200 Symnonyms

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Synonyms : 200 Words Capsule

Synonyms : 200 Words Capsule

Impeccable - Faultless
Adverse - Negative
Friendly - Amiable
Imitate - Copy
Dessert - Sweet-dish
Fortitude - Courage
Trauma - Emotional shock
Adversary - Opponent
Erudite - Scholarly
Takes after - Resembles
Cajole - Persuade
Amazement - Surprise
Electrifying - Exciting
Merited - Deserved
Zealous - Ardent
Deny - Refuse
Hostile - Antagonistic
Veil - Conceal
Peculiar - Strange
Eminent - Illustrious
Defer - Postpone
Novice - Beginner
Salient - Most important
Idea - Notion
Ill-favoured - Unlucky
Clue - Hint
Consistency - Uniformity
Refrain - Desist
Candid - Frank
Industrious - Hard-working
Authentic - Genuine
Miraculous - Amazing
Knave - Scoundrel
Impost - Tax
Forego - Renounce
Frontier - Boundary
Irreproachable - Faultless
Judicious - Sensible
Obstinate - Unyielding
Menial - Lowly
Emulate - Follow
Mass murder - Genocide
Maiden Speech - First Speech
Tedious - Dull
Spirited - Enthusiastic
Gloomy - Morose
Warranty - Guarantee
Prodigal - Wasteful
Coarse - Rough
Recipients - Receivers
Rout - Defeat
Felicity - Bliss
Transpired - Happened
Sundry - Various
Impetus - Accelerated growth
Boast - Brag
Executioner - One who inflict capital punishment
Interfere - Meddle
Magnificent - Splendid
Feasible - Practical
Fortify - Strengthen
Barren - Unproductive
Intrepid - Fearless
Sufficient - Enough
Ancestors - Forefathers
Meek - Submissive
Fragrance - Aroma
Crude - Unrefined
Enigmatic - Puzzling
Aversion - Dislike
Jubilant - Ecstatic
Blister - Wound
Fabulous - Marvellous
Surpass - Outdo
Atrocity - Violence
Pacify - Calm down
Infamy - Notoriety
Perspicuous - Clear
Benevolent - Kind
Embrace - Accept
Homage - Tribute
Fictitious - False
Recurrent - Happening repeatedly
Despondent - Dejected
Desperation - Hopelessness
Liberty - Freedom
Favourite - Preferred
Laudable - Praiseworthy
Sanitise - Disinfect
Surreptitiously - Secretly
Genuine - Real
Elastic - Flexible
Rectify - Correct
Advance - Progress
Poach - Hunt
Exhort - Urge
Familiar - Well-known
Affiliate - Associate
Diligent - Industrious
Prospective - Possible
Accentuated - Accent
Paucity - Shortfall
Pensive - Thoughtful
Provisional - Temporary
Forebode - Foretell
Obscene - Indecent
Vacillate - Waver
Impediment - Obstruction
Prognosis - Forecast
Repartee - Quick witty reply
Lurid - Shocking
Prosper - Thrive
Explicit - Clear
Infuriate - Enrage
Lousy - Awful
Predominantly - Mostly
Avert - Avoid
Cordial - Friendly
Horrendous - Greatly unpleasant
Irrevocable - Unalterable
Repose - Rest
Nurture - To grow
Abuse - Scorn
Considerate - Thoughtful
Frugal - Miserly
Pity - Mercy
Restrict - Prohibit
Tremendous - Excessive
Abundant - Plentiful
Change - Alter
Adorn - Beatify
Commotion - Disturbance
Grumble - To complain
Docile - Submissive
Irresolute - Undecided
Motive - Intention
Quash - Reject
Anticipate - Expect
Meticulous - Painstaking
Acquaint - Introduce
Fruitless - Useless
Cease - Stop
Abandon - Forsake
Regard- Respect
Prudent - Wise
Culmination- Climax
Crass - Unrefined
Cursory - Quick
Clandestine - Secret
Obdurate - Adamant
Reluctant - Unwilling
Ostracise - Banish
Imbecility - Stupidity
Hesitant - Undecided
Palpable - Obvious
Sauntering - Strolling
Pious - Religious
Intimidate - Frighten
Swap - Exchange
Genius - An intellect
Sporadic - Irregular
Accomplish - Achieve
Envisaged - Imagined
Resentment - Annoyance
Obscure - Unknown
Revelation - Disclosure
Appalled - Shocked
Collusion - Secret agreement
Deceptive - Misleading
Laid-back - Easy-going
Pompous - Grandiose
Poignant - Sad
Audacious - Bold
Reverie - Day- dream
Accrue - Accumulate
Vindictive - Spiteful
Hostility - Enmity
Condemn - Censure
Jealous - Envious
Plausible - Seemingly true
Dishonour - Infamy
Reticent - Not saying much
Apprise - Inform
Unceremonious - Impolite
Ravaged - Destroyed
Querulous - Quarrelsome
Perilous - Hazardous
Genial - Unselfish
Loquacious - Talkative
Inclement - Unfavourable
Indifferent - Unconcerned
Weary - Troubled
Creditable - Bringing praise
Fragile - Easily broken
Reciprocal - Mutual
Consensus - General agreement
Treason - Disloyalty
Lucid - Clear
Perplexed - Puzzled
Transparent - Clearj

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