Chemical Safety Plan: University of Alberta

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University of Alberta

Chemical Safety Plan

Research Group Supervisor:

Occupational Hygiene & Chemical Safety Division,

Department of Environmental Health & Safety
September 2011
Chemical Safety Plan

Table of Contents
PURPOSE .... ...... ... ... ............ .......... ....... .. ..... ..... .............. .... .. ... ... .......... ....... ........ ..... ..... .. ... ..... ........ .. 3

SCOPE ..... ... .... ... ... ......... ..... ... ......... ...... ........ .......... .... ........ ... ..... ... ..... ... .... .... ..... ........ ... ... ........ .... ..... 3

RESPONSIBILITIES ... .. ... .... ....... ... ....... ... .. ... ... .... .... .... .... ... .. ...... ........ ... ......... ....... ... .......... .... ... ...... .... . 3

Principal Investigator/Laboratory Supervisor ..... ... ... ............ ..... .... ...................... ... .......... ........ 2
Laboratory Workers .... ......... ...... .. ....... ... ..... .......... ... .............. ................ ......... ... .. .... .................. ... 2
LABORATORY CONTACT INFORMATION .. .. ..... .... ...... ........ ...... .... .. .... .. .... .. .. .... .. .... .. .......... ... ... .. .. .. .. . 5

CHEMICAL INVENTORY ......... .... ....... .. ........... ............... ..... .. .... ..... .... .. ... ... ... .. ..... .. .. .... ........ ... ..... .... .. 6

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDSs) .. .. .. ........ .. .......... .. ...... .. .............. .... .. .... .... ...... .. ............... 6

CONTAINER LABELING .......... ... ...... ...... ...... ... ... ... .......... ......... .... ..... ...... ... ... ... .... .. ... .. .... ... ...... .. .. ... ... 6

HAZARD MANAGEMENT ...... .. ........ .. ......... ....... ... ... .... .. .... .... ...... ... .. ... .... ... ...... ... ... .... .... ... ... ..... ........ 6

HAZARD CONTROL METHODS ...... ... ... .... ...... .. ..... ...... .. .. ..... ... ... ..... .... ... .... .. .... .... ... .. ..... .. .... .... .... ... 10

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT .. .. ......... ...... .. .. .. ......... .... ......... .. ........ ...... .... ...... .. .... ........ ..... 10

Respiratory Protective Equipment ............... ........ ..................... .... ............ ............ .. ............. ..10
LABORATORY SPECIFIC SAFETY TRAINING .... .. .... .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .... .... .. ...... .. ...... .... .. .. .. ...... .. .... .... .. . 11

EXPERIMENT PLANNING ....... .. ... ...... ... .... .... ... .... ... ... ... ..... ..... ... ........ ... .. .. ... ..... ...... ... ... .. ... ... ...... ... .. 12

WORKING ALONE .. .. .. ..... ........ .......... .. ............ ...... ... ..... .... .... ...... ... ............ ... ....... ...... ...... ............ ... 13

LABORATORY HAZARD SIGNS ..... ........ ...... .... .... ..... .... .. .... .... .... ...... .... ......... ..... .... .... ..... .. ... ........ ... . 13

LABORATORY CLOSE-OUT & CLEARANCE PROCEDURES .. .... ........... ...................... .. .... .... .... .. .. .. .... 13

CHEMICAL STORAGE .. ... ........... ... .. .... ........ ..... ... ..... .... .. .. ............. ... ....... ... ... .... .... ....... ... ...... .... .. ..... 13

FUME HOODS .... ....... ... ...... .... ............ ....... ......... ..... .......... ... .... ...... ....... .. ...... .. .......... ........... .... .... ... 14

EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES .... .. ............ .. .... .... ... .. .... .... ........ .. ........ .... .... ...... .. ..... .. ..... ... 15

INCIDENT REPORTING & INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES .. .. .. ........ .. ...... .. .................. .. ........ .. ......... 16

LABORATORY INSPECTIONS ......... ... ...... ..... ..... .. ... ........ ... .... ... ...... ........ .... ... ... ............. ...... .. .. ..... .. .. 16

HAZARDOUS WASTE ... ... ..... ....... ..... ... ... ............................. .. ... ... .... .. ... .... ........ ..... .... ... ... ... ...... ..... .. 16

APPENDIX A: LABORATORY SAFETY TRAINING CHECKLIST ........ .. .............. .. .. ........ .... .. .. ........ .... .... 17

APPENDIX B: SAFE OPERATING PROCEDURE .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .... .. ...... .. .. .... .... .. .. .... 20

APPENDIX C: CHEMICAL LABORATORY INSPECTION CHECKLIST ...... .. .... .. .. ...... ... .. .. ................... ... 22

APPENDIX D: LABORATORY HAZARD SIGN ORDER FORM ............ .. .. .. .... ...... .. .. ............ ..... .. .... .. .. .. 24

APPENDIX E: LABORATORY CONTsAINER LABELS - SAMPLES .......... .. .. .... .. .... .. .. ...... .. .... .... .. ......... 25

APPENDIX F: BLANK HAZARD ASSESSMENT FORM .. ..... .. ..................... .... .. ...... .. .. ........ .. .... .......... ...... ...25

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Chemical Safety Plan

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Chem ical Safety Plan

The purpose of a Chemical Safety Plan (CSP) is to provide a framework to establish a written
program that can be used by all laboratory workers to carry out their work activities safely.

The University's Laboratory Chemical Safety Manual provides general information on safe use,
storage and disposal of chemicals in University of Alberta Laboratories. All laboratory
supervisors are responsible for developing laboratory-specific CSP that reflects work activities
within their laboratories. All laboratory workers are required to follow the safe practices
outlined but not limited to the information in the CSP.

The information provided in this document will assist you to develop and implement safe
laboratory work practices specific to your laboratory that will protect you, your staff and
students, your research experiments and the laboratory property. This template is by no means
all -inclusive and as such may be supplemented as necessary to meet the needs of individual

The Chemical Safety Plan applies to all University of Alberta laboratory personnel who handle
chemicals in research and teaching laboratories at the University of Alberta.

As per the University of Alberta's Health & Safety Responsibilities Procedure, the Principal
Investigator/ Laboratory Supervisor and laboratory workers are responsible for:

Principal Investigator/ Laboratory Supervisor

1. Identifying hazards and implementing appropriate control measures (e.g. ventilation,

safe work practices and personal protective equipment) to minimize or eliminate the
2. Establishing standard safe work procedures appropriate for the work.
3. Training laboratory workers on the safe handling, use, storage and disposal of chemicals
and hazardous laboratory procedures.
4. Conducting periodic formal and informal inspections of their areas for hazardous
conditions, and promptly correcting unsafe work practices or hazardous conditions.
5. Providing the required personal protective equipment.
6. Ensuring that all safety equipment (e.g. fume hoods, emergency eye wash and showers)
is in working order.
7. Providing training specific to the hazards and processes in the laboratory to all
laboratory workers prior to start of work or prior to start of an experiment never done

Laboratory Workers
1. Observe established safety policies and procedures established by the University and
any safe work procedures or guidelines established by the laboratory supervisor.

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2. Participate in laboratory-specific training prior to starting work in the laboratory.

3. Report incident, injury, unsafe conditions, insecure conditions or threats to personal
security and property to supervisor as soon as possible.
4. Properly use and adequately care for personal protective equipment.
5. Seek clarification from supervisor on laboratory procedures

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Laboratory Room # Building:


Principal Investigator: Laboratory Phone#

Emergency Phone#:

Laboratory Safety Contact: Emergency Phone #:

Other Personnel in Laboratory Phone#:

List all other laboratories and rooms (excluding offices) with your Research Group:

Room# Building Contact Person Phone#

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Chemica l Safety Plan

Each laboratory should maintain an inventory of chemicals and update it as new chemicals are
added; chemicals are used up or disposed . A recommended template (Excel spreadsheet) is
available on Department of Environmental Health & Safety website. A laboratory may create an
alternate template provided the following fields of information are included:

Chemical Name, Quantity, Hazard Class (es); Date Received; Location; MSDS available and Date
removed from inventory.


MSDSs must be in a readily accessible location in the laboratory and all workers should be
informed on how to access the MSDSs. MSDSs can be in electronic form provided a paper copy
can be printed and workers know how to access these MSDSs. Each laboratory must have
MSDSs corresponding to the chemicals listed in the inventory. WHMIS requires that MSDSs be
less than 3 years old. MSDSs may be accessed from Department of Environmental Health &
Safety website .

All chemical containers must be labelled according to the requirements of Workplace Hazardous
Materials Information System (WHMIS). Two major types of labels are defined within WHMIS:
supplier and work site labels . Labels provide health and safety information to help protect the
user and others in the laboratory. If chemicals are transferred from the original supplier
container to a secondary container, the secondary container must be labeled -the label can be
just the name of the chemical, or if it takes more than one work shift to use of the contents of
the secondary container or someone else in the laboratory may handle the container, then it
must be labelled with a work site label that includes health & safety information . Sample labels
are presented in Appendix E. For more information refer to the Laboratory Chemical Safety


Identifying, assessing and managing hazards in the workplace are key components in
maintaining a safe environment. A hazard is defined as a condition or behaviour that has the
potential to cause injury or loss. The Alberta Occupational Health & Safety Code requires
employers to conduct hazard assessments. A blank form available on EHS website can be used
to document hazards and corresponding corrective measures and the hazard management
procedure provides some useful information to conduct hazard assessments. A blank copy is
included in Appendix F.

Most hazards can be classified into three main categories: chemical, biological or physical.
Exposure to chemicals can occur during use or due to improper storage. The potential for harm
is significant if chemicals are misused or mishandled. Similarly biological hazards have the
potential to cause harm if misused or mishandled. Physical hazards such as electrical safety,
noise, equipment use and ergonomic concerns due to static postures or improper material
handling also require attention. Hazards commonly encountered in research laboratories are

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listed in Tables 1 & 2. This is by no means an all-inclusive list. It is expected that laboratories will
use this as a guide to identify hazards in their laboratories.


Category /Hazard Potential Hazard Personal Protective Other Control Measures
Type Equipment
Chemical Hazards
Corrosives (acids Eye and skin Safety goggles; Review MSDS
& bases) damage; Face shield for large Use in fume hood
Irreversible amounts Emergency shower & eye wash
tissue damage Chemical resistant within 10 second distance
gloves; Lab coat Always add acid to water.
Chemical resistant
apron for large
Hydrofluoric Acid Eye and Skin Safety goggles Review MSDS
Damage Face shield for large Use in fume hood
Penetrates deep amounts Emergency shower & eye wash
into tissue Nitrile or neoprene within 10 second distance
without pain rubber gloves Apply Calcium Gluconate cream
Lab coat: Chemical to skin after flushing and seek
resistant apron for immediate medical attention
large amounts Never store HF in glass
Must have a safe work procedure
Perchloric Acid Eye and skin Safety goggles; Heat perchloric acid in a specially
damage; Face shield for large designed perchloric acid fume
amounts hood that has a water wash-
Chemical resistant down system
gloves; Lab coat
Chemical resistant
apron for large
Organic Solvents Skin damage Wear chemical May be absorbed through intact
Absorbed resistant gloves skin
through skin Safety glasses with side Use in fume hood
Long term or shields Review MSDS
repeated use
may cause
chronic effects
such as nervous
system damage,
kidney and liver

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Category/Hazard Potential Hazard Personal Protective Other Control Measures
Type Equipment
Chemical Hazards
Flammable and Fire or explosion Gloves Fume hood or other Local
Combustible Health effects Lab coat from natural exhaust ventilation
Liquids depending on fibers Do not use open flames and keep
the compound away form other ignition sources
Water & Air Ignite Face shield Require supervisor's permission
Sensitive spontaneously Lab coat from natural to use
Compounds when in contact fibers or fire resistant Read MSDS & experiment-
with air or lab coats for high risk specific safe work procedure
moisture activities Never work alone with these
Skin and eye Avoid wearing clothing compounds.
damage made form synthetic Always use under inert
materials atmosphere inside a fume hood
or a glove box
Highly reactive or May vigorously Barrier shields Review MSDS
unstable or polymerize; Safety goggles Use smallest quantities
potentially Shock, Protective gloves Handle with caution
explosive temperature & Protect glass equipment from
compounds pressure shattering e.g. by shielding,
sensitive wrapping in tape
Carcinogens May cause Wear safety glasses or Use the smallest amount
cancer typically goggles possible
after repeated or Chemical resistant Use inside a properly functioning
chronic exposure gloves fume hood or other local exhaust
Nanomaterials Inhalation, Lab coat, Whenever possible use
dermal or Gloves nanomaterials in solutions or
ingestion Safety glasses attached to a substrate.
N95 or PlOO respirator Use glove box or fume hoods
(Consult EHS; must be
fit tested prior to use)
Compressed Gases High pressure Depends on the gas: Gas cylinders secured upright with
Health hazard Gloves Strap'or chain to a stable structure
dependent upon Safety goggles or face (e.g. wall) . Use one strap per
type of gas shield
Gas cylinder valve protection cap in
place when not in use
Use cart equipped with a
restraining strap to transport
Physical Hazards
Cryogenic Liquids Frost bite Heavy insulated gloves Dispense in a well-ventilated
Skin, tissue and Safety goggles; face area
eye damage shield; Lab coat, long
Asphyxiants pants, closed toe shoes

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Category / Hazard Potential Hazard Personal Protective Other Control M easures

Type Equipment
Physical Hazards
Hot liquids and Burns Insulated gloves Safe operating procedure
equipment Safety goggles; face
Lab coat, long pants,
closed toe shoes
Glassware Cuts and Heavy rubber gloves Inspect glassware for cracks
lacerations Lab coat, gloves Handle broken glass with
extreme care
Electrical Electric shock Lab coat, work gloves Inspect cords and replace fraying
equipment Ignition source to operate equipment. cords
Special PPE is required Do not plug several power cords
for conducting into one outlet one extension
electrical work. cord into another.
Unplug electrical equipment
before making any direct repairs
or modifications


Process Potential Hazards Control Measures
Solvent Distillation Fire Set up solvent stills inside fume hood or a
Explosion ventilated enclosure
Reactive metal hydrides Use smallest volumes of solvents possible
Skin and/or eye damage Use inert gas to keep solvents dry and free of
Interlock water supply with electrical connection
to turn electricity OFF in the event of water supply
Use safety goggles, gloves, lab coat, closed -toe
Centrifuge Cuts from broken tubes Properly balance tubes when loading the
Aerosol inhalation centrifuge
Close the lid before operating the centrifuge
Wait a few minutes after centrifuge has stopped
to allow aerosols to settle before opening the
Perform regular maintenance and cleaning as per
manufacturers recommendations
Vacuum Pumps Risk of implosion Place cold traps between the apparatus and the
and lines Flying glass vacuum source
Chemical splash Vent rotary pumps to an air exhaust system
Protective guards on belt-driven pumps
Wear safety glasses with side shields
Oil Baths Hot temperature Use oil that has a flash point higher than the
Fire desired temperature; Use insulated gloves

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Hazard cont rol methods are generally classified in t hree categories:

• Engineering Controls - This is the preferred method of control because the hazard is
eliminated or minimized at the source by substitution, isolation, automation or exhaust
ventilation e.g. fume hoods or other local exhaust ventilation.

• Administrative Procedures - When engineering controls are not possible then

administrative procedures such as additional training, safe operating procedures, job
rotation and effective repair and maintenance and housekeeping programs can also be

• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - personal protective equipment is used as a

method of controlling hazards only when neither engineering controls nor
administrative procedures can effectively minimize the impact of the hazard. PPE is
considered a last line of defense because the potential for exposure has not been
removed and any breach (e .g. improper fit or use) will result in worker exposure.

Sometimes a combination of two or more of the above control methods may be required to
adequately control the hazard. A safe work procedure template is available on EHS website.


As a minimum, the following personal protective equipment must be worn by laboratory
workers using chemicals or other hazardous materials that may come in contact with skin, or
eyes. Please note that laboratory coats and gloves should be removed prior to leaving the
laboratory or conducting activities that may contaminate other surfaces or equipment (e .g.
using the computer, telephone etc.)

• Safety glasses with side shields

• Buttoned-up laboratory coat (long sleeves)

• Long pants (to the shoe)

• Closed-toe shoes

• Appropriate gloves - No single glove type will protect against all chemicals. Gloves must
be selected based on the type of chemical being used, duration of use and the method
of use. Disposable gloves such as latex and nitrile gloves are commonly used in
laboratories. The use of latex gloves is discouraged because they do not provide
protection against many chemicals and also there is concern regarding development of
allergies or aggravating existing allergies. Nitrile gloves are generally more chemical
resistant. Disposable gloves generally provide protection against incidental contact;
more specific (non-disposable) gloves are required when extended contact with
chemicals is expected. Glove manufacturers provide glove selection charts to assist with
selection of an appropriate glove. Examples of manufacturers' glove selection tools:

o Ansell

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Chemical Safety Plan

o Best Glove

Respiratory Protective Equipment

Respiratory protective equipment is used to protect against exposure to airborne dusts, gases,
vapours, mists and aerosols. Respirators are used as a means of protection only after it has been
determined that the airborne hazard cannot be controlled using engineering or administrative
methods. The following steps assist in determining the need for a respirator:

• Identify the airborne hazards.

• Can the process be substituted with less hazardous materials?

• Can the experiment/process be conducted inside a fume hood or other ventilated


• Can safe work procedures and training be used to minimize the hazard?

Once it is determined that a respirator is required then, the following procedure must be
followed prior to using a respirator:

• Complete the respirator wearer's health screening questionnaire available on

Department of Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) website.

• EHS personnel will then contact the respirator wearer to arrange a fit test. A fit test is
done to ensure an appropriate respirator that fits properly and is comfortable to wear.
The results of the fit test are shared with the user and their supervisor.

• Instructions on the proper use, care, maintenance and limitations of the respirator are
also provided at that time.


WHMIS legislation requires all workers working with or in proximity to controlled products be
trained in the safe use, handling storage and disposal of the controlled products. Workers are
also required to know how to read and prepare labels and be able to understand information
presented in MSDSs. Generic training is provided through the online generic WHMIS course
through EHS. To supplement this training, Principal Investigators/Laboratory supervisors shall
ensure that all workers in their laboratories receive health & safety training specific to the
hazards present in the laboratory. Where a laboratory or core piece of equipment is shared by
multiple user groups, the Principal Investigators/Laboratory Supervisors of these groups shall
work together to provide cross-training to the groups on the various hazards associated with
their individual projects. Each department shall provide general department-wide training on
WHMIS and other safety related information.

Instructions to the Laboratory Supervisor:

Laboratory Supervisors should supplement general Department safety training with training
specific to all chemical, biological, radiation or other hazards in their laboratories. The checklist
in Appendix A identifies information/training that should be provided to all workers in the

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laboratory. The checklist is also available on EHS website. The training may be completed by the
laboratory Supervisor or their delegate.

The checklist is divided into various Sections. Below is a brief description to assist you in the
provision of applicable training:

Safety Resources: This Section lists the documentation, manuals, Material Safety Data Sheets,
and other safety resources that are available to the worker and information that the worker
should be aware of and refer to as necessary. Lab-specific safe operating procedures identifying
hazards associated with a specific experiment or process.

Emergency & Safety Equipment: This Section lists the emergency equipment and personal
protective equipment. It is extremely important that all workers are aware of the location of
emergency equipment and know how to operate it before they start working with hazardous
materials so they are able to access it without delay in the event of an emergency.

Chemical, Radiation and Biosafety: These Sections list the training and instruction that is
required for workers working with chemicals, radioisotopes or biohazardous materials.

Hazardous Waste Disposal: This Section identifies the need to discuss hazardous waste storage
and disposal procedures in the lab with the users that will be generating the waste .

Laboratory Equipment: Use this Section to train lab workers on the use of laboratory equipment
that the worker will require to use, for example, centrifuges, ovens, rotoVaps, UV or x-ray
emitting devices.

Complete the checklist for each worker in the laboratory.

The supervisor and the worker must sign and date this document. The lab supervisor should
retain a copy for record keeping and future review.

The checklist is designed to assist the laboratory Supervisor in the prov1s1on of laboratory
specific training for new workers. It is recommended this checklist be reviewed with workers on
a regularly scheduled basis e.g. during their annual performance review as a means to update
and ensure that the worker is trained to perform all identified tasks and/or job duties.

Assess each experiment or process prior to execution to ensure that appropriate control
measures are used to protect the health and safety of the workers. Identify hazards at each step
and implement appropriate controls for each step. Engineering (e .g. substitution for a less
hazardous material, exhaust ventilation) and administrative controls should be considered first
when reducing or eliminating associated hazards. Personal protective equipment should be
selected carefully based on the hazard.

Discuss all new experiments and any changes (e.g. increase in quantities of reactants) with your
supervisor prior to conducting the experiment.

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Every effort must be made to ensure workers do not perform hazardous laboratory work alone .
A working alone procedure is required when workers work alone in the laboratory. Information
on establishing a working alone procedure is available on EHS website.


Laboratory hazard signs are required on every door off a public hallway or common access that
leads into a space where hazardous materials are stored and/or used . To request a new sign for
a laboratory or support space (i .e. autoclave room, chemical storage room or cold room),
complete the Laboratory Hazard Sign Form in Appendix D and submit via email to
[email protected] .


The Laboratory Closeout and Relocation Guidelines are the only approved method for
temporary or permanent closure of laboratory facilities at the University of Alberta. These
procedures are in place for:

• Ensuring safe and healthy work environments.

• Efficient transfer of ownership or re-occupancy of laboratories .
• Avoidance of unnecessary disposal and decontamination costs.
• Avoidance of potential fines .

The Laboratory Closeout and Relocation Guidelines must be followed when:

• The individual responsible for a laboratory leaves the University.

• The individual responsible for a laboratory moves to a different laboratory space at the
University of Alberta.
• Major renovations are undertaken in the laboratory which requires the laboratory
space to be shut down for the duration of the renovation.

In cases where laboratory renovations are limited to a confined area of the lab, or for
maintenance in laboratories, the Clearance to Work in Hazardous Areas procedure must be
followed. Further information on this procedure is available at the Department of
Environmental Health and Safety website.

It is preferable to store chemicals in appropriate acid and flammable storage cabinets.
If storage cabinets are not available, then store chemicals on shelves that are sturdy, and made
of material that is resistant to the chemicals being stored .

General Chemical Storage Guidelines:

• Store chemicals at or below eye level.
• Store chemicals according to chemical compatibility groups . The MSDS provides
information on special storage requirements, on compatibility and material stability.

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• Do not store chemicals on the floor or under the sink.

• Separate chemicals into compatible groups, and then segregate these groups from each
other by physical barriers or distance. Generally, inorganic and organic chemicals are
stored separately, and liquids are separated from solids.
• Do not store chemicals alphabetically, as an overall storage system . Storing chemicals
alphabetically is only acceptable within a specific hazard group, and only once that
group has already been segregated from any other incompatible groups or materials.

Some recommended compatibility groups for chemical segregation are:

• Perchloric Acid, Hydrofluoric Acid, and Concentrated Nitric Acid are separated
from all other materials (including each other)
• Inorganic acids (except as noted above)
• Bases
• Water reactive chemicals
• Pyrophoric chemicals
• Strong oxidizing agents
• Strong reducing agents
• Flammable and combustible liquids

Refer to the University's Laboratory Chemical Safety Manual for more information on storage of

Fume hoods are the most common engineering control in laboratories. Their sole purpose is to
protect laboratory workers from exposure to airborne hazardous materials. Before beginning
any work in the fume hood, confirm that the hood is operational. Check that the local ON/OFF
switch is in the "ON" position . Adequate airflow and the absence of excessive air turbulence are
necessary for the safe operation of a fume hood. To ensure continued safe operation:

• Sash openings should be kept as far down as possible, while working in the fume hood .
When the fume hood is not in use, the sash should be completely closed .
• Do not block the air baffles at the back of the fume hood . Do not place anything closer
than 3 em (1 inch) from the back of the inside of the fume hood .
• Keep apparatus at least 15 em (6 inches) away from the front of the fume hood. Use
stands to elevate bulky apparatus so as to avoid disrupting the air flow through the
fume hood.
• Keep the fume hood clean and uncluttered. Apparatus and chemicals should normally
be kept in the fume hood only if they are a component of the operation for which the
hood is being used .
• Do not use fume hoods for long-term storage of chemicals or apparatus.
• Do not modify the interior of the hood (e.g ., installing shelves). Some of the older fume
hoods may have asbestos-containing liners.
• Minimize foot traffic around the fume hood. A person walking past a fume hood can
create turbulence, causing contaminants to flow out .

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• Keep windows and doors near fume hoods closed. Open windows and doors can disrupt
• Do not use fans near fume hoods. Fans in the laboratory can cause turbulence that can
disrupt proper air flow throughout the fume hood .
• Read and understand fume hood operations manual prior to using fume hood .


Develop an emergency response procedure specific to your laboratory. All workers in the
laboratory must know what actions are to be taken in the event of an emergency. All workers
must be aware to call 911 for fire, police & medical emergencies.

Chemical Contact/splash
Eyes: Flush with water 15 minutes. Seek immediate medical attention.
Skin: Flush with water for 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing. Seek medical
attention .
Ingestion: Drink water and seek medical attention. Do not induce vomiting.
Inhalation: Remove the victim from exposure and move to fresh air. If person is not breathing or
experiencing breathing difficulty, seek medical attention.

Chemical Spill
Develop spill clean-up protocols for the chemicals in the laboratory.
Ensure a spill kit with appropriate spill cleaning supplies and equipment is readily accessible in a
conspicuously marked location .
Ensure all workers in the laboratory are trained in the proper spill clean-up protocols.
Refer to the University's Spill Response Guideline for more information.

General actions to take in the event of a spill:

Stay clear and warn others in the immediate area of the spill.
Isolate the area around the spill.
Assist injured or contaminated persons if you are trained to do so.
Assess the situation, and determine if it constitutes an emergency. Call 911 if it is a fire or life
Proceed to clean-up the spill if it is minor, spill clean-up supplies and equipment are and trained
local personnel are able to clean it up.
Call the University Control Centre if assistance is required .

In the event of a fire:
• Warn others in the immediate area of the fire or explosion.
• Activate the building fire alarm system.
• Contain the fire by closing doors and fume hoods in the area of the fire .
• Evacuate the area of the fire or explosion and the building. Use stairs, not the elevator.
• Call 911 and provide details of the fire
• Meet emergency personnel at the main entrance to the building

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Complete the Incident & Investigation Report and forward it to the Department of
Environmental Health & Safety

Regular workplace inspections play a key role in preventing accidents and injuries by identifying
hazards, implementing corrective measures, and monitoring the effectiveness of the controls . it
is recommended that laboratory supervisors conduct inspections of their work areas on a
monthly basis. A generic inspection checklist is included in Appendix C. Customize this form so
as to meet the specific circumstances of your own laboratory. The generic checklist is also
available on the Department of Environmental Health & Safety's website.

At the University, all hazardous waste is collected, transported to the University's Waste
Management Facility, and disposed of centrally as part of the University's Hazardous Waste
Management System. As a general rule, all the precautions followed when handling, storing, and
using laboratory chemicals apply to hazardous waste. Waste containers should be kept closed at
all times, except when contents are being added . Do not leave filter funnels in the open necks of
containers, even if the waste is in a fume hood. Fume hoods are not to be treated as a worry-
free method of waste containment or disposal.

Waste should be separated as follows:

• Separate liquid and solid waste.
• Separate liquid organic waste from liquid aqueous waste.
• Separate strong acids and bases from other aqueous waste.
Requests for hazardous waste pick up are handled through the CHEMATIX system . CHEMATIX is
a web-based system for the handling of hazardous waste at the U of A.
The system is designed to streamline the waste handling process and enable users as well as
Environmental Services staff to process the removal and disposal of hazardous materials in a
timely and efficient manner.

To obtain your access password to the CHEMATIX system please email Lois Dvorsky
([email protected] )- University of Alberta CCID is also required.
CHEMATIX Online Portal:

Sharps should be disposed of in specially designed sharps disposal unit, or another appropriate
puncture proof container with a lid. Sharps include needle/syringe assemblies, broken
glassware, hard plastic, and any object with a jagged or sharp edge that can puncture a plastic
bag or potentially cause injury to someone handling the material.

Clean glassware can be disposed in specially provided glass collection containers. Contaminated
glassware that cannot be effectively de-contaminated and cleaned must be disposed as
hazardous waste.

Occupational Hygiene & Chemical Safety Division- September 2011 Page 16

Chemical Safety Plan


Name: Supervisor:
Department: Lab Number:
This Checklist is to be completed prior to the worker working in the laboratory.
Please check all items on which training, information or safe work procedures have been read
and understood. For items that are not applicable, please indicate as N/A.

Yes N/A Training Date

A. Safety Resources

Department Safety Procedures D D

Department Safety Committee D D
Laboratory Safety Manual D D
Emergency Procedures e.g. spill, exposure, fire D D
Working Alone Protocol D D
Hazardous Materials Inventory D D
Material Safety Data Sheets D D
Laboratory Safe Operating procedures D D

B. Emergency & Safety Equipment

Fire extinguisher location D D
First Aid Kit location D D
Emergency eyewash location & operation instructions D D
Emergency Shower location & operation instructions D D
Spill Kit location D D
Appropriate lab attire - lab coat, long pants, closed toe D D
Appropriate Gloves- specify type D D
Safety Glasses/ Safety goggles/ Face shield D D
Respirator- specify type and purpose D D
Instructions on the cleaning & maintenance of personal D D
protective equipment listed above.

Occupational Hygiene & Chemical Safety Division- September 2011 Page 17

Chemical Safety Plan

Yes N/A Tra ining Date

C. Chemical Safety

WHMIS training D D
Instruction on safe storage of chemicals in this lab D D
e.g. Storage by compatibility groups
Instruction on handling and storage of specialized D D
chemicals e.g. air reactive chemicals
Instruction on specific processes/experiments e.g. use of D D
hydrofluoric acid, solvent distillation
Instruction on clean up of chemical spills D D
Instruction on proper use of fume hood e.g. sash as far D D
down as possible when not in use
Safe handling, use and transport of compressed gas D D
D. Radiation Safety

Completed the mandatory Radiation Safety Training D D

Listed as a user on the Lab Supervisor's radioisotope D D
Instructions on the use, storage and disposal of D D
radioisotopes in this lab.
Instructions on radioisotope record keeping D D
Instruction on clean up of radioisotope spills and D D
decontaminating self
Instruction on reporting of radioactive spills and D D
Instruction on Laser Safety D D
Completed the Radiation Safety Guideline for Non-users D D
E. Biological Safety

Have read the Biosafety Manual D D

Instruction on the use, storage and disposal of D D
biohazardous materials in this lab.
Instruction on the appropriate decontamination D D
procedures in this lab.

Instructions on clean-up of biohazardous spills and

decontaminating self. D D
Instructions on reporting of biohazardous spills and D D
Instruction on the use of appropriate Biosafety Cabinet D D

Occupational Hygiene & Chemical Safety Division- September 2011 Page 18

Chemica l Safety Plan

F. Hazardous Waste Disposal Yes N/A Training Date

Instruction on segregation and storage of hazardous D D

chemical, biohazardous and radioactive waste
Instruction on disposal of sharps (e.g. syringes) D D
Instruction on disposal of waste glassware D D
G. laboratory Equipment e.g. centrifuge, ovens, solvent
stills, RotoVap etc. (Add extra sheet if required)
Centrifuge D D
Autoclave D D

H. Other (List specific training - add extra sheets as

Working with hydrofluoric acid D D
Working with air & water sensitive chemicals D D
Working with hydrogen sulfide D D

Occupational Hygiene & Chemical Safety Division- September 2011 Page 19

Chemical Safety Plan



(to be used for hazardous chemicals or processes or specialized equipment)


Prepared By:

Location (Room # and Building):

Supervisor: Phone#:

Emergency/ After-hours Phone#

(Identify hazards associated at each step of the process or equipment as

Hazard Identification:
identified in hazard assessment; include special instructions on storage and handling of
hazardous materials)

Engineering Controls:(List engineering controls e.g. fume hood, glove box, special enclosure,
automatic shut-off)

Administrative Controls :( List Specific Work Procedures e.g. handling water sensitive chemicals,
necessary training/certification to conduct this process or operate equipment, alarms etc.)

Occupational Hygiene & Chemical Safety Division- September 2011 Page 20

Chemical Safety Plan

Personal Protective Equipment: (List appropriate gloves, safety glasses, face shields, blast
shields, lab coats, aprons etc. required)

Emergency Response Procedures: (Clearly indicate procedure to be followed in the event of

accidental exposure, spill or injury)

Hazardous Waste Disposal Procedures:(All hazardous waste shall be disposed through the
University hazardous waste management system. Hazardous waste pick-up requests can be
made through Chematix)

Prepared By: Date:

Approved by: Date:

(Department Chair)

Occupational Hygiene & Chemical Safety Division- September 2011 Page 21

Chemical Safety Plan


Principal Investigator: Date:

Room & Building: Inspected By:

A. Documentation Yes No NA Comments

Are emergency procedures posted?

Is a Chemical Spill Response Guideline available?

Is the Laboratory Chemical Safety Manual available?

Is the chemical inventory available and up to date?

Are MSDSs available for all controlled products?

Are WHMIS and Chemical Safety training records available?

B. Housekeeping
Are benches and sinks clean and tidy?

Exit doors unobstructed?

Are aisles unobstructed?

No tripping hazards (e .g. cords, hoses, equipment)

No food or drink in lab

C. Emergency & Safety Equipment

Are appropriate fire extinguishers available?

Is the First Aid Kit available and fully stocked?

Are safety glasses available and in use?

Are lab coats and gloves worn?

Is emergency eyewash available and accessible?

Is emergency eyewash activated weekly and recorded?

Is an emergency shower available and accessible?

Is the spill kit available and fully stocked?

Is fumehood sash at proper operating height?

Fume hoods are clean and uncluttered.

Occupational Hygiene & Chemical Safety Division- September 2011 Page 22

Chemical Safety Plan

Are fume hoods being used for storing chemicals?

All chemicals have WHMIS compliant labels?

Chemicals segregated by compatibility class?

Chemicals dated upon receipt?

Are peroxide forming chemicals labelled with opening date?

Is the volume of flammable liquids in open lab < 25L?

Are flammables stored in intrinsically safe refrigerator?

Are all gas cylinders upright and secured?

Is hazardous waste properly stored and labelled?

Occupational Hygiene & Chemical Safety Division- September 2011 Page 23

Chemical Safety Plan

APPENDIX D: LABORATORY HAZARD SIGN ORDER FORM (One form required for each room)

Part A. General Room Information

Building & Room Number: Room/Laboratory Name: Copies of Sign

Part B. Emergency Contact Information

Primary Contact Secondary Contact
Name: Name:

Office Phone Number: Office Phone Number:

After Hours Phone: 0 Cell 0 Home After Hours Phone: 0 Cell 0 Home
Number: Number:

Part C. Hazardous Materials In Use

Check all hazards that are worked with or stored in the room.
Biological Hazards:
0 Eukaryotic cell lines or primary culture
D Human clinical specimens, primary cell lines or established cell lines
D Risk group 2 bacteria, viruses, or fungi that may be transmitted via the following routes (check agent
0 Ingestion 0 Respiratory
0 Mucous membranes
D Environmental specimens reasonably suspected of containing risk group 2 bacteria, viruses or fungi
that may be transmitted via the following routes:
D Ingestion
D Mucous membranes
0 Respiratory
D Microbial toxins including purified bacteriallipopolysaccharides
D Aerosolization experiments including respiratory challenge studies involving any microbial agent or
toxin regardless of risk group classification
D Recombinant DNA procedures involving engineered adenovirus, lentivirus or retrovirus vector
0 Live vertebrate animals
WHMIS Chemical Hazard Groups (check MSDS of chemicals present in room to
determine WHMIS groups present):
0 Compressed gases
0 Combustible and flammable materials
0 Oxidizing materials
0 Poisonous materials with immediate and serious toxic effects
0 Poisonous materials with other (long term) toxic effects
0 Corrosive materials
0 Dangerously reactive materials
Radiological Hazards:
0 Radioisotopes
0 Radiation emitting equipment including X-ray machines and irradiation sterilizers
0 Class 3b or 4 laser generator systems

Occupational Hygiene & Chemical Safety Division- September 2011 Page 24

Chem ical Safety Plan


Workplace Label - used for products decanted from original supplier container.

Corrosive - Causes severe burns
Avoid skin and eye contact
Wear safety glasses with side
shields or safety goggles
Wear neoprene (Solvex) gloves
MSDS located on Shelf #1

Product Identifier Label - this is an acceptable mode of identification if to be used by one

worker during that work shift.

Hydrochloric Acid
John Smith

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Chemical Safety Plan


Occupational Hygiene & Chemical Safety Division - September 2011 Page 26

Hazard Assessment Team Leader prepares and submits the completed report to the supervisor.
Supervisors review and retain the report and review hazard identification and controls annually or when conditions/tasks change.

Job Title or Occupation Department Completed By Date: (year/month/day)

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Columns 4/5/6 Column 7 Column 8

Task Existing and Potential Hazards {Include Hazard Controls (Include Engineering, Administrative and PPE) Are Controls in
both health and safety hazards) Classification Risk Value Place? If not, how
and when?
(Include Chemical,
Physical, X
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Ergonomic, 0 ~- ~
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Chemical Safety Plan

Name of Hazard Assessment Team Leader Signature of Hazard Assessment Team Leader Date

Name of Reviewing Supervisor Signature of Reviewing Supervisor Date

Name of Reviewing Manager Signature of Reviewing Manager Date

- - --

Incident Probability 4=Probable (may happen at least once a year)

3= Occasional (may happen once every 1-5 years)
2=Remote (not likely to happen, but possible once every 5-10 years)
!=Improbable (not likely to happen)
Potential Severity 4=Severe (death, serious injury or illness with more than 2 days in the hospital, permanent disability, extensive property damage(> $100,000), extensive off-site
environmental damage)
3=Substantial (lost time injury or illness, temporary disability, potential injury, substantial property damage(>$50,000), substantial off-site environmental
damage, significant adverse public response)
2= Minor (medical aid injury, minor illness, minor property damage <$50,000)

Occupational Hygiene & Chemical Safety Division- September 2011 Page 1

Chemical Safety Plan

!=Minimal (first aid injury)

Risk Value = Incident Probability X Potential Severity
Risk Level > 11, High Risk (take immediate action to eliminate the risk or implement appropriate controls to lower the risk)
=4-11, Medium Risk (take timely action to implement appropriate controls to lower or minimize risk)
< 4 Low Risk (continued operation is permissible with minimal controls)
• Tool must be completed by individual(s) who are completing the task identified.
• Tool can be used to evaluate all tasks for a specific occupation or all tasks associated with a specific activity.
• List all work activities in the first column (tasks) . It is acceptable to group activities together whe n the hazards encountered are the same for all of the activities
• List the existing and potential hazards associated with each task in the second column, include both health and safety hazards.
• List the type of hazard encountered in the third column. The hazards are Chemical, Biological, Physical, Ergonomic, Radiation, and Psychosocial.
• Complete the risk analysis and determine the overall risk level by assigning the Incident Probability (column 4), Incident Severity (column 5) and enter the Risk Level in column 6.
• List the current or proposed controls for each hazard identified in column 7. The complexity of the controls should be proportional to the overall risk level.
• Identify if the controls are already in place and complete in column 8. It is the responsibility of the Supervisor or designate to ensure controls are put in place in a reasonable timeframe
based on the overall Risk Level.
• Individuals completing the hazard assessment must sign off on the document.
• Supervisor must review and sign off on the document.
• The document must be kept on file by the supe rvisor or designate.
• The supervisor or designate must ensure that the results of the hazard assessment including identified controls are communicated to any impacted employee .
• The hazard assessment must be reviewed when there is an operating or infrastructure change . Only the relevant portions of the hazard assessment need to be reviewed at this time.
• The entire hazard assessment also must be reviewed at 3 year intervals.
• The EHS department has generic hazard assessments on their websites. Groups can review these hazard assessments but must ensure that their haza rd assessments are specific for
their activities. Groups wishing to share their hazard assessments can submit to EHS

(EHS Hazard Assessment Form Approva l Date: March 3, 2011)

Occupational Hygiene & Chemical Safety Division- September 2011 Page 2

Hazard Assessment Team Leader prepares and submits the completed report to the supervisor.
Supervisors review and retain the report and review hazard identification and controls annually or when conditions/tasks change.

Job Title or Occupation Department Completed By Date: (year/month/day)

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Columns 4/5/6 Column 7 Column 8

Task Existing and Potential Hazards (Include Hazard Controls (Include Engineering, Administrative and PPE) Are Controls in
both health and safety hazards) Classification Risk Value Place? If not, how
and when?
(Include Chemical,
Physical, X
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Radiation, -
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Psychosocial) :C _;: >.;:E
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Chemical Safety Plan

Name of Hazard Assessment Team Leader Signature of Hazard Assessment Team Leader Date

Name of Reviewing Supervisor Signature of Reviewing Supervisor Date


Name of Reviewing Manager Signature of Reviewing Manager Date

' - ~

Incident Probability 4=Probable (may happen at least once a year)

3= Occasional (may happen once every 1-5 years)
2=Remote (not likely to happen, but possible once every 5-10 years)
1=/mprobab/e (not likely to happen)
Potential Severity 4=Severe (death, serious injury or illness with more than 2 days in the hospital, permanent disability, extensive property damage(> $100,000), extensive off-site
environmental damage)
3=Substantia/ (lost time injury or illness, temporary disability, potential injury, substantial property damage(>$50,000), substantial off-site environmental
damage, significant adverse public response)
2= Minor (medical aid injury, minor illness, minor property damage <$50,000)

Occupational Hygiene & Chemical Safety Division- September 2011 Page 1

Chemical Safety Plan

!=Minimal (first aid injury)

Risk Value = Incident Probability X Potential Severity

Risk level > 11, High Risk (take immediate action to eliminate the risk or implement appropriate controls to lower the risk)
= 4-11, Medium Risk (take timely action to implement appropriate controls to lower or minimize risk)
< 4 Low Risk (continued operation is permissible with minimal controls)
• Tool must be completed by individual(s) who are completing the task identified.
" Tool can be used to evaluate all tasks for a specific occupation or all tasks associated with a specific activity.
" List all work activities in the first column (tasks). It is acceptable to group activities together when the hazards encountered are the same for all of the activities
• List the existing and potential hazards associated with each task in the second column, include both health and safety hazards.
• List the type of hazard encountered in the third column. The hazards are Chemical, Biological, Physical, Ergonomic, Radiation, and Psychosocial.
" Complete the risk analysis and determine the overall risk level by assigning the Incident Probability (column 4), Incident Severity (column 5) and enter the Risk Level in column 6.
" List the current or proposed controls for each hazard identified in column 7. The complexity of the controls should be proportional to the overall risk level.
• Identify if the controls are already in place and complete in column 8. It is the responsibility of the Supervisor or designate to ensure controls are put in place in a reasonable timeframe
based on the overall Risk Level.
" Individuals completing the hazard assessment must sign off on the document.
,. Supervisor must review and sign off on the document.
'" The document must be kept on file by the supervisor or designate.
" The supervisor or designate must ensure that the results of the hazard assessment including identified controls are communicated to any impacted employee.
• The hazard assessment must be reviewed when there is an operating or infrastructure change. Only the relevant portions of the hazard assessment need to be reviewed at this time.
" The entire hazard assessment also must be reviewed at 3 year intervals.
" The EHS department has generic hazard assessments on their websites. Groups can review these hazard assessments but must ensure that their hazard assessments are specific for
their activities. Groups wishing to share their hazard assessments can submit to EHS

(EHS Hazard Assessment Form Approval Date: March 3, 2011)

Occupational Hygiene & Chemical Safety Division- September 2011 Page 2

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