Astasia-Abasia and Ganser Syndrome in A Preadolescent Girl: A Case Report

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Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2015 Jul-Aug;143(7-8):446-450 DOI: 10.


Astasia–Abasia and Ganser Syndrome in

a Preadolescent Girl: A Case Report
Miodrag Stanković1,2, Jelena Kostić1, Grozdanko Grbeša1,2, Tatjana Tošić3, Sandra Stanković3
Clinic for Mental Health Protection, Clinical Center, Niš, Serbia;
University of Niš, Faculty of Medicine, Niš, Serbia;
Pediatric Internal Medicine Clinic, Clinical Center, Niš, Serbia

Introduction Astasia is the inability to maintain an upright body position without assistance in the ab-
sence of motor weakness or sensory loss. Abasia is described as the inability to walk or as uncoordinated
walking, while preserving mobility of the lower limbs. Ganser syndrome is described as a dissociative
disorder characterized by approximate answers, somatic conversion symptoms, clouding of conscious-
ness, as well as visual and auditory pseudohallucinations. The aim of this study is to present a case
that seemed like a combination of neurological and internal disturbances, but actually represented a
psychogenic disorder.
Case Outline This paper presents the case of a 13-year-old patient with the first manifestation of the
inability to walk and stand. Medical history, diagnostic instruments and differential diagnostic methods
have been presented in detail. The clinical manifestation was initially interpreted as a neurological disor-
der. However, after the application of diagnostic procedures and a change in family circumstances, the
patient was diagnosed with a psychogenic movement disorder, astasia– abasia, with progressive clinical
presentation that included dissociative psychotic reactions (Ganser syndrome). Differential diagnosis as
well as the elements of the therapeutic approach have been discussed.
Conclusion Presenting a case of psychogenic astasia–abasia in children contributes to a better under-
standing and differentiating between conditions with a clinical presentation of signs and symptoms
dealt with by other branches of medicine.
Keywords: astasia–abasia; Ganser syndrome; preadolescent

INTRODUCTION for movement disorders is 12.3, with a female

predominance (ratio of 4:1). Astasia–abasia
Astasia is the inability to maintain an upright is observed in only 11%. The most common
body position without assistance in the ab- movement disorders are hyperkinetic disor-
sence of motor weakness or sensory loss [1]. ders. The average duration of the disorder var-
The syndrome is also called Blocq’s disease, ies from two weeks to five years, and the prog-
named after JM Charcot’s student Paul Oscar nosis is generally good. Treatment methods
Blocq (1860–1896), who first described asta- described in literature range from individual
sia as an inability to maintain an upright posi- psychotherapeutic methods (primarily cogni-
tion despite normal function of the legs when tive behavioral therapy), pharmacotherapy and
seated [2, 3]. Abasia is described as the inabil- rehabilitation to multidisciplinary therapeutic
ity to walk, or uncoordinated walking, while approaches, but there is no reliable evidence of
preserving mobility of the lower limbs. When effectiveness [8].
seen together, the condition is referred to as Comorbidity between astasia–abasia and
astasia–abasia [4]. Ganser syndrome is poorly described in cur-
Patients described in the studies of “psycho- rent literature [9]. There are four essential signs
genic” astasia–abasia, exhibited an unusually of Ganser syndrome, which are: 1) approximate
dramatic gait disturbance, lurching in various answers, 2) somatic conversion symptoms, 3)
directions, stumbling against surrounding ob- clouding of consciousness, and 4) visual and
jects (which are usually soft) and falling only auditory pseudohallucinations [10]. There
when a physician and/or family member is has been disagreement about exact etiology of
nearby [5]. Ganser syndrome (hysterical [11], psychotic
Since the inability to stand or walk can also after acute cerebral trauma or during acute
be seen in some neurological and metabolic psychotic illness [12], depression [13] or stress
disorders [6] and neurological symptoms in induced disorder which lies between malinger-
children are clinically not as distinct as in ing and hysteria [14, 15]). Sigbert Ganser, who
adults, there is a constant need for a differential described the syndrome, thought that symp-
Correspondence to: diagnosis for “psychogenic” astasia–abasia [7]. toms occur in individuals who are faced with
Miodrag STANKOVIĆ Psychogenic movement disorders in preado- stressful and intolerable situations and who are
Zelengorska 19/11, 18000 Niš
Serbia lescence and early adolescence are rarely de- poorly prepared to cope with stress [9, 14].
[email protected] scribed in literature. The average age of onset
Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2015 Jul-Aug;143(7-8):446-450 447

CASE REPORT Initial somatic, neurological and psychiatry status

The 13-year-old patient „S“, a girl from southern Serbia, “S” was brought to the department accompanied by a
was admitted to the Department of Child Psychiatry four parent. She was conscious and oriented in all modalities.
days after the New Year’s Eve. It was her first psychiatric Skin and visible mucous membranes were pale, decreased
hospitalization. On admission, the dominant symptoms turgor pressure. The gait was broad-based, ataxic with “la
were daily nausea, vomiting after eating, physical weak- belle indifférence” facial expression. Romberg was positive.
ness and inability to walk without assistance, dizziness, During the interview, she vomited twice, but there were
tearfulness. no difficulties in establishing verbal and eye contact. The
speech was slow of uneven pace, described as speech man-
nerism although verbal contact could be easily established,
Current medical history as well as eye contact. Hypovigilance and hypertenacity
of attention directed to physical symptoms. Thought pro-
The first symptoms, predominantly nausea, appeared a cesses was slow without abnormality in thought content,
year earlier, a few months after the death of the patient’s but with emphasized alexithymia. Intellectual functioning
paternal grandfather (in March 2011) and soon after the was estimated as average, but uneven. Mnestic features
death of her maternal grandfather (in November 2011). were preserved. On admission and within the period of
The patient’s relatives insisted that the patient participate seven days prior to admission, the patient exhibited signs
in the burial and mourning rituals, against her will, de- of subdepressive mood, apathy, social withdrawal, ap-
spite the fact that she expressed rejection and fear of such petite reduction (primarily due to the fear of nausea and
activities. In March 2012, her great-aunt died as well, and vomiting) and increased suggestibility. There were signs
since then the girl had reported to have occasional dreams of dissociation from voluntary control of limb movement.
of the great-aunt and mentioned that she has a fear of her Mild separation anxiety was noted upon admittance to the
appearance in dreams. She wanted the lights to be turned Department. The girl gave the impression of a severely ill
on during the night and her mother to put her to sleep. patient, dependent on the help of others.
One month before the admission to the Department, nau-
sea suddenly became worse, with multiple daily vomiting
after and between meals, followed by a 5 kg weight loss. Hospitalization
In mid-December, she was hospitalized at the Pediatric
Internal Medicine Clinic for seven days. Gastroenterol- Rehydration therapy and vitamin supplements were in-
ogy examination gave no explanation for the nausea and cluded on the first day at the Department. On the second
daily vomiting, which had been complicated by exhaustion day, there were already fewer episodes of nausea and vom-
and seeking assistance when walking. She was discharged iting. On the third day, after having administered sulpiride
and referred to the Department of Child Psychiatry. Upon (50 mg, twice daily), there were no dyspeptic symptoms.
discharge, the patient was not taken to a child’s psychia- Uncoordinated gait was maintained, while nystagmus,
trist. She was treated by a private practitioner and treated dysarthria and hyperesthesia were variably present, espe-
discontinuously (with escitalopram, sulpiride). cially during her parents’ visits, when the patient demon-
strated heightened passivity, dependence, reduced ability
to execute movements, as well as difficulties in self-feeding
Past medical history and independent standing and walking.
The patient was unable to perform coordinated move-
The patient and her parents denied the possibility of psy- ments of the lower limbs when walking forward. The gait
choactive substance abuse (intentional or accidental), as was ataxic and she supported herself on the surrounding
well as the girl’s involvement in a delinquent peer group. objects and walls without falling, but occasionally hit her
They also denied the possibility of deliberately induced knees against nearby objects, which caused hematomas
vomiting or keeping rigorous diets and fear of gaining in the knees. Her gait backward was not ataxic. She could
weight. She had been an excellent student. She did not get up from a chair on her own and without arm support,
have a lot of peer friendships, because she had been hurt climb up and down the stairs and run. The “chair test” was
by her friends’ comments. also used [16]. While sitting in a rotary chair, the patient
was able to move the chair in all directions, as well as lift
her legs to a horizontal position.
Family history Additional differential diagnostic procedures were
aimed at excluding a physical cause and organic disease.
There were no records of the existence of a psychiatric or The results of the blood and urine analyses indicated
neurological heredity. Both the father and the mother were clinically insignificant dehydration and starvation. Toxi-
unemployed. Family functioning was burdened by indirect cological analysis and screening for drugs were negative.
communication, conflict avoidance, enmeshed family rela- Repeated test results were within normal values, just like
tionships, rigid family adaptability and passive-dependent the results of gastroenterology examinations. Ophthalmo-
behavior patterns. logic and neurology findings were normal. Preserved gross
448 Stanković M. et al. Astasia–Abasia and Ganser Syndrome in a Preadolescent Girl: A Case Report

muscle strength of the lower limbs was normal (grade days after her admission. The patient was discharged with
4+). An ultrasound of the abdomen, magnetic resonance the following diagnoses: psychosomatic disorder (psycho-
of the endocranium, and EEG and EMG recordings for logical factors affecting other medical conditions) – F54;
measuring tremor in the limbs showed no abnormalities. conversion disorder – F44 (F44.4, F44.8); family dysfunc-
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) showed tion Z63.8.
the following: verbal IQ 99, manipulative IQ 57, total IQ
77. There was no significant cognitive dysfunction, but
there was a drop in intellectual efficiency due to attention Follow-up
deficit, which caused poor organization of thought and
general psychomotor slowness. It was concluded that there Follow-up examination showed evidence of recovery, as
was a dissociative reaction with secondary instrumental- well as compliance with the pharmacotherapy. Renewed
ization which compromised the patient’s recovery. social peer contacts and gradual adaptation to school envi-
During the hospitalization, we observed the girl’s ronment were reported. The patient had a partial amnesia
behavior while she was separated from her parents and of the time spent in the hospital while being separated
upon reunion with her mother. While they were separated, from her mother. Over the next three months there was
she stopped complaining of nausea and vomiting. There a complete recovery and the pharmacotherapy was dis-
were only verbal expressions of emotional and physical continued.
experiences (“I am sick from missing my mom”). Separa-
tion anxiety was significantly intensified by the mother’s
instrumental behavior (suggesting over the phone that DISCUSSION
they should be together). Five days after admittance, she
phoned her mother, started whining, crying, and express- There is currently no “gold standard” for diagnosing asta-
ing dysphoria. The gait was still characteristic, unusual sia–abasia [17] and as far as our knowledge goes, Ganser
and bizarre. She walked to the bathroom without her slip- syndrome in children and adolescents is rare. In total of
pers on, lay in bed with the slippers on, didn’t know where 94 reported cases in literature, only 14 individuals were
her bed was and didn’t know how to cover herself with a aged 16 or younger [18].
blanket. She was in the supine position most of the time, Our differential diagnostic procedure was carried out in
neglecting personal hygiene and appearance. Gestures two directions: exclusion of organic disorders and meeting
become poor as well as her general motor movement. the criteria for a psychological disorder.
Facial expressions were exaggerated with evident affec- While trying to find the causes of astasia–abasia, we
tive blunting and there was an “empty” look in her eyes. first excluded the “organic” disorders. Astasia–abasia as
She was unsure about orientation to time, her attention a result of exhaustion from vomiting and electrolyte im-
easily distracted. Verbal contact was difficult to establish balance, as well as other gastrointestinal disorders, was
and communication was poor. Speech was dysarthric and excluded after abdominal examination. Neurological
the answers were only approximate or contrary to the ex- examination and laboratory analyses helped us exclude
pected. Intellectual functioning was extremely uneven, inflammatory brain disease (cerebellitis). Imaging tech-
with difficulty in abstract thinking. The patient did not niques (magnetic resonance of endocranium), ophthalmic
understand proverbs or interpreted them in a bizarre way, examinations and determining the levels of copper and
did not understand common metaphors or comparisons ceruloplasmin were used to exclude multiple sclerosis,
and was either focused on the functional aspects or not brain tumors, brain stroke, Wilson’s disease, and chorea
focused at all. Fluency and spontaneity of speech were re- minor. Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease was excluded because
duced to a few words, no conversational quality (“yes–no” there were no specific electroencephalography findings.
answers, “I know – I do not know”, or the opposite to the The possibility of a neuroleptic syndrome was excluded
expected). Her thought process was poor, seemed devas- based on the patient’s medical history and neurological
tated. No interest in what was happening at the ward. No examination. “Hydrocephalus astasia–abasia” in normo-
manifested delusions, hallucinatory behavior, conceptual tensive hydrocephalus was excluded due to the results of
disintegration, grandiosity, suspiciousness and hostility. the neurological examination and the absence of the char-
PANSS score was 82. Risperidone was included (1 mg once acteristic clinical features (patient had normal movements
daily) and sulpiride discontinued. The mother was invited when lying in bed). Early-onset chronic organic psycho-
so that reunion behavior could be observed. On the same syndrome with global mental dysfunctioning was excluded
day, the patient’s behavior and speech became significantly because there was reverse dissociation between explicit
more coherent, but the need for assistance while perform- and implicit memory compared to the neuropsychologi-
ing other activities persisted. The mother helped her walk, cal characteristics of amentia syndrome. Parkinsonism
eat, change clothes, which the patient eagerly accepted. was excluded as a result of neurological examination and
Over the following seven days, the intensive individual tremor evaluation.
cognitive behavioral therapy was continued, and so was Second directions were meeting the criteria for a psy-
family counseling and psychotherapy. As a result, the re- chological disorder of astasia–abasia. Blocq pointed out
gressive course was stopped. Having gradually recovered that in functional disorders, if there is paralysis of the
physical and mental functions, the patient was released 21 walk, it does not correspond to the patient’s gross muscle

doi: 10.2298/SARH1508446S
Srp Arh Celok Lek. 2015 Jul-Aug;143(7-8):446-450 449

strength in the lower extremities seen upon neurological matic stress disorder. Underlying organic illnesses were
examination, sitting and lying. Other actions that do not excluded previously.
involve the usual walking are performed with high accu- On admission, the patient satisfied the criteria for the
racy (walking up the stairs, walking “on all fours”, even existence of a “psychosomatic disorder” (psychological
jumping). The patient appears to have “lost memory” of factors affecting other medical conditions), due to the
the movements necessary to maintain upright position psychological component in the disturbance of normal
(astasia) and walk (abasia) which is why astasia–abasia functioning, with an impairment of at least one organ
is called “ataxia with a defect in automatic coordination” system (gastrointestinal) and vegetative nervous system
[19]. The difference between that and complete ataxia dysfunction. Very few physical complaints (denegation or
is in conversion of voluntary coordination. The patient minimization), alexithymia, as well as the typical “psy-
also satisfied the criteria for conversion disorder because chosomatic” family pattern (enmeshed family relation-
the onset was associated with insoluble and intolerable ships, rigid family adaptability) [20], further supported
life events and relationships and the parents’ reactions in the symptomatic behavior. Family dysfunction was the key
critical situations. The astasia–abasia varied depending on factor for triggering and maintaining the psychopathologi-
the context or suggestions. There was a significant degree cal state, but family was also a mediator in the process of
of voluntary control over the symptoms including calm recovery.
acceptance (“la belle indifférence”) with the absence of We conclude and confirm that the patient in our case
fear of illness and physical disorders. The symptoms could report of astasia–abasia satisfied the criteria for conversion
be explained as a “neurological” instrument for passive disorder. The existence of a somatic disorder was excluded
avoidance of aversive consequences. Patient showed ten- and the symptoms were resolved upon pharmacotherapy
dency towards denial of obvious problems such as family and psychotherapy, which confirmed the diagnosis of the
dysfunction, but symptoms concomitantly regulated it. psychogenic disorder. Appearance of Ganser syndrome
During the hospitalization she exhibited all four essen- also supported that opinion. The nature of the Ganser
tial clinical features of the Ganser syndrome, with acute syndrome remains unclear, but this case study highlights
onset and sudden change in behavior after separation from astasia–abasia and Ganser syndrome as symptoms of re-
the mother (within less than two weeks). The course was duced individual capability to cope with stress and also as
short-lived with tendency of recurrence. The patient did family system regulator. Presenting a case of psychogenic
not exhibit psychotic symptoms along Ganser syndrome. astasia–abasia in a child contributes to a better under-
Schizophrenia and affective disorders were excluded based standing and differentiating between conditions with a
on the absence of typical productive psychopathological clinical presentation of signs and symptoms dealt with by
phenomenology and exclusion criteria as well as posttrau- other branches of medicine.

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450 Stanković M. et al. Astasia–Abasia and Ganser Syndrome in a Preadolescent Girl: A Case Report

Астазија–абазија и Гансеров синдром код девојчице у

преадолесценцији – приказ болесника
Миодраг Станковић1,2, Јелена Костић1, Грозданко Грбеша1,2, Татјана Тошић3, Сандра Станковић3
Клиника за заштиту менталног здравља, Клинички центар, Ниш, Србија;
Универзитет у Нишу, Медицински факултет, Ниш, Србија;
Клиника за дечје интерне болести, Клинички центар, Ниш, Србија

КРАТАК САДРЖАЈ струменти дијагностичке и диференцијалнодијагностичке

Увод Астазија (гр. astasia) је неспособност самосталног одр- процене. Клиничка слика је у почетку схваћена као неуро-
жавања усправног положаја тела иако не постоји слабост лошки поремећај, а након примене дијагностичких посту-
мишића нити губитак сензибилитета. Абазија (гр. abasia) се пака и промене породичних околности, дијагностикован
описује као немогућност ходања или некоординисано хо- је психогени поремећај покрета типа астазија–абазија са
дање уз сачувану покретљивост доњих удова. Гансеров син- прогресијом клиничке слике до дисоцијативне психотичне
дром је дисоцијативни поремећај који се одликује прибли- реакције (Гансеров синдром). Дискутовано је диференцијал-
жним одговорима, соматским конверзивним симптомима, нодијагностичко сагледавање, као и елементи терапијског
помућењем свести и визуелним и слушним псеудохалуци- приступа и исхода.
нацијама. Циљ рада је био да се прикаже случај који указу- Закључак Приказ психогене астазије–абазије код деце
је на комбинацију неуролошко-интернистичких сметњи, а представља допринос бољем разумевању и разграничењу
представља психогено измењено телесно стање. стања која у својој клиничкој слици имају симптоме и фено-
Приказ болесника Приказана је тринаестогодишња де- мене којима се баве друге медицинске гране.
војчица код које је први пут уочен поремећај самосталног Кључне речи: астазија–абазија; Гансеров синдром; преа-
ходања. Дати су детаљан приказ историје болести и ин- долесцент

Примљен • Received: 23/07/2014 Прихваћен • Accepted: 15/12/2014

doi: 10.2298/SARH1508446S

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