Hobbes - Leviathan

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Excerpt from Leviathan

Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)
Nature has made men roughly equal in body and mind. When everything is considered, the
difference between one man and another is not very great. The case of bodily strength
serves as a good example. The weakest man has enough strength to kill the strongest. He
can do this either by some trick or by using a weapon or by joining with other men. The
same is true of men’s minds. Inequalities can be made up by various means.

The rough equality in ability produces in every man the equal hope of getting what he
wants. So when two men desire something which only one can have, this equality
encourages both to strive for it. They therefore become enemies. Each man tries to destroy
or defeat the other in order to get what he needs to keep alive or enjoy his life. If we
consider what men are like when they do not live in societies, we find that they become
enemies. When one defeats the other, the victor must, in turn, expect a third person to try
to take away what he won.

So it is clear what men are like when there is no outside power to keep them all in fear.
Such a state of nature becomes a condition of war. In such a war every man struggles with
every other man. War does not only mean constant fighting. A period of time during which
a willingness to fight is commonly known as accepted is also called war.

So in the state of nature, every man is every other man’s enemy. There is no safety or
security except one’s own strength and trickery. In this state of things there can be no
factories or farming, no trading, no large buildings, no arts, no sciences, no society. Worst of
all there would be continual fear and danger of violent death. The life of man would be
solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short.

This state of nature might not actually have existed but I certainly do not believe it existed
throughout the world. Yet if we look at what men are now like in societies we can convince
ourselves how men would be in a purely natural condition. At night we all lock our houses

and when we walk the streets we are constantly on guard. This shows that we believe that
fear of an outside power keeps men in check. Nations and kings who have nothing to fear
act towards one another just as we describe individual men acting in a state of nature.
When a peaceful society falls into civil war we see what men are really like outside of

The only way to erect such a common power as may be able to defend . . . from the invasion
of foreigners and the injuries of one another . . . is to confer all power and strength upon
one man . . . I authorize and give up my right of governing myself to this man, on the
condition, that thou gift up thy right to him and authorize all his actions in like manner.
This is the general of that great Leviathan . . . and he that carryeth this person is called
Sovereign, and said to have sovereign power; and every one besides, his subject.

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