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International Journal of
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Improving science teachers'

conceptions of nature of
science: a critical review of
the literature

Fouad Abd-El-Khalick & Norman G. Lederman

Science and Mathematics Education Center,

American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon

Department of Science and Mathematics

Education, Oregon State University
Published online: 16 Jul 2010.

To cite this article: Fouad Abd-El-Khalick & Norman G. Lederman (2000)

Improving science teachers' conceptions of nature of science: a critical review
of the literature, International Journal of Science Education, 22:7, 665-701, DOI:
To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09500690050044044


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2000, VOL. 22,


7, 665- 701


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Improving science teachers conceptions of nature of

science: a critical review of the literature

Fouad Abd-El-Khalick, Science and Mathematics Education Center,

American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, and Norman G. Lederman,
Department of Science and Mathematics Education, Oregon State University,
USA; e-mail: [email protected]
This paper aimed to review, and assess the effectiveness of the attempts undertaken to improve
prospective and practising science teachers conceptions of nature of science (NOS). The reviewed
attempts could be categorized into two general approches: implicit and explicit. Implicit attempts utilized science process-skills instruction or engagement in science-based inquiry activities to improve
science teachers conceptions of NOS. To achieve the same goal, explicit attempts used instruction
geared towards various aspects of NOS and/or instruction that utilized elements from history and
philosophy of science. To the extent that teachers NOS conceptions were faithfully assessed by the
instruments used in the reviewed studies, the explicit approach was relatively more effective in enhancing teachers views. The relative ineffectiveness of the implicit approach could be attributed to two
inherent assumptions. The first is that developing an understanding of NOS is an affective, as compared to a cognitive, learning outcome. The second ensuing assumption is that learners would necessarily develop understandings of NOS as a by-product of engaging in science-realated activities.
However, despite the relative effectiveness of the explicit approach, much is still required in terms
of fostering among science teachers desired understandings of NOS. The paper emphasizes that
explicitness and reflectivness should be given prominence in any future attempts aimed at improving
teachers concepts of NOS.

The preparation of scientifically literate students is a perennial goal of science
education (American Association for the Advancement of Science [AAAS] 1990,
1993, Millar and Osborne 1998). Furthermore, an adequate understanding of
nature of science (NOS) is a central component of scientific literacy (AAAS
1990, 1993, Klopfer 1969, National Science Teachers Association [NSTA]
1982). Indeed, the objective of helping students develop adequate understandings
of NOS is one of the most commonly stated objectives for science education
(Kimball 1967- 68: 110). This objective has been agreed upon by most scientists
and science educators for the past 85 years, and has recently been reemphasized in
the major reform efforts in science education (AAAS 1990, 1993, Millar and
Osborne 1998, National Research Council [NRC] 1996).
The phrase nature of science typically refers to the epistemology of science,
International Journal of Science Education ISSN 0950- 0693 print/ISSN 1464-5289 online # 2000 Taylor & Francis Ltd

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science as a way of knowing, or the values and beliefs inherent to the development
of scientific knowledge (Lederman 1992). Beyond these general characterizations,
no consensus presently exists among philosophers of science, historians of science,
scientists, and science educators on a specific definition for NOS. The use of the
phrase NOS throughout this paper instead of the more stylistically appropriate
the NOS, is intended to reflecct the authors lack of belief in the existence of a
singular NOS or general agreement on what the phrase specifically means. This
lack of agreement, however, should not be disconcerting or suprising given the
multifaceted, complex, and dynamic nature of the scientific endeavour.
Conceptions of NOS have changed with developments in various scientific
disciplines. A case in point is the leap from a classical deterministic approach
in physics to a quantum indeterministic conceptualization of the dicipline.
Concomitantly, conceptualizations of NOS have changed with developments in
history, philosophy, and sociology of science: disciplines that systematically investigate the scientific endeavour. These developments have, in turn, resulted in
changing the ways in which science educators and science education organizations
have defined the phrase NOS since the turn of the century.
Changes in philosophy, sociology, and history of science
Changes in conceptions of NOS have mirrored major shifts in focus and emphasis
in the fields of philosophy, sociology, and history of science. An attempt to delineate these changes or trace their development is necessarily beyond the scope of
the present paper. However, work in the philosophy and sociology of science in the
twentieth century can be generally divided into two periods separated by Kuhns
(1962) Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Giere 1998). Pre-Kuhnian philosophy of
science was dominated by the work of logical empiricists who erected the distinction between the context of discovery and context of justification and focused
their efforts on the latter (Giere 1988). Philosophers in this tradition (e.g. Carnap
1937, Popper 1959, Reichenbach 1938, Russell 1914) were interested in developing
a normative logical account to justify scientific claims rather than a descriptive
account of how science actually works. As such, they attempted to outline the
logical and epistemological foundations of science to the exclusion of psychological
and sociological foundations that they considered external to science. The reciprocity of this philosophical orientation with history of science was evident in an
internalist approach that dominated history of science in the first half of the
twentieth century (Kuhn 1977). This historiographic tradition emphasized the
history of scientific ideas with undue regard to the contexts within which such
ideas were developed.
The first half of the twentieth century also witnessed the emergence of the
sociology of science as a field with the pioneering work of Robert Merton. He (e.g.
Merton 1949), nonetheless, was interested in providing an account of the social
structure of science rather than a social account of scientific knowledge.
Kuhns (1962) paradigmatic and revolution approach marked a shift among
philosophers (and historians) of science from emphasizing the context of justification to delving into the context of discovery. A variety of factors that were considered by empiricists to be irrational or external to science were brought into
the mix. No longer were philosophers of science accused of committing what the
logical empiricists labelled the sin of psychologism, or conflating logic with psy-

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chology (Popper 1959), when they invoked sociological, psychological, or cultural

elements in their attempts to provide accounts of the scientific endeavour. Kuhns
paradigmatic approach generated much controversy within philosophical circles.
On the one hand, it was adopted and extended in a programmes and traditions
approach to the philosophy of science (e.g. Lakatos 1980, Laudan 1977). On the
other hand, Kuhn was criticized (see, for example, Popper 1970, Popper 1994) for
introducing all sorts of relativisms (see, for example, Rorty 1991) and irrationalities (see, for example, Feyerabend 1988) into accounts of the development of
scientific knowledge. Indeed, dissatisfaction with the Kuhnian account is apparent
in work that extends the legacy of logical empiricism (Giere 1988). Examples
include the relatively recent work by van Fraassen in constructive empiricism
(e.g. van Fraassen 1985).
Post-Kuhnain philosophy of science also witnessed the emergence of science
studies (e.g. Collins 1985, Pinch 1986) and the Strong Program in the sociology
of scientific knowledge (especially Barnes 1974, Bloor 1976) that was inspired by
genaral work in the sociology of knowledge (e.g. Habermas 1972). These efforts
attempted to produce genuine sociological accounts of the production of scientific
knowledge (e.g. Longino 1990). Moreover, it might be safe to say that the hallmark
of post-Kuhnian philosophy of science was a preoccupation with reconciling
accounts of science with actual scientific practice. The orientation was accentuated by - and in turn legitimized - a plethora of descriptive accounts of science such
as labratory studies (e.g. Latour 1986, Latour and Woolgar 1986) and sociological
analysis of scientists discourse (e.g. Mulkay 1979, 1981). All these developments
were reciprocally related to the general adoption of an externalist approach to
history of science (Kuhn 1977) that attempted to situate scientific issues, claims
and practices within their larger social and cultural contexts (e.g. Shapin 1996).
Changes in science education organizations conceptions of NOS
Changes in conceptualizing NOS within philosophical, sociological and historical
circles are reflected in the ways the sceince education community has defined the
phrase NOS during the past 100 years. Without making any claims as to the
exhaustiveness of the following summary, it could be noted that during the early
1900s, understanding NOS was equivalent to understanding The Scientific
Method (Central Assocition for Science and Mathematics Teachers, 1907). The
1960s witnessed an emphasis on enquiry and science process skills (e.g. observing,
hypothesizing, inferring, interpreting data, and designing experiments). By the
1970s a shift in defining NOS was apparent. The Center of Unified Science
Education at Ohio State University (1974) characterized scientific knowledge as
being tentative (subject to change), public (shared), replicable, probabilistic (predictions based on scientific knowledge are never absolute), humanistic (reflects
human attempts to impose order on nature), historic (past knowledge should be
judged in its historical contexts and should not be compared to comtemporary
conceptions), unique (has its own set of rules and values), holistic (internally
consistent), and empirical (based on and/or derived from observations of the natural world).
By the 1980s, psychological factors, such as the theory-laden nature of observation and the role of human creativity in developing scientific explanations, as
well as sociological factors, such as the social structure of scientific organizations

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and the role of social discourse in validating scientific claims, started to appear in
definitions of NOS. The NSTA (1982) advanced that an adequate understanding
of NOS entails an understanding of the empirical and tentative nature of scientific
knowledge, and an appreciation of the central role of theory and inquiry in science.
More recently, the California Department of Education (1990) emphasized that
although science depends on evidence, scientific activtities are theory-driven and
scientists conduct their investigations from within certain frameworks of reference.
Science for All Americans (AAAS 1990) outlined three basic components that
underlie an adequate understanding of NOS. The first is viewing the world as
understandable, and yet understanding that science cannot provide answers to all
questions. The second component relates to the nature of scientific inquiry. It
entails understanding that although inquiry in science relies on logic and is empirically based, it nevertheless involves imagination and the invention of explanations.
The third component emphasizes an understanding of the social and political
aspects of science. Most recently, the National Science Education Standards
(NRC,1996) have emphasized the historical, tentative, empirical, logical, and
well-substantiated nature of scientific claims. Also emphasized were the values
of scepticism and open communication, as well as the interaction between personal, societal and cultural beliefs in the generation of scientific knowledge.
Thus, a review of the research literature on NOS needs to be undertaken and
read from the standpoint that, much like scientific knowledge, conceptions of
NOS are necessarily tentative and historical. In other words, one should realize
that conceptions of NOS currently adopted by science educators and science education organizations are not inherently better than, for instance, those emphasized during the 1960s. It is only with the advantage of hindsight that such
normative comparisons could be made. Each of the aforementioned sets of NOS
conceptions should be viewed from within the context of the systematic thinking
about scientific knowledge and practice that predominated the period in which that
set was adopted. The present review, as such, avoids adopting an evaluative stance
towards conceptions of NOS espoused in the reviewed research efforts. Rather, an
evaluative stance is embraced when examining the approaches that researchers
undertook to convey to learners desired conceptions of NOS and to assess
those conceptions.
Research on NOS
Nos has been the subject of intensive research during the past 50 years. Lederman
(1992) presented a comprehensive review of this research. He noted that research
related to NOS was conducted along four related, but distinct, lines. These lines
(a) Assessment of student conceptions of the nature of science; (b) development, use,
and assessment of curricula designed to improve student conceptions of the nature of
science; (c) assessment of, and attempts to improve, teachers conceptions of the
nature of science; and (d) identifications of the relationship among teachers conceptions, classroom practice, and students conceptions.
(Lederman 1992: 332)

Given the interest in helping students develop adequate understandings of NOS, it

was only natural that investigators, within the first line of research, started by
assessing students conceptions of the scientific enterprise. Results were consistent

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regardless of the assessment instruments used in individual studies. Research has

shown that students typically have not acquired valid understandings of NOS (e.g.
Aikenhead 1973, Broadhurst 1970, Lederman and OMally 1990, Mackay 1971,
Rubba 1977, Rubba et al. 1981, Tamir and Zohar 1991, Wilson 1954). Students
naive conceptions of NOS were attributed to a lack of knowledge of this aspect of
science, even among the most capable students and those most interested in
science. Researchers thus reasoned that curricula were not successful in imparting
such knowledge, and this initiated the second line of research.
Reasearch efforts to design, implement, and test curricula aimed at conveying
accurate conceptions of NOS began. Several units, courses, and curricula geared
towards this end were shown to significantly increase students scores on post-tests
that assessed their conceptions of NOS. These curricula utiltized history and
philosophy of science and/or instruction that emphasized NOS to foster adequate
conceptions among students. Such efforts, however, denied the importance of the
teacher as a variable. Researchers concluded that students gains were independent
of the teachers understandings of NOS. The assumption was that when given the
curricula, the appropriate materials, and when shown how to use them, teachers
would be successful in helping students develop conceptual understandings of
NOS (Lederman 1992).
Later studies, however, came to the cast doubt on such results and conclusions. When variables such as pre-testing, teacher experience, and student prior
knowledge were controlled for, confusing results emerged. The developed units
and curricula seemed to give different results with different teachers. Researchers
started to realize the role of teachers as the main intermediaries of the science
curriculum (Brown and Clarke 1960). More studies came to support the claim
that teachers understandings, interests, attitudes, and classroom activities influence student learning to a large extent (Merill and Butts 1969; Ramsey and Howe
1969). This turned the attention towards teachers conceptions of NOS and
initiated the third line of research.
Studies were consistent in showing that teachers possessed inadequate conceptions of NOS (e.g. Abd-El-Khalick and BouJaoude 1997, Behnke 1950, Carey
and Stauss 1970, Pomeroy 1993). A significant proprotion of teachers, for example, believed that scientific knowledge is not tentative. Other teachers still
held a positivistic, idealistic view of science (Lederman 1992). As such, science
educators, within the third line of research, focused their efforts on improving
science teachers conceptions of NOS. These efforts are the focus of the present
Lederman (1992) noted that research concerned with improving teachers
conceptions of NOS was guided by the assumption that teachers conceptions
directly transfer into their classroom practices. In other words, it was assumed
that improving teachers NOS views is sufficient for promoting effective NOS
instructions in the classroom. The crucial role and possible influences of other
contextual variables that typify the complex and multifaceted nature of teaching in
the classroom (e.g. institutional and curriculum constraints, and teacher intentions
and experiences), were disregarded. This assumption, however, was not explicitly
tested. As such, Lederman continued, researches within the fourth line of research
related to NOS attempted to elucidate the relationship between teachers conceptions of NOS and their classroom practices. Exploring this latter line of research
before turning to examine the attempts undertaken to improve teachers concep-



tions of NOS is crucial for the purpose of the present paper. As will become
evident below, this exploration has important implications for, and raises important questions regarding the fruitfulness of the present review.

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The realtionship between teachers conceptions of NOS and classroom

practice: necessary and sufficient conditions
The fourth line of research related to NOS has indicated that the relationship
between teachers conceptions of NOS and their classroom practice was more
complex than originally assumed. Several variables have been shown to mediate
and constrain the translation of teachers NOS conceptions into practice. These
variables include pressure to cover content (Abd-El-Khalick et al. 1988, Duschl
and Wright 1989, Hodson 1993), classroom management and organizational principles (Hodson 1993, Lantz and Kass 1987, Lederman 1995), concerns for student
abilities and motivation (Abd-El-Khalick et al. 1998, Brickhouse and Bodner 1992,
Duschl and Wright 1989, Lederman 1999), institutional constraints (Brickhouse
and Bodner, 1992), teaching experience (Brickhouse and Bodner, 1992, Lederman,
1999), discomfort with understandings of NOS, and the lack of resources and
experiences for assessing understandings of NOS (Abd-El-Khalick et al. 1998).
It is safe to assume that teachers cannot possibly teach what they do not
understand (Ball and McDiarmid 1990, Shulman 1987). To be able to convey to
students appropriate conceptions of NOS - as defined, for instance, in current
reform documents in science education, such as Benchmarks for Science Literacy
(AAAS 1993) and the National Science Education Standards (NRC 1996) teachers themselves should possess adequate conceptions of the scientific enterprise. However, research on the translation of teachers conceptions into classroom
practice indicates, and rightly so, that even though teachers conceptions of NOS
can be thought of as a necessray condition, these conceptions, nevertheless, should
not be considered sufficient (Lederman 1992). At least one implication for research
related to NOS is apparent. Research efforts, it is argued, should extend well
beyond teachers understandings of the nature of science, as the translation of
these understandings into classroom parctice is mediated by a complex set of
situational variables (ibid.: 351). Research efforts should, for instance, focus on
situational factors, such as instituational support and curricular emphases, which
might facilitate the translation of teachers conceptions of NOS into actual instructional activities. This latter recommendation, however, is based on the assumption
that the necessary condition has been sufficiently met.
If having adequate conceptions of NOS is deemed necessary for the successful teaching of this valued aspect of science, then inferences about the role
of situational variables (sufficient conditions) in hindering or facilitating the translation of teachers conceptions of NOS into teaching practice will always be conflated with the role of the necessary condition unless the effect of this condition
could be ruled out. This possible conflation by the necessary condition (i.e.
teachers conceptions of NOS) could be ruled out if there are basis for believing
that attempts to improve teachers conceptions of NOS have been successful.
The present review aimed to (a) delineate the major approaches undertaken to
improve prospective and practising science teachers conceptions of NOS; and (b)
assess the extent to which these attempts were successful. Successful, it should be
noted, was considered in the sense that the resultant teachers understanding of



NOS adequately met the conditions deemed necessary to enable teachers to convey
approprite conceptions of the scientific enterprise to pre-college students.

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Attempts to improve teachers conceptions of NOS

The present review was concerned with attempts to improve prospective and
practising science teachers conceptions of NOS. This characterization included
preservice and in-service science teachers as well as science majors and non-majors
who are potential candidates for teacher preparations programs. As such, the
review included attempts undertaken within the contexts of preservice and inservice teacher education programs and the various disciplinary departments.
Conceptions of NOS were taken to refer to those aspects measured by one or
more of the instruments designed to assess learners understandings of NOS as
compiled in the comprehensive review of those instruments by Lederman et al. (1998).
Attempts to enhance science teachers conceptions of the scientific enterprise
started in the early 1960s with an examination of the effects of extant programmes
such as summer institutes and Academic Year Institutes funded by the National
Science Foundation on teachers NOS conceptions. These assessment studies
undertaken by Gruber (1960, 1963) and Welch and Walberg (1967- 68) indicated
that participant science teachers made very little progress in their understandings
of NOS as a result of participating in those institutes.
Following these initial studies, Carey and Stauss (1969), Kimball (1967- 68),
and Wood (1972) examined the background and academic variables related to
teachers understandings of NOS. This undertaking was also part of many intervention studies that aimed to improve teachers conceptions of NOS (e.g. Billeh
and Hasan 1975, Carey and Stauss 1968, 1970, Lavach 1969, Olstad 1969) and was
persued well into the recent past (e.g. Scharmann 1988a, 1988b). These studies
indicated that teachers conceptions of NOS were independent of virtually all the
investigated variables including teachers high school and college science content
knowledge, science achievement, and academic achievement (Billeh and Hasen
1975, Carey and Stauss 1968, 1969, 1970, Olstad 1969, Scharman 1988a, 1988b,
Wood 1972). Teachers conceptions of NOS were also not related to other cognitive variables such as logical thinking ability, quantitive aptitude, and verbal aptitude (Scharmann 1988a, 1988b); social-personal variables such as locus of control
orientation (Scharmann 1988b); and personal attributes such as gender (Wood
1972). Conceptions of NOS were likewise independent of the teaching level (elementary versus secondary) (Wood 1972), science subject taught, in-service professional training (Billeh and Hasan 1975, Lavach 1969), field-based teaching
experiences (Scharmann 1988b), and years of teaching experience (Billeh and
Hasen 1975, Kimball 1967- 68, Lavach 1969).
Learning science content in undergraduate courses and in-service institutes,
and participating in the activities of science in undergraduate science courses or
through professsional practice did not seem to contribute to science teachers
understanding of NOS (Billeh and Hasen 1975, Carey and Stauss 1968, 1969,
1970, Gruber 1960, 1963, Kimball 1967- 68, Olstad 1969). Thus science educators
turned their attention to the use of alternative approaches to address potential,
prospective, and practising science teachers understandings of NOS.
Intervention studies aimed at improving preservice science teachers conceptions of NOS included those by Akindehin (1988), Barufaldi et al. (1977), Carey

Categories related to language of

science including: definition,
characteristics, functions, and

Ogunniyi (1982)

Tentative nature of science

Assumptions (8 items), products

(22 items), processes (25 items),
and ethics (5 items) of science

Ogunniyi (1983)

Language of Science

135 forced-choice

93 agree/disagree
analogous statements

60 four-alternative
multiple-choice items

18 multiple-choice items

Number and type of items

64 forced-choice

20 five-point Likert-type

40 five-point Likert-type

60 multiple-choice items

Tentative and dynamic nature of science, 29 three-point Likertassumptions and values of science, and
type items
lack of a single Scientific Method

Assumptions of science (36 items), and

operations of science (57 items)
including activities, objectives, and
products of science
Assumptions, activities, nature of
outcomes, and ethics and goals
of the scientific enterprise

Johnson and Peeples Methods of science


Hillis (1975)


Welch and Pella


Scientific Literary
Research Center

Scientific enterprise, scientists, and

methods and aims of science

Hypothesis testing, structure of theories

and laws, nature of explanations

NOS topics

Scharmann (1990)
Scharmann and Harris (1992)

Views of Science Test


Barufaldi, Bethel, and

Lamb (1977)

Nature of Science Scale Kimball (1967-68)


Ogunniyi (1983)
Akindehin (1988)
Scharmann and Harris

Nature of Science Test


Science Process
Inventory (SPI)
Form D

Spears and Zollman (1977)

Haukoos and Penick
(1983, 1985)

Billeh and Hassan (1975)

Wisconsin Inventory of
Science Processes

Carey and Stauss

(1968, 1970)

Cooley and Klopfer


Test on Understanding
Science (TOUS)

Jones (1969), Lavach (1969)

Olstad (1969), Riley (1979)





Standardized instruments used to assess participants NOS views in the reviewed studies.

Trembath (1972)


Table 1.

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and Stauss (1968, 1970), Ogunniyi (1983), Olstad (1969), Riley (1979), Shapiro
(1996) and Trembath (1972). Interventions undertaken within in-service programmes included studies by Billeh and Hasan (1975), Lavach (1969), and
Scharmann adn Harris (1992). Similar attempts were also undertaken in undergraduate science content courses and included studies by Haukoos and Penick
(1983, 1985), Jones (1969), Scharmann (1990), and Spears and Zollman (1977).
Generally speaking, these studies used one of two approaches. The first
approach was advocated by science educators such as Gabel, Rubba, and Franz
(1977), Haukoos and Penick (1983, 1985), Lawson (1982), and Rowe (1974). This
approach, labelled in the present review as an implicit approach, suggests that an
understanding of NOS is a learning outcome that can be facilitated through process skill instruction, science content coursework, and doing science. Researchers
who adopted this implicit approach utilized science process skills instruction and/
or scientific inquiry activities (Barufaldi et al. 1977, Riley 1979, Trembath 1972) or
manipulated certain aspects of the learning environment (Haukoos and Penick
1983, 1985, Scharmann 1990, Scharmann and Harris 1992, Spears and Zollman
1977) in their attempts to enhance teachers NOS conceptions. Researchers who
adopted the second approach to enhancing teachers understandings of NOS
(Akindehin 1988, Billeh and Hasan 1975, Carey and Stauss 1968, 1970, Jones
1969, Lavach 1969, Ogunniyi 1983) utilized elements from history and philosophy
of science and/or instruction geared towards the various aspects of NOS to
improve science teachers conceptions. This approach, labelled in the present
review as an explicit approach to improving teachers understanding of NOS,
was advanced by educators such as Billeh and Hasan (1975), Hodson (1985),
Kimball (1967- 68), Klopfer (1964), Lavach (1969), Robinson (1965), and
Rutherford (1964).
Instruments used to assess participants conceptions of NOS
Before turning to examine the individual studies that attempted to enhance science
teachers conceptions of NOS, it is crucial to elucidate some points regarding the
assessment instruments that were used in these studies to gauge participants NOS
views. With the the exception of Shapiro (1996), researchers in the reviewed
studies used standardized paper-and-pencil instruments to assess participants
conceptions of NOS. These instruments comprised forced-choice, such as agree/
disagree, Likert-type or multiple-choice items. Table 1 presents a list of these
instruments, their developers, NOS aspects or topics they purported to assess,
and the number and type of items that each employed.
Many critisisms have been levelled against the use of standardized instruments
to assess learners NOS views. Two major criticisms were related to these instruments validity. First, Aikenhead, Ryan, and Desautels (1989) argued that such
instruments were all based on a problematic assumption. These instruments
assumed that respondents perceive and interpret an instruments items in a manner
similar to that of the instrument developers. Aikenhead et al. argued that ambiguities result from assuming that respondents understand a certain statement in
the same manner that the researchers or instrument developers would, and agree
or disagree with that statement for reasons that coincide with those of the researchers or instrument developers. Such ambiguities seriously threaten the
validity of such instruments.

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Second, Lederman et al. (1998) noted that these standardized instruments

usually reflected their developers views and biases related to NOS. Being of the
forced-choice, Likert-type or multiple-choice category, these instruments ended
up imposing the researchers/developers own views on the respondents.
Additionally, responses to instrument items were usually designed with various
philosophical stances in mind. As such, irrespective of the choices the respondents
made, they often ended up being stamped with labels that indicated that they
firmly held coherent, consistent philosophic stances such as inductivist, verificationist or hypotheticodeductivist. Thus, the views that ended up being ascribed to
respondents were more of an artefact of the instrument in use than a faithful
representation of the respondents conceptions of NOS.
In addition to validity issues, the use of standardized instruments severly
limits the feasibility of drawing conclusions regarding the meaningfulness and
importance of the gains in understanding NOS achieved by participants in the
studies presently reviewed. Standardized instruments were mainly intended to
label participants NOS views as adequate or inadequate - mostly by assigning
those views certain numerical values - rather than elucidating and clarifying such
views. This was the case in almost all the studies presently reviewed, which were
mainly quantitative in nature. With the exception of Shapiro (1996) who adopted
an interpretive stance, researchers often limited their results section to reporting
participants pre- and/or post-test means scores or gain scores for the instruments
in use. These researchers did not elucidate participants NOS views prior to, or at
the conclusion of the treatment. Moreover, researchers did not describe those areas
in which participants achieved important gains in their NOS understandings or
the nature of those gains. Additionally, those researchers who reported gains in
participants NOS understandings noted that those gains were statistically significant. None, however, commented on the practical significance of such gains.
Drawing conclusions in this regard was also difficult given that standard deviations
and adjusted mean scores were often not included in the reviewed reports. These
features of the reviewed studies made it very difficult to assess the meaningfulness and importance of the reported gains. As will later become evident, the
reviwers found it necessary to make several nested assumptions on a number of
occasions in the attempt to gauge the importance of the gains in understanding
NOS reported in some studies.
The study by Shapiro (1996) was an exception in this regard. Instead of using
a standardized instrument, Shapiro used repertory grids (described later) in conjunction with individual interviews to assess participants conceptions of NOS.
Lederman and OMalley (1990) and Lederman (1992) emphasized the usefulness
of individualized interviews in generating faithful representations of learners
NOS views. Interviews allow respondents to express their own reviews on issues
related to NOS thus alleviating concerns related to imposing a particular view of
the scientific enterprise on respondents. Moreover, by asking respondents to elaborate and/or justify their answers, interviews allow researchers to assess not only
respondents positions on certain issues related to NOS, but the respondents
reasons for adopting those positions as well. Thus, ambiguities can be avoided
and the liklihood of misinterpreting respondents views is greatly reduced.
Additionally, the use of interpretive tools such as individual interviews often
reflects the researchers interest in elucidating and clarifying participants NOS
views rather than simply labelling or judging them. Data generated from inter-

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views could be used, as was the case in Shapiros (1996) study, to generate descriptive profiles of participants NOS views. Such profiles greatly facilitate gauging the
practical importance of any claimed gains in participants understandings of NOS.
A final note regarding instrumentation relates to the substantive adequacy of
the instruments used in some of the reviewed studies. It was argued earlier that
passing evaluative judgements on conceptions of NOS adopted within a certain
period should be avoided. This argument was based on the premise that NOS
understandings emphasized at one point in time necessarily reflect that times
scholarship on understanding the scientific enterprise. However, such assumption
would not hold when a standardized instrument developed in the mid-1960s is
used to assess learners NOS views two or three decades later when marked
changes in conceptualizing NOS have been well documented and disseminated.
This was the case with three of the reviewed studies. An examination of table 1
indicates that Ogunniyi (1983) and Scharmann and Harris (1992) used the NOSS
developed by Kimball in 1967 (Kimball 1967- 68), and that Haukoos and Penick
(1983, 1985) used the SPI developed by Welch and Pella in 1967 (Welch and Pella
1967- 68) to assess their participants conceptions of NOS. As such, the results of
these studies should be viewed with added caution.
Improving teachers conceptions: implicit attempts
Table 2 presents a summary of the design, participants, and context and duration
of treatment of studies that adopted an implicit approach to enhancing science
teachers NOS views. Also repoted in table 2 are the mean gain scores for treatment groups and the percentage that the treatment post-test scores represent
relative to the total scores of NOS instruments used in these studies. The following
discussion focuses on the rationale and nature of the interventions undertaken by
the various researchers and the meaningfulness of the gains, if any, in NOS understandings reported for participant science teachers.
Trembath (1972) aimed to assess the influence of a small curriculum project
on prospective elementary teachers views of NOS. The curriculum project, developed at Frankston Teachers College, Australia, aimed to enhance participants
understandings of the ways in which hypotheses are developed and tested, the
logical structure of theories and laws, and the ways in which theories and laws
can be used to make different types of explanations. These broad goals were
translated into 24 behavioral objectives. Participants, however, were not presented
with these objectives at the outset of the programme.
The programme, which took 212 hours to complete, presented prospective
teachers with a set of narratives. Each narrative put forth a certain situation and
was divided into a set of frames. Each frame required students to read several
paragraphs and provide a short answer in the form of a hypothesis, prediction, or
inference. Students then compared their answers with those provided after each
frame. If the two answers agreed, then students proceeded to the next frame.
Otherwise, students were asked to re-read the frame and attempt to reconcile
their answers with the suggested ones. On completing the frames, students were
asked to provide a short answer that would serve as a section review.
It should be emphasized that participants were not made aware of the goals or
specific objectives of the programme. Moreover, the report did not indicate that
the participants were debriefed on completing a set of frames or that they were

3 3 factorial;
random assignment

Pre-test- post-test

Pre-test- post-test

Riley (1979)

Haukoos and
Penick (1983)

Haukoos and
Penick (1985)

19 inservice secondary science


Scharmann and
Harris (1992)


Freshmen non-science majors;

13 experimental, 17 control

Scharmann (1990) Non-equivalent


61 two-year, comprehensive,
community college students

78 two-year, comprehensive,
community college students

90 undergraduate preservice
elementary teachers

171 non-science majors

Pre-test- post-test
random assignment

Spears and
Zollman (1977)

Preservice elementary teachers;

24 experimental, 24 control


Elementary education majors;

56 experimental (three science
methods courses), 32 control
(one math methods course)

Pre-test- post-test
control group;
random assignment


Three-week NSFsponsored summer


Three-week summersession biology course

(two sections)

Biology course (two

intact sections)

Biology course
(four intact sections)

Elementary methods

Physics course
(four sections)

Elementary science
and math methods

Elementary teacher


Six hours per

day for 15 days

412 hours

Integrated into

Integrated into

Four 112

Integrated into

Integrated into
course (212
hour per week
for 14 weeks)

212 hours

Duration of



scores relative to
total score for
instrument(s) used

72% (estimated)


None for
63% (for Johnson
NOSS; 1.5%
and Peeples,
(for Johnson and 1987)
Peeples 1987)

Estimate not
possible due to
lack of data




None (on 3
SPI components)
2.5% (on the 4th)

3.5 to 6.0%


Treatment group
significant gain

Studies that adopted an implicit approach to improving science teachers views of NOS.

Barufaldi, Bethel, Pre-test- post-test

and Lamb
equivalent control
group; nonrandomized

Trembath (1972)


Table 2.

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encouraged to explicitly discuss their responses or the reasoning through which

such responses were derived. Trembath (1972) seemed to have assumed that participants would develop adequate understandings of the targeted NOS aspects by
simply going through the programme activities. Trembath reported a statistically
significant difference between the mean pre-test and post-test score for the experimental group, but noted that this score only increased from 7.0 to 10.7 points out
of 18 possible points.
Barufaldi et al. argued that a major affective goal [italics added] of science
teacher education should be the enhancement of the philosophical viewpoint that
science is a tentative enterprise and that scientific knowledge is not absolute (1977:
289). It is noteworthy that Barufaldi et al. explicitly labelled attaining an understanding of NOS or, at least, of the tentativeness of science as an affective goal. In
the studies presently reviewed, researchers often did not delineate the domain
(cognitive versus affective) to which they believed understandings of NOS belong.
The study assessed the influence of elementary science methods courses at the
University of Texas at Austin on junior and senior elementary education majors
understandings of the tentativeness of science. The courses had no components
that were specifically geared towards enhancing participants views of the tentative
NOS. Rather, consistent with the authors view of NOS as an affective outcome,
an implicit approach was used. Thus, Barufaldi et al. noted, in these courses:
Students were presented with numerous hands-on, activity-centered, inquiryoriented science experiences . . . [and] . . . many problems-centered science activities
. . . The uniqueness and the variety of the learning experiences in the courses provided
the students with many opportunities to understand the tentativeness of scientific
findings. (1977: 291)

Pair-wise comparisons between treatment groups and the control group as well as
comparisons between pairs of treatment groups and the control group (see table 2)
were statistically significant. Barufaldi et al. thus concluded that a methods course
which stresses inquiry methods and procedures, emphasizing a hands-on
approach integrated with individual problem solving, develops, alters, and
enhances . . . preservice teachers . . . philosophical view . . . toward the tentative
nature of scientific knowledge (149 ibid.: 293).
The authors, however, did not present enough evidence to support this rather
sweeping generalization. Barufaldi et al. did not report the pre-test mean VOST
scores or the mean gain scores for the various groups. However, if we assume that
the groups did not differ appreciably on their pre-test VOST scores and that the
control group mean score did not change appreciably from the pre-test to the posttest, then the gains achieved can be assessed. The mean post-test VOST score for
the control group was 141. The corresponding scores for the three treatment
groups were 153, 149, and 148. As such, the approximate gains achieved were
very small and ranged between 3.5 and 6 percentage points. Given that there are
200 possible points on the VOST instrument and that respondents could score 120
points by simply choosing neutral responses, it is difficult to ascertain that the
above gains reflect a meaningful improvement in participants understanding of
the tentative nature of scientific knowledge.
Spears and Zollman (1977) assessed the influence of engagement in some
degree of scientific inquiry on students understandings of the process of science.

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Participants were randomly assigned to the four lecture sections and associated
laboratory sections of a physics course offered at Kansas State University. Some
students did not complete or missed either the pre-test or post-test. As such, data
from only about 50% of the original sample were used in the final analysis. The
authors, however, did not provide any data to indicate that the remaining participants were representative of the original population.
Two types of laboratory instructional strategies, structured and unstructured,
served as the treatments. The structured approach emphasized verification
whereas the unstructured approach stressed inquiry or discovery. Both
approaches asked students to investigate problems related to physical principles
discussed in the lectures and informed them about the avaliable equipment.
Beyond this point the two approaches differed in a major way. In the structured
laboratory, students were provided with explicit procedures with which they
attempted to verify the physical principles concerned. Students in theunstructured labroratory, however, were free to investigate the problem in whichever way
they deemed appropriate. They made their own decisions regarding what data to
collect, how to collect this data, how to treat the data, and how to interpret and
present their results.
Data analyses controlled for the participants major, years in college, and
course lecture and labroratory grades as well as the type of lecture presentation
in each of the four sections. These analyses indicated that there were no statistically significant differences between the adjusted scores of the two groups on the
Assumptions, Nature of Outcomes, and Ethics and Goals components of the SPI
Form D (Welch and Pella 1967- 68). There was a significant difference in the mean
scores on the Activities component. The mean post-test score of students in the
structured laboratory (46.3) was higher than that of students in the unstructured
laboratory (45.0). The difference, however, could not have amounted to more than
2.5 percentage points. And even though the authors did not discuss the practical
significance of this result, the observed difference was very small to be of any
practical importance. As such, compared to students in the structured laboratory
group, students in the unstructured group did not demonstrate better understanding of NOS as measured by the SPI. Doing science, either within a structured,
traditional environment or within the more advocated inquiry or discovery
approach, did not seem to improve college students understanding of NOS (see
also Carey and Stauss 1968, Kimball 1967- 68).
Riley (1979) argued that there is a growing belief among science educators,
though not empirically tested, that teachers understandings of, and attitudes
toward science would improve as a result of first-hand, manipulative experiences
and enhanced proficiency in the processes of science. Riley, like Barufaldi et al.
(1977), explicitly labelled an understanding of NOS as an affective outcome and
adopted an implicit approach to teaching about NOS through involving teachers in
doing science.
The study investigated the influence of hands-on versus non-manipulative
training in science process skills on, among other things, preservice elementary
techers understandings of NOS. The study had 3 3 factorial design with the
treatment and science grade point average as independent variables. The treatment
had three levels: active-inquiry (hands-on), vicarious-inquiry (non-manipulative),
and control. Participants were divided into three groups according to their grade

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point average (high, medium, or low) and 30 students from each group were
randomly selected and assigned to one of three treatment levels.
The four 112 hour-session treatment involved activities that focused on various
science process skills, such as observing, classifying, inferring, predicting, communicating, measuring and the metric system, and using space/time relationships.
The only difference between the aforementioned levels of treatment was student
involvement. In the active-inquiry treatment, participants were trained in science
process skills using a hands-on, manipulative approach. Participants in the vicarious-inquiry treatment group did not manipulate any materials. They were trained
in science process skills using a demonstration approach where the instructor
exclusively manipulated all materials. The control group participants viewed
science related films for approximately the same amount of time.
Data analyses indicated that there were no significant differences between the
groups mean TOUS (Cooley and Klopfer 1961) scores related to the treatments.
As such, participants in the active-inquiry, vicarious-inquiry, and control groups
did not differ in their understandings of NOS. The author thus concluded that
prospective elementary teachers understandings of NOS were not significantly
improved through hands-on, manipulative instruction in the processes of science.
Thus, the conclusions of Rileys (1979) study stand in contrast with those of
Barufaldi et al. (1977) who concluded that doing science within the context of
methods courses could enhance prospective elementary teachers conceptions of NOS.
Haukoos and Penick (1983) investigated the effects of classroom climate on
community college students learning of science process skills and content achievement. The authors replicated their study two years later (Haukoos and Penick
1985). They argued that gains in the development of students inquiry skills and
science process skills might be related to aspects of the classroom environment
such as the extent to which instruction is directive or non-directive. Implicit to this
argument is the assumption that students learn about the nature of scienctific
inquiry implicitly through certain aspects related to the classroom environment.
The studies features two treatments: Discovery Classroom Climate (DCC)
treatment and a Non-discovery Classroom Climate (NDCC) treatment. In both
studies, participants were enrolled in intact sections of an introductory biology
course. Throughout the duration of the course, students in both groups recieved
instruction on the same content. The only difference between the two treatments
was the classroom climate that was determined by the extent to which the instructor used direct or indirect verbal behaviours. In the lecture/disscussion sessions,
students in the NDCC group were presented with the content in a manner that
conveyed the impression that science was complete and final, and seldom did the
students question it (Haukoos and Penick 1983: 631). With the DCC group, the
instructor assumed a low profile, elicited student questions, and encouraged discussion of the lecture material. All student responses and interpretations were
accepted and were not judged as right or wrong.
In the laboratory portion of the course, students carried out the same experiments using the same materials. However, during laboratory sessions, students in
the NDCC group were exactly told how to manipulate materials. Their results
were either accepted or rejected by the instructor. Students in the DCC laboratory
were alternatively encouraged to select and explore their own questions, and to
manipulate the available materials in whichever ways they deemed fit in answering
their questions. The instructor kept explicit directions and judgments to a mini-

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mum. In this regard, the two laboratory environments were similar to the structured and unstructured or traditional and inquiry based treatments that were
employed by Spears and Zollman (1977).
To ensure the fidelity of the treatments, student- teacher interactions were
audio-taped and analysed using the Science Laboratory Interaction Categories
(SLIC) (Shymansky and Penick 1979). Student- teacher interactions were coded
and then compared with established DCC and NDCC criteria. The percentage of
total class time spent on each of the coded behaviours was calculated and used to
produce a Learning Condition Index (LCI) for each treatment. The LCI values
reported for each section of the investigated course in both studies indicated that
classroom enviroments were consistent with the respective treatments.
Data analyses in the first study (Haukoos and Penick 1983) indicated that the
DCC group had a significantly higher mean SPI score than the NDCC group. The
reported difference was on the order of about 8 percentage points. The authors
concluded that the classroom climate influenced students learning of science processes. However, Haukoos and Penick (1985) were not able to replicate these
results. Analyses in the second study revealed no statistically significant differences, at any acceptable level, between the DCC and NDCC groups. These latter
results, it should be noted, are consistent with the findings of Spears and Zollman
The authors resorted to several factors to explain why students in the DCC
class did not demonstrate better understandings of the processes of scientific
inquiry as compared to students in the NDCC class. They noted that in the
replication study, the instructor might have developed subtle ways to render the
classroom climate in both treatments less distinct. The reported LCI scores, however, do not support this interpretation. Haukoos and Penick also noted that they
were not able to truly match students in the original study with those in replication. Students may [italics added] have been older, brighter, more motivated, or
different in other ways (1985: 166). It should be noted that the authors did not
limit the conclusions of their first study to the sample investigated. They made
rather a sweeping generalization. Now that the expected results were not obtained,
possible effects due to the participants characteristics were called upon. The
authors did not provide any data or conduct any systematic analysis to support
any of these speculative interpretations.
Moreover, Haukoos and Penick noted that we have two choices; we can question the new data or we can question the old (ibid.: 165). They nevertheless
decided only to question the new study. They did not choose even to speculate
about another, probably more plausible, interpretation: namely, that classroom
climate might not be related to developing students understandings of NOS.
The fact that the authors did not even consider the alternative interpretations
indicates an inherent bias in favour of the DCC treatment. Given that the initial
results were not replicated and that the authors insisted that some factors other
than the treatment was responsible for the new results, serious doubts could be
raised regarding the claimed influence of the classroom climate that specifically
derives from instructors verbal behaviours on college students NOS views.
Scharmann (1990) aimed to assess the effects of a diversified instructional
strategy (versus a traditional lecture approach) on freshmen college students
understandings of the nature of scientific theories, among other things. The strategy was implemented over the course of 412 hours. Participants were first given 30

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minutes to individually respond in writing to four questions that asked about their
feelings and beliefs concerning the evolution/creation controversey. Next, students
were randomly assigned to disscusion groups of 3-5 students. They were asked to
share their responses to the above questions and then respond to four new questions. These latter questions asked each group to provide reasons that would support teaching only evolution, teaching creatin origins in addition to evolution, and
teaching neither evolution nor creation origins in science classes. Students were
also asked to decide whether, and explain why one set of reasons was more compelling than another set. Ninety minutes were allocated for this phase of the
treatment during which the author did not interfere in the course of the discussions. For the next 30 minutes, spokespersons shared their groups concerns,
differences, and points of agreement with the whole class. Following a break,
the author led a 90-minute interactive lecture/discussion that aimed to resolve
any misconceptions that arose as a result of the group discussions and were evident
in their presentations. Finally, during the last 30 minutes participants were given
the opportunity to reflect on the discussion activity.
It should be noted that, while discussing the rationale behind the expected
effectiveness of a diversified instructional strategy in enhancing students NOS
conceptions, Scharmann (1990) argued that students should be guided to use
empirical, logical, historical, and sociological criteria when attempting to establish
the validity of scientific theories. There were no indications that the experimental
group received instruction about any of these criteria in the course of the treatment. It seemed that Scharmann assumed that students would implcitly learn
about these criteria and other NOS aspects just by participating in the aforementioned discussions.
Scahrmann (1990) reported a significant difference between the pre-test and
post-test scores for both the exprimental and the control group. Students in both
groups achieved statistically significant gains in their understandings of NOS.
Scharmann concluded that both classes provided students with opportunities to
grow in their understandings of NOS but that the diversified instructional strategy
was superior in this respect. The author, however, did not provide any evidence to
support this claim. Given that both groups demonstrated gains in their understandings of NOS and given the lack of data to indicate otherwise, the effectiveness
of the treatment should be considered with extreme caution.
Scharmann and Harris aimed to assess the influences of a 3-week
NSF-sponsored summer institute on, among other things, participants understandings of NOS. The authors noted that changes in an understanding of the
nature of science can be . . . enhanced through a more indirect and applied context
. . . and through a variety of readings and activities that help participants to
discuss their NOS views (1992: 379). As such, similar to Scharmann (1990), the
authors adopted an implicit approach to improving science teachers conceptions
of NOS.
The NOSS (Kimball 1967- 68) was used to assess participants understandings
of the philosophical NOS, and an instrument developed by Johnson and Peeples
(1987) was used to assess participants applied understandings of NOS. The
authors did not elucidate the distinction between philosophical and applied
understandings of NOS.
During the first two weeks of the institute the participants were presented with
biological and geological content relevant to evolutionary theory. In addition, vari-

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ous instructional methods and teaching approaches including lectures, smallgroup and peer discussions, field trips, and other inquiry-based approaches were
taught and modelled by the authors. The authors noted that the theme of promoting participants conceptions of NOS pervaded all the aforementioned activities. However, no direct or explicit NOS instruction was used. The final week of
the institute was used to provide the participants with an opportunity to integrate
what they had learned by designing and presenting instructional units on evolution
utilizing the various approaches and activities experienced at the institute.
Data analyses did not reveal significant differences between pre-test and posttest mean NOSS scores. However, statistically significant differences were
obtained in the case of the Johnson and Peeples (1987) instrument. The authors
thus concluded that even though participants conceptions of the philosophical
NOS were not changed, their understandings of the applied NOS were significantly improved. Scharmann and Harris (1992), however, did not comment on the
practical significance of the gain achieved by the participants. Out of 100 possible
points for the latter instrument, the pre-test and post-test mean scores were 61.74
and 63.26, respectively. The mean gain only amounted to about 112 percentage
Improving teachers conceptions: explicit attempts
Almost all studies that adopted an explicit approach, similar to those that adopted
an implicit approach, were quantitative in nature. Shapiros (1996) interpretive
study was the only exception. Table 3 presents a summary of studies that utilized
an explicit approach to enhancing science teachers NOS views.
In two seperate but similar studies, Carey and Stauss (1968, 1970) investigated
whether a secondary science methods course at the University of Georgia could
significantly improve prospective and practising secondary science teachers conceptions of NOS, respectively. NOS was an underlying theme in the science
methods courses investigated in the two studies. Participants were introduced to
NOS through lectures and discussions and read articles and books related to
history and philosophy of science. Throughout the courses and irrespective of
the activity or topic discussed (writing objectives, planning, teaching methods,
evaluation, etc.) participants were always asked to discuss whether the activities
or topics were compatible with the image of NOS presented in the courses.
Carey and Stauss (1968) reported that participants made statistically significant gains in their understandings of NOS. The reported mean gain amounted to
about 4.5 percentage points on the WISP (Scientific Literacy Research Centre
1967). However, assessing the practical significance of such a gain was not possible
given that the authors failed to report standard deviations for participants preand post-test mean scores.
Data analyses for the second study (Carey and Stauss 1970) indicated that the
WISP post-test scores, total and subsets, were significantly higher than the pretest scores. The mean gains were on the order of about 11 percentage points and
were in all cases greater than the variances of the corresponding pre- and post-test
mean scores. Additionally, out of 93 possible points on the WISP, the mean posttest score was 78.61 indicating about 85% agreement with the instruments model
for NOS. It should be noted that the gains achieved in the present study were
among the highest reported in the studies reviewed in the present paper. As such,

One-group pretest- post-test

One-group pretest- post-test

Pre-test- posttest control-group,


Pre-test- posttest control-group

(no pretest for
control group)

One group pretest- post-test

Pre-test- posttest control group

One-group pretest- post-test

Pre-test- post-test

(case study)

Carey and Stauss


Jones (1969)

Lavach (1969)

Olstad (1969)

Billeh and Hasan


Ogunniyi (1983)

Akindehin (1988)

Shapiro (1996)


Jan: a preservice elementary

teacher (21 teachers in cohort)

Preservice secondary science

teachers; 65 experimental,
80 control

54 student teachers

171 inservice secondary

science teachers

69 preservice elementary
teachers (46 in replication

Inservice science teachers;

11 experimental, 15 control

Non-science majors; 87
experimental, 55 control

31 in-service secondary science


17 preservice secondary science



Science methods

Introductory Service
Teacher Education
(ISTE) package

Science education

Four-week summer
methods course

Elementary science
methods course

Historically oriented
science programme

General education vs.

professional science

Science methods

Science methods




Integrated into

One hour per

week for 12

Integrated into

Integrated into

Integrated into

Estimate not
possible due to
lack of data

3% (on NOSS)
4.5% (on LOS)

3 to 10%


Three hours per

week for 11 weeks

Integrated into
education course

Integrated into

Integrated into

Duration of

Treatment group
significant gain


18% (for NOSS)

60% (for LOS)

59% (average)

75% (average)





scores relative to
total score for
instrument used

Studies that adopted an explicit approach to improving science teachers views of NOS.

Carey and Stauss



Table 3.

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Carey and Stauss (1968, 1970) were the first researchers to present evidence in
support of the notion that instruction in history and philosophy of science may
positively contribute to science teachers understandings of NOS.
Jones (1969) investigated whether non-science majors enrolled in a general
education physical science course at the University of Tulsa achieved better understandings of science and scientists compared to students enrolled in professionally
oriented courses. Three professional courses in general chemistry, general physics,
and engineering physics, offered at the same university, were chosen for comparison. Each course was concerned with a particular scientific discipline and mainly
focused on the facts, vocabulary, discoveries, and quantitative procedures of the
discipline concerned, as well as on problem solving within the discipline. The
general education physical science course, which included topics from astronomy,
physics, chemistry, and geology, served as the experimental treatment. The course
was concerned with some facts and principles from the aforementioned four disciplines but placed greater emphasis on historical development, philosophy of
science, and science-related societal issues.
Data analyses, which controlled for participants predicted college achievement, actual achievements in the investigated courses, and pre-test TOUS scores,
indicated a statistically significant difference between the mean TOUS post-test
scores for the experimental and control groups. The mean gain score for the
experimental group was +5.79 points, whereas that for the comparison group
was - 0.45. Thus, the differenec in the gain scores for the two groups amounted
to a substantial increase of about 11 percentage points.
Lavach (1969) assessed the influence of a historically oriented science programme - that he developed and conducted - on practising science teachers
understandings of science, scientists, the scientific enterprise, and the aims and
methods of science as measured by the TOUS. Lavach claimed that the study had
a pre-test-post-test control-group design. The author, however, did not pre-test
the control group and thus impregnated the study with a variety of extraneous
variables, such as testing effect and history, any of which could have contributed to
any gains demonstrated by the experimental group.
Teachers in the experimental group met for 3-hour sessions per week over 11
weeks. Each session consisted of a 2-hour lecture/demonstration followed by a
one-hour laboratory. In the laboratory session, teachers replicated some of the
experiments that were conducted by the scientist under discussion. The nature
of the control group experiences (or lack thereof) was not elucidated.
Data analyses reveled a statistically significant difference between the mean
pre- and post-test TOUS scores for the experimental group (35.27 and 38.91,
respectively). Out of 60 possible points on the TOUS, the mean gain amounted
to 6 percentage points. The author also reported statistically significant differences
between the experimental and control group mean post-test TOUS scores. It
should be noted, however, that this latter comparison was not valid given that
teachers in the experimental group achieved a higher mean pre-test score on the
TOUS (35.27) than that achieved by teachers in the control group on the post-test
(30.06). Relative to the difference between the two groups mean post-test scores
that achieved statistical significance, the difference between the control group
mean post-test score and the experimental group mean pre-test score would
have achieved a similar level of statistical significance. These initial differences
between the two groups were not taken into account when the comparison was

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made. Lavach (1969), nevertheless, concluded that as a result of participating in

the programme, the teachers achieved significant gains in their understandings of
Olstad (1969) aimed to assess the influence on prospective elementary
teachers NOS views of an elementary science methods course offered at the
University of Washington during Fall term, 1965- 66. The study was replicated
during Winter term of the same year. The course, entitled Science in the
Elementary School, addressed several topics which included the nature of science,
scientific method and attitude, scientific models, science as a social force, [and]
inductive and deductive processes (p. 10). These topics and their methodological
implications in terms of equipment, curricular materials, and evaluation were
explored. The lectures in the course were supplemented with laboratory sessions.
The activities in these sessions aimed to familiarize the participants with the various aspects of process-oriented science teaching such as generating models, interpreting data, designing experiments, and inductive thinking.
Data analyses revealed significant gains in mean TOUS scores for the original
and replication groups. The author concluded that participants achieved substantial gains in their understandings of NOS as a result of participating in the course.
The gains achieved, however, were on the order of 4.5 percentage points on the 60point TOUS scale.
Billeh and Hasan (1975) assessed the influence of a 4-week summer training
methods course on in-service science teachers understandings of NOS. All 186
secondary science teachers in Jordan were invited to attend the course that was
designed and conducted by the investigators. The 171 teachers (92%) who participated were divided into four groups according to subject matter taught (biology,
chemistry, physical science, and physics). The experimental group comprised
teachers in the chemistry, physical science, and physics groups. Biology teachers
served as the comparison group.
Participant teachers attended lectures/demonstrations on science teaching
methods and basic science concepts, and were involved in laboratory investigations
that emphasized a guided discovery approach. Participants understandings of the
target science concepts were reinforced with outside readings and viewing sciencerelated films. In addition to these activities, teachers in experimental group (chemistry, physical science, and physics teachers) recieved:
Twelve 50-minute lectures in the nature of science. These lectures covered the following topics: What is science?; Science and common sense; science and technology;
art of scientific investigation; nature of scientific knowledge (characteristics, classification, scientific theories, and models); growth and development of scientific knowledge; and sociological aspects of science.
(Billeh and Hasan, 1975: 211)

It should be noted that this was the first reported attempt to improve science
teachers understandings of NOS by employing formal and direct instruction
about this aspect of science. There were no indications that the participants
were instructed in or assigned readings from history or philosophy of science.
While the pre-test mean NOST scores for the four teacher groups were not
significantly different, the post-test mean scores were. The physical science and
chemistry groups achieved significantly better than the biology and the physics
groups. The mean gain scores of the chemistry (4.15), physical science (5.66), and

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physics (2.00) groups were statistically significant. The biology group mean gain
score (1.67) did not achieve statistical significance. These mean gains ranged
between about 3 percentage points for the physics group to about 10 percentage
points for the physical science group. The authors thus concluded that formal
instruction on NOS contributed to significant gains in teachers NOS understandings. The authors, however, did not comment on the practical significance or
meaningfulness of the achieved gains. However, irrespective of whether the
gains could be considered important or not, the post-test mean NOST scores
achieved by the chemistry (36.51), physical science (36.02), and physics (33.64)
groups were not high. Given that there are 60 possible points on the NOST, these
latter scores might be indicative of inadequate understandings of, at least, some
aspects of NOS addressed in the training course.
Ogunniyi (1983) assessed the influence of a science education course that
presented integrated topics in history and philosophy of science on student
teachers conceptions of NOS and language of sciences measured by the NOSS
(Kimball 1967- 68) and LOS (Ogunniyi 1982), respectively. The course, developed
by the author, covered several topics, including Origin of scientific thought; . . .
significant scientific revolutions and their consequences; nature of scientific
inquiry; eptisemological foundations of science; science and superstition; characteristics of scientific and traditional societies; [and] scientific literacy ( Ogunniyi
1983: 194). Lectures were augmented by discussions and outside readings.
Data analyses revealed statistically significant differences between participants pre-test and post-test scores on both instruments used. However, given
that there are 59 and 64 possible points on the NOSS and the LOS respectively,
participants mean post-test NOSS (10.72) and LOS scores (38.48) did not seem to
reflect adequate understandings of nature and the language of science.
Akinedehin (1988) argued that attempts to help science teachers develop adequate conceptions of NOS need to be explicit. The author assessed the influence of
an instructional package, the Introductory Science Teacher Education (ISTE) package, on prospective secondary science teachers conceptions of NOS. The package
comprised nine units that included lectures, discussions, and laboratory sessions.
The first unit introduced student teachers to the nature of knowledge and
varying ways of knowing, while the second discussed various aspects of the scientific enterprise and scientific disciplines. The third unit presented participants
with a model of scientific inquiry that emphasized generating and defining problems, generating hypotheses, and experimenting as well as interactions between
these various aspects. The model also stressed the role of established theory,
ethical and regulative mechanisms, logical and mathematical systems, and creativity in scientific investigation. The fourth unit was intended to reinforce student
teachers understandings of scientific inquiry through having them map similarities between Francesco Redis work on refuting the notion of spontaneous generation and aspects of the inquiry model with which they were presented. The fifth
unit presented participants with an overview of the state of knowledge before the
Greeks. Broad developments in scientific thought were then traced all the way
from the fourth up to the twentieth century. During the sixth unit, participants
were provided with the opportunity to practise their understandings of scientific
inquiry by conducting investigations to find answers to genuine problems in chemistry, biology, and physics. The seventh unit presented students with natural
phenomena and various corresponding explanations and invited them to discuss

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and compare scientific versus supernatural explanations of those phenomena. The

eighth unit aimed to bring about a change in participants attitudes toward science
through persuasive communication, and the final unit presented them with the
humane aspects of scientific work.
A statistically significant result was obtained for the experimental group. Out
of 58 possible points on the NOSS, the grand mean score was 51.84. This mean
score, it should be noted, was the highest reported NOSS score among the studies
presently reviewed. The standard deviations from the mean for the experimental
and control groups were 1.41 and -1.41, respectively. As such, the statistical significance was in favour of the experimental group. It should be noted, however,
that the author did not report the mean pre-test and post-test scores. As such, it
was difficult to assess the practical significance of the gains achieved by the student
Shapiro (1996) reported on the changes in one prospective elementary teachers thinking about the nature of investigation in science during her involvement
in designing a study to answer a simple research question. This case study emerged
from a larger research project that investigated the ways in which elementary
student teachers thinking and feelings about the nature of investigation in science
could be studied. The project also aimed to assess the changes in elementary
student teachers thinking and feelings about the nature of scientific investigation
as a result of their involvement in independent investigations.
Data for the larger study were collected over the course of four years. More
than 210 elementary student teachers in four cohorts were involved in the study.
During their science methods class, each cohort of student teachers worked on an
assignment intended to help them develop an in-depth understanding of science
and scientific procedures of investigation. Over the course of about seven weeks
devoted to the assignment, student teachers were asked to pose a simple genuine
problem, generate a research question, and then design a systematic procedure to
answer their question. The author and other research assistants helped the student
teachers in defining their problems and refining their research questions. They
encouraged students to think about relevent variables and how to define and control them during the study. Throughout the assignment, student teachers kept
journals of the various stages of their investigstions.
During the first three years of the study, a research tool, the repertory grid,
was developed and refined. This tool aimed to assess participants thinking and
feelings about the nature of investigation in science. The repertory grid and individual interviews served as the main sources of data. Twenty-one (out of the 38)
fourth cohert participants completed the repertory grid at the beginning of the
science methods class and again after the conclusion of the investigation.
Participants were interviewed following the second administration of the grid.
The interviews focused on the changes that students made in their grids.
Several other data sources were employed in the study. At the beginning of the
class the student teachers were asked to provide a written statement on their
definition of science. This task was also completed at the conclusion of the
methods class where students were asked to indicate whether and how their definitions of science had changed as result of participating in the investigation. Other
sources of data included notes made by the researcher throughout the study, and
the complete records of the student teachers notes, journals, and reflections that
they made throughout the investigations.

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The repertory grid had two dimensions. The first comprised personal constructs and the second elements related to conducting scientific investigations. The
fifteen personal constructs were related to scientific investigation and each represented a continuum between two opposite poles. Examples of these constructs
included using the imagination-spontaneous ideas versus recipe-like prescriptive
work, creating new knowledge versus discovering what exists - the way things
are, and using the scientific method to solve the problem versus not using any
particular method. The personal constructs were used to provide descriptive
ratings for twelve elements along the second dimension of the grid. Like the
constructs, participants were provided with these elements that represented typical
experiences encountered in the course of conducting a scientific investigation, such
as defining a problem for investigation, delineating relevant variables, and designing tests. For each of the 12 elements, the student teachers completed a grid or
chart rating the elements on each of the aforementioned 15 personal constructs.
The ratings were given along a five-point scale that ran between the opposite poles
of each construct.
Changes in student teachers thinking about the nature of scientific investigations were assessed by comparing the grids completed prior to and after conducting the independent investigations. Pronounced movements on the grids were
focal points for discussion during the aforementioned interviews. The interviews
were analysed in conjunction with other materials generated during the study.
Changes in student teachers thinking were coded and organized into categories.
These categories were eventually organized into themes of change about the
nature of investigations in science as a result of involvement in independent inquiries. Tweleve change themes were identified.
In the present report, Shapiro (1996) only reported in detail on three themes
of change that were evident in the case of one prospective elementary teacher, Jan,
a student teacher selected from the fourth year cohort. In this regard, it should be
noted that the idiosyncrasy of the changes in teachers thinking and the possible
uniqueness of the reported case place limits on the results of the present study.
The first change theme was in Jans ideas about the nature of the steps and procedures of investigations in science. Jan indicated that she often thought of doing
science as being synonymous with following rules and checklists. After participating in the investigation, she came to appreciate the role of original thinking and
imagination in devising ways to come up with answers to a research question. The
second change theme was in Jans thinking about what science is. At the beginning
of the methods class, Jan indicated that science is a body of information that has
been tested and re-tested that it now achieved the status of facts. After the completion of the investigation, Jan noted that she came to view science more as a
process of inquiry and less as a mere collection of facts. She also indicated that her
experience helped her to appreciate the complexity of inquiring into eveyday
occurrences and the difficulty of drawing conclusions from the generated data.
Finally, in the third identified change theme, Jan shifted from an objectivist
view of science to one that emphasized the role of researchers in creating new
knowledge. It should be noted, however, that Shapiro (1996) did not explicate
the areas in which Jan showed little or no change in her thinking about the nature
of investigation in science. Thus, the reported case study represented an unbalanced treatment of the issue.

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As far as all the participants in the present study were concerned, the author
noted that the major change for most of them was the development of an appreciation for the complexity of the process of designing and conducting an investigation. Moreover, there was an apparent shift in participants views towards thinking
of science as a collaborative enterprise.
Probably the most important features of the present study were its emphasis
on reflection and its explicitness. Shapiro (1996) noted that students were often
encouraged to reflect on their experiences. Moreover, the author emphasized the
reflective nature of the interviews that allowed student teachers to have insights
into changes in their thinking about science . This was possible due to two reasons.
The first was the participants involvement in independent investigations, which
provided them with specific examples when reflecting on and delineating how
their experiences affected their thinking about NOS. The second reason was the
fact that student teachers were provided with specific and relevant constructs and
elements that they utilized to reflect on particular aspects of their investigations.
This represented an explicit aspect of the approach used in the present study to
enhance participants views of NOS. In this respect Shapiro noted that the use of
personal constructs allowed reflection on features of changes in thinking that were
not immediately apparent to students (ibid.: 554)
Appraisal, discussion and conclusions
Before assessing the success of the reviewed attempts in enhancing science
teachers views of NOS, the assumptions inherent to the alternitive approaches
used in the reviewed studies will be examined.
Implicit and explicit approaches: a closer look at underlying assumptions
Before turning to address this issue, an important point should be clarified. It
cannot be over-emphasized that the above delineation should not be taken to
mean that implicit and explicit approaches differ in terms of kind. That is, not
every instructional sequence in history (or philosophy) of science is an explicit
attempt to enhance learners conceptions of NOS, nor is every science processskills instructional sequence or science-based inquiry activity an implicit approach
to achieve that end. For instance, Russell noted that if we wish to use the history
of science to influence students understanding of science, we must . . . treat [historical] material in ways which illuminate particular characteristics in science
(1981: 56). As such, an instructional sequence in history of science can be labelled
as an implicit approach if it were devoid of any discussion of one or more aspects of
NOS. Similarly, involving learners in science-based inquiry activities can be more
of an explicit approach if the learners were provided with opportunities to reflect
on their experiences from within a conceptual framework that explicates some
aspects of NOS.
Shapiro (1996), for instance, involved prospective elementary teachers in independent scientific investigations. In this sense, those student teachers were doing
science, and such an approach could be lablled implicit. Shapiro, however, provided prospective teachers with personal constructs to help them reflect on specific
aspects of their investigations. Some of these constructs, as previously noted, were
concerned with specific aspects of NOS. These constructs represented a concep-

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tual framework or an explicit tool that guided students in their thinking about, and
reflections on the activities in which they were involved.
The basic difference between implicit and explicit approaches, it follows, is
not a matter of the kind of activities used to promote NOS understandings. The
difference lies in the extent to which learners are provided (or helped to come to
grips) with the conceptual tools, such as some key aspects of NOS, that would
enable them to think about and reflect on the activities in which they are engaged.
This difference derives from the assumptions underlying the two approaches.
First, it seems that advocates of an implicit approach assumed that learning
about NOS would result as a by-product of the learners engagement in
science-based activities. They expected science teachers to learn about NOS as a
consequence of instruction in science process-skills and/or involvement in inquirybased activities, or as a result of changes in the learning environment despite the
absense of any direct references to NOS. For instance, Barufaldi et al. noted that
students presented with numerous hands-on, activity-centered, inquiry-oriented
science experiences . . . should have developed a more tentative view of science
(1977: 291). There were no indications that these activities were followed by any
discussions of the notion that scientific knowledge is not certain. Similarly, under
the implicit approach, changes in the learning environment were believed to
engender among learners better understandings of NOS. For instance, Haukoos
and Penick noted that if the instructor assumed a low profile by sitting at student
eye level and stimulated discussion of the . . . materials with questions designed to
elicit student ideas, then learners would develop an understanding of the notion
that scientific knowledge is not complete or absolute (1983: 631). Again, the
researchers did not attempt to make students aware of the facts that scientific
knowledge is tentative. They assumed that the instructors verbal behaviours
would convey the latter notion to the learners.
Contrary to what was assumed under the implicit approach, advocates of an
explicit approach argued that the goal of enhancing science teachers conceptions
of NOS should be planned for instead of being anticipated as a side effect or
secondary product of . . . science content or science methods classes (Akindehin
1988: 73). They advanced that certain aspects of NOS should be made explicit in
any attempt aimed towards fostering adequate conceptions of NOS among learners. For instance, Billeh and Hasan (1975) presented in-service secondary science
teachers with twelve lectures that dealt with, among other things, the nature of
scientific investigations, the nature of scientific knowledge, and sociological
aspects of science. Others used instruction in history and philosophy of science
to help science teachers achieve better understandings of the scientific enterprise
(e.g. Jones 1969, Ogunniyi 1983). Still others used a combination of these elements. For instance, in addition to instruction on NOS, Akindehin (1988) used
Francesco Redis work on refuting the notion of spontaneous generation to illustrate aspects of a dynamic model of scientific investigation with which he presented preservice science teachers. Moreover, inquiry-based activities were
sometimes used in addition to the aforementioned elements to enhance teachers
conceptions of NOS (e.g. Akindehin 1988, Olstad, 1969, Shapiro, 1996).
The aforementioned differences between implicit and explicit approaches
seem to be rooted in yet another assumption. This second assumption may help
to clarify why advocates of an implicit approach expected learners to develop
certain understandings of NOS by participating in science-based activities or,

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for instance, as a result of the instructor assuming a low profile during instruction
when these approaches lacked any reflective elements or direct references to NOS.
Advocates of an implicit approach, it seems, assumed learning about NOS to be an
affective goal. Barufaldi et al. (1977) and Riley (1979) explicitly labelled attaining
an understanding of NOS an affective learning outcome. As such, conceptions of
NOS were thought of as attitudes or dispositions towards science.
Consequently, attainment of better conceptions of NOS would, as would favourable attitudes towards science, be facilitated through successful experiences in
doing science. By comparison, those researchers who used an explicit approach
seemed to consider developing and understanding of NOS to be a cognitive
learning outcome. And even though none of the latter researchers made explicit
use of the label, it was rather plausible to infer this from the very fact that they
presented science teachers with lectures that specifically addressed clearly delineated aspects of NOS (e.g. Akindehin 1988, Billeh and Hasan 1975, Carey and
Stauss 1968, 1970, Olstad 1969). To sum up, two interrelated assumptions seemed
to underlie the implicit approach. The first depicted attaining an understanding of
NOS to be an affective learning outcome. This assumption entailed a second one:
the assumption that learning about NOS would result as a by-product of doing
The assumptions underlying the implicit approach harbour some na ve views
about NOS. Under this approach, it is assumed that aspects of NOS can be directly
read from the records of the scientific enterprise and its practices. In a sense, a oneto-one correspondence is assumed between the practice of science and NOS. As
such, one can discover aspects of NOS by going through the motions of science.
However, NOS as an enterprise, if you will, is a reflective endeavour. The varying images of science that have been constructed throughout the history of the
scientific enterprise are, by and large, the result of the collective endeavours of
historians of science, philosophers of science, sociologists of science, scientists
turned historians or philosophers, and reflective scientists. Within a certain time
frame, the various aspects that are taken to be representative of the scientific
enterprise reflect the collective attempts of those individuals to reconstruct the
history and activities of science in an attempt to understand its workings. The
endeavour to delineate various aspects of NOS is not a matter of merely reading
the book of science or going through its motions, but rather a matter of putting
questions to that book and reflecting on that practice. Kuhn (1970) noted a that
shift in the kind of questions that historians asked of the records of science has
completely transformed the way science is viewed.
It follows that even though any attempt to foster better understandings of
NOS among science teachers should be framed within the context of the content
and activities of science, these attempts, nevertheless, should be explicit and
relflective. It is essential that teachers be provided with conceptual frameworks
that would help them to construct better understandings of certain aspects of
NOS. These conceptual frameworks, as previously noted, are the products of a
purposeful and elaborate endeavour by a collective of individuals who examined
and continue to examine the scientific enterprise. It is unlikely that prospective or
practising science teachers would be able to construct such elaborate conceptual
frameworks through their relatively limited experiences with the various dimensions of the scientific enterprise, and enterprises that systematically study the
scientific endeavour (i.e. history, philosophy, and sociology of science).

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The underlying assumptions of the implicit approach seemed to have compromised its effectiveness in enhancing science teachers understandings of NOS.
If a more critical appraisal of the success of the implicit and explicit approaches is
deferred for the moment, and if the reviwed studies are examined on the basis of
the statistical models that were employed and the numerical gains that were
reported, then it could be concluded that - to the extent that the instruments in
use faithfully assessed participants NOS views - an explicit approach was generally more effective in fostering appropriate conceptions of NOS among prospective and practising science teachers. This conclusion is based on the fact that, on
the one hand, all eight studies that employed an explicit approach reported statistically significant gains in participant science teachers conceptions of NOS as
measured by the respective instruments in use (Akindehin 1988, Billeh and
Hasan 1975, Carey and Stauss 1968, 1970, Jones 1969, Lavach 1969, Ogunniyi
1983, Olstad 1969). On the other hand, of the eight studies that employed an
implicit approach, four reported no statistically significant gains in participants
understandings of NOS as measured by the same instruments (Haukoos and
Pennick 1985, Riley 1979, Scahrmann and Harris 1992, Spears and Zollman
1977). Moreover, the results in a fifth study (Scharmann 1990) were equivocal.
Nonetheless, a more critical appraisal of the effectiveness of the various
attempts undertaken to enhance science teachers conceptions of NOS is central
to the present review. This appraisal should, as noted earlier, be undertaken from
the standpoint that the teachers resultant understandings of NOS would adequately meet the condition deemed necessary to enable those teachers to convey
appropriate conceptions of the scientific enterprise to their students.

The success of the reviewed attempts in meeting the necessary condition

Before addressing this issue it is crucial to delineate the knowledge base deemed
necessary for teaching NOS to pre-college students. In the following argument,
attaining an understanding of NOS is taken to be a cognitive learning outcome.
Generally, mastery of two components is deemed necessary for one to be able
to effectively teach a certain topic. The first is knowledge of the content of the
target topic. In the case of NOS, this component would correspond to, for
instance, knowledge of various aspects of NOS emphasized in recent reform documents (e.g. AAAS 1990, 1993, Millar and Osbourne 1998, NRC 1996). The second component is knowledge of pedagogy. This component refers to knowledge of
generic pedagogical principles, the characteristics of the learner, and classroom
management skills. However, a third component has been gaining increased recognition as pivotal to effective teaching. This component is pedagogical content
knowledge (PCK) (Shulman 1986, 1987, Wilson et al. 1987). Applied to teaching
about NOS, PCK would include, in addition to an adequate understanding of
various aspects of NOS, knowledge of a wide range of related examples, activities,
illustrations, explanations, demonstrations, and historical episodes. These components would enable the teacher to organize, represent, and present the topic
for instruction in a manner that makes target aspects of NOS accessible to precollege students. Moreover, knowledge of alternative ways of representing aspects
of NOS would enable the teacher to adapt those aspects to the diverse interests and
abilities of learners.

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It is against this knowledge base that one is tempted to appraise the success of
the attempts undertaken to enhance science teachers understandings of NOS.
However, such an appraisal may be unrealistic given that PCK usually develops
as a result of extensive and extended experiences in teaching a certain topic.
Alternatively, what needs to be emphasized is that teaching about NOS requires
science teachers to have more than a rudimentary or superficial knowledge and
understanding of various aspects of NOS. Those teachers should be able to comfortably discourse about NOS (Robinson 1969), lead discussions regarding various
aspects of NOS, design science-based activities that would help students to comprehend those aspects, and contextualize their teaching about NOS with some
examples or stories from history of science. For instance, it is not enough for
teachers to know that scientific knowledge is socially and culturally embedded.
They should be able to use examples and/or simplified case histories from scientific practice to substantiate this claim and make it accessible and understandable
to students.
Appraised against the above background, it is safe to conclude that, in general,
the aforementioned studies were not successful in fostering among science teachers
understandings of NOS that would enable them to effectively teach this valued
aspect of science. This conclusion is based on three common features of the
studies. This first relates to the practical significance of the gross numerical
gains reported in the various studies. If we grant that teachers scores on the
various instruments that purported to measure their NOS conceptions were faithful representations of those teachers views of science, we still come to the conclusion that the statistically significant gains reported were mostly too small to be of
any practical significance (see the sixth column in table 2 and table 3).
Haukoos and Penick (1985) and Riley (1979) reported no statistically significant gains in participants scores on the SPI and TOUS respectively. Scharmann
and Harris (1992) reported no significant gains in participants NOSS scores.
Significant gains, nevertheless, were reported for paticipants scores on another
instrument (Johnson and Peeples 1987). However, the reported mean gain scores
on this latter instrument amounted to a mere 1.5 percentage points. Participants in
the Spears and Zollman (1977) study achieved no significant gains on three of the
four components of the SPI. The authors, however, reported a gain that amounted
to 2.5 percentage points on the activities component of that instrument. Ogunniyi
(1983) reported a statistically significant gain that amounted to about 3 percentage
points on the NOSS. Barufaldi et al. (1977) obtained an average gain of about 4
percentage points on the VOST. Carey and Stauss (1968) and Olstad (1969)
reported mean gain scores of about 4.5 percentage points on the TOUS. The
gain achieved in Lavachs (1969) study was on the order of about 6 percentage
points. Finally, Haukoos and Penick (1983) obtained a significant gain on the order
of 8 percentage points on the SPI. However, this result was severely compromised
by the fact that the authors were not able to replicate it in their second study
(Haukoos and Penick 1985).
A second feature that characterized many studies was that irrespective of the
gains achieved, the participants post-teatment scores indicated, at best, limited
understandings of NOS (see the seventh column in table 2 and table 3). For
instance, the post-test mean NOSS scores achieved by teachers in the Ogunniyi
(1983) study indicated less than 20 per cent agreement with the model for NOS
adopted by the developers of the instrument. Bileh and Hasan (1975) reported

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statistically significant mean gain scores on the order of 10 percentage points.

However, the post-test mean scores achieved by the teachers in the experimental
group indicated a little bit more than 50 per cent agreement with the model for the
NOST. Similarly, even though the gains reported by Trembath (1972) amounted
to about 20 percentage points, the participants mean post-test scores indicated a
little more than 50 per cent agreement with the model of NOS adopted by the
Only in two of the reviewed studies did participants achieve gains that might
start to count as practically significant. Carey and Stauss (1970) and Jones (1969)
reported statistically significant gains that were on the order of about 11 percentage points. More importantly, the participants post-test scores indicated about 85
per cent and 73 per cent agreement with the models for NOS that underlie the
WISP and the TOUS respectively. Finally, the post-test mean NOSS scores
reported by Akindehin (1988) indicated more than 90 per cent agreement with
the models for NOS adopted by the author. However, given that Akindehin did
not report the mean pre-test and post-test NOSS scores, it was difficult to assess
the impact of the ISTE package that he used in the study.
The third feature that characterized the reviewed studies was the relatively
short duration of the various treatments. These treatments typically ranged from a
few hours to a few days (see the fifth column in table 2 and table 3). For instance,
Trembaths (1972) programme spanned a mere 212 hours. Scharmann (1990) implemented his diversified instructional strategy over the course of 412 hours. Both
Billeh and Hasan (1975) and Akindehin (1988) delivered their instruction about
NOS in 12 hours. In most of the remaining studies, attempts to improve science
teachers understandings of NOS were framed within the context of science
methods courses. Given the multitude of objectives that such courses often aim
to achieve, it is difficult to imagine that the time dedicated to dealing with NOS
was significantly longer than the time this topic was allotted in the aforementioned
studies. Given the well-documented resistance of learners misconceptions to
change, even in response to formal instructions (Hewson and Hewson 1983,
Treagust et al. 1996), it is highly unlikely that participants views of NOS could
be substantially improved during such short treatments. Thus, it can be concluded that the conditions necessary for enabling teachers to effectively convey to
students adequate views of NOS (i.e. helping teachers to develop elaborate understandings of such views themselves), has not been sufficiently met
Implications for teacher education
In the absence of any systematic reform of science teaching, especially at the
college level, it is highly likely that candidate teachers will continue to join teacher
education programmes with na ve views of the scientific enterprise (Lederman and
Latz 1995, Stofflet and Stoddart 1994). As such, science teacher education programmes should continue their attempts to promote among prospective teachers
more adequate conceptions of NOS. The present review suggests that approaches
that utilize elements from history and philosophy of science and/or direct instruction on NOS are more effective in achieving that end than approaches that utilize
science process-kills instruction or non-reflective inquiry-based activities. To be
effective, the use of science-based activities should be coupled with opportunities
to help prospective teachers reflect on their experiences from within an explicit

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framework that outlines certain aspects of NOS. Irrespective of the specific

approach used, explicitness and reflection should be made focal to any attempt
geared toward improving science tecahers conceptions of NOS (see, for example,
Dickinson et al. 1999).
Moreover, NOS should be made a pervasive theme throughout science teacher
education. The aforementioned research on the translation of teachers views of
NOS into their classroom practice indicates that prospective teachers should be
given opportunities to discuss and reflect on the various aspects of NOS within the
various contexts of teacher education. For instance, prospective teachers could be
asked to design lessons that aim to promote understandings of NOS in microteaching courses. They could be asked to design an instructional unit on NOS in
curriculm courses. They could be assigned the task of designing alternative
methods to assess students understandings of NOS in evaluation and assessment
classess, and so on. The idea is to get prospective teachers to reflect on and think
about the various dimensions related to teaching about NOS in context specific
situations such as planning and assessment (see for examlpe, Lederman et al.
Implications for research
The realities of teacher preparation programmes and courses, however, impose
limits on what can be done within the context of those programmes and/or courses
to enhance science teachers views of NOS. As noted above, the relative ineffectivness of the reviewed attempts to enhance teachers conceptions of NOS should not
be surprising given that the duration of the treatmnets was very short. It is highly
unlikely that prospective and practising teachers NOS views, views that have
developed over the course of at least 14 years of high school and college science,
could be effectively changed, updated, or elaborated during a few hours, days or
weeks for that matter.
The relatively limited time that can be dedicated to improving science
teachers views of NOS within teacher education programmes is understandable
given that agendas of those programmes are already extensive and overly long.
During their years in teaching education, prospective teachers enrol in courses
designed to familiarize them with areas related to educational phychology, foundations of education, pedagogy, classroom management, instructional design, teaching methods, evaluation, school policies and laws, and current reforms in, and the
recent research literature relevant to teaching and learning. Over and above that,
prospective teachers spent roughly one-third of their final year in teacher preparation student teaching in schools.
As such, and rightly so, some educators argue that the efforts to enhance
prospective teachers NOS conceptions undertaken within science teacher education programmes need to be argumented with relevant coursework in other disciplinary departments (Bork 1967, Brush 1969, Matthews 1994). Intuitively,
coursework in philosophy and history of science, disciplines which respectively
deal with the epistemology of scientific knowledge and its development, serve as
primary candidates. Indeed, during the past 70 years, many science educators
have argued that coursework in history and/or philosophy of science could serve
to improve science teachers conceptions of NOS (Abimbola 1983, Brush 1969,
Conant 1947, Haywood 1927, Klopfer and Watson 1957, Matthews 1994, OBrien

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and Korth 1991, Robinson 1969, Rutherford 1964). A multitude of wide-ranging

courses in history and philosophy of science are already instituded in the respective
academic departments. Moreover, many science educators have advanced elaborate outlines for courses in history (e.g. OBrien and Korth 1991) and philosophy
of science (e.g. Loving 1991).
However, despite the longevity of these arguments, and to the best of our
knowledge, there is not one single empirical study in the science education literature that examined the influence of college level history of science or philosophy of
science disciplinary courses on learners conceptions of NOS. Science educators
have mainly studied the influence of science teaching that incorporates history of
science on learners conceptions of NOS (Russell 1981). Based on those studies,
they inferred a potentially useful role for history of science courses in improving
science teachers NOS conceptions. Nonetheless, an examination of the efforts that
aimed to assess the influence of incorporating history of science in science teaching
on students conceptions of NOS (Klopfer and Cooley 1963, Solomon et al. 1992,
Welch and Walberg 1972, Yager and Wick 1966) indicates that evidence concerning the effectiveness of the historical approach is, at best, inconclusive.
As such, suggestions to include courses in history and philosophy of science in
the preparation of science teachers do not seem to be grounded in any firm empirical literature. Indeed, it is rather perplexing that this line of research has not been
pursued. While there might be compelling theoretical arguments that support such
an intuitive claim, empirical research that critically examines the influence of
history and philosophy of science courses on prospective and practising science
teachers views of NOS needs to be pursued.
Additionally, research efforts on the effectiveness of various instructional
sequences undertaken within the context of science teacher education and inservice
training programmes to respectively improve prospective and practising science
teachers conceptions of NOS should be continued. In this regard, research into
the effectiveness of NOS instruction undertaken from within a conceptual change
philosophy is certainly worthwhile pursuing.
Moreover, it should be emphasized that possessing adequate understandings
of NOS is not sufficient to enable teachers to enhance students conceptions of the
scientific enterprise. Research efforts that aim to identify and isolate the factors
that constrain or facilitate the translation of teachers conceptions of NOS into
classroom practice need to be pursued as well. Attempts to mitigate constraining
factors or augment facilitating ones need to be investigated. These latter research
efforts, however, should always keep in mind that having adequate conceptions of
NOS is necessary for effective NOS instruction. Research into factors that might
impede or facilitate the translation of teachers views of NOS into their instructional practices should always clearly delineate participant science teachers views
of NOS. Finally, research efforts that aim to investigate the relationship between
teachers conceptions of NOS and students conceptions need to be pursued.

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Americans (New York: Oxford University Press).
(AAAS) American Association for the Advancement of Science (1993) Benchmarks for
Science Literacy: A Project 2061 Report. (New York: Oxford University Press).

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