The Influence of Characteristics of School Financial, Transparency and Experience Against The Effectiveness of Financial Management in School and

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Account and Financial Management Journal e-ISSN: 2456-3374

Volume 3 Issue 02 February-2018, (Page No.-1301-1306)

DOI:10.18535/afmj/v3i2.01, I.F. - 4.614
© 2018, AFMJ

The Influence of Characteristics of School Financial, Transparency and

Experienceagainst the Effectiveness of Financial Management in School and
Middle School in the City of Banda Aceh (Study at Sma, Ma and Smk
Negeri Kota Banda Aceh)
Tryana Keumala Sari1, Syukriy Abdullah2, Hasan Basri3
Master of Accounting Graduate Program Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh
Economic Faculty and Business Syiah Kuala University

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to know: (1) the influence of school financial management, transparency, and
experience characteristic influence to the effectiveness of financial management at SMA, MA and SMK Negeri in Banda Aceh
City; (2) influence of school finance management characteristically partially to effectiveness of financial management at SMA ,
MA and SMK Negeri in Kota Banda Aceh, (3) the effect of partial transparency (4) the effect of partial experience on the
effectiveness of financial management at SMA, MA and SMK Negeri in Kota Banda Aceh. This research will be conducted in
SMA, MA and SMK Negeri in Kota Banda Aceh. The population in this research are principal, head of school committee and
BOS treasurer, with 75 respondents. The result of the research shows that the test result simultaneously shows that the
characteristics of financial management and transparency have an effect on the effectiveness of financial management at Senior
High School and equivalent in Banda Aceh City, this implies that with the characteristics of financial managers who have
adequate competence and application of the principle of transparency Will have an impact on improving the effectiveness of
financial management at senior high schools and equivalent in Banda Aceh City. The results showed that the characteristics of
financial managers partially affect the effectiveness of financial management at high school and equivalent in Banda Aceh City
and the results of research also proves that transparency and experience partially influence the effectiveness of financial
management at senior high schools and equivalent in Banda Aceh City, as well as experience owned by employees has an
influence on the effectiveness of financial management.

Keywords: Characteristics of Financial Management, Transparency,experience and Management Effectiveness

INTRODUCTION 17 of 2003 on state finances, Article 3 paragraph (1)

School is one of the public sector organizations in the field of concerning the provisions of state financial management
education that has an important role in improving the quality states that in principle state financial management by the
of human resources and make a quality generation. The central and regional governments must be managed in an
progress of a nation is determined by the quality of human orderly and lawful manner, efficient, economical, effective,
resources that are reliable and qualified. Human resources are Transparent, and accountable with due regard to justice and
largely determined by the quality of education, character, and compliance.
skills. These three factors can be established through a This information disclosure can result in improved
continuing education process. While the goal of national governance within the school. The community and
education is to form young people who have personality, stakeholders will give high trust to the government and will
intelligent and have skills (Law No. 20 of 2003). Given the increase the value of the school. As more and more people
importance of the role of education encourages the school to know about the organization / government, the stakeholders'
continue to improve the quality or quality of education for trust will be higher (Glasgow, 2002). Problems that occur, the
students. absorption of education funds, especially in the city of Banda
Improving the quality of education should be Aceh is still not maximized. Schools still have to return the
supported by funds, human and material resources funds to the local government coffers, whereas the funds are
(Hapenciuc et al.2007). School funding sources come from still needed. The government has allocated substantial funds.
the Central Government, Local Government and the Allocation of education fund is determined at least 20% of
community (Government Regulation Number 48 Year 2008). APBN or APBD.
Management and accountability of school financial funds Based on the financial reports from the school, it
refers to the management of state finances. UU no. Law No. turns out that many schools have not been able to make
1301 Tryana Keumala Sari1, AFMJ Volume 3 Issue 02 February 2018
“The Influence of Characteristics of School Financial, Transparency and Experienceagainst the Effectiveness of
Financial Management in School and Middle School in the City Of Banda Aceh (Study at Sma, Ma and Smk Negeri
Kota Banda Aceh)”
financial reports from the use of BOS funds in accordance LITERATURE REVIEW
with accounting standards, namely the application of the
principle of transparency. Transparent means openness in the Characteristics of Financial Managers
financial management of educational institutions, namely the School finance managers are people who are involved in
disclosure of financial resources and the amount, details of financial management activities that exist in a school. The
use, and accountability must be clear so as to facilitate principal as the manager is responsible for the financial
interested parties to find out. Financial transparency is management of the school. Financial management in schools
needed in order to increase the support of parents, can be assisted by other parties such as: treasurer, head of
community and government in the implementation of all administration, vice principal, school committee, and others.
education programs in schools. Besides, transparency can This is as revealed by Herabudin (2009) in Kompri (2014)
create mutual trust between the government, the community, that the involvement of teachers, administrative officers,
parents and students through the provision of information and other sections or government can support financial
ensure ease in obtaining accurate and adequate information. management activities.
Problems in managing BOS funds in schools are still not Educational background is a discipline or a special
done in a transparent manner, ie all activities that will be field taken at the time of study at the level of education both
carried out in socialization to the school committee or that SMA / SMK, In the opinion of Bamber et al. (2010) in
have been done by the school committee are reported to Sutaryo (2013) explains that if a manager has a background
certain parties as a form of responsibility for the activity. in financial and accounting education, their understanding of
Transparency or information disclosure is budgets, financial practices and accounting will improve. An
important, especially for public sector agencies. Boy and understanding of accounting will make it easier to manage
Hotniar (2009) revealed that the transparency of budget finances. This is because financial management is a science
management affects the participation of parents. Siregar that is learned when someone learns about finance and
(2011) stated different things, that transparency has no effect accounting.
on the management of APBD. According to Sopanah (2003), In terms of age, older managers are less able to
the interaction between budgetary knowledge and public integrate effectively and evaluate new ideas in the decision-
policy transparency has no effect on APBD supervision. making process. Managers tend to be traditional and closed
Characteristics of school financial managers to new developments and stick to old ideas. In contrast,
require people who have certain characteristics in the hope of younger managers tend to be more open to changes in
more effective financial management. Financial managers existing systems than older managers. Younger managers or
should know about the planning up to financial reporting. CFOs dare to implement new innovations in decision making.
Placement of human resources (HR) must be implemented Experience is a learning process and the addition
appropriately in accordance with the competence (Mulyani of the development of potential behavior both from formal
2009). and non formal education (Kovinna and Betri 2014). A
The work experience possessed by individuals person's length of service can reflect his or her experience.
greatly determines the effectiveness of financial management According Purnamasari (2005) in Sukriah et al. (2009)
within the school organization. Regarding the experience of revealed that the advantages possessed by employees who
employees in the field of accounting in performing tasks and have a high employment period are: detecting faults,
functions also become one of the factors that can affect the understanding mistakes, and finding the cause of the error.
effectiveness of school financial management, where the Transparency
higher work experience owned by an employee will provide a Transparency is a demand for every institution to increase the
valuable experience for an employee in carrying out duties value of the institution. Disclosure of information and
and functions, so that employees already know the ins and information submitted in a timely and accurate manner is a
outs in performing their duties. Work experience that will be manifestation of transparency. Institutions that have a high
occupied by an employee and always follow the continuing level of transparency will make stakeholders give high
education or training program will provide great benefits for confidence to the institution. The results of research
employees and their organizations. conducted by Coryanata (2007) have proved that public
The results of research conducted by Windarti policy transparency affects the council's knowledge
(2015) states that transparency is a demand for each relationship with local financial supervision.
institution for the value of institutions also increased. Transparency is built on the freedom of access to
Disclosure of information and information submitted in a information needed by the community. That is, information
timely and accurate manner is a manifestation of relating to the public interest directly can be obtained by
transparency. The results show that transparency affects the those in need (Mardiasmo, 2000). Transparency implies that
effectiveness of school financial management. the annual report is not only made but also open, timely,

1302 Tryana Keumala Sari1, AFMJ Volume 3 Issue 02 February 2018

“The Influence of Characteristics of School Financial, Transparency and Experienceagainst the Effectiveness of
Financial Management in School and Middle School in the City Of Banda Aceh (Study at Sma, Ma and Smk Negeri
Kota Banda Aceh)”
relevant, complete and accessible to the public, because the The respondent's retrieval was done by census technique
activities of the government are in order to carry out the because it involved the entire population being the research
mandate of the people. Today, many countries classify respondent.
records or reports as Top Secret, Secret, Confidential and
Population and Sample Research
Restricted, and Official Secrets Acts make unauthorized
The population in this study are all officials Budget Authority,
disclosure of a criminal offense. Cultures generally in many
Financial Administration and the Treasurer on Aceh
countries, both developed and developing countries, are
Government Unit, so this study using the technique of the
secrecy (Shende and Bennet, 2004).
population, because it involves the entire population into
Transparency is an important aspect of good
research respondents. Sampling at the Department of
governance, an open system of information will be very
individualized environment Aceh Government Unit for
useful for all parties who will know a certain thing or will
services that run on government projects for the agency as a
make important decisions, such as investment planning or
source or agency performance factor of the increase, with the
developing a particular business, because information can be
number of respondents 51 people.
obtained effectively and efficiently.
Equipment Data Analysis
Testing hypotheses using multiple linear regression analysis
Work experience in this case is work experience in managing
with SPSS, with the following formula:
school organization finances, where experience is experience
Y =  +  1X1 + 2X2 + 3X3 + ε
in performing financial statement audit both in terms of
length of time and number of assignments ever handled Where:
(Arum, 2007: 79). Experience is a process of learning and Y=Effectiveness of Financial Management
increase in professional development behavior of both formal = Constant
and non formal education or bias is defined as a process that X1 = Management Characteristics
brings someone to a pattern of higher behavior. A lesson also X2 = Transparency
includes a relatively precise change of behavior resulting X3 = Experience
from experience, understanding and practice (Puji Prasetio, b = Regression Coefficient
2008: 91). ε2 = error term
Mariana (2009: 32) states that experienced
employees will have an advantage in terms of detecting Discussion Result
errors, understanding mistakes and looking for the cause of Effect Analysis of School Financial Management
errors. Thus it can be concluded that more experience will Characteristics Transparency and Experience on the
result in more knowledge. Someone who does the work in Effectiveness of Financial Management at Senior High
accordance with the knowledge they have will give more School and equivalent in Kota Banda Aceh
results than those who do not have enough knowledge in the Based on the formulation of the problems and hypotheses
task. that have been proposed in the previous chapter, this study
analyzes the effect of school financial management
RESEARCH METHODS characteristics (X1) and transparency (X2) as independent
Research Design variables on the effectiveness of financial management at
Sekaran (2006: 152) states that the research design is a plan Senior High School and equivalent in Kota Banda Aceh , As
and structure of researchers made in such a way as to obtain a dependent variable (either dependent variable) either
answers to research questions. The research plan is a simultaneously or partially.
comprehensive program of research covering things that will From the results of statistical calculations using the help of
be done by researchers ranging from building hypotheses and SPSS program as shown in the above table, then obtained
implications professionally to the data analysis. multiple regression equation as follows:
Y = 2.356 + 0.155X1 + 0.137X2+ 0.108X2+ e
Population and Sample Research From the regression equation above can be seen the results of
Population refers to the overall object of research (Arikunto, research as follows:
2006: 130). As for the population in this study are all high
school and equivalent that includes: SMA, MA and SMK Regression Coefficient ():
Negeri in Banda Aceh City, amounting to 12 SMA Negeri, 3 Constant of 2,356 means that if the characteristics of school
MA and 5 SMK. As for the respondents from each school finance management (x1) and transparency (x2), are
were taken 3 people who include the principal, chairman of considered constant, then the effectiveness of financial
the school committee and treasurer of the BOS. The number management at Senior High School and equivalent in Kota
of respondents in this study is 75 people from 25 schools. Banda is 2,356 in Likert scale

1303 Tryana Keumala Sari1, AFMJ Volume 3 Issue 02 February 2018

“The Influence of Characteristics of School Financial, Transparency and Experienceagainst the Effectiveness of
Financial Management in School and Middle School in the City Of Banda Aceh (Study at Sma, Ma and Smk Negeri
Kota Banda Aceh)”
 i = 0), Ho accepted and Ha rejected. This means that effectiveness of financial management at senior high schools
the characteristics of school financial management and and equivalent in Banda Aceh City either directly or
transparency do not simultaneously affect the effectiveness of indirectly because BOS fund managers are able to account
financial management at senior high schools and equivalent for each BOS funds spent in Helping teaching and learning
in the city of Banda Aceh, this is because the value obtained process in SMA, MA and SMK Negeri Banda Aceh City.
Fcount of 15,892, while Ftabel at significance level  = 5% Transparency is a principle that ensures access or
is 3.110. freedom for everyone to obtain information about governance,
The results of the variables characteristic of school ie information on policies, processes of manufacture and
financial management obtained the value of coefficient 2 of implementation, and the results achieved. Given the
0.155, or 2 ≠ 0, so that there is influence of school financial transparency principle undertaken by the managers, it will
management characteristics on the effectiveness of financial have an impact on improving the effectiveness of financial
management at senior high schools and equivalent in Banda management at Senior High School and equivalent in Banda
Aceh City. Aceh City.
The result of transparency variable research is Characteristics of financial managers in SMA, MA
obtained by coefficient value 3 0,137, or 3 ≠ 0, so there is and SMK Negeri Banda Aceh City consists of the level of
influence of transparency to effectiveness of financial management education, especially Diploma III, Bachelor,
management at Senior High School and equivalent in Banda Graduate and education Others. Given the level of adequate
Aceh City. The results of the study can be explained that the education will have an impact on improving the effectiveness
better transparency of transparency conducted by BOS fund of financial management at SMA, MA and SMK Negeri
managers will have an effect on improving the effectiveness Banda Aceh City. Then about the educational background
of financial management at Senior High School and that most financial managers have the background of
equivalent in Banda Aceh City. financial and accounting education, then the characteristics of
The experiential result of the experiential variables financial management respondents can be seen from the age
of respondents where with the higher age of respondents will
obtained by the value of coefficient 3 of 0.108, or 3 ≠ 0, so
have an impact on improving the effectiveness of financial
there is an effect of experience on the effectiveness of
management because respondents have the maturity of
financial management at High School and equivalent in
thinking in the management Finance.
Banda Aceh City. The results of the study can be explained
While the experience of the respondents also shows
that the higher work experience owned by employees owned
that the more experience owned by the school financial
by BOS fund managers will have an effect on improving the
management respondents also provides empirical evidence
effectiveness of financial management at Senior High School
that the more experience a financial manager possesses, it
and equivalent in Banda Aceh City.
will have a significant impact on improving the effectiveness
Coefficient of Correlation and Determination of financial managers, this is in the presence Sufficient
The value of correlation coefficient (R) = 0.746 indicating experience, managers will be easier to know the financial
that the degree of correlation (correlation) between management process and the process of preparing the
independent variables with dependent variable equal to financial statements in the school.
74.6%. This means that the effectiveness of financial Experience is a financial management firm that is
management at senior secondary schools in Kota Banda Aceh involved in financial management either as principal, head of
is closely related to the characteristics of school financial administration, chairman of the committee, vice principal,
management (X1) and transparency (X2) and experience (X3). and treasurer. Size used is year. Given the experience of
Coefficient of Determination (R²) of 0.556. This senior management and senior management in Banda Aceh
means that 55.6% of changes in the dependent variable City.
(effectiveness of financial management at senior secondary
schools in Kota Banda Aceh) can be explained by changes in CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
characteristic factors of school financial management (X1) Conclusions
and transparency (X2). While the rest of 44.4% is explained 1. Based on the test results simultaneously shows that the
by other variables outside of this study, it means that there characteristics of financial managers and transparency
are still 44.4% more effectiveness of financial management at have an effect on to the effectiveness of financial
Senior High School and equivalent in Banda Aceh City management at Senior High School and Equal in Banda
influenced by other factors not included in this research Aceh City.
model. 2. The results showed that the characteristics of financial
The implications of this study indicate that the managers partially affect the effectiveness of financial
characteristics of school financial management sourced from
the BOS funds have an impact on improving the
1304 Tryana Keumala Sari1, AFMJ Volume 3 Issue 02 February 2018
“The Influence of Characteristics of School Financial, Transparency and Experienceagainst the Effectiveness of
Financial Management in School and Middle School in the City Of Banda Aceh (Study at Sma, Ma and Smk Negeri
Kota Banda Aceh)”
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