Physics I - GS111

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Course Outline

Rev No 2
SUIT Credit Hours : 2-1 Page 1 of 2 pages
Dated: 15.10.04
GS 111

Physics I
Engineering Physics

Text Books:- University Physics by Sears, Zemansky and Young, 7th Edition, Addison-
Wesley Publication company.

Reference Book:-
Fundamentals of Physics, 5th Edition by Halliday, Resnick and Walker

Course Description:-

This course introduces fundamental concepts of motion in one Dimension, freely falling
bodies, Projectile motion, Electromagnetism, Gauss' law and its application, Kirchoff's laws
and Complex Networks Analysis.

Pre-requisite:- Nil

Grading Policy:-

In Semester Evaluation: 30%

Final Evaluation: 70%

Week-Wise Breakdown

Week Topics/Activities Chapter

Units, Physical Quantities, and Vectors: Standards and Units, Unit
consistency and conversion, Precision and significant figures,
1,2 Estimates and Order of magnitude, Vectors and vector addition & 1
subtraction, components of vectors, Unit vectors, product of
Motion along a Straight Line: Average and instantaneous velocities,
average and instantaneous accelerations, motion with constant
3,4 2
acceleration, velocity and coordinate by integration, freely falling
bodies, relative velocity
Work and Energy: Conservation of energy, work, work done by a
5 7
varying force, work and kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy
Elastic potential energy, conservative and dissipative forces, internal
6 7
work energy, power, automotive power
Impulse and momentum: Impulse and momentum, conservation of
7 momentum, collisions, inelastic and elastic collisions, recoils, centre 8
of mass
Course Outline
Rev No 2
SUIT Credit Hours : 2-1 Page 2 of 2 pages
Dated: 15.10.04
GS 111

Coulomb’s Law: Electric Charge, atomic structure, electrical

8 conductors and insulators, charging by induction, Coulomb’s law and 24
its applications
The Electric Field: Electric field and electrical forces, electric-field
9 forces, field lines, Gauss’s law and its applications, charges on 25
10 Mid Term Examination
Electrical Potential: Electrical potential energy, potential and its
11 calculations, equi-potential surfaces, potential gradient, the Millikan 26
Oil-Drop experiment, The Electron-Volt, The Cathode Ray tube
Capacitance and Dielectrics: Capacitors, the parallel-plate capacitors,
capacitors in series and parallel, energy of a charged capacitor, effect
12,13 27
of a dielectric, molecular model of induced charge, Gauss’s law in
Current, Resistance and Electromotive Force: Current, Resistivity,
14 resistance, electromotive force, current-voltage relation, energy and 28
power in electrical circuits, theory of metallic conduction
Magnetic Field and Magnetic Forces: Magnetism, magnetic field,
15 magnetic field lines and magnetic flux, motion of a charged particle in 30
a magnetic field, Thomson’s measurement of e/m
Isotopes and mass spectroscopy, Magnetic force on a conductor, force
16 30
and torque on a current loop, the direct current motor, the Hall Effect
Sources of Magnetic Field: Magnetic field of a moving charge, MF
of a current element, MF of a long straight conductor, forces between
17 31
parallel conductors, magnetic field of a circular loop, Ampere’s Law
and its applications
Induction Phenomenon, Motional electromotive force, Faraday’s Law,
18 32
Lenz’s Law, Eddy Currents
19 Revision
20 End Semester Exam

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