Synonyms - 200 Words Capsule - BankExamsToday

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5/31/2020 Synonyms : 200 Words Capsule | BankExamsToday

Synonyms : 200 Words Capsule

Published on Monday, November 16, 2015

Synonym means exactly or nearly same as another word in the same language. There
are 2-5 question asked in exams in every exam related to this topic. So Here are 200
most important synonyms words from previous papers :-

1. Impeccable - Faultless 
2. Adverse - Negative 
3. Friendly - Amiable 
4. Imitate - Copy 
5. Dessert - Sweet-dish 
6. Fortitude - Courage 
7. Trauma - Emotional shock 
8. Adversary - Opponent 
9. Erudite - Scholarly 
10. Takes after - Resembles 
11. Cajole - Persuade 
12. Amazement - Surprise 
13. Electrifying - Exciting 
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14. Merited - Deserved 
15. Zealous - Ardent 
16. Deny - Refuse 
17. Hostile - Antagonistic 
18. Veil - Conceal 
19. Peculiar - Strange 
20. Eminent - Illustrious 
21. Defer - Postpone 
22. Novice - Beginner 
23. Salient - Most important 
24. Idea - Notion 
25. Ill-favoured - Unlucky 
26. Clue - Hint 
27. Consistency - Uniformity 
28. Refrain - Desist 
29. Candid - Frank 
30. Industrious - Hard-working 
31. Authentic - Genuine 
32. Miraculous - Amazing 
33. Knave - Scoundrel 
34. Impost - Tax 
35. Forego - Renounce 
36. Frontier - Boundary 
37. Irreproachable - Faultless 
38. Judicious - Sensible 
39. Obstinate - Unyielding 
40. Menial - Lowly 
41. Emulate - Follow 
42. Mass murder - Genocide 
43. Maiden Speech - First Speech 
44. Tedious - Dull 
45. Spirited - Enthusiastic 2/8
5/31/2020 Synonyms : 200 Words Capsule | BankExamsToday

46. Gloomy - Morose 

47. Warranty - Guarantee 
48. Prodigal - Wasteful 
49. Coarse - Rough 
50. Recipients - Receivers 
51. Rout - Defeat 
52. Felicity - Bliss 
53. Transpired - Happened 
54. Sundry - Various 
55. Impetus - Accelerated growth 
56. Boast - Brag 
57. Executioner - One who in ict capital punishment 
58. Interfere - Meddle 
59. Magni cent - Splendid 
60. Feasible - Practical 
61. Fortify - Strengthen 
62. Barren - Unproductive 
63. Intrepid - Fearless 
64. Su cient - Enough 
65. Ancestors - Forefathers 
66. Meek - Submissive 
67. Fragrance - Aroma 
68. Crude - Unre ned 
69. Enigmatic - Puzzling 
70. Aversion - Dislike 
71. Jubilant - Ecstatic 
72. Blister - Wound 
73. Fabulous - Marvellous 
74. Surpass - Outdo 
75. Atrocity - Violence 
76. Pacify - Calm down 
77 Infamy - Notoriety 3/8
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77. Infamy Notoriety 
78. Perspicuous - Clear 
79. Benevolent - Kind 
80. Embrace - Accept 
81. Homage - Tribute 
82. Fictitious - False 
83. Recurrent - Happening repeatedly 
84. Despondent - Dejected 
85. Desperation - Hopelessness 
86. Liberty - Freedom 
87. Favourite - Preferred 
88. Laudable - Praiseworthy 
89. Sanitise - Disinfect 
90. Surreptitiously - Secretly 
91. Genuine - Real 
92. Elastic - Flexible 
93. Rectify - Correct 
94. Advance - Progress 
95. Poach - Hunt 
96. Exhort - Urge 
97. Familiar - Well-known 
98. A liate - Associate 
99. Diligent - Industrious 
100. Prospective - Possible 
101. Accentuated - Accent 
102. Paucity - Shortfall 
103. Pensive - Thoughtful 
104. Provisional - Temporary 
105. Forebode - Foretell 
106. Obscene - Indecent 
107. Vacillate - Waver 
108. Impediment - Obstruction 4/8
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109. Prognosis - Forecast 

110. Repartee - Quick witty reply 
111. Lurid - Shocking 
112. Prosper - Thrive 
113. Explicit - Clear 
114. Infuriate - Enrage 
115. Lousy - Awful 
116. Predominantly - Mostly 
117. Avert - Avoid 
118. Cordial - Friendly 
119. Horrendous - Greatly unpleasant 
120. Irrevocable - Unalterable 
121. Repose - Rest 
122. Nurture - To grow 
123. Abuse - Scorn 
124. Considerate - Thoughtful 
125. Frugal - Miserly 
126. Pity - Mercy 
127. Restrict - Prohibit 
128. Tremendous - Excessive 
129. Abundant - Plentiful 
130. Change - Alter 
131. Adorn - Beatify 
132. Commotion - Disturbance 
133. Grumble - To complain 
134. Docile - Submissive 
135. Irresolute - Undecided 
136. Motive - Intention 
137. Quash - Reject 
138. Anticipate - Expect 
139. Meticulous - Painstaking 
140. Acquaint - Introduce 5/8
q Synonyms : 200 Words Capsule | BankExamsToday

141. Fruitless - Useless 

142. Cease - Stop 
143. Abandon - Forsake 
144. Regard- Respect 
145. Prudent - Wise 
146. Culmination- Climax 
147. Crass - Unre ned 
148. Cursory - Quick 
149. Clandestine - Secret 
150. Obdurate - Adamant 
151. Reluctant - Unwilling 
152. Ostracise - Banish 
153. Imbecility - Stupidity 
154. Hesitant - Undecided 
155. Palpable - Obvious 
156. Sauntering - Strolling 
157. Pious - Religious 
158. Intimidate - Frighten 
159. Swap - Exchange 
160. Genius - An intellect 
161. Sporadic - Irregular 
162. Accomplish - Achieve 
163. Envisaged - Imagined 
164. Resentment - Annoyance 
165. Obscure - Unknown 
166. Revelation - Disclosure 
167. Appalled - Shocked 
168. Collusion - Secret agreement 
169. Deceptive - Misleading 
170. Laid-back - Easy-going 
171. Pompous - Grandiose 
172 Poignant Sad 6/8
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172. Poignant - Sad 
173. Audacious - Bold 
174. Reverie - Day- dream 
175. Accrue - Accumulate 
176. Vindictive - Spiteful 
177. Hostility - Enmity 
178. Condemn - Censure 
179. Jealous - Envious 
180. Plausible - Seemingly true 
181. Dishonour - Infamy 
182. Reticent - Not saying much 
183. Apprise - Inform 
184. Unceremonious - Impolite 
185. Ravaged - Destroyed 
186. Querulous - Quarrelsome 
187. Perilous - Hazardous 
188. Genial - Unsel sh 
189. Loquacious - Talkative 
190. Inclement - Unfavourable 
191. Indifferent - Unconcerned 
192. Weary - Troubled 
193. Creditable - Bringing praise 
194. Fragile - Easily broken 
195. Reciprocal - Mutual 
196. Consensus - General agreement 
197. Treason - Disloyalty 
198. Lucid - Clear 
199. Perplexed - Puzzled 
200. Transparent - Clear 
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