The Nature of Science and Scientific Knowledge

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School of Education, Northern Kentucky University, Nunn Drive, Highland Heights, KY,
41099 ABSTRACT: This article describes teaching considerations related to the nature of
science and scientific knowledge in an elementary science methods course. The decisions that
were made, the rationale upon which these decisions were based, and the challenges evident
are presented. Instructional strategies used during the course for the purpose of developing
preservice teachers’ understandings of the nature of science and scientific knowledge are
described. The results of using these strategies, in regard to the impact on students’ learning
and their views on teaching the nature of science to elementary grade students are then
discussed. The article concludes with a discussion on the implications for teaching the nature
of science and scientific knowledge in the context of pre service elementary teacher education.
This article presents a summary of challenges that are evident and decisions that have been
made regarding efforts to both teach and research the teaching of the nature of science and
scientific knowledge. The sources of information upon which the views expressed are based
include the practical experiences of teaching the nature of science and scientific knowledge to
middle school students and preservice elementary education teachers, an examination of
literature over 30 years, the results of research studies conducted at various levels of education,
data collected during the evaluation of efforts to reform science education, and current national
standards for

teaching the nature of science. The context for which the information presented has
implications is the preparation of preservice elementary science teachers.
The experiences of this author when designing and teaching an elementary science methods
course has led to the following questions regarding the nature of science and scientific
1) What aspects need to be included to fully represent the multi-faceted nature of science?; 2)
What are the most effective ways of developing these understandings?; and 3) What is a
realistic expectation, in the context of this course, in regard to developing these
understandings? The challenges evident in answering these questions include a literature base
that defines the nature of science and scientific knowledge in a variety of ways and through the
use of inconsistent terminology, a research base that is largely incomplete, and a general lack
of attention to the nature of science and scientific knowledge by science education curricula at
the K- 12 and university levels. A careful examination of literature-based information which
exist, coupled with the knowledge base relating to constructivist teaching premises, however,
has resulted in successful efforts to incorporate learnings about the nature of science and
scientific knowledge in an elementary science methods course.
Meanings Associated With the Nature of Science and the Nature of Scientific Knowledge

The nature of science and nature of scientific knowledge are two dimensions of scientific
literacy sometimes used interchangeably in the literature to refer to the same understandings.
There are, however, distinctions between these two dimensions of scientific literacy which
merit discussion. The differences generally relate to the distinctions which can be made
between the terms "science" and "scientific knowledge". The definition of science presented
below, used as a working definition of science in the author’s course, helps to depict the
distinctions made between the nature of science and the nature of scientific knowledge. Aspects
of this definition which depict the nature of science attest to science as a human activity, a
process used to investigate natural phenomena, a process used to add to an existing knowledge
base, and a social enterprise. Scientific knowledge, as presented in the definition, is a product
of the human process of science and its social context.
A Working Definition of Science: Science is a human activity through which problems
and questions dealing with natural phenomena can be identified and defined, and solutions
proposed and tested. In this process, data are collected and analyzed, and available knowledge
is applied to explaining the results. Through this activity, investigators add to the store of
knowledge, thereby helping people better understand their surroundings. Applications of this
knowledge also may bring about changes in
society and the cultural order and may have a direct bearing on the quality of life (Wisconsin
Department of Public Instruction, 1986).
Definitions of the nature of scientific knowledge presented in the literature are diverse and
multi-faceted. Showalter (1974) used the terms tentative, public, replicable, probabilistic,

humanistic, historic, unique, holistic, and empirical to characterize the nature of scientific
knowledge. After conducting a review of literature on the nature of scientific knowledge,
Rubba and Anderson (1978) consolidated the nine factors identified by Showalter into a six-
factor model called A Model of the Nature of Scientific Knowledge. The six factors included
by Rubba and Anderson are defined as amoral (scientific knowledge itself cannot be judged as
morally good or bad), creative (scientific knowledge is partially a product of human creativity),
developmental (scientific knowledge is tentative), parsimonious (scientific knowledge
attempts to achieve simplicity of explanation as opposed to complexity), testable (scientific
knowledge is capable of empirical test), and unified (the specialized sciences contribute to an
interrelated network of laws, theories, and concepts).
Cotham and Smith (1981) use the terms "tentative" and "revisionary" to define the nature of
scientific theories. The tentative component of this conception emphasizes the
inconclusiveness of all knowledge claims in science. The revisionary component emphasizes
the revision of existing scientific knowledge in response to changing theoretical contexts.
While the nature of science has been used as terminology in the literature to represent the same
facets as scientific knowledge, it is usually presented in a broader context. This broader context
includes not only the nature of scientific knowledge, but the nature of the scientific enterprise
and the nature of scientists as well (Cooley & Klopfer, 1963; Kimball, 1968).
A theoretical model of the nature of science was developed by Kimball (1968) out of extensive
study of the literature on the nature and philosophy of science. The declarations forming this
model are: (1) curiosity is the fundamental driving force in science; (2) science is a dynamic,
ongoing activity; (3) science aims at comprehensiveness and simplification; (4) there are many
methods of science; (5) the methods of science are characterized by attributes which are more
in the realm of values than techniques; (6) a basic characteristic of science is a faith in the
susceptibility of they physical universe to human ordering and understanding; (7) science has
a unique attribute of openness; and (8) tentativeness and uncertainty mark all of science. This
model is consistent in its agreement with views expressed by Conant (1961) and Bronowski
(1953), and additional support for each assertion is found among the writings of other
philosophers of science.

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