Once Upon A Mattress Program

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e3 Civic High
The San Diego Central Library

Once Upon a Mattress










1. “Many Moons Ago” - Narrator
2. “Opening for a Princess” - Prince Dauntless, Ensemble
(Winnifred) (Dauntless) (Queen) (King)
4. “Many Moons Ago (Reprise)” - Narrator
5. “Shy” - Princess Winnifred, Knights and Ladies
6. “Sensitivity” - Queen Aggravain, Wizard
7. “The Swamps of Home” - Princess Winnifred, Lady
Rowena, Lady Merrill, Lady Lucille, Prince Dauntless
8. “The Minstrel, the Jester and I” - Minstrel, Jester, King
9. “Normandy” - Minstrel, Jester, Lady Larken
(Sir Harry) (Lady Larken) HARRISON (Minstrel)
(fifteen minutes)

10. “Happily Ever After” - Princess Winnifred, Narrator
11. “Yesterday I Loved You” - Lady Larken, Sir Harry
12. “Spanish Panic” - Ensemble
13. “Song of Love” - Prince Dauntless, Princess Winnifred, (Jester #1) (Jester #2) (Wizard) (Princess #12)
and Ensemble
14. “Man to Man Talk” - Prince Dauntless, King Sextimus
15. “Quiet” - Queen Aggravain, Ensemble
16. “The Nightingale Lullaby” - The Nightingale of Samarkand
17. “Six O’clock in the Morning” - Queen Aggravain
18. “Finale” - Minstrel, Ensemble


(Lady Merrill) (Lady Lucille) (Nightingale)
HAILEE WONG (Princess Winnifred the Woebegone) is
overjoyed to be in this production of Once Upon a Mattress.
Hailee is sixteen years old and lives in Mission Hills with her

JOEL ENCISO KIARI BUNCH BIANCA JIMENEZ SHELBY KIRBY family. She is a sophomore at e3 Civic High. She would like to
(Sir Studley) (Knight) (Knight) (Knight)
thank God, her family, friends, and her stuffed animals.
Hailee did Christian Youth Theatre when she was young, and
jumped back into acting a few years ago. She has been Veruca
Salt in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, as well as Marty
Maraschino in Grease. Last year at e3, she played Gloria
Rasputin in Bye Bye Birdie. She is very excited to be in this
production and would like to dedicate this performance to
everyone who has helped her to get where she is today. She
(Lady) (Lady) thanks you for coming and hopes you enjoy the show!
RILE GRANT (Prince Dauntless the Darb) is very grateful to
be in the cast of Once Upon a Mattress. Rile is 15 and lives in
City Heights, and is a sophomore at e3 Civic High. Rile first
appeared as the “energetic guard” in The Enchantment of
Beauty and the Beast in 2014 at eleven, and played the dual
role of Juan Weasel and Henry the Hedgehog in The Wind in
(Lady) (Lady) (Lady) WILLIAMS the Willows. In 2015, Rile performed as a soldier in both
(Lady) Aslan’s Army and the Witch’s in Junior Theater’s The Lion,
the Witch and the Wardrobe. He played the Boy Who Cried
Wolf in 2016 in The Big Bad Musical!. Rile’s biggest role was as
the main lead in Dorothy Meets Alice, Judson. Rile would like
to thank Ms. Wallace for being the best (and first) music
teacher he has had, and wishes to participates in more
KIYAHNA BROWN (Queen Aggravain) is very grateful to be voice, David has been vigorously involved with Honor's
starring in e3 Play Production’s musical “Once Upon a Choruses such as CMEA Honor Choir, the Aztec Concert
Mattress”. Kiyahna is a senior at e3 Civic High School where Choir at SDSU, and a very first High School Intern at the La
she participates in the arts everyday and has been involved in Jolla Symphony Chorus, an auditioned symphonic chorus
the arts for four years now. Next year, she aspires to attend a specializing in canon masterworks and new music. David
4-year university and major in journalism. She is in Madrigals: would like to thank Ms. Julia Wallace for giving him this
the advanced choir, advanced drama: a higher level drama opportunity to play Sir Harry in Once Upon a Mattress in his
class, and play production: e3 musical theatre. You will also senior year. He would like to especially thank her for giving
see her starring in madrigals’ upcoming concerts and may him the opportunity to shine these past few years, and
have even seen her in advanced drama’s play titled “Check connecting him to such wonderful people for his future in
Please”. Additional to this play, Kiyahna has participated in Music. David is heartbroken that he is leaving next year, but
many plays produced by her church when she was younger. excited to continue his studies in music beyond high school.
She really appreciates the arts because these classes are GRACIE KUYPER (Lady Larken) is exceptionally proud to be
where she is able to express herself most. She enjoys joining the e3 Civic High Play Production cast of “Once Upon
advanced drama out of her admiration for acting and A Mattress.” Gracie lives in San Diego with her mother and
experiencing new things. Kiyahna is thankful for an amazing attends e3 Civic High. She is sixteen years old and is a junior
performing arts learning facilitator like Ms. Wallace and for a in high school. Her favorite subjects are History, Choir,
loving and supportive mother who always encourages her to Science, and Musical Theatre. Gracie first appeared on stage
follow her dreams. when she was about seven years old and she was at Horizon
DAVID LIMON (Sir Harry) is a senior at e3 Civic High and has Youth Programs Day Camp with the Musical Theater Camp.
been involved with theatre for as long as he can remember. Her first musical was “Charlie in the Chocolate Factory” and
He earned an award for Best Actor in a Musical during the played as an Oompa Loompa. In her second appearance on
2015 e3 Awards banquet for starring in Seussical! as Horton stage, the musical was “Alice in Wonderland” and she was a
the Elephant, honored the Director’s Choice Award for the Flower and a Red Card. After getting into Musical Theater
Arts in 2016 for featuring as Mr. MacAfee in Bye Bye Birdie, and singing, Gracie tried out different instruments like piano,
and received 2 National Youth Awards from starring in The ukulele, trumpet, and the baritone. She wants to thank
Addams Family and Into the Woods at Young Actors Theatre everyone in the cast for all working together to make this
for best supporting actor in a musical. Studying privately in musical happen and she’s excited about it. Gracie wants to
dedicate her performance to all her friends and family. NOLAND NIXON (Minstrel) is a dedicated, passionate and

KAILINE HARRISON (Narrator) is currently a junior at e3 hard working actor who is immensely proud to be apart of

Civic High School. She enjoys music and singing, and has a the cast of Once Upon a Mattress Though he has had little

deep passion for the performing arts. Evidently, she has taken acting experience in the past, it has not stopped him from

courses such as Drama, Play Production, Madrigals and completely engrossing himself into the world of performing

Honor Choir that have helped her grow vocally and on stage. arts. His previous stage credits at e3 include Bye Bye Birdie

Kailine has not only participated in but has won awards at (Albert Peterson) and Check Please (Todd). He excited for

many incredible events and competitions throughout another great production at e3 and hopes you enjoy all of his

southern California. She is involved in extracurriculars such amazingly talented cast mates along with the words we bring

as A Capella Club and Ascend Club, where she is able to share to life under the guidance of our wonder director Julia

her vocal gift, as well as exemplify her leadership qualities. Wallace. Sit back, fasten your seatbelts, and get ready for a

Kailine wants nothing more than to pursue a career in the great ride!

performing arts industry, and teach others the beauty of the SHARYCE FERRELL (Jester) is very thankful to the cast, crew,

arts. Kailine would like to thank Ms. Julia Wallace for always and director Ms. Wallace of Once Upon a Mattress who made

encouraging her to do her best and helping her with her this show possible. She lives in downtown San Diego and is a

struggles. In the past at e3, Kailine has performed in The 10th grader at e3 Civic High. Before she went to e3 she also

Seussical (Bird Girl) and Bye Bye Birdie (Deborah Sue). went to Julian Charter San Diego Academy of Performing Arts

PAUL JOHNSON (King) is a senior at e3 Civic High. He was in middle school where she first started performing. Her first

previously featured in Evil Green or Evil You at the musical was Beauty and the Beast where she played the role

Community Actors Theater. His theater credits at e3 include of Chip, she also appeared in Annie as an orphan, and also

Seussical the Musical (Cat in the Hat), Check Please (Dewey) sang with her choir at Carnegie Hall. She would like to thank

and Bye Bye Birdie (Harvey Johnson). Paul is also the co to her acting teacher Mrs. Bitsko and choir teacher Mrs.

creator of Milky's Got Jokes on Youtube. Paul is a radical guy Walker from her middle school who helped her to discover

and he wants his last year of high school to be filled with fun her love for the arts. Lastly she would like to give a special

times with his brother Max, who is also in this play. He thanks her family who greatly supported her along her

aspires to become a writer and director of and fun movies for journey has a performer.

the entire family to enjoy. He also enjoys playing, movies, and EMILY JONES (Jester) is in the eleventh grade and is very

making music. excited to be in her first musical at e3. Emily attended Julian
Charter School San Diego Performing Arts and has been at e3 occasionally dancing). As a San Diego native, she loves warm
Civic High for almost two years. She has been in the musicals weather, smoothies, and everything at a relative walking
Annie, Grease and Bye Bye Birdie. She has also been in other distance. She has been at e3 for all four years of high school,
productions such as Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon, Hook, and was in e3’s inaugural musical, Seussical, as the Sour
and The Complete Works of Shakespeare Abridged. She Kangaroo. Shoutout to her fellow Ladies in Waiting, Christine
thanks her director Julia Wallace and her mother for helping and Leighla for great memories and their constant support.
her with her acting and supporting her in pursuing theater. She would like to thank everyone, in particular Ms. Wallace,
MAXIMUS ISAIAH JOHNSON (Wizard) is currently a junior at for handling such a tough bunch we call family.
e3 Civic High. He was featured in the “Evil Green or Evil You” CHRISTINE MEGGETT (Lady Lucille) is delighted to be
play at the Community Actors Theater. He also played the performing with the Once Upon a Mattress. She is very
Mayor of Whoville in “Seussical” and Mr. Johnson in “Bye Bye grateful for the cast and the hard work of the crew. She is
Birdie”, both performed at e3 Civic High. Max also was in e3 very thankful to be working with such talented cast and crew.
Civic High’s production of “Check Please”. Max is also the Christine is a senior at e3 Civic High and some of her past
co-creator of the highly accimled cult youtube channel: experience includes performances at Spreckels Theater, T3
Milkysgotjokes. Max is excited to be performing in and is also Triple Threat and The San Diego Play Company. She attended
excited to see you subscribe to his Youtube channel. Camp Broadway performing art classes for four years and also
LEIGHLA BARRAGAN (Lady Merrill) is ecstatic about being a had a dance major in Jazz. She would like to thank her mentor
part of this year’s Once Upon a Mattress production. Leighla Morie Williams for helping her achieve her goals and helping
lives in the beautiful city of San Diego and attends e3 Civic her to become the confident person she is today. As well as
High School, located in the downtown area of her city. her parents for being supportive and her performing arts
Leighla is currently 17 years old and thoroughly enjoys aspirations. Finally she liked to give a huge thank you to Julia
learning about history. Leighla really got into performing her Garcia and Leighla Barragan for being such amazing ladies in
freshman year of high school. Ever since, she has dedicated waiting.
her free time to develop her performing capabilities. Leighla SAMANTHA TOLEDANO-AVILA (The Nightingale of
dedicates her performances to her whole cast, specifically Samarkand) is a 16 year old female who loves the arts.
Julia Garcia and Christine Meggett. Samantha has been singing since she was a baby. Samantha
JULIA GARCIA (Lady Rowena) is excited to finish her senior plays the role of the Nightingale. She is very excited to be a
year with the things that give her life; acting and singing (and part of the cast this year. She has previously played the
female lead role of Rosie, in the e3’s production of Bye Bye to thank his friends and Ms. Wallace for helping him achieve
Birdie last year. Samantha is very grateful and excited for her his true potential.
play production cast. Samantha would like to thank BIANCA JIMENEZ (Sir Luce) is elated to work with the cast of
Ms.Wallace and her friends and family for believing in her. Once Upon A Mattress,. Though she originally auditioned for
NINA BERG (Princess Number 12) is so excited for her first the role of Mattress #5, she was casted as a knight in this
musical ever. She is so happy it is with the e3 Play Production year's show. She’s lived in San Diego all her life, and is a
class because there are so many talented people, not only junior at e3 Civic High. Bianca’s past performances have all
musical but also technical as well. She lives with her family been within e3; starting with one of the Bird Girls in Seussical
which consists of her mom, dad, older brother, and cat. She is the Musical, Mrs. Mae Peterson in Bye Bye Birdie, and Girl in
16 years old and has gone to e3 Civic High for 2 years. This is Check! Please. Though Bianca is still relatively new to the
her first musical, but her first play was a german version of world of performing arts, she’s never stopped expressing her
“The Pied Piper” and she played a drunk man. She would like love for the stage. Enjoy the show!
to thank Ms.Wallace, her past dance teachers, and the rest of KIARI BUNCH (Knight) is a San Diego native and a
the cast for putting up with her for so long. sophomore at e3 Civic High. Once Upon A Mattress is her
JOEL ENCISO (Sir Studley) is a young lad who dreams of first play here. At age 16, she has played many roles in other
being a successful actor in the future. He has been acting plays, her favorite being Queen Titania in her middle school’s
since age 7! He loves acting and loves being a part of every production of A Midsummer Night Dream. She is extremely
production that e3 Civic High has to offer to him. He wants to excited to be a part of this awesome play full of amazing cast
thank many people, he would like to thank Paul and Max members and crew. Kiari would like to thank everyone for
Johnson, David Limon for helping him out and he does not their hard work and extraordinary teamwork. Joining Play
think that he could of been on this production if it wasn’t for Production has led Kiari back to her passion and love for
them. He live in North Park and the schools he has attended singing, and acting. She is excited to continue to pursue her
were Freese Elementary, KLA Middle, Grant K-8 and lastly e3 love for the theater at e3. She would also like to thank you all
Civic High. The only productions he ever worked in we're for coming to support e3.
the ones at e3 Civic High. He wants to thank his father and
SHELBY KIRBY (Knight) lives here in San Diego, and attends
brother for always being watching him at the productions, he
e3 Civic High. This is her first play/musical and she is happy to
wants to thank his grandma for everything she has done for
be playing a knight, but sadly, she is the shortest knight and
him and giving him the good life. In last regards he wants
stands out in the crowd. She has participated in choir
and dance in her past that helped her do well in this play. companions to her through all rehearsals. She could have
Shelby is very thankful that she has the chance to be in Play never gotten to play a role in this magnificent play without
Production. the inspiration of her classmates. Juliana lives in Chula Vista
ANITA AHAMEFULA (Lady) is part of the ensemble in the and has starred in shows since 5th grade. She has acted in
current e3 Play Production musical of Once Upon A Mattress. Guys and Dolls, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Macbeth,
This is Anita’s last year at e3 and she is proud to say that she and Phantom of the Opera. She also does Latin dance classes
has participated in all of the performing arts courses. She was Guys and Dolls, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Macbeth,
in drama her junior year, but chose to not participate in and Phantom of the Opera. She also does Latin dance classes
advanced drama her senior year. She is in Madrigals: the after school. She would like to thank her amazing parents,
advanced choir, and e3 musical theatre. Prior to e3, Anita was Kymberly and Julio. They have both been supporting and
in the arrangement of Mamma Mia and West Side Story at loving people to her throughout these past months and
Monroe Clark Middle School. Although Anita’s career goal is believe they deserve the biggest award of all. Juliana Diaz is a
to become a pediatric neurosurgeon, she cherishes freshman at e3 Civic High. She joined play play production
themoments she witnessed in the performing arts. She because by seeing how much of a family they are gave her
appreciates the lessons she learned from Ms.Wallace both some sort of comfort and warm feeling. She thinks very
musically and personally. She hopes this biography will lead highly of this class and opportunity to experience it.
to other students wanting to join Madrigals next year LIA FLORES-PALACIOS (Lady) is very excited to perform in
because we need new recruits! Once Upon A Mattress in e3 Civic High. She really looks up to
CIERRA CLOUD (Lady) is a 15 year old female who attends to her all her cast mates, and knows everyone in the play is
e3 Civic High. This is her first performance with e3. In the extremely talented and super important in the show. Lia is a
past, she performed in multiple plays at her elementary freshman who has lived in San Diego and Tijuana, and she
school such as Flat Stanley and Monster in My Closet. She has performed in the plays Guys and Dolls and Macbeth: A
wants to thank her teacher and her classmates for helping Middle School Comedy. She has done dance for many years
her when she needed it. She also wants to say how happy and and has always been passionate about the arts. She is grateful
joyful she is to be apart of this play. She hopes she can be a for her friends to push her to be less shy about her passions,
part of e3 Play Production next year! the ones who motivated her to get in school shows in the first
JULIANA DIAZ (Lady) is extremely grateful for all the cast of place. Lia also wants to thank everyone in the production of

Once Upon a Mattress. They have been great friends and this year’s play for being so kind and
understanding, even if she did join late. welcoming. She also wants to thank Ms. Wallace for being
TIA TOKIEN LORENNIJ is filled with euphoric emotion to be the director of this production and her parents, crew and cast
part of this play this year. Being only a 9th grader at e3 was a members for taking this path.
bit terrifying to young 15 year old Tia but, through play TAYLOR WILLIAMS (Lady) is an 11th grader who is grateful
production, she has made plenty of friends from different for the opportunities e3 Civic High provides. Taylor is
classes. This class gave her the opportunity to be more out thankful for the guidance she receives from the performing
there so she’s more than delighted to be part of this arts learning facilitator, Julia Wallace. Performing in the
dedicated cast. Tia lives in City Heights and her parents are production, “Once Upon A Mattress” has enhanced and built
originally from the Marshall Islands. She was raised in a upon her acting skills and stage presence. Taylor grew up as
religious family and sang her whole life, so she decided on a performer and was inspired to join Play Production. Taylor
joining this eBlock. She’s more than excited to participate in was born in San Diego, then moved to Atlanta before
this play and will give her best try. She wants to tell her fellow relocating back to her place of birth with her mother and
classmates that she admires the amount of effort that has sister at 10 years of age. In junior high she took part in the
been put into this play, and she knows it’ll turn out great. production Annie (Lucille) and The Brothers Grimm
Since this is the first play she’ll be participating in, she holds Spectaculathon (Witch). Taylor gives big thanks to Kimmerly
onto a prayer to wish her the best of luck. Walker and Julia Wallace. They taught Taylor that having
KETIM TEMESGEN (Lady) is looking forward to being in performing arts in her life is always a great addition to your
Once Upon a Mattress. She is seventeen years old and is a skill set even if it's not your profession or what you choose to
senior. Performing arts is something she has loved her whole pursue in life.
life. Her favorite subjects are Mathematics and Science. Ketim JOHN PANGILINAN (Stage Manager) is very excited to work
first appeared in a musical ensemble at age 11 at Fay on his first show at e3 as the Stage Manager. This is John’s
Elementary and after at her middle school, Horace Mann second year in Technical Theater and he is so proud to
Middle School. She wanted to take this opportunity to thank support his classmates in this production. John is a performer
her parents and friends for introducing her to drama. as well and sings in his choir at church. He will also perform
ASHLEY VALDEZ (Lady) is a freshman at e3 Civic High and it with the San Diego County Honor Choir as a representative
is her first year in Play Production. She wants to thank all of for e3 in May. When he graduates high school, John aspires to
her cast members who helped to make this production go to college and become an architect.
possible. Since it is her first time, the cast was very
e3 Play Production would like to thank...

Dr. Helen V. Griffith...…………....……....……Executive Director

Dr. Cheryl James-Ward..…………..…………Chief of Academics

Dr. Lawrence Ke Xu………..……....……...…Dean of Instruction

Ms. Cesia Portillo……......……...…..……Dean of Student Support

Ms. Stephanie Miller………………………………...………...Photography

Sherwood Hartwell………..……Auditorium Lighting & Sound

Martin Rosas………..………....…Auditorium Lighting & Sound

Looking Glass Theater..………....………..………....……..………..Costumes

Mr. Rivera and Mr. Flores……...………..……..Building Services

Guest Starring

Coach Joe Lorenz as the Bishop, Ms. Angie Colon as the Cook

and Mr. Dante Jones as the Vintner


Anthony Alvarez, Blaine Amante, Juan Anaya, Alexis Armenta

Melissa Garcia-Chavez, Ronald Granderson, Jasmine Henry

Gryffin Jones, Tristan Jones, William Marquez, Fernanda

Morales, Brianna Newton, John Pangilinan, Lola Peters,
Camile Rico, Isabella Terrell, Jose Vergara Pimienta

...and all of you who came out tonight to support these

students and the Performing Arts at e3.

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