Ecs 311

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Sarah Marcotte 

Grade 1 Science-  
The Characteristics of Living Things (Plants) 
ECS 311 
Pamela Kendel- Goodale
Table of Contents 

1. Main Subject area with outcomes and indicators… (pg.2) 

2. Supporting/connecting subject area…(found at the bottom of my individual lesson frameworks)  
3. Essential/ Guiding questions… (pg.2) 
4. Concept Map… (pg.14) 
5. Pre assessment… (pg. 5) 
6. Indigenous Content… (lesson- 6,7,8 & 9) 
7. Plan to support diversity…(pg. 15&16. Includes my adaptive dimensions as well as diverse students)  
8. Assessment and Evaluation… (pg. 3&4)  
9. Resource List…( pg. 12&13) 
10.Professional Development…( pg.17 & 18) 
11.Fully Developed Lesson Plans…(pg. 19, 20 & 21) 

Understanding by Design Unit Plan Template
Teacher: ​Sarah Marcotte Subject: ​Science Grade: ​One
Unit Title: ​Understanding Plants- Characteristics of Living Things
Time Frame: ​3 Weeks
Outcomes Addressed in the Unit
SK curriculum outcomes can be copied and pasted, focuses highlighted.
LT1.1​ Differentiate between living things according to observable characteristics, including appearance and

LT1.2​ Analyze different ways in which plants, animals, and humans interact with various natural and constructed
environments to meet their basic needs.
Big Ideas/Enduring Understandings Developing Understandings through
What do you want students to understand and be able to use several years from now?
What are the BIG ideas? Essential Questions
Open-ended questions that stimulate thought and inquiry linked to the content of the enduring

Big Idea What shows us plants are alive?

Living things have observable characteristics. What do plants need to survive and why?
Enduring Understandings Guiding Question:
Plants need Light, water, air, and a nutrient source (soil, water) How do plants fit into the earth cycle with First Nations ways of
to exist. knowing?
How this relates to the Medicine Wheel (North: White -air, East, What are the parts of a plant.
yellow- sun/fire, South: Red, Water, West: Black, earth/physical)

Knowledge and Skills (Students will know and do…)

What key knowledge and skills will students acquire to develop their understanding of the unit topic?
(These ​may​ be indicators from the curriculum)

Knowledge (Students will know…) Skills (Students will know how to…)
What key​ knowledge​ will students acquire as a result of this unit? What key ​skills ​will students acquire as a result of this unit?
Observable characteristics of plants. I can… use a variety of sources to learn.

Stages of plant life. I can… compare observable characteristics of plants.
The physical needs of plants. I can… record information in a variety of ways.
How to pose questions in regard to what they are learning. I can… describe the appearance and behaviour of plants.
How plants meet their needs. I can… identify the physical needs of plants.
How to show respect for living things. I can… pose questions to deepen my understanding (in regards to

Assessment Evidence
Summative Assessments/Performance Tasks
Assessments of what students know and can do aligned to the outcomes. They are a snapshot in time used for reporting and evaluating.
LT1.1​ Differentiate
between living My plant book: students will be responsible for making a plant book.
things according to ● This book consists of matching, labelling colouring, writing/ describing, and characterizing.
observable ● This book will be done at the end of the unit once students have had formative assessment and
characteristics, feedback.
● This book will be made from the material​ and discussions we covered throughout the unit.
appearance and
behaviour. ● There will not be an emphasis on spelling only content but i will support students with spelling​, word
_________________ banks will be provided when needed.
LT1.2​ Analyze ● Parts of a plant, characteristics, behaviour, appearance.
different ways in ● Critical analysis of what plants they may want to grow and which ones would survive in our climate
which plants,
animals, and ___________________________________________________________________________________________
humans interact
with various natural Students will be able to choose what plants need, and where they get it from in their environment. (water- rain,
and constructed how a plant breathes from air, and sunlight is used in photosynthesis.)
environments to ● Students will show this in their last project, where they are labelling a plant and what it needs.
meet their basic

Formative Assessments
Through what multiple sources of evidence will students demonstrate their understanding on a continual basis?
These help guide instruction and provide feedback to students.
Deconstructed KWL- lets you know where the students are at in the beginning. Your base line for assessment.
Exit Slips: smiley faces (non-writing students) yes/no questions, sentence answers. Students will be able to choose which ones they
choose to use.
Hand to heart.
Something I… (learnt, didn't understand, want to know more about, wish we talked about)
Fist to Five
Visual Check ins with student work, journals.
Verbal Check ins with students.
Concept Maps
Student Portfolios- made with teacher and student input.
Small group discussion.
Stations for science, one group will work with me (daily 5 structure). I will get a better chance to assess them in small groups and be able
to provide feedback.
Journals/drawing to show what they know.
Individual Whiteboards- You ask the class a question, they each write down an answer on their white board and leave it at their spot you
can then go around and check each one.

PORTFOLIO- ​I will create a portfolio with students throughout the unit, to document their learning process. This will also help me gain an
understanding of the students learning journey, as well as where they began and where they are going. It will help me provide students
with real time feedback, this is also something that will be shared with parents at the end of their child's learning journey. It also
provides you will evidence of student learning for administrators and cooperating teachers.

Many of these assessments/check in’s can be done during work throughout the lesson to see if students are understanding, or unsure.

Pre-assessments are used to determine what students know and their readiness level to inform instruction.
Deconstructed KWL chart-- to learn what the students already know, what they want to learn, as well as what they are learning. All
aspects of this will be displayed on their science bulletin board.
I would start with a conversation to find out what students already know (K) display this in the classroom so students are able to see
everything they already know.
Next we would make a wonder chart-- this is made up of everything the students wonder or want to know in relation to the unit .
Essentially their goals for the unit (W). As a class or individually you can go back and reference this to see if you are learning some of
the things you wondered about.
As a class we will fill in the (L) as we go, as the students learn new things we will add them to the Learnt section of the board. This will
serve as encouragement as they go to show them everything they have learnt.
The boards will be interactive and there will always be room to add more throughout to the wonder board, if questions arise
throughout the unit.
I would display I can… statements above the charts to centre our learning, in large child friendly language.
Instructional Plan
The Instructional Plan should include a sequence of lessons, teaching strategies, and information on First Nation, Inuit and Metis Content
integration and technology integration.

***At the end of each lesson there will be a formative assessment so I can judge where my students are at. If there are a lot not
understanding I can reteach the lesson to the entire class in a different way. If there are a few I can pull a group to work one on one
with me or Mrs. L the EA in the classroom to reteach or re do an assignment together. This is a tentative lesson plan flexible and ready
to change based on student’s needs. Student learning is what is most important.
Pre-assessment (Deconstructed KWL chart)
● to make sure they the lessons are catered to your specific class, so you are not re-teaching.
● Talk about what we are going to learn.
Day 1
● WHAT ARE LIVING THINGS - talk about some of the characteristics that make something living. (recap from their animal’s unit) \
○ What makes something a living thing?
○ Write living and non-living on the board, I will have an assortment of cue cards with characteristics written on them.
Each student will have an opportunity for students to come and draw a card, and decide if it is living or non-living.

○ We will then go over each on and talk about if it is in the correct category, and if it is not talk about why it should be on
the other side and we will have the opportunity to correct it.
○ At the beginning we will talk about how we are all learning, and some WILL be on the wrong side and that is okay, we
always have the chance to change it.
○ We will take a picture of our chart to put on our bulletin board to reference.
➢ Assessment- observing as students work as a class, (where students choose to place each card, as well as class discussion) fist to
five at the end of the lesson. (process & conversation) At the end of the lesson hand out individual whiteboards ask each
student to draw or write 3 living things and 2 non-living things, have students leave them at their desk when they go out for
recess. I will take my phone and take a picture of each white board to print off and add to their portfolio. This lesson gives you a
base level understanding for where students are as well as the first observation for their portfolios.

CONNECTING CURRICULUM: literacy, oral language (new terms)

Day 2- PD Day (no students)
Day 3
Students will be able to identify which things are living and non-living through the use of physical objects and
a large Venn Diagram. They will be able to distinguish living things from nonliving things by physically
Lesson Procedure
placing them into their correct categories.

ENGAGEMENT Engage students and activate their prior knowledge by showing this short video displaying the characteristics
of living things, and what they need to survive:
Cartoon Stories And Rhymes For Kids (Director). (2017, April 25). ​Living and Nonliving Things for Kids |
Nursery Rhymes and Baby Songs​ [Video file]. Retrieved October 10, 2017, from

EXPLORATION From this point, allow students to organize a variety of small objects onto a large diagram as a class first as an
example: using two hula-hoops to make the Venn Diagrams.

EXPLANATION At this stage, refresh student’s memories with the characteristics of living things (an organism composed of
cells, uses energy, responds to its environment, reproduces, grows, and adapts to its environment). Ask them
to identify their reasoning behind placing the objects where they have. This creates simple clarification in case
a student has placed an object in a place where it should not belong.

ELABORATION At this point ask students to clean up their areas and place all objects back where they were found. Ask them
what constitutes as a living thing, and ask them to tell you why they have concluded this.

EVALUATION At this point, conclude the lesson and allow students to share their findings and new knowledge about what
things are living or non-living with you verbally. This task can be done from their desks. It will allow them
opportunity to share their knowledge, and for you to assess what the have learned and to clarify any missing

➢ Assessment: conversing and circling to groups to ask questions as they work on the task, (providing feedback and helping where
needed). (process & conversation) At the end of the lesson students will be given a paper Venn Diagram and asked to place 5
things on it (living or non-living) to show what they have learnt. This will be added to their portfolio. (Product) If you notice
students not understanding based on the results of the exit ship this gives you the opportunity to reteach the lesson in a
different way if it was most of the class, or make a time do a small breakout group.

CONNECTING CURRICULUM: math categorizing (venn diagram)

P1.1 (math) ​Demonstrate an understanding of repeating patterns (two to four elements) by:

Describing, reproducing, extending, creating patterns using manipulatives, diagrams, sounds, and actions.

Day 4 (this is a double period lesson)
● HOW PLANTS GROW/PARTS OF A PLANT/ Stages of Plant life
○ plant plants to observe them growing.
○ With interactive book to go with it.
● Students will each receive a booklet with the stages of plant life.
● We will them talk about the beginning stages, and plant a bean seed in a clear plastic glass.
● We will then work on the corresponding pages in the booklet.
● As we see the plant changing and growing we will then connect them to the pages as well.
● There are also cut outs for teachers to add to the board, for a visual to always be there as the parts of a plant.
CONNECTING CURRICULUM: literacy (plant book)

CC1.2 (english) ​Represent key ideas and events, in a logical sequence and with detail, in different ways (including dramatization,
pictures, sounds, physical movement, charts, models, and drawings).

Day 4 (part 2)
○ plant plants to observe them growing.
○ With interactive book to go with it.
● Students will each receive a booklet with the stages of plant life.
● We will them talk about the beginning stages, and plant a bean seed in a clear plastic glass.
● We will then work on the corresponding pages in the booklet.
● As we see the plant changing and growing we will then connect them to the pages as well.
● There are also cut outs for teachers to add to the board, for a visual to always be there as the parts of a plant.
➢ Assessment- Students will use their plant book (will be added to their portfolio), as an ongoing assessment tool throughout the
unit. As their plants grow and change we will work on the corresponding pages within their book. (process & Product- it can be
changed as we go) I will also verbally assess and provide feedback as I converse with students throughout the lesson.
(conversation) Students will also be given an exit slip with 3 boxes on it, in each box students will have to draw a stage of plant
life. Stage 1, 2, and 3 to be added to their portfolio. (product)

CONNECTING CURRICULUM: literacy (plant book)

CC1.2 (english) ​Represent key ideas and events, in a logical sequence and with detail, in different ways (including dramatization,
pictures, sounds, physical movement, charts, models, and drawings).

Day 5- No lesson
Day 6
● WATER & PLANTS (why they need it)
○ Medicine Wheel connection.
■ South: Red, Water.
● Plants need water for photosynthesis, the drink/take up the water in their roots, and it travels up the plant into the stems and
then the leaves. (have a plant out of soil to show roots, stem, and leaves.) (add to their plant book)
● Do a dance to remember/ know how a plant drinks. (the water dance)
● Discuss how photosynthesis is what makes food for the plant to eat.
Start the students medicine wheel- have students colour the bottom read and put blue beads on it to represent water. Talk about how
each section connects to the alignment and continuous interaction between the earth. The read connection is spiritual, and the
direction is south.

➢ Assessment- observation throughout the lesson, the medicine wheel will be taken in at the end, however, you can check on
their progress and how it is going to provide help/feedback if needed. More formal assessment will be done in part two of this

Day 7
● WATER/SOIL & PLANTS (how they use it)
Bring 2 plants from home in a clear container with a hole in the bottom.
Poor water into the plant, (make sure it is not too much) show that the plant drinks the water through its roots.

Poor water into the other plant, this time make sure to poor too much water. (have a container under it) This shows the students what
happens when there is too much water and the plant know that it does not need it. How the soil helps with keeping the plant stable,
and giving it the water/nutrients, it needs.
Get their medicine wheels back out to add the black/west section. The black connection is to the physical/ body, therefore, students
will draw a body on the black section.
➢ Assessment- Think- Pair- Share students will have the opportunity to talk to a friend about what they have learnt. Once they are
done conversing with their partner the group will come and tell me 1-2 things they learnt. (conversation)
CONNECTING CURRICULUM: literacy (plant book), oral language (think, pair, share)


Day 8
● AIR & PLANTS (why they need it)
○ Medicine Wheel connection.
■ North: White -air.

We will start by reading a book “Tell Me Mr. Tree: All about Trees for Kids” and “A Tree is a Plant”.
We will then do an experiment to show how plants breathe. I will have brought multiple leafs off of living plants, and bowls. Students
will be grouped in groups of 5 (6 groups). Each group will be provided with a leaf, lukewarm water, a bowl, and a rock. Students will put
the leaf into the bowl, and place the rock on top to hold it down. We will leave the bowls for in. 2 hours, once we return there will be
bubbles on the leaves, this shows the plants releasing oxygen into the water. Talk about how the air works with the water when
creating photosynthesis. Take pictures of the air bubbles on the leaf.
While we are waiting on the leaves to show the bubbles we will work on our medicine wheel adding the north for air.
➢ Assessment- Taking with the students in small groups as they are working on the experiment and once it is finished with guiding
questions, “what do the bubbles show us”, “how do plants breathe differently than people?”, and exit slip where students draw
a picture of what the plant looks like when it breathes, as well as a sentence about what they have learnt. (product)
Experiment/discussion with group (process)
➢ Medicine wheel connection: process working on building our knowledge on the medicine wheel and how it is important to plant
life, and needs. Discussing each section again and how they relate to the circle of courage we have previously worked on.
(process & Product there is room for feedback and change after each new section)

CONNECTING CURRICULUM: literacy (comprehend and respond), First Nations ways of Knowing.

CR1.3 (english) ​Listen to and comprehend a variety of texts (including a book read aloud, a person speaking, and directions) to retell
the sequence and key points (who, what, when, where, why, and how).

Day 9
● SUN & PLANTS (how they use it)
○ Medicine Wheel connection.
■ North: White -air.
Give students a large picture of a plant, sun, roots, soil. Also provide students with pictures of the plants roots from day 6, the
air bubbles from day 8, and the sun from today. Complete the picture of photosynthesis with all aspects we have learnt about.
Have them create a picture labeling the parts of the plant as well as what they do. (words will be provided on the board to
choose from).
Students will be labelling:
● What a plant needs for photosynthesis and where it comes from.
● The parts of a plant.
● Colouring the plant, the correct colours to show that it is living.
● Writing 2 sentences at the bottom of the paper to share what the plant is doing.

CONNECTING CURRICULUM: literacy (plant book), writing.

CC1.2 (english) ​Represent key ideas and events, in a logical sequence and with detail, in different ways (including dramatization,
pictures, sounds, physical movement, charts, models, and drawings).


Day 10
● Conclusion
Author's Chair- Students will have an opportunity to go share their Plant Books that we have been working on each morning in as
we watch our plants that are growing change. Children will also have the opportunity to ask and answer questions based on what
they have learned. At the end of sharing students will get to share the most interesting thing they learned during the unit.

Return to out KWL chart to add what we have learned throughout the unit.
Students will then go through their portfolio with me to talk about what they have learnt, or what they may still have questions
about. This will serve as another formative assessment for is students have learnt and truly understand everything I want them too.

CONNECTING CURRICULUM: literacy (plant book), oral language sharing, explaining.

CC1.2 (english) ​Represent key ideas and events, in a logical sequence and with detail, in different ways (including dramatization,
pictures, sounds, physical movement, charts, models, and drawings).

Key Resources
Formative Assessment Strategies:

Medicine Wheel Information:

Leaf Experiment:

“Tell Me Mr. Tree: All about Trees for Kids”
“A Tree is a Plant”.
Cartoon Stories And Rhymes For Kids (Director). (2017, April 25). ​Living and Nonliving Things for Kids | Nursery Rhymes and Baby
Songs​ [Video file]. Retrieved October 10, 2017, from ​

Saskatchewan Curriculum:

A Bloomin’ Table: From Top Down

Making Classroom Assessment Work
John Hattie
Differentiated Instructional Strategy

Winston, R. M. (2016). Life as we know it: big questions about biology. New York: DK Publishing
Life as We Know it book. Pages 32 and 33 make a great resource for teachers to refer to. These pages can be used for additional lesson content so
teachers can explain. If teachers want to, they can create an additional day extension to the lesson regarding the varieties of vascular and
non-vascular plants. The content in these pages highlights the characteristics and needs of vascular plants such as: flowering plants, conifers, and
ferns. And Non-vascular plants such as: Mosses, Worts, and green algae.

KinderLand Collaborative. (2015, August 27). Retrieved from ​

This is a sorting game students could do in stations, down time, or as an assessment. They sort
the materials given based on what they have learned about the characteristics of living things.
The materials they are being asked to sort are between living and nonliving things. You could
also bring this into the senses unit as well and do a similar activity with sorting materials into the
different senses. If you did not have the holder you could do this activity on the top of a desk.

P. (2015, March 25). Parts Of A Plant | The Dr. Binocs Show | Learn Videos For Kids. Retrieved from
This is a video that goes over both the parts of the plants, as well as the function of plants. We find Dr. Binocs videos useful because they are funny
and engaging. They will keep your students sttention while learning. This would be a great resource to suplment your learning either at the beginning
or end of a lesson.

Let's Do Science: Newfoundland and Labrador. “Needs and Characteristics of Living Things.” Let's Do Science,​.
Science Cards - This resource offers a collection of 10 Science Cards will support students’ exploration of the needs and characteristics of living
things. These cards can be used in direct conjunction with lesson #11-20. Each card has a different focus, and includes eye-cathing graphics and
colours. To utilize this resource, print a copy of each one, and include it on each table in the classroom so students may refer to them as a
supplement to their learning.

Eric Carle- The Tiny Seed

Helene J. Jordan- How a Seed Grows
Clyde Robert Bulla- A Tree is a Plant
The Magic School Bus Plants Seeds- Patricia Relf
National Geographic Seed to Plant.
Up in the Garden and Down in the Dirt- Kate Messner

Differentiating Instruction/ Adaptive Dimension: 

Lesson N E K EL S
& (High Mastery) (has Autism) (beginning mastery) (violent behaviour) (EAL)
Cross Curricular

1 Make sure to have an Make sure that E has a Will need guiding, with Make sure he is seated on Have visuals to to with the
opportunity for students chance to go in the the cards. Make sure that the carpet in an area for cards for the
to comment or ask middle, she tends to lose K gets one that she will success. Have his EA characteristics of living
questions. How N like to interest after she goes, understand. When nearby. things. May need help
expand her knowledge. but will have a meltdown explaining to the class reading her card (can
if she is at the end. make sure to discuss it The class knows what to speak better than read).
Keep her engaged by using words she is able to do when EL gets violent.
having a fidget. comprehend. They slowly move to
another area of the room,
and wait for instructions.

2 PD Day PD Day PD Day PD Day PD Day

3 Put N in a group with K, DO NOT PUT IN A GROUP Have in a group with N, DO NOT PUT IN A GROUP This activity has a lot of
she likes to help her and WITH EL. she is patient and kind. N WITH E. visuals, and verbal
in the process it deepens takes her time to explain have EA present can get aspects. S will be able to
her understanding. things to K. violent towards peers participate in these more
during group work. than written.

4 N’s book can have some Do not make E put her Her book will have some DO NOT PUT IN A GROUP When introducing
blank lines to write in like hands in the dirt if she of the letters written in WITH E. terminology try to use
a journal as she goes. does not want to. (she can and K will just have to fill have EA present can get easier words in the
Double Period Lesson’ if she is up to it) in the blanks. violent towards peers deffinition.
E’s book should also have during group work.
HC1.3 some blank pages for
CC1.2 personal drawing.
Body break to break up
the lesson.

5 No Lesson No Lesson No Lesson No Lesson No Lesson

6 N/A Make sure E is given Have images to go along Watch when dancing. Have images to go along
enough time to be with my explanation. (like with my explanation. (like

HC1.3 creative a stop motion video) a stop motion video)

7 N could have a chance to Make sure if asking for Make sure K is not paired N/A N/A
write down some of the volunteers to call on E this with KS for discussing,
HC1.3 things she has learnt in is not a lesson we want to they are both at a
her plant book. stop in the middle of beginning mastery level.
because of an outburst.

8 Group N, E, and K Group N, E, and K Group N, E, and K Have him in a group with Make sure I am
together. together. together. students he is demonstrating and talking
HC1.3 participating well with. slowly.

9 Have a section on N’s for E will love this- she has an Will need a picture with EL may want to verbally S will be okay with this
her to elaborate writing opportunity to be the words started on it. articulate what activity as there is a word
about photosynthesis. independent as well as However she will be photosynthesis while bank provided.
creative. responsible for adding the walking around the school
images of each section.(K with the EA recording it
can express herself better for me to reference as an
visually than verbally) assessment later.

10 N/A- to opportunity to E will be very selective K may want to read aloud, N/A May want to read to me
read aloud will be great about what she wants in let her. However, after rather that the entire
CC1.2 for N as well as the other her portfolio if anything. make sure to go back and class.
as a recap. She likes to keep her indiscreetly correct
work. If she will not let me incorrect information so
take it I will take pictures other children are not
to make her portfolio. confused.

Gathering Data for Professional Growth. 

Professional Development Goal Steps to Achieve Goal

Wait time- giving students time to think before accepting Counting to 5 in my head before I call on any students to
answer. answer.

Distribution of Questions- who am I asking questions from/ Remembering to look around the room to call on various
where they are sitting in relation to me. students.
Instructions for observer:
➔ Please record if I am waiting at least 5 seconds when asking questions. Comments: 

➔ Who am I questioning?
➔ Where are they sitting?
Wait Time Student Front Back Left Right Centre

Gathering Data for Professional Growth. 

Professional Development Goal Steps to Achieve Goal

Giving Directions:
➔ Clear directions (brief, understandable, complete, not too Not explaining everything at once, explain different steps as we
much information at once) reach them.
➔ Anticipating/being proactive.
➔ Making sure students understand before they move on, if Having a plan to explain the activity/ material in a different way if
not re explaining. students do not understand it.

Instructions for observer:  

➔ Please observe as I give instructions to the class as a whole, as well as if you can hear when I am working with a group.
➔ Please watch for my directions before we begin the activity. If i am
◆ Clear
◆ Not overwhelming students with information.
◆ Showing an example using the materials for the activity.


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