Feasibility Report - UD - B-Aug 02

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

Table of Contents
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................... VI 
LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................... VIII 
SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROJECT ......................................... X 
1  INTRODUCTION .............................................................1–1 
1.1  GENERAL.............................................................................................. 1–1 
1.2  LOCATION ............................................................................................ 1–2 
1.3  ACCESSIBILITY ....................................................................................... 1–2 
1.4  DRAINAGE BASIN AND CLIMATE .................................................................. 1–3 
1.5  OBJECTIVES .......................................................................................... 1–3 
1.6  SCOPE OF WORKS................................................................................... 1–3 
1.7  METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................... 1–4 
1.8  PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................. 1–4 
2  TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY AND MAPPING ....................2–1 
2.1  GENERAL.............................................................................................. 2–1 
2.2  OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE OF WORKS ............................................................. 2–1 
2.3  AVAILABLE INFORMATION AND DATA ............................................................ 2–1 
2.4  SURVEY METHODOLOGY ........................................................................... 2–1 
2.5  CONTROL TRAVERSING ............................................................................. 2–2 
2.6  HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROL .......................................................... 2–2 
2.7  ACCURACY ............................................................................................ 2–3 
2.8  DATA PROCESSING.................................................................................. 2–3 
2.9  DETAIL TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY ................................................................ 2–3 
2.10  MAPPING ........................................................................................... 2–4 
2.11  RIVER CROSS-SECTIONS AND PROFILE ....................................................... 2–4 
3  HYDROLOGY AND SEDIMENT STUDY ............................3–1 
3.1  INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 3–1 
3.2  PHYSIOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF DARAUNDI BASIN ................................... 3–1 
3.2.1  The Catchment 3–1 
3.2.2  The Climate 3–2 
3.2.3  Precipitation Study 3–4 
3.3  FIELD HYDROLOGY.................................................................................. 3–5 
3.3.1  Stream flow data 3–5 
3.3.2  Monthly flow 3–7 
3.3.3  Adopted Mean Monthly Flow 3–10 
3.4  FLOW DURATION CURVE......................................................................... 3–12 
3.5  LOW FLOW ANALYSIS ............................................................................. 3–14 
3.6  RIPARIAN RELEASE ............................................................................... 3–14 
3.7  FLOOD FLOWS ..................................................................................... 3–14 
3.7.1  General 3–14 
3.7.2  Flood Frequency Analysis 3–15 
3.7.3  Regional Flood Frequency Analysis (Hydro Regional) 3–16 
3.7.4  Flood Frequency analysis using WECS-DHM Method. 3–17 

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

3.7.5  Design Flood 3–17 

3.8  DIVERSION FLOOD ................................................................................ 3–18 
3.9  RATING CURVES ................................................................................... 3–19 
3.10  SEDIMENT STUDY .............................................................................. 3–20 
3.10.1  Himalayan Yield Technique 3–20 
3.10.2  Sediment Studies by KP Sharma and SR Kansakar 3–20 
3.11  CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ...................................................... 3–20 
4.1  INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 4-1 
4.2  OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................... 4-1 
4.3  SCOPE OF THE WORK ................................................................................ 4-1 
4.4  STUDY METHODOLOGY .............................................................................. 4-1 
4.5  PRESENT INVESTIGATION ........................................................................... 4-2 
4.6  REGIONAL GEOLOGY................................................................................. 4-2 
4.6.1  Tibetan Tethys Himalaya 4-2 
4.6.2  Higher Himalaya 4-2 
4.6.3  Lesser Himalaya 4-2 
4.6.4  Sub-Himalaya (Siwaliks) 4-3 
4.6.5  Gangetic Plain 4-3 
4.7  SEISMICITY ............................................................................................ 4-4 
4.7.1  Seismicity of Nepal 4-4 
4.7.2  Seismic Coefficient 4-4 
4.8  GEOLOGY OF THE PROJECT AREA ................................................................. 4-6 
4.8.1  Headworks Site 4-7 
4.8.2  Headrace Tunnel Alignment 4-9 
4.8.3  Surge tank and Penstock Alignment 4-12 
4.8.4  Powerhouse and Tailrace 4-13 
4.9  ROCK SUPPORT DESIGN .......................................................................... 4-13 
4.9.1  Q System 4-13 
4.9.2  Rock Mass Rating 4-14 
4.9.3  Rock Support Estimation 4-15 
4.10  CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL SURVEY .......................................................... 4-15 
4.11  CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................... 4-16 
5  PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND DESIGN ........................... 5-1 
5.1  DESIGN BASIS ........................................................................................ 5-1 
5.2  GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF PROJECT COMPONENTS .......................................... 5-1 
5.3  CIVIL WORKS ......................................................................................... 5-1 
5.3.1  Diversion during construction 5-1 
5.3.2  Headworks 5-2 
5.3.3  Weir 5-2 
5.3.4  Sluice 5-2 
5.3.5  Intake 5-2 
5.3.6  Gravel trap 5-3 
5.3.7  Steel Pipe Canal 5-3 
5.3.8  Settling Basin 5-3 
5.3.9  Headrace Canal 5-3 

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

5.3.10  Headworks Protection Wall 5-4 

5.3.11  Water Conveyance System 5-4 
5.3.12  Headrace tunnel 5-4 
5.3.13  Steel Penstock Pipe 5-4 
5.3.14  Anchor blocks in penstock alignment and saddle 5-5 
5.3.15  Saddle supports in penstock alignment 5-6 
5.3.16  Surge shaft 5-6 
5.3.17  Powerhouse and Tailrace Canal 5-6 
5.4  HYDRO-MECHANICAL WORKS ....................................................................... 5-7 
5.4.1  Steel Penstock Pipe 5-7 
5.4.2  Gates and stoplogs 5-8 
5.4.3  Trash Racks 5-9 
5.5  ELECTROMECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ................................................................ 5-9 
5.5.1  Mechanical equipment 5-9 
5.5.2  Turbine 5-10 
5.5.3  Unit Capacity 5-12 
5.5.4  Description of Turbine 5-13 
5.5.5  Turbine Components 5-13 
5.6  ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT .......................................................................... 5-18 
5.6.1  General 5-18 
5.6.2  Generator 5-19 
5.6.3  Generation Voltage Level 5-21 
5.6.4  Generator Braking 5-21 
5.6.5  Generator Grounding 5-21 
5.6.6  Excitation and Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR) 5-21 
5.6.7  Power Transformers 5-23 
5.6.8  Switchgears 5-24 
5.6.9  Current Transformer (CT) 5-26 
5.6.10  Voltage Transformer (PT) 5-26 
5.6.11  Lightning Arrestors 5-27 
5.6.12  Governor 5-27 
5.6.13  Powerhouse Overhead Travelling Crane 5-28 
5.6.14  Diesel Generator 5-29 
5.6.15  Dc Power Supply 5-29 
5.6.16  Grounding / Earthing System 5-29 
5.6.17  Black Start/ Island Mode Operation 5-30 
5.6.18  Communication System 5-30 
5.6.19  Illumination 5-30 
5.6.20  Control and SCADA System 5-30 
5.7  SWITCHYARD AND TRANSMISSION LINE........................................................ 5-32 
5.7.1  132 KV switchyard at Powerhouse 5-32 
5.7.2  Interconnection Point 5-33 

6  POWER AND ENERGY ..................................................... 6-1 

6.1  GENERAL............................................................................................... 6-1 
6.2  METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................... 6-1 
6.3  INPUT PARAMETERS ................................................................................. 6-1 
6.3.1  Hydrology 6-1 

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6.3.2  Headloss 6-1 

6.3.3  Efficiency of the machineries 6-2 
6.3.4  Energy Loss 6-2 
6.3.5  Design Energy and Plant Load Factor 6-2 
6.4  ENERGY AND POWER ................................................................................ 6-3 
7  THE COST ESTIMATE ...................................................... 7-1 
7.1  INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 7-1 
7.2  CRITERIA, ASSUMPTIONS AND COST COMPONENTS ............................................ 7-1 
7.3  ESTIMATING METHODOLOGY ....................................................................... 7-1 
7.4  CIVIL WORKS ESTIMATE ............................................................................ 7-2 
7.5  RESOURCES COSTS .................................................................................. 7-2 
7.5.1  Labor Rates 7-2 
7.5.2  Construction Equipment 7-3 
7.5.3  Construction Material 7-3 
7.6  ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ..................................................... 7-3 
7.7  SWITCHYARD AND TRANSMISSION LINES ........................................................ 7-3 
7.8  UNIT RATES ........................................................................................... 7-3 
7.9  CONTINGENCIES ...................................................................................... 7-4 
7.10  ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS .................................................................... 7-4 
7.11  ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT .............................................................. 7-4 
7.12  TOTAL ESTIMATED COST......................................................................... 7-4 
8  PROJECT EVALUATION................................................... 8-1 
8.1  DECISION MAKING TOOLS .......................................................................... 8-1 
8.2  DEBT-EQUITY RATIO AND INTEREST ............................................................. 8-1 
8.4  ELECTRO-MECHANICAL REPLACEMENT COST .................................................... 8-1 
8.5  ROYALTIES AND TAXES .............................................................................. 8-2 
8.6  ANNUAL GENERATION AND OUTAGE .............................................................. 8-2 
8.7  FINANCIAL ANALYSIS RESULTS .................................................................... 8-2 
8.8  SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS .............................................................................. 8-4 
8.8.1  Interest rate 8-4 
8.8.2  Project cost variation 8-4 
8.8.3  Variation in energy generation 8-4 
8.8.4  Results 8-4 


9.1  BROAD PROGRAM .................................................................................... 9-1 
9.2  MAJOR COMPONENTS ............................................................................... 9-1 
9.3  ACCESS TO SITE ...................................................................................... 9-1 
9.3.1  Access in India 9-1 
9.3.2  Access in Nepal 9-2 
9.4  CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS ........................................................................ 9-2 
9.4.1  General 9-2 
9.4.2  Stone for Masonry Work 9-2 
9.4.3  Reinforcement steel and cement 9-2 
9.4.4  Structural Steel for Penstock and other Hydro-mechanical Works 9-2 

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

9.4.5  Other Materials 9-2 

9.5  CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS ....................................................................... 9-3 
9.6  LAND ACQUISITION .................................................................................. 9-3 
9.7  MOBILIZATION ........................................................................................ 9-3 
9.8  CONSTRUCTION POWER............................................................................. 9-3 
9.9  CAMP ESTABLISHMENT .............................................................................. 9-4 
9.10  CONSTRUCTION PLANNING ...................................................................... 9-4 
9.10.1  Construction facilities 9-4 
9.11  CONSTRUCTION OF CIVIL COMPONENTS ...................................................... 9-5 
9.11.1  Headworks 9-5 
9.11.2  Headrace Tunnel 9-6 
9.11.3  Surge Shaft 9-6 
9.11.4  Powerhouse, tailrace and switch yard 9-6 
9.11.5  Hydro-mechanical Works 9-7 
9.11.6  Electro-mechanical Works 9-7 
9.11.7  Transmission Line Works 9-7 
9.12  IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE BAR CHART ..................................................... 9-7 
10  CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ...................... 10-1 
10.1  CONCLUSION ..................................................................................... 10-1 
10.2  RECOMMENDATION .............................................................................. 10-2 

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List of Tables
Table 2-1: Co-ordinate and Elevation of Basic Control Points ........................................... 2–2 
Table 3-1: Information of Precipitation Stations around Project Basin .............................. 3–2 
Table 3-2: Climate Data at Station 809 Gorkha ............................................................... 3–3 
Table 3-3: Mean Monthly Precipitation (at Index No 809, Gorkha) ................................... 3–4 
Table 3-4: Discharge Measurements at gauge location.................................................... 3–5 
Table 3-5: Mean Monthly Discharge of Chepe River at Garambeshi .................................. 3–6 
Table 3-6: Mean Monthly Discharge at Intake Site .......................................................... 3–8 
Table 3-7: Mean Monthly Discharge (m3/s) by MIP Method ............................................. 3–9 
Table 3-8: Long-Term Mean Monthly Flow by MHSP Method ......................................... 3–10 
Table 3-9: Long-Term Mean Monthly Flow by WECS/DHM Method ................................. 3–10 
Table 3-10: Mean monthly discharges from various methods ........................................ 3–11 
Table 3-11: Adopted Mean Monthly Flow (m3/s) at Intake Site ...................................... 3–11 
Table 3-12: Numerical value of flow duration curve by different methods....................... 3–12 
Table 3-13: Time Exceedance of Flows at Intake site .................................................... 3–13 
Table 3-14: Low Flow Frequency Analysis (Log Normal Distribution) .............................. 3–14 
Table 3-15: Flood frequency analysis using regression method at intake ........................ 3–16 
Table 3-16: Results of Regional Analysis for intake ....................................................... 3–17 
Table 3-17: Flood from HYDEST (WECS-DHM) Method for intake .................................. 3–17 
Table 3-18: Summary of flood (m3/s) analysis by different methods for intake ............... 3–17 
Table 3-19: Summary of flood (m3/s) analysis by different methods for powerhouse ...... 3–18 
Table 3-20: Estimated Floods for River Diversion .......................................................... 3–18 
Table 4-1: Rock quality estimation of rock based on surface mapping ............................. 4-9 
Table 4-2: Orientation and characteristics of discontinuity of rock at inlet portal of headrace
tunnel .......................................................................................................................... 4-9 
Table 4-3: Orientation and characteristics of discontinuity of rock at headrace tunnel from
chainage 0+000 to 1+500m .........................................................................................4-10 
Table 4-4: Orientation and characteristics of discontinuity of rock at headrace tunnel from
chainage 1+500 to 2+440m .........................................................................................4-10 
Table 4-5: Rock mass class and its tentative representation along the HRT ....................4-11 
Table 4-6: Orientation and characteristics of discontinuity of rock at surge tank area......4-12 
Table 4-7: Headrace tunnel rock support class and respective rock support ...................4-15 
Table 5-1: Penstock Pipe details .................................................................................... 5-7 
Table 5-2: Details of gates ............................................................................................ 5-8 

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Table 5-3: Details of stoplogs ........................................................................................ 5-9 

Table 5-4: Details of Trash racks ................................................................................... 5-9 
Table 5-5: Turbine Data ...............................................................................................5-17 
Table 5-6: Generator Data ...........................................................................................5-20 
Table 5-7: Data for Power Transformer .........................................................................5-23 
Table 5-8: Details of station transformer .......................................................................5-24 
Table 5-9: Data for Generator Circuit Breaker................................................................5-25 
Table 5-10: Data for Transformer incomer Circuit Breaker..............................................5-25 
Table 5-11: Details of 6.6kV Potential Transformer ........................................................5-26 
Table 5-12 Details of 6.6kV Lightning Arrestor ...............................................................5-27 
Table 5-13: Capacity of EOT crane ...............................................................................5-28 
Table 5-14: Data for 132 KV Circuit Breaker ..................................................................5-32 
Table 5-15: Details of 132kV Potential Transformer .......................................................5-32 
Table 5-16: Details of 132kV Current Transformer .........................................................5-33 
Table 5-17: Details of 132kV Lighting Arrestor...............................................................5-33 
Table 6-1: Monthly flow used for energy estimation ........................................................ 6-1 
Table 6-2: Summary of Monthly Headloss ...................................................................... 6-2 
Table 6-3: Power and Energy Computation .................................................................... 6-3 
Table 7-1: Summary of project cost ............................................................................... 7-5 
Table 8-1: Input Parameters ......................................................................................... 8-3 
Table 8-2: Results of financial analysis ........................................................................... 8-3 
Table 8-3: Sensitivity analysis results ............................................................................. 8-4 
Table 9-1: Contract Packaging....................................................................................... 9-3 

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List of Figures
Figure 1-1: Location Map .............................................................................................. 1–2 
Figure 3-1: Catchment area of UDBSHP intake site ......................................................... 3–2 
Figure 3-2: Mean Monthly Flow at intake site ............................................................... 3–11 
Figure 3-3: Flow Duration Curve at Intake Site ................................................... 3–14 
Figure 3-4: Rating curve at the intake location ............................................................. 3–19 
Figure 3-5: Rating curve at the powerhouse location .................................................... 3–19 
Figure 4-1: Regional Geological Map of Nepal................................................................. 4-3 
Figure 4-2: Seismic Risk Map of Nepal ........................................................................... 4-5 
Figure 4-3: Seismic Hazard Map of Nepal ....................................................................... 4-6 
Figure 4-4: Geological Map of Project Area (DMG) .......................................................... 4-7 
Figure 4-5: Contour density diagram at Headwork area at right bank............................... 4-8 
Figure 4-6: Stereographic Projection of main joints ......................................................... 4-9 
Figure 4-7: Rosette diagram showing tunnel alignment through bed rock .......................4-11 
Figure 4-8: Stereographic Projection of discontinuities (Headrace Tunnel).......................4-12 
Figure 4-9: NGI Q-System from Barton and Grimstad 1993 ............................................4-14 
Figure 5-1: Penstock pipe optimization results .......................................................... 5-5 
Figure 5-2: Turbine Selection Chart ..............................................................................5-12 
Figure 5-3: Pelton Runner ............................................................................................5-14 
Figure 5-4: Graphical view of turbine parts....................................................................5-16 
Figure 5-5: Turbine Generator Arrangement ..................................................................5-17 
Figure 5-6: Technical Data Sheet ..................................................................................5-18 
Figure 5-7: Excitation System .......................................................................................5-22 
Figure 5-8: Governing System Architect ........................................................................5-28 
Figure 7-1: Distribution of the project cost ..................................................................... 7-6 

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List of Abbreviations

% Percentage
‘ Minutes
‘’ Seconds

amsl Above mean Sea Level

cm/s Centimetre per second

DHM Department of Hydrology and Meteorology

DoS Department of Survey

f Angle of repose for the soil

GWh Giga watt hour

km Kilometre

KN Kilo Newton

kV Kilovolt

kW Kilowatt

kWh Kilowatt hour

m Metre

m2 Square metre

M3/s Cubic metre per second

MIP Medium Irrigation Project

mm2 Square millimeter

MW Megawatt

N Newton

NEA Nepal Electricity Authority

º Degree

ºC Temperature in degree centigrade

US$ United States Dollars

VDC Village Development Committee

WL Water Level

yr Year

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

Salient Features of the Project


Project Name Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project

Name of River Daraundi
Nearest Village Barpak

District / Development Region: Gorkha, Western Development Region

Type of power plant: Run-of-River
Project Co-ordinate

Easting 84⁰ 43' 45" E to 84⁰ 44 '30" E

Northing 28⁰ 13' 24" N to 28⁰ 15' 00" N

Catchment area at intake site 101 km2

Long term annual average flow 8.03 m3/s
Design Discharge (Q40) 4.7 m3/s
Design flood at intake (1 in 100) 360 m3/s
Design Flood at Powerhouse (1 in 100) 428 m3/s
Diversion weir

Type Permanent concrete weir

Shape Trapezoidal
Crest level 1378.5 amsl
Length 8m
Height 2.9 m from the Bed level
Crest Width 1.75 m
Base Width 8.00 m

Number 1
Width 1.50 m
Height 2.00 m
Slope 1 in 10

Type Side Intake orifice type

No. of Opening 2
Size opening 1.2 m x 1.0 m clear opening

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

Gravel Trap

Length 5.5 m excluding transition length

Width 3m
Headrace pipe

Length 67.0 m
Diameter 1.4 m
Thickness 8 mm
Settling basin

No of bays 1.00 nos.

Nominal size of trapped particle 0.20 mm, 90.00% trap efficiency
Uniform Length 26.00 m
Invert slope 1:50
Width 3.6m
Depth 4.3m average

Headrace tunnel

Length 2466 m up to surge shaft

Diameter 2.5m finished
Height 2.5m finished

Penstock Pipe length 406.5 m up to bifurcation

Diameter 1.20m/1.1m
Maximum shell thickness 8.00 mm to 16.00 mm

Length and width 38.5m x 15.0m x 19m

Tail water level 1146.76 amsl

Length of Tailrace canal 75.00 m


Type Pelton (Horizontal Axis)

No of units 2.00
Turbine center elevation 1150.0 amsl
Rated output 4400 KW
Rated Speed 428.6 rpm
Rated Efficiency 90%

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study


No of Units 2
Type Synchronous with brushless excitation
Rated Capacity 5000 KVA
Rated Efficiency 96%
Power factor 0.85
Speed 428.6 rpm
Frequency 50HZ
Generation voltage 6.6kV

No of Units 1
Type Three phase
Rated Capacity 12.5 MVA
Frequency 50 Hz
Transmission Line

Capacity 132 kV
Length 30 km (Powerhouse site to Marki Chowk
Switch Yard 20.00 m long by 20.00 wide

Project is accessible from Abukhaireni on the road to Barpak, Gorkha

Power and Energy

Gross Head 223.1 m

Net Head 212.07 m
Installed Capacity 8.3 MW
Dry season Energy 14.234GWh (Considering Outage)
Wet season Energy 33.047GWh (Considering Outage)
Total Energy 47.282GWh
Environmental Study

Downstream release 0.15 m3/s

Construction Period 3 Years
Project evaluation

Project cost without IDC NRs. 1505.47 million

Project cost with IDC NRs. 1655.77 million
Internal rate of return (IRR) 14.42%
BC ratio 1.41

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

Return on Equity 19.68%

Net Present Value NRs. 547.706 million

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

1.1 General

Nepal is blessed with abundant water resources combined with large geographical variations
from High Himalayas to the plain of the Terai within a short distance. About six thousand
rivers and rivulets in Nepal carry about 225 billion cubic meter of water every year and flow
down to Indian Ocean via India. The ample water sources and the geographical variations
are extending immense hydropower potential in the country.

Of the estimated 83,000 MW hydropower potential of the country, it has been assessed that
42,000 MW can be exploited economically. However, Nepal has developed only 894 MW
(including isolated micro and small hydropower plants) of hydropower to date, which is
slightly more than 1% of total hydropower potential of the country. The underutilization of
these vast resources has been due to various reasons including lack of consistent policy
mechanism and project selection criteria, lack of basic infrastructure facilities, lack of
technical and financial strengths of the country etc. Still traditional source of energy such as
fuel wood, agriculture residue and animal waste is playing major role (86%) of the total
energy consumption of the country. Commercial energy sources like fossil fuel and electricity
share the remaining portion of the energy consumption, of which, electricity contributes
about 1.5% of the total energy needs.

The Hydropower can be utilized to boost up the economic growth of the country. However,
scarce resource available in the country and ever decreasing foreign assistance has made
pace of Hydropower development less than desirable. In order to expedite the pace of
development, it was felt necessary to involve private sector. The unstable politics and lack of
basic infrastructures like access road and national grid to the potential project sites are the
shortfall of private sector involvement.

In order to meet increasing demand of power, necessary steps are taken to consolidate and
strengthen existing generating facilities with a view to increase efficiency in production and
distribution of energy. The Government of Nepal (GoN) has adopted an open and free
market policy in order to attract domestic and foreign hydropower developers for expediting
hydropower development. The GoN has promulgated Water Resources Act 1992, Water
Resources Act 1992 and Water Resources Regulation 1993. In addition to this, GoN has
adopted the new Hydropower Policy 2001. These acts, regulations and policies are focusing
on easing and simplifying procedures of licenses, royalties, income taxes, customs and
excise duties, foreign currency and selling of electricity. As a result, the private entrepreneur
has developed Khimti (60 MW), BhoteKoshi (36 MW), Indrawati (7.5 MW), Sange (183 KW),
Chaku Khola (1.5 MW), Sunkoshi (2.5 MW) and Piluwa (3 MW) etc. Similarly, many other
hydropower projects are either in under construction or in pre-construction phase by private
sector like Khudi (3.45 MW), Mailun Khola (5 MW), Mardi (3.1 MW), Upper Modi (14 MW)
etc. Many hydropower projects are in different stages of studies, licensing, and development.

Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project (UDBSHP) is a run-of-river type project with
installed capacity of 8300kW that will generates 47.282 GWh energy annually. The project is
located in Gorkha District in the Western Development Region of Nepal.

The headworks and powerhouse of the project lie on the right bank of the Daraundi Khola at
Ghyachowk VDC. The surface powerhouse is located about 3 Km downstream of the

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proposed weir site. Headrace tunnel is a major waterway component. The generated power
will be evacuated through 30km long 132 kV transmission line from switchyard to
Markichowk substation at Tanahun. The cost of the transmission line is proposed to be
shared with other projects in the vicinity.

1.2 Location

The project area is located between 1380m and 1150m above mean sea level in the upper
reach of Daraundi Khola of Gorkha District, Gandaki Zone of the Western Development
Region of Nepal. Geographically the project area is located between longitudes 84°43'45" to
84°44'30" and latitudes 28°13'24" to 28°15'00". The project area lies in Ghyachowk and
Barpak VDCs. The project area location map is shown in Figure 1-1.

Upper Daraudi-B

Hydropower Project

Figure 1-1: Location Map

1.3 Accessibility

Highway from Kathmandu to 11 Kilo (Gorkha) is about 135km long black top road and
further about 40 km from 11 Kilo to Mandre is fair weatherd earthen road which is the main
access road from Kathmandu to the project site. Around 3 km access road is to be upgraded
to access near Tumsika Village.The project site is not accessible by vehicle at present. The
headworks and powerhouse are accessed by foot trail from Tumsika village at the moment.
New roads will need to be built from this point up to the powerhouse as well as the
headworks site. About 1.5 km access road needs to construct to link the powerhouse site.
Similarly, about 3 km long access road needs to be constructed to link the powerhouse and
headworks site.

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

1.4 Drainage Basin and Climate

Physiographically, the project area belongs to the Middle Mountains, and lies in between
1380m to 1150m above mean sea level. The mountains are characterized by steep to
medium sloped landscape, which varies with elevation. Fairly dense mixed forests are found
between elevation 1200m to 1500m and landscape changes to subtropical forest below
2000m. Excessive cultivation can be found up to the altitude of 1600m. The project area is
under the influence of southwest monsoon. The climate of the basin is also influenced by the
physiography of the region. The Upper Daraudi-B Small Hydropower Project has its
catchment area of 101 km2 at the proposed headwork site and 120 km2 at powerhouse site.

1.5 Objectives

The main objective of the present study is to carry out the feasibility study for the technical
and economic viability of the Project, which will be interconnected with the Integrated Nepal
Power System (INPS). The feasibility study report can be used as a basis for PPA, for
obtaining the license of generation from the government and for funding arrangement of the
construction. Following are the general objectives of this feasibility study:

 To identify the headwork site and select the best option, water conveyance system
area and Powerhouse site area of the Upper Daraudi-B Small Hydropower Project.
 To carryout site survey and investigation.
 To obtain basic information / data through field surveys, investigation and laboratory
 To prepare necessary maps and sections/ profiles as per the project requirement.
 To finalize the project layout.
 To conduct the hydrological and meteorological study.
 To conduct the geological study to determine the overburden condition at the sites of
major hydraulic structures and to assess rock conditions.
 To conduct a detailed feasibility study level design and prepare necessary drawings.
 To prepare Bill of Quantity (BOQ) and make cost estimates.
 To prepare construction plan and project implementation schedule.
 To conduct financial evaluation.

1.6 Scope of Works

In order to achieve above-mentioned objectives, the primary task of the Consultant is to

conduct Feasibility Study of the project.

The feasibility study was carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Client and
the standard practice. In line to this, the study was performed in accordance with the
requirements mentioned in the Standards for Study of Hydropower Projects published by
GoN/ DoED. The study covered all aspects of the project including:

 Review of previous studies

 Hydrological, meteorological and sediment studies
 Topographical survey and mapping

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 Geological and geo-technical studies

 Project layout
 Optimal design of project components
 Construction methods and planning
 Cost estimate and
 Financial analyses of the project.

1.7 Methodology

Review of literature related to hydropower generation is done in the project office. Previous
studies on the Project have been reviewed. A team of experts comprising of Senior
Hydropower Engineer, Hydrologist, Geologist and Surveyor visited the site. Leveling was
carried out for the alternative locations of intake and powerhouse sites to create a basis for
selection of most promising alternative among the identified alternatives.

Based on site-specific information gathered during this initial site visit, a field investigation
program for detailed survey, geological investigation and hydrological measurement as well
as gauge height recording was prepared.

The topographical survey and geological investigations carried out and preparation of
necessary scale topographical maps using CAD were completed.

The hydraulic design of structures, drawings and quantity calculation was done where the
rate analysis of the items of work was carried out on the basis of district rates and standard
norm. Financial evaluation of the project was carried out and the reports were prepared.

1.8 Project description

Upper Daraundi – B Small Hydropower Project is a run-of-river type project with weir crest
level at 1378 amsl and powerhouse level at about 1150 amsl respectively. The project is a
cascade project to Upper Daraundi C Hydropower Project and hence, the major discharge is
received from the upper project. The additional water to meet the design discharge is
diverted to the water conveyance system through intake, gravel trap, headrace pipe, settling
basin, headrace tunnel and penstock. And then water is feed into powerhouse to hit the
turbine and generate electricity which is evacuated to national grid through about 30km long
132 KV transmission line.

The diversion weir of 2.9 m high concrete weir is proposed to divert the required water. The
project utilizes design discharge and gross head of 4.7m3/s and 223.1 m (measured from
tailwater level of the upper project) respectively. Out of 4.7m3/s, the upper project
contributes 3.2m3/s flow.

The topography of the area is characterized by gentle and steep slope. Abundance
vegetation can be observed in the project area. There are not any major landslides in the

The total length of waterways will be about 2873m before bifurcation. Besides, the major
components of the project can be visualized as the combination of the following hydraulic

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

 Diversion weir, Orifice type side intake for additional flow

 Gravel trap with bed load flushing arrangement
 Headrace pipe
 Settling basin with flushing arrangement
 Headrace Tunnel
 Surge tank
 Penstock
 Powerhouse
 Switching substation
 Tailrace canal
 Access road
 132 kV transmission line
The design aspects of the above components are described in Chapter 5 of this report.
General Layout, Plan & Profile and design drawings of the project are presented in Volume

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2.1 General

The methodology adopted for topographical survey works of Upper Daraudi-B Small
Hydropower Project is described in this section.

2.2 Objectives and Scope of Works

The main objective of the survey works was to prepare detail topographic maps of the
project area for locating major components of the project like headwork, settling basin,
tunnel alignment, surge tank, powerhouse and tailrace in appropriate scale, which can be
used for detail design purpose.

Scope of work for the field survey includes the following:

 Undertaking the survey works using coordinates and elevation of a point fixed by
DGPS within project area of Upper Daraundi B.
 Establishment of ground control points by close traverse surveys.
 Establishment of major ground control points by making concrete pillars or marking
on permanent boulders.
 Establishment of benchmarks at various locations.
 Carry out the longitudinal profile of Daraudi-B from headwork site to tailrace site.
 Carry out the river cross-sections at various locations of headwork and powerhouse
 Preparation of topographical sheets of intake, settling basin, tunnel, penstock line
and powerhouse sites at appropriate scales.

2.3 Available Information and Data

The information available for carrying out the surveying work of the project is as follows:

 Topographical map sheet No 2884 15B (1:25000 Scale) prepared by the Department
of Survey.
 Project layout plan and general layout plan produced during desk study.
 Digital data of the above topographical sheet.

2.4 Survey Methodology

Prior to field survey, a desk study was carried out by using the most recent topographic map
of the project area. Detail information about the project area for the survey work was noted.
Finally all the available information and location maps prepared during identification study
were collected.

After finalization the desk study, a survey team was mobilized for the field survey. In order
to carry out the detail survey, a brief reconnaissance survey was carried out with flagging at
necessary points around the entire area to be mapped.

The survey teams established sufficient survey stations in and around the project
components. Major control points were made at boulder and rocks by enamel painting. Some

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of the major control points were marked either by iron pin in the rock or fixed by cross
marks chiseled on the boulders. Chiseled marks were made conspicuous by enamel paint.

2.5 Control Traversing

Basic ground control survey was carried out from the points established by the DGPS.
Several other required ground control stations were established by conventional traverse
survey covering the entire area to be mapped from the headwork’s site to powerhouse site.
Altogether seven control points were established at the project area, from Headworks to
Powerhouse area. The coordinates and the elevations of the established ground control
stations are given in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1: Co-ordinate and Elevation of Basic Control Points

SN Easting Northing Elevation Remarks

1 572147.348 3123166.710 1147.394 DGPS BM-1

2 572147.213 3123270.193 1150.718 DGPS BM-2

3 572145.725 3123377.200 1157.810 DGPS BM-3

4 572768.142 3124348.113 1479.826 DGPS BM-4

5 572780.061 3124260.706 1468.867 DGPS BM-5

6 572440.905 3125618.124 1509.555 DGPS BM-6

7 572386.441 3125623.132 1474.880 DGPS BM-7

2.6 Horizontal and Vertical Control

The control points were established by the traverse method. The traverse was conducted
along the Daraundi Khola left Bank and was then closed to the same station covering the
necessary area of the Headwork to powerhouse sites topographical survey

Topcon Total Station with a least count of 5" was used for measuring horizontal and vertical
angles. One complete set of horizontal and vertical angles were observed during the control

For horizontal control it includes the following:

 Mean angle and distance computation was checked precisely.

 Angular closure checked for closed loops.
 Angular misclosure was adjusted.
In traverse survey the horizontal angles were observed in one complete round within a mean
of 15". Distances were measured in fore and back sight directions and the mean distance
was adopted. The closing errors were distributed according to common survey standards.

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

Altogether 8 Permanent & (approximately 75 station Survey control points) were established
in the Project area of main-traverse line. From headworks to powerhouse site. Different
offset points were established wherever necessary around the project area.

 Computation for Σ Back sight, Σ Foresight, Σ Difference of height was checked

 Computation of Δh for each loops were checked, and
 All the loops were adjusted by Dell method so as to provide consistent heights for
use in spot surveying.
While surveying a traverse line, all angles and distances were measured by either instrument
employing the force centering method. Both back sighting and fore sighting direct distance
were measured. Reasonable closing error was achieved.

2.7 Accuracy

The closing errors are in permissible limits and distributed according to common survey

2.8 Data Processing

All the survey data were computed in the field as well as in the office. Similarly, some field
data were evaluated and horizontal distance and elevation were calculated reciprocally. All
the coordinates and elevations of each station and survey point were then computed with
respect to given UTM.

2.9 Detail Topographical Survey

Proper survey and leveling works are necessary to design the components, to prepare
drawings and to calculate the quantities of the project components. The survey data greatly
affects the quality of design. Therefore, all the survey works were carried out precisely and

All the required areas from the weir site to powerhouse site were identified by permanently
marked control points, which were made conspicuous in the field with yellow paints.

The terrain features were surveyed by means of spot surveying. Spot positions were taken
by tachometric method from different traverse points. Inaccessible points like rock faces, top
of cliff, landslide edge etc. were sighted from at least two known points reading both the
horizontal and vertical angles.

Features such as riverbanks, high flood level, landslides, cliff, house, cultivated lands, roads,
canal, embankment, boulders etc were recorded.

At the headwork area, the detailed survey covered about 150 m upstream and about 150 m
downstream of the proposed diversion structure. The survey was also conducted about 20 m
above the existing river bed level on both sides of Daraundi Khola to mark regular and
previous flood level and also to include the areas for camping site and road to intake.

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

2.10 Mapping

Detailed topographical mapping of Headwork’s site of rivers, settling basin, tunnel, surge
shaft, powerhouse and tailrace area were carried out in required scale.

Finally, Land development tool was used to process the survey data and to produce
topographical map in a digital format. All the important structures were produced in the
following scale.

Headwork : Scale 1:1000 and 1 m contour interval

Waterway : Scale 1:5000 and 1 m contour interval

Powerhouse : Scale 1:1000 and 1 m contour interval

Besides this, river profiles and cross sections were produced for both headworks and
powerhouse areas as per the needed.

2.11 River Cross-sections and Profile

Several cross-sections of the Daraundi were taken to provide river cross-sections for
computing rating curves for headwork and powerhouse sites. The sections were taken at
interval of 50 m.

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study


3.1 Introduction

The proposed Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project will utilize the flow available in
Daraundi Khola, one of the major tributaries of Marshyangdi River which originates from the
Buddha Himal. The proposed project is located at Gorkha district.

The hydrological inputs play a very vital role in planning, execution and operation of any
water resource development project. The hydrological studies are carried out with a view to
assess the quantity of available water and its time variation, estimation of design flood
usually required for the hydraulic design as well as for safety of the structure and
sedimentation studies.

This chapter describes the hydrological studies carried out for UDBSHP with a view to:

 Assess the availability of water for power generation

 Assess design floods.
 Assess sediment exclusion provisions.

3.2 Physiographic Characteristics of Daraundi Basin

3.2.1 The Catchment

The Daraundi Khola is a tributary of the Marsyangdi River, which is a major tributary of the
Kali Gandaki River Basin. The length of Daraundi Khola is 67.37 kilometres. The total
drainage area at headworks location is about 101km2.The catchment area of Daraundi basin
below 3000 m elevation is about 36.75km2.Whole catchment area lies in Gorkha District.

The proposed intake of Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project lies at Latitude
28°14'54" N and Longitude 84°44'00" E, at about Elevation 1380 amsl. The drainage area at
the proposed dam site is about 101km2.

The proposed powerhouse site of Upper Daraundi-B Hydropower Project lies at Latitude
28°13'27" N and Longitude 84°43'56.76" E, at about Elevation 1150 amsl and located at
about 3 km downstream of the proposed intake. The total catchment area at proposed
powerhouse site is 120km2.

Based on the topographical maps, there are no lakes within the Daraundi basin. All of the
above mentioned drainage areas have been estimated based on the latest topographical
maps compiled from 1:50000 scale aerial photography of 1996 by the Survey Dept. and also
with GIS application.

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

Figure 3-1: Catchment area of UDBSHP intake site

3.2.2 The Climate

Monthly precipitation records published by Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM)
are available for different stations which are pertinent for the project study. Information of
the pertinent precipitation stations are given in Table 3-1 below.

Table 3-1: Information of Precipitation Stations around Project Basin

Index Station Location Altitude Record Precipitation

No. Name (m) Length
808 Bandipur 27°56'/84°25' 1956-2000 965 1863.3

809 Gorkha 28°00'/84°/37' 1956-2000 1097 1745.3

The absolute extreme temperature and relative humidity for this station are reproduced in
the Table 3-2.

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

Table 3-2: Climate Data at Station 809 Gorkha

Temperature Relative Humidity

24 hrs.
Year (Centigrade) (%)
Max Ppt (mm)
Max Min Max Min
1971 30.9 3.2 94 41 78
1972 34.1 3 94 38 105
1973 34.7 4.3 94 38 83
1974 33.2 0.9 94 46 95
1975 34.6 6.2 91 41 103
1976 30.3 6.3 92 33 153
1977 32.5 4.5 92 43 86
1978 30.3 4.6 93 49 86
1979 35.4 6.2 91 42 124
1980 33.7 6.6 92 53 118
1981 33 5.5 92 61 116
1982 34.2 5.1 93 43 94
1983 34 3.2 93 45 140
1984 32.5 5.4 91 46 119
1985 33 5.5 94 45 89
1986 33 5.2 92 51 95
1987 33.4 6 90 51 134
1988 33.2 6.8 92 59 100
1989 33.2 5.5 91 58 76
1990 32 6.2 94 65 105
1991 32.8 5.2 91 55 90
1992 33.9 4.3 86 54 86
1993 31.8 7.3 89 62 78
1994 31.3 5.3 92 67 117
1995 35.3 5.3 92 58 133
1996 35.5 6.5 92 56 97
The basin experiences warm and humid climate during the month June to October and most
dry and cold temperature occur during the month December to February. Since the Index
No. 809 is near on the Daraundi Khola basin, this can be used as the representative
climatological station. The maximum extreme temperature of the project site varies between
30.3°C to 35°C and that of minimum extreme temperature varies between 0.9°C to
7.3°C.The relative humidity in percent is 92, maximum in July-August and minimum 42 in
March -April at the proposed intake site.

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

3.2.3 Precipitation Study

The long term annual precipitation to the selected rain gauge stations are given in Table 3-3.
The reference precipitation station for Daraundi Khola considered is Index No. 0809, Gorkha
to estimate the basin precipitation. The average annual precipitation of this station is 1741

Table 3-3: Mean Monthly Precipitation (at Index No 809, Gorkha)

Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total

1956 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 505 420 403 123 92 8.6 12.6 N.A.

1957 117 0 12 2 67 227 465 634 123 53 0.8 30.4 1701

1958 8.7 0.3 41.6 60 140 190 385 395 260 93 0 11.9 1574

1959 54.8 0 0 92 195 400 410 212 224 132 0 0 1720

1960 0 1.1 54.2 31 222 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. 0 0 N.A.

1963 N.A. N.A. 69.5 59 131 280 460 581 202 24 22 N.A. N.A.

1964 4.2 0.9 4.2 56 179 209 422 452 240 39 0 1.1 1605

1965 1.4 6.3 20.8 90 88 431 703 321 106 78 126 0 1973

1966 37.9 22.4 0 36 78 222 427 511 107 50 0.2 3.6 1491

1967 0 4.7 42.6 111 92 358 448 361 79 11 19.5 11.8 1526

1968 56.9 2.5 112.2 19 128 403 335 244 180 115 0 0 1595

1969 11 1.6 50.8 54 77 201 426 217 313 11 0.4 0 1362

1970 20.7 31.5 16.8 90 89 301 401 389 116 12 0 0 1467

1971 2 4.9 20.6 217 133 604 277 362 205 121 23.4 0 1970

1972 2.3 59.9 37.3 36 251 478 464 220 286 92 14.5 0 1941

1973 50.7 27.6 18.1 39 192 333 279 335 292 227 N.A. N.A. N.A.

1974 28 12.8 42.4 72 151 234 629 368 325 72 0 5.8 1933

1975 24.1 29.7 14.7 63 176 248 555 313 347 23 0 0 1794

1976 25.2 1.7 0 21 299 812 451 422 264 17 0.2 0 2312

1977 12.5 10.5 20.2 139 231 296 391 495 77 16 46.6 45.7 1734

1978 2 16 89.6 77 359 377 431 518 360 56 4.5 9.3 2289

1979 5.2 32.1 5.7 60 109 355 450 397 147 133 20.4 113 1714

1980 0 32 55.4 2 113 332 498 265 172 51 0 2.2 1521

1981 39.7 4.2 49.8 188 109 297 478 295 237 2 21.5 0 1721

1982 26.4 40.4 97.4 53 80 220 557 435 172 16 22 1.5 1719

1983 19 5.3 17.3 82 222 197 663 352 333 163 0 16.6 2053

1984 23.1 7.4 22.1 85 241 301 417 382 320 25 0 3.9 1823

1985 2.9 0 25.9 95 158 303 488 310 346 212 9.6 52.2 1951

1986 0 17.6 60.1 68 196 361 531 287 227 44 0 78.1 1792

1987 3.9 8.4 72.4 73 96 253 564 381 150 16 2 63.7 1620

1988 0 0 36.2 65 230 43 226 251 192 44 7.7 44.8 1095

1989 161 0 96.1 43 223 272 450 404 252 65 1 8.5 1968

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1990 6 62.1 116.8 129 130 331 544 270 158 41 0.2 9.4 1789

1991 21 17.2 100.2 36 101 389 344 207 132 0 0 20.1 1347

1992 2.8 0 0 0 98 309 147 397 32 21 N.A. 0 N.A.

1993 8.5 13.1 51.6 50 349 249 243 242 240 1 0 0 1448

1994 38.2 12.1 94.5 3 217 265 628 746 185 0 0 0 2190

1995 8 42 20 N.A. N.A. 886 591 212 251 66 58 6 N.A.

1996 61 40 19 41 95 336 408 718 138 80 0 0 1936

1997 24.7 14.4 32.8 315 N.A. 353 384 127 50 10 12.7 37.8 N.A.

1998 8.1 12.2 21.3 9 73 181 326 61 19 2 0 14.8 728.1

1999 0.2 N.A. N.A. 13 359 187 705 467 162 50 0 0 N.A.

2000 14.4 14 N.A. N.A. 251 432 282 474 154 0 0 0 N.A.

Mean 23 15.2 41.56 69 168 332 445 367 198 57 10.3 14.7 1741

The locations of the meteorological stations and the mean annual isohyetal map of the
project and adjacent basins are shown in the annex. The estimated mean annual basin
precipitation for the Daraundi Project at the weir site is about 1800mm.

3.3 Field Hydrology

The river is not gauged by the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology (DHM). The
Consultant carried out spot discharge measurement around the project intake site within the
Daraundi Khola. The measured data at that location are analyzed in this study. The
catchment area at the gauging point is about 105km2.

The discharge data have been presented in Table 3-4.

Table 3-4: Discharge Measurements at gauge location

Date of measurement Flow (m3/sec) Remarks

01 Dec 2016 3.42 Current meter
06 Feb 2017 2.02 Current meter
03 April 2017 4.27 Current Meter

3.3.1 Stream flow data

The stream gauge stations in the vicinity which provide reliable monthly data for the stream-
flow analysis is:

 Chepe river at Garambeshi, Station no.440

Because of the non-availability of long-term discharge data at the project site, the reference
hydrology for the Upper Daraundi- B Hydropower project has been derived from the gauging
station at Garambeshi of Chepe khola.

Looking at the physiographic conditions and proximity of the gauging stations, it would be
more appropriate to use the discharge data from Garambeshi station for deriving the stream
flow at the intake site. The drainage area of Chepe at Garambeshi is 308km2. Mean monthly
discharge data are available from DHM. The period of data available for Garambeshi station

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440 is 1964-2006.The historic mean monthly discharge data of Chepe at Garambeshi are
given below in Table 3.5.

Table 3-5: Mean Monthly Discharge of Chepe River at Garambeshi

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
1964 5.66 3.91 3.07 3.24 3.85 11.6 47.5 78.8 159 52.7 12.2 6.58
1965 4.21 3.37 3.35 4.36 2.94 33.7 94.8 129 79.4 42.2 17.2 7.69
1966 5.79 4.85 4.35 3.74 2.92 8.35 134 90.4 83.6 50.1 29.6 16.3
1967 6.02 4.18 4.06 5.09 6.48 10.3 69.5 64.6 41 16.7 9.47 7.75
1968 5.96 4.67 4.67 4.85 4.88 21.1 54.3 53.7 40.4 33 12.2 7.57
1969 5.75 4.47 4.49 3.89 4.71 9.21 41.3 64.6 53.1 22.5 9.88 6.44
1970 4.86 4.44 3.72 3.43 3.49 17.7 65.1 75.8 44.5 26 10.9 6.68
1971 4.96 3.99 3.76 6.23 9.13 56.1 70.3 73.8 53.3 34.8 16.2 8.04
1972 5.45 4.83 3.85 3.71 4.69 14.4 64.4 59.1 50.7 21.2 11.8 6.7
1973 6.12 5.19 5.12 4.45 6.94 41.7 47.1 71.8 58.7 46.3 16.8 8.53
1974 6.11 4.55 3.7 4.29 4.87 15.6 77.1 79.9 49 22.2 11.8 8.26
1975 6.48 5.96 4.97 4.61 5.14 23.2 68 52.3 73.1 25.3 10.6 5.98
1976 4.23 3.6 2.64 2.82 5.34 35.7 50.8 76.3 47 17 8.85 5.75
1977 4.56 3.72 3.37 5.16 10.4 11.9 51 84.1 42.6 19.8 12.3 7.86
1978 6.08 5.1 5.34 5.54 8.53 19.9 61.3 71.9 44.6 22.3 10.8 7.06
1979 4.9 4.42 3.3 3.61 5.32 9.03 51.2 73.3 44 22.2 12.6 8.91
1980 6.64 5.61 6.14 5.15 5.67 15.2 57.9 64 47.2 20.1 10.4 7.87
1981 6.47 5.46 4.27 5.78 6.74 11.5 45 59 35.6 16.1 9.26 5.64
1982 4.2 4.28 5.42 5.54 5.63 11.7 56.2 55.5 46.5 18.7 9.68 7.15
1983 5.85 4.95 4.55 4.64 8.16 8.16 31.9 55.3 58 28.2 12.4 7.38
1984 5.43 4.08 3.24 3.11 4.93 17.4 70.6 54.5 64.6 20.9 12 7.76
1985 5.71 4.66 3.88 3.95 5.11 11.3 58.6 48.9 46.2 28.8 13.4 8.95
1986 6.21 4.51 4.35 5.06 5.33 17.1 53.2 65.9 69.7 30.7 14.4 9.71
1987 7.24 5.86 6.07 6.79 7.53 17.6 103 ... ... 18.8 11.5 7.66
1988 6.77 5.43 5.29 4.89 6.65 19.1 70.6 107 50 16.2 9.71 7.5
1989 7.34 5.75 5.11 4.76 10.2 26.5 65.6 91.3 53 23 12.1 8.32
1990 6.27 5.71 6.18 6.79 10.2 25.6 61.6 63.1 53.8 22.1 11.5 7.43
1991 6.11 4.73 4.53 4.87 5.82 15.3 36.5 66.6 59.7 18.1 9.55 6.53
1992 5.16 4.57 3.5 2.75 4.25 10.5 25 67.8 46.2 21.4 11.2 7.41
1993 5.56 4.52 4.19 4.27 5.56 10.7 41.9 92.3 58.9 25.5 12.4 7.13
1994 ... ... ... 5.78 6.24 22.8 49.1 73.8 53.8 ... ... 7.13
1995 5.66 4.68 4.56 4.12 10.3 62.4 93.2 ... ... 22.8 13.5 7.99

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1996 6.79 5.96 5.45 4.76 5.23 19.3 76.3 102 71.8 31.2 12.5 7.08
1997 5.4 4.14 4.48 5.51 5.14 12.4 46.8 54.6 38.8 19.6 11.2 8.82
1998 6.23 5.04 5.93 5.96 8.38 19.1 89.1 127 65.5 28.4 12.6 7.81
1999 4.73 5.62 4.44 3.98 6.43 27.8 63.7 62.4 45.9 22.7 8.72 4.39
2000 5.84 5.51 4.87 5.05 10.1 54 90.5 101 78.8 23.5 12.2 7.68
2001 5.82 4.66 3.29 3.64 13.5 35.1 70.3 96.2 73.7 28.2 13.4 7.41
2002 6.23 4.13 3.89 4.24 9.27 29.9 128 102 52.1 28.9 16 10.7
2003 8.35 7.09 7.86 7.75 7.77 18.2 214 95.3 76.7 36.6 13.6 7.42
2004 8.8 7.03 4.41 6.12 14 31.9 86 79.3 66.6 37.9 17.8 10.8
2005 8.55 6.5 5.18 4.38 5.79 7.17 50.5 65.6 40.1 19.3 12 6.74
2006 4.81 4.07 3.04 4.09 7.62 21.1 53.1 62.7 53.1 20 12.2 6.83
AVG: 5.94 4.9 4.473 4.72 6.772 21.36 68.277 75.915 57.812 26.2 12.58 7.752
Min 4.2 3.37 2.64 2.75 2.92 7.17 25 48.9 35.6 16.1 8.72 4.39
Max 8.8 7.09 7.86 7.75 14 62.4 214 129 159 52.7 29.6 16.3
The reference hydrology for the project has been analyzed from four methods. They are

a) Correlation method
b) MIP (medium irrigation project ) method
c) Regional hydrology method
d) WECS-DHM method

3.3.2 Monthly flow Catchment correlation method

There is a gauging station at Chepe River at Garambeshi close to the project site. Daraundi
is one of the major tributaries of Marshyangdi River having similar hydro-meteorological
characteristic. Therefore, the discharge available at Chepe at Garambeshi site can be used
for water availability study of Upper Daraundi-B Small HP intake site after transposing the
data on catchment area proportion basis. The transposing ratio computed in this study is

Q1  P1
P2  A1
A2  Q2


P = Average Annual Precipitation (mm)

A = Basin Area (km2)

Q = River Discharge (m3/s)

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

The mean monthly discharge at head works are shown in the Table 3-6. As seen from the
table the lowest monthly flow occurs in the month of March. The long term mean monthly
flow at the intake site has been estimated as 8.03m3/s.

Table 3-6: Mean Monthly Discharge at Intake Site

Year Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
1964 1.84 1.27 1 1.05 1.25 3.77 15.42 25.58 51.62 17.11 3.96 2.14
1965 1.37 1.09 1.09 1.42 0.95 10.94 30.78 41.88 25.78 13.7 5.58 2.5
1966 1.88 1.57 1.41 1.21 0.95 2.71 43.51 29.35 27.14 16.27 9.61 5.29
1967 1.95 1.36 1.32 1.65 2.1 3.34 22.56 20.97 13.31 5.42 3.07 2.52
1968 1.94 1.52 1.52 1.57 1.58 6.85 17.63 17.44 13.12 10.71 3.96 2.46
1969 1.87 1.45 1.46 1.26 1.53 2.99 13.41 20.97 17.24 7.31 3.21 2.09
1970 1.58 1.44 1.21 1.11 1.13 5.75 21.14 24.61 14.45 8.44 3.54 2.17
1971 1.61 1.3 1.22 2.02 2.96 18.21 22.82 23.96 17.31 11.3 5.26 2.61
1972 1.77 1.57 1.25 1.2 1.52 4.68 20.91 19.19 16.46 6.88 3.83 2.18
1973 1.99 1.69 1.66 1.44 2.25 13.54 15.29 23.31 19.06 15.03 5.45 2.77
1974 1.98 1.48 1.2 1.39 1.58 5.06 25.03 25.94 15.91 7.21 3.83 2.68
1975 2.1 1.94 1.61 1.5 1.67 7.53 22.08 16.98 23.73 8.21 3.44 1.94
1976 1.37 1.17 0.86 0.92 1.73 11.59 16.49 24.77 15.26 5.52 2.87 1.87
1977 1.48 1.21 1.09 1.68 3.38 3.86 16.56 27.31 13.83 6.43 3.99 2.55
1978 1.97 1.66 1.73 1.8 2.77 6.46 19.9 23.34 14.48 7.24 3.51 2.29
1979 1.59 1.44 1.07 1.17 1.73 2.93 16.62 23.8 14.29 7.21 4.09 2.89
1980 2.16 1.82 1.99 1.67 1.84 4.94 18.8 20.78 15.32 6.53 3.38 2.56
1981 2.1 1.77 1.39 1.88 2.19 3.73 14.61 19.16 11.56 5.23 3.01 1.83
1982 1.36 1.39 1.76 1.8 1.83 3.8 18.25 18.02 15.1 6.07 3.14 2.32
1983 1.9 1.61 1.48 1.51 2.65 2.65 10.36 17.95 18.83 9.16 4.03 2.4
1984 1.76 1.32 1.05 1.01 1.6 5.65 22.92 17.69 20.97 6.79 3.9 2.52
1985 1.85 1.51 1.26 1.28 1.66 3.67 19.03 15.88 15 9.35 4.35 2.91
1986 2.02 1.46 1.41 1.64 1.73 5.55 17.27 21.4 22.63 9.97 4.68 3.15
1987 2.35 1.9 1.97 2.2 2.44 5.71 33.44 6.1 3.73 2.49
1988 2.2 1.76 1.72 1.59 2.16 6.2 22.92 34.74 16.23 5.26 3.15 2.44
1989 2.38 1.87 1.66 1.55 3.31 8.6 21.3 29.64 17.21 7.47 3.93 2.7
1990 ... ... 2.01 2.2 ... ... ... 20.49 17.47 7.18 3.73 2.41
1991 1.98 1.54 1.47 1.58 1.89 4.97 11.85 21.62 19.38 5.88 3.1 2.12
1992 1.68 1.48 1.14 0.89 1.38 3.41 8.12 22.01 15 6.95 3.64 2.41
1993 1.81 1.47 1.36 1.39 1.81 3.47 13.6 29.97 19.12 8.28 4.03 2.31
1994 1.88 2.03 7.4 15.94 23.96 17.47 2.31

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

1995 1.84 1.52 1.48 1.34 3.34 20.26 30.26 7.4 4.38 2.59
1996 2.2 1.94 1.77 1.55 1.7 6.27 24.77 33.12 23.31 ... ... 2.3
1997 1.75 1.34 1.45 1.79 1.67 4.03 15.19 17.73 12.6 6.36 3.64 2.86
1998 2.02 1.64 1.93 1.94 2.72 6.2 28.93 41.23 21.27 9.22 4.09 2.54
1999 1.54 1.82 1.44 1.29 2.09 9.03 20.68 20.26 14.9 7.37 2.83 1.43
2000 1.9 1.79 1.58 1.64 3.28 17.53 29.38 32.79 25.58 7.63 3.96 2.49
2001 1.89 1.51 1.07 1.18 4.38 11.4 22.82 31.23 23.93 9.16 4.35 2.41
2002 2.02 1.34 1.26 1.38 3.01 9.71 41.56 33.12 16.92 9.38 5.19 3.47
2003 2.71 2.3 2.55 2.52 2.52 5.91 69.48 30.94 24.9 11.88 4.42 2.41
2004 2.86 2.28 1.43 1.99 4.55 10.36 27.92 25.75 21.62 12.31 5.78 3.51
2005 2.78 2.11 1.68 1.42 1.88 2.33 16.4 21.3 13.02 6.27 3.9 2.19
2006 1.56 1.32 0.99 1.33 2.47 6.85 17.24 20.36 17.24 6.49 3.96 2.22
AVG: 1.93 1.59 1.45 1.53 2.2 6.93 22.17 24.65 18.77 8.52 4.08 2.52 Mean Monthly Flow by MIP Method

The field discharge measurements taken on various dates at the Daraundi Khola were used
in the MIP method for generating long-term mean monthly flow data. The Daraundi lies in
Region 1 according to the MIP Manual. The long term average flow at the intake site has
been estimated as 6.57m3/s. The mean monthly discharge at head works are shown in the
Table 3.7.

Table 3-7: Mean Monthly Discharge (m3/s) by MIP Method

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2.19 1.65 1.19 0.91 2.38 3.51 13.26 22.86 15.09 7.32 3.75 2.83 Regional Hydrological Method

In the regional analysis, a number of gauging stations have been used to develop the
regional analysis and the data used are from the year 1964 to 1993. The stations considered
are the reliable stations in the country. For the regional analysis, the long-term average
monthly flows were related to basin characteristics.

The regression for long term average monthly flows showed that total drainage area “A” and
the monsoon wetness index “MWI” produced the statistically most significant regression
coefficients. The list below gives the formulae to be applied to ungauged basins for the
estimation of the long-term average monthly flows.

January: Q = 0.03117 * A0.8644

February: Q = 0.02417 * A0.8752

March: Q = 0.02053 * A0.8902

April: Q = 0.01783 * A0.9258

May: Q = 0.01930 * A0.9657

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

June: Q = 0.01135 * A0.9466 * MWI0.2402

July: Q = 0.01641 * A0.9216 * MWI0.3534

August: Q = 0.02592 * A0.9095 * MWI0.3242

September: Q = 0.02206 * A0.8963 * MWI0.3217

October: Q = 0.01504 * A0.8772 * MWI0.2848

November: Q = 0.00792 * A0.8804 * MWI0.2707

December: Q = 0.00538 * A0.8890 * MWI0.2580

From the average monthly flows obtained by regression, the average annual flow was
developed for each of the ungauged sites. The monthly flow data from above equations are
shown in Table 3.8.The long term average flow at the intake site has been estimated as

Table 3-8: Long-Term Mean Monthly Flow by MHSP Method

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1.67 1.36 1.24 1.45 1.65 5.37 16.17 19.41 15.26 7.22 3.47 2.23 Mean Monthly Flow by WECS/DHM Method

A study on 'Methodologies for Estimating Hydrologic Characteristics of Ungauged Locations
in Nepal' (July 1990) was carried out by WECS and DHM. This study uses the approach of
multiple regression equations relating the physiographic and/or climatologic characteristics of
the selected basins to the average monthly flow values. Altogether, 12 individual monthly
regression equations were developed.

The results of this study are used as an alternate approach for estimation of mean monthly
discharges at the Intake site. The Table 3-9 shows the results from WECS/DHM method. The
long term average flow at the intake site has been estimated as 5.48m3/s.

Table 3-9: Long-Term Mean Monthly Flow by WECS/DHM Method

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

1.25 1.07 0.95 0.96 1.24 4.84 14.28 17.36 13.43 5.87 2.75 1.79

3.3.3 Adopted Mean Monthly Flow

The values calculated by different methods were compared carefully (Table 3-10). There are
insufficient discharge measurements in Daraundi to rely fully on them, but they are useful
for comparison with the other methods. The MHSP and WECS/DHM method seems to give
rather low average flows in dry seasons than others. Regarding the MIP method single
discharge measurement input give twelve month discharge. Also spot discharge measured at
sites are not comparable to flow derived from these methods .Hence it is unreliable to
predict long term average flow of Daraundi Khola by these methods. Catchment correlation
with Chepe River having similar nature to Daraundi of same region is considered more

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

reliable. Therefore, we have adopted monthly flows from CAR method for feasibility study.
The adopted mean monthly flow and hydrograph are presented in Table 3-11.

Table 3-10: Mean monthly discharges from various methods

CAR with MIP

Chepe Method
January 1.67 1.25 1.93 2.19
February 1.36 1.07 1.59 1.65
March 1.24 0.95 1.45 1.19
April 1.45 0.95 1.53 0.91
May 1.65 1.24 2.20 2.38
June 5.37 4.84 6.93 5.49
July 16.17 14.28 22.17 13.26
August 19.41 17.36 24.65 22.86
September 15.26 13.43 18.77 15.09
October 7.22 5.87 8.52 7.32
November 3.47 2.75 4.08 3.75
December 2.23 1.79 2.52 2.83
Average 6.375 5.481 8.028 6.576

Table 3-11: Adopted Mean Monthly Flow (m3/s) at Intake Site

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1.93 1.59 1.45 1.53 2.20 6.93 22.17 24.65 18.77 8.52 4.08 2.52

Figure 3-2: Mean Monthly Flow at intake site

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3.4 Flow Duration Curve

The flow duration curve (FDC) is a probability discharge curve that shows the percentage of
time a particular flow is equaled or exceeded. As discussed above, the long term flow series
at Upper Daraundi B HPP intake has been generated from catchment correlation with Chepe
River at Garambeshi station (St no 440). The flow duration curve has been derived based on
the monthly average discharge computed using catchment area ratio method. For the
purpose of comparative study, flow duration curve was also estimated by empirical methods;
WECS/DHM, MHSP and MIP. Numerical value of flow duration curve by different methods are
presented in Table 3-12.

Table 3-12: Numerical value of flow duration curve by different methods

Probability of
exceedance (%)
5 25.75 17.63 15.67
10 21.62 16.08 14.19
15 18.33 15.58 13.73
20 16.3 13.65 11.92
25 13.17 9.23 7.76
30 8.33 6.67 5.56
35 6.27 5.65 4.99
40 4.68 4.61 4.00
45 3.75 3.57 2.85
50 3.04 2.85 2.27
55 2.55 2.20 1.76
60 2.3 1.89 1.47
65 2.02 1.67 1.25
70 1.88 1.65 1.24
75 1.76 1.60 1.19
80 1.61 1.49 1.10
85 1.5 1.42 1.02
90 1.39 1.37 0.96
95 1.21 1.31 0.95
100 0.86 1.24 0.95
The value from correlation with Chepe has been adopted further analysis and these values
are presented in Table 3-13 and the flow duration curve is presented in Figure 3-3. Based on
the flow duration curve, it is observed that the flow corresponding to 40 % exceedance is
about 4.68m3/s.

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

Table 3-13: Time Exceedance of Flows at Intake site

Probability of CAR (m3/sec) Monthly

Exceedance No. of days
(%) (Adopted Flow)

5 25.75 19
10 21.62 37
15 18.33 55
20 16.3 73
25 13.17 92
30 8.33 110
35 6.27 128
40 4.68 146
45 3.75 165
50 3.04 183
55 2.55 201
60 2.3 219
65 2.02 238
70 1.88 256
75 1.76 274
80 1.61 292
85 1.5 311
90 1.39 329
95 1.21 347
100 0.86 365

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ure 3-3: Flow Duration Curve at Intake Site

3.5 Low flow analysis

The low flow information is generally used to assess the reliability and the economics of the
proposed project. If the occurrence of inadequate flow is too much frequent, a particular
project might prove to be uneconomic and unreliable. Knowledge of minimum stream flow is
therefore essential in the planning of any hydropower project.

For such type of ungauged rivers, HYDEST method was used for low flow computation. For
the purpose, different durations viz: 1-day, 7-day, 30 days and monthly were adopted to
compute the low flow for different return periods. The estimated low flows from the
HYDEST method are presented in Table 3.14.

Table 3-14: Low Flow Frequency Analysis (Log Normal Distribution)

Return Period Low flows, Q m3/s

2 1
10 0.9
20 0.7

3.6 Riparian Release

The long term mean monthly flow for the driest month, March, at the intake site is
1.45m3/sec. As a general practice, a flow equivalent to 10% of this month, i.e. 0.145m3/sec
will be released downstream as the riparian release for downstream riverine habitat.

3.7 Flood Flows

3.7.1 General
Design flood assessment involves the computation of a set of values of various return
periods of say 10, 20, 50 and 100 years, through frequency analysis of flood series or

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

through hydro-meteorological approach with the help of inputs of rainfall storm parameters
provided by the Meteorologist and flood data provided by the river gauging units. These
peak flood values are required to design headworks and powerhouse complex.

The flood estimation at the intake and powerhouse site was estimated based on the
historical flood records observed at Chepe khola at Garambeshi (station no 440) considering
the homogeneity of this catchment to Daraundi Catchment.

The availability of limited discharge measurement data, daily water gauge readings and the
uncertainties involved in the raw and historic-reconstituted data series necessitated the
application of flood frequency analysis. This formed a basis for daily project inflow time
series at intake site and a regional flood frequency analysis.

The techniques used are:

 Flood Frequency Analysis

 Regional Flood Frequency Analysis (Hydro Regional)
 HYDEST Method

3.7.2 Flood Frequency Analysis

The annual monsoon in the project area basin occurs between June and October which
causes sustained high flow condition and floods. This reaches its maximum between July and
September. Prior to initiating the flood frequency analysis, the maximum instantaneous
discharges were extracted from the observed historical flood data between 1964 and 2006 at
Garambeshi gauging station using CAR method. Garambeshi gauging station drains an area
of 308 km2. Generation of the extreme instantaneous maximum discharge was done at the
intake sites of the Upper Daraundi-B HP. In addition, this was done for the powerhouse site.

Flood frequency analysis was performed using a customized Excel spreadsheet. Following
types of frequency distribution functions were used in the flood frequency analysis from the
generated annual maximum flood series data between 1964 and 2006. Analyses were done
separately for both Intake. Furthermore, analysis was done for the powerhouse site.
Analyses were done using different methods given below.

 Gumbel's Analytical method

 Gumbel's graphical
 Log-Pearson Type III
 Log Lognormal distribution
A comparative study of the distribution based on the fitting of observed and computed
values shows that the Log person distribution shows better fitting. Others distributions are
also acceptable since there is very little differences between the various distributions. The
resulting flood discharges of the Upper Daraundi-B SHP at intake and powerhouse sites with
the return periods are presented in Table 3.15.

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Table 3-15: Flood frequency analysis using regression method at intake

Return Flood frequency method

Gumbel's Gumbel's Log-Pearson Type Log-normal distribution
analytical graphical III distribution

2 97.31 88.84 89.54 94.93

5 157.74 151.15 115.54 118.74
10 197.75 198.29 176.72 172.43
20 236.13 245.43 216.27 199.44
50 285.81 307.75 294.88 247.00
100 323.03 354.88 360.16 280.34
200 360.13 402.02 436.35 314.94

3.7.3 Regional Flood Frequency Analysis (Hydro Regional)

Most often for ungauged site, regional flood frequency analysis is used to estimate the
floods. A study titled 'Methodologies for Estimating Hydrologic Characteristics of Ungauged
Locations in Nepal' was done in July 1990 by WECS and DHM. The study uses Regional Flood
Frequency Analyses for flood studies. Moreover, the result of the study was used as an
alternate approach for the estimation of flood discharges at intake sites and powerhouse site
of the proposed project.

The study results are obtained from the frequency distribution parameter prediction method
which is a variation of multiple regression method. The independent variable which was
found to be most significant in all of the regression analysis was the area of the basin below
3,000 m elevation. This area represents the portion of the basin that is influenced by
monsoon precipitation. And the same parameters were used for Hydrological Studies of
Nepal which was done by WECS in 1982. DHM has amended the WECS DHM method in 2004
to develop “Hydrological Estimation in Nepal” also known as Modified HYDEST or DHM 2004
method. The flood flow estimations were done with the stated regional approaches taking
drainage area below 3,000 m elevation of the proposed intakes and powerhouse site.

Regression Equation used was:

Q = k Ab


A = area below 3000 m in km2

Q = flood at different return period m3/sec

k = regression constant at different return period

Results of Regional Analysis for intake are shown in Table 3-16.

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Table 3-16: Results of Regional Analysis for intake

Return Period (yrs) 5 20 50 100

Flood Frequency (m3/s) 53.42 89.88 118.94 144.68

3.7.4 Flood Frequency analysis using WECS-DHM Method.

Water and Energy Commission Secretariat in collaboration with DHM has developed a
method for Estimating Hydrologic Characteristics of ungauged location in Nepal. This used
the multiple regression method to estimate the flood at the ungauged location of Nepal. The
output of WECS-DHM method is shown below in Table 3.17

Table 3-17: Flood from HYDEST (WECS-DHM) Method for intake

Return Period 2 5 10 20 50 100 200

Flood Frequency 44.51 77.69 103.93 132.13 173.18 207.31 244.58

3.7.5 Design Flood

Design flood with a return period of 100 years were evaluated using different methods
the outcomes are tabulated in Table 3-18 for intake and in

Table 3-19 for Powerhouse respectively. However, the recommended design flood values are
chosen using values obtained from Log-Pearson Type III distribution Method. So the
recommended value for headworks is 360m3/s. Similarly, using the same method for the
powerhouse site, the value obtained is 428m3/s.

Table 3-18: Summary of flood (m3/s) analysis by different methods for intake

Return Flood frequency method

Gumbel's Gumbel's Log-Pearson Log-normal HYDEST Modified
analytical graphical Type III distribution

2 97.31 88.84 89.54 94.93 44.51

5 157.74 151.15 115.54 118.74 77.69 53.42
10 197.75 198.29 176.72 172.43 103.93
20 236.13 245.43 216.27 199.44 132.13 89.88
50 285.81 307.75 294.88 247.00 173.18 118.94
100 323.03 354.88 360.16 280.34 207.31 144.68
200 360.13 402.02 436.35 314.94 244.58

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Table 3-19: Summary of flood (m3/s) analysis by different methods for powerhouse

Return Flood frequency method

period Gumbel's Gumbel's Log- Log- HYDEST Modified
(yrs) analytical graphical Pearson normal HYDEST
Type III distribution

2 115.61 105.55 106.39 112.79 59.01   

5 187.41 179.59 137.28 141.08 101.27 73.37
10 234.95 235.6 209.96 204.87 134.3   
20 280.55 291.6 256.96 236.97 169.52 121.91
50 339.57 365.64 350.35 293.46 220.37 160.23
100 383.8 421.65 427.92 333.08 262.39 193.74
200 427.87 477.65 518.44 374.19 308.03   

3.8 Diversion flood

The value of the diversion flood for weir may be relatively lower as a higher than the
designed value could be passed safely over the partly constructed weir. The following criteria
would help in deciding the value of diversion flood.

a) Maximum non-monsoon flow observed at the weir site.


b) 20 years return period flow, calculated on the basis of non-monsoon yearly peaks.

The floods of various return periods are estimated on the basis of analysis of the transposed
non-monsoon flood peaks at Upper Daraundi Diversion site, assuming that June to October
is affected by monsoon. Non–monsoon flood peaks (November to May peak values) were
used to estimate the 20 year return period diversion flood using Gumbel's Analytical method,
Gumbel's graphical, Log-Pearson Type III and Log Lognormal distribution.

The non-monsoon flood peaks corresponding to different return period are calculated as
given in Table 3-20 below.

Table 3-20: Estimated Floods for River Diversion

Flood frequency method

Return period (yrs) Log-Pearson

Gumbel's Log-normal
Type III
analytical distribution

2 9.00 7.64 6.99

5 12.82 8.54 8.93

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Upper Daraundi–B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

10 16.51 13.84 13.43

20 20.05 17.65 15.75
50 24.64 25.87 19.91
100 28.08 33.26 22.86
From the above table, the 20-year return period flood works out to be 20.05 m3/s. Therefore
for present study, the diversion flood has been adopted as 20m3/s.

3.9 Rating Curves

Figure 3-4: Rating curve at the intake location

The cross-section at intake site and powerhouse site is acquired from the field survey. The
rating curves were developed with the Manning’s equation after estimating “n” values and
the river slope. The value of Manning’s n is 0.025 for intake and powerhouse site and the
slope are 0.032 at the intake and 0.086at powerhouse site respectively. The development of
rating curve was carried out at weir axis and powerhouse at tailrace position is shown in
Figure 3-4 and Figure 3-5 respectively.

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Figure 3-5: Rating curve at the powerhouse location

The rating curve at weir axis is much more useful to decide the height of the protection
works with in the headworks area. Whereas the rating cure developed at the tailrace canal
position is used to set the turbine axis level and the height of the protection works with in
the power house area.

3.10 Sediment Study

3.10.1 Himalayan Yield Technique

In this technique, the catchment area is divided into various parts depending on geological
conditions, rainfall and slope of the catchment area. The technique involves using an
estimate of sediment yield (tones/km2/yr) from each physiographic region and multiplying
the sediment yield by the appropriate area.

The yield from High Himalaya above Elevation 5000m, high mountain between Elevation
3000m to 5000m, and middle mountain below elevation 3000m is considered as 500ton/km2,
2500ton/km2 and 5000ton/km2 respectively.

The catchment area of Daraundi basin at the proposed intake site is 3.74km2 in high
Himalaya, 60.852km2 in high mountains and 36.75km2 in Middle Mountain.

3.10.2 Sediment Studies by KP Sharma and SR Kansakar

Another technique was studied by K. P. Sharma and S. R. Kansakar (1992) in order to
estimate the sediment load at river locations without observed sediment measurements. The
study was based on 12 catchments in Nepal.

A multiple regression equation was developed that related the physiographic and
climatologic conditions of the basins. The following is the regression equation:

Asy = -2.20992 + 0.05439 x Arock^0.5 + 0.0748 x A2^0.5 + 0.05097 x MWI^0.5

Where A2 = catchment area below Elev. 2000m, 47.59 km2

MWI = monsoon wetness index of the region in mm, 1830 mm

Asy = total annual suspended sediment yield in million tons

Arock = rocky area above Elev. 2000m, 26.882 km2

Hence, from the above equation, the total annual suspended sediment yield is about 3788
parts per million by weight (ppm) at the intake site using the mean annual discharge of

3.11 Conclusion and Recommendation

 The design discharge for the project is 4.7 m3/s which is 40% exceedance flow.
 The 100 year design flood is 360m3/s at intake site and 428m3/s at powerhouse site.
 The 20 year construction flood at intake site is 20 m3/s.
 The recommended mean annual sediment concentration at the intake site is

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It is recommended that daily staff gauge readings of the river at the intake will be continued.
River discharge measurements should also be taken at various gauge height so as to
develop reliable rating curves at both the sites.

It is also strongly recommended that the measurements of suspended sediment be carried

out in the future on a daily basis covering the principal months of the monsoon period and
including discharge measurements so that a sufficient data base is available for a reliable
and representative assessment of suspended sediment transport in the Upper Daraundi-B
Small Hydropower Project at the proposed weir site.

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Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study


4.1 Introduction

Upper Daraudi B Small Hydropower Project is a run of river project. Daraudi Khola is a
perennial river which originates from middle mountain region of Gorkha District in Western
Development Region. This report summarizes a brief description of regional geology, a
detailed geological, engineering geological study in the project area and provides an
assessment of the stability conditions of headworks, tunnel alignment and powerhouse
structures as well as foundation conditions of important hydro-technical structures. A
diversion weir is proposed near confluence of Pauko Khola and Daraundi Khola. A surface
settling basin and tunnel alignment is proposed along the right bank of the Daraudi River.

4.2 Objectives

The main objectives of present investigation are as following:

 To obtain information on the regional geology of the project area and site specific
surface geological condition in order to assess the suitability and stability of the
project structures.
 To carry out the detailed geological mapping
 To assess the foundation condition of the weir and powerhouse.
 To identify the construction material location
 To assess the rock mass condition of the project area.
 To produce engineering geological maps, geological sections of the major structures.

4.3 Scope of the work

The main scope of this study included the following:

 Literature review of existing geological information

 Detailed geological mapping at headwork and powerhouse site at a scale of 1 : 1000
 Geological mapping of the project area at a scale of 1: 10,000
 Discontinuity (joints) survey at the proposed major hydraulic structural sites.
 Identification of the zones of geological hazards such as faults, thrusts and landslides
 Analysis of the geological information for slope stability for the major structures.
 Rock Mass Classification at major hydraulic structures.
 Identification of Construction materials such as coarse and fine aggregates for
concrete and impervious materials.

4.4 Study methodology

The geological maps were prepared by mapping the surface outcrops using Brunton
Compass, GPS and measuring tape and observing other surface deposit and geomorphologic
features. The Brunton compass was used to measure the dip and dip direction of structural
features such as bedding, foliation, joint, fault and shear. The statistical analysis of joints

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was carried out by using DIPS software. The sampling and collection of representative
construction materials were carried-out by digging the test pits.

4.5 Present Investigation

Present investigation is mainly focused on the detailed engineering geological mapping of

the project area. The detailed geological mapping has been carried out in 1:1,000 at
headworks and powerhouse areas. The geological mapping along the tunnel alignment has
been carried out in 1:10,000 scale. Detailed Joint Survey was carried out at each hydraulic
structure site for engineering classification of rock mass. On the basis of those data rock
mass classification was carried out using NGI tunneling Quality Index (Q value) and CSIR
Geomechanics Classification (RMR).

4.6 Regional Geology

Geologically, Nepal Himalaya is divided into five major zones, from north to south. A brief
summary of these zones follows in order to provide the background information about
regional geological condition of the project site.

4.6.1 Tibetan Tethys Himalaya

It consists of fossiliferous Paleozoic and Mesozoic calc-sedimentary rock sequence. The
Tibetan Tethys Unit is exposed in only fewer places within the territory of Nepal, while the
other four units are distributed from east to west throughout the country. The Tibetan-
Tethys Zone begins at the top of the Higher Himalayan Zone and extends to the north in
Tibet. This zone composed of sedimentary rocks such as shale, limestone and sandstone.

4.6.2 Higher Himalaya

Geologically, the Higher Himalayan Zone includes the rocks lying north of the Main Central
Thrust (MCT). Two sub-units namely Higher Himalayan Crystalline and Tibetan Sedimentary
Zone are identified in Higher Himalayan Zone. This zone consists of an approximately 10 km
thick succession of crystalline rocks. The Higher Himalayan Crystalline zone comprises mainly
Precambrian high-grade metamorphic rocks such as kyanite-silliminite-bearing gneisses,
schists, quartzite and marbles form the basement of this zone. Migmatites and Granites are
found in the upper part of this zone. The Higher Himalayan Crystallines are underlain by
fossiliferrous Tibetan Sedimentary Zone. This zone is composed of fossiliferous sedimentary
rocks, such as shale, limestone, slates and sandstone, ranging in age from Lower Paleozoic
to Mesozoic.

4.6.3 Lesser Himalaya

The Lesser Himalayan Zone is characterized by a broad belt of folded and faulted
Precambrian to Pliocene rocks developing a number of thrusts and napes. It is separated
from the Higher Himalayas by the MCT in the north and from the Sub Himalayas by the MBT
in the south. The Lesser Himalayas are mostly comprised of unfossiliferous, sedimentary,
and meta-sedimentary rocks such as slate, phyllite, gneiss, schist, quartzite, limestone,
dolomite, etc. There are also some granitic intrusions in this zone. The Lesser Himalaya is
divided into the Midland and Surkhet Groups. The total thickness of the Midland Group is
about 8 km. This group comprises four formations, which consist of phyllite, dolomite, and
meta-sedimentary rocks.

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Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

Ranimatta Formation is comprised of alteration of greenish grey, crenulated phyllite and grey
to greenish grey, fine-grained quartzite. This formation attains more than 3 km thickness.

Naudanda Quartzite is represented by presence of thick-bedded, white, coarse-grained

quartzite with frequent ripple marks. Total thickness of the litho unit is 400 m.

Ghan pokhara Formation has grey meta-sandstone intercalates with dark grey phyllite
and dolomite. Total thickness of the litho unit is 800 m.

Ulleri Formation is characterized by presence of augen gneiss. The thickness of the

formation is 500 m.

The project area is located in this zone.

4.6.4 Sub-Himalaya (Siwaliks)

The Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) bound this zone on the south and the Main boundary
Thrust (MBT) on the north. The zone comprises generally north dipping sedimentary rocks of
the Neogene age. The Lower Siwaliks consists of finely laminated, siltstone, sandstone, and
mudstone. The Middle Siwaliks are comprised of medium to coarse-grained sandstones. The
Upper Siwaliks are comprised of conglomerate and boulder beds.

4.6.5 Gangetic Plain

The Gangetic Plain forms the southern fringe of Nepal Himalaya which consist mainly of
alluvial deposits of Pleistocene to Recent age are derived from the erosion of sediments from
the Himalayas. This zone is separated from the Sub-Himalayas by the Himalayan Frontal
Thrust (HFT) and is the northern edge of the Indo-Gangetic plain to the south.

Figure 4-1: Regional Geological Map of Nepal

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4.7 Seismicity

The Himalayan belt is characterized by four different litho-tectonic provinces, which can be
traced in a WNW-ESE direction throughout the entire length of the Himalayas.

The southernmost unit consists of folded and faulted Siwaliks. The Lesser Himalayas, north
of Siwaliks consists of meta-sediments. Further north, the Higher Himalaya is made of
crystalline rocks in the form of a tectonic slab. The Tethyan Himalaya province consists of
fossiliferous sediments of Late Precambrian to Cretaceous age.

The Main Central Thrust (MCT) system is the tectonic contact between the Higher Himalaya
and Lesser Himalaya. MCT was mainly active during the early phase of the Himalayan
Orogeny, but is considered to be inactive at present.

The Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) is the active contact between the Lesser Himalaya and the

The Himalayan Frontal Fault (HFF), south of the MBT is the most active tectonic contact
between the Indian Plate in south and the Tibetan Plate in the north.

4.7.1 Seismicity of Nepal

Earthquake generation is confined to the crustal depth of about 20 km. It is generated as a
result of released stresses, which are accumulated in the geodynamic under thrusting
process of the Indian plate against the Eurasian plate. However, the shallow earthquakes of
depth up to 6 km are generated as a result of strike slip faults.

The records of seismic activities are limited in the Nepal Himalayas and hence correlation of
seismic events with the adjacent Himalayan Region would be a useful source of information
for designing the hydraulic structures. Several seismicity studies have been carried out for
various projects in the country during the study and engineering design phases.
Theoretically, Nepalese standard and Indian Standard are two basic criteria to derive the
design coefficient for the design of hydraulic structures in the absence of detailed seismicity
study of the projects. Therefore, based on seismicity study carried out for other projects and
theoretical methods, the basic design coefficient for the Upper Daraundi-C Hydropower
Project can be derived for the design of various hydraulic structures.

4.7.2 Seismic Coefficient

In a seismic risk map of Nepal produced by Building Code Development Project (BCDP,
1994), the country is divided into three seismic risk zones as shown in Figure 4-2. As the
project is located in the 3rd seismic risk zone with and average soil type in the project area,
the basic horizontal seismic coefficient is calculated as 0.06.

For the maximum acceleration of 250 gal according to Seismic Hazard Map of Nepal, Figure
3-2, (Published by DMG, National seismological Center - September 2002) and reduction
factor of 0.06 the calculated effective design seismic coefficient for the Upper Daraundi- C
Hydropower Project is approximately 0.15 according to Nepalese Standard.

A project specific seismicity study has been carried out for the Middle Marsyangdi HEP, which
is located at about 40 km west. The recommended design seismic coefficient is 0.2 for the
probable earthquake of VIII intensity MM. However, the structure of Upper Daraundi-B SHP

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is small as compared to Middle Marsyangdi HEP. Therefore, based on above study, the
design seismic coefficient for Upper Daraundi-B SHP is recommended as 0.15 value.

Figure 4-2: Seismic Risk Map of Nepal

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Figure 4-3: Seismic Hazard Map of Nepal

4.8 Geology of the Project Area

Proposed project area lies in the Ranimatta and Ghanpokhara Formation of the Lesser
Himalaya, Central Nepal. Ranimata formation is comprised of the thick-bedded, fine-grained,
and grey to greenish grey schist and phyllite intercalated with fine to medium grained, grey
to greenish grey quartzite. Similarly Ghanpokhra Formation consists of black to grey
carbonaceous slates and green slates. The dip directions of rocks ranges from 340° to 010°
(northwest to northeast) with dip amount ranging from 20° to 50° Figure 4-4.

Right bank of Daraudi Khola within project area has mostly exposed bedrock and/or thin
veneer of colluvial deposit where left bank has mostly colluvial soils where cultivation is in
practice. Phyllite and quartzite make exposure on left bank at weir area. Proposed settling
basin lies on alluvial deposit. Proposed tunnel alignment encounters different lithology as
passes through mostly phyllite, shales and quartzite. Proposed powerhouse and tailrace lies
on colluviul alluvium deposit.

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Figure 4-4: Geological Map of Project Area (DMG)

4.8.1 Headworks Site

Proposed weir axis is located at near confluence of Daraudi Khola and Pauko Khola (Photo
4-1). Rocks are exposed in both bank. Exposed bedrock in steep slope of Daraudi Khola is
fine grained, grey to greenish grey phyllite with quartzite intercalation. Quartz veins are
present in the exposure with deformed boudin structures. The rocks are fractured, medium
hard and moderately weathered.

Photo 4-1: Location of Headworks area

Dipping of foliation is in northwest to northeast direction with dip amount ranging from 35°
to 55°. The other two prominent joint sets dip towards southwest and southeast at average
of 60° to almost vertical. The joints are mostly tight occasionally slightly open, smooth,
planer, moderately spaced with moderate persistence. Lower hemisphere stereographic

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projection in equal angle net of measured discontinuities from headworks area is shown in
Figure 4-6 .

A detailed discontinuity survey was carried out in several directions on the different rock
exposures around headworks area. Around 50 joint measurements were collected from the
rock exposures and have been statistically analyzed. The detailed joint mapping revealed
mainly three sets of joint along the tunnel with some random sets. The joints are tight to
moderately open, moderately spaced, continuity less than 5 m, rough, irregular and
occasionally smooth and filling materials as sand, silt and few are free of filling materials.
The statistical analysis of major joints has been analyzed and projected in lower hemisphere
of stereonet. The analysis gives the following major joint sets. The contour density diagram
and stereographic projection of main joints are shown in Figure 4-5 & Figure 4-6.

Dip/Dip Joint Sets

44/354 Foliation plane
70/105 J1 (Joint)
74/220 J2(Joint)
70/150 J3 (Joint Random)

Rock Mass Classification using CSIR classification has been carried out in the vicinity of the
headworks area which gave the RMR values in the range of 50 to 70. Thus, the rock can be
classified as fair to good rock. Surface settling basin is proposed at the right bank of the
Daraudi River. The area lies in alluvio colluvial deposit. There is rocky slope at the proposed
inlet portal site. The rock at the vicinity is thickly jointed, medium strong phyllite with
quartzite. Rock quality is estimated and presented in Table 4-1.

% of total per 1.0 % area

0.00 ~ 2.00 %
2.00 ~ 4.00 %
4.00 ~ 6.00 %
6.00 ~ 8.00 %
8.00 ~ 10.00 %
10.00 ~ 12.00 %
12.00 ~ 14.00 %
W E 14.00 ~ 16.00 %
16.00 ~ 18.00 %
18.00 ~ 20.00 %

No Bias Correction
Max. Conc. = 17.0420%

Equal Angle
Lower Hemisphere
50 Poles
50 Entries

Figure 4-5: Contour density diagram at Headwork area at right bank

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Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

ID Dip / Direction

1 44 / 354
3 2 70 / 105
3 73 / 221
4 75 / 141

3 4

Friction Angle Equal Angle

Lower Hemisphere
50 Poles
50 Entries

Figure 4-6: Stereographic Projection of main joints

Table 4-1: Rock quality estimation of rock based on surface mapping

Classification System Rating Rock Class

RMR 50-65 Fair to Good rock
Q value 4-7 Poor to Fair rock

Table 4-2: Orientation and characteristics of discontinuity of rock at inlet portal of

headrace tunnel

Descriptions Ex- Foliation Joint Joint (J1) Joint(J2)

Orientation dip/dip dir 40º/005º 70º/100º 74º/200º
Spacing (cm) 30-150 50-200 100-150
Aperture (mm) <5 >5 >5
Roughness Filling Planar Rough Planar Rough Planar Rough
Filling Rock fragment Rock fragment, Open Rock fragment
weathering Slight Slight to Moderate Slight to Moderate
Persistence (m) >6 <5 <3
Water Dry Dry Dry

4.8.2 Headrace Tunnel Alignment

About 2437 meter long and 2.5m dia headrace tunnel (HRT) is the water conveyance system
of the project. The HRT will likely to pass through major portion of Schist/Phyllitic Quartzite
rocks beginning from the inlet .Some portion tunnel will also passes through gneiss, schist,
quartzite and phyllite. The phyllite/schist of the stretch are fine to medium grained, grey to
greenish grey, strong to medium weak, slightly to moderately weathered. The quartzite is
fine to medium grained, grey to greenish grey, strong, slightly to moderately weathered.
However, several thin bands of shear zones are observed within the phyllite zone at some
locations along the tunnel alignment. The exact thickness of these shear zones can be traced

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only after the tunnel excavation. No other structures such as fault and thrust are noticed in
the tunnel section.

In general, the rock along the tunnel is considered to be medium strong in strength. The
rock is slightly to moderately weathered. The rock is exposed mainly in the small streams
and at higher elevation in the form of steep cliff along the tunnel route. Bedrock is mostly
covered by very thin veneer of colluvial deposit along the tunnel alignment. No major faults
and thrusts crossing the tunnel are noticed during the present mapping however several thin
bands of shear zones are noticed in the tunnel route mainly along the tributaries. This zone
is categorized as poor rock, which is to be supported properly with concrete lining. The
mapping in the river sections and hill slopes were projected to the tunnel horizon in order to
produce the required geological information along the tunnel route. The geological condition
along the tunnel alignment is mainly based on surface mapping

Properties of discontinuities measured at the outcrops along the surface of tunnel alignment
are tabulated below (Table 4-3 & Table 4-4). Presently the characteristics of the
discontinuities at the HRT are inferred on the basis of the observed discontinuities on the
outcrops which might also be differing in actual underground situation.

Table 4-3: Orientation and characteristics of discontinuity of rock at headrace tunnel

from chainage 0+000 to 1+500m

Descriptions Ex- Foliation Joint Joint (J1) Joint(J2)

Orientation dip/dip dir 40º/352º 65º/130º 72º/230º
Spacing (cm) 30-100 50-200 25-200
Aperture (mm) <5 <5 >5
Roughness Filling Planar Rough Undulating Rough Planar Rough
Filling Silty Clay Silty Clay Rock fragment
weathering Slight to moderate Slight Moderate
Persistence (m) >6 <5 <3
Water Dry Dry Dry

Table 4-4: Orientation and characteristics of discontinuity of rock at headrace tunnel

from chainage 1+500 to 2+440m

Descriptions Ex- Foliation Joint Joint (J1) Joint(J2)

Orientation dip/dip dir 50º/010º 65º/100º 70º/240º
Spacing (cm) 20-80 50-150 50-100
Aperture (mm) <5 >5 >5
Roughness Filling Planar rough Undulating Rough Planar Rough
Filling Silty Clay Silty Clay Silty Clay
weathering Slight Slight to Moderate Moderate
Persistence (m) >6 >3 <3
Water Dry Dry Dry

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Based on surface mapping, HRT is found passing oblique to the major discontinuity and is
likely to passes bisecting the discontinuities along its way as shown in the rosette diagram
below (Figure 4-7). Such relation of tunnel axis to the discontinuities is favorable for
tunneling works.

Joint 1 Tunnel Axis

0 EX Foliation

Joint 2

W 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 E

Figure 4-7: Rosette diagram showing tunnel alignment through bed rock

The rock mass quality that may represent the rock quality along headrace tunnel is based on
Rock Mass Rating and Q-system. Tentative projected rock mass quality with respect to the
dimension of structure depicted in the geological cross section is presented in Table 4-5

Table 4-5: Rock mass class and its tentative representation along the HRT

S.N Rock mass class Length Percentage Q value RMR

1 Fair to Good 5 8-12 45-65
2 Fair 15 4-8 42-58
3 Poor 30 1.5 35
4 Very Poor 30 0.8 15-18
5 Extremely Poor 20 0.18-0.08 <10
The tunnel covers about 5% good rock mass and 15% of fair rock mass. The 30% is
expected to poor rock mass. Similarly very poor and extremely poor rock mass is estimated
to be about 30% and 20 % of the tunnel length. Extremely poor rock mass needs to be
concrete lining along with steel ribs. It is recommended that all the non-pressure tunnel
section with good and fair rock mass will have fiber shotcrete lining (10 cm thick) only and
all the pressure tunnel section will need fiber reinforced shotcrete (10 cm thick for fair rock
mass and 15 cm thick for very poor to extremely poor rock mass) along with 20 cm thick
concrete lining. The set ribs are recommended for very poor to extremely poor rock mass.
The rock classification is based on surface geological mapping along the tunnel route and

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more detailed geological condition will be achieved only after the excavation of the tunnel

The stereographic projection of main joints for the headrace tunnel are shown in Figure 4-8.

ID Dip / Direction

1 47 / 001
2 64 / 108
3 70 / 234
1 3


3 2

Equal Angle
Lower Hemisphere
3 Poles
3 Entries

Figure 4-8: Stereographic Projection of discontinuities (Headrace Tunnel)

4.8.3 Surge tank and Penstock Alignment

Topography of the area makes the surge shaft in semi underground. Lithology of the area is
Phyllite and schist with quartzite intercalation. The phyllitic schist is grey to dark grey in color
with medium weak strength. Quartzite is fairly strong rock and has grey color. The thickness
of the discontinuities varies from 20 cm to 80 cm. The joints have 0.1 to 1 mm separation
with moderate persistence. The joint surfaces are slightly rough, slightly to moderately
weathered with no filling. The RMR values vary between 40 and 50. The rock mass of the
surge tank is defined as fair rock. Surface penstock is provided in mostly colluvium deposit
and bed rock.

Table 4-6: Orientation and characteristics of discontinuity of rock at surge tank area

Descriptions Ex- Foliation Joint (J1) Joint(J2)

Orientation dip/dip dir 45º/010º 75º/280º 65º/170

Spacing (cm) 30-100 25-150 50-150

Aperture (mm) 0.1-1 >5 <5

Roughness Filling Slightly Rough Undulating Rough Planar Rough

Filling Silty Clay Silty Clay Silty Clay

Weathering Slight Moderate Moderate

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Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

Persistence (m) >2 1.5-2 1-3

Water Dry Dry Dry

4.8.4 Powerhouse and Tailrace

Surface Powerhouse is proposed on the right bank of Daraudi Khola. The surficial deposit in
the powerhouse area is mainly alluvial terrace and minor colluvial deposits. The deposit
consists mainly of sub-angular to sub rounded few angular boulder to gravel sized rock
fragments of schist, gneiss and quartzite in sandy - silty matrix with little fines. Maximum
size of boulders up to 3m are lying on the terrace of powerhouse site. Thickness of the
alluvial deposit is estimated to be more than 10m. Tairace area lies in recent alluvium

4.9 Rock Support Design

In the present context the rock support design is carried on the basis of rock mass quality
observed on surface outcrops, rock strength data referring from the core samples and other
assumed values of relevant engineering properties. The rock mass classification along
headrace tunnel, settling basin is made on the basis of surface manifestation of rock
discontinuities; hence it can vary in-situ at structure grade. The rock mass classification had
been done following different rating systems which are discussed below.

4.9.1 Q System
The rock mass classification NGI Q-System (simplified from Grimstad and Barton, 1993
Figure 4-9) is one of the popular methods to classify the rock mass quality. In this system
the rock tunneling index Q-value is the key parameters in the estimation of rock support.
This Q – System considers six different parameters. The assessment of the rock mass
quality, Q, was done by rating of the six parameters.

Q= RQD/Jn* Jr/Ja*Jw/SRF,


RQD= Rock quality designation

Jn= Joint set number,

Jr= Joint roughness number

Ja= Joint alteration number,

Jw= Joint water reduction factor

SRF = Stress reduction factor

The Barton’s rock support chart also incorporates equivalent excavation dimension, which is
the ratio between the span or height of an underground opening and an excavation support
ratio (ESR). The ESR mainly reflects degree of safety and support demand by an
underground opening. For water tunnels, shafts and penstock tunnels an ESR of 1.6 is

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Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

Barton et.al (1980) provides additional information on rock bolt length. The length L of
rockbolts can be estimated from the excavation width B and the Excavation Support Ratio

L = 2+ 0.15B

Therefore by the above equation length of rock bolt for headrace tunnel in Upper Daraundi B
SHP comes 1.5m.

4.9.2 Rock Mass Rating

The System RMR developed by Bieniawski, 1989 is other commonly adopted method for rock
mass classification. In this system rock mass is classified by the cumulative rating numbers
of different parameters like:

 Uniaxial Compressive Strength (UCS)

 Rock Quality Designation (RQD)
 Spacing of Discontinuities
 Condition of Discontinuities
 Ground Water Condition

Figure 4-9: NGI Q-System from Barton and Grimstad 1993

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4.9.3 Rock Support Estimation

In general, Himalayan rock mass are influenced by the tectonic processes and as a result of
this the rock mass are highly fractured and sheared. Such rock mass always demand more
tunnel rock support during excavation to safeguard immediate tunnel collapse (stability) and
the safety requirement of the tunneling crew. Initial flexible rock support and final concrete
lining as permanent support will make projects economically unfeasible. Hence, the best
approach would be to use initial rock support as a part of permanent rock support. The
applied rock support for water conveying tunnel must be sufficient to withstand long term
stability as well as should be to extent water tight. How to achieve water tightness with the
flexible rock support is a matter of challenge. Hence, special attention has been made while
designing the rock support to make headrace tunnel safe with respect to stability and water
tightness. The assigned rock support for headrace tunnel is given in the Table 4-7.

Table 4-7: Headrace tunnel rock support class and respective rock support

Rock Rock mass Estimated Rock support %

Class quality

I Fair-Good Spot bolting (SB)+ 5 cm 5

plain shotcrete

II Fair 4 bolts+ 5cm steel fiber 15

shotcrete (sfr)

III Poor 5 bolts +5-10cm sfr 30

IV Very Poor 7 bolts +12 cm sfr 30

V Extremely 12-15cm wiremesh 20
Poor shotcrete + steel ribs+25
cm concrete lining

Total 100
The headrace tunnel will be in hydrostatic condition during its operation. Since the designed
rock support in the table is not water tight, the concept of pre-injection grouting should be
applied at the required length of headrace tunnel to control possible water leakage during

4.10 Construction Material Survey

Construction material sites are observed mostly along the both banks of Daraundi Khola
within the stretch of project area. From the field observation three major potential sites are
investigated. There is no major potential site for the fine aggregate due to high gradient
River. Major source of fine aggregate could be Baluwa area downstream from the project

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4.11 Conclusion and Recommendations

The project area lies in Lesser Himalayan succession. Main lithology of the project area is
phyllite/schist, slate and quartzite. Right bank of the Daraudi Khola has mostly bedrock
exposures where left bank has colluvial deposits with few landslides and river crossing.

Head works and settling basin structures will be founded on alluvial deposit. Subsurface
geology of the headrace tunnel is projected based on manifestation of surface discontinuities
data observed at different outcrops available along the HRT route. Thus the rock mass class
can vary at structure grade and specific chainage shown in drawings. Headrace Tunnel is
likely to pass through phyllitic schist with quartzite. No major weak or shear zone is observed
during surface mapping along the Tunnel axis, however the possibilities of uncertainties is
always in underground excavation. Thus those anticipated problem is assumed to be 10 %
of the total stretch of the tunnel and the respective cost is incorporated in this design phase
of study. Similarly Powerhouse and tailrace area are proposed in alluvial terrace deposit.
Rock mass in this area is categorized as fair.

Scattered boulders along the banks of the rivers can be crushed and used for coarse
aggregate. Deposits for fine aggregate might be inadequate in the project area, which are
found as scattered patches along the river section. Adequate fine aggregate can be extract
from Baluwa Area.


As discussed earlier, the assessment of the rock mass quality in this feasibility study at
Upper Daraundi B Hydroelectric Project is mainly based on the surface mapping and
geological traverse survey. Hence, there is a strong need for further sub-surface
investigation at critical locations of the project so that more information on the mechanical
characteristics of the rock mass is achieved. Therefore, geo physical survey and core drilling
investigations are recommended:

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5.1 Design Basis

A brief summary of site condition, design criteria and concept for the major components of
Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project are discussed in this chapter. The major
components of the project are: Diversion weir, side intake, gravel trap, approach canal,
settling basin, headrace tunnel, surge shaft penstock, powerhouse and tailrace, electro-
mechanical equipment, and 132 kV transmission line and switchyard. All the structures of the
project is proposed on the right bank. The project’s civil structures has been broadly
classified into three groups, namely, headworks, water conveyance system and powerhouse

5.2 General Arrangement of Project Components

The overall layout of the project is prepared for the installed capacity of 8300 kW with the
design discharge of 4.7m3/s. The main civil components of the project are: diversion weir,
side intake, gravel trap, approach canal, spillway, settling basin, headrace tunnel, surge
shaft, steel penstock pipe, powerhouse and tailrace structure respectively.

The project is a cascade project to Upper Daraundi C Hydropower Project. Hence, the
discharge from the upper project is utilized by this project. From the tailrace of Upper
Daraundi C HPP, 3.2m3/s discharge is received and additional 1.5m3/s discharge is diverted
by the small diversion structure.

A 8m long free overflow weir with a sluice on the right bank shall divert the design flow. A
side intake having two orifices 1.2m x 1.0m is proposed. Gravel trap is proposed immediately
after the intake. A steel pipe of diameter 1.4m and length 67m delivers water to the settling
basin. A single bay settling basin with 26m length, 3.6m width and depth 4.1m to 4.6m is
proposed on the right bank of the river.

A 2437m long low pressure headrace tunnel on the right bank of the river delivers water to
the penstock pipe. The 1.2m and 1.1m diameter of 407m long penstock is proposed
between the surge shaft and the powerhouse on the right bank of Daraundi.

The powerhouse and the tailrace structures are placed on the right bank of the Daraundi. A
powerhouse of 38.5m x 15m x 19m size will be constructed in the plain area at an elevation
of 1150amsl from the mean sea level. Two units of horizontal axis Pelton Turbine is
proposed in the powerhouse. The tailrace water level after turbine is fixed at 1146.76amsl.

5.3 Civil Works

5.3.1 Diversion during construction

The river diversion shall be done in two stages. In the first stage diversion, the river will be
diverted from the left bank. A temporary cofferdam shall be constructed upstream of the
weir axis to divert the river flow into the channel. During this stage, construction of sluice,
intake and partial weir shall be done. In the next diversion stage, the river will be allowed to
flow from the sluice ways, thus construction works on the remaining portion of the weir can
be undertaken.

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5.3.2 Headworks
Headworks consist of weir and sluiceways, intake, gravel trap, steel pipe canal, settling
basin, headrace canal and spillway. The components are described below.

5.3.3 Weir
The weir is located about 125 m u/s from the proposed powerhouse location of Upper
Daraundi C Hydropower Project and is situated just after an existing small drop in the
Daraundi River. It will be a free flow type of concrete gravity weir. The core of the weir will
be of plum concrete with an external lining of reinforced concrete.

The weir crest is 8m in length and about 2.9m above the existing river bed level. The crest is
designed to have an elevation of 1378.5 amsl. The section of the weir will have a vertical u/s
face and a sloping d/s face. The d/s face of the weir is with the slope of 1 in 1.62 (V:H).

The depth of water above the weir crest is determined considering the weir to be a broad
crested weir. This consideration is due to the fact that the upstream bed will be filled with
sediments almost till the crest elevation in the future. Thusly, the depth of flow above the
weir crest has been estimated to be 5m. The weir has been designed to safely pass flood of
100 years return period which is 360 m3/s. The water elevation during the design flood thus
estimated is 1383.5 amsl. Hence, the elevation of the operation platform for intake and
sluice is proposed at 1384.4 amsl. Notably, there will be no flood wall in the left bank. There
will be a small wall (1.4m high from the weir crest) immediate to the left end of weir.
Whenever a flood comes it will try to accommodate itself through the 8m long crest length.
But when the flow depth exceeds beyond 1.4m, then the excess flood will spill out above the
wall. Boulder lining has been proposed on the river bed beyond the wall and also on the
slopes of left bank to mitigate any chances of scouring. A 20m long stilling basin with
boulder riprap has been proposed immediately after the weir to kill of the energy of the
flowing water. A RCC apron with two cutoffs has been proposed on the u/s of the weir with
an aim of increasing the seepage path and reduce the uplift forces on the weir body.

The stability of the weir has been checked with the water elevation corresponding to the
design flood of 360 m3/s. The weir shall be constructed completely with concrete; however,
to reduce cost the core is proposed to have low grade concrete with plum.

5.3.4 Sluice
A single opening side sluice is proposed at the right end of the weir with the dimensions
1.5m width and 2m height. The sluice is designed to pass about 21.3 m3/s of flow during the
high flood condition. The primary purpose of the sluice is to flush the bed load deposited in
front of the intake. However, due to space constraints, the undersluice is also expected to
function as a passage for some amount of flood during high flood conditions. The bed of the
sluice is proposed with the slope of 1 in 10 (V:H). The sill elevation of the sluice gate is
proposed at 1376.01 amsl.

A manually operated sliding gate and a stoplog are proposed for the regulation of the flow.

5.3.5 Intake
Side intake with two orifices is proposed. The dimensions of the orifice are 1.2m length and
1m height. The orifices are designed to have flow velocity of 0.84m/s at the design flow.
Coarse trash rack is proposed in front of the intake orifices to avoid trashes during the high

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flows. Two vertical sliding gates are proposed for the flow control. The operation platform is
proposed at 1384.4 amsl which is sufficiently above the designed flood elevation of 1383.5

The intake sill is proposed at an elevation of 1377.2 amsl.

5.3.6 Gravel trap

A conventional gravel trap is proposed immediately after the intake to settle particle size
greater than 20mm. The dimensions of the gravel trap are 5.5m length, 3.0m width and
sediment storage depth of 1.2m. The undersluice wall will act as the left end wall of gravel
trap. The right end wall of gravel trap will have top elevation of 1380.0 amsl.

The flushing canal is a closed canal with a length of 5.4m, width of 0.5m and height of 0.5m.
The longitudinal slope is provided at 1:18 (V:H). The floor of the canal is to be lined with
hard stone lining for protection against abrasion. A valve will be used to regulate the
functioning of the flushing canal.

5.3.7 Steel Pipe Canal

A 1.4 m diameter and 67 m long steel pipe canal is proposed to feed water to the settling
basin. The canal will be low pressurized. It will have a slope of 1 in 400. The pipe will be
buried with backfill with an overburden soil of about 0.8-1m.

5.3.8 Settling Basin

The settling basin is designed to remove suspended sediments of particle size greater than
0.2mm is diameter. The efficiency is estimated to be 92.5% removal of the above mentioned
particle size.

The settling basin will have a single bay. The total length of the settling zone will be 26m
with width 3.6m. The height varies from 4.1m at the beginning to 4.6m at the end. The
average flow velocity is designed to be below 0.2m/s for the design discharge. The inlet
transition is designed to have an inlet angle of 14°. The length of the inlet transition zone is

The outlet has been designed as a drop structure and there will be no outlet gates.

The flushing of the basin is proposed as conventional gravity flushing and intermittent. At
the end of the settling basin 0.6 diameter pipe is provisioned to flush the deposited
sediments back to the Daraundi Khola.

As the basin will be founded on a backfill, very good compaction with the selected material is
required for the foundation. The compaction shall be done in layers of 15cm with selected
cohesion less materials. An in-situ density tests shall be carried out to have the bearing
capacity of at least 150kN/m2.

5.3.9 Headrace Canal

A headrace canal approximately 30m long and 1.5m wide lies just after the settling basin. It
receives discharges from the settling basin and also from the two tailrace canals of Upper
Daraundi C Hydropower Project. It feeds the design discharge of 4.7 m3/s to the headrace
tunnel via inlet portal. A spillway of crest length 10.5m lies in the left wall of headrace canal.
The crest elevation is 1373.24 amsl. Similarly on the left wall, just after the spillway, a gate

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has been proposed so that water can be passed off without affecting the tail water level of
Upper Daraundi C hydropower Project. The size of the gate opening is 2m width and 1m

5.3.10 Headworks Protection Wall

A 130m long protection wall is proposed on the right bank of the Daraundi River for the
protection of headworks structures. The wall will be a RCC wall spanning from the end of
undersluice to a few meters d/s of the tunnel inlet portal. The wall has a clear height of 5.6
m and the thickness varies from 0.7m at bottom to 0.25m at top. However, the exact sizing
and positioning shall be finalized during the detailed study. Due to the space constraints and
nature of the river at the location of the proposed headworks site, the protection wall
appears to be of huge significance.

5.3.11 Water Conveyance System

The water conveyance system of the project consists of 2437m long low pressure headrace
tunnel, 407m long steel penstock pipe and 75m long tailrace canal. The tunnel is proposed
on the right bank of the Daraundi Khola. The penstock pipe alignment from the surge shaft
to powerhouse passes through the right bank of Daraundi. The alignment is proposed on the
ridge. The penstock pipe is proposed with two different internal diameters of 1.2m and
1.1m. The thickness of the pipe varies from 8mm to 16mm. The upper reach of the
alignment is exposed whereas the pipe is buried near the powerhouse.

5.3.12 Headrace tunnel

A low pressure headrace tunnel is proposed for the project. A tunnel is a suitable waterways
considering the steep terrain and dense vegetation in the project area. The total length of
the tunnel from the inlet to the surge tank is 2437m. However, the total length to be
excavated will be 2466m. At the outlet portion of the tunnel, the penstock pipe will be
embedded in concrete. The tunnel is proposed with the final dimension of 2.5m width and
2.5m height with a shape of an inverted D. The excavation diameter will depend upon the
rock type and support needed.

The first 1207m of tunnel length is provided with a negative slope of 0.1% and the later
portion is provided with the positive slope of 0.5%.

5.3.13 Steel Penstock Pipe

A mild steel penstock pipe is suitable for this small hydropower project. Optimization of the penstock diameter

The optimization study of the penstock diameter considered the following input parameters:

 Length of the pipe: 407m

 Yield strength: 250 N/mm2
 Ultimate tensile strength: 410 N/mm2
 Allowable design stress: 136.67 N/mm2
 Life period: 35 years
 Corrosion allowance: 2mm
 Welding efficiency: 90%

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 Cost of pipe (all complete): NRs. 200/kg

 Surge pressure: 25%
The result of the optimization with the above input parameters provides the optimum
diameter as 1.4m.

Figure 5-1: Penstock pipe optimization results Selected pipe diameter and thickness

Even though the optimum pipe diameter is 1.4m, two diameters are proposed. The initial
length of the penstock is proposed to have 1.2m diameter and the lower stretch is proposed
to have 1.1m diameter pipes. This will have cost saving in quantity of steel and
transportation of the pipe.

Hence, the length of pipe with diameter 1.2m is 220m and with diameter 1.1m is 187m. The
thicknesses of the pipe varies from 8mm at the beginning to 16mm and the end of the
penstock before the bifurcation.

5.3.14 Anchor blocks in penstock alignment and saddle

The whole of the penstock is exposed except near the powerhouse area. The pipe is
supported by anchor blocks at the bends and by saddle supports in between the anchor

Anchor blocks are designed to stabilize the hydraulic forces at the pipe bends. There are
altogether 10 anchor blocks in the penstock pipe alignment.

The anchor block foundation soil will be well compacted and well covered by backfill. On the
hill ridge, the anchor blocks will be founded on rock. In these location, 5 numbers of 5m long
grouted anchor bolts will be installed for additional stability of the blocks.

The shape of the blocks has been governed by the topography and the bend angle. All the
blocks will be constructed of plum concrete with C20 grade. Anchorage bars will be provided

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around the bend and temperature and shrinkage bars will be provided on the surface of the

All the blocks will be stable regarding sliding, overturning and bearing of the foundation.

5.3.15 Saddle supports in penstock alignment

Saddle support piers will be provided along the straight sections of exposed penstock
between anchor blocks to avoid overstressing in the pipe. The spacing of the piers will be
8.0 m along its true length. The piers will be constructed of C20 grade concrete.

Saddle plates will be placed in the saddle along with 4 mm thick HDP liner to minimize the
frictional effects and increase the useful life of the pipe.

All the saddle support will be stable regarding sliding, overturning and bearing of the

5.3.16 Surge shaft

A surge shaft is proposed at the end of the headrace tunnel and at the beginning of the
penstock pipe. The surge shaft will be constructed on the rock with required support
structures. The concrete lining of 20cm thickness is proposed throughout the shaft length.

The finished diameter of the surge shaft is 4m and the height is 40m.

For the analysis of the surge, roughness coefficients in the tunnel considered were 0.02 and
0.03 for upsurge and downsurge analysis respectively.

The results of the surge analysis are as follows:

Static water elevation: 1373.1amsl

Maximum surge elevation: 1380.8amsl

Minimum surge elevation: 1363.9amsl

5.3.17 Powerhouse and Tailrace Canal

The surface powerhouse is proposed to be constructed on the terrace of the right bank of
the Daraundi khola. It consists of building containing turbines, generators and accessories,
and tailrace conduit. A switchyard will be constructed outside the powerhouse for stepping
up transmission voltage.

The powerhouse consists of a reinforced cement concrete (RCC) structure that houses the
machine floor, control section and all the mechanical and electrical equipment. The size of
the powerhouse is 38.5 m x 15.0 m x 19.0 m including the control rooms. Two generating
units of 4150 kW installed capacity each will be accommodated in the powerhouse. There
will be provision for the auxiliary plants and service area. A concrete raft foundation is
provided for the machine foundation in the powerhouse.

A rectangular concrete conduit of 2.5 m x 2.5 m has been proposed to convey water from
powerhouse to Daraundi Khola. The length of this tailrace conduit is 75 m.

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5.4 Hydro-mechanical works

5.4.1 Steel Penstock Pipe

The main conveyance of this project is steel penstock pipe. The water from settling basin h
is conveyed to powerhouse in steel penstock pipe having different thickness and diameter.
High strength mild steel plates of grade IS 2062-B will be used for the fabrication of pipe at
factory and transported to the site. There will be 10 anchor blocks and 32 saddle supports
provided in the pipe alignment. The pipe will be restrained longitudinally by Anchor blocks
and supported in 8m interval in support piers. The pipe will need the following components:

 Pipes
 Bends
 Expansion joints
 Base plate
 Man hole
 Stiffener Plates
 Anchor ring
The diameter of the pipe is determined by optimization of cost. The optimum diameter
obtained is 1400mm. However, two diameters of 1.2m and 1.1m are chosen to reduce the
cost of transportation of the pipe.

The thickness is calculated based on to be operated in isolated mode and transients traveling
all the way to setting basin in the long penstock. The opening and closing time of turbine is
considered as 10s and 60s respectively. Anchor ring, strainer pipe and stiffeners are provided
inside anchor block and these details have to be prepared during detail engineering. The
detail of pipe alignment is presented in Table 5-1:

Table 5-1: Penstock Pipe details

Diameter Thickness
(mm) (mm) Weight MT
1200 8 32.6
1200 10 10.7
1200 12 12.8
1200 14 16.8
1100 14 20.9
1100 16 76.6
770 14 10.5 Base Plates & HDPE sheet

The caps of saddles are provided with 6mm thick Mild steel base plates to facilitate the
uniform distribution of load on the bearing area. The base plate will hold pipe at least in 120
degrees at the lower part. The base plate will be anchored in cap concrete with the help of
mild steel bar welded in base plate at the time of laying and fixing. The plate width on
saddle is 1.0m and has curved length of 1.5m. There is need of 32 base plates. The total

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weight of base-plates will be 3.2MT. There is also HDPE sheets proposed between base
plate and pipe which is calculated to be total requirement of about 550 sq.ft.to be ordered in
special sizes. Expansion Joints

There are 6 expansion joints needed in the penstock pipe. Some sections are buried where
Expansion joint is not needed. They vary in length according to the length of pipe from IP to
IP. Expansion joint will be located just below the anchor block. Sleeve type expansion joint
with greased jute packing is purposed for Expansion Joint at Penstock Pipe. Man Holes

Since the pipe length is less than 500m no man holes are proposed.

5.4.2 Gates and stoplogs

For controlling of discharge, 8 gates are provided at headworks in different locations. The
intake gates can be used to control the discharge to the inlet channel. The sealing
arrangement consists of seal in gate, skin plate, back support Rib and roller from back. The
minimum skin plate thickness including a corrosion allowance should be 14 mm. The
operating platform is made with 20cm slab and the side channel is extended up facilitating
the lifting arrangement. In front of each gate, provision of stoplogs is made available to
facilitate the repair and maintenance of gates. The details of gates and stop logs are
described in Table 5-2 and

Table 5-3 below.

Table 5-2: Details of gates

SN Description Unit Qty. Size Type

(W x H)
1 Intake Gate Set 2 1.2 x 1.0 Vertical wheel type with guide
frame hoists and accessories
Radial hydraulically operated
2 Sluice Gate Set 1 1.5 x 2.0

3 Gravel Trap Flushing Gate Set 1 0.5 x 0.5 Vertical lift slide with guide
frame hoists and accessories

4 Settling Basin Inlet Gate set 1 1.4 x 1.4 Vertical wheel type with guide
frame hoists and accessories

5 Settling Basin Flushing set 1 0.6 x 0.6 Vertical lift slide type with guide
Gate frame hoists and accessories

6 Tailrace gates set 2 1.55 x 1.5 Vertical lift slide type with guide
frame hoists and accessories

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Table 5-3: Details of stoplogs

SN Description Unit Qty. Size (W x Type

H) m
1 Under Sluice Stop Log Set 1 1.5 x 2 Stop logs with guide frames
hoists and accessories

2 Gravel Trap Flushing set 1 0.5 x 0.5 Stop logs with guide frames
hoists and accessories

The side channels in gates are extended up to the top of wall where operating platform is
provided with handle and gear arrangement. The gate is operated by a hoisting mechanism.
Main parts of the gate are side channels, skin plate, front seal, stiffener angles, lifting device
with handle.

There are inlet and outlet gates provided in settling basin to use the basin alternatively in
rainy seasons. The sluice gate and operation of settling gates shall be coordinated during the

5.4.3 Trash Racks

There is provision of Trash racks in order to prevent the entry of floating stuffs, small rock
and debris through the channel. Intake Trash rack will have clear opening of 75mm and the
racks are rectangular shaped with round head welded at the top. The Rack will be inclined in
75-80 degrees so that the cleaning operation of rack can be easy. The detail of the trash
racks used in the project is described in Table 5-4 below.

Table 5-4: Details of Trash racks

SN Description Unit Qty. Size (W x H) Type

1 Intake Trash Rack Set 1 5.0 x 2.0 Trash rack with supporting
beam and accessories

2 Settling basin outlet Set 1 1.5 x 1.8 Trash rack with supporting
beam and accessories

For the trash rack at the intake, clear spacing of 100mm is provided whereas for the gravel
trap and settling basin, clear spacing of 50mm is to be provided.

The trash racks have to be cleaned manually with the help of scraper periodically from the
operating platform.

5.5 Electromechanical Equipment

5.5.1 Mechanical equipment

The major mechanical equipment will comprise of the following:

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a) Hydraulic Turbine
b) Governors
c) Pressure oil system
d) Main Inlet valve
e) Cooling water system
f) Drainage and Dewatering System
g) Mechanical workshop and equipment
h) Ventilation and air conditioning system
i) Fire protection system
j) Powerhouse overhead travelling crane
Prior to the discussion on the mechanical equipment, a short analysis to determine the
optimum number of generating units is carried out.

Number of units/machine to be installed in the powerhouse is determined by carrying out

“Unit Optimization”.

For the optimization, single unit option was discarded at the initial stage considering the
least flexibility in operation. Moreover, the transportation of a single unit would be
incomparably high compared to multiple units. On the other hand, two to three units are
sufficient for the desired flexibility in operation and their weight is not a shock to the existing
roadway system. Opting for more than three units will have almost no benefit but will incur
more cost due to increased powerhouse size, assembling duration & difficulties and added
complexity in operation.

Therefore, two units and three units’ options are taken into consideration for further
analysis. A short analysis carried out has taken consideration of energy generated, capital
investment cost of electro-mechanical component, technical aspect related with these
options, reliability aspect between these two options and concluded that two unit option is
the better one.

5.5.2 Turbine
Type Selection

The selection of type of turbine primarily depends upon the net head available and design
discharge. For the rated net head of 212.07m and design discharge of 2.35 m3/s, Horizontal
Pelton is the choice of the turbine as presented in Figure 5-2

Power Calculation

For the net head of 212.07 and design discharge of 2.35 m3/sec, the Shaft Power Output of
the each Turbine is calculated by the following relation:
Pturbine = g x Qdesign x Hnet x ηt kW
Pturbine = Turbine Output, kW
g = Specific weight of water = 9.81 kN/m3
Qdesign = Design Discharge, m3/sec = 2.35 m3/sec

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Hnet = Net Head, m= 212.07 m

ηt = turbine efficiency = 90%
Pturbine = g x Qdesign x Hnet x ηt kW
= 9.81 x 2.35 x 212.07 x 0.90 kW
= 4400.06 kW
Adopted Turbine output = 4400 kW
Similarly the Plant Installed capacity is determined by multiplying the Turbine output by
generator efficiency (0.96).
Plant Installed capacity = Pturbine x ηg kW
= 4400 x 0.96 kW
= 4224.0 kW ~ 4225 kW
= (4225/0.85) = 5000 kVA
Generator output = 5000 kVA
Generator output @ 10% COL = 5500 KVA
Therefore the Installed capacity of the plant is 2 x 4225 KW = 8.45 MW

RPM and Specific Speed Calculation

System Frequency (f): 50 Hz
No. of Poles (P) : 14
Therefore, Rated Speed (N) = (120 x system frequency)/No. of Poles
= (120 x f)/ P
= 120 x50/ 14
= 428.57~ 428.6 rpm
Now the specific Speed of Turbine is calculated as

Specific Speed (Ns) = N x √(shaft power in kw) / (Head )5/4

= 428.6 x (4400)0.5 x (212.07) – 1.25

= 35.13

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Figure 5-2: Turbine Selection Chart

5.5.3 Unit Capacity

The selection of unit capacity is based on the assumption that minimum number of units
could be installed for the more economic development of the project, reliability of
generation, and minimum loss of power during maintenance and operation at difference
stage of time. Unit capacity is generally determined by considering the available discharge
throughout the seasons, load demand, type of operations, efficiency of the machine, etc.
Single unit is not preferred due to the fact that total generation loss will occur in time of the
unit breakdown and hence two or three units will be suitable for the Project. Considering the
above factors two units is the best option for the Project. Therefore the study of Upper
Daraundi B Small Hydropower Project reveals that the installation of two (2) power units will
be more economical for the following reasons:

 With two (2) turbines, the peak power is the same as with three (3) and partial load
efficiency will also be good.
 The required repair and maintenance works of the power units can be performed in
the yearly dry season in such a way that with exception of a temporary reduction of
the plant power, no energy loss will occur.

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5.5.4 Description of Turbine

Each turbine is capable of handling 2.35 m3/s discharge (design) at a rated net head of
212.07m, which result in the turbine shaft power of 4400 kW at maximum efficiency of 0.90.
The size and speed of the turbine is such that the total costs of civil, electrical and
mechanical works will be minimized.

The Pelton runner with two nozzles will be directly coupled to the generator's shaft. The
turbine runner and the guide vanes will be made of stainless cast or welded steel (13x4
Cr/Ni), and thus resistant to cavitation and sand erosion. In addition the turbine will be
equipped with replaceable wearing plates and labyrinth rings (rotating type on the runner
and fixed on the turbine side cover and side ring), all made of stainless steel. To facilitate
maintenance, all bearings, joints of regulating mechanism etc. will be self-lubricating type.

The principal characteristics of the Pelton turbines are as follows:

 Number of turbine : Two (2)

 Shaft arrangement : Horizontal
 Installed capacity for each unit : 4400 kW
 Turbine Efficiency : 90 %
 Rated discharge for each unit : 2.35 m3/s
 Rated net head : 212.07 m
 Rated speed : 428.6 rpm
 Runway speed : 772 rpm
 Unit spacing : 16.0 m
 Runner pitch dia. : 1.36 m
 Inlet diameter : 0.59 m
 Centre line to inlet : 5.87 m
 Runner center line to tail water : 2.19 m

5.5.5 Turbine Components


The turbine runner will be made of stainless steel, containing approximately 13% chromium
and 4% nickel. The material will be suitable for field weld repair. The buckets will be
integrally cast with the disc in one piece.

The runner disc is fastened to the shaft flange by bolts and nuts. The bolts are screwed in
threaded holes in the shaft flange. The fastening of the turbine runner on the turbine shaft
will be made in such a manner that the transmission of the driving torque is guaranteed
under the severest working conditions and that the runner can be easily removed. The
coupling will allow the interchange of the runners without re-machining and additional
adjustment of the coupling.

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Figure 5-3: Pelton Runner

Turbine Shaft

Turbine shaft will be made of forged carbon steel as per DIN 17200 standards. Shaft will be
entirely machined and is designed to operate up to maximum runway speed, without any
detrimental vibration or distortion.

Operating at normal speed and maximum output, the stress in the highest stressed cross
section will not exceed 25% of the yield strength of the shaft material. For temporary
overloads exceeding the rated output, the unit stress will not exceed one-half of the yield

Coupling between Turbine and Generator shaft will be flexible type. A flywheel of suitable
size and weight will be mounted on one side of the Turbine.

Turbine Guide Bearing

The turbine guide bearing will be anti- friction grease lubricated taper roller bearing with
bore suitable for Turbine shaft. Bearings will be mounted on both sides of turbine casing.
Each bearing will be designed to withstand maximum radial and thrust from turbine and also
capable of operating at all speeds up to and including the maximum runaway speed without
injury or loss of oil.

Shaft Seal

The shaft seal will prevent the entering of water from the turbine housing into the guide
bearing. The shaft seal will be of the axial sliding ring type or preferably a combination of
labyrinth type and axial sliding ring type.

Turbine Casing

The geometry of the cover will be designed to guide the discharge water away from the
runner without back-splashing. The steel housing of turbine will have the following parts;

• Removable top cover from runner assembly and dismantling.

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• Flanges from connection to Nozzles

• Labyrinth type water seal

• Supporting feet, leveling plates and anchoring rods.

The cover will have adequate strength and rigidity to transmit safely all forces from the
guide bearing to the runner pit housing without undue stresses or deformations. The turbine
cover will be so designed that easy inspection, adjustment, maintenance and dismantling of
all parts located inside and attached to the cover are possible.

Inlet Pipe and Bifurcation

The inlet pipe and bifurcation will be made of welded steel plates. Inlet pipe connects
downstream flange of Turbine inlet valve to Nozzle flanges. Inlet pipe will support the
maximum dynamic pressure (i.e. maximum possible pressure including maximum pressure


The distributor/manifold distributing the turbine flow to the two injectors will be in
accordance with ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, Section VII. The inlet pipe and
bifurcation will be made of welded steel plates. Inlet pipe connects downstream flange of
Turbine inlet valve to Nozzle flanges. Inlet pipe will support the maximum dynamic pressure
(i.e. maximum possible pressure including maximum pressure rise).

Injector System

The turbine will be equipped with two nozzles with external servomotors, each operated by
pressure oil from the governor pressure oil unit. Nozzle bodies will be made of welded steel
and are connected to bifurcation pipes by means of flanged connections.

The nozzle body and nozzle head will be made of cast steel or welded steel plate, normalized
and tempered. Nozzle and Needle tips will be made of stainless steel and will be replaceable

Each nozzle will be equipped with a servomotor and needle assembly. The assembly will be
spring balanced and designed to close automatically in an event of governor oil pressure

A flange connection will be provided between the nozzle pipe and nozzle body. The nozzle
pipe will be bolted to the manifold branch pipe. Provisions will be made to facilitate
alignment, inspection, maintenance and dismantling of parts (e.g. replacement of seat rings,
needle tips, etc.) and for removal of the complete nozzle without dismounting of the runner.

The injector controls will be such that the needles of all nozzles in service will operate
simultaneously and in equal increments. Provisions will be made for operation with a one
number of nozzles in the event of failure of other nozzle and under low load operating

The injector assembly consists of the followings;

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 A spring for complete closure of needle, at turbine maximum head at a controlled

rate, in order to avoid any excessive penstock pressure rise.
 Stainless steel needle and stem with bearings and packing rings. The needle stem is
equipped with a double sealing system, for drainage between sealing rings.
 Single acting oil pressure servomotor to supply maximum force for opening the
needle, with minimum governor oil pressure.
 Provisions to vary full closing and opening times of needle. Closing time and opening
time will be independently adjustable.
 Position transducer, 4- 20 mA output signals, to indicate needle position and two limit
switches in open and closed position.
Jet Deflectors

All injectors will be equipped with deflectors. The deflectors will be actuated by one common
deflector servomotor, with levers, adjusting ring and deflector levers, controlled by the
governor. In order to reduce the loss of energy and wear of the deflector, for small load
changes the jet will be controlled only by the needle.

The deflector will withstand safely the maximum continuous nozzle discharge at maximum
head. The deflector will be firmly attached to the deflector shaft. The shaft will be supported
by self-lubricated bearings in the turbine cover and at the nozzle body.

The servomotors will be of the double-acting type, controlled by the main distribution valve
in the governor actuator. The capacity of the servomotor will be sufficient to operate the
deflectors under all conditions of head and load with minimum oil pressure. The requirement
of self-closing of the deflectors in case of oil pressure failure will be considered in the
servomotor design

Figure 5-4: Graphical view of turbine parts

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Figure 5-5: Turbine Generator Arrangement

Table 5-5: Turbine Data

S.No. Description Parameters

1 Type Horizontal Pelton
2 Design Discharge 2.35 m3/s
3 Net Head, rated turbine 212.07 m
4 Rated power output 4400 KW
4 Rated Speed 428.6 rpm
5 Runaway speed 772 rpm
6 Rotation from Gen. side Clockwise

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Figure 5-6: Technical Data Sheet

5.6 Electrical Equipment

5.6.1 General
The purpose of the studies pertaining to electrical equipment is to identify and dimension the
principal components of the powerhouse electrical equipment for safe and economic plant
operation of Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project. The powerhouse electrical
equipment of the project includes generators, transformer, switchgears, protection schemes,
control systems, earthing systems, lighting systems, communication systems etc. The ratings
of the equipment are designed safely to cope with all normal and fault conditions, avoiding
any overstressing of material and equipment. Also equipment will be of standard design
(IEC/IEEE/IS/BS whichever is applicable), providing highest degree of safety, reliability,
availability and ease in operation.

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5.6.2 Generator
Self-excited, self-regulated, horizontal axis, three phase, Cylindrical pole, synchronous
generators built in accordance with IEC standard is proposed to be used.

The generators will have capacity to incorporate sufficient flywheel inertia to achieve stable
frequency control when running in isolated mode. The generator shall have antifriction /
sleeve bearing.

The stator winding of the generator will be made of individually insulated stranded copper
conductors, stacked and form pressed to constitute coils or half coils with the design cross
section. Each coil will be insulated for the full generator voltage.

The rotor will be of the Cylindrical pole type and built in accordance with the best practice
and designed to withstand safely all overloads and other stresses encountered during
abnormal operating or runaway speed conditions. The poles will be built of thin steel
laminations, bolted under high pressure and furnished with dovetails for fastening to the
rotor rim. Rotor will be designed so as to allow dismantling of the poles without excessive
disassembly of the stator or rotor. The damper winding will be installed on pole faces with
interconnecting type windings in order to maintain the stable operation of the generator.

The generator will be capable of withstanding, without damage, a 30 second, 3 phase short
circuit at its terminal when operating at rated MVA, at rated power factor and at 5% over
voltage with fixed excitation.

The generator shaft will adopt single shaft structure. It will have maximum rigidity and
strength so as to guarantee no abnormal deformation and vibration at various speeds
(including maximum runaway speed) when run together with the turbine. The generator
shaft shall be made of a high quality medium carbon steel, properly heat treated and
accurately machined all over and polished at the bearing surface sand at all accessible points
for alignment checks. A complete set of test reports covering metallurgical strength, &
ultrasonic tests performed on each shaft shall be furnished.

The generators will have enough electric heaters and dehumidifiers and arranged in fan
shield of generator to protect it from moisture during shut down and to enable a start up at
any time without drying procedure. Insulation and other parts of the generator will not be
damaged when electric heater runs.

Resistance type temperature detectors of simplex / duplex type shall be arranged

symmetrically in the stator winding to indicate the temperature obtained during operation.
An Auxiliary Terminal box having suitable terminal blocks shall be mounted on the generator
frame to terminate the resistor element connections. The temperature detectors leads shall
be kept flexible to facilitate disconnecting them without breakage.

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Table 5-6: Generator Data

S.No. Description Parameters

1 Type Cylindrical pole, synchronous
2 Capacity 5000 kVA
3 Capacity @ 10% COL 5500 KVA
4 Power Factor 0.85
5 Generator Voltage 6.6 kV
6 Generator Current 481.13 A
6 Frequency 50Hz
7 Class of Insulation F
8 Protection IP54
9 Excitation System Type Brushless
10 Efficiency ≥ 96%
11 Heating class B
12 Number of Poles 14
13 Synchronous Speed 428.6 rpm
Generator fire protection will be provided by CO2. The activation of the CO2 fire protection
system will be conditional to the operation of the flame or smoke detectors in the generator
hall combined with the operation of the generator differential protection or a manual push
button instruction. Upon receipt of a signal from the fire detectors and of the generator
differential relays, an alarm will be initiated. The CO2 release will only be initiated after a
preset time delay in order to allow evacuation of the personnel in the hall at that moment
unless the operation is aborted by manual interruption instruction.

The generator shall have following major protection system:

a. Reverse power Relay,

b. Loss of field relay,
c. High speed trip relay,
d. Generator differential protection,
e. Under and over frequency,
f. Loss of synchronization relay,
g. Field ground detect relay,
h. Negative phase sequence relay,
i. Overvoltage/Undervoltage relay, and
j. Stator earth fault relay.

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5.6.3 Generation Voltage Level

The generated voltage for Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project will be 6.6 kV.
Switchgears will be located inside the control room together with switchgear components
(like CBs, CTs, and PTs etc). These switchgear panels will have inbuilt bus bar cabinets
housed in its back. Each generator’s output terminals will be connected to this 6.6 kV bus
bar system with XLPE cable of adequate size. The switchgear and other protection and
control components will accompany them in the switchgear panel to complete the incoming
generation power circuit.

The switchgears will be provided with housing to install the required set of current
transformers and potential transformers for metering and protection.

Each Generator will be synchronized on 6.6 kV vacuum circuit breaker. All the generators
circuit breakers and fuse switches will be arranged in one continuous row accessible from
the front side with sufficient space on both side of the switchgear assembly for safe
operations. Individual Switchgear panels for each generator incomer and outgoing feeder will
be provided to complete the generation level switchgear system.

This switchgear system will work in co-ordination with the control panels accommodated in
the control room.

5.6.4 Generator Braking

Generator shall be provided with Hydraulic operated brakes of sufficient capacity to bring
rotating parts of generator and turbine to stop from 30 % of rated speed.

5.6.5 Generator Grounding

The principle objective of grounding synchronous generator system is the protection of the
generator and associated equipment against damage caused by abnormal electrical
conditions. Grounding in Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project achieved by the
intentional insertion of resistance on the secondary of Neutral Grounding Transformer as
shown in SLD. Each generator unit will be equipped with transformer, self-ventilated, dry,
resistive type grounding system. The rated voltage of resistor shall be 110V and shall be
made up of alloy of Chrome, Aluminum and Iron.

5.6.6 Excitation and Automatic Voltage Regulator (AVR)

Each generators of Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project will be equipped with
brushless excitation system consisting of a 3-phase AC exciter and silicon diode type rotating
Rectifier Bridge mounted on the generator shaft extension. The system shall be complete
along with surge suppressor, automatic voltage regulator of solid-state type with Thyristor
Bridge and field suppression equipment etc.

The protection against voltage spikes shall be provided. The AVR shall have fast response
and anti-hunting features. The AVR shall be provided with cross compensating devices for
parallel operation of generators.

The excitation transformer of sufficient size, with 6.6kV on primary side shall be used. The
Transformer shall be of dry type.

The excitation shall be suitable for maintaining the voltage for a grid voltage variation of ±
10% & for a frequency variation of ± 3%. The AVR shall be sensitive enough to track and

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respond the changes up to +/- 0.5% of normal voltage (average of 3 phases) of the
Generator when operating under steady load conditions (for any load) or excitation within
operating range and shall initiate corrective action without hunting. The response time of
excitation system shall be less than 20ms.

After the initial maximum voltage following any load rejection up to 100% of rated load, the
AVR shall restore the terminal voltage to a value not more than 5% above or below the
voltage being held before load rejection and shall maintain the voltage within these limits
throughout the period of generator over speed.

The AVR shall have the following features:

a) Two auto channel with one manual mode for voltage control

b) Voltage / frequency during accelerating and decelerating of machine

c) Power factor / KVAR control mode

d) Reactive power shedding

e) KVAR limit

f) Short circuit limit

g) Diode failure indication

Besides these, equipment for limiting and regulating (both automatic/manual mode) on
generator rotor current shall be included. Voltage setting devices and necessary control
switches shall be included. These equipment shall be of a tropical design and shall work
satisfactorily at a temperature of maximum 40°C.

Figure 5-7: Excitation System

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5.6.7 Power Transformers

Power transformers are used to step-up the generated power so as to evacuate the
generated power to the nearest substation. The main transformer in Upper Daraundi B
Project shall have one three phase, outdoor, oil immersed, and ONAN type, of 11 MVA, for
stepping up the voltage at Upper Daraundi B Hydropower project Plant from 6.6kV to 132

Table 5-7: Data for Power Transformer

S.No Description Parameters

1 Number of Transformers 1x3 Phase
2 Type Outdoor, oil immersed
3 Cooling ONAN
4 Rating 11 MVA
5 Rated Voltage Primary side – 6.6kV and Secondary Side -132
6 Maximum Voltage (Line to Line) Primary side – 7.2kV and Secondary Side -145kV
7 Current on HV side and LV side HV side 48.11 A and LV side 962.27 A
7 Type of Tap changing OFF Load on High Voltage side
8 Tap Changing Range ±10% in Steps of 2.5
9 Principal tapping 132 kV
10 Vector Group reference YNd11
11 Efficiency ≥ 99.5 %
The transformer will be installed outdoor. The transformer will be oil immersed and designed
for the cooling system as specified. The transformer will be capable of operating
continuously at its rated output at all tap positions without exceeding the temperature rise

The incoming side (low voltage side) will be suitable for terminating two to three single
phase cables per phase by using XLPE type cables inside the cable terminating chamber. The
termination arrangement will include cable terminations for delta connection of the
transformer windings besides the phase cable termination. The outgoing side high voltage
terminals will be brought out through high voltage bushing for connecting to other high
voltage apparatus of the switchyard. The neutral points will be brought out on suitable
bushings installed and will be solidly grounded via appropriate conductors.

Following Protections are implemented in Power Transformers at Upper Daraundi-B Small

Hydropower Project

1. Transformer differential Protection (87T)

2. Restricted Earth fault Protection (64T)
3. Thermal Protection (49)
4. Pressure Relief device (63)
5. Buchholz (gas operated relays) protection

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6. Low Oil level alarm

7. Over voltage/Under voltage protection
8. Over Frequency/Under Frequency protection
9. Rate of Change of Frequency Protection
Station Transformer

Auxiliary transformer or station supply transformers provide electrical supply to the power
house electrical equipment. The auxiliary transformer, used for station power supply, shall
be three phase, outdoor, oil immersed, and ONAN type of 150 kVA.

Table 5-8: Details of station transformer

S. No Description Parameters
1 Number of Transformers 1x3 Phase
2 Type Outdoor
3 Cooling ONAN
4 Rating 150 kVA
5 Rated Voltage (Line to Line) Primary side – 6.6kV and Secondary Side
6 Type of Tap changing Off Load
7 Tap Changing Range ±5% in Steps of 2.5
8 Principal tapping 0.4kV
9 Vector Group reference Dyn11

5.6.8 Switchgears
Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project consists of two numbers of AC generators each
rated 6.6 kV, 50 Hz, 5000 kVA, 0.85 power factor and connected to 132 kV system outdoor
switchyard through a power transformer rated 11 MVA, at 132/6.6kV. Each generator
output is connected to the 6.6 kV bus bar through a 6.6 kV switchgear consisting of vacuum
circuit breakers.

Each Generator shall be synchronized with 6.6 kV Vacuum Circuit Breaker (VCB). All the
generators circuit breakers and fuse switches will be arranged in one row accessible from the
front side with sufficient space on both side of the switchgear assembly for safe operations.

There will be following number of switchgears in PH

 2 No of 6.6 kV Generator output switchgears.

 1 No of 6.6 KV Transformer incoming switchgear
 1 No. of 6.6 kV switchgear for auxiliary transformer
 NGT & LAVT panels with LA,PTs and Surge protection Capacitor of Appropriate
Each switchgear comprises of

 Vacuum Circuit Breaker

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 Cable box for incoming and outgoing XLPE insulated copper cables per phase
 Current transformers
 One unit of Voltage transformer sets for synchronization for each generating unit.
 NGT & LAVT panels with LA,PTs and Surge protection Capacitor of appropriate
 Air insulated three phase bus-bar system, extensible to make connection with the
bus-bars of other adjacent panels

Table 5-9: Data for Generator Circuit Breaker

S. Description Parameters
1 Type Vacuum, Metal Enclosed, Cubicle
Indoor Type
2 Rated Voltage 12 KV
3 Rated Current 800 A
4 Frequency 50 Hz
5 Insulation level 28kV/75kVpK
6 Short Circuit Breaking Current 26.3 KA rms
7 Short Circuit current Duration 3 Secs
8 Operating Sequence O-0.3S-CO-3Min-CO
9 Closing Coil & Opening Coil Supply 110 VDC
10 Motor Supply Voltage 230 VAC

Table 5-10: Data for Transformer incomer Circuit Breaker

S. Description Parameters
1 Type Vacuum, Metal Enclosed, Cubicle Indoor
2 Rated Voltage 12 KV
3 Rated Current 1250 A
4 Frequency 50 Hz
5 Insulation level 28kV/75kVpK
6 Short Circuit Breaking Current 26.3 KA rms
7 Short Circuit current Duration 3 Secs
8 Operating Sequence O-0.3S-CO-3Min-CO
9 Closing Coil & Opening Coil Supply 110 VDC
10 Motor Supply Voltage 230 VAC

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5.6.9 Current Transformer (CT)

The current transformers will be of dry, synthetic resin insulated type. All secondary
connections will be connected to a terminal block which will be located in a dust-proof and
watertight terminal box and will be clearly labeled.

An earth connection to the housing will be provided.

The current transformers will be designed to carry continuously a current of 120% of the
rated current. The rated current of the secondary windings will be 1 A.

The core for measuring purposes will have the following characteristics:

Accuracy class 0.5

Cores for protection purposes will have the following characteristics:

Accuracy class 5 P10

The rating, burden and location of current transformer shall be as specified in Single Line
Diagram (SLD).

5.6.10 Voltage Transformer (PT)

The indoor voltage transformers will be of the single-phase dry synthetic resin type. All
primary and secondary connections will be clearly marked. An earth connection to the
housing will be provided. Earthing of the cores and the neutrals will be done on the
transformers and not on the terminal boxes. The windings for measuring purposes will be
designed for accuracy according to class 0.5.

The voltage transformers will have an additional secondary winding for earth fault
protection, connected in open delta with a resistive burden. The accuracy class will be
3P.The secondary will be provided with miniature circuit breakers with alarm contacts and
primary will be protected with a fuse.

The burdens of all windings will not be less than 125% of the overall computed (design)
burden of the connected apparatus including cables.

Table 5-11: Details of 6.6kV Potential Transformer

Particular Specifications
Type Indoor, dry synthetic resin type
Rated primary voltage 6.6kV/√3
Rated secondary voltage 0.11kV/√3
Impulse withstand voltage (peak) 60kV
Frequency 50Hz
Burden As specified in SLD
Accuracy As specified in SLD

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5.6.11 Lightning Arrestors

The lightning arresters will be of the gapless metal oxide (MOA) type. The generator will be
protected against incoming voltage surges by means of lightning arresters connected
between phases and earth.

The outdoor lightning arresters will be mounted on steel structures and will be fitted with a
pressure relief device. Surge counters shall be supplied. The earth conductor from the
arrester to the counter, as well as the terminal of the counter, will be suitably insulated or
screen protected against accidental touching.

The Lightning Arrestors for the protection of generator will be of rated voltage 7.2kV.

Table 5-12 Details of 6.6kV Lightning Arrestor

Particular Specifications
Type Indoor, gapless Znoarrestor
Frequency 50Hz
System voltage 6.6kV
Rated voltage 7.2 kV
Impulse withstand voltage (peak) 60kV
Power frequency withstand voltage 20kV
Nominal discharge current 10kA

5.6.12 Governor
Each turbine is controlled by an electro-hydraulic governor having a hydraulic system to
operate the turbine guide vanes for regulation of the unit. The main features of the governor

a. Programming capabilities for automatic control of guide vane openings to regulate

maximum output of turbine
b. Shutdown of the unit in case of emergency.
Governors are provided for the automatic control of the turbines during load variation. The
electronic governors in combination with the oil pressure unit acts on the turbine guide
vanes for regulating the turbine flow. Each electronic governor has its own oil pressure
unit/system. The oil pressure unit consists of a sump tank, accumulator pressure tank, and
gear pumps.

For maintaining oil pressure in the system, a jockey pump is supplied. Essential controls and
piping connections to the governor relay valve and servomotors of the turbine guide vane is
also provided. The capacity of governor pumps and servomotors for wicket gate and inlet
valve shall be suitably selected. Further discussions on oil pressure unit are provided on
succeeding sections.

The governor panel and oil pressure unit will be located on the turbine floor near to the

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Conceptual governing system architecture is presented as below

Figure 5-8: Governing System Architect

5.6.13 Powerhouse Overhead Travelling Crane

One Powerhouse Electric Overhead Travelling crane of 25/5T capacity to handle the
equipment inside the powerhouse will be installed. The capacity of main hoist (25 ton) is
determined considering a single piece generator. The auxiliary hoist of 5 ton will be used for
lifting smaller loads inside the powerhouse during installation as well as operation period.

The crane will be complete with drives for cross travel, long travel and lifting motion,
runaway rails of adequate size, end carriages & gantry rail. All motions operated from a
pendant, operated by an operator on the machine hall floor.

The gears will be helical type and all bearing and other wearing surface will be splash oil
lubricated. The DC Electromagnetic shoe with EHT braking system will be provided.

Table 5-13: Capacity of EOT crane

Description Notation Values Unit

Rated capacity of each turbine Pt 4400 kW
Generator Efficiency Ηg 96 %
Rated Generator capacity of each unit Pg 5000 kVA
Rated Synchronous speed N 428.6 rpm
Weight of Generator rotor Wr 14.2 ton
Lifting capacity of main crane 30 ton

Lifting capacity of auxiliary crane 5 ton

Heaviest part to be lifted

Heaviest part to be lifted ( Assemble (complete assemble
Tons Tons
Generator)- Approximately Generator)-

Voltage 3 Phase, 400V, 50Hz

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5.6.14 Diesel Generator

It is proposed that one emergency generator set be installed in the diesel generator building
to provide an emergency source of power in the event of a system and power outage. The
diesel generator would be of adequate rating to supply sufficient power to enable the black
starting of one unit, and the operation of drainage pumps, a governor oil pump, a bearing oil
pump, an air compressor for governor system, and feed the battery chargers. The diesel
Generator for power house purpose will be of 100kVA, 400V, 50Hz, 3 Phase type. The diesel
generator shall have heating class B, insulation class F and IP23 type of Protection of

5.6.15 Dc Power Supply

For the utmost reliability, the Control, Protection, Alarm, and Tele-metering equipment will
be fed from a dc supply. The emergency lighting can be dc, autonomous individual units or
with UPS (uninterruptable power supply). For the purpose of this study, a dc battery
supplied emergency lighting has been selected. The DC Auxiliary system in Upper Daraundi-
B Small Hydropower Project will have 110V/350Ah DC battery bank. A DC–DC converter shall
generate 48V DC, from110V DC system and 24V DC, if required. Vented Type Lead Acid
batteries are used for DC Auxiliary system of Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project

one no. of float and float cum boost charger (SCR controlled) operating on 3 Phase,415 V,
50 Hz, AC supply of solid state design to charge the battery shall be used. The operation of
the charger shall be automatic. Normally, float charger will be feeding the load and charging
battery. In case battery requires boost charging the same shall be done automatically.

The following meters shall be provided in the charger

 A.C Voltmeter 0 – 500 V

 D.C. Ammeter
 D.C Voltmeter 0-200 V, DC
 Centre zero DC Ammeter 50 A- 0 – 50 A for battery.
 AC supply failure relay
 Rectifier fuse failure relay
 Charger failure relay
 Battery earth fault relay
 Over current Relay.
 Auxiliary Relay

5.6.16 Grounding / Earthing System

Adequate earthling is necessary to be provided inside the powerhouse and the switchyard.
The grounding/earthling grid will be designed such that the touch and step potentials will be
within the safety margin. The overall grid earth resistance will not exceed 1 ohm.

The low grounding resistance will be achieved by increasing the grounding area i.e.,
interconnecting the powerhouse ground system with the tailrace pond and other areas. The
ground resistivity measurements will be required which will be performed during the detail
design of the grounding grid.

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Power House roof shall be provided with Lightning spikes properly connected to ground mat.

5.6.17 Black Start/ Island Mode Operation

The power plant shall have black start facilities and shall be able to operate in islanding
mode operation. The detail of islanding mode of the operation shall be as fixed in the
connection agreement or as per the NEA grid code.

5.6.18 Communication System

For communications between Upper Daraundi B power house, other power houses /
substations together with the Load Dispatch Center (LDC) of NEA, trunk dialing telephone
system either CDMA, V-SAT communication or Landline phone will be used.

In the control room one or more telephone service will also be installed for trunk dialing
communications with the LDC and other substations.

An automatic PABX telephone system is envisaged for the communication between different
sections of powerhouse, offices, the residence of operational staffs, guard house and head
works area.

5.6.19 Illumination
400V/230V, 50 Hz, 4 wire star connections supply will provide single phase supply for the
illumination circuits for normal lighting.

The normal lighting in the rooms of the power house through corresponding Distribution
Boards (DBs) will be by fluorescent fixtures and energy efficient PL-S fixtures. Apart from
this arrangement, emergency DC supply circuits and fixtures will provide illuminations, in
critical areas when supply from Station auxiliary transformer fails. In the entrance
incandescent lamp lighting fixtures will be installed. The lighting level / illuminations
designed are presented below:

450 lux – for the Control room, Office room, Electrical workshop, Mechanical workshop,
service bay in the Alternator/Generator floor.

300 lux – for the LV-switchgear room, MV- switchgear room, Battery room and other

200 lux – for the pump pits and surge tank area.

150 lux – for the stair cases.

Socket outlets will be provided in the office room; control room; battery room and service
bay, alternator and turbine floor.

5.6.20 Control and SCADA System

The computer supervisory and control system at Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower
Project shall adopt the full distributed mode in open environment in accordance with
international open system concepts so that compatibility of selection of various computers,
transplantability of system expanding and renewal of equipment shall be assured. The open
environment shall include application development environment, user interface environment

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and interlink of system environment, which shall comply with the specifications of the open
environment recommended by international open system organizations.

The computer supervisory and control system shall have station control level and local
control unit level.

The station control level, real time supervisor and control centre of the plant shall be
responsible for automatic functions of the whole plant (AGC, AVC, generating optimization
control etc.), historical data process (various operation tables, operation archives of
important equipment and various operating parameters etc) and man machine dialogue of
whole plant (operation monitor of plant equipment, accident and failure alarm, manual
intervention of operating equipment, modifying and setting of various parameters for the
Computer Supervisory and Control System). Station control level shall be made up of the
relevant equipment located at computer room and central control room. The computer will
adopt dual computers for redundancy and hot standby. At normal condition a computer
works and the other is backing-up. When master computer receives failure, the computer is
changed-over by back-up.

The local Control unit (LCU) shall have turbine-generator local control unit. Each LCU shall
manipulate production procedures and accomplish the supervision and control functions
under controlling. LCUs will be connected with the production procedures by means of input
and output interface, with the network by communication interface and exchanging
information with control level through network. The information shall be exchanged among
LCUs. LCUs may be independent from control level relatively. They shall directly finish real
time data acquisition and pre-processing, supervision, adjustment and control etc. of unit
equipment conditions with station control level divorced.

The operator’s console in the central control room shall be equipped with CRT display that
displays operation conditions of the power station. When the power station is under normal
operation, the operator can monitor the conditions of each equipment in the power station.
The major monitoring items shall be as follow:

 Operating conditions and output of generating units

 Operating conditions of auxiliary equipment of the generating units
 Operating conditions of the transformers
 Status of circuit breakers, disconnectors and earthing switches.
 Operating conditions and transmission power of power lines
 Opening level of gates, inlet valves, etc
 Operation mode of station service power, and
 Other important parameters
When the system receives any fault or the equipment has abnormality during operation, the
supervisory control system shall automatically give alarm in both sound and picture striking
to the eye to indicate nature, location, time and abnormal parameter values of the event.

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5.7 Switchyard and Transmission Line

5.7.1 132 KV switchyard at Powerhouse

132 kV outdoor type switchyard shall be constructed near the powerhouse to evacuate the
generated power. The switchyard components shall be suitable for hot, humid and
moderately polluted environment. The switchgear system for this switchyard shall be
equipped with Circuit breakers, Current transformers, potential transformers, disconnecting
switches with/without earthing and Lightning Arrestors and synchronous check relay etc. for
132 kV incoming and outgoing circuits. The switchgear system here will work in coordination
with the associated control panels accommodated in the control room and shall ensure the
overall protection of the switchyard.

Table 5-14: Data for 132 KV Circuit Breaker

S.No. Description Parameters

1 Type SF6, Metal Enclosed, Cubicle outdoor Type
2 Rated Voltage 132 KV
3 Rated Current As per Standard
4 Frequency 50 Hz
5 Insulation level 275kV/650kVpK
6 No. of poles 3
7 Type of operation Gang operated single pole
6 Short Circuit Breaking Current As per IEC standard
7 Short Circuit current Duration 3 Secs
8 Operating Sequence O-0.3S-CO-3Min-CO
9 Closing Coil & Opening Coil Supply 110 VDC
10 Motor Supply Voltage 230 VAC

Table 5-15: Details of 132kV Potential Transformer

Particular Specifications

Type Outdoor

Rated primary voltage 132kV/√3

Rated secondary voltage 0.11kV/√3

Impulse withstand voltage (peak) 650kV

Power Frequency Withstand voltage 275 KV

Frequency 50Hz

Burden As specified in SLD

Accuracy As specified in SLD

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Table 5-16: Details of 132kV Current Transformer

Particular Specifications
Type Outdoor

CT Ratio As specified in SLD

Rated voltage 132kV/√3
Impulse withstand voltage (peak) 650kV
Power Frequency Withstand voltage 275 KV
Frequency 50Hz
Burden As specified in SLD
Accuracy As specified in SLD

Table 5-17: Details of 132kV Lighting Arrestor

Particular Specifications

Type Outdoor, gapless Zno arrestor

Frequency 50Hz
System voltage 132kV

Rated voltage 110 kV/phase

Impulse withstand voltage (peak) 650kV

Power frequency withstand voltage 275kV
Pressure relief class A
Pressure reliefcapability 40 KA

5.7.2 Interconnection Point

132 kV outdoor type switchyard shall be constructed at NEA Substation to evacuate the
generated power. The switchyard components shall be suitable for hot, humid and
moderately polluted environment. The switchgear system for this switchyard shall be
equipped with Circuit breakers, Current transformers, potential transformers, disconnecting
switches with/without earthing and Lightning Arrestors etc. for 132 kV outgoing circuits. The
switchgear system here will work in coordination with the associated control panels
accommodated in the control room and shall ensure the overall protection of the switchyard

Metering Scheme at interconnection Substation

To measure import and export of energy between User and Owner’s system, Bi- directional
Energy Meters (Main and Check Meters) shall be installed at proposed Substation as shown
in SLD. The Main and Check Meters shall be able to record the followings:

 Voltage (KV)
 Current (A)

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 Power Factor (Lead and Lag)

 Frequency(Hz)
 MW or KW
 MWh or KWh(import and export)
 MVAr or KVAr (import and export)
In addition, KW meter, KVAr meter, PF meter, Ammeter and Voltmeter shall be installed at
control panel inside control building of substation for 132kV system to measure respective

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6 Power and Energy

6.1 General

This chapter deals with the power generation from the project. The energy from the plant is
computed based on the available hydrological data, gross head available and head loss in
different forms (entrance loss, friction loss, transition loss, bend loss and exit loss). The
prime factor in generation of electricity is the discharge which in fact varies daily and
seasonally. Moreover, the efficiency of the turbine and hydraulic loss of head also vary with
variation of discharge. The generation of monthly energy considering the above factors has
been discussed in this chapter.

6.2 Methodology

Energy generation varies according to the available discharge in the river. There will be daily
and seasonal variation in the flow and hence will be the production of energy. The water
surface elevation (HRWL) will also be different according to the flow which however is not
considered in the estimation of energy.

The plant capacity of this project at 40% exceedance flow is 8.3 MW and the corresponding
design discharge is 4.7 m3/s. The generated energy will be sold to Nepal Electricity Authority

6.3 Input Parameters

The following parameters are used in the energy calculations:

6.3.1 Hydrology
The turbine design discharge has been fixed 4.7 m3/s (2.35 m3/s for each unit) at 40%
exceedance flow. The minimum downstream release will be 10% of the driest mean monthly
flow which will be about 0.15 m3/s (according to the flow used for energy generation). The
monthly flow which has been used to calculate energy is shown in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1: Monthly flow used for energy estimation

Months Bai Jes Asar Shr Bhad Asoj Kar Man Pous Magh Fal Chai

Avg 1.87 3.45 14.57 23.41 21.71 13.64 4.4 3.31 2.23 1.76 1.52 1.49

6.3.2 Headloss
The project will have a gross head of 223.1m from weir crest to tail water level. The net
head after deduction of head losses like frictional loss, turbulence loss and other singular
losses vary according to the turbine discharge. The headloss varies from 0.9m at the
minimum flow and 11.03m at the maximum flow and thus the net head available will be
222.20m to 212.07m. The summary of monthly headloss calculated for the corresponding
monthly flows are presented in Table 6-2.

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Table 6-2: Summary of Monthly Headloss

Months Bai Jes Asar Shr Bhad Asoj Kar Man Pous Magh Fal Chai
1.47 5.44 11.03 11.03 11.03 11.03 9.0 4.97 2.15 1.3 0.94 0.9

6.3.3 Efficiency of the machineries

Considering the head and discharge available for power generation, Francis turbines have
been found to be the most suitable choice for the project. The following efficiencies
applicable for Francis turbine and generating units have been considered in computation of
power potential study.

Efficiency of turbine 90%

Efficiency of generator 96%

Efficiency of transformer 99%

Overall efficiency of turbine and generator 85.50%

6.3.4 Energy Loss

The overall energy loss including outage, transmission and self-consumption has been
estimated as 5% of the gross energy generated in each month.

6.3.5 Design Energy and Plant Load Factor

The design energy and plant load factor has been calculated for installed capacity of 8.3 MW
and has been presented hereunder;

Installed Capacity 8.3 MW

No. of units 2

Type of turbine Pelton

Turbine Efficiency 90%

Generator Efficiency 96%

Gross head 223.1m

Net Head 212.07 m

Design Discharge 4.7 m³/s

Environmental flow 0.15 m³/s

Annual generation 47.282 GWh

Annual Plant load factor 74 %

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6.4 Energy and Power

As per Rules of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) of Nepal Electricity Authority, (NEA), the
price of the energy is NRs. 8.40 (Escalated Value NRs. 10.64 after 8 year) for the months
Mangsir 15,Paush, Magh, Falgun, Chaitra, Baisakha, Jestha 15 (December – May). The rest
of the month has the energy price of NRs 4.80 (Escalated Value NRs. 6.08 after 8 year). The
breakdowns of the energy estimate per month are given in the Table 6-3. The power output
from the plant is estimated by the following formula:

P = 9.81 x  x Q x H (kW)

Therefore, P = 9.81 x 0.855 x 4.7 x 212.07 = 8.3 MW


η = 0.855 (combined efficiency of turbine and generator)

Q = 4.7 m3/sec (Design flow)

H = 212.07 m (Effective head)

The net energy generation in the dry season will be 14.234 GWh and that in the wet season
will be 33.047 GWh, the total energy during a year will be 47.282 GWh including outage.

Table 6-3: Power and Energy Computation

Flow in  Environ Available flow 

No. of  Irrigation  Combined 
the  mental  of power  Turbine  Gross  Headl Net  Power Estimated energy
Month days in the  release E/M 
river release generation discharge head oss head (KW) (KWh)
month (m3/s) efficiency
(m3/s) (m3/s) (m3/s)

Dry Wet
Baisakh 31 1.87 0.15 0.00 1.72 1.72 223.1 1.47 221.63 85.54% 3191.27 2255589.17
Jestha 31 3.45 0.15 0.00 3.30 3.30 223.1 5.44 217.66 85.54% 6028.95 2061900.22 4261260.45
Asar 32 14.57 0.15 0.00 14.42 4.70 223.1 11.03 212.07 85.54% 8300.00 6055680.00
Shrawan 31 23.41 0.15 0.00 23.26 4.70 223.1 11.03 212.07 85.54% 8300.00 5866440.00
Bhadra 31 21.71 0.15 0.00 21.56 4.70 223.1 11.03 212.07 85.54% 8300.00 5866440.00
Asoj 31 13.64 0.15 0.00 13.49 4.70 223.1 11.03 212.07 85.54% 8300.00 5866440.00
Kartik 30 4.40 0.15 0.00 4.25 4.25 223.1 9.00 214.10 85.54% 7628.03 5217575.06
Mangsir 29 3.31 0.15 0.00 3.16 3.16 223.1 4.97 218.13 85.54% 5776.50 1975562.62
1843858.45 3819421.07
Poush 30 2.23 0.15 0.00 2.08 2.08 223.1 2.15 220.95 85.54% 3848.89 2632643.36
Magh 29 1.76 0.15 0.00 1.61 1.61 223.1 1.30 221.80 85.54% 2998.36 1982513.68
Falgun 30 1.52 0.15 0.00 1.37 1.37 223.1 0.94 222.16 85.54% 2555.79 1748156.96
Chaitra 30 1.49 0.15 0.00 1.34 1.34 223.1 0.90 222.20 85.54% 2500.32 1710216.71

Total      14,234,878.56      33,047,497.92


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7.1 Introduction

This section of the report describes the methodology used for derivation of the project cost
and the estimated costs. This final estimate is based on the detailed layout and study of the
optimum project configuration selected from the optimization studies. The rates are based
on different projects in Nepal, Planned or under construction in the past five years. The rates
are based on 2073/2074 price level.

Quantity take offs were carried out on the final drawing with plan metering, as required. The
estimate process was carried out in parallel with Construction Planning presented in Chapter
9 as these activities are complementary to each other.

7.2 Criteria, Assumptions and Cost Components

The following criteria and assumptions are the basis used for cost estimation:

a. The cost estimate and financial analysis has been based on the NPR.
b. The exchange rate US $ 1 = NPR 105.0 used
c. All costs has been first estimated on a per unit basis for each of the components and
then added to obtain the entire project cost.
d. Lump sum costs adopted where breakdown cost is not available.
e. Material costs reflect real costs incurred at other projects of similar size or having
similar scope of works.
f. Construction material obtainable from the local market whereas some of the steel
items and all of the electromechanical equipment need to be imported.
g. Some skilled and all of the semi-skilled and unskilled manpower can be obtained
h. The unit costs include profit, and overhead, which the contractor would charge.
i. VAT has been excluded for electromechanical equipment, interconnection equipment
and transmission line as VAT has been waived for hydropower projects.
j. 1% of custom tax added.
k. Contingency sum added on civil, hydro-mechanical, electromechanical and
transmission line.
It is expected that an open competitive bidding will be supposed to be for awarding the
contracts and the project will not be forced to use higher rates for any reason.

7.3 Estimating Methodology

The project is divided into a number of major components for the estimating process as

a. Civil construction works, including on site access

b. Weir, intake, settling basin
c. Headrace tunnel and surge tank
d. Penstock pipeline

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Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

e. Powerhouse and tailrace

f. Permanent electromechanical equipment
g. Turbine
h. Generator
i. Transformer
j. Auxiliary equipment
k. Gates, Valves and Hosing devices
l. Switchyard and Transmission line
m. Construction Camp
n. Engineering and Management costs
o. Land Acquisition and Environmental Provisions
p. Physical Contingencies

7.4 Civil Works Estimate

For civil construction works, a contractor type estimate was prepared. The estimating
process was carried out in the following steps:

 Division of the project into a number of distinct structures like headworks, settling
basin, headrace tunnel, surge tank, penstock pipe, powerhouse, switchyard and
tailrace etc.
 Identification of distinct construction tasks or measurable pay items, such as
overburden excavation, rock excavation, stone masonry, and fill work, concrete
works etc.
 Calculation of the appropriate quantity of each item from map and drawings
 Development of unit rate construction works based on prevailing market rates
appropriately adjusted for the project area, adopted method of construction as
described in the section –Construction Planning and standard norms and practices of
the country.
 Calculation of cost for each activity by multiplying quantity obtained in (c) by rates
derived in (d).
 Calculation of cost for each structure by summing up costs calculated in (e) of
different works required for the structure.

7.5 Resources Costs

7.5.1 Labor Rates

For estimating purposes, the labor force was subdivided into four categories of workers,
namely unskilled, semi-skilled, skilled and highly skilled. It is also assumed that work force
required for the project will be form the local market and only specific skilled labor will be

Considering the overall construction requirements for the project, a 6 days X 8 hour work
week was selected as the basis for planning and estimating the major construction activities.

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7.5.2 Construction Equipment

The access road has to be upgraded to transport the heavy machineries and equipment. For
rate analysis purpose, equipment rates were derived from the Cost Reference Guide for
Construction Equipment, a widely used publication.

7.5.3 Construction Material

It has been assumed that most of the construction material likes cement, reinforcement steel
will be supplied from local market and specific materials like penstock liners, gates will be
imported from India or overseas.

7.6 Electrical and Mechanical Equipment

The costs of the electrical and mechanical equipment were estimated by a combination of
methods including:

 Interpretation of budget prices supplied by potential suppliers, for the large and more
expensive equipment such as turbines, generators, power transformers, and inlet
 In-house estimates using established international prices and/or relationships for
routine items. The in-house information is based on years of collection of price data,
and often eliminates the errors of variations of prices occurring due to changes in
supply and demand.
 Percentage of lump sum provisions on a ratio basis based on experience, for lesser
miscellaneous items.

7.7 Switchyard and Transmission Lines

The costs of the switchyard components were based on:

 Partly on budget prices supplied by potential suppliers, and

 Partly on in-house estimates using established international prices
 The cost of the transmission lines were based the current costs incurred in
transmission line construction by NEA.
 Sharing of the cost of the transmission line by other hydropower projects in the basin
has been considered. The cost of 15km of transmission line has been included in this
cost estimate.
 A provision has been made for the health and security item covering the costs of
overalls, construction boots, helmets and gloves as well as consumables at the first
aid centers supplied by contractors and owner.

7.8 Unit Rates

Unit rate have been derived for the major construction activities. Standard norms of practice
and consultant’s in-house experience have been utilized in derivation of the unit rates. The
prices of material and other equipment were obtained from local market, district rates and
also collected from projects under construction.

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7.9 Contingencies

The estimated costs include contingencies which allow for unforeseen cost increases that
may become necessary as more information is obtained and evaluated. In view of the extent
of investigations carried out to date, the present stage of preliminary designs and cost
analysis performed, the following contingencies have been allowed:

 Civil and others 10 %

 Hydro-mechanical works 5%
 Electro-mechanical and Transmission 5%

7.10 Environmental Programs

An allowance of 1.5 % of the total construction cost for environmental programs have been

7.11 Engineering and Management

An allowance of 2.5% of the total construction cost has been included to cover the following:

 Detailed field investigations

 Preparation of detailed designs and tender documents
 Preparation of detailed construction drawing
 Prequalification of tenders
 Evaluation of tenders
 Supervision of construction, testing and commissioning
 Management of procurement
 Administration of construction contracts
 Measuring the work
 Reviewing and approving contractor’s submittals
 Cost of owner’s and consultant’s equipment, supplies, communication and transport

7.12 Total Estimated Cost

On the basis of the analysis described above, the cost of the 8.3 MW Upper Daraundi-B
Small Hydropower Project, including contingencies, engineering and administration, has been
estimated at NRs. 1,655,774,785 including IDC which is divided into following group
subheadings presented in Table 7-1. The construction period of this project is estimated to
be 2.5 years. The total expenditure on the first year will be 55% and the remaining will be
spending on the next year. These cost disbursement includes advances provided to suppliers
and contractors.

Note: All the costs are in Nepalese Rupee.

Summary of the project cost is shown in Table 7-1.

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Table 7-1: Summary of project cost

S.No. Description Amount (NPR) VAT/Custom Total amount (Nrs)
A Direct Cost
A1 Preparatory works
1 General 5,000,000.00 650,000.00 5,650,000.00
2 Infrastruccture and camp facilities 20,000,000.00 2,600,000.00 22,600,000.00
3 Access road construction and maintenance 50,000,000.00 6,500,000.00 56,500,000.00
Sub-total 75,000,000.00 9,750,000.00 84,750,000.00
A2 Civil works
1 Diversion Weir and Under sluice 23,196,792.60 3,015,583.04 26,212,375.63
2 Intake and Gravel trap 4,983,432.83 647,846.27 5,631,279.10
3 Settling basin 15,225,747.30 1,979,347.15 17,205,094.45
4 Protection works at headworks 25,958,673.50 3,374,627.56 29,333,301.06
5 Headrace tunnel including portals 402,879,149.27 52,374,289.40 455,253,438.67
6 Surge shaft 22,727,373.66 2,954,558.58 25,681,932.24
7 Penstock civil works 21,681,494.27 2,818,594.26 24,500,088.53
8 Powerhouse and tailrace 80,000,000.00 10,400,000.00 90,400,000.00
9 Switchyard and Substation 5,000,000.00 650,000.00 5,650,000.00
10 Protection works within the Powerhouse area 5,000,000.00 650,000.00 5,650,000.00
Sub-total 606,652,663.43 685,517,509.68
A3 Hydromechanical works
1 Steel plates or Penstock pipe 17,861,550.00 178,615.50 18,040,165.50
2 Penstock fabricatin and installation 10,716,930.00 1,393,200.90 12,110,130.90
3 Gate stoplog, its accessories and miscellaneous item 44,273,412.24 5,755,543.59 50,028,955.83
Sub-total 72,851,892.24 80,179,252.23

A4 Electromechanical works all complete 198,010,200.00 1,980,102.00 199,990,302.00

Sub-total 198,010,200.00 199,990,302.00

A5 Transmission line and interconnection

1 Interconnection 26,145,000.00 261,450.00 26,406,450.00
2 Transmission line 166,000,000.00 21,580,000.00 187,580,000.00
3 Construction power 5,000,000.00 650,000.00 5,650,000.00
Sub-total 197,145,000.00 219,636,450.00
Total 1,270,073,513.90
B Contingencies
B1 Physical
1 Civil works (@ 10%) 60,665,266.34 7,886,484.62 68,551,750.97
2 Hydromechanical works (@5%) 3,642,594.61 473,537.30 4,116,131.91
3 Electromechanical works (@5%) 9,900,510.00 990,051.00 10,890,561.00
Total 83,558,443.88
C Owners cost
C1 Land acquisition and lease (@1% of Direct cost) 12,700,735.14 - 12,700,735.14
C2 Environment and social cost (@ 1.5% of Direct cost) 19,051,102.71 - 19,051,102.71
Engineering design and supervision (@2.5% of Direct
C3 cost) 31,751,837.85 4,127,738.92 35,879,576.77

C4 Administration and management (@ 2.5% of Direct cost) 31,751,837.85 - 31,751,837.85

C5 Project development (@ 3% of Direct cost) 38,102,205.42 - 38,102,205.42
C6 Insurance cost (@1%of direct cost) 12,700,735.14 1,651,095.57 14,351,830.71
Total 151,837,288.59
D Total Project Cost W/O IDC 1,505,469,246.37
E Estimated financing cost (@.5% of total cost W/O 7,527,346.23
F Estimated Interest During Construction (IDC) 142,778,192.00
G Total Project Cost with IDC and financing 1,655,774,784.60

The distribution of the cost for different components is presented in Figure 7-1.

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Figure 7-1: Distribution of the project cost

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Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

The ultimate aim of a power project is to produce power and energy at financially viable
cost. Financial analysis takes the view of the individual project participants. The financial
costs associated with project are based on normal accounting conventions. Thus, assets are
valued in terms of their engineering costs and are depreciated over their normal lives which
may be determined by law rather than technical or financial criteria.

Financial analysis is connected with the estimation of the financial implications of a proposed
development. It is based on the use of market prices and therefore includes any taxes or
royalties which will be levied on the factors of production and any subsidies, capital or
operating, which may be received as part of development. All costs are charged and all
revenues credited to the analysis in the actual amounts expended or received at the time of
expenditure. For this analysis the financial rate of return and cash flow is assessed from the
perspective of a utility owner/operator.

8.1 Decision Making Tools

Discounted cash flow method will be used for the financial analysis. Financial internal rate of
return (FIRR) is the decision making tool. Project is considered to be feasible if the internal
rate of return on the equity is acceptable to the developer. Other decision-making tools are
benefit cost ratio (B/C) and net present value (NPV), which are calculated from the net cash
flow. A discount rate of 10% is considered for the base case analysis.

Financial analysis is done for the leased period, which is 30 years. Base year for the cost and
benefit is taken as 2017.

8.2 Debt-Equity Ratio and Interest

Debt equity ratio of 70:30 is assumed as a base case with an interest rate of 10% on debt.
It is assumed that the loan will have a grace period for three years during construction and
will be paid in twelve years from operation. Interest during construction (IDC) is capitalized.
The loan and the interest will be repaid in equal installment after the commencement of the
project. Since, all the loan amount will not be disbursed in the beginning of the year, the
interest is not calculated on the whole loan amount. The interest is calculated for 20% of the
loan amount in the first year, 40% of the loan amount in second year and 40% of the loan
amount in the third year. More detailed calculations shall be done during the financial closure
of the project regarding disbursement of loan and service charges of the bank.

8.3 Operation & Maintenance (O&M), Insurance and Other Costs

Operation and maintenance (O&M) Cost including local development cost has been
calculated in capital cost estimate chapter. The O&M and insurance cost is estimated as
1.0% of construction cost and it is assumed that the cost will increased by 3% per annum

8.4 Electro-mechanical Replacement Cost

Electromechanical replacement cost is not considered for financial analysis of the project.
The electromechanical replacement cost will be managed from operation and maintenance
cost. Operation and maintenance cost is 1.25% of construction cost which is sufficient for

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Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

the replacement of electromechanical equipment if some amount of O&M cost is reserved

each year. Therefore electromechanical replacement cost will be managed by reserving some
amount from O&M cost for 25 years.

8.5 Royalties and Taxes

As royalties on installed capacity and energy are chargeable to the power plant having
capacity more than 1000 kW. The royalty on installed capacity is NRs 100/kW for first 15
years and NRs 1000/kW for remaining period. Similarly royalty on energy is 2% for first 15
years of operation and 10% for remaining period.

In addition to this, income tax is levied for the first 10 years of operation, 10% from 11 to 15
years and 20% after 15 years of operation is considered. No custom and local taxes are
considered on other items as these will be purchased from the local market.

8.6 Annual Generation and Outage

Annual generation will be constant throughout the analysis period. Scheduled and
unscheduled outage including self-consumption and transmission loss is assumed to be 5%
of the total generation.

8.7 Financial Analysis Results

Financial analysis of the Project is carried out to assess the financial viability of the Project.
There are different modes of financing. In this study, the project is analyzed assuming that
the project will be developed through local private developer using local currency. The
developer will arrange the required finance through commercial bank and equity. The project
will be developed according to the prevailing hydropower policy of Nepal. The entire energy
will be sold to NEA through mutually agreed Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). Financial
parameters like FIRR, NPV, BC ratio and RoE are computed from the net cash flow of

The criteria and assumptions made in financial analysis are:

a. O&M and insurance cost is considered as 1% of construction cost.

b. Inflation rate 3% is applied for O&M.
c. Taxable amount is equal to gross revenue less O&M cost, royalty, interest on loan
and depreciation value.
d. Debt cover ratio is equal to gross revenue less tax, royalty, O&M cost and EM
replacement cost over interest on loan and loan repayment.
e. Royalty applicable for small hydropower project (>1 to 10 MW) is NRs 100/kW plus
2% of gross revenue for the first 15 years of operation and NRs 1000/kW plus 10%
of gross revenue after 15 years according to policy of GoN.
Input parameters for financial analysis are presented in Table 8-1.

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Table 8-1: Input Parameters

Description Value Remarks

Project cost w/o IDC NRs. 1,655,774,784
Loan equity ratio 70:30
Loan in 1st year 20 % Of Total loan
Loan in 2 year 40% Of Total loan
Annual O&M costs 1.25 % of const. cost
Debt servicing period 12 Years
Dry Energy 14.234 GWh
Wet Energy 33.047 GWh
Dry Energy Rate 8.4 Nrs/kWh
Wet Energy Rate 4.8 Nrs/kWh
3% each year for 8 years
Escalation on Energy Rate 3% from operation year

0% for first 10 years

Income tax 20% 10% for 11 to 15 years
Discount rate 10%
Interest rate on loan 10%
Installed capacity 8300 Kw
Exchange rate 105 NRs/US$
Inflation rate on O&M cost 3% Per year

Table 8-2: Results of financial analysis

Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 14.42%

BC ratio 1.41

Return on Equity (ROE) 19.68%

Net Present Value(Nrs,000,000) 547.706

Table 8-2 presents the financial indicators computed for the project. Minimal criteria of
financial feasibility are net present value (NPV) must be positive, benefit cost ratio (BC ratio)
must be greater or equal to 1 and financial internal rate of return (FIRR) must be greater or
equal to opportunity cost of capital. In this case opportunity cost of capital could be
considered as prevailing interest rate of bank. From the above criteria this project is
financially feasible. Utility or operator may want to know the rate of return on his investment
after bank financing. Hence return on equity (RoE) also presented in this financial analysis so
that operator can have idea about how much return he will get on his investment.

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Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

8.8 Sensitivity analysis

The financial return on the project is sensitive to various parameters that are assumed
during the study. To better understand the effect of each of these parameters and their
impact on the returns, a sensitivity analysis has been carried out. The sensitivity analysis
looks at varying interest rates, project cost over the construction period and variation in
revenue generation. The different parameters considered in the sensitivity analysis for both
options have been described more in detail below.

8.8.1 Interest rate

An interest rate of 10 % has been considered for the base case where as sensitivity analysis
has been carried out for interest rates of 11%.

8.8.2 Project cost variation

Sensitivity analysis has been carried out varying the project costs over the construction
period. For the present study, the project cost was increased by 10%.

8.8.3 Variation in energy generation

Sensitivity analysis has been carried out varying the energy generation. For the present
study, the dry energy generation has been decreased by 10%.

8.8.4 Results
The result of sensitivity analysis for the selected is presented in Table 8-3. The base case
has been highlighted.

Table 8-3: Sensitivity analysis results

Interest rate 10% 11%
Cost increase by 10%  Cost increase by 10% 
Base Case Cost increase by 10% and dry energy  Base Case Cost increase by 10% and dry energy 
decrease by 10% decrease by 10%
FIRR 14.42% 13.01% 12.36% 14.30% 12.89% 12.25%
B/C ratio                                   1.41                                    1.27                                   1.21                            1.28                                 1.16                                 1.10
NPV (Rs)                     547,706,068                      401,278,930                     311,439,121             376,746,446                   232,864,292                   152,071,259
RoE 19.68% 16.76% 15.47% 18.61% 15.73% 14.46%

From the financial analyses of project; financially the project looks viable as the NPV is
positive. The benefit cost ration (BCR) is more than 1.0 thus on the safer side. The
sensitivity analysis reveals that the project is still feasible for a 10% reduction of the
generated dry energy.

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Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study


9.1 Broad Program

The Project has been proposed to be constructed in a period of around three years. It has
been proposed to obtain all statutory and non-statutory

The Financial Closure shall be achieved within first 4 months. Before that various contracts
shall be awarded. The physical construction of main civil works shall be commenced from the
Oct 2018.

The various works shall be so scheduled to be able to complete the implementation of

project in a total period of 30 months. The Implementation schedule of major activities has
been presented in a Bar Chart form.

9.2 Major Components

The project comprises of the following major components;

a) Diversion weir and intake structure

b) Gravel trap, flood spillway and gravel flushing canal /pipe

c) Settling basin and silt flushing canal/pipe

d) Headrace Tunnel

e) Surge Tank

f) Penstock and Anchor Blocks/saddle support

g) Power House building

h) Electro-mechanical Equipment

i) Switch Yard

j) Tail Race Canal

k) Residential and office buildings

l) Transmission Line

9.3 Access to site

9.3.1 Access in India

A preliminary assessment of transportation facilities within India was made based on the
information collected during various on-going and completed projects. Calcutta is the
preferred port for handling cargo from overseas as there is necessary lifting crane capacity,
adequate terminal facilities, and stacking area and railway yards. The port is selected to
meet the following objective:

 To determine the most feasible rail route for import of machinery and electro-
mechanical equipment

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Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

 To establish probable transit times to railheads

 To define the most feasible land routes from the railheads to the nearest Nepal
border towns
 To define the required terminal facilities at Calcutta port for items being imported
from third countries besides India
 To establish the need of using special wagons for transporting the permanent
equipment by rail
 With regards to transportation, this route has been selected for transportation of
foreign goods from India or Overseas.
 Calcutta – Bhairahawa

9.3.2 Access in Nepal

The project can be accessed by Gorkha to Barpak road section. For the imported materials,
the bordering point at Bhairahawa will serve as the nearest rail head from where major truck
haul will be made to Butwal. From Butwal, the access will be via Butwal-Muglin-12 kilo-
Chanaute road and finally to the project site through section 35 KM from chanaute to
headworks. The total length of the road from the inland container depot at Bhairahawa to
the project site is approximately 175 kilometers.

9.4 Construction materials

9.4.1 General
All the construction material like gneiss, quartz boulders and stone are available within the
area of 15 KMs of the project area. These shall be transported to the working area by tractor
/truck. Fine aggregate (sand) & course aggregate is available in various pockets of Daraundi
Khola bed in the project area. Whereas insufficient sand needs to be manage from other
quarry also. The material will be screened and transported to the project site by tractor

9.4.2 Stone for Masonry Work

Stone Good quality stone suitable for masonry work is available in plenty nearer to the major
components of the project. These shall be transported by tractor/truck from local quarries to
the site as required.

9.4.3 Reinforcement steel and cement

Reinforcement steel and cement in bulk quantities will be transported from Butwal/Birgunj
by road transport to the project site.

9.4.4 Structural Steel for Penstock and other Hydro-mechanical Works

Steel for the fabrication of penstock, gates, stop logs, trash racks etc. shall be procured from
India and China. The fabrication work shall be carried out at project site. Or penstock pipe
can be directly purchased from India and China.

9.4.5 Other Materials

CGI sheets, industrial gas and other materials required by the project will be transported to
the site from Butwal/Birgunj by road transport.

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Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

9.5 Construction Contracts

The major components of works for project execution are headworks, settling basin,
Headrace Tunnel, Surge tank, penstock pipe, powerhouse, transmission line and substation.
For execution of all these components, contract packaging under different type of packaging
would be appropriate type with post or pre qualifications of contractors/ manufacturers. The
packages can be divided as presented in Table 9-1.

Table 9-1: Contract Packaging

Work Packages Items of Works

Various petty contracts For infrastructure works at the project level

Headworks, settling basin, crossing structure,

Civil works contracts headrace tunnel, surge tank, anchor blocks
and saddle supports, powerhouse and tailrace

Hydro mechanical contract Penstock pipes, trash racks, expansion joins

gates and valves
Electro-mechanical equipment, transmission
Electro-mechanical contract
line and switchyard
Transmission line and interconnection Transmission line and interconnection

According to the volume, the works can be procured through National or International
bidding through pre or post qualification criteria.

9.6 Land Acquisition

A total of about 40 Ropani of land area will be required for project. The required
private/Government lands have to be purchased for permanent works. The community and
government owned land will be obtained from the concerned authority for the project life.
Other land required for the construction purpose will be taken on lease.

9.7 Mobilization

It is assumed that the tender awarding will be done within Oct 2018 so that mobilization will
be started immediately and construction works will begin. Construction works will start from
the establishment of camps, workshops, construction power lines, water supply, batching
plant and preliminary works like river diversion, earthworks, etc. Thus, mobilization of
materials, accessories, machineries and manpower shall be done as per need of the works.
Excavators, wheel loaders, dumpers, batching plants, compressors, water pumps, etc. shall
be mobilized to site at the beginning stages. Mobilization will be continued throughout the
construction period and as per specific requirement of works.

9.8 Construction Power

Because of lack of connectivity to INPS grid nearby, installation of a diesel plant for power
generation is seen as the only available option for supplying power to electrically powered
equipment. Major demand of construction power is for welding of penstock pipes, tunnelling
and electrification of the construction camp. Also there are two micro hydro projects (60 kW)

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Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

in operation near project area. Necessary arrangement will be done to bring power at project

9.9 Camp Establishment

There will be separate temporary and permanent camp facilities. The guest house and other
permanent houses in the Upper Daraundi-B Hydropower Project will be used as permanent
camp for the staff of Employer.

Temporary camps will be established near the Headworks site for contractor’s staff and
labors. In addition, temporary office, workshop, equipment and material yard, store, water
supply and sanitation system, etc will be constructed. Such camp structures will be
temporary in nature and dismantled after the completion of construction works.

9.10 Construction Planning

According to the scope of works, the entire site activities have been divided into two major
components: Civil Works and Electromechanical Works. The construction sequence of Upper
Daraudi-B HP has been planned in fast track basis for construction power, so two shifts of 8
hours working with two hour overtime is allocated in general construction basis. More
working hour may be required, which may be finalized during construction phase.

9.10.1 Construction facilities

Access Road

Motorable road is not available within the project area. Further about 7.5 KM link road has to
be planned for project site accessible. For headworks and tunnel , tipper road is proposed.
So, before the start of construction, tracks should be opened for transportation of material
and construction equipment by using excavator.

It has to be noted that, there is another project of 11.3 MW capacity planned from the
Daraudi Khola . Hence, it may be possible to construct a common access road for both
projects on a cost sharing basis.

Preparatory works

The preparatory works include establishment of camp facilities for employer's and
contractor's staff, and transportation of construction equipment by the contractor.

Employer’s camp

Site facilities like office building and staff residence are to be accommodated in rental houses
during construction, however necessary infrastructure needed for operation phase in
headworks and powerhouse site are to be constructed during the construction of
hydropower project component for which necessary provisions are allocated accordingly.

Contractor's camp

The camp will include residence for its staff, workshops/mechanical yards, laboratories,
construction materials, and equipment storage and maintenance areas.

Altogether 6 weeks are allocated for all preparatory work.

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Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

9.11 Construction of Civil Components

Major Civil Components of the Project are:

 Headworks structure consists of diversion weir, undersluice, intake, approach canal,

spillway, and settling basin
 Water conveyance structures consists of headrace tunnel
 Surge tank
 Anchor blocks and saddle supports for Penstock pipe
 Powerhouse, tailrace and Switchyard

9.11.1 Headworks
River Diversion Work

The construction works at the headworks start with construction of coffer dams and
diversion canal. Due to the nature of the river, river diversion will be done at the left bank of
the river.

The cofferdam height will be such that the average annual flood shall not overtop it. It will
comprise of GI sheets as center core for control of seepage, and gabion boxes at the outer
surface exposed to the river flow for protection against scouring. This cofferdam will prevent
water flow in the normal water course so that construction works in the weir and intake area
can be done. A downstream cofferdam, if required, will also be constructed so that back flow
of the river will not affect the work area. This downstream coffer dam will be similar in size
as of the upstream coffer dam.

Under sluice and Intake

River diversion will be done as explained above before the construction of the bed load
hopper, divide wall, under sluice and intake and orifice. Hard stone lining works will be done
before flow is passed through the under sluice.

Gravel Trap, Approach Canal

Construction of these structures will be started after the completion of foundation of intake
headwall. The gravel trap works will start from the bed slab connected with the intake. The
side slopes of the excavation will be stabilized during construction and with provision of
berms. Flushing conduit will be completed after or in parallel with the gravel trap
construction. Approach Canal will be constructed in parallel with the gravel trap works.

Diversion Weir

Weir construction will be commenced after substantial completion of the under sluice. Any
seepage water in the river will be diverted through the under sluice. The diversion weir
construction requires excavation in the river bed. Thus, sufficient dewatering arrangement
will be made to make the working area free of impounding. The weir construction starts
from construction of the cutoff walls. Downstream concrete floor will also be constructed in
monolithic with the main concrete weir or providing dowels with contraction joints. Clay,
filter layer and boulder riprap will be done after the completion of weir structures.

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Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

Settling Basin and Head Pond

Excavation works will be completed at required reach and in parallel with the concrete works
but fairly before. There will be separate crew for handing the construction of these works. It
will be started from the parallel sections. It will be divided into panels having expansion
joints. The transition section and the gate structures will be completed at the later stage of
the works. The bottom portion of flushing conduit works will be completed before
commencement of works of head pond. The head pond and spillway works will be completed
in parallel.

Flood walls and river training works

After the completion of construction work for the diversion weir, stilling basin boulder rip-rap
work will be carried out from end to the downstream. Flood wall of necessary height has
been provisioned at the upstream left bank to prevent flood effects. Bottom of the flood
walls will be protected with boulder riprap. In left bank flood wall won’t be required because
of presence of rock surface. Flood walls will also be constructed at the right bank all the way
till settling basin parallel to the main construction works.

9.11.2 Headrace Tunnel

For the construction of headrace tunnel, only two faces from inlet and outlet is available.

The tunnel excavation method will be conventional drilling and blasting or any other
modified method. To meet the construction schedule it is necessary to execute the
excavation work from both the work faces at the same time.

Shotcrete lining will be carried out simultaneously with the tunnel excavation and primary
support erection. In shear zone or fault zones, steel rib support will be provided immediately
after full face drill and blast or heading and benching. Total construction time for the
completion of headrace tunnel has been estimated as 30 months.

9.11.3 Surge Shaft

The surge shaft excavation will be carried out upon completion of excavation of 20% of the
tunnel length from the outlet. A pilot hole will be excavated from the top of the surge shaft
location which will be gradually widened to reach the necessary surge shaft diameter.

9.11.4 Powerhouse, tailrace and switch yard

The work at powerhouse, tailrace canal and switch yards will be relatively simple and but will
be critical activity if the detail design of the electro-mechanical work is not available in time.
Hence, after the financial closure of the project the contract for the electro-mechanical works
should be awarded so that needed design for powerhouse sizing and foundation work is
available in time and sufficient time is available for design and manufacture of electro-
mechanical parts.

The powerhouse works will commence from the excavation work and will progress from the
foundation concrete, followed by structural concrete and the building works. Finally, the
installation of electro-mechanical works and final finishing work will be carried out. In
parallel, the work at tailrace canal, switch yard and protection will be carried out.

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Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

9.11.5 Hydro-mechanical Works

The penstock pipe procurement, manufacture and transport will be done independent of
other activities and installation will be done in parallel with anchor blocks and support pier
works. The hydro-mechanical embedding work such as, frames for gates, stop logs, draft
tubes etc. should follow the respective civil works at headworks and powerhouse. As per the
need hydro-mechanical installations will be carried out in parallel and after the construction
of the civil works. Therefore, well planning and coordination will be made between the civil
and hydro-mechanical contractor.

9.11.6 Electro-mechanical Works

The contract for electro-mechanical works for the design, fabrication, supply, installation and
testing will be awarded immediately after the financial closure of the project. It is estimated
that the fabrication and transportation, machinery installation and testing work of the
electro-mechanical equipment to the site will be completed within 18 months from the date
of contractual agreement. Therefore, acceleration work on the civil construction works will
be necessary.

9.11.7 Transmission Line Works

Total 15 months have been scheduled for the contract award and installation of 30 km long
132 KV transmission line from Markichowk, Tanahun to the switchyard of the Upper
Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project.

In addition to this, there is another project of 11.3 MW capacity planned from the Daraudi
Khola. Hence, it may be possible to construct a common transmission line to the proposed
substation to evacuate power from both projects on a cost sharing basis.

Thus the total construction period of the project will be 30 months. About 0.5 month is
allocated for trial and commissioning of the project. Hence it is assumed that commercial
operation data (COD) will be 31st April 2021.

9.12 Implementation Schedule Bar Chart

The construction program in the form of Bar Chart is enclosed.

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Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study


10.1 Conclusion

This feasibility study of Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project concludes the following:

 Location of headwork site, powerhouse site and alignment of water conveyance

system is favorable from topographical as well as geological point of view.
 The design discharge of the project is 4.7m3/s which corresponds to the 40 percentile
exceedance flow.
 The design flood is considered with the return period of 100 years and corresponds to
the value of 360m3/s and 428m3/s at the headworks and powerhouse locations
 The project is a cascade project to Upper Daraundi C Hydropower Project and hence
receives most of the design discharge from the upper project. From the Upper
Daraundi C Hydropower Project, this project receives 3.2m3/s and the remaining
1.5m3/s discharge is diverted by constructing a small diversion structures with intake
and settling basin.
 A design discharge of 4.7m3/s is conveyed through headrace tunnel and penstock
pipe of 2873 m to two units of Horizontal axis Pelton turbines and synchronous
generators for electricity generation.
 A single bay settling basin is proposed to settle particles greater than 0.2mm with
90% efficiency.
 The intake and settling basin will be founded on thick alluvial deposits and bed rock
of the right bank of Daraundi Khola.
 Proposed tunnel alignment encounters different lithology as passes through mostly
phyllite, shales and quartzite. Proposed powerhouse and tailrace lies on colluviul
alluvium deposit.
 No major geological hazards observed in and around the project area except few
small scaled slides.
 The project will have an installed capacity of 8.3 MW to produce on an average year
47.282 GWh of energy, of which 14.234 GWh is dry energy and 33.047 GWh is wet
energy at a rated head of 212.07m.
 The electricity generated from the project will be evacuated to INPS at Sub-station at
Markichowk, Tanahun through a 30 km long 132 kV transmission line. The cost of the
transmission line is proposed to be shared with other hydropower projects in the
 The project will require 36 months to construct at a costs NRs 1656 million (including
IDC) at 2073/2074 price level.
 The project will have a benefit/cost ratio of 1.41; and will yield a rate of return of
14.42% at 10 % interest rate, reflecting a financially attractive project.
 Financially the project is viable producing a 19.68% return on equity for 30:70 equity
financing, 10% commercial interest rate and considering financial expenditures like
royalties, insurance premiums and taxes etc. if energy is sold at a present price of
NRs 8.4 and 4.8 per kWh for dry and wet energy respectively.
 The main challenge is the construction of the roads to the project component

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Upper Daraundi-B Small Hydropower Project Feasibility Study

10.2 Recommendation

The flow measurement and gauge reading of the river shall be continued for better flow
estimation and confirmation of the low flows.

Geophysical investigations of ERT and SRT are recommended at the important location of
the project components for the detailed engineering design. Similarly, geotechnical
investigation of core drilling is recommended at two locations along the headrace tunnel
alignment; one at surge shaft location and one at the Heau Khola crossing.

Similarly, the local material especially sand is not sufficiently available in the vicinity of the
project. Hence, the outsourcing of the sand is a must for timely construction.

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