Elopement Article

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Blocking is a frequent component of treatments for elopement. Unfortunately, blocking may not
always be feasible because elopement often occurs when supervision is low or the behavior cannot
be prevented. The present study evaluated the use of blocking in the treatment of elopement by
using differential reinforcement of other behavior with and without blocking. In this case, results
suggested that blocking may be an essential component for differential reinforcement–based
treatments of elopement.
Key words: blocking, differential reinforcement, elopement

Elopement, or leaving caregiver supervision blocking in treating the elopement of an indi-

without consent, is a problem with potentially vidual with autism.
dangerous consequences for individuals with
intellectual disabilities (Matson & Rivet, 2008). METHOD
Blocking attempts to elope or access to the
reinforcer maintaining elopement is a com- Participant and Setting
mon treatment component (Falcomata, Roane, Jimmy was a 5-year-old boy who had been
Feeney, & Stephenson, 2010; Piazza et al., 1997; diagnosed with autism and had been admitted to
Rapp, Vollmer, & Hovanetz, 2005; Tarbox, a day-treatment program for the assessment and
Wallace, & Williams, 2003), but caregivers may treatment of elopement. Jimmy did not exhibit
find it difficult to anticipate the behavior and functional vocal communication, although he
quickly restrain the eloping individual. Inter- used several signs to mand for preferred items
ventions that do not involve blocking also and activities. He frequently used a sign to
have proven to be effective (Kodak, Grow, request ‘‘water,’’ because playing in water was a
& Northup, 2004; Piazza et al., 1997; Tarbox preferred activity. He had a history of eloping
et al., 2003). Given that blocking some indi- towards sources of water, and, on one occasion,
viduals’ elopement may be impractical or even jumped into a lake even though he was unable to
impossible, a direct comparison of treatments swim. Thus, his caregivers expressed concern
that do and do not include blocking seems to be about the potentially life-threatening conse-
worthwhile. This study evaluated the role of quences of his elopement.
We thank Chris Tullis and Lily Wilson for their work Response Measurement and
on this study. Ryan Pabico is currently affiliated with the
Center for Behavior Analysis and Language Development.
Interobserver Agreement
Correspondence concerning this article should be Elopement was defined as any part of the
addressed to Nathan A. Call, Marcus Autism Center, body passing the plane of the doorway of the
1920 Briarcliff Rd., Atlanta, Georgia 30329 (e-mail:
[email protected]). session room. Data were collected by trained
doi: 10.1901/jaba.2011.44-903 observers who used paper and pencil to score

904 NATHAN A. CALL et al.

the frequency of elopement within 10-s inter- B. In the attention condition, attention was
vals. A second observer independently collected restricted and delivered in the form of a mild
data during 67% of sessions during the func- reprimand for 20 s contingent on elopement. In
tional analysis and 42% of treatment sessions. the escape condition, a three-step progressive
For interobserver agreement purposes, an exact prompting procedure (verbal, model, and
agreement was scored in a given interval if both physical prompts) was implemented. The
observers recorded the same frequency of elope- specific demands consisted of receptive identi-
ment during each 10-s interval. The number of fication of body parts, such as ‘‘touch your
10-s intervals in which both observers scored head,’’ that were selected from goals identified
the same frequency of behavior (agreement) was from his educational program. Elopement
then divided by the total number of 10-s inter- resulted in a 20-s break from demands. Sessions
vals (i.e., those with agreement and disagree- lasted 10 min, and the room used for Room A
ment), and the resulting quotient was converted or Room B alternated across sessions.
to a percentage. Mean agreement for elopement
was 99% (range, 98% to 100%) during the Treatment Evaluation
functional analysis and 99% (range, 87% to It was hypothesized that failure to block
100%) during treatment. elopement would result in degradations in
treatment effectiveness, potentially because
Functional Analysis elopement continued to be reinforced. There-
A modified functional analysis was conduct- fore, after the functional analysis, a treatment
ed using a multielement design (e.g., Piazza evaluation was conducted using a reversal
et al., 1997). Throughout all analyses, a retrieval design to compare the occurrence of elopement
procedure was implemented in which Jimmy during baseline and two treatment conditions
was returned to the location from which he had that consisted of resetting differential reinforce-
eloped after 20 s. All sessions were conducted ment of other behavior (DRO) with and
in two adjacent therapy rooms (referred to as
without blocking. Baseline was identical to the
Room A and Room B). Furniture blocked the
tangible condition of the functional analysis,
hallway to prevent egress from Room A to
including the use of Rooms A and B, placement
anywhere other than Room B (and vice versa).
of items in the rooms, and presession access to
A paired stimulus preference assessment (Fisher
the preferred item. The DRO with blocking
et al., 1992) was conducted prior to the
functional analysis to identify a highly preferred condition represented treatment implementa-
item. The same highly preferred item was used tion by caregivers or therapists who were able
in the toy play and tangible conditions. In the either to block elopement or to block access to
toy play condition, Jimmy was provided reinforcement when it did occur. The DRO
attention and free access to the highly preferred without blocking condition represented imple-
item. Prior to tangible sessions, Jimmy began in mentation of the same treatment, but in a
Room B, where he was provided with 2 min of situation in which a therapist or caregiver was
access to the highly preferred item. After this 2- unable to block elopement. Finally, caregivers
min presession exposure to the preferred item in in the natural environment may attempt to
Room B, he was moved to Room A, which block every instance of elopement but may fail
contained no preferred items, and the 10-min to do so. Therefore, DRO plus variable-ratio
session began. Elopement resulted in 20 s of (VR) 2 for elopement was conducted to
access to his highly preferred item in Room B. evaluate the effectiveness of a treatment that
This reinforcement interval did not begin until included blocking but was implemented with
he contacted the highly preferred item in Room less than ideal procedural fidelity.

DRO with blocking. As was the case in baseline, levels of elopement during baseline, DRO
Jimmy received 2 min of presession access to the without blocking, and DRO plus VR 2 for
preferred item in Room B and then was moved to elopement. However, elopement decreased
Room A. After the session began in Room A, the during DRO with blocking. In the final phase,
therapist provided Jimmy with 20-s access to the DRO schedule was thinned to a slightly
the preferred leisure item in Room B contingent on more practical interval (120 s), while low rates
the absence of elopement from Room A for of elopement were maintained.
30 s. Jimmy was guided back to Room A at Results for the one individual in this study
the conclusion of the reinforcement interval. A suggest that blocking may be an essential
therapist blocked attempts to elope from Room A component for treatments designed to address
by stepping into the doorway or using his or her elopement. This is potentially problematic
hands to gently redirect Jimmy’s upper body given the nature of elopement, which can make
(i.e., back, shoulders, arms, etc.) in the opposite blocking difficult. Results suggest that caregiv-
direction. The DRO interval was increased by 15 s ers may need to be vigilant to ensure that
after every two consecutive sessions in which no individuals under their care do not access the
elopement occurred. maintaining reinforcer when they elope.
DRO without blocking. This condition was DRO without blocking could be characterized
identical to DRO with blocking except that the as a concurrent schedule involving a DRO 30-s
same reinforcement contingencies available via schedule for the absence of elopement and a
the DRO schedule in that condition were continuous reinforcement schedule for elopement.
available contingent on either elopement from Such a schedule may have favored elopement
Room A or meeting the DRO contingency. because refraining from the behavior delayed
DRO plus VR 2 for elopement. This condition reinforcement that otherwise was available imme-
was identical to DRO with blocking except that diately. Results from DRO plus VR 2 showed
elopement was reinforced on a VR 2 schedule. That that an intermittent schedule of reinforcement
is, half of all elopement attempts resulted in 20-s was sufficient to maintain problematic levels of
access to the preferred item in Room B, and the elopement, even when the same reinforcer was
other half of elopement attempts were blocked. available for the absence of elopement. However,
Therapists used a printed sheet of randomized num-
the fact that Jimmy engaged in elopement under
bers with a mean of two to cue them as to how many
this specific concurrent schedule does not neces-
responses to block prior to reinforcing elopement.
sarily mean he would have continued to do so if
one or more of the parameters of the schedule had
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION been altered. Previous research has shown that
In the functional analysis (Figure 1, top), manipulating parameters such as response effort, or
rates of elopement were elevated during the the quality, quantity, or delay to reinforcement can
tangible and attention conditions relative to the bias responding toward or away from problem
toy play and escape conditions. These results behavior (e.g., Horner & Day, 1991; Peck et al.,
indicated that elopement was maintained by 1996). Future research could extend the current
positive reinforcement in the form of access to study by examining whether blocking is still
preferred leisure items and attention. necessary when one or more of these reinforcement
Results of the treatment evaluation are shown parameters is altered to favor the nonoccurrence
in Figure 1 (bottom). A treatment for elope- of elopement or the emission of an alternative
ment maintained by attention was implemented response. For example, it may be possible to bias
separately (data not shown but are available responding away from elopement by ensuring that
from the first author). Jimmy engaged in similar the quality or magnitude of reinforcement available
906 NATHAN A. CALL et al.

Figure 1. Responses per minute (elopement) during the functional analysis (top) and DRO treatment evaluation (bottom)
for Jimmy.

for meeting a DRO contingency is superior to that Fisher, W., Piazza, C. C., Bowman, L. G., Hagopian,
L. P., Owens, J. C., & Slevin, I. (1992). A
which is available contingent on elopement. comparison of two approaches for identifying rein-
The reinforcer was available only via the forcers for persons with severe and profound
omission contingency when blocking was includ- disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 25,
ed. Thus, it is possible that blocking reduced Horner, R. H., & Day, H. M. (1991). The effects of
elopement through extinction. However, the response efficiency on functionally equivalent com-
specific mechanism responsible for the effective- peting behaviors. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,
ness of blocking in the present study cannot be 24, 719–732.
Kodak, T., Grow, L., & Northup, J. (2004). Functional
determined. Previous studies have shown that analysis and treatment of elopement for a child with
blocking can function as a punisher (Lerman & attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of
Iwata, 1996) or extinction (Smith, Russo, & Le, Applied Behavior Analysis, 37, 229–232.
Lerman, D. C., & Iwata, B. A. (1996). A methodology for
1999). Another possibility is that blocking altered distinguishing between extinction and punishment
the establishing operations associated with rein- effects associated with response blocking. Journal of
forcers that maintained the behavior that com- Applied Behavior Analysis, 29, 231–233.
peted with elopement during the DRO interval. Matson, J. L., & Rivet, T. T. (2008). Characteristics
of challenging behaviours in adults with autistic
Despite the fact that the schedule of rein- disorder, PDD-NOS, and intellectual disability.
forcement was thinned to 120 s, the current Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability,
study is limited by the fact that the longest DRO 33, 323–329.
Peck, S. M., Wacker, D. P., Berg, W. K., Cooper, L. J.,
interval achieved was still relatively brief. Also, Brown, K. A., Richman, D., et al. (1996). Choice-
although decreases in elopement did generalize making treatment of young children’s severe behavior
to the home and a classroom following caregiver problems. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 29,
training, we did not systematically collect data on 263–290.
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this outcome. Finally, blocking elopement on a J. M., Lindauer, S. E., & Saiontz, D. M. (1997).
VR 2 schedule resulted in rates of elopement Functional analysis and treatment of elopement.
that were similar to those during DRO without Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 30, 653–
blocking. This finding suggests that less than Rapp, J. T., Vollmer, T. R., & Hovanetz, A. N. (2005).
ideal implementation of blocking may be no Evaluation and treatment of swimming pool avoid-
more effective than not blocking at all. How- ance exhibited by an adolescent girl with autism.
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ever, this study is limited by the fact that only
Smith, R. G., Russo, L., & Le, D. D. (1999).
one intermittent schedule of reinforcement was Distinguishing between extinction and punishment
evaluated. Future research that examines a con- effects of response blocking: A replication. Journal of
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Falcomata, T. S., Roane, H. S., Feeney, B. J., &
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Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 43, 513–517. Action Editor, John Borrero

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