Processing Report Poseidon3D

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

Seismic Data Processing Report

Carried out by: CGGVeritas

For: ConocoPhillips
Area: Browse Basin, Australia
Survey: Poseidon and BKG06B Marine 3D
Method: 3D Pre-Stack Time Migration

CGGVeritas Australia Date: Oct 2009 -

July 2011

38 Ord Street

Tel: (08) 9214 6200

Fax: (08) 9214 6222
CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

Table of Contents



1.1. Scope of Report 1

1.2. Purpose and Objectives of Processing 1
1.3. Location Map 2


2.1. Data Acquisition Parameters 4

2.2. Processing Parameters 6


3.1. Fast Track Processing Sequence – Integration with acquisition 7

3.2. Final Processing Sequence 9
3.3. Final Processing Sequence-2D and extended lines 12


4.1. Processing Parameters 15




7.1. List Of Lines Processed 30

7.2. Processing Grid Details 38
7.2.1. Poseidon 3D Processing Grid 38
7.2.2. Poseidon 3D Processing Polygon 38

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7.3. Processing Personnel 39

7.4. Final Processing Deliverables 39
7.5. SEGY Definition 58

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1. Introduction

1.1. Scope of Report

This report describes the seismic data processing of the Poseidon 3D and
BKG06B 3D marine datasets for ConocoPhillips Australia Exploration Pty Ltd
performed by CGGVeritas Australia Pty Ltd. The Poseidon 3D dataset was new
acquisition in 2009/2010, and the processing was carried out behind the
acquisition. The BKG06B 3D survey was a legacy dataset from 2006
reprocessed by CGGVeritas Australia Pty. Ltd. as a second azimuth as it lies
fully within the Poseidon volume and has an orientation 80 degrees different
than that of Poseidon. All datasets lie primarily within blocks WA-398-P and
WA-315-P of the Browse Basin with minor ingresses into the following blocks:
WA-314-P, WA-30-R, WA-274-P and WA-411-P. The processing volume is

In addition to the regular on-shore processing, CGGVeritas also sent a

processor to the vessel to create a fast-track of the Poseidon data during the
acquisition stage.

There were also four tie lines which were extended outside of the main survey
area and into WA-314-P. These lines were acquired with the vessel in 3D
configuration, i.e. 2 guns and 10 cables active. These are referred to as the
extended lines in the report.

Another line was acquired diagonally across the entire survey, and
incorporated the area covered by both Poseidon and BKG06B-3D surveys. This
line was shot in 2D configuration, 2 guns and 1 cable and is referred to as 2D
in the report.

The processing is covered by contract number COP.ES.78005 and registered

under CGGVeritas crew number 501p1fi.

1.2. Purpose and Objectives of Processing

The key objectives of the processing project were as follows:

 Geological:
o Improve fault plane definition
o Improve primary target imaging
o Improve reef imaging
o Improve imaging of stratigraphic terminations

 Geophysical:
o To obtain the best image and resolution at the target level (3000-
o To achieve the best image around the reef as possible
o To achieve optimum multiple attenuation pre-migration

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o To obtain accurate pre and post migration velocity fields for

optimum imaging
o Production of AVO attributes

1.3. Location Map

The solid purple line CDEHIJC in the figure below shows the area to be
processed within the Browse Basin:

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

The figure below shows the position of all shot points that are processed as
part of this contract. Note the orthogonal lines around Seringapatam reef,
extended lines and diagonal ties lines, as well as the BKG06B-3D survey:

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

2. Data Acquisition

2.1. Data Acquisition Parameters

The following table lists the parameters used in the acquisition of the Poseidon
3D survey:

Country of Survey Australia

Area of Survey Browse Basin
Block/Tenement WA-315-P and WA-398-P
Survey Name Poseidon 3D Marine
Data Type Marine 3D
Volume 370 Sailed Lines covering 2829km 2
(Sequence 001 – 370, see section 7.1 for full list
of lines processed)
Acquisition Contractor CGGVeritas
Acquisition Vessel Geowave Voyager
Acquisition Record 7000ms
Acquisition Sample 2ms
Acquisition Direction 130°/310°
Acquisition Filter 3Hz, 6dB/Oct – 200Hz, 370 dB/Oct
Source Separation 37.5m
Shot Interval 18.75m (flip –to- flop)
Source Depth 6m
Streamer Separation 75m
Streamer Length 6000m
No. Streamers 10
Channel Interval 12.5m
No. Channels 480
Streamer Depth 7m
2D Inline Near Offset 160m
Crossline Interval 12.5m
Inline Interval 18.75m

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The following table lists the parameters used in the acquisition of the BKG06B-
3D survey:

Country of Survey Australia

Area of Survey Browse Basin
Block/Tenement WA-315-P
Survey Name BKG06B-3D Marine
Data Type Marine 3D
Volume Sequence 001 – 053, see section 7.1 for full list
of lines processed
Acquisition Contractor Veritas
Acquisition Vessel SR/V Veritas Viking II
Acquisition Record 6000ms
Acquisition Sample 2ms
Acquisition Direction 50°/230°
Acquisition Filter 3Hz, 12dB/Oct – 206Hz, 276 dB/Oct
Source Separation 50m
Shot Interval 18.75m (flip –to- flop)
Source Depth 6m
Streamer Separation 100m
Streamer Length 5550m
No. Streamers 8
Channel Interval 12.5m
No. Channels 444
Streamer Depth 7.5m
2D Inline Near Offset 138m
Crossline Interval 12.5m
Inline Interval 25m

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2.2. Processing Parameters

The following table lists the parameters used in the processing of Poseidon 3D:

Processing Record Length 7000ms

Processing Sample Interval 4ms
Datum WGS84
Grid Size 6.25 x 18.75m to 12.5 x 18.75m after trace

The following table lists the parameters used in the processing of BKG06B-3D:

Processing Record Length 6000ms

Processing Sample Interval 4ms
Datum WGS84
Grid Size 6.25 x 25m to 12.5 x 18.75m after trace
drop and regridding

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3. Processing Sequence

3.1. Fast Track Processing Sequence

1. Navigation reformat

2. Seismic data reformat to internal CGGVeritas format

a. 50ms SEG-D Delay
b. High Cut Anti-Alias (AA) filter prior to Resampling: 100Hz,
c. Resample from 2ms to 4ms
d. Cut Record Length to 7000ms (6000ms for BKG06B-3D)
e. De-bias and 3Hz, 18dB/Octave Butterworth low cut filter
f. Navigation and Seismic Data merge
g. Flag observer’s reports edits

3. Gun and Cable Static correction using real depths

4. Apply deterministic Zero phasing filter on 0.5 m cable depth increments

5. Reverse polarity to make trough an increase in impedance

6. Cascaded Swell Noise Attenuation (SNA)

a. Sort to back-to-back Shot Points (SP)
b. Two passes of SNA, splitting into separate frequency bands

7. Apply Shot point and Channel Edits

8. Linear Noise Attenuation

a. K-notch anti-alias filter with NMO wrap-around
b. Extrapolation of SPs in fx-y domain
c. Extend record length to 12000ms
d. Forward Tau-P transform (1200 P traces)
e. Tau-P mute for linear noise attenuation
f. Reverse Tau-P transform

9. Apply Tidal Statics Correction

10. Linear Radon transform for residual linear noise attenuation

11. 3D Surface Related Multiple Elimination (SRME)

a. Modelling
b. Subtraction in the Shotpoint domain

12. Shot-to-shot amplitude correction

a. Filter Length: 5 shot points

13. Normal Moveout (NMO) correction using manually picked stacking

velocity field (1 x 1km)

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14. High Resolution Radon De-multiple on NMO corrected gathers:

a. High Resolution Parabolic Radon in 2D CMP domain (DTMIN–
2000ms, DTMAX 1200ms, DTCUT 300ms, DDT 20ms, start time
1.7* water-bottom with 300ms taper)

15. Frequency Dependent Offset Noise Attenuation

16. Sort to Offset Volumes

a. Output of 80 75m offset volumes (160-234m….6085-6159m)
b. First 3 offset volumes purposefully over-populated (1-422m, 235-
434m, 310-446m)

17. Static Binning and FXY trace regularization

18. Kirchhoff Dip Moveout (DMO) stack

a. Removal of initial amplitude recovery
b. Spherical Divergence correction (V2/T) using PSTM VRMS field
c. Apply an inner and outer mute to data
d. Stack data with Max Dip = 50˚

19. Full Kirchhoff Post Stack Time Migration

a. Dip Limit : 75˚
b. 4km Half Aperture

20. Water-bottom dependant exponential diffracted multiple attenuation

21. Random Noise Attenuation (RNA)

22. Exponential Gain of 5 db/second

23. Double window Amplitude Gain Correction at 1000 ms and 400 ms

24. SEGY output of Final Stacks

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3.2. Final Processing Sequence

1. Navigation reformat

2. Seismic data reformat to internal CGGVeritas format

a. 50ms SEG-D Delay
b. High Cut Anti-Alias (AA) filter prior to Resampling: 100Hz,
c. Resample from 2ms to 4ms
d. Cut Record Length to 7000ms (6000ms for BKG06B-3D)
e. De-bias and 3Hz, 18dB/Octave Butterworth low cut filter
f. Navigation and Seismic Data merge
g. Flag observer’s reports edits
3. Gun and Cable Static correction using real depths

4. Apply deterministic Zero phasing filter on 0.5 m cable depth increments

5. Apply Tidal Statics Correction (BKG06B-3D Only)

6. Reverse polarity to make trough an increase in impedance

7. Cascaded Swell Noise Attenuation (SNA)

a. Sort to back-to-back Shot Points (SP)
b. Two passes of SNA, splitting into separate frequency bands
c. BKG06B-3D – Another 4 passes of SNA

8. Apply Shot point and Channel Edits

9. Linear Noise Attenuation

a. K-notch anti-alias filter with NMO wrap-around
b. Extrapolation of SPs in fx-y domain
c. Extend record length to 12000ms (11000 ms for BKG06B-3D)
d. Forward Tau-P transform (1200 P traces)
e. Tau-P mute for linear noise attenuation
f. Reverse Tau-P transform

10. Apply Tidal Statics Correction (Poseidon Only)

11. Linear Radon transform for residual linear noise attenuation

12. Trace drop to go from 6.25m Common Mid Point (CMP) spacing to 12.5m
spacing (BKG06B-3D Only)

13. 3D Surface Related Multiple Elimination (SRME)

a. Modelling
b. Subtraction in the Shotpoint domain

14. Second order deconvolution in Tau-P domain

a. Target window: 3800 – 5800ms

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15. Shot-to-shot amplitude correction

a. Filter Length: 5 shot points

16. Trace drop to go from 6.25m Common Mid Point (CMP) spacing to 12.5m
spacing (Poseidon Only)

17. Normal Moveout (NMO) correction using manually picked stacking

velocity field (1 x 1km) (Poseidon Only)

18. High Resolution Radon De-multiple on NMO corrected gathers:

a. High Resolution Parabolic Radon in 2D CMP domain (DTMIN–
2000ms, DTMAX 1200ms, DTCUT 300ms, DDT 20ms, start time
1.7* water-bottom with 300ms taper)

19. SEGY Output of 2D CMP Gathers

a. Removal of NMO correction
b. Removal of initial amplitude recovery

20. BKG06B-3D Re-gridding to Poseidon 3D grid

a. Amplitude and Phase matching to Poseidon

21. Sort to Offset Volumes

a. Output of 80 75m offset volumes (160-234m….6085-6159m)
b. First 3 offset volumes purposefully over-populated (1-422m, 235-
434m, 310-446m)

22. Automatic Bispectral Pre-Stack Time Migration (PSTM) velocity analysis

on a 25 x 250m interval
a. PSTM of target velocity inlines
b. Automatic bispectral velocity picking
c. Smoothing of raw picks for PSTM algorithm
d. Output of PSTM VRMS and ETA fields on a 500 x 500m grid

23. 3D Data regularization

a. Regularization of the dataset along two directions using Fourier

24. Diffracted multiple attenuation

a. Start time 4000ms and 1000ms taper

25. Frequency Dependent Offset Noise Attenuation

a. Removal of initial amplitude recovery
b. Spherical Divergence correction (V2/T) using PSTM VRMS field
c. Phase Only Q Compensation with Q=135

26. Full Kirchhoff PSTM

a. Dip Limit : 60˚
b. 4km Half Aperture

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27. Residual velocity analysis parameters on a 12.5 x 18.75m grid

a. Offline Residual Radon de-multiple, with DTCUT 240ms
b. Automatic Bispectral velocity picking
c. Removal of any erroneous picks and a small smoothing operator
d. Output of final RMO VRMS and ETA fields on a 12.5 x 18.75m grid

28. Application of 12.5 x 18.75m RMO VRMS and ETA fields

29. SEGY output of Raw PSTM Bin Gathers

a. Removal of final RNMO velocity and ETA fields

30. Residual Hi-Resolution RADON de-multiple

a. Time Variant High Resolution Parabolic Radon in the CMP domain
i. DTMIN-1000ms, DTMAX2000, DTCUT160ms, DDT 20ms, start
time 1.9 * water-bottom with 300ms taper
ii. DTMIN-1000ms, DTMAX2000ms, DTCUT100ms, DDT 20ms,
start time 2.6 seconds with a 400 ms taper (500 ms taper for

31. SEGY output of Final PSTM Bin Gathers

32. Final Angle Stacks

a. Full Stack = 6 - 42˚
b. Near Stack = 6 - 18˚
c. Mid Stack = 18 - 30˚
d. Far Stack = 30 - 42˚

33. SEGY output of Raw AVA Stacks

34. Post Stack processing

a. Amplitude only Q Compensation
b. Time Variant Scaling
c. Diffracted Multiple Attenuation
d. Random Noise Attenuation

35. SEGY output of Final AVA Stacks

36. AVO Product generation

a. Gradient Stack
b. Product Stack
c. Lambda-Rho Stack
d. Fluid Factor Stack
e. Intercept Stack

37. SEGY output of AVO Attribute Products

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3.3. Final Processing Sequence-2D and extended lines

For the extended lines, pre-processing of all 20 sublines was performed,

migration and post-migration processing was limited to 1 central subline.

For the 2D line, the starboard gun was dropped and the line was processed as
purely 2D.

1. Navigation reformat

2. Seismic data reformat to internal CGGVeritas format

a. 50ms SEG-D Delay
b. High Cut AA filter prior to Resampling: 100Hz, 110dB/Oct
c. Resample from 2ms to 4ms
d. Cut Record Length to 7000ms (6000ms for BKG06B-3D)
e. De-bias and 3Hz, 18dB/Octave Butterworth low cut filter
f. Navigation and Seismic Data merge
g. Flag observer’s reports edits

3. Gun and Cable Static correction using real depths

4. Apply deterministic Zero phasing filter on 0.5 m cable depth increments

5. Reverse polarity to make trough an increase in impedance

6. Cascaded Swell noise attenuation

a. Sort to back-to-back SPs
b. Two passes of SNA, splitting into separate frequency bands

7. Apply Shot point and Channel Edits

8. Linear Noise Attenuation

a. K-notch anti-alias filter with NMO wrap-around
b. Extrapolation of SPs in fx-y domain
c. Extend record length to 12000ms
d. Forward Tau-P transform (1200 P traces)
e. Tau-P mute for linear noise attenuation
f. Reverse Tau-P transform

9. Apply Tidal Statics Correction

10. Linear Radon transform for residual linear noise attenuation

11. 2D SRME
a. Modelling
b. Subtraction in the Shotpoint domain

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12. Second order deconvolution in Tau-P domain

a. Target window: 3800 – 5800ms

13. Shot-to-shot amplitude correction

a. Filter Length: 5 shot points

14. Trace drop to go from 6.25m CMP spacing to 12.5m

15. NMO correction using manually picked stacking velocity field (1 x 1km)

16. High Resolution Radon De-multiple on NMO corrected gathers:

a. Two pass High Resolution Parabolic Radon in 2D CMP domain
(DTMIN–2000ms, DTMAX 1200ms, DTCUT 300ms, DDT 20ms, start
time 1.7* water-bottom with 300ms taper)

17. SEGY Output of 2D CMP Gathers

a. Removal of NMO correction
b. Removal of initial amplitude recovery

18. Sort to Offset Volumes

a. Output of 80 75m offset volumes (160-234m….6085-6159m)
b. First 3 offset volumes purposefully over-populated (1-422m, 235-
434m, 310-446m)

19. Automatic Bispectral Pre-Stack Time Migration (PSTM) velocity analysis

on a 900m interval over a chosen central inline.
a. PSTM of velocity inlines
b. Automatic bispectral velocity picking
c. Smoothing of raw picks for PSTM algorithm
d. Output of PSTM VRMS and ETA lines

20. Diffracted multiple attenuation

a. Start time 4000ms and 1000ms taper

21. Frequency Dependent Offset Noise Attenuation

a. Removal of initial amplitude recovery
b. Spherical Divergence correction (V2/T) using PSTM VRMS field
c. Phase Only Q Compensation with Q=135

22. Full Kirchhoff PSTM

a. Dip Limit : 60˚
b. 4km Half Aperture

23. Residual velocity analysis parameters every 12.5m along the line
a. Offline Residual Radon de-multiple, with DTCUT 240ms
b. Automatic Bispectral velocity picking
c. Removal of any erroneous picks and a small smoothing operator
d. Output of final RMO VRMS and ETA lines

24. Application of RMO VRMS and ETA velocities

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25. SEGY output of Raw PSTM Bin Gathers

a. Removal of final RNMO velocity and ETA fields

26. Residual Hi-Resolution RADON de-multiple

a. Time Variant High Resolution Parabolic Radon in the CMP domain
i. DTMIN-1000ms, DTMAX2000, DTCUT160ms, DDT 20ms, start
time 1.9 * water-bottom with 300ms taper
ii. DTMIN-1000ms, DTMAX2000ms, DTCUT100ms, DDT 20ms,
start time 2.6 seconds with a 400 ms taper

27. SEGY output of Final PSTM Bin Gathers

28. Final Angle Stacks

a. Full Stack = 6 - 42˚
b. Near Stack = 6 - 18˚
c. Mid Stack = 18 - 30˚
d. Far Stack = 30 - 42˚

29. SEGY output of Raw AVA Stacks

30. Post Stack processing

a. Amplitude only Q Compensation
b. Time Variant Scaling
c. Diffracted Multiple Attenuation
d. Random Noise Attenuation

31. SEGY output of Final AVA Stacks

32. AVO Product generation

a. Gradient Stack
b. Product Stack
c. Lambda-Rho Stack
d. Fluid Factor Stack
e. Intercept Stack

33. SEGY output of AVO Attribute Products

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4. Processing and Parameter Testing

Testing was carried out on primarily Poseidon sequence 7, which runs

through the well Kronos-1, and BKG06B-3D sequence 48. Noisy sequences were
also picked to test the efficiency of any noise attenuation processes applied.

The following describes each processing stage that was applied to the
Poseidon 3D data set. Technical Notes with detailed test results for each of the
processing steps were provided to ConocoPhillips throughout the life of the
project, these have been included in the appendices of this report. Section 6 of
this processing report contains data examples from the following tests.

4.1. Processing Parameters

Reformat and Seismic/Navigation Merge

The SEG-D field seismic data and raw navigation data in NAV-P1 format
were reformatted to CGGVeritas’ internal format. The seismic and navigation
data was merged for each sail line by synchronizing common header information
from both datasets.

Resampling and Anti-alias Filtering

The Poseidon 3D data was resampled from 2ms to 4ms as part of the
contract requirement. A high cut anti alias filter was applied prior to resampling
to ensure that the maximum useable frequencies are retained. The filter allows
for the conservation of higher frequencies while having a cut of frequencies
above the ½ Nyquist (125Hz). The re-sampling did not notably affect the signal
frequency content of the data and hence does not notably attenuate any useful

The following anti-alias filter was used:


Low Cut Filtering

The Poseidon 3D dataset displayed a strong DC bias which needed to be

removed as early on in the sequence as possible. This was achieved through the
combination of a trace centring around zero amplitude and the application of a
3Hz low cut filter.

The following parameters were used:

-Trace centering around zero amplitude

-Butterworth Low cut Filter of 3Hz/18dB

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Trace Edits and Amplitude Recovery

Shot, trace and channel edits were carried out as indicated in the observer’s

Correction for spherical divergence in the data was performed to

compensate for the effects of geometrical spreading. In this case, compensation
was performed on non-NMO corrected data. Each sample was multiplied by
(T/250)2 .

T = sample time

Zero-phase filter derivation

Zero phasing was performed deterministically from the supplied far field
signature. The following diagrams describe the process that we used to obtain
the de-signature and zero phasing filter that was applied to this data set.

Swell Noise Attenuation

CGGVeritas’ swell noise attenuation process relies on the differentiation

between predictable and unpredictable signal, allowing attenuation of random
noise as un-predictable signal while maintaining predictable signal such as
reflections, diffractions and multiple.

Swell noise is also seen to have characteristic frequency content from this
random noise attenuation and can be designed to have stronger application in
different frequency bands. To do this we define an energy threshold parameter
which analyses the ratio between a trace’s energy and an average value; from
this, impulsive noise can be identified.

The data was split in to four frequency bands (0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-30 Hz)
and a different set of parameters was then applied to each band. The main focus
was on the two lowest bands, 0-5 and 5-10Hz, as this is where the majority of
the swell noise lies. The sorting of the input data was also found to have a large
impact on the efficiency of the swell noise attenuation process, with shot points
sorted back to back being the optimum domain to apply this process in. A
cascaded two pass approach was applied in the shot-point domain, with the
second pass efficiently attacking the larger patches of swell noise.

See slides 2 – 15 of section 6.

Linear Noise Attenuation

Several mutes, applied in the Tau-P domain, were tested to attenuate

coherent linear noise. As the water bottom varied significantly along each 2D line
a water bottom dependant mute was picked. Since it was difficult to pick a

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strong mute that didn’t attenuate any primary data, a residual linear noise
attenuation was carried out following the mute through the application of a linear
radon transform.

The Tau-P transform used for the muting produced some low frequency
artifacts on the far offsets of the shot-points. The tapers in the Tau-P domain
were adjusted, and while this helped to decrease these artifacts it was still
relatively strong. To resolve this issue we used an extrapolation of the shot-
points in the fx-y domain to pad the shot-points by 20 traces, and then dropped
these traces after the reverse transform.

The following parameters were used:

Tau-P Transform:
-Extrapolation of SPs (extra 20 traces)
-Record Length extended to 12000ms prior to transform
-1200 p traces
-Pmin = -690000 equivalent slowness of 1450m/s
-Pmax = +690000 equivalent slowness of 1450m/s

Mute defined by water bottom time values:

For water bottom times from <600ms :

Time P Trace Offset
T0000 +690000,
T0100 +680000,
T0200 +660000,
T0400 +640000,
T0600 +580000,
T0800 +480000,
T1000 +400000,
T1200 +340000,
T1400 +290000,
T1700 +258000,
T6300 +220000,
T8500 +150000,
T12000 + 50000,

For water bottom times from 600ms – 700ms :

Time P Trace Offset
T0000 +700000,
T0090 +690000,
T0100 +680000,
T0200 +660000,
T0400 +640000,
T0600 +580000,
T0800 +480000,
T1000 +400000,
T1200 +340000,

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T1450 +290000,
T1700 +258000,
T6000 +220000,
T8500 +100000,
T12000 + 50000,

For water bottom times from 700ms –800ms :

Time P Trace Offset
T0000 +700000,
T0080 +690000,
T0100 +680000,
T0200 +660000,
T0300 +640000,
T0500 +580000,
T0800 +480000,
T1000 +400000,
T1200 +340000,
T1400 +290000,
T1600 +258000,
T1800 +220000,
T6000 +100000,
T12000 + 50000,

For water bottom times from 800ms-900ms :

Time P Trace Offset
T0100 +700000,
T0200 +690000,
T0300 +680000,
T0400 +660000,
T0600 +640000,
T0900 +580000,
T1100 +480000,
T1300 +400000,
T1500 +340000,
T1700 +290000,
T1900 +258000,
T6000 +220000,
T8500 +100000,
T12000 + 50000,

For water bottom times from 900ms-1000ms :

Time P Trace Offset
T0100 +700000,
T0200 +690000,
T0300 +680000,

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T0400 +660000,
T0600 +640000,
T0900 +580000,
T1100 +480000,
T1300 +400000,
T1600 +340000,
T1900 +290000,
T2200 +258000,
T6000 +220000,
T8500 + 60000,
T12000 + 30000,

For water bottom times from 1000ms-1100ms :

Time P Trace Offset
T0150 +700000,
T0200 +690000,
T0300 +680000,
T0500 +660000,
T0900 +640000,
T1400 +580000,
T1800 +480000,
T2200 +400000,
T2600 +340000,
T2900 +290000,
T3200 +258000,
T6000 +220000,
T8500 + 70000,
T12000 + 40000,

For water bottom times from 1100ms-1200ms :

Time P Trace Offset
T0150 +700000,
T0200 +690000,
T0300 +680000,
T0500 +660000,
T0900 +640000,
T1400 +580000,
T1800 +480000,
T2200 +400000,
T2600 +340000,
T2900 +290000,
T3200 +258000,
T6000 +220000,
T8500 + 80000,
T12000 + 50000,

For water bottom times from 1200ms-1270ms :

Time P Trace Offset
T0150 +700000,

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T0200 +690000,
T0300 +680000,
T0500 +660000,
T0900 +640000,
T1400 +580000,
T1800 +480000,
T2200 +400000,
T2600 +340000,
T2900 +290000,
T3200 +258000,
T6000 +220000,
T8500 + 90000,
T12000 + 60000,

For water bottom times from 1270ms-1420ms :

Time P Trace Offset
T0150 +700000,
T0200 +690000,
T0300 +680000,
T0500 +660000,
T0900 +640000,
T1400 +580000,
T1800 +480000,
T2200 +400000,
T2600 +340000,
T2900 +290000,
T3200 +258000,
T6000 +220000,
T8500 + 90000,
T12000 + 60000,

For water bottom times from 1420ms-1620ms :

Time P Trace Offset
T0150 +700000,
T0200 +690000,
T0300 +680000,
T0400 +660000,
T1000 +640000,
T1400 +580000,
T1900 +480000,
T2600 +400000,
T3000 +340000,
T3400 +290000,
T3800 +258000,
T6000 +220000,
T8500 + 100000,
T12000 + 60000,

For water bottom times from 1620ms-1800ms :

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Time P Trace Offset

T0150 +700000,
T0200 +690000,
T0300 +680000,
T0400 +660000,
T1000 +640000,
T1400 +580000,
T1900 +480000,
T2600 +400000,
T3000 +340000,
T3400 +290000,
T3800 +258000,
T6000 +220000,
T8500 +100000,
T12000 + 60000,

For water bottom times from > 1800ms :

Time P Trace Offset
T0150 +700000,
T0200 +690000,
T0300 +680000,
T0400 +660000,
T1000 +640000,
T1400 +580000,
T1900 +480000,
T2600 +400000,
T3000 +340000,
T3400 +290000,
T3800 +258000,
T6000 +220000,
T8500 +100000,
T12000 + 60000,

Linear Radon:
Signal is preserved between DTMIN=-3000ms, and
DTCUT=2000ms, linear noise is removed between
DTCUT=2000ms and DTMAX=8000ms

See slides 16 – 29 of section 6.

3D Surface Related Multiple Elimination (SRME)

CGGVeritas applied a two phase 3D SRME process. First the modelling of

multiples performed in the CMP (3D) domain. Second the subtraction of multiples
previously modelled. A least squares adaptive subtraction of the 3D SRME model
was performed in the 3D CMP domain. This used a two pass approach starting
with a global adaptation of the model followed by a localized adaptation before
the subtraction is performed.

See slides 30 - 43 of section 6.

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Deconvolution In the Tau-P Domain

Much of the short period multiple energy had been effectively attenuated
through the 3D SRME process. A first order deconvolution in the tau-p domain
was tested on this data set but due to the large character differences in the
shallow and deep sections of the data set, separated by the strong Cenomanian
Shale reflector, a satisfactory set of deconvolution design windows couldn’t be
defined to give a geophysically sound result over the entire section.

Instead a second order deconvolution, targeting water layer peg legs that
have a second order response which therefore require the use of a second order
operator to attenuate, was tested and used. The method used to do this is the
Norsk-Hydro multiple suppression procedure written by Dmitri Lokshtanov which
was applied using CGGVeritas’ “REMUL” program.

The following parameters were used:

Tau-P Transform
-Record Length extended to 12000ms prior to transform
-3400 p traces
-Pmin = -690000 equivalent slowness of 1450m/s
-Pmax = +690000 equivalent slowness of 1450m/s

Second Order Deconvolution

Target Window: 3800 – 5800ms

See slides 44 - 57 of section 6.

High Resolution Radon De-multiple

The accompanying diagram shows the principle parameters tested for HR

RADON de-multiple. For the Hi-Resolution RADON the data is transformed into
the “Radon” domain along “p” curves at DDT intervals. Data outside DTMAX and
DTMIN boundaries will not be transformed into the “Radon” space. The DTCUT
parameter defines the primary model. The diagram shows multiple and primary
events after NMO correction.

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In this process the accuracy of the velocity field to flatten the real event is
important. Prior to this process a 1 x 1 km velocity field was manually picked by
CGGVeritas and qc’d by ConocoPhillips ensuring we could choose the strongest
DTCUT parameter possible at this stage in the processing sequence.

High Resolution Radon De-multiple

-Trace Drop from 6.25 to 12.5m CMP spacing
-DTCUT = 300ms
-DTMIN = -1000ms
-DTMAX = 2000ms

See slides 58 –71 of section 6.

BKG06B-3D Re-gridding and Phase and amplitude Matching

The BKG06B-3D survey was re-gridded to be on the same grid as the

Poseidon 3D survey . This was done pre-migration to ensure a good match
between the surveys in the 3D regularization and interpolation algorithm.

The survey was also transformed from an AGD84 to a WGS84 datum. The
BKG06B-3D dataset was then phase rotated, and the amplitude matched to the
Poseidon survey in order to allow a direct comparison of the two.

See slides 72 –76 of section 6.

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Pre-Stack Time Migration (PSTM) Velocity Analysis

A full 3D Kirchhoff PSTM was run on a 25 x 250m grid. This was then used
as the input to CGGVeritas’ automatic bi-spectral picking program, HDPIC.
HDPIC generates volumes of (VRMS) velocity and anelliptical (ETA) moveout
parameters, which allows us to implement a full anisotropic PSTM migration.

A reference velocity field, along with user defined maximum and minimum
values of velocity and anellipticity, are used to define the 3D picking corridor
used by HDPIC. In this case the manually picked 1 x 1 km Radon velocity field
was used as a reference.

The raw VRMS and ETA fields generated by HDPIC are filtered using
geostatistical methods to define a smooth VRMS and ETA field, required for

500 x 500m PSTM Velocity Analysis:

-Kirchhoff Pre-Stack time migration 25m x 250m
-Automatic anisotropic velocity analysis @ 25m x 250m using
manually picked velocity field as guide
-Geostatistical interpolation and Filtering
-Output Vrms 1 and Eta 1 @ 500mX500m

The complete fields were qc’ed by ConocoPhillips representatives as stand

alone products, and applied to a 500 x 500m grid of data in both 3D stack and
bin gather form.

3D Binning And Regularisation

3D seismic data is inconsistent across the volume within three domains:

-Midpoint – the midpoint of seismic traces do not fall exactly on bin

-Offset – the offset is not identical for all traces in an offset class
-Azimuth – the azimuth is not consistent across the survey

All three domains affect the timing and amplitude of events and produce
non-orthogonal patterns within the data. Kirchhoff migration algorithms can
struggle with non-consistent operators produced with inconsistencies within the
data, leaving migration smiles. Bin centering in the offset domain can help to
reduce migration artifacts, giving a cleaner result.

This process was performed using CGGVeritas’ “REG3D” program. This

program performs the regularization of data along two directions using Fourier
Reconstruction. The input data are transformed using an irregular 2D Fourier
decomposition that respects the input data positions. The reverse transform
maps the data to a regular grid.

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Binning and Regularisation:

-Input grid = 12.5 x 18.75m
-Output grid = 12.5 x 18.75m
-Missing trace restoration
-Bin centring in both the inline and crossline directions

See slides 77 – 93 of section 6.

Random Noise Attenuation

Prior to the final Pre-Stack Time Migration process we decided to carry out a
final noise attenuation step on the individual offset cubes. This process was
performed on frequency dependent acoustic noise, and also using CGGVeritas’
“SPARN” program, which effectively attenuated any random noise remaining
within the dataset, particularly in the shallow section.
At this stage we also decided to address the issue of amplitude striping that
was present in the dataset. This was a safe process in terms of preserving the
AVO integrity of the data set as it was applied on each offset separately. To
carry out this process we applied a spatial amplitude balancing in the inline
direction, using a design length of 18 traces. This gave us a nice filter which
didn’t leave a processing footprint in the data set which can sometimes be seen
after this process.

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Random Noise Attenuation:

-Frequency band of 3 – 125 Hz used to attenuate frequency
dependent noise
-Amplitude balancing per offset over 11 traces in the inline
-Removal of (T/250)2 amplitude correction and application of
TV correction using the PSTM VRMS field

See slides 94 – 101 of section 6.

Full Kirchhoff Pre-Stack Time Migration

Pre-stack time migration was performed with full Kirchhoff migration using
CGGVeritas’ TIKIM A+ sequence, which takes into account anisotropy. The
Kirchhoff pre-stack time migration treats each output sample as the apex of a
diffraction curve. Input samples are summed along the diffraction curve, which is
characterized by a locally defined RMS velocity. The reflector image is thus built
by constructive interference. Non-hyperbolic move-out behaviour can be taken
into account by the use of an effective anisotropy parameter ETA.

The main parameters tested for this process were the aperture length and
the imaging dip limit. For the aperture length 3, 4 and 5 km half lengths were
compared, with a 4km half aperture was chosen as being suitable for this
dataset. Several time variant dip limits were tested before deciding on a
relatively small dip aperture in the shallow to avoid migration artifacts and then
opening this aperture with increasing time. We also carried out a more accurate
velocity dependant spherical divergence correction prior to the PSTM.

Pre-Stack Time Migration:

-Input grid: 12.5 x 18.75m
-Output grid: 12.5 x 18.75m
-Record Length: 7000ms (6000ms BKG06B-3D)
-Half Aperture Length: 4km
-Dip Limit: 60˚

See slides 102 – 104 of section 6.

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Residual Velocity Analysis On A 12.5 x 18.75m Grid

The primary criteria used for residual velocity analysis testing was gather
flatness, and therefore stack response. Before applying HDPIC an offline Radon
de-multiple was applied to optimize the automatic bi-spectral picking, using a
stronger cut of 240ms. The HDPIC parameters chosen for the RMO analysis used
narrower picking corridor parameters for both the VRMS and ETA than those
applied for the PSTM velocity analysis. This allowed us to use a much smaller
filter to remove any erroneous picks and therefore maintain the higher accuracy
of the automatic picking process on this dense grid.

Residual Move-Out Correction:

-Offline Radon de-multiple applied, with DTCUT 240ms (180 ms for
-Removal of any erroneous picks and a small smoothing operator
-VRMS and ETA fields output on a 12.5 x 18.75m grid

See slides 105 – 109 of section 6.

Residual Radon De-multiple

A time variant DTCUT was used for the second pass of RADON de-multiple it
was anticipated that the improvement in the velocity field through automated
dense velocity analysis would enable a tight cut-off to be implemented.

It was shown that a second pass of RADON de-multiple at this stage, after
the application of the final RNMO VRMS and ETA fields, was effective in
differentiating between primary and multiple energy; by discriminating on the
basis of move-out, particularly on the CMP gathers.

Residual Radon De-multiple:

-DTMIN-1000ms, DTMAX2000, DTCUT160ms, DDT 20ms, start time
1.9 * water-bottom with 300ms taper
-DTMIN-1000ms, DTMAX2000ms, DTCUT100ms, DDT 20ms, start
time 2.6 seconds with a 400 ms taper

See slides 110 – 116 of section 6.

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Final Angle Mute For Stacking

Based on the CMP gather displays it was agreed that flat and consistent
data was available to 42 degrees of incidence for the full stack volume. The
inner trace angle mute was tested to try to preserve as much of these near
traces as possible, while ensuring the quality of the stack was not

True angles were calculated using the smooth PSTM velocity field and used
in the muting of the gathers before stack.

Final Angle Mutes:

-Full Stack = 6 – 42˚
-Near Stack = 6-18˚
-Mid Stack = 18-30˚
-Far Stack = 30-42˚

See slides 117 – 125 of section 6.

Post Stack Processing

We found that small amounts of noise were left in the data set after
stacking. In order to attenuate this noise we applied a frequency dependent
noise filter, followed by CGGVeritas’ “SPARN” program in the crossline

Post Stack Processing:

-Frequency dependent noise attenuation in the inline domain
-2D random noise attenuation in the crossline domain
-Exponential Gain of 3dB / sec

See slides 126 –136 of section 6.

AVO Attribute Data

The following AVO attribute data stacks were produced for the Poseidon 3D
data set. They were produced using an input data angle range of 1 - 42˚.
The fitting algorithm used was the Andrew’s robust statistic fitting algorithm.

AVO Attributes:
-Fluid Factor

See slides 137 – 142 of section 6.

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5. Conclusions & Further Work

Stringent quality control on the part of CGGVeritas was performed at each

processing step to ensure the quality of the data was improved as the
processing progressed. Quality control involved the review at each processing
step of SP / CMP gathers, inline / crossline stacks, amplitude maps, timeslices
and statistical graphs where necessary.

The processing sequence incorporating many of CGGVeritas’ latest

modules was applied and the objective of producing a good quality, high
resolution product has been achieved. The generation of correct and detailed
velocity fields was a key element to the success of producing a high quality

6. Data Examples Throughout The Processing



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7. Appendices

7.1. List Of Lines Processed

Poseidon 3D

Sail Line Sequence Number First SP Last SP

P09A3630P01S002 002 1179 3226
P09A3230P01S003 003 1004 3662
P09A3610P01S004 004 1163 3240
P09A3210P01S005 005 1001 3676
P09A2790P01S006 006 904 3806
P09A2450P01S007 007 1117 4201
P09A2770P01S008 008 907 3820
P09A2430P01S009 009 1120 3129
P09A2430P02S010 010 2970 4215
P09A2750P01S011 011 911 3833
P09A2410P01S012 012 1123 4229
P09A2730P01S013 013 914 3848
P09A2390P01S014 014 1126 4243
P09A2710P01S015 015 917 3862
P09A2370P01S016 016 1129 4256
P09A2690P01S017 017 920 3875
P09A2350P01S018 018 1132 4270
P09A2690W01S019 019 920 3875
P09A2330P01S020 020 1135 4284
P09A2670P01S021 021 923 3889
P09A2330W02S022 022 1135 4284
P09A2650P01S023 023 926 3903
P09A2310P01S024 024 1138 4298
P09A2630P02S026 026 929 3917
P09A2290P01S027 027 1141 4312
P09A2630W03S028 028 929 3917
P09A2270P01S029 029 1144 4326
P09A2610P01S030 030 932 3931
P09A2250P01S031 031 1147 4339
P09A2590P01S032 032 935 3944
P09A2250W02S033 033 1147 4339
P09A2570P01S034 034 2306 3958
P09A2230P01S037 037 1150 4353
P09A2610C02S038 038 3405 3931
P09A2570P04S039 039 938 2465
P09A2210P01S040 040 1153 4367
P09A2550P01S041 041 3584 3972
P09A2310C02S042 042 3350 3810
P09A2550P02S043 043 941 3744
P09A2190P01S044 044 1157 4381
P09A2530P01S045 045 944 3986
P09A2270F02S048 048 1260 2565
P09A2310C03S050 050 3350 3810
P09A2530W03S051 051 944 3986
P09A2190W03S052 052 1157 4381

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P09A2510P01S053 053 947 4000

P09A2170P01S054 054 1160 4395
P09A2490P01S055 055 950 4014
P09A2250F03S056 056 1480 3100
P09A2550F03S057 057 1150 2666
P09A2390F02S058 058 1700 3525
P09A2470P01S059 059 954 4027
P09A2610F03S060 060 1130 2185
P09A2150P01S061 061 2110 4408
P09A2470W02S062 062 954 4027
P09A2150F02S063 063 1163 4408
P09A2470W03S064 064 954 4027
P09A2150F03S065 065 1163 2640
P09A2690C03S066 066 1810 2210
P09A2430F03S067 067 1800 4215
P09A2750C02S068 068 2961 3335
P09A2470W04S069 069 954 2050
P09A2130P01S070 070 1166 3355
P09A2530F04S071 071 2446 3380
P09A2470F05S072 072 954 1760
P09A2110D01S073 073 1169 3391
P09A2470F06S074 074 954 2550
P09A2090D01S075 075 1172 3240
P09A2470F07S076 076 954 1740
P09A2090G02S077 077 1172 3400
P09A2630F04S078 078 2450 2930
P09A2070D01S080 080 1175 3155
P09A2150F05S081 081 2481 3435
P09A2130F02S082 082 2620 3505
P09A2050D01S083 083 1178 3270
P09A2030D01S084 084 1181 3370
P09A2030G02S085 085 1181 3210
P09A2010D01S086 086 1184 3080
P09A1990D01S087 087 1187 3090
P09A1990G02S088 088 1187 3080
P09A1970D01S089 089 1190 3115
P09A1950D01S090 090 1193 3091
P09A1930D01S091 091 1196 1713
P09A1930D02S092 092 1553 2975
P09A1910D01S093 093 1199 3210
P09A1770D01S094 094 1221 3100
P09A1790D01S095 095 1218 3100
P09A1810D01S096 096 1215 3090
P09A1010P01S097 097 1178 3561
P09A1830D01S098 098 1212 3090
P09A1030P01S099 099 1175 3578
P09A1830G02S100 100 1212 2840
P09A1850D01S101 101 1209 3100
P09A1870D01S102 102 1206 3070
P09A1890D01S103 103 1203 3100
P09A1890G02S104 104 1203 3100
P09A1890G03S105 105 1203 3100
P09A1890G04S106 106 1325 3100
P09A1910G02S107 107 2080 3100

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P09A2130F03S108 108 3345 3980

P09A1350P01S109 109 1125 3846
P09A1870G02S110 110 1206 2215
P09A1750P01S111 111 1224 4342
P09A1370P01S112 112 1122 3863
P09A1970Z02S113 113 1585 4361
P09A1390P01S114 114 1119 3880
P09A1730P01S115 115 1227 4325
P09A1330P01S116 116 2220 3830
P09A1710P01S117 117 1230 4309
P09A1310P01S118 118 1132 3813
P09A1710W02S119 119 1230 4309
P09A1290P01120 120 1135 3796
P09A1690P01121 121 1233 4292
P09A1270P01122 122 1138 3779
P09A1710F03123 123 1928 2813
P09A1330P02124 124 1129 2379
P09A1670P01125 125 1236 4275
P09A1250P01126 126 1141 3763
P09A1650P01127 127 1239 4258
P09A1230P01128 128 1144 3746
P09A1850G02129 129 1255 1791
P09A1870G03130 130 2028 2509
P09A1830G03131 131 1599 2254
P09A1650W02132 132 1239 4258
P09A1230W02133 133 1144 3746
P09A1630P01134 134 1242 4241
P09A1210P01135 135 1147 3729
P09A1610P01136 136 1246 4185
P09A1190R02138 138 1150 3712
P09A1610W02139 139 1467 4225
P09A1170P01140 140 1153 3695
P09A1590P01141 141 1249 4208
P09A1150P01142 142 1156 3679
P09A1570P01143 143 1252 4191
P09A1410P01144 144 2220 3897
P09A1550P01145 145 1255 4174
P09A1150W02146 146 1156 3679
P09A1550W02147 147 1255 1826
P09A1550W03148 148 1667 4174
P09A1130P01149 149 1159 3662
P09A1530P01150 150 1258 4157
P09A1130W02151 151 1159 3662
P09A1510P01152 152 1261 4141
P09A1110P01153 153 1162 3645
P09A1510W02154 154 1261 4141
P09A1090P01155 155 1165 3628
P09A1490P01156 156 1264 4124
P09A1090W02157 157 1165 3628
P09A1550W04158 158 1667 2417
P09A1490P02159 159 3041 4124
P09A1570F02161 161 3400 4191
P09A1230C04162 162 3372 3746
P09A1270F02163 163 2377 2771

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P09A1310C02164 164 1188 1582

P09A1610W02165 165 1246 1850
P09A1410P02166 166 1116 2379
P09A1470P01167 167 1267 4107
P09A1070P01168 168 1683 3612
P09A1070P02169 169 1168 1842
P09A1450P01170 170 1270 4090
P09A1050P01171 171 1172 3595
P09A1430P01172 172 1273 4074
P09A1050W02173 173 1172 3595
P09A1430W02174 174 1273 1922
P09A1050F03175 175 1172 2350
P09A1430W03176 176 1273 4074
P09A1050W04177 177 1172 3595
P09A1430W04178 178 1762 4074
P09A1190C03179 179 2700 3380
P09A1430F05180 180 2190 4074
P09A1050F05181 181 1172 3137
P09A1610R04182 182 1246 1627
P09A1050F06183 183 1172 1780
P09A3190P01184 184 1003 3690
P09A3590P01185 185 1146 3253
P09A4050P01186 186 1692 3096
P09A3650P01187 187 1196 3212
P09A4070P01188 188 1709 3082
P09A3670P01189 189 1213 3198
P09A4090P01190 190 1725 3068
P09A3690P01191 191 1230 3184
P09A4110P01192 192 1742 3054
P09A3690W02193 193 1230 3182
P09A4110W02194 194 1742 3054
P09A3710P01195 195 1246 3171
P09A4130P01196 196 1759 3040
P09A3730P01197 197 1263 3157
P09A4150P01198 198 1776 3027
P09A3730W02199 199 1263 3157
P09A4170P01200 200 1792 3013
P09A3750P01201 201 1280 3143
P09A4190P01202 202 1809 4260
P09A3770P01203 203 1297 4100
P09A4190W02204 204 1809 2999
P09A3790P01205 205 1314 3115
P09A4210P01206 206 1826 2985
P09A3810P01207 207 1330 3101
P09A4230P01208 208 1843 2971
P09A3810W01209 209 2588 3101
P09A4190C03210 210 2230 2815
P09A3810W03211 211 1330 2747
P09A4230W02212 212 1843 2971
P09A3830P01213 213 1347 3088
P09A4250P01214 214 1860 2957
P09A3850P01215 215 1880 3074
P09A3850P02216 216 1364 2039
P09A4270P01217 217 1876 2944

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P09A3870P01218 218 1381 3060

P09A4290P01219 219 1893 2930
P09A3890P01220 220 1397 3046
P09A4310P01221 221 1910 2916
P09A3910P01222 222 1414 3032
P09A4330P01223 223 1927 2902
P09A3930P01224 224 1431 3019
P09A4350P01225 225 1943 2888
P09A3950P01226 226 1448 3005
P09A4370P01227 227 1960 2875
P09A3970P01228 228 1465 2991
P09A3990P01230 230 1481 2977
P09A4390P02231 231 1977 2861
P09A3990W02232 232 1481 2977
P09A4410P01233 233 1994 2847
P09A4010P01S234 234 1498 2963
P09A4430P01235 235 2011 2833
P09A4010F02236 236 2225 2963
P09A4110F03237 237 2050 2450
P09A3810Z04238 238 2587 3101
P09A3170P01239 239 1006 3702
P09A3570P01240 240 1129 3267
P09A3150P01241 241 1009 3717
P09A3550P01242 242 1112 3281
P09A3130P01243 243 1203 4260
P09A3530P01244 244 1095 4100
P09A3130W02245 245 1012 3731
P09A3530W02246 246 1095 3295
P09A3110P01247 247 1015 3745
P09A3510P01248 248 1079 3309
P09A3090P02250 250 1018 3759
P09A3510W02251 251 1079 3309
P09A3090W03252 252 1018 3759
P09A3490P01253 253 1666 3323
P09A3490P02254 254 1062 1825
P09A3070P01255 255 1021 3773
P09A3470P01256 256 1045 3336
P09A3050P01257 257 1024 3787
P09A3450P01258 258 1028 3350
P09A3030P01259 259 1028 3800
P09A3450W02260 260 1028 3350
P09A3030W02261 261 1028 3800
P09A3430P01262 262 1012 3364
P09A3010P01263 263 1031 3814
P09A3410P01264 264 2621 3378
P09A3410P02265 265 995 2780
P09A2990P01266 266 1034 1592
P09A2990P02267 267 1435 3828
P09A3390P01268 268 978 3392
P09A2990W03269 269 1034 3828
P09A3370P01270 270 2529 3405
P09A3370P02271 271 961 2688
P09A2970P01272 272 1037 3842
P09A3370W03273 273 961 3405

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

P09A2950P01274 274 1040 3856

P09A3350P01275 275 944 3419
P09A2950W02276 276 1040 3856
P09A1770D02277 277 3450 4199
P09A1790D02278 278 3434 4216
P09A1770G03279 279 3515 4199
P09A1750D02280 280 3565 4182
P09A1750G03281 281 3589 4182
P09A1810D02282 282 3650 4232
P09A1830G04283 283 3694 4249
P09A1830G05284 284 3700 4249
P09A1850D03285 285 3650 4266
P09A1870D04286 286 3715 4283
P09A1890D05287 287 3715 4300
P09A1910D03288 288 3715 4316
P09A1930D03289 289 3715 4333
P09A1950D02290 290 3715 4350
P09A1950G03291 291 3713 4350
P09A1970D03292 292 3715 4362
P09A1990D03293 293 3715 4359
P09A2010D02294 294 3715 4345
P09A2030D03295 295 3715 4331
P09A2030G04296 296 3180 4331
P09A2150F06297 297 3170 4408
P09A2050D02298 298 3425 4318
P09A2070D02299 299 3508 4304
P09A2090D03300 300 3519 4290
P09A2110D02301 301 3715 4276
P09A2130D04302 302 3715 4262
P09A2130G05303 303 3693 4262
P09A1910G04304 304 2480 3000
P09A1890G07306 306 2480 3015
P09A9390X01307 307 841 2068
P09A9210X01308 308 1001 2230
P09A9370X01309 309 841 2068
P09A9210Y03311 311 1001 2230
P09A9350X01312 312 841 2068
P09A9190X01313 313 1001 2230
P09A9330X01314 314 841 2069
P09A9170X01315 315 1001 2230
P09A9310X01316 316 841 2069
P09A9170Y02317 317 1001 1530
P09A3350W02318 318 944 3419
P09A3130P03319 319 1012 1400
P09A3250P01320 320 1020 3648
P09A3330P01321 321 928 3433
P09A3250W02322 322 1020 3648
P09A3330W02323 323 1222 3433
P09A3130C04324 324 1012 1400
P09A3330W03325 325 928 1381
P09A3270P01326 326 1037 3635
P09A3310P01327 327 911 3447
P09A3270W02328 328 1037 3635
P09A3290P01329 329 894 3461

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

P09A2930P01330 330 1043 3870

P09A3290W02331 331 894 3461
P09A2910P01332 332 1046 3883
P09A2790W02333 333 904 3806
P09A2910W02334 334 1046 3883
P09A2810P01335 335 901 3792
P09A2890P01336 336 1049 3897
P09A2830P01337 337 898 3779
P09A2870P01338 338 1052 3911
P09A2850P01339 339 2976 3765
P09A2850P02340 340 895 3135
P09A3270F03341 341 1200 2642
P09A2810F02342 342 1901 2667
P09A3270F04343 343 1335 2685
P09A2850F03344 344 895 2721
P09A2870F02345 345 1052 3810
P09A2850F04346 346 895 3510
P09A3270F05347 347 1420 2735
P09A3290F03348 348 1580 2350
P09A2870F03349 349 1951 3225
P09A9310Y02350 350 841 2069
P09A9170Y03351 351 1001 2230
P09A9290X01352 352 841 2069
P09A9150X01353 353 1001 2230
P09A9270X01354 354 841 2069
P09A9130X01355 355 1001 2230
P09A9250X01356 356 841 2069
P09A9110X01357 357 1001 2230
P09A9230X01358 358 841 2069
P09A9090X01359 359 1001 2230
P09A9230Y02360 360 841 2069
P09A9070X01361 361 1001 2229
P09A9230Y03362 362 841 2069
P09A9070Y02363 363 1001 2229
P09A9230Y04364 364 841 2069
P09A9070Y03365 365 1001 2229
P09A9410X01366 366 841 2068
P09A9070Y04367 367 1001 2229
P09A9230Y05368 368 841 2069
P09A9050X01369 369 1001 2229
P09A1812T01370 370 1001 6391


Sail Line Sequence Number First SP Last SP

2520P1-01 001 1809 2532
2248P1-02 002 1232 2644
2504P1-03 003 1783 2550
2232P1-04 004 1206 2643
2488P1-05 005 1758 2568
2216P1-06 006 1181 2643
2472P1-07 007 1733 2586

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

2200P1-08 008 1156 2642

2456P1-09 009 1708 2604
2184P1-10 010 1131 2642
2456F1-11 011 1708 2604
2168P1-12 012 1106 2642
2440P1-13 013 1682 2622
2168F1-14 014 2021 2642
2424P1-15 015 1657 2362
2168F2-16 016 1106 2030
2408P1-17 017 1632 2658
2152P1-18 018 1080 2641
2392P1-19 019 1607 2676
2136P1-20 020 1055 2641
2376P1-21 021 1582 2694
2120P1-22 022 1030 2640
2376F1-23 023 1582 2694
2104P1-24 024 1005 2640
2360P1-25 025 1556 2712
2088P1-26 026 979 2640
2344P1-27 027 1531 2730
2072P1-28 028 954 2639
2328P1-29 029 1506 2748
2056P1-30 030 929 2639
2312P1-31 031 1481 2766
2056F1-32 032 929 2639
2312F1-33 033 1481 2766
2424P2-34 034 2353 2640
2040P1-35 035 904 2639
2296P1-36 036 1455 2784
2024P1-37 037 879 2638
2280P1-38 038 1430 2792
2008P1-39 039 853 2638
2264P1-40 040 1405 2792
2008F1-41 041 853 2638
2344P2-42 042 2157 2258
2344P3-43 043 2157 2258
2424F1-44 044 2330 2615
2008F2-45 045 853 2638
2264F1-46 046 1405 1729
2264F2-47 047 1405 2792
2008F3-48 048 853 2350
2504F1-49 049 1873 2445
2072F1-50 050 1880 2639
2264F3-51 051 1870 2666
2008F4-52 052 1912 2323
2008F5-53 053 1470 1911

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

7.2. Processing Grid Details

7.2.1. Poseidon 3D Processing Grid

IN LINE (18.75m) CROSS LINE (6.25m)

First line number : 983 159
Last line number : 5620 11562
Grid origin : Y0 X0
(centre of BIN) 8429426.296 409111.308
Azimuth Along X-Axis: 2.443460953 radians
Azimuth Along Y-Axis: 0.87266463 radians

Corner Points for Poseidon 3D

Inline Crossline X Y
983 504 416132.61 8447595.01
4419 504 457544.20 8496947.43
983 5556 367756.90 8488187.05
4419 5556 409168.49 8537539.47

7.2.2. Poseidon 3D Processing Polygon

The WGS84, UTM51 S coordinates for the processing polygon are:

411588.020, 8451824.474

383538.109, 8463122.952

391083.399, 8493506.281

403135.667, 8507869.614

457210.194, 8525155.248

451963.117, 8499941.641

411588.020, 8451824.474

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

7.3. Processing Personnel

For CGGVeritas :

Nigel Mudge – Production Manager

Imam Sarjono – Processing Team Leader, Senior Geophysicist

Mathieu Lange – Project leader, Geophysicist

Subodh Notiyal – Project leader, Geophysicist

Amanda Nicholls – Geophysicist

Shane Richardson – Geophysicist

Himani Dixit - Geophysicist

For ConocoPhillips:

Pat Jonklaas – Senior Geoscientist

Robert Bril – Processing Specialist

Dave Lane – Geophysical Advisor

7.4. Final Processing Deliverables

7.4.1 CMP De-multiple Gathers

The following table lists the 3592 tapes that were delivered to ConocoPhillips
containing the 2D CMP de-multiple gathers, in SEGY format.

Poseidon 3D
Tape Sequence
Number Number Sail Line First SP Last SP
701248 001 P09A4030P01S001 1675 3109
701248 002 P09A3630P01S002 1179 3226
701248 003 P09A3230P01S003 1004 3662
701248 004 P09A3610P01S004 1163 3240
701248 005 P09A3210P01S005 1001 3676
701248 006 P09A2790P01S006 904 3806
701248 007 P09A2450P01S007 1117 4201
701248 008 P09A2770P01S008 907 3820
701248 009 P09A2430P01S009 1120 3129
701248 010 P09A2430P02S010 2970 4215
701249 011 P09A2750P01S011 911 3833
701249 012 P09A2410P01S012 1123 4229
701249 013 P09A2730P01S013 914 3848

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

701249 014 P09A2390P01S014 1126 4243

701249 015 P09A2710P01S015 917 3862
701249 016 P09A2370P01S016 1129 4256
701249 017 P09A2690P01S017 920 3875
701249 018 P09A2350P01S018 1132 4270
701250 019 P09A2690W01S019 920 3875
701250 020 P09A2330P01S020 1135 4284
701250 021 P09A2670P01S021 923 3889
701250 022 P09A2330W02S022 1135 4284
701250 023 P09A2650P01S023 926 3903
701250 024 P09A2310P01S024 1138 4298
701250 026 P09A2630P02S026 929 3917
701250 027 P09A2290P01S027 1141 4312
701251 028 P09A2630W03S028 929 3917
701251 029 P09A2270P01S029 1144 4326
701251 030 P09A2610P01S030 932 3931
701251 031 P09A2250P01S031 1147 4339
701251 032 P09A2590P01S032 935 3944
701251 033 P09A2250W02S033 1147 4339
701251 034 P09A2570P01S034 2306 3958
701251 037 P09A2230P01S037 1150 4353
701251 038 P09A2610C02S038 3405 3931
701251 039 P09A2570P04S039 938 2465
701252 040 P09A2210P01S040 1153 4367
701252 041 P09A2550P01S041 3584 3972
701252 042 P09A2310C02S042 3350 3810
701252 043 P09A2550P02S043 941 3744
701252 044 P09A2190P01S044 1157 4381
701252 045 P09A2530P01S045 944 3986
701252 048 P09A2270F02S048 1260 2565
701252 050 P09A2310C03S050 3350 3810
701252 051 P09A2530W03S051 944 3986
701252 052 P09A2190W03S052 1157 4381
701252 053 P09A2510P01S053 947 4000
701253 054 P09A2170P01S054 1160 4395
701253 055 P09A2490P01S055 950 4014
701253 056 P09A2250F03S056 1480 3100
701253 057 P09A2550F03S057 1150 2666
701253 058 P09A2390F02S058 1700 3525
701253 059 P09A2470P01S059 954 4027
701253 060 P09A2610F03S060 1130 2185
701253 061 P09A2150P01S061 2110 4408
701253 062 P09A2470W02S062 954 4027
701253 063 P09A2150F02S063 1163 4408
701254 064 P09A2470W03S064 954 4027
701254 065 P09A2150F03S065 1163 2640
701254 066 P09A2690C03S066 1810 2210
701254 067 P09A2430F03S067 1800 4215
701254 068 P09A2750C02S068 2961 3335
701254 069 P09A2470W04S069 954 2050
701254 070 P09A2130P01S070 1166 3355
701254 071 P09A2530F04S071 2446 3380
701254 072 P09A2470F05S072 954 1760
701254 073 P09A2110D01S073 1169 3391

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

701254 074 P09A2470F06S074 954 2550

701254 075 P09A2090D01S075 1172 3240
701254 076 P09A2470F07S076 954 1740
701254 077 P09A2090G02S077 1172 3400
701254 078 P09A2630F04S078 2450 2930
701254 080 P09A2070D01S080 1175 3155
701255 081 P09A2150F05S081 2481 3435
701255 082 P09A2130F02S082 2620 3505
701255 083 P09A2050D01S083 1178 3270
701255 084 P09A2030D01S084 1181 3370
701255 085 P09A2030G02S085 1181 3210
701255 086 P09A2010D01S086 1184 3080
701255 087 P09A1990D01S087 1187 3090
701255 088 P09A1990G02S088 1187 3080
701255 089 P09A1970D01S089 1190 3115
701255 090 P09A1950D01S090 1193 3091
701255 091 P09A1930D01S091 1196 1713
701255 092 P09A1930D02S092 1553 2975
701255 093 P09A1910D01S093 1199 3210
701255 094 P09A1770D01S094 1221 3100
701256 095 P09A1790D01S095 1218 3100
701256 096 P09A1810D01S096 1215 3090
701256 097 P09A1010P01S097 1178 3561
701256 098 P09A1830D01S098 1212 3090
701256 099 P09A1030P01S099 1175 3578
701256 100 P09A1830G02S100 1212 2840
701256 101 P09A1850D01S101 1209 3100
701256 102 P09A1870D01S102 1206 3070
701256 103 P09A1890D01S103 1203 3100
701256 104 P09A1890G02S104 1203 3100
701256 105 P09A1890G03S105 1203 3100
701256 106 P09A1890G04S106 1325 3100
701256 107 P09A1910G02S107 2080 3100
701257 108 P09A2130F03S108 3345 3980
701257 109 P09A1350P01S109 1125 3846
701257 110 P09A1870G02S110 1206 2215
701257 111 P09A1750P01S111 1224 4342
701257 112 P09A1370P01S112 1122 3863
701257 113 P09A1970Z02S113 1585 4361
701257 114 P09A1390P01S114 1119 3880
701257 115 P09A1730P01S115 1227 4325
701257 116 P09A1330P01S116 2220 3830
701257 117 P09A1710P01S117 1230 4309
701258 118 P09A1310P01S118 1132 3813
701258 119 P09A1710W02S119 1230 4309
701258 120 P09A1290P01120 1135 3796
701258 121 P09A1690P01121 1233 4292
701258 122 P09A1270P01122 1138 3779
701258 123 P09A1710F03123 1928 2813
701258 124 P09A1330P02124 1129 2379
701258 125 P09A1670P01125 1236 4275
701258 126 P09A1250P01126 1141 3763
701258 127 P09A1650P01127 1239 4258
701259 128 P09A1230P01128 1144 3746

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

701259 129 P09A1850G02129 1255 1791

701259 130 P09A1870G03130 2028 2509
701259 131 P09A1830G03131 1599 2254
701259 132 P09A1650W02132 1239 4258
701259 133 P09A1230W02133 1144 3746
701259 134 P09A1630P01134 1242 4241
701259 135 P09A1210P01135 1147 3729
701259 136 P09A1610P01136 1246 4185
701259 138 P09A1190R02138 1150 3712
701259 139 P09A1610W02139 1467 4225
701260 140 P09A1170P01140 1153 3695
701260 141 P09A1590P01141 1249 4208
701260 142 P09A1150P01142 1156 3679
701260 143 P09A1570P01143 1252 4191
701260 144 P09A1410P01144 2220 3897
701260 145 P09A1550P01145 1255 4174
701260 146 P09A1150W02146 1156 3679
701260 147 P09A1550W02147 1255 1826
701260 148 P09A1550W03148 1667 4174
701260 149 P09A1130P01149 1159 3662
701261 150 P09A1530P01150 1258 4157
701261 151 P09A1130W02151 1159 3662
701261 152 P09A1510P01152 1261 4141
701261 153 P09A1110P01153 1162 3645
701261 154 P09A1510W02154 1261 4141
701261 155 P09A1090P01155 1165 3628
701261 156 P09A1490P01156 1264 4124
701261 157 P09A1090W02157 1165 3628
701261 158 P09A1550W04158 1667 2417
701261 159 P09A1490P02159 3041 4124
701261 161 P09A1570F02161 3400 4191
701261 162 P09A1230C04162 3372 3746
701262 163 P09A1270F02163 2377 2771
701262 164 P09A1310C02164 1188 1582
701262 165 P09A1610W02165 1246 1850
701262 166 P09A1410P02166 1116 2379
701262 167 P09A1470P01167 1267 4107
701262 168 P09A1070P01168 1683 3612
701262 169 P09A1070P02169 1168 1842
701262 170 P09A1450P01170 1270 4090
701262 171 P09A1050P01171 1172 3595
701262 172 P09A1430P01172 1273 4074
701262 173 P09A1050W02173 1172 3595
701262 174 P09A1430W02174 1273 1922
701262 175 P09A1050F03175 1172 2350
701262 176 P09A1430W03176 1273 4074
701263 177 P09A1050W04177 1172 3595
701263 178 P09A1430W04178 1762 4074
701263 179 P09A1190C03179 2700 3380
701263 180 P09A1430F05180 2190 4074
701263 181 P09A1050F05181 1172 3137
701263 182 P09A1610R04182 1246 1627
701263 183 P09A1050F06183 1172 1780
701263 184 P09A3190P01184 1003 3690

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

701263 185 P09A3590P01185 1146 3253

701263 186 P09A4050P01186 1692 3096
701263 187 P09A3650P01187 1196 3212
701263 188 P09A4070P01188 1709 3082
701263 189 P09A3670P01189 1213 3198
701263 190 P09A4090P01190 1725 3068
701264 191 P09A3690P01191 1230 3184
701264 192 P09A4110P01192 1742 3054
701264 193 P09A3690W02193 1230 3182
701264 194 P09A4110W02194 1742 3054
701264 195 P09A3710P01195 1246 3171
701264 196 P09A4130P01196 1759 3040
701264 197 P09A3730P01197 1263 3157
701264 198 P09A4150P01198 1776 3027
701264 199 P09A3730W02199 1263 3157
701264 200 P09A4170P01200 1792 3013
701264 201 P09A3750P01201 1280 3143
701264 202 P09A4190P01202 1809 4260
701264 203 P09A3770P01203 1297 4100
701264 204 P09A4190W02204 1809 2999
701265 205 P09A3790P01205 1314 3115
701265 206 P09A4210P01206 1826 2985
701265 207 P09A3810P01207 1330 3101
701265 208 P09A4230P01208 1843 2971
701265 209 P09A3810W01209 2588 3101
701265 210 P09A4190C03210 2230 2815
701265 211 P09A3810W03211 1330 2747
701265 212 P09A4230W02212 1843 2971
701265 213 P09A3830P01213 1347 3088
701265 214 P09A4250P01214 1860 2957
701265 215 P09A3850P01215 1880 3074
701265 216 P09A3850P02216 1364 2039
701265 217 P09A4270P01217 1876 2944
701265 218 P09A3870P01218 1381 3060
701265 219 P09A4290P01219 1893 2930
701265 220 P09A3890P01220 1397 3046
701265 221 P09A4310P01221 1910 2916
701265 222 P09A3910P01222 1414 3032
701265 223 P09A4330P01223 1927 2902
701266 224 P09A3930P01224 1431 3019
701266 225 P09A4350P01225 1943 2888
701266 226 P09A3950P01226 1448 3005
701266 227 P09A4370P01227 1960 2875
701266 228 P09A3970P01228 1465 2991
701266 230 P09A3990P01230 1481 2977
701266 231 P09A4390P02231 1977 2861
701266 232 P09A3990W02232 1481 2977
701266 233 P09A4410P01233 1994 2847
701266 234 P09A4010P01S234 1498 2963
701266 235 P09A4430P01235 2011 2833
701266 236 P09A4010F02236 2225 2963
701266 237 P09A4110F03237 2050 2450
701266 238 P09A3810Z04238 2587 3101
701266 239 P09A3170P01239 1006 3702

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

701266 240 P09A3570P01240 1129 3267

701266 241 P09A3150P01241 1009 3717
701267 242 P09A3550P01242 1112 3281
701267 243 P09A3130P01243 1203 4260
701267 244 P09A3530P01244 1095 4100
701267 245 P09A3130W02245 1012 3731
701267 246 P09A3530W02246 1095 3295
701267 247 P09A3110P01247 1015 3745
701267 248 P09A3510P01248 1079 3309
701267 250 P09A3090P02250 1018 3759
701267 251 P09A3510W02251 1079 3309
701268 252 P09A3090W03252 1018 3759
701268 253 P09A3490P01253 1666 3323
701268 254 P09A3490P02254 1062 1825
701268 255 P09A3070P01255 1021 3773
701268 256 P09A3470P01256 1045 3336
701268 257 P09A3050P01257 1024 3787
701268 258 P09A3450P01258 1028 3350
701268 259 P09A3030P01259 1028 3800
701268 260 P09A3450W02260 1028 3350
701268 261 P09A3030W02261 1028 3800
701269 262 P09A3430P01262 1012 3364
701269 263 P09A3010P01263 1031 3814
701269 264 P09A3410P01264 2621 3378
701269 265 P09A3410P02265 995 2780
701269 266 P09A2990P01266 1034 1592
701269 267 P09A2990P02267 1435 3828
701269 268 P09A3390P01268 978 3392
701269 269 P09A2990W03269 1034 3828
701269 270 P09A3370P01270 2529 3405
701269 271 P09A3370P02271 961 2688
701269 272 P09A2970P01272 1037 3842
701269 273 P09A3370W03273 961 3405
701270 274 P09A2950P01274 1040 3856
701270 275 P09A3350P01275 944 3419
701270 276 P09A2950W02276 1040 3856
701270 277 P09A1770D02277 3450 4199
701270 278 P09A1790D02278 3434 4216
701270 279 P09A1770G03279 3515 4199
701270 280 P09A1750D02280 3565 4182
701270 281 P09A1750G03281 3589 4182
701270 282 P09A1810D02282 3650 4232
701270 283 P09A1830G04283 3694 4249
701270 284 P09A1830G05284 3700 4249
701270 285 P09A1850D03285 3650 4266
701270 286 P09A1870D04286 3715 4283
701270 287 P09A1890D05287 3715 4300
701270 288 P09A1910D03288 3715 4316
701270 289 P09A1930D03289 3715 4333
701270 290 P09A1950D02290 3715 4350
701270 291 P09A1950G03291 3713 4350
701270 292 P09A1970D03292 3715 4362
701270 293 P09A1990D03293 3715 4359
701270 294 P09A2010D02294 3715 4345

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

701270 295 P09A2030D03295 3715 4331

701270 296 P09A2030G04296 3180 4331
701270 297 P09A2150F06297 3170 4408
701270 298 P09A2050D02298 3425 4318
701270 299 P09A2070D02299 3508 4304
701271 300 P09A2090D03300 3519 4290
701271 301 P09A2110D02301 3715 4276
701271 302 P09A2130D04302 3715 4262
701271 303 P09A2130G05303 3693 4262
701271 304 P09A1910G04304 2480 3000
701271 306 P09A1890G07306 2480 3015
701271 307 P09A9390X01307 841 2068
701271 308 P09A9210X01308 1001 2230
701271 309 P09A9370X01309 841 2068
701271 311 P09A9210Y03311 1001 2230
701271 312 P09A9350X01312 841 2068
701271 313 P09A9190X01313 1001 2230
701271 314 P09A9330X01314 841 2069
701271 315 P09A9170X01315 1001 2230
701271 316 P09A9310X01316 841 2069
701271 317 P09A9170Y02317 1001 1530
701271 318 P09A3350W02318 944 3419
701271 319 P09A3130P03319 1012 1400
701271 320 P09A3250P01320 1020 3648
701271 321 P09A3330P01321 928 3433
701272 322 P09A3250W02322 1020 3648
701272 323 P09A3330W02323 1222 3433
701272 324 P09A3130C04324 1012 1400
701272 325 P09A3330W03325 928 1381
701272 326 P09A3270P01326 1037 3635
701272 327 P09A3310P01327 911 3447
701272 328 P09A3270W02328 1037 3635
701272 329 P09A3290P01329 894 3461
701272 330 P09A2930P01330 1043 3870
701272 331 P09A3290W02331 894 3461
701272 332 P09A2910P01332 1046 3883
701273 333 P09A2790W02333 904 3806
701273 334 P09A2910W02334 1046 3883
701273 335 P09A2810P01335 901 3792
701273 336 P09A2890P01336 1049 3897
701273 337 P09A2830P01337 898 3779
701273 338 P09A2870P01338 1052 3911
701273 339 P09A2850P01339 2976 3765
701273 340 P09A2850P02340 895 3135
701273 341 P09A3270F03341 1200 2642
701273 342 P09A2810F02342 1901 2667
701273 343 P09A3270F04343 1335 2685
701274 344 P09A2850F03344 895 2721
701274 345 P09A2870F02345 1052 3810
701274 346 P09A2850F04346 895 3510
701274 347 P09A3270F05347 1420 2735
701274 348 P09A3290F03348 1580 2350
701274 349 P09A2870F03349 1951 3225
701274 350 P09A9310Y02350 841 2069

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

701274 351 P09A9170Y03351 1001 2230

701274 352 P09A9290X01352 841 2069
701274 353 P09A9150X01353 1001 2230
701274 354 P09A9270X01354 841 2069
701274 355 P09A9130X01355 1001 2230
701274 356 P09A9250X01356 841 2069
701274 357 P09A9110X01357 1001 2230
701274 358 P09A9230X01358 841 2069
701274 359 P09A9090X01359 1001 2230
701274 360 P09A9230Y02360 841 2069
701275 361 P09A9070X01361 1001 2229
701275 362 P09A9230Y03362 841 2069
701275 363 P09A9070Y02363 1001 2229
701275 364 P09A9230Y04364 841 2069
701275 365 P09A9070Y03365 1001 2229
701275 366 P09A9410X01366 841 2068
701275 367 P09A9070Y04367 1001 2229
701275 368 P09A9230Y05368 841 2069
701275 369 P09A9050X01369 1001 2229

“2D” Extended Lines

Tape Number Number Sail Line First SP Last SP
701352 202 P09A4190P01202 2760 4260
701352 203 P09A3770P01203 2900 4100
701352 243 P09A3130P01243 3060 4260
701352 244 P09A3530P01244 3050 4100
701352 370 P09A1812T01370 1001 6391
701355 202 P09A4190P01202 2760 4260
701355 203 P09A3770P01203 2900 4100
701355 243 P09A3130P01243 3060 4260
701355 244 P09A3530P01244 3050 4100
701355 370 P09A1812T01370 1001 6391
701361 202 P09A4190P01202 2760 4260
701361 203 P09A3770P01203 2900 4100
701361 243 P09A3130P01243 3060 4260
701361 244 P09A3530P01244 3050 4100
701361 370 P09A1812T01370 1001 6391
701367 202 P09A4190P01202 2760 4260
701367 203 P09A3770P01203 2900 4100
701367 243 P09A3130P01243 3060 4260
701367 244 P09A3530P01244 3050 4100
701367 370 P09A1812T01370 1001 6391

Tape Number Number Sail Line First SP Last SP
701343 1 2520P1-01 1809 2532
701343 2 2248P1-02 1232 2644
701343 3 2504P1-03 1783 2550
701343 4 2232P1-04 1206 2643

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701343 5 2488P1-05 1758 2568

701343 6 2216P1-06 1181 2643
701343 7 2472P1-07 1733 2586
701343 8 2200P1-08 1156 2642
701343 9 2456P1-09 1708 2604
701343 10 2184P1-10 1131 2642
701343 11 2456F1-11 1708 2604
701343 12 2168P1-12 1106 2642
701343 13 2440P1-13 1682 2622
701343 14 2168F1-14 2021 2642
701343 15 2424P1-15 1657 2362
701343 16 2168F2-16 1106 2030
701343 17 2408P1-17 1632 2658
701343 18 2152P1-18 1080 2641
701343 19 2392P1-19 1607 2676
701343 20 2136P1-20 1055 2641
701343 21 2376P1-21 1582 2694
701343 22 2120P1-22 1030 2640
701343 23 2376F1-23 1582 2694
701343 24 2104P1-24 1005 2640
701343 25 2360P1-25 1556 2712
701343 26 2088P1-26 979 2640
701343 27 2344P1-27 1531 2730
701343 28 2072P1-28 954 2639
701343 29 2328P1-29 1506 2748
701344 30 2056P1-30 929 2639
701344 31 2312P1-31 1481 2766
701344 32 2056F1-32 929 2639
701344 33 2312F1-33 1481 2766
701344 34 2424P2-34 2353 2640
701344 35 2040P1-35 904 2639
701344 36 2296P1-36 1455 2784
701344 37 2024P1-37 879 2638
701344 38 2280P1-38 1430 2792
701344 39 2008P1-39 853 2638
701344 40 2264P1-40 1405 2792
701344 41 2008F1-41 853 2638
701344 43 2344P3-43 2157 2258
701344 44 2424F1-44 2330 2615
701344 45 2008F2-45 853 2638
701344 46 2264F1-46 1405 1729
701344 47 2264F2-47 1405 2792
701344 48 2008F3-48 853 2350
701344 49 2504F1-49 1873 2445
701344 50 2072F1-50 1880 2639
701344 51 2264F3-51 1870 2666
701344 52 2008F4-52 1912 2323
701344 53 2008F5-53 1470 1911

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

7.4.2 Raw 3D PSTM Bin Gathers

The following table lists the 3592 tapes that were delivered to ConocoPhillips
containing the raw 3D PSTM bin gathers, in SEGY format.

Poseidon 3D
Tape Number Inline Range Data Type
701276 1000 - 1209 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701277 1210 - 1399 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701278 1400 - 1579 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701279 1580 - 1749 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701280 1750 - 1909 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701281 1910 - 2059 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701282 2060 - 2209 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701283 2210 - 2369 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701284 2370 - 2529 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701285 2530 - 2709 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701286 2710 - 2889 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701287 2890 - 3069 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701288 3070 - 3259 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701289 3260 - 3469 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701290 3470 - 3719 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701291 3720 - 4039 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701292 4040 - 4409 Raw 3D CMP gathers

“2D” Extended Lines

Tape Number Inline Range Data Type
701353 4155 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701353 3760 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701353 3151 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701353 3536 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701353 “4500” Raw 3D CMP gathers
701356 4155 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701356 3760 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701356 3151 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701356 3536 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701356 “4500” Raw 3D CMP gathers
701362 4155 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701362 3760 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701362 3151 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701362 3536 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701362 “4500” Raw 3D CMP gathers
701368 4155 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701368 3760 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701368 3151 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701368 3536 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701368 “4500” Raw 3D CMP gathers

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

Tape Number Inline Range Data Type
701374 2284 - 3100 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701375 3101 - 3650 Raw 3D CMP gathers
701376 3651 - 4195 Raw 3D CMP gathers

7.4.3 Final 3D PSTM Bin Gathers

The following table lists the 3592 tapes that were delivered to ConocoPhillips
containing the final 3D PSTM bin gathers, in SEGY format.

Tape Number Inline Range Data Type
701293 1000 - 1209 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701294 1210 - 1399 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701295 1400 - 1579 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701296 1580 - 1749 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701297 1750 - 1909 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701298 1910 - 2059 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701299 2060 - 2209 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701300 2210 - 2369 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701301 2370 - 2529 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701302 2530 - 2699 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701303 2700 - 2879 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701304 2880 - 3059 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701305 3060 - 3249 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701306 3250 - 3459 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701307 3460 - 3699 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701308 3700 - 4019 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701309 4020 - 4409 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701310 1000 - 1209 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701311 1210 - 1399 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701312 1400 - 1579 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701313 1580 - 1749 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701314 1750 - 1909 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701315 1910 - 2059 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701316 2060 - 2209 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701317 2210 - 2369 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701318 2370 - 2529 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701319 2530 - 2699 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701320 2700 - 2879 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701321 2880 - 3059 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701322 3060 - 3249 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701323 3250 - 3459 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701324 3460 - 3699 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701325 3700 - 4019 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701326 4020 - 4409 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701327 1000 - 1209 Final 3D CMP gathers (Woodside Volume)

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701328 1210 - 1399 Final 3D CMP gathers (Woodside Volume)

701329 1400 - 1579 Final 3D CMP gathers (Woodside Volume)
701330 1580 - 1728 Final 3D CMP gathers (Woodside Volume)
701331 2841 - 2879 Final 3D CMP gathers (Santos Volume)
701332 2880 - 3059 Final 3D CMP gathers (Santos Volume)
701333 3060 - 3249 Final 3D CMP gathers (Santos Volume)
701334 3250 - 3459 Final 3D CMP gathers (Santos Volume)
701335 3460 - 3699 Final 3D CMP gathers (Santos Volume)
701336 3700 - 4019 Final 3D CMP gathers (Santos Volume)
701337 4020 - 4427 Final 3D CMP gathers (Santos Volume)
701338 2603 - 2699 Final 3D CMP gathers (Coveyork Volume)
701339 2700 - 2879 Final 3D CMP gathers (Coveyork Volume)
701340 2880 - 3059 Final 3D CMP gathers (Coveyork Volume)
701341 3060 - 3215 Final 3D CMP gathers (Coveyork Volume)

“2D” Extended Lines

Tape Number Inline Range Data Type
701354 4155 Final 3D CMP gathers
701354 3760 Final 3D CMP gathers
701354 3151 Final 3D CMP gathers
701354 3536 Final 3D CMP gathers
701354 “4500” Final 3D CMP gathers
701357 4155 Final 3D CMP gathers
701357 3760 Final 3D CMP gathers
701357 3151 Final 3D CMP gathers
701357 3536 Final 3D CMP gathers
701357 “4500” Final 3D CMP gathers
701363 4155 Final 3D CMP gathers
701363 3760 Final 3D CMP gathers
701363 3151 Final 3D CMP gathers
701363 3536 Final 3D CMP gathers
701363 “4500” Final 3D CMP gathers
701369 4155 Final 3D CMP gathers
701369 3760 Final 3D CMP gathers
701369 3151 Final 3D CMP gathers
701369 3536 Final 3D CMP gathers
701369 “4500” Final 3D CMP gathers

Tape Number Inline Range Data Type
701377 2284 - 3160 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701402 3161 - 3800 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)
701403 3801 - 4195 Final 3D CMP gathers (Full Volume)

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

7.4.4 Final Stack Products

The following tables list the 3592, and SDLT, tapes that were delivered to
ConocoPhillips containing the PSTM stack and AVO attribute data, in SEGY

Poseidon 3D
Tape Cross-Line
Number Inline Range Range Data Type Stack Volume
701091 1000 – 4400 500 – 5560 Raw 3D Stack Volume Full Volume
701094 1000 – 4400 500 – 5560 Raw 3D Stack Volume Near Stacks
701095 1000 – 4400 500 – 5560 Raw 3D Stack Volume Mid Stacks
701096 1000 – 4400 500 – 5560 Raw 3D Stack Volume Far Stacks
701097 1000 – 4400 500 – 5560 Final 3D Stack Volume Full Volume
701098 1000 – 4400 500 – 5560 Final 3D Stack Volume Near Stacks
701099 1000 – 4400 500 – 5560 Final 3D Stack Volume Mid Stacks
701100 1000 – 4400 500 – 5560 Final 3D Stack Volume Far Stacks
701101 1000 – 4400 500 – 5560 Final 3D Stack with AGC Full Volume
701102 1000 – 4400 500 – 5560 Final 3D Stack with AGC Full Volume
701394 1000 – 4400 500 – 5560 Final 3D Stack with AGC Full Volume
701395 1000 – 4400 500 – 5560 Final 3D Stack with AGC Full Volume
Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701396 1000 – 4400 500 – 5560 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701397 1000 – 4400 500 – 5560 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701398 1000 – 4400 500 – 5560 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701399 1000 – 4400 500 – 5560 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
701400 1000 – 4400 500 – 5560 RNMO (Stacking) Velocity Final 3D Velocity
701401 1000 – 4400 500 – 5560 RNMO (Stacking) Anisotropy Final 3D Anisotropy

“2D” Extended Lines

Tape Cross-Line Stack Volume
Number Inline Range Range Data Type
701350 4155 3262 - 5600 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701350 3760 3671 – 5600 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701350 3151 4318 – 5600 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701350 3536 3909 – 5600 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701350 “4500” 3 - 8323 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701358 4155 3262 - 5600 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701358 3760 3671 – 5600 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701358 3151 4318 – 5600 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701358 3536 3909 – 5600 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701358 “4500” 3 - 8323 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701364 4155 3262 - 5600 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701364 3760 3671 – 5600 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701364 3151 4318 – 5600 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far

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701364 3536 3909 – 5600 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701364 “4500” 3 - 8323 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701370 4155 3262 - 5600 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701370 3760 3671 – 5600 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701370 3151 4318 – 5600 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701370 3536 3909 – 5600 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701370 “4500” 3 - 8323 Raw 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701359 4155 3262 - 5600 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701359 3760 3671 – 5600 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701359 3151 4318 – 5600 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701359 3536 3909 – 5600 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701359 “4500” 3 - 8323 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701365 4155 3262 - 5600 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701365 3760 3671 – 5600 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701365 3151 4318 – 5600 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701365 3536 3909 – 5600 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701365 “4500” 3 - 8323 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701371 4155 3262 - 5600 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701371 3760 3671 – 5600 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701371 3151 4318 – 5600 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701371 3536 3909 – 5600 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701371 “4500” 3 - 8323 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701373 4155 3262 - 5600 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701373 3760 3671 – 5600 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701373 3151 4318 – 5600 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701373 3536 3909 – 5600 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701373 “4500” 3 - 8323 Final 2D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
3262 - 5600 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701351 4155 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
3671 – 5600 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701351 3760 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
4318 – 5600 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701351 3151 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
3909 – 5600 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701351 3536 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
3 - 8323 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701351 “4500” AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
3262 - 5600 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701360 4155 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
3671 – 5600 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701360 3760 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
4318 – 5600 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701360 3151 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
3909 – 5600 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701360 3536 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

3 - 8323 Intercept, Gradient,

Product, Fluid Factor,
701360 “4500” AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
3262 - 5600 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701366 4155 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
3671 – 5600 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701366 3760 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
4318 – 5600 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701366 3151 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
3909 – 5600 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701366 3536 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
3 - 8323 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701366 “4500” AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
3262 - 5600 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701372 4155 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
3671 – 5600 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701372 3760 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
4318 – 5600 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701372 3151 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
3909 – 5600 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701372 3536 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
3 - 8323 Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701372 “4500” AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho

Tape Cross-Line
Number Inline Range Range Data Type Stack Volume
701404 2284 – 4195 1663 – 3127 Raw 3D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701405 2284 – 4195 1663 – 3127 Raw 3D Stack Volume Full, Near, Mid, Far
701406 2284 – 4195 1663 – 3127 FINAL STACKS: Full + 3 Angles Full, Near, Mid, Far
701407 2284 – 4195 1663 – 3127 FINAL STACKS: Full + 3 Angles Full, Near, Mid, Far
Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701408 2284 – 4195 1663 – 3127 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho
Intercept, Gradient,
Product, Fluid Factor,
701409 2284 - 4195 1663 - 3127 AVO Attributes Lambda-Rho

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

7.4.5 Other Final Deliverables

The following items have also been delivered to ConocoPhillips:

 ASCII listing of the trace edits applied – included with this processing
report, “Poseidon_3D_Final_Edits.xls” and “BKG06b_3D_Final_Edits.xls”
on DVD
 Source Signature and Inverse filter information – included with this
report in both SEGY and ASCII format,

 Page 54
CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

“BKG06B_Zero_Phase_Filter_120dm.ascii” On DVD

 3D Velocity Fields, pre and post Migration in both ConocoPhillips internal

format and Western format – included with this processing report

o Radon de-multiple manually picked velocity field on a 900m x

900m grid
 Poseidon_3D_RADON_Velocity.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RADON_Velocity.westernb

o Migration velocity field on a 900 x 900m grid

 Poseidon_3D_Migration_Velocity.cop
 Poseidon_3D_Migration_Velocity.westernb

o Smoothed Migration velocity field on a 900 x 900m grid

 Poseidon_3D_Smooth_Migration_Velocity.cop
 Poseidon_3D_Smooth_Migration_Velocity.westernb
 BKG06B_3D_Smooth_Migration_Velocity.cop
 BKG06B_3D_Smooth_Migration_Velocity.westernb

o Final stacking VRMS and ETA fields on a 37.5m x 37.5m grid

 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part1.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part2.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part3.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part4.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part5.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part6.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part7.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part8.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part9.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part10.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part11.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part12.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part13.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part1.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part2.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part3.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part4.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part5.cop

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CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part6.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part7.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part8.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part9.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part10.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part11.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part12.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part13.cop
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part1.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part2.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part3.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part4.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part5.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part6.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part7.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part8.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part9.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part10.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part11.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part12.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part13.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part1.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part2.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part3.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part4.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part5.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part6.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part7.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part8.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part9.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part10.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part11.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part12.westernb
 Poseidon_3D_RNMO_Anisotropy_Part13.westernb
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part1.cop
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part2.cop
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part3.cop
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part4.cop
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part5.cop
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part6.cop
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part7.cop
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part8.cop
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part1.westernb
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part2.westernb
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part3.westernb
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part4.westernb
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part5.westernb
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part6.westernb
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part7.westernb
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Velocity_Part8.westernb
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Anistoropy_Part1.cop
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Anistoropy_Part2.cop

 Page 56
CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Anistoropy_Part3.cop
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Anistoropy_Part4.cop
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Anistoropy_Part5.cop
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Anistoropy_Part6.cop
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Anistoropy_Part7.cop
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Anistoropy_Part8.cop
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Anistoropy_Part1.westernb
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Anistoropy_Part2.westernb
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Anistoropy_Part3.westernb
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Anistoropy_Part4.westernb
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Anistoropy_Part5.westernb
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Anistoropy_Part6.westernb
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Anistoropy_Part7.westernb
 BKG06B_3D_RNMO_Anistoropy_Part8.westernb

 Final High Density RNMO stacking fields, SI4ms, RL7000ms – provided

on 3592 (VRMS = #701400, ETA = #701401- See above)

 All 3D Velocity Fields in ascii format, tarred to 3592

 Bin centre listing, in ASCII format, including stacking fold pre and post
regularization – included with this processing report

 Final Processed Bin Grid Definition in UKOOA 3D P6/98 format –

included with this processing report

 Technical Notes provided through the life of the processing project –

included with this processing report

 Weekly Status reports provided throughout the life of the processing

project – included with this processing report

 Page 57
CLIENT – ConocoPhillips CGGVeritas Project N°: 501p1fi

7.5. SEGY Definition

The following table describes the SEGY header locations, provided by

ConocoPhillips, that have been used to produce the SEGY products for this

Standard SEGY Headers Byte Format

Original Field Record Number 9 - 12 Integer
Channel 13-16 Integer
Navigation shot number 17-20 Integer
CMP Number 21-24 Integer
Offset 37-40 Integer
Water Bottom 65-68 Integer
Elevation Scalar 69-70 Integer
Coordinate Scalar 71-72 Integer
Source Coordinate - X 73-76 Integer
Source Coordinate - Y 77-80 Integer
Receiver Coordinate - X 81-84 Integer
Receiver Coordinate - Y 85-88 Integer
Mute Time - Start 111-112 Integer
Mute Time - End 113-114 Integer
Number of Samples 115-116 Integer
Sample Rate 117-118 Integer
CMP Grid Coordinate - X 119-120 Integer
CMP Grid Coordinate - Y 121-122 Integer
Source Grid Coordinate - X 123-124 Integer
Source Grid Coordinate - Y 125-126 Integer
Receiver Grid Coordinate - X 127-128 Integer
Receiver Grid Coordinate - Y 129-130 Integer

Non-Standard Locations
Sail Line 197-200 Integer
Survey Identification # (if data 181-182 Integer
from multiple surveys)
CMP X (meters) 201-204 Integer
CMP Y (meters) 205-208 Integer
Navigation gun number 237-238 Integer
Navigation streamer number 239-240 Integer


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