NHB NV7.5 NV10 Ins 3.0

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5 Transmitter

Installation Manual

Document: NHB-NV7.5-NV10-INS-3.0

Issue: 3.0 2011-11-10

Status: Standard
Nautel Limited
10089 Peggy’s Cove Road
Hackett’s Cove, NS Canada B3Z 3J4
Phone: +1.902.823.3900 or
Toll Free: +1.877.6NAUTEL (6628835) (Canada & USA only)
Fax: +1.902.823.3183

Nautel Inc.
201 Target Industrial Circle
Bangor, Maine USA 04401
Phone: +1.207.947.8200
Fax: +1.207.947.3693

Customer Service (24 hour support)

+1.877.628.8353 (Canada & USA only)
+1.902.823.5100 (International)

Email: [email protected]
Web: www.nautel.com

The comparisons and other information provided in this document

have been prepared in good faith based on publicly available
information. The reader is encouraged to consult the respective
manufacturer's most recent published data for verification.

© Copyright 2011 NAUTEL. All rights reserved.

NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Table of contents


Release control record vii

About this manual ix

About safety xi

Safety precautions xiii

Preparing for installation 1-1

Unpacking and positioning 2-1

Connecting to station reference ground 3-1

Connecting ac power 4-1

Installing the RF feed cable 5-1

Installing program inputs 6-1

Planning 6-1
Routing cables 6-1

Installing control and monitoring wiring 7-1

Planning 7-1
Routing cables 7-1

Commissioning tasks 8-1

Pre-commissioning tasks 8-1

Page v
NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Table of contents

Commissioning 8-2
Going on-air 8-3

Parts and tools 9-1

Contacting Nautel 9-1
Parts supplied by Nautel 9-1
Parts not supplied by Nautel 9-2
Parts ordering 9-2
Module replacement program 9-2
Tools for installation 9-3

Pre-installation / Installation assistance 10-1

Pre-installation consulting 10-1
Installation and commissioning service 10-1
Online documentation 10-3
On-site support 10-3
Training 10-3
Standard warranty 10-4
Extended warranties 10-7

List of terms 11-1

Page vi Issue 3.0 2011-11-10

NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual

Release control record

Issue Date Reason

3.0 2011-11-10 Release 3 of product (NARF51B)

Issue 3.0 2011-11-10 Page vii

NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual

Page viii Issue 3.0 2011-11-10

NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual

About this manual

This manual provides information about installing an NV10/NV7.5 transmitter. This manual is
intended for use by qualified, trained installers.

Technical support
Nautel offers technical support to customers over the Internet and by telephone. Nautel’s customer
support team will answer your questions and work with you to identify and resolve problems.

For 24-hour technical support, call toll free at 1.877.628.8353 (in USA and Canada only) or call
1.902.823.5100 (international) or find us on the Internet at http://www.nautel.com.

For parts and tools information, see “Parts and tools” on page 9-1 of the NV10/NV7.5 Pre-
Installation Manual.

For extended warranty information, see “Pre-installation assistance” on page 10-1 of the
NV10/NV7.5 Pre-Installation Manual.

NV10/NV7.5 transmitter manuals

The NV10/NV7.5 documentation suite includes the following documents:

NV10/NV7.5 Pre-installation Manual, NV10/NV7.5-PREINST. Provides instructions and

reference information needed when planning and preparing for the installation of an NV10/NV7.5

Nautel Site Protection Manual. Provides detailed information about protecting your site from
lightning-related hazards.

NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual, NV10/NV7.5-INST. Provides instructions and reference

information needed when installing an NV10/NV7.5 transmitter.

NV10/NV7.5 Operating and Maintenance Manual, NV10/NV7.5-OPS-MAINT. Provides

instructions for operating, maintaining and troubleshooting an NV10/NV7.5 transmitter. It also
provides reference information needed when performing diagnostic procedures.

NV10/NV7.5 Troubleshooting Manual, NV10/NV7.5-TROUBLE. Provides detailed technical

information about the NV10/NV7.5 transmitter, including electrical schematics and mechanical

Issue 3.0 2011-11-10 Page ix

NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual

Nautel website / Online resources

The Nautel website provides useful resources to keep you up to date on your NV10/NV7.5.

Nautel User Group (NUG)

The website includes a special section that customers can log into in order to access the Nautel
customer newsletter, product manuals, frequently asked questions (FAQ), information sheets, and
information about field upgrades.

Documentation: online and printed

The website’s NUG section provides online access to all the documentation for your NV10/NV7.5.
Documentation is provided in Acrobat (PDF) format. You can use the documentation online or print
the sections that you need.

When using online documents:

• Click on blue text (hyperlinks) to jump to a related section, or to get additional information
(e.g., view a term’s definition).

• To search a document to find keywords, use Find in Acrobat Reader’s Edit menu.

• To quickly find a specific section, click the section in the PDF file’s Bookmarks list.

When using printed documents:

• To find keywords, go to the Index section at the end of the manual.

• To find a specific term, go to the List of Terms section near the end of the manual.

Page x Issue 3.0 2011-11-10

NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual

About safety
All Nautel transmitters are designed to meet the requirements of EN60215, Safety Requirements for
Radio Transmitters.

The philosophy of EN60215 is that the removal of any cover or panel that can only be opened using
a tool is a maintenance activity, and that any person performing a maintenance activity is expected to
be trained for that activity. Under EN60215, it is assumed that trained personnel will be
knowledgeable and will take precautions such as removing all power to the transmitter before
accessing its components.

Electrical hazards
To remove power from the transmitter, switch off and lock out the ac power. There are three amber
LEDs at the bottom rear of the cabinet that glow to remind anyone who has not turned off the
power that the system is live and serious danger is present.


Indicates dangerous voltage (in excess of 72 volts), capable of causing a fatal

electrical shock, are present on or near parts bearing this label.

WARNING: It is not enough to switch off RF power. The power line is

still connected. Disconnect and lock out the upstream supply before

Mount the transmitter ac power disconnect switch/breaker close to the transmitter so that it can be
reached quickly in an emergency. Clearly label the disconnect switch/breaker (e.g., EMERGENCY

After turning off the power, always perform a measurement to confirm that the power is off before
touching anything within the transmitter. If the wrong breaker was opened, the equipment will be

WARNING: Do not use an ordinary multimeter to check for voltage,

since it may have been left inadvertently on the AMP (A) range,
triggering a short and an arc blast that could result in severe burns
and even death.

Issue 3.0 2011-11-10 Page xi

NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual

Use only a non-contact voltage probe or a safety voltmeter (available from vendors such as Fluke,
Ideal, and Teagam).

Use a proper lockout procedure to ensure that another worker cannot accidentally reapply power
while you are performing maintenance on any part of the transmitter or site.

Lightning hazards
Before opening the transmitter and touching internal parts, remove and solidly ground the antenna

WARNING: It is not enough to ground the antenna terminal with the

antenna still connected. Even a small impedance in the ground strap
will result in lethal voltages during a lightning strike.

RF hazards
A serious RF hazard and very high voltages exist in the vicinity of the antenna and its networks
during normal operations.

Toxic hazards
There are devices used in this equipment containing beryllium oxide ceramic, which is non-hazardous
during normal device operation and under normal device failure conditions. These devices are
specifically identified with “(BeO)” in the Description column of the Troubleshooting Manual’s parts

Do not cut, crush or grind devices because the resulting dust may be hazardous if inhaled.
Unserviceable devices should be disposed of as harmful waste.

Physical hazards

Fan blades can cause injury. Lock out power before removing safety features.

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual

Other hazards
Ensure that appropriate fire alarms and fire extinguishers are available. Extinguishers must be suitable
for use on electrical fires.

Many other site safety risks exist. It is beyond the scope of this manual to identify all the risks and

Safety precautions
This section provides very important information about protecting the safety of personnel and

• Personal safety - see page xiii

• Site safety - see page xiv

• Equipment safety - see page xvi

Personal safety
The training of any personnel who will have physical access to the site or the transmitter is very
important. Personnel must be familiar with the transmitter, so that they can avoid physical danger,
and be aware of hazards to themselves and the equipment.

Nautel offers a number of training courses covering the basic fundamentals of RF systems and
transmitters, and the operation and maintenance of the transmitter. For more information about
available courses and schedules, go to the Nautel website at http://www.nautel.com/Training.aspx,
or ask your Nautel sales representative.

Site orientation
When you give personnel access to the transmitter site (e.g., hiring new personnel, or giving access
keys to personnel), perform a site orientation to ensure that they are familiar with the site, on-site
procedures, and on-site hazards. Cover the following topics:

• Securing the site (locking doors and fences) to prevent unauthorized access

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual

• How and when to call for technical support or emergency assistance

• Areas of the site and pieces of equipment that are off limits

Voltage awareness
Ensure that all personnel that are able to access areas with high voltage circuits or high field strengths
are aware of the hazards associated with high voltage. Cover the following topics:

• High voltage or high field strength areas where caution is required

• Physical risks of electric shock

• Risks for personnel with pacemakers or other medical implants

• Induced voltages in high field strength areas

• On-site risks during thunderstorms and lightning strikes

• Operation of safety interlocks (if installed)

First aid
Nautel does not offer first aid training, since the hazards associated with high voltage and RF energy
are not specific to the transmitter. However, the customer should provide first aid training to all per-
sonnel who have access to the transmitter site. First aid training should include CPR, care of burns,
artificial respiration, and defibrillation if specific equipment is available on-site.

Site safety
Controlling access
Transmitters and antennas generate and carry dangerous voltages that can be harmful or fatal. It is
very important that you control access to the site and its equipment. To secure your transmitter site,

• Locking steel or security doors to prevent casual access

• A perimeter fence to keep trespassers away from the antenna system and feedline

• “No Trespassing” signs

• An alarm system

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual

Marking hazards
Place warning signs close to any hazardous areas or systems (e.g., the feedline or the antenna system).
Make the signs large enough that they cannot be missed. Provide signage in all languages used in the
region. These signs are intended not only for authorized personnel, but also for emergency
responders or accidental trespassers.

Qualifying site personnel

Make sure that personnel who have access to the site are qualified to work around electronics and
high voltage systems.

Ac power protection
You should take steps to protect equipment from surges (over-voltage spikes) on the ac power lines.
Surges may occur during thunderstorms, or because of malfunctions in the electrical distribution grid.
Surge suppressors and ac power conditioners can prevent serious damage to your on-site equipment,
including the transmitter.

RF protection
Transmitters and their antenna systems create intense radio frequency fields at the transmitter site,
particularly near the feedline, antenna and tower. At some sites, these fields may cause biological
effects, including the heating of body tissues. Intense fields can also create dangerous high voltages
on ungrounded, conductive surfaces and objects. At certain points where high voltage conductors
come close to grounded conductors (e.g., at feedline junctions or on the tower), dangerous electrical
arcing or flashovers can occur. It is very important that you take the following steps to prevent
damage to equipment or personnel due to RF fields:

• Use safety interlocks to de-energize transmitters if personnel open doors or panels accessing
high field areas

• Place warning signs in any locations where high fields can occur

• Train personnel about the short-term and long-term hazards of RF radiation

• Physically block access to the area around the antenna system, feedline and tower

• Ground all exposed conductive surfaces or objects in high field areas

The RF connection to the transmitter output can be a serious safety hazard. Connect a 50 Ω test load
during installation and commissioning. It is recommended that a switch be used to automatically
connect the transmitter to the antenna system without human contact with the transmitting

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual

Safety interlocks
The transmitter contains an electrical interlock, which is an external circuit that turns off the RF
output if any of its switches are opened.

Ac disconnect switch
Safe operation of the transmitter requires an ac disconnect switch. Lock the ac disconnect switch in
the disconnected (open) position during the installation process.

Equipment safety
Electrostatic protection
The transmitter’s systems are very rugged and resistant to damage. However, it is possible for damage
to occur because of high voltage electrostatic discharges during servicing. Train all service personnel
to ground themselves to bleed off any static charge before opening the transmitter or touching any
exposed components. Provide a grounding wand or known ground (e.g., a grounded metal table) that
personnel can use to discharge themselves.

Surge protection
Surge protection is recommended for your entire site. However, even if you do not use a surge
protector on the service entrance to the site, you should install a surge protector in the transmitter’s
ac power feed to prevent over-voltage from entering the transmitter.

Lightning protection
The transmitter is designed to resist lightning strike damage. However, intense or repeated strikes
could damage the transmitter. We recommend that you install lightning suppression on the antenna,
tower and feedline to reduce the effect of lightning strikes on the transmitter itself (and to protect the
rest of your site equipment and your personnel). For detailed information about lightning protection,
see the Nautel Site Preparation Manual, available from your Nautel sales agent, or online from the
Nautel website.

Physical protection
Consider physical hazards to equipment at your site, including the transmitter. Ensure that equipment
is protected from weather (e.g., rain or flooding), even during extreme weather events. Place
equipment so that it is not in the path of swinging doors or high-traffic areas. Do not allow wheeled
items like office chairs or tables with wheels in the transmitter room, as these may damage equipment
if accidentally pushed or knocked over. Do not place the transmitter under water pipes, drains, or
sprinklers. Keep any equipment that generates heat, like the transmitter, away from flammable
materials like ceiling panels, cubicle dividers, and curtains.

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual

Earthquake protection
If the transmitter site is in a region that experiences any noticeable earthquake activity, take steps to
prevent the transmitter from shifting or rocking during an earthquake. Even during minor
earthquakes, rocking or movement of the transmitter is likely to damage the feedline connection, and
could even cause a catastrophic failure of the ac power feed into the transmitter. During larger
earthquakes, the weight of the transmitter chassis could be hazardous to nearby equipment or

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Preparing for installation

Section 1: Preparing for installation

Before installing your NV10/NV7.5 transmitter, perform the following steps:

1. Ensure that you have performed the pre-installation tasks described in the
NV10/NV7.5 Pre-installation Manual.

2. Make sure that you received all the components. (Check your packing list.)

3. Inspect all crates and packages for damage.

4. Report any damage immediately to your Nautel sales representative and the carrier.

5. Move the crates as close as possible to the transmitter’s planned location.

6. Unpack the crates in accordance with the instructions provided on the outside of the crates.

• For each crate, remove the panel labelled open this side. The panel is attached using
Philips head screws.

• Remove any visible packing material, including braces, from the crate's interior.

7. Review any assembly notes or instructions contained inside the transmitter crates. (For sites
requiring custom configurations, the instructions provided with the transmitter replace the
instructions provided here.)

8. Assemble your parts and tools. For a list of required tools, see “Parts and tools” on page 9-1.

9. When you are ready to install the NV10/NV7.5 transmitter, follow the steps shown in
Figure 1.1 on page 1-2.

TIP When you have completed a task or step, put a check mark beside the step


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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Preparing for installation

Figure 1.1: Flowchart - Installing the transmitter

Unpacking and positioning - see page 2-1

Connecting to station reference ground - see page 3-1

Connecting ac power - see page 4-1

Installing the RF feed cable - see page 5-1

Installing program inputs - see page 6-1

Installing control and monitoring wiring - see page 7-1

Commissioning tasks - see page 8-1

Perform operational tasks:

“Commissioning” and “Going on-air”, beginning on page 8-2

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Unpacking and positioning

Section 2: Unpacking and positioning

To install an NV10/NV7.5 transmitter, perform the following tasks:

1. Lift and slide the transmitter cabinet off the base of its crate. Crated and uncrated cabinet
weights are shown in Table 2.1.

Do not attempt to move the transmitter unless sufficient manpower
or mechanical assistance is available to move it into position without
damaging the cabinet or causing injury to personnel.

Table 2.1: NV10/NV7.5 Cabinet Weights

Cabinet Crated Weight Uncrated Weight

Transmitter Cabinet 315 kg (695 lbs) 188 kg (415 lbs)

2. Using necessary mechanical assistance (forklift, etc.), position the cabinet in its final location.
Open the front door.

3. If you purchased the “Anchor Bracket Kit” (Nautel Part # 206-5021-01) to anchor your
transmitter against seismic activity, locate the kit in your ancillary crate. The kit contains four
angle brackets and four sets of M10 hardware (bolts, flat washer and split washer). Install the
four angle brackets to the transmitter as shown in Figure 8 on page 2-3. Secure the brackets
to the transmitter room floor with user-provided hardware that is suitable for 1/2-inch
diameter holes. Readjust the leveling from Step 4, by adding shims as necessary.

4. As desired, remove the two M8 shipping screws in the back of each RF power module. These
screws do not need to be removed unless you are removing an RF power module from the
transmitter. After they have been removed the shipping screws are no longer required.

5. Remove the grey, plastic power supply shipping panel in the lower, front compartment of the
transmitter cabinet (covers the module power supplies). The panel is secured using M4

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Unpacking and positioning

Figure 2.1: Installing Seismic Anchoring Brackets

6. Remove the output cover packing plate from the RF output connector on top of the
transmitter. The packing plate - along with two or three spacer plates (depending on the RF
output connector size) - is secured using four M6 screws. Remove only the packing plate.
Leave the spacer plates in place. If necessary, refer to Figures 4.1 through 4.3 (as applicable)
in section 4 of the Operations and Maintenance Manual to verify proper orientation of the RF
output connector plates.

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Unpacking and positioning

7. Obtain the “Output Stud Plate”, which was bagged and packed with the ancillaries. Using the
M6 screws retained in Step 7, install the output stud plate on top of the spacer plates. Firmly
tighten M6 hardware. Note that the output stud plate’s studs contain the necessary securing
hardware (nuts, flat washers and split washers) to connect the RF output to a dummy load or
the antenna system in Section 8, “Commissioning tasks”. For 7/8 inch EIA RF outputs, you
will also need to install adapter JS59, which was also packed with the ancillaries.

8. Verify that the ac power cable conduit from the ac disconnect switch reaches the ac entrance
hole at the top of the cabinet. Ac power cables will be connected in Section 4, “Connecting
ac power”.

9. Verify that the RF feed cable reaches the RF output connector on the top of the cabinet. The
RF feed cable will be connected in Section 5, “Installing the RF feed cable”.

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Unpacking and positioning

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Connecting to station reference ground

Section 3: Connecting to station reference

To connect to the station reference ground, perform the following steps:

See Figure 3.1 on page 3-2 as an installation guide.

1. Locate the safety ground stud assembly (E1) for the transmitter at the bottom rear of the

2. Attach a continuous, low impedance conductor (minimum four-inch copper strap, or

equivalent wire) between the station reference ground and the stud assembly (E1) in the
cabinet. Ensure the reference ground conductor is at least 3 mm (1/8 in) from the cabinet’s

It is important that the conductor attached to E1 does not contact the transmitter
chassis at any other point.

3. For information about grounding the lightning protection, see the NV10/NV7.5 Pre-
Installation Manual.

For detailed information about lightning protection, see the Nautel Site Preparation Manual,
available from your Nautel sales agent, or online from the Nautel website.

4. Firmly tighten all hardware.

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Connecting to station reference ground

Figure 3.1: Station Reference Ground Strap Connection

E1 Conductor From Station

(copper strap shown) Reference Ground

Do not allow conductor to contact the
transmitter chassis at any other point.

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Connecting ac power

Section 4: Connecting ac power

Connect the main ac power and, if applicable, the UPS backup power source to the the transmitter as

1. Switch off the main ac power at the service entrance. Remove the rear filter panels to allow
access to the ac input terminal block (see Figure 4.1 on page 4-3).

2. Get two ferrite toroids (Nautel Part # LP23, 85.7 mm) from the ancillary kit.

WARNING: Ensure that wiring sizes are appropriate. Ac wiring must be

installed by a qualified, locally-certified electrician.

3. Select the appropriate wire size for your main ac power cables. See the NV10/NV7.5 Pre-
Installation Manual for assistance.

4. Run the main ac power cables in a suitable 1-1/4 inch conduit, from the ac disconnect switch
to the top of the transmitter. Pass all main ac power source wires, including the ground wire,
through the ferrite toroids obtained in Step 2. If practical, wires should pass through a
minimum of two times (two turns). An ac entry hole is provided at the top of the transmitter
to accept 1-1/4 in. conduit.

5. Verify that the station reference ground is connected to the safety ground stud at the back of
the cabinet.

6. Route the main ac power cables from the ac entry hole to the ac input terminal block (TB1)
(Figure 4.1 on page 4-3). Secure the cables within the transmitter using Nautel Part #
HAC15 snap-mount tyraps (for 0.25” holes), which are provided in the ancillary kit.

7. Cut each wire to the required length and remove approximately 1.9 cm (3/4 in.) of insulation
from the end of each conductor.

8. Connect the main ac power source as follows:

• For three-phase ac power sources connect the three ac line inputs to terminals 1A (L1),
2A (L2) and 3A (L3) of terminal block TB1. Connect the ac neutral (as required, such as
with ac power source voltages between 312 and 457 V ac) to terminal 4A (N). Secure all
wires in their respective terminals. Torque securing hardware on TB1 to 13.6 N-m (120
in-lbs) using the 3/16 inch hex wrench in the ancillary kit

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Connecting ac power

• For single-phase ac power sources (European/Asian standards), connect the ac line and
neutral inputs to terminals 1A (L1) and 2A (L2/N) respectively. Connect the ac ground to
the station reference ground terminal. Secure all wires in their respective terminals.
Torque securing hardware on TB1 to 13.6 N-m (120 in-lbs) using the 1/2 inch hex
wrench in the ancillary kit.

• For single-phase ac power sources (North American standards), connect the two 110 V
ac lines (neutral not required) to terminals 1A (L1) and 2A (L2/N). Connect the ac ground
to the station reference ground terminal. Secure all wires in their respective terminals.
Torque securing hardware on TB1 to 13.6 N-m (120 in-lbs) using the 1/2 inch hex
wrench in the ancillary kit.

9. Reinstall the rear filter panels.

10. If your transmitter contains the optional UPS interface assembly (A100), connect a user-
provided UPS as follows:

Refer to the Electrical Requirements section of the NV10/NV7.5 Pre-installation Manual to
ensure your UPS meets the minimum electrical requirements.

• Connect the user-provided ac cables (with IEC 60320 C-13 plugs) between the UPS and
the UPS interface assembly on top of the transmitter cabinet (see Figure 4.2 on page 4-

• If you want to operate without a UPS, refer to the “Non-Standard Maintenance” section
of the NV10/NV7.5 Operations and Maintenance Manual to change ac connections within
the transmitter.

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Connecting ac power

Figure 4.1: Ac Input Terminal Block Connections




NC = No Connection

Rear panels removed

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Connecting ac power

Figure 4.2: UPS Interface Assembly Connections



+12 V PS A +12 V PS B

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Installing the RF feed cable

Section 5: Installing the RF feed cable

Prepare and install an RF feed coaxial cable as follows:

Nautel recommends that you perform the commissioning procedure in Section 8,
“Commissioning tasks” before connecting the transmitter to its antenna system.

1. Make sure that the ac power is turned off at the ac service entrance.

2. Connect the transmitter's RF output to a dummy load, if available, during the commissioning
procedure's initial turn on. If the RF feed cable is not connected to a switching circuit that
permits antenna/dummy load selection, connect the RF feed cable for the dummy load to
the transmitter's RF output until transmitter commissioning is complete.

3. Verify the RF feed cable is in place and is cut to the required length. Do not install the EIA
flange connector at this point.

4. Get two ferrite toroids (Nautel Part # LP23, 2.187” inner diameter) from the ancillary kit.
These toroids are sufficient to accommodate 1-5/8 inch coaxial cable or hardline. If larger
ferrite toroids are required, the user must provide them. Install two ferrite toroids on the
transmitter end of the coaxial cable or hardline.

5. Install the appropriate size EIA flange connector on the feed cable.

The transmitter’s RF output connector is an an optional EIA flanged output
connection (3-1/8 inch, 1-5/8 inch or 7/8 inch), which is user-specified.

6. If the RF feed cable's EIA flange connector does not have a male connector for the centre
conductor, obtain an EIA bullet for the EIA flange connector.

It is extremely important that the EIA bullet is properly inserted in the EIA flange
connector in Step 6 and then in the cup connector in Step 8. It is highly
recommended that you obtain and use a new EIA bullet. Use sufficient insertion
force to ensure low contact resistance. Failure to observe these recommendations
may result in damage to the transmitter.

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Installing the RF feed cable

7. Locate and remove the hardware (nuts, split washers and flat washers) from the output stud
plate on the top of the transmitter RF output connector. The size of the hardware depends
on the size of the RF output connector (3/8 inch hardware for 3-1/8 output; 5/16 hardware
for 1-5/8 and 7/8 output).

8. Carefully install the RF feed cable's EIA flange connector on the RF connector’s flange-
mounting studs. Ensure its bullet mates with the rigidly mounted cup connector inside the
RF output connector. Secure using attaching hardware removed in Step 7. Ensure nuts are
firmly tightened

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Installing program inputs

Section 6: Installing program inputs

This section describes how to route program input wiring to the NV10/NV7.5 transmitter’s

Make sure you have read and fully understood the program input options described in the NV10/
NV7.5 Pre-installation Manual before proceeding.

Routing cables
See Figure 6.1 on page 6-2 and Figure 6.2 on page 6-3.

Route the desired analog and digital program input cables to the back of the NV10/NV7.5’s exciters .

1. Route program input cables through the cable entry hole in the top, rear of the cabinet.

2. Route all cables through an appropriate sized ferrite toroid, provided in the ancillary kit, then
to the back of the exciter(s) (A3 and A4, as applicable). If possible, route the cable through
two turns of the ferrite toroid. Secure the cables within the transmitter using Nautel Part #
HAC15 snap-mount tyraps (for 0.25” holes), which are provided in the ancillary kit.

3. Remove plastic cap-plugs from the connectors on the exciters.

4. Connect the appropriate program input cable(s) to the exciter connector(s) described in
“Analog inputs” or “Digital inputs” in the NV10/NV7.5 Pre-installation Manual.

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Installing program inputs

Figure 6.1: Routing Program Input Cables


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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Installing program inputs

Figure 6.2: Program Input Connections


10 MHz




SCA1 and SCA2

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Installing program inputs

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Installing control and monitoring wiring

Section 7: Installing control and

monitoring wiring
This section describes how to route wiring associated with the remote control and monitoring of the
NV10/NV7.5 transmitter.

Make sure you have read and fully understood the control and monitoring options described in the
NV10/NV7.5 Pre-installation Manual before proceeding.

Routing cables
1. Route remote control/monitor cables through the left or right-hand cable entry hole in the
top of the cabinet. See Figure 7.1 on page 7-2.

2. Route the remote control and monitor cables through a ferrite toroid (Nautel Part # LXP38,
provided in the ancillary kit), then toward the remote interface PWB (A2), located behind the
front door. See Figure 7.2 on page 7-3. If possible, pass the cables through the ferrite toroid
a minimum of two times (two turns).Secure the cables within the transmitter using Nautel
Part # HT52 snap-mount tyraps (for 0.213” holes), which are provided in the ancillary kit.

3. Connect the appropriate control/monitor cable(s) to the connector(s) described in the

“Digital inputs”, “Digital outputs” or “Analog outputs” section of the NV10/NV7.5
Pre-installation Manual. Note: The transmitter’s ancillary kit contains 8-pole mini-plugs (Nautel
Part # JU33) and 2-pole mini-plugs (Nautel Part # JU32) to facilitate these connections.

4. If you are using web based control for the transmitter, route an Ethernet (shielded Cat5)
cable to the control/interface PWB (A1), also located behind the front door. Connect the
Ethernet cable to connector J21 on the control/interface PWB. See Figure 7.2 on page 7-3.

5. If you are using an external interlock control for the transmitter, route a shielded cable to the
control/interface PWB (A1), also located behind the front door. Connect the shielded cable
to terminal block TB2 (between INTLK terminals 1 and 2) on the control/interface PWB. See
Figure 7.2 on page 7-3.

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Installing control and monitoring wiring

Figure 7.1: Remote Cable Entry


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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Installing control and monitoring wiring

Figure 7.2: Remote Control/Interface and Web Interface Connections

PWB Connector TB2 PWB

J3 J4 J5 J6




J13/J12 J10


Web Interface

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Installing control and monitoring wiring

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Commissioning tasks

Section 8: Commissioning tasks

WARNING: Before applying ac power and turning on the transmitter,
you must customize some circuits to the station's power source and
operating requirements. Do not perform this pre-commissioning
unless you are a station engineer or a competent electronics

The transmitter contains solid-state devices that may be damaged if subjected to excessive heat or
high-voltage transients. Ensure that circuits are not overdriven or disconnected from their loads while
turned on.

The transmitter was precisely calibrated and tested during manufacturing. Do not change any
adjustments other than those specified

Pre-commissioning tasks
1. Terminate the transmitter's RF output into a precision, 50 Ω, resistive dummy load that is
able to dissipate the RF power being applied to it: 10 kW (NV10) or 7.5 kW (NV7.5) rated
power, 15 kW (NV10) or 11.2 kW (NV7.5) total required.

2. Verify that all panels are installed, and that their attaching hardware is firmly tightened.

3. Verify all program input is connected to the back of the exciter(s).

If a jumper is placed between interlock inputs TB2-1/2 on the control/
interface pwb, safety features controlled by the external interlocks
will be disabled. A fail safe method of alerting personnel to this fact
should be implemented. Voltages which are dangerous to life will be
present on the RF output stages and the antenna system if the
transmitter is turned on.

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Commissioning tasks

4. Perform a visual inspection of the connectors that mate with the single-board computer
(SBC, U6), located on the back of the front door. Pay particular attention to ribbon cable
connectors U6W1P1 (mates with U6U1-COM2) and U6W2P1 (mates with U6U1COM3). If
these connectors are disconnected or seem dislodged in any way, refer to the “Single-Board
Computer (SBC) Replacement” procedure in the NV10/NV7.5 Troubleshooting Manual to
determine proper connection and orientation.

5. Close the external interlock (if installed). If an external interlock is not installed, simulate the
closing of the external interlocks by applying a short circuit between TB2-1 and TB2-2 of the
control/interface PWB (A1).

6. Set the switch on the front of each RF power module to its ‘up’ position.

Turning on the transmitter
1. Switch on the ac power at the service entrance to turn on the transmitter. Confirm the ac
voltage, noting the factory configuration label is provided near the ac input terminal block.

2. Check the alarm and status indications on the control cabinet’s AUI (Transmitter Status
page). See the NV10/NV7.5 Operating and Maintenance Guide.

3. Select Local control.

4. Using the AUI, select Preset 4, which is factory set for minimum RF output power (in FM

5. Press RF On. The RF On button will turn green.

6. Increase the power to normal operating levels while monitoring the Transmitter Status
page for alarms.

7. Set up or select the desired operating preset. See the NV10/NV7.5 Operating and Maintenance

8. Set the correct time and date on the AUI display. See the NV10/NV7.5 Operating and
Maintenance Manual.

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Commissioning tasks

Going on-air
If a jumper is placed between interlock inputs TB2-1/TB2-2 on the
control/interface pwb, safety features controlled by the external
interlocks will be disabled. A fail safe method of alerting personnel to
this fact should be implemented. Voltages which are dangerous to life
will be present on the RF output stages and the antenna system if the
transmitter is turned on.

Important: Before going on the air, if you want the safety interlocks to operate properly, the shorting
jumpers installed in “Pre-commissioning tasks” on page 8-1, Step 5 should be removed.

1. Turn off the power using the ac disconnect switch, if one is being used, or else at the ac

2. Connect the transmitter's RF output to an antenna system (or verify that the current
connection is intact).

3. Turn the transmitter’s ac power back on.

4. Verify audio input levels using the AUI.

5. Use the AUI controls to begin transmitter operations. For detailed instructions, refer to the
NV10/NV7.5 Operating and Maintenance Manual.

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Commissioning tasks

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Parts and tools

Section 9: Parts and tools

This section describes parts associated with the NV10/NV7.5 transmitter, and tools needed during
installation and routine operation. Topics include:

• Parts supplied by Nautel

• Parts not supplied by Nautel - see page 9-2

• Parts ordering - see page 9-2

• Module replacement program - see page 9-2

• Tools for installation - see page 9-3

Contacting Nautel
You can reach Nautel to order parts or for technical assistance at:

Nautel Limited
10089 Peggy’s Cove Road
Hackett’s Cove, NS Canada B3Z 3J4
Phone: +1.902.823.3900
Fax: +1.902.823.3183

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.nautel.com

Parts supplied by Nautel

Ancillary parts kit
An ancillary parts kit is shipped with the NV10/NV7.5. This kit contains items needed during the
installation process. The kit includes toroids, spare fuses, screws, miscellaneous hardware and some
installation tools.

Issue 3.0 2011-11-10 Page 9-1

NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Parts and tools

See “NV40 transmitter manuals” on page xi.

Parts not supplied by Nautel

Some parts and materials required to complete installation are not supplied by Nautel. The parts you
need vary with the installation requirements. The list of parts you normally provide yourself during
installation include:

• A suitable 50 Ω RF output coaxial cable, terminated by the proper connector, complete with
center male connector at the transmitter end.

• All external control and monitor wiring, including the associated terminating devices, con-
duit and conduit clamps.

• All electrical power cables, including conduit, terminating devices, and conduit clamps.

Parts ordering
You can order replacement parts from your Nautel sales agent, or directly from Nautel through the
Nautel website.

Module replacement program

Nautel offers a module replacement program for customers who require expedited servicing and
replacement of faulty modules. The module replacement program provides immediate replacement
of failed modules with refurbished modules.

• The replacement module is shipped to the customer as soon as the customer reports the
failure. The customer then returns the failed module to Nautel using the same shipping

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Parts and tools

Tools for installation

The tools you need during transmitter installation include the following:

• Digital voltmeter (recommend 1000 V, CAT-III rating)

• Philips screwdrivers, sizes #1 and #2

• Pliers

• Wire cutters

• Hex wrenches (Allen keys) (some provided in ancillary kit)

• Torque wrench with hex adapter, capable of 120 in-lbs (13.6 N-m)

• Metric and Imperial socket set up to 24 mm (15/16 inch)

• Metric and Imperial wrench set up to 25 mm (1 inch)

• Electrician’s knife

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Parts and tools

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Pre-installation / Installation assistance

Section 10: Pre-installation / Installation

Nautel provides a number of support options to help you during pre-installation planning and

• Pre-installation consulting

• Installation and commissioning service

• Online documentation - see page 10-3

• On-site support - see page 10-3

• Training - see page 10-3

• Standard warranty - see page 10-4

• Extended warranties - see page 10-7

Pre-installation consulting
Nautel field support specialists are available to answer questions and work with you to ensure that your
site will be ready for the installation of your NV10/NV7.5 transmitter. For support, contact Nautel
Customer Service and request assistance (“On-site support” on page 10-3).

Installation and commissioning service

Nautel offers an installation and commissioning service to customers who want assistance with
configuring and commissioning a new Nautel transmitter. After the customer completes the
transmitter assembly and installation, Nautel technical personnel will spend up to three days on-site
to help make the ac power, RF and remote connections, and to assist with the configuration and
testing of Nautel equipment.

The customer is responsible for ensuring that the following stages of installation have been
completed, prior to the arrival of Nautel personnel:

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Pre-installation / Installation assistance

• Ac power wiring for the transmitter has been installed and connected at the breaker panel or
the building’s service entrance. If local electrical codes allow Nautel personnel to connect the
transmitter to the ac supply, using the customer's cable, that task is included in this service.
Otherwise, the customer must ensure that an approved electrician is present for this task.

• The customer has prepared the RF coaxial cable – used to connect the transmitter to the
antenna – and installed the required connector. The customer has also installed the RF coax-
ial cable in place and connected it to the antenna, while leaving the transmitter end of the
cable unconnected.

• Where required, all remote control and monitoring cables have been installed and connected
to the station equipment (e.g., modulation monitor, frequency monitor, and power meter).

• The site has been made ready for the equipment, and adequate protection against lightning
and lightning-induced transients has been provided.

• The transmitter has been unpacked, closely checked for any damage caused by shipping, and
then assembled.

• The following test equipment has been made available at the site:

– Two-channel oscilloscope (with probes)

– Audio signal generator

– Distortion analyzer

– Spectrum analyzer

– Modulation monitor

– Frequency counter

– 50 Ω test load (rated for 150% of carrier power, VSWR less than 1.1:1)

Nautel’s service representative takes full responsibility for commissioning the transmitter, validating
all external interfaces (i.e., the ac supply, RF output, remote control and monitoring equipment) and
checking out the equipment prior to activation. The service representative turns on the transmitter,
performs all adjustments and set-up procedures, and carries out proof of performance tests at the site.

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Pre-installation / Installation assistance

These tests ensure that the transmitter is operating normally in compliance with its specifications.
The service representative also provides a demonstration and a short explanation of the operation of
the transmitter. Finally, the customer signs an Acceptance of Installation Certificate that provides feedback
to Nautel regarding the commissioning service.

Online documentation
Nautel provides documentation online to customers, letting you familiarize yourself with
specifications, operation, maintenance and troubleshooting prior to the delivery of your equipment.
(Documentation is also provided on CDROM and in paper binders that are delivered with the

On-site support
If you require on-site assistance, Nautel’s field support specialists can help you prepare your site and
ensure that your NV10/NV7.5 transmitter installation can proceed as quickly as possible. For more
information about on-site support, including scheduling and pricing, contact Nautel Customer

• Telephone: +1.902.823.3900

• Fax: +1.902.823.3183

• Email: [email protected]

After business hours (Atlantic time or Eastern time in North America), requests sent by fax or email
will be acknowledged within one working day.

Nautel's SBE-certified broadcast training programs satisfy your day-to-day knowledge requirements.
Students participating in Nautel's broadcast transmitter or RF basics training programs earn one SBE
credit for each completed day of training.

Nautel’s comprehensive selection of training programs will help customer staff develop valuable skill
sets, reduce downtime, and make the most of the customer’s technology investment.

Issue 3.0 2011-11-10 Page 10-3

NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Pre-installation / Installation assistance

Nautel training programs are made up of individual modules that can be 'mixed and matched' to meet
the customer’s specific training needs. All Nautel training courses are available at the Nautel Training
Center. Training can also be provided at the customer’s facility, and training the customer’s technical
staff on the customer’s transmitter.

All training courses at the Nautel Training Centre combine classroom and hands-on laboratory work
to ensure a balanced learning experience.

Nautel training courses feature:

• Limited class sizes to ensure maximum student participation and access to equipment

• Emphasis on need-to-know, day-to-day knowledge

• Labs that focus on the tasks most often performed at the transmitter site.

Many of our classes also include diagnostic lab exercises.

Standard warranty
Nautel Limited/Nautel Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as Nautel, guarantees all mechanical and
electrical parts of the equipment for a period of 13 months from date of shipment.

1. A "Part Failure" shall be deemed to have occurred when the part has become defective, or
does not have the characteristics required for the specified equipment performance:

(a) When the equipment is operated within the design parameters, and

(b) When the equipment is installed and adjusted according to Nautel's prescribed
procedures as stated in the instruction manual.

2. Nautel shall provide replacements for all "Parts" at no cost to the Customer when they
become defective during the warranty period, and upon the return of the defective part.

3. In the event that a "Part" fails during the warranty period and causes damage to a sub-
assembly that cannot be readily repaired in the field, the entire sub-assembly so damaged
may be returned to Nautel for repair. The repairs will be made without charge to the

4. Where warranty replacements or repair are provided under items 2 or 3, Nautel will pay that
part of the shipping costs incurred in returning the part/assembly to the Customer.

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Pre-installation / Installation assistance

5. Warranty replacement parts and repair, which are provided under items 2 or 3, shall be
guaranteed for a period of ninety days from date of shipment or until the end of the original
warranty period, whichever occurs later.

6. Nautel will not assume responsibility for any charges incurred by other than Nautel

7. Nautel shall have the privilege of investigating whether failures have been caused by factors
beyond its control.

8. Nautel shall in no event be liable for any consequential damages arising from the use of this

9. When requesting a warranty repair/replacement, please provide complete and accurate

information. Observe the instructions regarding “Equipment being returned to Nautel” on
page 10-6 and provide the information requested.

10. When ordering spare/replacement parts, please provide complete and accurate information.
Refer to the parts list of the Repair manual for ordering information. Provide as much of the
information requested for 'Equipment Being Returned to Nautel' on page two of this
warranty as is practical. The information identified by an asterisk is the minimum required.

Technical assistance
Nautel's field service department provides telephone technical assistance on a 24 hour, seven days a
week basis. Requests by other media (fax or e-mail) will be responded to the next working day if
received after Nautel's normal working hours. Contact the appropriate field service centre:

Nautel Limited
10089 Peggy’s Cove Road
Hackett’s Cove, NS Canada B3Z 3J4
Phone: +1.902.823.3900 or
Toll Free: +1.877.6NAUTEL (6628835) (Canada & USA only)
Fax: +1.902.823.3183

Nautel Inc.
201 Target Industrial Circle
Bangor, Maine USA 04401
Phone: +1.207.947.8200
Fax: +1.207.947.3693

Customer Service (24 hour support)

+1.877.628.8353 (Canada & USA only)

Issue 3.0 2011-11-10 Page 10-5

NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Pre-installation / Installation assistance

+1.902.823.5100 (International)

Email: [email protected]
Web: www.nautel.com

Module exchange service

In order to provide Nautel customers with a fast and efficient service in the event of a problem,
Nautel operates a factory rebuilt, module exchange service which takes full advantage of the high
degree of module redundancy in Nautel equipment. This module exchange service is operated from
Nautel's factory in Bangor, Maine and Hackett's Cove, Nova Scotia. These two locations allow us to
provide a quick turn around service to keep our customers on the air. During the transmitter's
warranty period, up to thirteen months from shipment, repair and exchange of modules is at no
charge to the customer. When the warranty has expired, a charge of 80% of the list price for all
exchanged modules is made. If the faulty module is returned to Nautel within 30 days, a credit is
issued reducing this charge by one half to 40% of the list price. USA customers are required to
contact our Bangor, Maine facility. Canadian and overseas customers should contact our Nova Scotia,
Canada facility.

Equipment being returned to Nautel

For all equipment being returned to Nautel and all requests for repairs or replacements:

• Obtain an RMA number from Nautel (you must have an RMA number to return equipment)

• Mark the item as 'field return'

• Mark the item with the RMA number assigned by Nautel

• Address the item to the appropriate Nautel facility

Complete and accurate information regarding the equipment being returned will ensure prompt
attention and will expedite the dispatch of replacements. Refer to the nameplate on the transmitter
and/or the appropriate module/assembly to obtain name, type, part and serial number information.
Refer to the parts list of this manual or the appropriate service instruction manual for additional
ordering information.

The following information should accompany each request (* denotes minimum required

• *Model and serial number of equipment

• *Name of part/assembly

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Pre-installation / Installation assistance

• Serial number of part/assembly

• *Complete reference designation of part/assembly

• *Nautel's part number of part/assembly

• *OEM's part number of part/assembly

• Number of hours in use

• Nature of defect

• *Return shipping address

Extended warranties
Nautel's standard 13-month warranty provides excellent coverage and satisfies most customers’
needs. However, if you want extended coverage, Nautel offers one and two-year Extended Warranty
Plans to cover electrical and mechanical repairs or replacements for all Nautel equipment.

The Extended Warranty Plan includes:

• A module exchange program for many common modules and circuit boards (North America

• Toll-free hotline (North America only)

• Necessary labor performed by Nautel authorized personnel to repair the product back to
factory specifications

• Necessary components

• Modifications to correct performance problems

• Return shipping.

Extended Warranty Plans must be purchased prior to the expiration of original 13-month warranty.

Issue 3.0 2011-11-10 Page 10-7

NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual Pre-installation / Installation assistance

One-year Extended Warranty Plans add an additional year (12 months) of coverage after the end of
the customer’s standard 13-month warranty. The two-year plan adds an additional two years (24

Only repairs done at Nautel's facilities or by Nautel authorized personnel will be covered by the
Extended Warranty Plans.

You must ship faulty products back to Nautel, prepaid, and in the original package or in a package
that provides equivalent protection.

Nautel can choose to repair or replace equipment.

Purchasing a one or two-year Extended Warranty Plan

If the transmitter is still covered by its original 13-month warranty period, you can contact Nautel by
telephone, fax, mail, or email with the model number, serial number and date of purchase.

Once you purchase a Nautel Extended Warranty Plan, you receive an extended warranty plan
certificate, plan number, and a toll-free number (North America only) to call for any service-related

Using the Extended Warranty Plan

Contact Nautel's Canadian or U.S. service facility by phone, fax, or email as soon as a problem occurs.
The following will be required when contacting Nautel:

• Extended warranty plan number

• Product model number

• Serial number

• Brief description of the problem

If Nautel’s service technicians are unable to solve the problem over the telephone, Nautel will give
you an RMA number. You then return the module or circuit board to a Nautel service facility so that
Nautel can provide a replacement. (Do not ship a component back to Nautel until you have an RMA

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NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual List of terms

Section 11: List of terms

This section defines some of the terms that are used in Nautel documentation.

AES-EBU. Audio Engineering Society/European Broadcasting Union (AES/EBU) is the name of a

digital audio transfer standard. The AES/EBU digital interface is usually implemented using 3-pin
XLR connectors (the same type connector used in professional microphones). One cable carries both
left-channel and right-channel audio data to the receiving device.

AUI. The Advanced User Interface is the 17-inch front panel that allows for extensive control and
monitoring of the transmitter.

Cutback. A reduction in RF output power, caused by the occurrence of multiple shutbacks within a
pre-defined period.

DHCP. Dynamic Host Carrier Protocol.

DSP. Digital Signal Processing.

EEPROM. Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory.

Foldback. A reduction in RF output power, caused by adverse load conditions (high VSWR). No
shutbacks or cutbacks have occurred.

HD Radio. High Definition (HD) Radio is another term for In-Band-On-Channel (IBOC)
technology. HD Radio is a trademark of iBiquity Digital Corporation.

IBOC. Nautel In-Band-On-Channel technology provides high quality digital audio over existing FM
radio channels.

Intermediate Power Amplifier (IPA). Refers to circuitry within the transmitter’s RF power
modules which amplifies the exciter's RF output to a level sufficient to drive the final RF amplifiers.

LED. Light Emitting Diode (also referred to as lamp).

LUT. Look-Up Table.

Preset. A setting that controls power level, frequency and audio parameters. The NV10/NV7.5
allows you to pre-program multiple presets.

PWB. Printed Wiring Board.

Issue 3.0 2011-11-10 Page 11-1

NV10/NV7.5 Installation Manual List of terms

SBC. Single Board Computer. Refers to the CPU and associated components located on the back of
the transmitter’s front door.

Shutback. A complete, but temporary loss of RF output power, caused by any one of a variety of
faults, including high VSWR, high reject load power, RF drive failure, or an open external interlock.

Shutdown. A complete and permanent loss of RF output power. Typically follows repeated
cutback, foldback or shutback events.

Surge protection panel. An electrical panel that protects equipment from electrical surges in the
ac power supply, antenna or site ground caused by lightning strikes.

VSWR. Voltage standing wave ratio. This is an expression of the ratio of forward voltage to reverse
voltage on the feedline and antenna system. An ideal VSWR of 1:1 provides maximum transmitter-
antenna efficiency.

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Installation Manual

Document: NHB-NV7.5-NV10-INS-3.0

Issue: 3.0 2011-11-10

Nautel Limited
10089 Peggy’s Cove Road
Hackett’s Cove, NS Canada B3Z 3J4
Phone: +1.902.823.3900 or
Toll Free: +1.877.6NAUTEL (6628835) (Canada & USA only)
Fax: +1.902.823.3183

Nautel Inc.
201 Target Industrial Circle
Bangor, Maine USA 04401
Phone: +1.207.947.8200
Fax: +1.207.947.3693

Customer Service (24 hour support)

+1.877.628.8353 (Canada & USA only)
+1.902.823.5100 (International)

Email: [email protected]
Web: www.nautel.com

© Copyright 2011 NAUTEL. All rights reserved.

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