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Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1

Laxou, updated on march 1st ,2003


This document (see summary) was achieved from an experience on the power transmission network
of the "Electricité de France", but the principles shown have a general scope and the particularities of
the French network are only mentioned as examples.

It does not claim to supply direct, concrete solutions to all problems of network protections, but only
the way to approach these problems.

Concrete solutions may be obtained from the documentation of each utility:

- standards of the international electrotechnical committee (IEC)

- British standards (BS)
- Deutsche Institute für Normung (DIN)
- American national standarts Information (ANSI)
- NF standards from the "Association Française des normes" (AFNOR)
- Internal EDF standards, published by the Direction des Etudes et Recherches
- Manufacturers guidebooks for the various equipment
- Guidelines internal to each utility, including, e.g. at the EDF:

. doctrine notes describing protection plans [49]

. general operation rules [7], [9]
. construction guidelines for overhead lines[106], substations [107], underground cables[108]
. standardised wiring diagrams [104]
. setting guides for protective relays and automatic control devices [57] ,[61]
. programs for short circuit current reckoning [50], [99], [109]
. folder of asset characteristic [110]

This document could be used to analyse standards and instructions, and to elaborate internal
guidelines. It could also be used by non - specialists who would like to have a qualitative idea of the
problems treated.

Among the equipment noticed, you can find as well old-fashioned equipment as new or experimental
equipment, to show the evolution of principles and technologies.

Michel LAMI
graduated from Grenoble University
4, allée des poiriers,
54520 Laxou
tel 03 8341 1315
06 6241 4513
E.mail [email protected]

Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1

Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1


Importance of the high voltage transmission network protective relays and automatic
control devices for energy supply

In a power plant the aim of relays protecting electrical power equipment is to avoid any deterioration
of this equipment in case of operation in bad condition, due to internal failures as insulation
shortcomings, or regulation misworking. On well designed, well manufactured, well installed, well
maintained, and well used power equipment they have to work very rarely. More, if a protective relay
fails when a fault occurs, the damages caused to the protected generator or transformer may have
important financial consequence for the utility, i. e. damaged power equipment repairing, and loss of
production which must be replaced by generation from another plant, maybe more expensive, but
generally have no consequence outside of the utility.

On the high voltage transmission network, the issue is quite different. Firstly an overhead line, which
flies over the public property, undergoes periodically short circuits, due to lightning, unpruned trees,
cranes, wind, pollution, ... .A good design of the line may minimise, but not suppress them. On the
high voltage EDF network, we notice an average of 7 short circuits per year, and per 100 km.

Afterwards, a line which becomes more hot becomes longer, and its lowest point, between two
towers, gets lower. It becomes dangerous for the neighbourhood. The consequences may then be
calculated not only in financial losses, but in human lives. And that is the reason why all protective
systems involve back-up dispositions, so as, in case of protective relay failure, the faulty high voltage
equipment be led out of voltage in any case, whatever the consequences would be for the supply of a

A faulty behaviour of a protective relay may lead therefore to the outage of one or several customers,
even of a whole town, including customers having priority (hospitals, fire brigade, ...). Now, when a
manufacturer using a power supply of 10 MW is cut during e. g. 6 minutes, this does not mean only a
non sold amount of energy of 1 MWh, but also a non - sold energy during maybe the several hours the
manufacturer needs to work again; but it corresponds mainly to a displeased customer, who lost
several hours of his production, and sometimes suffered some deterioration of his manufacturing
equipment. If it concerns a big town, EDF must acknowledge, as a public service, to local and even
national authorities.

At last, protective relays against network abnormal situations have a leading position to prevent
network collapses, and the main effort of network controllers is done on these systems, as well as on
the generator regulators.

These different considerations show that the activity "protection and control" is at EDF as at any
electrical energy supplier, a strategic activity, of which depends the legitimacy of the utility towards
the group of people, nation, region, town, it supplies.

(speech that I pronounced on October 30th, 1993, at the intention of two bosses having recently in
charge the protection and control of the high voltage network of the east of France, to explain them,
vainly, why it was important.

Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1

Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1



Warning page
Preface 3
Summary 5
Bibliography 13
Addresses 17
Index 19


1 - Transmission network (grid) 23

2 - Generalities on protective relays and automatic control devices 29
3 - Measuring, metering and monitoring equipment 30


1 - Current transformers 33
2 - Wound voltage transformers 47
3 - Capacitive voltage transformers 49
4 - Safety problems concerning measurement reducers 51
5 - Commissioning 53
6 - Optical reducers 55

Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1


1 - Protection fom short circuits of dead end networks 59

1-1- Notion of selectivity 59

1-2- Overcurrent protective relay 62
1-3- Buchholz protective relay 63
1-4- Earth - tank protective relay 64
1-5- dead end line protective relay 65
1-6- Earth - cable protective relay 67
1-7- Condensator battery protective relay 68
1-8- Protection against overvoltages and ferroresonance 70
1-9- Overfluxing protective relay 73
1 - 10 Functioning of the whole 74

2 - Protection from short circuits of meshed networks 77

2 - 1 - Distance protective relay 77

211 - Principle 77
2111 - Three - phase fault 77
21111 - Direction determination 77
21112 - Reactance comparison 78
21113 - Resistance comparison 79
21114 - Discrimination between short circuit and out - of - step 84
21115 - Recapitulation 85
21116 - Pick - up by overcurrent controlled by the voltage 86
2112 - Unbalanced short circuit 87

212 - Electromechanical protective relays 92

2121 - Pick - up 92
2122 - Phase selection 93
2123 - Distance measurement 94
2124 - Directional relay 96
2125 - Out - of - step relay 96
2126 - Memory circuit - enclosing on a short - circuit 97
2127 - Zero sequence mutual induction compensation 97
2128 - Mho relay 98
2129 - Advantages and disadvantages of the electromechanical protective relays 99

213 - Static protective relays 100

2131 - Phase comparators, one phase operation 100
2132 - Phase comparators, three phase operation 106
2133 - Mho characteristic, one phase operation 109
2134 - Mho characteristic, three phase operation 111
2135 - Advantages and disadvantages of the electronic protective relays 112

214 - Digital protective relays 113

215 - Carrier aided distance schemes 115

2151 - Principle of the different schemes 115
21511 - Transfer tripping 115
21512 - Permissive underreach transfer tripping 115
21513 - Permissive overreach transfer tripping 116
21514 - Acceleration scheme 116
21515 - Zone extension 118

Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1

21516 - Blocking overreach 118

21517 - Unconditional remote tripping 119
21518 - Echo and weak infeed mode 120

2152 - Application of these systems to three - ended lines 121

21521 - 225 kV line, short symmetric dead end tee - point 121
21522 - 225 kV line, short symmetric live end tee - point
21523 - 225 kV line, long live or dead end tee - point 122
21524 - 63 kV or 90 kV line 123

2153 - 400 kV double lines 124

2154 - Compatibility between protective relays 125
2155 - Reliability of signalling channels 128
2156 - Telecommunication supports 130

22 - Phase comparison protective relay 133

23 - Differential protective relay 136

231 - Overhead line differential protective relay 126
232 - Underground cable differential protective relay 138
233 - Short connection differential protective relay 139
234 - Busbar differential protective relay 140
2341 - General principle 140
2342 - High impedance and fixed threshold relay 142
2343 - Middle impedance and percentage threshold relay 145
2344 - Low impedance relay supplied by performing reducers 147
2345 - Low impedance relay supplied by non specialised saturable reducers 148
2346 - Middle impedance and low consumption relay 149
2347 - Busbar differential protective relay with a linear combination of currents 149
2348 - Particular precautions 150
2349 - Numerical busbar differential protective relay 151

24 - Zero sequence protective relay 152

Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1


1 - Overload protection 159

2 - Protection from out - of - step operation 165
3 - Load shedding protection 167
4 - Stuck breaker automatic device 169
5 - Automatic recloser 171
6 - Automatic loss of voltage device. ATRS 177
7 - Automatic voltage regulation device 183
8 - Substation automatic device 189


1- Protection plans against short circuits 193

11 - Constraints 193
111 - Insulation co-ordination 193
112 - Network stability 194
113 - Asset and gear behaviour 194
114 - Islanding time of the plants 195
115 - Presence of earth cables on the overhead lines 195
116 - Quality of customer supply 196

12 - Elaboration principle 197

13 - Electromechanical plan 197
14 - Static plan 198

2- Safeguard plan 203

3- Resilience plan 205
4- Network restoration plan 209

Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1


1 - Network calculation - principles 213

2 - Setting determination - preliminary 217
3 -Protection of two - ended overhead lines 219
31 - Setting of distance protective relays 219
311 - Constraints due to the network 219
312 - Constraints due to switchgear and controlgear 222
313 - Constraints due to the relay 223
314 - Constraints due to the other relays 225
32 - Setting of phase comparison relays 227
33 - Setting of line differential relays 227
34 - Setting of zero sequence power relays 228
35 - Setting of dead end line relays 228
36 - Setting of earth - cable relays 229
37 - Setting of underground cable differential relays 230
38 - Setting of the stuck breaker automatic device 231

4 - Protection of three - ended overhead lines 233

41 - Power plant output distance protective relay 233
42 - 225 kV line, short symmetric dead end tee - point 233
43 - 225 kV line, long dissymmetric dead end tee - point 234
44 - Schemes susceptible to provoke apparently evolutive short circuits 234

5 - Busbar protective relay 235

51 - Setting of a high impedance differential busbar relay 235
52 - Setting of a low impedance differential busbar relay 237

6 - Protection of coupling 239

61 - 400 kV and 225 kV substations 239
62 - 90 kV and 63 kV substations 239
7 - Protection of transformers 240
71 - Protection of the high voltage side 240
72 - Protection of the middle voltage side 241
73 - Protection of the low voltage side 242

8 - Automatic control devices 243


1- Sensors 247
2 - Counters 251
21 - Countering installation by most important customers 251
22 - Countering installation by other customers 254
23 - International links and power plants with foreign participation 254
24 - Supply of utilities that do not belong to EDF 254
25 - Supply of distribution centres (≤ 20 kV) belonging to EDF 254

3 - Event recorder 255

4 - Discordance recorder 257
5 - Fault Locator 259
6 - Quality recorder 261


1 - EDF standardisation, contractual documentation 265

Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1

2- Cabling, precautions from overvoltages 266

3- Auxiliary power supply 268
4- Organisation of driving and monitoring 272
5- New bay commissioning 274
6- Preventive maintenance 277
7- Fault analysis. 278
8- Troubleshooting. 282
9- Experience feedback. 283


1 - Harmonics 287
11 - Definition 287
12 - Origin of harmonics 287
13 - disadvantages due to harmonic distortions 290
14 - How may harmonic voltages be limited? 292
2 - Flicker 295
21 - Deviations inside the 0.5 to 25 Hz bandwidth 295
22 - Surges with several seconds interval 298
23 - Application: connection of an electric arc furnace to a network 300
3 - Unbalance 305
4 - Voltage holes and short interruptions
41 - Waveform of a customer's voltage supply 307
42 - Behaviour of a customer's installation 311
5 - Contractualisation of energy supply 319

Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1


Appendix 1 - Symmetric components

Appendix 2 - Determination of the apparent impedance and of the load reports during one phase and
three phase automatic reclosure cycles.
Appendix 2-1 : Maximum transit current in case of three phase load report.
Appendix 2-2: Reckoning of the currents during a single phase reclosing cycle.

Appendix 3 - Overhead lines electrical characteristics

Appendix 4 - Current transformers choice criteria

Appendix 5 - Enclosure of a power transformer

Appendix 6 - Characteristics of some static distance protective relays

Appendix 7 - Protection of thermal generators

Appendix 8 - Presentation of "UMBRELLA" program

Appendix 9 - User's guide of the program "UMBRELLA"

Appendix 10 - Setting of a teed line

Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1

Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1


[1] Electrotechnical vocabulary, and particularly

IEC 50-321 Measurement transformers - see also NFC 01-321
IEC 50-421 Power and wound transformers - see also NFC 01-421.
IEC 50 441 Apparatuses - see also NFC 01-441
IEC 50 448 Protection of power networks - see also NFC 01-448
IEC 50 601 Production, transmission, and distribution of electrical energy - see also NFC 01-
[2] Symboles, and particularely
IEC 617-7 Apparatuses, and control equipment for protection - see also NFC 03-207.
[3] Directives de construction des lignes, postes et canalisations souterraines - DEPT - EDF.
[4] IEC 185 One -phase current transformers - see also NFC 42-502
[5] IEC 186 One phase voltage transformers - see also NFC 42-501
[6] Cahier des spécifications et conditions techniques des réducteurs de mesure - DEPT - EDF.
[7] Règles générales d'exploitation - DEPT - EDF
[8] UTE C 18 - 510 - AFNOR
[9] Carnet de prescription au personnel - SPS - EDF
[10] Optical combined sensors, current and voltage - draft GEC-Alsthom.

[11] Non conventionnal current and voltage transformers, CIGRE CE/SE 34.
[12] Dispositif de protection par détection d'émission de gaz à deux contacts Buchholz - NFC 52-108.
[13] BS 142 - Electrical protective relay
[14] Relais de détection de gaz pour transformateur à bain d'huile - notice ABB.
[15] Les techniques de diagnostic et la maintenance - symposium CIGRE, BERLIN, Mai 93.
[16] Protection d'antenne passive - notice ICE.
[17] Protection masse - câble PMCS 1 - notice ICE
[18] NFC 54 - 100 - Condensateurs de puissance
[19] Protection interne de transformateur PTP 3 000 - GEC-Alsthom
[20] Etude des différentes causes d'erreur de mesure susceptibles d'apparaître dans les protections
statiques type PDS 1 100 -Michel Lami - DEPT - EDF

[21] Généralité sur la protection des réseaux électriques - Marcel Pétard - Centre de formation des
Mureaux - EDF.
[22] La protection du réseau français - Marcel Pétard - Revue Générale d'électricité (RGE) n° 21,
Septembre 1961.
[23] Protections et automatismes de réseau - René Sardin - CRTT Est - EDF.
[24] Protection de distance RXAP - notice Enertec .
[25] Protections de distance PD3A 6000 et PDS - notice Enertec .
[26] Protection de distance LZ 95 et RAZOA - notice ABB.
[27] Protections de distance PXLC et PXLP - notice GEC-Alsthom.
[28] Protection de distance numérique PXLN - notice Enertec .
[29] Protection de distance numérique 7SA 511 - notice Siemens.
[30] Protections de distance numériques REZ1, REL 100 et REL 316 - notice ABB.

[31] GEC measurement protective application guide.

[32] Téléactions haute et basse fréquence à grande sécurité - Système TGS - notices Techniphone .
[33] GEC P10 - user's book GEC Alsthom .
[34] 7 SD 31 - user's book Siemens.
[35] DIFL - user's book GEC Alsthom.
[36] LFCB - user's book GEC Alsthom.
[37] DL 323 - user's book GEC Alsthom.
[38] PDLC 10 - user's book ICE.
[39] RADSS - user's book ABB.
[40] DIFB - user's book GEC Alsthom

Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1

[41] PMLS 345 - user's book ICE.

[42] PMCT 10 - user's book ICE.
[43] DRS 50 - user's book ICE.
[44] BEF 301 - user's book ICE.
[45] TADD- user's book ICE.
[46] PADD 3000 - user's book GEC Alsthom; TADD 1 - notice ICE.
[47] ATRS - user's book ICE
[48] TART - user's book ICE
[49] Les plans de protection du réseau de transport, Bernard Duchêne, DEPT, EDF
[50] Stabilité des grands sites de production à l'horizon 87 sur défaut 225 kV, P. Vergerio,
M. De Pasquale, M. Lami, DEPT, EDF

[51] Evolution des protections du réseau de transport, journée d'étude SEE (voir RGE) du 3/10/85.
[52] Circuits très haute tension et basse tension de liaison d'évacuation d'énergie des centrales
thermiques classiques et nucléaires, DEPT EDF, février 90, (dite brochure rouge)
[53] conduite en régime dégradé, note explicative associée à la règle 90-04, Service des mouvements
d'énergie, (SME), EDF.
[54] Maquette du plan de défense coordonné, Direction des Etudes et recherches EDF, Ph. Denis, J.C.
Bastide, M. Huchet, 20/3/92
[55] Cours de fonctionnement dynamique des réseaux, Direction des Etudes et Recherches EDF,
Service Etudes de réseau, Département Fonctionnement et Conduite des Réseaux.
[56] Protection contre les défauts extérieurs des centrales hydrauliques, notes de doctrines XEL 02 10
et XEL 02 11, Direction Production Transport (DEPT), Jacques Lecouturier, 06/92.
[57] Guide de réglage des protections - DEPT EDF, 1993.(régulièrement remis à jour)
et notamment: Etude du comportement des protections de distance sur les lignes à trois
extrémités D 633.91/BD/LB/n° 3002 de Bernard Duchêne.
[58] PSPT, user's book GEC Alsthom.
[59] RAKZB user's book ABB.

[60] PTP, user's book GEC Alsthom.

[61] Guide de réglage des automates, CRTT Est, EDF.
[62] Transducteurs de mesure électrique, user's book GEC Alsthom.
[63] Dossier d'identification et de maintenance, CDM3 et transducteurs de mesure, Chauvin-Arnoux.
[64] TEGETEC, user's book Schlumberger Industrie.
[65] FAN 1, user's book Landis et Gyr.
[66] PAS 692, user's book Techniphone .
[67] PAS-PCS 21, user's book CETT.
[68] ECP 80, user's book CETT.
[69] TPE 2000, user's book GEC Alsthom.
[70] SOREL EPC, user's book Arthus.

[71] DLD, user's book GEC Alsthom

[72] Qualimètre user's book Siemens.
[73] APR 8, user's book ANPICO
[74] Standard HN 46 R 01, called "Dicot", standard EDF distibuted by the DER
[75] Traitement des signalisations nécessaires à la conduite et à la surveillance des installations,
Brochure violette, DEPT, EDF.
[76] Guides de mise en service, DEPT, EDF.
[77] Guides de maintenance, DEPT, EDF.
[78] Standard HN 33 S 34, DER.
[79] Directive H 115, DER.

[80] Perturbations électriques et électromagnétiques des circuits basse tension des postes et centrales,
Janvier 1980, distributed by the " division Instrumentation d'exploitation" of the DER.
[81] Guide de l'ingénierie électrique, by Gérard Solignac, éditions Lavoisier.
[82] Contrat pour la fourniture d'énergie au tarif vert, called contrat Emeraude, EDF, Service National.

Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1

[83] Les moyens d'action et les téléinformations nécessaires pour la conduite du système production -
transport - consommation, called "brochure Saumon", DEPT, EDF.
[84] Perturbations électriques, comportement des installations industrielles, Claude Mongars,
[85] Guide des erreurs à ne pas commettre, Michel Lami, CRTT Est, EDF (projet)
[86] Exposé sur les réducteurs de mesure présenté lors des assises "plan de protection 225 kV"
organisées par la DEPT, D63/603 - Benjamin Gaillet - 29/5/1980.
[87] Les techniques de l'Ingénieur, D 135, mesures à très haute tension, Pascal Gayet and Jacques
Jouaire, 1979.
[88] Les techniques de l'Ingénieur, D 4805, protection des réseaux de transport et de répartition,
Claude Corroyer and Pierre Duveau, 1995.
[89] Les techniques de l'Ingénieur, D 69, réseaux électriques linéaires à constantes réparties,
Robert Bonnefille.
[90] Les techniques de l'ingénieur, D 4421, contraintes de conception des lignes aériennes,
Yves Porcheron.

[91] Protective relays, their theory and practice, Van Warrigton, Chapman and Hall, 1962
[92] Protective relay application guide, GEC, 1975
[93] Utilisation des protections contre les surtensions et la ferrorésonance dans les tranches des postes
400 kV en piquage existant sur une ligne double terne, EDF, DEPT, D 564/91-100 C du 9/8/94 -
Pierre Duveau
[94] Exploitation d'un poste en antenne, calcul des surtensions en cas d'ouverture d'un poste à la
source, EDF, DER, HM/15-1152 JcK/CB du 12/3/87

[95] Système de protection contre la ferrorésonance, notice ICE.

[96] 7 TUD 15, notice Siemens
[97] Capacitive voltage transformers: transient overreach concerns and solutions for distance relaying
Daqing Hou and Jeff Roberts, Schweitzer Engineering laboratories
[98] EPAC 3900, notice GEC Alsthom.
[99] Manuel d'utilisation d'EGERIE pour Windows; USI Ile de France.
[100] Protection PSEL 3003, notice GEC Alsthom

[101] Protection 7 SN 21, notice Siemens

[102] Mémoire Contrôle Electrique de l'USI Est, n° 22
[103] Comportement des protections complémentaires dans les réseaux de répartition HT, Michael
Sommer, Université Paris XI, Orsay
[104] Schémathèque, Centre National d'ingénierie Réseau (CNIR), DEPT
[105] Réglage des protections différentielles de câble, Benoît Lys, EDF, Production Transport, SIRA
[106] Directive de construction des lignes aériennes, Centre National d'ingénierie Réseau, DEPT
[107] Directive de construction postes, Centre National d'ingénierie Réseau, DEPT
[108] Directive de construction des canalisations souterraines, CNIR, DEPT
[109] Programme Courcirc, DER, EDF
[110] Base Platine, DER, EDF

Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1

[111] Guide de mise en service, Centre National d'ingénierie Réseau (CNIR), DEPT
[112] draft D 6120 / 09 / n° 69 - SCE / HC / MCD "fonctionnement du réseau pendant un cycle de
réenclenchement monophasé, dec 72, CNIR (département essais) - DEPT
[113] draft 4002 / 54.FDQ 94 / JLL / n° 3045 " réglage des systèmes de protection des réseaux à 400
kV" , janvier 1996 - DEPT
[114] draft 6100 - 06 - 80 - 1572 LB - BGR / CM " programme CELINE" du 11 janvier 1988 - DER
[115] règles générales d"'exploitation - DEPT
[116] user's book Siemens 7 UM 511 generator protection relay (version V3)
[117] user's book Siemens 7 UM 512 generator protection relay (version V3)
[118] user's book Siemens 7 UM 516 generator protection relay (version V3)
[119] user's book Siemens protection numérique de surintensité et de surcharge SIPROTEC 7SJ600
[120] user's book Siemens 7 UT 512 / 513 differential protection relay (version V3) for transformers,
generators, motors ans short lines

[121] distance protective relay S 321 - 5, user's book Schweitzer

[122] the influence of substation busbar and circuit breaker arrangement upon the substation control
equipment design and reliability - CIGRE WG 23-05, Bengt Andersson, ABB relays AB,
S 72171 Västerås (sverige).
[123] Spécifications fonctionnelles et technologiques des protections et automates du réseau de
transport, DEPT, EDF.
[124] Code de travaux, Centre National d'ingénierie Réseau (CNIR), DEPT
[125] Marchés tarifs, Centre National d'ingénierie Réseau (CNIR), DEPT
[126] Dossiers de tranche normalisée, Centre National d'ingénierie Réseau (CNIR), DEPT
[127] Guide de mise en service de la tranche, Centre National d'ingénierie Réseau (CNIR), DEPT
[128] Mesures électriques, Maurice Gaillet, 1959 (centre de perfectionnement électrique de Nanterre)

Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1


Standards IEC - 1, Rue de Varembé, Genève, Suisse.

Standards BS - 2, Park street, London W1A2BS.

Standards DIN - Deutsche Elektrotechnische Kommission im DIN und VDE, Burggrafenstrasse 4,Postfach
1107, D1000 Berlin 30

Standards ANSI - American National Standards Insitute, 1819L Street, NW, 6th FI. Washington DC 20036

Standards NF: AFNOR - Gestion des ventes, tour Europe, Cedex 7, 92 049 Paris la Défense.
All standards may be afforded at this address.

CIGRE, 3 Rue de Metz, 75 010 Paris.

RGE, 48, Rue de la Procession, 75 015 Paris.

DEPT - EDF - Cedex 48, 92 068 Paris la Défense.

EDF, Service National et Service des Mouvements d'énergie (SME), Rue Louis Murat, 75 384 Paris Cedex

EDF, CRTT Est (ou USI Est), 8, Rue de Versigny, 54 521 Villers lès Nancy.

EDF, Service Ingénierie Rhône Alpes(SIRA), 15, rue des Cuirassiers, BP 3074, 69399 Lyon Cedex 03

EDF, USI Ile de France, 32, avenue Pierre Grenier, BP 401, 92 103 Boulogne Billancourt Cedex

Direction des Etudes et Recherches (DER) - EDF - 1, Avenue du Général De Gaulle, 92 141 Clamart

Service Prévention Sécurité (SPS) - EDF - CEDEX 08, 75 382 Paris.

Les techniques de l'Ingénieur, 8, Place de l'Odéon, 75006 Paris


ALSTOM, alias GEC Alsthom, alias Enertec, alias Compagnie des Compteurs -
Lotissement du fond de la Banquière, 34 970 Lattes.
GEC Measurement: voir même adresse, et aussi Saint Leonard's work, Stafford ST 174 LX, England
ICE 41 Rue Crozatier, 75 012 Paris
Techniphone - 31 Rue de l'Union, 78 600 Maisons Laffitte.
ABB - S 72 171 Västerås, Sverige. ; CH 5401 Baden, Suisse; 6, Rue des Peupliers, 92 004 Nanterre
Siemens - Humboldstrasse 59, EVSV PO BOX 4806, 8500 Nürnberg, Deutschland.
Anpico - 82 Rue du Quesnoy, 59 236 Frelinghien - représenté par Ecodime, zone des entrepôts Juliette,
94 310 Orly.
Chauvin- Arnoux, 190 Rue Championnet, 75 018 Paris.
Schlumberger Industrie, BP 620 02, 50 Avenue Jean Jaurès, 92 542 Montrouge Cedex.
Landis et Gyr Energy, 30, Avenue Pré Auriol, 03 100 Montluçon.(adresse en France)
Techniphone, Boite Postale 22, 13 610 Le Puy Sainte Réparade.
CETT ( Compagnie Européenne de télétransmision), 3, Parc des Grillons,
Artus, 6, Rue du Docteur Schweitzer, 91 420 Morangis.
Schweitzer Engineering laboratories, 2350 NE Hopkins Court, Pullmann, WA 99163-5603, Washington, USA.

Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1


Acceleration scheme 3rd part, § 21514; 21531

Admittance diagram 3rd part, § 2128
Alternator 1st part, § 22 / Appendix 1, § 1; 23
Amplifier 2nd part, § 6 / 3rd part, § 213 / 8th part, § 5 / 9th part, § 231
Automatic device 1st part, § 23 / 3rd part, § 2347 / 4th part, § 4;§ 5; §6; §8 / 5th part, § 141, §
142 / 6th part, § 8
Autotransformer 1st part, § 1 / 3rd part, § 2332 / 5th part, § 14

Bay 1st part, § 1 / 8th part, § 5; § 6

Bistable relay 3rd part, § 2341
Blocking 3rd part, § 21516; § 21541

Carrier aided distance schemes 3rd part,§ 215 / 4th part, § 523; 8 / 5th part, § 141 / 6th part, §
2 / 8th part, § 32 / 9th part, § 53
Comparator 3th part, § 213; § 222
Compounding 4th part, § 72
Configurator 7th part, § 32
Creep 4th part, § 113

Delay 3rd part, § 12; § 2123; 2133; § 21541; § 21543 / 4th part, § 82 / 5th part, ,§ 4 / 6th part, § 38;
§ 61; § 823
Derivator 3rd part, § 2135
Directional relay 3rd part, § 2124; 21313
Disturbance recorder 1st part, § 3 / 3rd part, § 214 / 8th part, § 32; § 7
displayed constant line appendix 1 / appendix 3
Double phase - to - earth fault 3rd part, § 2153; § 2131

Earth cable 3rd part, §21321; 21562

Earth factor 3th part, § 2112 / Appendix 2
Electromotive force 2nd part, § 1 / 3rd part, § 212; 24 / 4th part, § 21
Event recorder 7th part, § 3; § 4 / 8th part, § 32; § 7

Ferroresonance 2nd part, § 2, 3rd partie, §18

Fuse breaking 3rd part, § 21123

Geometric line characteristics Appendix 3

Impedance 2nd part, § 3 / 3rd part, § 11; § 2111; § 2112; § 2123; § 2133; § 21516 /
5th part, § 111 / 6th part, § 13 / 9th part, § 121; § 22; § 231; § 234
/ appendix 2
Inductance 2nd part, § 1; § 2;§ 3 / 3rd part, § 2121; § 2123; § 2127 / appendix 1, § 11
Integrator 3rd part, § 2135 / 7th part, § 12; § 15
Isolators 1st part, § 1 / 3rd part, § 234 / 8th part, § 2

Magnetic transducer 3rd part, § 2121

Matrix 6th part, § 1 / appendix 1 / appendix 3
Meter 1st part, § 32 / 2nd part, § 1 / 7th part, § 2 / 9th part, § 139
Mho relay 3rd part, § 2128; § 2133; § 2134
Microwave 3rd part, § 21564; § 2132 / 5th part, § 312
Monostable 3rd part, § 2131

Optical fibre 3rd part, § 21563

Out - of - step 3rd part, § 21114 / 4th part, § 21
Out - of - step relay 3rd part, § 21113; § 2125; § 21326 / annexe 6

Protection and monitoring of the electrical energy transmission networks - Volume 1

Overcurrent relay 3rd part, § 12, 8th part, § 75

Overfluxing 3rd part, § 19
Ovehead line 1st part, § 1; § 2 / 3rd part, § 16; § 21321; § 221; § 2321 /
4th part, § 11; § 511 /5th part, § 141

Peak voltage 4th part, § 22

Phase - to - phase - to eath fault 3th part, § 18; § 2112, appendix 6, §054
Pilot 3rd part, § 213; § 232 / appendix 6
Pilot cable 3rd part, § 2321
Power group 4th part, § 5212
Power line carrier 3th part, § 21561
Power transformers 1st part, § 1; § 23 / 2nd part, § 1; § 2 / 3rd part, § 11; § 12; § 14; § 18; 2129 /
6th part, § 3112 ; § 511 / 9th part, § 112; § 12; § 13; § 14; § 234 / appendix 5

Quality meter 1st part, § 33 / 7th part, § 6 / 9th part, § 54

Radiobeacon 3rd part, § 222

Reactance 3rd part, § 21111; § 2112; § 21311 / 5th part, § 111 / 6th part, § 31; § 42; § 71;
§73 / 9th part, § 23
Reducer 2nd part / 3rd part, § 2135; § 222; § 2332; § 23423 / 6th part, § 73 / 7th part, §
14 / appendix 4
Regulator 4th part, § 31 / 8th part, § 32
Remote control 4th part, § 8 / 7th part, § 1 / 8th part, 32; § 4
Remote tripping 3th part, § 15; § 21517; § 21522; § 2155

Selectivity 3rd part, § 11

Self - inspection 3rd part, § 214
Sensor for remote measuring 7th part, § 1
Spark gap 3rd part, § 14, § 2347
Specialized link 3rd part, § 21565
Switch 7th part, § 1
Synchrocoupling 4th part, § 524

Telecommunication 3rd part, § 215

Thyristor bridge 9th part, § 424
Topography 3rd part, § 2341

Underground cable 1st part, § 1 / 3rd part, § 232 / 4th part, § 13

Wiring 1st part, § 3 / 3rd part, § 2343 / 6th part, § 511 / 8th part, § 2

Zero sequence 3rd part, § 15; § 18; § 2112; § 2121; § 2127; § 21321; § 21521; § 21524; § 24 /
4th part, § 52122 / 5th part, § 142 / 6th part, § 13 / 8th part, § 7 / 9th part, §
131; § 134; 3 / appendix 1, § 23 / appendix 2
Zero sequence mutual inductance 3rd part, § 2127


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