Strategic Public/Private Partnerships: For Innovation

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Mario Cervantes
Senior Economist
Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation
2 November 2016

• Trends in industry-science collaboration

• Why focus on PPP now?
• Defining Strategic PPPs for STI
• Country participation and case studies
• Implications for actors in P/PPs
• Concluding remarks
• Contacts

Business-funded R&D in the higher education sectors,


Source: OECD, Main Science and Technology Indicators (MSTI) Database, October 2016. 3
Why focus on P/PPs in STI now?

• Competiveness concerns in OECD

• Complex social /global challenges
• Fiscal consolidation and pressure to focus
public investments in R&D + I
– Smart specialisation in the EU
– Lead markets (e.g. Germany’s High-Tech
Strategy, Netherlands TOP Sector strategy –
incl. agri-food)
• Changing nature of innovation; greater
complexity/interdisciplinary, open
innovation, global networks
Why focus on PPP for STI now?

• But mainstream R&D and innovation

policy instruments tend to focus on
increasing the ‘rate’ of innovation (e.g
R&D tax credits, improving linkages
between industry and science, etc.)
• Little attention to the ‘direction’ of
innovation or a systemic approach

Strategic P/PPs in STI
Defining characteristics:
• Co-operative and contractual agreement to accelerate innovation
more effectively than a government lab or a firm could achieve on its
own. Goal
Driven PPPs

• multiple private and public stakeholders,

Small scale ad-
hoc temporary
• high-risk projects around
emerging technologies Bilateral Strategic
partnership Multilateral
s partnerships/C
• intellectual assets-based ; IPRs and onsortia

high cost,
• primarily initiated by the high risk
government and aligned with Efficiency/ Rate of
industrial and innovation strategies
Characteristics of Strategic PPP’s in
• Not only efficiency or value for money but a focus on
strategic goals
• More on the direction of innovation, than the rate
• Multi-actor, multi-disciplinary and systemic
• Considers the value chain (producers – public research
– consumers) ; demand-oriented
• A vehicle for transition and systemic innovation
• Policy rationales go beyond market and systems
failure, also
– Failures in demand
– Technology lock-in
• A focus on opportunities!
What sets Strategic P/PPs in STI apart from other
forms of industry-science collaboration?

• Challenge-driven (top-down, linked to new industrial

• Adaptive IP arrangements (e.g. restricted, open or shared)
• Flexible entry and exit managed through contracts
• Incentivised financing with controls (e.g. judicious timing of
public support, use of equity financing, use of milestone
• Implementing monitoring plans, performance indicators
• Implementing independent organisational structures (e.g.
monitoring boards)

Examples of specialisation and
Moving from
nails to eye-
CH Inventing
Moving from
Boat Helices
to Windmill
the potential
of nanotech.
in pulp &

Example of P/PPs – Lead Market
Top consortium Knowledge & Innovation (TKI) Maritime in the Netherland
Scope of research • the whole ‘knowledge chain’, i.e. a mix of fundamental research, applied
research and innovation.
Duration • No fixed duration of the programme. The underlying ‘innovation contract’ is
renewed every two years.
Governance • Having a light governance structure which gives a large degree of freedom in
organising the way in which their participants collaborate and how they arrange
their funding and spending, leaving much room for bottom-up project ideas.
• Using different collaboration modalities for each stage of the knowledge and
innovation chain.
Finance • The government gives a TKI allowance (a 25% top-up) on the cash contribution
of the companies to the collaboration, which provides an incentive for industrial
Management of IPR • The TKI Maritime follows the general ‘rules of play’ for IPR including
background knowledge and foreground knowledge, which helps to streamline
IPR arrangements within and between top sectors.

Monitoring and • Delivering an annual report to show how the resources have been used and what
evaluation the results are, which is also used in learning activity on how to set-up and
manage P/PPs.

Source: case study report provided by Dutch delegate for OECD Working Party on Innovation and Technology Policy (TIP)
Other Examples

• Belgium’s CINBIOS
• China’s Strategic Alliances for Industrial
Technology Innovation
• The Danish Innovation Consortia
• EU’s Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs)
• Finnish-Russian Innovation Alliance on
• Germany’s National Electric Mobility
• Japan’s global nanotechnology complex
Tsukuba Innovation Arena (TIA)
• The Netherlands Ecogenomics Consortium
• Spain’s National Strategic Consortia for
Technical Research
• US’s National Additive
Manufacturing Innovation Institute
(NAMII) 11
Example of P/PPs - institutional level
The Christian Doppler Research Association (CDG) in Austria
Scope of research • Application oriented basic research (performed by CD Laboratories)
• Application oriented research (performed by JR Centres)
 Have to be based on the demand of a company.
Duration • Maximum 7 years (CD Laboratories), Maximum 5 years (JR Centres)
Governance • The composition of steering elements consists of companies and academia as
well as representatives from the responsible ministry.
• Integration of all stakeholders allows for a highly flexible response to
environmental changes and individual circumstances.
Finance • Public-Private Partnership with usually 50% financed by each, the public as
well as by the commercial partners.
• SME involvement increases public share to 60%.
Management of IPR • Based on specified fields of interests, results from research activities (e.g.
patents, software) have to be handed over to the commercial partners or may
be utilised by the academic partner.

Monitoring and • Mid-term evaluations are based on scientific results and the development of
evaluation basic research.
• The final evaluation report has to be structured along clear defined guidelines,
including indicators on scientific output and economic activity.
Source: case study report provided by Austrian delegate for OECD Working Party on Innovation and Technology Policy (TIP)
Focus: US’s National Additive Manufacturing
Innovation Institute (NAMII)

• Consortium of manufacturing firms, universities, community colleges, and
non-profit organizations primarily from the Ohio-Pennsylvania-West Virginia
‘Tech Belt’.
• An initial $30 million Federal award
• The members of NAMII will co-invest $40 million
Key technology:
• Additive manufacturing, often referred to as 3D printing
Government initiated:
• The Department of Defense, The Department of Energy

Major issues of P/PPs

and design

Finance Governance

IP P/PPs Human

Internation to
alisation participatio
and impacts
Implications for actors in P/PPs

(1) Project selection and design

• Establishing well-designed partnership:
– Well-designed partnerships (including clear goals and timelines) can
have clear and positive impacts, which provide efficiency gains in
research and closer ties to application, and help partners manage
technological and financial risks effectively.
– The longer-term perspective and commitment from all partners are
required for the strategic goals.
– Clarifying issues such as ownership, access, decision and control in the
partnerships is important.
• Taking into account eco-system and value-chain perspective:
– Integrating technological roadmaps and regional/cluster foresight in
partnerships can help identify opportunities for broader application of
research and technological outputs from the partnerships.

Implications for actors in P/PPs

(2) Finance
• Ensuring financial transparency:
– It is important to establish a mechanism for ensuring financial
transparency and preventing moral hazard which might occur under a
collaborative programme,.
• Ensuring financial sustainability:
– It is important to design a strategic P/PP in a way that incentivises the
participants to collaborate closely.
– Excessive shifting of risk to the private sector will reduce their
incentives to participate in the P/PP. In general, a well-established
financial and business infrastructure (re-insurance, contract resolution
and renegotiation) plays a catalytic role in increasing the success of the
– Ensuring multiple sources of funds is important.
– It is also important to develop clearer measures of outcomes to justify
investment. 16
Implications for actors in P/PPs

(3) Governance
• Ensuring strong governance arrangements:
– Successful P/PPs require strong governance arrangements, especially
when they involve a wide number of actors.
– Regarding government-supported partnerships, governments can act as
leader and orchestrate processes in support of the overall goal of the
partnerships. Complex and strategic P/PPs may also require the
commitment and active involvement of more than one ministry to
achieve desired outcomes.
– Establishing strong and horizontal governance within the HEIs and
PRIs is important to manage the partnership.

Implications for actors in P/PPs

(4) Managing Intellectual Property

• Establishing contractual mechanisms:
– The establishment of contractual mechanisms that define knowledge and
IP sharing and transfering, including access to research data and
infrastructure, during and after the partnership, is crucial for the success
and longevity of such collaborative arrangements.
• Incentivising participation:
– Sharing of knowledge and IP is a common tool but more in upstream
research processes rather than in downstream commercialisation.
– For example, the assignment of exclusive rights to the private sector
provides incentives for firms to continue to control costs in the
development of new technologies.
• Case-by-case application:
– Taking into account technical areas, technology readiness level, the
attribution of the participants etc. and optimising IP management is
crucial so as to maximise the social and economic value created. 18
Implications for actors in P/PPs

(5) Human resources

• Creating incentives for researchers to collaborate with private firms
– Both financial rewards and institutional changes promoting careers of
those scientists who choose to work on knowledge transfer tasks are
important (although a proper balance must be sustained between basic
science and applied research).

(6) Openness to participation

• Enabling a wide range of actors to participate:
– Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face particular difficulties
in connecting with other actors in innovation eco-systems given the
shortage of finance, coordinating costs, legal costs of IPR arrangements
etc. Because of their diversity - some SMEs are closer to research, while
others are closer to commercial activities - they can play an important
brokerage role in translating high level government objectives and the
commercial objectives of larger enterprises.
Implications for actors in P/PPs

(7) Internationalisation
• International partnerships:
– International P/PPs have increased in the context of cross-border EU
programmes (FP7, Horizon 2020) whereas national P/PP programmes
tend to be focused on national actors. At the same time, private
foundations (e.g. Gates Foundation) are establishing international
P/PPs around global challenges like health.
• Considering the differencies in legislation, rules and procedures:
– Differences in legislation, rules and procedures for P/PPs in OECD and
non-member countries may make the establishment of cross-border
P/PPs difficult at best given the lack of standards. These differences
make the management of P/PPs in the STI area more complex than in
other areas and deserve particular attention from policy makers.

Implications for actors in P/PPs

(8) Evaluation and impacts

• Extending a scope of evaluation and impacts:
– In the context in which P/PPs are used as a policy instrument to cope
with grand challenges such as climate change, biodiversity and food
security, traditional impact assessments which focus on economic
impacts is not sufficient to meet policy needs.
– In the STI area, value for money may not always be the main criteria for
evaluating the impact of P/PPs; improving health or the environment,
creating new knowledge, human capital building or building new
networks may be equally important impacts.

Summary of P/PPs Good Practice
(1) Project selection and • Establishing well-designed partnership (including clear goals and
design timelines)
• Taking into account eco-system and value-chain perspective
(2) Finance • Ensuring financial transparency
• Ensuring financial sustainability

(3) Governance • Ensuring strong governance arrangements

(4) Managing Intellectual • Establishing contractual mechanisms

Property • Incentivising participation
• Case-by-case application

(5) Human resources • Creating incentives for researchers to collaborate with private firms
(Including promoting careers of those scientists who choose to
work on collaboration)
(6) Openness to participation • Enabling a wide range of actors to participate

(7) Internationalisation • International partnerships

• Considering the differencies in legislation, rules and procedures

(8) Evaluation and impacts • Extending a scope of evaluation and impacts

Concluding remarks
• Strategic PPPs represent a major shift in STI policy from an approach that
promotes collaboration in innovation towards one that links public research
with companies in order to achieve strategic goals such as revitalizing
industrial production or tackling social and global challenges; P/PPs can be
more flexible than tax credits or direct subsidies.

• The success of strategic PPPs is conditioned by three major factors:

1) project design and ex-ante selection of proposals and;
2) contractual design, which specifies internal management activities as
well as the allocation and distribution of financial resources; sharing of
IPRs etc;
3) public funds should be used to incentivise firms to bear market risks
while upstream research risks should be borne by public partners.

• Evaluation of PPPs, like that of many policies to encourage industry-

university collaboration, is difficult but possible:
1) Ensure evaluation techniques match policy objectives;
2) Use multiple methods to increase the reliability of evaluation results.
Thank you!

[email protected]
[email protected]


Standard definition of Smart

• « It is not a planning doctrine that would

require a region to specialize in a
particular set of industries »
• « It is an approach to policy that
considers whether those activities already
strong or showing promise for a region
can benefit from (more) R&D and
innovation »
- D. Foray

Key elements of smart specialisation and
their theorectical underpinnings

• Key elements of smart specialisation

– Entry and growth
– Innovation
– Specialisation and diversification
– General purpose technologies
– Prioritization
– Entrepreneurial discovery
– Regions
– Openness
– Universities and Centres of Excellence
– New Industrial Policy
– Evaluation

Archetypes of innovation system, 2010

Public research- Firm-centred

centred Innovation
Innovation system system

public research

Public lab-centred
public research

Source: Commercialising Public Research (OECD, 2013)
Firms engaging in collaboration on innovation, by R&D
status, 2010-12

As a percentage of R&D-active and non R&D-active firms

Source: Science, Technology and Innovation Scoreboard 2015 (OECD, 2015)

Firms collaborating on innovation with higher education
or research institutions, by firm size, 2010-2012
As a percentage of product and/or process-innovating firms in each size category

Source: Science, Technology and Innovation Scoreboard 2015 (OECD, 2015) 30

External knowledge sources firms use for their
innovation activities, by type of sources, 2010-12
As a percentage of product and/or process-innovating firms citing source as “highly important”

Source: Science, Technology and Innovation Scoreboard 2015 (OECD, 2015)
Patents citing non-patent literature (NPL), selected
technologies, 2007-13

Share of citations to NPL in backward citations, average, EPO patents

Source: Science, Technology and Innovation Scoreboard 2015 (OECD, 2015) 32

Share of university patent applications and share
of business patents citing university patents (%)
Company patents that cite university patents (%)

University patenting (%)

Source: OECD (2013) based on R. Veugelers et al. (2012), “The participation of universities in
technology development: Do creation and use coincide? An empirical investigation on the level of
national innovation systems”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Vol. 21, pp. 445-472.

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