Engg Thermodynamics QB

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1. Define thermodynamics and give some applications.

2. Define I) Force. ii) Mass iii) pressure.
3. Define I) Weight ii) specific weight.
4. Define I) volume ii) Specific volume.
5. Define I) Density ii) Specific gravity.
6. What are all the various types of pressure?
7. Explain absolute and vacuum pressure.
8. Explain gauge and atmospheric pressure.
9. Define temperature and name the various scales in which it represents.
10. Define N.T.P and S.T.P.
11. Define I) Heat ii) Specific Heat Capacity.
12. Define specific heat capacity at constant volume.
13. Define specific heat capacity at constant pressure.
14. Define I) Work ii) Mechanical work.
15. Define adiabatic index.
16. Define Power.
17. Define the term system, surrounding and boundaries.
18. Name the thermodynamic systems.
19. Define I) Closed system ii) Open system iii) isolated system.
20. Define intensive and extensive property.
21. Define point and path function.
22. Define potential and kinetic energy.
23. Define internal change in energy.
24. Define enthalpy.
25. Define thermodynamic equilibrium.
26. State the first and second law of thermodynamics.
27. State zeroth law of thermodynamics.
29. Distinguish between isothermal and adiabatic process.
30. Identify the different thermodynamic process.
31. Derive an expression for work done during isothermal process.
32. Derive the characteristic equation of a perfect gas.
33. Derive the relationship between Cp, Cv and R.

34. Define steady flow system.

35. Explain the steady flow energy equation.
36. Name the applications of steady flow energy equation.
37. Define control volume.
38. Write down the equation of SFEE.

1. The following data refer to a closed system, which undergoes a thermodynamic cycle
consisting of four processes. (16)
Process Heat transfer kJ/min Work transfer kJ/min
a - b 50,000 -----
b – c -5,000 34,200
c – d -16,000 -2,200
d – a ---- -3,000
Show that the data is consistent with the first law of Thermodynamics and calculate:
a) Net rate of Work output in MW, b) Efficiency of the cycle

2. 15kg of air in a piston cylinder device is heated from 25°C to 90°C by passing current
through a resistance heater inside the cylinder. The pressure inside the cylinder is held
constant at 300kPa during the process and a heat loss of 60kJ occurs. Determine
the electrical energy supplied in kW-hr and change in internal energy. (16)

3. A certain gas of volume 0.4m3, pressure 4.5 bar and temperature of 130°C is heated
in a cylinder to 9 bar when the volume remains constant. Calculate a) temperature at
the end of the process, b) the heat transfer, c) Change in internal energy, d) Work
done by the gas, e) Change in enthalpy, e) mass of the gas. Assume Cp =
1.005kJ/kgK and Cv = 0.71 kJ/kgK. (16)

4. i) What is a thermodynamic system? Explain the classification of thermodynamic

system with suitable examples. (8)
ii) Establish the inequality of Clausius. (8)

5. A gas of mass 0.35 kg pressure 1535 kN/m² and temperature of 335°C is expanded
adiabatically to a pressure of 126 kN/m². The gas is then heated at constant volume until
it reaches 335°C, when its pressure is found to be 275kN/m². Finally the gas is
compressed isothermally until its original pressure of 1535kN/m² obtained. Draw the p-V
diagram and find out the following a) the value of adiabatic index b) change in internal
energy during the adiabatic process, and c) heat transfer during constant volume process.
Take Cp = 1.005 kJ/kgK. (16)

6. A cylinder contains 1 m3 of gas at 100 kPa and 100°C, the gas is polytropically
compressed to a volume of 0.25 m3. The final pressure is 100 kPa. Determine a) mass of
the gas, b) the value of index ‘n’ for compression, c) change in internal energy of the gas
d) heat transferred by the gas during compression. Assume R = 0.287 kJ/kgK and _ = 1.4.
7. An ideal gas of molecular weight 30 and specific heat ratio 1.4 is compressed according
to the law pV1.25 = C from 1 bar absolute and 27°C to a pressure of 16 bar. Calculate the
temperature at the end of compression, the heat received or rejected, work done on the
gas during the process and change in enthalpy. Assume mass of the gas as 1kg. (16)

8. 50 kg/min of air enters the control volume in a steady flow system at 2 bar and 100°C
and at an elevation of 100m above the datum. The same mass leaves the control volume
at 150m elevation with a pressure of 10 bar and temperature of 300°C. The entrance
velocity is 2400m/min and the exit velocity is 1200m/min. During the process,
50,000kJ/hr of heat is transferred to the control volume and the rise in enthalpy is 8 kJ/kg.
Calculate the power developed. (16)

9. A turbine operates under steady flow conditions receiving steam at the following
state: Pressure = 1.2MPa, temperature = 188°C, enthalpy = 2785 kJ/kg, velocity =
33.3m/s and elevation = 3m. The steam leaves the turbine at the following state:
Pressure = 20 kPa, enthalpy = 2512 kJ/kg, velocity = 100m/s and elevation = 0m.
Heat loss to the surroundings at the rate of 0.29 kJ/s. If the rate of steam flow through
the turbine is 0.42 kg/s, what is the power output of the turbine in kW? (16)

10. 12Kg of a fluid per minute goes through a reversible steady flow process. The
properties of fluid at the inlet are Pressure = 1.4bar; Density = 25Kg/m3; Velocity
= 120m/sec; Internal energy = 920KJ/Kg and at exit section are Pressure = 5.6bar;
Density = 5Kg/m3; Velocity = 180 m/sec; Internal energy = 720 KJ/Kg. During the
process the fluid rejects 60KJ/sec and raises through 60m, Determine i) Change in
enthalpy ii) Work done during the process. (16)

11. Derive an expression for work transfer and heat transfer for an polytropic process. (16)

12. i) Give the steady flow energy equation and explain the various terms. (8)
ii) Explain carnot cycle with a neat sketch and a p-V diagram. (8)

13. Apply the first law of thermodynamics to steam nozzle, turbine, compressor and
boiler and obtain the final expression. (16)

14. Define the terms thermodynamic equilibrium, properties, cycle, heat transfer,
enthalpy and work done. (16)

15. A gas occupies 0.3 m3 at 2 bar. It executes a cycle consisting of processes: (1) 1-2; constant
pressure with work interaction of 15 KJ. (2) 2-3; compression process which follows the law pV=
constant, and U3=U2. (3) 3-1; constant volume process, and change in internal energy is 40 KJ.
Neglect change in KE and PE. Draw pV diagram for the following process and determine network
transfer for the cycle. Also show that first law is obeyed by the cycle. (8)

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