 Barium swallow 54, 305–6
Appendicular vessels 60, 68 Barrett’s oesophagus 54
Appendix 55, 57, 60–1 Bartholin’s glands 81
Aqueduct of Sylvius 351 Basal ganglia 356, 357, 360
Arachnoid mater 342, 344 Basilar artery 272, 273, 337, 339, 341, 361–3
Arcuate artery 147 Basilic vein 152
Arcuate (Douglas’) line 56, 57, 59, 72 Basion–opisthion line (McRae’s line) 352, 353
Areolar (Montgomery’s) glands 142 Battle’s sign 335
Arm 145–7 Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) 89, 90
brachial plexus injuries 178 Bennett’s fracture 175
compartments 145, 146, 153 Berry aneurysms 347
digital subtraction venogram 151–2 Biceps brachii 149, 153, 159, 161, 171, 177
muscles 145–6, 151, 154, 155–6, 173 Biceps femoris 179, 185, 186, 187, 188, 195
radial nerve 154, 155–6 Bicipital groove see Intertubercular sulcus
see also Elbow joint; Hand; Humerus; Biliary system 58, 70–2
Radius; Ulna; Wrist bile 71
Arnold–Chiari malformation 352 bile duct 71, 73, 74, 75, 87
Arteriography embryological origin 76
carotid artery 288–9 Bladder see Urinary bladder
cerebral 346–7, 352–3 Blood brain barrier (BBB) 347
coeliac artery 68–9 Blow out fractures 296–7
lower limb 191, 197–8 Bochdalek hernia 78–9
upper limb 146–7 Bowel see Large bowel; Small bowel
Aryepiglottic folds 266, 306 Brachial artery 146, 147, 149, 153, 172, 174
Arytenoid muscles 266 Brachialis 150, 153, 171
Atlantoaxial joint 163, 209, 210–11 Brachial plexus 145, 148, 157, 172, 177–8
Atlas (C1) 204, 209, 210–11, 271 Brachial vein 152
Atrioventricular node 46 Brachiocephalic (innominate) artery 250, 341
Auditory canal see Acoustic meatus Brachiocephalic (innominate) veins 151, 152, 250,
Auditory cortex 337 251, 264
Auricular arteries 256 Brachioradialis 145, 146, 149, 150, 155, 171
Auricular nerves 281, 290 Brain
Auscultation, heart, surface markings for 48 abducens nerve (CN VI) 263
Autonomic nervous system arterial blood supply 329–30, 331, 341–2, 346–7,
heart 47 352–5, 360, 361–3
lungs 50 basal ganglia 356, 357, 360
pleurae 44 blood brain barrier 347
see also Parasympathetic nervous system; brainstem 337, 345, 349, 357–60, 363–4
Sympathetic nervous system cerebellum 337, 338, 348, 349–52, 361–3
Avascular necrosis 154, 166, 167, 187 cerebral artery occlusion 353
Axilla 145 cisterns 332–3
lymph nodes 142, 143–5 hydrocephalus 332
radial nerve damage 155 ischaemia 281
spaces 142, 143 lobes 270, 337–9, 348
Axillary nerve 151, 157, 177, 178 meninges 342–4
Axillary vessels 145, 146, 147, 151–2, 157, 178 pre-motor cortex 331
Axis (C2) 163, 204, 209, 210–11 primary motor cortex 330–1
odontoid peg 210, 345 primary somatosensory cortex 331, 358
Azygos vein 53, 77, 78 raised intracranial pressure 352
structures visible on sagittal MRI 337
venous sinus system 260, 331, 332, 339–40, 343,
B 350
Balance 305 ventricular system 331–2, 337, 355–6
Ball and socket joints 163 Brainstem 337, 345, 349, 357–60, 361, 363–4
Bankart’s lesion 153 Branchial apparatus 286
Barium enema 62 Branchial cysts 276
Index 367

Branchial (pharyngeal) arches 51, 286, 287 Catheterisation, venous 48, 264
Branchial (pharyngeal) pouches 286, 287 Cauda equina 206, 272
Breast 142–5 Caudate nucleus 356, 357, 360
Breathing 53, 72, 361 Cavernous sinus 261–2, 286
Broad ligaments of the uterus 81 Cavoatrial junction 264
Bronchi 49, 50, 51, 52 Central venous catheterisation 48, 264
Bronchial arteries 50 Cephalic veins 149, 152
Bronchioles 52 Cerebellar arteries 361–3
Bronchopulmonary segments 49–50 Cerebellum 337, 338, 348, 349–52, 361–3
Brown–Sequard syndrome 346 Cerebral arteries 329–30, 331, 341, 342, 346, 347,
Bulbus cordis 52 352–4, 360
Bundle of His 46 Cerebral veins 340
Burr holes, temporal 334 Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) 297, 331
Bursae 160 base of skull fractures 335
Bursitis 160, 185 hydrocephalus 332
Buttocks thecal sac 206, 345
injections into 182 Cervical (cardinal) ligaments 81
surface anatomy 194 Cervical lymph nodes 256, 264–6, 268
Cervical plexus 273–4
Cervical spinal nerves 207, 271, 272, 273
C Cervical spine 209–10, 271, 279
Caecum 60, 61, 62, 67, 69 fractures 209
Calcaneonavicular ligament 201 vertebrae 203, 204, 206, 209–10, 271, 272, 345
Calcaneus 198, 201 Cervix 80, 81
Calculi, salivary gland 289–90 Chandler’s disease 167
Calot’s triangle 75, 76 Chemodectomas 276
Cancer Chest drains, insertion 47
breast 142, 143 Chest wall layers 53
connections of the pterygopalatine fossa 299 Cholecystokinin 71–2
ovarian 91 Chordae tendineae 51
piriform fossa 306 Choroid plexus 331, 332
prostatic 90 Circumflex arteries 45, 46, 146, 147, 187, 197
rectal 77 Cisterna chyli 54
salivary glands 257–8 Cisterns, cerebral 332–3
squamous cell carcinoma of forehead 304 Clavicle 147–8, 157
tongue 298 Clawing, ulnar nerve lesions 164, 172
Capitate 169 Cleft lips and palates 300–2
Cardiac sphincter of stomach 84 Clergyman’s knee 185
Cardiac veins 46 Clinoid processes 335, 348
Cardinal (cervical) ligaments 81 Cloquet’s node 183
Carotid arteries 251, 256, 259–60, 261, 262, 264, Coarctation of the aorta 52
286, 341 Coccygeus ligament 82
angiograms 288–9, 346 Coccygeus muscle 195
branches 288–9, 354 Coccyx 66, 87, 195
developmental anatomy 51 Cochlea 304, 305
dissection 342 Cochlear nerve (CN VIII) 298, 304
endarterectomy 281 Coeliac axis 68, 73, 84, 85, 86
nasal cavity 285 Colic arteries 62, 68, 69, 76, 77
palatine tonsils 303 Collateral ligaments
segments of internal 354, 355 hand 167
Carotid body paragangliomas 276 knee 193, 194
Carotid canal 298, 334 Colles’ fascia 59
Carotid sheath 256, 281 Colles’ fracture 171
Carotid triangle 252, 253 Colon 61, 62, 63, 67, 69, 74, 76, 77, 79, 83
Carpal tunnel 169–70, 173 Communicating hydrocephalus 332
Carpometacarpal joint 162, 163, 175 Compartments
Cartilaginous joints 163 abdominal 74
368 Index

arm 145, 146, 153 Cystic artery 75, 76

leg 179, 189, 190–1 Cystic duct 71, 76
neck 280 Cystic hygroma 276
Compartment syndrome 190
Conducting system of the heart 46
Condyloid joints 163, 167 D
Congenital diaphragmatic hernias 78–9 Danger triangle of face 261
Conoid tubercle 147, 148 Danis–Weber classification 202
Consciousness 363, 364 Death, brainstem 363–4
Conus elasticus 267 Decompression, tension pneumothorax 47
Conus medullaris 206 Deep inguinal ring 57, 64
Cooper’s ligaments 142, 143 Deep vein thrombosis 198
Coracobrachialis 150, 153, 161 Defecation 73
Coracoclavicular ligament 148, 157 Deltoid 148, 150, 151, 153, 157, 158, 160–1
Coracoid process 160, 161 Deltoid ligament 202
Corneal reflex 364 Deltoid tubercle 148
Coronal suture 333 Dental nerve see Alveolar nerve, inferior
Coronary ligaments 87 Dentate nuclei 350, 351, 352
Coronary vessels 45–6, 51 de Quervain’s tenosynovitis 176
Coronoid process 159, 171, 333 Dermatomes
Corpora cavernosa 88, 90–1 lower limb 200
Corpus callosum 337–9, 360 trunk 47
Corpus spongiosum 82, 88, 90 upper limb 156
Corpus striatum 356, 357 Developmental anatomy
Corrugator supercilii 304 breast 142
Cortical homunculus 330–1 cleft lips 300–1
Cortical vein 339 cremasteric fascia 64
Corticospinal tracts 345, 358 diaphragm 78–9
Costal cartilages 41, 43 ductus venosus 87
Costal groove 41 fetal circulation 52, 60, 75
Costal tuberosity, clavicle 148 foregut/midgut/hindgut 76
Costocervical trunk 341 heart and great vessels 52
Costochondral joint 41 kidney 79
Costoclavicular ligament 147, 148 liver 75, 76
Cranial accessory nerve 253 palates 300–1, 302
Cranial cavity 261 paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts 89, 90
Cranial fossae 299, 337, 344–5, 349 parathyroid glands 286
Cranial nerves (CN) 261–3, 358, 359, 361 pharyngeal arches 51
see also specific nerves pituitary gland 273
Cranial veins 340 processus vaginalis 89
Cremasteric fascia 64 spleen 86
Cremasteric reflex 92 testes 89
Cremaster muscle 91, 92 thyroid gland 254–5, 286
Cribriform plate 302, 336, 344 trachea 55
Cricoarytenoid muscles 266, 267 ureters 79
Cricoid cartilage 250, 267, 281 urinary bladder 60
Cricothyroid 251, 267 Diaphragm 58, 63, 70, 72, 73, 77–8, 85
Cricothyroidotomy 263 Diaphragmatic hernias 78–9
Cruciate ligaments 181, 193 Diaz disease 167
Cubital fossa 148–9, 172 Digastric 282, 286, 294
Cubital veins 145, 149, 152 Digital arteries 176, 177
Cuboidal bone 201 Digital nerve 165, 176
Cuneiforms 202 Digital subtraction angiograms
Cutaneous nerves coeliac plexus 68–9
ear 256–7 lower limb 191, 197–8
femoral 181, 182, 199 Digital subtraction venogram, upper limb 151–2
forearm 145, 172, 173 Diverticular disease 67
thigh 83, 92, 184, 199 Doppler probes 198
Index 369

Dorsal interossei 164, 165 F

Dorsalis pedis artery 191, 197 Face
Douglas’ (arcuate) line 56, 57, 59, 72 forehead 303–4
Ductus arteriosus 52 gustatory sweating 258
Ductus deferens see Vas deferens innervation 267, 269, 270, 279–80, 281, 296, 297
Ductus venosus 87 surface anatomy 300
Duodenojejunal flexure 57, 70, 73 venous drainage 261
Duodenum 57, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73–4, 76, 79, 84 Facial artery 288, 289
Dural venous sinuses 332, 340 Facial nerve (CN VII) 257, 258, 267, 269, 270, 281,
Dura mater 342, 343, 344 289, 291, 297, 298, 304, 364
Facial veins 261, 285
E Falciform ligament 74, 75, 86–7
Fallopian tubes 80, 81
Ear 256–7, 286, 290–1, 297, 298, 304–5, 335
Falx cerebri 342, 343
Ejaculation 82
Fasciae latae 182, 199, 200
Ejaculatory duct 88
Fasciculus cuneatus 207
Elbow joint 159, 171
Fasciculus gracilis 207
dislocation-associated fractures 151, 173
Fastigial nuclei 351–2
joint classification 163
Felons 169
muscles responsible for movement of 145, 155,
Femoral canal 183
Femoral hernias 64, 183
range of movement 149
Femoral nerve 83, 92, 179, 185
Electrical conduction system of the heart 46
Femoral sheath 183
Emboliform nuclei 351, 352
Femoral triangle 183, 184
Embryological development see Developmental
Femoral vessels 57, 63, 65, 81, 179, 183, 199
femoral artery branches 192, 197
Emissary veins 340
Femur 179, 184, 186–7, 194
Epididymis 82, 88, 89
avascular necrosis 167, 187
Epigastric vessels 59, 72, 197
dislocation 191–3
Epiglottis 266, 293, 305, 306
Fibrous joints 163
Epiploic appendices 61
Fibula 184–5, 189, 201
Epiploic foramen (foramen of Winslow) 73, 74
Fibularis longus and brevis 190
Epistaxis 285, 289
Filum terminale 206
Epstein–Barr virus 85
Fingers 155, 162, 164, 165, 167–9, 172, 173, 174–6
Erb–Duchenne paralysis 178
Fistulas, anal 66
Erector spinae 58, 206, 207, 208, 275
Flail chest 41
Ethmoid bone 302
Flexor carpi radialis 146, 150, 169, 170, 173
cribriform plate 302, 336, 344
Flexor carpi ulnaris 146, 164, 172, 175
Ethmoid sinuses 278, 283, 284, 350
Flexor digiti minimi 164, 165
Eustachian tube 291, 293
Flexor digitorum longus 189, 190, 191, 199, 203
Extensor carpi radialis brevis 146, 155
Flexor digitorum profundus 146, 159, 164, 165, 169,
Extensor carpi radialis longus 146, 150, 155, 176
170, 172, 173, 175, 176
Extensor carpi ulnaris 146, 155, 176
Flexor digitorum superficialis 146, 165, 169, 170,
Extensor digiti minimi 146, 155, 175
173, 175, 176
Extensor digitorum 146, 155, 175–6
Flexor hallucis brevis 202
Extensor digitorum brevis 190, 202
Flexor hallucis longus 189, 190, 191, 199, 201, 202, 203
Extensor digitorum longus 189, 190, 191, 203
Flexor pollicis brevis 162, 164, 165, 173
Extensor hallucis longus 190, 198, 199, 202, 203
Flexor pollicis longus 146, 162, 165, 169, 170, 173, 175
Extensor indicis 146, 155
Flexor retinaculum
Extensor pollicis brevis 146, 154, 162, 176
foot 199
Extensor pollicis longus 146, 154, 162
hand 170, 175
Extensor retinaculum 175, 176, 190
Flexor tenosynovitis, infectious 168, 169
Extrapyramidal tracts 345, 346
Eye 262–3, 270, 276–8, 282–3, 335
gustatory sweating 258
brainstem reflexes 277–8, 283, 364
mastication 292–3
role of brainstem in movements of 357, 358, 359
swallowing 84
Eyelid 282, 283
370 Index

Foot 198, 201, 202 Gastrocnemius 188, 189, 190, 203

avascular necrosis 167 Gastroduodenal artery 68, 84
blood supply 167, 197, 198 Gastroepiploic vessels 68, 73, 74, 84
muscles causing movement of 202, 203 Gastroesophageal reflux 78
section of lower limb nerves 185, 189 Gastrosplenic ligament 74, 85
toe numbness 207 Gemelli 181, 182, 194, 200
Foramen of Bochdalek 78–9 Geniohyoid 294, 297
Foramen caecum 254 Genitofemoral nerve 83, 91, 92
Foramen lacerum 334, 335, 337 Glandular fever 85
Foramen magnum 334–5, 336, 352 Glenohumeral joint 163
Foramen of Morgagni 79 Glenohumeral ligaments 153
Foramen ovale 52, 334, 335, 336, 347 Glenoid capsule 193
Foramen rotundum 336, 347 Glenoid cavity of shoulder 153, 160
Foramen spinosum 334, 335, 337 Gliding joints 163
Foramen transversarium 206 Glisson’s capsule 86
Foramen of Winslow (epiploic foramen) 73, 74 Globose nuclei 351, 352
Foregut 76 Globus pallidus 356, 357
Forehead 303–4 Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX) 294, 298, 364
Foreign objects, aspiration 50 Glottis 263
Fournier’s gangrene 89 Gluteal nerve 182, 199
Fovea capitis femoris 186, 187, 191 Gluteus maximus 181, 182, 186, 194, 199, 200
Fractures Gluteus medius 182, 186, 200
base of skull 335 Gluteus minimus 182, 186, 200
cervical 209 Goodsall’s rule 66
clavicle 147, 148 Gracilis 179, 185, 187, 188, 200
with elbow dislocation 151, 173 Greater omentum 73, 74, 84
femur 186–7 Greater trochanter 83
humerus 155, 157, 173 Gridiron incision 58
hyoid 295 Groin lumps 183
mandible 292 Gustatory sweating 258
orbit 296–7 Guyon’s canal 170
pterion region of skull 334
radius 156, 159, 171
rib 41 H
scaphoid 154, 166 Haematoma
temporal 297 extradural 334
tripod 295–6 subdural 343, 344
Freiberg’s infarction 167 Haemorrhage
Frey’s syndrome 258 epistaxis 285, 289
Froment’s sign 162 middle cerebral artery 360
Frontal bone 295, 334 scalp lacerations 260
Frontalis muscle 304 subarachnoid 332, 347
Frontal lobe 337, 338–9, 348 see also Haematoma
Frontal nerve 303 Haemorrhoids 66
Frontal sinus 278, 283, 284, 285 Hamate 169, 170, 174
Hamstrings 179, 194, 195, 200
Hand 162, 164–5, 167–70, 174–7
G muscles supplied by median nerve 173
Gag reflex 364 muscles supplied by radial nerve 155
Galeazzi’s fracture 159 muscles supplied by ulnar nerve 164, 172
Gallbladder 57, 58, 60, 69, 71, 74, 75, 76 veins 152
Gallstones 71, 72 Hangman’s fracture 209
Ganglion impar 83 Hartmann’s pouch 72
Gangrene, Fournier’s 89 Haustra 61, 62
Gastric vessels 68, 73, 74, 84 Head and neck 250–306
traverse of the diaphragm 77, 78 cervical spinal nerves 207
Index 371

cervical spine 203, 204, 206, 209–10 Hypoparathyroidism 251

flexion-extension injuries 341 Hypothenar muscles 165, 169
muscles for neck movement 157, 279
skull see Skull
Hearing 290–1, 297, 305 I
auditory cortex 337 Ileal arteries 69
Heart 45–7, 48, 49, 51–2 Ileocaecal valve 67
Hemiazygos vein 53, 77, 78 Ileocolic artery 68, 69
Hepatic arteries 68, 72, 73, 75, 76, 86, 87 Ileum 60, 71, 87
Hepatic duct 71, 72, 73, 86 Iliacus 63, 81, 179, 180, 186, 191, 200, 208
Hepatorenal (Morrison’s) pouch 77 Iliac vessels 61, 76, 81, 82, 207
Hernias iliac artery branches 196, 197
diaphragmatic 78–9 Iliofemoral ligament 193
femoral 64, 183 Iliohypogastric nerve 61, 67, 72, 83, 92
inguinal 64–5 Ilioinguinal nerve 61, 67, 72, 83, 92
Hesselbach’s triangle 64–5 Iliolumbar ligament 208
Hiatus semilunaris 278 Iliopectineal line 87
Hill–Sachs lesions 153 Iliotibial tract 182
Hilton’s law 194, 201 Ilium
Hindgut 76 iliac crests 56, 67
Hinge joints 163, 167, 201 iliac spine 195
Hip 180–2 Incus 290, 291
attachments of ligaments of 193 Infections
avascular necrosis 167 ear 291
femoral dislocation 191–3 face 261
femoral fractures 186–7 hand 168, 169
muscles causing movements of 200 Ludwig’s angina 276
nerve roots causing extension/flexion 199 nasal cavity 286
range of movement 180 quinsy 303
referred pain 179 scalp 260, 340
right innominate bone 195 varicella zoster virus 257
section of lower limb nerves 185, 194–5 Inferior vena cava 58, 69, 70, 74, 77, 78, 79, 86, 87,
Hippocampus 339, 360, 361 88, 207
Horizontal (transverse) fissure 42, 43, 49 Infrahyoid muscles 294
Horner’s syndrome 283 see also Omohyoid; Sternohyoid; Thyrohyoid
Housemaid’s knee 185 Infraorbital foramen 336
Humeral arteries 146, 147 Infraorbital nerve 295, 296
Humerus 150–1 Infraspinatus 143, 150, 151, 153, 157–8, 160–1
axillary nerve damage 157 Infraspinous fossa 160
blood supply to 147 Infundibulopelvic ligament 91
cubital fossa 149 Inguinal canal 64, 81, 88
elbow joint 171 Inguinal hernias 64–5
radial nerve damage 155 Inguinal ligament 64, 65
rotator cuff muscles 158 Inguinal lumps 183
shoulder joint 152, 153 Inguinal ring 57, 64, 88
triangular interval 143 Innominate bones 195
Hyaline cartilage 163 see also Ilium; Ischium; Pubis
Hydatid of Morgagni 89 Innominate veins see Brachiocephalic veins
Hydroceles 89 Intercarpal joints 163
Hydrocephalus 332 Intercostal arteries 41, 50, 53, 207
Hyoid bone 209, 255, 256, 276, 281, 294–5, 306 Intercostal muscles 53
Hyperplasia, benign prostatic 89, 90 Intercostal nerves 44, 53, 57
Hypogastric nerve, left 91 Intercostal veins 41, 53
Hypogastric plexus, superior 81, 87, 91 Intergluteal cleft 194
Hypoglossal canal 335, 336 Internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) 358
Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) 266, 267, 274, 275, 298, Interossei, hand 164, 165
335 Interosseous arteries 177
372 Index

Interosseous nerves 154, 155, 156, 159, 173, 175, Leg length measurement 180
176–7 Lentiform nucleus 355, 356, 357
Interphalangeal joints 164, 165, 167, 173 Levator ani 61, 62, 66, 91
Interspinous ligament 208 Levator scapula 160
Interthalamic adhesion (massa intermedia) 361 Leydig cells 89
Intertransverse ligament 208 Ligament of Treitz 70, 73
Intertubercular sulcus 150, 151, 153 Ligamentum flavum 208
Interventricular arteries 45, 46 Ligamentum teres 74, 75, 86, 187, 191
Intervertebral discs 204–5, 206, 207, 211, 271 Ligamentum venosum 86, 87
Intestine see Large bowel; Small bowel Light reflex, pupillary 277–8, 283, 364
Intracranial pressure 352 Limbic system 339, 356
Iris 276 Limbs
Ischaemia lower 83, 179–203
cerebral 281, 330, 360 upper 142–78
heart 47 Linea alba (white line) 57, 59, 67
large bowel 69 Linea aspera 186
signs of acute 191 Linea semilunaris (semilunar line) 56, 57, 72
Ischioanal (ischiorectal) fossa 66, 67, 87 Lingual artery 297
Ischiofemoral ligament 193 Lingual nerve 289
Ischiopubic rami 81 Lips 300–2
Ischium 61, 195, 196 Little’s area (Kiesselbach’s plexus) 285
Islets of Langerhans 58 Liver 56, 58, 65, 71, 72, 73, 74–6, 86–7
Longitudinal fasciculi, medial 357, 358, 359
Longitudinal ligaments 208, 211
J Longus colli 275
Jejunal arteries 69 Lower limb 179–203
Joint classification 163 lumbar sympathectomy 83
Jugular foramen 335, 336 Ludwig’s angina 276
Jugular (suprasternal) notch 41, 43, 49 Lumbar plexus 83, 91–2, 180, 199
Jugular veins 152, 251, 256, 273, 335, 340 Lumbar puncture 206, 347
catheterisation of internal 48, 264 Lumbar spinal nerves 207
Lumbar spine
movement 208
K vertebrae 203, 204, 205, 206, 207–8, 272
Kernahan and Stark, cleft palates 302 Lumbar sympathectomy 83
Kidneys 57, 67, 71, 73, 79 Lumbar sympathetic chains 79, 83
Kienböck’s disease 167 Lumbricals 164, 165, 173
Kiesselbach’s plexus (Little’s area) 285 Lunate 165, 167, 175
Killian’s dehiscence 294 Lungs 42, 43, 49–50, 51, 52, 53, 157
Klumpke’s palsy 178 Lunula 169
Knee 179, 180, 184–5, 193–4 Lymphatics
Kocher’s incision 55, 58 abdominal 54, 75, 78, 79, 84
Kohler’s disease 167 axillary 142, 143–5
breast 142, 143–5
cervical 256, 264–6, 268
L face 304
Labia majora 81, 88, 92 lungs 50
Lachman’s test 181 male genitalia 82
Lacrimal glands 276, 277 ovaries 91
Lamina papyracea 283 palatine tonsils 303
Large bowel 61, 62–3, 66–7, 69, 74, 76–7, 79, 83, 91 paranasal sinuses 285
Laryngeal nerve 251, 267, 268, 281 tongue 298
Laryngopharynx 293
Laryngoscopy 306
Larynx 266–8 M
Latarjet nerve 84 Malleolus 198, 201, 202
Latissimus dorsi 52, 150, 153, 160–1 Mallet finger 175
Leg compartments 179, 189, 190–1 Malleus 290, 291
Index 373

Mammary (milk) ridge 142 Mirizzi’s syndrome 72

Mammillary bodies 337, 339, 349 Mitral valve 48
Mandible 280, 291–2, 295, 298, 300–1, 333 Monteggia’s fracture 159
condyle of 334, 335 Montgomery’s (areolar) glands 142
Mandibular nerve (CN V3) 258, 260, 281, 291, 292 Morgagni, hydatid of 89
Manubrium 41, 43, 147 Morgagni hernia 79
Marginal arteries, coronary 45, 46 Morrison’s (hepatorenal) pouch 77
Marginal artery of Drummond 62, 69, 70 Motor control, basal ganglia 356, 360
Massa intermedia 361 Motor cortex 330–1
Masseter 279, 280, 292, 293 Motor descending pathways 345, 346
Mastectomy 142 Motor homunculus 330–1
Mastication 292–3 Mucoepidermoid cancer 258
Mastoid air cells 280, 291, 298 Müllerian (paramesonephric) ducts 89, 90
Mastoid process 291, 333 Muscular triangle of neck 252, 253
Maxilla 300–1, 333 Musculocutaneous nerve 153, 177, 178
Maxillary artery 288, 289 Mylohyoid 282, 294, 297
Maxillary nerve (CN V2) 260, 262, 263
Maxillary sinus 278, 279, 283, 284, 298
McBurney’s point 55, 57 N
McMurray circumduction test 180–1 Nails 169
McRae’s line 352, 353 Nasal bones 295
Meckel’s (trigeminal) cave 280, 345 Nasal cavity 278–9, 283–6, 299
Medial longitudinal fasciculi 357, 358, 359 epistaxis 285, 289
Medial umbilical ligaments 60 olfaction 302
Median nerve 146, 148, 151, 153, 162, 165, 169, 170, Nasal septum 269, 293
172–3 Nasal tip 300
brachial plexus 177, 178 Nasolabial groove 300
Median umbilical ligament 60 Nasolacrimal duct 276, 277, 278
Mediastinum 43–4 Nasopharynx 293, 294, 303
Medulla oblongata 345, 349, 358, 359, 363 Natal cleft 194
Meningeal arteries 289, 334, 335 Navicular 201, 202
Meninges 342–4 avascular necrosis 167
see also Pia mater Neck see Head and neck
Meningitis 260, 297, 332, 340 Necrosis, avascular 154, 166, 167, 187
Menisci 193, 194 Neurosciences 329–64
Meralgia paraesthetica 184 see also Parasympathetic nervous system;
Mercedes Benz incision 55, 58 Sympathetic nervous system
Mesenteric arteries 57, 58, 62, 68, 69, 70, 76, 77, 79 Nipple 49, 142, 143
Mesenteric veins 58 Nucleus pulposus 204, 205, 207, 208
Mesentery 74
Mesoappendix 60
Mesocolon 57, 67
Mesovarium 91 Oblique fissure 42, 43, 49, 52
Metacarpal ligaments 167 Oblique muscles 59, 64, 72, 92, 208
Metacarpals 165, 168, 169, 174, 175 Obturator artery 179, 191
Metacarpophalangeal joints 164, 165, 167, 173 Obturator externus 179, 186, 200
Metatarsals 167, 198, 201, 202 Obturator foramen 87, 195
Micturition 73, 82 Obturator internus 61, 65, 82, 83, 87, 196, 200
Midaxillary line 49 Obturator nerve 82, 83, 92, 179, 180, 187
Midbrain 342, 357, 358, 359, 361 Occipital artery 288
Midclavicular line 49 Occipital bone 209, 211
Midgut 76 condyle 334, 335
Midinguinal point 57 external protuberance 334, 335
Midline neck swelling 275 Occipital lobe 337, 338–9
Midpalmar space 168 Occipitofrontalis muscle 304
Milk (mammary) ridge 142 Oculomotor nerve (CN III) 262, 263, 277, 282–3, 359,
Milk production 142 364
374 Index

Odontoid peg 210, 345 Parathyroid glands 251, 286

Oesophagus 54, 65, 77, 78, 266, 293 Parietal bones 295, 334
Olecranon 159, 171 Parietal lobe 337, 338–9
Olecranon fossa 171 Paronychia 169
Olfaction 302 Parotid duct 257
olfactory cortex 337, 339 Parotid gland 255, 257–8, 259, 268–9
Olfactory nerves 278, 302, 342, 363 Parturition 73
Omohyoid 273, 274, 276, 279, 294 Patella 179, 184, 194
Ophthalmic artery 263, 354, 355 Patellar ligament 194
Ophthalmic nerve (CN V1) 260, 262, 263, 303 Patent ductus arteriosus 52
Ophthalmic vein 285, 286 Pectinate muscles 51
Ophthalmoplegia 262, 358 Pectineus 179, 186, 187, 200
Opisthion–basion line (McRae’s line) 352, 353 Pectoral muscles 142, 143, 144–5, 148, 150, 153, 161
Opponens digiti minimi 164, 165 Pelvic inlet/outlet 61, 87
Opponens pollicis 162, 164, 173 Pelvic viscera
Optic canal 262, 270, 335, 336 bladder 60, 61, 74, 76, 79, 81–2, 91
Optic chiasm 273, 349, 363 fallopian tubes 80, 81
Optic chiasma 261, 272 imaging anatomy 61–2, 89
Optic nerve (CN II) 262, 270, 272, 277, 282, 344, 364 ovaries 80, 81, 91
Orbicularis oculi 268 prostate 65, 82, 89–90
Orbicularis oris 268 rectum see Rectum
Orbit 262–3, 270, 282, 283, 284, 296–7, 299 uterus 61, 74, 79, 80, 81, 91
Orbital fissures 262, 263, 336, 345, 348 vagina 67, 80, 81
Oropharynx 256, 293, 303, 306 Pelvis 87–8, 195–7
Ossicles of the ear 290, 291, 297 male–female differences 195–6
Osteomeatal complex 284 muscular attachments 196
Otorrhea, CSF 297, 335 see also Coccyx; Ilium; Ischium; Pubis; Sacrum
Ovarian vessels 91 Penis 76, 81, 82, 87, 88, 89, 90–1, 92
Ovaries 80, 81, 91 Pericardial space 51–2
Pericardiocentesis 51–2
Pericardium 51
P Perineal body 61, 62, 66, 67
Pain, referred see Referred pain Perineal nerve 88
Palates 293, 302 Perineum 59
cleft 300–2 anal triangle 65, 66
Palatine tonsils 293, 302–3 Fournier’s gangrene 89
Palatoglossus 303 urogenital triangle 66, 81, 88–9, 90–1, 92
Palatopharyngeal muscle 303 Peristalsis, pharyngeal 293
Palmar arches 167, 168, 176, 177 Peritoneum 63, 73, 74, 81, 86–7, 89
Palmar interossei 164, 165 Peroneal nerves 185, 188, 189, 190, 191, 195, 199,
Palmaris brevis 164 201
Palmaris longus 146, 173, 177 Peroneal vessels 189, 190, 191, 198
Palmar ligaments 167 Peroneus brevis 190, 202, 203
Pampiniform plexus 88, 89 Peroneus longus 189, 190, 202, 203
Pancreas 57, 58, 59, 71, 73, 74, 79, 85–6 Peroneus tertius 190, 201, 203
Pancreatic duct 71, 73 Persistent vegetative state 363
Pancreaticoduodenal arteries 68, 73 Perthes’ disease 167
Papillary muscles 51 Pfannenstiel incision 55, 58
Paracolic gutters 76 Phalen’s test 170
Paramesonephric (Müllerian) ducts 89, 90 Pharyngeal (branchial) arches 51, 286, 287
Paranasal sinuses 261, 269, 278, 279, 283–5, 298 Pharyngeal (branchial) pouches 286, 287
Parasympathetic nervous system Pharynx 256, 293–5, 303, 306
abdominal organs 83, 84, 86 Philtrum 300
heart 47 Phrenic nerves 44, 51, 77, 78
lungs 50 Phrenicocolic ligament 85
pelvic viscera 82, 83 Pia mater 205, 206, 332, 342, 343, 344
spinal cord segments 275 Piriform fossa (recess) 266, 305, 306
Index 375

Piriformis 82, 83, 181, 182, 186 Q

Pisiform 170, 174–5 Quadrangular space 142
Pituitary adenoma 273 Quadratus femoris 179, 181, 182, 186, 200
Pituitary gland 261, 272–3, 337, 347, 348, 363 Quadratus lumborum 63, 67
Pivot joints 163 Quadriceps femoris 92, 179, 185, 186, 193
Plane of Louis 43, 44, 48 Quinsy 303
Plantar fascia, foot 201
Plantaris 189, 190
Platysma 282 R
Pleomorphic adenoma 257 Raccoon eyes 335
Pleurae 42–3, 44, 53 Radial artery 149, 154, 166, 169, 172, 177
Pons 349, 358, 359, 361 Radial bursa 168
Popliteal fossa 185, 187–8 Radial nerve 146, 149, 151, 153, 154, 155–6, 162,
Popliteal lumps 187 175
Popliteal vessels 179, 188–9, 191, 197 brachial plexus 177, 178
Popliteus 189, 190 Radicular arteries 207
Porta hepatis 75 Radioulnar joint 159, 163
Portal–systemic venous system communications 65 Radius 149, 151, 154, 158–9, 165, 171
Portal vein 58, 72, 75, 85, 86, 87 Raised intracranial pressure 352
Posterior triangle of neck 252–3, 254, 275 Ramsay Hunt syndrome 257
Pouch of Douglas 63, 74, 80 Rectal nerve 87
Pregnancy 81, 142 Rectal vessels 62, 65, 66, 76, 77
embryological development see Developmental Recti muscles, extraocular 263, 270, 276, 282
anatomy Rectovesical fascia of Denonvilliers 63
Pre-motor cortex 331 Rectum 61, 62, 63, 67, 74, 76–7, 79, 89, 91
Prevertebral fascia 279 Rectus abdominis 59, 67, 208
Pringle’s manoeuvre 72 Rectus femoris (quadriceps femoris) 92, 179, 185,
Processus vaginalis 89 193, 195, 199, 200
Pronator quadratus 146, 159, 173 Rectus sheath 57, 59, 72
Pronator teres 146, 148, 149, 150, 173 Referred pain
Proprioception 345, 346, 358 appendicitis 61
Prostate 65, 82, 88, 89–90 hip–knee 179
Pseudocyst, pancreatic 59 ischaemic heart disease 47
Psoas major 63, 67, 81, 91, 179, 180, 186, 191, 200, ’Regimental badge’ 157
207, 208 Renal vessels 69, 79, 88
Pterion 334 Respiration 53, 72, 361
Pterygoid muscle 289, 293 Rete testis 88
Pterygoid plate 347 Rhinorrhoea, CSF 297, 335
Pterygoid plexus of veins 285, 286 Rhomboid major 160–1
Pterygopalatine fossa 298–9, 337 Rhomboid minor 160–1
Pubis Ribs 41, 43, 45, 53
pubic rami 61, 66, 87, 195–6 Rolling hernias 78
pubic symphysis 76, 79, 81, 89, 163 Rotator cuff muscles 153, 157–8
pubic tubercle 195 Round ligaments 81, 91
Pubocervical fascia 81 Rugae, stomach 84
Pubofemoral ligament 193
Pudendal (Alcock’s) canal 65, 66, 87
Pudendal nerve 65, 66, 87–8, 182 S
Pudendal vessels 65, 66, 82, 87, 90, 182, 197 Sacral plexus 83, 87, 194
Pulmonary hilum 51 Sacrococcygeal joint 87
Pulmonary valve 48 Sacroiliac joint 61, 74, 81, 87
Pulmonary vessels 43, 50, 51, 52 Sacrospinous ligament 82, 195
Pupil 276, 282–3 Sacrotuberous ligament 66, 195
light reflex 277–8, 283, 364 Sacrum 66, 81, 83, 87, 195
Purkinje plexus 46 Saddle joints 163
Putamen 356, 357 Safe triangle, chest drain insertion 47
Pylorus 57, 68, 83, 84 Sagittal sinus, superior 339, 340
Pyramidal tracts 345, 346 Salivary glands 255, 257–8, 259, 268–9, 279, 289–90
376 Index

Saphenous nerve 189, 197, 198, 199 Spine 57, 160, 203–11, 271–2
Saphenous veins 63, 179, 188, 189, 191, 198, 199 see also Spinal cord
Sartorius 179, 188, 200 Spinothalamic tracts 207, 345, 346, 359, 360
Scalene 275, 279, 281–2 Splanchnic nerves 78, 82, 83, 86
Scalp 258–60, 340 Spleen 57, 67, 68, 73, 79, 85–6
Scaphoid 154, 165–6, 167, 170, 174, 175 Splenectomy, ligaments to cut during 85
Scapula 143, 147, 152, 158, 160–2, 178 Splenic vessels 58, 68, 73, 74, 85–6
Scapular arteries 147, 341 Splenocolic ligament 85
Scarpa’s fascia 59 Splenophrenic ligament 85
Sciatica 207 Splenorenal ligament 74, 85
Sciatic foramina 182, 196 Squamous suture 333
Sciatic nerve 65, 179, 181, 182, 185, 191, 192, 194 Stapes 290, 291
Scrotum 81, 82, 88, 89, 91, 92 Stellate ganglion 275
Sella turcica 347, 348, 349 Sternal angle 48, 49
Semilunar canals 304, 305 Sternoclavicular joint 147, 148
Semilunar line see Linea semilunaris Sternoclavicular ligaments 148
Semimembranosus 179, 187, 195 Sternocleidomastoid 148, 157, 254, 256, 269, 273,
Seminal colliculus (verumontanum) 82, 90 279, 280, 281
Seminiferous tubules 88, 89 Sternocostal joint 163
Semitendinosus 179, 187, 188, 195 Sternohyoid 273, 274, 276, 294
Sensory pathways 345, 346, 358, 359, 360 Sternothyroid 274, 276
Septum pellucidum 355 Sternum 41, 44, 77
Serratus anterior 53, 160–1 clavicle and 147, 148
Sertoli cells 89 Stomach 54, 57, 58, 68, 73, 74, 78, 83–4
Sesamoid bones 174 Stones, salivary gland 289–90
Shoulder joint 152–3, 157–8 Styloid process 159
muscles causing movements of 158, 161 Stylomastoid foramen 334
muscles stabilising 153 Stylopharyngeus muscle 294
range of movement 149 Subarachnoid haemorrhage 332, 347
surface anatomy 157 Subarachnoid space 205
Sialograms 257, 289 Subclavian groove 148
Sialolithiasis 289–90 Subclavian steal 45
Sight, visual cortex 337 Subclavian vessels 151, 152, 157, 264
Sigmoid arteries 62, 76 branches of subclavian artery 341
Sinoatrial node 46 developmental anatomy 51
Skin tension lines, trunk 48 venous catheterisation 48, 264
Skull 262, 263, 269, 291–2, 295–7, 333–7, 342–5, 347–8 Subclavius 148, 178
Sliding hernias 78 Subcostal plane 56, 57, 73
Small bowel 60, 62, 67, 68, 69, 71–2, 73–4, 84 Subdural haematoma 343, 344
Smell sensation 302, 337, 339 Subglottis 263
Smith’s fracture 171 Sublingual gland 258, 259
Soleus 189, 190, 203 Submandibular gland 258, 259, 279, 289–90
Somatosensory cortex 331, 358, 360 Submandibular triangle of neck 252, 253
Spermatic cord 63, 64, 65, 82, 88 Submental triangle of neck 252, 253
Spermatogenesis 89 Subscapularis 150, 151, 153, 157–8, 160–1
Sphenoethmoidal recess 278 Subscapular nerve 177, 178
Sphenoid bone 295, 334, 347, 348 Superficial epigastric vessels 59
clinoid processes 335, 348 Superior vena cava 51, 151, 152, 264
Sphenoid sinuses 261, 269, 278, 283, 350 Supinator 146, 155, 159
Sphenopalatine vessels 285, 289 Supraclavicular nerves 273
Sphincter of Oddi 71 Supracolic compartment 74
Spinal accessory nerve (CN XI) 253, 254, 256, 269 Supracristal plane 56, 57, 72
Spinal arteries 207 Suprahyoid muscles 294
Spinal cord 57, 77, 206–7, 211, 272, 275, 280, 337 see also Digastric; Geniohyoid; Mylohyoid
ascending/descending pathways 345–6, 358, Supraorbital artery 303
359, 360 Supraorbital foramen 336
transection 346, 360 Supraorbital nerve 303
Index 377

Suprascapular nerves 158, 178 Temporal bone 291, 295, 297, 305, 334
Supraspinatus 143, 150, 151, 153, 157–8, 160–1 Temporal burr holes 334
Supraspinous ligament 208 Temporalis 268, 279, 280, 293
Suprasternal (jugular) notch 41, 43, 49 Temporal lobe 270, 337, 338–9, 344
Supratrochlear artery 303 Temporomandibular joint 292, 335
Supratrochlear nerve 303 Teniae coli 61
Sural nerve 188, 189, 191, 198, 199, 201 Tension pneumothorax 47–8
Surface anatomy Tensor fasciae latae 199, 200
abdomen 55–8, 72 Tentorium cerebelli 342, 343, 348
back 206 Teres major 143, 160–1, 206
face 300 Teres minor 150, 151, 153, 157–8, 160–1
lower limb 194, 199–200 Testes 82, 88–9, 92
middle meningeal artery 334 Testicular vessels 69, 82, 88, 89
neck 281–2 Thalamus 356, 358, 359
shoulder region 157 Thecal sac 206, 345
temporal burr holes 334 Thenar eminence 164
thorax 47–9 Thenar muscles 169
Suspensory ligaments Thenar space 168
breast (Cooper’s ligaments) 142, 143 Thigh 179–80
ovary (infundibulopelvic ligament) 91 compartments 179
Sustentaculum tali 198, 201, 202 lateral cutaneous nerve 83, 92
Swallowing section of lower limb nerves 185
cardiac sphincter and 84 surface anatomy 194, 199–200
thyroid gland movement on 250 Thoracic aorta 45, 50, 52
Sweating, gustatory 258 Thoracic duct 54, 77
Sylvian fissure 360 Thoracic nerves 72, 178
Sympathetic nervous system Thoracic outlet syndrome 45
adrenal gland 86 Thoracic vertebrae 203, 204, 272, 345
bladder 82 Thoracic vessels 143, 144, 250, 341
coeliac plexus 84 Thoracoacromial arteries 143
ejaculation 82 Thoracodorsal artery 147
heart 47 Thoracodorsal nerve 177, 178
liver 86 Thoracotomy incisions 48
lower limb 83 Thorax 41–53, 77–8
lumbar sympathetic chain 83 Thrombosis
lungs 50 deep vein 198
spinal cord segments 275 venous sinus system of brain 260, 340
sympathetic trunk 47, 63, 92 Thumb 155, 162, 164, 165, 168, 173, 175
thoracic 44–5, 47, 50 Thymus gland 286
Symphyses 163 Thyroarytenoid muscles 267
Synchondroses 163 Thyrocervical trunk 251, 341
Syndesmosis joint 159, 202 Thyroglossal cysts 254, 255
Synovial joints 163, 167, 201 Thyrohyoid 275, 276, 294
Systemic–portal venous system communications Thyroid cartilage 281
65 Thyroidea ima artery 250, 251, 264
Thyroidectomy 250, 251, 286
Thyroid gland 250–1, 254–5, 263, 264, 286
T Thyroid vessels 250, 251, 286
Talocalcaneal joint 202 Tibia 184–5, 189–90, 201
Talocrural joint 202 Tibialis 189, 190, 191, 199, 203
Talofibular joint 163 Tibial nerve 185, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 195, 199,
Talonavicular joint 202 201
Talus 167, 201, 202 Tibial vessels 189, 190, 191, 197
Taste 298 Tibiofibular joints 184–5, 202
Teardrop fractures, cervical spine 209 Tinel’s test 170
Teardrop sign 296, 297 Toe movement 202
Temporal artery 268, 288 Toe numbness 207
378 Index

Tongue 266, 267, 293, 297–8 Urinary bladder 60, 61, 74, 76, 79, 81–2, 91
submandibular gland removal 289 Urogenital diaphragm 67
thyroglossal cysts 255 Urogenital triangle 66, 81, 88–9, 90–1, 92
Tonsillitis 303 Uterine artery 80
Tonsils Uterosacral ligaments 81
cerebellar 349, 352 Uterus 61, 74, 79, 80, 81, 91
palatine 293, 302–3 Utricle, prostatic 82, 88, 90
Torcular Herophili 340 Uvula 302
Touch sensation 345, 346
Trachea 48, 52, 55, 209, 264, 266, 293, 306
Tracheostomy 263–4 V
Transpyloric plane 56, 57 Vagina 67, 80, 81
Transverse acetabular ligament 193 Vagotomy 84
Transverse carpal ligament see Flexor retinaculum Vagus nerve (CN X) 47, 83, 84, 253, 256, 294, 298,
Transverse (horizontal) fissure 42, 43, 49 364
Transversus abdominis 59, 63, 67, 92, 208 traverse of the diaphragm 77, 78
Trapezium 154, 169, 170 Vallecula 305, 306
Trapezius 52, 147, 148, 160–1, 206, 254, 268, 275, Varicella zoster virus 257
279, 335 Varicoceles 89
Trapezius ridge 148 Varicose veins 198
Trapezoid 169, 174 Vas (ductus) deferens 57, 65, 76, 88
Trapezoid ligament 148 Vastus intermedius (quadriceps femoris) 92, 179,
Treitz ligament 70, 73 185, 186, 193
Trendelenburg’s test 181 Vastus lateralis (quadriceps femoris) 92, 179, 185,
Triangular interval 143 186, 187, 193
Triangular ligaments 75, 87 Vastus medialis (quadriceps femoris) 92, 179, 185,
Triangular space 142–3 186, 193, 199
Triceps 143, 150, 153, 155, 160–1 Veau classification, cleft palates 301–2
Tricuspid valve 48 Venography, upper limb 151–2
Trigeminal (Meckel’s) cave 280, 345 Venous sinus system of brain 331, 332, 339–40, 343,
Trigeminal nerve (CN V) 260, 262, 263, 278, 280, 290, 350
291, 294, 345, 364 thrombosis 260, 340
Trigger finger 175 Ventricular arteries 46
Tripod fractures 295–6 Ventricular system of brain 331–2, 337, 355–6
Triquetral bone 175 Vertebral arteries 45, 206, 207, 256, 334, 341–2,
Trochlea of humerus 150 361–3
Trochlea notch of ulna 171 Vertebral column 57, 203–11
Trochlear nerve (CN IV) 262, 263 vertebrae 77, 82, 90, 203–5, 207–8, 209–11, 271,
Troisier’s sign 54 272, 345
Truncus arteriosus 52 Vertebral veins 90, 206
Tunica albuginea 88, 91 Vertebra prominens 271
Tunica vaginalis 88, 89 Vertical gluteal crease 194
Tympanic membrane 257, 290, 297, 305, 335 Verumontanum 82, 90
Vesical arteries 81, 90
Vesicouterine pouch 74
U Vestibular nerves (CN VIII) 298, 304, 305
Ulna 149, 159, 165, 171 Vestibulo-ocular reflexes 364
Ulnar artery 149, 153, 170, 171, 172, 176, 177 Vibration sensation 345, 346, 358
Ulnar bursa 168 Virchow’s node 54
Ulnar nerve 150, 153, 162–4, 165, 169, 170, 172 Visual cortex 337
brachial plexus 177, 178 Vitreous humor 270
Umbilical vein 87 Vocal cords 267, 268
Umbilicus 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 86–7 Voice 251, 266, 267, 281
Upper limb 142–78 Volar plate 167
Urachus 60 Volkmann’s contracture 176
Ureters 61, 70, 79, 81, 91 Volvulus 67
Urethra 65, 66, 67, 81, 82, 88, 90 Vomiting 73
Index 379

Waiter’s tip palsy 178 Xiphisternal joint 43
Waldeyer’s ring 303 Xiphisternum 41
Warthin’s tumour (adenolymphoma) 257
Watershed areas, large bowel 69
Wharton’s duct 289 Z
White line see Linea alba Zenker’s diverticulum 294
Woodruff’s plexus 285 Zygoma bone 291, 295
Wrist 154, 155, 156, 165–7, 169–70, 172, 173, 176 Zygomaticomaxillary fractures 295–6

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