Utkal Brahmin

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Utkala Brahmin : उ

Utkal Brahmins/Brahman: - Research & Encyclopedia.
Utkal means that are best in art and those who were Brahman by caste and
best in art were known as Utkala Brahman. Now Utkala Brahmans are
found in odisha and its neighboring states border like, West Bengal,
Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh and Jharkhand and other part of India and
The Utkala Kingdom was located in the eastern portion of the
modern-day Indian state of Odisha. This kingdom was
mentioned in the epic Mahabharata, with the names Utkala ,
Odra Desha, Oddiyana and Okkali. The name of Utkal is
mentioned in the Puranas, Epics and different religious text
book. According to Skanda Purana, the land of Utkala is the
holy land in Bharata Varsha where Purusottama Kshetra is
situated. The Utkala Kingdom was also known as Kalinga,
Kangoda, Odra Desha, Mahakantara, Dakhina Koshala, Danda
Bhukti, Uddisa Subah etc, in different time period.Suryavanshi
emperor of Orissa Gajapati Kapilendra Dev renamed his
kingdom from Utkala to Orissa Rastra.
It is pertinent to mention here that the boundary of Greater
Utkala region was from mouth of river Ganges in the north to
river Godavari in the south and Amarkantak hills in the west to
Bay of Bengal in the east and its focal point was Utkala

History of Utkala Brahmins/Brahman:-

In India there are four abodes of God widely known as Char
Dham. Char Dham as defined in modern days are the names of
four pilgrimage sites in India that are widely revered by
Hindus. It comprises Badrinath,Rameswaram,Dwarka and
Puri. It is considered highly sacred by Hindus to visit Char
Dham during one's lifetime. These destinations are spread
across four different directions of the country – Badrinath
Dham is located in the north,Rameswaram in the south,
Dwarka in the west and Puri in the east. Jagannath Dham Puri
is located in the state of Odisha. The entire monarch of Odisha
were devotee of lord Jagannath, they invited Brahmans from
various part of India and dedicated the ritualistic responsibility
of Jagannath temple and other temples of erstwhile Odisha. All
the monarchs of Odisha and their feudatories and also Queens
constructed temples, roads, Ghats, tanks and established
settlement for Brahmans with tax-free home & land and
agricultural holdings. Due to this reason Odisha was one of the
favorite destinations of Brahman community of India.

The Sailodbhava dynasty (6th - 7th century AD) rulers made

arrangements for the study of Vedic wisdom and an
Ashwamedha sacrifice( ) was performed by King Madhab
Barman in 7th century he invited Brahmans from Gangetic
Valley for performing a yajna( ) when the yajna( )
ended the invited Brahmans settled there. In the time of Keshari
rulers, Shaivism gained importance. In 9th century Utkala
adhipati Yajati Keshari, to preserve the sanctity & purity of
Brahmanism, brought 10,000 Brahmans from Gangetic valley
and Kannauj and settled them in his capital Yajati Nagar or
Yajna pura(modern day Jajpur). The Jajpur area was once
famous for organizing Somayajna, Shrauta karma. It’s a famous
site for the performance of ancestral rites, known as Nabhi
Elite Brahmans were brought by Sri Anangabhim Dev III,kings
of Eastern Ganga dynasty in 1230 A.D from Kanyakubja ,
Ujjain and dedicated the ritualistic responsibility of Jagannath
temple and some other temples .The king bestowed them with
land and other endowments for living a dignified life. They
were settled at some villages near Jagannath temple & in and
around Puri district; such Brahman villages were called
'Sasanas. Sasan villages were autonomous community with
revenue, judiciary and law and orders. Each such village had a
kotha comparable to a trust board and Mahajan mela
comparable to Gramsabha of the modern days/in the present
day. Due to withdrawal of royal patronage and some other
reasons some of these Brahmans later migrated to various other
parts of present day Odisha and its neighbouring states. Some
were settled in ex - Princely states being invited by Rajas of
those states.Many Utkala Brahmans also migrated to present
day lower Bengal/ Bangladesh.

Eastern Ganga dynasty (1078–1434 AD) brought more number

of Brahmans from all over North India, especially from
Kannauj ( presently in Kannauj district of Uttar
Pradesh)Ujjain (Ujjain is an ancient city located in the bank of
Shipra river in the state of Madhya Pradesh) and Ahichchhatra
.(Ahichchhatra or Ahi-Kshetra ( ) was the ancient
capital of Northern Panchala, a northern Indian kingdom
mentioned in Mahabharata present-day Ramnagar village of
Bareilly district of Uttar Pradesh). As Orissa then Utkala grew
to an effluent kingdom, many Brahmans of Godavari delta
region also migrated to settle in Mahanadi basin. Many
Brahmans like Mishra, , Chaturvedi, Tripathy, , Dwivedi,
Trivedi, Upadhyaya, Sharma,Joshi along with some Mahant
from Kashi, Hastigram, Takari of Magadha (Bihar) and upper
Gangetic plain (West Uttarpradesh & Uttarakhand) also
migrated to coastal districts of Odisha from time to time. Six
categories of duties were assigned to them- study( ),
teaching( प ), performing Yagna( ) and help in
organising Yagna( ), donate and to receive the donation.
Several Brahman villages were established by the Surya Vamsi
king of Orissa, Gajapapati Kapilendra, in the 15th century A.
D. Each village devoted to a hundred Brahman families with
adequate tax free land.
*It is pertinent to mention here not only Utkal Brahmans
migrated to Odisha various other people from other community
who had ability in their field migrated to Odisha at times.
Origin of Utkal Brahman:-
Utkala Brahmans are consisting of various Brahmans who were
considered one of the best among Brahman community of India
to preserve the sanctity & purity of Brahmanism and matter
related with, who later grouped under Utkala Brahmans.
Utkala Brahmans is a part of Pancha-Gaur Brahmans. Utkal
Brahmans were brought by kings of Utkal / Kalinga / dynasty
from various part of India at times as they were considered one
of the best among Brahman community of India to preserve the
sanctity & purity of Brahmanism. Kapila Purana says

उ उ

Utkal Brahmin occupy 9% of the total Oriya Speaking

population of Odisha, beside this neighbouring states border
districts Utkal Brahman occupy considerable percentage of the
total population of district.
Utkala Brahmins are responsible for priestly and related
functions at the Jagannath Temple in Puri also known as
Jagannath Puri,where Lord of the Universe Shri Jagannath
deity is installed and it is one of the four holiest religious places
of Hindus and other temples in erstwhile Odisha rulers and
their feudatories. They are responsible for priestly functions of
other religious places of the state of Odisha and of
neighbouring states.
Mukti Mandap of Jagannath temple, the seat of learned
Utkala Brahmans.
Mukti Mandap (the platform for salvation or congregation hall
of the holy seat of selected learned Brahmins) is situated at the
southern side of the Jagannath temple of Puri. Sankaracharya of
Govardhana matha is the permanent president of Mukti
Mandap. He is entitled to sit on Mukti Mandap on Asan or
floor mats which is not allowed to any other person.
Ramchandra Dev, the first king of Bhoi Dynasty installed as
Raja of Khurda is said to have renovated the Mukti Mandap
with 16 pillars. He recognised 16 Brahman villages (Known as
Shohala Sasan Village) and the learned and leader Brahmans
of those villages seat in the Mukti Mandap.
Kashyapa gotri Nanda, Bachchas ( ), Bhatta Mishra and
Goutamatreya gotra- Brahmans were taken as the Rajguru of
Gajapati kings and they were allowed to sit on the Mukti
mandap to adjudicate inter caste and inter village disputes and
other matter
Composition of Utkala Brahmin/Brahman:-
Utkala Brahmans is a part of Pancha-Gaur Brahmins and it is
consisting of Various Brahmans like Saraswatas, Kanyakubjas ,
Goudas etc. It is pertinent to mention here, Panch-Gaur and
Panch-Dravida are two chief divisions of Brahmans, as per the
shloka from Rajatarangini of Kalhan / Kalhana:-

Translation: The Karnatakascha, Tailangas, Dravidas,
Maharashtraka and Gujjars, these five types who live south of
Vindhya mountains are called "five Dravidas" Brahmans.The
five Dravidian Brahmans are as under.
1. Gurjara (Gujarati Brahmans)
2. Maharashtraka (Maharashtrian Brahmins)
3. Karnataka (Kannada Brahmans)
4. Talianga (Telugu Brahmans)
5. Dravidian (Brahmans of Tamil Nadu and Kerala)
The Saraswatas, Kanyakubj , Goudas, Utkalas, and Maithili,
who live north of Vindhya mountains are known as "five Gour"
Brahmans. The five Gaur or Gaud Brahmans are as under.
1. Gaud Brahmans
2. Kanyakubja Brahmans
3. Maithil Brahmans
4. Utkal Brahmans (consisting of various Brahmans)
5. Saraswat Brahmins (Who lives near Sarasawati
river,including Gaud Saraswat Brahmans, who have migrated
to the south of Vindhyas).
Genetics of Utkala Brahman:-
In the phylogenetic tree, the Utkala Brahmans showed close
affinity to populations of North India.
Classification of Utkala Brahmans:-
The Utkala Brahmins are of three classes
• Shrauta/Vedic ( / ) Brahmanas.
• Sevayata/Purohita ( /प ) Brahmans.
• Halua Brahmin ( ) (Agrarian Brahmans. )
Again there are sub-classes in these three classes:
1."Shrauta/Vedic ( / ) Brahmans':-
The Vedic Brahmans are those who follow Vedic rule &
regulation. They are the ancient Brahmans and
interpreters and teachers of Vedas & author of Vedic
other religious books. They are called Shrauta Brahmans
as they teaches Vedas.(The teachings of Veda by eminent
rishis are called sutras) . They do Yajna("yaj" which means to
worship), Yajana, Adhyayana, Adhyapana, Daana, Pratigraha.
They are also known as Kulina Brahmans. They give more
importance to Veda, daily Upasana and agnihotra. Only these
group of Brahmans have right to conduct Yagyas.

Sub classes:
A) Kalinga Shrauta Brahmins:-
The Brahmans who have come from undivided regions of
previous Dhenkanal, Sambalpur, Cuttack, Puri and Ganjam.
They stay south of Brahmani River.They marries among
themselves .Others Brahmans avoid to marry them.
B)Jajpuria Shrauta Brahmins:-The sub-class which has come
from Jajpur and north Odissa area. They stay north of
Brahmani River. First they settled in areas around Baitarani
These above two sub-classes are eligible to perform Shrauta
rites, they abstain from doing temple services and they seldom
intermarry with other Brahmins.
2." Sevayata/Purohita ( /प ) Brahman" :-
They are also known as Sevaka, Sarua, Purohit or Pushpalak
Brahmans; they follow the Karmakanda and sometimes act as
priests for social as well for some temple functions. They give
more importance to temple worship, and priesthood.

They don't have right to organise Yagya. They can read Veda
and teach it. Some of them follow Agama also. The Sevayata
(प ) sections of Brahmans are divided into three
sub-classes which are as follows
A) Devalaka(Deyulia)Brahmins:-
[Surnames:- Badapanda, Pujapanda etc]. Their main
occupation is the service of the temple Gods and Goddess.
Many of them expertise in Vedic Karmakanda(rites for
marriage, upanayan etc) as well as temple worship.
Most of the Daitapati sevayatas of Jagannath Temple, Puri and
Lingaraj Temple belong to this sub class. Most of the temple in
Orissa have this sub class of Brahmins as chief priests..They
marry among themselves.Others Brahmans avoid to marry
b) Paniyari(Panda)Brahmins:- [Surnames - Panda]. They are
also from the priestly section, some do rites and some do
temple services, some of them are cooks in temples and even in
religious organizations, and some travel all around India for
pilgrims to visit the temples of Jagannath/Narayan. Some of
them are engaged in business and trade of Agricultural
products. They have high percentage of population among all
Utkala Brahmans. They have power to populate very fast and
spread everywhere.
c)Jhadua(Aranyaka)Brahmins:- [Surnames - Dash].They are
also known as Panchadesi Brahmins.They constitute good
number of population of Utkala Brahmans in odisha and its
neighbouring states. They are the Brahman of Kannauj of
(Uttar Pradesh) north India
3."Halua Brahman (Agrarian Brahmans) ( )
[Surnames: - Thakur,Naik,GramPradhan or
Pradhan,Choudhury,Samantray,Sabat,Dalbehera etc].
That who cultivates in their own field and agriculture is their
main occupations are called Halua. Those who are halua by
occupation and Brahman by caste are called Halua Brahman.

Halua Brahmans are similar to Bhumihar of Bihar & UP and

Niyogis of Andhra Pradesh. They are also known as Balaram
gotri or Mahasthana Brahmans. History says,Haluas were the
village leaders, administrators of Brahman ancestry. Once
they enjoyed same status as above Brahmans but later they
accepted vocational jobs for livelihood and gave up their sacred
duty of Shrauta and Smriti. They are engaged in agriculture &
business. Some of them are allowed to do Shraadha and
associate in temples and religious functions. Most of them are
business- oriented, also do cultivation of lands granted during
Eastern Ganga dynasty and they are found in and around South
Odisha. Many of them migrated to neighboring state of Odisha
and other country. There is also a significant migrant
population of Haluas in Mauritius, Suriname, Trinidad and
Tobago, Guyana and some other countries.
Gotra of Utkala Brahmans:-
The full affiliation of a Brahmans is consists of (1) Gotra, (2)
sutra (vedanga/Kalpa), (3)Shakha, (4) Pravara.
The Saptarishis are the main Gotra of Utkala Brahman. The
concept of Gotra was the first attempt among the Brahmans to
categorize themselves among different groups. At the
beginning, these Brahmans recognized themselves by the
names of various rishis like, Kashyapa Bhardwaj, Angirasa,
Atri, Gautam, Bhrigu, Vasistha and Kutsa. It is to be noted that
Vishwamitra was initially a Kshatriya king, who later chose and
rose to become an ascetic rishi. Hence the gotra was applied to
the grouping, stemming from one of these rishis as his
descendants. Many lines of descent from the major rishis were
later grouped separately. Accordingly, the major gotras were
divided into Ganas (subdivisions) and each gana was further
divided into groups of families. The term gotra was then
frequently started being applied to the ganas and to the sub-
ganas. Every Brahman claims to be a direct patrilinial
descendant of one of the founding rishis of a certain gana or
sub-gana. It is the gana or sub-gana that is now commonly
referred to as Gotra.Over the years, the number of gotras
increased due to descendants of original rishi also started new
family lineage or new gotras by inter marriage with other sub-
groups of the same caste, and inspired by another rishi whose
name they bear as their own gotra. Gotra& Pravara parampara
are followed in families of Utkala Brahmans. During Upnayan,
Vivaha, Sandhya vandana and other ceremonies it is revered.
Utkala Brahmans avoid marriages with family of same gotra
and pravara.Different gotras trace to original seven Sapta
Rishis, It is pertinent to mention here that the names of the
current saptarishi are Kashyapa, Atri, Vashista, Vishvamitra,
Gautama, Jamadagni and Bharadwaja. The Saptarishis keep
changing for every Yuga. As per Hindu Shastras, there are four
yugas: Sat / Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dapara Yuga and Kali
Yuga. We are at present in the Kali Yuga, which will last for
432,000 years (we are in 5109 year now in 2018); Dvapara
Yuga is twice Kali Yuga, Treta Yuga is thrice Kali Yuga and
Krita/satya Yuga is four times Kali Yuga.

Gotra of Utkala Brahmans

The teachings of Veda by eminent rishis are called sutras.
Every Veda has its own sutras. The sutras that deal with social,
moral and legal principles are called Dharma sutras.The sutras
that deal with ceremonials are called Srauta sutras .The sutras
that deal with domestic rituals are called Grihya sutras.The
sutras of different shakha people are as under;-
• Rigveda:Ashwalayana Shrauta and Grihya Sutra(Shakal
• Shukla Yajurveda:Katyayana Shrauta and Paraskara
Grihya(Kaanva Shakha)
• Samaveda:Drahyayana Shrauta and Gobhilya grihya
(Kauthuma Shakha)
• Atharvaveda: Vaitana Shrauta and Kaushika
grihya(Paippalada Shakha).
Shakha of Utkala Brahmans:-
Shakha (Sanskrit Shakha means "branch" or "limb"), is a
Hindu theological school that specialises in learning certain
Vedic texts/traditional texts followed by such a school.

Brahmans were divided into several Sakhas or branches, based on

interpretations and implementation/adoption of Vedas by theological
school. An individual follower of a particular school is called a Sakhin. The
vaidika shakha may vary family to family in all of the above Shrotriyas
( / ) and Sevayatas (प ).
Majority of them follow Kaanva Shakha ( ) of Shukla
Yajurveda or Kauthum shakha ( ) of Samaveda. Whereas
Brahmans belonging Shakala shakha ( )of Rigveda and
Paippalad shakha ( पपप ) of Atharvaveda and Madhyandina
shaka ( ) of Shukla Yajurveda are less. It is thought that the
existence of Rigveda Brahmans is due to Govardhan matha of Adi
Shankaracharya(Adi Shankara).
The Paippalad Shakha ( पपप ) of Atharvaveda ( ) found
in Odisha trace their origin from Narmada basin, it is generally
assumed that they migrated during Eastern Ganga Dynasty. Many
Brahmans having surname Upadhyaya and Acharya have Paippalada
shaakha as their family Shakha.
Pravara of Utkala Brahmans:-
In Brahman Hindu culture, a Pravara (Pravara means best
Rishi- ऋ ) is a particular Brahman's descent from a
rishi (sage) who belonged to their gotra (clan - ).In every
gotra there were some rishis who were best in their gotras.
Gotra Related Pravaras of Utkala and other Brahmans are as
1. Kashyapa:- Kashyapa, Aavatsara, Daivala
2. Gautam:- Angiras, Aayasyasa, Gautam
3. Bharadwaja:- Angiras, Barhaspatya, Bharadwaja
4. Vatsa/Srivatsa:- Bhargava, Chyavana, Apnavana/Apnuvat,
Aurava, Jamadagnya
5. Atreya/Krishnatreya:- Atreya, Aarchanaasa, Syaavaasva
6. Kaushika:- Vaiswamitra, Aghamarshana, Koushika
7. Kutsa/Kauchhasa:- Aangirasa, Maandhatra, Koutssa
8. Shandilya;- (2 Variations/Types)
1. Kasyapa(2nd), Aavatsaara, Sandilya
2. Kasyapa (2nd), Daivala, Asitha
9. Gargyasa/Gargi;- (2 Variations/Types)
1. Angirasa, Bharhaspatya, Bharadwaja, Sainya, Gargya
2. Angirasa, Sainya, Gaargya
10. Sunkriti ;-( 2 Variations/Types)
1. Angirasa, Kowravidha, Saankritya
2. Sadhya, Kowravidha, Saankritya
11. Harita/Haritasya:-(2 Variations/Types)
1. Harita, Ambarisha, Yuvanasva
2. Angirasa, Ambarisha, Yuvanasva
12. Kowndinya:-Vashishta , Maitraavaruna, Kowndinya
13. Kapinjala:-Vashishta, Aindrapramada, Abharadvasavya.
14. Paraasara:-Vashishta, Saaktya, Paarasarya.
15. Moudgalya;- (3 Variations/Types).
1. Angirasa, Bharmyasva, Mowdgalya
2. Tarkshya, Bharmyasva, Mowdgalya
3. Angirasa, Dhavya, Mowdgalya
16. Aagastya:- Aagastya, Tardhachyuta, Sowmavaha
17. Kanava:- (2 variation).
18.Naitruva Kashyapa:-Naitruva,Kashyapa,Avatsara
Other gotras which are rare are Dalabhya, Uddalaka,
Katyayana, Upamanyu, Yaska, Barhishena, etc.
Opinion of Pandit Narayana Shiromani:- An expert of
Brahmanism(late 18th century):-
According to Pandit Narayana Shiromani, the gotra decides the
surname. He mentioned that Gautama gotra should have
surname Dhara Sharma, Bharadwaja gotra should have Kar
Sharma, Kashyapa gotra people should keep Nanda or Ananda
Sharma, Atreya gotra people should keep Rath Sharma,
Kaushika and Vatsa gotra have Dash Sharma.
*These above gotra Brahmans are considered as topmost
among Utkal Brahmans.
Nomenclature( प ) of Utkal Brahmans:-
The name of Utkal Brahmans men should be auspicious ( /
/ ). The second part and surname of a
Brahman's name should be indicating happiness ( /
प ).The names of Utkal Brahmans women should
be pleasing and auspicious ( ) easy to pronounce, should not
be imply anything inauspicious( , )Negative,
( / ). Name of Utkal Brahman should not
be disreputable and connected with power, wealth.
Rule of Upanayan of Utkal Brahmans:-
Upanayana (उप ) is one of the traditional rites of path of
Utkal Brahmans that clear the acceptance of a student by a
(उप '
प ) A sacred thread, called Yagnopavitam or
Janeu is placed around the left shoulder of the boy during
Upanayan. It is also considered to be one of the most important
and pious ones for Utkal Brahmin. The three sacred threads
(Yagnopavitam or Janeu) signify the three Goddesses. The
sacred thread is made up of nine fibers, each fiber signifies as
Omkar, Vishvadevata (deity of the universe),Agni (deity of
fire), Vayu (deity of air),Som (deity of moon),. Prajapati (deity
of procreation), Nag (serpent), Pitar (ancestors), Yama (deity of
death).Bachelors should wear sacred threads with 3 strands.
Married men should wear sacred threads with 6 strands. Men
whose parents have passed away should wear sacred threads
with 9 strands.
Upnanayan should accomplish in between 8-11 years of age.
According to Apastamba Gryha Sutra, maximum age limit of
Upanayana is 24 years. However, Gautama Gryha Sutra and
other ancient texts state that there is no age limit and anyone of
any age can undertake Upanayanam, when they feel they
should start their formal studies of the Vedas. During Upanayan
Vedic Brahmin wear white Dhoti, whereas pujari Brahmans and
others wear red color Dhoti.
Marriage rules of Utkala Brahmans:-
There are two kinds of Pravaras in Utkal Brahmans.
1.Guru –Sishya- Rishi Parampara.
2.Pita- Putra- Rishi Parampara.
When it is Guru sishya-rishi-parampara and half or more than
half of the rishis are same in both bride and grooms
pravara/gotras then marriage is not acceptable .If it is Pita
Putra-Rishi- parampara and only one rishi matches in bride
and grooms pravara/gotra then marriage is Strictly restricted/
unacceptable .
Festivals of Utkala Brahmins/Brahmans:-
The main festival of the Utkala Brahmans are Rath Yatra,
Janmashtami Radhastami ( ) .Dol purnima, Durga
Puja, Laxmi Puja, Saraswati Puja, Deepavali, Makar Sankranti,
Chaitra sankranti,Shivaratri,Kalipuja, beside this Sitala Sasthi ,
Nabanna, Jhulan Yatra, Upanayan,Mahalaya, Rama Navami,
Panchami,Shashthi and Puda(प ़ ),Bipadtarini, etc are
observed with utmost religious sanctity .Utkala Brahmin
families regularly worship Lakshmi and Narayan at home or
Mandir and Shiv Puja at Shiv Mandir. Sandhya-arati at home
and Mandir with Shankha is also a regular practice.
It is relevant to mention here - Religious function is a tool to
find out the roots of any community. It is said Shi Radha was
born at Barsana ( ) now is a town and a nagar panchayat
in the Mathura district of the state of Uttar Pradesh .Utkal
Brahmins whose family roots were at Barsana ( ) and
its adjacent area, they are still Radhey-Radhey chanters and
they celebrate Radhastami ( ) with utmost religious
sanctity. Similarly Utkal Brahmins whose family roots were in
Ujjain they celebrate Maha Shivaratri with utmost religious
sanctity. Some shakta Utkala Brahmans trace their origin from
this region and some from Mithilanchal.
Food habits of Utkala Brahmans :-
It is of two types
• Lacto vegetarianism
• Pasco vegetarianism
Utkala Brahmans are vegetarians ( ). A few
(Shrotriyas/ ) Utkala Brahmans are still strict lacto
vegetarians who abandon garlic, onion and some varieties of
gourds and Masoor dal, apart from non-vegetarian food. Many
Utkala Brahmans are Pasco vegetarians, which show the close
influence of Shaktism( ).
Shakta Utkala Brahmans eat fish and sacrificial mutton, still
chicken is considered taboo by many .Most of the Utkala
Brahmans share the common foods and show fondness to
sweets and Pithas like Kheer,khakra, Gargaria,chena sheetal etc


It is pertinent to mention here the famous white rasgulla have been

introduced by Utkal Brahman community who are still residing in
West Bengal & Odisha. During British rule some poor Utkal
Brahmans from Bankura, Purulia,Midnapur,Hoogly district of West
Bengal and Odisha were employed in Bengali homes and restaurant
of Kolkata as cook and introduced Rasgulla in Kolkata.


Activities that are forbidden to Utkal Brahmans.

According to the Manu smriti making weapons, butchering animals,
making or selling poisons, trapping wildlife and other jobs
associated with death are forbidden to Brahmans.
The Surnames and title(उप )of Utkal Brahmin/Brahman:-
Surnames and titles or decorations used along with the proper
names commonly added at the end of the names - are either
genealogical or professional.The genealogical surname have been
in use from generation to generation and are generally family names
some of which may even have been personal names.Professional
names have also been adapted as family names and are regularly
used as surnames.It has been a practice for quite a few centuries to
award titles to persons who occupy positions of distinction in
intelligence,learning,wealth,honour etc.Persons who have rendered
meritorious service to the country have also been awarded titles
which have gone down from generation to generation and thus got
absorbed as family names or surnames.Indian history from pre-
Mughal days has shown that the ruling Hindu Kings had awarded
titles on persons and families for either meritorious service to the
country or for leadership in society.This practice has been followed
by the Pathan and the Mughal rulers and by their successors,the
British as well.Even in independent India the Presidential awards on
the Republic day is a continuation of the old practice of honouring
persons for their service to the country.
Title:- Many professional titles were given to utkala Brahmans
according to their profession or work. These titles were given to the
Utkal Brahmans either by King or by their feudatory kings as
punishment or reward. In course of time this title became the
surname, and the subsequent generations inherited it like who were
associated with Deekshya( ) is called Dikshit. Praharraj-king of
one prahar (3hrs) etc.
According to Pandit Narayana Shiromani, the gotra decides the
surname like Kashyapa gotra people should keep Nanda or Ananda
Sharma. Kaushika and Vatsa gotra should keep Dash Sharma.

Surname of Utkal Brahmin/Brahman in India:-

There are numerous surname of Utkal Brahmans.The main
surname of Utkala Brahmans are Nanda, Mahanti/Mahanty, Kar
Sharma(Kar ),Dash Sharma (Dash), Mishra, Pathak, Acharya,
Chaturvedi,Tripathy,Tiwary, Bhatt, Rajguru, Patra,Mahapatra, Rath
Sharma(Rath), Sarangi, Chaini, Dwivedi,Dubey,Goswami, Joshi,
Nayak, Panda, Mallia, Praharaj, Padhi, Pani, Purohit, Pujari,Pati,
Satapathy, Bakshi, Hota, Singha Chaudhary, Singha babu/Sinha
babu,Singha Mahapatra,Nath etc, beside this many other Surname
of Utkal Brahmans are found in India.
It is pertinent to mention here that all Odia Brahmans are not Utkal
Brahman similarly all Utkal Brahmans are not Oriya Brahman.
Ambiguity on surname of Utkal Brahmans:-
There are many surnames of Utkal Brahmans that cuts across caste
lines and were given on work basis by kings in recognition of work in
their respective field. For example:-
Mohanty( ) /Mahanty ( ) Surname.
Mahanty /Mahanti/Mohanty is a surname mostly found in Odisha,
Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal ,chhatisgarh,Jharkhand
and rarely found in other part of India and abroad. The derivation of
Mohanty /Mahanti/Mahanty is derived from Sanskrit word Mahan
means great, in the historical context the title of Mohanty/Mahanty is
awarded by the king without prejudice of caste to those who had
vast knowledge about administration, who had vast knowledge
about King's court and who did act of velour etc. In view of above
reason Mohanty /Mahanti/Mahanty surname are found in
Brahman,Karana(It's a sect of Utkal Brahmans predominantly found
in Indian state of Odisha,Telangana and Andhra Pradesh)Kayastha
and other caste and due to this reason among
Mahanti/Mahanty/Mohanti/Mohanty surname
gotra,pravara,sutra,sakhas are different. It is pertinent to mention
here generally Brahmans use word Mahanty/Mahanti( ) in their
surname where as Kayastha and others use word
Mohanty/Mohanti( ) in their surname.
Mahapatra Surname: -
( प +प , प ( )
प , प ).It is one of the few surnames
that cuts across caste lines and was ordained on work basis. A
family received the title Mohapatra /Mahapatra by kings in
recognition of work in their respective vocations due to this reason
Mahapatra/Mohapatra surname is also found in Brahman & other
caste. Generally Brahmans use word Mahapatra in their surname
where as others use word Mohapatra in their surname.
Patra,Dandapat,Dash/Das,Nayek,Layek,Nath,ray and many other
surname of Utkal Brahman community are also found in Brahman
and other caste.
It is pertinent to mention here recently it has been observed,some
educated and elite Utkal Brahmans are now adopting their gotra as
their Surname like Kashyap, Bhargava, Bharadwaj
Gautam,Atri/atriya,Kaushik etc.
Utkal Brahman in West Bengal/Bengal.
During the reign of Gajapati empire(1434 to 1541 AD) the Utkal
Brahmans were migrated to Bankura,Purulia,Medinipur district of
West Bengal as representative of the Gajapati King and under
leadership of Nakurtung and his spiritual guide Sripati Mahapatra,at
that time these areas were under the monarch of Utkal (Odisha)
and its name was Dandabhukti ( ). Dandabhukti was an
ancient and medieval province spread across what are now
Bankura,some part of Purulia,Hoogly,West and East Medinipur
districts in the Indian state of West Bengal and Balasore or Baleswar
district in the Indian state of Odisha.Dandabhukti was broadly the
territory between river Dwarakeswar and river Subarnarekha.
According to some Utkal Brahman of West Bengal:-
In 1568 Muslim general Kalapahad attacked Odisha and defeated
Gajapati king Mukunda dev and conquered major towns and
religious places of Odisha including Cuttack, Jajpur, Sambalpur,
Konark, Puri etc. It alleged that he forcefully converted thousands of
Hindus into Muslims and terrorised the Hindus by destroying many
temples and Hindu deities. Due to this reason many people
migrated to various other part of Odisha and its neighbouring
state.During this time many Utkal Brahman were migrated from
Odisha and settled in Bankura,Medinipur,Purulia districts of Indian
state of West Bengal.
Now Utkal Brahmans occupy considerable percentage of the total
population of Bankura,Purulia,East Medinipur,West Medinipur
districts in the Indian state of West Bengal.
Surnames of Utkal Brahmins in West Bengal.
The surname of Utkal Brahmins found in west Bengal are as under:-
Chakravarty,Dandapat,Dubey,Tripathi,Tewary/Tiwary, Kar,Hota,
Goswami,Nath, Patra,Pathak, Panda, Pati, ,Praharaj, Pyne,
Pani,Pahari, Nayak, Layek,Roy etc.
Origin of Mahanty/Mahanti surname in West Bengal:-
It is pertinent to mention here about Mahanti/Mahanty who are
living in West Bengal and its adjacent area are kashyap gotri Nanda
previously known as Nanda /anand Sharma and they were taken
as Rajguru of various kings. According to Utkal Brahmin historians
Bhim Nanda and Lal Nanda were two brother and rajguru &
feudatory, they resisted the attack of Maratha (Bhonsle king( )-
Maratha king of Nagpur) from 1740-1742. During this time King of
Panchakot give them new Surname Mahanty/Mahanti. Later on
descendants of Bhim Nanda/Mahanty were settled at Jhar bagda,
Hitasi and Hirbandh area of Bengal and descendants of Lal
Nanda/Mahanty were settled at Barabhum now under Indian state
of west Bengal and Singhbhum now under Indian state of
Jharkhand. In course of time the title Mahanti/Mahanty became the
surname of their descendants. Later on offspring/descendants of
Bhim Mahanty and Lal Mahanty were married to the Princes of
Simlapal (previously known as Gaur) and Bhelaidiha and the king of
Simlapal (Mahapatra dynasty) and Bhelaidiha settled their son in
laws and daughters at Jorisha and Nutangarh and as a result of this
Mahanty/Mahanti community spread in Simlapal and its adjacent
area in the Indian state of West Bengal.
Utkal Brahman & India's Changing Demography:-
India is one of the most populous countries in the world. More than
one sixth of the world s population is living in India. Its population will
be 1.6 billion by 2050. Its population growth rate is 1.2%.India has
more than 50% of its population below the age of 25 and more than
65% below the age of 35. The Republic of India is now considered
as one of the possible emerging superpowers of the
world.According to Centre for Economics and Business
Research(CEBR) one of the UK's leading economics consultancies,
Indian economy will advance to fifth place by 2018 and it will
advance to third place by 2027.On the other hand India is projected
to overtake China as the world's most populous nation by 2030.
India's population growth has raised concerns that it may lead to
widespread unemployment and political instability

Now the question arise , Utkal Brahman community which is a part

of this demography, how much it will get or loose from this demo
graphical changes. If we see the pattern of demo graphical changes
of Utkal Brahman community, we will find that negative growth is
increasing day by day with enhancing human capital development.
In every democracy Population play a major role. Now all most
every political party wants to win election at any cost, election
winning has been their main aim. Communities which have
maximum and more united and skilled population will get more
benefit. So time has come to think in this regard, as there are
serious challenges ahead in the form of caste and creed ratio and
the possible rise in social and political unrest and conflicts.

Famous Utkala Brahmins:-

1. The great poet Jayadeva( )
Famous Sanskrit scholar, poet of 10th century and author of
2. Govardhan Acharya:-Sanskrit scholar of 12th century.
3. Udayan Acharya : Sanskrit scholar of 12th century.
4. Vishwanath Kaviraj: Sanskrit scholar of 13th century.
5. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu( प )
(1486-1535): Also known as Gouranga,Nimai, Viswambhara, was
a great Vaishnava saint of Bhakti era of medieval India.Goudiya
Vaishnava is based on his philosophy. Having family roots to
Jajpur, Odisha, from where his ancestor migrated to Bengal. He
was contemporary of last Suryavamsi emperor of Odisha,
Gajapati Prataprudra. He spent his last 24 years of life in Puri,
6. Jagannatha Dash(1490-1550):-A great scholar of Sanskrit and
Oriya language.His unique creation 'Srimad Bhagabata' in Oriya
is one of the pioneering piece of Oriya literature.
7. Pandit Gangadhar Mishra.He was court poet of Maharaja Baliar
Singh(1660-1690 AD) of Sambalpur Kingdom.He was reputed for
his work Kosalanandakavyam.In this poem the post medieval
social and cultural condition of Sambalpur along with rest of
Odisha are reflected.
8. Justice Ranganath Misra - 21st chief Justice of India.1st
Chairman of National Human Right commission.
9. Justice Dipak Misra- 45th & present Chief Justice of India.

Reminiscence of Utkala Brahmans by means of


प .
Jagannath temple &Mukti Mandap of Jagannath temple, the seat of Utkala Brahmans:

Jagannath temple ( pic-courtesy history file.co.uk)

Gajapati Palace
Ruins of Palace-Garh Panchakot-courtesy Bodhisatta

Sun Temple was constructed in 1255 CE by King Narasimhadeva 1

the Eastern Ganga Dynasty

Lingaraja Temple:-
Palace of Mahapatra Dynasty founded by Sripati Mahapatra at Simlapal.West Bengal.

Baitarani river witness ups & downs of Utkala Brahman community

Brahmani river witness ups & downs of Utkala Brahman community

☯Kalhana's Rajatarangini in reference for English version.
☯ Forward Caste, Wikipedia.
☯ Kapila Purana, Wikipedia.
☯A History of Brahmin Clans ( ) in Hindi, by
Dorilal Sharma, published by Rastriya Brahamana Mahasabha, Vimal
Building, Jamirabad, Mitranagar, Masudabad, Aligarh-1, 2nd ed-1998.
☯ 5th ed-2010 by- L.N.Sharma. Panipat
(This Hindi book contains the most exhaustive list of Brahmans gotras
and pravaras together their real and mythological histories)
☯ Jati-Bhaskara by Pt. Jwala Prasad Misra, published by Khemraj Shri
krishna Das, Bombay, (1914).Jati-Bhaskara , page 101-102 ; these
Slokas are also quoted in A History of Brahmin Clans , page 155
☯ The Tribes and Castes of Central Provinces of India.
☯ Kalhana's Rajatarangini: A Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir; 3
Volumes > M. A. Stein (translator),(Introduction by Md Ishaq Khan),
published by Saujanya Books at Srinagar,2007,(First Edition pub. in
1900), ISBN 81-8339-043-9 / 8183390439.
☯ The Tribes and Castes of Central Provinces of India, by R. V. Russel,
I. C. S. (assisted by R. B. Hira Lal),4 Vols, Macmillan and Co; New Ed
edition (2 Aug 1995) : Asian Educational Services, India; Language
English, ISBN 81-206-0833-X , ISBN 978-81-206-0833-7
☯ Hindu Castes and Sects Jogendranath Bhattacharya; First Editions:
Calcutta, 1896); New Ed:New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal
Publications, 1995.
☯ Mayne's "Treatise on Hindu Law and Usage, 15th ed., New Delhi:
Bharat Law House, 2003.
☯ Kane, Pandurang Vaman(1880 - 1972), "History of Dharmasastra "
(ancient and mediæval religious and civil law in India), Poona:
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. 1962 - 1975.
☯ Hindu Manners, Customs, and Ceremonies, by Abbe J. A. Dubois,
English translation first published in 1816, Reprint. 1999(Third edition.
Delhi, Low Price Pub.), 2 volumes, 741 p, ISBN 81-7020-927-7.
☯ (Manusmriti): Translation by G. Buhler (1886). Sacred Books of the
East: The Laws of Manu (Vol. XXV). Oxford. Available online as The
Laws of Manu
☯ History of India by Herman Kulke and Dietmar Rothermund,
Published 2004, Routledge, 448 pages, ISBN 0-415-32920-5.
☯Migrant Brahman in north India- by Swati Dutta 1989.
☯Shruti of Utkal Brahman.
☯Orissa Review 2005- Government of Odisha:-Brahmin Sasan
Villages around Puri by Sarat Chandra Mohapatra.
☯ Family historians.
☯Magazine of Simlapal MM high School (West Bengal).
☯Magazine of Hirbandh (West Bengal).
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distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
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the prior written permission of the Author, except in the case of brief
quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial
uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the writer,
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Comments of Author:- I express my gratitude to my friends from

India, United States, France, Ukraine, Russia, Indonesia, United
Kingdom, ,Germany, Sri Lanka, Singapore, South Africa,Australia,
Israel, Mauritius, Philippines, Vietnam ,Argentina, Brazil,Belize,
Kenya,Thailand,Poland,China,Japan,New Zealand,Peru and many
more countries of the world who searched and read this article/e book
through Facebook, Google etc. I feel happy when I see the e book “
has been cynosure in mind of Utkal community, UPSC aspirant from
Utkala Brahman community and other community.

Prabir kumar Mahanti .
 Indian writers ( )
New Delhi, India.
Prabir kumar Mahanti is author of several books & article He has got
appreciation from Government of India for his books How to Double your
Memory .He has got fame in India ,
USA,Canada,Germany,France,UK,Italy,Spain,Turkey and many other
countries on his book. , .( Modi Main Aur Mother
India).He is author of famous e book
People from
India,Nepal,Bhutan,United States,France,Ukraine,Russia,Indonesia,
pines,Vietnam,Argentina,Thailand,Ireland,Canada,United Arab
Emirates,Italy,Australia,New Zealand,Peru,Slovakia,libya and many other
countries of the world are reading this ebook.

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