Pelton Wheel Project Report 1

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The key takeaways are that a Pelton wheel turbine is an impulse turbine suited for high head applications and converts the kinetic energy of water jets into mechanical energy through buckets on a rotating wheel. The performance depends on factors like nozzle diameter, flow rate, and jet velocity.

The main components of a Pelton wheel turbine are the nozzle, runner wheel with buckets, casing and shaft. The nozzle converts water pressure to jet velocity, the runner wheel captures the jet kinetic energy through buckets and is connected to the shaft to output power.

In a Pelton wheel turbine, water is accelerated through nozzles and the high velocity jets impinge on buckets on the periphery of the rotating wheel. The kinetic energy of the jets is transferred to mechanical energy of rotation through the impulse force between the jets and buckets.




1. Introduction
2. Objective
6. Conclusion

Palton wheel Turbine is impulse turbine. An impulse turbine first

converts the water head through a nozzle into a high-velocity jet,
which then strikes the buckets at one position as they pass by. The
runner passages are not fully filled, and the jet flow past the buckets is
essentially at constant pressure. Impulse turbines are ideally suited for
high head and relatively low power.
Since the water jet is always open to atmosphere, inlet and exit
pressure of water jet will be same and will be same as atmospheric
pressure. However absolute velocity of fluid will have huge drop from
inlet to exit of bucket. This kinetic energy drop is the maximum
energy the bucket can absorb. So it is clear that Pelton turbine gains
mechanical energy purely due to change in kinetic energy of jet, not
due to pressure energy change. Which means Pelton turbine is a pure
impulse machine.

Impulse force produced by water jet is high when jet is having high
velocity. Water stored at high altitude can easily produce high jet
velocity. This is the reason why Pelton turbine is most suitable for
operation, when water is stored at high altitude. The primary feature
of the impulse turbine is the power production as the jet is deflected
by the moving buckets. Assuming that the speed of the exiting jet is
zero (all of the kinetic energy of the jet is expended in driving the
buckets), negligible head loss at the nozzle and at the impact with the
buckets (assuming that the entire available head is converted into jet
The Pelton Wheel is the only form of impulse turbine in common
industrial use. It is a robust and simple machine which is ideal for the
production of power from low volume water flows at a high head with
reasonable efficiency.
The water strikes the bucket along the tangent of the tangent of the
runner. The energy available at the inlet of the turbine is only Kinetic
Energy. The pressure at the inlet and outlet is atmospheric pressure.
The nozzle increases the kinetic energy of the water flowing through
the penstock. At the outlet of the nozzle, the water comes out in the
form of a jet and strikes the buckets (vanes) of the runner. Pelton
Wheel Turbine is used for High Heads. Pelton Wheel Turbine has a
Specific Speed less than 30(S.I) for single jet and between 30 and 60
(S.I) for multi-jet.
Water leaving those wheels typically still had high speed, carrying
away much of the dynamic energy brought to the wheels. Pelton's
paddle geometry was designed so that when the rim ran at ½ the
speed of the water jet, the water left the wheel with very little speed;
thus his design extracted almost all of the water's impulse energy—
which allowed for a very efficient turbine.

The main objective is to generate electricity by using a palton wheel turbine. A Pelton-wheel
impulse turbine is a hydro mechanical energy conversion device which converts gravitational
energy of elevated water into mechanical work. This mechanical work is converted into
electrical energy by means of running an electrical generator. The kinetic energy of the
Water-jet is directed tangentially at the buckets of a Pelton-wheel. The Water-jet strikes on
each bucket’s convex profile splitter and get split into two halves. Each half is turned
backwards, almost through 180° relative to the bucket on a horizontal plane. Practically this
angle may vary between 165° to 170°. Normally all the jet energy is used in propelling the
rim of the bucket wheel. Invariably some jet water misses the bucket and passes onto the tail
race without doing any useful work. This hydro device is a good source of hydro-electrical
energy conversion for a high water head. Both kinetic and potential energy of the water
source is consumed by the runner wheel. Considerable gravitational effect of the water jet is
exploited by means of some modifications in a conventional Pelton wheel. A comparatively
heavy generator can be run by this modified Pelton-wheel turbine under low head and heavy-
discharge conditions. The modified features provide enough promising opportunities to use
this turbine for Mini and Micro hydro power plants.

A typical setup of a system generating electricity by using Pelton

Turbine will have a water reservoir situated at a height from the
Pelton Wheel. The water from the reservoir flows through a pressure
channel to the penstock head and then through the penstock or the
supply pipeline to the nozzles, from where the water comes out as
high speed jets striking the blades of the Pelton Turbine. The penstock
head is fitted with a surge tank which absorbs and dissipates sudden
fluctuations in pressure. For a constant water flow rate from the
nozzles the speed of turbine changes with changing loads on it. For
quality hydroelectricity generation the turbine should rotate at a
constant speed. To keep the speed constant despite the changing loads
on the turbine water flow rate through the nozzles is changed. To
control the gradual changes in load servo controlled spear valves are
used in the jets to change the flow rate. And for sudden reduction in
load the jets are deflected using deflector plates so that some of the
water from the jets do not strike the blades. This prevents over
speeding of the turbine.

Model is dependent on each manufacturer. Each manufacturer should

be contacted to verify a turbine will suit a particular site.

The generator type associated with micro hydro power is normally

either a permanent magnet, a wound-field, or induction. Smaller
turbines use permanent magnet generators, some of which have
adjustable gaps between the magnets and the windings for tuning the
output. Stand-alone synchronous generators have a wound-field that
produces its own magnetic excitation, and induction generators
receive their magnetic excitation from the stator, either via capacitors
or the grid.

Maximum power is determined by the watts produced by the turbine

at maximum water flow and net head. This number is used to
calculate the size of charge controllers and dump loads necessary to
protect turbines and battery banks, adding a safety factor.

Voltage of the type of generator used. Alternating current (AC)

generators are used for either standard 60 Hz electricity or to produce
“wild” unregulated voltage and frequency electricity, which is
rectified to DC to charge batteries. “Wild” indicates that the turbine is
not producing steady 60 Hz AC, and the frequency and voltage may
vary. High-voltage generation (hundreds of volts instead of dozens of
volts) can be useful in overcoming line losses.

AC/DC stands for alternating current and direct current. Smaller (100
to 1,000 W; less than 2 kW; 48 kWh/day) hydro-electric turbines use
permanent-magnet, “wild” AC generators. Larger micro hydro
systems (2 to 100 kW) use either an induction or synchronous AC
generators. Virtually all spinning generators make AC natively, and
how it is transferred and conditioned is based on the application.
Battery charging turbines end up producing DC. The grid and your
home loads are
AC systems, so turbines designed to directly interface with them
produce AC in the end.

Grid connection is possible with certain makes and models. The grid
connection for a smaller (less than 2 kW) hydro system commonly
uses a grid-tied inverter, as for PV systems. Larger systems (2 to 100
kW) are connected through switchgear and inductive generators or
synchronous generators and governors.

Runner type identifies the turbine wheel used to convert water power
to rotational power, and is determined by the head and flow available.
Through testing, manufacturers have determined the best runner types
for various head and flow conditions. Common types are the Pelton
wheel, the turbo, the cross flow, and the propeller. Your turbine
supplier and contractor can give good advice about the choices.

Runner Material. Runners for micro hydro applications are

commonly made of an alloy, since these materials resist corrosion and
are easily cast and machined into shape. Stainless is most common in
larger systems. Stainless steel and various bronze alloys are common,
long-lasting materials. Plastics are used for smaller, less expensive

Runner diameter selection is associated with the velocity of water

impacting the runner, which is directly related to available head. The
higher the head, the smaller the runner diameter for a given/constant
shaft speed. Under ideal conditions, the runner velocity is
approximately half the water jet velocity. For practicality, runners for
smaller turbines are usually limited to just a few. The runner’s speed
is adjusted by means of the generator field in relation to battery
voltage, or using belt pulley ratios in relation to the output frequency
of direct AC systems Again; your suppliers are your best resources for
helping make this choice.

Number of nozzles is a choice dependent on the range of water flow

available to the turbine. Nozzles are opened or closed (manually for
most small turbines, and occasionally automatically for larger
turbines) to maintain maximum pressure in the turbine pipeline while
taking advantage of available flow. Having multiple nozzles is
especially important where stream flow varies widely over the year,
so you have the option of using more or less water.

Nozzle size options are associated with available water flow. Smaller-
diameter nozzle sizes are used for lower-flow situations. Nozzles are
sized by manufacturers based on potential range of flow. Generally,
these parts are removable and replaceable. Larger systems sometimes
have adjustable “needle nozzles” or “spear valves.”

Head range is associated with types of turbine runners that can be

used. Higher-head turbines use impact runners, which are generally
Pelton or turbo designs. Mid-range turbines (suitable for 20 to 60 feet
of head) use reaction runners, which are

Submerged fully or partially, and include Francis and propeller

runners. Low-head turbines (3 to 20 feet) may also use propeller
reaction turbines.

Flow range will vary for every project site. The table shows the
actual flow used in the turbine, which may be 10% to 50% of the
stream flow.

Controls and over-speed control are necessary for stand-alone AC

turbines to maintain 60 cycles per second output under varying load
conditions. Electronic load governors usually provide this control for
AC units, shunting energy to resistive loads. Control is also necessary
for grid-tied systems when utility outages occur. Without the load of
the utility grid, a hydro turbine will over-speed, possibly resulting in
mechanical and electrical failure.

Controls, dump load, and metering included describes what comes

with a turbine and what must be purchased separately.

c1u 1
u1    2 g  Hn
2 2

For palton runner:-

For a real Pelton runner there will always be losses.

We will therefore set the hydraulic efficiency to:

h  0.96

The absolute velocity from the nozzle

will be:-

0.99  c1u  0.995

Circumferential speed:-

C1u can be set to 1,0 when dimensioning the turbine.

This gives us:

h  2(u1  c1u  u 2  c 2u )
n 0,96
u1    0,48
2  c1u 2 1,0

From continuity equation:

 d 2
Q  z s

ds 
z    c1u
Z = number of nozzles
Q = flow rate
C1u = 2  g  H n
The size of the bucket and number of nozzles

3.1   3.4
Rules of thumb:
B = 3,1 · ds 1 nozzle
B = 3,2 · ds 2 nozzles
B = 3,3 · ds 4-5 nozzles
B > 3,3 · ds 6 nozzles

Number of buckets

z  17 Empirical
Runner diameter
Rules of thumb:-

D = 10 · ds Hn < 500 m
D = 15 · ds Hn = 1300 m
D < 9,5 · ds must be avoided because water will be lost
D > 15 · ds is for very high head Pelton

The number of poles on the generator:

The speed of the runner is given by the generator and the net
Zp= number of poles on the generator
The number of poles will be:

Zp 

As a conclusion from the experiment that had been performed, we can

conclude that different range of flow rates and rotational speeds
influences the performance of Pelton wheel turbine .The combination
of flow rate and jet velocity manipulates the power or work input. The
bigger the diameter nozzle the faster the flow rates but lower in
velocity jet. Therefore we need the perfect combination of both. In
general, impulse turbine is high-head, low flow rate device. So we can
assume that our experiment is successful due to the result we

This is a lab experiment which we will perform at collage level.

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