Teaching Portfolio
Table of Contents:
EDU 3300: The Exceptional Learner in the Classroom In-Class Activity
1(j): The teacher takes responsibility for promoting learners’ growth and development.
I understand that students come from diverse backgrounds and therefore will
develop and master skills at different paces. It is my responsibility, therefore, to spend time with each
student to determine what their individual strengths are and what gaps they are missing in order to move
forward. Like Mr. Tahrebandi, I will need to give equitable attention to all students, not just those
struggling with the basic concepts, in order to benefit all of my students. This is not an easy task, but by
providing time for students to show what they know, I can better assess how to tailor my instruction to
help them develop their skills further.
Second Field Experience at Warren Mott High School, Lifetime Fitness Class with Mr. Shaun Tahrebandi
2(a) The teacher designs, adapts, and delivers instruction to address each student’s diverse
learning strengths and needs and creates opportunities for students to demonstrate their
learning in different ways.
In my science
classroom, my students demonstrate their
learning in a number of different ways. To
appeal to visual learners, students created
posters showing the parts of the cell involved in
cellular respiration and reactions that take place
(right). For kinesthetic learners, students
created models of cellular respiration using
small pieces of paper. They presented their
“working models” to the class by moving the
pieces of paper to their proper places in the cell,
then flipping, ripping, or taping them to
demonstrate reactions that were taking place
(below). Other students provided a narrative or
written description of the sequences of steps
Gabriel Richard High School, Honors 9th Grade Honors Biology Class
2(h): The teacher understands students with exceptional needs, including those associated
with disabilities and giftedness, and knows how to use strategies and resources to address
those needs.
Third Field Experience at Anderson Middle School, LRC with Mrs. McChesney
2(g): The teacher understands and identifies differences in approaches to learning and
performance and knows how to design instruction that uses each learner’s strengths to
promote growth.
I cannot reduce bullying in my school alone. I need to form alliances with the rest of
the school faculty and administration, my students, and their families to ensure the school environment is
collaborative and not destructive. This is important especially in high school, when students are learning to
become independent thinkers. They are capable of great achievement, but only if we can work together to
establish a classroom that fosters creative thinking, constructive discussion, and collaboration. My
students also need support from their other teachers and from the school to teach students how to
behave civilly toward others. I also need to establish open lines of communication with parents so that we
can collaborate to provide what their children need to grow emotionally and socially. Without
cohesiveness my plan to reduce disrespectful behavior would never be successful. We all have
contributions to make to ensure our students are learning and achieving in a safe, welcoming school
Behavior Management Course, Madonna University
3(o): The teacher values the role of learners in promoting each other’s learning and
recognizes the importance of peer relationships in establishing a climate of learning.
EDU 3460: Instructional Media Coursework
4(o) The teacher realizes that content knowledge is not a fixed body of facts but is
complex, culturally situated, and ever evolving. She keeps abreast of new ideas and
understandings in the field.
EDU 4800: Foundations of Education Coursework
The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to
engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related
to authentic local and global issues.
In my Instructional Media
course, I prepared a WebQuest exploring lead
poisoning from contaminated water (top right). The
WebQuest explores the physical and chemical
properties of lead, chemical reactions, and the
mechanism for lead poisoning using a series of
Lead Poisoning in Water
websites and guided questions (middle right).
A Chemistry Webquest
Students are also to read about the Flint Water
Crisis to examine the issue from a political
standpoint and research various methods for
reversing lead contamination. Finally, students
write a letter to their mayor proposing a solution to
a water contamination problem in their hometown
(bottom right) using their knowledge of chemistry
and making rational judgments about costs and Mrs. Murley’s High School AP “Mad Scientists”
EDU 3460 Instructional Media Coursework
The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in
their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s
decision making.
In my chemistry class, I created a quiz on Google Forms to collect data and guide
planning. I first administered the quiz as a pre-test survey, after which I was able to see which concepts
students already knew. I reviewed the question item analysis to determine the most commonly missed
questions, and added them to our unit PowerPoint as checkpoints to gauge whether students made
progress. After the instruction for the unit was finished, students completed the post-test. I then reviewed
the frequently missed questions on the post-test with students as part of their test review. I further
analyzed the data to compare each student’s pre-test score with their post-test score to measure student
growth. The full pre-test and post-test results are included in this portfolio.
Before this unit, most students were not familiar with the content, as evidenced in
the pre-test distribution. I observed that most students significantly improved from the pre-test to the
post-test after completing this unit. However, there were still several questions that at least 25% of the
class answered incorrectly. I shared this data with the other chemistry teacher, and we determined that
the question wording played more of a role than lack of understanding in most cases. Additionally, I
noticed that student 3 only improved by two points from the pre-test to the post-test.
Analyzing assessment data is vital to understanding student development and in adjusting
instruction to meet the needs of diverse students. Part of this planning involves preparing students for
certain types of questions. By administering a pre-test, I can focus on only those types of questions where
students struggle the most and spend time discussing strategies to determine the answer. I can then use a
post-test as a formative assessment to gauge what students retained and understood throughout the
course of a unit. Using an item analysis, I can guide further instruction or review of the unit to address the
questions that were most commonly missed. Finally, I can measure individual student progress and
determine how to differentiate instruction, as in the case of student 3. In summary, using assessment data
makes it possible to identify student misconceptions and track growth.
Gabriel Richard Catholic High School, 10th grade chemistry
The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning
goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills,
and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.
In EDU 4250, Literacy Education in the Secondary School, I created a lesson plan
for a10th grade chemistry course on the topic of the mole concept. In this lesson, using the gradual release
model, students learn the relationship between the amount of mass of matter and the amount of particles
of matter. They practice calculations with my guidance first, then complete calculations on their own.
After they are introduced to the content and calculations, they use these skills and laboratory techniques
of weighing and measuring to determine the amount of molecules in a sample of a household substance
(like water, baking soda, and sugar). Finally students work in groups to solve complex, multi-step problems
that require students to make reasonable estimations, gather information such as unit conversions, and
combine mathematical skills they have learned in previous lessons or classes. Each group presents their
results to the rest of the class and critiques the methods of other groups.
The culminating
assignment in my Theories and Techniques of
Instruction course was a unit plan, complete with
a sample of six lessons from the unit as well as a
performance assessment. I designed a 9th grade
biology unit focused on ecology, aligning lessons
to NGSS life science standards, CCSS literacy
standards for science, and CCSS math practice
standards (below right). The lessons were
designed to draw upon student prior knowledge
and focus on solving real problems related to
climate change and ecosystem disturbance in our
local community. The performance assessment
requires students to write a story to explain what
they learned in the unit to an elementary school
student. As an extension to this unit, students
would ideally visit a local elementary school and
read their story to a student there. I drafted this
unit plan with my content area mentor, a retired
science teacher with NGSS training. A full copy of
the unit plan is included in this portfolio.
EDU 3300: The Exceptional Learner in the Classroom In-Class Activity
8e: The teacher provides multiple models and representations of concepts and skills with
opportunities for learners to demonstrate their knowledge through a variety of products
and performances.
Screenshot, Personal
Philosophy of Education essay
In my first field
experience, I taught a mini lesson about life cycles
to second grade students. In the lesson, I read a
story to them about the growth of a milkweed
plant and monarch butterfly, using the story to
facilitate discussion about the parts of a life cycle.
When I was in control of the conversation, there
were occasional outbursts relating to the story. I
thought I earned the students’ respect when I
showed them the life cycle drawing I made.
However, as soon as the students were allowed to
work independently, they were arguing noisily
about which animal to draw and whose coloring
utensils to use. I tried to make adjustments to
resolve these conflicts. Originally, I formed small
groups of students and asked them to draw the
same life cycle together. When I noticed that was
not working, I asked students to work
independently instead. After the students finished
their drawings (right), I used them as an
assessment tool to gauge their understanding and
discuss with my cooperating teacher what to do The lesson plan accompanying this activity, with
next. I recorded notes from our reflective reflection, is included in this portfolio.
discussion in the lesson plan, included in this
After I delivered this lesson I learned the importance of reflecting with another teacher. An
outside observer will be able to offer the most insight into what to change about the lesson, especially if they are an
experienced teacher. I am often critical of my weaknesses, so her support was crucial in helping me see that the
lesson was successful after all. No lesson I plan as a teacher will ever be carried out exactly the way I imagined it. I
will often have to make quick changes, like I did in my lesson, in order to keep the class running smoothly. My
biggest successes in this lesson came from creating a student-centered learning environment about topics that
interested the students. In the future, I will need to develop classroom management skills and learn how to more
effectively structure lessons to maintain a productive learning environment.
Effective teachers constantly reflect on their lessons to improve them and better understand how their
students learn best. Mrs. McMahon knew her students would talk noisily as they completed the lesson, but her
indication that they were learning was the content of their conversation. As a reflective practitioner I will find a
colleague to form a partnership to evaluate my teaching effectiveness from a different point of view. Overall, the
importance of on-the-spot decision-making skills and post-reflective thinking will make me an effective future
First Field Experience at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Elementary School, 2nd Grade with Mrs. McMahon
10(d) The teacher works collaboratively with learners and their families to establish mutual expectations
and ongoing communication to support learner development and achievement.
In my behavior management
1. Treat everyone, especially including your teacher and classmates,
course, I drafted a plan for discipline that includes with respect and dignity.
2. Follow all directions the first time they are given.
3. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.
strategies to work collaboratively with students. First, I 4. Stay in your assigned seat unless you are given permission to do
5. Keep your hands, feet, and belongings to yourself.
created a student / teacher expectations contract **** Compliance with these rules will guarantee a pleasant, successful
(right). This contract includes the class rules I think are learning experience for everyone.
**** Failure to comply with these rules will result in an after-school detention.
necessary for success in my classroom as well as
expectations the students and I will draft together on In addition to these Golden Rules, I acknowledge the following expectations that I
believe are appropriate for a successful student:
the first day of school. The students’ parents will also _________________________________________________________________________________________________
read and sign the contract indicating that they agree to _________________________________________________________________________________________________
support our expectations for the class. I will also send _________________________________________________________________________________________________
method of contact and invite them to participate in I agree to meet these expectations as long as Ms. Murley meets the following
the learning process throughout the semester. Full- expectations that I believe are appropriate for a successful teacher:
sized copies of the student / teacher expectations _________________________________________________________________________________________________
portfolio. _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Dear Parents,
Hello! My name is Ms. Murley, and your student is enrolled in my chemistry class this Communication is essential for
semester. I earned my teaching certification in both chemistry and mathematics from
Madonna University in 2017. I chose to become a teacher because I want to inspire the love learners and their families to remain involved in the
and fascination I have for chemistry in young people and to challenge them to achieve! learning process. If my students are involved in
By the end of this semester, your student will know and be able to explain how the
properties of matter, concepts of bonding, thermodynamics, and more play a role in our
creating mutually agreed upon expectations, then
everyday lives. We have many difficult topics to discuss, and as such will not waste precious they will be much more likely to meet those
class time. Your student will be expected to arrive on time every day with all of the materials
required for class and to actively participate in the entire lesson. They have signed a student
expectations. I also need to earn my students’ respect
contract detailing the rules for respectful and productive behavior in the classroom, a copy by meeting their expectations of me. The
of which is included in this letter. Please note that frequent or severe behavioral infractions
result in a 15-minute after school detention.
collaborative relationship I build with my students will
For up-to-date information about this course, you and your student may visit our class help foster student growth and achievement in an
website at (Insert Website Link Here). To ensure the success of your student, I will also be
communicating with you frequently to notify you of upcoming due dates, current grades, and
enjoyable fashion for both parties. Additionally, I need
important news. Please indicate your preferred method of contact on the next page so that to establish open lines of communication with my
we can work together and maintain open lines of communication. I also ask that you contact
me regarding any concerns you have for your student using my contact information listed
students’ families in order to ensure the home
below. environment encourages learning and achievement as
It is my firm belief that every student is capable of using their unique gifts and talents
well. I will keep the parents of my students informed
to accomplish great successes in the classroom. I hold my students to high standards
knowing that they can achieve them with support and encouragement from me and from of class and student progress so that they can be
you. As long as your student gives their best effort every day, they will be successful in my
involved as much as they desire to in the process.
I look forward to working with you and your student this semester! Learning is a team process that requires support and
Sincerely, Ms. Nicole Murley collaboration from teacher, learner, and family.
(Insert Contact Information Here)
EDU 4400 Behavior Management Coursework
10(f) The teacher engages in professional learning, contributes to the knowledge and skill of others,
and works collaboratively to advance professional practice.
Foundations of Education Course, Madonna University