Conf L Management Verma

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From The Project Management Institute Project Management Handbook, Ed: Jeffrey Pinto.

1998 isbn 0-7879-4013-5

Vijay K. Verma
Conflict is the gadfly of thought. It stirs us to observation and memory It instigates in-
vention. It shocks us out of sheeplike passivity and sets us at noting and contriving.
Conflict is a “sine qua non” of reflection and ingenuity

Conflict is as inevitable in a project environment as change seems to be. When project team members interact
during the course of completing their tasks and responsibilities, there is always a potential for conflict. In fact, it
is virtually impossible for people with diverse background skills and norms to work together; make decisions,
and try to meet project goals and objectives without conflict.
Project managers must identify, analyze, and evaluate both positive and negative values of conflict and their
effect on performance. They must learn how and when to stimulate conflict and how to use it to increase the
performance of project team members. Conflict need not have destructive consequences. Attitudes and conflict
management styles play an important role in determining whether such conflict will lead to destructive or
mutually beneficial outcomes.(ref 1)

Views of Conflict
Over the years three distinct views have evolved about conflict in projects and organizations)’ The traditional
view (dominant from the late nineteenth century until the mid-1940s) assumes that conflict is bad, always has a
negative impact, and leads to declines in performance as the level of conflict increases. Conflict must therefore
always be avoided. In this view conflict is closely associated with such terms as violence, destruction, and
The response to conflict in the traditional view is to reduce, suppress, or eliminate it. The manager was
responsible for freeing the project of any conflict, often using an authoritarian approach. Although that approach
worked sometimes, it was not generally effective; when they are suppressed, the root causes cannot be
identified, and the potentially positive aspects of conflict cannot emerge.
This traditional view of conflict is still widely held because industrial and business institutions that have a
strong influence on our society concur with it. This negative view of conflict played a role in the development of
labor unions. Violent or disruptive confrontations between workers and management led people to conclude that
conflict was always detrimental and should therefore be avoided.

The behavioral or contemporary view, also known as the human relations view, emerged in the late 1940s and
held sway through the 1970s. It argues that conflict is natural and inevitable in all organizations and that it may
have either a positive or a negative effect, depending on how the conflict is handled. Performance may increase
with conflict, but only up to a certain level, and then decline if conflict is allowed to increase further or is left
unresolved. This approach advocates acceptance of conflict and rationalizes its existence. Because of the po-
tential benefits from conflict, project managers should focus on managing it effectively rather than suppressing
or eliminating it.

The newest perspective, the interactionist view assumes that conflict is necessary to increase performance.
While the behavioral approach accepts conflict, the interactionist view encourages conflict based on the belief
that a harmonious, peaceful, tranquil, too-cooperative project organization is likely to become static, apathetic,
stagnant, and unable to respond to change and innovation. This approach encourages managers to maintain an
appropriate level of conflict—enough to keep projects self-critical, viable, creative, and innovative.

Using these three views of conflict, the managerial actions to be taken can be decided by comparing the actual
level of conflict (a) and desired levels of conflict (d)(ref 3). According to the traditional view, the desired level
of conflict is always zero. If a = 0, do nothing, and if actual conflict rises above zero, it should be resolved. But
the behavioral and interactionist views differ only in terms of the desired level of conflict, which could be equal
to or above zero in the contemporary view and is always above zero in the interactionist view If the desired level
of conflict is above zero, then there are three possible outcomes depending on whether a is more than d or a is
less than d. (See Table 22.1 for a summary of the three views of conflict, their effect on performance, and the
recommended managerial actions.)
Traditional View Contemporary View Interactionist View
Main Points Caused by troublemakers Inevitable between humans Results from commitment to goals
Bad Not always bad Often beneficial
Should be avoided Natural result of change Should be stimulated
Should be suppressed Can be managed Should aim to foster creativity

Effect on Performance declines as the Performance mainly Certain level of conflict is

Performance level of conflict increases depends on how necessary to increase
effectively the conflict is performance. Performance
handled. Generally increases with conflict up to a
performance increases to certain level, then declines if
a certain level as conflict conflict increases further or
level increases, then remains unresolved
declines if conflict is
allowed to increase
further or left unresolved
Recommended Do nothing if a = d Do nothing if a = d Do nothing if a = d
Actions Resolve conflict if a > d Resolve conflict if a > d Resolve conflict if a> d
(Where d = 0) (Where d ~ 0) Stimulate conflict if a < d
(Where d> 0)
Note: a = actual level of conflict among team members; d = desired level of conflict that team members are comfortable

Whets a is lets than d, conflict management implies not only conflict resolution but also conflict stimulation.
According to the behavioral and interactionist views, there is an optimal level of conflict that maximizes project
and organizational performance. A project with no conflict whatsoever has little incentive for innovation,
creativity, or change because its participants are comfortable with the status quo and are not concerned about
improving their performance.

Conflict in Projects

Breakdown in communication is the overarching, most common, and most obvious source of conflict in
projects. A lack of trust, respect, effective listening skills, and perceptual differences can lead to serious
communication problems. Misinterpretation of a design drawing, a misunderstood change orders delays in
delivery of critical components, and failure to execute instructions are all results of some type of communication
breakdown. The communication skills of project managers are often put to the test by overlapping areas of
responsibility, gray lines of authority, delegation problems, complex project organizational structures, and
conflicts among participants. That is why communication is too important to be fully covered by administrative
procedures alone. Project managers and their teams must also develop effective communication skills
(especially listening skills) to resolve project conflicts. They must learn to create an atmosphere that encourages
open communication in order to deal with conflict and gain team members’ acceptance of and commitment to
project goals.
In general, all potential conflict fits one of three categories, although a particular conflict situation may be based
on two or more of the categories:

I. Goal-oriented conflicts are associated with end results, performance specifications and criteria,
priorities, and objectives.
2. Administrative conflicts refer to the management structure and philosophy and are mainly based on
definition of roles and reporting relationships and on responsibilities and authority for tasks, functions, and
3. Interpersonal conflicts result from differences in work ethics, styles, egos, and personalities of the

Project environments are particularly vulnerable to generating conflict. Thamhain and Wilemon have identified
seven major sources of conflict in project management based on their research conducted in a private
manufacturing company) Table 22.2 shows a comparison between the rankings of intensity of conflict, as
suggested by Thamhain and Wslemon and by Posner, and Table 22.3 shows sources of conflict and
recommended solutions.
Sources of Conflict Conflict Intensity Ranking
Thamhain and Wilemon Posner
Conflict over project priorities 2 3
Conflict over administration 5 7
Conflict over technical opinions and 4 5
performance trade-offs
Conflict over human resources 3 4
Conflict over cost and budget 7 2
Conflict over schedules 1 1
Personality conflict 6 6
Sources: Thamhain, W. I., & Wilemon, 0. L. (1975). Conflict management in project life cycles. Sloan Management Review,
16(3), 31—50. Posner, 8. (1986). What’s all the fighting about? Conflicts in project management. IEEE Transactions on
Engineering Management, EM-33(4), 207—211.

The major difference in Posner’s study, clear from Table 22.2, is the pattern of conflict over costs, changing
from seventh to second place. Conflict over administrative procedures dropped from fifth to last position. Their
differences can be explained by a variety of changes in circumstances and ways of managing business,
programs, and projects. Differences over cost cm be attributed to tough global competition. Also, a shift in
government contract pricing strategy (from a more flexible cost-plus basis to more rigorous fixed-price
approach) has increased emphasis on cost issues. The decreased intensity of conflict over procedures can be
explained by wider acceptance of project management concepts, strategies, and techniques.6

Managing Conflict in Projects

Because of the significant impact that conflict can have on project success, managing it well is one of the most
important skills a project manager must possess. An American Management Association study of middle- and
top-level executives revealed that the average manager spends approximately 20 percent of his or her time
dealing with conflict.7 The importance of conflict management is also reinforced by a research study of
managers that analyzed twenty-five skills and personality factors to determine which, if any were related to
managerial success. Of the twenty-five factors, the ability to handle conflict was most positively related to
managerial success.9


Sources of Conflict Definitions Suggested Solutions
Conflict over project priorities Views of project participants differ Develop a master plan compatible
over sequence of activities and with long-term strategies.
tasks. Includes goals
incompatibility and differences in
long-term versus short-term
Conflict over administration Conflicts over managerial and Clarify roles, responsibilities, and
procedures administrative issues of how the reporting relationships at the
project will be organized and beginning of the project.
Conflict over technical opinions and Disagreements over technical Use peer review and steering
performance trade-offs issues, performance specifications, committees to review specifications
and technical trade-offs. and design.
Conflict over human resources Conflicts concerning staffing and Develop a work breakdown
allocation of project personnel and structure and a corresponding
where to get them and how. responsibility matrix.
Conflict over cost and budget Conflict over cost estimates from Develop overall budgets supported
support areas regarding work by detailed budget and cost
breakdown structures and estimates of subproject tasks and
estimating techniques. activities
Conflict over schedules Disagreements about the timing, Develop an overall schedule that
sequencing, and scheduling of integrates schedules for subprojects
project related tasks and with staffing and other life
information system to prepare and constraints.
monitor project schedules.
Personality conflict Disagreements on interpersonal Emphasize team building
issues. and create an environment that
emphasizes respect, diversity, and

Project managers must not only be aware of various interpersonal conflict resolution modes and their strengths
and weaknesses in order to choose an appropriate approach but must also manage conflict using some practical
guidelines that involve preparing for the conflict, facing it, and then resolving it by developing win-win
strategies. They must also recognize that it is sometimes good to stimulate conflict in order to encourage self-
evaluation, creativity and innovation.

Stimulating Conflict

The whole notion of stimulating conflict is difficult to accept because conflict traditionally has a negative
connotation. There is evidence, however, that in some situations, an increase in conflict actually improves
performance.9 Stimulating conflict is considered a proactive approach that requires up-front initiative aimed at
minimizing the impact of potential negative conflict and avoiding costly patching-up operations later in the
project life cycle. For example, certain policies regarding negotiating contracts and resolving disputes should be
developed and agreed on at the beginning of the project. Generally management and project managers can
stimulate conflict in the following ways.10

Accept conflict as desirable on certain occasions. Conflict may result as the project manager insists on
developing sufficient front-end planning and a basic framework with clear project priorities, scope definition,
and administrative procedures. To a degree, conflicts at the front end should he viewed positively since a project
manager’s opportunity to participate in setting the project’s budget and schedule (including arguing for
objectives that may cause conflict) is likely to decrease conflicts down the road.

Bring new individuals into an existing situation. Thoughtful questions and comments from newcomers or
outsiders may provide a different, fresh perspective. They may encourage long-time team members to remove
their blinders and think of new ways of doing things. For example, a project manager may bring in an outside
expert to increase team effectiveness by introducing team partnering and a win-win conflict resolution strategy.

Restructure the project organization. The project organization structure may have to be changed to suit the
circumstances. For example, freeform structure is good during planning to allow active participation and
creative expression, whereas strong matrix forms work better during the execution and termination phases.
New reporting relationships may create uncertainty, but they may also motivate project participants to discover
innovative and creative ways to get work done.

Introduce programs designed to increase competition. A manager of projects may introduce competition to
encourage task managers to accomplish their work packages ahead of schedule and under budget without
compromising quality Project managers must understand the difference between competition and conflict in
order to get positive results. Competition may cause a conflict among task managers as they try to win against
each other but overall organizational output will probably increase.

Introduce programmed conflict. Some project participants may be keen in pushing their ideas. Project managers
should play devil’s advocate and use dialectical inquiry to develop and clarify opposing points of view. These
approaches are designed to program conflict into processes of planning, decision making, and risk analysis, and
thus make conflict legitimate and acceptable.”

Resolving Structural Conflicts

Structural conflict resolution techniques focus on the structural aspects of the project organization (such as
procedures, personnel, resources, and reporting relationships) that may be causing the conflict. These techniques
emphasize that certain structural features can cause conflict even if the project team members behave (as
individuals) in a reasonable manner.’2
Procedural changes mainly refer to changing work procedures to avoid conflict. For instance, a project manager
or technical expert on the team may evaluate and select a vendor for a technical contract. The purchasing
department may then follow traditional departmental procedures, causing delays that may lead to conflict. Such
disputes can be avoided by involving the purchasing department in the process of evaluating bids for complex
technical contracts and thereby ensuring purchasing’s cooperation and prompt service when needed to expedite
the contract.
Personnel changes involve transferring individuals into or out of the project in order to resolve personality
conflicts. For example, a personality conflict between two high-performing technical experts may be reducing
overall project output. If one of the experts is transferred to another project, both people are then able to make a
significant and positive contribution to their projects and to the organization as a whole.
Authority changes clarify or alter line of authority and responsibility to reduce conflict. Such situations usually
arise in matrix structures, where functional managers may exert their authority over personnel who have been
assigned to a specific project manager for the duration of the project. Clarifying or changing authority lines or
reporting relationships in such circumstances will reduce typical structural conflicts between the project
manager and the functional manager.
Layout changes rearrange work space to resolve conflict. This becomes essential when two project teams harass
or disturb each other continually. It may be effective to build a physical separation between them to eliminate
Resource changes involve increasing resources so that the disputing parties can each have what they need. For
example, a conflict may develop between two project managers (each handling a large but tight project) over the
priorities for purchasing and accounting personnel. A manager of projects can resolve the conflicts by getting an
authorization to hire separate accounting and purchasing personnel for each project so that both project
managers get what they need.

Interpersonal Conflict Resolution Techniques

Interpersonal conflict resolution techniques are based on the recognition that the choice of a conflict management strategy
depends on the intensity of the conflict and the relative importance people place on maintaining good relationships versus
achieving goals. Like a leadership style, the specific method of resolving conflict also depends on a number of situational
variables. The best approach will be the one that minimizes the obstacles to project completion and helps to develop
cohesive and effective project teams.
Individuals attempt to manage interpersonal conflict in a variety of ways, depending on the relative importance and intensity
of the conflict, the time pressure for resolving the conflict, the position taken by the players involved, and the motivation to
resolve conflict on a long-term or a short-term basis.3
Conflict management possibilities also depend on the ratio of assertiveness to cooperation among the parties involved in the
conflict, as well as on the type of conflict. Conflict resolution techniques range from the power-based steamroller approach
to a more defensive, diplomatic, and tactical approach. Intermediate views suggest variations of avoidance, give-and-take
negotiation, collaboration, and problem solving
Blake and Mouton presented five general techniques for resolving conflict:
withdrawing, smoothing, forcing, compromising, and collaborating/confronting/problem solving (also referred to as
negotiating).’4 Project managers must analyze the situation and select the appropriate mode for managing conflict within
their project organizations in order to create a climate conducive to achieving a constructive outcome. (See Figure 22.1.)
High Use Force: Use Collaboration (Confrontation)
When you are sure that you are right. When you both get at least what you want and
When an emergency situation exists (Do maybe more.
or die) To reduce overall project costs
When stakes are high and issues are To gain commitment and create a common
important power base
When you are stronger: never start a When there is enough time and skills are
battle you can’t win complementary
To gain status or demonstrate position When you want to preclude later use of other
power methods
When the acceptance is unimportant To maintain future relationships
When there is mutual trust, respect and
Use Compromise
• For temporary solutions to
• For backup if collaboration fails
Concern for When you can’t win or don’t have enough time
Oneself • when others are as strong as you are
• To maintain your relationship with your opponent
• When you’re not sure you are right
• When you get nothing if don’t
When goals are moderately high
Use Avoidance (Withdrawal): Use Accommodation (Smoothing): • To reach
• When you can’t win or the stakes are an overreaching goal.
low • To create obligation for a trade-off at a later
• When the stakes are high, but you aren’t date
ready yet • When stakes are low and liability is limited
• To gain status or demonstrate position • To maintain harmony, peace,
power and goodwill
• To gain time • When any solution will be adequate
• To discourage your opponent • When you’ll lose anyway
• To maintain neutrality or reputation • To gain time
• When you think the problem will go
away by itself
Low Low Concern for the Other High
Source: Verma, V. K. (1996). Human resource skills for the project manager. Upper Darby, PA:
Project Management Institute, p. 122.

Withdrawing involves avoiding, denying, giving up, pulling out, or retreating and as such constitutes a refusal to deal with
the conflict by ignoring it as much as possible. This style is appropriate when a cooling-off period is needed to gain better
understanding of the conflict situation and also when the other party is both unassertive and uncooperative. Withdrawal, a
passive, stopgap way of handling conflict, generally fails to solve the problem. Therefore, this style should not be used if the
conflict deals with an issue that is of immediate concern or is important to the successful completion of the project.
Smoothing, or accommodating, is an appeasing approach of emphasizing areas of agreement while avoiding points of
disagreement. It is appropriate to keep harmony and avoid outwardly conflictive situations. It works when the issues are
more important than the personal positions and aspirations of the parties involved. Since smoothing tends to keep peace only
in the short term, it fails to provide a permanent long-term solution to the undying conflict. Getserally conflict reappears
again in another form.
Both smoothing and withdrawing incline toward ignoring or delaying tactics, which do not resolve conflict but will
temporarily slow down the situation. Project managers must remember that if the conflict is not handled and resolved in a
timely manner, it will likely lead to more severe and intense conflict in the future.
Forcing implies the use of position power and dominance to resolve the conflict. It involves imposing one viewpoint at the
expense of another and is characterized by a win-lose outcome in which one party overwhelms the other Forcing is used
when there is no common ground on which to bargain or negotiate and when both parties are uncooperative and strong-
willed. Project managers may use it when time is of the essence, an issue is vital to the well-being of the project, and they
believe they are right based on the information available. Under such circumstances, project managers take the risk and
simply dictate the action in order to move things forward. This approach is appropriate when quick decisions are required or
when unpopular issues such as budget cuts, fast-tracking, or staff cutbacks are essential in a project.
Forcing usually takes less time than compromise and negotiation, but it leaves hard feelings because people dislike having
others’ views imposed on them. Conflict resolved by force may develop again and haunt the enforcer at a later date.
Although forcing definitely resolves the conflict quickly, it should be used only as a last resort.
Compromising is primarily bargaining: receiving something in exchange for something else. It involves considering various
issues, bargaining, using trade-off negotiations, and searching for solutions that bring some degree of satisfaction to both
parties. Neither party wins, but both get some satisfaction out of the situation. Both may temporarily feel hurt because they
had to give up something that was important to them, but compromising usually provides acceptable solutions. A definitive
resolution to the conflict is achieved when a compromise is reached and accepted as a just solution by both parties. The only
problem with compromising in a project situation is that sometimes important aspects of the project might be compromised
in order to achieve short-term objectives (an example is compromising on safety issues to reduce costs).
Collaborating is an effective technique to manage conflict when a project situation is too important to be compromised. It
involves incorporating multiple ideas and viewpoints from people with different perspectives. It offers a good opportunity to
learn from others. Active collaboration by both parties in contributing to the resolution makes it easier to get their consensus
and commitment. Collaboration is not very effective when more than a few players are involved and their viewpoints are
mutually exclusive.
Confronting or problem solving implies a direct confrontation, with disagreement addressed directly. Conflict is treated as a
problem for which both parties are interested in finding a mutually acceptable solution. This approach requires a give-and-
take attitude between the parties, meaning that both are somewhat assertive and somewhat cooperative. It involves
pinpointing the issue and resolving it objectively by defining the problem, gathering necessary information, generating and
analyzing alternatives, and selecting the best alternative under the circumstances. Confrontation requires open dialogue
between participants, who must be mature, understanding, and technically and managerially competent.
In most cases, confronting or problem solving may take longer than other techniques, but they provide final solutions by
ultimately resolving the undedying problems. Table 22.4 summarizes these six interpersonal conflict resolution techniques.

Finding the Best Conflict Resolution Approach

Since each conflict situation is unique and dynamic, it is difficult to recommend the best conflict resolution approach.
Choice of approach depends on these factors:

• Type and relative importance of conflict

• Time pressure
• Position of the players involved
• relative emphasis on goals versus relationships

Forcing, smoothing, and withdrawing techniques are generally not effective in resolving conflicts because they fail to deal
with the real cause of the conflict. They may be appropriate when it is important to create a period of peace and harmony
while the parties think about their next move.


Style Description Effect
Withdrawing/avoiding Retreats from an actual or potential conflict Does not solve the problem
Smoothing /accommodating Emphasizes areas of agreement rather than Provides only short-term solution
areas of difference
Compromising Searches for and bargains for solutions that Provides definitive resolution
bring some degree of satisfaction to all
Forcing Pushes one’s viewpoint at the expense of Hard feelings may come back in other forms
others; offers only win-lose situations
Collaborating Incorporates multiple viewpoints and Provides long-term resolution
insights from differing perspectives; leads to
consensus and commitment
Confronting/problem solving Treats conflict as a problem to be solved by Provides ultimate resolution
examining alternatives; requires give-and-
take attitude and open dialogue

Techniques involving compromise are usually used in labor-management disputes, but they have some potential problems.
For example, in compromising, each party gives up something, and neither gets exactly what it wants. Consequently, both
parties may be unhappy with the final decision.
Under some circumstances, the best solution for managing project conflicts is the confronting/problem solving, or
negotiation, mode. Since project management involves solving problems as the project progresses through its life cycle, this
type of conflict management is very practical. This approach aims for a win-win strategy, which is best for both the project
and the parties involved. Project managers should acquire proper training in the procedures, nuances, and skills of
professional negotiation. It is important to bear in mind, however, that negotiation and confrontation take time. They simply
cannot be managed in a cursory or rapid mannes but instead require a significant commitment from the project manager in
terms of time and willingness to allow all parties to air their grievances.
Conflicts are managed effectively if they are resolved on a permanent basis. The relationship between the desire for
achieving goals and the desire for maintaining good long-term relationships has a significant impact on the choice of a
conflict resolution style.
Strategies for Managing Conflict in a Project

Identification, analysis, and evaluation before taking action are the keys to effective management of conflict. Project
managers must use practical strategies that involve following three steps: preparing for conflict, facing conflict, and then re-
solving conflict. Also essential are interpersonal skills, including effective communication, negotiation, and appreciation of
cultural differences.’5

Preparing for Conflict

Realistic project managers know that conflict is a normal—and in some cases necessary—part of working in groups and
teams. The art of preparing for conflict thus involves both expecting that it will occur and having a plan for handling it.

Expecting Conflict. The sources of conflict (schedules, priorities, human resources, technical issues, administration,
personality, and cost) will vary with the phases of the project. Moreover, the focus of conflict will vary with the attributes of
the team and the project goals. With an experienced team, the focus of conflict is within the team itself. If the project goals
are vague and loosely defined, the focus of the conflict will likely be between the team and upper management or between
the project team and the client, or both. The project manager should analyze the reasons or sources of conflict and how they
vary with the phases of the project cycle before taking any action.

Planning Ahead to Handle Conflict. After analyzing the sources, intensity, and focus of conflict, project managers
should plan how to deal with conflict. One of the planning tools is to develop a framework within which to view conflicts
objectively Conflicts that arise as the project teams progress through stages of team development come from each person’s
need to answer questions that establish his or her position clearly:16

• Am I in or out? In this type of conflict, people are likely to ask themselves whether they belong to the team. They
raise issues that are unimportant in themselves just to break the ice and initiate communication. -

• Where do I stand? (Am I up or down?) Are people at the top or at the bottom of a hierarchy? How will the group
make decisions? How much responsibility does each team member have? How much authority, influence, and control does
each individual on the project team have?
• Am I near or far? This question raises the issues of openness and affection. Team members must decide how close
they want to get to each other without feeling stuck with them. Emotions and perceptions may express themselves positively
(openly expressed positive feelings and warmth) or negatively (open hostility and jealousy).

A second tool is to analyze the key players in the situation. This analysis should consider the whole project and identify the
key players and their personalities. Who are the people or groups contributing to the conflict? Project managers should an-
alyze their personalities, interpersonal habits, values, and convictions. This knowledge will help create a cooperative and
accommodating atmosphere. All key players should be willing to accept resolution of the conflict; otherwise it will continue
or become even more intense and ultimately reduce project performance. Open communication should be encouraged to help
individuals involved in the conflict situation be more objective and prepared to deal with the situation. In planning ahead, the
project manager answers the question: “Is the conflict primarily related to goals, authority, or personalities or some
combination of these?” Conflicts should be defined in objective terms, with a minimum of personal biases and opinions.
A final planning tool is to prepare for stress management. Conflict can cause stress that varies in intensity, and if it is not
managed in a timely manne; it can cause severe physiological and psychological problems.

Facing the Conflict

Although conflict is one of the things most of us dislike intensely, it is inevitable. Most often when we try to avoid conflict,
it will nevertheless seek us out. Some people wrongly hope that conflict will go away if it is ignored. In fact, conflict ignored
is more likely to get worse, which can significantly reduce project performance. The best way to reduce conflict is to
confront it. To face conflict effectively, project managers have several strategies to draw on.”

Serve as a Lightning Rod. Hill compared managers of successful projects with those of projects that failed and found that
the managers of successful projects did the following:18

• Personally absorbed aggression

• Communicated and listened effectively
• Counseled their teams to maximize their output
• Encouraged openness, emotional expression, and new ideas
• Sewed as role models in planning, delegating, and so forth
• Minimized potential conflict whenever possible
• Stimulated conflict to foster creativity and innovation
The project managers Thamhain and Wilemon surveyed felt that personality conflicts were often disguised as conflicts over
other issues, such as technical issues and staffing “‘ These disguises will persist if project managers deal only with facts, and
not the feelings themselves. Positive feelings, if expressed, can increase project performance. Even negative feelings, if
expressed constructively, may help clarify confusion or remove a bottleneck in a project. To “name without blame,” project
managers must express feelings as feelings, not as facts. They must accept responsibility for their own feelings and avoid
judging people based on feelings and impressions alone.

Surface the Real Issues. Conflicts that remain below the surface can have negative impacts on a project in many ways, such
as distorted or withheld information, slipped schedules, unplanned absences from project meetings, lack of initiative to solve
problems, or not working together as a real team20
A successful conflict manager should handle these burning issues gently but firmly. Surfacing the real issues can be
accomplished by getting all the background information associated with the conflict. This process may uncover important as-
pects of the project that will lead to serious consequences and even project failure if they are not identified immediately To
surface the real issues, project managers may do the following:21

• Treat the surface issue as “real” two or three times. Project managers should make every effort to address
complaints or issues regardless of how trivial they may seem. They should encourage project personnel to bring the conflict
into the open by themselves. However, if this fails, the project manager should approach the person and urge him or her to
discuss the conflict in the open with the aim of resolving it as soon as possible.
• Make the conflict visible to other parties involved. Project managers can do this by using effective communication
techniques and planning and organizing aids such as responsibility matrices, which are quite effective in resolving conflicts
over administrative aspects of project management such as procedures, task breakdowns, and assignments of responsibility
and authority Project managers may choose to prepare a responsibility matrix for each phase of the project life cycle.
• Give ample support. Block described the importance of support in a work relationship.22 Most people want to feel
secure and worthwhile and receive encouragement, recognition, and praise. Unfortunately, some project managers confuse
support with agreement and, consequently in a conflict (disagreement) situation, they withhold support when it is needed the

Resolving the Conflict

Due to the dynamic and sometimes unpredictable nature of projects, a substantial amount of management time is dedicated
to resolving conflicts. In some cases, disagreements can be handled by a straightforward decision; in other situations, a
combination of time and skills is required. The project manager, the project team, and all other stakeholders involved in a
conflict situation must work together to achieve a win-win situation for everyone.
Effective conflict management requires an extensive effort at the front end. Good conflict managers size up possible clashes
before contacting the parties, and then they work out appropriate actions to resolve potential problems.23

Look for Win-Win Alternatives. Of the interpersonal conflict resolution styles, confronting (negotiating and problem
solving) is the most effective approach because it starts with an understanding by both parties that they must search for
solutions that satisfy everyone. Project managers must create a cooperative and assertive environment to achieve win-win
solutions. These guidelines may be useful:

• Do the doable. Project managers must be able to evaluate the situation and spend their efforts and energy in doing
only whatever is really possible. “It’s no use in trying to teach ducks to sing; it will only frustrate you and confuse the
• Build on earlier market analyses. Using the strategy of only doing the doable, project managers should build on
earlier analyses of situations to give some insight into the conditions that would meet the other party’s criteria for a win-win
• Use the assertive model Build on the strengths of all parties while minimizing their weaknesses. Building mutual
understanding and trust will help in reaching a win-win solution.
• Look at things right side up. It is a mistake to assume that the person is the problem and therefore start attacking the
person instead of the problem.
• Avoid catastrophizing. It leads to lower team morale and confidence, increased frustration, and possibly project
failure. Some of the common catastrophizing remarks that describe inconvenience, difficulty, or frustration are: “This is
going to be a disaster.” “We will never get this done on time.” “This project is driving me crazy.” “I can’t stand the project
structure.” Instead of catastrophizing, encourage project participants to be positive, and suggest solutions that are
manageable and helpful.
• Picture things going well. Visualize and imagine positive results. It is difficult to move onto something better
without knowing what “better” is. To develop a clear picture of “bettes the project manager should picture things going as he
or she wants them to, enlist the support of others and try to get their commitment, and deal with obstacles positively (using a
problem-solving approach).24
• Identify priorities and verbalize them. Priorities rank highly as a source of conflict throughout the project life cycle.
Sometimes people compromise so much in a conflict that no one wins, and everyone is dissatisfied. Successful project man-
agers evaluate the priorities up front and identify the “must haves” and “nice to haves.” While resolving conflicts, he or she
may compromise on “nice to haves” in order of importance. Project managers can rank priorities by asking which features
would contribute most to project success and which features would contribute the least.

Cut Your Losses When Necessary. Sometimes a project may have gotten too deep in the hole, which leads to conflicts.
Should the project be continued, or should someone review the situation, try to estimate the bottom line to completion, and
then make a rational decision on whether to abandon the project? The project manager should avoid making such decisions
based on ego and emotion. Cutting losses can actually yield a savings that can be used for other business opportunities.
In most cases, only senior management or the project director or sponsor is authorized to cancel projects. However,
sometimes the project manager may have the authority. Nevertheless, in all cases, the persons with such authority should cut
losses and resolve such situations by using the following guidelines:25
Keep a mentalfile of things that do not fit the overall purpose of the project. It is easy to see what you expect to see instead
of what is real. Project participants may say ofse thing but act differently Project managers must watch out for the degree of
real commitment and interest in doing certain parts of a project. When words and behavior do not match, behavior should be
believed more—even if it is the words you want to believe.
Project managers should pay attention to the nonverbal components of communication in interacting with team members
because actual behavior more closely correlates with the nonverbal component than with the verbal component of
communications. For example, a team member may passively resist a project manager’s particular suggestion by not
showing enthusiasm for it but may not say anything directy against it. Ignoring this nonverbal component will likely lead the
project manager to overlook the consequences of this passive resistance—and that is the beginning of a hidden sink hole.
(Not all sink holes are hidden, of course; some of them are right out in the open.) But the behavior may be so difficult and
complex to measure that project managers may simply not believe their eyes or ears and thereby misjudge the situation
Foliate the rule of two (or three). Successful project managers cut their losses before costs skyrocket. They may not be able
to recognize the inconsistency right away, but they should confront the situation and address it directly if it occurs a second
or third time. For example, always choosing the lowest bidder may lead to problems with schedule and cost overruns.
Establish a system for cutting back investment of money, time, effort, and ego. This follows the common management
principle, “Plan your work, and work your plan.” When something goes wrong in the project, people may go through the
grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, stress, and—hopefully—acceptance. Project managers who become emotionally
upset over losses on their projects are vulnerable to losing their self-esteem.
People who have planned ahead to handle their losses are better off because they can turn to their written plans and take
necessary action accordingly. Although it may be difficult to implement the actions, at least the difficult step of deciding
what to do was done when they could think more clearly. To cut losses before it is too late, the project manager’s plan
should answer the following questions:26

.. How much money should be invested before expecting some return?

• How much time should be allowed before following another course of action?
• How much energy and ego should be invested before being satisfied that the best shot has been given? (This limits the
spillover into personal life as well as the effect on other projects.)

Formulate Conflict Management Strategies. Conflict can be resolved or kept under control by using a proactive
approach that anticipates conflict and its impact. When using this approach, it is important to understand the project man-
ager’s relationship with other project stakeholders with whom the manager usually interacts throughout the project life
cycle—for example, senior management, functional and other managers, clients, and team members.
Project managers must establish good understanding, trust, and rapport with all the stakeholders with whom they interact to
minimize the probability of conflict. The ideas for managing conflicts with major project stakeholders are summarized as

Minimizing conflict with senior management involves knowing their requirements. Project managers should put themselves
in their boss’s shoes and be sympathetic to the challenges, problems, and pressures of senior managers. It also helps to ana-
lyze the boss’s thinking patterns and to act in ways that are consistent with that pattern (analytically or intuitively, fur
example).. Similarly; it pays to listen and look for verbal and nonverbal components of the boss’s message, just as a project
manager might do with team members. At the same time, it is important to take solutions as well as problems to the boss and
explore alternatives and make recommendations. That makes the boss’s job easier
It is wise to keep the boss informed of progress and plans. That way he or she can act as a mentor, and the project manager
can get better support. Consulting the boss on policy procedures, and criteria will help clarify management philosophy and
establish boundaries related to administrative issues (since the project manager may need them to protect himself or herself).
Above all, it is advisable to avoid steamrollering the boss; being patient and allowing time for thinking and evaluation will
lead to better relationships and results.
Minimizing conflict with project team members means htowing them well and developing rapport and trust. Project managers can
begin by discovering team members’ personal and professional goals and matching tasks to those goals. That kind of
matching is a key to motivation. Being clear about expectations about what is wanted, as well as why and when it is needed,
ensures that communication is successful. It is also important to define control parameters through clear performance
appraisals and discussions of forms and reports, and to clarify the frequency and intensity of controls with team members.
Control should be based on facts, not on opinions.
Successful project managers also develop a tolerance for failure. Everyone makes mistakes; the key is to use mistakes as
opportunities for training and improvement—and future success. Postmortem strategy sessions can be particularly useful for
learning lessons that can be applied in the future.
Positive feedback, as well as timely praise and recognition, is central to minimizing conflict with project team members.
Positive feedback demonstrates the project manager’s confidence in the team. If someone has made a mistake, it is
appropriate to point it out objectively and balance it with positive feedback. Similarly, appropriate and timely recognition
and praise can do wonders to create positive reinforcement and motivate team members to maximize their performance.
minimizing conflict with a project managers peers involves respect. As with relationships with senior management, it is
important to understand peers’ point of view, as well as their personal and professional goals. The best project managers
look for ways to support peers’ objectives and find areas of mutual interest rather than conflict. Operating in this way
establishes a cooperative atmosphere, where everyone realizes that they need each other to succeed. Cultivating informal
communication channels can also create many advantages. Whereas formal combinations may be slow and cold, informal
communications increase comfort level and understanding, which are important in solving problems. Doing favors for each
other without expecting any immediate return, having lunch together, developing social encounters, and talking dally about
matters outside work can increase respect and rapport and decrease conflict.
It is also wise to give advance notice when help is needed. Peers may have their own constraints, so project managers will
need to justify their requests in terms of project goals and objectives and reciprocate by being accommodating about peers’
Minimizing conflict with client and users involves many of the same element that apply to other participants in a project The
key to working with clients is effective communication and prompt response to their needs and requests. It helps to be sup-
portive of the client’s representatives, supplying them with necessary data and information so that they will also he inclined
to help with issues that crop up throughout the project. By the same token, maintaining close contact with the client and
avoiding communication gaps ensures against clients’ becoming demanding—and even unreasonable—in response to too
little attention and information. It is important to make sure that contacts with clients mirror their organizational structure;
directors should be in touch with directors, managers with managers, engineers with engineers, and so on.
Clients, like everyone else, hate surprises—unless they come in the form of good news. Effective project managers do not let
problems build up. They tell clients what the problems are and what is being done to solve them.
Informal relationships fostered through lunches, dinners, and sporting and social events allow everyone to develop a better
understanding and a stronger interpersonal sense of each other. Formal relationships need attention too. Regular project
status meetings can be used to summarize progress; provide forecasts concerning completion, future problems, and potential
needs; and turn everyone’s attention to getting the information each party needs and solving problems in a proactive manner.
Use effective negotiation to resolve conflict. Negotiation is a fact of life in project environments where matrix structures
necessitate that responsibility and authority are shared. Negotiation is the process of bargaining and reaching an agreement
with project stakeholders concerning the transfer of resources, the generation of information, and the accomplishment of
tasks. It is a persuasive process and is one of the’ most important skills needed to resolve conflicts and manage projects
The two common methods of negotiation are soft and hard. Soft negotiators are friendly and make concessions readily to
avoid conflict and the risk of spoiling future relationships. Hard negotiators, in contrast, take strong positions and try to win,
even at the cost of relationships. A third type of negotiation, called principled negotiation, emphasizes deciding and
resolving issues based on merits rather than on positions.28 It results in joint problem solving and often leads to a win-win
Principled negotiation involves understanding the positions, issues, and interests of both parties:

• Positions: one party’s (usually self-serving) solution to the problem.

• Issues: the elements or subject matter of the dispute that need to be negotiated in order to reach agreement.
• Interest: factors that motivate the parties to reach their respective positions and the underlying foundation for their
positions. These include desires and concerns. Each party’s position is intended to meet his or her interests.

Principled negotiation is based on committing to negotiate for mutual gain and to resolve conflicts, separating people from
problems and issues, focusing on interests rather than on positions, generating options for mutual agreement and gain, and
basing results on objective criteria. The conflict intensity decreases as we move from “positions,” which corresponds to
Stage 1 (highest conflict intensity) to “options for agreements,” which corresponds to Stage 4 (lowest conflict intensity) (see
Figure 22.2).
Appreciate cultural differences. In addition to their differences in skills and expertise, project teams may have cultural
differences that may significantly influence the project’s success, especially in managing joint ventures and international
projects. Hofstede describes culture simply as a kind of “mental software”: the “collective programming of the mind which
distinguishes the members of one group of people from another.”2
Cultural diversity among team members poses challenges in terms of communication and negotiation and may lead to
conflicts. Project managers must appreciate major elements of culture (which include material culture, language, aesthetics,
education, religious beliefs and attitudes, social organizations, and political life), what they mean in different cultures, and
how they affect the project. There are six critical dimensions of cultural differences:

1. Power distance (how a particular culture deals with inequality)

2. Individualism versus collectivism (the role of the individual versus that of the group)
3. Masculinity-femininity (gender domination patterns)
4. Uncertainty avoidance (tolerance for ambiguity or uncertainty in the workplace)
5. Time horizon (long- or short-term orientation)
6. Attitude toward life (value system with respect to desire for material things)

Project participants must be aware of potential cultural differences and demonstrate respect for different cultures of their
coworkers. Any failure to show respect and to appreciate culture differences may lead to serious conflicts. Project managers
must evaluate the implications of cultural differences and resolve conflicts among team members. They must capitalize on
the cultural diversity of project participants by encouraging them to accept others’ cultural differences and foster the group’s
human synergy as well as overall performance by anticipating and resolving conflicts.


Conflict can be healthy if it is managed effectively. Conflict management requires a combination of analytical and human
skills. Every project participant should learn to resolve project conflicts effectively. Good conflict managers work at the
source of conflict. To resolve it permanently, they must address the cause of the conflict and not just the symptoms of it.
They size up possible clashes before “contact” is actually made and then prepare their action plans to handle potential trou-
ble. They should concentrate on building an atmosphere designed to reduce destructive conflict and deal with routine
frictions and minor differences before they become unmanageable. The key to resolving conflict with a positive outcome
includes looking for a win-win situation, cutting losses when necessary, formulating proactive conflict management
strategies, using effective negotiation and communication, and appreciating cultural differences among project stakeholders.

1. Williams, M. (1987, September). How I learned to stop worrying and love negotiating. Inc. Magazine, p. 132.
2. Bobbins, S. P. (1974). Managing organizational conflict:A no nt raditional approach. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
3. Robbins (1974).
4. Baker, S., & Baker, K. (1992). On time/on budget: A step by step guide for managing any project. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
5. Thamhain, H.J., & Wdemon, D. L. (1975). Conflict management in project life cycles. Sloan Management Review, 16, 3 1—50.
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18. Hill, R. E. (1977). Managing interpersonal conflict in project teams. Sloan Management Review, 18(2), 45—61.
19. Thamhain &W,lemon (1975).
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22. Block, P (1981). flawless consulting. Austin, TX: Learning Concepts.
23. Sieved, R. W,Jr. (1986, December). Communication: An important construction tool. Project Management Journal, 77. House
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27. Dinsmore, PC. (1990). Human factors in project management (Rev. ed). New York: AMACOM.
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