Manuel Gómez, Ph.D. Curriculum Vitae

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Manuel Gómez
Professor of Physics
Founding Director of the
Resource Center for Science and Engineering
CV 2017
Professor of Physics and Founding Director RCSE
Tel (787) 564-2803
E-mail: [email protected]

Place of Birth: Ponce, Puerto Rico

Citizenship: USA

Undergraduate Studies:
University of Puerto Rico, 1958-1962
BS, Physics Major, Mathematics Minor

Graduate Studies:
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 1962-1967
Ph. D., Theoretical Physics

Postdoctoral Studies:
National Research Council, Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Naval Research
Laboratory (Washington, DC), 1967-1969.

Employment Experience:

7/97 to 6/03 Vice President for Research and Academic Affairs of the
University of
Puerto Rico

7/92 to 6/13 Director of the Alliance for Minority Participation (AMP)


7/92 to 7/03 Director of the Puerto Rico Statewide Systemic Initiative

(SSI) Project

7/86 to 6/13 PD/Co-PD of the Puerto Rico EPSCoR Program - An NSF

project to strengthen competitive research in
Puerto Rico

6/80 to 6/13 Professor of Physics and Director of the Resource Center

for Science and
Engineering at the University of Puerto Rico
in consortium with Catholic
University, Inter-American University, and
Ana G. Méndez Foundation
(NSF sponsored project)

6/79 to 1/86 Dean of the College of Natural Sciences and

Professor of Physics,
University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras

3/75 to 6/79 Dean of the College of Natural Sciences and

Associate Professor of
Physics, University of Puerto Rico, Río
Piedras Campus

7/73 to 3/75 Chairman Physics Department and Associate

Professor of Physics,
University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras

1/71 to 7/73 Chairman Physics Department and Assistant

Professor of Physics,
University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras

12/69 to 1/71 Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Puerto Rico,


7/70 to 6/76 Scientist I, Puerto Rico Nuclear Center

8/67 to 8/69 Postdoctoral fellow, Naval Research Laboratory,

Washington, DC

Fellowships and Honors:

Atomic Energy Commission fellow 1962-63

National Research Council Post-doctoral Research fellow - 1967-1969

Referee for the Physical Review

President of the Science Teachers Association of Puerto Rico (Local Chapter of the
National Science Teachers Association) - 1973

Member of the Advisory Committee to the National Science Foundation for Science
and Engineering Education - 1984

Member of the Academy of Arts and Sciences of Puerto Rico - 1987

Member of the Governor's Economic Productivity Council, Representing Science and

Technology - 1993

INDUNIV Award (Recognition for Contributions to the Development of Scientific and

Technological Research in Puerto Rico) - 1994
President of the Energy Advisory Committee of the Secretary of Energy and Natural
Resources, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico – 1994

Member of the Commonwealth Governor's Science and Technology Policy Council –


Association of Information Technology Professionals, Puerto Rico Chapter,

Distinguished Information Sciences Award in the Education Sector: “For his
contribution to the Educational and Technological Development of Puerto Rico” -

Member of the NSF Directorate for Education and Human Resources (NSF-EHR)
Advisory Committee - 2000-2003

Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Think Tank
Group for MSP Programs - 2002

12th Excellence and Competitiveness Award for Innovation and Entrepreneurial

Culture, Puerto Rico Manufacturers Association & PROCOMP - 2002

Zenith Award in Education, Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce – 2002

Fellow in Industrial Science and Technology, American Association for the

Advancement of Science (AAAS) – 2006

Science Award, Rotary Club of San Juan – 2008

Recognition in the Natural Sciences, Puerto Rico Academy of Arts and Sciences -


American Physical Society

Research Society of America; Sigma Xi

Honorary Member of the Science Teachers Association of Puerto Rico (Chapter of

the NSTA)

Member of the National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)

Member of the Academy of Arts and Sciences of Puerto Rico

Member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Special Committees:

Committee for the Development of an Admission Formula for the Río Piedras
Campus (Chancellor Level) - 1975
UPR President's Energy Committee - 1975

Committee for the Negotiation of a UPR "Center for Energy and Environmental
Research" with the Energy Research and Development Administration, Washington,
DC (UPR President's Level) - 1976

Chairman of Committee for the Development of Computer Assisted Instruction

Modules in the Natural and Social Sciences (NSF Grant) - 1976

President of the Multi Campus Committee for the Planning of a Graduate Center
Consortium involving the principal institutions of higher learning in Puerto Rico
(report submitted to NSF) – 1977

Committee for the Development of a Comprehensive Salary Scale for UPR's

Teaching and Research Staff - (UPR President's Level) - 1978

Committee for the Development of a Universal Admission Formula for the UPR
System (report submitted to the UPR President) - 1979

Advisor to the Council of Higher Education (Board of Trustees) of the University of

Puerto Rico for the planning of graduate studies and research - 1984

Member of the Advisory Committee to the National Science Foundation for Science
and Engineering Education - 1984

Advisor to the American Association for the Advancement of Science on Intervention

Programs for Pre-College Science and Engineering Education - 1984

Chairman of the EPSCoR Ad-Hoc Committee, appointed by the National Science

Foundation for the planning and implementation of the Experimental Program to
Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR), sponsored by the National Science

Member Advisory Committee on Industrial Water Pollution Control of the Puerto Rico
Water Resources Authority – 1985
President of Puerto Rico's EPSCoR State Committee - 1986 to 2013

Member of the Research Group for Increasing Minority Participation in Higher

Education, QEM, Carnegie Corporation - 1987

President of the Evaluation Committee of the International Science and Engineering

Fair held in Puerto Rico in 1987

President of the Science and Technology Committee of the Puerto Rican Commission
for the Celebration of the 5th Centennial Anniversary of the Discovery of America
and Puerto Rico - 1988

Convention Chairperson of the Planning Committee for the 38th National Science
Teachers Association (NSTA) Area Convention, San Juan, Puerto Rico - 1990
Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Industry University Research Center
(INDUNIV) – 1990-2003

President Committee on Opportunities in Science (COOS) Committee of the

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) - 1991

Member of the Coordinating Council for Education (CCE), National Research Council
of the National Academy of Sciences - 1991

Member of the Science and Technology Board, advisory to the Executive Director of
the Economic Development Agency - 1992

Member of the Governor's Economic Productivity Council, Representing Science and

Technology – 1993

Member of the Energy Advisory Committee of the Secretary of Energy and Natural
Resources, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico – 1994

Member of the Secretariat of the Educational Reform Commission – 1994

Member of the Commonwealth Governor's Science and Technology Policy Council –


Member of the National Institute for Science Education (NISE) National Advisory
Board – 1996

Member of the National Academy of Sciences/NRC's Board on International

Comparative Studies in Education (BICSE) – 1998

Member of NASA’s Space Grant Review Panel - 1998

Member of the National Research Council Study Committee on Higher Education:

Recognizing, Evaluating and Rewarding Excellent Undergraduate Teaching in SMET -

Member of the Advisory Board of the University of the Virgin Islands' National
Science Foundation Historically Black Colleges and Universities (UVI-NSF HBCU)
Undergraduate Program: Science and Mathematics-Research throughout the
Curriculum – 2000

Member of the National Science Foundation's Directorate for Education and Human
Resources (NSF-EHR) Advisory Board – 2000-2003

Member of the AAAS External Review Team of South Dakota EPSCoR Evaluation –

Member of the AAAS Virgin Islands EPSCoR Strategic Planning Committee – 2004

Consultant of the AAAS Center for Advancing Science and Engineering Capacity –
President, Science and Technology Committee of Puerto Rico’s Chamber of
Commerce - 2007

Member, Governor of Puerto Rico’s Advisory Committee on the Future of Higher

Education in Puerto Rico – February 2011

Commissioner, The White House Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence

for Hispanics – September 2011-2017


M. Gómez, S. P. Bowen, J. A. Krumhansl, Phys. Rev. Letters 16, 1105 (1966).

M. Gómez, S. P. Bowen, J. A. Krumhansl. Phys. Rev. 153, 1009 (1967).

M. Gómez. Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 14, 347 (1969).

M. Gómez. Phys. Rev. 2B, 4262 (1970).

M. Gómez, M. Kay, and J. Gonzalo (Editors). International Conference on Low Lying

Lattice Vibrational Modes and Their Relationship to Superconductivity and
Ferroelectrics. Vol. 16, No. 14; Vol. 17, No. 12 (1978).

A. Bonilla and M. Gómez. Computer Assisted Instruction in General Chemistry.

Proceedings of the Curriculum Exchange Conference, NSF, Jan. (1979).

R. Selsby and M. Gómez. On-the-Job Training of Students in Computer Science.

Curriculum Exchange Conference, NSF, Jan. (1979).

M. Gómez, et al. Corrections to the Optical Properties of Cermets. I. Quantum Size

Effects. Ferroelectric Letters, (5 EMF Conference) Vol. 54, 223-226 (1983).

M. Gómez, et al. Corrections to the Optical Properties of Cermets. II. Application of

the Quantum Size Effects to a Real Cermet. Ferroelectric Letters, Vol. 54, 227-230

M. Gómez, et al. Corrections to the Optical Properties of Cermets. III. Multiple

Scattering Corrections. Ferroelectric Letters, Vol. 2, No. 1-4, 17 (1984).

Z.S. Weisz, Y. Goldstein, M. Gómez, J.A. Muir, O. Resto, R. Pérez, and B. Abeles.
Reactively Sputtered α-SixGe1-x:H Alloys with Compositional Gradient in Plane of
Film. Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 44, 634 (1984).

Z.S. Weisz, Y. Goldstein, M. Gómez, J.A. Muir, O. Resto, and R. Pérez. The
Compositional Dependence of the Optical and Electrical Properties of Hydrogenated
Amorphous Si-Ge Films Prepared by Co-Sputtering, Thin Solid Films. Vol. 119, 59-65

Z.S. Weisz, M. Gómez, J.A. Muir, O. Resto, R. Pérez, and Y. Goldstein. Alloying Effect
on the Optical Absorbing Edge and H Absorption of Sputtered α-Six Ge1-x: H. App.
Phys. Comm., Vol. 4, 1 (1984).

M. Gómez and L. Fonseca. Multiple Scattering Renormalized T-Matrix Theory to the

Dielectric Constant of Non-Homogeneous Thin Films. Proceedings of the Sixth
International Conference on Thin Films, Thin Solid Films, Vol. 135, No. 3-4, 243-250

M. Gómez, et al. Multiple Scattering Theories Including Correlation Effects to

Obtain the Effective Dielectric Constant of Non-Homogeneous Thin Films. Phys. Rev.
B, Vol. 32, No. 6, 3429-3441 (1985).

M. Gómez, L. Fonseca, and L. Cruz. Effect of Metallic Clusters on the Local Electric
Field Using a T-Matrix Approach. Proceedings of the International Workshop on
Electrodynamics of Interfaces and Composite Systems, Taxco, México, Advanced
Series, Surface Science, Vol. 4, 447, Editors R. G. Barrera and W. L. Mochán, World
Scientific (1987).

Katiyar, R. S., O. Resto, R. Pérez, M. Gómez, and S.Z. Weisz. Infrared Spectroscopy
of a α-Si(1-x)Sn(x): H Films. J.Thin Solid Films, 164, 243 (1988).

M. Gómez, L. Fonseca, and L. Cruz. T-Matrix Approach for the Calculation of Local
Fields in a Neighborhood of Small Clusters in the Electrodynamic Regime. The
Physical Review, B40, 7491 (1989).

M. Gómez, L. Cruz, L. Fonseca, and W. Vargas. Local Fields for Clusters of Ellipsoids
Within the T-Matrix Approach. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 195, 109 (1990).

M. Gómez, et al. Light Scattering from Metallic Colloids in KCl:O 2:K as a Function of
Annealing Temperature. Solid State Comm., Vol. 80, 549 (1991).

W. Vargas, L. Fonseca, and M. Gómez. A Model to Consider Clustering Effects for

Composites. Springer Proceeding in Physics, Vol. 62, Surface Science: 231, Eds. F.
A. Ponce and M. Cardona; Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1992).

Z.S. Weisz, M. Gómez, O. Resto, A. Many, and Y. Goldstein. High Energy LMM Auger
Transitions. Journal of Surface and Interface Analysis, Vol. 19 (June/July, 1992).

L. Fonseca, L. Cruz, M. Gómez, and J.A. Gonzalo. Determination of Sizes of

Potassium Colloids in KCL:O2 Using Light Scattering Techniques. App. Phys. Comm.,
Vol. 12, 153-162 (1993).

L. Fonseca, L. Cruz, W. Vargas, and M. Gómez. Theoretical Calculation of the Optical

Absorption of Fractal Colloidal Aggregates Using a Multiple Scattering Formalism.
Condensed Matter Theories, Vol. 8, 561-571, Plenum Co. (1993).

W. Vargas, L. Cruz, L.F. Fonseca, and M. Gómez. T-Matrix Approach for Calculating
Local Fields Around Clusters of Rotated Spheroids. Applied Optics, Vol. 32, No. 12,
2164-2170 (1993).
S.Z. Weisz, M. Gómez, O. Resto, M.H. Farías, Y. Goldstein, and A. Many. Lineshapes
and Yields of High-Energy Auger Lines. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (7th
Latin-American Symposium on Surface Science (SLAFS7-CIACSA1), Vol. 5, A169-
A170 (1993).

A. Many, M. Wolovelsky, Y. Goldstein, S.Z. Weisz, and M. Gómez. Surface States at

the Silicon/Electrolyte Interface. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (7th Latin-
American Symposium on Surface Science (SLAFS7-CIACSA1), Vol. 5: A133-A134

Y. Goldstein, A. Many, J. Peñalbert, W. Muñoz, M. Gómez, and S.Z. Weisz. Studies of

α-Si:H Using the Solid/Electrolyte System. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 297:
351-356 (1993).

G. Morell, R. Katiyar, S.Z. Weisz, M. Gómez, and I. Balberg. Inhomogeneity in the

Network Order of Device Quality α-Si:H. Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., Vol. 297: 321-
326 (1993).

Y. Goldstein, A. Many, S.Z. Weisz, M. Gómez, O. Resto, and M.H. Farías. Yields,
Sensitivities, and Natural Lineshapes of High-Energy MNN Auger Lines: Ta, W, Pt,
Au, Pb, and Bi. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy, 67, 511 (1994).

Y. Lubianiker, I. Balberg, S.Z. Weisz, and M. Gómez. The Dependence of the Two
Carriers Mobility-Lifetime Products on the Position of the Fermi Level in α-Si:H. 15th
International Conference on Amorphous Semiconductors, Journal of Non-Crystalline
Solids, 164-166, 399 (1994).

A. Many, Y. Goldstein, S.Z. Weisz, J. Peñalbert, W. Muñoz, and M. Gómez. Study of

the Density of States in α-Si:H Using the Solid/Electrolyte System. 15th International
Conference on Amorphous Semiconductors, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 164-
166, 411 (1994).

L.F. Fonseca, M. Gómez, and L. Cruz. Calculation of the Aggregation and

Electrodynamic Effects in Granular Systems. Physica A: 123-130 (1994).

Dávila, N. and Gómez, M. Assessment of the Impact of a New Curriculum on

Systemic Change. ERIC Document 390 907 (1994).

S.Z. Weisz, J. Avalos, M. Gómez, A. Many, Y. Goldstein, and E. Savir. Space Charge
Layers at the Porous Silicon Surface. Materials Research Society Symp. Proc. Vol.
378, 899-904 (1995).

S.Z. Weisz, J. Avalos, M. Gómez, A. Many, Y. Goldstein, and E. Savir. Surface States
on Amorphous Silicon. Surface Science, 338, 117 (1995).

G. Bitton, I. Balberg, M. Gómez, and S.Z. Weisz, J. Bifurcation and Caos. The
International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, Phogan, Korea, (July 26-
28, 1995).

Dávila, N. and Gómez, M. Evaluation of School-based Regional Dissemination

Centers as Scale-Up Mechanisms for Systemic Educational Reform in Science and
Mathematics. ERIC Document 310 702 (1995).

Dávila, N., Gómez, M., and Vega, I.Y. Evaluating the Transformation of the
Teaching/Learning Culture of Schools Involved in Systemic Science and
Mathematics Educational Reform. ERIC Document 395 803 (1996).

S.Z. Weisz, J. Avalos, M. Gómez, A. Many, Y. Goldstein, and E. Savir. Surface States
on Amorphous and Crystalline Silicon. Proc. Eighth Latin American Congress on
Surface Science and Its Applications, Cancun, Mexico, American Institute of Physics
Conference Proceedings, 378, 334 (1996).

S.Z. Weisz, A. Ramírez-Porras, M. Gómez, A. Many, Y. Goldstein, and E. Savir.

Relation Between Luminescence and Electronic Surface Characteristics in p-type
Porous Silicon. Proceeding at International Conference on Luminescence, Prague,
Chech Republic, 1996). Journal of Luminescence 72-74, 729-730 (1997).

I. Balberg, Y. Lubianiker, J. Shinar, J. Partee, Y. Shapira, I. Burstein, S.Z. Weisz, and M.

Gómez. The Relation Between Phototransport and Photoluminescence in Porous
Silicon. (Proceeding of International Conference on Luminescence, Prague, Chech
Republic, 1996). Journal of Luminescence 72-74, 314-315 (1997).

G. Bitton, I. Balberg, M. Gómez, and S.Z. Weisz. Numerical and Analytic Analysis of
Nonlinear Electronic Circuits. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 7,
No. 5, 1065-1074 (1997).

M. Gómez. Information and Computing Technologies Converge with the Need for a
Paradigm Shift in the Teaching/Learning Process at the Crossroad of the 21 st
Century. Report of the NSF Tech Ed 99 Workshop (NISE): “Improving Education in
Mathematics and the Physical Sciences Through Use of Technology”, Arlington, VA,
July 1999.

E. Savir, J. Jedrzejewski, A. Many, Y. Goldstein, S.Z. Weisz, M. Gómez, L.F. Fonseca,

and O. Resto. Relation Between Electroluminescence and Photoluminescence in
Porous Silicon. Materials Science and Engineering B, 72, 138 (2000).

L.F. Fonseca, O. Resto, R.K. Soni, M. Buzuianu, S.Z. Weisz, M. Gómez, and W. Jia.
Comparative Analysis of the 1.54Fm Emission of Er-doped Si/SiO2 Films and the Size
Distribution of the Nanostructure. Proceedings of IUMRS-ICAM'99, Beijing, China,
June 1999. Materials Science and Engineering B,72,109-112(2000).

M. Gómez and N. Dávila. Mainstreaming Underserved Students in K-16 +

Continuum to Achieve Academic Excellence. Synthesis and Proceedings of the Fifth
Annual NISE Forum; NISE Report: “Beyond Description of the Problems–Directions
for Research on Diversity and Equity Issues in K-12 Mathematics and Science
Education. Detroit, MI; National Institute for Science Education (NISE); 35-36 (2000).

M. Gómez. AAAS-UNESCO International Conference on Science and Technology

Education Proceedings: (1) An Empirical Theory to Guide Systemic Reform; (2) The
Essential Difference Between Science and Mathematics (S&M) Reform Project and
Systemic Reform Process; (3) The New York City Experiment: Validating the
Transferability of a Systemic Reform Model. Paris, France. (2004).

Recent Presentations:

100 Presentations from 1978-1989

"A Model for the Development of a Science and Technological Base in Latin
American Countries", presented at the Annual Meeting of the AAAS in New Orleans,
Louisiana, February 1990.

"Local Fields Around Clusters of Rotated Ellipsoids Using a T-Matrix Approach:

Applications to Cermet Materials and Metallic Colloidal Suspension", Materials
Research Society, San Francisco, California, April 1990.

"Local Fields Around Clusters of Rotated Ellipsoids Using a T-Matrix Approach",

Autonomous University of Madrid, June 1990.

"A Comprehensive Regional Center to Develop Human Resources in Science and

Mathematics", Department of Education, U.S. Virgin Islands, June 1990.

"Helping Students Become Self-Learners", NSTA Regional Convention, San Juan,

Puerto Rico, November 1990.

"Nurturing a New Generation of Scientists Developing Competitive Research in

Puerto Rico", Cornell University Conference, San Juan, PR, November 1990.

"Puerto Rico Science and Mathematics Reform Center: General Strategies and
Sample of Blocks", NSTA Curricular Reform Committee, Washington, DC, December

"Inducting Students into the Scientific Culture: SSC - A Curriculum to Develop Self-
Learners", NSTA National Convention, Houston, Texas, 1991.

"Inducting Students into the Culture of Science, U.S. Soviet Conference of Science
Teachers", Moscow, U.S.S.R., August 1991.

"High Energy LMM Auger Transitions", 4th European Conference on Applications of

Surface and Interface Analysis, Budapest, Hungary, October 1991.

"Mathematics and Science Connections", National Council of Teachers of

Mathematics, San Juan, Puerto Rico, November 1991.

"Puerto Rico Science and Mathematics Curricular Reform Center: Mathematics and
Science Connections", workshop at Phoenix Educational System, Phoenix, Arizona

"Seeking Connections: NCTM and SS&C Meet", presented at the NSTA National
Convention, Boston, Massachusetts, 1992.
“La Investigación y la Matemática en el Currículo", Tercera Conferencia Estatal
Sobre el Mejoramiento Profesional de los Maestros", Dwight D. Eisenhower Program,
San Juan, Puerto Rico 1992.

"El Maestro Ante los Nuevos Horizontes en la Ciencia", Convención Anual de los
Maestros de Ciencia de Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico 1992.

"Systemic Change in Science and Mathematics Education", First Educational Gordon

Conference, Ventura, California, 1992.

"Yield of High-Energy Auger Lines", Proceedings of the 7th Latin American

Conferences on Surface Physics, Bariloche, Argentina, 1992.

“Surface States at the Silicon/Electrolyte Interface", Proceedings of the 7th Latin

American Conferences on Surface Physics, Bariloche, Argentina, 1992.

"Systemic Change in Science and Education", QEM, Washington, DC, 1993.

"Workshop on the Integration of Science and Mathematics in the Curriculum",

Wyoming, 1993.

"Bootstrap II, Beyond Bootstrap; Systemic Transformation of Science and

Technology in Puerto Rico; A New Paradigm", Center for Advance Studies of Puerto
Rico and the Caribbean, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1993.

Plan to Develop an R&D Base for Puerto Rico: Through an Alliance Between
University/Industry/Government", presented at the Puerto Rico's Manufacturers
Association Annual Meeting, Dorado, Puerto Rico, 1993.

"Study of the Density of States in α-Si:H Using the Si/Electrolyte System", 15th
International Conference on Amorphous Semiconductors, Cambridge, England,

"The Dependencies of the Two Carriers Mobility-Lifetime Products on the Position of

the Fermi Level in α-Si:H", 15th International Conference on Amorphous
Semiconductors, Cambridge, England, 1993.

“A Curriculum as the Driving Force for Systemic Change", presented at the

Workshop Urban Systemic Initiative National Conference, Hyatt Hotel at Dulles
International Airport, Washington, DC, 1993.

"Issues for Research Administrators Systemic Approach to Research Development",

presented at the National Coalition of University Research Administrators, Condado
Plaza Hotel at San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1994.

"Council for the Establishment of Science and Technology Policy: Need for
Establishing Policy and Functions of the Committee", Science and Technology Board
Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1994.

"PR-SSI Systemic Reform to Achieve Excellence in Science and Mathematics:

Changing the Teaching/Learning Culture of the School; from Curricular Reform to
Standards", presented at the Summit Conference on Goals 2000 and School-to-
Work), Caribe Hilton, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1994.

"Assessment of the Impact of a New Curriculum on Systemic Change", presented at

the AERA and NCME Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1994.

"The University of Puerto Rico Nurtures a New Generation of Hispanic Scientists,

Mathematicians, and Engineers", presented at Expanding Minorities Participation
First National Conference, Tempe, Arizona, 1995.

"The University of Puerto Rico Nurtures a New Generation of Hispanic Scientists,

Mathematicians, and Engineers", presented at the Federal Research and
Development Opportunities Conference, San Juan, P.R., 1995.

"Evaluation of School-Based Regional Dissemination Centers as Scale-Up

Mechanisms for Systemic Educational Reform in Science and Mathematics",
presented at AERA and NCME Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, 1995.

“PR-SSI Systemic Reform to Achieve Excellence in Science and Mathematics:

Changing the Teaching/Learning Culture of the School", presented at "Primera
Conferencia Educativa", San Juan Convention Center, San Juan, P.R., 1995.

"Pipelining in Science and Engineering", presented at NSF-Sponsored Workshop on

Increasing the Participation of African-Americans and Hispanics in the Computing
Disciplines, Airlie, Virginia, 1995.

"Sponsoring Minority Scientists: University-Based Efforts to Create Partnerships

with the Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Industries", presented at AAAS Conference
"Unlocking Opportunities: Fostering Diversity in the Scientific Workshop in the
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Industries", Arlington, Virginia, 1995.

"Design and Use of an Interactive Evaluation Model to Assess Systemic Changes in

Science and Mathematics Education", workshop presented at the 51st Annual ASCD
Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1996.

"Science and Mathematics: Partners in the Quest for Excellence: How Do We Know
It Works?", workshop presented at the 51st Annual ASCD Conference, New Orleans,
Louisiana 1996.

"Integrating Science and Math Teaching", workshop presented at Louisiana State

University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1996.

"Shaping the Future: Strategies for Revitalizing Undergraduate Education", NSF

Conference at Sheraton Washington Hotel, Washington, DC, 1996.

"Puerto Rico en el Siglo XX: Documentación de una Comunidad Científica

Emergente", El 98. Las Antillas Españolas de Siglo a Siglo: Puerto Rico, Jarandilla
de la Vera, España, 1996.
"Science and Mathematics: Partners in the Quest for Excellence Workshop",
presented at CSML Louisiana State University for University Faculty and Teachers of
LaSiP, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1996.

"Effecting Change Through EPSCoR", presented at 12th Annual EPSCoR National

Conference, Washington, DC, 1996.

"RCSE: A Systemic Initiative for Educational Reform", presented to U.S.

Congressman Steny H. Hoyer", University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras Campus, San
Juan, PR, 1996.

"How to Achieve Synergy and Become Systemic: The Puerto Rican Experience",
presented at the NSF Systemic Reform Programs Meeting, Washington, DC, 1996.

"Science and Mathematics for All: Transforming the Teaching/Learning Culture",

presented at the General Council for Education, San Juan, PR, 1997.

"University of Puerto Rico: Transforming the Systemic SMET Pipeline", presented at

the 6th Annual National Conference of the QEM/MSE Network, Washington, DC,

"Science and Mathematics: Conspirators in the Pursuit of Excellence", presented at

the ASCD 1997 Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, 1997.

"Systemic Reform in Science Education: What Did We Learn and What Do We Want
You to Know?", presented at the NSTA 45th Annual National Convention, New
Orleans, Louisiana, 1997.

"Vistas Sobre el Estudio del Posible Efecto Nocivo Sobre la Salud a los Ciudadanos
de Puerto Rico como Consecuencia de las Ondas Electromagnéticas del Radar
ROTHR", presented at Public Hearings Before the Health Commission of the
Legislature of Puerto Rico, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 1997.

"Systemic Reform: Implementation and Scale-Up. To Scale or Not to Scale-Up: a

Strategy for Systemic Reform", presented at NSF SSI PI/PD Meeting, Washington,
DC, 1997.

"Mainstreaming PR Scientific Community", presented at the 9th Annual

EPSCoR/AAAS Meeting, Fajardo, Puerto Rico, 1997.

"The University of Puerto Rico Role in Research and Development and its
Contribution to Puerto Rico's Economy and Science and Technology Policy",
presentation made to the Consejo Superior de Investigación Científica de España
and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 1997.

"The University of Puerto Rico Role in Research and Development and its
Contribution to Puerto Rico's Economy and Science and Technology Policy",
presentation made in DPC 97 on Puerto Rico as Site for the Conference in 1999,
Mittelberg, Germany, 1997.
"Systemic Reform in Science and Mathematics Education in Puerto Rico - PR-SSI
and USI", Presentation to Industry and Business Representatives, Bankers Club,
Hato Rey, Puerto Rico, 1997.

"A First-Cut at a Pragmatic Theory of Systemic Reform". Presentation at SSI PI/PD

Meeting, Washington, DC, October 1997.

"A First-Cut at a Pragmatic Theory of Systemic Reform". Presented at the Urban

Systemic Initiative/Comprehensive Partnership for Mathematics and Science
Achievement (USI/CPMSA) Superintendents Forum; Dallas, Texas; December 1997.

"A S&T Policy for Puerto Rico: Meeting the Challenge of the Knowledge Economy -
A Systemic Approach". Presented at the Winter 1998 Southern Technology Council
Meeting; New Orleans, Louisiana; January 1998.

"An S&T Policy for Puerto Rico - The University of Puerto Rico Meets the Challenge
of the Knowledge Economy: A Systemic Approach". Presented at the UPR-
Mayaguez Campus to the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico; Mayaguez, PR;
January 1998.

“Alliance between BMS, NSRC/Smithsonian, and the PR-SSI to Reform K-6 Education
in Science: Preparing the Puerto Rican Students for the Challenge of the
Knowledge Economy". Presented at the Bristol-Myers Workshop; Hato Rey, Puerto
Rico; January 1998.

"The Missing Link of Systemic Reform: Connecting K-12 and Undergraduate

Education". Presented at LaCEPT's 5th Annual Conference; Baton Rouge, Louisiana;
January 1998.

“Searching for the Unit of Change in Systemic Reform". Presented at the NSF 1998
Science and Mathematics Education Leadership Institute for Systemic Reform;
Washington, DC; February 1998.

"Mainstreaming PR Scientific Community". Presented at 10th Annual National

Alliance of Centers of Excellence (NARCE); Mayaguez, PR; February 1998.

”An Assessment Model to Drive Undergraduate Reform in the SMET Fields in a

Large Public Multicampus University System". Presented at 3rd Annual National
Institute for Science Education (NISE) Forum: “Indicators of Success in
Postsecondary Science, Mathematics, Engineering, and Technology (SMET)
Education: Shapes of the Future”; Washington, DC; February 1998.

"Systemic Change: Refocusing Teacher Behavior Through Staff Development".

Presented at 30th National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics (NCSM) Annual
Meeting; Washington, DC; March 1998.

"The Resource Center for Science and Engineering: A Key Element for
Harnessing Science and Technology to Achieve Economic Development in
Puerto Rico". Presented at INDUNIV Bridging Seminar; San Juan, PR; April 1998.
"An S&T Policy for Puerto Rico - The University of Puerto Rico Meets the Challenge
of the Knowledge Economy: a Systemic Approach". Presented to Rutgers/UPR
Task Force; San
Juan, PR; May 1998.

“Strengthening Graduate Education in Science and Engineering:Promising

Practices and Strategies for Implementation – Lessons Learned from the
Strategies to Improve Graduate Education in Science and Engineering”. Presented
at NISE Graduate Education Forum; Arlington, VA; June 1998.

“A Seamless K-16+ Educational Continuum to Provide High-Quality SMET Human

Resources for the Knowledge Economy: The University of Puerto Rico Meets the
Challenge Through a Systemic Approach". Presented at the Science, Engineering,
and Technology Workforce Workshop ("The U.S. Science, Engineering, and
Technology Workforce of the Future: National Strategy, National Portfolio, National
Resource Base"); Washington, DC; July 1998.

"PR-EPSCoT Proposal to the Department of Commerce / Technology Administration".

Presented at the Southern Technology Council's Meeting (Southern Governor's
Meeting); Dorado, PR; August 1998.

“The University of Puerto Rico - An Institution in Transition: Harnessing R&D and

Generating High Skilled Human Resources for Economic Development". Presented
to Intel, Amgen and Allergan Companies; California; September 1998.

“The Value of Institutional Research (IR) to Drive the Transformation of a University

to Achieve Competitiveness in R&D and Technology Transfer (T 2)". Presented at
EPSCoR Retreat Joint Meeting of the Coalition and Foundation Boards of Directors;
Big Sky, Montana; September 1998.

"A Seamless K-16+ Educational Continuum to Provide High-Quality SMET Human

Resources for the Knowledge Economy: The University of Puerto Rico Meets the
Challenge Through a Systemic Approach". Presented at the National Science Board
Field Hearing in Puerto Rico - "All One System" Developing Human Capital and
Infrastructure for Science and Engineering"; San Juan, PR; October 1998.

“The University of Puerto Rico - An Institution in Transition: Harnessing R&D and

Generating High Skilled Human Resources for Economic Development". Presented
at the Technology Access EPSCoT Workshop; Mayagüez, PR; May 1999.

"The University of Puerto Rico - An Institution in Transition: Using Limited

Resources Wisely to Optimize the Transformation of a Higher Education System".
Presented at the Society Research Administrators Convention of the South; San
Juan, PR; June 1999.

"Nanoparticles Size Distributions, Photoluminescence, and Synthesis Conditions in

Si/SiO2 Films Prepared by RF Co-sputtering". Presented at the International
Conference on Advanced Materials UMRS-ICAM'99; Beijing, China; June 1999.

"Comparative Analysis of the 1.54mm Emission of Er-doped Si/SiO 2 Films and the
Size Distribution of the Nanostructure". Presented at the International Conference
on Advanced Materials UMRS-ICAM'99; Beijing, China; June 1999.

“The University of Puerto Rico - An Institution in Transition: Using Limited

Resources Wisely to Optimize the Transformation of a Higher Education System".
Presented to the Center for Subsurface Sensing and Imaging Systems (CenSSIS)
Industrial Collaboration Meeting; Boston, Massachusetts; June 1999.

"The University of Puerto Rico - An Institution in Transition: Harnessing R&D and

Generating High Skilled Human Resources for Economic Development". Presented
at the Annual Convention of Puerto Rico's Chamber of Commerce; Fajardo, PR; June

"The University of Puerto Rico: Harnessing University Resources to Nurture an

Industry/Academic Initiative to Develop R&D for the Pharmaceutical Industry".
Presented at INDUNIV's Annual Meeting; San Juan, PR; June 1999.

"Information and Computing Technologies Converge with the Need for a Paradigm
Shift in the Teaching/Learning Process at the Crossroad of the 21st Century".
Presented at the NSF Workshop: "Improving Education in Mathematics and the
Physical Sciences Through Use of Technology"; Arlington, VA; July 1999.

“Educating the Next Generation of Science and Mathematics Literate Citizens

Needed to Make Puerto Rico Competitive in the Knowledge Economy". Presented at
the Governor's Council for Economic Development; San Juan, PR; July 1999.

"Technology Transfer and Economic Development: UPR Contribution to Puerto

Rico's Science and Technology Policy". Presented at the Puerto Rico Chemical
Association 58th Annual Chemical Conference and Exhibition; Fajardo, PR; August

"Technology Transfer and Economic Development: UPR Contribution to Puerto

Rico's Science and Technology Policy". Presented at the Convention of the Puerto
Rico Manufacturers Association; Dorado, PR; October 1999.

"Avalúo en Ciencias y Matemáticas: Una Herramienta para Transformar la Cultura

de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de las Escuelas". Presented at the College Board's 5th
Annual Conference: "Currículo, Evaluación Integral y Excelencia Educativa"; Isla
Verde, PR; October 1999.

"Systemic Reform of Undergraduate SMET Education". Presented at Project

Kaleidoscope (PKAL) 10th Anniversary; College Park, MD; October 1999.

"University of Puerto Rico Plays a Key Role in Helping Puerto Rico Meet the
Challenge of the Knowledge Economy: Human Resources; R&D; and Technology
Transfer". Presented at the XVII International Conference of the International
Council for Innovation in Higher Education (Council for Higher Education); Isla
Verde, PR; November 1999.

"Institutional Support for a SNRP Award Developing a Neuroscience Thrust in the

Context of an Institution-wide Strategic Plan for S&T Development and Puerto Rico's
Economic Development". Presented at the Neuro-AIDS Technical Assistance
Workshop, Specialized Neuroscience Research Program; Baltimore, MD; November

"The Puerto Rico LSAMP Project: Increasing the Effectiveness and Efficiency of the
Undergraduate SMET Education". Presented at the NSF-LSAMP-MGE PI/PD Meeting;
Arlington, VA; December 1999.

“El Imperativo de Desarrollar una Infraestructura de Comunicación Electrónica de

Vanguardia para que Puerto Rico se Inserte en la Frontera de la Economía del
Conocimiento". Presented at Public Hearing Before the Government and Federal
Affairs Commission of the Puerto Rico Senate; San Juan, PR; December 1999.

"La Necesidad de Acelerar la Implantación de la Política de Ciencia y Tecnología de

Puerto Rico Mediante una Alianza del Sector Académico e Industrial Catalizada por
el Sector de Gobierno". Presented at Public Hearing Before the Government and
Federal Affairs Commission of the Puerto Rico Senate; San Juan, PR; December
"Developing Academia and Department of Education Partnerships to Achieve K-12
Systemic Reform (Panel Presentation: What is the Formula for Sustaining
Supportive Partnerships)". Presented at the AAAS Forum for School Science;
Washington, DC' February 2000.

"Responding to the Challenge of the Knowledge Economy: Transforming Chemistry

Education to Meet the Challenge - The Need for Systemic Reform of Undergraduate
Education". Presented at the American Chemical Society Symposium "Global
Chemistry Education"; San Francisco, CA; March 2000.

"PR-LSAMP Project". Presented at the PR-LSAMP Steering Committee Meeting with

Presidents and Chancellors of Alliance Institutions, and Deans and PR-LSAMP Liaison
Officers; San Juan, PR; March 2000.

"Systemic Reform in the K-16+ Continuum to Achieve Academic Excellence".

Presented at RAND Corporation; Santa Monica, CA; May 2000.

"Systemic Reform in the K-16+ Continuum to Achieve Academic Excellence".

Presented at the U.S. Department of Education; Washington, DC; May 2000.

"Testimony of Dr. Manuel Gómez, Vice President for Research and Academic Affairs,
University of Puerto Rico". Presented at U.S. Department of Education Field Hearing
(The Agenda Project: "A National Dialogue on Postsecondary Education"); Atlanta,
GA; May 2000.

"The Importance of Industry/University Research at UPR: Opportunities for

Interaction Between SmithKline Beecham and the University of Puerto Rico".
Presented at the SmithKline Beecham Upper Merion R&D Facilities; Philadelphia, PA;
May 2000.

"Industry/University Research Consortium". Presented at INDUNIV's Board of

Directors Meeting and Annual Meeting; Juncos, PR; May 2000.

"Mainstreaming Underserved Students in K-16+ Continuum to Achieve Academic

Excellence (Panel on Content and Instructional Practices)". Presented at the Fifth
Annual NISE Forum; Detroit, MI; May 2000.

"Reforming the K-16+ Continuum to Achieve Academic Excellence - the Engaged

University". Presented to Federal Department of Education Staff; Washington, DC;
June 2000.

“K-16+ Systemic Reform in Puerto Rico - Education and Research Challenges and
Successes". Presented at the 2000 SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics) Annual Meeting; Río Grande, PR; July 2000.

“Responding to External Challenges and Opportunities – The Engaged University”

and “Becoming a Research I University – Applying the Seven Academic
Management Principles to Develop UPR into a Complex Adaptive System”.
Presented at the 6th Academic Planning Workshop for Chancellors and Deans of the
UPR System; Ponce, PR; August 2000.

“Mainstreaming Underserved Students in K-16 +Continuum to Achieve Academic

Excellence”. (Panel on Content and Instructional Practices). Presented to the
Puerto Rico Graduate Teaching Fellows in K-12 Education, PR-CETP Program; San
Juan, PR; August 2000.

"A K-16+ Continuum to Achieve Academic Excellence - The Engaged University".

Presented at the Gordon Research Conference: "New Frontiers in Science and
Technology Policy"; Plymouth, NH; August 2000.

“UPR Initiatives to Insert Puerto Rico in the e-Knowledge Economy: R&D; Advanced
Degrees; e-Connectivity Infrastructure”. Presented at the Silicon Reef: Puerto Rico
in the e-conomy Conference of the Center for the New Economy (CNE); San Juan,
PR; September 2000.

“UPR – A University in Transition: Achieving Excellence to Serve Puerto Rico and

National Needs for Human Resources and Economic Development”. Presented at
NASA’s UPR Aeronautics Education Laboratory (AEL) Inauguration; San Juan, PR;
September 2000.

“UPR Initiatives to Insert Puerto Rico in the e-Knowledge Economy: R&D; T 2; Virtual
Learning Center; Advanced Degrees; e-Connectivity Infrastructure. Presented at
the e-Government Seminar: “Optimizing Services in a Digital Government”; Isla
Verde, PR; October 2000.

“Small Business Innovation Program (SBIR): Pathways to Innovation”. Sponsored

by the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce; Hato Rey, PR; December 2000.

“Program Annual Review Presentation”. Presented at NSF-SSI FY2000 Program

Annual Review, Arlington, VA, January 2001.
“UPR’s Successful K-16+ Educational Continuum Initiative: A Fertile Ground for a
Strategic Alliance Between Microsoft and UPR System”. Presented at UPR Site Visit
to Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA, January 2001.

“En Línea o No en Línea: ‘To be or Not to Be’: A University for the 21 st Century”.
Presented to the UPR Board of Trustees, San Juan, PR, February 2001.

“Responding to External Challenges and Opportunities: The Engaged University.

UPR’S Successful K-16+ Education Continuum Initiative”. Presented at the 2001
AASCU/AARC Winter Meeting: “Universities in a Global Age”, New Orleans, LA,
February 2001.

“Responding to External Challenges and Opportunities – The Engaged University:

UPR’s Successful K-16+ Educational Continuum Initiatives”. Presented to the NSF-
Office of Legislative and Public Affairs (OLPA)/Congressional Staff Visit, San Juan, PR,
February 2001.

“From Ideation to Economic Development: The UPR as a Catalyst of Innovation –

The NSF Partnership for Innovation Project”. Presented to the NSF-
OLPA/Congressional Staff Visit, San Juan, PR, February 2001.

“PRIDCO’s Contribution to the Development of UPR’s Information Technology

Infrastructure”. Presented to PRIDCO’s Staff at PRIDCO’s Visit to UPR, San Juan, PR,
March 2001.

“Striving to Achieve Research I Status at UPR”. Presented before the Commission

of Infrastructure, Technological Development and Commerce of the Senate of Puerto
Rico, San Juan, PR, March 2001.

“On Line or Not on Line: To Be or Not to Be – A University for the 21 st Century”.

Presented at the 13th AAAS & Puerto Rico EPSCoR Annual Meeting, Dorado, PR, April

“On Line or Not on Line: To Be or Not to Be – A University for the 21 st Century”.

Presented at the 2nd Distance Learning Conference, San Juan, PR, May 2001.

“Responding to External Challenges and Opportunities – The Engaged University –

UPR’s Successful K-16+Educational Continuum Initiatives”. Presented at AAAS Site
Visit, San Juan, PR, May 2001.

“From Ideation to Economic Development: the UPR as a Catalyst of Innovation –

The NSF Partnership for Innovation Project”. Presented at AAAS Site Visit, San Juan,
PR, May 2001.

“Measuring Institutional Effectiveness: Using Assessment and Attribution to Drive

Undergraduate Educational Reform”. Presented at the Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL)
Summer Institute Workshop, Snowbird, UT, July 2001.

“A Hundred Years: The Twentieth Century Intertwining Histories of Puerto Rico and
its State University”. Presented at the NASULGC Council on Academic Affairs (CAA)
Summer Meeting, Río Grande, PR, July 2001.

“Responding to External Challenges and Opportunities – The Engaged University –

UPR’s Successful K-16+Educational Continuum Initiatives”. Presented at
NSF/Congressional Staff Visit, San Juan, PR, August 2001.

“From Ideation to Economic Development: the UPR as a Catalyst of Innovation –

The NSF Partnership for Innovation Project”. Presented at NSF/Congressional Staff
Visit, San Juan, PR, August 2001.

“Responding to External Challenges and Opportunities – The Engaged University –

UPR’s Successful K-16+Educational Continuum Initiatives”. Presented at the Visit of
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Researchers to the University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR,
August 2001.

“From Ideation to Economic Development: the UPR as a Catalyst of Innovation –

The NSF Partnership for Innovation Project”. Presented at the Visit of
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Researchers to the University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR,
August 2001.

“The Mission of the Resource Center for Science and Engineering to Provide Puerto
Rico with the Human Resources and Research Infrastructure for the Island’s
Economic Development and Global Competitiveness”. Presented to PROCOMP, San
Juan, PR, October 2001.

“Puerto Rico Science and Technology Alliance: Harnessing S&T for Economic
Development-Puerto Rico’s Policy on Science and Technology (Summary of Final
Version)”. Presented to the Chamber of Commerce, San Juan, PR, October 2001.

“Online or Not Online: To be or Not to Be: A University for the 21 st Century-

Teaching and Organization of Studies in the Virtual Classical University: Conflict
and/or Mutual Reinforcement”. Presented at the UNESCO International Seminar,
San Juan, PR, October 2001.

“Puerto Rico’s Science and Technology Policy: Setting the Technology Roadmap for
Economic Development”. Presented at Puerto Rico Techno-Economic Corridor’s (PR-
TEC) First Congress: Partnering for Innovation and Technology for Economic
Development, Mayagüez, PR, November 2001.

“Política Institucional Sobre Propiedad Intelectual, Patentes, Invenciones y su

Comercialización”. Presented to the Law and Regulation Committee of the
University of Puerto Rico’s Board of Trustees, San Juan, PR, December 2001.

“From Ideation to Economic Development: the UPR as a Catalyst for Innovation”.

Presented at NYPRO Puerto Rico, Inc.’s World Management Forum, Dorado, PR,
December 2001.

“UPR as Resource for Innovation: Assistance in Obtaining Funds and Services for
Start-Ups”. Presented at the Technology Entrepreneurs of PR (TEPR)’s INNOVACON
2001, Bayamón, PR, December 2001.
“Presentación de los Ofrecimientos Graduados de la UPR en Forma Sistémica al
Cuerpo de Rectores de las Universidades Públicas y Privadas de la República
Dominicana”. Presented to the Chancellors of the Dominican Republic Universities,
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, January 2002.

“Lessons Learned: 9 ½ Years of Systemic Reform”. Presented at the FY 2001

Statewide Systemic Initiatives Program Annual Review, Arlington, VA, January 2002.

“Trinomio para la Biotecnología Médica”. Presented at the UPR’s Press Conference

to announce its Medical Biotechnology initiative with three Research Centers and
$20M from NIH, San Juan, PR, February 2002.

“From Ideation to Economic Development: A Catalyst for Innovation – The NSF

Partnership for Innovation Project”. Presented at the PFI Technology and Innovation
Forum at Polytechnic University, San Juan, PR, March 2002.

“La UPR se Inserta en la Economía del Conocimiento”. Presented at the “Foro de

Tecnología e Información al Servicio del Ciudadano”, San Juan, PR, March 2002.

“The Mission of the Resource Center for Science and Engineering to Provide Puerto
Rico with the Human Resources and Research Infrastructure for the Island’s
Economic Development and Global Competitiveness”. Presented at the NSF
LSAMP/AGEP PI/PD Meeting, Arlington, VA, March 2002.

“From Ideation to Economic Development: A Catalyst for Innovation – The NSF

Partnership for Innovation Project”. Presented at the PFI Technology and Innovation
Forum at UPR-Bayamón, Bayamón, PR, April 2002.

“Universidad de Puerto Rico”. Presented to the Chancellors of the Dominican

Republic Universities, San Juan, PR, May 2002.

“EPSCoR and The Science and Technology Policy”. Presented at EPSCoR Annual
Conference, Dorado, PR, May 2002.

“The University of Puerto Rico at a Glance”. Presented at the Second Executive

Committee Meeting: Memorandum of Understanding between the United States
Department of Health and Human Services Food and Drug Administration. United
States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Services, and the
University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, May 2002.

“NASA/UPR Partnership for Excellence: Impact of NAFP on Education and

Research”. Presented at the NASA Administrator’s Fellowship Program (NAFP)
Annual Symposium, Washington, DC, June 2002.

“Minando los Fondos Externos para Promover el Desarrollo Académico”. Presented

at the 5th Meeting of Puerto Rico’s Society of Research Administrators (SRA):
“Diversidad de Conocimientos en la Administración de Fondos y Programas
Externos”, San Juan, PR, August 2002.
“Trinomio para la Biotecnología Médica: Optimizando el Acceso a los Fondos del
Programa IDeA de NIH”. Presented to the BRIN, COBRE I and COBRE II Researchers
Biotechnology Meeting, San Juan, PR, October 2002.

“Minando los Fondos Externos para Promover el Desarrollo Académico y el

Desarrollo Económico”. Presented at the Puerto Rico Chamber of Commerce’s 10 th
Workshop: “Trayectoria, Retos y Oportunidades en Fondos Federales Competitivos”,
San Juan, PR, October 2002.

“Las Alianzas Estratégicas para el Desarrollo de la Comunidad Científica y el I+D en

Puerto Rico”. Presented at the 5th Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) Technology and
Innovation Forum, San Juan, PR, November 2002.

“From Ideation to Economic Development: A Catalyst for Innovation – The NSF

Partnership for Innovation Project”. Presented at the 5th Partnerships for Innovation
(PFI) Technology and Innovation Forum, San Juan, PR, November 2002.

“Perspectivas Sobre Labor Creativa, Erudita y de Investigación de la Universidad de

Puerto Rico”. Presented at the UPR Board Meeting, San Juan, PR, November 2002.

“Perspectivas Sobre la Infraestructura para la Enseñanza y la Labor Creativa,

Erudita y la Investigación en la Universidad de Puerto Rico – Informe del Presidente
y los Rectores”. Presented at the UPR Board Meeting, San Juan, PR, December

“La Misión del Centro de Recursos para Ciencias e Ingeniería: Proveerle a Puerto
Rico los Recursos Humanos y la Infraestructura de Investigación para el Desarrollo
Económico de la Isla y su Competitividad a Nivel Mundial”. Presented to the
Personnel of the Resource Center for Science and Engineering, San Juan, PR,
December 2002.

“PFI Technology and Innovation Forum – From Ideation to Economic Development:

A Catalyst for Innovation – The NSF Partnership for Innovation Project”. Presented
at the 6th Partnership for Innovation Technology and Innovation Forum, San Juan, PR,
December 2002.

“PFI Technology and Innovation Forum – La Incubadora” Elemento Esencial para

Promover las Industrias Incipientes en Puerto Rico”. Presented at the 6th
Partnership for Innovation Technology and Innovation Forum, San Juan, PR,
December 2002.

“Responding to External Challenges and Opportunities: The University of Puerto

Rico Responds to the Biotechnology Challenge as it Enters its Second Century”.
Presented to Project Olympia (PRIDCO-NY), San Juan, PR, January 2003.

“PRMA & PROCOMP’s Puerto Rico Excellence Awards Conference: Resource Center
for Science and Engineering, University of Puerto Rico, Winner – Innovation and
Entrepreneurial Culture”. Presented at the PROCOMP Open House Activity, San
Juan, PR, January 2003.
“Responding to External Challenges and Opportunities: The University of Puerto
Rico: From Research I to Entrepreneurial University”. Presented at the Academia,
Government, and Industry Forum in Responds to Dr. Henry Etzkowitz Presentation:
“The Rise of the Entrepreneurial University”, Carolina, PR, February 2003.

“Responding to External Challenges and Opportunities in S&T: Creation of

Multicampus/Multidisciplinary Institutes”. Presented at the 8 Partnership for
Innovation (PFI) Forum: “Research Institutes and Their Role in Promoting Puerto
Rico’s Innovation”, San Juan, PR, March 2003.

“Presentation of the Vice Presidency for Research and Technology to the EDUCAUSE
Site Visit”. Presented to the Campus Assessment Team (CAT) Members of
EDUCAUSE, San Juan, PR, May 2003.

“Responding to External Challenges and Opportunities: Research at UPR at the

Beginning of its Second Century”. Presented at the NSF Caribbean Colloquium on
Power Quality (CCPQ) 2003, Dorado, PR, June 2003.

“La Investigación Científica, la Informática y la Transferencia de Tecnología: La

Universidad de Puerto Rico de Cara a su Segundo Siglo”. Presented to the Visitors
of the “Programa de Expediciones, Estudios e Intercambio Cultural, Ruta Quetzal
BBVA 2003 of Spain, San Juan, PR, July 2003.

“The University of Puerto Rico Implements a Multicampus Strategy to Develop its

R&D Capacity in Biotechnology Using NIH Funds”. Presented at the 1st IMS-ISBA
Statistical Joint Meeting, San Juan, PR, July 2003.

“Minando los Fondos Externos para Promover el Desarrollo Académico”. Presented

to the 2003-2004 Faculty of the Bayamón Inter American University of Puerto Rico,
Bayamón, PR, August 2003.

“Coordination of NASA Projects with Other Research and Educational Programs to

Develop the Pipeline of Future Scientists and Engineers: The Resource Center for
Science and Engineering Model”. Presented to Dr. Adena Williams Loston, NASA’s
Associate Administrator for Education, San Juan, PR, September 2003.

“Opciones de Colaboración Entre la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Puerto Rico y

el CRCI - Explorando Nuevas Alianzas para la Enseñanza y la Investigación en
Ciencia y Tecnología: El Modelo del CRCI y Programas de EPSCoR”. Presented to
the Faculty of the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, Ponce, PR, October

“La Misión del Centro de Recursos para Ciencias e Ingeniería: Proveerle a Puerto
Rico los Recursos Humanos y la Infraestructura de Investigación para el Desarrollo
Económico de la Isla y su Competitividad a Nivel Mundial”. Presented to the UPR
Vice President of Research and Technology and the Offices that have Research
Programs, San Juan, PR, December 2003.

“La Misión del Centro de Recursos para Ciencias e Ingeniería: Proveerle a Puerto
Rico los Recursos Humanos y la Infraestructura de Investigación para el Desarrollo
Económico de la Isla y su Competitividad a Nivel Mundial”. Presented to the Puerto
Rico Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (PR-LSAMP) Advisory Board, San
Juan, PR, January 2004.

“The Resource Center for Science and Engineering Model”. Presented at the
National Science Foundation Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate
(NSF-AGEP) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Evaluation Capacity Building Meeting, San Juan, PR, January 2004.

“La Ciencia y Tecnología en Puerto Rico”. Presented to the Industrial Chemistry

Students of Prof. Roberto Marrero at UPR-Humacao, Humacao, PR, March 2004.

“Addendum to the EPSCoR Presentation (prepared by Dr. Brad Weiner): Making

Puerto Rico Competitive in Research and Development – 18 Years of EPSCoR: A
Prospectus”. Presented at the Puerto Rico NSF-EPSCoR Phase V Thrust Area
Leaders Meeting, San Juan, PR, March 2004.

“Are you a Future Scientist, Engineer, or Mathematician? – Let’s Find Out!”.

Presented to St. John’s School students on the School’s “Career Day”, San Juan, PR,
March 2004.

“A Hundred Years of Science & Technology in Puerto Rico”. Presented at the 15th
PFI Forum: “Do We Need a Public Policy to Stimulate Technology-Based Start-Ups in
Puerto Rico?”, San Juan, PR, March 2004.

“Human Resources in S&T and R&D in Puerto Rico to Promote Innovation – Myths
and Realities”. Presented at the 16th PFI Forum, San Juan, PR, April 2004.

“Making Puerto Rico Competitive in Research and Development – 18 Years of

EPSCoR: A Prospectus”. Presented at the Informative Meeting (EPSCoR Project
Orientation) with Researchers of UPR-Mayagüez Campus, Mayagüez, PR, April 2004.

“LSAMP-AGEP – LSAMP Research Fellows and AGEP Program at the Mayagüez

Campus”. Presented to Chairpersons of all Ph.D. Granting Departments at UPR-
Mayagüez Campus, Mayagüez, PR, May 2004.

“Development of Human Resources in S&T and R&D in Puerto Rico to Promote

Innovation that will Result in Economic Development – Myths and Realities”.
Presented at the 2004 ASTD Annual Conference, Carolina, PR, May 2004.

“Systemic Educational Reform in a Large Complex Educational System: Lessons

Learned”. Presented at the AAAS-UNESCO International Conference on Science
and Technology Education: Systemic Approaches to Reform, Paris, France, June

“Making Puerto Rico Competitive in Research and Development – 18 Years of

EPSCoR: The Nanotechnology Research Institute Initiative”. Presented at the DOE
Argonne National Laboratory – Annual EPSCoR Conference, Argonne, IL, June 2004.

“Charter of the RCSE and Full Implementation of the Pre- and Post-Award System–
The Core Competency of the RCSE”. Presented to the RCSE Staff of UPR Río
Piedras and Mayagüez Campuses, San Juan, PR, August 2004.

“EPSCoR Research Fellows and AGEP Program Fellows – UPR Río Piedras Campus”.
Presented to Awarded LSAMP, EPSCoR, and AGEP Post-Doc Fellows of UPR-Río
Piedras, San Juan, PR, August 2004.

“Making Puerto Rico Competitive in Research and Development – 18 Years of

EPSCoR: A Prospectus”. Presented to Awarded LSAMP, EPSCoR, and AGEP Post-Doc
Fellows of UPR-Río Piedras, San Juan, PR, August 2004.

“EPSCoR Research Fellows and AGEP Program Fellows – UPR Mayagüez Campus”.
Presented to Awarded LSAMP, EPSCoR, and AGEP Post-Doc Fellow of UPR-Mayagüez,
Mayagüez, PR, August 2004.

“LSAMP Bridge to the Doctorate Program (Mayagüez Campus)”. Presented to

Awarded LSAMP, EPSCoR, and AGEP Post-Doc Fellows of UPR-Mayagüez, Mayagüez,
PR, August 2004.

“Making Puerto Rico Competitive in Research and Development – 18 Years of

EPSCoR: A Prospectus”. Presented to Awarded LSAMP, EPSCoR, and AGEP Post-Doc
Fellows of UPR-Mayagüez, Mayagüez, PR, August 2004.

“Making Puerto Rico Competitive in Research and Development – 18 Years of

EPSCoR: A Prospectus”. Presented to Faculty of the College of Natural Sciences,
UPR-Río Piedras, San Juan, PR, August 2004.

“Making Puerto Rico Competitive in Research and Development – 18 Years of

EPSCoR: A Prospectus”. Presented at NSF-EPSCoR Start-up Awards Ceremony, San
Juan, PR, September 2004.

“Making Puerto Rico Competitive in Research and Development – 18 Years of

EPSCoR: A Prospectus”. Presented to Awarded LSAMP, EPSCoR, and AGEP Post-Doc
Fellows of UPR-Mayagüez, Mayagüez, PR, August 2004.

“Using NIH-IDeA (EPSCoR-Like) Funds to Develop an R&D Strategy for a

Biomolecular and Biotechnology EPSCoR Thrust”. Presented to Hewlett Packard
Representatives, San Juan, PR, September 2004.

“EPSCoR State Committee Chair and EPSCoR Director Report to the State
Committee”; Presented at the EPSCoR State Committee Meeting, San Juan, PR,
September 2004.

“Towards an Entrepreneurial Culture”. Presented at the 20 th PFI Forum: “Para crear

una cultura empresarial en Puerto Rico: ¿Quién tiene que hacer qué?” Mayagüez,
PR, December 2004.

“Science and Technology Metrics and Innovation (Academia)”. Presented at the

21st PFI Forum: “¿Cuáles son las mejores métricas para medir el progreso en una
economía basada en el conocimiento…y por qué?”, San Juan, PR, January 2005.
“La Ciencia y Tecnología en Puerto Rico”. Presented to the Students of the
Industrial Chemistry Course of Dr. Edgard Resto at the College of Natural Sciences,
UPR-Río Piedras, San Juan, PR, February 2005.

“Towards an Entrepreneurial Culture”. Presented at the 22nd PFI Forum: “¿Quien

tiene que hacer qué para crear una cultura empresarial en Puerto Rico?”, Caguas,
PR, February 2005.

“A K-16+ Continuum to Achieve Academic Excellence – The Engaged University”.

Presented at the AAAS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, February 2005.

“Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) Phase II: “A
Strategic Alliance Between the Río Piedras and Mayaguez Campuses of the
University of Puerto Rico”. Presented at the AGEP Summer Training and Bridging
Seminar Welcome Activity, San Juan, PR, July 2005.

“The Nano Science and Technology Institute”. Presented at the NASA Technical
Review Committee (TRC) Site Visit to UPR-Río Piedras’ Center for Nanoscale
Materials, San Juan, PR, September 2005.

“How Would Puerto Rico and the World Look in 2005 If 20 th Century Physics and
Technology Would have Never been Conceived?”. Presented to the Inter American
Univeristy-Bayamón Students during the Scientific Research Congress, Bayamón,
PR, November 2005.

“The Nano Science and Technology Institute”. Presented at the Retreat for the
Nano Science and Technology Institute Team, Caguas, PR, November 2005.

“UPR has Pioneered the Development of High Performance Computing and

Academic State-of-the-Art Communication Technologies in Puerto Rico”. Presented
at IX.PR (Internet Exchange of Puerto Rico) Meeting, San Juan, PR, November 2005.

“Defining Metrics to Measure Progress of Fellows at the Ph.D. Level: An AGEP

Perspective”. Presented at the Second AGEP Evaluation Capacity Workshop,
Sponsored by NSF and Organized by AAAS Education and Humans Resources
Directorate (EHR), San Juan, PR, January 2006.

“S&T Human Resources Development and Making Puerto Rico Competitive in

Research and Development: 25 Years of the Resource Center for Science and
Engineering and 20 Years of EPSCoR: A Prospectus”. Presented to Dr. Arden
Bement, NSF Director, during his visit to Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, January 2006.
“Status of Innovation at the UPR System”. Presented at the ORAU HBCU/MEI
Council Meeting, Kansas City, MO, January 2006.

“The Nano-Science and Technology Institute”. Presented at the NASA Glenn

Research Center, Cleveland, OH, June 2006.

“What is Innovation and What is its Relationship to Economic Development?”

Presented at the “Scientists as Entrepreneurs Workshop”, sponsored by PR-LSAMP,
San Juan, PR, August 2006.

“Towards an Entrepreneurial Culture”, Presented at the “Scientists as Entrepreneurs

Workshop”, sponsored by PR-LSAMP, San Juan, PR, August 2006.

“The Nano-Science and Technology Institute”. Workshop on Nanotechnology,

presented at the 2006 PR-CHEM 65 Annual Conference & Exhibition, Rio Grande,
PR, August 2006.

“S&T Human Resource Development and Making Puerto Rico Competitive in

Research and Development: A Systemic Approach to Educational Reform – 25
Years of the Resource Center for Science and Engineering and 20 Years of EPSCoR”.
Presented at the ASEE 5th Annual Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, Rio
de Janeiro, Brazil, October 2006.

“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN) Puerto Rico EPSCoR Research

Infrastructure Improvement (RII) – Funding: $12.9M/3 Years”. Presented at the
NASA Technical Review Committee (TRC) Site Visit to UPR-Rio Piedras Center for
Nanoscale Materials, San Juan, PR, December 2006.

“The Resource Center for Science and Engineering 1980-2007 – 27 Years of

Nurturing R&D, Human Resources, and Education in STEM Fields in Puerto Rico”.
Presented to the UPR Mayaguez Faculty Who Participated or Are Participating in
RCSE Projects, Mayaguez, PR, January 2007.

“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN) Puerto Rico EPSCoR Research

Infrastructure Improvement (RII)”. Presented at the NASA Technical Review
Committee (TRC) Site Visit to UPR-Rio Piedras Center for Nanoscale Materials, San
Juan, PR, March 2007.

“Introduction to Nanotechnology - Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN)

Presentation”. Presented at Operación Exito NanoDays activity, San Juan, PR, April
“Diversifying the Engineering Pipeline at the Graduate Level”. Presented at the
Education’s Engineering Deans Institute of the American Society of Engineering
(ASEE-EDI), San Juan, PR, April 2007.

“Surface-to-volume Ratio and Nano Particles” What’s the Difference Between

Seltzer and Perrier Waters”. Videoconference Presentation at Monthly Seminar of
the National Center for Learning and Teaching in Nanoscale Science and
Engineering (NCLT-NSE), San Juan, PR, May 2007.

“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN) Puerto Rico EPSCoR Research

Infrastructure Improvement (RII)”. Presented at the Puerto Rico EPSCoR Annual
Meeting: “Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN) – Strategic Partnerships to
Achieve International Competitiveness in R&D and Innovation”, Rio Grande, PR, May

“The IFN Innovation and Commercialization”. Presented at the Puerto Rico EPSCoR
Annual Meeting: “Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN) – Strategic
Partnerships to Achieve International Competitiveness in R&D and Innovation”, Rio
Grande, PR, May 2007.

“Institute as a Major Strategy to Achieve National R&D Competitiveness in the

Jurisdiction”. Presented at the Society of Research Administrators (SRA) Meeting,
Rio Grande, PR, June 2007.

“The Era of Nanotechnology Comes to Puerto Rico: Institute for Functional

Nanomaterials (IFN) Becomes a Reality”. Presented at the Rotary Club of San Juan
Meeting, San Juan, PR, July 2007.

“The Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN)”. Presented to the Chancellors of

the University of Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, August 2007.

“¿Quo Vadis Puerto Rico? ¿Dónde está la Innovación y la Comercialización de la

Tecnología?” Presented at the “1ra Conferencia Internacional sobre Gerencia del
Conocimiento, Caguas, PR, October 2007.

“The Institute for Functional Nanomaterials: Nanotechnology Comes to Puerto

Rico”. Presented at the PR-LSAMP Annual Best Practices Conference on Teaching
and Learning, Dorado, PR, October 2007.

“The Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN)”. Presented to the National

Advisory Board of the NASA URC program, San Juan, PR, November 2007.

“Recuento Histórico de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales (1943-2007) – Una Isla de

Innovación y Creatividad en un Mar de Vicisitudes”. Presented at the “Conferencia
Magistral de la Semana de las Ciencias Naturales”, San Juan, PR, Noviembre 2007.

“Impact of PR-LSAMP on R&D in Puerto Rico, and Future Directions”. Presented to

the PR-LSAMP Advisory Board, Ponce, PR, December 2007.

“Una Sociedad y Economía Basadas en el Conocimiento: ¿Qué Necesita Puerto Rico

para Desarrollar una Sociedad (Cultura) que Cultive el Conocimiento?”. Presented
to the Puerto Rico Bank Association, San Juan, PR, January 2008.

“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN”. Presented to Dr. Joyce L. Winterton,

NASA’s Assistant Administrator for Education, San Juan , PR, January 2008.

“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN”. Presented to Dr. Joyce L. Winterton,

NASA’s Assistant Administrator for Education, San Juan , PR, January 2008.

“Introduction to Nanotechnology, Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN)”.

Presented at the IFN Nano Days Activity, Caguas, PR, April 2008.

“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN)”. Presented at the 28th Latin American
Congress of Chemistry, San Juan , PR, July 2008.

“Factores que Determinan el Poder Atraer, Reclutar y Retener Investigadores”.

Presented at the “Undécima Conferencia Annual SAI 2008”, San Juan, PR, August

“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials”. Presented at the NSF Reverse Site Visit,
Arlington, VA, September 2008.

“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials, Puerto Rico EPSCoR, Research

Infrastructure Improvement (RII)”. Presented at the “Nanobiology, Nanomedicine,
and Innovation for Biotechnology Workshop”, San Juan, PR, November 2008.

“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials,”. Presented at the University of Puerto Rico

NASA Center for Advanced Nanoscale Materials (CaNM) “Kick-off”Meeting, San Juan,
PR, January 2009.

“Puerto Rico, The University of Puerto Rico and Neuroscience in Puerto Rico”.
Presented at the Association of Medical School Neuroscience Department Chairs
(AMSNDC) 2009 Annual Meeting, San Juan, PR, February 2009.

“From Hectares to Nanometers: GK-12 Multidisciplinary Explorations of Tropical

Ecosystems and Functional Nanoscience”. Presented to the Directors and Teachers
of GK-12 Participating Schols at the 1 st GK-12 Organizational Meeting, San Juan, PR,
March 2009.

“Introduction to Technology - Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN),”.

Presented to the Commonwealth High School Students during their Visit to IFN, San
Juan, PR, March 2009.

“Strategic Plan for the Development of the Next Phase of the EPSCoR/RII Track-1
Proposal – The IFN Institute Matures and Develops Three New Research Clusters
and Competes for Two Major Center or Institutes Funded by NSF and DOE”.
Presented at the Puerto Rico NSF EPSCoR/RII IFN Annual Meeting, Mayaguez, PR,
April 2009.

“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials”. Presented at the Puerto Rico NSF

EPSCoR/RII IFN Annual Meeting, Mayaguez, PR, April 2009.

“S&T, R&D, and Innovation in Puerto Rico, 1967-2009, 42 Years”. Presented at UPR
Bayamon’s Cuarta Mesa Elíptica: Estado y Perspectiva de la Investigación
Científica en Puerto Rico, Bayamon, PR, April 2009.

“The Resource Center for Science and Engineering – RCSE Budget Presented to UPR
Central Administration”. Presented to the UPR Central Administration’s Vice
President and Budget Director, San Juan, PR, June 2009.

“Introduction to Nanotechnology – Institute of Functional Nanomaterials (IFN)”.

Presented to Physics Interns and “Operación Éxito”students, San Juan, PR, June

“Nanotechnology and the Hydrogen Economy”. Presented to the students of the

NASA Space Grant INSPIRE Summer Collegiate Experience, San Juan, PR, June 2009.
“Overarching Concepts in GK-12: One Universe; Many Worlds”. Presented to the
GK-12 Fellows, San Juan, PR, June 2009.

“STEM R&D, Education, Human Resources Development and Outreach at the

University of Puerto Rico”. Presented to the SUNY Stony Brook Visit Team, San Juan,
PR, June 2009.

“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials”. Presented to Dr. Roberto I. Acosta

(HBCU/MI Deputy Manager, Air Research Lab, Wright-Patterson AFB), San Juan, PR,
July 2009.

“Impact of PR-LSAMP on R&D in Puerto Rico, and Future Directions”. Presented to

the PR-LSAMP Advisory Board, San Juan, PR, August 2009.

“S&E san Borders Optimizing EPSCoR Multiagency Funding for a Transformational

Reform of R&D and Innovation in a Jurisdiction”. Presented at the 21st EPSCoR
National Conference, Washington, DC, October 2009.

“Introduction to Nanotechnology- Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN)”,

Presented to the Colegio Marista High School students, San Juan, PR, October 2009.

“The Resource Center for Science and Engineering”. Presented to the UPR Interim
President and Vice President, San Juan, PR, December 2009.

“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN), Puerto Rico EPSCoR Research

Infrastructure Improvement (RII), First and Second Phase”, Presented to Dr. Uma
Venkateswaran, NSF EPSCoR Program Director, San Juan, PR, February, 2010.

“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN), Puerto Rico EPSCoR Research

Infrastructure Improvement (RII), First and Second Phase”, Presented to NASA
Technical Review Committee, San Juan, PR, February, 2010.

“The Resource Center for Science and Engineering”, Presented to the Advisory
Board of the Council for Higher Education (for GK-12 program), San Juan, PR, March,

“The Good, the Bad and Ugly”, Presented at the NSF GK-12 Annual Meeting,
Washington, DC, March, 2010.

“PR-AGEP Phase II–Ten Years Feeding the Pipeline”, Presented at the AGEP External
Evaluation Meeting, San Juan, PR, April 2010.

“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN), Puerto Rico EPSCoR Research

Infrastructure Improvement (RII), First and Second Phase, and EPSCoR/RII Track-2
Project”, Presented at the PR-EPSCoR 3rd Annual Meeting, Rio Grande, PR, May,

“Impact of PR-LSAMP on R&D in Puerto Rico, and Future Directions”. Presented to

the Miami Dade College group, one of the partners in the PR-LSAMP proposal,
Miami, FL, May, 2010.

“Centers and Institutes for R&D and Innovation: A Model”. Presented to the NASA
Glenn Research Center visitors, San Juan, PR, September, 2010.

“Presentation to the 11 Chancellors of the UPR System on the Corrective Action

Plan Required by the National Science Foundation and the Procedures for Bringing
into Compliance Time and Effort Reporting”. Presented to the Chancellors in the
monthly meeting of the UPR President with the Chancellors, San Juan, PR,
September 2010.
“La Nanotecnología es una Tecnología Facilitadora (Enabling) en el Desarrollo de
Nuevos Artefactos y Materiales con Propiedades Transformativas para la Sociedad:
Está en todas partes, pero nadie la ve”. Presented at the Press Conference to
announce the NSF EPSCoR Track-1 and Track-2 proposals, San Juan, PR, October

“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials”. Presentation at the PR-EPSCoR RII IFN

Track-1 Strategic Planning Session to the PR-EPSCoR IFN Task Force, the NSF-
EPSCoR Program Officer (U. Venkateswaran), Independent External Facilitator (E.
Derrick), and three members of the PR-EPSCoR State Committee., Rio Grande, PR,
November 2010.

“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials”. Presented at the NSF-EPSCoR Track-2 Kick-

off Meeting to the UNL y UPR Track-2 staff, San Juan, PR, December 2010.

“The Resource Center for Science and Engineering”. Presented to NSF’s NAIC
Proposal Review Panel at the NSF Reverse Site Visit regarding the NAIC Management
Proposal, Washington, DC, January 2011.

“The Resource Center for Science and Engineering”. Presentation to Tim Spuck,
NSF Albert Einstein Fellow, San Juan, PR April 2011.

“Overview of PR EPSCoR Track-1 and Track-2 Synergy”. Presented to the External

Advisory Panel of Nebraska-Puerto Rico NSF EPSCoR RII Track-2 Grant, Lincoln, NE,
June 2011.

“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN) Puerto Rico EPSCoR Research

Infrastructure Improvement (RII)”. Presented at the First Annual Meeting of Puerto
Rico EPSCoR RII Track-1 IFN Phase 2, Fajardo, PR, September 2011.

“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN) Puerto Rico EPSCoR Research

Infrastructure Improvement (RII)”. Presented at the NSF Reverse Site Visit for the
Puerto Rico EPScoR RII Track-1 IFN Phase 2 Award, Arlington, VA, September 2011.

“The Resource Center for Science and Engineering”. Presented to the

Representatives of New York University (NYU) and Carnegie Mellon University
(CMU), San Juan, PR, October 2011.
“Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN) Puerto Rico EPSCoR Research
Infrastructure Improvement (RII)”. Presented at the NSF EPSCoR RII Track-2 Joint
Workshop, San Juan, PR, November 2011.

"“Bootstrapping” a Research University: A Tale of Two Jurisdictions, Puerto Rico and

the Dominican Republic":Keynote Speaker: X Congreso Internacional de
Investigación Científica; Dominican Republic, June 12-13th 2014

Thesis Supervised:

"Theory of Phononic Polaritons in Dielectric Crystals" - J. Nieves, Master Thesis, UPR,

Río Piedras, 1975.

"The Pseudospin-Phonon Model and Its Applicability to Ferroelectric Crystals at Low

Temperatures" - Roy Cabenda, Master Thesis, UPR, Río Piedras, 1977.

"Multiscattering Model for the Dielectric Constant of Cermets Utilized as Solar

Energy Collectors" - L. Fonseca, Master Thesis, UPR, Río Piedras, 1978.

"Effect of Long Range Forces on Critical Parameters of Second-Order Phase

Transitions" - Freddy Peña, Master Thesis, UPR, Río Piedras, 1979.

“Development of a First Principle Pair Correlation Function of Sputtered Cermets

and Its Effect on Their Spectral Properties" - A. García, Master Thesis, UPR, Río
Piedras, 1981.

“Quantum Size Effects in the Optical Properties of Cermets" - G. Rodríguez, Master

Thesis, UPR, Río Piedras, 1981.

"Theoretical Models for the Optical Properties of Cermets" - L. Fonseca, Ph.D.

Thesis, UPR, Río Piedras, 1984.

"T-matrix Approach for the Calculation of Local Fields in the Neighborhood of Small
Clusters in the Electrodynamic Regime" - L. Cruz, Master Thesis, UPR, Río Piedras,

"Using the Constructivist Method and Assessment Techniques to Correct

Misconceptions and Eradicate Conceptual Lacuna in College Physics Students"
.Thesis for the Degree of EdD in Physics Teaching: Neida Santacruz; 2015

International Conferences:

Member of the Organizing Committee of the "International Conference on Low Lying

Lattice Vibrational Modes and Their Relationship to Superconductivity and
Ferroelectricity" - December 1-5, 1975.
Editor of the Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Dynamical
Processes in Excited States of Solids – May 1999


Grants received for the "International Conference on Low Lying Lattice Vibrational
Modes and Their Relationship to Superconductivity and Ferroelectricity" from the
following agencies:

International Union of Pure and Applied Physics - 1974

National Science Foundation - 1974
Office of Naval Research - 1974 (Funds: $10,000)

Project Director - "The Use of Computers in the Teaching of Science and

Mathematics" - National Science Foundation - 1976 (Funds: $250,000).

Principal Investigator of the project "Study of the Optical and Aging Characteristics
of Various Selective Surfaces" (Center for Energy and Environment Research) DOE
1976-78 (Funds: $70,000).

Project Director - "Planning Grant for a Minority Center for Graduate Education in
Science and Engineering" - National Science Foundation - 1977 (Funds: $48,000).

Project Director - "Resource Center for Science and Engineering at the University of
Puerto Rico in Consortium with Catholic University, Inter American University, and
Ana G. Méndez Foundation - National Science Foundation - 1980 (Funds: $5M).

Project Director - "Multiple Scattering Theories for Optical Properties of Composite

Materials" - Army Research Office (ARO) - 1981-1984 (Funds: $100,000).

Principal Investigator - "Optical Properties of Composite Materials" - Army Research

Office (ARO) - 1981 (Funds: $172,106).

Principal Investigator - "Optical and Electrical Properties of Co-Sputtered

Semiconductor and Metal-Insulator Films" - Army Research Office (ARO) - 1984-1987
(Funds: $247,270).

Project Director - "Puerto Rico's Center for the Pre-College Chautauqua-Type

Program" - National Science Foundation (NSF) - 1984 (Funds: $30,000).

Project Director - Planning Grant: "The Design of a Program to Increase the

Research Competitiveness of the Scientific and Engineering Community in Puerto
Rico" - National Science Foundation (NSF) - 1985 (Funds: $99,988).

Project Director - "US-Costa Rica Research Participation: Theoretical Study of the

Electromagnetic Contribution to Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering in Granular
Composites" - National Science Foundation (NSF) - 1985 (Funds: $20,000).

Project Director - "Puerto Rico EPSCoR Program" - A 5-year Project to Strengthen

Competitive Research in Puerto Rico with the Participation of the University of
Puerto Rico, Ponce School of Medicine, and the "Universidad Central del Caribe" -
National Science Foundation (NSF) - 1986 (Funds: $6.2M).

Project Director - "Comprehensive Regional Center for Minorities: An Expansion of

Puerto Rico's Resource Center for Science and Engineering" of the University of
Puerto Rico in consortium with Ana G. Mendez Foundation, Catholic University of
Puerto Rico, Inter American University of Puerto Rico, and Ponce School of Medicine
- National Science Foundation (NSF) - 1988 (Funds: $5M).

Project Director - "Optical Spectroscopy and Light Scattering of Cermet-like

Crystalline Systems". An International collaborative project with the Universidad
Autónoma de Madrid, España - NATO Scientific Affairs Division - 1989 (Funds:

Project Director - "Puerto Rico Science and Mathematics Curricular Reform Center" -
NSF/NSTA Scope, Sequence, and Coordination (SSC) Curricular Reform Project, 1990
(Funds: $1.4M).

Project Director - "Alliances for Minority Participation" Planning Grant, NSF, 1990
(Funds: $40,000).

Project Director - "Alliances for Minority Participation". A comprehensive five-year

project to revise and improve undergraduate science, mathematics, and
engineering education - NSF 1991 (Funds: $7.5M).

Project Director - "EPSCoR Advanced Development Project II". A three-year project

to develop seven research centers in Puerto Rico, NSF, 1992 (Funds: $10M).

Project Director - "EPSCoR Project Phase III". A three-year project to develop

Science, Mathematics & Engineering Research in Puerto Rico, NSF, 1995. (Funds:

Project Director - "Puerto Rico Statewide Systemic Initiative". A five-year project to

reform S&M education in Puerto Rico, NSF, 1992 (Funds: $23M).

Principal Investigator - "AMP - Curriculum Reform and Academic Development of

Science, Mathematics, Engineering & Technology in Puerto Rico", a five-year project,
NSF, 1996. (Funds: $7.5M)

Principal Investigator - "Puerto Rico Statewide Systemic Initiative, Phase II";

Development of Teacher Preparation and Scaling-up of the K-12 Science and Math
Education Reform in alliance with the Department of Education", a five-year project,
NSF, 1997. (Funds: $23M)

Principal Investigator - "Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate", a

five-year project, NSF, 1999. (Funds: $3.7M)

Principal Investigator – “Partnerships for Innovation (PFI) to Enhance Puerto Rico’s

Economic Development”, NSF (EHR-0090517), 2001 (Funds: $0.96M)

Principal Investigator – “Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation”, a five-year

project, NSF, 2001 (Funds: $2.5M)

Project Director - "Advanced Technological Education: Development of a Distance

Learning Program for K-12 Science and Math Teachers", NSF, 2001-2006 (Funds:

Principal Investigator – “Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate”, a

five-year project, NSF, 2003 (Funds: $3.75M)

Principal Investigator – “Puerto Rico-Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation,

Phase IV: Sustaining Numerical Goal and Building Permanent Pathways to Graduate
Studies”, a five-year project, NSF, 2006 (Funds: $5.25M)

Co-Principal Investigator – EPSCoR RII “Infrastructure Building Towards an Institute

for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN) in Puerto Rico”, a three-year project, NSF, 2007
(Funds: $13M)

Co-Principal Investigator – GK-12 Proposal: “From Hectares to Nanometers GK-12

Multidisciplinary Explorations of Functional Nanoscience and Tropical Ecosystems”, a
five-year project, NSF, 2009 (Funds: $2.5M)

Principal Investigator – “The University of Puerto Rico Bridge-to-the Doctorate

Initiative: Feeding the Pipeline in STEM Disciplines at the PhD Level”, a two-year
project, NSF, 2010 (Funds: $987,000)

Co-Principal Investigator – EPSCoR RII “Nanotechnology from Basic Science to

Emerging Applications: Institute for Functional Nanomaterials (IFN)”, a five-year
project, NSF, 2010 (Funds: $24M)

Principal Investigator – “Collaborative Research: Cyberinfrastructure-enabled

Computational Nanoscience for Energy Technologies”, a three-year project, NSF,
2010 (Funds: $2.9M)

Largo (Rev. 9-15-2017)

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