1993 TSR Catalog

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The document provides an overview of Dungeons & Dragons and other roleplaying games published by TSR in 1993.

It is a catalog from 1993 showcasing tabletop roleplaying games and products published by TSR including settings like Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, Dark Sun, etc.

It features Dungeons & Dragons, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, board games, novels, magazines and other merchandise from TSR's 1993 lineup.

111 ou twenfy Neazs the D&D®

game has captaueO the imaginations

Of aooentrneus eOeU(YUJheue .

1993 Table Of Contents

From the Beginning ....................... ........... ................................ i-vii
DUNGEONS £, DRAGONS® Game System (Entry level) ............... 1-8
DUNGEONS£, DRAGONS® Game System (Challenger Series) ...... 9-13
DUNGEONS£, DRAGONS® Backlist ....................................... 13
ADVANCED DUNGEONS £, DRAGONS® Game System ............ 14-29
ADVANCED DUNGEONS £, DRAGONS® Backlist .. ................... 29
FORGOTIEN REALMS® Campaign .. .... .... .. ..... .... ................. .30-41
FORGOTIEN REALMS® Back list ........................... .................. 41
DRAGON LANCE® Campaign .. ... .. ... .. ..... .. .. ... ... ..... .......... ... ... 42-51
DRAGON LANCE® Backlist ........................ .... ..... ... .... ............. .51
AL-QADIM™ Campaign ...................................................... 52-55
AL-QADIM™ Backlist .... .................. ..... ..... ... ... .... ... ..... ..... .... .55
DARK SUN™ World .............. .. ............................................... 56-65
DARK SUN™ Backlist .. .. ............................................ ......... ... 65
RAVENLOFT® Gothic Horror Adventures ..................... .... ..... ... 66-73
RAVENLOFT® Backlist ..... ........................................ .. ... ... .... .. .73
GREYHAWK® Campaign .......................... ...................... ...... 74-77
GREYHAWK® Backlist .. .. .................................................... .... 77
SPELWAMMER® Campaign ... .. ..... ......................................... 78-81
SPELL.JAMMER® Backlist ..... ...................................... .... .... ... 81
AMAZING ENGINE™ Game System (New line for '93) ............... 82-83
BUCK ROGERS® High Adventure™ Clitfhangers/XXXc™ World ... 84-87
XXVc™ Backlist .....................................................................87
GAMMA WORLD® Campaign ......................................•......... 88-90
Strategy Boardgames ..............•......•.....•••••...............................91
Family Boardgames .... .........•......•..•....................................92-93
TSR® Books ...•...•....................•.......••..•..•....•......•..... ..•... .. •..94-95
TSR Magazines ..•....•...•................................................••..•... .... 96
TSR's 1993 .Merchandising Program .......................................97-101
Product Catalog Index ................. ..... ................................ 102-103
Ordering Information .....................•......................................... 104
TSR's 1993 Product Schedule and Product Tree .....................Tear Out

TSR, Inc.
201 Sheridan Spmga ROid I PO. Box 756 Lake <Jeneva. WI 53147 USA/ 1.800.llRAOOllS Fu 1.414.248.0389
Sulle 920 200 5lh Ave Hew York, l'IY 10010 USA 1.212.645 4224
T8R Llmltecl
120 Ouch £.nd Cherry 111n1Dn Camliddge. Englnl CBI 31.B Uniltd Kmgdam 44 223-212517 / Fu 44-223-248066
r.zom tbe Beginning:

Men haoe fought ano Laio claim to

fame, fOutune, ano oictouy. Countless
battles of epic puopoutions haoe been
~~~~~~~~~ cvageo acuoss the sanos of time fuom
the age of phauaohs to the .2.0th centuuy ___ cvhen
cveekeno cvauuious began to uecueate the conquests
of the past using aumies of miniatuue figuues ooing
combat in basements ano gauages_
In 1968, a necv game set in a meoieoal cvoulo
buoke cvith cvau game tuaoition. The uules oio not
call fou oast aumies. lnsteao, a single figuue
uepuesenteo a single knight. This heuo coulo joust
ano fight against foes cvith the uoLL Of oice on a
kitchen table.
With the uesuugence of fantasy
Liteuatuue in the '70s, Leo by
J_ R.R. Tolkien's Lor.loo{ the RiDgs
R. E. Hocvau CoDaD, fantasy
cueatuues c e to the
fouefuont of
f oagbt

15mm 25mm 55mm

Tbe Dungeons & Duagons® Game ano TSR UJoalo
soon captaue the imaginations o.J=
rantas31 aooentaueus cvoulocvioe - --
be DaUJn of Fantascv Aooentar:ze:
In 1973, the Dungeons & D~agons® Game UJas
cneateo_ It henaloeo tUJo nale books (one fon
"Men ano Magic," the otben .J=on "Monste ns &
i======~ Tn e asai:ze") ano one aooentane book_ Tbe D&D®
Game Laancheo an inoastn31 ano captaneo the imaginations
of all UJho folloUJeo ___ _

Set I: Basic Rules in 1983, 4th Edition

Ouer:z tbe year:zs . .. as fantasy
aouentar:zer:zs aouanceo, so oio tbe D&OffJ
Game -fr:zom Levels 1-3, to
4-14 to IS' -9-S', to 26 -36
ano to tbe lmmor2tal LeueL

T be popalar:zity of tbe
D&D® Game got a boost in
1991 UJitb the intr:zooaction
Set 5: Immortals,
of neUJ, easy-to-master:z
Is! Edition r:zales to tbe basic set.
Tbe change UJoalo or:zaUJ
of neUJ

In 199 .2, foar:z mor:ze

milestones UJer:ze
aooeo - tbr:zee
aouentar:ze packs, fOr:l
neUJ D&OffJ Game
player:zs, ano the
Dr2agon Quest™
game, for:z the yoang,
The Stor.zy of the Dice
At one lime, p latonic (a ll sides equal) solids in poly hedral shapes were
used only to teach mathematics. It took the 0 [,D ® Game to bring out their ber:zoin
more "play-full" sides. The first O&O® Game dice were manufactured solely in sear:zcb of
Hong Kong using "light" plastic w h ich chipped easily. The more you p layed,
the more the corners chipped, eventually creating a sphere that would aouentar:ze.
continue to roll. And roll . . . .
Today, all of TSR's dice are made
of high impact plastic - by any one of
a dozen companies that did not exist
before 1973 and the creation of the
0[,0® Game.
oue Aooentaue ...
NeUJ UJor:zlos, neUJ cbauacteus, neUJ r:zealms o.J=
fmagfnation. In 1976, tbe Glle;ybac.,vk® UJoulo UJas
f ntuooaceo - laancbi ng tbe Aoua12ceo Du129eo12s &.
Dlla9012s® Game r:zealm. In 1989, .J=antaS(Y uole-
pla(Ying explooeo UJitb tbe AD&D ®.2120 Eoitio12 Game - asing a
totall(Y .J=lexfble S(YStem UJbfcb noUJ r:zeacbes into tbe .,:ataue, into
tbe past ... eoen f nto tbe uealms o.,: gotbic bouuou ano oateu space.

Tbe Laugest .,:antascv cvoulo eoeu

oeoelopeo - Fougotten Realms®
neUJ cbapteu in Aooentaue .. ·.
In 1984, Dr.zagonlance® books cver.:ze laancbeC> -
tbe .pr.:zst Of man31 national best-seller.:zs fr.:zom TSR to
take tbe pablisbing cvor.:zlC> l
~Jl,l«I~~ ·
b31 stor.:zm. L •1 ( E :-.. n ,

T00031, Dr.zagonlance®, For.zgotten Realms® anC> TSR ®nooels

haoe a backlist Of 1.2.4 titles ano C>ominate
inter.:znational science fiction anC> fantas31
best-seller.:z Lists in 10 langaages.

Tbe fir.:zst TSR bar.:zC>boanC> nooel,

Tbelegac;y, bitstbe Necv Youk Times ToplO
seoen C>a31s after.:z pablication in 199.2..

DesigneC> banC>-in-banC> cvitb The Legac;y,

tbe Menzobeuuanzan boxeC> set is tbe
most compr.:zebensioe book anC> game
accessor.:z31 eoer.:z cr.:zeateC> .i:or.:z tbe
For.zgotten Realms® cvor.:zlC>.
be aooentaueus placv on .. .
Gen Con® Game Faiu
In 1967, 100 UJar.:z.gaming aooe ntur.:ze r.:zs fr.:zom all par.:zts
Of the c ountr.:zy gathe r.:ze o to play in Lake G e n e oa,
Wiscon s in. TUJe nty-fioe y e ar.:zs late r.:z, 18,000 playe r.:zs fr.:zom
ar.:zo uno the UJor.:zlo floc ke o to the annual G e n e oa Conoe ntion
( G e n Con® ) hoste o by TSR.
Just tUJO o ecaoes ago, UJhO UJOUlo haoe thought .. . the aooe nt
of the D&D® Game UJoulo le ao to the bir.:zth of the compute r.:z
aooe ntur.:ze game inoustr.:zy; s e t the stage for.:z Ninte noo® game s ;
r.:ze oolutionize oice; r.:ze builo the m e tal miniatur.:zes inoustr.:zy ano
Captur.:ze the imaginations Of aooe ntur.:zer.:zs UJor.:zloUJioe .

August, 1992- More than 18,000 enthusiasts are

drawn to the 25th annual GEN CON® Game Fair that
f11/s the entire MECCA Convention Center in

The 25th Anniversary Dragon created by Rat Partha in

limited edition for the 1992 GEN CON® Game Fair.

Fast-paced, fun, and easy-to-

play, the DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS® introductory game
is the first stepping stone in a
world of medieval adventure!
The world's best-selling
fantasy role-playing game is
specifically designed to teach
the basics of role-playing in the
D&D® fantasy world. A step-by-
step card system guides first-
time players every step of the
way. Everything needed to start
playing is provided , including:
an adventure, an easy-to-use
rulebook , the DUNGEON
MASTER™ screen, a dungeon
map, adventure dice, and
dozens of colorful standups.
By Troy Denning
Immediately Available
Suggested Retail Price: $20 .00; CAN
$25.50; £14 .99 U.K. lncl . VAT
ISBN: 1-56076-082-6
Format: 2 x 16 x 12, 64-page rulebook,
saddle stitched , Dragon Card Learning
48 stand-ups, dice, map
Case Pack/Weight: 6/19 lbs.
ISBN/Price/Configuration/ Stock #:
1-56076 -311 -6/$120.00/6
games/ 1070D
Age Level: 11 +
Target Audience: Players, ages 12 and up, with no prior
role-playing experience.
Key Support:
• This product gets novice role-players off to a fast and
easy start
•The DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game launched the
role-playing market, and it continues to be the market
• The original D&D basic game has sold more than 2
million. copies worldwide
• It is a terrific reference source for millions of D&D game
Dragon's Den™ Adventure Pack
This entry-level D&D® game features Boxed Set
three thrilling adventures in dragon lairs, By Ken Rolston
Artist: Clyde Caldwell
plus a stand-alone mini-game! Immediately Available
The three short scenarios Suggested Retail Price: $16.95; CAN $20.50;
feature exciting battles with £.11.99 U.K. Ind. VAT
hideous dragons and hordes ISBN: 1-56076-380-9
Format: 2 x 16 x 12, three 16-page booklets,
of lesser evils, like lizard men, counters, stand-ups, maps, tiles
bugbears and troglodytes! Case Pack/ Weight: 6/19 lbs.
The adventures can be Age Level: 11 +
played separately or as a Target Audience: Players, ages 12 and up, with
series of connected adven- no prior role-playing experience.
tures. DRAGON'S D£/'fM Key Support:
adventure pack is loaded with • Can be played with the D&D introductory game
or as a stand-alone game
3-D game pieces, and it's
• This adventure pack attracts both D&D game
another easy way for fans and novices
consumers to enjoy role- •Complements the world's best-selling adventure
playing games. game-the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® game

Goblin's Lair Adventure Pack
Adventure abounds. The Goblin's Lair Boxed Set
Adventure Pack features three mighty By Graeme Davis
Artist: Jeff Easley
battles in one, plus a stand- Immediately Available
alone mini-game! Suggested Retail Price: $16.95; CAN $20.50;
Imagine this-armies of £.11.99 U.K. Ind. VAT
deadly goblins and hordes of ISBN: 1-56076-382-5
Format: 2 x 16 x 12, three 16-page booklets,
their evil allies coming your
3 maps, counters, stand-ups, tiles
way! As with the DRAGON'S Case Pack/Weight: 6/ 19 lbs.
D£/'fMboxed set, Goblin's Age Level: 11 +
Lair offers three exciting, Target Audience: Players, ages 12 and up, with
short scenarios that can be no prior role-playing experience.
played separately or as a Key Support:
series of connected • Appeals to both entry-level and experienced
adventures. Lots of colorful players
• Loaded with highly collectable, cardboard 3-D
3-D game props come with game pieces
this boxed set! • Complements the world's best-selling
adventure game-the DUNGEONS &
Haunted Tower Adventure Pack
Survive a night of fright with the Haunted Boxed Set
By Julia Martin
Tower Adventure Pack-three spine-
Artist: Keith Parkinson
tingling adventures in one, plus a stand- Immediately Available
alone game! Suggested Retail Price: $16.95 ; CAN
Mummies, zombies, $20.50; £.11.99 U.K. lncl. VAT
ghouls, vampires, and other ISBN: 1-56076 -410-4
Format: 2 x 16 x 12, three 16-page book lets,
undead creatures are on a 3 maps, counters, stand -ups, tiles
rampage in Thunder Rift. Now Case Pack/ Weight: 6/ 19 lbs.
is the time for brave heroes to Age Level: 11 +
put an end to this terrifying Target Audience: Player levels 1-5.
madness. Take the challenge Key Support:
and enter the cursed castle of • Another easy way for consumers to enjoy role-
Sir Jameson! Three short playing games
• Appeals to both new and experienced D&D®
adventure scenarios can be Game players
played separately or as a •Complements the best-selling D&D
series of connected introductory game
adventures. Lots of 3-D game
pieces to collect!
lways an Adventure!™

. . . for real heroes in search

of real adventure!

It's beyond video games! The

DRAGON QUESTTM game is for real heroes in
search of real adventure ... the new generation
of players, ages 11 to 14. The DRAGON QUEST
game introduces a world of brave knights, powerful
wizards, ferocious monsters, and countless treasure.
Dragon Quest™

Designed for young,

beginning heroes, the
game is a simplified
version of the highly
popular DUNGEONS
& DRAGONS® Game.
includes a large, full-
color mapboard that
can be used over and
over again to create
new and exciting
dungeons. The
heroes, magic items,
monsters, treasures
and traps are
depicted on 172 full-color playing cards. Plastic
miniatures for the players ' heroes and dozens of
monster stand-ups and 3D doors for the castle are

By William W. Connors and David Wise

Artist: Jeff Easley
Immediately Available
Suggested Retail Price: $22.95; CAN $29.95; .£ 19.99 U.K. lncl.
ISBN: 1-56076-552-6
Format: 12 1/ 2 x 8 1/ 2 x 4 1/4; 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, 4/32/32 pages,
mapboard, DUNGEON MASTER"' screen , 4 sheets stand -ups, 172
4-color game cards, 6 plastic miniatures, bag of dice
Case Pack/ Weight: 6/17 lbs.
Age Level: 11 +
Target Audience: Players, ages 11 and up, with no prior role-
playing experience.
Key Support:
• DRAGON QUES"fTM Game rules and adventures introduce the
basic concepts of role-playing and channel players toward the
entry-level D&D® Game
•Packed with attractive, high quality, full-color components and
30 hero miniatures
• Easy-to-learn , quick-to play, a great game for beginners

Gam e

The Knight of Newts

This module allows a group of four to

six players to go on a thrilling , yet
chilling, exploration of the Black
Swamps-with or without the help of
Players embark on a search for the
sunken treasure of the newts when an
old scroll reveals a map of a dungeon
in the Black Swamps. Alas, the
dungeon beneath the Ruins of Kraal is
flooded! Newts are introduced as new
foes in the D&D® game and new
guidelines are provided for adventuring
By Dale Henson
TSR Ship Month: February
On Sale Date: March
Suggested Retail Price: $6.95; CAN $8.50 ;
£4.50 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-579-8
Format: 8 3/8 x 10 3/4, 16 pages, saddle
stitched, 4-color and B&W, 20 die-cut figures,
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/7 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 1-2.
Key Support:
• Based on the world's best-selling role-playing
• Can be played with or without the DUNGEON MASTER
• Exciting and easy-to-play for beginners

I magfnaffon~asel'JBe 01=
alX1eof.:DRemze all~ nee6 ,.
to~ tbe awe Gamel '
The Dragon's Tomb

The Dragon's Tomb is the second book in the D&D™

Penhaligon Trilogy, an epic filled with strong female and
male heroes, nefarious villains, magic, mystery and
The heroes of the trilogy's first book, The Tainted
Sword, are on a mission of vengeance against the dreaded
dragon Verdilith. En route, they discover a still greater evil.
An otherworldly creature is draining the magical energy
from the land of Penhaligon ... a creature immune to
The Penhaligon Trilogy, Book Two
By D. J . Heinrich
TSR Ship Month: March
On Sale Date: April
Suggested Retail Price: $4.95; CAN $5.95; .£3.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-592-5
Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 320 pages, perfect bound , color plate
Case Pack/Weig ht: 24/12 lbs.
Prepack ISBN/Price/Configuration/Stock #:
1-56076-749-9/89.10/18 copy/8036RH
1-56076-750-2/178.20/36 copy/8036D
Age Level: 12+
LOC#: 92 -61085
Key Support:
• Appeals to fans of Arthurian fantasy and the DRAGONLANCE® saga
• The Dragon 's Tomb continues the first epic of the best selling D&D®
shared world.

The Fall of Magic

The Fall of Magic is the conclusion to the popular D&D™

Penhaligon Trilogy.
A mad mage seeks to unleash a creature that will
destroy all magic in Penhaligon-all magic except his own.
Only the young knight Johauna and the mage Dayin can
stop the arcane assault and save the magic-wielders of
The Penhaligon Trilogy, Book Three
By D. J . Heinrich
TSR Ship Month : September
On Sale Date: October
Suggested Retail Price: $4.95; CAN $5 .95; .£3.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-663-8
Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 320 pages, perfect bound, color plate
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/12 lbs.
Prepack ISBN/Price/ Configuration/ Stock #:
1-56076 -751 -0/89 .10/18 copy/8037RH
1-56076-752-9/ 178.20/ 36 copy/80370
Age Level: 12+
LOC#: 9206162
Key Support:
• A gate-fold cover and full-color interior maps catch readers' attention
• The Fall of Magic concludes the first epic of the D&D® shared world
The Rage Of The Rakasta

In The Rage of the Rakasta adventure, two novice

adventurers team up to meet the fearsome Rakastas,
Lords of the Cat-Men!
The player characters' village is plagued with
marauding wild felines. The adventurers search for their
lair and discover a dungeon in the hills. The felines'
masters have disappeared. Players must solve this
mystery and return the rakasta queen to her throne.
Module can be played with or without the DUNGEON

By William Connors
TSR Ship Month: April
On Sale Date: May
Suggested Retail Price: $6.95; CAN $8.50; £4.50 U.K.
ISBN : 1-56076-614-X
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, 16 pages, saddle stitched, 4-color and BE.W,
20 die-cut figures , mapsheet
Case Pack/Weight: 24/7 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 2-4.
Key Support:
•Only two people needed; can be played in an evening
•Can be played with or without a DUNGEON MASTER™
• Loads of 3-D figures; new character class for players
• Based on the best-selling D&D® game

In The Phantom's Wake

The In The Phantom's Wake adventure module casts four

to six player characters in one of America's oldest
legends as the heroes all come aboard the Flying
In this adventure, the player-characters have found a
strange, magical astrolabe rumored to have come from a
haunted place. They accidentally trigger its power and
are transported aboard a magical skyship. The ship is
haunted and the party must discover its secret to return
home. Module can be played with or without the

By Dale Henson
Artist: Robh Ruppel
TSR Ship Month: June
' On Sale Date: July
Suggested Retail Price: $6.95 ; CAN $8.50 ; £4.50 U.K.
ISBN : 1-56076-664-6
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/4, 16 pages, saddle stitched , 4-color and 8£,W,
20 die-cut figures, mapsheet
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/ 7 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 4-5.
Key Support:
•Can be played with or without a DUNGEON MASTER™
• Easy and exciting to play for beginners
•Cashes in on the popularity of the D&D® game

Screen-DMR 1

The DUf'IGEOf'I MASTER TM Screen is

back by popular demand!
This Challenger Series accessory
provides the DUNGEON MASTERT~ 1 with
all essential charts and tales necessary
for quick and easy play. It features
material updated since the release of the
D&D® Rules Cyclopedia, plus a 32-page
adventure module, Escape from Thunder
Rift, that bridges the gap between the
entry-level D&D game box and the
Rules Cyclopedia. The adventure ties
into the earlier D&D game's Thunder
Rift campaign accessory and the D&DTM
If novel , The Tainted Sword.
Challenger Series Accessory
By Teuwynn Woodruff
Artist: Jeff Easley
TSR Ship Month: January
a On Sale Date : February
Suggested Retail Price: $8 .95; CAN $10 .95;
.£6.50 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-565-8
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4 , 32 pages, saddle stitched,
4-color and BE.W, 8-panel screen , 4 -panel slipcover
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/ 8 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: Screen for DMs, all player levels; module, player
levels 5-6.
Key Support:
•There are over 2 million D&D game players-a number that's
growing every day
•This 8-panel DUNGEON MASTER Screen is a "must-have"
1rWkldll'!as oi: the Dldl®-Game ORe product
JarDilies, sml)erlf.&, tawweRS.- • Contains an exciting module for use with the Rules Cyctopedia

Lftilt.::J;1eRs,engineeRs, <JIX) boloe-

rt0c• 1rm-fnofbeR WORlle. people,
-!!Btf·~, paom all walkso.,: life.

Creature Catalog-

The perfect companion to the

D&D® Rules Cyclopedia, the
DMR2 Creature Catalog-with
details on new monsters and
old-is back by popular
This supplement is bigger and
better than the AC9 Creature
Catalog it replaces. DMR2
updates the monster
descriptions originally given in
AC9, provides information
compatible with the new Rules
Cyclopedia, develops
background information on
monsters, and includes new
creatures and old fiends from the
best D&D adventure modules.
Challenger Series Accessory
By John Nephew
Artist: Jeff Easley
TSR Ship Month: March
On Sale Date: April
Suggested Retail Price: $15.00; CAN
$18.00; £9.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-593-3
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, 128 pages,
perfect bound, 2-color and B&W
Case Pack/Weight: 12/12 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 1-36.
Key Support:
• Monster catalogs are guaranteed best-sellers in any
role-playing game
Champions of
Mystara Boxed Set

The Champions of Mystara

Boxed Set builds upon the
Princess Ark series of monthly
adventure installments, which
have appeared in DRAGON®
Magazine since 1989.
Players gain insight to the
world of Mystara as members
of the legendary skyship crew.
The boxed set includes: a 64-
page Princess Ark Gazetteer
on how to role-play characters
aboard the ship; a 96-page
Explorer's Manual providing a
geographic overview of the
region west of the Known
World and rules on how to
create new game settings and
skyships; a 64-page Princess
Ark Chronicles updating the
ship's original log book (from
DRAGON Magazine) , and four
poster-size, color mapsheets.
Challenger Series Boxed Set
By Ann Dupuis
Artist: Robh Ruppel
TSR Ship Month: September
On Sale Date: October
Suggested Retail Price: $20.00;
CAN $24.00; £11.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-615-8
Format: 8 3/8 x 10 3/4, 96/64/64 pages, saddle
stitched, 4-color and B&W, 4 mapsheets,
8 cardstock cards
Case Pack/Weight: 12/18 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• The first in an important new series of accessories to
support the top-selling D&D® Rules Cyclopedia.
• Capitalizes on the long-running Princess Ark series, the
D&D game world and best-selling Gazetteer line

Poor Wizard's Almanac-

A handy, pocket-sized guide to who 's

who and what's what today in
Mystara , the Known World and the
HOLLOW WORLD® campaign

The Poor Wizard's Almanac has all

the latest information on global
events for the D&D® game year of
1011 AC-one year after the world-
shaking Wrath of the Immortals war.
In addition to geographic, political ,
historical backgrounds, a social
register and an atlas with a color
mapsheet, the 240 pages of the Poor
Wizard's Almanac provide a full
gaming year's worth of events that
keep the D&D game worlds in
• Pl.Jllflary Oveniew • Kings and Queens • Heroes and VilLlins •
perpetual motion .
World History • kingdoms and Empires • Current Events
Challenger Series Accessory • Geography • Astrology • Armies and awies • PopuLltions •
By Ann Dupuis Economics • Currencies • Great Battles • Fain and Festi~als •
TSR Ship Month : November • Complete Calendar • Seasons and St;u Signs • World Index of
On Sale Date: December People and Places • And More . . .
Suggested Retail Price: $9 .95; CAN $11.95;
.£5.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-684-0
Format: 5 1/ 2 x 8 1/ 2, 240 pages, perfect
bound, 4-color and B&W
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 10 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels
Key Support:
• Excellent gift item-released once a year just
before Christmas
•Suitable for any player or the DUNGEON MASTERr"'; all
levels of play
• Second in a series, incorporates historical information from
previous year's almanac
Iii] Iii
D&D® Product Backlist
TSR Sugg.
Prod . Retail
No. ISBN No. Product Title Price

1017 0-88038 -341 -0 Immortals Rules Set 5 $15.00

1037 0-88038 -736-X D&D® Dawn of the Emperors Boxed Set $18.00
1054 0-88038-862 -5 HOLLOW WORLD® Boxed Set $18.00
1070 1-56076 -082-6 DUNGEONS £, DRAGONS® Game $20.00
1071 1-56076 -085-0 D&D® Rules Cyclopedia $24.95
1073 1-56076-380-9 Dragons' Den Adventure Pack $16.95
1076 1-56076-380 -9 Goblin's Lair Adventure Pack $16.95
1081 1-56076-4 10-4 Haunted Tower Adventure Pack $16.95
1082 1-56076-412-0 Wrath of the Immortals $20.00
8449 0-88038- 161 -2 Art of the DUNGEONS £, DRAGONS® Game $14.95
9194 0-88038-392-5 GAZ2 The Emirates of Ylaruam $ 7.96
9215 0-88038-492-1 GAZ4 The Kingdom of lerendi $ 7.96
9218 0-88038-495-6 X13 Crown of Ancient Glory $ 7.95
9220 0-88038-497-2 AC 11 The Book of Wondrous Inventions $ 8.95
9227 0-88038-561-8 GAZ6 The Dwarves of Rockhome $ 8.95
9230 0-88038-573-1 GAZ7 The Northern Reaches $ 8.95
9241 0-88038-623 - 1 GAZ 10 The Ores of Thar $ 9.95
9246 0-88038-724 -6 GAZ 12 Golden Khan of Ethengar $ 9.95
9250 0-88038-713 -0 GAZ 11 Republic of Darokin $ 9.95
9255 0-88038-774-2 PC2 Top Ballista $ 9.95
9277 0-88038-826-9 PC3 The Sea People $ 9.95
9284 0-88038-839 -0 DDA 1 Aren of Thyatis $ 5.95
9287 0-88038-846-3 GAZ 13 Shadow Elves $ 9.95
9308 1-56076 -283-7 DDREFl , Character Record Sheets $ 8.95
9310 0-88038-898-6 HWA2 Nightrage $ 8.95
9311 1-56076-064 -8 HWA3 Nightstorm $ 9.95
9332 1-56076-138-5 HWR 1 Sons of Azca $10.95
9339 1-56076- 145-8 HWR2 Kingdom of Nithia $10.95
9342 1-56076-378-7 Quest for the Silver Sword $ 6.95
9350 1-56076 -379 -5 Assault on Raven 's Ruin $ 6.95
9357 1-56076 -381 -7 Thunder Rift $ 6.95
9363 1-56076-383 -3 Character and Monster Assortment Pack $ 8.95
9368 1-56076-392-2 PC4, Night Howlers $10.95
9372 1-56076 -385 -X AC 1010, The Poor Wizard 's Almanac $ 9.95
9378 1-56076 -386-8 HWQl , the Milenian Scepter $ 9.95
9384 1-56076 -337 -X HWR3 , the Milenian Empire $10.95
9387 1-56706 -498-8 Sword and Shield $ 6.95

D&D® Novel Backlist

8035 1-56076-395-7 Th e Tainted S word $ 4.95

iii liil
Dtta{}ON Boxed Set


set is the ultimate Dungeon Master's
fantasy! It's the world's most deluxe
dungeon, designed to appeal to
discriminating and demanding role-

This boxed set not only contains

the features that make TSR
products so popular, it offers items
TSR has never done before: large,
full-color maps which create an
enormous playing surface for
miniature figures or the included
cardstock stand-ups; high-quality
handouts; and two complete,
challenging adventures that link into
one super-campaign.
Deluxe Boxed Set
By Colin McComb and Paul Lidberg
Artist: Clyde Caldwell
TSR Ship Month: April
On Sale Date: May
Suggested Retail Price: $30.00;
CAN $38.95; £21.50 U.K. lncl. VAT
ISBN: 1-56076-598-4
Format: 2 x 8 3/8 x 10 3/4 box, 3 booklets, 64 pages each, saddle
stitched, plus handouts and 6 maps, 4-color and B&W
Case Pack/Weight: 6/14 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 9 to 12.
Key Support:
• Has both toy appeal and the quality graphics and materials that attract
gift buyers, collectors and serious players
Book of Artifacts

Artifacts are the most powerful

magical items of all to adventurers-
and this hardcover book is an
essential element of the core rules to
the AD&D® game system.

Within the 160 pages of the Book of

Artifacts are the secrets to magical
items of all sorts and every level. This
book provides detailed information on
magical items and how to create
them. The DUNGEON MASTEW~ 1 and
players alike will find fascinating and
valuable information to add to their
ADE.D Rulebook
By David Cook
Artist: Fred Fields
TSR Ship Month : September
On Sale Date: October
Suggested Retail Price: $20.00; CAN $24.00;
£11 .99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-672-7
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4 , 160 pages, hardcover,
4-color and 2-color
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/19 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• As with all core rulebooks , the Book of Artifacts has a guaranteed
• Information on creating new magical items is always sought after
• Game players will find this to be the ultimate source on magical

' A Jbaf is a •MontN Haut•

V V campaigraOne in
which tbe placves:zs baoe .,.:cm
too mocb loot.
1993 Fantasy Collector Cards Factory Set

The limited edition Factory Set is a once-a-year

opportunity to acquire 495 investment-quality cards,
including nine-card mini -series, in one highly collectable
Features hundreds of breathtaking full-color fantasy
illustrations depicting personalities, monsters, magic items
and treasures from favorite AD&D® game worlds ... the
SUNTMand AL-QADIMTMcampaign settings to name just a
few! Each card is a bona fide gaming aid and has a rich
silver border. A "must" for serious game players and
1993 Collector Cards Factory Set
TSR Ship Month: November
On Sale Date: December
Suggested Retail Price: $24.95; CAN $30.00; £17.99 U.K. lncl. VAT
ISBN: 1-56076-682-4
Format: 495 - 2 1/ 4 x 3 1/2 5-color loose cards per box
Case Pack/Weight: 10/40 lbs.
Ag e Level: 1O+
Key Support:
• Builds high collectability, usability and an attractive price into one package
•This package may appreciate in value as the 1991 and 1992 series have

Cardmaster Adventure Design Deck

The AD&D® Cardmaster Adventure Design Deck makes

setting up tough, challenging adventures for group or
solitaire play as easy as shuffling the cards!
Perfect for everybody who wants to generate short
adventures quickly-from the solo player to the
DUNGEON MASTERTMto a group of players without a
DMTM! These attractive and systematic cards turn the
complex task of generating an adventure into a simple
technique. Although extensive in scope, the deck's clean
presentation makes learning this system quick and fun for
novice and veteran players alike.

Boxed Set
By Rich Borg
TSR Ship Month: June
On Sale Date: July
Suggested Retail Price: $18.00; CAN $21.50; £12.99 U.K. lncl . VAT
ISBN: 1-56076-612-3
Format: 1 x 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/4, 32-page booklet, 216 cards, 4-color and B&W
Case Pack/ Weight: 6/ 8 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 1-12.
Key Support:
•Adventure generation reduced to the core elements!
• Start playing in minutes!
• A "must" for all role-playhing game enthusiasts
• Suitable for any AD&D campaign world
Thief's Challenge-HHQ3

It takes a thief to catch a thief in this ONE-ON-ONE™

adventure for one player and the DUNGEON MASTER™.
A low- to mid-level thief character will need sharp wits
to bag the Gullwing Bandit! Thief's Challenge can also be
played by small groups. It's perfect for those times when
the whole group can't meet, and for players who want to
earn extra experience for their characters.
ONE-ON -ONE"' Adventure
By Troy Christensen
Artist: Jeff Easley
TSR Ship Month: January
On Sale Date: February
Suggested Retail Price: $6.95; CAN $8.50; £4.50 U.K.
ISBN : 1-56076-562-3
Format: 8 3/ 8" x 10 3/4'', 32 pages, saddle stitched, B&W
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/7 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 1 to 4.
Key Support:
• ONE-ON-ONET" adventures sell to players who outnumber DMs by 5 to1.
•Thief characters, overshadowed by wizards and warriors, have players
eager for adventures that highlight their special skills.

Cleric's Challenge-HHQ4

The priest class character is put to the test in the Cleric 's
Challenge ONE-ON-ONE™ adventure for one player and
The town of Pommeville is in dire straits. Deathly
apparitions and walking corpses have become (almost)
commonplace. When the dead have risen from their
graves, only a cleric can defeat them. This will be no easy
task, because the source of their restlessness must also
be discovered and destroyed.
ONE-ON -ONErn Adventure
By L. Richard Baker Ill
Artist: Larry Elmore
TSR Ship Month: September
On Dale Date: October
Suggested Retail Price: $6.95; CAN $8.50; £4.50 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-659-X
Format: 8 3/ 8" x 10 3/4", 32 pages, saddle stitched, B&W
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/7 lbs .
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 1-4.
Key Support:
•ONE-ON-ONE™ adventures need only two players, which means they
have a much larger potential audience
•Adaptable to group play if the DUNGEON MASTER chooses
• Emphasizes the fighting and magical abilities of the priest class character
City of Lankhmar

Return to Lankhmar, the most famous

city in all of sword-and-sorcery
literature! This AD&D® sourcebook
uses the best-selling stories by Fritz
1. Leiber as a springboard for
City of Lankhmar updates the
previous Lankhmar, City of
Adventure sourcebook. It features a
detailed and distinctive major city
that can be worked into any
campaign world. Includes advice on
how to integrate existing characters
into a Lankhmar setting as well as
how to generate and run native
Lankhmarts. Provides everything
needed to run a full-scale urban
AD&D® Accessory
By Anthony Pryor
Artist: Fred Fields
TSR Ship Month: October
On Sale Date: November
Suggested Retail Price: $18 .00; CAN $21.50;
.£ 10.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-658- 1
Format: 8 3/8" x 10 3/4", 160 pages, perfect
bound, 4-color and B&W, poster-size map
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/24 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels and Fritz Leiber fans, who
may or may not be game players
Key Support:
•Huge crossover appeal to fantasy game players and the
legions of fans of author Fritz Leiber, winner of six Hugo
•Supports the existing LANKHMAR"' Accessory and
Adventure lines, and in turn will help boost later LANKHMAR
• Suitable for any AD&D® campaign world
Creative Campaigning-DMGRS

The Creative Campaigning sourcebook features ways to

make any campaign unique and interesting, revive a
lackluster game or add sparkle to a successful campaign.
As with all other DMGRs, Creative Campaigning expands
upon material in the DUNGEON MAST£WMGuide and tells
how to run the best campaign ever! This sourcebook gives
the DUNGEON MASTER detailed information on
maintaining an ongoing campaign and provides tips on
bookkeeping, handling unexpected situations and other
pertinent DMTM tasks.
AD&D® Accessory
By TSR Staff
TSR Ship Month: January
On Sale Date: February
Suggested Retail Price: $15.00; CAN $18.00; £9 .99 U.K.
ISBN : 1-56076-561-5
Format: 8 3/ 8 x l 0 3/ 4 , perfect bound, 128 pages, 4-color and B&W,
leatherette cover
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/10 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: All AD&D-B> game masters
Key Support:
• DMGRs are highly popular as Dungeon Masters constantly seek ways to
add exciting, new dimensions to their fantasy role-playing world

The Glory of Rome Campaign
The Glory of Rome is the fifth in a series of best-selling
Historical Reference manuals that empower the
DUNGEON MASTEWMto enliven his or her campaign
with the feel of ages past.
This rulebook is a valuable and entertaining source
of campaign material, based on the might of the
Roman Empire. The DUNGEON MASTER will be
regaled by the fascinating cultural information within,
and find that it can be incorporated into any AD&D®
game empire. Players will enjoy the heroics as they
rebuild the Roman Empire anew!
AD&D® Accessory
By David Pulver
TSR Ship Month: October
On Sale Date: November
Suggested Retail Price: $15.00; CAN $18.00; £9.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-673-5
Format: 8 3/ 8 x l 0 3/ 4, 96 pages, perfect bound, B&W, poster-
sized map
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/10 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• The Glory of Rome is a perfect follow-up to the 1992 Getts campaign
•Game players will want the newest AD&D rulebook to keep their set
• Part of the best-selling line of AD&D® historical reference books
The Complete Book of Gnomes and Halflings-PHBR9
Gnomes and halflings were probably AD&D® Accessory
the least understood character classes By Douglas Niles
TSR Ship Month : February
... until now!
On Sale Date: March
These "little people" have a Suggested Retail Price: $ 15 .00; CAN $18.00;
tremendous fan following and The £9.99 U.K.
Complete Book of Gnomes and ISBN : 1-56076-573 -9
Ha/flings is for everyone who enjoys Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, 128-pages, perfect
5 bound, color and B&W, leatherette cover
these characters. All the information Case Pack/ Weight: 12/1 0 lbs.
necessary not just to play these races, Age Level: 12+
but to bring their culture to life in a Target Audience: All player levels.
game, is provided. Additionally, the Key Support:
• A "must-buy" for players of gnome and halfling
ways of gnome and halfli ng society characters
are explained. The information here • Part of the best-selling PHBR line and a
helps players develop a more exciti ng valuable resource tool
and well-rounded player character
and game environment .

#2 135
The Complete Book of Humanoids-PHBR 10
Another first in the world of the AD&D® Accessory
AD&D® game-players have the By Bill Slaviscek
TSR Ship Month: April
chance to play the monsters! On Sale Dat e: May
For everyone who yearns to run a Suggested Reta il Price: $15 .00; CAN $18.00;
"monster" as a character, PH BR10 £9.99 U.K.
The Complete Book of Humanoids ISBN: 1-56076 -6 11-5
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, 128 pages, perfect
opens the floodgates to new rea lms
bound, 4-color and B&W, leatherette cover
of adventure and excitement. See the Case Pa ck/ Weight: 12/1 0 lbs.
world through the glowing eyes of a Age Level : 12+
centaur, a giant, a leprechaun, an Ta rget Audience: All player levels
ogre or any one of dozens of other Key Support:
• A guaranteed best-seller! The Complete
types of creatures. All the guidelines Humanoid's Handbook is part of the highly
for creating unusual characters and successful PHBR series of rulebooks for
integrating them into play are here. players
• Players love to experiment, and this handbook
adds an exciting, new twist to the AD&D game!

The Complete Ranger's Handbook-PHBR 11
Rangers-the toughest AD&D® game AD&D® Accessory
character class of all comes to life! By Rick Swan
TSR Ship Month: December
With Th e Complete Ranger's On Sale Date: January , 1994
Handbook, players have everything Suggested Reta il Price: $15 .00; CAN $18.00;
they need to play this character £9.99 U.K.
class. Like the other PHBR series ISBN : 1-56076 -634-4
books, it expands on material from Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, 128 pages, perfect
bound, 4-color and B&W, leatherette cover
the Play er 's Handbook, giving more Case Pa ck/ Weight: 12/ 10 lbs.
game options and information. The Age Level : 12+
ranger's tricks and secrets are
Target Aud ience: All player levels.
revealed , and tremendous depth is Key Support:
added to this dynamic character • Answers difficult questions on playing rangers
class. • Part of the best-selling PHB R series, one of the
longest-running and most successful series in
TSR's history
The Murky Deep-GA 1

In this underwater adventure, an ancient mystery

resurfaces when the prelate of a powerful monastery
disappears without a trace.
To pacify the gods, brave adventurers must reopen a
cursed cabinet and follow its clues to the ancient city of
Mylduscor, lost for centuries and haunted by the ghosts of
its former inhabitants. Romance, intrigue, mystery and
atmosphere are all here in The Murky Deep!
By Norm Ritchie
TSR Ship Month: February
On Sale Date: March
Suggested Retail Price: $6.95; CAN $8.50; £4.50 U.K.
ISBN : 1-56076-574-7
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, 32 pages, saddle stitched, B&W
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/7 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 5-8.
Key Support:
• Sophisticated plot appeals to mature players
• Suitable for a broad range of character levels
•Underwater adventures and mysteries are widely requested by TSA's


As the name Swamplight implies, players follow ghostly

lights into a danger-bogged swamp, then try to get back
A precious family heirloom and symbol of office has
been stolen from the baron's castle. Inhuman tracks lead !
the edge of the haunted swamp, and then disappear in its
murk. Who would take these items into the bog, and whyi
Only the bravest adventurers will uncover the startling
AD&D® Adventure
By Jean Rabe
Artist: Fred Fields
TSR Ship Month: March
On Sale Date: April
Suggested Retail Price: $6.95; CAN $8.50; £4.50 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-588-7
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, 32 pages, saddle stitched, B&W
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/7 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 7-10.
Key Support:
• Appeals to the more mature role-playing game enthusiasts
• Suitable for a wide range of player characters
The Magic Encyclopedia, Volume 2

The second half of the two-volume Magic Encyclopedia

game supplement which indexes nearly every magical
item ever published by TSR for use with the AD&D® and
Includes illustrations and descriptions of each
of category, plus prices, experience point values, and a
reference to where and when the item was originally
The Magic Encyclopedia is published by the ROLE
PLAYING GAME ASSOCIATION™ Network, the world's
largest organization of role-players. This product is
aimed squarely at the heart of the role-playing hobby.
AD&D® Accessory
By Dale Henson
Artist: Clyde Caldwell
TSR Ship Month : January
On Sale Date: February
Suggested Retail Price: $10.95; CAN $13.50; .£6.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-563-1
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, 96 pages, saddle stitched, B&W
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/1 0 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• AD&D gamers clamor for more magical items, and this supplement is a
"must-have" for serious players and the DUNGEON MASTER"'
• The RPGA® logo carries clout in the hobby

Tales of Enchantment-GA3

Players discover not all is what it seems in the land of

faerie in this adventure with a surprise ending.
When the wee folk of the forest get involved in mortal
affairs , anything is likely to happen , and the wilder it is,
to the more they love it. Now a faerie princess has fled from
her oppressive family and seeks refuge in the world of
humans. Will the player characters protect her, or return
her to her father's kingdom? The answer could start, or
avert, war.
AD&D® Adventure
By TSR Staff
TSR Ship Month: August
On Sale Date: September
Suggested Retail Price: $6.95; CAN $8.50; .£4.50 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-646-8
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, 32 pages, saddle stitched , B&W
Case Pa ck/ Weight: 24/7 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 4-9.
Key Support:
• Appeals to gamers who want a bigger challenge and sophisticated plot
• Suitable for a wide range of character levels
• The faerie world has been dealt with very little in previous AD&D® game
Deck of Magical Items

Another mega-hit is close at

hand-players can
revolutionize their game
records with the handy
reference cards of the Deck of
Magical Items!
Magical items are the
ultimate treasures in the
AD&D® game. No adventurer
worth his salt leaves home
without a belt-pouch full of
them. Now, all the essential
information on that favorite
magical item is at the player's
fingertips , with the Deck of
Magical Items. No more page-

AD&D® Accessory
By TSR Staff
Artist: Clyde Caldwell
TSR Ship Month : March
On Sale Date: April
Suggested Retail Price: $20.00;
CAN $24.00; £13.50 U.K. lncl. VAT
ISBN: 1-56076-587-9
Format: 432 - 2 3/ 4 x 4 3/ 4 " loose
Case Pack/ Weight: 6/ 8 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: All player levels
Key Support:
• A "sure-sale," especially as a companion to Wizard
Spell Cards and Deck of Priest Spells, two TSR mega-
hits launched in 1992
• Players "magically" save time with these 3 x 5"
reference cards, which can easily be stored, carried,
and sorted any way players like
• Each card features an illustration of an item-many
items never seen before!
Monstrous Manual-MCC 1

Monstrous Now the standard, universal monsters

Manual for every A D& D® campaign have been

revised and compiled into one deluxe
hardbound book!
All the traditional and mythological
creatures from MCs 1, 2, and others are
included in this important new release.
Fabulous, new full-color illustrations and
updated material highlight the 384-page
Monstrous Manual, the revised
designed to form the core of the MC line.
By TSR Staff
Artist: Jeff Easley
TSR Ship Month : June
On Sale Date: July
Sugg ested Retail Price: $24.95; CAN $29.95;
£14.99 U.K.
ISBN : 1-56076-6 19-0
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/4, 384 pages, hardbound, 4-
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/26 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Ta rget Aud ience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• The place for players to seek out the monsters of
their fantasy adventures
• The MONSTROUS COMPENDIUM r"' line is immensely popular
• Durable format requested by players

""l""'be six kfnlls Of spKleRS lfsfel)

I fn the ffRsf MONSTROUS
COMPENDIUM TM r.veRe: laRge,
bage, giant, gfaof wafeR, gfaof
maRfoe, anl) phase.
Introduced in 1991, AD&ona Fantasy Collector the cards will have a special red border on
Cards have become one of TSR's most them, making them particularly rare and
popular sales performers. For 1993, TSR has valuable. More exciting special cards have
added some new and exciting twists to the been included in the rare card set, including
card sets, while at the same time packing in even more of the popular foil cards, new
even more of the features that have made the sticker cards, and even a prism card.
cards so popular. However, the rare cards will not be included
For 1993, the cards have been given a in the Factory Set, making collecting the
brand new numbering system, making it easier gold-bordered cards the only way to get
to identify the rare or "chaser" cards. Some of everyone!

#1 093 #1095 #1096

Fantasy Collector Cards, Fantasy Collector Cards, Fantasy Collector Cards,
1993 1993 1993
Series, Series, Series,
Part Part Part
One Two Three

TSR Role- TSR Role- TSR Role·

Playing Playing Playing
Products Products Products
By TSR Staff By TSR Staff By TSR Stai
TSR Ship TSR Ship TSR Ship
Month: Month: May Month:
February On Sale August
On Sale Date: June On Sale
Date: March 1• Date: Septe
36 Count Box; Suggested Retail Price: 3 6 Count Box; Suggested Retail Price: 36 Count Box; Suggested Retail Price:
$36.00 per box; CAN $45.00; £28.80 U.K. $36.00 per box; CAN $45.00; £28.80 U.K. $36 .00 per box; CAN $45.00; £28.80 U.K
ISBN: 1-56076-784-7 ISBN : 1-56076-785 -5 ISBN: 1-56076-786-3
Individual Foil Pack; Suggested Retail Price: Individual Foil Pack; Suggested Retail Price: Individual Foil Pack ; Suggested Retail Priet
$1 .00 per pack; CAN $1 .25; £0.80 U.K. $1.00 per pack; CAN $1 .25; £0.80 U.K. $1 .00 per pack; CAN $1.25 ; £0.80 U.K.
lncl . VAT lncl. VAT lncl . VAT
ISBN: 1-56076-625-5 (lndiv. Foil Packs) ISBN: 1-56076 -575-5 (lndiv. Foil Packs) ISBN: 1-56076-620-4 (lndiv. Foil Packs)
Format: 2 1/ 4 x 3 1/ 2, 5-color, 12 loose Format: 2 1/ 4 x 3 1/ 2, 5-color, 12 loose Format: 2 1/ 4 x 3 1/ 2, 5-color, 12 loose
cards per pack/ 36 packs per box cards per pack/ 36 packs per box cards per pack/ 36 packs per box
Case Pack/ Weight: 10/25 lbs. Case Pack/ Weight: 10/25 lbs. Case Pack/ Weight: 10/ 25 lbs.
Age Level : 10+ Age Level: 10+ Age Level : 1O+
Each case pack contains ten pre -pack Each ca se pack contains ten pre-pack Each case pack contains ten pre-pack
displays. Each display contains 36 foil displays. Each display contains 36 foil displays. Each display contains 36 foil
packs of 12 cards each . packs of 12 cards each. packs of 12 cards each
PG I 2 1•3
The Player's Guide to the DRAGONLANCE®
'tHE PLAYER'S GUJDE 'CO t:H E Campaign-PG 1

The Player's Guide to the DRAGONLANCE® Campaign is the

first in a series designed to guide players through the campaign
settings of the AD&D® game.
This guide provides players with all the information they need
to find their way through a campaign in the DRAGONLANCE
fantasy setting. Its 128 pages tell about the world of Krynn and
the DRAGONLANCE Saga in fascinating detail. Beginners and
experienced AD&D game players who want new challenges will
enjoy this guide.
By TSR Staff
TSR Ship Month: July
On Sale Date: August
Suggested Retail Price: $15 .00; CAN $18.00; £9.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-698-0
Format: 8 3/8 x 10 3/ 4, 128 pages, perfect bound, 4-color, leatherette cover
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 10 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
•A "must buy" for anyone who wants to start a DRAGONLANCE® campaign
• The first handbook in a series similar to the best-selling PHBR line
• Thousands of AD&D® game players and novel readers are looking to expand their game and character


The Player's Guide to the FORGOTTEN

REALMS® Campaign-PG2

The Player's Guide to the FORGOTTEN REALMS® Campaign is
perfect for players who are interested in starting the
FORGOTTEN REALMS game campaign.
:mber This 128-page guide provides players with all the information
they need to explore the rich fantasy cultures of the countries
found in the FORGOTTEN REALMS® setting. Beginners and
experienced AD&D® game players who seek new challenges will
enjoy this guide.
By TSR Staff
TSR Ship Month : November
On Sale Date: December
Suggested Retail Price: $15.00; CAN $18.00; £9 .99 U.K.
ISBN : 1-56076-695-6
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/4, 128 pages, perfect bound, 4-color, leatherette cover
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/l 0
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
•A "must buy" for anyone who wants to start a FORGOTIEN REALMS® campaign
•The second in a new series with sales expectations similar to the PHBR line
• Thousands of AD&D® game players and novel readers are looking to expand their game and character
1994 Women of Fantasy Calendar

Meet 13 bold , beautiful , and brilliant women in this By TSR Staff

very special calendar of fantasy heroines. TSR Ship Month: May
Each year, TSR presents an incredible collection of On Sale Date: June
Suggested Retail Price: $9.95; CAN $12.50; £6.99 U.K. Inc. VAT
original art from world-renowned fantasy artists Brom , ISBN : 1-56076-624- 7
Clyde Caldwell , Jeff Easley, Fred Fields, and Robh Format: 12 x 13, saddlestitched, 13 interior 4-color plates
Ruppel. This year's wall calendar features 12 dazzling, Case Pack/Weight: 48/ 28 lbs.
13" x 12" full-color poster-quality illustrations and a Age Level : 12+
gorgeous full-length center spread. Key Support:
• TSR calendars are traditional sell-outs, selling over 75,000 copies
• Fantasy art scenes are highly sought after by fans of TSR 's best-
selling novels and games
AD&D® 2nd Edition Game Backlist
TSR Sugg.
Prod. Retail
No. ISBN No. Product Title Price

1056 0-88038-883-8 AD&D® Castles Boxed Set $24.95

1069 1-56076 -058-3 AD&D® Trivia Game $24.95
2019 0-88038-272-4 AD&D® Dungeoneer's Survival Guide $ 6.75
2020 0-88038-291-0 AD&D® Wilderness Survival $ 6.75
2100 0-88038-729-7 Dungeon Master's Guide, AD&D® 2nd Edition $18.00
2101 0-88038-716-5 Player's Handbook, AD&D® 2nd Ed. $20.00
2103 0 -88038- 753-X MC Vol. Two, AD&D® 2nd Edition $15.00
2104 0-88038-769 -6 MC Vol. Three, AD&D® 2nd Edition $ 9.95
2108 0-88038-844-7 Legends [, Lore $20.00
2110 0-88038-779-3 PHBRl The Complete Fighter's Handbook $15.00
2111 0 -88038-780 -7 PHBR2 The Complete Thiefs Handbook $15.00
2112 0-88038-817 -X DMGR 1 Catacomb Guide $15.00
2113 0-88038-818-8 PHBR3 The Complete Priest's Handbook $15.00
2114 0-88038 -837-4 DMGR2 Castle Guide $15.00
2115 0-88038 -838-2 PHBR4 The Complete Wizard 's Handbook $15.00
2117 1-56076-054-0 PHBR5 The Complete Psionics Handbook $15.00
2118 1-56076-055-9 MC8 Monstrous Compendium , Outer Planes Appendix $12.95
2121 1-56076- 107-5 Tome of Magic $20.00
2123 1-56076 - 109- 1 DMGR2 Arms [, Equipment Guide $15.00
2124 1-56076-110-5 PHBR6 The Complete Book of Dwarves $15.00
2127 1-56076-360-4 PHBR7 The Complete Bard's Handbook $15.00
2128 1-56076-362-0 DMGR4 Monster Mythology $15.00
2131 1-56076-376-0 PHBR8 The Complete Book of Elves $15.00
2132 1-56076-528- 7 MC14 FIEND FOLIO® Monstrous Compendium $10.95
8443 0-88038-605-3 Art of the ADVANCED DUNGEONS[, DRAGONS® Game $16.95
9147 0-88038-018 -7 Tl -4 Temple of Elemental Evil $15 .00
9162 0-88038-247-3 LANKHMAR" ', City of Adventure $12.00
9221 0-88038 -498-0 DQl Shattered Statue $ 5.95
9263 0-88038-747-5 REFl Dungeon Master's Reference Screen, AD&D® 2nd Edition $ 6.95
9264 0-88038- 152- 1 REF2 Character Reference Sheets, AD&D® 2nd Edition $ 8.95
9266 0-88038- 770-X BATTLESYSTEM" ' Miniatures Rules $14.95
9276 0-88038-825 -0 LNA 1 Thieves of Lankhmar $ 9.95
9293 1-56076 -429 -5 The Magic Encyclopedia, Vol. One $ 9.95
9295 0-88038-870-6 LNRl Wonders of Lankhmar $ 9.95
9305 0-88038-890-0 Nehwon $ 9.95
9322 1-56076- 128-8 HR I Vikings Campaign Sourcebook $15.00
9323 1-56076-393-0 HR2 Charlemagne's Paladins Campaign Sourcebook $15.00
9329 1-56076-135-0 LNR2 Tales of Lankhmar $ 9.95
9330 1-56076-357-4 HHQl , Fighter's Challenge $ 6.95
9335 1-56076- 141-5 BATTLESYSTEM'" Game Skirmishes $15.00
9353 1-56076-361-2 GR 1, Strongholds $18.00
9356 1-56076-364 -7 CRl , Wizard Spell Cards $18.95
9359 1-56076-365 -5 HHQ2, Wizard 's Challenge $ 6.95
9362 1-56076-367-1 CR2, Priest Spell Cards $18.95
9365 1-56076-368-X GR2, Dungeons of Mystery $18.00
9370 1-56076 -372-8 HR4, Mighty Fortress Campaign Sourcebook $15.00
9371 1-56076-373 -6 LNQ 1, Slayers of Lankhmar $ 9.95
9376 1-56076-374 -4 HR3, Celts Campaign Sourcebook $15.00
9377 1-56076-375-2 GR3 , Treasure Maps $12.95
9380 1-56076-377-9 REF6, Rogues· Gallery $12.95

Iii Ill
mas hit of late '80s, the FORGOTTEN LMS® cam-
paign setting has expanded into TSR's #I-selling game and
book world in the '90s. With each addition to the line, the
Realms' popularity continues to soar. This year brings the
eagerly awaited revision of the FORGOTTEN REALMS cam-
paign setting, two blockb · r novels by best-selling author
R. A. Salvatore, a d .muc
Campaign Setting

A complete revision of the best-

selling original, the new FORGOTTEN
REALMS® Campaign Setting is
designed to serve as both an update
for long-standing players and an
introduction for new players.
Since the debut of the
1987, godly interventions, a Mongol
invasion, the discovery of the new
world, and numerous petty wars have
occurred. The new Campaign Setting
pulls together everything that's
happened to date in TSR's largest
fantasy world, and will act as the
"hub" of all future material.
Boxed Set
By Jeff Grubb and Ed Greenwood
TSR Ship Month: June
On Sale Date: July
Suggested Retail Price: $29.95;
CAN $38.50 , £17 .99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-617-4
Format: Three 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4 books, 96 pages each, four 21 1/ 2 x
31 maps, 16 Monstrous Compendium inserts, 6 cards, 21 1/ 2 x 31
poster, 2" deep box
Case Pack/ Weight: 6/14 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• It's the most important FORGOTTEN REALMS® product of 1993
• Strong tie-ins with all FORGOTTEN REALMS books, including the nex1
month release of the Prince of Lies
RPGA• NetwoRk, spon-
SORe() bN TSR since 1980,
lllialxdl~ conoocts<>OeR MO
f!i)rartJief.oaRoaments WORlawf()e
The Code of the Harpers-

Unravel the musical and martial

secrets of the mysterious Harpers,
guardians of Good in the wilds of the
Northern Realms!
The Code of the Harpers gives
readers all the background
information on the Harpers. It allows
them to see the workings of this
medieval magical police force and
how to bring characters into it. Also
provides in -depth details on the
lifestyle and mindset of the Harpers.
By Ed Greenwood
TSR Ship Month : August
On Sale Date: September
Suggested Retail Price: $15 .00;
CAN $18.00; £9 .99 U.K.
ISBN : 1-56076-644-1
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, 128 pages, perfect
bound, 4 -color and BE.W
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/14 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• Appeals to players, Dungeon Masters, and fans
of the best-selling Harpers book series-a
potential market of over 3 million interested

A potion o~ scrpeR-beRoism
will gioe a UXJRa:zior.z a tern-

poRORN iDCRease in leoels an~

bit points. .J
Ruins of Myth Drannor

The ruins of Myth Drannor, the dead city of

the elves, in all their treacherous glory await!
From its initial release , the FORGOTTEN
REALMS® game campaign has hinted at the
dangers of the legendary Myth Drannor and
the countless treasure within its crumbled
walls. Now, in the spirit of The Ruins of
Undermountain boxed set, TSR presents
another challenging "super-dungeon" ripe
for adventurers to plunder.
Boxed Set
By Ed Greenwood
TSR Ship Month: February
On Sale Date: March
Suggested Retail Price: $20.00; CAN $24.00;
ISBN: 1-56076-569-0
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, 128 pages, perfect bound, and
32 pages, saddle stitched, 8 loose
sheets; 8 cards , 5 3/ 8 x 8 3/8; 4 poster maps,
2 I l / 2 x 31 B £, W
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 18 lbs .
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• The Ruins of Undermountain boxed set was a phenomenal seller and
met with high acclaim among role-playing game enthusiasts
•The strength and popularity of the FORGOTIEN REALMS brand will
make this product an instant success

ghast is an cmrea()
A CReatar.ze so
bor.zRifCViDg that the
meRe sight Of it can
age a oictim 10 CVeaRS.
Starless Night

Starless Night is the sequel to the New York Times hardcover

best-seller The Legacy as well as Book One in TSR's first
hardcover trilogy by R. A. Salvatore.
Set in the FORGOTTEN REALMS® fantasy world, the series
features Drizzt Do'Urden, hero of the best-selling lcewind Dale
and Dark Elf trilogies. In Starless Night, Drizzt returns to his
birthplace, the subterranean city of Menzoberranzan, to free
himself of those who seek his death.
Sequel to The Legacy
By R. A. Salvatore
Artist: Robh Ruppel
TSR Ship Month: September
On Sale Date: October
Suggested Retail Price: $16.95 ; CAN $20.50; £10.50 UK
ISBN: 1-56076-653-0
Format: 5 3/4 x 8 1/ 2, 320 pages, perfect bound, harcover, B&W chapter
Case Pack/Weight: 12/ 14 lbs.
Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/ Stock #:
1-56076 -724 -3/ 203.40/12 copy/ 85420
Age Level : 12+
Key Support:
• Instant name recognition!
• R. A. Salvatore is the #1-selling author of FORGOTTEN REALMS® novels
• More than 1.75 million FORGOTTEN REALMS novels by Salvatore have appeared
in print
• Starless Night cashes in on The Legacy, Salvatore's third New York Times best-seller and 1992
hardcover title

The Legacy

This is the paperback edition of the 1992 New York Times best-
seller, The Legacy.
A prelude to an upcoming trilogy set after the lcewind Dale
Trilogy, The Legacy ties together those series and the Dark Elf
Trilogy. In this novel , the beleaguered dark elf, Drizzt Do'Urden,
thinks he has all of his problems solved ... until the Spider
Queen, Lloth , vows to poison his life with a vengeance!
By R. A. Salvatore
Artist: Jeff Easley
TSR Ship Month : September
On Sale Date: October
Suggested Retail Price: $5.95; CAN $6.95, £3.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-640-9
Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 368 pages, perfect bound, B&W chapter illustrations
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/12 lbs.
Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/ Stock#:
1-56076- 725 - 1/ 107.10/1 8 copy/ 8436RH
1-56076- 726-X/ 214.20/ 36 copy/ 84360
Age Level : 12+
Key Support:
•The FORGOTTEN REALMS® fantasy setting has satisfied millions of role-playing
game enthusiasts and general public readers tor years
• Instant name recognition-more than 1.75 million FORGOTTEN REALMS nove ls~
R. A. Salvatore have appeared in print and The Legacy is his third New York Times
• The Legacy paperback is supported by the concurrent release of its hardcover sequel, Starless
Prince of Lies

Prince of Lies weaves a new epic around the characters of

the New York Times best-selling Avatar Trilogy-with all
the punch of a trilogy in a single volume.
Here's the story of the heroes-who-became-gods, five
years after the best-selling Avatar Trilogy concludes.
Cyric, God of the Dead and self-styled Prince of Lies,
searches in vain for the soul of Kelemvor Lyonsbane, the
friend and ally he murdered to become a god. Yet the
other gods are wary of Cyric's ambitions. They forge a
secret alliance against him , and the "Godswar" that
ensues will change the face of Toril forever.
By James Lowder
Artist: Brom
TSR Ship Month: July
On Sale Date: August
Suggested Retail Price: $5.95; CAN $6.95; £3 .99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-626-3
Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 388 pages, perfect bound, B&W chapter
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/12 lbs.
Prepack ISBN/ Price/Configuration/ Stock #:
1-56076 -719 -7 /107 .10/18 copy/ 8539RH
1-56076 -720 -0/214.20/ 36copy/ 8539D
Age Level: 12+
Key Support:
•Follows characters of the New York Times best-selling Avatar series
•James Lowder is the author of the best-selling novels The Ring of Winter, Knight
of the Black Rose and Crusade
• Epic length story
The Shining South- FR 16

The Shining South sourcebook provides new places

for Realms enthusiasts to explore, and new cultures
for player-characters to interact with (and perhaps
belong to!).
A band of countries and regions stretching from
across the southern part of the Realms is detailed in
this 96-page accessory. This area includes magic-
strong kingdoms like Halruaa , mentioned in the
series, and the halfling nation of Lurien as well as
many other marvelous and fascinating locales .
By Thomas Prusa
TSR Ship Month : April
On Sale Date: May
Suggested Retail Price : $1 0.95 ; CAN $1 3.50; £6. 99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56 07 6 -595-X
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/4, 96 pages , saddl e stitched, Bf,W, poster-
sized map
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/1 4 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• The eagerly awaited continuation of the FORGOTIEN REALMS
series of accessories
• Explores a new area of the Realms, always a draw fo r players and

The Doom of Daggerdale-FRQ2

Th e Doom of Daggerdale is a short, inexpensive,

introductory adventure designed for new players with
novice characters , and for the beginning DUNGEON
An uncovered crypt of a forgotten mage-lord holds
the valley of Daggerdale in its thrall. The cry for help
goes to the mighty mage Elminster. However,
Elminster can 't be found. So, his scribe Lhaeo recruits
a band of newcomers in hopes that they can free the
valley. Can these heroes defeat the Doom of
By Tim Beach
Arti st: Jeff Easley
TSR Ship Month: September
On Sale Date: October
Suggested Retail Price: $6 .95; CAN $8.50; £4.50 U.K.
ISBN : 1-560 76 -654-9
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, 32 pages, saddle stitched, Bf,W
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/1 4 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Aud ience: Player levels 1-3.
Key Support:
• Supports the new FORGOTIEN REALMS® campaign setting
launched in 1993
• Introduces players to the rich , vibrant FORGOTIEN REALMS worlo
Realms of Valor

R. A. Salvatore, Troy Denning , Douglas Niles, Ed Greenwood, Christie

Golden, James Lowder, David Cook, Elaine Cunningham, Jean Rabe,
Mark Anthony, Scott Ciencin
Realms of Va/or is the first anthology set in the FORGOTTEN
REALMS® world.
Modeled after the successful DRAGONLANCE® Tales and Tales II
trilogies, this collection of short stories showcases entries by the best-
selling authors of FORGOTTEN REALMS novels-R. A. Salvatore,
Douglas Niles, Troy Denning, Ed Greenwood-and many others.
Authors: See above
Artist: Clyde Caldwell , interior illustrations by Ned Dameron
TSR Ship Month: January
On Sale Date: February
Suggested Retail Price: $4.95; CAN $5.95; £3 .99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-557-7
Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 352 pages, perfect bound, B&W illustrations
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/ 12 lbs.
Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/Stock #:
1-56076-709 -X/ 89 .10/18 copy/ 8538RH
1-56076 -710 -3/178.20/ 36 copy/85380
Age Level : 12+
Key Support:
• Provides a single-volume focus , where readers loyal to one author are introduced to the
work of others
•Appeals to the fans of the DRAGONLANCE Tales anthologies
• Includes a new Drizzt Do'Urden story by the New York Times best selling author, R. A. Salvatore

Pool of Twilight

A high fantasy adventure set in the FORGOTTEN REALMS® world,

Pool of Twilight is the conclusion to the best-selling Heroes of Phlan
The young son of Shal and Tari , the hero of The Pool of Radiance
and Pools of Darkness, embarks on a quest for the missing
Warhammer of Tyr. His journey will lead him to the ultimate pool, the
source of all the others that have plagued the Realms with evil
throughout time.
Heroes of Phlan, Book Three
By James M. Ward and Anne K. Brown
TSR Ship Month : October
On Sale Date: November
Suggested Retail Price: $4.95; CAN $5.95; £3 .99 U.K .
ISBN: 1-56076-582-8
Format: 4 3/1 6 x 7, 320 pages, perfect bound , B&W chapter headings
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/12 lbs.
1-56076 -713 -8/ 89 .10/ 18 copy/ 8537RH
1-56076 -714 -6/178.20/ 36 copy/85370
Age Level: 12+
Key Support:
• Pool of Twilight is the sequel to two best-selling novels
Crypt of the Shadowking

Crypt of the Shadow king takes us to the foul and dangerous

underworld of the city of lriaebor.
lriabor of a Thousand Spires, richest of the Caravan Cities,
has fallen under the dark sway of the Zhentarim. The fiery
Harper agent Mari Al' Marin and the cynical ex-Harper
Caledan are all that stand between the evil group and the
domination of a rich and thriving city. Only a quest for long-
forgotten magic might provide the means of defeating the
Zhentarim's plot.
Harpers Series, Six
By Mark Anthony
Artist: Fred Fields
TSR Ship Month: March
On Sale Date: April
Suggested Retail Price: $4.95; CAN $5.95; £3 .99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-594-1
Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 320 pages, perfect bound, Bt,W chapter headings
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/12 lbs.
Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/ Stock # :
1-56076-715 -4/ 89.10/ 18 copy/8499RH
1-56076-716-2/ 178.20/ 36 copy/ 8499D
Age Level: 12+
Key Support:
•The popularity of the Harpers Series grows among FORGOTTEN REALMS®
game fans with each new release

Soldiers of Ice

Soldiers of Ice is an intense, personal story of survival, a

departure from the more sweeping "battle against great evil"
tales that characterize the rest of the Harpers books.
Journeying far north in defiance of her Harper superiors,
Martine of Sembia finds herself trapped in the snowbound
valley of Samek, kept company by gnomes and an ex-
paladin named Vilheim. There she finds love, war and
unexpected honor, as the outnumbered gnomes defend their
valley against an advancing horde of savage gnolls.
The Harpers Series, Book Seven
By David Cook
Artist: Fred Fields
TSR Ship Month: November
On Sale Date: December
Suggested Retail Price: $4.95 ; CAN $5.95; £3 .99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-641-7
Format: 4 3/ 16 x 7, 320 pages, perfect bound, Bf,W chapter headings
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/1 2 lbs.
Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/ Stock #:
1-56076-721 -9/ 89.10/ 18 copy/ 8540RH
1-56076-722 -7/1 78.20/36 copy/ 8540D
Age Level: 12+
Key Support:
• David "Zeb" Cook is an extremely well-known TSR game designer and
author ·
• Harper novels have a strong following among fantasy readers-each is a
complete story in itself, detailing some of the most unusual and compelling
tales in the FORGOTTEN REALMS® fantasy setting.
The Jungles of Chult-FRM 1
Shipwreck! In this module adventure, the heroes
must survive the mysterious Jungles of Chult to
return to civilization!
Returning to their homes, the heroes are
shipwrecked off the coast of Chult. They must now
travel through a land forgotten by time to reach their
destination. Along the way, they encounter tribes of
the jungle, as well as . .. dinosaurs?
By James Lowder
Artist: Robh Ruppel
TSR Ship Month: May
On Sale Date: June
Suggested Retail Price: $9.95; CANS 11 .95, £ 5.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-605-0
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, 64 pages, saddle stitched, B&W, map
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/7 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 5-8.
Key Support
• A sure-fire winner in the FORGOTTEN REALMS line, the #1-
selling campaign setting in the AD&D®game world
• Adventures involving dinosaurs and primitive cultures are in high

The Dalelands-FRS 1
Heart of the FORGOTIEN REALMS® campaign
setting, The Dalelands are home to many unique
and interesting characters, including the
unforgettable Elminster the Mage.
The Dalelands 64-page accessory describes, for
the first time, the inhabitants , the cities and the
hidden dangers of the heartlands. Here's a perfect
campaign setting for newcomers and experienced
adventurers alike.
By L. Richard Baker Ill
TSR Ship Month: October
On Sale Date: November
Suggested Retail Price: $9.95; CANS 11 .95; £5.99 U.K.
ISBN : 1-56076-667-0
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, 64 pages, saddle stitched, B&W, one
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 7 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• Never-before-detailed campaign settings draw thousands of new
game players and increase consumer demand
• Some of the best-known characters from the Realms reside in the
Dalelands, and information on these characters is always in
The Druid Queen
_........,..._,,. ~ ~ .. l

( I''. 'I , •, tl I L'J :" f /, 1,_ I';" ( The Druid Queen is the conclusion The Druidhome Trilogy, Book Three
"I ·~ •-'• I
to The Druidhome Trilogy by
By Douglas Niles
Artist: Clyde Caldwell
Douglas Niles-the best-selling TSR Ship Month: February
sequel to the Moonshae Trilogy, On Sale Date: March
which sold more than 600,000 Suggested Retail Price: $4.95 ; CAN $5.95; £3.99 U.K.
ISBN : 1-56076-568-2
copies. Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 320 pages, perfect bound, B[,W
At long last, the Four Kingdoms chapter headings
of the Moonshae Isles enjoy an era Case Pack/ Weight: 24/12 lbs.
of peace. Now King Tristan Prepack ISBN/ Price/Configuration/ Stock # :
Kendrick is threatened by an evil he 1-56076-711-1 / 89.10/18 copy/ 8496RH
1-56076-712-X/ 178.20/ 36 copy/ 8496D
cannot see. Little does he realize Age Level : 12+
that a sinister presence is at work
Key Support:
within his own family. At stake are
• Douglas Niles novels have sold more than 1 million
the fate of the Moonshae Isles and copies
the unity of the Ffolk ....

Fallen Fortress
1llt Clnlr '*" ..... ,_ Another surefire hit from the f'lew The Cleric Quintet, Book Four
By R. A. Salvatore
York Times best-selling author R. A .
Artist: Jeff Easley
Salvatore, set in the FORGOTTEN TSR Ship Month: May
REALfa\S® fantasy world. On Sale Date: June
The Fallen Fortress is the fourth Suggested Retail Price: $4.95; CAN $5 .95; £3 .99 U.K.
book in the Cleric Quintet. Cadderly ISBN : 1-56076-419-8
Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 352 pages, perfect bound , B[,W
tries to avoid war between the chapter illustrations
combined forces of Carradoon and Case Pack/ Weight: 24/12 lbs.
Shilmista Forest and the fiends of Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/ Stock #:
Castle Trinity, the stronghold of his 1-56076-717 -0/ 89 . l 0/ 18 copy/ 8497RH
nemesis. Instead, he sets off to 1-56076-718 -9/178.20/ 36 copy/ 8497D
Age Level : 12+
wage war on a smaller scale, using
his increasingly powerful priestly Key Support:
• More than 2 million FORGOTIEN REALMS novels by
magic. Neither the journey nor the
R. A. Salvatore are in print, including the New York Times
battle goes as easily as planned, best-sellers The Ha/fling's Gem, the conclusion to the
and Cadderly must come to terms lcewind Dale Trilogy, and Sojourn, the conclusion to the
with his past. Dark Elf Trilogy
•Features an advance look at the first chapter of
R. A. Salvatore's Fall hardcover, Starless Night
Volo's Guide to the North
The Volo's Guide series continues Accessory
in this in-depth, player-friendly By Ed Greenwood
guide to the cities and peoples of Artist: Robh Ruppel
TSR Ship Month: November
the Northern Realms. On Sale Date: December
Volo is back! Set to a wandering Suggested Retail Price: $9.95 ; CAN $11 .95; £5.99
life, Volo takes a cook's tour of the U.K.
northern communities, including ISBN: 1-56076-678-6
Format: 5 1/ 2 x 8 1/ 2, 240 pages, perfect bound, B&~
Neverwinter, Silverymoon, The
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/14 lbs.
lcewind Dales and Hellgate Keep. Age Level: 12+
Volo's Guide to the f'lorth is a fact-
Target Audience: All player levels.
filled , detailed account of cities and Key Support:
rulers, taverns and new NPCs, plot • Specific material on game locations is always in demanc
complications and adventures for • Its light, enjoyable tone appeals to both the game devol<
use by DUNGEON ·MASTEWM and and the casual reader.
player alike.
FORGOTTEN REALMS® Adventures Backlist
TSR Sugg.
Prod. Retail
No. ISBN No. Product Title Price

1031 0-88038-472- 7 The FORGOTTEN REALMS® Adventure Set $15.00

1040 0-88038-600-2 City System $12.00
1055 0-88038-868-4 Horde Boxed Set $18.00
1060 1-56076-061-3 Ruins of Undermountain Boxed Set $20.00
1083 1-56076-460-0 Menzoberranzan Boxed Set $30.00
2106 0-88038-828 -5 FORGOTTEN REALMS® Adventure Book $20.00
2116 0-88038-851 -X MC6 Kara -Tur Appendix $ 9.95
2125 1-56076-111-3 MCl 1 Monstrous Compendium , FORGOTTEN REALMS® Appendix $10 .95
9242 0-88038-624-X OAS Mad Monkey vs. the Dragon Claws $ 7.95
9252 0-88038-711-4 FR7 Hall of Heroes $10.95
9257 0-88038-749- 1 OA6 Ronin Challenge $ 9.95
9358 0-88038-775 -0 OA 7 Test of the Samurai $ 9.95
9262 0-88038-744-0 FR8, Cities of Mystery $ 8.95
9267 0-88038- 771 -8 FR9 , Bloodstone Lands $ 8.95
9281 0-88038-834 -X FR 1A1 Storm Riders $ 8.95
9290 0-88038 -858-7 FRA2 The Black Courser $ 8.95
9297 0-88038-876-5 FOR 1 Draconomicon $15.00
9300 0-88038-880 -3 FR 11 Dwarves Deep $ 8.95
9320 1-56076- 126-1 FR13 Anauroch $10 .95
9324 1-56076- 130-X FRl 2 Horde Campaign $12.95
9326 1-56076- 132-6 FOR2 The Drow of Underdark $15.00
9340 1-56076 - 146-6 FMA2 Endless Armies $ 6.95
9346 1-56076-320 -5 FOR3, Pirates of the Fallen Stars $15 .00
9349 1-56076 -322 -1 FMQ 1, City of Gold $10.95
9351 1-56076-324-8 FR14, Great Glacier $10.95
9354 1-56076 -325 -6 FRQl Haunted Halls of Eveningstar $ 6.95
9358 1-56076-327-2 Aurora's Whole Realms Catalog $ 8.95
9369 1-56076-333 -7 FRQ2, Hordes of Dragonspear $ 6.95
9373 1-56076-334 -5 FR 15, Gold & Glory $12.95
9379 1-56076-335 -3 Volo 's Guide To Waterdeep $20.00
9402 0-88038-763 -7 Kara Tur Trail Map 5 $ 3.95


8410 0-88038-451-4 The Moonshae Trilogy , Book 1, Darkwalker on Moonshae $ 4.95
8412 0-88038-563 -4 The Moonshae Trilogy, Book 2, Black Wizards $ 4 .95
8416 0-88038-717 -3 The Moonshae Trilogy , Book 3, Darkwe/I $ 4.95
8411 0-88038-535-9 The lcewind Dale Trilogy , Book 1, Th e Crystal Shard $ 4.95
8415 0-88038 -672-X The lcewind Dale Trilogy , Book 2, Streams of Silver $ 4.95
8484 0-88038 -901-X The lcewind Dale Trilogy, Book 3, Th e Ha/fling's Gem $ 4 .95
8414 0-88038-612 -6 The Finder's Stone Trilogy, Book 1, Azure Bonds $ 4 .95
8418 0-88038 -902 -8 The Finder's Stone Trilogy. Book 2, Th e Wy vern 's Spur $ 4 .95
8419 1-56076 -060-5 The Finder's Stone Trilogy, Book 3, Song of th e Sauria/s $ 4 .95
8417 0-88038-735 - 1 Pool of Radiance $ 4.95
8491 1-56076 -318-3 Pools of Darkn ess $ 4.95
8442 0-88038-857 -9 Atlas of the FORGOTTEN REALMS® World $15.95
8472 0-88038 -730-0 The Avatar Trilogy, Book 1, Shadowdale $ 4.95
8473 0-88038 -748-3 The Avatar Trilogy , Book 2, Tantras $ 4.95
8474 0-88038-759 -9 The Avatar Trilogy, Book 3, Waterdeep $ 4.95
8475 0-88038-903 -6 The Maztica Trilogy, Book 1,lronh elm $ 4.95
8476 0-88038-907-9 The Maztica Trilogy, Book 2, Viperh and $ 4 .95
8477 0-88038 -045- 1 The Maztica Trilogy, Book 3, Feathered Dragon $ 4 .95
8478 0-88038-904-4 The Empires Trilogy, Book 1, Horselords $ 4.95
8479 0-88038-919-2 The Empires Trilogy, Book 2, Dragonw all $4 .95
8480 0-88038-908-7 The Empires Trilogy, Book 3, Crusade $ 4 .95
8481 0-88038-905-2 The Dark Elf Trilogy, Book 1, Homeland $ 4 .95
8482 0-88038-920 -6 The Dark ElfTrilogy, Book 2, Exile $ 4 .95
8483 1-56076-047 -8 The Dark Elf Trilogy , Book 3, Sojourn $ 4 .95
8485 1-56076 -067 -2 The Harpers Series, Th e Parched Sea $ 4.95
8486 1-56076-117-2 The Harpers Series, £/{shadow $ 4.95
8487 1-56076 - 118-0 The Harpers Series, Red Magic $ 4.95
8492 1-56076-323-X The Harpers Series, Th e l'lig ht Parade $ 4 .95
8493 1-56076-330-2 The Harpers Series, Th e Ring of Winter $ 4 .95
8488 1-56076- 1 19-9 The Cleric Quintet, Book I, Ca nticle $ 4.95
8489 1-56076 -321 -3 The Cleric Quintet, Book 2, In Sylva n Shadows $ 4.95
8490 1-56076 -328-0 The Cleric Quintet, Book 3, l'lig ht Masks $ 4.95
8494 1-56076 -319 - 1 The Druidhome Trilogy, Book l, Proph et of Moonshae $ 4 .95
8495 1-56076 -332 -9 The Druidhome Trilogy, Book 2, Th e Coral Kingdom $ 4 .95
841 3 0-88038 -587 - 1 Spell/ire $ 4 .95



Dwarven Kingdoms of Krynn

It's about time the hidden kingdoms of

the dwarves of Krynn are unearthed!
Delve into the history, heroes and fate
of dozens of dwarven nations. This
sourcebox details the secrets and lives of
the mountain Hylar, their hill-dwelling
cousins, and the black-spirited duergar.
Plus, modular maps provide for endless
corridors of mystery. Visit these folk and
live the tales of the newest best-selling
DRAGONLANCE® novel trilogy, Dwaruen
Nations by Dan Parkinson.
Boxed Set
By Douglas Niles
Artist: Fred Fields
TSR Ship Month: October
On Sale Date: November
Suggested Retail Price: $20 .00, CAN $24.00
.£ 11.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-669-7
Format: 1 x 8 3/8 x 10 3/ 4, 128-page booklet,
64-page booklet, B&W, 4 mapsheets.
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 21 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• Proven sales success with tie-in to the newest Dwarven Nations novel

O oeR lCXJ clabs-c..uftbin-a-

clab, tbe RPGA® (Rol.e
l'la¥ing Game Associatiori»)
since 1SJ80 bas a mernbea:isbp
tbat spans tbe globe.
DLC2 9394

Four Official Game Adventures
Volume 2-DLC2


Volume Two of the DRAGONLANCE®
Classic series captures four best-sellers in
one: DL6 Dragons of Ice, DL 7 Dragons of
Light, DLB Dragons of War and DL9
Dragons of Deceit.
The DRAGONLANCE Classic series is
true to the original saga-the
DRAGONLANCE Chronicles. Now
DRAGONLANCE Saga fans who loved the
story, can role-play the adventure as their
favorite heroes. All 12 parts of the original
series have been collected in three
colorful, compact volumes. Volume Two is
a $25.00+ value for only $15.00!
Module Compendium
By TSR Staff
TSR Ship Month: February
On Sale Date: March
Suggested Retail Price: $15.00, CAN $18.00, £9.99
ISBN: 1-56076-570-4
Format: 8 3/ 8 x I 0 3/ 4 , perfect bound, 128 pages,
B&W, mapsheet
Case pack/Weight: 12/14 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience : Player levels 6-15.
Key Support:
• DRAGON LANCE books and novels are TSR's most popular fantasy
world-more than 6.5 million copies have been sold in the U.S. alone

and Other Worlds

The stunning artwork from the best-

selling fantasy worlds of TSR is
showcased in over a dozen poster-
quality reproductions.
The 1994 calendar displays the
year's best artwork from the
fantasy settings, including the
are featured.

TSR artists are world famous for

the quality and imagination of their
work. The award-winning artists
chosen for this year's catalog are:
Brom, Clyde Caldwell , Jeff Easley ,
Robh Ruppel, and Fred Fields.
By TSR Staff
TSR Ship Month: May
On Sale Date: June
Suggested Retail Price: $9.95 ; CAN $ 12.50;
.£6.99 U.K. lncl . VAT
ISBN: 1-56076-606-9
Format: 12 x 13, saddle stitched , 4-color, 2 Bf.W interior
Case Pack/ Weight: 48/28 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Key Support:
• TSR calenders annually sell more than 75,000 copies
• DRAGONLANCE Saga art is highly sought after by fans of
the best-selling novels
•This product spans all of TSR's product lines

nigbts. castles. an<'>

K Camelot. arqanei In 1980.
TSR, Inc. J:or.zms TSR. Lt<'>.. a
sisteA companat. in the Unite(')
The Covenant of the Forge
The Covenant of the Forge is the first Dwarven Nations Trilogy, Volume One
volume in the Dwarven Nations Trilogy, By Dan Parkinson
a historical saga of the feuding Artist: Tim Hildebrandt
TSR Ship Month: January
dwarven clans that are forged into a On Sale Date: February
nation, poised on the brink of a golden Suggested Retail Price: $4.95; CAN $5 .95; .£3.99 U.K.
age. ISBN: 1-56076-558-5
The Dragon War of Silvanesti has Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 320 pages , perfect bound, B&W
chapter illustrations
far-reaching consequences: the Case Pack/ Weight: 24/12 lbs.
migrations of races and the rise of Prepack ISBN/Price/ Configuration/ Stock #:
human and other enemies of the 1-56076-729 -4/ 89. 10/18 copy/ 8349RH
dwarves. The civilized and free-spirited 1-56076-730-8/178 .20/ 36 copy/ 8349D
Age Level: 12+
Hylar clan falls victim to fresh tensions
and political intrigue, savage infighting Key Support:
and assassination. From its midst • Details the history of the dwarven clans of Krynn only hinted
at previously
arises a visionary leader, who helps the
•The series will have the historical sweep, adventure and
Hylar forge a nation and launch romance of the best-selling Elven Nations Trilogy
construction of the legendary
Hammer and Axe
Hammer and Axe, book two of the Dwarven Nations Trilogy, Volume Two
Dwarven Nations Trilogy, finds the By Dan Parkinson
Artist: Tim Hildebrandt
clans of Thorbardin drawn into
TSR Ship Month: June
territorial wars between humans and On Sale Date: July
elves. Suggested Retail Price: $4.95; CAN $5.95; .£3.99 U.K.
The humans of Ergoth threaten ISBN: 1-56076-627-1
Thorbardin, and the intense differences Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 320 pages, perfect bound , B&W
chapter illustrations
between the dwarven clans result in Case Pack/ Weight: 24/12 lbs.
warring subcultures. The hill dwarves Prepack ISBN/ Price/Configuration/Stock #:
withdraw from their homeland and 1-56076-733-2/89.10/ 18 copy/ 8350RH
become a renegade clan, living above 1-56076-734-0/178.20/36 copy/ 8350D
Age Level : 12+
ground in the open air and sunshine.
They embrace their new lifestyle, Key Support:
emerging as the most numerous, • DRAGONLANCE® novels average sales of well over
100,000 each at initial release , and novels about the races
energetic and forward-looking of the
of Krynn are among the most popular.
clans. However, they still cannot avoid •Appeals to the same readers as the Elven Nations Trilogy
the political intrigue that threatens to
tear them apart.

The Swordsheath Scroll
The Swordsheath Scroll is the Dwarven Nations Trilogy, Volume Three
By Dan Parkinson
conclusion to the Dwarven Nations Artist: Tim Hildebrandt
Trilogy, the historical saga of the TSR Ship Month: December
dwarven clans only hinted at in On Sale Date: January 1994
previous DRAGONLANCE® books. Suggested Retail Price: $4.95; CAN $5 .95; .£3 .99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-686-7
The bloody and protracted
Format: 4 3/ 16 x 7, 320 pages, perfect bound, B&W
Wilderness War ends as a stalemate. chapter illustrations
The Swordsheath Scroll is signed. And Case Pack/ Weight: 24/12 lbs.
the rise of Derkin, King of the Living Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/ Stock # :
Stone, whose bravery and wisdom is 1-560760 -741-3 / 89.10/18 copy/ 8351 RH
1-560760 -742-1/178.20/ 36 copy/ 8351 D
written in dwarven annals, is recounted. Age Level : 12+
Key Support:
• Dan Parkinson has a reputation as a top-selling Western
writer, as well as a veteran of fantasy, science fiction and
high seas adventures
• Sales at well over the 100,000 mark are expected for The
Swordsheath Scroll, the final novel in the Dwarven Natio

Cam pa ign

Leaves from the Inn of the
Last Home

Reprinted due to popular demand-Leaves

from the Inn of the Last Home features
everything DRAGONLANCE® Saga fans
want to know about the world of Krynn and
its heroes.
A one-of-a-kind, stand-alone book in the
DRAGONLANCE Saga, Leaves from the
Inn of the Last Home is the
DRAGONLANCE reference book for
nongamers. It contains stories and details
alluded to in the novels, plus maps,
recipes, songs, legends and other fun
tidbits that complement the novels.
Edited by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman
Artist: Larry Elmore
TSR Ship Month : October
On Sale Date: November
Suggested Retail Price: $18.95; CAN $22.95 ;
£10.99 U.K.
ISBN : 0-88038-465-4
Format: 8 3/8 x 10 3/4, 256 pages, perfect bound ,
B&W interior art
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 28 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Key Support:
•The original Leaves has been out of print for years, so the new
generation of DRAGONLANCE® Saga fans is a ready market
• The book is edited by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman-an
immediate draw
• One of the strong attractions of the DRAGONLANCE Saga is its
multidimensional characters, and Leaves sheds even more light on
some favorites

B aft(')iog a bfggeA, betteA

castle-T~ Inc. begins
consbcactfoo in U>9.2 to (')oabl.e
the size ot= its Lake Geneoa
waAeboase to 70,CXX> &qt1CJRe


New Tales:
The Land Reborn- DLTl
Just because the Queen of
Darkness has been defeated
doesn't mean that the adventure is
over, it's only beginning!
The forces of evil still inhabit the
land and the challenges to rebuild
the past glories of Krynn are
many. The adventure continues as
the Heroes of the Lance strive to
reclaim a fleeting happiness and
peace in this war torn land. Within
this combination sourcebox-
adventure pack are the tales of
Tika 's quest for her missing father,
of the struggling romance of Tanis
and Laurana , and of Goldmoon's
and Riverwind's return to
By TSR Staff
Artist: Clyde Caldwell
TSR Ship Month: July
On Sale Date: August
Suggested Retail Price: $10.95;
CAN $13.50; £6.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-50676-607-7
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/4, 96 pages, saddle
stitched, Bf,W
Case Pack/Weight: 12/10 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 6-15.
Key Support:
•Introduces the next generation of DRAGONLANCE® Saga
• Details the world of Krynn after the War
• Provides an important link to the Legends saga


Book of Lairs-DLT21

Short adventures for a single

evening 's play, presented in the
DRAGO NLANCE® Saga style for
the first time!
The Book of Lairs is ideal for
both new players looking for a
simple introduction to the
setting, and for the experienced
group wanting a change of pace
from the epic scope of the series.
The lairs presented within feature
the monsters of Krynn and are
designed to be played in a single
gaming session.
By TSR Staff
Artist: Cl yde Caldwell
TSR Ship Month: December
On Sale Date: January 1994
Suggested Retail Price: $1 0 .95 ; CAN
$ 13.50; £6.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-63 0-1
Format: 8 3/8 x 10 3/4, 96 pages, saddle
stitched, Bt.W
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/1 4 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Aud ience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• Previous Book of Lairs products were strong sales
• Builds upon material established in the 1992 Tales of the
Lance boxed set.

• Adventures that can be played in a few hours are always
n multiple l>Aagons in demand.
e erx:ocmteAeb in
an aOOer:rfmle, fbeCY OAe
geneAallcv a mate() paiA.
Before the Mask
Before the Mask is the first book Villains Series, Volume One
in the DRAGONLANCE® Villains By Michael and Teri Williams
Artist: Jeff Easley
Series, which details the lives of
TSR Ship Month: March
the ruthless overlords of On Sale Date: April
Ansalon. Suggested Retail Price: $4.95; CAN $5.95; £3 .99 U.K.
This volume reveals the rise of ISBN: 1-56076-583-6
Verminaard, one of the central Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 320 pages, perfect bound , B&W
chapter headings
and most hated of the Case Pack/ Weight: 24/12 lbs.
DRAGONLANCE Saga villains. Prepack ISBN/Price/ Configuration/ Stock #:
Verminaard claws his way up 1-56076 -731-6/ 89.10/18 copy/ 8352RH
from humble and horrible 1-56076-732 -4/178.20/ 36 copy/ 83520
Age Level: 12+
beginnings to become a
despicable man and a ruthless Key Support:
ruler. Upon the wings of • Appeals to readers of gothic fantasy books such as the
best-selling RAVENLOf"fTM novels as well as the millions
dragons, he casts a dark shadow of fans of the DRAGON LANCE® Saga
over Ansalon ... until his • The Villains Series uses character-based storytelling-the
plummet from power. key to the success of DRAGONLANCE Chronicles and
Legends-to detail the colorful and popular villains of Krynn

The Black Wing
The Black Wing is the second in Villains Series, Volume Two
the Villains Series of By Mary Kirchoff
Artist: Jeff Easley
TSR Ship Month: August
It tells the story of the black On Sale Date: September
dragon who dwells at Xak Suggested Retail Price: $4.95; CAN $5.95; £3.99 U.K.
Tsaroth, ruins that lie amid ISBN : 1-56076-650-6
murky swampland. The Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 320 pages, perfect bound, B£,W
chapter headings
dragon's first appearances in Case Pack/ Weight: 24/12 lbs.
the best-selling Chronicles and Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/ Stock #:
Legends books raised many 1-56076-735-9/89.10/18 copy/8353RH
questions as to its origin and its 1-56076- 736 -7/ 178.20/36 copy/83530
Age Level: 12+
relation to the Dark Queen. The
Black Wing answers those Key Support:
questions. • Dragons have always evoked great interest and excellent
sales from the readers of fantasy novels.
•The Villains Series uses character-based storytelling-the
key to the success of the Chronicles and Legends books-
to detail the colorful and popular villains of Krynn.

The New York Times Bes t - Sellin~ Scrh- .. r #8354

~-~- Emperor of Ansalon
E.MPE.ROR Book Three in the Villains
Series, Emperor of Ansalon
Villains Series, Volume Three
By Douglas Niles
Artist: Jeff Easley
Of traces the brutal and wrath-
filled career of Ariakus,
TSR Ship Month : November
On Sale Date: December
AN~f~L-ON Commander-in-Chief of the
Dark Queen's dragonarmies.
Suggested Retail Price: $4.95; CAN $5 .95; £3.99 U.K
ISBN: 1-56076-680-8
D(\UGLAS NJ L ES Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 320 pages, perfect bound, B£,W
Ariakus is among the most
-.1-·· chapter headings
hated and mysterious villains of
- 1'--· . .) _,,, the DRAGONLANCE® Saga.
Case Pack/Weight: 24/12 lbs.
Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/ Stock # :

\~ · /\ !/_··.',
Raw power and innate cunning 1-56076-739 - 1/ 89. 10/18 copy/ 8354RH
carry him to complete mastery 1-56076 -740 -5/178.20/ 36 copy/ 83540
( - , of the armies of Takhisis, the
Age Level: 12+

.-' \_
7 -. Dark Queen. Yet, fueled by
insatiable ambition, the vile
Key Support:
• Douglas Niles is one of TSR's strongest authors
' Villf:\iNs Scnics
' Ariakus seeks an even higher
• Emperor of Ansaton will attract readers of gothic fantasy
books such as the best-selling RAVENLOFT™ novels as
BOOI{ III throne. well as the millions of fans of the DRAGONLANCE . Sag:
. ,. •. ·. ·- ..-1-.:;,z;~· ~

1!11 111 DRAGONLANCE® Saga Backlist

i TSR Sugg.
I Prod. Retail
No. ISBN No. Product Title Pric·e

1050 0-88038-773-4 Time of the Dragon Boxed Set $18.00

1074 1-56076-338-8 Tales of the Lance $20.00
2021 0-88038-452-2 DRAGONLANCE® Adventures Acces. $15.00
2105 0-88038-822-6 MC4 , DRAGONLANCE® Appendix $20.00
9133 0-88038-092-6 DL12 Dragons of Faith $10.00
9136 0-88038-093-4 DL 7 Dragons of Light $ 6.00
9137 0-88038-095-0 DL9 Dragons of Deceit $ 7.50
9141 0-88038-097-7 DL8 Dragons of War $6.00
9142 0-88038-098-5 Dll 0 Dragons of Dreams $ 6.00
9180 0-88038-096-9 DL14 Dragons ofTriumph $12.00
9237 0-88038-609-6 Dll 6 The World of Krynn $ 8.95
9244 0-88038-740-8 DLE2 Dragon Magic $8.95
9245 0-88038-764-5 DLE3 Dragon Keep $ 8.95
9275 0-88038-823-4 DLA 1 Dragon Dawn $ 8.95
9278 0-88038-829-3 Otherlands $ 9.95 I
9285 0-88038-843-9 DLA2 Dragon Knight $ 8.95
9291 0-88038-859-5 DLC 1 DRAGON LANCE® Classics, Vol. 1 $15.00
9294 0-88038-869-2 DLA3 Dragon's Rest $ 8.95
n 9334 1-56076-140-7 DLS4 Wild Elves $ 9.95
9344 1-56076-150-4 DLR2 Taladas: The Minotaurs $ 9.95
9381 1-56076-421-X DLQl Knight's Sword $ 6.95
9382 1-56076-422-8 DLQ2 Flint's Axe $ 6.95
9383 1-56076-423-6 DLR3 Unsung Heroes $ 9.95

DRAGONLANCE® Novels Backlist

8300 0-88038-173-6 DRAGONLANCE® Chronicles Trilogy, Volume 1, Dragons of Autumn Tw ilight $4.95
8301 0-88038-17 4-4 DRAGONLANCE® Chronicles Trilogy, Volume 2, Dragons of Winter Night $4.95
8302 0-88038-175-2 DRAGONLANCE® Chronicles Trilogy, Volume 3, Dragons of Spring Dawning $4 .95
8303 0-88038-172-8 DRAGONLANCE® Chronicles Trilogy Gift Set $14 .85
8307 0-88038-265- 1 DRAGONLANCE® Legends Trilogy , Volume 1, Time of the Tw ins $ 4.95
8308 0-88038-266-X DRAGONLANCE® Legends Trilogy, Volume 2, War of the Twins $4.95
8309 0-88038-267 -8 DRAGONLANCE® Legends Trilogy , Volume 3, Tesl of the Twins $4 .95
8313 0-88038-303-8 DRAGONLANCE® Legends Trilogy Gift Set $14 .85
8314 0-88038-454 -9 DRAGONLANCE® Tales Trilogy, Volume 1, Th e Magic o{ Kry nn $4 .95 11
8315 0-88038-382-8 DRAGONLANCE® Tales Trilogy, Volume 2, Kender, Gully Dwa rves, and Gnomes $4.95
8316 0-88038-519-7 DRAGONLANCE® Tales Trilogy, Volume 3, Love and War $4.95
8320 0-88038-543-X DRAGONLANCE® Chronicles Trilogy Hardcover $16.95
8323 0-88038-548-0 DRAGONLANCE® Heroes Trilogy, Volume 1, Th e Legend of Huma $4.95
8324 0-88038-597-9 DRAGONLANCE® Heroes Trilogy, Volume 2, Stormblade $4 .95
8325 0-88038-625-8 DRAGONLANCE® Heroes Trilogy, Volume 3, Weasel 's Luck $4 .95
8326 0-88038-652-5 DRAGONLANCE® Chronicles Trilogy Paperback $12.95
8327 0-88038-653-3 DRAGONLANCE® Legends Trilogy Paperback $12.95
8328 0-88038-722-X DRAGONLANCE® Preludes Trilogy, Volume 1, Darkn ess and Lighl $ 4.95
8329 0-88038-754-8 DRAGONLANCE® Preludes Trilogy, Volume 2, Kendermore $ 4.95
8330 0-88038-776-9 DRAGONLANCE® Preludes Trilogy, Volume 3, Brothers Majere $4 .95
8331 0-88038-909-5 DRAGONLANCE® Preludes II Trilogy, Volume 1, Riverw ind, Th e Plainsman $4 .95
8332 0-88038-911 -7 DRAGONLANCE® Preludes II Trilogy, Volume 2, Flinl, lhe King $4.95
8333 0-88038-913-3 DRAGONLANCE® Preludes II Trilogy, Volume 3, Tan is, the Shadow Years $4 .95
8334 0-88038-910-9 DRAGONLANCE® Heroes II Trilogy , Volume 1, Kaz, lhe Minotaur $ 4.95
8335 0-88038-912-5 DRAGONLANCE® Heroes II Trilogy, Volume 2, Th e Gales ofTh orbardin $4 .95
8336 0-88038-921 -4 DRAGONLANCE® Heroes II Trilogy, Volume 3, Galen Beknighled $4 .95
8337 1-56076-051 -6 DRAGONLANCE® Elven Nations Trilogy, Volume 1, Firslborn $4.95
8338 1-56076-113-X DRAGONLANCE® Elven Nations Trilogy, Volume 2, The Kinslay er Wars $ 4.95
8339 1-56076-114-8 DRAGONLANCE® Elven Nations Trilogy, Volume 3, Th e Qualinesti $ 4.95
8340 1-56076-069-9 DRAGONLANCE® Meetings Sextet, Volume 1, Kindred Spirits $ 4.95
I 8341 1-56076-115-6 DRAGONLANCE®Meetings Sextet, Volume 2, Wanderlust $4 .95
8342 1-56076-116-4 DRAGONLANCE® Meetings Sextet, Volume 3, Dark Heart $ 4.95
8343 1-56076-336-1 DRAGONLANCE®Meetings Sextet, Volume 4, Th e Oath and lhe Measure $ 4.95
8344 1-56076-339-6 DRAGONLANCE®Meetings Sextet, Volume 5, Sleet and Slone $ 4.95
8345 1-56076-340-X DRAGONLANCE® Meetings Sextet, Volume 6, Th e Companions $ 4.95
8346 1-56076-326-4 DRAGONLANCE® Tales II Trilogy, Volume 1, Th e Reign of Islar $ 4.95
8347 1-56076-430-9 DRAGONLANCE® Tales II Trilogy , Volume 2, Th e Ca tacly sm $4.95
8348 1-56076-431 -7 DRAGONLANCE® Tales II Trilogy , Volume 3, Th e War o{lh e Lance $4.95
8447 0-88038-44 7 -6 DRAGONLANCE® The Art of the DRAGONLANCE Saga $16.95
8448 0-88038-448-4 DRAGONLANCE® Atlas of the DRAGONLANCE World $15.95

flll'I 1111]
Assassin Mountain-

The Assassin Mountain

accessory adds the lair of the
Everlasting, the most deadly
brotherhood in the Land of
Fate, to AL-QADIM™
Players encounter the
Everlasting, murderous
assassins who destroy the
mighty from the shadows.
Brave heroes must infiltrate
their mountain fortress and
destroy the Grandfather of
Assassins .. . before the
Grand Caliph falls prey to their
By Wolfgang Baur
Artist: Jeff Easley
TSR Ship Month : January
On Sale Date: February
Suggested Retail Price: $18.00;
CAN $21.50; £ 10.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-564-X
Format: 5/8 x 8 3/8 x 10 3/ 4 ,
64 -page booklet, 32 -page booklet, 6
cards, 4 Monstrous Compendium
inserts, one map
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/1 2 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 5-8.
Key Support:
•Second in the series of AL-QADIM campaign
• Assassins in a "super dungeon" setting like the
successful and popular Ruins of Undermountain

E p:zeefi fs a tevpe o.,:

genie ,J:Rom tbe
elemental Plane o.,: FiRe.
City of Delights

The mightiest city of the Land of

Fate comes to life in this
campaign setting.
Medina Al-Huzuz, The City of
Delights, is the "Baghdad" of the
Land of Fate. This boxed set
details the wonders of this city,
from the daily life of its common
merchants to the exalted intrigues
of the Caliph and his court,
harem, viziers, and governors.
Includes a map of the Caliph's
sprawling palace, the most
indomitable complex in the Land
of Fate!
Box Supplement
By Tim Beach
Artist: Robh Ruppel
TSR Ship Month: June
On Sale Date: July
Suggested Retail Price: $20.00;
CAN $24 .00; .£11.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-589-5
Format: 1x 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, two 96 -page
booklets, saddle stitched, color and Bf, W,
8 Monstrous Compendium inserts, 2
poster-sized maps, 12 cards , clear plastic
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 25 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• This is the second full-sized box
supplement for the AL-QADIM™ campaign
• Provides a dramatic background for both
"standard swordplay" adventures and courtly intriques

T be 1.aRgesf Cmlpet Of
fltyir.Jg can Onl(V CCJRRCY
focm passenger.zs.
#9432 #9433
ADozen and One Adventures-ALQ3 Secrets of the Lamp-ALQ4

The fabled Everything

magic of the you ever
Arabian Nights wanted to
abounds in a know about
collection of genies, all in
thrilling short one package!
adventures for Secrets of
use in the the Lamp is a
AL-QADIM™ complete
campaign survey and
setting. exploration of
Like the the genies in
lengendary the Land of
tales of the Fate and their
Arabian Nights, world. It
this sourcebox includes a full
provides a rich description of
and diverse tapestry of adventures in the Land of the organization of the genies and their noble lords,
Fate. A Dozen 5 One Adventures contains source maps of their estates and lands (including the fabled
material, adventures , new monsters , and attractive City of Brass) , plus unique genie-types first revealed
player aids. Here's everything the DUNGEON here. This accessory contains source material,
MASTER™ needs to create a complete gaming adventures , Monstrous Compendium entries and
environment for the players of the AL-QADIM hand-outs.
Accessory By Wolfgang Bauer
By Steve Kurtz TSR Ship Month: October
Artist: Fred Fields On Sale Date: November
TSR Ship Month: March Suggested Retail Price: $18 .00; CAN $21.50; £10.99 U.K.
On Sale Date: April ISBN: 1-56076-647-6
Suggested Retail Price: $18.00; CAN $21.50; £10.99 U.K. Format: 5/8 x 8 3/8 x 10 3/4, 64-page book, 32-page book,
ISBN: 1-56076-622-0 BE.W, 6 cards, 4 Monstrous Compendium inserts, poster-sized
Format: 5/8 x 8 3/8 x 10 3/ 4 , 64-page book , 32-page book, map
saddle stitched, BE.W, 6 cards, 4 Monstrous Compendium inserts, Case Pack/Weight: 12/12 lbs.
poster-sized map Age Level : 12+
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/12 lbs. Target Audience: All player levels.
Age Level: 12+ Key Support:
Target Audience: Player levels 2-10. • Genies are one of the most intriguing areas of Arabian myth, and
Key Support: will appeal to the AD&D® game core audience as well as
•The first collection of short adventures for the AL-QADIM campaign AL-QADIM"' campaign enthusiasts
setting • Fourth in a series of accessories, Secrets of the Lamp supports the
•Third in the series of AL-QADIM campaign accessories AL-QADIM boxed set and Arabian Adventures rulebook
• Combines the sales strengths of accessories, adventure modules
and Monstrous Compendiums in one product

1111 AL-QADIM™
Campaign Backlist
TSR Sugg.
Prod. Retail
No. ISBN No. Product Title Price

1077 1-56076-329-9 Land of Fate Boxed Set $20.00

2126 1-56076-358-2 Arabian Adventures $18.00
2129 1-56076-370-1 MC13, AL-QADIM™ Monstrous
Compendium $10.95
9366 1-56076-331 -0 ALQl , Golden Voyages $1 8.00

1111• lmJ

Dragon's Crown, the first epic

adventure for the DARK SUN 1 M
World, takes players to the four
corners of Athas , a world without
• • ::>
... pstonics.
Someone, or something, in
Athas has seized control of
psionics. The magic powers of the
sorcerer-kings, the avangion
Korgunard, and the Dragon are
ebbing rapidly. A tide of evil is
blanketing the land and it must be
stopped! But first, players must
learn the secrets of the Order. This
"super module" can be played as
one big adventure or as separate
scenarios. It contains three
adventure booklets, a short story,
a 32-page book of maps, two
poster-sizes maps, and more.
By TSR Staff
Artist: Brom
TSR Ship Month: February
On Sale Date : March
Suggested Retail Price: $24.95 ;
CAN $29.95; £15.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-567-4
Format: 5 booklets; 96, 96, 64, 32,
16 pages, packaged in a slipcase folder,
2 poster-sized maps, 6 card sheets
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 24 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 11 +.
r.~~szso.i: fbe ADILgame cme Key Support:
~ .i:mz fD.J:oszmaffon. ·An incredible value, containing the equivalent of nine 32-
page modules
GO Magazine -poblisbeb • Builds on materials in the Dragon Kings sourcebook and
DC2 lil7(.S" - belfoeRS special the Ivory Triangle boxed set
• Designed so that other DARK SUN modules can easily
atfRacfions, .J:eafuRes, ,J:icffon, "plug in"
ReOfer.us, anb mORe each monfb.
The Ivory Triangle
~ , .-- ~ -(- r ·.,,,,-,, / - ..
Players are embroiled in a J·~~A~~-~~~- ~~1~· 0 L D
series of desperate struggles in
the Ivory Triangle , site of
Athas' most dreadful battles!
This boxed set describes in
tremendous detail the war
between the mighty city-states
~e Ivory Triangle
of Gulg and Nibenay and the
clash between their sorcerer-
kings on the battlefields of the
Ivory Triangle. A stunning
portrayal of these lands is
provided, from the verdant
forests to the north in the
Mekillot Mountains in the
south, where feral elves and
former slaves wait to throw
their lot in with the winners.
The Ivory Triangle is the setting
for dozens of gaming sessions.
Accessory Boxed Set
By TSR Staff
Artist: Brom
TSR Ship Month: May
On Sale Date: June
Suggested Retail Price: $20.00;
CAN $24.00; £ 11 .99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-604-2
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4". 4 booklets,
96; 32; 32; 16 pages; 4 -color and
Bt. W. 12 cards, 2 maps
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 24 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
•The first boxed set accessory for the DARK SUN™ game; boxed sets
traditionally sell right off the shelves
• The Ivory Triangle contains a new short story available nowhere else!
• Provides further details on areas from the DARK SUN novels
~ ~ I -- ,- •

V}JL.a_-,.~~: ~~l j_
0 L

Complete Gladiators

With the city-states in chaos and

the sorcerer-kings faltering , the
gladiators are emerging as the
new emperors of Athas!
Everything players want to
know about the gladiators-their
lives, techniques, and weapons-
is revealed here! In the style of
the highly successful PHBR
series, this volume contains new
kits, equipment, and never-
before-published details on
gladiators, the greatest warriors
in the DARK SUN™ world.
By Colin McComb
TSR Ship Month: June
On Sale Date: July
Suggested Retail Price: $15 .00;
CAN $18.00 ; £9 .99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-616-6
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4 , 128 pages,
perfect bound, 4-color and B&W,
leatherette cover
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/l 0 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• Same presentation as the other high-
sales PHBR products, the best-selling
AD&D® accessories on the market
• Excellent tie-in with the best-selling DARK SUN™ novels
• All players will want to know the gladiators' incredible combat
-- - I ,..--- , ,. . ,.,- , ,. ., , . . -

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0 L

Elves of Athas-DSS3

Leave your notions of elves

behind-the elves of Athas are L
The elves of Athas are a very
different breed-seven-foot-tall
v.es of Atha
desert savages who rule vast byTSR Sti\ff
areas of the wastelands. Their
ideas of honor and fair play are
always in question, but their
incredible powers are never in
doubt. The Elves of Athas 96 -
page accessory book contains
everything the DUNGEON
MASTEWMand player alike need
to know about these tribe
members who are long of limb,
but often short on patience.
By TSR Staff
Artist: Brom
TSR Ship Month: October
On Sale Date: November
Suggested Retail Price: $10.95 ;
CAN $13.50; £6.99 U.K
ISBN : 1-56076-665 -4
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/4, 96 pages, saddle
stitched, Bt.W, 1 map
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/10 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• Athasian elves have exploded into a very
popular character race
• Similar to the AD&D® Complete Handbook series, which enjoys
tremendous sales
•Virtually every DARK SUN™ game product has elves in it - their
importance to the campaign world makes this product a "must have"
Black Flames-DSM 1
This flip-book adventure puts the Module
player characters in the By TSR Staff
Artist: Brom
dangerous and unusual position Ship Month: March
of trusting a dragon and warding On Sale Date: April
off its enemies. Suggested Retail Price: $14.95;
In Black Flames, an emerging CAN $17.95; £9.99 U.K.
ISBN : 1-56076 -5 80 -1
dragon has few friends-the evil
Format: 8 3/8 x 10 3/ 4, two 5 3/8 x 8 3/8
sorcerer-kings of the DARK SUWM 48 -page spiral-bound flip-books, 16-page
World see it as a threat to their booklet, 4-color and B£,W
power; the preservers want to Case Pack/ Weight: 12/15 lbs.
stamp out its growing destructive Age Level: 12+
powers. But for the player Target Audience : Player levels 3-5.
characters, who have plenty of Key Support:
enemies themselves, there's a • TSR's Black Flames module has more 4-color
fantasy art and diagrams than modules by any
compelling reason to work with other company in the market
the dragon and keep it alive! • Flip-book format is the envelope's edge of
module design-very popular with all AD&D "'
game players
Merchant House of Amketch-DSM2
The Merchant House of Amketch Module
module puts players at the reins By TSR Staff
Artist: Brom
of an emerging trading company, TSR Ship Month : August
confronted by dozens of On Sale Date: September
adversaries and obstacles. Suggested Retail Price: $14.95;
The House of Amketch is a CAN $17 .95; £9.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-5607 6-643-3
budding merchant family,
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, two 5 3/ 8 x 8 3/ 8
building its reputation and assets 48 -page spiral-bound flip -books, one 16-page
in the free city of Tyr. But many booklet, B£,W
forces stand between it and vast Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 15 lbs.
wealth, from opposing houses to Age Level: 12+
King Tithian himself. Join Ta rget Audience : Player levels 6-8.
company with those who serve Key Support:
the House of Amketch in this flip- • Merchant House of Amketch builds on materials
presented in the successful Dune Trader
book adventure module. accessory and features characters from the
DARK SUNr" line of novels

Marauders of Nibenay-DSM3
Characters rely on their wits as Module
much as their weapons in By TSR Staff
Artist: Brom
Marauders of Nibenay, a flip- TSR Ship Month : November
book adventure module that On Sale Date: December
centers on two cities engaged in Suggested Retail Price: $14.95; CAN $17 .95;
a never-ending war. £9 .99 U.K.
ISBN : 1-5607 6-677 -8
Caught in the middle, the
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, two 5 3/ 8 x 8 3/ 8,
characters make enemies on 48-page spiral -bound flip-books and one
both sides. Their survival 16-page booklet, B£,W and 4-color
depends on the favors they've Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 15 lbs.
accumulated with a wily old Age Level : 12+
templar and on the willingness of Target Audience: Player levels 5-8.
the local wizards to take them in. Key Support:
• Builds on The Ivory Triangle boxed set and the
Veiled Alliance accessory
• The Marauders of Nibenay adventure module
can be used as part of the Dragon 's Crown epic
City-State of Tyr-DSS 1
2420 \

City-State of Tyr delves into the powerful secrets of Tyr, the

supreme city-state of the DARK SUN™ world, and forms the
nucleus for an entire campaign.
This sourcebook depicts Tyr after the sorcerer-king Kalak's
death, from the bickering nobility to the immense armies of
former slaves. The site of the first published DARK SUN
adventure, Tyr is the obvious place to launch an entire
campaign; the City-State ofTyrsourcebook makes that possible!
By Walt Baas
Artist: Brom
TSR Ship Month: July
On Sale Date: August
Suggested Retail Price: $10.95; CAN $13.50 ; £6.99 U.K
ISBN: 1-56076-629-8
Format: 8 3/8 x 10 3/4, 96 pages, saddle stitched, B&W, mapsheet
Case Pack/Weight: 12/10 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• Builds on the incredible adventures presented in the Freedom and Road to Urik
• Tyr is home to the main characters in the DARK SUN novel series

Earth, Air, Fire, and Water-DSS2

The deepest secrets of elemental magic in the DARK SUNTM

world are revealed!
The clerics, druids , and templars of Athas rely on the magic of
the elemental planes for their power. New spells and abilities are
presented in Earth, Air, Fire, and Water to make these characters
more interesting to play. Plus, vital information about their roles
in the DARK SUN game is provided. The key to Athas' future lies
in elemental magic and its influence across the desert sands!
By TSR Staff
Artist: Brom
TSR Ship Month: September
On Sale Month : October
Suggested Retail Price: $10.95; CAN $13.50; £6.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-652-2
Format: 8 3/8 x 10 3/4, 96 pages, saddle stitched, B&W
Case Pack/Weight: 12/10 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
•This accessory unveils a unique branch of magical power, and accessories that
present new spells always enjoy great sales
• Since characters can strive to become elemental beings themselves, this volume
draws acute interest from higher level players
- -

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#2414 #2415
The The
Obsidian Cerulean
Oracle Storm

In The In The
Obsidian Cerulean
Oracle, Book Storm, Book
Four in the Five in the
Prism Pentad, Prism Pentad,
power-hungry King Tithian
Tithian, the leads a last-
new ruler of ditch attempt
Tyr, follows his to save the
dream of world of Athas
becoming a from
sorcerer- king. complete
When destruction .
Tithian embarks on a perilous journey into the Now armed with the Obsidian Oracle , King Tithian
Athasian desert, the nobleman Agis of Asticles fears must enlist the aid of his former slaves-Rikus,
that his monarch is up to no good. As Tithian Neeva , and Sadira-as he embarks on a desperate
searches for an ancient oracle that will allow him to mission to save Athas. When the journey begins, old
become a sorcerer-king, he travels from the ruins of a hatreds and passions prove as dangerous as the
lost city-state to the throne room of the giants' high enchanted fleets and dust storms that batter the tiny
mogul. What he finds may lead to the salvation of caravan in the Sea of Silt.
Athas-or its destruction .
Prism Pentad , Book Five
By Troy Denning
Prism Pentad, Book Four
Artist: Brom
By Troy Denning
TSR Ship Month: August
Artist: Brom
On Sale Date: September
TSR Ship Month: May
Suggested Retail Price: $4.95; CAN $5.95; £3.99 U.K.
On Sale Date: June
ISBN : 1-56076-642-5
Suggested Retail Price: $4.95 ; CAN $5.95; £3.99 U.K.
Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 352 pages, perfect bound
ISBN: 1-56076-603-4
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/12 lbs.
Format: 4 3/ 16 x 7, 352 pages, perfect bound
Prepack ISBN/ Price/Configuration/Stoc k #:
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/12 lbs.
1-56076-705-7 /89. 10/1 8 copy/2415H
Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/Stock #:
1-56076 -706-5/178.20/36 copy/24 15D
1-56076-700-6/89.10/18 copy/2414RH
Age Level: 12+
1-56076-704-9/178.20/36 copy/2414 D
Age Level : 12+ Key Support:
• Novels by best-selling author Troy Denning have sold well over 1
Key Support:
million copies worldwide
• The Obsidian Oracle is certain to be a sure-fire hit among fans of
• Denning wrote the first four novels in the Prism Pentad, The
DARK SUNTM novels; first-month sa les average 100,000 for
Verdant Passage, The Crimson Legion, The Amber Enchantress,
Prism Pentad releases
and The Obsidian Oracle
• Troy Denning is the author of the first three novels in the Prism
• DARK SUN™ novels have strong ties to the game product, which
Pentad, TheVerdant Passage, The Crimson Legion and Th e
make them a "must read" for players
Amber Enchantress, and the New York Times best-se ller,
The Outcast

The Outcast, the first book of the Tribe of One

Trilogy, introduces a new hero and a new epic
quest in the best-selling DARK SUN™ world.
With the origin of the planet's ecological woes
revealed in the Prism Pentad, the quest for the
secrets of power in the DARK SUWMworld
begins! The Outcast centers around a powerful,
new hero-one whose bloodline combines the
grace of elves with the savagery of Athasian
halflings. The hero's tortured past has granted
him extraordinary powers, which he must call
upon to survive.
Tribe of One Trilogy, Book One
By Simon Hawke
Artist: Brom
TSR Ship Month: November
On Sale Date: December
Suggested Retail Price: $4.95; CAN $5.95; £3.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-676-X
Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 320 pages, perfect bound, B&W chapter
Case Pack/Weight: 24/12 lbs.
Prepack ISBN/Price/Configuration/Stock#:
1-56076-707-3/89.10/18 copy/2425RH
1-56076-708-1 1178.20/36 copy/24250
Age Level: 12+
Key Support:
• Simon Hawke has written the best-selling Wizard of . .. and
Time Wars series
• The central figure of The Outcast will be especially popular
because he can battle as a wizard , psionicist, and warrior,
DARK S(]N™ Product Backlist
No. ISBN No. Product Title Price

2400 1-56076- 104-0 DARK SUN" ' Boxed Set $20.00

2401 1-56076-105-6 DSI Freedom $12.95
2404 1-56076-271-3 DSRI Slave Tribes $10.95
2405 1-56076-272-1 MC12 Monstrous Compendium
DARK SUN"' Appendix $12.95
2406 1-56076-248-9 DSQ I Road to Urik $12.95
2407 1-56076-462-7 DSR2 Dune Trader $10.95
2408 1-56076-235-7 Dragon Kings $20.00
2410 1-56076-312-4 DSQ2 Arcane Shadows $12.95
2411 1-56076-313-2 DSR3 Veiled Alliance $10.95
2412 1-56076-315-9 DSQ3 Asticlian Gambit $12.95
2413 1-56076-316-7 DSR4 Valley of Dust and Fire $10.95

DARK S(]N™ Novels Backlist

TSR Sugg.
Prod. Retail
No. ISBN No. Product Title Price

2402 1-56076-121-0 Prism Pentad, Book I,

The Verdant Passage $ 4.95
2403 1-56076-260-8 Prism Pentad, Book 2,
The Crimson Legion $ 4.95
2409 1-56076-236-5 Prism Pentad, Book 3,
The Amber Enchantress $ 4.95

Castles Forlorn

Take a terrifying tour of one of the

most famous haunted castles in
the RAVENLOFf® world!
Gamers received a teasing
glimpse of Castle Forlorn in the
RAVENLOFf boxed set. This new
boxed set is a "mega-adventure"
and an accessory that features
stunning 3-D maps of the entire
castle. Rich in detail, Castles
Forlorn challenges daring players
to explore every corner of this
haunted landmark and discover
the horrors that lurk within.
Boxed Set
By TSR Staff
Artist: TSR Staff
TSR Ship Month: September
On Sale Date: October
Suggested Retail Price: $20.00; CAN
$24 .00; £11.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-645-X
Format: 8 3/ 8 x I 0 3/ 4, 96 -page booklet,
two 32-page booklets, two 2-sided poster
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 20 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• RAVENLOFT adventures and accessories
are big sellers-Castles Forlorn offers the
best of both
• The haunted castle is one of the most popular themes in gothic
•Complements the 1992 release of Van Richten 's Guide to Ghosts,
offering strong tie-in sales
I, Strahd

I, Strahd, in hardcover, tells the tragic tale of Strahd Von

Zarovich, lord of the dark lords.
Sergei, the young brother of Strahd Von Zarovich, loves
beautiful Tatyana. But so, too, does Strahd. To win her hand ,
Strahd will do anything, even enter a pact with Death and seal it
with his brother's blood. Thus begins the tragic tale of the darkest
lord ... a tragedy that spreads until it ensnares the entire land of
Barovia .
By P. N. Elrod
Artist: Clyde Caldwell
TSR Ship Month: August
On Sale Date: September
Suggested Retail Price: $16.95; CAN $20.50; £10.50 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-670-0
Format: 5 3/4 x 8 1/ 2, 320 pages, perfect bound, hardcover, B&W chapter
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/14 lbs.
Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/ Stock #:
1-56076- 748-0/203.40/12 copy/80620
Age Level: 12+
Key Support:
• Strahd is the most popular villain in the RAVENLOFT shared world
• I, Strahd is simultaneously released and marketed with the game product, House
of Strahd, tor strong crossover sales
•The popularity of horror and fantasy continue to reach new heights

House of Strahd-RM4

House of Strahd is the classic RAVENLOFT® adventure ,

now revamped for the AD&D® 2nd Edition game!
The classic 1982 adventure Raven/oft introduced Count
Strahd Von Zarovich, vampire lord of Ravenloft. This
updated adventure features a tougher villain , new plot
twists, and expanded detail suitable to the current
RAVENLOFT campaign. Long out of print, the original
adventure is still much in demand. This new version is sure
to thrill new and experienced players alike.
By Tracy Hickman and TSR Staff
TSR Ship Month: August
On Sale Date: September
Suggested Retail Price: $10 .95; CAN $13.50; £6.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-671-9
Format: 8 3/8 x 10 3/ 4, 64 pages, saddle stitched, B&W, one 4-color
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 7 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 9-12.
Key Support:
• Answers a strong demand for a new edition of TSR 's most popular
adventure of the '80s
• Features the vampire Strahd, RAVEN LOFT campaign's most popular villair
• Complements the 1991 release Van Richten's Guide to Vampires, oHenng
strong tie-in sales
Web of Illusions-RM3

Come: the land of Sri Raji and the ancient rakshasa, evil
masters of illusion and shapeshifting, await!
The Web of Illusions module is a 64-page adventure
featuring an exemplary full-color map. Players travel
through the deadly land of Sri Raji , an East Indian domain
of jungles, savage tigers, and lost temples. Also depicted
in the AD&D® rulebook, Legends & Lore.
By Erik Haddock
TSR Ship Month: June
On Sale Date: July
Suggested Retail Price: $9.95; CAN $11.95; £5.99 U.K.
ISBN : 1-56076-618 -2
Format: 8 3/8 x 10 3/4, 64 pages, saddle stitched , B&W, one 4-color
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/7 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 8-12 .
Key Support:
• Pits characters against a powerful and popular foe , the deadly rakshasa
• New domains within the dark realms of the RAVENLOFT game spell high
volume sales for retailers

Roots of Evil-RMI

Roots of Evil, the conclusion to the adventure begun in

From the Shadows, delves into the horrific origins of
Strahd Von Zarovich, master vampire.
This 96-page adventure module features Strahd in his
final showdown with Azalin the lich, the two most powerful
lords of evil in the RAVENLOFf® realm. Player characters
return to the popular Castle Ravenloft and discover never
before known facts about the vampire's roots and origins.
The outcome impacts the RAVENLOFf realm for years to
By Erik Haddock
Artist: Clyde Caldwell
TSR Ship Month: April
On Sale Date: May
Suggested Retail Price: $10 .95 ; CAN $13.50; £6.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-597 -6
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, 96 pages, saddle stitched, B&W
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 10 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 8-12.
Key Support:
• RAVENLOFT adventures are strong sellers, drawing customers month
after month
• Strahd is the most popular character in the RAVEN LOFT campaign
• Module contains the in-demand 30 perspective maps
Van Richten's Guide to the Lich-RR6

Dr. Van Richten leads the way to the lair of the most
perilous undead: the lich!
A self-appointed guide, Van Richten-with his
knowledge of the monsters in the RAVENLOFf® world-
has provided players and Dungeon Masters alike with
hours of detailed lore. Now, Van Richten's Guide to the
Lich exposes a world of evil wizards. As are all great
adversaries, liches are complex, intelligent and utterly
dangerous. Thanks to Dr. Van Richten, players now have
an edge in defeating them!

By Erik Haddock
Artist: Jeff Easley
TSR Ship Month: February
On Sale Date: March
Suggested Retail Price: $10.95; CAN $13.50; £6.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-572-0
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/4, 96 pages, saddle stitched, B£,W
Case Pack/Weight: 12/10 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience : All player levels.
Key Support:
• This product follows on the heels of several other, highly successful Van
Richten's Guides, which will make this product sell itself on name alone

Van Richten's Guide to Werebeasts-RR7

From Dr. Rudolph Van Richten , the acknowledged

expert on the eerie denizens of the RAVENLOFf®
realm, comes the definitive guide to lycanthropes ...
werewolves, wereboars, werefoxes , and more!
His preceding Guide to Vampires and Guide to
Ghosts have "fleshed out" those undead, and now in
Van Richten 's Guide to Werebeasts, the gamut of
"werecreatures" that may change their shape and walk
among men is closely examined and described.
By TSR Staff
Artist: Robh Ruppel
TSR Ship Month: July
On Sale Date: August
Suggested Retail Price: $10.95 ; $13.50 CAN ; £6.99 U.K.
ISBN : 1-56076-633-6
Format: 8 3/8 x 10 3/4, 96 pages, saddle stitched
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 10 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience : All player levels.
Key Support:
• Van Richten 's Guide to Werebeasts is the fourth in a highly successhJ
line of RAVEN LOFT monster guides, and buyers of the first three will
want this one for their collections
The Created-RM2

A bizarre puppet master pulls the strings in this

introductory RAVENLOFT® adventure for lower level
A mad puppeteer has set up shop in a small town. By
day, he owns a small toyshop where he sells his wares. By
night, he creates horrific living puppets, also known as doll
golems, to spread evil and death.
By TSR Staff
TSR Ship Month: May
On Sale Date: June
Suggested Retail Price: $6.95; CAN $8.50; £4.50 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-610-7
Format: 8 3/8 x JO 3/4, 32 pages, saddle stitched, B&W
Case Pack/Weight: 24/7 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 5-8.
Key Support:
•Revolves around the doll golem, a popular creature from the RAVENLOFT
Monstrous Compendium
• Introductory adventures are proven sellers
• The Created adventure module can be introduced into any RAVEN LOFT

Dark of the Moon-RM5

Dark of the Moon is a classic adventure about werewolves,

one of the most popular Gothic villains.
Adventurers will find themselves in a tooth-and-nail
struggle against these feral beasts. The Dark of the Moon
module provides 64 pages of adventure support for Van
Rich ten's Guide to Werebeasts, and it is also the first
werebeast adventure since the best-selling Feast of

By TSR Staff
Artist: Clyde Caldwell
TSR Ship Month: December
On Sale Date: January 1994
Suggested Retail Price: $9.95; CAN $11.95; £5.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-688-3
Format: 8 3/8 X JO 3/4, 64 pages, saddle stitched, B&W
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/7 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 5-8.
Key Support:
• Werewolves are hot
• Dark of the Moon will garner the same high sales as Feast of Goblyns
•As a tie-in to Van Richten 's Guide to Werebeasts, this module will receive a
flood of crossover sales
#8060 #8061
Tapestry of Dark Souls Carnival of Fear

Tapestry of Dark Carnival of Fear,

Souls is the fifth the sixth book in
novel in the open - the
RAVENLOFT"' series, tells of a
series. twisted and
It tells of the mysterious circus
Gathering Cloth , a in the evil land of
shimmering web l'Morai.
in which some of A murder has
the darkest evils in occurred along
the RAVENLOFT the sideshow
realm are trapped. boardwalk of
Jonathan, the son Carnival l'Morai.
of the most Three of the
powerful of the carnival
beings in the performers begin
tapestry, must find to track down the
a way to destroy killer. Their
the cloth before investigation leads
his will is broken and he is forever bound to the to more murders and the discovery of an evil
darkness. conspiracy. Before they can bring the killer to justice,
though, they themselves are marked for death.
RAVENLOFT'., Series, Book Five
By Elaine Bergstrom RA VEN LOFT'" Series, Book Six
Artist: Clyde Caldwell By J . Robert King
TSR Ship Month: February Artist: Clyde Caldwell
On Sale Date: March TSR Ship Month: June
Suggested Retail Price: $4.95; CAN $5.95; £3.99 U.K. On Sale Date: July
ISBN : 1-56076-571-2 Suggested Retail Price: $4.95 ; CAN $5.95; £3.99 U.K.
Format: 4 3/ 16 x 7, 320 pages ISBN: 1-56076-628-X
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/1 2 lbs. Format: 4 3/1 6 x 7, 320 pages, perfect bound , BE.W chapter
Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/ Stock #: headings
1-56076-743-X/89.10/18 copy/8060RH Case Pack/ Weight: 24/12 lbs.
1-56076-744-8/178.20/36 copy/80600 Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/ Stock #:
Age Level: 12+ 1-560760 -745 -6/89 .1 0/1 8 copy/8061 RH
Key Support: 1-560760 -746 -4/1 78.20/36 copy/80610
•The first RAVENLOFfT• novel, Vampire of the Mists, sold more Age Level : 12+
than 95,000 copies in its first month SALES POINTS:
• Elaine Bergstrom is the well-known author of several horror novels •The popularity of horror and fantasy have reached an all-time high.
• "One of the best of the new breed of vampire lovers," 2 A. M. and this novel combines the two genres in a chilling and powertul
Magazine on Elaine Bergstrom story
•Following on the success of J. Robert King's first RAVENLOFf"'
novel, Heart of Midnight, Carnival of Fear will attract repeat reade~
and new buyers
•Contains a preview of the first chapter of the RAVENLOFT'" first
hardcover novel, /, Strahd
Monstrous CompendiumTM,
RAVENLOFT® Appendix,
Volume 2-MC 16


the RAVENLOFf® setting!
The deeper one delves into the RAVENLOFT
world, the more terrible the monsters one finds!
Appendix details hordes of new and powerful
creatures, including several unique, undead
entities, and their favorite haunts in the
RAVENLOFT realm of terror.
By TSR Staff
Artist: Jeff Easley
TSR Ship Month: November
On Sale Date: December
Suggested Retail Price: $10.95; CAN $13.50; £6.99 U.K.
ISBN : 1-56076-586-0
Format: 8 3/ 8 X 10 3/4, 64 loose pages, drilled , plus 4
tabbed dividers
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/10 lbs.
The H :cond set of new monMen for"I°""' 1.AVENLO u.mp&lpl Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• MONSTROUS COMPENDIUMS™ are "must haves" with high return sales
• Products featuring new monsters for campaigns are always in demand

Gothic Horror Adventures Backlist
TSR Sugg.
Prod. Retail
No. ISBN No. Product Title Price

1053 0-88038-853-6 RAVENLOFT® Boxed Set $18.00

1079 1-56076-354-X Forbidden Lore $20.00
2122 1-56076-108-3 MClO Monstrous Compendium $10.95
9298 0 -88038-887-3 RA 1 Feast of Goblyns $10.95
9321 1-56076-1 27-X RA2 Ship of Horror $ 9.95
9336 1-56076- 142-3 RR2 Book of Crypts $10.95
9345 1-56076-151-2 RR3 Van Richten's Guide
to Vampires $10.95
9348 1-56087-349-3 RR4 Islands of Terror $10.95
9352 1-56076-350 -7 RQl Night of the Walking Dead $ 6.95
9355 1-56076-351-5 RR5 Van Richten's Guide to Ghosts $10.95
9364 1-56076-353-1 RQ2 Thoughts of Darkness $ 9.95
9375 1-56076-356-6 RQ3 From The Shadows $ 9.95

RAVENLOFT® Novels Backlist

8056 1-56076-155-5 Vampire of lhe Mists $4.95
8057 1-56076-156-3 Knight of the Black Rose $ 4.95
8058 1-56076-352-3 Dance of the Dead $ 4.95

8059 1-56076-355-8 Heart of Midnight $ 4.95
The Marklands-WGR4

The foundations of the GREYHAWK®

world have been shaken by
disastrous wars. In the aftermath,
the adventure intensifies!
Once the pre-eminent power of
the north, Furyondy has been bled
by years of war against the evil
empire of luz. Borders once secure
are now wastelands, dotted with
isolated villages struggling to
withstand the tide of evil. The
Marklands sourcebook combines
years of background with new
excitement and presents all the
information needed for the
DUNGEON MASTER™ and players
to adventure on this war-stricken
By Carl Sargent
Artist: Clyde Caldwell
TSR Ship Month: January
On Sale Date: February
Suggested Retail Price: $10.95; CAN
$13.50; £6.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-559-3
Format: 8 3/8 X 10 3/4, 96 pages, saddle
stitched, 8£,W, map
Case Pack/Weight: 12/7 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• 19 years old and still booming .. . the GREYHAWK
campaign setting boasts a large and loyal following
•This sourcebook links to and expands on the From the Ashes
boxed set of 1992
• Provides greater detail about the principal villain of the new
8'05 #9405
The City of Skulls-WGR6

Here, a daring crew of adventurers braves the capital city of

the evil empire of luz!
The City of Skulls The City of Skulls module sends adventurers up against one
of the most diabolical and long -sta nding villains of the
WORLD OF GREYHAWK® setting. Players must infiltrate the
city on their secret mission , up to the very throne of luz
By Carl Sargent
Artist: Jeff Easley
TSR Ship Month : May
On Sale Date: June
Suggested Retail Price: $9.95; CAN $11.95; £5.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-608-5
Format: 8 3/8 X 10 3/ 4, 64 pages, saddle stitched , B&W
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/7 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience : All player levels.
Key Support:
• luz has proved a very popular-and profitable-character in years of fantasy
• Players will gladly buy the adventure to get a crack at this evil ruler
• The City of Skulls module will receive many crossover sales from the /uz the
Evil sourcebook, released earlier this year

Border Watch-WGM 1

The first full-blown adventure to take place in Nyrond and

Furyondy since the Great War reshaped the WORLD OF
GREYHAWK® setting.
Border Watch presents a brave new frontier that must be
mastered . Players battle to stem the tides of evil from the vast
northern empire of luz that threaten to engulf these good
By TSR Staff
TSR Ship Month: July
On Sale Date: August
Suggested Retail Price: $6.95 ; CAN $8.50; £4.50 U.K.
ISBN : 1-56076-631-X
Format: 8 3/ 8 X 10 3/4, 32 pages, saddle stitched, B&W
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/7 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: Player levels 1-3.
Key Support:
• Players have, for the first time , the opportunity to adventure in the two most
powerful nations of good in the WORLD OF GREYHAWK setting
• Border Watch will produce a deluge of crossover sales from those who
purchase The Marklands accessory
luz the Evil-WGR5

luz 's empire of conquest and evil is detailed for the first
Surrounded by his fiendish minions , luz the Old, luz the
Evil , has emerged as the greatest threat to the good lands
in the WORLD OF GREYHAWK® campaign setting . This
sourcebook provides complete information on luz's lands,
his fiendish armies and the horrid dungeons beneath
Dorakaa . On ly the bravest adventurers would dare
infiltrate luz's blood-red empire.
By Carl Sargent
Artist: Jeff Easley
TSR Ship Month : March
On Sale Date: April
Suggested Retail Price: $ 10.95 ; CAN $13.50; £6.99 U.K.
ISBN : 1-56076-5 84-4
Format: 8-3/8 X 10-3/4, 96 pages, saddle stitched, B&W, map
Case Pa ck/Weight: 12/7 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Aud ience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• Complete information on the greatest villain of GREYHAWK® campaign
• Builds on material presented in the 1992 G REYHAWK From The Ashes
boxed set
• Features new magic and terrors the DUNGEON MASTER"' will want for his or her

Campaign Backlist
TSR Sugg.
Prod. Retail
No. ISBN No. Product Title Price

1043 0-88038-731 -9 The City of Greyhawk Boxed Set $18.00

1064 1-56076-341 -8 From The Ashes Boxed Set $20.00
1068 1-56076 -086 -9 GREYHAWK® Wars Boxed Set $20.00
2023 0-88038 -649 -5 GREYHAWK® Adventures $ 6.75
2107 0-88038 -836 -6 MC5 GREYHA WK® Appendix $9.95
9251 0-88038-719-X WG9 Gargoyle $ 5.95
9253 0-88038-712-2 WG8 Fate of lstus $10.95
9265 0-88038-756-4 WGlO Child 's Play $ 5.95
9269 0-88038-781 -5 WG 11 Puppets $ 5.95
9279 0-88038-830 -7 WGA 1 Falcon 's Revenge $ 8.95
9289 0-88038-852 -8 WGA2 Falconmaster $ 8 .95
9360 1-56076-366-3 WGR2 Treasures of Greyhawk $10.95
9385 1-56076-449 -X WGQ 1 Patriots of Ulek $ 6.95
9386 1-56076-497 -X WGR3 Rary the Traitor $ 9.95

The Astromundi Cluster

A new SPELLJAMMER® campaign setting

featuring light years of adventuring
This boxed set probes the Astromundi
Cluster, a series of moons and warped
worlds in the wondrous realm of
Wildspace ... where high empires and as-
yet-undiscovered civilizations span the
endless asteroid fields. The Astromundi
Cluster is the perfect setting for a stand-
alone SPELLJAMMER campaign and can
be used as expansion material for all other
SPELLJAMMER game products.
Boxed Set
By Sam Witt
TSR Ship Month: July
On Sale Date: August
Suggested Retail Price: $20 .00; CAN $24.00;
£11.99 U.K
ISBN: 1-56076-632-8
Format: 1 x 8 3/8 x 10 3/4, 96 -page booklet, 64 -
page booklet, 32 -page booklet; 2 poster-sized maps,
24 cards
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/20 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• For players and the DUNGEON MASTER™ alike
•First year sales of SPELLJAMMER boxed sets
average 39,000 units

mazfngl Tbe wor:zlcYs best

scierx:e .fiction magazine
fJl.so'fbe olC'Jest-AMAZING®
f;ifoRies bas been pabl.isbel) oon-
..eop since 19.2<S.

Krynnspace continues the series of accessories that began

with Realmspace and documents the crystal sphere around
the DRAGONLANCE® campaign setting.
This accessory can be used to enhance an existing
SPELLJAMMER® campaign or to assist the DUNGEON
MASTERTM in bringing SPELLJAMMER adventures to a
DRAGONLANCE campaign or vice versa. Krynnspace was
originally described in the SPELLJAMMER boxed set; this is
a more detailed description of the crystal sphere.
By Jean Rabe
TSR Ship Month: January
On Sale Date: February
Suggested Retail Price: $10 .95; CAN $13.50, .£6 .99 U.K
ISBN : 1-56076 -560-7
Format: 8 3/8 x 10 3/ 4, 96 pages, saddle stitched, Bt.W, one map
Case Pack/Weight: 12/10 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Target Aud ience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• Appeals to players and the DUNGEON MASTER alike
• This will be a high demand-product because it ties in with earlier source
• Players from both campaign worlds will buy Krynnspace

Space Lairs-SJRB

This sourcebook provides the DUNGEON MASTERTMwith

colorful encounters and lairs for the SPELLJAMMER®
campaign setting, similar to the Book of Lairs series for
AD&D® adventuring.
Space Lairs features detailed descriptions and statistics
for quick, easy-to-play encounters with the creatures of the
SPELLJAMMER universe in their lairs. Both the
experienced and beginning DM™ can use these mini-
adventures to spice up an existing campaign, throwing
these lairs in between detailed sections of any larger
adventure scenario.
By Nicky Rea and Wes Nicholson
Artist: TSR Staff
TSR Ship Month: May
On Sale Date: June
Suggested Retail Price: $9.95; CAN $11 .95; .£5.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-609-3
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/4 , 64 pages, saddle stitched, Bt.W
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 10 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• Will appeal to DMs running any type of campaign because the scenarios
are generic
• Because it resembles a similar, popular AD&D product, recognition will be quick and
players will be likely to reach for something "tried and true"
#8034 #8038
The Broken Sphere

The Broken Sphere is The Ultimate Helm is

the fifth book in the the long-awaited
Cloakmasler Cycle. conclusion to The
Teldin Moore's Cloakmaster Cycle
magic amulet allows series.
him to "see" through Teldin Moore battles
the eyes of the great for control of the great
ship Spelljammer, ship Spelljammer
giving him clues to its amid myriad plots and
location. Alone again, conspiracies. Political
he leaves the elves, intrigue mixes with
scro and the Unhuman fantastic elements for
War behind and hunts an explosive climax to
for the great ship and the series. Teldin must
its "broken sphere." He grapple with the
employs his magical choice of taking the
cloak 's powers and ship 's helm . .. and his decision may change fantasy
discovers his quarry's home, but will he live long space forever!
enough to claim the ship itself?
The Cloakmaster Cycle, Book Six
By Russ T. Howard
The Cloakmaster Cycle, Book Five
TSR Ship Month : August
By Nigel Findl ey
On Sa le Date: Septem ber
TSR Ship Month: April
Suggested Retail Price: $4.95; CAN $5 .95; £3.99 U.K.
On Sale Date: May
ISBN : 1-56076-651-4
Suggested Retail Price: $4.95; CAN $5.95; £3 .99 U.K.
Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 320 pages, B&W chapter illustrations
ISBN: 1-56076-596-8
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/12 lbs.
Format: 4 3/ 16 x 7, 320 pages, B£,W chapter illustrations
Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/ Stock #:
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/1 2 lbs.
1-56076-754-5/ 89 .10/1 8 copy/8038RH
Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/ Stock #:
Age Level : 12+
1-56076-753 -7 / 89.10/18 copy/8034R H
LOC #: 92-61099
Age Level: 12+
LOC #: 92-61087 Key Support:
• SPELLJAMMER™ novels bring TSR's fantasy worlds to life
Key Support:
• The Cloakmaster Cycle series has a large following of space fantasy
• SPELLJAMMER™ books take readers from one fantasy world to
fans as well as SPELLJAMMER game devotees
another, drawing cross-over sales from each TSR world

SPELWAMMER® Campaign Backlist

TSR Sugg. TSR Sugg.
Prod . Retail Prod. Retail
No. ISBN No. Product Title Price No. ISBN No. Product Title Price

1049 0-88038-762 -9 SPELLJAMMER®: AD&D® 9328 1-56076- 134-2 SJR4 Practical Planetology $ 9.95
Adventures in Space Boxed Set $18.00 9343 1-56076-149-0 SJSl Goblin's Return $ 9.95
I 065 1-56076-083-4 Legend of SPELLJAMMER® 9347 1-56076 -342-6 SJQ 1 Heart of the Enemy $10.95
Boxed Set $20.00 9361 1-56076 -345-0 SJR5 Rock of Bral $10 .95
I 072 1-56076-343-4 War Captain's Companion $20.00 9374 1-56076-348-5 SJR6 Greyspace $10.95
2109 0-88038 -871 -4 MC7 Monstrous Compendium
SPELLJAMMER® Appendix $ 9.95
2119 1-56076 -071-0 MC9 Monstrous Compendium SPELWAMMER™ Novels Backlist
SPELWAMMER® Appendix $10.95
2130 1-56076 -347 -7 CGRl The Complete Spacefarer's 8030 1-56076- 153-9 The Cloakmaster Cycle, One,
Handbook $15.00 Bey ond th e Moon $ 4.95
9280 0-88038-831 -5 SJRl Lost Ships $ 9.95 8031 1-56076- 154-7 The Cloakmaster Cycle, Two,
9286 0-88038 -845-5 SJA2 Skull £, Crossbows $ 8.95 Into Th e Void $ 4.95
9299 0-88038-878- 1 SJA3 Crystal Spheres $ 8.95 8032 1-56076 -344 -2 The Cloakmaster Cycle, Three,
9312 1-56076-052-4 SJR2 Realmspace $10.95 Th e Maelstrom's Eye $4 .95
9313 1-56076 -053-2 SJR3 Dungeon Master Screen $ 8.95 8033 1-56076 -346 -9 The Cloakmaster Cycle, Four,
9325 1-56076 - 131-8 SJA4 Under the Dark Fist $ 9.95 Th e Radiant Dragon $4.95
. ·. . . . .•. . . . . . . .. .
New in '93 ... the . :i ::.. :. ::.: . :·.:: : . :·.;.:.. :':.=:·.:· ::.:.::
·;.: :.·!.:.
;_.·== :·;: ·...;·: ;· ·=
:........: . . ·... : •.•..: ... ·: :.·.: :· ....•
best of fantasy :::: ::.::: :::.:. ::·::

and science fiction "" llilll ....... '!!!!!

in one system! :::::: =~====
::::::::::::: iiini HiiH =::::
. .· :··~a;
. ·1 •
. . : c:z:
. ·::;:
' I
Core Rules/For Faerie, Queen,
and Country Supplement
Combination Package

This is the first all-in-one universal rules

system and campaign package from TSR!
The Core Rules are 32 pages of simple,
direct how-to information, aimed at the
experienced role-player. These rules contain
everything players and the DUNGEON
MASTEW" need to know to get started in the
AMAZING ENGINE'" System framework .
In For Faerie, Queen, and Country, the first
fantasy supplement for the AMAZING ENGINE System, Her Majesty Queen Victoria of England requests help to save
the realm of Faerie. This supplement contains special rules for survival in Faerie.

By David Cook Target Audience : All player levels.

TSR Ship Month : March Key Support:
On Sale Date: April • Core Rules and a supplement are packaged together for an easy
Suggested Retail Price: $24.95 ; CAN $29.95; £ 14.99 U.K. start in the game
ISBN: 1-56076-657-3 • Combination package spurs higher dollar sales by providing
Format: 8 3/8 x 10 3/4, 32 pages, saddle stitched , 128 pages, consumers with an opportunity to save money by buying both units
perfect bound at once!
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/18 lbs.
Age Level: 12+

Core Rules/BugHunters TM
Supplement Combination

The Core Rules are 32 pages of simple, direct

how-to information, aimed at the experienced
role-player. These rules contain everything
players and the DUNGEON MASTEW" need to
know to get started in the AMAZING ENGINE"'
System framework.
In BUGHUNTERSrn, the first science fiction
supplement for the AMAZING ENGINE System,
insectoid aliens invade Earth 's L-5 colony!
Players can use the experience they ea rn ed in the adventure, For Faerie, Queen, and Country, in this scenario to defeat
the aliens (and earn more experience!). Special rules for extra-vehicular activity and weapons are included.

By TSR Staff
Target Audience: All player levels.
TSR Ship Month: June
Key Support:
On Sale Date: July
• Core Rules and a supplement are packaged together for an easy
Suggested Retail Price: $24.95 , CAN $29.95, £14.99U.K.
start in the game
ISBN: 1-56076-689-1
• Combination package spurs higher dollar sales by providing
Format: 8 3/8 x 10 3/4, 32 pages, sadd le stitched, 128 pages,
consumers with an opportunity to save money by buying both unrts
perfect bound
at once!
Case Pack/Weight: 12/18 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Magitech TM Supplement-AM4
The MAGITECHTM Supplement By Tim Beach
introduces a world much like our TSR Ship Month: September
On Sale Date: October
own. The difference: magic has Suggested Retail Price: $18.00; CAN $21.50;
replaced technology-and nothing is £10 .99 u.K.
quite what it seems! ISBN: 1-56076-661-1
AMAZING ENGINETM System Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/4, 128 pages, mapsheet, 2-
releases can be played in any order, color
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 14 lbs.
veterans can use the experience Age Level: 12+
gained in the first adventures to - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - --
explore this alternate reality. Special Target Audience : All player levels.
Key Support:
rules for customizing MAGITECWM • Players can build on previously earned experience
Supplement items are included. with this adventure
• Alternate fantasy settings are very popular in the
fantasy genre of literature

Galactos Barrier Supplement-AM5
Players join forces against an inter- By TSR Staff
TSR Ship Month : December
galactic pirate empire in a
On Sale Date: January 1994
desperate race to maintain the Suggested Retail Price: $18.00, CAN $21.50,
freedom of the solar system! £10.99 U.K.
This is the fourth supplement ISBN: 1-56076 -690-5
and the second set in a science Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4 , 128 pages, 2-color
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/14 lbs.
fiction milieu . As before, players Age Level: 12+
can use their previously earned
experience or start fresh without Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
ever having played before! Special • Galactic space opera has been popular with the
rules for negotiating through alien science fiction community for decades, as proven
protocol and operating two-person by the success of many films and novels
spacecraft are included. • Pirates and science fiction are a thrilling
combination , certain to attract players in search of
high adventure

#2700 #2701 #2702

Amazing For Faerie, Bug
EngineTM Queen, and HuntersTM
Core Rules Country Supplement
-AMI Supplement -AM3
By David Cook
By David Cook
Artist: TSR Staff By TSR Staff
Artist: TSR Staff
TSR Ship Month: September TSR Ship Month : September
TSR Ship Month : September
On Sale Date: October On Sale Date: October
On Sale Date: October
Suggested Retail Price: $9.95; Suggested Retail Price: $18 .00;
CAN $11.95; £5.99 U.K. Suggested Retail Price: $18.00;
CAN $21.50; £10.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-590-9 CAN $21.50; £10.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-623-9
ISBN: 1-56076-591-7
Format: 8 3/8 x 10 3/4, 32 pages, saddle Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4 , 128 pages, perfect
stitched, 2-color Format: 8 3/8 x 10 3/ 4, 128 pages, perfect
bound , 2-color
bound, 2-color
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/14 lbs. Case Pack/ Weight: 12/14 lbs.
Age Level: 12+ Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 14 lbs.
Age Level : 12+
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels. Key Support:
Target Audience : All player levels.
Key Support: • The BUGHUNTERS™ supplement is the first
Key Support:
• The first TSR product to promote both fantasy science fiction release supporting the exciting,
•This is the first fantasy release supporting the
and science fiction gaming under one new AMAZING ENGINE™ System line!
exciting, new AMAZING ENGINE System line!
umbrella! • Extra rules for extra-vehicular activity and
• Victorian support is best represented by the
•Most of the gaming public are avid readers of weapons are included
works of Jules Verne and H. G. Wells, popular
both genres, making them prime customers
authors in the fantasy genre
for the AMAZING ENGINE System
•This is the heart of the line, a "must-have" to
play all future releases
ic thrills abound in the 25th Century world

Jom Buck Rogers, America's greatest space hero of all time, in

a planetary conquest of intergalactic thrills! BOCK ROGERS®
adventure games and novels bring back all the fun, excitement
and heroics of the Golden Age of Science Fiction. Let the
world's fi rst science fiction hero introduce you to the high
adventure of old-time science fiction in the 25th Century!



Return to the rollicking pulp future

of the 25th Century as seen from
the 1930s!
Adventure™ Cliffhangers Game is
fast-paced, fun and easy-to-play .
. . an ideal introduction to sci-fi
role-playing. It can be played in an
evening or as part of an ongoing
game campaign. Everything
needed for exciting adventures in
the BUCK ROGERS Universe is
included: all the famous characters
of the '20s and '30s comic strips,
all the "pulp-style" technology,
dice, full-color map, and ways to
generate many more adventures.


By Jeff Grubb
Artist: TSR Staff
TSR Ship Month: August
On Sale Date: September
Suggested Retail Price: $20.00; CAN $25.95; .£ 12.99
U.K. lncl. VAT
ISBN: 1-56076-636-0
Format: 12 x 10 3/4 x 2 1/8; 8 3/8 x 10 3/4 , 32/32/48
pages, saddle stitched, 4-color and Bt.W, two
mapsheets, pack of 10 six-sided dice, die-cut stand -
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/28 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• Appeals to both young sci-fi game players and their
older, nostalgic counterparts.
• Unique for the sci-fi marketplace: its vision of the future
is optimistic and lighthearted.

War Against The Han

War Against th e Han is the first supplement for

CLIFFHANGERS game line, and starts the
excitement off in high gear with a war against
the Earth's oppressors, the vicious Han
Players experience the thrills and dangers of
war in the 25th Century, facing down a Han
death ray with nothing more than a jumping -
belt, a rocket pistol , and sheer courage!
Armed with background information on the
invaders' friends , enemies and their
battl eground, players fight their way through
numerous battles to break the domination of
America by the evil Han . War Against the Han
can supplement world information from the
initial boxed set or be played as a series of fun,
stand-alone adventures for all ages.


Supplem ent
By Steven Schend
TSR Ship Month: November
On Sale Date: December
Suggested Retail Price: $18.00; CAN $2 1.50; £ 12.99 U.K. lncl. VAT
ISBN : 1-56076-683 -2
Format: 8 7/ 8 x 11 1/4 x 5/8, 8 3/8 x 10 3/4, 32/48 pages, saddle stitched, 4-color, and Bf,W,
2 mapsheets, 2 sheets of die-cut stand-ups
Case Pack/ We ight: 12/ 19 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience : Beginning player levels.
Key Support:
• Supports the new BUCK ROGERS ~ HIGH ADVENTUREnA CLIFFHANGERS game line, a sure seller
for the introductory market!
• The game's "pulp-style" action and technology make for wild and exciting combat
Warlords of Jupiter

In Warlords of Jupiter, the exciting conclusion of the Invaders of

Charon Trilogy, Earth's freedom-fighting NEO contend with a
horde of intelligent alien machines.
The Charon forces launch a massive invasion , scattering RAM's
Jupiter fleet and carrying off hundreds of human captives to the
eternal night of Pluto's moon. Bitter enemies that they are, RAM
and NEO now must forge a shaky alliance to ensure Man's
survival, while hero Vince Pirelli enlists the aid of the strangest
gene-tailored intelligences of the solar system, the enigmatic
Stormriders of Jupiter.
Invaders of Charon , Book Three
By William H. Keith , Jr.
TSR Ship Month : February
On Sale Date: March
Suggested Retail Price: $3.95 ; CAN $4.95; £2.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-576-3
Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 288 pages, perfect bound , chapter headings
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/1 2 lbs.
Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/ Stock #:
1-56076-755 -3/7 1.1 0/ 18 copy/3585RH
Age Level: 12+
Key Support:
•The Invaders of Charon Trilogy features Black Barney, one of the best-known and most popular
characters in novels.
• Role-playing game enthusiasts will find a wealth of material for their role-playing scenarios,
while SF readers will enjoy the rich variety and detail of this "future history"

BOCK ROGERS® XXVc™ Adventures Backlist

TSR Sugg.
Prod. Retail BOCK ROGERS® XXVc™
No. ISBN No. Product Title Price
Novels Backlist
3550 0-88038-587-3 BUCK ROGERS® Battle for the TSR Sugg.
25th Century Game $24.95 Prod. Retail
3562 0-88038-847-1 BUCK ROGERS® XXVc,.,., The 25th No. ISBN No. Product Title Price
Century Role-Playing Game $24.95
3563 0-88038 -854 -4 25CA I BUCK ROGERS® in the 3576 1-56076-093-1 Invaders of Charon, Book One
25th Century $ 9.95 Th e Genesis Web $3.95
3565 0-88038-864- I 25CRI Mars in the 25th Century $ 9.95 3581 1-56076-098-2 Invaders of Charon, Book Two
3566 0-88038-873-0 25CA2 N.E.O. in the 25th Century $ 9.95 Nomads of the Sky $ 3.95
3567 0-88038-879-X 25CR2 Earth in the 25th Century $ 9.95 3561 0-88038-840-4 First Power Play $ 3.95
3569 0-56076-056-7 25CS I Deimos Mandate $ 6.95 3564 0-88038-863 -8 Prime Squared $ 3.95
3570 1-56076 -057 -5 25CREFI Character Record Sheets $ 8.95 3568 0-88038-885-4 Matrix Cubed $ 3.95
3571 1-56076-065-6 25CS2 Sargasso of Space $ 6.95 3551 0-88038-582-0 Arrival $ 3.95
3572 1-56076 -089 -3 25CR3 Inner Worlds $ 9.95 3553 0-88038-604-5 BUCK ROGERS®:
3573 1-56076-090 -7 25CS3 A Matter of Gravito! $ 6.95 The First 60 Years $24.95
3574 1-56076 -387-6 25CR6, No Humans Allowed Acc. $15.00 3558 0-88038-728-9 Rebellion 2456 $ 3.95
3579 I -56076 -096 -6 25CR5 The Belt Acc. $ 4.48 3559 0-88038-751-3 Hammer of Mars $ 3.95
3582 1-56076-389 -2 25CR7, Hardware Acc. $ 9.95 3560 0-88038-761 -0 Armageddon Off Vesta $ 3.95
3583 I -56076 -390 -6 Cities of Tomorrow $I 8.00
3584 1-56076-391-4 Spacestation Hauberk $18.00

~;;;:;~~~;11 t's back again by popular demand!

TSR's future world classic-the GAMMA WORLD® game

reintroduced last year-continues with all-new adventures for
1993! Elements of science fiction mix with fantasy in a world
300 years after the destruction of civilization. Survivors are a
i======:!J motley crew of humans, mutants, and even intelligent animals
and plants! Danger abounds ... and the possibilities for high
adventure are everywhere.

Treasures of the Ancients-GWA 1
Rediscover what the world lost 300 years after civilization has
been destroyed in this darkly whimsical setting of the far future!
To the strange inhabitants of the GAMMA WORLD® setting,
the mysterious people who lived before the apocalypse are
known only as "the Ancients." Their devices and artifacts,
containing the secrets of knowledge and power, are the most
sought-after treasures in the GAMMA WORLD campaign. They
also are highly explosive! The Treasures of the Ancients book is
packed with technological information on these devices and
By Dale Henson
Artist: Brom
TSR Ship Month : February
On Sale Date: March
Suggested Retail Price: $10.95; CAN $13.50; £6.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-577-1
Format: 8 3/8 x 10 3/4, 96 pages, saddle stitched, B£,W, poster
Case Pack/Weight: 12/ 10 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key Support:
• Possessing the technolgical knowledge in the Treasures of the Ancients book
gives characters tremendous power in the GAMMA WORLD game
• Appeals to players of other science fiction role-playing games

The Overlord of Bonparr-GWA2
Is the Overlord of Bonparr master? Or enemy? Either way . .. his
evil schemes will keep everyone busy for a very long time!
The Overlord, a massive and terrifying mutant, rules the
strange and twisted lands of Bonparr with an iron fist. This
accessory presents a detailed picture of the Overlord's domain ,
perfect as the setting for an extended GAMMA WORLD®
campaign that takes place centuries after the complete
destruction of civilization.
By TSR Staff
TSR Ship Month: April
On Sale Date: May
Suggested Retail Price: $15.00; CAN $18.00; £8.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-599-2
Format: 8 5/ 8 x I 0 7/ 8 x 5/ 8, folder package, 64/32 pages, saddle stitched,
B£,W, map
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/ 10 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience: All player levels.
Key support:
•E xpands the rules from the 1992 rerelease of the GAMMA WORLD game system
• Campaign setting material is always sought after
•This setting also supports the follow-up adventure, All Animals Are Equal
All Animals Are Equal-GWQ2
Enter a twisted jungle of animal politics!
Three-hundred years after the fall of civi lization, the animals are
running the show. The remains of a zoo , now home to a
bewildering array of talking, intelligent, mutated animals, is the
setting for a light-hearted adventure of politics and intrigue. Here,
humans are the outsiders. See what a zoo politics can really be
with All Animals Are Equal.
By TSR Staff
Artist: Fred Fields
TSR Ship Month : July
On Sale Date: August
Suggested Retail Price: $9.95; CAN $11.95; £5.99 U.K.
ISBN : 1-56076-638-7
Format: 8 3/ 8" x 10 3/ 4'', 64 pages, saddle stitched, B£,W
Case Pack/Weight: 12/7 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience : All player levels.
Key Support:
• Humor is a key ingredient in GAMMA WORLD® products-and humor sells
• All Animals Are Equal is loaded with new and bizarre monsters and mutations.
• Supports the Overlord of Bonparr accessory

Home Before The Sky Falls-GWQ3
The Home Before Th e Sky Falls adventure is an all-or-nothing fight
for survival in a future world of bizarre mutations.
When player-characters get drafted into a mutant army and
marched off to war, trouble happens! Mutiny, desertion , and simple
survival are the keys to success in this army.
By Dale Henson
Artist: Brom
TSR Ship Month: October
On Sale Date: November
Suggested Retail Price: $9.95; CAN $11.95; £5.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-67 4-3
Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, 64 pages, sadd le stitched, B£,W
Case Pack/ Weight: 12/7 lbs.
Age Level: 12+
Target Audience : All player levels.
Key Support:
• Home Before The Sky Falls provides the "big picture" role-playing game enthusiasts
• Combines epic adventure with nitty-gritty chase and discovery scenarios
•Contains essential campaign material for the DUNGEON MASTER™ interested in
the grand sweep of events

- GAMMA WORLD® Adventures Backlist

No. ISBN No. Product Title
7514 1-56076-401 -5
Role-Playing Game $20.00

7515 1-56076-402-3 Gamma Knights $20.00
7516 1-56076-411-2 GWQ 1. Mutant Master $ 9.95
Family Boauogames
#1045 The Classic DUNGEON®
The Classic DUNGEON® game is a mysterious
search for buried riches in a treacherous
dungeon. The first edition of this huge, fun-filled
game sold over 500,000 copies!
Immediately Available
Suggested Retail Price: $19.95
CAN $25.50; £11.99 U.K. lncl . VAT
Case Pack/ Weight: 6/ 17 lbs.
UPC CODE: 0-046363-01045-4


The FANTASY FOREST® game is a fun-filled race . .~. . .~~~:;:ii
through a magical forest where players meet funny
goblins, trolls, and other imaginative creatures on their
way to the Magic Castle. •~~~~
The game is brightly packaged with a see-through
window that displays four colorful 4-inch vinyl play
figures inside. For 2-4 players, ages 4 to 8.
Immediately Available
Suggested Retail Price: $19.95 ·---~~._,.,..
CAN $25.50 ; £11.99 U.K. lncl. VAT
Case Pack/ Weight: 6/10 lbs.
UPC CODE: 0-46363-01059-0


Battle for The 25th
Century Game
Blast into the 25th century with
Captain Buck Rogers. Only you , Buck
Rogers, and the forces of NEO can
save the universe. The Battle for The
25th Century Game is filled with space
battles, conquests and hours of
Immediately Available
Suggested Retail Price: $24.95
CAN $31 .95; £24 .95 U.K. lncl. VAT
Case Pack/Cubes/ Weight: 6/ 2.5/ 25 lbs.
UPC CODE: 0-046363-0-3550- 1

#1058 MAGE STONES™ Game

MAGE STONESTMis a fast-paced strategy and
positioning game. Players try to outmaneuver their
opponents by placing their "stones" on the board
while blocking and removing their opponent's stones.
Immediately Available
Suggested Retail Price: $17 .95
CAN $22.95; £12.95 U.K. lncl . VAT
Case Pack/Cubes/ Weight: 6/. 88/14 lbs.
UPC CODE: 0-46363-01058-4
Stuategy Boauogarnes


This historical simulation game details

the WWII battle in the skies over Britain
during its most desperate struggle fo r
survival. Using miniature plastic planes
and full-color cards on a colorful board
of Great Britain, this simulation details
the numerous attacks by German air
squadrons against the British Isles.
Immediately Available.
Suggested Retail Price: $29.95
CAN $38.50; .£22.55 U.K. lncl. VAT
ISBN: 0-88038-894-3
Case Pack/Weight: 6/ 26 lbs.
UPC Code: 0-46363-03030-8

The military forces of the world are
closing in on the vital oil resources
of the Middle East, Kuwait, Iraq ,
Iran, and Saudi Arabia 1-1 the
volatile Middle East countries that
control huge oil reserves. When
their armies move across the desert ...
sands and assume hostile battle
positions, the world watches with
tense apprehension. Holy war or
not, the effects of an all-out petro
war stretch beyond their borders,
and are likely to involve the
Immediately Ava ilable
Suggested Retail Price: $19.95
CAN $25.50; .£13 .99 U.K. lncl . VAT
ISBN: 1-56076-099-0
Format: 20 x 12 x 2, 32 pages
Case Pack/ Weight: 6/ 25 lbs.
UPC CODE: 0-46363-03032-2
A great deal of attention was focused on the 50
year anniversary of World War II. This game was
a very strong seller in its initial release ... and it
continues to be a hit with the bigger and better
anniversary edition!

WWII: European Theater of Operations
Immediately Available
Suggested Retail Price: $34.95
CAN $44.95; £29.99 U.K. lncl. VAT
ISBN: 0-88038-865-7
Case Pack/Weight: 12/ 42 lbs.
UPC CODE: 0-46363-03029-2
#3031 OF · .. ')
OPERATIONS ....,,_>,;c<.';4~~.~~~';., •
WWII: Pacific Theater of Operations /
Replay the battle of Pearl Harbor or Midway in this war
simulation boardgame! This military game recreates
important conflicts throughout the WWII Pacific Theater
of Operations. The follow-up companion to WWII, it links
with the European Theater of Operations game, allowing
players to recreate the entire war.
Immediately Available
Suggested Retail Price: $39.95 Format: 8 3/ 8 x 10 3/ 4, 48 pages
CAN $49.50; £27.50 U.K. lncl . VAT Case Pack/ Weight: 6/ 42 lbs.
ISBN: 0-88038-896-X UPC CODE: 0-46363-03031 -5


The exciting strategy game takes

players through the war-torn cities
and rural areas of Europe during this
historical confrontation. Designed to
be learned and played from start to
finish in just one to four hours.
Immediately Available
Suggested Retail Price : $24.95
CAN $31.95; £19.99 U.K. lncl. VAT
ISBN: 0 -88038 -742 -4
Case Pack/ Weight: 6/17 lbs.
UPC CODE: 0-46363 -03028-5
# 1 in fantasy
and science B • O • 0 • K • S
Go with the leader. TSR® Books continues to offer a valuable forum for new
and established voices in fantasy, science fiction, mystery, and horror.
Locus Magazine says TSR is the #1 publisher in fantasy and science fiction
for this reason: TSR produces more chain bookstore best-sellers than any
other publisher.

Prequel to Dark Horse and By Mary H. Herbert
third in the best-selling Artist: Fred Fields
TSR Ship Month: January
series, Valorian is the epic On Sale Date: February
life story of the sorcerer-hero Suggested Retail Price: $4.50; CAN $5.50; £3.99 U.K.
from the Dark Horse Plains. ISBN : 1-56076-566-6
Nearly 400 years before Format: 4 3/ 16 x 7 , 320 pages, perfect bound , BE,W
chapter headings
the resurrection of sorcery
Case Pack/ Weight: 24/12 lbs.
on the Dark Horse plains, the Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/ Stock # :
people of the nomadic clans 1-56076 -756- 1/81 .00/18 copy/ 8227RH
dwindle under the iron-fisted Age Level : 12+
rule of the Tarn emperor. Key Support:
Only Valerian has the vision • Mary Herbert's first novel, Dark Horse, was a national
and the courage to unite his bookstore chain best-seller and one of the biggest hits of
the TSR® Books imprint
people and defy the powerful
•The traditional fantasy and light style of the series appeal
conquering armies. With the to a wide audience in both the adult and young adult
sorcery granted him by the categories
goddess Amara, Valerian
leads his people out of
bondage to seek a new home
beyond the Darkhorn Mountains.

Naked Came the Sasquatch
Naked Came the Sasquatch By John Boston
by John Boston is a Artist: Robh Ruppel
TSR Ship Month: April
comedic story about saying On Sale Date: May
good-bye to one's Suggested Retail Price: $4.50; CAN $5.50; £3.99 U.K.
monsters. ISBN : 1-56076-602-6
Sasquatch is an Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 320 pages, perfect bound, B[,W
chapter headings
adventure/mysteryI comedy. Case Pack/ Weight: 24/ 12 lbs.
Michael Fenberg, editor of a Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/Stock # :
small newspaper in the 1-56076-757 -X/ 81.00/18 copy/ 8228RH
Sierra Nevadas, is out to Age Level: 12+
solve a series of grisly Key Support:
murders. He knows that a • Sasquatch will appeal to readers of both genders from
monster is committing high school to middle age who are fans of mystery, horror,
adventure and comedy
them . The problem: which
• Sasquatch is a page-turner that begins as a who-dunnit,
monster? then turns into a what-dun nit, and finally evolves into a
which-what-dun nit
•Strong, memorable characters invite multiple readings
and personal recommendations
John Boston
Greenflre has it all-action, intrigue By Louise Titchener
Artist: Robh Ruppel
and a mesmerizing battle of wits TSR Ship Month : November
between a water goddess who's not On Sale Date: December
quite human and a king who must rise Suggested Retail Price: $4.50; CAN $5.50;
above his humanity to save his £3.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-685-9
kingdom from her magic.
Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 320 pages, perfect bound,
In this fantasy/ romance, the water BE,W chapter headings
goddess Reawen must steal back the Case Pack/ Weight: 24/ 12 lbs.
stone that confirms her mystical Prepack ISBN/ Price/ Configuration/Stock #:
power. But, the young king who 1-56076- 759 -6/ 81 .00/ 18 copy/ 8232RH
Age Level : 12+
tricked the stone from her mother
proves to be Reawen's match. As the Key Support:
two duel , they threaten to tear the • Here is a novel in the tradition of
Mary H. Herbert's best-selling Dark Horse series
kingdom asunder and shake the very and the popular works of L. Dean James.
foundations of magic.

Book of Stones
Book of Stones is the conclusion to By L. Dean James
Artist: Fred Fields
the well-received trilogy set in the TSR Ship Month: July
world of Sorcerer's Stone. On Sale Date: August
Davi Darynson, the young duke of Suggested Retail Price: $4.50; CAN $5.50;
Gosney, desires nothing more than to £3.99 U.K.
ISBN: 1-56076-639-5
attain the powers of magic ... until
Format: 4 3/16 x 7, 320 pages, perfect bound,
the lovely Sandaal D'Lekan arrives at BE.W chapter headings
Castlekeep to be lady-in-waiting to Case Pack/ Weight: 24/12 lbs.
the queen. But Sandaal has come to Prepack ISBN/ Price/Configuration/Stock #:
serve other, darker purposes. Soon, 1-56076 -758-8/81.00/18 copy/ 8229RH
Age Level : 12+
the duke must choose between his
ladylove and the life of his king. Key Support:
• Sorcerer's Stone and Kingslayer, L. Dean James'
Desperate, he turns to the Book of
first two novels in the series, were tremendously
Stones, which offers power and popular, and Book of Stones is expected to meet
counsel to some-and death to with the same success

• 1 TSR® Books Backlist

~~- ~ 11111
TSR Sugg. TSR Sugg.
Prod. Retail Prod. Retail
No. ISBN No. Product Title Price No. ISBN No. Product Title Price

8200 0-88038-536-7 Starsong $ 3.95 8215 0-88038-927-3 The Road West $ 3.95
8201 0-88038-552-9 St. John The Pursuer: 8216 0-88038-928 - 1 The Alien Dark $ 3.95
Vampire in Moscow $ 3.95 8217 1-56076-059-1 Web of Futures $ 3.95
8203 0-88038-591-X Red Sands $ 3.95 8218 1-56076-074-5 Sorcerer's Stone $ 3.95
8204 0-88038- 715-7 Illegal Aliens $ 3.95 8219 1-56076-075-3 The Falcon Rises $ 3.95
8205 0-88038- 726-2 The Jewels of Elvish $ 3.95 8220 1-56076-076-1 Token ofDragonsblood $ 3.95
8206 0-88038- 743-2 Monkey Station $ 3.95 8221 1-56076-077-X The Cloud People $ 3.95
8207 0-88038- 755-6 The Eyes Have It $ 3.95 8222 1-56076-078-8 Lightning's Daughter $ 3.95
8208 0-88038-778-5 The Earth Remembers $ 3.95 8223 1-56076-397-3 Thorn and Needle $3.95
8210 0-88038-767-X Too, Too Solid Flesh $ 3.95 8224 1-56076-398-1 Kingslayer $ 3.95
8211 0-88038-916-8 Dark Horse $ 3.95 8225 1-56076-399-X The Nine Gates $4.50
8212 0-88038-915-X Warsprite $ 3.95 8226 1-56076-400-7 Half-Light $ 4.50
8213 0-88038-914-1 Nightwatch $ 3.95 8721 0-88038-455-7 Bimbos of the Death Sun $ 3.95

•• 1111)
AMAZING® Stories Magazine
The world's first science fiction magazine- Editor: Kim Mohan
Cover Art: Freelance Arti sts
AMAZING® Stories has been published TSR Sh ip Month: See below
continuously since 1926-is also the most On Sale Date : See below
attractive and most intriguing periodi cal of its Suggested Retail Price : $3 .95 ; CAN $4.75; £1.95 U.K .
ISBN : See below
kind .The full -size format and striking color Format: 8 3/8 x 10 3/4, 96 pages
covers make each issue stand out from other Case Pack/ Weight: 24/15 lbs.
Product# : See below
magazines on the newsstand-and the
attractiveness doesn 't stop there, because ISSUE # SHIP/ COVER DATE TSR STOCK # ISBN # 1-56076·
every story inside each issue is also illustrated 578 Dec . '92/Jan. '93 8 160-01 738-3
579 Jan./ Feb. '93 8 160-02 581-X
with full -color art, making AMAZING Stories 580 Feb./March '93 8160 -03 585-2
unique in its field. 58 1 March/ Apri l '93 8 160-04 648-4
582 April/ May '93 8 160 -05 656-5
The science fiction , fantasy, and horror
583 May/ June '93 8160 -06 660-3
short stories inside the magazine are contributed by many of the 584 June/July '93 8160-07 699-9
top writers in all of those genres-people such as Gregory 585 July/Aug. '93 8160-08 760-X
586 Aug ./Sept. '93 8 160-09 76 1-8
Benford, Robert Silverberg , Harry Turtledove, and Barry B. 587 Sept./ Oct. '93 8160 - 10 762-6
Longyear, to name just a few. The fiction section is supplemented 588 Oct./Nov. '93 8 160- 11 763-4
by essays, nonfiction articles, and opinion pieces, making a well- 589 Nov./Dec. '93 8160-12 764 -2
590 Dec./Jan. '94 8161 -01 765-0
rounded package of reading that appeals to a wide range of
interests and tastes .

DRAGON® Magazine
With 100,000 copies, DRAGON® Magazine is Editor: Roger E. Moore
Cover A rt: Free lance A rtists
the bellwether of the role -playing industry. TSR Ship Month: See below
Each issue is read by over 200,000 role- O n Sale Date : See below
Suggested Retail Price : $3 .50 ; CAN $4.50; £ 1.25 U.K.
players. ISBN : See below
DRAGON Magazine is every avid player's Format: 8 3/ 8 x I 0 3/4 , 128 pages
source of news, game reviews, commentary, Case Pack/Weight: 36/ 24 lbs.
Product #: See below
rul e clarifications, and features about D&D®,
189 Dec. '92/ Jan. '93 8110-0 1 435-X
ROGERS®/XXVcTM, and other role -playing 766-9
190 Ja n./Feb. '93 8110-02
games produced by TSR and other 19 1 Feb./Ma rch '93 8110-03 767-7
manufacturers. Each issue features fantasy 192 March/ April '93 8110-04 768-5
193 April/ May '93 8 11 0-05 769·3
fiction , comics , and art. 194 May/ June '93 8 1I0-06 770-7
• DRAGON Magazine has won many industry awards, including a 195 June/Ju ly '93 8 11 0-07 771.5
lifetime ORIGINS Outstanding Achievement Award for the best 196 July/ Aug. '93 811 0-08 772.3
197 Aug ./Sept. '93 8 11 0-09 773·1
publication in its field 198 Sept./ Oct. '93 8110-10 114.x
199 Oct./ Nov. '93 8 11 0- 11 775-8
200 Nov./Dec . '93 8110-12 776-6
201 Dec. '93/ Jan. '94 8 111-01 777-4

DUNGEON® Adventures Magazine

The industry 's best value for rol e- playing Ed itor: Ba rbara G. Young
Cover Art: Freelance Artists
game adventures-with four to six new TSR Ship Month: See below
adventures in every issue. On Sale Date: See below
Suggested Retail Price: $3 .75 ; CAN $4 .50; £ 1.75 U.K.
High adventures, deep dungeons, ISBN: See below
enchanted forests , and the deadliest of Form at: 8 3/ 8 x l 0 3/4 , 72 pages
monsters await readers in every issue of Case Pack/ Weight: 24/ I 0 lbs.
Product #: See below
DUNGEON®Adventures Magazine. This is the
module magazine for all D&D® and AD&D® ISSUE # SHIP/ ON SALE DATE TSR STOCK # ISBN #1-5607'
39 Dec. '92/ Jan. '93 8197-01 408·2
game players. Adventures span arctic
40 Feb./March '93 8 197-03 778·2
wastelands to burning tropics, to dragon lairs. 41 Apri l/May '93 8197-05 779-0
• With a 35,000 copy circulation , DUNGEON 42 June/July '93 8197 -07 780·4
43 Aug./Sept. '93 8197 -09 781·2
Adventures Magazine is one of the top role - 8197 - 11 782-0
44 Oct./ Nov. '93
playing magazines on the market 45 Dec. '93/ Jan. '94 8198-0 1 783-9
• Winner of the 1989 and 1991 ORIGINS Award for Best
96 Professional Adventure Gaming Magazine

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1070 DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® GAME 6 $120.00
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9398 MARKLANDS 2 $ 21.90
9420 THIEF'S CHALLENGE 3 $20.85
9421 MAGIC ENCYCLOPEDIA, VOL 2 2 $ 21.90
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HANDBOOK 3 $45.00
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Stock Page Complete Gladiators Handbook 2419 59

ITEM No. No. Complete Book of Humanoids 2135 21
Complete Ranger's Handbook 2136 21
A --- - -
Core Pack Assortment
Covenant of the Forge 8349
AD&D® Backlist 29 Created, The 9414 71
A Dozen and One Adventures 9432 55 Creative Campaigning 2133 20
A LINE IN THE SANDrn Game 3032 92 Creature Catalog 9438 10
All Animals Are Equal 7519 90 Crypt of the Shadowking 8499 38
1 1
AMAZING ENGINE ~ Core Rules 2700 83
BUGHUNTERSn 1 Supplement 2706 82
D&D® Backlist 13
AMAZING ENG INE 1 ~ 1 Core Rules/
Dark of Moon 9419 71
For Faerie Queen and Country 2705 82
Dalelands, The 9392 39
Assassin Mountain 9431 53 DARK SUNTM World Backlist 65
Astromundi Cluster, The 1087 79
Deck of Magical Items 9423 24
B Doom of Daggerdale, The
9391 36
Battle of Britain Game 3030 92 1994 DRAGONLANCE® and Other Worlds
Before the Mask 8352 50 Calendar 8894 45
Black Flames 2417 61 DRAGONLANCE® Classics, Vol. 2 9394 44
Black Wing , The 8353 50 DRAGONLANCE® New Tales: The Land
Book of Artifacts, The 2138 16 Reborn 9395 48
Book of Lairs 9396 49 DRAGON MOUNTAIWMBoxed Set 1089 15
Book of tones 8229 95 DRAGON'S CROWWMModule 2416 57
Border Watch 9406 76 DRAGON'S DENTM Adventure Pack 1073 3
Broken Sphere , The 8034 81 Dragon's Tomb, The 8036 7
SUCK ROGERS® Battle for the 25th DRAGON QUEST" 1100 5
entury Game 3550 91 Druid Queen , The 8496 40
LIFFHANGERS Game 3587 85 Basic Game 1070 2
CLIFFHANGERS - War Against The Han DUNGEON MASTERTMGuide 2100 14
Game Adventure 3588 86 Dwarven Kingdoms of Krynn 1086 43
BUCK ROGERS® XXVcrn Backlist 87
BUGHUNTERS 1 ~ 1 Supplement 2702 83 E
c Earth, Air, Fire, and Water
Elves of Athas
Cardmaster Adventure Design Deck 1090 17 Emperor of Ansalon 8354 50
Carnival of Fear 8061 72 Europe Aflame Game 3028 93
Castles Forlorn 1088 67
Cerulean Storm, The 2415 63 F
Champions of Mystara 1094 11
Fall of Magic, The 8037 7
City of Delights 1091 54
Fallen Fortress, The 8497 40
City of Lankhmar 2137 19
Family Boardgames/Backlist 92-93
City of Skulls, The 9405 76 FANTASY FOREST® Game 1059 91
City-State of Tyr Sourcebook 2420 62
For Faerie, Queen, and Country 2701 83
Classic DUNGEON® Game , The 1045 91
Cleric's Challenge 9429 18 FORGOTTEN REALMS®
Code of the Harpers, The 9390 32 Campaign Setting 1085 31
Collector Cards, 1993 - Part 1 1093 26
Collector Cards, 1993 - Part 2
Collector Cards, 1993 - Part 3
Collector Cards, 1993 - Factory Set 1097 17 Galactos Barrier 2704 83
omplete Book of Gnomes & Halflings 2134 21 GAMMA WORLD® Backlist 90
Glory of Rome Campaign Sourcebook 9425 20 Player's Guide to the
Goblin's Lair, The 1076 3 FORGOTTEN REALMS® Campaign 2142 27
GREYHAWK® Backlist 77 Poor Wizard's Almanac 9441 12
Greenfire 8232 95 Pool of Twilight 8537 37
Prince of Lies 8539 35
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I Ruins of Myth Drannor 1084 33
In The Phantom's Wake 9436 8
I, Strahd 8062 68
luz, the Evil 9399 77 Secrets of the Lamp 9433 55
Ivory Triangle, The 2418 58 Shining South, The 9388 36
Soldiers of Ice 8540 38
J Space Lairs 9411 80
Jungles of Chult, The 9389 39 SPELLJAMMER® Backlist 81
Starless Night 8542 34
K Strategy Boardgames 91
Swam plight 9424 22
Knight of the Newts, The 9434 6
Swordsheath Scroll, The 8350 46
Krynnspace 9409 80

Tales of Enchantment 9428 23
Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home 8446 47
Tapestry of Dark Souls 8060 72
Legacy, The 8436P 34
Thief's Challenge 9420 18
M Treasures of the Ancients
TSR 1993 Master Catalog - Collector's
7517 89

Magic Encyclopedia , Vol. 2 9421 23 Edition 9912insert

MAGE STONESTM Game 1058 91 TSR® Novels Backlist 95
MAGITECWMSupplement 2703 83 TSR Periodicals 96
Marauders of Nibenay 2424 61
Marklands, The 9398 75 LI ------
Merchant House of Amketch 2421 61
Ultimate Helm , The 8038 81
RAVENLOFT® Appendix Vol. Two
Monstrous Manual
Monthly Pre Packs 98-101 Valorian 8227 94
Murky Deep, The 9422 22 Van Richten 's Guide to Werebeasts 9416 70
Van Richten 's Guide to the Lich 9412 70
N Volo's Guide to the North 9393 40
Naked Came the Sasquatch 8228 94 w - -----
0 War Against The Han 3588 86
Warlords of Jupiter 3585 87
Obsidian Oracle, The 2414 63
Web of Illusion 9415 69
Outcast, The 2425 64
1994 Women of Fantasy Calendar 8894 28
Overlord of Bonparr, The 7518 89
WWII: European Theater of Operations
Game 3029 93
p WWII: Pacific Theater of Operations
Game 3031 93
Player's Guide to the DRAGONLANCE®
Campaign 2143 27

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