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c)the great majority of students may face violence at

Assinale a alternativa que preencha corretamente a

Teacher: Marcos Barreto lacuna schools.
a)Despite b)So c)As a result
d)However e)Afterwards d)children and teachers live under fear at Sandy Hook.
Used to
Read the following text to answer questions 3 to 5.
Deve-se usar used to + base form of a verb para
Text 2 5.C2:H6 (IFG) In the sentence “…in which children and
expressar algo que ocorreu ou que ocorria no passado.
Observe: School violence and the News school staff...” (line 2), the expression “in which” can
I used to get irritated when anybody talked to me in a News of the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary
School in Connecticut, in which children and school staff be correctly replaced by
way I could not understand.
were killed, might make you think that school violence is a)who b)When c)Where d)that e)which
Be used to on the rise. But as terrible and frightening as incidents like
Be used to significa “estar acostumado a algo” ou these are, they are rare. Although it may not seem that way,
“estar acostumado a fazer alguma coisa”. Essa estrutura the rate of crime involving physical harm has been 6.C2:H6 (Enem)
pode exigir um complemento verbal ou nominal. Observe declining at U.S. schools since the early 1990s.
estes exemplos retirados do Text I: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Viva la Vida
Prevention (CDC), fewer than 1% of all homicides among
I’m used to not being taken seriously, but only the school-age children happen on school grounds or on the I used to rule the world
“lighthearted” Anne is used to it and can put up with it. […] way to and from school. The vast majority of students will
never experience violence at school or in college.
Still, it’s natural for kids and teens to worry about Seas would rise when I gave the word
whether something like what happened in Connecticut Now in the morning and I sleep alone
Linking words
may someday happen to them. How can you help them Sweep the streets I used to own
As linking words and linkinkg phrases são empregadas deal with these fears? Talking with kids about these I used to roll the dice
para estabelecer conexões entre as orações e os tragedies, and what they watch or hear about them, can Feel the fear in my enemy’s eyes
parágrafos e entre partes maiores de um texto, como put frightening information into context. Listen as the crowd would sing
seções. Essa ligação que se dá por meio dessas estruturas “Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!”
linguísticas pode estabelecer diferentes sentidos, como 3.C2:H6 (IFG) To structure the text, discourse markers are One minute I held the key
used in order to give the text the right flow. Mark Next the walls were closed on me
apresentar a conclusão de uma ideia, apresentar um
the incorrect relation between the marker and the And I discovered that my castles stand
contraste entre o que foi explicitado anteriormente e um
circumstance which connects one sentence to the other. Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand
posicionamento diferente, indicar relações de causa e
efeito ou de tempo, enfatizar algum ponto ou estabelecer Letras de músicas abordam temas que, de certa forma,
condição, acrescentar informação, indicar sequência de a)But (line 3) opposition. b)Although (line 4) opposition. podem ser reforçados pela repetição de trechos ou
acontecimentos etc. palavras. O fragmento da canção Viva la vida, por exemplo,
c)According to (line 7) consequence.
permite conhecer o relato de alguém que
d)Still (line 11) addition. e)Whether (line 11) condition. a)costumava ter o mundo aos seus pés e, de repente, se
1.C2:H5 (UNIVESP-2020) Leia o excerto a seguir viu sem nada.
My sister is married she lives in London. b)almeja o título de rei e, por ele, tem enfrentado inúmeros
Assinale a alternativa que preencha corretamente a 4.C2:H6 (IFG) According to text 2, inimigos.
lacuna. c)causa pouco temor a seus inimigos, embora tenha muito
a)the news about the shootings at Sandy Hook have caught poder.
a)or b)and c)for d)because e)still
the authorities’ attention. d)limpava as ruas e, com seu esforço, tornou-se rei de seu
2.C2:H5 (UNIVESP-2020) Leia o excerto a seguir povo.
b)violence at school has increased 1%. e)tinha a chave para todos os castelos nos quais desejava
Some artists were imprisoned during the dictatorship in
Brazil. , some of them were exiled. morar.
anybody’s guess. Chances are that it will be a virus that d)doenças presentes em animais e aves podem se
lurks in birds or mammals, or one that that has not yet transformar em doenças humanas.
hatched. The scariest are both highly lethal and spread e)as aves são as principais transmissoras de patógenos,
Read the following text to answer question 7.
easily among humans. Thankfully, bugs that excel at the devido à sua mobilidade.
Will human beings ever live on other planets?
first tend to be weak at the other. But mutations – ordinary
(1) we have become accustomed to the idea of space
business for germs – can change that in a blink. Moreover,
travel, and in films and fiction it seems as tough space travel 11.C2:H7 (Unesp-2019) De acordo com o segundo
when humans get too close to beasts, either wild or
is inevitable, it appears unlikely that human beings will ever
packed in farms, an animal disease can become a human parágrafo,
get any further than Mars, our nearest neighbor. No matter
one. a)o vírus H5N1 é uma mutação do vírus HIV.
how many films we make about space travel, the fact is that
A front-runner for global pandemics is the seasonal b)o vírus influenza possui comportamento sazonal, ou
it remains technologically challenging, and extremely
influenza virus, which mutates so much that a vaccine seja, é capaz de se espalhar pelos continentes.
expensive. (2) the distances involved are immense, any
must be custom-made every year. The Spanish flu c)a gripe suína de 2009 foi muito mais letal que a gripe
voyage outside the solar system would take hundreds of
pandemic of 1918, which killed 50 million to 100 million espanhola de 1918.
years using current technology. Wherever human beings
people, was a potent version of the “swine flu” that d)os vírus Ebola, HIV e Zika passaram a contaminar os
went into space, they would have problems of how to eat and
emerged in 2009. The H5N1 “avian flu” strain, deadly in seres humanos.
breathe, and their spaceship would have to carry vast
60% of cases, came about in the 1990s when a virus that e)um vírus só é considerado perigoso se sua letalidade
amounts of fuel (3) cover the distance. Even Mars is so far
sickened birds made the jump to a human. Ebola, HIV and superar 60% dos casos de contaminação.
away that it would take about six months to get there. (4) the
Zika took a similar route.
distance between Earth and Mars varies, astronauts would
12.C2:H7 (Unesp-2019) De acordo com o texto, os
have to wait for nearly two years before they could return
using the shortest journey time. (5) it could cost as much as
$ 100 billion, a manned mission to Mars is planned for 8.C2:H5 (Unesp-2019) No trecho do primeiro parágrafo
a)pressupõem que haverá uma pandemia futura, ainda
sometime between 2010 and 2020. “Yet, success in conquering them remains patchy”, o sem patógeno identificado.
termo sublinhado equivale, em português, a b)identificaram o vírus que poderá matar mais de 300
milhões de pessoas.
7.C2:H5 (IFMG-2018) Check the CORRECT alternative. a)assim mesmo. b)portanto. c)presumem que vacinas sejam capazes de conter
a)(1) Because (2) Though (3) for (4) Since (5) That. epidemias, ainda que sem evidências.
c)além disso. d)ao invés disso.
d)acreditam que os vírus mais letais não são
b)(1) However (2) Because (3) to (4) When (5) Why. e)no entanto. transmitidos para os humanos.
c)(1) Although (2) Since (3) in order to (4) As (5) Even e)estão criando patógenos mutantes em laboratórios
para produzir vacinas.
though. 9.C2:H5 (Unesp-2019) No trecho do primeiro parágrafo
“Moreover, when humans get too close to beasts”, o
d)(1) Though (2) Providing (3) so that (4) Whenever (5) termo sublinhado indica
13.C2:H5 (Unesp-2019) No trecho do primeiro parágrafo
Although. a)acréscimo. b)decorrência. c)comparação.
“or one that that has not yet hatched”, o termo
d)condição. e)finalidade.
e)(1) Although (2) Because (3) for to (4) As (5) Although. sublinhado refere-se a
a)mutation. b)virus. c)mammals. d)epidemic. e)birds.
10.C2:H7 (Unesp-2019) De acordo com o primeiro
Read the following text to answer questions 8 to 12 parágrafo,
Prescriptions for fighting epidemics 14.C2:H5 (Unesp-2019) No trecho do primeiro parágrafo
a)há perspectivas de erradicar as epidemias nos “can change that in a blink”, a expressão sublinhada tem
sentido de
próximos 40 anos. a)confiança.
Epidemics have plagued humanity since the dawn b)as epidemias assolaram principalmente os povos b)previsibilidade.
of settled life. Yet, success in conquering them remains ancestrais nômades. c)expectativa.
patchy. Experts predict that a global one that could kill c)as mutações que os germes sofrem geralmente d)desalento.
more than 300 million people would come round in the atenuam a sua letalidade. e)rapidez.
next 20 to 40 years. What pathogen would cause it is

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