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Clinical Application of Functional Analysis Methodology

Brian A. Iwata, University of Florida

Claudia L. Dozier, University of Kansas

Functional analysis (FA) methodology is a well-established standard for assessment in
applied behavior analysis research. Although used less commonly in clinical (nonresearch)
application, the basic components of an FA can be adapted easily in many situations to
facilitate the treatment of problem behavior. This article describes practical aspects of FA
methodology and suggests ways that it can be incorporated into routine clinical work.
Descriptors: Behavioral assessment, functional analysis methodology

esearch methods used in applied A great deal of research has shown & Campbell, 2007), they have been shown
behavior analysis provide an that the same learning processes that repeatedly to be unreliable (Arndorfer,
excellent model for practice, account for the development of socially Miltenberger, Woster, Rortvedt, & Gaffaney,
although standards for evaluating research appropriate behavior—positive and 1994; Conroy, Fox, Bucklin, & Good,
are admittedly more stringent. The negative reinforcement—are involved 1996; Duker, & Sigafoos, 1998; Newton &
demonstration of experimental control is a in the acquisition and maintenance of Sturmey, 1991; Sigafoos, Kerr, & Roberts,
good example—it is required in research but problematic behavior (see Iwata, Kahng, 1994; Sigafoos, Kerr, Roberts, & Couzens,
not often attempted in practice. Translation Wallace, & Lindberg, 2000, for a more 1993; Spreat & Connelly, 1996; Sturmey,
of research methodology into practical extended discussion). Self-injury, 1994; Zarcone, Rodgers, Iwata, Rourke, &
application often is a matter of what is aggression, property destruction, and other Dorsey, 1991) and, as a result, inadequate
useful yet feasible, and a demonstration harmful acts often produce a necessary as the basis for developing an intervention
of control, at least during assessment, is reaction from caregivers to interrupt the program. Their use seems justifiable only
both. Most practitioners understand the behavior, which may be combined with when there are no opportunities whatsoever
value of knowing how problem behavior other consequences (comfort, “redirection” to collect direct-observation data, and these
is maintained before attempting to reduce to other activities, etc.) that may strengthen types of situations, in which client verbal
it; perhaps less clear is why practitioners problem behavior through social-positive report defines both the extent and cause
should conduct a functional analysis (FA) reinforcement. These behaviors also of the initial problem, as well as when it is
when (a) information can be obtained from are sufficiently disruptive that they may resolved, more closely resemble a traditional
other sources and (b) practical constraints terminate ongoing work requirements, counseling context rather than the practice
seem to preclude a thorough analysis. We thereby producing escape (social-negative of behavior analysis.
address both of these issues and suggest reinforcement). Finally, some problem The descriptive analysis (Bijou, Peter-
ways to incorporate FA methodology into behaviors (self-injury and/or stereotypy) son, & Ault, 1968), in which observational
routine clinical assessments. produce sensory consequences that are data are taken on the target behavior
The term “functional analysis” automatically reinforcing. Thus, the goal and the context in which it occurs, has a
refers to any empirical demonstration of an FA is to determine which sources longstanding tradition in our field as the
of a cause-effect relation (Baer, Wolf, & of reinforcement account for problem primary method for collecting baseline data
Risley, 1968); its application with problem behavior on an individual basis. and evaluating treatment effects. It is not,
behavior is unique, however. A variety of however, well suited to the identification of
reinforcement options are available when Sources of Information about functional relations, a fact that was noted
attempting to establish a new response Problem Behavior by Bijou et al.: “ . . . descriptive studies
because nonexistent target responses have A “functional behavioral assessment” provide information only on events and
no function. Although we may approach consists of any formal method for their occurrence. They do not provide
the treatment of problem behavior the identifying the reinforcers that maintain information on the functional properties
same way—applying various sorts of problem behavior. Informant responses to of the events or the functional relationships
contingencies and evaluating their effects, rating scales or questionnaires (also called among the events. Experimental studies
ongoing behavior does have a function indirect or anecdotal approaches) are easily provide that kind of information” (pp.
based on its history of reinforcement. Thus, obtained, which is why these methods 176-177). More specifically, descriptive
the consequences we use to reduce problem are used most often by practitioners analyses may not reveal differences among
behavior must neutralize or compete with (Desrochers, Hile, & Williams-Moseley, social contingencies (e.g., attention vs.
those that maintain it, and an FA allows us 1997; Ellingson, Miltenberger, & Long, escape) that maintain problem behavior
to identify sources of maintenance prior to 1999). Although indirect methods (Lerman & Iwata, 1993; Mace & Lalli,
treatment. continue to be recommended (Herzinger 1991), cannot detect extremely thin

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schedules of reinforcement (Marion, is being evaluated. Iwata, Dorsey, Slifer, and reversal designs (Figure 1, Panel C,
Touchette, & Sandman, 2003), and may Bauman, and Richman (1994/1982) illustrating maintenance by automatic
incorrectly suggest contingent attention as described an initial set of test conditions to reinforcement), are used as alternatives.
the source of maintenance because attention identify sources of reinforcement previously The standards for believability in
is a commonly observed consequence for shown to maintain problem behavior: practice are different yet may approximate
problem behavior even though it may not be social-positive reinforcement (contingent- those of research in many respects. For
a reinforcer (St. Peter et al., 2005). For these attention condition), social-negative example, we expect objective measurement
reasons, comparisons of outcomes from reinforcement (escape-from-demands of target behaviors in routine clinical
independent descriptive and functional condition), and automatic reinforcement application even though assessment
analyses of problem behavior generally have (alone condition). Variations of test of observer reliability may be less than
shown poor correspondence (Thompson & conditions have included divided-attention desirable (or nonexistent). In a similar way,
Iwata, 2007). (Mace, Page, Ivancic, & O’Brien, 1986), we can incorporate the key components of
In light of limitations with both access to tangible items (Mace & West, an FA during assessment even though it
indirect and descriptive approaches, the 1986), and social avoidance (Hagopian, may not meet the standards imposed on
functional or experimental analysis has Wilson, & Wilder, 2001). Appendix A research because the essential feature—
emerged as the standard for assessment in contains a brief description of commonly the controlled comparison—can be
clinical research.1 For example, Kahng, used test conditions. Antecedent events accommodated in many applied situations.
Iwata, and Lewin (2002) examined trends are those in effect prior to the occurrence When contingency-management programs
in behavioral research on the treatment of of problem behavior and serve as potential are implemented to decrease the frequency
self-injury over a 35-year period and noted a establishing operations or EOs (Laraway, of problem behavior, intervention usually
continuing increase in the number of studies Snycerski, Michael, & Poling (2003). For is preceded by initial observation of clients
incorporating FA methodology, whereas example, in the test condition for attention, and significant others in the setting in which
those using other methods have either attention is withheld or is delivered to treatment will occur and the collection
greatly decreased (descriptive analyses) or someone other than the client, either of of baseline data. Both of these provide an
ceased altogether (indirect methods). which may increase the “value” of attention opportunity to conduct an FA because the
as a reinforcer. Consequent events are those only additional requirement is the inclusion
Key Components of a that immediately follow behavior and may of test and control conditions. Although
Functional Analysis serve as reinforcers. The importance of a test practical constraints may preclude a
Procedures used for conducting FAs condition is obvious; the control condition demonstration of control similar to that
have varied widely, to the point where also is important to rule out the possibility seen in research reports, the methodology
qualitative and quantitative characteristics that behavior observed under the test has been adapted for use under a number
of assessment conditions, as well as condition would have been seen regardless of limiting conditions.
experimental designs, have been modified of what the condition contained.
to suit a wide range of applications (see As noted by Baer et al. (1968), a Practical Constraints in the
Hanley, Iwata, & McCord, 2003, for a functional analysis of a behavior consists Implementation of Functional
review). Still, all methods share a common of “ . . . a believable demonstration of Analysis Methodology
feature—observation of behavior under the events that can be responsible for The chief limitations of a typical FA
well-defined test versus control conditions. the occurrence or non-occurrence of include constraints on the time available for
A test condition contains the variable that behavior” (pp. 93-94). From a assessment, risk posed by severe problem
(usually some combination of antecedent research perspective, believability requires behavior, and the inability to exert tight
and consequent events) whose influence control over (a) measurement (dependent control over environmental conditions.
variable), (b) application of treatment Each of these has been addressed through
Two criticisms have been raised about the status
(independent variable), and (c) potential several procedural variations, which are
of FA methodology as a benchmark standard. First,
the FA itself should be considered tentative pending
sources of confounding. FAs reported described below and outlined in Table 1.
comparison with another standard. This is true, but in journals such as the Journal of Applied
Limited Assessment Time
given the characteristics of a typical FA (repeated Behavior Analysis (JABA) typically meet
measures, control over dependent and independent this standard. The multielement design is When contact with clients is limited, as
variables, replication), it is not clear what a more the most efficient method for conducting in outpatient and consultation work, it may
precise standard would be. Second, although results
multiple comparisons in an FA (see Figure be impossible to obtain repeated measures
of an FA reveal the effects of contingencies applied
during assessment, it is not clear that the same 1, Panel A, illustrating behavior maintained across an extended series of assessment
contingencies influence behavior under typical, by escape). Because the rapidly alternating sessions. The “brief functional analysis” or
“real-world” conditions. This criticism also has some conditions of the multielement design BFA (Northup et al., 1991) was developed
merit; however, results from hundreds of studies have sometimes result in discrimination failure, exactly for these situations. It consists of a
shown that the contingencies identified in an FA are the reversal design (see Figure 1, Panel B, single exposure to 5-min test and control
“close enough” to form the basis of highly effective
treatment. Furthermore, the best way to verify the
illustrating maintenance by attention) or conditions, with replication of a key test
influence of a suspected “real-world” contingency the pairwise, test-control design, which condition if time permits, followed by a
would be to isolate its effects in an FA. combines features of the multielement treatment “probe,” all of which can be

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Figure 1. Variations of functional analysis designs (see text for details)


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accommodated within a 90-min time .

Table 1. Summary of Functional

Potentially Dangerous Behavior
period (see Figure 1, Panel D, illustrating Analysis (FA) Variations
behavior maintained by attention). Derby Behaviors such as severe self-
et al. (1992) summarized results obtained injury or aggression are difficult to
with the BFA for 79 outpatient cases and assess if they cannot be allowed to occur Method Key Feature Best Uses
reported that they were able to identify frequently. Although the descriptive Full FA Repeated measures, Few constraints
the function(s) of problem behavior in analysis is appealing because it simply multiple test on assessment
approximately 50% of the cases. This takes advantage of naturally occurring
Brief FA Abbreviated sessions Limited
finding is remarkable given that the episodes, severe problem behavior (number and assessment
assessment was completed in such a short often produces caregiver reactions duration) time
period of time and under highly novel clinic (e.g., response interruption) that can Single-function Test and control Specific
test for only one function function suspected
conditions. Furthermore, the assessment bias interpretation. The challenge
provided evidence of an empirical functional faced when conducting an FA is
Alone series Repeated Automatic
relation (unlike that obtained from indirect arranging conditions under which alone sessions reinforcement
or descriptive methods) in less time than problem behavior may increase while suspected

what has been required to conduct many at the same time minimizing risk. Precursor FA FA of correlated High-risk
behaviors behavior
descriptive analyses. The most obvious strategy, in the
Aside from the BFA, a typical, repeated- case of self-injury, consists of having Latency FA Sessions terminated High-risk
measures FA may be abbreviated through the participants wear protective devices. after first response behavior

use of single-function testing. The FA most Le and Smith (2002) observed,

Trial-based FA Assessment imbedded Limited
often used in research attempts to identify however, that protective equipment in ongoing activities environmental
which of several sources of reinforcement suppressed responding across all control

maintains problem behavior and therefore FA conditions. As an alternative,

includes multiple test conditions. By Smith and Churchill (2002) noticed
contrast, when anecdotal report or informal that individuals who engaged in
Limited Control over
observation strongly suggests a particular self-injury or aggression also engaged in
Environmental Conditions
source of maintenance, an FA could consist other responses that reliably preceded the
of a single test condition versus a control occurrence of problem behavior. Results Almost all FAs reported in research
(see Figure 1, Panel E, illustrating behavior of independent FAs of the “precursor” and were conducted in settings that facilitated
maintained by escape). Thus, preliminary target behaviors showed that both had the environmental control needed to isolate
information from rating scales and the same functions and that occurrences the effects of independent variables. This
descriptive analyses, although unreliable or of severe problem behavior were reduced raises the question of whether FAs can be
tentative, may enhance the efficiency of an during the FA of precursors, suggesting that applied under more naturalistic conditions
FA. Positive results of a single-function test an analysis of precursor behaviors might be in which the uncontrolled actions of
lead directly to treatment; only negative helpful in reducing risk. bystanders may compromise results. In
results require further analysis. Another strategy consists of using a addition to conducting FAs in outpatient
A second type of single-function measure of responding that is not based clinics, David Wacker’s group at the
test might be considered when behavior on repeated occurrences of behavior. University of Iowa has conducted a series of
is presumed to be “self-stimulatory” in Response rate and duration are the typical assessment-treatment studies in which FAs
nature (i.e., maintained by automatic measures in research, but latency to the were conducted in homes (e.g., Wacker,
reinforcement), and consists of observing first response also may be sensitive to Berg, Derby, Asmus, & Healey, 1998).
the individual during repeated “alone” the effects of contingencies. Thomason, Therapists “coached” parents to implement
sessions (Vollmer, Marcus, Ringdahl, & Iwata, Neidert, and Roscoe (2008), for assessment conditions with their children,
Roane, 1995). Although this procedure does example, conducted independent FAs of and procedures were implemented without
not involve a test-control comparison, it problem behavior during sessions in which any loss of precision. Extension to school
provides a simple way to verify that problem response rates were measured and during settings has been shown in studies in which
behavior persists in the absence of all social sessions that were terminated following assessment conditions were embedded
stimulation (and therefore is unlikely to the first occurrence of a target response. as probe trials during ongoing classroom
be maintained by social reinforcement). Correspondence between results of the two routines across the school day (Bloom,
By contrast, decreased responding across assessments was observed in 9 out of 10 Iwata, Fritz, Roscoe, & Carreau, 2008;
sessions suggests the possibility of extinction cases, and in every case the latency-based Sigafoos & Saggers, 1995). For example, a
and the need to include test conditions for FA resulted in many fewer occurrences demand probe is conducted in an academic-
social contingencies (see Figure 1, Panel of problem behavior (see Figure 1, Panel work context and consists of a 1 min to 2
F, illustrating two different outcomes in G, illustrating maintenance by attention. min control in which no work is presented,
the alone condition--maintenance and Note: shorter latency indicates responding followed immediately by a 1 min to 2
extinction). earlier in a session; 5-min latency indicates min test in which work is presented as the
. that the response never occurred). EO and removed contingent on problem

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behavior (see Figure 1, Panel H, illustrating consists of selecting a case for which there Thus, the methodology is not new and
maintenance by escape). Thus, it seems that is a strong (perhaps unanimous) suspicion has been adopted on a wide-scale basis in
the setting per se is not a limiting factor of that problem behavior is maintained by a clinical research. It is unclear whether FA
the FA as long as confounding influences particular social consequence. A positive methodology has had a similar impact on
can be minimized for brief periods of time. test for the influence of that consequence practice because survey data (Desrochers
provides a measure of face validity, whereas et al., 1997; Ellingson et al., 1999)
Other Suggestions for Implementation a negative test suggests the need to examine suggest that psychologists and behavior
more closely the way in which assessment is analysts continue to rely more heavily
Risk Assessment
conducted (a negative test also may simply on traditional forms of assessment such
When problem behavior results in reveal flaws in the information obtained as the questionnaire and uncontrolled
injury to clients or others, more careful initially). An accumulation of positive observation. One possible reason for
consideration of risk is needed than when results, especially when they are combined limited extension from research to practice
conducting uncontrolled observations with positive outcomes from function-based is that clinicians, having never been trained
because the therapist explicitly arranges interventions, increases confidence that in the use of FA methodology, view it as
conditions under which problem behavior procedures are being implemented correctly impractical except for research purposes. An
may increase. Documentation of past or and provides a basis for consideration of examination of current research, however,
potential risks of the behavior, informed more complex cases. indicates that refinement has been aimed
consent, and modifications in assessment not only at improving control but also at
Staff Training
procedures (see previous comments on adapting the methodology for real-world
severe problem behavior) are strongly FAs are more difficult to implement application. Procedural variations have
recommended in such cases. than other types of assessment because they been developed for limiting conditions
require the ability to follow a prescribed faced by most clinicians, and we hope that
Data Collection and Interpretation
sequence of interactions in a consistent this overview will encourage practitioners
Although a skilled therapist may be manner. Although it can be argued that a to adopt, whenever possible, experimental
able to take data while conducting sessions, behavior analyst who does not have the skills approaches to behavioral assessment.
this practice is rarely used even in research. to conduct an FA also cannot implement In closing, it should be noted that
Thus, a therapist and observer are needed any subsequent behavioral intervention, a medicine was once a profession in which
to conduct most sessions. If an observer is more definitive reply is available by way of treatment was prescribed based on causes
unavailable, sessions may be videotaped for data. Results from several studies indicate inferred from patient report and observed
later scoring. Traditional paper-and-pencil that undergraduate students, teachers, and symptoms. Claude Bernard, widely
(data sheets) can be used for actual data workshop participants all can acquire the regarded as the father of modern medicine,
recording. However, many inexpensive skills to conduct FA sessions with a high suggested an alternative approach: “ . . .
programs are available for recording data degree of consistency following very brief experimental analysis is our only means of
on laptop computers or PDAs and are training (Iwata et al., 2000; Moore et al., going in search of the truth . . .” (1865/1927,
highly recommended (see Kahng & Iwata, 2002; Wallace, Doney, Mintz-Resudek, p. 55). By incorporating experimental
1998, for a general review and Sarkar et & Tarbox, 2004). Although actually procedures into clinical practice, behavior
al., 2006, for a recent example). Finally, designing an FA or modifying it if initial analysis is uniquely positioned to make a
because data interpretation is a subjective results are unclear requires greater skill, similar contribution to the assessment and
process, criteria for evaluating the results of neither task should be particularly difficult treatment of “psychological” disorders.
single-subject designs may be helpful (see for a supervising behavior analyst. One
Fisher, Kelley, & Lomas, 2003; Hagopian especially valuable training aid is video References
et al., 1997). modeling. Observer training seldom is Arndorfer, R. E., Miltenberger, R. G., Woster,
limited to verbal or written instruction, and S. H., Rortvedt, A. K., & Gaffaney,
Initial Case Selection
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Journal of Applied Behavior Anlaysis, 38, of aberrant behavior. Journal of Applied Preparation of this manuscript was
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Sturmey, P. (1994). Assessing the functions Wacker, D., Berg, W., Derby, K., Asmus, J., & Florida Agency on Persons with Disabilities.
of aberrant behaviors: A review of Healey (1998). Evaluation and long-term Reprints may be obtained from Brian
psychometric instruments. Journal of treatment of aberrant behavior displayed Iwata, Psychology Department, University
Autism and Developmental Disorders, 24, by young children with disabilities. of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611.
Appendix A
Functional Analysis Conditions b) Social-Avoidance variation: Initiate social interaction
with the client at frequent intervals throughout the ses-
Test Condition for Maintenance by Social-Positive Reinforcement sion. Do not conduct learning trials (academic or vo-
cational) per se, but simply try to prompt some type of
1. Antecedent event:
interaction by making comments about things in room,
a) Attention condition: Begin the session by informing the
asking questions, etc.
client that you are busy and “need to do some work.”
2. Consequent event:
Then move away and ignore all client behavior except as
noted below. a) Non-target behavior: Deliver praise following appro-
b) “Divided-attention” variation: Begin the session in the priate responses (compliance in the task-demand con-
same manner and then proceed to deliver attention to dition, any appropriate social response in the social-
either another adult or to a peer of the client. avoidance condition).
c) “Tangible” variation: Identify an item that is highly pre- b) Problem behavior: If the target problem behavior oc-
ferred by the client and allow the client free access to it curs, immediately terminate the task (or ongoing in-
just prior to the session. Begin the session by requesting teraction) and turn away from the client for about 30
and removing the item and then move away from client
as in the attention condition. s, then reinstate the antecedent condition.
2. Consequent event: Test Condition for Maintenance by
a) Non-target behavior: If the target problem behavior does Automatic-Positive Reinforcement
not occur (or if any behavior other than the target oc-
curs), the antecedent event will remain in effect until the 1. Antecedent event: This condition is designed to determine
end of the session. whether problem behavior will persist in the absence of stimu-
b) Problem behavior: If the target problem behavior oc- lation; if so, it is not likely maintained by social consequences.
curs, deliver attention, usually in the form of a mild rep- Therefore, the condition is conducted ideally with the client
rimand, a statement of concern, and some comforting alone in a relatively barren environment, and there is no pro-
physical contact (or response blocking). In the tangible grammed antecedent event.
variation, deliver the tangible item briefly (about 30 s). 2. Consequent event: None.
After delivering attention or the tangible item, reinstate Control (Play) Condition
the antecedent event.
This condition is designed to eliminate or minimize the
Test Condition for Maintenance by Social-Negative Reinforcement effects likely to be seen in the test conditions. Thus, it typically
1. Antecedent event: involves free access to preferred leisure items throughout the
a)Task-Demand condition: Conduct repeated learning tri- session, the frequent delivery of attention, and the absence of
als throughout the session using academic or vocational demands (Note: If social avoidance is suspected, attention
tasks that are appropriate to the client’s skill level but that will be deleted). Occurrences of problem behavior produce
are somewhat effortful. Typically, a trial begins with an no consequences, other then the delay of attention for a brief
instruction, followed as needed by prompts consisting of period (5 s to10 s).
a demonstration and then physical assistance.


BAIP_1-48.indd 9 4/7/08 2:02:05 PM

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