Rune Age FAQ - v1
Rune Age FAQ - v1
Rune Age FAQ - v1
This section answers frequently asked questions about
Rune Age.
Errata/FAQ General
Version 1.0 – 1/16/2013 Q: During setup, do players randomly choose cities?
A: Yes. Players shuffle the city cards and deal the correct
Errata number of cities into the central play area as indicated
by the “Variable Setup” table on page 4 of the rulebook.
This section contains general rule changes and
clarifications for Rune Age. Q: If an effect targets opposing units, can an Enemy
card be chosen as the target?
Cards A: No.
“A Time for War” Runewars Event card: This card
should read “during the next round” instead of “during Q: When a player wants to secure a stronghold with
this round.” strength (instead of gold), does he perform a
Combat action to do so?
“Thieves’ Guild” Monument Event card: This card should A: Yes. The normal rules of combat apply during this battle.
read “central play area” instead of “common play area.”
Q: Can a player perform a Combat action against a
Rulebook stronghold or city that he has already secured?
Page 7: Step 1 of “A Player’s Turn” did not include A: No. A player can only attack a stronghold when it is in
Rewards in the list of cards to refresh. Step 1 should read, his barracks, and he can only attack a city when it is in
“Refresh Exhausted Cities, Strongholds, and Rewards: the central play area or controlled by another player.
During this step, the player refreshes (rotates to original
orientation) all cities, strongholds, and Rewards under his Q: Can a player perform a Combat action even if he
control. They are now ready to generate more influence.” knows he cannot succeed with the cards currently
in his hand?
Page 7: The section entitled “Unit Card Action” should A: Yes.
instead be titled “Card Action.” All references to “Unit
Card action” should instead refer to “Card action.” The
third sentence under this section should begin with “Card
actions” instead of “Unit card abilities.”
Q: Can a player perform a Combat action without Q: If a wounded unit is removed from combat by an
playing any cards into the combat? effect such as the “Warlock Chieftain” ability, is it
A: No. He must play at least one unit or tactic card into still destroyed?
the combat. A: No.
Q: Can a player secure a stronghold belonging to Q: When resolving the “Warlock Chieftain” ability,
another faction? does the player place the “Warlock Chieftain” and
one other friendly unit on the top of his deck?
A: No. A player can only attack and secure his own
faction’s strongholds. A: No. The player places only one friendly unit on top of
his deck; the “Warlock Chieftian” may be that one unit.
Q: Does each player replenish his hand after drawing
and resolving the Event card during the Event phase? Q: If a player plays “Storm Sorceress” as a Card action
and does not exhaust it to generate influence, is it
A: Yes.
still destroyed at the end of the turn?
Q: If an Event card has a “Start of Each Event Phase” A: Yes.
effect, does that effect resolve on the round in which
it was drawn? Q: If a player plays “Storm Sorceress” into a combat,
can he exhaust it to generate influence?
A: No.
A: No. “Storm Sorceress” can only generate influence if
Q: Do “End of Combat” effects resolve on a unit or it is played as a Card action, which a player cannot do
Enemy card if that card is destroyed or discarded during a Combat action.
before the End of Combat step?
A: No. For example, if a player defeats Gata the White Neutral Cards
Death, Gata is discarded during the Resolution step and
Q: Are the “Naga” and “Demon” only able to trigger
does not resolve its “End of Combat” effect.
their effects once due to the “once per card per
round” rule of abilities?
Q: Where do Reward Event cards go when they are
destroyed? A: No. The “once per card per round” rule only applies to
abilities with the When Played, Resolution, End of
A: They are placed in the Event card discard pile.
Combat and Action keywords.
Q: If a player generates influence to trigger a card ability
Q: Is a player required to wound a unit in order to play
such as the “Darnati Warrior” ability, can he save
“Summon Lightning?” Can he play the card if the
excess influence to pay for abilities on another card?
opponent has no units to be destroyed?
A: No. Influence generated to trigger an ability must be
A: A player may play “Summon Lightning” even if he
spent immediately, and any excess influence cannot be
doesn’t have a unit to wound, and he may play it even
reserved to trigger another ability.
if the opponent does not have a unit to be destroyed.
Q: If a unit is immediately wounded when played,
such as by the “Mind Riders” or “Blood Fury”
Event cards, can it be chosen to be wounded for the
purpose of other card effects?
A: No. A wounded unit cannot be chosen to be wounded
Scenarios The Cataclysm
Runewars Q: When “Holy War” is in play, are players limited to
replenishing their hands to four cards at the end of the
Q: Can a player have more than one Dragon Rune Event phase (in addition to at the end of each turn)?
Power card?
A: Yes.
A: No. If a player gains a second Dragon Rune Power card
for any reason, he must choose one to keep and remove The Monument
the other card from the game.
Q: When resolving “Thieves’ Guild,” is each player
Q: Are Dragon Rune Power cards dealt faceup at the required to choose an option that he can fully
start of the game? resolve?
A: Yes. Dragon Rune Power cards are open information A: No. Each player may choose either option even if he
and are always faceup. can’t fully resolve it. Once a player has chosen an
option, he must resolve it as fully as he can.
Q: Can “Tact and Diplomacy” be used when defending
a city? Q: If “A Change of Seasons” is resolved multiple times
during a game, does the turn order reverse each time?
A: Yes.
A: No. “A Change of Seasons” causes the turn order to
Q: In what order do players resolve “Barbarian resolve in counter-clockwise order for the rest of the
Invasion?” game. It does not switch back to clockwise turn order.
A: Beginning with the first player and proceeding
Q: If a player wins a combat against a city that “Dar
clockwise, each player may destroy as many Gold
Hilzernod” is on, does “Dar Hilzernod” remain on
cards in his hand as he wishes. Each player only has
that city?
one opportunity to destroy Gold cards in his hand.
A: Yes.
Q: If two or more players tie when resolving
“Barbarian Invasion,” which player resolves the Q: If the first player does not control a city when “Dar
card first? Hilzernod” is drawn, where is “Dar Hilzernod”
A: Tied players resolve the card in clockwise order,
beginning with the first player. A: If the first player does not control a city when “Dar
Hilzernod” is drawn, the player to his left places “Dar
Q: If a player has no units remaining in combat, can he Hilzernod” on his own highest influence city. If that
still gain bonus strength from the effects of “A Time player controls no cities, “Dar Hilzernod” moves to the
for War” or “Tact and Diplomacy?” next player in clockwise order and so forth until it is
placed. In the unlikely event that no players control any
A: Yes.
cities when “Dar Hilzernod” is drawn or defeated, the
first player places the card on the highest influence city
in the central play area.
Oath and Anvil FAQ Q: If a player plays “Stasis Rune” into a combat and
his opponent then plays a “Forest Guardian” or
This section answers frequently asked questions about the “Demon,” is that unit destroyed?
Oath and Anvil expansion. A: No. If the opponent’s next unit card played into the
combat cannot be destroyed, “Stasis Rune” resolves
General without effect. It does not affect any subsequent units
Q: Can the Orc player perform a Spend Gold action played into that combat.
and choose not to purchase any cards?
A: Yes. Scenarios
Ascent of the Overlord
Q: If a mythic unit is destroyed while it is in a player’s
hand, is it discarded to the player’s discard pile or Q: At the end of the Event phase, do the players
returned to the barracks? replenish their hands before resolving the
“Renegade Oracle” effect?
A: A destroyed mythic unit is always discarded to the
discard pile instead of returning to the barracks. A: Yes.
Neutral Cards
Q: Does “Promise of Riches” reduce the cost of only a
single unit card?
A: Yes. Each “Promise of Riches” that a player destroys
reduces the cost of a single unit card by one during
a Spend Gold action. For example, a player may
purchase two “Necromancer” units for a total of five
gold (instead of six) if he destroys one “Promise of
Riches” card. If he destroys three “Promise of Riches”
cards, he can purchase two “Necromancer” units for a
total of three gold.