Review Article: Probabilistic Evaluation of Service Life For Reinforced Concrete Structures

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Chinese Journal of Engineering

Volume 2014, Article ID 648438, 8 pages

Review Article
Probabilistic Evaluation of Service Life for
Reinforced Concrete Structures

Sanjeev Kumar Verma,1 Sudhir Singh Bhadauria,2 and Saleem Akhtar1

Civil Engineering Department, University Institute of Technology, Rajiv Gandhi Technological University,
Airport Road Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh 462036, India
S.G.S. Institute of Technology and Science, Indore, Madhya Pradesh 452003, India

Correspondence should be addressed to Sanjeev Kumar Verma; [email protected]

Received 13 December 2013; Accepted 8 January 2014; Published 18 February 2014

Academic Editors: I. Smith and X. Zhou

Copyright © 2014 Sanjeev Kumar Verma et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

Degradation of performance and deterioration of different components of reinforced concrete (RC) structures increase with the
age of structure. This deterioration of reinforced component depends on several parameters. However, modeling service life of RC
structure by considering all the parameters is a difficult job, as most of the parameters are uncertain in nature. Probabilistic models
account well for the uncertainties in the parameters responsible for deterioration of RC structures. This paper presents a review of
several recent service life models developed using probability based concepts.

1. Introduction researchers for evaluating the probability of failure and

estimating the residual life of RC structures.
Performance and service life of a RC structure are gov-
erned by several parameters such as strength, quality of
concrete, concrete cover, age, and most significantly by 2. Service Life
exposure conditions. According to Li et al. [1] behavior
or performance of concrete structures depends on various Service life of a RC structure can be defined as time period
physical and chemical related phenomena but it is hard to during which structure will fulfill the required performance
combine various analytical models in order to simulate real under defined repair and maintenance. Zhang and Ba [3]
degradation process. Hence, because of random nature of defined service life as the life before critical chloride con-
the parameters governing the performance of RC structures, centration led to reinforcement corrosion. According to
probabilistic approach is better to develop reliable service Chai et al. [4] period from initial use to depassivation can
life prediction model. Probabilistic models calibrated with be considered as service life. Vorechovska et al. [5] consid-
monitored field data can provide more reliable models to ered depassivation of reinforcement due to carbonation or
predict the probabilities of corrosion. This category includes chlorination as the end of service life. Parameswaran et al.
models based on probability or statistical concepts such as [6] considered the time during which the performance of a
probability function, reliability based models, Monte Carlo concrete structure will be kept at a compatible level to fulfill
simulation, Markov chain methods, and fuzzy logic. In the performance as service life, provided that it is properly
probablistic analysis three steps can be distinguished: (a) maintained. Rostam [7] defined service life as the number of
definition of failure modes (limit states) and corresponding years during which the structure shall perform satisfactorily
models, (b) quantification of the statistics of the random without unforeseen high costs for maintenance. Martin-
variables, and (c) calculation of the desired results as, for Perez and Lounis [8] defined service life as the time until
instance, failure probabilities [2]. Present paper reviewed damage accumulation reaches an unacceptable or limit state.
several probability based service life models developed by According to Abu-Tair et al. [9] end of service life is reached
2 Chinese Journal of Engineering

Ingress of harmful agents starts at this stage Therefore probability of failure Pf can be defined as

Pf = 𝑃 {𝐶 < 𝐿} . (2)
Design and
Construction Occupied/in use
planning 3. Several Probabilistic Performance Models
Harmful agents attain threshold limit Probabilistic models account well for the uncertainties in the
parameters responsible for deterioration of RC structures.
No sign of
Hence, several researchers applied probability concepts for
Propagation of Initiation of
deterioration deterioration deterioration developing performance models. Orcesi and Frangopol [11]
implemented a model using the lifetime functions to evaluate
Ingress continue
a probability of survival of bridge components. The pos-
sible outcomes assossiated with nondestructive inspections
(NDIs) are incorporated in an event tree model. Use of
Increase in life time function for each component of the structural
Crack formation Failure
deterioration rate system enables to express the probability that the component
survives and also provided a practical methodology for
Increase in ingress rate determining optimal NDIs for different components of steel
bridges. The expression of the survival function (𝑆) is shown
Figure 1: Different levels of service life. in the following equation:

𝑆 (𝑡) = 1 − 𝐹 (𝑡) = 𝑃 (𝑇 > 𝑡) = ∫ 𝑓 (𝑢) 𝑑𝑢, (3)
when either failure occurs or major repair is necessary to
keep the structure in service. Teply [10] described service life where 𝑆 is the lifetime function that represents the probability
as the period of time after installation during which all the that structure will not fail before time 𝑡. 𝐹 is the represents the
conditions of the structure meet or exceed the performance. probability that the structure fails before time 𝑡. 𝑇 is the time
Different levels in service life of a RC structure are presented to failure. 𝑓 is the probability density function. Cusson et al.
in Figure 1; these levels are design, construction, in use, [12] presented the development of probablistic mechanistic
period without any deterioration, initiation of deterioration, modeling approach supported by durability monitoring to
propagation of deterioration, formation of cracks, rapid obtain improved predictions of service life of concrete bridge
deterioration, and finally failure of structure. decks exposed to chlorides. Factors influencing the service
According to Figure 1, after design and construction life are (i) surface chloride content 𝐶s , (ii) chloride diffusion
when structure is in use before the initiation of deterioration, coefficient 𝐷, (iii) threshold chloride content 𝐶th , (iv) corro-
there is a phase with no sign of deterioration. Ingress of sion rate and deterioration rate.
harmful agents will get initiated during the construction level Agarwal et al. [13] described an approach based on
and continuous during no deterioration level. When ingress Weibull distribution to calculate the deterioration rates of
of theses harmful agents reaches the threshold limit then it typical bridge elements using historical bridge inspection
initiates deterioration of RC structures; this deterioration fur- data and compare the results with those, using the tradition-
ther propagates and reduces the performance of RC structure. ally used Markov chains approach. This approach has been
Deterioration propagates and finally results in formation of incorporated into a computer program that generates the
cracks; these cracks allow more ingress of harmful agents and deterioration curves for bridge elements, based on historical
further increases the deterioration at a faster rate. Finally this bridge inspection data and described a 7-scale condition
increase in deterioration rate reduces the performance and rating used to calculate the deterioration rates for each bridge
finally causes the failure of structure. element. Bridge condition rating scale ranges from 7 to 1,
For modeling the performance of RC structures several 7 being new and 1 being failed condition. Mitra et al. [14]
parameters such as environmental effects, degradation mech- developed method for obtaining condition index of corrosion
anisms, durability parameters, and properties of ingredients distressed RC building using concepts of fuzzy logic and
are required to be considered. Defining the failure of structure integrates visual inspection with in situ investigations for
is most important for modeling the service life. Failure of a carbonation and chloride content. Visual assessment is a
concrete structure can be simply explained on the basis of two stage process: (i) visual survey has been conducted to
load “𝐿” and capacity “𝐶.” 𝐿 and 𝐶 are any destructive effect gain information about physical and chemical state and
and resistive capacity. If 𝐿 is the environmental effect, 𝐶 is by recording visible signs of deterioration such as cracks,
the capacity to resist the environmental effects. Hence if 𝐿 rust stains, and spalling colour; (ii) condition has been
is greater than 𝐶, this condition will represent the failure of assessed by an expect based on the information obtained in
structure “𝐹”: first stage. Vorechovska et al. [5] presented the service life
assessment utilizing durability limit states specialized for con-
crete structures. Both initiation and propagation periods of
{𝐹} = {𝐶 < 𝐿} . (1) reinforcement corrosion are considered and a comprehensive
Chinese Journal of Engineering 3

choice of limit states is provided. The approach is based on the effect of corrosion of reinforcing steel on flexural and
degradation modelling and probablistic assessment. shear strength and on the reliability of reinforced con-
Strauss et al. [15] introduced a reliability assessment of RC crete beams. Probability of failure has been evaluated using
structures and demonstrated real existing bridge structures. Monte Carlo simulation. Uncertainties in material properties,
Reliability index of the structure decreases during its life geometry, loads, and corrosion modeling are taken into
cycle due to material degradation. This procedure is mod- account. Two types of corrosion general and pitting have been
eled by advanced life cycle computer simulation. Analytical considered and more emphasis has been on pitting corrosion.
deterioration models combined with in situ monitoring are Results show that pitting corrosion has a significant influence
used to launch the degradation process. Main feature of the on the reliability of RC beams. Anoop and Balaji Rao [21]
presented approach is the nonlinear finite element analysis of demonstrated that the use of data from field inspections
the structure. Marano et al. [16] developed a probability based for performance evaluation and remaining life assessment of
methodology to use the traditional theories for reliability corrosion affected RC bridge girders using the concept of
assessment and proposed an efficient approach for time- additive fuzzy logic; remaining life of the member can be
dependent reliability analysis regarding RC beams subjected assessed by determining the time taken for a given perfor-
to pitting corrosion. Steel bars pitting corrosion has been mance measure to deteriorate to a target value. Corrosion
an electrochemical process that could seriously degrade the initiation time is determined using Fick’s 2nd law of diffusion.
RC structures. Consequences of pitting corrosion process on Uncertainties in the values of the parameters characterizing
structural safety are more serious than due to general corro- the environment and variables affecting the time to corrosion
sion. Tesfamariam and Martı́n-Pérez [17] proposed a proba- initiation and corrosion propagation are taken into account
blistic based model for carbonation induced corrosion based by treating them as fuzzy variables. Usefulness of proposed
on Bayesian belief network (BBN); this proposed model methodology has been illustrated through a case study, by
is compared with more traditional probablistic technique, comparing the time to reach different damage levels for a
Monte Carlo simulation. This BBN model estimates car- severely distressed beam. Shao and Li [22] formulated an asset
bonation depth and consequently determines the probability management strategy based on risk cost optimization for
of onset of corrosion. Commonly available information of infrastructure during its whole service life. Time-dependent
environmental exposure condition, mix design information, reliability method is used to determine the probability of
and in situ nondestructive testing measurements have been attaining each phase of the service life. An algorithm is
integrated to determine the potential for carbonation indused developed for above formulation and programmed in a user-
corrosion. For carbonation induced corrosion, service life is friendly manner. To maintain the safety and serviceability of
the time for the carbonation front to reach the reinforcing a structure during its service life, intermediate maintenance
steel depth. Relation between carbonation depth and expo- for the structure has been necessary. Li and Vrouwenvelder
sure time is given in the following equation: [2] showed the service life prediction procedure including
advanced spatial variability approach, which implements the
𝑥 = 𝑘𝑡(1/𝑚) , (4) random spatial variation of property differences across the
structure. Most parameters involved in deterioration of RC
where 𝑥 is carbonation depth, 𝑘 is carbonation constant, 𝑡 is structures subjected to corrosion are random, so probability
time of exposure, normally 𝑚 is 2. Sobhani and Ramezan- based reliability analysis is often applied. In probablistic
inpour [18] developed an algorithm to extract the fuzzy analysis three steps can be distinguished: (a) definition of
membership functions from the available stochastic infor- failure modes (limit states) and corresponding models, (b)
mation and also proposed an integrated system to convert quantification of the statistics of the random variables, and
the probablistic information into the corresponding fuzzy (c) calculation of the desired results as, for instance, failure
sets. Under environmental conditions of high aggressiveness, probabilities. Chloride ingress is modeled using Fick’s 2nd
even concrete which has been properly prepared and placed law of diffusion.
may loose its protective properties and allow for corrosion Sasmal et al. [23] explored the possibilities of using fuzzy
of reinforcement. Corrosion of reinforcement involves some mathematics for condition assessment and rating of bridges
uncertainties: (1) random nature of corrosion process and (2) and developing a systematic procedure and formulations
linguistic terms of construction process. for rating existing bridges using fuzzy mathematics. Fuzzy
Melchers et. al [19] proposed an approach for strength logic is a means for modeling the uncertainty involved in
and performance deterioration modeling of RC structures describing an event result using natural language; it is useful
exposed to saline or marine environment, based on the- for remedying the uncertainties and imprecision. Computer
oretical concepts and probability. At present there is little programs developed from formulations presented in this
field experience and other data available, so probablistic paper have been used for evaluating the rate of existing
modeling has been proposed here. This has been based on the bridges.
evidence that the rate of diffusion of chlorides is influenced Li et al. [24] presented a performance based methodol-
by internal damage to the concrete surrounding the rein- ogy for serviceability assessment of corrosion affected con-
forcement. The proposed procedure has been applied to an crete structures. Methods of time-dependent reliability are
example beam and compared to experimental observations, employed to quantify the probability of serviceability failure.
including estimates of uncertainty in the remaining ultimate Merit of the developed methodology has been identified as
moment capacity and beam stiffness. Val [20] examined the structural response has been directly related to design
4 Chinese Journal of Engineering

criteria used by structural engineers and asset managers.

Threshold crack width
It has been found that, under the same service conditions,
corrosion-induced cracking attains a serviceability limit state
before deflection does. In the theory of structural reliability
the criterion can be expressed in the form of a limit state
function as follows:

Crack width
𝐺 (𝐿, 𝑆, 𝑡) = 𝐿 (𝑡) − 𝑆 (𝑡) , (5)

where 𝑆(𝑡) denotes the response of structure at time 𝑡, such

as stresses and deformation; and 𝐿(𝑡) denotes a critical limit
for structural response, which may change with time but in
most practical use it is a constant prescribed in the design Initiation
of crack t1 t2
codes. With the limit state function of (5), the probability of
serviceability failure, ps, can be determined by Time

ps (𝑡) = 𝑃 [𝐺 (𝐿, 𝑆, 𝑡) ≤ 0] = 𝑃 [𝑆 (𝑡) ≥ 𝐿 (𝑡)] . (6) Initiation of

Kong and Frangopol [25] simulated time-varying perfor-
mance of deteriorating materials and structures using prob- Figure 2: Crack initiation and propagation based on concept of Vu
and Stewart [26].
abilistic methods. Evaluation of the time-varying perfor-
mance of deteriorating materials and its effect on structures
measured by the reliability index profile is addressed based The resistance degradation function introduced has been
on three aspects: (1) acquisition of statistical characteristics used to calculate the probability of failure of corrosion-
of input random variables from imperfect samples, (2) damaged RC elements for such typical ultimate limit states
model-based simulation, and (3) evaluation of variability and as flexure, shear, and compression. In this study only the
sensitivity measures of the nondeterministic performance most essential parameters, which govern the deterioration
model. Vu and Stewart [26] developed a 2D spatial time- process associated with corrosion, have been considered.
dependent reliability model to predict the likelihood and These include concrete grade and thickness of the concrete
extent of corrosion-induced cracking. The spatial variability cover (structural parameters) and the surface chloride con-
of concrete cover, concrete compressive strength, and surface tent (environmental conditions).
chloride concentration is considered in the spatial time- Martin-Perez and Lounis [8] presented an approach for
dependent reliability model. The reliability analysis predicts service life prediction of RC structures exposed to chloride
(1) probability of the first incidence of cracking, (2) propor- environment that combines a FE modeling of the chloride
tion of an area subject to severe cracking, and (3) probability transport and a reliability-based analytical method for onset
that a given percentage of a concrete surface has cracked. The of damage and its accumulation. By using Monte Carlo
time to severe cracking has been referred to the time when simulation the probabilistic distributions of the chloride
concrete cover cracking reaches a limit crack width and has penetration front and corrosion initiation time are generated.
been estimated based on results from accelerated corrosion A stochastic deterioration process for corrosion initiation and
tests of RC slabs. The corrosion-induced cracks occurred on propagation and then crack initiation and propagation have
the concrete surface above and parallel to the rebars. The been used to examine the effect of cracking, spalling, and loss
various stages of crack growth can be represented in Figure 2, of reinforcement area on structural strength and reliability by
where time to excessive cracking can be described in two Stewart and Val [29] and also presented models for reliability
stages: (1) crack initiation (𝑡1), time to first cracking (hairline and life cycle cost analyses of reinforced concrete bridges
crack of 0.05 mm width), (2) crack propagation (𝑡2); time for damaged by corrosion. Monte Carlo simulation analysis is
crack to develop from first cracking to a limit crack width. then used to determine probabilistic time-dependent esti-
Akgül and Frangopol [27] presented a probablistic frame- mates of structural performance, such as resistance and relia-
work forecasting the lifetime performance of RC slabs and bility of serviceability and strength limit states, for a typical
girders of bridges. Bridges have been individually described RC slab bridge. In the present analyses it is assumed that
followed by presentation of the performance analysis results corrosion, dimensional, and material variables are homo-
including both initial reliability indices and lifetime reliability geneous over the structure so spalling damage will also be
profiles. Computer program RELNET (reliability of system initiated homogeneously over the deck area. Li [30] proposed
network) has been used to perform reliability analysis for a performance-based model of life cycles of corrosion affected
the bridges. Special emphasis has been given to chloride RC structures with the focus on the effect of propagation of
penetration in RC. Use of Fick’s 2nd law of diffusion for reinforcement corrosion on structural deterioration, corro-
modeling the chloride penetration has been explained. Val sion propagation that leads to structural deterioration which
[28] presented a reliability-based method for the evaluation is of most concern to structural engineers. Results produced
of the expected cost of failure of RC structures subject from a comprehensive experiment designed to investigate
to chloride-induced corrosion, and penetration of chloride the corrosion propagation in concrete and its effect on the
into concrete is studied by Fick’s 2nd law of diffusion. deterioration of structural strength and stiffness have been
Chinese Journal of Engineering 5

presented and analyzed. An assessment criterion has been

established to define the structural performance in terms of S(t)
strength and serviceability limit states that are consistent with
design criteria. A comparison of the experimental results on
strength deterioration as determined from destructive load
test and nondestructive measurement of corrosion current
density has also been undertaken. In addition, the proposed
model is on a probabilistic basis. A performance-based po = P(S(t) > R(t))
assessment criterion needs to be established: Δtt···d

𝑃 [𝑅 (𝑡) ≥ Ra} ≥ pa, (7) P = 0.5

where 𝑃 is probability of an event and 𝑅(𝑡) is structural fL (t)

resistance varying with time 𝑡, that is, deterioration; Ra
is minimum acceptable resistance and pa is minimum Figure 3: Probabilistic structural service life by Teply [10].
acceptable probability of structural safety, that is, structural
reliability. Detection of the initiation of corrosion in steel bars
denotes the beginning of whole life performance assessment
for RC structures. Li [31] emphasize on the development Damage limit value
of a reliability-based method to estimate the initiation time
of reinforcement corrosion in concrete structures. Detection

of the initiation of corrosion in reinforcement marks the
beginning of whole life performance assessment for RC struc-
tures. Failure does not necessarily mean structural collapse
only, but also includes loss of serviceability, characterized by
concrete cracking, spalling, and excessive deflection. Merit
of developed models is that they are derived from data
representing concrete structures in real service conditions. Initiation period Propagation period
Liang et al. [32] adopted multiple layer fuzzy theory to Service life
evaluate the state of existing RC bridges. The damage state
of any member of an existing bridge has been systematically Figure 4: Two periods of structural service life by Teply [10].
and completely composed as an evaluation model of mul-
tiple layer fuzzy mathematics. The evaluated results may be
used for the safety index and reference index for repair or
reinforcement in existing bridges. In addition, the evaluated the failure probability is increased for both the load and
results may also be used as a design reference for service life serviceability limit states; this is illustrated in Figure 4.
in future bridge building. The evaluated bridges have been Gulikers [33] presented a model which takes into account
categorized into the grades I, II, III, IV, and V, which are the accelerating effect of macrocells on local corrosion rates
described as nondamage, light damage, moderate damage, assuming a cylindrical shape of the pitting site; results
severe damage, and unfit for service, respectively. Teply [10] are presented in terms of local penetration depth, surface
applied a probabilistic approach to predict the service life area under corrosion attack, and steel volume consumed by
of concrete structures for modeling the deterioration effects. corrosion. The improved corrosion deterioration model can
Mathematical models can be made for the performances be used to develop a probabilistic model which allows for
of a building or structure, including the process of ageing evaluation of the probability that a given reduction of the
(deteriorating). Generally two classes of problems may be reinforcement cross-section has taken place at a given time.
distinguished in this context: (i) prediction of service life for Abu-Tair et al. [34] highlighted the importance of developing
structures during the design process. This becomes a neces- service life prediction models for the risk of degradation
sity in the context of the new “performance-based design” of reinforced concrete structures so that optimal strategies
rules, which are a trend in forthcoming engineering work; (ii) for their maintenance and repair can be developed; data
assessment of existing structures, that is, estimating residual on bridge deterioration of over 400 bridges will be used to
service life. Figure 3 shows the probabilistic representation of provide predictive models based on the factor method. Vu
service life comparing influence of the load 𝑆 and a function and Stewart [35] measured service life of structures exposed
for the load bearing capacity 𝑅 (or the structural resistance to aggressive environments by the probability of cracking
function). Alternatively, the service life of reinforced concrete and spalling of concrete cover; time to corrosion/spalling
structures may be assessed by distinguishing two periods. is found experimentally from accelerated corrosion testing
First, the initiation period, during which the gradual depas- of RC slabs, emphasis to quantify the relationship between
sivation of the reinforcing bars (due to CO2 or other effects) concrete quality (𝑤/𝑐 ratio or strength), concrete cover, crack
is in progress. Second, the propagation period, during which propagation, and time. Proportion of a concrete surface likely
corrosion of the reinforcement takes place, and, consequently, to spall for any reference period can be predicted by reliability
6 Chinese Journal of Engineering

model. This is a useful criterion for predicting the service life (Ps), which is related to probability of failure (Pf) as in
of RC structures. (8):
The MCSC (Monte Carlo simulation for corrosion) com-
Ps = 1 − Pf. (8)
puter program has been used to evaluate the probability
density function of the corrosion initiation time for the steel Mori and Ellingwood [42] presented a probability based
reinforcement by Enright and Frangopol [36], for the bridge method to evaluate time-dependent reliability of components
girders with particular attention to Colorado bridges. The and systems of reinforced or prestressed concrete structures.
corrosion initiation time is distributed log normally and is These methods enable the impact of uncertainties in loading
increasing with the depth of concrete cover. A survey on condition, structural strength, and strength degradation on
degradation mechanisms is briefly presented. Damage has safety and serviceability of structures due to aggressive envi-
been reviewed for a variety of bridges based on information ronment. The role of periodic inspection and maintenance in
collected from the literature and from field studies performed enabling a target reliability level to be met over a period of
by the Department of Transportation, Colorado. The scope continued service has also been considered.
of this investigation has been limited to concrete bridges
subjected to environmental attack. Method for predicting 4. Discussion and Conclusions
strength loss has been applied to a typical bridge in Colorado.
The results can be used to identify critical elements for inspec- In most of the above models, service life of RC structures
tion and repair and to assist in the development of rational is divided in different phases. First conceptual model of
maintenance planning strategies for concrete bridges. The service life has been provided by Tuutti in 1982. Tuutti’s
strength degradation mechanisms can be classified as affect- model divides service life in two phases: first phase represents
ing either the concrete or the steel reinforcement or both. the time required by chloride ion or carbonation to initiate
Concrete deteriorates because of internal pressures, which the corrosion and second phase represents the time after
have been caused primarily by chemical reactions in the corrosion initiation until structure fails.
cement (sulfate attack), by chemical reactions between the From the above review it has been observed that Bayesian
cement and aggregate (alkali-silica reaction), or by freeze- belief network models are simple to use and required input
thaw cycle attack. data can be easily obtained from the user. Fuzzy logic
According to Naticchia [37] building behavior depends approach is the best for removing the uncertainties and
on various physical and chemical phenomena related to each imprecision in observed values. Markov chain models are
other, but it is hard to combine many numerical models in useful when very few or no inspection data is available on
order to simulate real behavior of degradation process. In severely deteriorated structures; however, it cannot account
order to find ideal strategy, a model is proposed based on for unobserved durations and regular inspections of real
“qualitative simulation approach” capable to represent the structures are required for performing time-dependent reli-
interrelated decay phenomena, so an approach is proposed ability analysis. Semi-Markov process is one of the best
based on Bayesian belief networks, assembling all phenom- ways to interpret the deterioration of structures subjected to
ena. Scheremans and Gemert [38] updated a probability harsh environments, as they consider different damage levels
based model for interpretation of test results and prediction of the structures with different service lives. Weibull-based
of the service life of RC structures. Ingress of chloride ions approach performs better in evaluating probability of failure.
into the pores of the concrete is caused by diffusion and Probabilistic models account well for the uncertainties in
evaluated using Fick’s 2nd law of diffusion. Teply et al. the parameters responsible for deterioration of RC structures.
[39] described a probabilistic approach for investigating the Therefore, because of the random nature of the parameters
reliability and predicting life time of simply supported RC governing the performance of RC structures, probabilistic
beams including deterioration in time. Only the ultimate approach is better to develop reliable service life prediction
limit state is controlled and depassivation of reinforcing model. Probabilistic models calibrated with monitored field
bars is supposed to be caused by carbonation of concrete. data can provide more reliable models to predict the proba-
Enright and Frangopol [40] combined inspection results with bilities of corrosion.
prior information using Bayesian updating and used this
approach for determining corrosion initiation time and rate
on time-variant strength. This study illustrated a method
Conflict of Interests
for computing strength degradation using a probabilistic The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
approach, updated by Bayesian’s method. regarding the publication of this paper.
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