Unit Plan Revised

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Understanding By Design Unit Template

Title of Unit The Book of Negroes Grade Level 30B

Subject English Time Frame 20 days
Developed By Nicole Clampitt

Stage 1 - Identify Desired Results

Broad Areas of Learning
How are the BAL incorporated into this unit?
Lifelong Learners- This unit will create lifelong learners by helping the students learn how to express themselves using English. Their assessment piece
will help with this by having them create and deliver a presentation which will have them using language to express themselves. This will help build
confidence in their use of language.

Sense of Self and Community- This unit will create a sense of self and community by getting students to think about the reality of world issues and
how these issues affect themselves and the community of people around them. Their assessment piece will have them using language to interact with
these issues and respond to others ideas about world issues. This will build community between the students.

Engaged Citizens- This unit will help to build engaged citizens by having them use language to give them a sense of agency and ownership over
solutions to world issues. This will build a sense of ability with the students that are able to make a difference in their communities.
Cross curricular Competencies
How will this unit promote the CCC?
Developing Thinking- This unit will develop thinking by having them construct an understanding of world issues and having them explore an inquiry-
based project about how to solve it. This will help them to make sense of some world issues and to think through them critically.

Developing Identity and Interdependence- This unit will help to develop identity and interdependence by having them dig into trying to understand
a world issue which will create a respect for human rights and responsibilities and create an understanding and value for social and environmental issues.

Developing Literacies- This unit will help to develop literacies by having them develop the skills needed to interpret a video text. They will have to
express their interpretation of the text by using written language in their journals. Both of these will build flexibility in their literacies skills. They will also
be learning about the proper language to use when thinking about this topic and will develop proper literacies for the topic.

Developing Social Responsibility- This unit will develop social responsibility primarily through their assessment piece. The assessment piece focuses
on having students explore their social responsibility by asking them to work out a way to improve the lives of the people around the world. They will
have to use moral reasoning processes by thinking about the community that they could help and having them come up with a way to take action.
Learning Outcomes
What relevant goals will this unit address?
(must come from curriculum; include the designations e.g. IN2.1)
CR B30.1- View, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of grade-appropriate international, including indigenous, texts that address:
identity (e.g., Sense of Self), social responsibility (e.g., Social Criticism), and social action (agency) (e.g., Addressing the Issues).
This outcome will be met by having the students view a visual text that will focus on having students examine their identity and social responsibility in a
society that has racism. They will be asked to find these ideas in the text. The social action will be met when the students work on the assessment piece
by asking them to come up with a way to fix the problem by using some of the knowledge that they have gained from the text in the world that they will
CR B30.2- View, comprehend, and evaluate critically a variety of visual and multimedia texts by international, including indigenous, artists and authors
from various cultural communities, and identify how the texts address beliefs, values, and power.
This outcome will be met by having the students view comprehend and evaluate a multimedia text and they will be asked to identify the beliefs, values,
and power that the text shows through the journals that they will be asked to write after each video.

CC B30.1- Create a range of visual, multimedia, oral and written texts that explore: identity (e.g., Sense of Self), social responsibility (e.g., Social
Criticism), and social action (agency) (e.g., Addressing the Issues).
This outcome will be met with their assessment piece when they are asked to create a visual presentation to show their fellow classmates that will focus
primarily on building their social responsibility and having them think about their ability to have social action even though they are young.

CC B30.2- Create a visual or multimedia presentation that suits the topic, purpose, and audience; teaches others up about a global social issue; and
persuades them to act on the issue in a responsible manner.
This outcome will be met by the assessment piece because the students will have to create a presentation that relates to the topic (world issues) and is
understandable and convincing to both me and their peers. The main point of their assessment piece is to teach their fellow students about the global
issue that they have chosen and persuade them to act and “support” them in their cause.
Enduring Understandings Essential Questions
What understandings about the big ideas are desired? (what you want What provocative questions will foster inquiry into the content? (open-
students to understand & be able to use several years from now) ended questions that stimulate thought and inquiry linked to the content
What misunderstandings are predictable? of the enduring understanding)
Students will understand that... Content specific….
Students will understand that...  What are ways you can become a more open, responsible and
 World issues, like racism, are not just problems that exist in a accepting citizen in your society and world?
faraway place by they happen in Canada and Saskatchewan as well.
 They can make a difference in the world now. They don’t have to
wait until their older.
 They are full citizens of the world and therefore need to help make it
a better place

Related misconceptions…
 Canada doesn’t have a racist past or problems with racism. FNMI, multicultural, cross-curricular…
 High school students are too young to impact the world.  This will touch on racism against FNMI people as well as people
from other cultures.
Knowledge: Skills
What knowledge will student acquire as a result of this unit? This content What skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? List the skills
knowledge may come from the indicators, or might also address pre-requisite and/or behaviors that students will be able to exhibit as a result of their
knowledge that students will need for this unit. work in this unit. These will come from the indicators.
Students will know... Students will be able to…
 That Canada is not a perfect place and has its problems that need to  Address and acknowledge that many Canada citizens are victims
be fixed of racism, sexism, etc.
 That racism is a major problem (among others) around the world  Identify problems when they see them and come up with a way
 That they can help to make the world a better place now to solve these problems
 That part of being a citizen is to help make the place you’re in a  Take charge of their society and create a better one for the future
better place to be for everyone  Evaluate their work and the work of their peers fairly
 Interpret visual text as easily as they can interpret written texts

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

Performance Task
Through what authentic performance task will students demonstrate the desired understandings, knowledge, and skills? (describes the learning activity in
“story” form. Typically, the P.T. describes a scenario or situation that requires students to apply knowledge and skills to demonstrate their understanding
in a real life situation. Describe your performance task scenario below)
By what criteria will performances of understanding be judged?
GRASPS Elements of the Performance Task
G – Goal G- they will have accomplished pieces of all of the above outcomes by doing an inquiry project on how to make
What should students accomplish by the world a better place (which includes a presentation) as well as watching and analyzing the videos. Following
completing this task? both of these tasks the students will submit journal style self-assessment about what they learned and how they
R – Role would have improved.
What role (perspective) will your students R- The role the students will be taking is a person who is able to change the world in any way they want with no
be taking? problems like finances or access but they do have to convince other people to follow them into the change they
A – Audience what to start.
Who is the relevant audience? A- Their audience is primarily their peers
S – Situation S- Their challenge is to convince others that the problem needs to be fixed and that their solution is the best way
The context or challenge provided to the to do that. The other challenge will be the selection of their world issue and the research into what it looks like.
student. Both of these tasks will demonstrate their literature abilities by having them write and speak in a convincing
P – Product, Performance manner and having them analyze what they read when doing research.
What product/performance will the student P- The students will produce a presentation of their choice (video, PowerPoint, poster, etc.)
S – Standards & Criteria for Success S- Rubric will be designed in class with the students
Create the rubric for the Performance Task
Other Evidence Student Self-Assessment
Through what other evidence (work samples, observations, quizzes, tests, How will students reflect upon or self-assess their learning?
journals or other means) will students demonstrate achievement of the
desired results? Formative and summative assessments used throughout
the unit to arrive at the outcomes.
Other forms of assessment that I will be using are their journals that they First step for their self-assessing is that they will help me to build the rubric
will do every day. This will be both formative so I can see that they are with my guidance. Then after their presentations, they will reflect on their
paying attention to and understanding the story. Using this I can adjust to own learning by writing in their journals about what they felt they learnt,
summarizing what they’ve watched if they need it. I will also be using the what they found interesting, how they felt they did in their presentation,
journals as a way to ensure that the students are able to analyze a visual etc. They will also do a little peer assessment by deciding which three of
text while identifying how the text uses ideas of identity and social their peers that they would support in their plan for reform as a way of
responsibility and how it comments on beliefs, values, and powers of helping to decide which presentations were the most convincing
various characters at various times in the narrative. I also have included a
few writing assignments for the students as a way of keeping them engage.
These assignments will be used mostly for formative assessment, as they
build on the skills that the students will need to use during their assessment
piece, with one of them being used for summative assessment.

Stage 3 – Learning Plan

What teaching and learning experiences will you use to:
 achieve the desired results identified in Stage 1?
 equip students to complete the assessment tasks identified in Stage 2?
Where are your students headed? Where have they been? How will you make sure the students know where they are going?
What experiences do the learners bring to the unit? How have the interests of the learners been ascertained? Have the learners been
part of the pre-planning in any way? What individual needs do you anticipate will need to be addressed?
Learning environment: Where can this learning best occur? How can the physical environment be arranged to enhance learning?
This will be the first unit the learners work through in their English 30B class. I will assume that they have managed to complete the outcomes from 10A&B
and 20. However, if I discover from formative assessments that some of these outcomes have not been met yet then I will make this unit longer and go
back to ensure they understand their previous learning before getting too far into the semester. The learners will be heading into a class based on the ideas
of social experience and a search for self. I will make sure the students know where they are going by giving them an outline of the unit and by listing the
activities we will accomplish everyday on the board for them to see when they come in. Some of the experiences students bring in may include having dealt
with racism in their lives or perhaps realizing that they may have acted racist towards someone. However, I expect that they all are aware of racism as a
problem and that they understand why it is wrong. I can ascertain the students interests from previous experience with the students (if I’ve had them in
younger grades) or from teachers who have had them before. The learners will not be part of the pre-planning for the lessons but they will be part of pre-
planning for their assessment piece by helping me to create the rubric. I anticipate that this topic may be a bit sensitive for some students who have maybe
experienced racism before and may cause some problems for them. I will help them with this by talking to them and reading their journals to ensure they
are dealing with everything in a healthy way and if not then I will take further steps to get them additional support.
The best learning environment will be a classroom for most of the lessons and a library for the research lessons. Most of the lesson focuses on individual
work or large group conversations so the best setup for the classroom is rows of desk facing the front.
How will you engage students at the beginning of the unit? (motivational set)
The engagement piece for this unit is the first lesson. It focuses on defining what racism looks like and that it does exist in Canada though it often gets
overlooked. It asks them to wonder why racism is not often mentioned or thought about in Canada. This lesson will also include a very brief introduction to
the Book of Negroes and some of the themes that it will focus on.
What events will help students experience and explore the enduring understandings and essential questions in the unit? How will you
equip them with needed skills and knowledge?
# Lesson Title Lesson Activities CCCs Resources
1 Introduction to Start by asking the students is racism exists in Canada and if so what events, both current and historic, DT White board/
Book of Negros have happened to prove this. You may need to prompt to make sure they think about both contexts. Chalk board,
Write the answers up on the board as the students give them. (10 mins). markers/chal
k, computer
Have the students watch the YouTube video titled “Our Canada: Are We Racist?” and
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ET8KyiY_Nc) it has a run time of nearly 20 mins. Before they projector,
start watching tell them they will need to take notes about what they agree with, disagree with, extra paper
question, or find interesting during the video. When the video is finished, start a conversation about and pens
some of the things the students took notes about during the video and steer the conversation in the (for students
direction of what can be done to create a change and fix this problem. Some questions you can use who don’t
are “What things did you jot down that you disagreed with and why? Since you disagree with this point bring any)
what do think can be done to fix it and make it something you would agree with? If you had all the
money, support, and time in the world what would you do to solve the problem of racism?” (15 mins)
If the students aren’t willing to talk take 5 mins out of the conversation time to introduce the Book of
Negros that the students will be starting the next day.

After this ask them to think about why Canada has a reputation for being a nice country when that’s
not true. You are not looking for an answer just to get them to think about it. Have them journal their
thoughts about what we talked about today focusing on that question final question. This is primarily
to give students who don’t want to speak up during class a chance to still say something on the topic.
(15 mins).

Giving the students the journal entry so that they can reflect on what they say and heard whether or
not they had the chance to speak up in class is my adaptation for this lesson.
2 Book of Introduce the story of Book of Negroes. Be sure to caution them and tell them that there will be some DT Computer
Negros: scenes during the episodes that may be difficult to watch because of sensitive materials. (5 mins) DL and
Episode 1 projector,
Play episode 1 of Book of Negroes. Access it through YouTube it will be in the “Purchases” tab on my journals,
account. This video can only be accessed on YouTube when purchased which is the reason for having extra pens
the students watch them in class. Find the login information in the day planner (44 mins). Episode
summary: Aminata is kidnapped while on a trek with her parents to deliver a baby. She is shackled in
iron chains to a coffle with other men, women and children and forced to walk the 2,200 kilometer
journey from her home in Bayo, in current day Niger, to the slave fort on Bunce Island on the coast of
Sierra Leone. After enduring the middle passage across the Atlantic, she is sold at a slave auction to
the owner of an indigo plantation. There, her life begins as chattel – the property of Robinson Appleby.
I have chosen to show the videos instead of having the students read the novel in order to shorten the
amount of time that we will spend on it as the novel is very long and very dense. I think this story has
a lot that students can learn from and I would like them be able to experience it without having to dive
into the whole novel.

Before they watch the episode I will give them a list of words (ex. Bunce Island, Chattel, Coffle, Indigo,
Djeli, Middle Passage, Peruvian Bark, etc.) that will come up in the video and have them define them
as they watch. I will also give the students a handout with basic comprehension questions (ex. How
would you describe Aminata’s relationship with her parents? How and what does she learn from these
relationships? Who were the men who enslaved Aminata? What cultural groups do you think they came
from? What does this tell you about the enslavement of African people on the world stage?) for them
to answer as they watch. Both of these activities will keep them engaged with the video as well to
build their vocabulary and literary skills.

Have them write in their journals about the theme of racism and who it affects and in what ways,
based in the video watched. Try not to give them too many prompts because I want to see what they
pick up on their own. This will give me a better idea about exactly what they understand and where I
need to build up their understanding. (11 mins)

Allow students who may need more time the chance to complete their journal entry later.
Encourage students who need more of challenge to dig deeper into the themes and be more
expressive about their interpretation while writing in their journal entries.
3 African Cultures This lesson will take two days DT Computers
“Research” I will start by asking the students what knowledge they may already have about some African cultures. DL for the
Project I will ask them to specify which culture they are talking about when they go to explain it and I will students
write all of the things they know on the board as they talk. (5 mins) Handouts
After this I will introduce the short research project they will be doing. I am not expecting them to do a
full research project so the information they get during this will likely be very surface level. The point
of the exercise is to give them a better understanding of the complexities of the sovereign cultural
groups in pre- colonial Africa so that they can better understand the impacts of slavery and
colonialization on these groups. I will break the class into groups of 4-5 students and give them access
(either handouts or online but preferably online) to UNESCO book, A General History of Africa, Volume
4: Twelfth to the Sixteenth Century (web access at
http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0018/001842/184287eo.pdf#xml=http://www.unesco.org/ulis/c gi-
bin/ulis.pl?database=&set=4DC2A097_1_13&hits_rec=8&hits_lng=eng). The students will look
through the table of contents and choose a culture that they would like to study. After they have
chosen one they will then use the same document to start their research and pull in other sources if
they find it necessary/beneficial as they read. As they research they will be asked to post their jot
notes in a class-wide Google Doc that I will be monitoring during the activity. After they have done
their research they will be asked to write 1-2 pages about their culture as a group (focuses should
include but are not limited to governance structures, social organization, technology, trade/economics,
and the impact of triangular trade [selling African goods (i.e. people) to Americans and the West Indies
for goods that were then shipped to Britain]) and post it to a class-wide Google Doc so that I can read
it and asses what they learned from the activity. (Two full class periods)

With the students posting all of their jot notes in the Google Doc as they work I will be able to monitor
each group and give support to the groups that need it more while allowing the groups that don’t to
work with only the occasional check-in
4 Book of Start by recapping what happened in the last episode and addressing any misunderstanding about the DT Computer
Negros: video and its themes. I will also answer any questions that students may have about the story. I am DL and
Episode 2 not fully unpacking the themes here. I am simply ensuring that the students comprehend what is going projector,
on the story in regards to the themes thus far. (5 mins) journals,
extra pens
Play episode 2 of Book of Negroes. Access it through YouTube it will be in the “Purchases” tab on my
account. Find the login information in the day planner (44 mins). Episode summary: Aminata has
grown into a beautiful young woman. Her enslaver, Robinson Appleby, rapes her, but Georgia’s
medicine ensures she will not carry a child as a result of this violence. Chekura learns of Aminata’s
whereabouts and they are reunited and marry by “jumping the broom.” Their happiness is short-lived
when Appleby discovers the child she gives birth to – May – is not his. Enraged that she has been
intimate with a man of her own choosing, he takes the child while Aminata sleeps and sells her.
Appleby is eager to get rid of Aminata too. Impressed by her intelligence and skill, indigo inspector,
Solomon Lindo, purchases Aminata. After Lindo’s wife and son succumb to small pox, Lindo asks her to
accompany him on a trip to New York. When Aminata discovers that Lindo brokered the sale of her
daughter, May, she is determined to use this trip to emancipate herself.

Before they watch the episode I will give them a list of words (ex. Bukra, Catalyst, Fishnet, Small Pox,
etc.) that will come up in the video and have them define them as they watch. I will also give the
students a handout with basic comprehension questions (ex. Why does Georgia hide the book from
Appleby? What might happen if it were discovered? Why does Georgia cut Aminata and rub the fiber
from a person infected with small pox in the wound? What does this suggest about Georgia’s
knowledge?) for them to answer as they watch. Both of these activities will keep them engaged with
the video as well to build their vocabulary and literary skills.

Have them write in their journals about the theme of struggle/hardships and how to overcome them.
They can use examples from their own lives so long as they still refer to or reference things that they
took from the video. Try not to give them too many prompts because I want to see what they pick up
on their own. This will give me a better idea about exactly what they understand and where I need to
build up their understanding. (11 mins)
Allow students who may need more time the chance to complete their journal entry later.
Encourage students who need more of challenge to dig deeper into the themes and be more
expressive about their interpretation while writing in their journal entries
5 Analyzing I will start by asking the students if slavery was ever something that happened in Canada and allow a DT Handouts
Canadian Slave short debate on whether or not it happened and why they have/can they back up the argument they (advertiseme
Ads have. (5 mins) nts and
I will then break the class up into groups of 3-4 and give each group a slave advertisement from
Canada to analyze. They will need to identify the owner, the slave they are looking for, the location
they are from, the skills the slave must have, and a description of the slave. They will all get a chance
to see all of advertisements that I bring in. They will then need to discuss in their groups what
advertisements like this reveals about Canadian history. (20 mins)

After this I will bring the class back together and ask them to discuss the final question: What do
advertisements like this reveal about Canadian history? I will also ask them whether this is new
information to them (referring back to the 5 min discussion from the opening of the lesson) and if not
where they had heard of it before? I will also ask them why they think people say Canada is a place
full of nice people when histories like this exist. (35 mins) If need extra time at the end of the lesson I
will have them write a journal entry about the final question listed.

This lesson is primarily discussion-based and therefore can be adjusted during the class to suit
different student needs. If I notice a student does not understand the discussion I will offer more
explanation if the students understand and want to go further they can grow the conversation on their
6 Book of Start by recapping what happened in the last episode and addressing any misunderstanding about the DT Computer
Negros: video and its themes. I will also answer any questions that students may have about the story. I am DL and
Episode 3 not fully unpacking the themes here. I am simply ensuring that the students comprehend what is going projector,
on the story in regards to the themes thus far. (5 mins) journals,
extra pens

Play episode 2 of Book of Negroes. Access it through YouTube it will be in the “Purchases” tab on my
account. Find the login information in the day planner (44 mins). Episode summary: Aminata travels
to New York with Solomon Lindo as planned. There is great unrest in the colonies. War is breaking out
between the British and the American rebels and Lindo must return home before the British close the
harbour. With help from tavern owner, Samuel Francis, Aminata seizes her opportunity to escape into
the woods until Lindo has departed for good. As a literate midwife, Aminata quickly establishes herself
as a valuable member of Canvas Town, a tent settlement of freed and escaped African Americans in
New York City. She is valued beyond this community, helping to deliver the baby of a Black prostitute
and a British Officer who has secured her services in an exclusive and possibly loving relationship. After
Chekura finds Aminata once again, a debate ensues over which side of the conflict will support
freedom for African Americans. Samuel sides with the Americans, while Chekura supports the British,
following them into battle on their promise of freedom to any “negro” who fights alongside them.
When American independence is declared, Aminata knows that her freedom is once again threatened
and that Solomon Lindo can return and claim her as his property.
Before they watch the episode I will give them a list of words (ex. Bounty Hunter, Canvas Town,
Constitution, Manumission, Revolutionary War, Three-Fifths Compromise, etc.) that will come up in the
video and have them define them as they watch. I will also give the students a handout with basic
comprehension questions (ex. What is Aminata resisting when she writes her name in the ledger of
Samuel Francis’ inn? Why is it important to her that Mr. Francis says her name aloud? Why does
Berthilda use the demeaning term “buck” to describe Black men? What does this suggest about the
impact of generations of enslavement on both the enslaved and freed African Americans?) for them to
answer as they watch. Both of these activities will keep them engaged with the video as well to build
their vocabulary and literary skills.

Have the students write in their journals about the theme of freedom and its importance in the lives of
people both in history and in the present (Syrians for example of the present). Try not to give them
too many prompts because I want to see what they pick up on their own. This will give me a better
idea about exactly what they understand and where I need to build up their understanding. (11 mins)

Allow students who may need more time the chance to complete their journal entry later.
Encourage students who need more of challenge to dig deeper into the themes and be more
expressive about their interpretation while writing in their journal entries
7 Discussing I will begin by asking the students what recent incidents/ current events they can recall that made the DT Handouts
Racism in news and that show Canada as a racist country. I will write their responses on the board as they give DL (article)
Canada them (5 mins)

After this I will have the students read the Huffington Post article, “The 10 Most Racist Incidents of
2014: Canadian Edition” (web access through: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/rachel-decoste/racism-in-
canada_b_6401578.html). After they have read through the article I will ask them to have a class
discussion focusing on questions like: What historically racist practice is reflected in the “Subban’s
Sochi Snub?” Where did the practice originate what keeps it alive in the popular consciousness today?
Do you think stereotypes feed the types of responses to racist bullying described in the article? If so,
what are these stereotypes? How do you think persons in positions of authority should respond to
occurrences such as those described in Westport, Newfoundland and Georgina, Ontario?

The article is a fairly short so it should not take them very long to read it nor should it be a challenge
for any of the students as the wording is very simple.
8 Book of Start by recapping what happened in the last episode and addressing any misunderstanding about the DT Computer
Negros: video and its themes. I will also answer any questions that students may have about the story. I am DL and
Episode 4 not fully unpacking the themes here. I am simply ensuring that the students comprehend what is going projector,
on the story in regards to the themes thus far. (5 mins) journals,
extra pens

Play episode 2 of Book of Negroes. Access it through YouTube it will be in the “Purchases” tab on my
account. Find the login information in the day planner (44 mins). Episode summary: As the rebel
victory over the British makes it possible for Solomon Lindo to return to New York, Aminata’s freedom
is once again threatened. An opportunity to secure her freedom comes when a British offer gives
Aminata the chance to assist in relocating those who fought in the Revolutionary War on the side of
the British. She will be responsible for documenting — in an actual historical document called The Book
of Negroes — the Black Loyalists who will be moved to Nova Scotia. On the verge of freedom, the now
pregnant Aminata is apprehended as a runaway enslaved person and once again separated from
Chekura. Appleby’s attempt to fraudulently claim her as property is unsuccessful. Solomon Lindo
proves that he is her legal owner and frees her.

Before they watch the episode I will give them a list of words (ex. Antebellum, Black Codes,
Declaration of Independence, Jim Crow Laws, Ku Klux Klan, etc.) that will come up in the video and
have them define them as they watch. I will also give the students a handout with basic
comprehension questions (ex. What risks were the people of Canvas Town faced with when the rebels
won the war? Were free-born Black people safe? Who posed a threat to them and why? Why is Clark
impressed by Aminata? How does he ascertain what he knows about her?) for them to answer as they
watch. Both of these activities will keep them engaged with the video as well to build their vocabulary
and literary skills.

Have them write in their journals about the idea of fighting for yourself and standing up to people who
are trying to abuse you. They can use examples from their own lives if they would like. Try not to give
them too many prompts because I want to see what they pick up on their own. This will give me a
better idea about exactly what they understand and where I need to build up their understanding. (11

Allow students who may need more time the chance to complete their journal entry later.
Encourage students who need more of challenge to dig deeper into the themes and be more
expressive about their interpretation while writing in their journal entries
9 Creative I will start by to summarize the story thus for me focusing on the details of Aminata’s life. I will write DII Handouts
Writing piece their points up on the board as they say them and add/prompt in anything they miss (ex. The name of DL Computers
the port Aminata was shipped out of, the name of the ship she was on, the state/area that she was for the
first sold in, what her jobs as a slave were, etc.). I will also ask them if they can recall (from other students
classes or from previous lessons) other facts about the lives that enslaved people lived and I will make Extra Paper
a separate list on the board. I will explain that this activity is to help them recall some of the facts of and pens
the African slave trade so that they will have an easier time with their writing piece for this class. (15

After this I will handout an excerpt of the historical ledger The Book of Negroes and ask them to pick
one person off of the list to write about. They will be writing a 1-2 page short fictional account of that
person’s life based on the information they have received from the videos thus far and on any other
information they can recall. They will be encouraged to do a bit of research into the ship that is listed,
the person’s birth place, etc. so that they can create a story that is based in as many facts as they can
find. They will be asked to be descriptive in their writing. (45 mins) This assignment will be due the
next morning and will be graded.
10 Book of Start by recapping what happened in the last episode and addressing any misunderstanding about the DT Computer
Negros: video and its themes. I will also answer any questions that students may have about the story. I am DL and
Episode 5 not fully unpacking the themes here. I am simply ensuring that the students comprehend what is going projector,
on the story in regards to the themes thus far. (5 mins) journals,
extra pens
Play episode 2 of Book of Negroes. Access it through YouTube it will be in the “Purchases” tab on my
account. Find the login information in the day planner (44 mins). Episode summary: The now visibly
pregnant and freed Aminata sets sail from New York to Shelburne, Nova Scotia. On arrival, she and
other Black arrivals are met with resentment and racism. Violence from the community of white
colonists already there includes lynching hungry Black people for stealing food. The Black Birchtown
settlement outside of Shelburne, where Aminata lives, is marked by disease and hunger that claims the
life of her newborn son. Following this devastating loss, Aminata is inspired by memories of her father
and the support of Birchtown residents to resume challenging slavery through writing to British
abolitionists. Captain John Clarkson responds by travelling to Nova Scotia and offering Birchtown
residents resettlement in Sierra Leone on Africa’s west coast. Aminata and Chekura are reunited amidst
increasing tensions in the area that culminate in white colonists burning Birchtown. Many of the un-
indentured Black residents who survive the Birchtown Riot set sail for Africa.

Before they watch the episode I will give them a list of words (ex. Indenture, Abolition, Birchtown,
lynching, etc.) that will come up in the video and have them define them as they watch. I will also give
the students a handout with basic comprehension questions (ex. Where was Aminata hoping to go in
Nova Scotia? When she approaches the community of Shelburne what are her observations? What
does this forebode? How is Aminata treated on arrival and by whom? How does she respond? What
does this tell you about the differences between her and the men who approach her as she is leaving
the dock? What role does Daddy Moses play in the Birchtown community?) for them to answer as they
watch. Both of these activities will keep them engaged with the video as well to build their vocabulary
and literary skills.

Have them write in their journals about the theme of being an outsider and why having people around
you to support you throughout your life is important. They can use their own experiences if they want.
Try not to give them too many prompts because I want to see what they pick up on their own. This
will give me a better idea about exactly what they understand and where I need to build up their
understanding. (11 mins)

Allow students who may need more time the chance to complete their journal entry later.
Encourage students who need more of challenge to dig deeper into the themes and be more
expressive about their interpretation while writing in their journal entries
11 Book of Start by recapping what happened in the last episode and addressing any misunderstanding about the DT Computer
Negros: video and its themes. I will also answer any questions that students may have about the story. I am DL and
Episode 6 not fully unpacking the themes here. I am simply ensuring that the students comprehend what is going projector,
on the story in regards to the themes thus far. (5 mins) journals,
extra pens

Play episode 2 of Book of Negroes. Access it through YouTube it will be in the “Purchases” tab on my
account. Find the login information in the day planner (44 mins). Episode summary: Aminata and
other surviving Black Loyalists of Birchtown are transported to the newly created Freetown in Sierra
Leone, Africa. The repatriated men and women work hard to build a town under the watchful eyes of a
small band of troops employed by “the company.” While they have escaped enslavement and the
hardships of freedom without full citizenship in the Americas, they are distressingly reacquainted with
the Triangular Trade’s starting point as coffles of slaves are marched through their town to the ocean.
Aminata remains determined to return to Bayo, the village of her childhood. Her trek inland brings her
face to face with more coffles and the threat that she will be re-enslaved. After successfully freeing a
coffle of children, Chekura is killed, leaving Aminata alone to discover the true meaning of home. She
travels to England to support the abolition movement by both writing and telling her story and is
pivotal in the abolition of British slave trading.

Before they watch the episode I will give them a list of words (ex. Achievement Gap/Opportunity Gap,
Colonialism, Diaspora, Racial Profiling, etc.) that will come up during the video and have them define
them as they watch. I will also give the students a handout with basic comprehension questions (ex.
How does Aminata visually verify that she has returned to the coast of her homeland? Who controls
this new colony? What risks to the new settlers come with this? What language does Aminata learn
early in her settlement? For what purpose?) for them to answer as they watch. Both of these activities
will keep them engaged with the video as well to build their vocabulary and literary skills.

Have them write in their journals about the theme of where your home is and what home means. The
student can use personal experiences when writing this. Try not to give them too many prompts
because I want to see what they pick up on their own. This will give me a better idea about exactly
what they understand and where I need to build up their understanding. (11 mins)

Allow students who may need more time the chance to complete their journal entry later.
Encourage students who need more of challenge to dig deeper into the themes and be more
expressive about their interpretation while writing in their journal entries
12 What Can be I will start by showing the students a very short YouTube video called DT Computer
Done? “What is Racism?” DL and
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJeflTKLlvk) (2 mins). Following this I will ask the students projector
what they think they can do about the problem of racism in our society today. I expect them to have a
difficult time coming up with answers so give them plenty of time to think and help them by asking
questions (ex. Have you ever felt unheard? If so, what was one way in which you wanted the people
around you to respond? Can we change racism by changing what we say? Give me examples.) After
they have come up with a few ideas show another short YouTube video called “Little Things You Can
Do to Combat Racism” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4nPz7LUDNM) (3 mins). The purpose of
the second video is to give the students a chance to hear from people of other races what they think
can be done to combat racism. (10-15 mins depending and the students ability to think of ideas)

After this the students will be asked to write a much longer journal entry then the previous ones that
identifies what they can do to address current manifestations of social problems that began with the
Transatlantic trade 1) as individuals 2) within their families 3) within their school 4) within their
community (the students can pick one of these ideas or any combination of them). The students will
be informed that this activity is leading towards their assessment piece as they will have to come up
with a convincing way to solve a world problem in that assignment and this activity is practise for them
to think about an issue in this way.
13 My Plan to This lesson will take four days. DII Access to
Change the Day 1 DSR computers
World Introduce the assessment piece and be sure to example it fully while answering any questions that the and research
students may have about it. I expect this portion to take about 30 mins as there a lot of details that materials
need to be discussed and figured out. Part of this will be to let them know they will be helping to build
the rubric and what kinds of things they need to think about wanting in it based on requirements that I
will lay down. The rest of the class will be dedicated to the students beginning their assignments.
Day 2
The class will start with the students and I creating the rubric based on what was discussed last class.
I again expect this to take half the class. The rest of the time the students will receive time to work on
their projects. I will type up and print off the rubrics the next day for the students to refer to while
they continue to work.
Day 3&4
The students will receive both full class periods to work. I will be checking in with the students while
they work and at the end of the fourth day I will ask the students to help decide a due date for the
assignment. This will determine whether or not I give them a few days to continue working on it on
their own time (during which time I would begin the next unit) or whether I will jump straight to the
14 Presentations This lesson will take three days DII Computer
Day 1-3 DSR and
The students will present their assignments to their classmates. This will take the entire class period all projector
three days. If needed I will add more days in order to make sure all the students are able to present. I (for students
will ask the students to limit their presentations to no more than 10 mins apiece. I expect that I will who need),
likely need to add more days to this depending on the number of students in me class. The order in rubrics to
which the students present will either be alphabetical or they will sign up for a slot. I will decide this mark
based on what I think is best for my students at the time and it will likely differ year to year as the
students change. After all of the presentations are done the students will be asked to write 2 journal
entries. One will be able what they felt they learnt personally from their research and how it impacts
their lives. The second will be about which presentation they would fund if they were able to and why.

Assess and Reflect (Stage 4)

Considerations Comments
Required Areas of Study: Yes, the alignment with the curriculum overlaps within the few different activities the
Is there alignment between outcomes, performance students are given. Outcomes CR B30.1 and CR B30.2 are both accomplished when they
assessment and learning experiences? watch the episode and critique/comment on what they saw. I will ensure that they are
critiquing the videos with the questions I ask them to write about in their journal entries. I
will be reviewing these journals daily to ensure that the content is being understood. The
episodes will deal with issues of identity, social responsibility, and social action. It will also
address issues of beliefs, values, and power. They will be required to comprehend and
evaluate the visual text when they are writing in their journals. They will be fulfilling
outcomes CC B30.1 and CC B30.2 when they complete their assessment piece. The
assessment piece will have them creating a multimedia and oral presentation that explores
the issues of identity, social responsibility, and social action. Their presentation also has to
suit the topic, purpose, and audience and teach others about a global social issue and
persuades them to act on the issue in a responsible manner. That is one of the main
points of the assessment piece.
Adaptive Dimension: For struggling students:
Have I made purposeful adjustments to the curriculum My plan to help students who are struggling is simply to be sure to give them the extra
content (not outcomes), instructional practices, and/or support they will need. I will make time to talk them through what they should be getting
the learning environment to meet the learning needs and from the visual texts and in what ways. I will be conscience of what they taking from the
diversities of all my students? text and closely monitoring their assessments pieces in order to make sure that they are
the right track and that they will be able to meet the outcomes. To be clearer I will ensure
that all students receive time to talk about what they are learning but I will make an effort
to give the struggling students a bit more one-on-one attention in this regard if they
require it.
For students who need a challenge:
My plan for students who need a challenge is to encourage them to think deeper when
doing their journal entries about the themes: why they are important to think about and
what impacts they have on our world and on their lives. I will also ask them to dig deeper
in their research during their assessment pieces and to think through their presentations
more carefully.
Instructional Approaches: Yes, I use a wide variety of different instructional approaches. The primary focus is to
Do I use a variety of teacher directed and student have the students watch, listen and understand a visual text however, I have also included
centered instructional approaches? analyzing pictures, researching topics the students are unfamiliar with, and reading outside
articles that support the topic for this unit. Throughout the unit I have the students
engaging with and developing all of their literacies (reading, writing, listening, and
speaking) with the different styles of lessons planned. I also allow the students to
occasionally take over their learning in the form of the independent research (evident in
the assessment piece as well as one of the lessons).
Resource Based Learning: The students will have access to a very wide variety of sources throughout this unit. I will
Do the students have access to various resources on an provide them with historical documents as well as current event articles during different
ongoing basis? lessons and the sources will range from American-based to Canadian-based. Both of these
facts will help students to understand the fact that this problem started many years ago in
a different country but Canada then and today is not as different as many people believe.
During their assessment piece the students will also have access to a wide range of
resources as they do their research and create their presentation.
FNM/I Content and Perspectives/Gender This unit deals primarily with the idea of racism so I will able to touch on FNMI content but
Equity/Multicultural Education: I will be primarily be looking at multicultural material through the eyes of other races that
Have I nurtured and promoted diversity while honoring have experienced racism in Canada (primarily African Canadians). This means that I will
each child’s identity? look at FNMI content occasionally but save most of it for its own later unit or ask to make
sure the students have looked at it in 30A as that is the main focus of that class and 30B
has a more global focus. I think these units do honor each child’s identity in the way that I
have setup the private journal reflections. This time will give them space to talk about
what they think about what they’ve seen and to talk about how the themes expressed
affect them and the people around them.

From: Wiggins, Grant and J. McTighe. (1998). Understanding by Design, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, ISBN # 0-87120-313-8 (pbk)

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